#what if i just sat here and cried forever
iamgonnagetyouback · 2 days
hello :) could you do a poly!marauders with a reader who has a really bad fear of spiders and then helping her? (Like she will cry at the sight or can’t sleep if she’s thinking of them haha) :))
♡ ︎ꜱʜɪᴘ: poly!Marauders x Reader
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You were tucked comfortably into bed, surrounded by the warmth of three of your four boyfriends—Remus on your left, Sirius on your right, and James sprawled across the foot of the bed, his head resting on your legs. Peter had just popped out to grab some snacks, which left you all in a peaceful, sleepy state.
Or at least, it was peaceful until it happened.
You had glanced up at the ceiling to admire the star-shaped stickers glowing faintly in the dark. But instead of the comforting sight of twinkling stars, your eyes landed on a spider. A big, hairy, terrifying spider dangling right above you.
A spider.
Your heart dropped. It wasn’t just any spider—it was massive. Okay, maybe not massive, but to you, it might as well have been the size of a dragon. Frozen, you let out a small whimper, your eyes glued to the eight-legged terror.
Sirius was the first to notice your panic. He dropped the magazine he was flipping through and leaned closer. “Babe? You alright?”
Your body froze, and a strangled squeak escaped your lips.
"What's wrong, love?" Remus asked, his voice soft with concern. He leaned up on his elbow to look at you, but all you could do was point a trembling finger at the ceiling, eyes wide with terror.
Sirius frowned, following your gaze. The moment his eyes landed on the spider, his own face scrunched up. "Bloody hell, that thing's huge."
That was it. Panic set in, and you scrambled to the foot of the bed, practically clambering over James, who was still half-asleep, blissfully unaware of the eight-legged horror hanging above.
"What—ow! What’s going on?" James groaned as you elbowed him, trying to escape.
"Spider!" you cried, voice cracking as you buried yourself behind him, using him as a shield. "There's a huge spider on the ceiling!"
Remus sat up, sighing deeply. “It’s just a spider, love. No need to—”
But then he saw it, and even the normally composed Remus faltered. "That’s... quite the specimen."
Sirius, already on his feet, grabbed one of James’s trainers off the floor. “Don’t worry, doll, I’ve got this. I’ll be your knight in shining armor.”
James groaned as Sirius stepped on the bed, ready for battle. “Hey! Careful where you—OW!—step!”
But as Sirius swung at the spider, the little devil dropped lower from its web, dodging him. That was enough to send you into full meltdown mode.
“I can’t! I—can’t sleep knowing it’s here! It’s going to crawl on me! I’ll die!” You wailed, tears welling up as you hugged James’s back for dear life. “No!” you yelped, grabbing his arm. “Don’t squish it! Then it’ll haunt me forever. Just—just get rid of it!”
Remus shook his head, chuckling under his breath. “I’ll get a jar.”
“I’m not sleeping if it’s anywhere near this flat, Moony,” you warned. “You have to throw it far.”
James gave you a comforting smile, kissing the top of your head. “We’ll make sure it’s gone.”
Sirius climbed onto the couch, making exaggerated swipes at the ceiling with James's trainers. “I’m gonna get you, little bugger—”
“Sirius!” you shrieked, half laughing, half sobbing as he missed it completely. The spider scurried toward the corner, which sent another wave of panic through you. “Get it away!”
Remus sighed and calmly approached with the jar in hand. “Padfoot, quit messing around.”
“Sorry, sorry!” Sirius said, jumping down from the couch with a dramatic flourish. “You heard the lady, no squishing.”
“Careful, Moony! It’s coming right at you!” Sirius shrieked.
At that moment, Peter strolled back into the room, holding a bag of crisps and a bottle of pumpkin juice. "What's all the noise?"
James, with you still clinging to him, pointed upward. “Spider crisis.”
Peter looked up, spotted the spider, and to everyone's surprise, casually walked over with a tissue. “You’re all acting like babies.” He reached up, gently plucked the spider from its web, and without so much as a flinch, opened the window to let it out.
Silence filled the room as all four of you stared at Peter, dumbfounded.
“Did... did Peter just save us?” Sirius muttered, lowering James’s shoe.
James blinked, still processing. “I’m questioning everything right now.”
You, on the other hand, exhaled a deep breath of relief and finally let go of James, wiping your teary eyes. “Th-thank you, Pete. You’re my hero.”
Peter grinned, giving you a little bow. “All in a day's work.”
Remus chuckled and patted Peter on the back. “Well, thank Merlin someone here can handle spiders.”
Sirius quickly recovered and threw his arms around you dramatically. “But it was me who grabbed the shoe first! I was ready to lay down my life for you, love.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his over-the-top antics, feeling the tension ease from your body. “Yes, Sirius, you’re very brave.”
“Oi, what about me? I cushioned her from all the drama!” James said, twisting around to pull you into his lap, his arms wrapping around you snugly. “Best spider shield in the business.”
Peter flopped down on the bed, looking entirely too pleased with himself. “Next time, just call me. Spider-slayer Pete, at your service.”
You couldn’t help but smile, surrounded by all four of your boys, safe and sound. “I feel like I should bake Peter cookies now.”
“Hey, don’t spoil him! He’ll get used to it!” Sirius teased, poking Peter in the side.
You chuckled as you started to stand up to bake cookies for Peter when you suddenly looked around, "You guys are sure it's gone right?"
Sirius slung an arm around you with a devilish grin. “Oh, it might have babies. They could be anywhere now…”
Your face drained of color, and you swatted his arm with a groan. “Sirius!”
James shot Sirius a warning look but couldn’t help laughing as well. “Alright, mate, stop scaring her.”
“I’m just teasing!” Sirius pouted, pulling you into a playful hug. “I’d never let a spider near you, promise. Not while Pete's around.”
You buried your face in Sirius’s chest, half-laughing, half-sighing. “You’re the worst.”
Peter sat next to you, patting your knee comfortingly. “You know we’ll always protect you. Spiders included.”
With James still holding you, Sirius on one side and Peter on the other, Remus beside Peter, you finally started to relax, your heart calming down. “Thanks, guys,” you whispered.
James kissed your temple. “Of course, darling. We’ve got you.”
Sirius snickered. “Now, if it was a snake, that would’ve been another story…”
You groaned again, but this time it was full of affection. “Never change, Sirius.”
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yeetbean · 1 year
i sure do love it when things beyond my control cause me to shut down and derail my entire day. sure love having my brain turned off by noises. going to love sitting here staring at nothing for a few hours. who needs to process information? surely not me! .-.
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stevesbipanic · 1 month
@steddieangstyaugust Day 27: "I thought we agreed it was over."
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Eddie saw Steve's beemer pull up outside the trailer before he heard the knock at the door. The words were already leaving his lips as he opened it, "I thought we agreed it was over."
It had hurt, the break up, but Eddie had been expecting it. He knew Steve would never be his forever no matter how much he wanted him to be. It was all too easy for him to push back the tears and agreed when Steve said things like it was for the best and that they'd never work.
He had tried not to think about all the times Steve had said how much he loved how they were different, that it meant they got to share things with the other person. How Steve whispered love confessions when he thought Eddie was asleep weeks before he was brave enough to voice them in the daylight.
It was over, and that was that, so why was Steve here?
The sentence fizzled out though when he took in Steve's features. A quickly blackening swollen eye, a split lip, knuckles bruised and bleeding. Steve was trying to hold his side while also tightly gripping the backpack on his other shoulder.
"I'm sorry."
Eddie hadn't heard from Steve in months besides the occasional update from the kids or a glance at him from hellfire pick ups. The sound of those words made him realise how much he had missed Steve's voice despite how broken it now sounded.
All the hurt he'd felt melted away, stored for a later time when Steve wasn't swaying so much, when his face wasn't so pale. Eddie gently guided him inside, taking the backpack and placing it on the couch before leading Steve to the bathroom.
He methodically cleaned up his cuts and checked his ribs and tried not to think about the fact that the doctor said Steve shouldn't risk another concussion. He got Steve a change of clothes and sat him upright on the bed.
"Can't sleep yet, sweetheart, got to make sure your heads ok for awhile, alright?"
Steve's eyes became misty again, "Didn't think I'd ever hear you call me that again, Eds. I'm so sorry."
Eddie took Steve's less injured hand in his, gently stroking the back of it, "What happened, Steve?"
The question didn't help the tears that now seemed to flow freely down Steve's cheeks, "I thought if I broke up with you I could keep you safe, keep the both of us safe."
Eddie's grip tightened slightly, "Stevie."
"I was stupid I should've given the box of stuff from you to Robin or someone but I wanted to keep a piece of you close, and he, he found a picture of the two of us, the one Jonathan took at your birthday party."
Eddie knew the picture, it was his favourite, he still kept it tacked to his wall, didn't have the heart to take it down and put it with every other part of Steve that now sat in a box under his bed. Jonathan had caught the exact moment Steve kissed him while he cut his cake, they looked so happy, they were happy.
Eddie could infer the rest, "Your dad did this then?"
Steve nodded, "Kicked me out too, I'm sorry I would've gone to Dustin's but he's at his grandparents and Robin is at college and I just." Eddie pulls Steve closer, "I'm glad you came here, baby, you're safe here." Steve seems to finally relax at those words, like he'd been holding his breath since the day they'd parted.
"I didn't mean anything I said, Eddie," Steve cried.
Eddie gave Steve a sad smile. "I know, let's talk about all that later, just rest now I'll wake you up in a little bit to check your head again," Eddie said pushing Steve softly down onto the bed. They had a lot to discuss, a lot of hearts to mend but for now Eddie just needed Steve to be ok.
"Will you stay?"
"As long as you need me."
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jiniretracha · 9 months
Unfair - Hwang Hyunjin
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Pairing: Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, smut, teeny tiny bit of angst (if you squint), hyunjin being a softie and a romantic little shit!
Summary: After getting friendzoned, you rant to your best friend, Hyunjin, about how pathetic you are for not getting a date for Valentine’s Day. Hyunjin would never let the girl he secretly loves so much think so little of herself.
Word Count: 5.2k
“Ugh! I’m so pathetic!” you cried as you busted inside your best friend’s room. “Like, so pathetic”
Hyunjin was laying on the sofa, lazily sketching something on his notebook when he heard your cries, making his head lift up to look at you. “What happened this time?” he asked with a knowing smirk.
You sat down on the couch with a huff and crossed your legs under your butt. “I thought he was the one. And he obviously was not” you grumbled.
“Soobin! I can’t believe it” you face-palmed yourself. “I- God! I thought he was into me. Like, he was flirty all the time. We’d go out to eat, which I mistook as dinner dates. He’d take me to the funfair. Shit, he even gifted me that giraffe plushie which I’m obviously stabbing him til the fucking insides are laying all over my floor” you snapped.
Hyunjin was pressing his lips together to contain his smile. Not because you were miserable, no. Because you looked so freaking cute when you were angry.
“Stop smiling, Hyunjin. I feel like shit”
Hyunjin chuckled. “You’re so cute when you’re mad” he said.
“Not helping here”
“Sorry, sorry” he said, placing his hands in the air in defense. “I’m sorry that happened to you, sweetheart. Come here” he cooed, extending his arms, making you sigh and crawl towards him as he wrapped his arms around your body.
“I’m so pathetic” you whispered, feeling your eyes stinging with tears.
“What? No” he shook his head. “Do you think you’re the only girl in the world that got her heartbroken or got her hopes up over a stupid boy that couldn’t see what was in front of him this whole time?” Hyunjin rambled on. “That’s bullshit”
You felt your heart melt at his words. “Thank you for saying that, Hyunjinnie. Really, but I think this time I’m accurately depicting myself. I’m a pathetic loser”
He just chuckled against your hair. “You’re being mean to yourself”
“I deserve it”
“No, you don’t. So what if Soobin doesn’t like you like that? There are tons of other guys who aren’t blind as him” he said.
“Yeah, where are they?” you asked angrily.
Right here, Hyunjin wanted to say. “You just gotta keep looking” Hyunjin said.
You nuzzled your head into his chest, inhaling his scent. You wondered what it would be like to be with him. You obviously did. It had been three years since you met Hyunjin, and you couldn’t get over the fact that you loved him. It wasn’t every day that you make yourself a friend who’s an idol, and every single person on the planet wants and longs to be with him, so you weren’t stupid. Your chances of being with him were slim to none. You got your dose of liquid luck that got you there with him, being his friend.
“I know. But I’m just so tired of missing and missing the target over and over again” you rambled on.
“I get that. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have to keep trying, Y/N” he whispered.
You nodded. “I’ve got no date for Valentine’s. Can you believe that?” you asked, almost to yourself. “That’s what’s pathetic”
Hyunjin chuckled. “I don’t have a date for Valentine’s either”
“Yeah, but you’ll be on tour. Besides, you got seven dates”
“No, ew” Hyunjin shook his head. “I love them, don’t get me wrong. But no, I’ll pass” he said, making you giggle. The sound made his heart clench painfully in his chest. You don’t know I’d give my life for you to continue giggling like that forever, he thought. “I’m sorry I’ll be away. I was gonna offer you to be my date. Figured we could finish watching the last episodes of Daisy Jones”
You sighed. “It’s fine. You gotta be a superstar, duty calls” you giggled. “I wish I could go with you, though”
“Yeah, me too” he nodded. “Why don’t you come, though? I’ll pay for your tickets”
“I got work, Jinnie. I know you’d pay for them. You did that the two times I went overseas to watch you guys in concert. Best experience of my goddamn life, by the way” you said, making him laugh. “But, no, this time I’ll painfully pass. I love my little shop”
You had your own art supply shop, where you sold canvases, acrylic paints and all sorts of stuff that any artist in Seoul would need. Hyunjin stumbled across your shop three years ago and he loved it. He always found everything he needed for his artworks. But the best thing he stumbled across in your shop was the cute vendor that was smiling at him, asking if that was everything he’d need, if he needed assistance or the way you smiled whenever he’d talk.
The attraction he felt was so real and so scary to him, but he loved it. He felt he found the one. And that feeling didn’t change. It probably won’t. Ever.
“I know you love it. I love it” Hyunjin praised.
You lifted your head up slightly to look at him. “Really?” you asked in a small voice.
He smiled and nodded. “Yeah”
You giggled, pressing your head into his chest once again. You let out a content sigh and then closed your eyes, feeling exhausted after crying the whole way back to his apartment and putting up with your feelings for the boy your were laying on.
“You’ll stay here with Y/N, okay Kkami?” Hyunjin told his little four-legged friend that was sitting on the comforter. “You’ll be good to her, aren’t you? You like her more than you like me, anyways”
The comment made you giggle and pet Kkami’s hair. “He’s a good boy, Hyunjinnie. He’ll be okay here with me” you said.
You pressed your lips into a smile and nodded. “Absolutely”
“Great” he sighed with relief. “If you need anything, I wouldn’t say ‘call me’ because I don’t trust myself to be with my phone if you needed me, so I’ll just tell the guys downstairs that whatever you need, you can ask them. You can help yourself out with ev-“
“Jinnie” you stopped him with a laugh. “I do this everytime you go away for more than a week” you reminded him. “It is not my first rodeo”
“Okay, yeah, you’re right” he nodded. “You’ll be okay?”
“I’ll be fine. Now go! You’ll be late” you scolded him, pushing him out of his room.
He chuckled and turned around, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Love you!” he called as he made his way out.
