#what happened to the saving ppl part of saving ppl hunting things???
bloodfreak-boyking · 9 months
remember in s1 e4 when sam wanted to go more subtle than holy water to try and flush out a demon on the plane? and then somewhere along the way between then and the end of the series they just started stabbing every demon to death either with Ruby's knife or the angel blade?? yeah wtf is up with that?
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thechy-fychannel · 6 months
I saw a few other blogs doing this so I thought I'd share my input on what I think would happen in the House MD universe in 2024:
the constant jokes abt house and wilson's relationship turns into the fellows jokingly writing fanfic abt their boss and his boy best friend. somewhere along the way they all get very serious abt the quality of it and it turns into a Whole Thing, a 150k+ novel that they vow to take to their graves.
house discovers the fic by accident and sends it to wilson. wilson discovers things abt himself and then he and house discover each other shortly thereafter.
house purposefully posts the fic online and credits the fellows by their entire full names so it embarrasses them more than house and wilson. It's never spoken abt again but it gets way more online attention than any of them expected.
wilson doesn't get how the Cloud works and accidentally uploads his and house's nudes to the google nest hub on his desk. He doesn't notice it until one of his sweet little old lady cancer patients points it out to him during their appointment. He throws the google nest hub into his trash can until he can figure out how to get the naked pictures off of it.
house has an alexa and abuses the hell out of it. sometimes ppl hear him screaming at someone in his office, only to walk in and find a robotic voice replying with "sorry, I didn't get that" and house throws it off the balcony.
wilson gets addicted to online shopping. house has to stage an intervention bc they do not have enough room in their closet for another pair of prada loafers and their kitchen is full of shitty gadgets that wilson bought off temu or something.
some right wing social media influencer comes in with a mysterious illness and ends up getting castrated as part of the solution. 13 personally does the procedure herself and house watches like a proud dad.
a patient reveals chase's grindr by shoving his phone at him and asking "is this you?" abt the headless profile with the ripped abs that says Dr. Feel Good, 0 feet away, in front of the rest of the team.
foreman finds the team doing tiktok dances bc house told them to learn it in order to understand their 15 yr old patient better.
chase medically murders mitch mcconnel and the entire hospital celebrates ding dong the witch is dead style.
there's a whole episode where house faces his transphobia bc of a trans patient that he connects with. the patient tells him to fuck off and go face his own problems instead of pretending to make it right by being nice to one trans person. And house does, even if he's not perfect, he really tries to do better.
13 gets her medical marijuana card and accidentally becomes the team's plug. her main customer is wilson who still supplies it to certain terminal patients. She hears "hey, can I hit your pen?" at least four times a day.
foreman buys a tesla and it blows up in the parking lot. they spend the entire episode trying to figure out who tried to kill foreman, but it turns out that teslas just do that sometimes.
there's an episode where house finds out that netflix is removing his favorite obscure tv show that ran for 2 seasons in 2002 and wilson recruits the team to hunt down a dvd copy of it without house finding out. they somehow manage to find one and spend a ridiculous amount of money on it, only to open the dvd case and find a copy of the porno wilson starred in that one time instead of the dvd of the show. park saves the day at the last minute by finding a copy of it in a box of dvds in her parents house.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Well for a part two I was thinking it could happen a few years later or something like that. Daemon and reader are married, she is pregnant but she doesn't know that yet. I was thinking it would be sweet for Daemon to figure that out. Maybe Caraxes gets extremely overprotective of reader. They could have a small argument wholr caring for Caraxes and it would turn in the dragon growling at Daemon when he would rise his voice at the reader. It all becomes real when she faints one morning after getting out of bed so Daemon calls the maesters and they confirm that she's pregnant. and maybe the moment of the birth, Daemon holding his first child and getting to place a dragon egg inside the crib. Just general sweetness. I would be very pleased if you'd like to write this ! If not it's perfectly fine ! Thank you !
I love your brain! It’s filled with fascinating ideas. Also I love protective Caraxes. It’s just perfect.
Newsflash: I’m shit at writing birth scenes cuz I’ve never done it by I tried my best despite some possible inaccuracies.
Reader is female per request. Just letting ppl know beforehand before I forget.
Here’s part 1 for those who haven’t read it.
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Your love for your Daemon has often left you blindsided to his darker impulses that you had soon became repulsed by your sudden faux ignorance to his crimes you’ve long kept silent about. Yet you found yourself still in love with him as the day you understood the word and shown said love in a multitude of ways that you probably shouldn’t have; so when news of Rhea Royce -Daemon’s bronze bitch of a Lady wife before you- having passed away on a hunting trip, the cause having that been of her horse being frightened by some means, crushing and as an result paralysing the poor woman. Those minor details didn’t catch your eye but what was added onto it oh most definitely did; apparently it was said that her head had been caved in and along with the apt timing of Daemon’s visitation at the Vale almost corresponded perfectly to the time of Rhea Royce’s death also too perfectly to be ignored by the public.
It fell together so seamlessly that it was no longer thought to be an outlandish accusation to assume that Daemon Targaryen, your husband, had killed Rhea Royce out of cold blood. You found yourself at a loss for words, torn between creating a false narrative to save face and protect Daemon’s ‘innocence’ and going mad within your denial of the truth presented before you as clear as day. It was obvious that to live someone was one thing but to defend their unjust cruelty towards others was another. Maegor was called ‘the cruel’ for good reason, given the how history written him to be; as it seemed history held an eternal grudge against house Targaryen and was willing to bury those who bore the name as repercussions for the wars they’ve waged and the homes, families and kingdoms that now laid to ruins because of them. It was only a matter of time before Daemon received similar treatment long after his passing, have his history written through venomous words and accounts from those who only ever spoke ill of him in life and death. It was also a matter of time before history treated you just as equally horrid as it would Daemon, Rhaenyra and Viserys.
Unfortunately you knew that many of the cousin members and even the king would already be privy to whom the most likely culprit was, given how eagerly Daemon was of disgracing Rhea’s name and insulting her beauty by claiming that the sheep of the Vale were prettier then her in front of an audience. You also knew that you’d sooner be caught in the crossfire unwillingly as a means of tarnishing your name along with his for keeping dark secrets concerning the kings brother for as long as you have in hopes of toppling you both and be done with it once and for all. No matter how much you wished to fight by Daemon’s side you have found yourself unable in your current state as of late; you know naught of how or when it came about but it is believed that it had started the first morning after you and Daemon consummated the marriage. Only then did it seem to linger longer then you had hoped days prior and have yet to speak a word of it to Daemon never less the Maesters but that could wait as there were more pressing matters to confront your beloved on firstly.
“Is it true?” Daemon’s ear picked up at your voice as he lowered himself from Caraxes back, “my spouse, you look as radiant as ev-“ “silence your silver tongue husband and answer me, is it true?” You cut him off venomously, not particularly in the mood for his honeyed words. “Why don’t you cease speaking in riddles and tell me what ales you so much to bare the vipers venom on your words.” Daemon began to hate the fact that slowly and surely enough your eyes were beginning to open and see him for whom the seven kingdoms truly saw him as. No longer were you carefree kids anymore and sooner or later uncomfortable realisations would have inevitably been made. Yet Daemon didn’t think that they’d poisoned your mind so quickly as they have and for which he would have their tongues for so they would never speak a word within your presence to doubt his character ever again; because to Daemon you were merely voicing the accusations that the kingdom have made against him, that it was the Seven kingdoms and his own brother that were forcing you into thinking him, your beloved, a villain in means of causing a rift between you too.
Daemon has fought tooth and nail to have you and he wasn’t planning on letting you slip over to their side so easily. Yet when the words flew from your lips and into his skin, Daemon could feel the prickling feeling of ice flooding his once fiery veins. “That you killed Rhea Royce as a means of selfishly securing yourself of the royalties of Runestone.” The air between you felt as though at a boiling pit and a subzero zone simultaneously as it only became increasingly difficult to breath in either conditions. Caraxes seemed to physically stiffen at your words as his eyes shifted from you to the back of Daemon’s head who’s silence didn’t help his case nor hinder; feeling as though you were in danger the Blood Wrym moved to shield you until he practically eclipsed the entrance to the cavern like stable of his. No matter how good natured his actions may have been they didn’t simmer the unease within your chest when Daemon looked at you like a stranger.
“Your believing them too now?“ he says eerily, lingering in the air to further build upon the unsettling feeling within your stomach as everything within you screamed, urged you to run from the one person who sworn to keep you safe since a young age. So when you didn’t and his hand laid upon your cheek felt as cold as ice as your breath hitched at the contact and instinctively pulled yourself away from his grasp and in the the broad front of Caraxes who towered over you silently in thought. “They’re poisoning your mind my beloved, they’ll say anything to cause conflict between use because they are jealous that what we have is real in comparison to them. We made our own choice whilst they did not in they wanted to spend their putrid lives with; they want to see us fight, the want to see us collapse so they may move in and claim whatever they want as their own. What evidence do they even hold over me to stake their claim?” Daemon’s eyes searched your tearful ones only to find that deep down you were at war with your heart. “Your visitation to the Vale is enough evidence, you snide comments is enough evidence, your eagerness to bed another whilst still in relations with her is enough evidence to be made against you Daemon. They have everything you have ever said against Rhea Royce and had it engraved in their memory for moments like this. Your carelessness has brought about your own end my beloved and in due time everyone will know. If they don’t already.”
