#what happened to ‘you’re never welcome back here ever again and we’re not gonna help you ever again?’
galariangengar · 1 year
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lunajay33 · 2 years
Summary: Paul has just shifted to his new life as a wolf and feels empty without his imprint hoping he finds her soon, y/n just moved to forks to live with her sister Bella and decides to go to the bone fire to make new friends
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“Y/n hurry up we’re gonna be late” bella called out to me
“Okay give me a second” I ran down the stairs pulling on my jacket and shoes and she went and got in the truck
The engine roared making me laugh to myself and the horrific sound
I jumped in and we were off, I always loved forks, I never wanted to leave but Bella didn’t want to live away from me, so I decided to visit dad at least twice a year, after bella stopped going I still went, I always felt like I lived in her shadow, she always got all the attention and I was just kinda….there
But hopefully now I can reconnect with some of the La push people again, when I’d visit with dad I’d hang around Leah, Seth and Jacob, sometimes the others but they made me nervous sometimes
Bella was the awkward one while I was the shy one, I liked being with people but I couldn’t seem to ever start the conversation out of fear of what might happen, it was silly but I couldn’t help it, hopefully being around those rowdy boys might help break me out of that
As we drove down to Jacobs house, the beautiful forest flashing past, I knew I was always meant to be here, for some reason I always had this pull and connection the La push, I’d come and sit on the beach or walk through the forest and just feel at peace
We pulled up to the little red house I loved to see, I jumped out and ran over to where Billy and Jacob were, this is the first time I’ve seen them since moving back
“Billy! Jacob! I missed you guys!” I said yelling in excitement as I finally reached them
“Y/n you’re here! It’s so good to see you” billy smiled as he motioned me into a hug, I bent down and he squeezed me tight, he was always like a second dad here
I pulled back and looked back over at Jake
“Woah what happened to your hair man?” I said as I ruffled his short hair
“It’s new, not my favorite but it needed the chop” he said but I somehow felt like he was lying
“Now come on the elders should be here soon” billy said as Jacob started pushing him to fire
“Wait what? Elders? Are we allowed to be here?” I asked nervous, not wanting to intrude
“Oh it’s fine, we invited you so you’re more than welcome” Jake said as we finally got to the fire
I felt relieved, Bella sat down next to Jacob but they was only enough room on the log for them so I didn’t know where to sit, I glanced around looking for a spot
Interrupted by Seth, he ran up to me pulling me into a hug
“Y/n! Why didn’t you call and say you’re here, me and Leah missed you, we were sad when you didn’t move back with Bella”
“Sorry I wanted to move back, I never wanted to move away in the first place but my mom needed help with somethings before I could come back, I missed you guys too though” I said as I moved over seeing Leah and giving her a hug, she didn’t seem like her old self but she did seem excited to see me
“Finally another girl around to talk to” she smiled
“I’m glad because the people in forks don’t seem to like to make friends”
“Well you’re always welcome at la push” Seth said, he was almost jumping out of his skin
I went back to looking for a seat when I saw an open spot neck to a guy I remember as Paul, I always remember when he’d be around I’d always get butterflies in my stomach but never really thought too much about it until now
The light from the fire was glowing on his skin, his smile was so nice, he has become so handsome, he was even more buff now
I took a deep breathe and walked over to him
“Hey do you mind if I sit here?” I asked before I sat down
He looked up at me but froze, there was this look in his eyes like he never wanted to look away, I was usually uncomfortable with this amount of eye contact but….I loved it, I sat next to him without breaking contact, I didn’t even care what was happening around us
“Paul you good?” I heard Sam call, breaking us both out of our trance
“Oh uh sorry” he said
“It’s okay, how’ve you been Paul? I haven’t seen you in so long?”
“Good just the usual here, glad you’re here” he smiled and the butterflies erupted again
“I’m glad I’m here too, you cut your hair too” I frowned as I brushed my fingers through his hair, gently tracing down to his cheek, noticing how he leaned into my touch
Billy went on to tell the history of the tribe, it was so interesting, I looked at Paul again noticing his he sat closer to me, seeing how all the boys were so entranced by the story, sure it was an amazing story but for these boys to be so entertained made me think that this story might be real
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bengals-barnesbabe · 4 months
Tee Higgins x Ochocinco!Daughter
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Description: Tee's been dating one of his idol's daughter behind his back. What happen's when the reader breaks her dad's number one rule? How will Ocho react when he finds out?
a/n: I need to start writing shorter, but I physically can't. I hope it meets your expectations ♡
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: overprotective father figures, language,
Main Masterlist
Over the last seven months you’ve been happier than ever. You got a promotion at work, finally moved out of your dad’s house and met him. You’d never felt a love like this, he made you feel things you couldn’t have imagined. He didn’t just care about you, he cherished your love, encouraged your goals, and helped you feel safe. Tee made you feel seen in the world, in his world filled with countless others that would give anything for his attention.
Falling in love with Tee Higgins was easy, hiding it from Chad Johnson was the hard part. 
Every Memorial Day weekend your dad throws a small family kickback. At first it was his way of welcoming the summer since us kids were out of school, now that we’re older he does it so we have an excuse to spend time together. This year it’s gonna be in Miami at his new condo and of course he invited all of us, including any plus ones that we wanted to bring. Funny enough Memorial Day falls on the 7 month anniversary of you and Tee being together. The coincidence of the two dates lining up is chilling. 
Your dad was the stereotypical black father growing up, he didn’t want his daughters dating anyone until 35. While that rule was broken days after him stating it, there was one he would lay his life on the line for. 
