#what is memes in hindi
so, since the DCEU is officially dead after the release of Aquaman 2, and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it and i wanna rewatch Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn, i figured i might as well give the whole DCEU a proper shot since i actually haven't seen a lot of it and only bits and pieces of most of the bigger projects. anyway, seated for Man of Steel (2013) rn and little over a minute in and damn, Russell Crowe was in this??????
oh by the way, if you're curious i have seen parts of Man of Steel on TV once like a decade ago but i actually don't know much about the movie at all. i was dragged to BvS in theaters but it was a hindi dub (someone forgot to check which language they were buying a ticket for) and i remember literally nothing about the experience beyond what's become a cultural mainstay bc of the memes and discussions. i saw Suicide Squad at home and actually thought it was like decent. i saw Wonder Woman at home and enjoyed it. i saw Josstice League in theaters and thought it was meh. i saw Aquaman in theaters and loved it. i saw Shazam! in theaters and loved it, beyond the opening which i still think is stupid. i saw Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn in theaters and i still believe its the best thing the DC has done, it was actually my last movie before the panorama set in i believe but it's literally in my top 10 movies of all time rn. i didn't see WW84 or ZSJL bc i didn't have a way to nor any interest in either. i saw Gunn's The Suicide Squad and really enjoyed it but thought the script needed work, especially bc i didn't like how he wrote Harley. i then heard the Batgirl news, got pissed off at Zaslav and haven't made him a cent since nor will i. anyway, onwards to actually watching Man of Steel.
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avi17 · 1 year
for the kiss meme!!! hobie/pavitr, 24!!! if that's a repeat of one you already have, lmk<3
24) A kiss in danger
New York- whichever New York this is, Hobie doesn’t even remember right now- is spinning.
They land less-than-gracefully behind a dumpster, Pavitr’s swinging awkward and off-balance while supporting Hobie’s full weight. The piled bags make a halfway decent cushion as Pavitr sets him partway down, unhooking the guitar strap to move it aside before letting him fully collapse onto his back.
"Puttin' me right back in the rubbish, eh?" Hobie chuckles, pulling the bottom half of his mask up as though that'll make breathing with a few probably-cracked ribs any less painful. There’s blood seeping into the fabric from the gash where his forehead connected with brick hard enough to smash through. "I've slept in worse."
Pavitr yanks his own mask off, breathing hard, his perfect hair even a little out of sorts. His sweat-shiny cheeks flush darker with embarrassment. "Shut up, it was the closest place I could think of to hide you." He glances nervously down the alleyway, before snapping back to Hobie and kneeling “What were you thinking, running right back into the fight after that? You can barely walk straight, let alone swing or anything else!”
"Told you I was fine,” Hobie retorts, trying a bit pathetically to push Pavitr back and drag himself into a halfway proper sitting position. Everything around him still feels like it’s moving, as if he’s dipping through the sky between buildings rather than flat on his arse on the pavement. “Takes more’n a crack to the loaf to keep me out long.”
Pavitr obviously isn’t having it, and he pushes Hobie’s mask up further, lifting each of his eyelids in turn to examine his unfocused pupils, wiping away the still-seeping blood with the pad of his thumb. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Numbers’re a tool of capitalism…oughta abolish ‘em…” Hobie mumbles, which is definitely a real view he holds and not absolute bullshit to make up for the fact that right now he’s got no idea. Pavitr hisses something in Hindi that he doesn’t understand but that has to be a curse based on the tone alone. It's sweet that he's so worried.
Shit, he's fuckin' beautiful. Both of him.
…Alright, that's not great, maybe Pavitr's got a point. But Hobie managed to string up his universe’s Vulture last week with his eyes still stinging and watering from tear gas- whatever the villain of the week can throw at him, he’s had worse. And this one’s no fuckin’ joke- he’s not leaving Gwen and Pav to deal with it on their own. Not that he doesn’t trust them- ‘course he does, and he can’t say that for many- but he’s not about to let them be the ones to get hurt because he let himself get knocked around one too many times.
Spiderman always gets back up- nah, that’s bullshit. He doesn’t care what Spiderman is supposed to do. But Hobie Brown does always get back up, without anyone but himself telling him that he has to.
He pushes again, harder this time, and manages to get a foot and a hand under him, ignoring the wave of nausea that hits him as he starts to rise. “Alright, I sat for your li’l checkup, let’s get back innit.”
He opens his mouth to say something else, but doesn’t quite manage, on account of Pavitr grabbing a handful of the front of his suit and yanking him in for a kiss.
Surely he can blame the concussion for the way his brain all but short-circuits.