You felt yourself fighting hard to remain able to withhold your ground during your squabble as your consciousness wavered in and out of focus as Daemon’s words only sounded muffled in your ears as though you’ve been held underwater; yet it didn’t take a fool to not notice the enraged look upon his face as he closed the distance between you two, gripping your wrist a tad too tightly for your liking and along with the anger in his eyes made you all the more fearful that in your moment of weakness, Daemon would take the life of his second victim, his sweet childhood friend, out of fear that you’d betray him like everyone else did. It scared you to think that the one person you’ve loved more then anything held the ability to kill you right then and there without any witness nearby to oversee the curfuffle nor come to your defence. Instead you closed your eyes and awaited the worst when Caraxes leaned his long next over you to shove Daemon away, causing his hand to loose grip of your wrist as he fell on his backside harshly. “Caraxes! What is your issue! You’ve been like this for awhile now!” Daemon yelled up at his dragon who merely roared in his face, silencing the Targaryen quickly.
Neither you nor Daemon were quite certain what had caused Caraxes sudden change in personality because in recent memory the dragon had always been seen more so by your side then Daemon which raised some rumours that have long since been forgotten by mostly everyone. In reality however Caraxes was merely protecting you and the unborn babe within your womb and in turn had be growing protective of you ever since he could sense the additional life next to yours. So when Daemon exuded a threatening presence towards you and in extension his kin, was Caraxes final straw. Daemon had ruined everything in his life thus far and the dragon didn’t want the only consistent in his life since he was a babe himself to face because of his human’s impulsiveness; To Caraxes you were just as much apart of him as Daemon was and to be apart from you was akin to loosing a limb, all though it maybe gone, you can still feel it’s presence episodically.
Whenever moments like the one between you and Daemon were to ever arise, Caraxes felt the need to protect you, his mother, and going against his Targaryen counter part to ensure your safety even if it means harming another to achieve it. “Caraxes.” You whispered faintly before allowing the dragon to encouragingly nudge you out of the stables, allowing you to rest your full weight against him as he escorted you back to the castle, where he’d await to see you from the windows of your chambers before clambering back to the stables to whack Daemon upside the head with his tail for good measure before forcefully shoving him out also. Still angry at him for threatening yours and your child’s safety.
The next morning became a struggle for you in particular. The mere act of getting out of bed had become a difficult task as you heaved with all your strength to push yourself in to a sitting position before trying your luck once more to push yourself to you feet when all suddenly became black and your body slumped to the floor; causing a great thud that alerted Daemon, who had long since calmed down from your argument, to quickly take to his sword and rush up to your chambers in perpetration to fight off whoever sneaked into your room whilst you were in your most vulnerable state. Only to find your body pressed uncomfortably against the cold chamber floor, unmoving, fearing the worst; Daemon threw away his sword to one side as he rushed to your aid, cradling you in his arms, his face a mere contrition of all the emotions he was feeling in that moment. Guilt over never apologising to you for his heinous actions against you, anger over his own need to protect his pride when he swore to protect and defend you just as much, sadness for how your dream life seemed to have taken for the worse then he promised you and an overwhelming feeling of being lost without you guiding him like the light he knew you were.
Daemon wasn’t the only one who heard your fall as several servants rushed not too long after the prince to check upon you but not out of your safety but only out of fear of what Daemon would do to them if they had left you in such a state. However as much as they prayed to be spared of any punishment, it seemed to have gone unheard as when they opened the door to witness Daemon hold you in his arms so crushingly tight; they were met with fierce violet eyes that pierced through them and into their souls in hopes of sparking a fire that would kill them from the inside out. “What are you idiots standing there gawking like seagulls?! Fetch the Maesters!” Daemon roared in anger, watching as they scrambled, shoved, pulled one another behind the other as they raced to get out of the room to evade Daemon’s wrath. The prince scoffed in disgust but his features quickly soften as he looked down at you with all the regret one man could ever bare upon his face; the day of your argument haunts him so but nothing haunted him more then the look of fright within your eyes at his sudden outburst, almost as though you were anticipating a repeat of his actions at the Vale.
He didn’t care what anybody thought about him, he couldn’t care less if in their eyes they see a monster but he couldn’t stand to be viewed the same in yours. As children he swore to protect you from all those who’d dare chase you harm but he didn’t know that there would come a day where he’d be the one bringing harm to your front doorstep. Now he wasn’t certain he was going to be given the time to repent for his actions as he held you close against his chest, refusing to let go even as the maesters came through the doors, tried their might to pry you from his arms only for him to tighten his hold before giving in to their pleas to check you over under the circumstances that he were to stay by your side. “My prince,” the Maester began after checking you over thoroughly before coming to a resolution, “it seems that your spouse is with child and has fainted but luckily has not sustained any injury that would cause her highness nor your child any prolonging issues.” Daemon’s eyes never left you face as the news struck him. All this time you’ve been with child and he has the nerve to place you in a stressful situation where your emotions would be tested to their limitations; He grasped your hand tightly in his, “thank you, you may leave us.” He dismissed the Maesters who bowed and left your chambers so the prince could shed his tears in peace. “We’re going to have a child.” Daemon muttered to himself, resting his head gently against your stomach, “we’re going to have a child. Oh gods bless this day and the many more to come until their arrival. I promise to better myself not only for you my love but for myself, Caraxes and our unborn child.” He promised.
The day of your child birth came swift and soon though not without excruciating pain. Though it was all the more rewarding when you got to hold your child within your arms with Daemon by your side. “Healthy as a horse your highness.” The midwife claimed before handing you the child that clutched to your fingers, cooing. You looked to Daemon who only stared down at the child with love, reaching a finger out to stroke his cheek and smiling when the child’s smaller fingers grasped onto his longer nimble one like a life line. “Have any thoughts on what we should name them my love.” You asked softly as to not disrupt the baby form their slumber. “I believe it is in your right to name the child as only one of us had bled to give them life my beloved.” Daemon said, kissing your slightly sweaty forehead gingerly, never breaking his gaze from the babe bundled in the blooded cloth. “Rhaenar.” You concluded post haste, smiling when the child cooed at the chosen name, giving their incoherent approval. “Rhaenar it shall be.” Daemon replied, holding you tightly against him as you both looked at your child, taking in the features they inherited from the both of you from Daemon’s facial features to your eyes and so forth. The silence lingered for as long as you allowed until Daemon removed himself from your side to elsewhere in the room, leaving you albeit confused until you saw him return with a pitch black dragon egg within his hands. You were aware of the Targaryen customs for when a new child under their house is born, they are gifted an dragon egg that will hatch into their bonded dragon; So to bare witness to it for your own child left a warmth within your chest knowing that for good or for bad, you were a Targaryen as much as your child was.
“I handpicked this myself,” Daemon explained as he placed the dragon egg into the crib with care, “may I?” He asked, gesturing to the child. “Of course they are your child as well Daemon.” You chuckled as you handed Rhaenar over to him, watching with love and adoration in your eyes as he cradled the child to his chest, smiling brightly when the child reached for his face to which he leaned down for the child to poke and pull lightly at his platinum locks. “I shall protect you and your mother from all harm but that also means that when you get older you must uphold that same promise also.” Dameon spoke softly to the child before angling them so they were facing you on the bed, “your mother is the most beautiful in all the seven kingdoms, even if she does bite my head off from time to time.” You scoffed playfully, “I do no such thing Rhaenar, don’t listen to your fool of a father. He tripped over his one feet when I said yes to being his.” Daemon covered the child’s ears as he glared at you playfully, “don’t want you ruining my reputation in front of our child now or else he’ll think I’m soft.” “You are soft though Daemon, hate to break it to you.” He chuckled in response as he placed the baby down in the crib though not before pressing a kiss to their forehead and a quick ‘I love you’ to join you in bed. “Such a tragic fate to befall a man to unconditionally love his child and lady.” He joked, stealing a kiss from your lips. “Yes how unfortunate indeed.” You joined in, snuggling against his side as you both watched over your child protectively.
Caraxes strained his long neck to the window of your chambers to get a look at the child, cooing softly as he watched the two newly made parents snuggle up in bed whilst watching over their child. The babe would grow into someone extraordinary under you and Daemon’s parentage the dragon concluded. Though he’d soon smack Daemon once more for claiming that he chose the dragon egg when in actual fact it was Caraxes who had chosen the egg. Daemon was going to gift an ugly mishmash of a brownish-red egg before his dragon pointed him to a more suitable egg. If one squinted however not only would you be able to see that while it was an entirely pitch black egg there was hints of fiery red here and there. Caraxes was happy to see his family grow slightly larger, though more so he was happy that his Targaryen decided to grow up for the sake of you and the family. He couldn’t be more prouder…now how was he going to explain that he practically demolished some architectural structures just to bare witness to the childbirth…
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foreverautumn89 · 22 days
Every clue that Lonnie was abusive Pt 3
There is a couple of points of abuse in here kind of all wrapped together: Jonathan says Will is really good at hiding. So good at hiding that even the police couldn't find him so Jonathan thinks. Police who are trained to find hidden things.
Jonathan thinks they won't be able to find him. Although theres more to this one hold up so…either way you frame this I dont know whcih one is the truth or if both are true but either way it confirms Lonnie is abusive: Why is Will so good at hiding? Another clue. Well Will got so good at hiding because Will and Jonathan would have to hide from Lonnie and when Jonathan was fighting Lonnie off and protecting Will, Will would go and hide and would have to hide often. So much that he got so good at it.
And/or Jonathan was again making up an excuse that the cops wouldn't be able to find Will's body and Lonnie was good at covering up his bad behavior and what type of person he is [we know this to be true given the funeral scene] and Jonathan would know where to look first where Lonnie possibly hid the evidence so Lonnie couldn't get away with it. He also would know if Lonnie was lying to the cops which is why Jonathan wanted to be there to hear what Lonnie had to say and Jonathan didn't trust the cops he was so used to Lonnie talking his way out of things with everyone and always just getting away with everything. Either way it confirms the abuse and the fact that a certain someone was ignoring the abuse and making up excuses for Lonnie.