‘No daughter of his shall ever date an athlete, but more specifically a football player.’
Real funny coming from him, the legendary NFL wide receiver. It’s also funny that your boyfriend and your dad played for the same team with the same number. Yea you’re pretty much dead if he finds out.
Thankfully there may be someone that can help you.
Calling ‘Future Rich Wine Auntie’…
“I'm in a crisis.” You huff.
“Oh look it’s my poor little sister crying for my help once again, what did you do this time y/n?” She snickered.
“Jicyra, you’re two years older than me.”
“..and wiser and more stable (financially and mentally).” She mumbled that last part, not very well though.
You could hear her smirk though the phone. “It’s true, I’m not in my 2nd year of residency making no where close to the current average in your field.” Well she didn’t have to rub it in.
“I know but- look we actually do have a problem.”  
“I knew it, you broke your dishwasher.” She cackles.
“Oh my god, I did not break the dishwasher. Why do you say shit like that? I’m talking about Tee and dad.” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh.. wait you still haven’t told him?”
You sigh. “Not that it’s Tee, he knows I’m dating someone.” 
“ Just rip the bandaid off, no harm no foul.” 
“That’s easier said than done, Cyra.”
“Look all I’m saying is you’re making a really big deal out of nothing. Dad ain't gon do shit, plus he considers Tee a second son half the time.”
After getting off the phone with your sister, you started to devise a plan to tell Tee about the party, but you didn’t get far when he ended up walking through the door less than 10 minutes later. “Baby, where you at?”
“In here!” You forced a smile onto your face as he engulfed you into his fresh cucumber scented body. Probably showered at the facility. “We need to talk.” You both sit.
His face dropped and he slowly released you. “What’s up?”
“It’s not bad, it’s just we need to change our 7 month plans a bit.” You kissed your teeth.
He lets out a breath of air he didn’t know he was holding in, “that’s it. Damn baby you had me thinking this was it.” 
“No, no of course not.” You lean over and plant a brief kiss on his lips. “I would never break up with you like that, or ever. Especially if you didn’t even do anything wrong.”
“I mean there was that one dream you had.” His mouth twitched up.
“I’m a very vivid dreamer, I can’t help that. And blame that bitch from the club who tried to get in your pants.” 
“Ok what’s this about then?”
“Remember those end of school parties I told you about?” He nods. “Well my dad has invited us to his next one. It’s memorial day weekend in Miami.” 
His face shifts in realization, “I guess it’s time to tell Ocho.” He surveys the way you chew on your lips and wont meet his gaze. So he grabs your hands, pulls you into his arms and kisses your head. 
“Hey, I got you. Everything’s going to be fine, knowing your dad he’ll make a joke about it, maybe threaten me then we can have good time.”
You look up at him, “you think so?”
“I know so, baby.” You smile and pulls his lips to yours.
You arrive at Miami Dade two days before the party and without your boyfriend, due to him having an early practice the next day. The 3 hour plane ride gave you lots of time to think of a way to break your big news to your dad without him popping a blood vessel or setting anything on fire. You decided to just break the news to him as gently as possible, give him small details then let Tee speak for himself. Sure is putting all the pressure on him a bit harsh, yes. But he asked you out in the first place, so who’s fault is it really? 
A little over a year ago.
It was your first official week in Cincinnati when Danielle, a long time friend of yours, suggested that you join her at a party that the guy she was seeing was throwing. Being so new to the city, you took her up on the offer so you could meet people. When you got to the party, it was covered in orange and black jerseys and it dawned on you that this wasn’t just some party.
“Dani, did you bring me to a Bengals victory party?”
The dark skinned woman removed her coat and smiled. The number 1 printed on the white fabric made you scoff. “I knew if I told you he was a football player, you’d find an excuse not to come.”
“You’re dating Ja’Marr Chase?” The bright smile painted on her lips couldn’t be wiped off even if tried.
“Yes, it's been 3 months and I really like him, so please just stay.” So you let the woman lead you further into the party.
Let’s be clear, your dad’s dumb rule didn’t cause your destain for the football culture, it was the fact that your entire life was centered around the sport. Dad’s a legend to the team, brother played just like him and it’s all anyone ever talked about. You stayed away from sport all together, it didn’t help when you majored in Biology to be a physical therapist, but you weren’t actually watching them play.
The party wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be, granted you spent most of the time standing by the bar carefully nursing your drink, but the vibes were nice. You’d already met most of the players on the team through your dad and work, so you weren’t surprised when Tee came up to you.
“Dr. Y/n Johnson, I thought you said I’d never see you outside the office.” He smiled discreetly looking you up and down.
“Uno’s dating my best friend.” You said nodding towards the couple on the dancefloor. “She dragged me here without telling me it was for y'all. But I guess congratulations are in order, AFC champs.”
“Oh you know, just another thing to be thankful for, just like you in that dress.” 
“Flattery will get you nowhere Higgins, but buy me another drink and maybe I'll bite.”
“Anything for a few more minutes with your fine ass.”
Minutes at the bar turned into hours on the phone then days just to see that charming smile, so yea flattery got him the world. 
Your phone buzzes knocking you out of your daydream.
Mean Ass Bitch: I've been in the airport pickup line for 10 minutes, where you at bitch?
LOML T💜: missed you when i got home mamas, call me when you get there 
You bite your lip hiding the grin that he put on your face as you click on his contact. It rings once before you hear that deep southern drawl come through. “There goes my baby.. How was ya flight baby?” 