He’s…fuck, he’s dreamed about this, even if this isn’t remotely how he pictured it happening. He’d have a hundred questions right now if his head didn’t feel like it was full of rocks. As it is, all he can think is how soft Pav’s lips are, warm like sunshine- perfect, just like the rest of him. And hell, it’s such a cliche he’s almost embarrassed to think it, but it’s like time stops for those few moments, letting them breathe the same air, letting Hobie memorize the feel and the taste of him in case this never happens again.
He doesn't even notice the twinge of his spider-senses, because they've been screaming for hours as it is-
-Until a nasty crash echoes from the direction of the fight and Pavitr's lips pull away from his, and he moves to sit, to follow them- and he can't.
...Wanker's webbed him to the goddamn wall. He'd be angry if he could see straight, if he was in any fit state to tear his way free. As it is, he's a little impressed, and more than a little struck stupid by the lingering feeling of the other boy’s lips on his. Pavitr is glaring at him, nostrils flared, and now is absolutely not the time to tell him that he looks even more gorgeous pissed off like this.
"If you are too stubborn to take care of yourself, then I will do it for you,” he snaps, wiping a smear of Hobie’s black lipstick and blood- far too attractive on him, criminal really- from his mouth before pulling his mask back on, disappearing back under Spiderman’s blank white eyes. “Gwen and I can handle this, I promise. I’ll be back the moment it’s safe.” His voice sounds softer, gentler than it did a moment ago, cracking a little as the worry slips through. He sounds more like himself, he sounds...it sounds like he really cares. And yeah, they're friends- or...something now, who knows what- but Hobie's still getting used to people caring.
...Or maybe Hobie’s just starting to hallucinate. Jury’s out.
Pavitr begins a running start down the alley to web himself back into the air, only to turn awkwardly mid-step, gesturing to the dumpster. “Just- stay there, okay?” he calls back, and Hobie snorts, wheezing out a pained laugh.
As if he’s given him any choice on that.
“Oi, Pav, hang on-” he starts, struggling pointlessly, but the other Spiderman is already gone, leaving him with the rubbish and the absolute mess of his thoughts.
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ashesandhackles · 3 months
10, 15, 24, and 26 please, pal :)
Thanks for the fun questions eithne :D
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
For Hindi, going to concur with @padfootswhiskers and say "madarchod" (or even "behenchod" - sisterfucker- which you will hear often if you are in delhi) is very satisfying.
In Malayalam/Tamil - "mayir"(pubic hair) is one. But the odd one is "pulle' (which means grass. I always found this one hilarious - yelling at someone and calling them grass).
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
The meme everyone here will get is: "POOJA WHAT IS THIS BEHAVIOUR?" And "HOW CAN SHE SLAP?"
Both from reality shows, and they were widely used as meme formats.
We have context based common sayings, such as - if you ask a really stupid question after every detail has been explained, we say something like, "Poori Ramayan khatam ho gayi (we finished the entire Ramayana)- and "you are asking this now?"
This particular bit is funny because the Indian epic of Ramayana is really LONG.
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Bangladesh. The influx of refugees from Bangladesh in the states of Bengal and Assam are quite contentious issues in those state's politics, but it is often dealt in jokes by rest of the country. (In the similar vein of the kind of jokes western countries would make about finding Indian cab drivers everywhere)
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Yup. Well, I am generally quite tired of these things in Hollywood portrayals:
- we are not all Hindus, and not all Hindus worship Ganesha. I sometimes wonder whether this is because of the kind of class (which is also tied to caste) who can afford to move abroad.
- we are not all super religious. However, India is a country where religion is woven into the fabric of its culture - so those cultural markers are there.
- India is not just (outskirts of) Mumbai or Varanasi. India is a vast country - and we not only have the tropics, we, along with Nepal, Pakistan, house the belt of highest mountains in the world. Unless it's an explorer, I see very little interest in these parts of India. North East India gets very little attention on Bollywood itself (unless it's an indie movie), I don't know whether white people that part of Indian exists.
These are off the top of my head. I am sure there are more I have issues with.
I am not from US ask sets
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Name: Laya Pronouns: she/her
Personality type: INFJ (I took the test so many times but it still says I'm INFJ but guys I really don't judge anyone, like, NEVER)
What is this blog about: basically shitposting, ranting, fangirling and you'll find some random bursts of motivation. nothing productive, to be honest.