Hopper refuses to let Jonathan go and tells him so. ''Yeah well cops are good at finding. Stay here with your mom she needs you." Again, I'm not sure if Hopper is competely aware of the abuse or hes strongly suspecting it. Its never clear.
In this part Hopper was either testing his theory to see Jonathan's reaction to figure out if Jonathan was being abused OR he did this because thats just Hopper being stern with him. But either way, Jonathan's reaction is what gives it away that he was abused. Hopper grabs Jonathan by the shoulders and Jonathan looks frozen and scared because usually when hes grabbed by an older man what came after was what Lonnie did to him. Then Hopper gives him a punch on the arm to see his reaction. If Hopper was trying to figure out if his theory was correct-Jonathan's reaction to all of that just proved it [and notice he continues to hunt down Lonnie] If Hopper knew Jonathan was being abused already and didn't need to test it, than that was just Hopper being stern with him and the little 'man to man' punch on the arm was intended to be a manly sorry about grabbing you way.
Really what I think was happening was Hopper grabbing him so aggressively was not what was intended, that just shows how scared Hopper was of Jonathan going there to see Lonnie. He was so scared he grabbed Jonathan because he was that terrified of another kid getting lost. and the pucn on the arm was to a manly thing to say sorry about grabbing you in alarm, buddy. Didn't mean to.' But even this way shows how scared Hopper is by the thought of Jonathan being around Lonnie. So either way you interpret that situation, it all points to abuse.
Jonathan disobeys Hopper and goes to Lonnie's house anyway to look for Will BY HIMSELF since Hopper wouldn't let him go, Jonathan is going to save Will from that monster one way or another. And it shows that Jonathan doesn't trust the police/any authority figure to do their job because hes so used to that happening. Again going back to everything I said in the previous posts about why that is.
On the drive to Lonnies, Jonathan remembers him and Will listening to should I say or should I go and the relevant bit to this discussion is Will saying 'Idk its fun to go with him [Lonnie] sometimes'. The ppl claiming that Jonathan and Will were never abused always try to bring this up to debunk the Jonathan and Will were abused 'theory'. But it actually does the OPPOSITE.
Usually abuse victims have something called 'stolkholm syndrome' where someone loves their abuser and wants their approval. And this happens often with abusive parents and thier children. Because you're taught that you should love your mom and dad no matter what. Even if they're mean to you sometimes they just want whats best for you. Society not realizing the problem with telling children this-or at least telling abused children this. The rest of the world teaches them that its wrong not forgive your parents mistakes. Its wrong to not love your parents. So Will and Jonathan don't want to be bad people and even naturally they loved their dad because he is their dad. He was the one that didn't care about them, it wasn't the other way around.
They went through what every child went through: Wanting to spend time with your father and be close to him and make him proud and to get his approval. It must have taken a lot for Jonathan to overcome that and ofc the fans don't appreciate this fact. That Jonathan had to learn and teach himself the right things and raise himself and then Will: That if you have to change everything you are for someone to love you then they don't really love you [like what they went through with Lonnie]. If they really loved you they wouldnt want to change you, they'd love you for who you are. This also applies to Jonathan's issue with the Hawkins townspeople because they also believe that you should change everything you are to be accepted/popular/fit in. And ofc the fans also think Jonathan is disgusting for this and paint it as him 'thinking hes better than everyone''.
When really its just that Jonathan believes that you should be loved for who you truly are, not be somebody elses idea of perfect to be loved. Jonathan believes and had to learn the hard way that you should love and accept yourself for who you truly are and real love is when someone loves you for who you truly are. Like how he and Will love and accept each other and in this scene Jonathan even tells encourages Will to stop pleasing Lonnie ext and Jonathan shows that he loves Will for who he truly is.
That will doesn't have to pretend to be someone hes not with Lonnie to receive a fake version of love for him, when Will has someone who loves him as is always by his side [Jonathan]. And Jonathan even proves it to the audience that he means this when he asks Will again So you like this [the song] for real? Will nodded and smiled 'For real' and they danced to the song together. It was showing us that Jonathan was making sure that Will wasn't just saying he liked the song because Jonathan liked it and Will thought that was what J wanted to hear. He was making sure Will liked it because he really liked it, not to get someone elses approval.
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bumofthewild · 4 months
what are your shadowbringers thoughts so far 🥳
too many.........! i mean it like a lot. more than i get to in this post. also i did the final trial of post-shb ytd actually so spoilers for both shb and post-shb (up 2 the end of that fight)
i think it was different from what i was expecting from the pre-shb parts... like i really enjoyed what immediately happens after the yotsuyu trial where alphinaud plans to go to garlemald and gets stranded in the burn (one of the coolest locations in the game) and the really dire feeling from your friends falling unconscious around you and a voice calling to you in this urgent but poetic way; i was really into the feeling of this unknown threat closing in all around wol. when finally alisaie falls (i liked the development she was getting and how blunt she is abt caring abt her loved ones) and wol gets transported to the first i was like whooooaaaa but then i actually think the story kind of lost me for a bit bc it loses that pre-shb momentum setting up the first as a location. not to say the opening parts of shb aren't well-written or interesting bc they def are but i found myself kind of wanting to go back to that intense direness (rather than the resigned-to-danger feeling of life in the first after the flood) and also i had this idea of shb being this visually darker expansion probably bc of the title and the garlemald cutscenes so its funny its the exact opposite. i rmb i also thought the shadowbringers would be the ascians but they really made you think that on purpose smh bc the shadowbringers are actually.....you....! (i think)
still i really like the idea of overwhelming light and how it just leads to stasis of all things. shb has some truly weird ideas but in a really fun way like the idea that the echo is something that can be evoked within sundered beings by having them experience a starshower like how the fuck do you come up with that. just some truly esoteric things like elemental imbalances and the shattering of the source into thirteen shards and all that like im genuinely a big fan of the ffxiv world lore. it was cool how all this stuff was set up pretty well too with the warriors of darkness from post-hvw like i really liked how they put those guys back into the story. and i always enjoy when the driving force in a story is like a hunt for mini-bosses (the light wardens). i think what was kind of making my interest fray at times though was again just establishing a new setting which i was less interested in than the overwhelming light plot stuff. particularly eulmore, probs bc i went there first fresh after all the urgent things were winding down but also bc it's so detailed a location it feels almost separate from the game to me so i felt a bit distracted. i really wasn't expecting that initial confrontation with vauthry to extend into him and his army becoming such a large part of the story, but i did like it regardless, like that cut-scene with kai-shirr where you save him from vauthry was so dramatic its even giving me chills remembering it. the fatphobia regarding vauthry's character was weird but im just. like ok. well i just had to say it
i really like the new locations too like il mheg definitely was made for me to spend hrs in there wishing it was real but everywhere too was really fresh and unique. i like mord souq a lot and i liked seeing the beast tribes be incorporated into the societies as opposed to whatever eorzea is always doing wrong. i also liked the attention put into things like developing relationships w ppl from the diff areas like helping with the trolley and the talos at twine--i always like stories where places are revitalised. like smaller-scale hopes being restored amongst the larger actions like bringing back the night and showing how these small things can be equally as important. i liked the effort that went into establishing the unique lifestyles of denizens of the first also. and seriously everything aboug il mheg plus urianger hanging out with fairies is one of those things that feels directly plucked from the self-indulgent recesses of my brain. i was actually sad when you lifted the mist bc the place felt a lot more enclosed (i like enclosed things i love an enclosed atmosphere which is why i wanted shb to feel less like it was opening up a story) and dreamy but oh well i can always just ng+ the game and never find urianger's house and frolick in misty il mheg forever
going back to how each area is really fun i also really like that idk thing stories do where you encounter a diff person at every diff location. like that all your friends were at different places on the map idk how to explain but i thought that was a fun way to have wol explore novrandt that makes sense. and how these new places recontextualise the scions who have been with you since arr was interesting like seeing them in a new light. i do feel like the game doesn't develop urianger and y'shtola as much emotionally compared to the others (THANCRED IS THE MAIN CHARACTER OF THIS GAME?) bc idk they're smart or smth so they're usually playing Mr. Exposition roles but i was grateful that at least you finally FINALLY spend a lot of time together as a party and build your relationship. probs one of the things i enjoyed most about shb. like you obvs don't see them in hvw bc they're all missing--just generally urianger isn't hidden away in some library thancred isn't skulking around some imperial stronghold somewhere y'shtola isn't being placed in a coma for the millionth time and the twins aren't otherwise engaged with logistics/combat. like everyone was finally together and striving towards the same things together. i could finally feel the bond between the scions rather than be told they're close thru sparse interactions they have with wol individually.