There isn't a moment when you don’t feel the warmness in your chest and butterflies in your stomach when it comes to this man. The charm may have gotten him in the door, but it was his goodhearted, loving nature that gave him the key.
“Hi..it was good, I managed to get a nap in so that was nice.” 
“Only the best for my baby. How you feelin? I know your nerves been goin crazy.” 
Just as you were about to answer, you spotted your sister, your very mad sister. “Hold on babe, J looks like she wants to kill me.”
“All good, we can't have that. Call me when you can, I love you.”
“I love you more Tamaurice.” You smirk as you get to her car.
“You the only one allowed to say that, wouldn't be gettin away wit that shit if you weren't so beautiful.” His tone lacks the seriousness he implied as his light chuckles come through the phone.
“Sounds good to me, byeee.” You can’t help laughing as you hang up and put your bags in Cyra’s Audi. 
“I hope you ain’t laughing at me dying in this damn heat waitin for your slow ass.” She mean mugged as you ducked into the car. 
“Nah, it’s because you're dressed like goddamn big bird in that damn sweat suit.” You teased.
“I will kick you out of this car, quit playin’ bitch.”
“Okay, okay,” you sigh as she pulls out of the airport traffic. “So how’s my gorgeous real estate queen big sis doing?”
“You know what, I’m good. Charmin’ rich people outta they money for some last leg beach houses that’ve seen one too many hurricanes. I’m very excited to get on this boat with a glass of champagne and just relax.” You nod along as she turns the radio on. “How’s the Tee and dad situation going?”
You take a deep breath and sink further into the seat, “I’ve decided to just let his presence speak for itself. They already know each other, but ‘Tee the wide receiver’ is very different from ‘Tee the man that’s dating his daughter’. I’ll try and ease the idea of him before he gets here, there’s no way I’m taking all the heat from this.”
She scoffed, “you just gon’ let your man take the fall?”
“He has said he’d do anything for me, so it probably won’t be that bad.” You shrugged.
“Yea ok Y/n, I can’t wait to see this blow up in your face.” 
Walking into your dad’s house felt like going through a time capsule, he only bought it a few months ago but the walls and shelves were filled with pictures of us as kids and football memorabilia. “Dad she’s here.” Cyra sings taking your bag down the hallway that you hope has the rooms.
You find him in the kitchen arms deep in hamburger meat. “Uh oh Docta Johnson in the house. Come here and give your old man a hug.” Shaking you head, you humor him as much as you can without touching his hands.
“How you doing old man?”
“I’m alive, I’m happy and I’m excited to meet this boyfriend of yours. Where he at, did you tell him to wait outside? Baby you know I’m good.” He smiles as wide as he possibly can.
“I’m glad to hear it, but he’s not here yet. He has work so he’ll be flying out tomorrow night.” 
He smirks. “At least he has a job.”
Your jaw drops, “that was one time and you said you wouldn't bring it up again.” He chuckles as a frown builds on your face.
“I’m just playing, but this guy already sounds ten times better than what his name.. Jackson! Yea he was a leech.” 
“Okay, that enough boy talk. Want some help there?” You ask gesturing to the mountain of meat on the marble counter.
“I would love some, you always were the better cook. But don’t tell your sisters I said that.” He nods with a hushed voice.
You chuckle walking over to the sink. “You just did.” His brows furrowed. 
“What do you mean?” Chade and Jicyra tapped his shoulders from behind him. He eyes whitened out.
“What I meant was that Y/n’s good with protein heavy meals. Cy you make a mean salad and Chae you make the best cookies.” He smiled.
“Nice try, I do be throwin’ some flour around tho.” Chade remarks.
“Whatever, we’re off to buy some supplies for the party. Bye!” Then its just the two of you, in the kitchen seasoning about 20 lbs of meat and forming it into decent sized patties.
“So is there anything else I can squeeze out of you about this fine young black man? He is black right?”
You scoff, “what if he isn’t, what’d you say?”
“None, nothing. Your hair look too good for you to be dating a white man.” Your jaw drops for the second time today.
“I can’t. I don’t know why I’m helping you.”
“Aww my poor middle child.” You shove his arm causing him to get raw meat on his shirt. 
“Ok, I deserved that.” He nods, side eying you. “Don’t even try it.”
“You no fun. Come just tell me something about the guy.” 
You bite. “Fine, yes he’s black. He’s tall, kind, smart, sweet and I guess he’s pretty athletic.”
He hums, “athletic huh. What we talkin here NBA, NHL, FIFA?”
“I ain’t giving you no more, you’ll see him tomorrow and I’ll let him speak for himself.” You finish your part then walked out of the kitchen.
“I can read in between the lines Y/n! If Ja’Marr walks in this house tomorrow, I’m beating his ass!”
If he only knew how close he really was.
You ended going out to dinner with your sisters when they got back. It was fun it being just being them, you could gossip and chit chat all you wanted without Ochocinco lurking around. Before bed you and Tee talked all about each other’s day and all the nerves about him meeting your dad. He reassured you that there was nothing he couldn’t handle and nothing your dad could say that changed how he felt about you. It felt good going to bed knowing your boyfriend had no worries about your relationship changing at all.
The next day was pretty chill, dad was too busy with the last minute preparations for the party. So you spent most of your time at the mall with your siblings. Your brother pretty much just groaned about the heat and the amount of time you spent in stores, but you reminded him plenty of times that he could go off on his own and he chose to stay. With that said the four of you had a pretty nice time. Until the ride home, when you could not get away from the Tee questions.