“Love you! Have fun!”
“Thank you!”
You shut the door and then looked at Kkami who was comfortably sitting on the bed. “You’re gonna be my date for Valentine’s, Kkami” you sighed.
Kkami barked at you, making you chuckle.
“Yeah, I know. Me too” you said, pressing your fingers into your eyelids. “I miss him too. And he just left”
Hyunjinnie: everything ok over there?
You smiled as soon as you heard your phone chiming with the personalized tone that Hyunjin had chosen for himself.
You quickly typed your answer back.
You: everything’s ok!! u?
Hyunjinnie: everything’s cool. i’m having so much fun, i missed touring honestly. but i miss u as well :(
Your heart literally melted.
You: you sweet little ferret. i’ll tell the kids.
Hyunjinnie: NO! please i’ll never hear the end of it if they know i’m a softie for you
You giggled.
You: for me and Felix, isn’t it?
Hyunjinnie: Yeah, you and Yongbokkie are the only ones i’m soft for.
You smiled and left your phone next to you when you heard someone coming inside the store. As the client finished their purchase and left, you heard your phone vibrating against the counter a few more times.
After the customer left, you quickly grabbed your phone.
Hyunjinnie: so, there’s only five days left for valentine’s day
Hyunjinnie: have you found a date?
Hyunjinnie: i’m sorry i’m sending so many texts. we’re currently having a mini break from sound check
You quickly typed your response, hoping he didn’t go back to sound check.
You: yes, i actually have
Hyunjinnie: oh…
The three dots appeared and then disappeared. Your eyebrows furrowed.
Hyunjinnie: who’s the lucky guy?
You: it’s actually someone you know pretty well
You: he’s been keeping me company these days. he’s lovely
Hyunjinnie: oh
You felt weird watching him reply to you. Wasn’t he getting it?
Hyunjinnie: what’s his name?
You: His name is Kkami. a charming little man ;)
Hyunjin didn’t reply for a solid 30 seconds, the longest thirty seconds of your entire life.
Hyunjinnie: oh lol. i really thought you got a date with someone real
Hyunjinnie: tell Kkami thanks for keeping my girl company
Hold up.
My girl?
Your heart clenched. And so did your core. But you weren’t going to admit that to anyone.
You: i’ll tell him
Hyunjinnie: y/n i gotta go :(
You: nooooo!!
Hyunjinnie: i don’t want to go. but i have to. i’ll text you later, promise!!
You: okay :)
Hyunjinnie: love you! tell kkami i love him too
You: we love you and miss u too hyune!!
You sighed putting your phone down.
My girl.
Yeah, you were not going to let that go.
Hyunjin sat in his dressing room, exhausted after performing for thirty thousand people for 2 hours straight, holding his portable fan in one hand and in the other, his phone. He scrolled his Instagram feed and smiled when he saw that you had uploaded an Instagram story to your close friends.
He clicked on it and his smile got even bigger. It was a selfie that you had taken with Kkami, with a text that said: My favourite cuddle buddy ❤️.
He swiped up, quickly sending you a direct message, reacting to your instagram story.
@hynjinnnn: you two are the cutest!!
@y/n.jpg: thank u <3 we miss u jinnie
His heart melted reading those words.
He instantly clicked on your profile and started stalking your photos. It was unreal the effect you had on him. How every single time he looked at you, or thought about you, his heart would clench inside his chest. Hyunjin was so in love with you, he didn’t know what to do with it.
He clicked on a certain picture, one that did things to him. It was one that you took on a night out with your friends, wearing a short dress that made your chest pop up nicely. He licked his lips and sighed. How is it possible that a woman like you didn’t have a date for Valentine’s? Are men really that blind?
His mind instantly went to Soobin. He knew the guy. He was nice, but Hyunjin really thought the guy was dumb. Did he actually see what was in front of him? Didn’t he notice all of the things Hyunjin sees in you? How perfect you are?
Hyunjin shook his head.
He was going to do something about this. He wasn’t going to let anything stop him from you having at least a little something for Valentine’s. He’d be damned.
You woke up from your slumber and immediately put a hand on your forehead, groaning as you sat up.
“Here goes my pathetically alone Valentine’s day” you said, hopping off the bed. You opened your closet and found the dress you had bought back when you thought you were going to spend Valentine’s with Soobin. “Yeah, you suck” you sighed, grabbing it and chucking it on the floor.
Kkami watched you with curious eyes and it made you chuckle.
“I guess I’m not that alone” you said, grabbing him and taking him with you to the living room.
You put the TV on, clicking on Netflix.
“Twilight it is then” you grumbled, and clicked on it.
As you got through the middle of the second movie, someone knocked on your door.
Your eyebrows instantly furrowed. Who was it?
You peeped through the peephole and saw the delivery guy holding a huge bouquet of red roses.
What the hell?
Slowly, you opened the door and smiled slightly at the delivery man.
“Hi, I’ve got a delivery for… Y/N Y/L/N? Is that correct?” he said.
Your eyes widened. “Yeah, it’s- that’s me. Who are those from?” you asked.
He checked the list and shrugged. “It… doesn’t say” he said, pressing his lips together. “I’m sorry”
“No, no, that’s okay. Do I sign?”
“Yeah, here-“ he said, handing you the paper and you scribbled your sign on it. “Thank you, have a great day”
“Thanks, you too” you said, as you took the flowers from
him and closed the door behind you. “Okay, what the hell?” you said loudly.
You placed them on the counter and saw that it had a card. You quickly grabbed it and gasped.
My muse,
Someone as beautiful and amazing as you doesn’t deserve to be alone on Valentine’s day.
I hope this makes you smile.
Hopelessly in love with you,
Your eyes started to water.
‘My muse’
‘Hopelessly in love with you’
Since when?
What does it mean?
Why would he tell you like this?
There was only one way to know that.
You quickly grabbed your phone and clicked on his contact.
You: what the hell???
You: the flowers? the note? what does it all even mean, hyunjin?
You patiently waited for him to answer, and about twenty minutes later, you got your answer.
Hyunjinnie: everything.
Hyunjinnie: it means everything.
Hyunjinnie: you mean everything.
You felt your cheeks getting wet by the stream of tears leaking from your eyes.
Hyunjinnie: i wasn’t going to let my girl be alone on valentine’s day. and as i can’t be there, at least i’ll give you a bouquet of red roses.
You smiled, biting your lip.
You: this is so unfair
You weren’t going to confess to him via text. No. You weren’t going to let that happen.
Hyunjinnie: what’s unfair?
You heard your phone chiming but you weren’t paying attention to it. You were too busy opening your laptop and typing on the airplane ticket website.
Hyunjinnie: Y/N???
Hyunjin’s day off was supposed to be relaxing.
But it was the complete opposite of that. He had spent the entire day sitting on the couch next to the window of the hotel room, his leg bouncing up and down and checking his phone every ten seconds to see if he had a message from you.
He had confessed his love for you.
And you said it was unfair.
What did that even mean? Unfair?
He sighed, brushing his hands over his hair, over and over again.
Hyunjin jumped when he heard a loud knock on the door.
“Who is it?” he asked.
“It’s Jisung, open up” he heard his friend on the other side of the door.
He got up with a groan and opened the door. “What?”
“Well, hello to you to, brother. I’m fine, thank you for asking” he said with a sarcastic smile, walking inside his friend’s hotel room.
“What’s that?” he asked, noticing Jisung had something in his hands.
“You didn’t come downstairs for breakfast or lunch, so I figured you’d be hungry” he said, extending his hand and offering him a bowl of raw ramen.
Hyunjin smiled and grabbed it. “Thank you, Ji”
“You’re welcome”
Hyunjin clicked on the electric kettle and poured the hot water on the bowl.
“What’s on your mind, Hyung?” Jisung asked.
Hyunjin sighed. “I sent Y/N a bouquet of roses for Valentine’s” he said and then looked down. “And I haven’t received an answer yet”
“Oh man” Jisung sighed. “I’m sorry”
“It’s okay” Hyunjin shrugged. “I mean, it’s not, but we’ll see” he said, grabbing his ramen and eating a little.
Jisung sat on the bed. “I’m sure she doesn’t want to do anything with you being so far away” he said. “I mean, as far as I know, that girl is obsessed with you. She’s always smiling at you. Whenever we talk about you with her, her face lights up. Even an idiot can see that”
“You’d know that, don’t you?” Hyunjin tried to light up the mood.
Jisung snorted and flipped him the finger. “Ha-ha, so funny” he humorlessly said. “But seriously, I know everything will be fine. Don’t torture yourself with the what-ifs”
Hyunjin nodded, biting on his food. “Thank you, Jisung”
Han smiled. “No problem, Hyung”
He got up from the bed and patted Hyunjin’s shoulder. He got out of the hotel room and as he turned around to walk down the hall, he saw you running towards him panting heavily.
“Ji- Jisung, hi!” you whispered.
“Y/N?” Jisung asked confusedly. “What are you doing here?”
“It- it’s a long story. Where’s Hyunjin?” you asked.
“That’s his room, 806” He pointed at the door on the left.
“Thank you” you sighed.
“No problem” he said, getting inside his own room. “See ya”
You waved and then nervously walked towards Hyunjin’s room. You let out a shaky sigh and knocked on the door.
Hyunjin got up from the hotel room couch, leaving his ramen on the table. Did Jisung forget something?, he asked himself, looking around his room.
He walked towards the door, without checking who it was and his stomach dropped when he saw you standing there, panting.
“Y/N?” he stammered. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
His thoughts were cut short when he felt you tug his head down with your hand by the nape of his neck down to crash your lips against his. His brain short circuited, but quickly put his hands around your waist, pulling you against his chest. You pushed him backwards, inside his room and he kicked the door shut with a thud.
His tongue ran over your bottom lip, bringing you back to reality. You needed him to know.
“Jinnie-“ you said, breaking apart from the kiss.
Hyunjin looked at you and then back at your mouth. “What?” he asked, before pressing his lips against yours.
You smiled, pulling away, and held up the card that was delivered with the bouquet he had gifted you. “This…” you whispered. You saw his eyes flickering with anxiety. “I’m in love with you, Hyunjin. I just… I never ever thought you’d love me back” you chuckled.
He smiled and pressed a loving kiss on your lips. “Of course I am. I’m crazy for you” he smiled against your lips. “You’d think I’d let a friend sleep in my bed, with my dog, and lend them my clothes, and let them cuddle with me?” he asked.
Well, no. Now that you thought about it, the signs were clear.
“Oh…” you said, realizing it. “I’m an idiot”
“Hey. Stop talking about yourself like that, Y/N. You’re amazing. Perfect, even. And so, so, so ethereally beautiful” he mused.
You pressed your lips together, looking down at your shoes with shyness.
Hyunjin brought a hand over to your cheek, caressing it. “I love you, Y/N”
You smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips, a long one. “I love you, my Hyunjinnie” you said against his lips. “So much”
After he brought your bag inside his room, you kept staring at him with lovey dovey eyes. He then turned around and you blushed, his stare making you nervous.
As he kissed you once again, his arms came around you, turning you around and walking you towards the bed with him. He carefully dropped you on the bed while devouring your mouth, which you could barely keep up. He was everywhere. His hands were roaming every single inch of skin he could find while he drowned himself into your drugging lips.
Before dropping himself on top of you, he grabbed the neck of his shirt from the back and pulled it over his head. His toned stomach made you gasp, as you’ve never seen Hyunjin shirtless. He smirked as he noticed your reaction, and he crawled towards you, pushing his face close to yours, in an intimidating manner.
“What is, hm?” he murmured against your mouth before pressing a kiss to your lips.
You licked your lips and raked your nails over his toned stomach. “You’re so beautiful, Hyunjin” you whispered.
“Says you” he chuckled.
You felt a surprising amount of courage that made you sit up and pull your own shirt over your head, leaving yourself sitting on the bed wearing your skirt and your pretty white lace bra that you chose for the occasion in case you were to get lucky.
His eyes visibly darkened and dropped to your chest. His mouth pressing against yours with passion made you gasp against his mouth. He pressed you back against the mattress and his hands came up to grope your tits, making your back arch in pleasure.
“You don’t even know the things I’ve been wanting to do to you ever since we met” he whispered against your mouth. He then pulled away and continued his trail of kisses down your neck. “Fuck, you’re so perfect”
His words made your stomach flutter with warmth and you carded your hands through his hair.
“Hyunjin” you whispered into the air.
“What?” his voice came all muffled by your skin.
“Touch me, please” you sighed.
Your voice made his knees buckle. His hands went towards your jeans, undoing them and almost ripping them down your legs. He smirked slightly, watching you from above as you laid on the bed only in a matching set of white underwear.
His tongue came to lick his lips and then pressed a wet, long kiss on the skin of your stomach, making you gasp a little. His mouth started to trail down the kisses down your navel, and onto the band of your panties. He tugged the band with his teeth and let it snap back against your skin. His long fingers grabbed the hem of your panties and dragged them down your legs.
His gaze immediately fell on your core, and it made you self-conscious. You didn’t know why. This was Hyunjin, someone who never made you feel bad about anything. A true gentleman.
Your thoughts vanished when you felt his palms on your thighs, pushing them apart so he could get a good view of your core. He bit his lips and sighed.
“You’re dripping, princess” he murmured, his fingers scooping up some of your wetness and he pressed them on his tongue, licking them clean. “Fuck, I need to taste you”
You didn’t even have time to think, because he was pouncing on you, and started devouring your pussy like it was the last meal of his life. You couldn’t even moan properly, your breath hitching on your throat as you processed what was going on.
His nose bumped with your clit, while his tongue kept pushing in and out of your entrance. Your hands went straight to his hair, pulling every once in a while, making him moan against you.
“Hyun- Hyunjinnie” you moaned, arching your back. “Fuck”
“God, I love it when you say my name like that” he said, pulling away from you and slapping your core, making you yelp. “Say it again”
He then dove right back into business, making your eyes roll back into the back of your head, while your toenails kept digging into his back.
“Hyune” you sighed, as you felt your orgasm closer and closer. “Hyune, I’m gonna come”
“Come, baby. Come all over my face” he whispered, continuing his ministrations.
Your head violently pressed against the mattress as your back naturally arched while your orgasm hit you like a truck. Hyunjin moaned at the taste of your orgasm, lapping up every single drop and not letting anything go to waste.
With uncontrollable gasps, you opened your eyes to find Hyunjin on top of you, his face wet from your orgasm. He kept licking his lips and staring at you with the most enamored gaze ever.
“What?” you asked, with a little smile.
He pressed a kiss onto your lips and then bit your bottom lip. “Nothing. I just was admiring my girl” he said against your lips.
You smiled and your hands went down to his jeans, unbuckling his belt and trying to stick your hand inside his pants, noticing his hard rock erection against the fabric.
His hand stopped your movements. “I wanna come with you, inside of you” he whispered, making you blush.
“Then what are you waiting for?” you asked, arching an eyebrow as you found a slight ounce of courage.
He smirked, his hands going over your back and unclipping your bra, carelessly throwing it away behind his shoulder. He could only stare.
He couldn’t comprehend how beautiful you were.
You felt nervous, and you grasped onto one of his hands, moving it towards one of your breasts, making him squeeze it and brush his thumb over a nipple, making you moan slightly.
His other hand joined as well, and then his mouth. He sucked at one of your tits, while the other one was being assaulted by his hand.