i also really like what they did with ardbert, the moments w him all felt so poignant. i used to find him silly in post-hvw calling himself the warrior of darkness and smirking at me all the time until the moment he goes back to the first w urianger's help..then i was like my bad i wasnt aware of your struggles.... i like how they complicated his char a lot and his narrations were so fun. his char is a good example i think of how shb did a good job of being both heartbreaking and pretty dark without being hamfisted or unnecessarily cynical
i feel like im going to have to spend so much time processing shb bc i blasted thru it but also bc i was so distracted by the crystal exarch like the moment i saw him i was like is this not just g'raha bc of the male miqote mouth (and that he has you go to the crystal tower but mostly the mouth) and this like proceeded to distract me to an insane degree up until the very second his hood flew back at the climax of the game and revealed it was actually him. i was even telling my sister like i hope he doesn't reveal his face himself i hope some stray wind or w/e blows the hood down...so i won that interaction. idk how i managed to avoid spoiling that considering i used to see fanart of him often bc he's so popular but i am not ungrateful bc even if its obviously him that would have sucked bc needing to know it was him like being right was possessing me
uhh what else............ regretfully emet-selch is now one of my fav characters. in the whole game. which is crazy to me.... i used to see his name around as well but what i rmb specifically is this one time i saw like a tweet complaining abt ff fans who are really into the imperialist ideals mention him and i was like eww guess im never gonna like this emet-selch guy if i play hahahaha. and i had this weirdass vision of him in my head as this brooding black robe-wearing guy w mid length grey hair or smth (just the impression i got from his name idefk) bc i had no clue what he looked like. and then solus shows up for the first time and i was like wow this guy is really interesting like whenever he shows up the plot really starts gripping me bc i just find the shit to do with the ascians soooooo super interesting. like the fact that they're very openly present but such a large threat. it's interesting to me that as enemies they make themselves so known to the main cast and could be anywhere at any time--i find that sort of impasse really fun. like a tense atmosphere nobody on either side breaks until the final moment bc they're not sure what the retaliation will be. also when emet-selch admitted that as ascians they'd all been tempered by zodiark like HUHHHH THATS SO INTERESTING
i think definitely the part after mt.gulg trial was where i was really understanding why i see a lot of ppl say that shb is the best expac bc how much the plot ramps up the stakes all of a sudden compared to the level of danger you get used to is crazy. and it really gives you things to think about beyond wuhhh good and evil bc like after you incoporate all that light into you, you're the threat now...? like what do you do? when you open the windows and the light has come back to the world after you gave everyone this hope the night sky could come back... that level of fucking up really surprised me. and the whole time emet-selch is shadowing you really only feels at most like a vaguely concealed threat and i feel like i don't usually get caught like that but i was genuinely shocked he was such a serious threat all of a sudden. like i genuinely forgot even though all of his interactions felt like being on the edge of a deal w the devil. and it was well done too i like when everyone is honest abt their intentions more or less the whole time but theres still a lot of intrigue -> danger
i usually roll my eyes at ig simplistic overtures about sympathizing with or even at least understanding your enemy but i have to say i really was unfortunately taken in by the fact that emet-selch was very genuine about his interest in the main party, and it was even better to me bc of how precarious their interactions were. i just love weird and hard-to-put-into-words relationships between ppl who know of each other but are essentially strangers. and compared to the other ascians you've met so far how he makes his appeals more human/emotional rather than with the stiff otherworldly-being logic of his comrades i find interesting, and again it doesn't come off as simplistic or try to provide any thoughtless concrete answers to me bc although the main party at least feels enough towards him to feel pity/considerate/betrayed, which i like bc that's just what ppl do, they just can't accept him (obviously) and they remain at that standstill. like they understand each other but they will never agree. not getting into how he invites wol who is turning into a monster personally to his underwater lair bc i want to seem normal secret recesses of my mind i just always like characters that seem cool or capable or operate in a way that seems very (almost "nobly") focused but its actually something of a farce, and they're really being spurred on by some intensely personal emotion. like shinobu from kny or sekigahara from 13 sentinels who are some off my fav characters. i did feel like the way he was rejecting the party at the end (before you fight him) was kind of excessive, like they were playing up his villainy a bit so it would make more sense you have to kill him or smth, but in my mind it's like of course you have to kill him no matter what. and i don't mean all of this in some woobifying way where i feel bad for him like nooo poor emet more like i just like when someone is really driven by emotions idk lemme try to find the words. the way the grief like bleeds out of him... like he creates a giant city of memories that he wants someone to understand so bad. i like that kind of mishandled pain...like an inability to contain something.
but as much as what the ascians strive towards/how they go about it/most things to do with them fascinate me i do have an iffy feeling about smth very specific that i think really solidified itself with amaurot. i find the conflict that is the sundering really interesting but how it's conceptualized is really................hm....the ascians having a normative standard of what it means to be a "proper" or fully-fledged or whole being = being worthy of life, so that killing the "malformed" beings that are the non-ascians doesn't count as killing.... that they have this idea of a "true" type of person. does that not seem like couched in really blatant ableist (and other things but im just a fool on tumblr) thought about what it means to be considered a person. i was just fascinated bc they're the villains so I GUESS it's meant to be "wrong" the way they think, but theyre still also sympathetic chars (and imperialists) so ok. this is also the acting logic of eorzea disposing of the ixal and the kobolds and the sahagin etc etc like killing beastmen is like swatting flies. the beast racism. like you know the amount of stock ppl put into worthless concepts like "reason" as if its some immutable law and not socially constructed and thats whats good and virtuous and deserving of life. it was just interesting? (HAHAHAHAUUUGHH) to see that represented in this hyper-rational and streamlined city/society of the ascians. the hard edges and the carefully tended charmless cement rows of tree plots and organized lines for licenses and taking pleasure in an organised and rational debate with my fellow ascians at the debate hall. like the perfect and complete world the ascians are killing themselves to bring back is bureaucracy???????? i actually was so stunned i wanted to laugh. idk it just makes so much sense to me that the way square enix apparently pictures some lost utopia "lesser" beings cant achieve would be in this sort of fake-conflictless way. it feels otherworldly of course in comparison to the rest of the worlds and i enjoyed that section of the game a lot but. like good lord
i had like no thoughts about g'raha until post-shb for some reason maybe bc idk what i could say the game hasn't already abt his personality but i'm like fascinated with how taken he is with wol bc i almost don't get it. i actually kind of mostly enjoy it in a really one-sided way where he is enamoured with wol as a fantasy figure out of his reach and it just stays that way forever. he interests me bc it feels like he's not really alive....and i said in my post about stormblood that i really like characters who feel like they can't see a life for themselves in the future beyond some goalpost they strive towards..but g'raha feels a bit different, he doesn't feel dead inside or empty he just feels like. he's not alive like he's not living. idk like he's not a human person but a symbol (the crystal exarch). ig it's his solitary focus on salvation bc even though he bakes lyna a cake for her bday and it turns out badly i like struggle to imagine him doing anything mundane or anything that isn't crystally or exarchy. i have to rotate him more idk. how he's also self-serving despite thinking so lowly of himself is interesting to me too. and i like how all of this is symbolised by how he'll have to reconcile this current version of himself with his past self, that is reimagine himself as a living flesh and blood person, in order to get out of the crystal vessel (symbolism?) hes currently inside of. whether he does idk yet im still playing post-shb so plz dont say.
i think im running out of space rip my thoughts on elidibus and the final hades fight (they should have just made it emet-selch, hades carries too many preconceptions so it felt random to me but maybe im just greedy and i've spared too much thoughts abt this guy already)
oh shit i also wanted to talk about how the more i learn about the ascians the more i'm convinced the imperialism in this game is just a waste of space and time and effort in this game but well. huge tangent. i genuinely just pretend its not there
last thoughts i'm convinced the finality of so many of the events is like.... was this supposed to be the final part of the ffxiv story..... the cinematic fight with hades/ how you beat him using the power of friendship/the heroes gauntlet duty where everyone you've helped in the first comes to your aid/fight against the original warrior of light....? etc. like it definitely all feels so final. why are there expansions after this......................like why bother.......shb did it all
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writingmoth · 5 months
wip questionnaire
thanks @worldstogetlostin for the tag!!!
rules: answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
probably the concept of a god of the forest saving a villager from the wild hunt. i didnt have loifa or rowan created, mind, just the vague idea of a god interrupting mischievous fairies who were about to kill/kidnap/do gods know what to a village boy who made a very stupid mistake. the whole scene is now an interlude in fantasy romance wip.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
no clue, honestly. shout out to queen's deception from the destiny soundtrack though, it'd have a similar vibe.
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
from fantasy romance wip? im risking being obvious here, but its between loifa and rowan. probably rowan, i think. the boy is just trying SO hard and loifa is just SO much to deal with. tbh he has older sister energy and i sympathize with that.
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
that's a very interesting question. my wip is mostly inspired by the fifth season and ffxiv, but in very different ways, so it's hard for me to say that ppl who liked both would like it. bc you know... fantasy romance wip is a romance (allegedly!)... and the fifth season and ffxiv aren't...
(well, ffxiv is if you try hard enough but)
let's say i wouldnt be surprised if someone who liked nettle & bone and the cruel prince also liked fantasy romance wip. id expect that person to be aroace and/or queer in some way though, ngl.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
the middle!!! and the length!! it's kinda bizarre just how much needs to happen and how i need to fit so much into a standalone and i still have no middle to speak of?? like how does that even happen
also, you know... the romance.... :(
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
lots of animals!! or beasts in general. good honest folk (cows, horses, sheep just minding their business and being slaughtered for no good reason by Things) and the mischievous crowd (carnivorous deer, three eyed owls, said Things), etc. no little guys to speak of so far, though.
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
on foot. there are only like two horses left in the marrow (the village) and they are working horses, so they arent used for travel/getting around.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
(through blood, sweat and tears) [the beginning of] the middle!!!!
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
weird magical forest + god/mortal relationship + tiny town/village energy + secrets + the aroace lens. basically.
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
id be very contented if i finished it honestly :(
tagging @i-can-even-burn-salad @treesandwords @duskforged @ anyone else who wants to try!!