“Don’t you think its weird that they shared the same number and team?” Junior spent 20 minutes just going over the similarities between them like you hadn’t already known how odd it was.
“Jr leave her alone. How’s his stamina though?” Chade was the youngest, as anyone could probably tell with her bluntness.
“No sex questions please, this is a rental and Jr’s not afraid to blow chunks.” Cyra joked.
“Yall act like I don’t have sex.”
“Ok so would like to know what Matt and I did at your New Years Party?” Chade smirked. 
He eyes just about fell out of his head. “You and Matt? Matt my best friend? YOU AND MY BEST FRIEND FUCKED AT MY PARTY?”
That was the end of the questionnaire.
The second you pulled into the driveway you noticed two things: your dad’s SUV was still absent and there was another random car by the curb. 
“Who’s that?” Cyra shrugged in response and just motioned you to get out. Normally someone would’ve taken offense to be thrown out of a car, but then your favorite person in the world got out of the other car.
“Damn, he is tall.” Jr’s comment was deaf to your ears as you ran over to your boyfriend.
“Hey babygirl.” He smiled wrapping his arms around you.
“What are you doing here? It’s only 4 and you weren’t supposed to land until 9. You know what I don’t care.” He lifts you onto the trunk of the vehicle so you’re eye to eye and guides your lips to his. Another feeling you could never get tired of, his plump lips against your glossy ones. Your arms wrap around his neck in an instant to pull him closer into you. You love being able to relinquish all control and just let him move you how he sees fit. He pecks your tropical scented lips once more before helping you down.
“Well that is an image I’m never getting out of my head.” Jr shakes his head and takes your bags out of the car. 
“Let’s go in the house so Y/n can properly introduce us to her beau.” You stay glued to his side as you make your way into the condo. 
As Junior rounds the corner to the bedrooms he stops in his tracks and the bags drop onto the floor.
“JUNIOR MY PERFUME!” Chade shoves him and grabs her bags. “Oh shit.”
Cyra being in no mood for their nonsense, pokes her head down the hall. “What the hell is wrong with you- hi daddy.” You shoot her a panicked look. She responds with an equally panicked shrug. The situation is impossible, there’s only one way to the living room and its to pass that very hallway. 
“This is not how this was supposed to happen.” You whine at the lowest voice you could manage. Which didn’t end up being that low in the end.
“How what’s supposed to happen?” Your dad’s voice bellows out. Tee squeezes your shoulder as the man walks into your view.
He sighs. “Damn, I owe Junior some money.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” You blink. All of sudden your brother bursts out laughing and starts dancing around your father.
“I told you! He had his mind set on you bringing either Ja’Marr or Burrow ‘as a wildcard’. I’m ten thousand dollars richer people.” 
“You bet ten racks on who she was dating! Dad I thought you were smarted than this.” Cyra expresses dumbfounded like the rest of you.
“Dad what the fuck? Is that why you wanted to know if he was black or not?” You rolled your eyes before walking past the man into the living room.
“Y/n it wasn’t like that-
“I don’t care, I’m just glad you lost your money to the dumbest person here.” 
His forehead creased, “Was that her way of calling me the new dumbest person?” Both of your sisters nodded. “Got it.”
Then Tee, still standing at the doorway, clears his throat. “Ocho.”
Your dad turns back towards him and pulls him into a ‘bro-hug’. “Well if it isn't the younger taller version of myself. I should’ve known it was you, not because of that but you didn’t exactly take your eyes off of her when she came down to that practice.”
Tee chuckled. “Couldn’t help it, man. I would’ve talked to you the last time you came to practice, but I was under strict instructions not to. When the love of your life tells you something, I make it habit to listen.” Chade nudges you as your face heats up.
“Love of your life huh? Glad to know she’s in good hands, and you have no excuses not to go for my records now. You got a physical therapist on speed dial.” They laugh together.
“See, I told you you were worried for nothing.” Cyra joins you on the couch. 
“Yea I gues you were right.” You mutter bringing a smirk to her face.
“I’m sorry what was that? Did The Dr. Y/n Johnson just admit that she was wrong.”
You pressed your lips together and got up. “You heard me or do you need an audiologist? Cause I can’t help you in that area, you’re just getting old.” You walked over to Tee, quickly grabbed his hand and ducked when a pillow came flying your way.
“Im only 2 years older than you bitch.” You cackled running down the hall to your room.
“Hey, no funny business in my house!” You shut the door and laid back against it trying to calm down while Tee sat on the bed studying you.
“What?” You walk over and stand between his legs.
“I like this side of you.” He sucks in his bottom lip scooting back on the bed.
“Yea, well I know a side you like even more.” You saying climbing onto his lap.
His hands go around your hips and cup your ass. “Oh I like this Y/n very much.” You push him back and place ghost kisses on his lips.
“Woman if you don’t- You go to give him a peck but lightly bite his lip instead. “Fuck.”
He closes the distance between you, sucking in your lips and licking into your mouth. 
Yea you had nothing to worry about at all.
a/n: reblog if you like, comment or request any scenarios you'd like for me to write for our octopus lover♥︎
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kasienda · 10 months
Spin the Bottle
Core Four OT4 - Read on Ao3
I had too much fun with this one! Please enjoy! ^_^
Nathaniel’s family home is not as large or ostentatious as the Agreste family manor, but that only means Adrien feels more at ease. The space is wide and open, but still feels like a home rather than a museum. And all his friends are here for a party, which makes it even better. 
“Dude! You’re here!” Nino greets, holding out his hand.