My hobbies:
singing in the bathroom
listening to music (english and hindi)
reading novels
sketching portraits (pencil and color pencils)
traumatizing my best friends
Books I've read:
riordanverse (haven't read kane chronicles, though)
harry potter
the hunger games
the maze runner
little women
the song of achilles
the seven husbands of evelyn hugo
they both die at the end
children of blood and bone
shatter me
colleen hoover (i like her books, don't judge me)
shadowhunter chronicles
the folk of air
the fault in our stars
turtles all the way down
13 reasons why
all the bright places
every last word
we were liars
looking for Alaska
the boy in the striped pajamas
the book of tomorrow
the silent patient
my heart and other blackholes
a good girl's guide to murder series
the love hypothesis
love on the brain
loathe to love you
two can keep a secret
List of things/people I love:
fictional characters>>>>
oscar wilde
my boyfriend
my irl best friends
all my mutuals
disney movies
tom felton
tom holland
shawn mendes
nature (trees, moon, sun, water, etc.)
Also, um, I'm kinda writing a fic.... idk how long it'll go but for what it's worth, here you go
Part 1 Part 2 a glimpse pf Aria Das
my blog is open for everyone who wishes to rant or vent out their feelings. i'm a supporter of the lgbtq+ community. blank blogs and porn bots will be blocked.
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timetravellingkitty · 2 months
5, 15 and 24 <3
5. favourite song in your native language?
If we're talking about Hindi, then I really can't choose cause I love so many songs but one song I really love is this. My favourite Punjabi songs are this, this and this
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
Sharmaji ka beta enough said
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
I'm gonna go with Pakistan
ask game
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ga-yuu · 11 months
Hi! I just wanna ask if you're from India? Just wanna make sure cause I saw it once on the blog description. The reason I ask is actually for a stupid reason. And feel free to ignore.
Lately, I've been coming across Indian tv scenes meme where people die by getting strangled ridiculously by the scarf getting caught in a fan of them getting slapped and pushed into it. Or one where a girl rescued a guy who fell and did many backflips in the air, by riding a large kite. Are these really what's in Indian tv show? I wanna know who their target audience is. And what they think about it?😅 I find it quite humourous and it gives me a good laugh.
OMG. Lol. Okay. I'm gonna rant okay! I'm also gonna be referring some tv shows and use show hindi terms that are very popular among these shows.
Indian tv serials or Indian tv dramas are EMBARRASSING AS HELL and I'm not proud to say that. If I could describe it in one sentence I would say---"It will give you a brain tumor, so please don't watch it."
About 90% or more, Indian tv serials are like that. I'm not joking. Let me tell you why?
Ekta Kapoor. Ekta Kapoor or Ekta didi (we'll call her like that!) is a very infamous name in India. She's basically a producer and has produced more than 100 tv serials. Apart from two or three good ones, the rest are dog shit. Also, all of them are soap operas. The problem with her tv serials is that, they don't have an identity. For example, let's take K-dramas or C-dramas. They have shows for different genres like romance, mystery, thriller, horror, historical etc. But when you take a look at most of the Indian shows, almost all of them have 'saas-bahu' melodrama ('saas' in hindi means 'mother-in-law' and 'bahu' in hindi means 'daughter-in-law') and nothing else. There is no actual plot or goal or even an ending. They don't even have a genre. For example, there is a tv serial called 'Sasural Simar Ka'. It started a normal soap opera melodramatic show, but then out of nowhere it ventured into supernatural stuff. Yeah, I'm not joking. Simar is the name of the main protagonist and is a normal human being who got married into a rich family (like every other ekta kpoor tv shows) and then after IDK 1000 episodes later, she turns in a fly. .....yep, I wish I was joking. You can check that on youtube if you don't believe me.
Seriously, the writers don't know what they're writing. They're just doing whatever to milk-out each episodes. Another problem with these shows is that, they just never want to end. Some shows starts with a good message but then after like 50 episodes when the message is conveyed and the goal is achieved, the best thing we must do for the show for it to remain as good as it is, is to end the fucking show, right? But Nope! They just keep going and going and going and going and going...I remember when I was nine years old, my mom used to watch this one serial called 'Yeh rishta kya kehla tha hain'. I finished my school and started college and the show was still going on. After reading your question, I simply googled to see if the serial was still on going but thankfully they ended it after 14 YEARS! WITH 4000+ EPISODES! 4 FUCKING THOUND EPISODES!!? WTF IS THIS EVEN ABOUT? One piece could never. Oh before I forget, 'Yeh rishta kya kehla tha hain' is also a soap opera. So as you see, unlike k-dramas that ends with about 20 to 22 episodes per season, Indian tv serials doesn't end. This also burdens the writers because they have to keep churning out new drama for each episode and after some time, its clear that they are running out of ideas. Writers are also human beings. If they are ordered to writer each episode everyday, they would obviously feel burned out and run out ideas, which would lead them writing shit like this:
and also the funny clips you saw on youtube. Unlike K-drama, whose episodes are once or twice a week, indian tv shows are daily (except for sat and sun) and there would be a watch party in my house which starts right after 6pm. 6pm is when my family pray and the tv would be on around that time, because my family members don't wanna miss a single scene. It starts at 6pm and ends at around 9 or 10pm on avg. depending on the number of serials they watch.