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chocobothis · 1 year
i think ppl stereotypicall think that violence cannot also be an act of love because love is like a 'good' and 'pure' thing and therefore cannot be synonymous with violence @thebubbledragon
One of my best friends sent me this while talking about a book trilogy they had just finished reading. (The Green Bone Saga for the curious.) It's become one of those things that twists and turns in my mind. It's this call that I feel like I need to write a response for. My hearts sings out with something that my mind and fingers can't quite capture yet.
I sat down earlier trying to turn a variation of "violence as an act of love" into prose. What I wanted was that to be my drum beat. Something where I dove into it with that as the singular repeating line while each paragraph answered it. Those words are still stuck as sounds and feelings.
It touched me because I write so many things where acts of violence serve as acts of love and respect and acknowledgement. Hell, sometimes it's born from a tangled sense of compassion. Between my favorite ships and settings and tropes it melds in so perfectly. So many of my characters when cornered go, "I love you so much I'll fight for you. I'll take your place. I'll bleed for you without flinching."
The greatest acts of violence Solus carries out with the Force (and many outside) have been born of love. She respects loves a man so much they tear chunks out of each other on Concordia. Their blood splatters seems into the ground because this is as much a dance as the night before was. As their meeting had been with turns of phrase and looks and assurances half given. She loves Mandalore so much she burns parts of the Jedi Order and Republic Spy Networks. "Let them know what it feels like to have Outsiders invade their home." She breaks a friend's arm in three places as a village burns around them because she'll suffer no disrespect to her family. A man nearly two feet taller than her was tackled from a balcony as a distraction, as a show of prowess. All of the finesse of the Force, of her lightsabers (the gifted kyber burning orange), of most of her training as a warrior in favor of a brutality fueled by love. Him and his brother were endangering her family, defiling her home, and it would stop. Later when Inquisitors caught her and her family her riduur died; he died knowing he couldn't win but he could buy his two riduurs and their children time to escape. She dug so deep into the Force a shockwave echoed seemingly across the time and space. Them and their forces died because would lay waste to everything to protect her children, her family, her home. There's so much more drawing from her and her love that appears as violence. Later, she juggles the world for her riduur as she works to take their home again and again. She's guide and advisor and assassin and the rock to build upon.
Nico Bright loves Claire Redfield so much she ingests a variant of t-virus to save her. Her body bleeds antibodies because fate is fickle. It doesn't change but it hurts. Later she fights a man with decades of experience over her and wins. (A shotgun is a great equilizer.) There's blood and broken bones and bruising on her end. Her own life was in danger and that fuels her. But, even more so was he hurt people she loves. It's an act she'll never be able to undo, what he did to them and countless others, but she can stop it from happening again. It ends here and it ends now and it ends with her almost hyperventilating body thrown so deep into this she becomes calm. She protects civilians (a title she no longer views for herself) with a calm tone and good leadership and acts of violence. Because it keeps them safe from the zombies outside their little SUV. So many of her brushes with bioterrorism are born from this unyielding love for humanity and others even if it almost breaks her.
There's so many more; Alijah Kastor who hunts people who could kill her with her hands tied behind her back, Lumi Kirrin bathed in blood from such a young age to defend the basic rights of others, Jazari Naaji who acts for love and family no matter the personal cost, Vren Avitus who makes herself in a guide and assassin and solider to save her sister and her loves, Fe Cataegis who has a panic attack so intense she throws up because she hates travel by water but this fight needs her more. Sosha Soruna is canon but she helps reclaim a home that is not her own wearing none of the trappings of those around her; it's violence in the act of love because this is Jila's Home and she wants her girlfriend happy.
There's just something so twisting in violence as an act of love that calls out. It's the answer to the question of "What would you do for those you love?" with a defeaning, "Anything."
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
【 book 6 thoughts ! (3) 】
back at it again ^^ had so much fun laughing bc rook and idia in this chunk of chapters jfksdjfs
part: one, two, three, four / ??
[ spoilers from 6-36 till 6-42 below the cut ! ]
[ about : hunt family's villas ]
lowk sad that they didn't spend more time narrating rookepeyuu's travels together. i'm sure we would've gotten a lot of good banter between them ++ taking a look at the hunt family's villas *eyes emoji*
also. rook being a middle child.....thinking on that.... but also WHEW five siblings, and they call themselves a clan ?? when epel says "the more i learn, the more mysterious you become" i am seconding his words.
[ about : le chasseur d'amour ]
FUCK IM CRYISNFDJSHFJS— i love the way the whole base is scrambling bc !!! omg the base is under attack !!! how could this happen !! and idia pulls up the surveillance feeds and it's this blond frenchman zooming around on a broom introducing himself to the mf OCEAN— (also rook calling vil his "meiyuu" aka sworn friend cryinggggg and sobbingggg)
I STILL CAN'T GET OVER HIM DOING A WHOLE SELF INTRO FOR THE PPL THAT DON'T KNOW HIM !! and then idia n ortho's reactions are so funny for no reason jdfksjf (once again, idia tryna avoid violence and ordering to "secure" rook instead of "removing" him)
[ about : alas... ]
ok rook was the only person whose "defeat" was convincing. the way epel is so bad at acting...and not yuu saying alas of all things to signify their defeat sjkfdsf this is so funnyyy
[ about : rule of the island ]
"the rule of this island is to return the living back to where they came from, alive." that means that they don't intend to hurt people or kill people. and the only beings that are on the island are the staff and probably any phantoms they kept alive for experimentation.
[ about : saving vil's life ]
i'm having such a blast laughing at rook's antics this time sjkfjdf not idia letting them in bc "vil might have a life threatening illness that no one knows about" and "rook might have the medicine he needs" aND HE BRINGS OUT A BAG OF RETINOL AND VIT C SERUM PPPLEASEEEE
idia: y-you're really just giving him skincare ? not trying to help them escape ?
rook: that is right ! as the chasseur d'amour it is my duty to—
idia: it's clearly not worth risking your life over skin creams. like, ever.
[ about : ouchhh ]
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ok idia did NOT have to say that about yuu— that just hurt to even read bc we know how yuu's been feeling about themself after all that's happened around them...
[ about : nice ride, idia ]
ok but. why does this
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kinda remind me of the batmobile— no but seriously, it looks like something that we should be seeing in book 7 rather than rn,,,the wheels are made out of spinning wheels, and it's in. the shape of a bat/dragon with two horns and red eyes....
[ about : ortho and phantoms ]
ortho....did you just say there's a "bunch of phantoms" under the pillar ???? you mean there's multiple phantoms down there that STYX has frozen. and...the more pressing issue...what does he mean "you wouldn't want to end up like me" ? the whole time he was talking about the phantoms, he was...talking in this very quiet and melancholic tone.... (did ortho get hurt badly by the phantoms ? is that why he's basically a robot now ?)
[ about : direbeast grim !! ]
so. grim is a species called direbeast with a high blot density? or they said he's a mix between direbeast n something else and to me, that reeks of experimentation...but who would do such a thing ? and his blot accumulation spikes and drops unexpectedly....maybe as a direbeast, grim is able to turn blot into a magical energy source ?
and there's traces of a...powerful spell on him ? the fire in his ears being blue isn't just a cute and silly thing and it's signs of a curse ? omg. wait do you think that grim is actually some sort of beast from thousands of years ago that got put to sleep by a powerful spell, and he just woke up now ? all this grim lore makes me wanna know more abt where he came from...
[ about : shroud family curse ]
so their curse is that blot gets incinerated the moment it accumulates within them. so the ancient shrouds led a revolt against the jupiter family using the original phantoms (whatever that means) and thus got cursed + banished to the island of woe. they manage tartarus (phantom prison) and the underworld (phantom graveyard). and they're doing blot research in order to get rid of the phantoms so that they can regain their freedom....wow.
and if they don't have any blot. the curse goes straight to eating up their magic, so they constantly need to be using magic to even live. oh my god. the reason why they gave them that job is bc the phantoms will continue to leak blot into the world even after they're dead. so jupiter family put that curse on the shrouds with every intent of making them like a sponge that can "purify" any blot that escapes. bc if not it'll start affecting the world.
so that's why they're doing blot research :00 !! they're trying to figure out a way to neutralize or reutilize blot bc. the shrouds want to escape. they don't want to keep living in the island of woe, which is why they want to turn the phantoms into an energy source. it would bring them back the honor they had once lost + they don't have to keep living at the island of woe to keep the phantoms in check.
[ about : another ortho ]
okay so. i noticed this before. but ortho was talking about himself in third person in one of the chapters. like "what can ortho do for him" instead of using his usual personal pronoun of "boku". and then idia mentioned "what happened ot ortho when we tried to leave this place". so...i'm assuming that there's two orthos, and that one of them is dead ? or something happened to him ? meanwhile the ortho we know rn also knows about this other ortho, and sees him as an extension, but not entirely, himself. (also take note this is all speculation i do not know if im right or wrong)
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okayy we're stopping here for tonight ! when i tell you i laughed so much for this chunk of chapters, i mean it jskfjskf it was a nice contrast from last time, since last time was more tense + sad moments... until next timee
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will80sbyers · 10 months
This is sort of a recap for my brain about Vecna/the Mindflayer etc to put things in order in my mind ✨✨
Vecna's objectives
He wants to have revenge on El and kill her
He wants to open a big gate between Dimension X and Earth
He wants to create a new world that's "beautiful" without the rules of humanity and with him as the superior ruler of that world following the predator & prey mentality
What he did through the series:
Kidnapped Will to the upside down Hawkins or tried to kidnap him but failed and then took him after a few days and brought him to the library so that a plant could do something to him (kill him? Take his powers? Give him powers? Change is blood and DNA like it happened to him?) ( Does he think that Will escaping the Demogorgon meant he had potential to be a predator? )
Kidnapped Barb, brought her to the upside down and killed her, kept her body in the library
Kidnapped a few of the people hunting in the woods and killed them or the Demogorgon kills them randomly idk
In the finale of s1 he just lets Joyce and Hopper bring Will back in the right side world without attacking them
Found Eleven probably because she searched for Will and sent a Demogorgon to kill her at the school
Brenner was guarding the gate with soldiers using fire and then Owens took over for him stopping Vecna to go through there
Used Will's body as a host to send him back in Hawkins and create an army of Demodogs/Demogorgons
Started to possess Will? but it took one year for him to actually take over his body? (Why not possess him the night he saw the Mindflayer the first time when he was alone in the kitchen instead of doing it when everyone is there watching in the field? He couldn't before? Will was fighting back the possession?)