“Jinnie, fuck me, please” you whispered into the air.
“I will, baby, I swear I will” he muttered against your chest, moving onto the other one. “Your tits are fucking amazing, I swear”
You bit your lip to contain a smile.
He lifted his head from your chest and pulled down his jeans along with his boxers, making his cock slap against his stomach. Hyunjin was big, you weren’t going to lie. And most definitely, what you were expecting.
His hands went to the pocket of his jeans, pulling out his wallet. He took a condom from there and quickly ripped it open, putting it on.
“I can’t believe I’m here” you said out loud.
Hyunjin finished putting the condom on and crawled back on top of you. “Believe it, baby” he smiled and pressed a long, loving kiss on your lips. “It’s happening”
You felt him nudge against your entrance and you bit your lip, holding onto his shoulders. He pushed his cock in and you gasped, arching your back.
“Fuck me, you’re tight” he whispered against your neck. “So, so tight, baby”
“You’re big, Hyunjinnie” you whispered.
“You okay?” he asked, lifting his head and letting his hands brush your hair away from your forehead, the action made your heart flutter. “Am I hurting you?”
You quickly shook your head. “No, no, I swear”
He smiled and continued with his movements, his hips kissing your pelvic bone with each thrust. You could only moan against his neck and hold on to him.
“Harder, please” you pleaded. “I know you want to, give it to me like you want to” you repeated over and over.
Suddenly, he pulled out and grabbed your hips, turning you into a face down position. He slapped both your ass cheeks and grabbed your hips, so your knees were resting on the bed with your chest flat on it. He pushed his length inside of you from behind and thrusted into you so hard it made your vision cloud with white spots.
“Yeah, fuck!” you moaned against the sheets.
“Yeah, you like that, baby?” he asked, sweat dripping from his body. You couldn’t answer, really. You couldn’t even form a proper sentence due to his erratic thrusting. Hyunjin slapped your ass again and it made you yelp. “Answer me, Y/N”
“God, yes, I love it” you moaned.
“Good” he groaned, grabbing your hair roughly and pulling you into his chest. His hands went around you, one on your neck and the other one around your stomach, holding you tightly. “I love you, God, I love you” he whispered against your neck.
Your hands carded through his hair and you held onto him. “I love you, Hyune” you moaned as he kept hitting your sweet spot, over and over. “Fuck, I’m gonna come”
“Good, come around me. I wanna feel you” he groaned.
Your back arched as he kept kissing your neck, while his hands gripped onto your tits. With a long moan, you orgasmed around him, without any help from his hands.
He gently laid your body down, on your stomach, while he kept thrusting in and out of you, searching for his own orgasm. Hyunjin gripped your hips as he felt himself getting closer to the edge.
“Fuck, fuck, baby” he kept whispering as he thrusted one, twice and then emptied himself into the condom. Once he had finished, he carefully laid next to you after taking out the condom and throwing it away inside the trash, his hand going to brush your hair away from your face, so he could stare at you. “How are you feeling?”
“Fucking amazing” you sighed with a smile.
He chuckled, caressing your cheek.
You stared at him while biting your lip. “I love you, Hyunjin. So much”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips. “I love you, my muse”
You opened your eyes slightly, shifting under the sheets and immediately groaning at the pain that you felt in between your legs.
It was all his fault.
He had bought you a new set of underwear and he had ripped it away from you as soon as he saw you in it. And he was the one to blame for the soreness inside your thighs.
You heard soft pattering coming from the hallway and you sat up to see your boyfriend coming inside your shared room, holding a tray with breakfast. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, only a pair of boxers, which made you bite your lip at the sight.
“Hello, my muse. Good morning” he smiled putting the tray on the bed and crawling on the bed to sit next to you. “Happy valentine’s day” he whispered before kissing your lips.
“Happy valentine’s day, my sweet boy” you kissed him again and again, not able to get enough from him. “I love you. And thank you for this”
“I love you. And you deserve it” Hyunjin told you, grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve this. All of you. But I’m so thankful I have this. You” you told him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
“God, me too” Hyunjin sighed.
You smiled, feeling so content with the life you had.
Kkami took you both by surprise by jumping on the bed, making you giggle. “Hey, little man” you smiled at the pet, who wagged his little tail and then barked.
“You wanna know what he said?”
“Oh, God. What?” you asked laughing.
“He just said, happy valentine’s day, mommy”
“Mommy? I’m his mommy?” you asked him.
“Of course” he nodded, kissing your lips. “I wouldn’t want anyone else”
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kteezy997 · 10 months
The Candy Man- Part Two//W.W.
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Warnings: smut, bathtub sex, curse words, some dirty talk, Willy wanting to fill reader with his cum
You couldn’t stop thinking about him. Your candy man, your Willy Wonka. You were convinced that his wonder-filled green eyes were burned into your memory forever. Your mind raced with images of his springy dark curls, his creamy pale skin, and his big cock that filled you to the brim. Your pussy ached just thinking about it.
It was a week to the day that he came knocking again. Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest when you opened your door to reveal Willy: brown top hat, purple coat, and the sweetest of smiles.
“I can’t believe it’s you.” you uttered dreamily. Your prayers had been answered: Willy had come back.
“Hey, y/n. I’m sorry to bother you.”
“Oh, you’re certainly not bothering me.”
Willy smiled kindly at you, then continued, “I have just been thinking about you, and I wonder if maybe what happened was wrong. I mean, it was absolutely wonderful, but you are a married woman. I would hate for your husband to find out-"
You cut him off as he was speaking, “Don’t worry, Willy. He will never know. It’s our little secret.”
“Oh,” he nodded, “alright then. That’s great. Um,” he looked down at his boots, shyly, “do you mind if I come in? There was something else I wanted to ask you.”
“Oh yes, of course, come in!” you said, maybe a little too enthusiastically, and you stepped aside, letting him by.
Willy walked over to the couch, rubbing his cold hands together. He did look rather cute with his rosy cheeks and slightly pink nose from the briskness outside. “You really should stay inside today, it’s too cold for you to be out there, y/n.” he said.
You blushed at his sweet words, “Should I get you some hot tea to warm you up? Or maybe some coffee?”
“No, no, I really don’t want to trouble you.” he insisted, “Come, sit with me if you would?”
You obliged him, and sat down next to him.
"Look, the real reason that I came by is to ask you if...it was okay, what I did? Was it any good?" Willy cleared his throat, apprehensively, "Did I do a good job?"
You laughed and touched his hand, "Yes, you did. I came twice, Willy. You were a natural. Better than my husband, might I add. And I've been having sex with him for years now. Well, not hardly at all lately, but that's neither here nor there." you shrugged.
"It's just that it was my first time, and I wanted to be sure that you enjoyed it as much as I did." his cheeks became a little bit flushed again, but it was not from the cold this time.
"I definitely did, Willy." you said sincerely, intertwining your fingers with his.
He softly squeezed your hand and nonchalantly looked over to the fireplace area. He shuddered ever so slightly, "That rug."
"Does it do things to you like it does to me? The memory?" you purred as you leaned in close to his ear with an idea creeping into your mind. You bit your lip.
"Yea-yeah, it does. I remember exactly what you looked like laying on that rug.” he turned to look in your eyes. The tension was palpable as your faces were just a few inches apart. “I can't get you out of my head, y/n."
"Ya know, I was about to draw a bath for myself before you came knocking, would you like to get in with me?"
"More than anything." Willy blurted out without hesitation.
Willy had gotten into the hot water first, and you straddled his lap. With the both of you in the tub, the water level was dangerously high. But even if it were to spill onto the bathroom floor, you didn't notice. You were ravaging his lips, and he ran his wet hands all over your body, above and under the water.
Steam rose up from the water, creating a sweltering atmosphere. Your bodies were flushed.
You sank down onto his hard cock, and he rutted up into you. You cried out in pleasure as it slid all the way in. Your breasts bounced, tapping the surface of water and splashing in Willy's face. You grabbed his cheeks and kissed him sloppily as you fucked.
You did your best to grind your hips and keep up with him, but it was a losing battle. You were quickly brought to an orgasm with how fast he was thrusting up into you.
You whimpered as your body went limp, but Willy put his arms around you, and continued to pump his cock in and out. "Oh my God! Willy…Willy Wonka!" you cried, having never felt so good in all your life.
"I gonna come, y/n." he stuttered as his pace slowed and he thrusts became sloppy. He grabbed handfuls of your ass, and gave you a few more strokes as he kissed your face. He groaned in a huff, and you felt his cum filling your pussy.
You hugged him tightly, just needing to be close to him. Willy nuzzled into your neck and you rested your chin on his head. You put your hand on the back of his head, his curls at the nape of his neck were soaked as you pet them.
He looked up at you, his arms still linked around your body, "Kiss me?"
You leaned in and smashed your lips to his, "Mmm." you moaned happily against his mouth. You pulled away and he snuck in another peck to your swollen lips. You put your hands on either side of his chiseled cheekbones, "My angel candy man, dropped on my doorstep, so yummy and cute, with a cock made by the devil." you grinned, kissing him again. You couldn’t get enough. He was addictive like chocolate.
Willy chuckled, "I don't want to be done yet. Need to fill you with more of my cream.”
"Ugh, yes, treat me like one of your fine chocolates, Willy. Fill me, I want it.” you begged, moaning into his lips in another eager kiss.
"Turn over, please?" he asked, in between pecks, puppy dog eyes in full effect.
You couldn't deny his request. He was all you wanted, all you thought about and longed for, and you were going to take him as long as you wanted, as long as he was there. You nodded, swirling yourself in the water so your back was to him. Willy pushed you forward, careful to keep your head above water, and he pulled your hips up. With your ass to the surface and facing him, he held your waist, and slid his dripping wet cock inside you again.
"Ah!" you moaned as he thrusted fast, splashing the water and making it slosh out on the floor. The bathroom was filled with the loud splashing noises he created. You braced yourself on the bottom of the tub with your hands. The bath water sprinkled your face and hair with warm droplets as you took Willy's cock over and over.
After a moment, he let out a huff and you felt him release inside you once more. "Wheeew, sorry y/n. It may take more practice for me to last longer." his breathing was uneven as he spoke. He leaned over your back to leave a kiss on top of your head.
"No," you panted, "it's alright, it was amazing. You bring me more chocolate next week and we’ll practice some more.”
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @chalametbich
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leviathanspain · 10 months
take everything, it’s all yours
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coriolanus snow x reader
synopsis: coryo knows what they’re gonna do to him, and he just wants one last taste
“they’re gonna ship me off, baby..” he whispered. he was panting, having climbed through your second floor apartment window. the hunger games had been declared over, with lucy gray being the victor. coryo had done things he claimed ‘would secure his future’, without ever telling you what they were. but they were enough to land him into trouble, which led him to say his goodbyes.
he moved closer, the bed dipping with his weight. you sat on the bed, hands in your lap as you contemplated. it was the middle of the night, your parents had gone to bed, but you knew that with any noise, they would awake instantly.
“i-“ your hesitation was clear, coryo knew that in order to get you to put out, he would have to do some convincing.
he leaned forward, taking your hands out of your lap, grabbing one and holding it tightly in his grasp. you looked at him, gasping a little as his mouth caught yours. he kissed you roughly, a man starved, as you found a way to match his rhythm.
you couldn’t resist him, not with those gorgeous curls and lust filled sparkle in his eyes. you couldn’t resist him the first time you met him, assigned as his class partner, you would make a fool of yourself to get him to notice you.
now here he was, begging at your feet, just for you to touch him.
you gave in, kissing him in a way that made him know you’d give him what he wanted.
he let his hands fiddle with the fabric of your nightgown. it was a thin silk, pink tinted. he hiked it up, as best as he could before pushing you back into the pillows, hiking it up more to rest above your hips.
he pulled away, and placed the hand in his, on your dress, “hold it.” he whispered, “and shut your mouth.” he warned.
you gulped thickly, nodding as his hands found the seam of your panties. they had a little bow on the front, matching the bows on the straps of your nightgown.
you waited patiently as coryo pulled down your panties, watching them grace the skin of your legs until they reached your feet, where you hastily kicked them off.
coryo wasted no time in holding your legs open, hands finding their comfortable spot on your inner thighs, squeezing them once before beginning to unbuckle his own trousers.
you waited, watching his hard cock spring out from the confinement of his pants. he pumped himself a few times before spitting on his hand, rubbing it over himself.
he pulled your legs down, closer to him, and with better access. he leaned forward, curls brushing the front of your nightgown as he lined himself up with your swollen cunt. you were so wet, he hadn’t realized that the spitting was unnecessary.
“mhm, coryo..” you moaned softly, feeling the head of his cock pushing into you. he was so big, you felt like you’d never get used to it. and considering this could be the last time ever under coriolanus snow, you didn’t think you ever would.
he thrusted in fully, and you couldn’t help the groan that fell from your lips. steadily pushing into you as he leaned above you. “mm, take it…” he grunted, thrusting in harder, watching as your eyes rolled slightly.
you couldn’t contain your moans, “it’s all yours! coryo, take everything…” you cried so loudly, he would have to do it for you. his hand clamped over your mouth, tightly to make sure no one else would hear you.
he found his pace, a rough yet dramatic pace, as if he wanted this to last forever. his hand was still tight on your mouth, his body taut over yours. you moaned, but he could tell you were trying to keep quiet.
but even he seemed to struggle. he groaned softly, your cunt around him, squeezing and not letting him go, was enough to make him cum. but he held out.
you hand loosened on your nightgown and you could feel his breath on you, “hold it!” he whispered, bringing your hand to the fabric, “don’t let it go.” he demanded, thrusting into you even harder.
you knew your cervix would be bruised, it always was a little sore after a night with coryo. you couldn’t contain your moans anymore, not as the knot in your belly got tighter and tighter.
coryo watched as you came undone, his last thrust had sent you over the edge, and you were trembling under his touch. your moans contained only by his hand, and your eyes were just whites.
you shuddered as the feeling overcame you, feeling the loss of his cock.
coryo stroked himself, coated with the juices of your arousal and orgasm, he continued to stroke himself, your eyes lazily watching.
he twitched suddenly, and cum squirted out onto the planes of your belly. he groaned lowly, watching as his cum dripped.
you felt weak, eyes closing momentarily as coryo moved around, grabbing a random shirt to clean you off.
he kissed you, watching as your eyes fluttered shut before he escaped through your window, for the last time.
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alxmarauders · 21 days
Love can be overwhelming | poly! marauders x fem reader
angst / fluff
word count: 1.2 k words
CW: mention of an abusive household
TW: panic attack, it’s not a super detailed scene but it takes up like 1/3 of the fic 🩷
tag list: @staarflowerr @liviessun @reggieswriter @call-me-mishi @moonyxoxo @jaguarthecat @queerndepressed @kerst666 @delusional-4-fake-people @twilightlover2007
part 1 , part 2 , part 3
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Unfortunately, you couldn’t ignore your feelings forever, and you had to learn it in the hard way.
You were feeling slightly anxious, but it wasn’t something you weren’t used to, so you just shoved everything down like you always did and started studying. Ten minutes in, your hands were slightly shaking, but still you brushed it off, until it became so bad you hit your ink bottle, spilling the black liquid all over your papers.  
Suddenly you were in your old room, sat at your little pink desk, staring at the mess in front of you, the tears flowing freely at the prospect of having ruined all of your drawings, while your mother was screaming  at you for being so emotional; to her eyes your emotions were a burden, something to be ashamed of, if you cried you were considered a failure. Pretending to be heartless wasn’t really a choice growing up, more like a way to survive.