“Wouldn’t miss it!” Adrien exclaims, clapping into Nino’s open fist. He may have used a bit of Plagg’s aid to make it, but he knows from bitter experience that no one will miss him until morning, so why shouldn’t he come? 
Nino ushers him inside. Rose and Marinette are helping Nathaniel pour snacks into large plastic bowls. The rest of the class - minus Chloe and Sabrina, plus Marc - are circled around Kim and Ivan who are locked in an arm wrestling match.
“Yay! Adrien! You made it!” Mylene says. Everyone else cheers in greeting. Adrien grins back. 
“Hey guys!”
Kim looks up then, and in that moment Ivan pounds Kim’s fist into the table. Kim throws a pout at Mylene. 
“Is it surprising that I’m here?” Adrien asks Nino quietly. 
“I’m not gonna lie, dude. I didn't want to get my hopes up.”
Adrien sighs.
Nino offers him a dazzling smile and Adrien only feels warm. “But I’m always really glad to see you.”
“Me too!” Adrien agrees.
“C’mon Agreste! Welcome to the party!” Kim says, his arms draping over his shoulders. “Want to go up against Ivan in arm wrestling? No one can beat him.”
Adrien isn’t sure that’s a good idea. Some of his miraculous enhanced strength seems to carry over whenever he’s wearing the ring and Adrien doesn’t want to accidentally hurt anyone. 
“No? Anyone up for a game of spin the bottle?”
“Spin the what?” Adrien asks.
“Oh, Agreste. You are so deprived,” Alix says. 
“Spin the bottle is a kissing game,” Max supplies. 
A kissing game? 
“I dunno, man,” Nino says, pinching his own shoulder. “I have a girlfriend. Not sure if I should be kissing anyone else.” 
Alya waves away his objection. “It’s a silly game! And I’m right here watching.” Then she pauses and turns back to Nino. “Assuming you’re okay with it?” 
“Uh… yeah, sure. Levels one and two?” 
She nods. 
Adrien has no idea what they’re talking about. How could there be levels to a kissing game? 
“Then sure! I’m down,” Nino agrees.
“What’s spin the bottle?” Adrien asks again. 
Rose giggled, patting the space next to her on the floor. “We sit in a circle with an empty bottle in the middle. Then we take turns spinning it, and then whoever it ends up pointing at we’re supposed to kiss!” She claps her hands together excitedly.
“You game, dude?” Nino asks.
“You ever been kissed?” Alya asks before Adrien can answer. 
Heat blooms across his face. “I have,” he says. It wasn’t technically a lie even though he didn’t remember either of his kisses with Ladybug. They happened. They count, right?
Alya smirks. “Great! We won’t go easy on you then.”
Adrien swallows down his nerves. Maybe he should have said he had never been kissed, but he has always wanted to know what a kiss felt like. Maybe this was an opportunity to find out. He takes a seat next to Nino.
The action earns him another cheer from his friends. Then everyone scrambles into motion to find a seat. Nathaniel places an empty soda bottle on the ground. Kim shoves it towards Adrien. 
“As the only spin the bottle virgin, you should go first, Agreste.” 
Adrien picks up the bottle awkwardly. “I just spin it?” 
Rose crawls forward. “Let me show you!” She lays the bottle on its side and twists it around the center, sending it into a spin. “Like this!” She stops it before it slows on its own and hands it back to him. 
Adrien spins the bottle. He swallows his nerves, or tries to - but his stomach squirms as the bottle’s nose whips around the circle from classmate to classmate. Who will fate choose for him? 
When the bottle cap comes to a stop dead center on Nino, Adrien’s both relieved and somehow more anxious. 
His first kiss - not his actual first kiss, but still kinda his first kiss - the first kiss he will remember, will be with someone he deeply cares about.
But Adrien also cares what Nino thinks of him, so what if he’s a terrible kisser?
Nino offers him a reassuring smile, and he relaxes. Adrien glances at Alya for permission, and she just shoos him towards Nino. 
Adrien turns to Nino, leaning closer. If his stomach had been squirming before, it now feels like a half dozen Kwamis have taken up residence in his gut. But Adrien doesn’t hesitate. He blocks out the presence of all of his friends watching, and instead focuses on Nino - like Nino is a stage partner in a photoshoot.
Except kissing Nino is nothing like a photoshoot. Nino isn’t some model Adrien barely knows. Nino’s his best friend, one of his favorite people in the whole world with the possible exception of Ladybug, and even then, Adrien’s not sure. And Nino’s lips are soft and warm. Then Nino gasps, and they’re breathing the same air. What would it feel like to explore Nino’s open mouth?
But the sudden whooping and whistles send Adrien scuttling backwards before the kiss can become anything more, frantically searching Nino’s face. 
“Woah there, Sunshine,” Alya says. “At least buy him dinner first.” 
Adrien’s gaze darts back and forth between Nino and Alya. Nino’s golden brown eyes are wide, but he’s noticeably not smiling. Alya looks like a wolf about to catch dinner and Adrien’s pretty sure he’s the prey.
“D-did I do something wrong?” 
“No!” Alya immediately reassures, shaking her head. “You just jumped straight to level three, which you’re totally allowed to do. Established couples do it all the time!” 
Adrien’s cheeks burn as he glances back at Nino who was pinching his own shoulder, suddenly not able to meet Adrien’s eyes. 
Has he messed up? He and Nino are definitely not an established couple and Nino and Alya agreed to levels one and two only before the game started. 
Adrien hopes not.
“What’s level one?” Adrien asks. 