Attacked Hopper keeping him in the tunnels for a bit
Will is still himself a bit so he helps save Hopper
The soldiers burn the vines in the tunnels and that hurts all the things connected to the hive mind, Will has the seizure
Made Will set up a trap for the soldiers and killed all of them
Made the Demodogs make tunnels under Hawkins in the UD where he put all the plants and made them reach the Laboratory where the gate is to kill all the ppl there and open the big gate completely
Killed Bob purposefully or sent the Demodogs to attack everybody and Bob was in the way
The gate was closed by El, all the Demodogs died but part of the Shadow was inside Will and it remained in this world until he found Billy and started to make him do stuff to have more and more victims and take them to the meat monster that did something to them, modifying their DNA (?) by putting stuff in their mouths like he did to Will.... Anyway they can now drink stuff that's lethal for humans without dying
Meanwhile the Russians are trying to open a gate on their own with the machine and that's why the meat monster can stay alive in our world apparently
When they open the gate Will feels the connection with the Mindflayer/Vecna again with the shivers
The kids and Jopper fight against all of this, the monster steals El's powers with that thing attached to her leg idk how but it transfers that power to Vecna through the Hivemind
El reaches into Billy's brain and Billy stops just in time for Hopper and Joyce to close the gate again, the meat monster dies and El has lost her powers
A few Demogorgons are brought in Russia with Hopper and cloned (?) and they capture the shadow too
For some reason Vecna waits one year before attacking again
He connects with the plants to be able to go spy on everybody in Hawkins right side and kill ppl
He kills Chrissy and Fred opening small gates where they died
He tries to kill Max but fails
He kills Patrick opening the gate in the lake
He attacks Nancy to tell her to tell Eleven what he's doing so that he can lure her
Eleven finds a way to get her powers back and goes in Max's mind and then all of them end up in Vecna's mind
Vecna sends the shadow that was probably still left from Billy's body and ended up captured in Russia inside the Demogorgons so that they could kill Hopper and Joyce and also sends the Demobats to guard the gates and uses the vines to attack Steve, Robin and Nancy
El and Vecna fight and Vecna absorbs Max's mind and kills her
Murray burning the Demogorgons hurts Vecna enough (because they are all connected) that the teens get free from the vines and start going to find Vecna in the trance
Hopper kills the Demogorgon with the shadow inside (is the shadow still going around now? Since the last time it was... Could it be inside Joyce????? )
El stops Vecna but then the teens attack him and he goes back to his body
Max dies and El brings her back to life ( but her mind is not back )
The four gates for some reason connect and open the big gate under the library
Nancy, Steve and Robin continue burning Vecna's body and shoot him and he runs away hurt
Will says he feels again the connection with Vecna's mind since he's been back in Hawkins (closer to the now open gate?) and he remembers how he thinks and what he wants
The gates make black smoke and the air starts filling up with the atmosphere from the upside down with the particles from there
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
Yooo Lucas + his water ending + bloodbending was so interesting like dang okay. I really enjoyed the ethics of it like yeah it has this whole morally gray area bc it takes away others control but I could Help combat super bad ppl and also help save someone's life but also. Rough.
I also really liked how Jason is not just an evil crazy psycho like. Personally? I loved when Jason was just like. A kinda asshole dude but he was also not That bad like clearly he was just some generic white jock of a bully that would probably grow out of it when he was an adult (and after his girlfriend break ups with him) but he genuinely liked her gf ??? And he just went a little crazy after she was. Yk. Brutally (and super brutally) murdered. I liked the idea of one of the minor "antagonists" to just be some dude who didn't know the truth but kinda jumped to conclusions so he's a pain in their sides but also not. A murderer himself? And then he reallyyyyy went into the deep end with kinda suck so I felt nothing when he died but he could've been so good as a very morally gray character like wow
Anyways. Kinda like how in the atla au he's not a good guy + still a bit assholery but also not the Bad Guy so like yes 👌👏👏
part 1 | part 2
i love love LOVE lucas sinclair, ok? like he's just such a good character, and i also (obviously lmao) love the bloodbending ethics arc that lucas gets to go through as he also reconciles his feelings towards his waterbending being used for healing more so than combat and then bringing in the added layer of bloodbending into it!
JASON YEAH OKAY so jason annoyed me in the show because he took up too much time in my opinion, but i like the concept of him. i like the idea of a character who just doesn't understand and doesn't quite have the full picture, so he makes decisions in the show's canon that are really, really shitty. but also like? lowkey can't blame him for losing his shit after chrissy was murdered. he definitely should not have gone on some holy moral mission and hunted down eddie, but jason always interested me in how he was just a portrayal what the combination of ignorance and grief could do to a person. and then how he's so charismatic and able to rally people together through their fear? TERRIFYING. THE SMALL TOWN/SMALL MINDED KIND OF MENTALITY. SO GOOD.
in stranger things/atla world, i love thinking about where jason fits into lucas's arc after lucas saves max's life with his bloodbending. jason doesn't die in that battle (tbh i'll kill him off eventually, homie doesn't need to stick around), mostly to be a challenger of lucas's moral compass. because now, we have lucas sitting in the aftermath of this battle with the spirits, where max nearly died, and he has learned about the awful things that happened to el and will in their time away from hawkins. and lucas just... wants to cry. he feels awful. he never wants to be put in that situation again, because he's scared. he's scared that he's taken the first step down a slippery slope into something that will make him into a person he doesn't want to be.
it's one day, maybe a week or a couple weeks after the battle, that jason comes into max's hospital room and has a talk with lucas. they don't beat around the bush, and jason states the obvious: that lucas used bloodbending to save max's life. and lucas can't lie. jason was there. he saw it. so lucas just nods.
and that's when jason asks him how it felt—if he felt the power the moon had blessed him with that night. if he could feel the ocean in his veins and in max's veins. if he felt closer to his waterbending and to his healing that he'd ever felt before. and if it felt good.
the answer to all those questions is yes. the answer is yes, and lucas hates it, so he doesn't say anything.
but his silence speaks volumes.
jason begins to tell him that maybe this is a good thing. lucas is a great waterbender, and jason has seen that potential in him for a while now. and jason doesn't believe in all that spiritual mumbo jumbo—especially since the spirits are literally trying to kill all of them—but maybe lucas was given a natural inclination to healing for a reason. it's difficult to bloodbend, after all, but lucas was able to do it with ease—like a natural extension of his healing gift. so maybe, this is a good thing.
and the thing is, lucas has wondered the same thing. he has. he's stared at max's body—unconscious but alive—and has wondered what else he could do with his bending. if he could study this more, if he could learn it, could he save other lives? could he heal? is that even something that he wants? it shouldn't be, right?
and... and sometimes it's not. sometimes it's not, when lucas notices el doesn't use her waterbending as much anymore, the way that she used to shy away from it when they first met. sometimes it's not, when lucas notices that will gets tense around any waterbenders except lucas... because el and will... they don't know what lucas did to save max's life.
there are too many questions for lucas to deal with, so he just doesn't answer jason. and jason gets it, so he tells lucas just to think about it and to let him know.
and so, lucas is just left with all those questions and all those thoughts—none more prominent than one.
if bloodbending can be used to save a life—if he used bloodbending to save max's life—it can't inherently be wrong, can it?
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antigonewinchester · 2 years
well, I’ve been watching more of s11 and… actually kind of liking it! especially after the extended Sam & Dean conflict of the last 3 seasons, them finally working together again against an external threat is such a breath of fresh air. I can see why s11 is a fan fav, esp against all the messiness of s9 & s10. also suspect the writers were enjoying it more too, just given how these eps feel better written, more entertaining & overall more cohesive. while things could change in s12 - s15, I’ve seen the idea that Dean becomes the main character instead of Sam (even from talking to friends IRL who watched the show but aren’t in fandom) and I’d disagree / have quibbles with it, at least thru what I’ve seen. if the Kripke era started the audience in Sam’s POV and was abt his journey and could-be-good, could-be-bad destiny, then s11 returns to the formula of Sam back in a more heroic role & having mysterious stuff to deal with once again. the show even has Sam having prophetic / meaningful dreams, just like early seasons. and then Dean’s back in a more directly supportive role, esp in contrast to s10, which took Dean far out from his usual narrative role and the writers really struggled with it, imo.