Now earlier when I said about Indian tv shows having no identity, well, almost all tv serials are centered around 'saas-bahu' drama. No matter what the story is, everything ends up being a story about a rich family wearing heavy makeup and saris and their boring household affairs where the daughter in laws and mother in laws try to conspire against each other for no reason and the men in these serials are nothing but props. Also there is always this grandma character who for some reason never dies despite having grandkids and those grandkids having grandkids and even if one of those grandkids die, this old lady never does.
Another thing, which I'm quite embarrassed to say is that, Ekta didi had been trying so hard to remake many popular american shows like the Vampire dairies and the Game of thrones. Now personally, I have not watched either of them. Ekta didi has tried remaking Vampire diaries and Twilight 3 times! The first one is called 'pyaar ki yeh ek kahaani' was something my sister used to watch. It was fine at first but soon becomes boring as hell. There is no story or setup or mythology, nothing. She just made it because she wanted to copy Twilight, because it was a blockbuster around that time. Her second attempt was 'Fanaah' and I don't remember it at all despite it having well known actors, it flopped so hard. Her third attempt and the most embarrassing one is the recent remake of the Vampire diaries who's name I don't even remember and I don't care to look it up, because I'm so embarrassed to even talk about it. Yeah, that's why.
You what's the best and worst thing about India? India is a country that has people speaking many languages. I come from the South and I speak Malayalam. There are other languages like Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati etc. Although I don't speak most of them, I do understand them. That's great. But you know what is not great? The tv shows that I mentioned above, they are all in Hindi. Which means....THERE ARE TV SHOWS LIKE THAT FOR OTHER LANGUAGES AROUND INDIA! Like I said, I come from the south, so my family watches Malayalam tv shows and although they are not as cancerous as the hindi ones, they are still shit and the writers doesn't know when to end it. I swear to god, if my grandma understood every languages in this world, she would watch every tv serials like this forever.
Now the audience. Basically all ages can watch these. But, not everyone wants to. Especially we young teenagers and people with brains, don't wanna watch these kinds of serials because we know it's not worth our time. Instead of watching that, we'd rather waste our time watching a normal anime or manga or play games or even study. The only people who watch these are kids (as in babies) who don't know what the fuck is going on but watches them because others are watching it, grandparents because they don't have anything to do in life so they just watch for entertainment, and people who have no job irl and watch these shows just to taste that spicy drama that we don't get to taste irl. I mean, I won't blame them, who the hell would wash laptops in real life with a dish soap? They all gather and form a watch party and once this starts, no one is allowed to disturb them. My grandpa was bedridden, so my grandma would feed him dinner before 6pm every night so that he won't disturb her during her shows. My dad told me that the watch party is so intense that they won't even be conscious about their surroundings. He said "Even if a robber enters the house, steals the things around the house, makes coffee and leave, these idiots still won't know." and he's not exaggerating.
Also let me tell you, its not always been like this. In the earlier days, before Ekta didi became a producer, Indian tv serials were not like this. There used to be good tv serials with good messages and not to forget the epics 'Mahabarath' and 'Ramayana' these are literal gold even to this day. But now, Ekta didi is the Queen to indian television, so we can't do anything about it. :(
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strawberryachuu · 3 months
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🪴𓈒꙳⋆🛋𓋼⁺ ˚🐈
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・🌿❨˖ ₊ happy 2nd monthsary ୧ ‧₊ 🍓 ☆
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happy happy 2nd monthsary love love ko T^T idk how to start sa dami kong gustong sabihin pero first and foremost i would like to say thank you for everything, for being my home and safe place. (hala naman wait iyak muna para dama) sa 2 months na to dami narin nangyari but still im here and as long as i can, i will (yung i can na habang buhay pa ako mamahalin kita ganun uyy) dont even think na iiwan kita like no di ako payag, ni hindi pa nga tayo nagkikita eh diba magl-live in pa tayo, wala na, yan na pangarap ko!! i cant imagine myself na yan pangarap ko for us tapos in the future sa ibang tao ko matutupad, dont overthink ah dahil di me talaga papayag dapat sayo lang baby ko kasi ikaw lang naman dapat. sinasabi ko sayo maui pag di mo to pinanindigan alam mo na kung saan kita hahuntingin. im always happy when im with you, you always make my heart race and then ano i love your chikas talaga yung wala na me masabi tapos bigla ka maglapag ng chika ay shet aylabet. sana di ikaw magsawa sa kaoa x nonchalant ko huhu love love u so muchie. and then ano po i hope u will be more true to yourself po and to others. dahil di ko talaga makakalimutan na sinabi mo sakin na mas nagiging totoo ka sa self mo pag ako ang kausap mo. dont worry i wont judge or what (sa iba lang) i accept who u are po. actually nag aadjust parin me now, inaayos ko pa laman ng imagination ko kimmy gagi bigla ko naalala kanina yung usapan natin before na nakita mo kiffy nung student na sinend gagi HAHAHAHAHHA ayun lang hihi madami asa mind ko pero di ko masabi kasi i love u lang lalabas, alam mo yung memes na ganun basta yun gagi ganun nga me sa tiktok kahit gusto ko dagdagan wala i love u lang talaga huhu. di me magsasawa mag i love you for u, kung hindi i love you pwede naman ginahigugma ta ikaw or mahal kita baby tanan na tayo joke love love pangga ko so muchieee. smile ka dyan ah bawal iyak (me lang dapat)
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padfootswhiskers · 3 months
thank you for the ask!