“Usually we start with a hand kiss, and then a cheek kiss if you get the same person again. And then on the lips for the third time,” Alya says, grinning at him. 
“Any other rules I should know about?”
“Do you want to know what all the other levels—“ Max starts to ask.
“Nope!” Alix interrupts. “That’s it!”
Adrien turns back to the group, and very carefully does not look at Nino, who is sitting right next to him. 
Mylene goes next. The bottle lands on Rose, and Mylene gives her the smallest of pecks on her cheek.
Adrien’s face burns hotter at how stupid he was, but he resists the urge to bury his face in his hands. He risks another glance at Nino who immediately looks away. 
But Nino had clearly been looking at him. Adrien wishes he knew what that meant . 
Did Nino like the kiss? Is he wondering what it would have felt like to let the kiss last longer or go deeper like Adrien is? Or is Nino feeling super awkward and weird that his idiot best friend kissed him on the lips instead of his hand? 
Adrien knows what he’s hoping it means, which makes him doubt that could possibly be what Nino is thinking. 
Alix goes next, and the bottle points to Marc. Alix approaches, and holds their hand like it’s a treasure. “Marc! Though I’ve loved you more than I’ve loved anyone—“
Marc snorts. 
“—I know when our romance is hopeless. Please forgive me! My heart is not strong enough to offer more than this small token.” And she dramatically kisses Marc’s hand to the giggles of everyone looking on before returning to her spot in the circle.
Adrien sits up straighter when Marinette spins the bottle. He feels almost as nervous as he did when the bottle was spinning for him. He’s not sure where he wants the bottle to stop, but when it points to Nathaniel’s knee, Adrien feels strangely disappointed. 
Marinette moves, but she’s not even halfway across the circle, when Nathaniel holds up his hands. 
“Marinette, I uh… given our umm… history, I’d prefer if you were the one person who didn’t kiss me.” 
Adrien opens his mouth to object. Was Nathaniel seriously rejecting the just idea of Marinette in front of all her friends? Anyone would be lucky to—
But Marinette smiles at both Nathaniel and Marc whose hands are suddenly interlaced. “I understand completely. I’ll just spin again.” 
This time the bottle lands on Alya. 
Adrien is still a little disappointed, but it doesn’t twist his shoulders into knots the way it landing on Nathaniel had. He turns to watch the two girls with interest. Marinette and Alya exchange cheek kisses and then a peck on the lips with a playful “mwah!” before turning back to the group all smiles. 
Adrien is jealous of how comfortable they both seem with each other. Nino still will barely look at him.
Alya spins and the bottle lands on Kim. Adrien tenses, feeling oddly protective, though Alya is quick to deposit a kiss on Kim’s hand and it’s over before Adrien can make sense of his feelings.
He’s being ridiculous. Why would it matter if Alya kissed Kim anymore than it had that Adrien had kissed Nino? Like Alya said at the beginning, this is a game . And as Marinette just demoed, even during the game, boundaries would still be respected. 
He wishes he thought to ask Nino first if he was welcome. 
After they make it all around the circle, a second round starts.
Rose goes first this time. She literally squeals when the bottle lands on Juleka. She’s in Juleka’s lap immediately, her legs wrapping around Juleka’s waist. Their mouths are sliding against one another, revealing flashes of pink tongue between the tiny spaces between their lips. Then their hands . Rose’s fingers are tangled in Juleka’s hair, pulling her closer, while Juleka’s hands are squeezing into Rose’s thighs.
Adrien can’t look away.
“Oh my god!” Alix shouts, smacking the two with a pillow, which barely slows them down at all.  “Get in the closet already!”
“The closet?” Adrien echoes. 
“Level five is seven minutes in ‘heaven’ where you make out in the closet for seven minutes,” Max says. 
Rose giggles as Juleka leads her away. 
Then it’s Marinette’s turn again. Her bottle lands on him. Adrien has to remind himself to breathe. This is what he wanted during her first turn, he realizes. For Marinette to kiss him. He licks his lips. What kind of kiss will Marinette choose for him?
His excitement lasts right up until he looks at her. She’s white as a ghost, staring at him with wide blue, very much panicked, eyes. “I umm… I have to go to the bathroom!” 
She launches herself to her feet and runs. Adrien watches her retreat. 
“Girl!” Alya calls, running after her. “Get your cute butt back here!” 
The pleasant fluttering in his gut turns sour.
Sweet kind brave Marinette doesn’t even want to kiss his hand.
Did she dislike him that much? 
Alya chases Marinette into the kitchen.
She’s never completely understood what it is about Adrien that turns Marinette into a nervous basket case.
And Nino too apparently! She hadn’t missed how flustered Nino became after Adrien’s kiss. 
Though she likes it when Nino turns into a flustered mess. They’d have to talk about it obviously, but Alya isn’t even sure what she wants to say yet because she hadn’t wanted that kiss to end so quickly.
She shoves the thought aside. The point is Adrien is as kind and as patient as they come, and starved for love and friendship, both. If there’s anyone Marinette and Nino don’t need to worry about disappointing or accidentally pushing away, it’s Adrien! 
“Earth to Marinette,” Alya says when Marinette’s gaze remains distant. “I thought you would want to kiss Adrien.” 
Marinette’s forehead clunks against the refrigerator. “I do! Just not like that.” 
Alya arches an eyebrow. 
“It’s just if he’s going to kiss me I don’t want it to be because a bottle told him to. I want it to mean something! I want him to want to kiss me.” 
“Marinette, did you see his face?!”