anyway, “Baby” was a cool, inventive frame for an ep, and I liked how the violence almost got into slapstick territory. really enjoyed the spookiness of both “Thin Lizzie” and “Plush,” the costumes especially were very creepy, and Donna is a great side-character. there’s some kind of meta around soullness as connected to trauma & how different ppl react to trauma (and definitely some threads re: good vs bad victims here). Crowley being an evil, manipulative dad really works, and the show is not subtle in having Crowley wanting / trying to kill Dean after ‘becoming’ a dad, huh. the Dean & Crowley & Amara scene in 11x06 actually gave me some faint echoes of “Devil’s Trap”? in Dean being threatened by a demonic father figure but then saved by Amara & her powers (what Sam was unable to fully do in 1x22) and then with Amara wanting to fill a Sam-esque obsessive sibling spot in Dean’s life, her “you save me, I save you” speech and the God’s sister reveal. overall, the Dean & Amara’s connection is appropriately disconcerting, uncomfortable & intriguing. Jensen played the ‘I’m both drawn to you & incredibly disturbed by it’ ending of 11x06 really well, esp opposite a teen Amara. it’s always great to see how he plays these quieter scenes.
the whole “we need to save people again!” thing isn’t totally working for me, tho. I get what the show is going for, returning to the “saving ppl, hunting things” idea and wanting to focus more on the saving rather than killing part, but because the show didn’t focus much on it for most of Carver’s era, it just feels kind of awkward to be like, oh, now they care abt not killing hosts / vessels. thematically, it certainly feels again like a calling back to early seasons, which had such a focus on the “saving vs killing” and the family motto, although I’d say Kripke’s era had a lot of complexities to Sam and Dean and how they viewed the family motto even early on, so it wasn’t a 1 to 1, saving or killing, for either of them.
the last thing is that it is wild to be watching this season right after having finished my casual Revolutionary Girl Utena rewatch, because in RGU there’s also a prominent God and his sister as the darkness plot which goes in quite a different direction to what’s happened / happens on SPN. on one level the plot and character similarities are a coincidence, as these 2 shows are quite distant in their themes & ideas, but on another level... given narrative threads around responsibility shifting, good vs bad victims and esp gender, my thoughts are percolating here.
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6okuto · 2 years
Hello!! I love your work and was wondering how you get different ideas for fics? I struggle coming up with ideas that are kinda outside the box lol, lots of love <333
OMGGG Thank U!! I get it. < girl who's been stuck on ideas. lol...(said in agony). i will try to make a list for both of us (T_T)b
being so srs 1) i don't think any of my work is vry unique/creative and 2) i'm an infp-t who injects romance into everything and thinks about it everywhere. i have issues. so a popular prompt or one of my Many thoughts is usually all i need 🫥😔 But!!!
reels/tiktoks, esp if it's a trend (would u love me if i was a worm / act a fool / etc). i basically trained my fyp before i uninstalled tiktok to give me new scenarios LMAO
prompt lists/generators can be vry helpful to get my brain going
^ have a list of fave charas / charas that have different personalities !! bokuto, iwaizumi, suna, etc. r faves but they're so different that Boom. 1 prompt = 5 scenes to pick from :]
+ a list your favourite things / tropes/ aus. doesn't matter how popular or niche! key things for Me: special moments/firsts + domesticity + charas being whipped. LOL
think of different media! your fave shows/movies, dating sims, etc. do u have a favourite moment.. what got U flustered 🤨
i get smau ideas from pinterest sometimes . i find funny memes + tweets and save them to a board LOL
Read other works!! also i follow the oc questions tag bc the q's can hit super specific scenarios that make u go Woah
tbh ideas just come from,,, life. silly things. Write down these moments to use later! "photo of you" was bc i saw a girl printing pcs of herself for her friends and said hey... :)
^ "boyfriends in public" was bc i kept watching couples try to pay for each other at checkout. songs they'd post you to...i kept seeing ppl posting their s/o and said what about Me.
multi-chara post: take a prompt and think of it in different locations! he gives you his jacket? why? because you're outside and it's cold, because you're at his game/set/etc. and he thinks it'd be cute that everyone knows you're dating, because you want to sleep and you can use it as a blanket, etc etc.
^ just start naming random places in ur head and see if anything happens—get more specific as u go! house. kitchen. the walk-in pantry. boom: big party scene and person a walks into the pantry at the sight of their favourite snack, caught by person b who's the host. oh that's a good one actually. woah. LOL
and like,, it's so so cool to just.. do an idea that's been done before. remember that if u as a reader will eat up the same prompt/trope over and over again, that u as a writer can feel happy to write it too!! So Many of my own posts have been done before but i think they're still good in their own way 🤷🏻‍♀️ U writing it rather than someone else means that it'll automatically be special to U.
some prompts / thoughts 4 u to use + get ur brain going!!! ^___^
holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, firsts dance! in the kitchen? at a wedding? is it their first one? are they really bad at it? person a thinks person b is a worker and asks for help and they do! they do Not work at this store though. fogged up glasses person a saving b from an awful looking date / a no show a gets b smth from build a bear with a special recording both going to the movies alone but ending up next to each other. it's a comically bad movie a is asked what their 'type' is and describe b who's listening both cosplaying as a chara part of a duo/relationship, then spotting the other at a con :0 (hurt/)comfort: anxious reader, overworked reader, someone was rude, person a has a nightmare, person a accidentally injures themself and doesn't tell b package left at the wrong door "god the men you put on this earth to hunt and protect are ___" person a, who struggles to initiate physical affection, suddenly initiates physical affection (why? where? are they both flustered?) person a tries slipping a valentine into b's things as a secret, but is caught in the act strangers on an airplane watching the same movie next to each other (bonus: one is re-watching, the other is watching for the first time. the re-watcher pretends they don't know what's going to happen because it's endearing to watch the other) a accidentally reacts to b's ig story or posts the comment they very much did not mean to comment
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candy-fae · 1 year
Back to Carlie sort of watches supernatural hour!!!
I tried I Tried I TRIED to give dean a chance bc y'all kept saying "no he gets better Carlie!!" And "pay attention Carlie!! " and "WATCH THE WHOLE EPISODE INSTEAD OF JUST SKIMMING WHILE U DRAW CARLIE" and I said fine!!
Fuck it!!! Lemme watch the next episode.
So I put on Season 7, episode 3.
I hate him I hate him I hate him lolololol
The whole episode I just felt horrible for Amy Pond.
I've never been a huge anime fan, but one of the few I HAVE watched has been Tokyo Ghoul. For those who haven't seen it, the premise is that ghouls need human meat to survive, and must hide amongst humanity so as not to get absolutely murdered by ghoul hunters who have learned how to hunt and kill them.
Ghouls have found alternative ways of getting flesh, much like Amy Pond, whom spoiler, works at a morgue. Throughout the series, we see ghouls struggles to hold onto humanity, and try to exist and hold normal bonds and lives. One such perspective is from a mother and small daughter who comes to our main cast for help. Just remember that.
Now, due to our monster, Amy's son getting sick, in a panic, she kills some ppl to feed him. Oopsie, but like, slay momma bear.
Sam also happens to know her personally, and when he finds out she was just doing this one bad thing this ONE time, he leaves her be. Says that's what most people would do in that situation. Dean lies, and tells Sam he trusts his judgment, and then promptly what does he do??
He tracks her down.
And kills her in front of her son, telling her it is her nature that makes her a monster and eventually she will kill again.
And in my head all I saw was the scene in Tokyo Ghoul, where we get the perspective of said monsters. A mother fights to save her baby, and loses her life, just for the baby to be traumatized, and GRIEVE and hate herself for just being born. The question arises, do we as monsters, deserve to even live just because of what we need to survive? If it is sourced ethically, and they aren't actively hurting anyone, do they still deserve the death penalty? I meant hey, sure, maybe they would have killed people in the future. Junior catches the flu and now mommy needs to go Merc an old dying person.
Maybe! But he just simply doesn't believe in hope, and change, or seperating yourself from the cards you were delt, and it's shitty.
He's a shitty, shitty guy, and I think everyone gives him a pass because of the trauma he's been through, and the fact that he's pretty but like noooooo??
Ps. I hope the son, who's just an orphan now I GUESS, does in fact come back, and I hope he Hurts him bad. Nobody chose to be born the way they are, and I guarantee his kill count was higher than hers lmao I just really am not loving this guy like everyone made me think I would. Consider me a meanie little hater who doesn't know what she's talking about bc again!! I'm maybe only watching the parts where he's the WORST, but I was still mad about the werewolf girl, and I'm noticing a pattern with the women here.
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wowitscoldoutpt2 · 11 months
I've just finished the fourth book of acotar, here's what I think of it. Spoilers obviously
Acotar as a series reads like a fanfic imo. feyre, which is a funny name because like most of the characters are fae, and feyre becomes fae so. It's a lil on the nose lmao. Anyway feyre is 19 at the start of this which I feel like is not nearly old enough.
She's real special, she gets a lil bit of every power of all the courts so she's like the avatar (atla not blue ppl). This irks me the wrong way because like, of course she'd be the avatar and she's married to the strongest man ever and she's super duper powerful and yadda yadda. I don't like her character arc. Like the first book sets her up as a girl who taught herself to hunt to survive and she's very strong and she's super swag, and then I feel like she just becomes like a Mary Sue. Like her figuring everything out under the mountain vs her just like, water bending and shit is such a contrast. She used to have to use her brain and now she can just "magic go" and it's over. She doesn't feel super complex once the whole mating business gets going.
Oh yeah, the mating business.
The most uncomfortable and awkward part of this whole series, the mating business. It's not quite omegaverse but good gods it's close. Everyone is now "males" and "females" which is just. Why?? I get they're not human but like "boy" and "girl" or "man" and "woman" is just. Idk, "male" and "female" is very Alpha Male Speak if u know what I mean.
So feyre is the mate of Rhysand (? these names are a nightmare) who is the aforementioned Most Powerful Man Ever, and they do sex like way more than they need to. And it's even worse because of the whole mating thing, gods I hate this whole concept so much.