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
okay so. yes.
i’m very aware that indian cinema is mostly known as a meme internationally because of all the ridiculous soap opera clips that go viral, (and they really are ridiculous), or they’re just known as colourfests of singing and dancing with no real depth. but just like how a certain type of indian identity floods the international market, only a certain type of filmmaking becomes infamous.
india has MULTIPLE film industries, separated by language/region. much like its regular old history, it has a rich and vast cinematic history as well. and there truly are superb indian films! mainstream and artsy. directors like satyajit ray were absolutely groundbreaking and regularly inspire directors of the likes of martin scorsese, wes anderson and steven spielberg. hell, tarantino borrows ideas from telugu films! there is some really good stuff in here!
i recently watched a documentary on an outsider pov to hindi cinema, made for a very intriguing watch!
17. are you interested in your country’s history?
most definitely! it’s got a very long and convoluted history and what we’re taught in school is a very, very, very, very tiny and biased part of this massive lore but yes, i find it fascinating. i’m a law student so we’ve got a bunch of history again (i took science in high school) and i especially love regional history. some great stuff in there. i do not however like the actual exam we have for the subject 😭
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jialoves · 3 months
AHHH,i wanna ask so many questions off of the not from US ask list-
okay,how about 5,7,11 and 15?
sending love and warmth!!:D
aaah thanks for asking <3
5. hmm it always keeps changing but recently I have been playing tere bina- a.r. rehman on repeat.also an all time favourite is bade acche lagte hain
7.well mostly we all just speak a mixture of Hindi and malvi. so there is no specific phrase that I like a lot.but I love when someone gets too excited/angry about something and the conversation shifts completely to malvi.
11.well now listen I am ashamed that I have not read too much of Indian literature.so i would say I really like some books by Amish Tripathi and also Sudha Murthy that's what got me into reading as young child.But yeah I recently got some premchand books and I am very much looking forward to reading them.
15.i really don't know what to say,but I did find this( this was during world Cup)
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( also all the thala for a reason memes man they are so fucking hilarious 😭)
anyway I have a nice day
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echthr0s · 5 months
6, 16, 23, 26!
three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)
Oh, I am not this kind of hater. If I don't like a song* I just don't like it, but I'm just so keenly aware that a song that isn't for me is probably for someone else and saying "that's so bad it shouldn't exist" in a fun-petty way don't sit right with me.
Also, I'm bad at remembering things I actually like; there ain't no damn way I'm going to remember things I don't like (and therefore do not engage with).
*this also applies to just about every other form of art
three favourite songs for sex
I wouldn't listen to music for that because I like to hear myself LOL (that's a half-joke... but only half) but if I were going to pick three songs that I think would sound good in like, a cinematic fictionalisation of a sex scene of mine, then:
Waving Goodbye, Sia (ok this might be like, hyperspecific mental association [this was in a Nicolas Winding Refn movie -> I'm attracted to NWR -> you get the drift] but also I think it's got a good groove)
Walk On By, Isaac Hayes (idk man it's not sexy per se but it's sexy to me! slow striptease time)
The Taste of Blood, SQÜRL (from Only Lovers Left Alive. which is a sexy movie. I rest my case.)
three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
Banye, Akwaeke
Götterdämmerung, Zeal & Ardor (wasn't I so good about not just shoving Z&A songs in every single answer. finally, have a Z&A song)
What's Up Danger, Blackway (from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, of course)
three favourite non-English songs
Yaad, Bloodywood (Hindi)
Senzafine, Lacuna Coil (Italian)
Dom andra, kent BUT ALSO the Ihsahn cover (Swedish)
[spotify playlist with all songs featured in my answers to this meme]
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I posted 700 times in 2022
That's 658 more posts than 2021!