Your breath became laboured, suddenly the walls of your room were closing on you, and there wasn’t anything you could do about it. Your hands were now violently shaking, your heart galloping in your chest: you felt a sharp pain to your chest. You tried calling for someone, anyone, but your voice came out as a whisper. This was the first time something like this happened, your symptoms were just like the ones that people describe before having an heart attack: this didn’t help your anxious state, at all. 
You saw through blurry eyes Dorcas and Marlene by the door, their mood rapidly shifting, Cas rushing to you while the other one ran out of your dorm, and you could just feel grateful for being found.  
“Heart… attack, Cas” She shook her head. “Honey, I think it’s a panic attack. Come on, breathe.”
You didn’t even realize that you were holding your breath, maybe that’s why your head started feeling lighter. You inhaled sharply, mimicking Dorcas, who was now holding one of your hands on her chest, encouraging you to follow her movements.
Little by little, you felt your heart beating a little bit slower, your hands now only trembling slightly. After a while, Cas stopped exaggerating her breaths, and you fell in an uncomfortable silence. “Listen, Y/N, we have to go to the infirmary.” You started to protest, but she shushed you. “We have to, okay? You have to talk to a doctor about this, I think it was just a panic attack, but we can’t be too sure. Marlene’s waiting for us, let’s go”
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You laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Madame Pomfrey told the girls to leave, you had to rest, but now you were feeling even more anxious: you thought about all the studying you were missing on to stare at the ceiling. It was pointless, she confirmed it was a panic attack, so what? You couldn’t spend the whole weekend on a hospital bed for it.
You stopped your sulking abruptly, seeing some type of movement in your peripheral vision.  It was slight, so much so that you thought you had imagined it, but then James’s head pop out of nowhere, making you nearly scream.
“Love, we have to talk, but we can’t do it here. So, crawl to me, we’re going to escape” Despite the fight you had, you couldn’t help but giggle slightly, doing as you were told. Once you were both under the invisibility cloak, staring into each other eyes, James sighed slightly, releasing a sigh. “Darling, we’re so, so sorry you have no idea how much. Dorcas told us you had a panic attack, we know we caused it” He kissed your forehead, making you melt under his touch. “The others are waiting for us, let’s go”
So, you followed him, paying extra attention to not make any noise. As soon as you stepped foot in the astronomy tower, Sirius ran to you, hugging you close to his chest. You stayed like that for a while, until you felt him sniffle: looking up to his eyes, they were puffy and red. “Angel, I am an awful boyfriend” You were about to contradict him, but he kept talking. “You had a panic attack and it was all my fault, if you want to break up, you’re totally right: I’ll leave, I shouldn’t have told you all of those things, you are the love of my life, and I messed everything up like I always do, I’m such a shitty-“
You slapped his face slightly, making him startle, then proceeded to kiss him. He melted under your touch, his hands found their way to your waist, holding you impossibly close to him.
After a while, you sighed, pulling yourself away from his embrace. “It wasn’t completely your fault, you know. I haven’t told you this yet, well, maybe I wasn’t even planning to, but I owe you an explanation. My parents weren’t… the best, and I’ve always been emotional. I know it might sound strange, but I cried literally at everything, and they used to shout at me for being weak. So, I had to build some type of armour, you know?” You took a deep breath, smiling despite the sharp pain you felt every time you talked about it, and the knot that made talking feel impossible. “It hurts to think about it, you know?”
“You don’t have to talk about it, we get it. It’s just- Why didn’t you tell us sooner? It’s nothing to be ashamed of, we would have been more careful” James looked at you like his heart just broke.
“I know, I should have, but I didn’t want to be a burden. Sirius receives those stupid letters every month, what I went through is nothing compared to what his family does to this day. My mother hasn’t reached out in what? Three years? It’s not a problem anymore, I just get overwhelmed sometimes”
Remus was frowning, but it was Sirius to talk. “Listen, just because they aren’t there to belittle you every chance they get, doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt you; these things are hard to get rid of, and I know this better than anyone else. Your body remembers what they told you, and you have to face that, but you don’t have to do it alone, understood? You can talk to us, you can tell us what you need, and we will do it for you, because we love you, and we’ll always be there for you”
You didn’t know if it was Sirius’s words or the fact that for the first time, you felt like you were being listened to, but as soon as the long-haired guy stopped talking you started crying like you hadn’t cried in a long time, your chest heaving. Your inner child was just now understanding that her feeling had always been valid, that she had never been too much.
“Love, what happened, please talk to us?” James voice sounded close to crying, but you just smiled through the tears, shaking your head.
“I-“ You stopped, clearing your throat. “I finally feel seen”
And as they crowded on you, hugging you close to their chest, you knew you’d be alright.
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vanteguccir · 2 months
let’s get horny?! don’t mind if i do 🥰🤭
i need chris to come and ruin me while he calls me his pretty girl
── ୨୧ ! a small blurb of Chris ruining you while calling you his pretty girl
        𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
Y/N sat on the edge of the bed, her heart racing as she looked up at Chris. His eyes were dark with desire, a smirk playing on his lips as he took in the sight of her so surrendered.
Without a word, he reached out, pulling her up roughly by her chin and crashing his lips onto hers. The kiss was urgent and hungry, and she could feel the raw need in every movement. His hands roamed her body, sliding beneath the thin fabric of her - his - shirt to caress her skin. She moaned into his mouth, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pressed closer.
Chris broke the kiss, his breath hot against her ear as he whispered.
"Lie back."
She complied, her body trembling with anticipation as she lay back on the bed. Chris followed, his weight pressing down on her in a way that made her feel both vulnerable and safe. His lips trailed down her neck, his teeth grazing her skin in a way that sent shivers down her spine.
He reached the neckline of her shirt, his fingers hooking beneath it to yank it down, exposing her boobs to his hungry gaze. His mouth descended on one nipple, his tongue flicking over the sensitive bud before he sucked hard, drawing a gasp from her lips. His hand moved to the other breast, kneading it roughly as his mouth continued its assault.
"You're so beautiful." He muttered against her skin, his voice rough with need. "So pretty. My pretty girl, yeah?"
Y/N arched into him, her hands clutching at his shoulders as he lavished attention on her breasts.
"Chris, please." She whimpered, her voice trembling with desire.
He lifted his head, his eyes burning with intensity.
"Please, what?" He demanded, his hand sliding down her body to the waistband of her panties.
"Please, I need you." She pleaded, her hips lifting to meet his touch.
Chris's smirk deepened as he ripped her lace panties off, tossing them aside. He pressed a finger against her slick folds, groaning at how wet she was for him.
"You need me here?" He asked, his voice a low growl as he teased her entrance.
"Yes." She breathed, her body arching off the bed in desperation. "Please, Chris."
He didn't make her wait. He thrust two fingers inside her, his touch rough and demanding. Y/N cried out, her body writhing beneath him as he pumped his fingers in and out, hitting all the right spots. His thumb found her clit, rubbing hard circles that had her seeing stars.
"You're so wet for me." He growled, his breath hot against her ear. "Do you know how much I love making you feel this way? Huh, pretty?"
She could only moan in response, her body trembling with the intensity of his touch. Chris's fingers worked her relentlessly, pushing her closer and closer to the edge. She clutched at the sheets, her body on fire as he drove her towards release.
"Chris, I'm going to-" She gasped, her voice breaking as the wave of pleasure crashed over her. She cried out his name, her body convulsing with the force of her orgasm.
Chris didn't stop. He continued to finger her, his thumb pressing hard against her clit as he extended her orgasm. Y/N's mind went blank, her body consumed by the waves of ecstasy that seemed to go on forever.
When she finally came down from her high, Chris withdrew his fingers, his touch gentle as he caressed her trembling body. He kissed her hard, his lips a demanding contrast to the tenderness of his touch.
"Are you ready for more?" He asked, his voice a seductive whisper as he positioned himself between her legs.
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, her body already responding to the promise in his eyes.
"Yes." She breathed, her voice barely audible. "Please."
Chris's smirk was predatory as he positioned himself at her entrance, his gaze locked on hers.
"You're mine." He growled as he thrust into her just at the right pace, filling her completely. "Only mine, pretty girl."
Y/N cried out, her hands clutching at his shoulders as he began to move, his thrusts hard and relentless. He filled her completely, each movement sending waves of pleasure through her body. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing her heels against his ass, pulling him deeper, needing more of him.
Chris's pace quickened, his thrusts becoming harder and more demanding.
"You're so fucking tight." He groaned, his voice thick with desire. "Y' feel so good."
She could only moan in response, her body writhing beneath him as he took her higher and higher. His hand moved between them, his fingers finding her clit and rubbing it in time with his thrusts.
"Chris, I can't-" She gasped, her body trembling on the edge of another release.
"Yes, you can." He growled, his voice a low, seductive command. "Come for me, pretty girl."
His words were her undoing. With a loud and almost pornographic moan, she came again, her body convulsing around him as the waves of pleasure washed over her. Chris's thrusts became erratic, his own orgasm following hers as he buried himself deep inside her, his groan of pleasure echoing in the room.
They collapsed together, their bodies entwined, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Chris held her close, his hand gently stroking her hair as they basked in the afterglow of their intense lovemaking.
"You're amazing." He murmured, his voice full of love and admiration. "My pretty girl."
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with love for the man who had just made her feel more alive than ever.
"My pretty boy."
I wrote this with a shitty migraine, so I'm sorry if it's not that good :(
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mrs-weasley-reid · 2 months
hi hiiiii! I was wondering if you could do a Hotch x reader where there’s maybe an age gap and it’s based on Peter by Taylor swift? I’m obsessedddd with that song. Thankssss <3
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Aaron Hotchner x reader
Synopsis: He said he'll change. You believed he'd change. It's no one's fault, really. Waiting forever is just too long for heartache. WARNING: angst. pure free writing. 700+ word count. not proofread!!! A/N: tysm for this req!!! The age gap was vague, and honestly, the gap is like 9-10 yrs, r around late 20s. Also can anyone believe I sat, played the song, wrote along, and called it a day? The power of a TS song is just unmatched. I strongly suggest listening to the song while reading it.
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  Aaron’s late.
  You stare at the empty seat across from you. Then, glance at the loud ticking over the mantle. Ten past eleven. Dinner was eight.
  Deep inhales mixed with salty tears you aren’t aware have been flowing for the past five minutes enter your lungs. There’s a tug in your chest that you swear to be a phantom. You smile ever so softly with a sniff as you tuck your head to study the cold dinner on your plate.
  Was it too last minute? Was it on you?
  You told Aaron about dinner two months ago. He said he had it written down and made a note on his phone’s calendar. He said he’d make it this time. Was he lying?
  The pit of your stomach sinks. And you wonder what else he lies about.
  Hot, achy streams trail down a path on your cheeks. You stand and clear out the table, covering his serving and throwing out yours. You watch as the residue drains down the sink.
  Aaron promised.
  And you believed it like any other promises he’d broken before.
  And you’ll believe him again and again and again until there are no more promises he could outswore.
  And it’s depressing because you know you’ll forgive him every single time like a chore.
  And it’s heartbreaking because he’ll make the same promises.
  And it hurts to know he’ll never keep any of it.
  Because he’s Aaron Hotchner. The man who saves lives. The man who put away monsters. The man who’s done many good things to the world. The man who caught your heart and dropped it many times, just for him to fix it with a consolation smile.
  Aaron once said you're his favorite book. He's read you enough times to know the important lines in mind. Just never enough to notice the spaces in between by heart. Maybe it's your fault for being easy to read. Or you're just not smart enough to read Aaron. Not mature enough to understand his limbs of idioms.
  And Aaron tries. God knows you try. He does his best, and you do yours. It's no one's fault that his best is so little, and your best goes unnoticed.
  You zip around your luggage, taking a moment to see how empty the drawer Aaron saved just for you. What will he put there now?
  A familiar tune rings. The tightness on your chest, along with the sobs that echo in the empty bedroom, muffle his call into a far buzzing sound.
  With a sharp gulp to clear the ache in your throat, you pick up, “[Hey, honey…]”
  He won’t show.
  But he promised. Your heart cries in agony. And you hug your middle like a child who deserves everything the world can offer as you reply, I know.
  Where are you?
  When are you coming home?
  Why aren’t you here?
  “Hey, sweet man,” Comes out of your lips, masking a shaky sob.
  There’s a sigh on the other end, “[I’m sorry. I won’t make it to dinner. Did you wait long?]”
  You always do. You wait until the daylight peeks in the window. Wait for him to return every single time.
  “After almost burning the house down. I think you would’ve waited longer if you had come.” The laugh comes out damp. You like to think you’re getting better at it. Lying to make him feel better.
  He hums. “[I’m sure it still would’ve tasted amazing.]” Aaron wouldn’t have known. He hasn’t known what your amazing cooking tastes like for a long time because he’s never shown up for a very long time.
  You wipe your tears and take a deep breath before staring into the place you’d once ached to call your home. Reminded by a series of his apologies and empty promises. The place where you burned all by yourself like a candle in the middle of winter.
  And now’s the final flicker of your light.
  “[Still there, honey?]”
  You give your best to sound naturally groggy, “Sorry, handsome… I had an early morning.” A lie over your breath.
  “[Go ahead and rest. I’ll see you when I get home?]”
  You grab the handle of your luggage. Memories of his sweet words flicker, clutching onto false hopes.
  You make a promise that you’ll call him to explain.
  To end things maturely.
  To offer closure.
  To meet acceptance.
  To move on.
  You promise to grow better as a person so that you’d understand an increment of the reason why he can’t make you his person.
  You promise to cross Aaron’s path again one day. When he’s old and gray. When you don’t need to pray. When you know, he’ll stay.
  Placing the spare keys on the bowl, your fingers press the switch to dark.
  “See you when you get home.”
  It’s a promise you won’t keep.
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hotch masterlist | masterlist
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fandomxo00 · 9 days
Definitely need a part 2 to you hate Logan but have a daughter together
Ok but imagine this: Part 2
You hate Logan but have a daughter together
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You jolted awake from a nightmare, gasping as tears ran down your face. You'd imagined the worse chase scenario; your baby and Logan being murdered. You were helpless in this situation and all you could do was watch as the people you loved the most died. You shoved your blankets off your body, the excess heat made the sheets stick to your body. You scooched out of bed to realize that Hazel wasn't in your tonight, reaching over and feeling the old side of the bed was still something you'd never get used to. You got up slinging Logan's old hoodie over your shoulders and zipping it up before walking over to put on your slippers.
You darted down the hallway towards Logan's room, turning the knob and pushing the door inside. You didn't expect to see the left side of the bed to be occupied by your hunk of an ex with his eyes open. All you wanted to do was peak into the room to see that they were okay. But a light illumainted the room and his eyebrows furrowed immediately as he sat up in bed. "What happened?"
"Just wanted to check on Haze." You murmured, swallowing the lump in your throat. You tried to avoid looking at Logan's barely clothed chest, a ribbed tank top that tucked into his jeans. You gazed over at your daughter, sleeping soundly in the crib next to his bed, similar to your own. You felt tears creep into your eyes as you saw them safe and sound in the mansion, but the feeling dawned on you. What if they weren't? Your hand came up to cover your mouth as you looked away from him. You took a step back, "I should go-." You choked softly, as Logan stood up walking towards you, his hand reaching out.