Marinette turns to her with furrowed brows. “What do you mean?”
“He lit up when that bottle landed on him. He definitely wanted you to kiss him.” Not to mention that he visibly deflated when Marinette’s first turn landed on Nathaniel, but Marinette didn’t need to know that. 
“Or maybe he just figured out he likes being kissed,” Marinette said dryly. 
Alya grins. “You saw that, too?” 
“Does it upset you that he and Nino both seemed so bothered by it?” 
“No.” If anything she really really liked that they - especially Nino - were so bothered by it. She wanted to pounce on Nino right after. It’s not as often that she can push him into that shy flustered state anymore. She really likes him like that. 
“But we’re not talking about me! We’re talking about you and Adrien. How do you think running out like that made him feel?” 
Marinette buried her face in her hands. “I know! I know! He probably hates me.” 
Alya shook her head. “He definitely does not hate you.” 
Marinette likes Adrien because he’s so kind and understanding. Alya wishes Marinette would trust that.
“I really think that things would be a lot easier for you if you would tell him how you feel, but right now I’ll settle for you going back in there and giving that sweet boy who thinks you don’t like him , a tiny little kiss on the cheek.” 
Marinette shakes her head rapidly. “I want to! I know you’re right. But when I’m there looking at his stupidly perfect face I turn into all panic. I’m never going to be able to tell him! And because of that I’m always gonna be a crappy awful friend.” 
God grant her patience!
Alya wants a lot of things, several of which she may have just realized in the last ten minutes. What she would give to watch her boyfriend and his best friend really make out? Or better yet, her boyfriend and her best friend! 
Sadly, they’ll likely never go for that.
But more than any of that, Alya just wants all of them to be happy. 
“Marinette, Adrien is not going anywhere. He’s not that easy to scare away. He’s definitely confused right now, and maybe a little hurt, but just as he apologized to you the day you met him, you can apologize to him and I promise you, he will be all smiles.”
“You really think he’ll forgive me?” 
“I know he will! And a cheek kiss wouldn’t hurt.” 
Marinette smiles. “I can do that.” 
Alya smiles back. “I know you can!” 
And maybe if they kept playing, the bottle would grant a few of Alya’s wishes.
The chances are low with so many of them playing. Alya knows that, but a girl can dream. 
Nino has never related so hard to a Marinette freakout. He is now painfully aware of how big a deal it is to kiss Adrien. 
He traces his lower lip, a tiny part of him wishing he hadn’t been so startled by Adrien’s actions so he could have savored it more. 
Except he can’t be thinking any of this! He has a girlfriend! He can’t be thinking about what it would feel like to kiss his best friend.
Except that he is thinking about it. He’s thinking about it a lot.
He’s so fucked. 
And when he glances over to see how Adrien is taking all this, his best friend is staring at the empty doorway, the personification of dejection. Everyone in the room is staring at Adrien with sympathetic frowns, which only causes Adrien to further cave in on himself. 
Nino taps his shoulder. “C’mon dude, let’s take a breather.”
Nino hauls Adrien to his feet and juts his chin at Alix over Adrien’s shoulder, who takes a hint immediately. “Mylene! It’s your turn!” 
They don’t go that far, Nathaniel’s house does have a small outdoor terrace, so they can at least put a door between them and the group even if that door is made of glass. 
“You okay, mec?” 
Adrien shrugs. “Yeah? If she doesn’t want to kiss me, that’s fine. I just… I just wish I knew what I did wrong.” 
“What makes you think you did anything wrong?” 
“Nino! She literally ran away. She didn’t even want to kiss my hand.” 
That’s not the problem. Marinette definitely wants to kiss Adrien.
But Nino can’t say that. 
“Maybe she has a reason.” 
“Like what?!”
Nino wishes he could explain. “You’d have to ask her, mec.”
Adrien sighs. And then looks at him. “Are we okay?”
Nino swallows, and glances down into his hands, heat burning in his face. “Of course, we’re okay.”
More than okay. Except maybe Nino really wants Adrien to kiss him again, but he definitely can’t act on that impulse. 
Because he has a gorgeous and amazing girlfriend and he absolutely doesn’t want to mess that up.
“Do you think we’re not okay?” Nino asks. 
Adrien rubs the back of his neck. “I just- I hope I didn’t make things weird. I’m sorry. I should have asked if you were okay with me kissing you. I thought that was the game.” 
“It is the game. The not explaining the rules fully thing is something every one of us has gone through the first time we played. It’s always a question of will the person chicken out or go straight for it.”
“Really?” Adrien sounds so hopeful that Nino wants to laugh at himself. He really shouldn’t have been surprised that Adrien kissed him. Adrien has always wanted to have the genuine party experience. 
“Really! Just in our situation it usually goes the other way.” 
“Our situation?” 
“Two dudes who are pretty solidly platonic?” 
Maybe not as platonic on his end as Nino had previously assumed, but that was a crisis for another day. 
“Was it weird?”
Nino’s ears and cheeks burn. “Umm… not to me. But I’m uh… not straight.” 
He can feel Adrien’s eyes widen to the size of saucers, though he doesn’t look up. 
“Oh. I uh… don’t think I am either.”
Oh god. That made everything so much better. 
And so much worse at the same time.
“Thanks for telling me,” Nino says, because what else can he say? 
“Yeah, you too.” 
“You feeling better, mec?” Nino shoulder bumps him. 
Adrien smiles. “Yeah, I am. Thanks.” 
“Ready to head back inside?” 
Adrien nods. Alya and Marinette are already there sitting next to each other with their arms looped together, and their fingers interlaced.