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393 posts reblogged (56%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 355 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#desiblr - 128 posts
#desi - 125 posts
#desi tag - 124 posts
#being desi - 114 posts
#desi memes - 104 posts
#desi meme - 102 posts
#indian - 99 posts
#indian memes - 96 posts
#desi dark academia - 88 posts
#desi stuff - 82 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#also omg there was this trick that 0 pe bethna hai and jaan bujh ke that host would say 1 and half people would sit and djjfjsksnsk omhgg
My Top Posts in 2022:
*goes to any footwear shop*
Me: bhaiya isme mera size dikhao
The bhaiya: “HK55 mei 8 size de”
*a box falls from the hole in the ceiling*
918 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
sad english songs might make you cry, but sad hindi songs will make you drop to the floor, bang your head against the wall and bawl your eyes out.
971 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
feminine urge this, masculine urge that,
to say "pooja what is this behaviour" at every given opportunity ???
1,001 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
If desi people do not know your name they'll literally call you by the colour of your tshirt.
1,081 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
this post is for the girls who are academically smart, hold too high expectations of themselves, be serious when they shouldn't have been, regret being serious, regret being not serious, who text back too fast, who love getting dressed up but have no one to go somewhere with, who constantly feel everyone is disappointed in them, whose writing you would die for, who could never be the english teacher's favourite, who get all the gossip, who are friends with the popular people, who are near to invisible to most of the people, who are the life of their friend group, whom people admire but hesitate to approach, who love getting attention, who aren't loud enough to seek attention, who want to be left alone, who want to go out, who would turn around the world if they wanted to.
1,228 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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elxgantcaptain · 10 months
🗺️ - What languages do they speak?
Misc ask meme [accepting]
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/ Oh boy. Theres a few. Lemme see if I can remember them xD
Arabic (Based on relationship with @grandvizier and various verses involving.)
Sign Language (Based on relationship with @quitethepirategal and various verses involving)
He is more fluent in Spanish, his French and Hindi are a little rusty. He DOES know SOME words in other languages (based on trade routes he travelled back in the day) but they are not very strong languages. These are the ones I can remember at the top of my head though owo;;;;
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auxiliarydetective · 10 months
Evie my love!! From the newest part of your ask extravaganza (the chaos corner), could I please ask for numbers one, three, five, and eight for dear Varsha??
Thanks in advance, and I hope you’re doing well, lovely!! 🩷🩷🩷
Oooooh, lovely! Chaos asks, my beloved! Thanks so much for this! Beware for spoilers to Varsha's fic which will hopefully be posted soon!
1. What's an animatic about your OC or OTP you've been spinning around your brain?
It's an angsty one with a happy ending. I can't, for the life of me, remember the song I had in mind for it (I'm thinking maybe it was a Pentatonix song) but I do know the story. Basically, it's about Varsha's immortality and her inevitably outliving the rest of the League, including Henry. The animatic would be a compilation of Varsha through the ages, starting off with the picture of all the League members together and each of them fading one by one, starting with Gray and ending with Mina. We get a shot of Varsha at Henry's death bed, crying as Henry reminds her of her own belief of reincarnation and making the promise of returning to her one day. He gives her his pocket watch to seal that promise. The background fades to black and Henry's hand around hers disappears, starting the "through the ages" sequence. We see Varsha as a combat nurse at first, sort of as a way to picture her clinging on to Henry's legacy. Then, we go through the decades, Varsha's expression constantly mellow and melancholic, eyes closed, the chain of the pocket watch always somehow visible. Maybe, a soft ticking is layered over the music. Throughout time, she faces multiple difficulties but takes them with no change to her expression. Then, faint lines become visible in the background and the perspective changes to show she's at some sort of party or gathering. Her eyes are still closed until someone calls her name. She turns around to see Henry standing there, looking just like he did all those years ago when they met, except he's evolved with the times. And the first thing he says is "I missed you."
3. Create some memes about your OC and their story
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5. What would your OC's Tumblr blog be like?
She would probably have a turquoise-y theme, maybe with gold accents. Posts would be about sea travel, pictures of special or historical maps and lots and lots of of Indian/Hindi culture. Reblogs memes about the Queen's death and generally shitting on the British monarchy from Skinner's blog because she's still salty about their whole empire business with India. Constantly in Henry's ask box. Strongly supports Sawyer's travel blog. Her avatar is probably a picture of her snake form. It has people asking about her "cool pet snake". I'm a bit clueless on what her url would be. Maybe sanskrit-snake, sweetest-sea-serpent or something.