"Hey, did you have a nightmare?"
He remembered.
You couldn't meet his eyes as you felt his presence move closer, his hand coming to your chin. "Baby, Hazel's here. You know she's safe, I'd never-."
"I couldn't do anything-I was completely helpless and they took you both, I watched you and Hazel die-." You started to sob, as he moved forward to try and muffle your cries against his chest. The smell of tobacco and pine, his natural musk that always made you feel at home. You found comfort in his arms, something you haven't felt in so long, it felt so right to be in Logan's embrace.
"Not going anywhere, we aren't." Logan promised, his hand coming up to move the hair away from your face, wiping the fresh tears on your cheeks. "Safe here with me." You breathed out shakily as you looked into his eyes, over a year of repressed emotions coming to the surface. He was enveloping all of your senses, and it was suddenly so easy to remember why you fell in love with him, why you gave him so many chances, why you had a child with him. Logan was a good man who made mistakes, and you needed time to forgive him. You don't know if that time is right now, but it would be a near possibility.
You leant into Logan's hand as your doe eyes met his, Logan's other hand coming to wrap around your back. Pulling you into him as his nose pressed to the side of yours. One of your hands coming to his neck, feeling the hair at the back of his neck. "I've missed you more than anything." Logan whispered, looking into your eyes with a sheepish look of longing. "Would wait forever to just hold you, I would." He nodded when you gave a subconscious shake of your head at his words.
"Logan." Your voice trembled as tears rose back up into your eyes. Your hand slid up from his neck to his mutton chops, feeling the dark hair between your fingers. "I hate that I still love you."
"I don't." Logan gruffed, huffing out a soft chuckle. Your eyes looked down at his lips, deciding to not kiss him as you leant your forehead on his shoulder. "Let's go back to bed, c'mon."
"Are you sure-."
"Yeah, doll. Come on in."
tags: @ohtobemare @jessjessmarvelandhp @chronicallybubbly @delicateholland @bubblegumholland @mega-kittyglitter-1
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sparkrls · 7 months
delayed proposal
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Summary: in which Harry’s got a few secrets up his sleeve and Y/N just wants to know if he’s going to propose
Author’s Note: this is the blurb i was talking about with bandmates!harry x y/n. remember to like and reblog because i crave validation. love ya <3
Word Count: 1.1k
“Are you going to propose soon?” Was the last question Harry expected to be uttered out of Y/N’s bright pink lips.
It was just another Sunday night, the couple trying to enjoy those last fleeting moments of weekend relaxation before Monday arrived with the usual burden and obligations of being working adults.
In little less than 12 hours, Y/N would be back to her 9-5 job being an assistant to a high-class executive of a finance company. Her boss had too much authority for being so irresponsible and more money than anyone would need in a lifetime. What a luxury it must be to have your dad pass down a company you didn’t know how to run down to you.
Her boss wasn’t a horrible person, he was quite respectful and kind when asking her to do tasks, he was just a very exploitative executive. He had learned from his father to be unbending and demanding.
Y/N’s work paid a good wage, enough for her to pay her bills and still have a bit left. She wasn’t one to buy luxuries, though, preferring to save money up so she could one day quit her 9-5. And then dedicate herself to the things she did every day after work: picked up her red electric guitar, adorned a black skirt that bordered on too short, and perform for (currently small) crowds of people who cheered her band on as they played.
There wasn’t anything Y/N loved quite as much as the rush of being on stage, the bass making the stage shake with each loud thrum, sticks clashing with plates of a drum and the velvet voice of an angel, Harry singing through the microphone and his eyes on her and her fingers moving over the fret of the guitar.
They played small clubs and rundown bars, getting payed a poor wage for the extrenous effort used to get four adults with full time jobs to align their schedules in order to rehearse. Sometimes all they got were free drinks, but they took what they could get and did it for the love of it.
That was how they got here, on Harry’s couch, his arm draped around her shoulders, and her head on his chest. They were watching Bluey, the way they did most nights they spent together. He would always roll his eyes when Y/N suggested it, pretending to hate it, but she knew it was his favorite show, and he always cried at the emotional episodes.
Their instruments lay forgotten on the table, his blue guitar next to her red one, as they’d spent most of the afternoon drinking beer and writing a new song.
It was a question that had been lingering in the back of Y/N’s mind, and she wasn’t quite sure why she chose that moment to blurt it out, but she did. “Are you going to propose soon?”
Harry’s gaze turned to her, eyebrows raised in light surprise, a small breath exhaled between his lips in a faint chuckle. “What?”
It was too late to take it back, so Y/N sat up and told him, “You’ve always talked about wanting to settle down and get married.” His features remained in small confusion. “We’ve been together for a while. Are you going to marry me?”
“Well, of course I’m going to marry you,” Harry said, like it were some scientific fact that everyone knew and was unchangeable. “You’re my forever, baby. I’ve written about a hundred songs about it.” His lips turned up in a smile. That smile he wore every time he told her he loved her, with a cocky and smug edge as if he were teasing her, laced with affection.
“I don’t mean we have to get married this instant, but I just, I guess we’ve never talked about if we were getting engaged or when and I-“
“Baby,” Harry cut off her nervous rambling, chuckling. He kissed her, soft lips with cracked edges from the cold and dry weather. “I already know what ring I’m going to buy. I’m just saving up for it.”
Y/N’s mind blanked for a moment. “You’re already thinking about rings?” Her lips parted in surprise.
Harry rolled his eyes. “Yes, silly girl. You’re not the only one thinking about marriage.” He smiled at her, reassuring her that he was just teasing. “In case you haven’t noticed yet, I’m hopelessly in love with you.”
“Oh,” Y/N said, still in shock. Here she was, getting all nervous and insecure about marriage and he had already been planning to propose. Her question now seemed a bit foolish. She looked up at him and said, “You know I don’t need some needlessly expensive ring, right? You could buy it on Aliexpress and I couldn’t care less.”
Harry looked at her with slight amusement. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah,” Y/N said with a small nod. “It’s stupid to spend money on a ring when it doesn’t make much of a difference.”
Harry sighed. “Baby, it’s not about the ring being expensive. It’s about the ring being a symbol for my devotion to you. And I want my devotion to be apparent in the beauty of it.” He tapped the finger on her left hand where the ring would lay. “No, I don’t have to spend money on an expensive ring. That’s why I’m not just getting a huge diamond. I’m getting something you’ll love.”
“But it’s expensive and it’s a waste of money on a simple ring-“
“Is it just a ring? Or is it a symbol of matrimony, of us being together forever?” Harry said gently, correcting her statement. “Not to mention you’re going to be wearing that ring every day ‘till you die.”
Y/N made a sound of contradiction. “Unless we get a divorce.”
Harry stared at her blankly for a few moments. He deadpanned, “Not funny.”
“Kinda funny,” Y/N said with a small smile.
She waited for Harry’s stern gaze to soften with adoration the way it always did. It only took a few moments for his composure to crumble and he leaned in close to her. His nose grazed against hers as he muttered quietly, “You’re going to be the death of me.”
The way he said it sounded like a declaration of love. Everything he said to her did. Because his love could never be called in to doubt. It shone through every word he uttered, every song he wrote, every thing he did.
His lips locked onto hers once again, the tension in his muscles melting away as if all he needed to feel complete was to be pressed against her. To have every inch of skin surrounding her, the taste of beer still on her tongue, and the scent of spring enveloping his senses.
“I’m going to marry you,” Harry uttered, an oath murmured against her lips before placing a hand on the back of her neck, pulling her close once again.
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We don't talk enough about Ron's mean streak
Like, I saw a lot of people talk about how funny Ron is (which is true, he's genuinely one of the funnier characters in the series), how loyal he is when it counts, he's brave as hell, and he is really smart, just not book smart. But what I don't see talked about enough (maybe it's just me though), is Ron Weasley's mean streak.
I talked about how Harry most definitely has what it takes to be a Slytherin, can be scary, and is willing to kill when push comes to shove. I also mentioned Hermione's ruthlessness, but I didn't discuss Ron's mean streak which is a joy when I see it crop up in the book. When it comes up, it always reminds me of the twins, and I feel like that's where Ron got it from.
So I'm just going to bring up a few quotes I had in my notes showing Ron's mean streak, I'm sure I missed some from the earlier books, but I find it a fun aspect of his character.
Snape cried: “Expelliarmus!” There was a dazzling flash of scarlet light and Lockhart was blasted off his feet: He flew backward off the stage, smashed into the wall, and slid down it to sprawl on the floor. Malfoy and some of the other Slytherins cheered. Hermione was dancing on tiptoes. “Do you think he’s all right?” she squealed through her fingers. “Who cares?” said Harry and Ron together.
(CoS, 178)
This type of reaction is seen with Ron pretty often. He really doesn't care when someone he dislikes is hurt or injured and he is very vocal about it. He and Harry kinda share this trait, as seen above.
Later in the other quotes I bring up, I show that Hermione is the one usually playing morality police for Ron and Harry even if she herself isn't as innocent as she likes to act.
He raised Ron’s Spellotaped wand high over his head and yelled, “Obliviate!” The wand exploded with the force of a small bomb. Harry flung his arms over his head and ran, slipping over the coils of snake skin, out of the way of great chunks of tunnel ceiling that were thundering to the floor. Next moment, he was standing alone, gazing at a solid wall of broken rock. “Ron!” he shouted. “Are you okay? Ron!” “I’m here!” came Ron’s muffled voice from behind the rockfall. “I’m okay — this git’s not, though — he got blasted by the wand —” There was a dull thud and a loud “ow!” It sounded as though Ron had just kicked Lockhart in the shins.
(CoS, 280)
I love this, Lockhart explodes the cave, obliviates himself, and Ron's reaction is to kick him in the shins. I don't know, I just find it hilarious.
“Don’t talk to me,” Ron said quietly to Harry and Hermione as they sat down at the Gryffindor table a few minutes later, surrounded by excited talk on all sides about what had just happened. “Why not?” said Hermione in surprise. “Because I want to fix that in my memory forever,” said Ron, his eyes closed and an uplifted expression on his face. “Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret . . .” Harry and Hermione both laughed, and Hermione began doling beef casserole onto each of their plates. “He could have really hurt Malfoy, though,” she said. “It was good, really, that Professor McGonagall stopped it —” “Hermione!” said Ron furiously, his eyes snapping open again, “you’re ruining the best moment of my life!”
(GoF, 207)
Here you see Hermione the morality police crop up, but I'm talking about Ron here.
Hermione is definitely right in that Draco could've been seriously hurt, but Ron is just glad he saw Malfoy suffering. Actually, in the scene before it, Ron was the one who wanted to curse Malfoy and was held back by Harry and Hermione (as well as in the eat slugs situation in CoS), like, with as much as Harry calls Draco his nemesis, it really feels like Ron is the one that hates Draco and thinks of him as his nemesis.
“She’s an awful woman [Umbridge],” said Hermione in a small voice. “Awful. You know, I was just saying to Ron when you came in . . . we’ve got to do something about her.” “I suggested poison,” said Ron grimly.
(OotP, 324)
I love you, Ron.
This is one of my favorite quotes for him. Hermione shuts down the poison idea, but I think they should've given it a shot, I think it could've been fun.
It would've been cathartic for them at least.
“You take Remedial Potions?” asked Zacharias Smith superciliously, having cornered Harry in the entrance hall after lunch. “Good Lord, you must be terrible, Snape doesn’t usually give extra lessons, does he?” As Smith strode away in an annoyingly buoyant fashion, Ron glared after him. “Shall I jinx him? I can still get him from here,” he said, raising his wand and taking aim between Smith’s shoulder blades. “Forget it,” said Harry dismally. “It’s what everyone’s going to think, isn’t it? That I’m really stup —”
(OotP, 528)
I love how Ron always has Harry's back and is ready to fight anyone (including Sirius who he thought was a mass murderer when he was 13 with a broken leg) for Harry's sake. It's a real vibe the Golden Trio has that they're just ready to drop everything and curse out anyone for each other's sake. They are just so protective of each other and I love this for them, how they are all just each other's people, yk.
It's also another example of how Ron is the one of the trio that offers violence as the answer the most often.
“Reparo!” said Hermione quickly, mending Ron’s cup with a wave of her wand. “That’s all very well, but what if Montague’s permanently injured?” “Who cares?” said Ron irritably, while his teacup stood drunkenly again, trembling violently at the knees. “Montague shouldn’t have tried to take all those points from Gryffindor, should he? If you want to worry about anyone, Hermione, worry about me!”
(OotP, 679)
Again Ron doesn't care for the injury of people who he considers deserving.
“Madam Pomfrey says she’s just in shock,” whispered Hermione. “Sulking, more like,” said Ginny. “Yeah, she shows signs of life if you do this,” said Ron, and with his tongue he made soft clip-clopping noises. Umbridge sat bolt upright, looking wildly around.
(OotP, 849)
Like, regardless of whether Umbridge was SAed or not (for the record, I don't think she was) it's not a nice thing to do. Umbridge is awful, but this is Ron literally spreading salt on the wound. but like I mentioned above, she's in the "deserving it" category.
“will you stop pretending to be asleep when Lavender comes to see you? She’s driving me mad as well.” “Oh,” said Ron, looking sheepish. “Yeah. All right.” “If you don’t want to go out with her anymore, just tell her,” said Harry.
(HBP, 411)
That is honestly so mean. Like, I'm not Lavender's biggest fan, I find her annoying, but she's a teenage girl in her maybe first relationship and she did nothing really wrong. I feel truly sorry for her for how Ron treated her, it wasn't really her fault. It's just mean that he pretends to sleep instead of talking to her.
“Same as he wanted at Christmas,” shrugged Harry. “Wanted me to give him inside information on Dumbledore and be the Ministry’s new poster boy.” Ron seemed to struggle with himself for a moment, then he said loudly to Hermione, “Look, let me go back and hit Percy!” “No,” she said firmly, grabbing his arm. “It’ll make me feel better!”
(HBP, 650)
Like, this is peak sibling behavior, but as I mentioned earlier, Ron tends to want to resort to violence more often than Harry and Hermione do (especially in the earlier books, as Harry does grow angrier after Sirius' death). He is usually the one to bring violence up, and I find it an interesting aspect of his character.
And Ron is correct in the fact hitting Percy would make him feel better. Not saying if it's the right thing to do, but Ron really would experience it as satisfying because Percy would deserve it in his mind.
“What are we going to do with them?” Ron whispered to Harry through the dark; then, even more quietly, “Kill them? They’d kill us. They had a good go just now.” Hermione shuddered and took a step backward. Harry shook his head.
(DH, 167)
As I mentioned in one of the Harry posts, Harry is calling the shots, but Ron is the one who offered to kill the Death Eaters. He put that idea on the table. He was relieved when Harry said they shouldn't kill them, but if Harry said it'd be better if they killed them — Ron would've backed him up and done it, while Hermione might've preferred to pretend it wasn't happening.
“That treacherous old bleeder.” Ron panted, emerging from beneath the Invisibility Cloak and throwing it to Harry. “Hermione you’re a genius, a total genius. I can’t believe we got out of that.” “Cave Inimicum. . . Didn’t I say it was an Erumpent horn, didn’t I tell him? And now his house has been blown apart!” “Serves him right,” said Ron, examining his torn jeans and the cuts to his legs, “What’d you reckon they’ll do to him?” “Oh I hope they don’t kill him!” groaned Hermione, “That’s why I wanted the Death Eaters to get a glimpse of Harry before we left, so they knew Xenophilius hadn’t been lying!”