The sex is not even that good, it's not very well written and for some reason the author doesn't say things like penis or vagina or pussy or dick or whatever, no no. It's, and I quote, "the length of him" and "the center of me" it's so silly. I'm violently asexual so maybe that's why I think the sex is so poorly written, but I've read better sex in fanfic I didn't read all the tags for, yk?
Anyway, moving on from the whole, mating sex thing, which is hard because feyre being Rhysand's mate is like a major plot point all of the time and I think that's silly, but anyway, the final battle was like, ok.
It was fine, it had like 8 climaxes, like what with the bone carver and his fam and the whatever was at the bottom of the library and the human ships and the other kingdoms and unleashing armen and going to the cauldron and ???? Idk it was not a very concise battle is all I'm saying.
Her sisters also become Powerful Fae which I suppose makes sense because of the whole dunking in the cauldron thing but it just feels cheap. Like they didn't earn that! At least feyre earned her avatar state, kinda, cause of under the mountain but these gals were a wrong place wrong time and now you're op situation which is just, so unsatisfying.
And the killing of the dad was odd too, cause like he was barely a character, he had like 4 lines I don't know why he had to die. I don't miss him is all I'm saying.
And then they all live happily ever after, or maybe not idk I don't have the fifth book yet.
It feels like a self insert story, like, "this is my character and she's so cool and powerful and all the boys love her and she's the only thing that can save the world"
It's a fine series, it's like a 5/10 for me. Too much sex, too much rape as a normalized thing that happens because "that's how it be idk what to tell u" and far too much like, just, yucky yucky stuff. Anything to do with mates just seems rapey to me, like the entitlement of it all, which is referenced and touched on in the book so I'm not making that up. And by the end of the fourth book feyre is 21, she can legally have a drink in the us, and she's fucking this guy who's like 500 years old which is GROSS!!!
It's Gross ok I said it.
The romance itself is sweet, I suppose, it was fine. I like Lucian as a character, I like Armen and Az and Cassian, Mor is fun too, and I like how Nesta keeps being an asshole, that's good, but at the end of the day, I suppose it's not my cup of tea.
I'll read the rest of the books when they're available to me but I'm not gonna be thinking about this story or it's characters much at all.
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colorfully-lgbt · 3 years
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Okay but also gorgeous hunky (gay?🤭) women aside, I really think these two would get along just because of how much pressure👀 they’re both under to support their families and everyone around them as the eldest sisters who also happen to be very physically strong.
Like Luisa obv speaks for herself in her song (btw highly recommend yall read/listen to the full thing) when she says:
”I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service”
”Give it to your sister, your sister's older Give her all the heavy things we can't shoulder Who am I if I can't run with the ball?”
”I hide my nerves and it worsens, I worry something is gonna hurt us”
So we gather pretty easily over the course of the movie that when people ”ask” Luisa to do things there isn’t really room for her to say no, so she has an impossible time relaxing, struggles to deal with the guilt she develops when her powers start leaving (something that was outside her control), and generally finds it really difficult to communicate her stress unless someone like Mirabel pries and pries and pries.
I also want to take a moment to emphasize that when she first noticed that her powers were disappearing, what she said was lifting xyz “felt heavy.” Like not even “I couldn’t pick up X,” or “Y wouldn’t budge when I pushed,” but something “felt heavy,” implying she‘s never even allowed herself to feel the weight of everything she’s been asked to hold.
My girl Vi is super similar because time and time again she finds herself in situations where it‘s basically up to her alone to save everybody, like when she decides to give herself up to the enforcers (as a child) so they’ll stop hunting her siblings, or when she has to fight Silco’s whole crew by herself (as a child) to give her family time to escape, or when she resolves to take down Silco by herself after Jayce quits on her, and that’s all without mentioning the many formative years she spent getting beat up in prison while serving an indefinite sentence on no charge - or the fact that even when she does have back up, she never gives up the mindset that it’s her job to protect everybody else and no one’s job to protect her.
I also think this is part of why it’s so unfortunate that parts of the fandom were mad at her for punching Powder for (accidentally) killing their adoptive dad and brothers, and then later leaving Jinx alone on the bridge and just generally making small bad/grey calls, because even putting aside the immense amount of trauma Vi is ALSO carrying, she‘s actually been handling herself incredibly well so far.
Like going back to the punch, as an older sibling who also happens to know a lot of ppl with siblings, siblings fight MUCH more brutally than that over MUCH smaller things all the time. That doesn’t excuse hurting Powder per se, but it makes it weird to me that so many people were ready to hate her for it, especially when immediately after hitting Powder she realized that she’d messed up, looked at her hand in horror, and left (for a literal second (before getting kidnapped)) to cool down and process the extreme loss she‘d just finished dealing with before taking on the responsibility of parenting her sister again.
Over the course of Arcane, we’re shown Vi has an incredible amount of guilt related to her separation from her sister (which was outside her control), struggles to communicate because of how reliant she’d become on her fists, and generally finds relaxing impossible.
There‘s so much more I want to say / elaborate on, but essentially yeah these women are my queens, love them and the way they love their people so much, would defend them with my last breathe. Thanks sm if you made it this far!
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sunsethollylock · 3 years
My take on milgrams latest video “HARROW” !!
(1) Lyrics
After watching it a second time I’m starting to feel as tho despite everything Kotoko has a very black and white mindset- of that as a child. She believes that all evils should be eliminated at once and there isn’t no room for redemption nor forgiveness.
(a) She devotes all her time into this work, “Feeding on food so I don’t burnt out/ Becoming all light headed again/I feel like I’m going crazy after straining my nerves”
there’s an abundance of lyrics ab
-winning and losing
-soul and delusion
- and ofc fangs
(b) The winning and losing can be ab how criminals and perpetrators are often let free and pitied on just because they felt remorse or said sorry- so they get 0 punishment. The lyrcis are also - “What is winning or losing/ How many wins in a row?”
(c) Soul and Delusions: the lyrics of this are “Everytime Death comes, the soul moves forward/ Shall we replace the poor soul and the miserable delusion?”
She may be going through intense grief of some sort? She seems rather pissed off ab how ppl would move on- or realky mad ab how ppl would move on from innocent ppl dying and nobody bats an eye.
(d) Normalcy: the lyrics “The person can’t be saved, is now understanding the abnormality/The normlazy sought for fading away,” This could mean ab how she feels as tho that the “normalcy” in society is not normal at all
(c) Fangs and Wolves: unironically even though wolves are shown a LOT in the video, the only lyric that’s ab this is “I want to gouge you out w my fangs” . This could be revealing ab how she wants to end it all, in the most.. violent way possible. As for punishment
(2) Video/Imagery
It’s actually pretty straight forward-
She’s conducting illegal investigations, hunting down anybody she deems as evil and giving them their “punishment”. She ends up investigating a serial killler- and somebody who’s only targeting young girls. She beats him up so hard that he dies-
The wolves may not only be a representation of herself, but ppl who she’s surrounded by. Wolves don’t just go hunting on their own, they are almost always gonna be in a pack. Plus I don’t think she’s just going to find all of these ppl all on her own UNLESS she has somebody to help her out
The whole reason she would be hunting these down despite how exhausted and tired she really is.. might date back to her own past of child abuse. During 0:50 we see what appears to be a lik girl all beat up and most likely dead. And than on 3:02 we actually see the man and another girl all tried up.
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You can tell they are both in the same scene because of the lighting and the same floor.
And JUST like the other videos there’s also flowers. But it’s not really shown all that much here at (0:50) and (3:02)
They are
- roses
- white lilies and
- baby’s breathe
All of these make up the words of everlasting love for purity and innocence via flower language
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Also note the white dress- and if you have seen a lot of horror movies they are symbols of innocence, purity, and young girls
Sooo- the flowers? They are funeral flowers. Guessing by the theme here it might be flowers that you place near a public place like a parking lot or near a shop- meaning that somebody died there and you paying them their respect.
Now who’s the second girl? The one who’s all tried up? Well colors do play a big part during this whole thing- and judging by her pink shirt and botched up hair it’s Kotoko.
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So TLDR; we can assume that what set off Kotoko was that a young dead loved one died infrount of her eyes by an abuser and now she is dead set on hunting down every abuser/criminal out there out of revenge for what happened. But she also starts to lose herself along the way and instead of seeing killing as a cruel way of taking away a life, she sees it as an necessary evil to eliminate them. Hypocritical of her own beliefs
Aka- futa but this actually way more worse and sad than anybody would have imagined.
EDIT: also I’d like to note, I find it pretty ironic how she’s literally wearing a red hood throughout the story. Especially when she’s running w the wolves. Showing how the wolves may nkt be helping her at all, but hurting her. She’s literally exhausted, like breaking down, but the wolves keep on pushing her into more investigations- and I’m a way they represent how much the trauma and even the ppl around her, hold on her life.
and ig I should I put it out there. I want to forgive her but at the same time.. if you forgive her you’ll be forgiving what her true motives really are. Obvi she’s suffering from extreme childhood trauma and doesnt know how to cope w it properly- and all of this “justice” stuff may as well just be a coping mechanism for her, albeit no way in a healthy manner. And like futa, I don’t think she really DOES what justice for ppl, just something to project pent her anger and frustrations. She’s tired. Like. Exhausted. And what’s motivated her isn’t justice- but rather the trauma. We see this when a wolf smiles at her and right after that she goes for the kill. And shortly after we see glimpses of what really happened. So it’s either you support a vigilant who’s doing the right think albeit not the right motive, or you go against her despite her still doing a good thing? In a way, if you forgive her you’ll be excusing all the harm she has done to herself and to others.
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