8. What are some TV Tropes that apply to your OC or OTP?
Parental Substitute for Varsha and Nemo
Elective Mute, Making a Splash, Sssssnake Talk for Varsha herself
Forbidden Love and Beast and Beauty for Varsha and Henry/Edward
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manila-bae · 10 months
hows and whys
I've been crying my eyes out for the past few days now. I do not know when these tears will stop running, but I do hope they will stop soon.
My greatest fear of this connection has finally happened; this time, it's absolute and final: I got ghosted. Totoo na ito. I tried convincing myself na babalik pa, na magpaparamdam 'yan ulit but one can only hope so much, enough to realize that her hopes are nothing but words floating on air, slowly being swept and erased by the quiet winds. I feel so betrayed on top of being hurt and broken because all I wanted was to be with someone and this is what I get. Parusa ba 'to? Is this some sort of a prank? When it's come to being left behind, ba't laging ako? Bakit ako lagi 'yung iniiwan? Why do people choose to hurt me in return? I try not to question myself because I know there is nothing wrong with me. I'm always genuine with anyone I talk to, bahala na kung magustuhan nila o hindi. I hoped that if they didn't like me, they should tell me instead of leading me on... but some guys just don't have the balls to tell this, noh? They would rather lead you on and then ghost you after.
I've been asking the universe how do I move on from something that never even happened? How do I move on from someone who was never mine in the first place? How do I forget? How do I move past this pain? I find it ironic that three years ago, I was experiencing this same situation. Three years after, andito pa rin ako pero dahil na sa ibang lalaki. What is it with August and why do they always leave me during this month?
Ilang araw na rin akong umiiyak. Umiyak na ako sa kwarto, sa CR, sa kotse habang nagmamaneho. My heart has been heavy for weeks now. No one knows what I'm going through right now. Wala akong maiyakan, pakiramdam ko na naman mag-isa lang ako. Ang sakit sakit, at ang hirap hirap. I should have mastered the art of moving on at this point but why does it always feel like it's the first time?
Akala ko talaga ito na. Akala ko talaga may patutunguhan 'to. Akala ko lang pala talaga. I've been praying to God for a few months now, praying that if this guy isn't for me, God should take him out of my life. Whenever I pray this, he always comes back. This time, he didn't. Naisip ko tuloy, baka ngayon lang dininig ni God 'yung prayers ko, na-late lang siya ng response.
Gustong gusto ko na makalimot. Gustong gusto ko na makawala sa sakit na dinulot nito sa akin. I don't know where to start, honestly. Or maybe I do, I just don't have the guts to do it now. Sabi ko nga, baka kasi deep inside, kumakapit pa ako sa natitirang sana. However, I have accepted the painful truth that this is the end for me and him. For what it's worth, I am thankful for the conversations we had, memes we laughed at, stories we shared, and moments we spent. I hope he is happy after ghosting me, I hope he will not regret it. Para sana sulit 'yung sakit na nararamdaman ko ngayon. At least, I would know that this pain is worth it for him, kahit hindi na para sa akin.
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godsweakestsoldier · 1 year
for the ask meme!!! orchid, cactus, sage, jasmine
Orchid - what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
You don’t know how hard this is for me to do because I am so subjective about music. However, the perfect song to me is Stained Glass by Danny Schmidt. I have loved Schmidt’s music for years but this song is so good. It’s got everything good instrumentals, great voice, and excellent lyrics. He’s quickly become one of my go to artists for certain wips.
Cactus - something you’re currently learning (about)?
I’m currently learning competition swimming. I’ve known how to swim since I could walk, but never how to do competitive. One of my friends does triathlons and I like to cheer her on. Which includes accompanying her to local lakes, and she has subtly teaching me how to do competitive swimming. I’ve even gotten a swim cap, it’s fun!!
I’m also learning Hindi for my ‘study abroad’, aka assisting my comparative religions professor conduct research. I like to be semi conversational before I go places.
Sage - what medium' of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
Oh the tension between this question and my indecisiveness. I would say that it’s tied between music and statues. I am an audible person, I learn and obtain information better from sound. Sound has been so pivotal to my life, I used to perform as a side gig. I particularly enjoy ‘traditional’ music. I always had (and still have) music with me. It was something that could never be taken away from me.
Statues have always had my love, especially the Hellenistic period of Greco-Roman art. I also enjoy the Romanesque period during the west. But I think the most beautiful is ‘prehistoric’ statuses. Something something I just love them so much.