(DH, 424)
Again, Ron not caring/enjoying when people who deserve it suffer. Xenophilius wanted to help them, he tried to persuade them not to come into his home at first so he wouldn't give them in, he tried so hard even though the Death Eaters had his daughter! Harry rightly feels bad for Xenophilius and Luna, it's easy to understand why he did what he did.
Hermione and Harry hope he is fine, but Ron is the one who thinks he has it coming. That he deserves to have his house blown up for betraying them, regardless of his reasoning.
I think Ron is the most black-and-white in his thoughts about people among the trio. There are those who deserve anything that comes to them and those who don't. Specific circumstances and context don't really play a part in what bad people deserve coming to them.
I don't know, I just find this interesting.
Harry has the compassion to understand people, even ones who harmed him or the people he cares about, he is capable of forgiving Voldemort and never really hated Draco.
Hermione is pretty black-and-white in her view of people, having the people she trusts and those she doesn't. She trusts Snape because he's an authority figure trusted by Dumbledore (and Hermione is the one who is truly Dumbledore's woman true and true in the books). Her view on people has less to do with their actions, but who they are endorsed by. She is compassionate to Xenophilius because he's Luna's dad, and Luna is good, therefore, she wouldn't love someone who is bad.
Ron is black-and-white in how he sees people in a very different way than Hermione. He looks at actions, and if you do anything to try and harm him or people he cares about, you get on the shit list. Getting out of Ron's shit list is probably not easy, he doesn't strike me as one who forgives easily and readily the way Harry does, but he does forgive. Like actions can get you on his shit list, actions can get you out. But once a person is on the shit list, they deserve any harm that comes their way.
But Ron is really loyal, and there are people he loves who are basically immune from going on the shit list (like his family, yes, even Percy. While he wants to hit him, I don't believe Ron ever really wished death on Percy). And there is just something interesting about Ron, with his mean streak and everything, being the glue that holds the trio together. Like, in Deathly Hallows once he leaves, Harry and Hermione barely talk to each other, they are barely friends without Ron there.
I don't know, I just love Ron. I love how he is loyal, and friendship glue, but has just as much of a mean streak to him as Harry and Hermione can pull. I just feel like he's sometimes left out of the discussion of how ruthless Harry and Hermione could be. Like, it's true, both of them can be ruthless, but don't leave Ron out. He can be ruthless and actually offers violence as a solution more often than Harry or Hermione do.
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dumbseee · 1 year
i’ll protect you.
f1 au/fic: in which y/n is a driver for ferrari, her and lando have been friends since childhood and started together in formula one. their closeness sometimes confused their friends. ask them if they were more than friends, they will laugh and say that they were just friends. but one day during a race, y/n got involved in a major crash. which made lando realise how scared he was to loose her.
lando norris x driver!reader
(fc: maggie lindemann)
warnings: mention of crash, carlos is still a mclaren driver with lando, mention of injuries.
note: english isn’t my first language so this may contains some mistakes xx (idk what to think about this one tbh)
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, lewishamilton and 3 799 087 others.
y/n: ready for tonight’s race! your girl is going to get that damn podium, mark my words xx
landonorris: in your dreams kiddo
y/n: @.landonorris you’re three months older than me.
lewishamilton: good luck y/n!
liked by y/n.
fan2: GO Y/N
fan3: with that car i’ll be praying for your safety first bestie
fan4: praying for your first podium!
lilymhe: i’m rooting for you!
alex_albon: @.lilymhe i’m literally right HERE
liked by y/n.
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"dude, you should sit down." carlos’s voice echoed in lando’s head which almost made him jump. he didn’t even realise that he was walking around the hospital’s hallways like a maniac. the driver sighed and sat down next to his teammate, carlos squeezed lando’s shoulder to show him that he was there too.
a few drivers were at the hospital, waiting to know if you were okay. daniel, carlos, charles, alex and of course lando were there. to be fair, all the drivers wanted to come but crowding the hospital wasn’t the right thing to do so only your closest friends came while the others went back home but waited for news too.
"are you y/n l/n’s friends ?" finally a doctor came, lando immediately stood up and almost ran to the older man. "she’s out of surgery, she’s very lucky that the firefighters were quick to get her out of the car because she has some burns on her arms and legs but nothing major." the doctor felt kinda uncomfortable to have that many men surrounding him, but he added, "she has a broken arm and a sprained ankle. it could’ve been worse so whoever prayed for her tonight, it worked. she’s awake, so you can see her, but be gentle."
"you should go first." charles told lando, who still looked out of it. "i think she’d prefer to see you first than daniel or alex." he adds with a smile. "uh, first of all this is rude." daniel answer while pointing his finger at charles, which lighten up the mood. "we ALL know i’m her favorite."
lando smiled and thanked his friends before slowly entering your room. he almost choked on his own saliva when he saw you laying on your bed, looking lifeless. this wasn’t you, you were far from being lifeless, you were literally the life of the party. always smiling, cracking jokes, making fun of alex or george will the others would laugh. but there you are, breathing through tubes and covered in bandages. your eyes were closed, lando took a look at your face and swallowed back tears.
he hated it, he hated seeing you being hurt, he couldn’t close his eyes because he’d see the crash again and again. the sound of your car smashing against the barriers, the smell of burnt, gasoline, the sound of the ambulance, the audience’s screams and cries, the commentators struggling to find their words. for a second everyone thought you were dead, everyone including lando. for a second, he thought about a world where you weren’t there anymore, and the only thing he could see was the dark. a world without you meant a world where the sun wouldn’t go up anymore, where happiness was gone forever.
lando let himself fall on the chair behind him and completely broke down. the tears wouldn’t stop from running down his cheeks, he didn’t know that he was capable of crying that much tears. he couldn’t stop sobbing either.
"l-lando?" the driver jumped and immediately stood up when he saw that you were waking up. "y/n? fuck, y/n can you hear me?" he didn’t know if he could touch you, too afraid to hurt you even more. "yes i can so please lower your voice." you furrowed your eyebrows and opened your eyes. the sight before you broke your heart, a sobbing lando, with a worried expression.
"what happened?" you asked, while trying to get up but a sharp pain stopped you. lando gently pushed you back against the bed. "i almost lost you, that’s what happened." he softly pushed a strand of black hair away from your face and sat down, taking your hand in his. "fuck… everything is coming back to me now." you mumbles and bite your lip. you take a look at your body and notice a huge cast on your left leg and a second one on your right arm. you also had a few bruises on your face and left arm caused by the fire.
"how are you feeling?" he asked you, while caressing your hand softly. "could’ve been better, so not only did i not make it to the podium, but i also almost died, what a performance." you laughed and expected lando to laugh with you but he just dropped your hand and looked at you with a hurt expression. "wha-…"
"how can you say it like that? how can you joke about death when you almost lost your life for real? y/n i don’t think you understand how worried sick i was to fucking lose you! i saw everything! the whole crash happened in front of me! i saw the firefighters pull you out of your car, i saw you being literally lit on fire! i couldn’t even move from my car, i felt helpless and useless. i even wondered if the crash happened because of me." he snapped, he wasn’t yelling but his tone was loud enough for you to understand that he was really pissed at your joke.
you felt bad, you didn’t know that lando witnessed everything and now you felt terrible. how traumatic that must’ve been for him. you didn’t know how you would’ve reacted if lando had crashed in from of you. "lando, i didn’t know i’m-…" he cut you off again, he ran a hand though his hair. "let me finish, please." you bite your bottom lip and nodded.
"the thought of loosing you made me fucking sick. i threw up when i got out of the car, i wanted to see you so bad but the way your team stopped me from seeing you made me think it was over. and do you know what a world without you looks like to me? nothing, that shit cannot exist, because a world without you means a world without me. if you fucking die, y/n, best believe that i’m going with you." his words made you cry, silent tears kept streaming down your face. when he saw it, he closed his eyes and kissed your forehead.
"i didn’t want to make you cry, i’m so sorry." he continues to kiss your forehead and then kissed your cheek. "no, i’m sorry for making you so worried about me." you answer while grabbing his hand. he smiles at you and start to kiss every little bruise on your arm. his gentle gesture made you cry even more. "i swear to take care of you now." he adds while connecting his forehead to yours. you both close your eyes and enjoy the peaceful moment until you both heard noises coming from behind the door of your room.
"ouch! you fucking stepped on my foot, càbron!" carlos’s voice could be heard which made you smile. "move your ass leclerc, i can’t hear shit." now it was daniel’s. "all of you shut up they’re going to hear us!" alex added. "aie! carlos what the fuck! that was my foot!" charles almost yelled to his friend. "see how it hurts?" added the spaniard, with a devilish laugh.
lando and you both started laughing at your friends shenanigans, knowing damn well they were behind the door trying to listen to your conversation.
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, alex_albon and 1 690 097 others.
y/n: thank you for being my guardian angel <3
landonorris: always and forever my love
danielricciardo: i can’t believe you have no words for me when i had to sleep with carlos and he pushed me off the bed with his fat ass
carlossainz55: @.danielricciardo LIAR
alex_albon: @.danielricciardo i slept on a CHAIR
charles_leclerc: @.danielricciardo i slept on the GROUND.
fan1: im so glad she’s okay
fan2: OMG LANDO AND Y/N???
maxverstappen1: glad you’re okay y/n! can’t wait to see you on track again!
liked by y/n.
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mechaknight-98 · 2 months
The hounds of Apophis (NSFW) FT Sakura Miyawaki and Jihyo
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Author’s Notes: The finale of my Sakura series. I will definitely still be writing her but this continuity with Daigo is Done. I may write one shots later but for now Sakura, Jihyo and Daigo’s story is Complete.
Daigo woke up to the sound of doors knocking. He sighed and got up to answer it after putting his pants on. Reborn was at the door.
“It’s time to go home,” he said. Daigo nodded and turned to the bedroom. Despite knowing that he should go back, he felt himself longing to stay here with Kura and Jihyo. “Oh fuck,” he thought to himself, realizing he already had a nickname for her. Daigo sighed and turned back to Reborn.
“Okay,” he said, saddened. Reborn chuckled and said, “You know you can have all of this if you just go back and take it.” Daigo nodded. He took out his phone and stared at the photo of him, Kura, and Jihyo all together.
As he got ready to leave, Kura and Jihyo woke up, curious about the commotion.
“Where are you going, Daigo?” Kura asked, on high alert.
“Back 10 years ago, where hopefully we can be together again.” Jihyo and Kura both gave worried looks.
“Can’t you stay?” Jihyo asked, saddened. Daigo pondered his choices before saying, “I gotta go home. My breeding bitch has been left alone long enough.” Both Jihyo and Kura began to cry, and Daigo walked over to them.
“Hey, don’t cry. If everything goes well, we’ll be together ten years as opposed to one day,” he said as he wiped their tears. The two ladies smiled, and Daigo said, “See you yesterday,” before heading out with Reborn.
On the way back, Daigo’s longing turned into incandescent rage as he pondered the life Tobi had taken from him. His heart was heavy as lead. When they arrived back outside his apartment 10 years previously (four days later from his present), he was shocked to see Kura waiting for him with Jihyo.
He opened the door, and the girls looked at him, shocked. Kura cried and ran to him. She held him tight before screaming, “Where were you?”
“Would you believe ten years in the future?” Daigo said, and Kura rolled her eyes.
Jihyo's thoughts raced as she sat beside Kura. She watched Daigo interact with Kura, feeling a pang of jealousy mixed with admiration. She found herself admiring Daigo’s quiet strength and determination. His willingness to fight for what he believed in drew her to him. But it wasn’t just Daigo she found herself drawn to. Kura's unwavering loyalty and fierce protectiveness captivated her as well.
As she watched Kura cry and embrace Daigo, Jihyo's heart fluttered. She had always felt a connection with Kura, one that was different from her feelings for Daigo. There was something about Kura's fiery spirit and tender heart that made Jihyo’s heart race.
Jihyo sighed inwardly. She knew her feelings were complicated. She was falling for both Daigo and Kura and the realization both thrilled and terrified her. As Daigo comforted them, Jihyo found herself wishing she could hold onto this moment forever, with both of them by her side.
As they sat there together, the weight of all of their feelings and uncertain futures hung in the air. Jihyo's thoughts spiraled, imagining a world where they could all be together without the looming threats and heartbreak. She bit her lip, pushing away the daydream. Reality was far from her fantasies, but she couldn’t help but hope.
Daigo’s words brought her back to the present. She met his gaze, feeling a spark.
When she lets go the trio sit down together. Uncontrollably Daigo looks at Jihyo with a hunger that Kura recognizes. It infuriates her but for some reason also feels natural like she’s madly jealous but also okay with it. The look only lasts for a micro instant but it was still noticeable.
“Um, Mrs Park how can I help you?” Daigo asked trying to regain his composure. Jihyo had spaced out as that hungry look he gave almost made her tear open her clothes and demand he fuck her right now.
“Mrs Park?” Daigo repeated
“Um yeah, I was here for Sakura because Sana couldn’t come.”
There was a heat in the room between the trio that threatened to consume them all. Kura felt it for Jihyo and Daigo. Jihyo felt it for Kura and Daigo. Daigo felt it for Kura and Jihyo.
They sat silently for a few moments, hoping this heat and arousal would dissipate but it didn’t. It only grew. Sakura moaned uncontrollably as her core told her to fuck Jihyo and Daigo, but why was she feeling this. She could tell her stud was also under this spell between them. Jihyo took off her sweater as she was starting to sweat too much. Kura’s Jihyo and Daigo’s eyes all wandered each other unapologetic. They drank in each other’s bodies as fantasies of indulging filled each of their minds. Sakura imagined sucking on Jihyo's tits while her stud rammed her from behind. Jihyo imagined both worshiping her body while Daigo imagined a cute date between the three of them.
Before fantasizing turned into action, the doorbell rang. Daigo went to get it. It was Tobi. Daigo’s flame rose instantly as he tensed, but he kept a cool head as he spoke to Tobi.
“What brings you here?” Daigo asked.
Tobi looked behind Daigo and saw Kura and Jihyo, who waved politely. “Oh, just wanted to see if you’re alone.”
What a pathetic excuse, Daigo thought, feeling a surge of annoyance. Does he think he can fool me that easily?
Tobi smirked inwardly. Always pretending to care, Daigo, he thought. As if you believe anyone would want to see you alone.
Daigo responded politely, “I am not, but we can talk outside for a bit.”
Tobi smiled as he said, “Oh, that would be great.”
Great? Hardly. But I’ll play along for now, Tobi mused internally, his smile not reaching his eyes.
Daigo nodded and turned back to his apartment. “Cool… Hey, Kura, and Ji, I’m going to talk to Tobi for a few seconds. I’ll be right back.”
Stay calm, Daigo reminded himself. I need to keep them safe.
Sakura nodded, then said, “Okay, hurry back so we can order food.”
Daigo nodded and walked outside with Tobi. Jihyo gave a cute and exaggerated thumbs-up as only she could.
Idiots, Tobi thought as he followed Daigo. They have no idea who they’re dealing with.
Once outside, Tobi smiled and said, “Okay, so I know we got off on the wrong foot…”
Daigo put his hand up. “I know you’re trying to kill me.”