Jasmine - do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
American Gods by Neil Gaiman, it is my favorite book. It holds such a powerful place in my heart but I won’t read it again. It’s that type of book that you need to sit down and think on it for a month. I can’t bring myself to read it again. It’s a form of reverence that makes me want to leave it alone. You can definitely tell where it influenced my style. I highly recommend you read it, it’s wonderful.
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thedimlaltain · 1 year
An Unsent Letter AND A Romance that Never Will Be
Dearest Caps,
Do you know I've sung love songs about you? You make me giggle like a stupid mess. Every couple of days, I develop a crush on you, that feels very new, but isn't.
This is a joyful letter. Do you know you're so fucking cute! Cats aren't supposed to be cute; how the fuck did you manage that. A close second to my favourite nephew. I feel so jumpy when you pull my legs. I don't even want to retaliate at that.
[This is a para in Hindi, basically lines in praise of her beauty, smile and laughter.] Arre, yeh toh badi jaldi khatam ho gaya. Mujhe toh laga tha lamba chalega. Meh, kya karein, itni hi acchayiyyan hai tujhmein. Teri smile kitni bekar hai pata hai? Aur teri hansi toh aur bhi ghatiya hai, tujhe hansta dekhkar saara mood kharab ho jata hai. Airport the jab tu mujhe lene aayi thi, pink plazzos, black kurti aur woh jhumke. Main toh shock mein chali gayi thi kuch seconds ke liye, bhoot dikh gaya ho jaise. I was so stunned -- activated the "what's the procedure" meme inside me.
I told you no, that I now officially identify as a liquid, well that's coz I melt when you're around. I melt looking at your pictures. I joke that I hope I don't evaporate coz that'd make me gender gaseous(this one is a stolen joke)!
You make me laugh and I like making you laugh, And I don't know whether our sense of humour matches or what but it's fun with you. Laughter is really essential to my being, as essential as finding or recognising or seeing beauty is. And I think having things light heared, to be able to have these moments, share these moments is nice. I think I'll get fed up of a friendship or a romance and get claustrophobic where there's little space and scope for sharing laughs.
When you pick up your phone to click my photo, I sink my face in my hand, "arre!” you say! Ab I wish I could explain to you, I feel nervous and shy and the butterflies start to kick in. Because when you pick up your phone, I KNOW that you are seeing me, AND I feel scared that you’ll see through me. That you’ll see in my eyes, the words that I try so hard to bury. So I hide my face, and in that I hide “Oh my god, I love you so much Capsey.”
Dil toh yahi chahta ahi ki table doosre chor par baith kar tumhari aankhon mein kho jaun [the heart just wants to sit across the table and get lost in your eyes.] I want to look in your eyes and see what they entail, what they have to tell. I want us to look into each other's eyes if that's what you want too. If and only if. I don't think friends do this, if this is what romance is, then be it. OR perhaps I;m romanticising eyes and weirdly staring into eyes too much, in which case, well! We have another thing to laigh about. And you can make fun of my cheese and bollywood. I wish I could ask you out on a date, I wish I could say, "I love you" to you sometimes. I LOVE YOU, you know. I want to flirt with you, and I want to let myself enjoy it. I want us to flirt with each other.
I feel bad, guilty for wriitng things I want from you. It feels selfish. But I want to be honest. It is what it is. Don't wanna hide it. Not from myself at the very least. From you, I probably will. I often find myself second guessing what to say to you. Consciously trying to decide whether what I say lies on this OR that side of the boundary. Whether I'll end up saying something overtly sexual or whether what I'll say is too "loving", as in the langauge makes you uncomfy or whether what I'll say will occupy too much space. I want to not second guess a lot of these times. I want some of these boundaries to disappear.
I am not exactly sure what romance is. You read a lot, nothing I'd say will be as poetic or as romantic as some of the things you've read. I'm not a poet, I'm a lover. I wish for us to find or make our own romance together. One that may or may not be in the books but it won't matter because it's ours. I so dearly want to find out with you what our romance could be.
I want to see the sparkle in your eyes when you come across something interesting, and when you find beauty and meaning and music and depth. And I want to bring hot water bags when your hands hurt from drawing. And cook halwa when you're cranky. You can be as cranky as you want. You don't have to hold it in.
For saying all of these wants, I know my hope isn't hope, but delusion rather.
And so, I just want to say, You take away cynicism from my life, and you know how cynical I am. You opened your arms and took me in and embraced me. I am so very grateful for that. I can't stop admiring how actively you live your life, how you take initiatives. I see that whatever you seek, you try to create and be part of processes that help you experience it. You don't yearn for what you seek, you live it. Everyday. You're so so kind. And authentic. And you create spaces so that people can be their authentic selves. How unafraid and unapologetic you are. I will forever be in gratitude for coming across you, and definitely in awe of you.
I love you.
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