Tobi went pale as all his planning fell apart without so much as a warning. He watched Daigo carefully as he continued his speech, “Look, I would rather not fight you, but please be aware if you continue down this path, I will wipe out you and your entire clan. Regardless of whatever weapon you have to beat me.”
This can’t be happening, Tobi thought, feeling a cold sweat break out. How does he know? He gulped and said, “Why should I trust you?”
“Because if I am ever forcibly taken from those girls again, I will eliminate any obstacle to get back to them. They are mine as much as I am theirs.”
He looks so pathetic, Daigo thought, seeing the fear in Tobi’s eyes. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
Tobi’s mask fell off as he looked at Daigo with disdain and amusement. He believes he owns them, Tobi thought, barely suppressing a laugh.
“How did you find out?”
“Your last name on your ID.”
A sloppy mistake on your part, Daigo thought. It would help if you had been more careful.
Tobi cursed internally, slapping himself. “Of course! So you know what happens next, right?” he replied.
Daigo nodded. “But it’s up to you. Do you feel like dying today?”
Do I feel like dying? Tobi thought, rage bubbling up inside him. Not today, Daigo. But your day is Today.
Bring it on, Daigo thought, ready for whatever Tobi might try next. I’ll protect them no matter what.
He grabbed Daigo and using a warp bomb threw him into a portal to his clan's hideout. Daigo side as he was thrown through the portal. Daigo rolled on the floor before recovering.
"You don't own Kura!" Tobirama said furiously.
Daigo rolled his eyes and said, "Is that what you think?" before taking out his Knife and revolver. Daigo laughed before being surrounded by 6 ninjas.
Tobirama laughed and said, "Your funeral."
The first five ninjas attacked and Daigo dodged and shot three of them with his revolver taking them out. Another ran at him with a short sword. He dodged and got grazed by the blade. Before landing a fatal blow on their neck. Tobirama watched before taking out the Spear of Finality. The very same one was wielded by the legendary Oda Nobunaga.
"This is where you die," Tobirama said laughing maniacally. Daigo sighed before dismissing his weapons and facing Tobi with bare fists. Daigo ran to Tobirama before tackling him, and knocking the weapon out of his hands. He slammed his elbow into Tobirama's nose before he picked him up and kicked him through a wall. Tobi rolled in pain. He got up and threw a wild haymaker. He dodged and slammed Tobi to the ground then stomped on his head until nothing was left.
He looked to the rest of the ninjas and shrugged, before taking one of their warp bombs and going back home.
Sakura and Jihyo waited patiently for Daigo. They wondered what he could be talking to Tobi about when the door opened again. It was Daigo covered in scrapes bruises and dried blood. Kura and Jihyo's protective instincts rose to see him in this state. As they ran to him to ask what happened. he said, "Wait. I am going to shower then I will explain everything." The two girls nodded, as they followed him to the showers.
He looked at both of them confused. "Um," Daigo said before both girls brought him in for a sloppy three-way kiss. Overwhelmed at the affection Daigo was unsure what to do or how to process his current emotional state, so he let the girls lead the way. Daigo started the bath water before sitting on his toilet numb. He washed some of the blood off his hands so he could put his hands on his face.
"Tobirama is dead," he said after several minutes. Kura looked at him terrified before asking how.
"He was going to kill me so I killed him and six of his clan I believe."
"Why would he do that?" Jihyo asked.
"Because he thinks that I think I "own" Sakura so he was doing this as a means to free her from me," Daigo explained. Kura looked at Daigo's haggard face for any signs of jokes but didn't find any. He could barely keep his eyes open. Kura sighed then joined in as Jihyo and her leaned in for tight hugs. Daigo accepted their affection and said, "I am glad the two of you came."
"So what happens now?" Jihyo asked interested.
"Um we move into together," Kura suggested.
Daigo and Jihyo looked at each other and shrugged. "I am okay with it if you are." Jihyo nodded. Then they all found themselves in a less sloppy but still very passionate three-way kiss.
"Much better Jihyo cooed. Daigo yawned before entering the bath. He rinsed off all the blood and grime before falling asleep. Kura and Jihyo watched with appreciative smiles. They let him sleep. as they went out to his "Balcony"
Jihyo found Sakura sitting on the balcony, enjoying the evening breeze. She hesitated for a moment, then stepped out to join her. Sakura looked up and smiled, patting the seat next to her.
"Hey, Ji. What's up?" Sakura asked, her voice warm and inviting.
Jihyo sat down, fiddling with the hem of her dress. "I wanted to talk to you about something. About Daigo."
Sakura's smile softened. "Sure. What do you want to know?"
Jihyo took a deep breath, trying to organize her thoughts. "I guess… I'm trying to understand my place in all of this. You and Daigo have such a strong connection, and sometimes I feel a bit lost."
Sakura nodded, her eyes thoughtful. "I understand. It can be confusing. But you're an important part of us, Jihyo. Daigo cares about you a lot."
Jihyo smiled, feeling a bit reassured. "I know he does. It's just that this feels super sudden like I feel like I'm intruding on what you two have. Like, I'm the newcomer trying to fit into something already perfect, but I can't help this attraction I feel for the both of you."
Sakura reached out and took Jihyo's hand. "You're not intruding at all. Daigo and I might have a history, but that doesn't make our connection any more important than what we have with you. I think I can speak for him when I say we all feel the same way about each other. Relationships aren't about hierarchy; they're about balance and respect."
Jihyo squeezed Sakura's hand, feeling a warmth spread through her. "How do you do it? How do you handle sharing your love with someone else?"
Sakura chuckled softly. "It's not always easy. But I've learned that love isn't a limited resource. The more you share it, the more it grows. And seeing Daigo happy with you makes me happy too. I also love being with you so in all of this I have no issue. We all complement each other."
Jihyo nodded, absorbing Sakura's words. "I want to be a good partner to both of you. I want to find my place without feeling like I'm taking away from either of you."
"You already are a good partner, Jihyo," Sakura said gently. "Just be yourself. Communicate with us, and let us know how you're feeling. We'll work through it together. Daigo loves you, and I do too. We're a team."
Jihyo smiled, a sense of belonging settling over her. "Thank you, Kura. I needed to hear that."
Sakura leaned in and gave Jihyo a warm hug. "Anytime, Ji. We're in this together, all of us."
"One last question. Is Daigo going to come home beat up like that all the time?" she said worriedly. Sakura turned to Jihyo, and then towards the bathroom.
"He shouldn't but you know, being leaders of these massive underground empires you're bound to make some enemies, but Daigo is pretty good about being good. From what I have heard about him not many have issues with him." Sakura replied.
Jihyo nodded reassured.
"It's weird because it feels like we have been together forever but this is like Day one of our relationships," Jihyo said.
Sakura nodded. They stayed out for a few moments and then walked back into the apartment. They went looking for Daigo and found him in his bed sound asleep and clean. They smiled before nestling in with him. Daigo was stirred awake. as the two ladies smothered him.
"Ignore us and go back to sleep," Jihyo said
Sakura nodded and said, "Yeah! You have been through a lot get some rest," Daigo nodded and then went back to sleep. As he did he said. "I love you two." The girls smiled and nestled closer to him.
Several hours later the trio woke up. Daigo looked at his paramours with a happy smile. He gave them each a tight hug before getting up.
8 months later.
Daigo entered his new apartment with a quiet appreciation. He got home early since Kura and Ji had longer schedules. So he decided to make dinner for both of his girls. He decided on a simple Ramyeon that both would love. As he was finishing dicing the veggies, and meat he was waiting for the water to boil when the door opened. Jihyo walked in cheery as always. She breathed in the smell of home, and Ramyeon before turning to Daigo.
She smiled in a sultry but also happy tone she said, "How is mommy's good boy?" Daigo smiled before replying
"Aish cut it out I haven't even finished dinner yet." Jihyo smiled brightly. She approached her stud with a sexy casualness that she knew would bring him closer to what she wanted.
"What if I don't?" she said as her hand crossed his shoulder before stopping at his chest. Daigo's breath was heavy, but he remained firm.
"Nope let me finish Dinner first then we can talk. Go get showered you stink." Daigo said. Jihyo's eyes narrowed as she watched her stud resist his impulses, but knew what would get him.
"Fine," she said as she stripped her clothes right in front of him before going to the shower. Daigo heaved as he watched her walk out. He refocused on finishing dinner somehow, but his urges were getting to him. As he finished up dinner Sakura walked in with a chaste smile despite being so pent up from work and idol life. She needed her stud to rail her so she couldn't walk.
"Hey stud," she said as she walked in. Her voice held a familiar need to it that Daigo had yet to be able to resist and with all of Jihyo's priming. The beast came out. Without saying a word he grabbed Kura and ripped off her clothes before spreading her legs on their table. He undid his pants belt and took out his raging cock.
"Whoa, stud I. Oh Fuck." Sakura moaned as Daigo entered her. She could see his eyes glaze over in a familiar lust. Sakura just let herself give in the pleasure. Daigo thrusts into her furiously as Kura moans out. Jihyo intrigued by the sounds stops her luxurious bath and makes her way where she sees a feral Daigo fucking Kura relentlessly. Kura looks over at Jihyo and beckons her to come over. Jihyo was already naked and her dripping pussy ached. She walked behind Daigo and caressed his chest. Daigo came back for a moment dizzy. Jihyo and Sakura smiled before saying.
"Let's take this to the bedroom." Daigo nodded. as the two breeding bitches led him to their shared love nest. His vision was still foggy so he needed some help. When they got into the bedroom Kura and Daigo stripped before both pounced on Jihyo. They each took a side of her body Daigo on the left and Kura on the right. They devoured their paramour's tits while kneading her ass before they took turns fingering her until Jihyo couldn't take it anymore.
"Fuck me stud! fill me with that cock and breed me like the bitch I am." Kura smiled as she guided Daigo who was now completely gone to her pussy. She smiled as she watched him bottom out.
"Fuck why are you always so tight Ji?" Daigo bemoaned as he felt himself bottom out in her. Jihyo sighed before clawing into Daigo. He received the message and pounded her. Jihyo moaned until she quickly came to orgasm. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she tried to milk him for all he was worth. When her body finally came down. Daigo turned to Sakura. Sakura and Daigo's bodies moved instinctively close to each other. He grabbed his bitch's body and bent her over before impaling her. Kura moaned over Jihyo who watched as she fingered herself. Daigo kept his thrusts up as he tore into her insides. Kura loved every bit of it.
"That's its stud claim my pussy. ruin me." Kura moaned and Daigo complied. he grabbed her soft perky ass and gripped tightly as he pounded relentlessly into her cunt. Their fluids dripped onto Jihyo below who watched with ardorous glee.
Kura began to feel Daigo's cock pulse and knew he was close. So she flipped on top of him and said, "Let me ride this evil cock. This cock that reduces you to nothing more than an animal." Kura said as she rode him. Her years of dancing paid off as her hips rolled and rutted into his delaying his release to be in sync with hers. When she couldn't take anymore she said. "Okay stud breed you bitch." knowing his triggers Sakura smiled lustfully when Daigo exploded into her. As the couple fucked themselves through their orgasm Jihyo smiled at Kura and Daigo. Kura smiled at Daif and Jihyo. Daigo smiled at Jihyo and Kura before they all shared one big three-way kiss. The moment was surpsignly chaste despite what transpired moments ago.
"Okay, that took the edge off. Now let's eat." Sakura says hungry. Daigo and Jihyo follow her into the kitchen.
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forzaferraris · 8 months
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pairing: oscar piastri x fem! engineering intern! reader
summary: the best way to get over someone who broke your heart is to get under someone else and (unintentionally) break theirs. / inspired by nothing matters by the last dinner party, listen on spotify here !
style: primarily written with a single smau element at the end.
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, smut, unprotected sex ((p in v) please wrap it before you tap it)), oral (m! receiving) finger sucking, sub/don undertones but nothing serious, i swear on my life oscar piastri is a grunt and groaner but simultaneously considerably vocal during sex (i will die on that rock), afab! reader, readers kinda uncaring about who she hurts because she’s hurt, reader is referred to as she/her, miscommunication trope, oscar piastri has been in love with reader since the beginning of the season and just assumed one-sided pining. authors refusal to write with capitals, you can pry them out of her cold dead hands.
faceclaim: sofia dirado, although feel free to imagine reader as anyone else.
word count: 4.1k +
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you fear it followed you around more often than not, like a dark cloud that covered your entire existence in this bubble of heartbreak that nothing ever felt good to you, nothing was ever worth it. from your parents divorcing after years of suffering in a loveless marriage to every single relationship you’d ever been in never making past the first time you sleep together — you’ve genuinely felt about giving up on life, going so far as to consider a life as a celibate nun or maybe not, perhaps just the life of a girl who burns through multiple packs of AA batteries using her rose toy.
however, when you’d met levi, your first year of finally being allowed to leave the mclaren technology centre to shadow tom stalland during the 2023 f1 season. you genuinely thought this man had reshaped your entire perspective of love, he made love easy, made loving him feel less like a sport and more like a hobby you could never get sick of, being with hom felt like you’d been going through all the “firsts” all over again, like a cheesy romance movie monologue.
and yet, here you are, sat in your hotel room after the japan gp, suzuka has always been your favourite gp to watch and unfortunately for some reason, instead of standing in the mclaren garage doing your job, you’re sat clad in your team clothes (a stark contrast to the white bed linen) and sobbing over a text message paragraph explicitly telling you that levi has decided to break up with you after he fell in love with someone else during the summer break, someone who “rewired his brain chemistry in a ways you could never do.” you want to get angry, you wish you were an angry person, instead when you got angry you cried, when you got too happy or even just laughed too hard you cried, you were a crier.
your heart is heavy, as you scroll through the other woman’s posts, she’s gorgeous, and that’s where you begin your myriad of self deprecating comparisons of you to her. you doom scroll for what feels like forever until you spiral even further down the heartbreak rabbit hole, your attention drawn to the fact that levi had both unfollowed and removed you as a follower at some point between when he said goodnight and then broke up with you the next day. you watch as stories of their summer break spent together is shared and your jealousy sends you into a blind rage that you block the both of them; because ultimately you knew that he will hold her life he used to hold you — for levi was boring, a one trick pony you’re only just now coming to terms with.
your disheveled appearance and self imposed seclusion from the events of the day were not left unnoticed, you’d resigned yourself to just stand on the outskirts, occasionally moving to sit down and watch the screens as the friday practice begun, you’re uninterested, unmotivated and trying your dandiest to not cry, for the sole reason of simultaneously not wanting to draw unwanted attention to yourself and the fact that the mascara you’re bought at the duty free at the airport was most definitely not waterproof.
the good thing was that you’d be in japan for the rest of the weekend, the worse thing was you knew not s language lick of the language — sure you could probably call someone an idiot in japanese thanks to the sheer amount of one piece you’d watched eith levi during days he didn’t want to do anything you had planned or suggested; however, the single knowledge of know the word idiot in japanese will not get her very far. you’re almost too zoned out to notice the first free practice had finished, oscar’s team engineer tom standall dismisses you, tells you that whatever happened before you came to track is to be sorted out before it potentially jeopardises a race and without a word or argument against hai decision you shuffle out of the garage and into the paddock.
“name, hey wait — wait up” a voice you’ve only heard considerable muffled by a racing helmet and through large oversized noise cancelling team gear headphones when you got to play pretend engineer whenever it was during his practice laps and his qualifying laps, it sends a shiver up your spine, always has and you’re unknowing if it always will.
“oscar? hey! you did so good today, from what i say, p3 is so awesome how are you not more elated about that!” you’d found yourself smiling, wide across your face and sinking into the gentle rhythm of the conversation with oscar. the smile he returns is equally as wide as if his whole face were smiling, you want to punch him — the cuteness aggression playing devil on your shoulder.
“oh nah, i am actually it just hasn’t like kicked in gully yet, i’m waiting for the full body visceral reaction i’m about to have,” he pauses for a brief moment, hands itchy to fiddling with something snd find solitude in dragging one hand after the other through his tangled and sweaty hair. “like just, honestly, jesus christ and in japan of all places fuckin’ hell” he seems both simultaneously out of breath and ready to compete in a marathon.
had it not been a considerably formal setting you swore you can picture him jumping up and down on the spot whilst trying to contain all of his excitement, you allow him to be excited not wanting your own mood and misery to overshadow his complete and utter elation at his podium win. it’s the first time in the few days you’d been moping about that the smile you give off reaches your eyes and oscar’s always paying attention to these things, unbeknownst to you of course.
“your excitement is infectious, surely the team have planned something celebratory for you! you’ve gotta celebrate this i’m sure lando is!” you can’t help but practically beam, you’re mesmerised by the excitement the unashamed amount of happiness this boy is oozing and the bitter feeling in your stomach over it all is just barely going by unnoticed.
oscar shakes his head, overs a tiny shrugs and barely gets another word into the conversation you teo ate having before he’s whisked away by the team to be dragged off towards the podium, you watch as he shakes the bottle of champagne onto lando and max. any and all brief untouched moments of happiness are immediately replaced when your phones buzzes, a notification alert from your ring door bell and the video supplied of your now ex boyfriend grabbing whatever stuff he’d left at your apartment. the situation just breaks your heart even further than when with the whole of the mclaren team being called upon for s group shot with both the boys and their podium wins you ignore it and decided you’d had enough of it all.
the hotel’s quiet as you tap your keycard against the inside of your hand waiting for the elevator to come back down, the traffic from the track back to the designated hotel meant you’d wound up leaving just as all the other drivers had and whilst you weren’t in the mood to face anymore interactions you were lucky to bypass the small group of fans loitering in the hotel lobby. the elevator itself is slow, like most and the way your stomach drops at the incline is almost akin to how you felt when you’d first received that break up text at the start of the week.
if there was one thing you were thankful for, it was the fact the hotel had a bar just off the lobby, which is where you’d found yourself, skirt a little too short, shoes a little too high and too the perfect amount of booby that you won’t get in too much trouble but also attract someone willing to take away the ache in your chest for the night.
you’d been sat at the bar for just under an hour, occasionally chatting to some of the other patrons but mostly the bartender herself; the paper straw mushy and impossible to drink out of sits on a napkin as you sip on the glass uncaring or the lipstick mark on the rim or the smudging it does to your own lipstick — in fact you’re hoping something else smudges the lipstick further if the night doesn’t continue to progress as slowly as it is.
“can i get a beer, whatever you’ve got in the bottle and another one of what she’s drinking” there it is again, the chill on your spine and the heightened sense of the hand that brushes past your ear to give the bartender a bank card. every single nerve ending in your body is on fire when the stool beside you in moved and a body now begins to occupy it, perhaps you’re a bit drunk, you’d already had two of these and what if the different alcohol consumption laws you’re unsure how much alcohol is actually in the fruity little cocktail you’d ordered.
“oscar piastri, i thought i told you to go celebrate your podium with lando, why are you still at the hotel?” there is is, a tone you’d never thought you’d use with someone who wass essentially your bosses boss, which therefore makes him your boss, and yet here you are — sultry tone and lips loosened by the alcohol in your system, shamelessly flirting with him.
“well, you see, i’m more of a pub person than i am someone who prefers nightclubs and being touched and bumped into by random strangers, i fear that’s more of a lando thing than my own” oscar laughs, the way he’s relaxed and carefree shows signs he did however, get roped into pregaming with lando beforehand, the neck of the beer bottle sits between his index and middle fingers, a comfortable position one you're sure would feel weird if you so much as tried to mimic.
you fear you're done for when it comes to watching the way his throat bobs as he takes a swig of the larger, it's a japanese brand one you've never heard of nor tried and you can tell oscar hasn't by the way his nose scrunches at the taste, he still continues to drink it though. time seems to float by, growing continually more comfortable with one another to the point you'd sauntered away from the bar stools and are sat perhaps not even an inch apart in a booth in the corner.
"favourite race destination, so far?" "monaco. most definitely, melbournes a close second, but that's just because of a personal bias" "personal bias?" "yeah. . . you."
you'd never thought to combine the flavours of japanese beer and strawberry liqueur, and yet here you were, back-pressed and arched up against the wall beside a hotel room that not yours, the elevator ride was one stop too long to have it be that you'd gone back to your hotel room, hands, not your own, are roaming places never thought to be touched, the bluntness of their nails digging into the soft flesh of your thighs has your separating from the kiss to lean your head back and full indulge in the simple pleasures received in this moment. arousal builds when soft lips find the pulse point in your neck, your choice signature scent perfume the most aromatic in that area brings a subconscious reaction from oscar, the thigh between your legs juts up and you also convulse right then and there, your own hands ove from holding the back of his neck to drag through his soft, product-free hair, tugging on the last few strands that slip through your fingers.
the beep of the room door unlocking pulls you to your senses, and a hand tight around your waist drags you inside, you cling onto him in the worst way possible, you can see the smudges of lipstick on the corners of his mouth and god, does he look beautiful. you're unsure for a moment, even if the alcohol had loosened you up a little, you still didn't know how to react around oscar, he's looking at you in a way you can't describe, it makes your stomach flip and you're eager, thighs clenching to distribute the friction of your building arousal. you want his lips on yours again, there's zero space between you, you're simply sharing each other's breath.
his hand finds the back of your neck, tangled in your darkened locks and pulls you back in for a kis, is soft, he must moisturise your brain supplies before it fizzes out, the kiss is messy, all teeth, tongues and spit. you whimper into the kiss, knees buckling, your own hands are on a mission sliding under the hem of his shirt to perfectly feel the warmth that radiates off his skin against your cold hands, you can feel the exact moment your cold touch makes him hiss into the kiss and it finally ignites the fire in your stomach. this is what you want.
you two remain lip-locked until your chest hurts and you've traded the same breath back and forth that it's completely died, when you pull away, you finally take notice of the blown-out pupils staring down at you. his a look entirely of lust, desire, arousal and it shows, especially with the bulge in his pants. your bottom lip finds sanctuary in between your teeth when you raise an eyebrow and one of your hands slips out from under his shirt to palm him through the cargo shorts he'd donned to wear.
if oscar's voice sent a shiver down your spine, the way he groaned at your touch against his bulge chilled you from the inside out, the noise rough and gravelly like he'd not uttered a word in weeks, it's deep and low in his chest that you wouldn't have heard it if you weren't practically flush against him. your hand continues to palm him, making riskier moves as your other hand moves to dip your fingers into the waistband of his pants, you don't wait, you don't even need to ask for permission when his own hands are practically shucking off his own clothes for you.
he looks so gorgeous standing right in front of you, the wet patch you can only assume of precum on the front of his boxers has you licking your lips involuntarily, you try to ignore the voices, fight the urgers but you're but a simple girl, eager to please, that you're flicking your gaze up at him as your sink to your knees, the carpet is soft enough against you but you know better and are already seeing the red marks you'll have the next morning.
oscar looks confused for you in the briefest of moments, your nails dragging along his thighs, soft blonde hairs tickle your finger tips and you bite back the sweet giggle you want to let out as you're finally tugging his underwear down. a moment of shock halts your movement, eyes flicking up and down between oscar's gaze and his cock, tip pink, throbbing and leaking — it's a sight to be seen and you're the one who gets to gaze upon it.
your hand wraps around him, fingers barely meeting at the girth and you moan, can feel the saliva pooling in your mouth, your oral fixation working into overdrive, a single flick of your wrist has a louder groan rolling out of oscar's mouth, a quick "fuck" followed after it that as you once again clenching your thighs. your hand sets an easy rhythm, tried and true, one that allows for long strokes at a steady pace and your thumb to swipe between the slit on his tip that has his stomach clenching. his own hand grabs at your hair, both for something to hold onto and to keep it out of our face when you inch closer and allow your tongue to tease his tip with small kitten licks.
"fuck, fuck, name, fuck suck my cock"
the verbalised plea is all you need to finally wrap your lips around the swollen head, the saltiness of his precum mixing with your spit as you moan around him, your tongue swirls around his tip every time you pull back, only to resume bobbing your head and matching the movement of your hand to the pace you set as you take more of him in your mouth, your mouth feels so full and you can practically feel his dick pulse against your tongue when your other hand moves to squeeze his balls.
"holy shit — where did you learn that, fucking hell"
you smile when you pull away, uncaring of the drool that rolls down your chin, oscar seems not to mind either when he's pulling you back up to kiss him, your hand still stroking him slowly. he can taste his pre cum still on your tongue and as someone who'd assumed he wouldn't be fond of the idea, seems more or less enjoying it solely because it's coming from your mouth. his tongue overpowers your own and he's licking in your mouth with such severity that you can feel your own wetness pooling in your panties, had you been horny before you were now basically unbearably horny at this point.
your clothes feel bothersome, and your top and bra come off rather quick once your legs meet the edge of the bed you'd been pushed back against. the cool air of the hotel room meets your nipples and you gasp out once oscar's hot mouth chooses to settle on one and his hand favours the other. it's magic, that's what you can choose to blame it on, with the way oscar's fingers tug and twist one nipple all whilst his mouth and suck away on the other, your back arches up against him when his teeth graze the sensitive bud and you swear you could achieve your first orgasm of the night just from that alone.
his mouth switches to give the same treatment to the other nipple and yours that tug and pull on his hair only urge him on more, whining and desperate and what you want to happen is not happening. you need him, you crave him, you desire him.
"please oscar, fuck me"
there is it, the words oscar had been waiting to hear since you'd kissed him, and who would oscar be if not someone who listened when he was asked to do something. he sits up on his knees, jerks himself a couple of times as he watches you, skirt rugged up to your hips, a perfect picture, a sight for sore eyes, so beautiful, all for him to bare witness too. you back arches, your eager and needy and positively soaked you don't even need to touch yourself to know, your panties are finally pulled off and you hiss at the air that hits your center. you're clenching around nothing, sticky and sweet, eager, he looks up as your and you nods a final confirmation before you supply a weak "please" before his tip is aligning with your entrance and he's sliding in.
the stretch is everything to you, he is perfect, your hand stretching splayed out against the pillow as the tiniest whine falls from your lips, oscar grunts, face and chest flushed, you can hear exactly how we you are just from the squelch when he finally bottoms out and you moan loud enough that if anyone had been walking past the room they would have heard. oscar doesn't move, allowing for your pussy to stretch and get comfortable around him before you nod, rolling your hips to signal him to move and move he does.
"you're so tight, holy shit."
his hips rock back and forth into you, it's slow and sensual something you hadn't expected, your legs shift and wrap around his hips and your body rocks back against his thrusts willing him to move faster. unlike past partners, oscar seems to get the hint almost instantly as he pulls out and shifts slightly, hand holding onto your hips before he's sheathed himself back into you entirely in a singular thrust.
you moan out, toes curling and your legs wrapping around him so tight as if you'd practically become some sex-fueled boa constrictor. you swear his muscles are working overtime as his abdomen flexes with every deep thrust inside you, your body abuzz with electricity, the fire in your stomach scorching as a particular thrust has him hitting your g-spot and your back arching receptively.
in a world where you'd thought this was ever possible, all imaginations and scenarios have proven wrong already as oscar's thumb finds solace on drawing circles on your clit, causing your pussy to clench around him and a hiss to drag itself from his lips. to oscar you feel amazing and the flush on your face perfect evidence of his inability to be shy about telling you so and all you can do is ooh and ahh in return. something pulls in your stomach when he bottoms out in you again, your leg twitches and you're hyperaware that you'd just orgasmed around him, vocalising how it feels and your back arching however, his hips remain relentless only to come to a halt as he pulls out; your words are stopped as you're flipped over with a gentle tap against your thigh.
arms stretched out in front of you and your back arched, give oscar the perfect view to just take a moment to stare at your fluttering pussy, clenching around nothing as you suffer through a partially stunted orgasm. fingers drag through your folds and your body jerks at the sensitivity, the dip between them, pumping in and out similar to the rhythm he kept previous, his middle finger hooks and your face is thrown forward into the pillow as it hits the spongey feel of your g-spot, you gasp out hand white-knuckling the pillow as he focusses his fingers on that one particular spot
"fuck osc – fuck want you back inside me"
you don't bother with caring much about how whiney and desperate you'd begun to sound, throat dry from the gasping and the continuous noises he pulls from you, your tempting him, ass swaying as he chuckles, pulling his fingers out, he coo's at you as you whine to mourn the loss of the feeling, teases you as he slips the tip of his dick through your flushed red folds and bottom out with a quick hard thrust. you scream out, the pleasure perfectly combining with the sudden stretch to make the sweetest mixture of pain and pleasure you'd ever felt and to silence you, the fingers he'd just fucked you with had found the way into your mouth and if there was one thing you were, it was a good girl.
the sounds reverberating around the walls of the hotel room are borderline pornographic, the new pace oscar has set, deep and hard, skin slapping against skin as he practically bounces off you, his free holding your hip steady as your own knees buckle and you can feel the way his dick pulses inside you, the way his movements become sloppy yet still hitting your pleasure spot every time. the fingers in your mouth licked clean of your own arousal now replaced to be covered in your own drool. oscar grunts, his hips snapping against you in a final thurst as he slumps forward to press the most delicate of kisses to the nape of your neck as he feels you up and you cum around him for a second time.
it's messy, whatever hadn't spilt inside you now jerked off onto your back as your knees give out and you slump against the bed. worn out and woozy you're hardly paying attention to oscar cleaning up, the warm washcloth drags along your hot, sticky and sweaty skin in a way that twists your brain and brings out the regret that seeps into your stomach, had your legs not been feeling like they weren't attached to your body you would have scrambled to get dressed and done the walk of shame back to your own hotel room; however, you stay, regretfully.
you don't cuddle, oscar tries not to act hurt about it as you roll over and away from him when he finally climbs in himself. to you this didn't matter, you fucked him, like nothing matters. come the morning you'll be gone before he wakes. because this didn't mean a thing. to you as least.
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yourusername just posted . . . ♫ nothing matters . the last dinner party
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liked by lando.jpg, yourbestfrienduser, lolatung and 11,219 others yourusername and i will fuck you, like nothing matters. load more comments
oscarpiastri oh.
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authors note: please excuse my smut skills, i'm rusty a lil ngl. i love a bittersweet ambiguous ending. if this gets enough recognition and asks, i'll definitely more than likely make a part two or even multiple parts. reminder, if you weren't tagged it means i couldn't find your account.
add yourself to the taglist here !
taglist: @iluminaya @therealcap @marshmummy @@im-an-overthinker @a1leexxa @chasing-liberosis @marauderssworld @nesssywrites @valntynebaby @larastark3107 @justtprachisblog
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