Nino licks his lips at the sight. If Nino says Alya is allowed to kiss her best friend, would she grant him the same boon? 
Gah! What is he thinking? That’s not how relationships worked. 
Alya smiles at him, and something in Nino’s chest loosens. He sits down and Adrien catches his gaze, and he’s smiling, and the warmth in Nino’s chest only spreads.
Oh, he’s well and truly fucked.
Marinette’s vaguely aware that Mylene and Ivan are taking a turn in the closet and Marc is about ready to throw the bottle out the window for refusing to land on Nathaniel. 
Alix is not even playing anymore, but whatever she’s doing, she can’t stop laughing. 
But Marinette’s attention is focused completely on the two boys outside. The fact that Nino and Adrien are outside, separate from everyone else, when Adrien had been so excited about just being at a party at all, is evidence enough that Alya’s right. Adrien is hurt. 
And it’s her fault. She’s the one that hurt him by running.
Alya’s arm hand loops through her own, and some of the tension in Marinette’s shoulders bleeds out, and she can breathe again.
She doesn’t know what it is about Alya, but Alya grounds her in much the same way Chat Noir does. Marinette has a tendency to float away and spiral and lose herself, and Alya has a way of yanking her back to reality, but also of catching her so that the landing is always soft. 
She grants Alya a beaming smile, hoping that some of her gratitude and appreciation shines through. Alya squeezes her hand.
The door slides open and Marinette’s gaze whips to Adrien immediately. He’s smiling and seems at ease. But when he sits down, he chooses the spot that’s further from her, the spot that places Nino between them. 
Which, fair. 
But she can’t stand it. 
She scrambles around Nino, throws her arms around Adrien’s shoulders and kisses him on the cheek. 
He presses a hand to his face where she kissed him, and turns to her with wide eyes. 
“I’m sorry I ran,” she whispers. It’s all she can manage before she retreats back to the safety of Alya’s hold. 
But Adrien is smiling again. 
Unfortunately when it’s Alya’s turn, she has to untangle herself from Marinette. 
In some cruel or amazing twist of fate, the bottle lands on Adrien. 
Alya shoots her a mischievous grin. Marinette knows that look, and it’s not good. Abort abort abort. 
Nino is in no better shape than she is at this pairing, Marinette distantly notes, but she can’t pay much attention to Nino, not when Alya is leaning so intimately into Adrien’s space, whispering something she can’t hear into his ear. 
Adrien nods. 
Alya grins and then she’s cradling Adrien’s face in her hands. Marinette forgets to breathe as Alya leans forward slowly, until there’s no more space. Their lips slide against one another—
Marinette’s nails dig into her knee.
—parting ever so slightly. The contact lingers, like a perfect moment frozen in time. 
Marinette bites down on her own lip. 
She’s not jealous. 
She’s insanely turned on. She likes watching Adrien and Alya kiss. She likes it waaay more than she should. 
And she is jealous, she realizes. But she’s jealous of Adrien. 
She wants to be held so carefully in Alya’s hands. 
Alya pulls away slowly. Adrien though doesn’t move. His eyes remain closed, totally blissed out. Alya grins, and turns triumphantly to Marinette. 
That’s how it’s done, she seems to say. She made it look so easy.
Marinette wishes she had half her courage. 
But Alya’s gaze doesn’t linger with Marinette. Instead, her attention turns to Nino who is also wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open. Marinette has never related to him more in her life. Alya’s grin only grows. Adrien finally blinks his eyes open. 
Alix cackles. “I think all four of you might benefit from a turn in the closet!” 
Marinette’s face is on fire. 
“W-what?” Adrien stammers.
Nino is still speechless. 
But Alya, Alya hums in agreement. 
Every inch of Marinette’s body is tingling. She can’t talk, but she can’t sit still either. And so she runs. 
This time Alya doesn’t follow. Her friend’s laughter follows her though. 
She retreats to the bathroom, breathing hard. She tries to take a breath to calm her racing heart. She splashes water on her face and it doesn’t really help. 
The door bursts open and it’s Nino standing in the doorway, looking just as startled as she feels. 
“H-hey,” she says. “I… uh…” and she turns back to the mirror, unable to look at him.
“I’m s-sorry,” he stammers, backing away.
“N-no, it’s fy mault.” And she’s stuttering around Nino now.
She buries her fire-hot face in her hands. This is all Alix’s fault. She had Marinette thinking about kissing Nino now, as if Marinette needed a whole new person to be an absolute disaster around.
The problem is, it’s not hard to imagine. She had been overjoyed to know Nino was crushing on Alya all the way back at the zoo because she knew he was patient and just fun to be around even if she hadn’t known him that well then. 
She knew him better now, and that image doesn’t bother her at all. The idea of all four of them? 
She peaks through her fingers at him. 
He bursts into laughter. And a second later she joins him. She laughs so hard she doubles over clutching at her sides. It feels a touch hysterical, but it’s helping. 
Nino collapses down next to her a second later and she’s laughing so hard it hurts. And he’s laughing so hard he almost tips over, but she manages to steady him. 
Eventually their laughter subsides, and they sit beside each other on the bathroom floor. 
“D-did you want to talk?” Marinette eventually asks. 
He shakes his head. “No, I just… I ran in here because I needed to be able to breathe.” 
“Oh my god! I know! They’re both torturing us.” 
“Alya’s doing it on purpose.”
Marinette groans, burying her face in her hands all over again. “Which means she’s not gonna stop.”
“Definitely not.”
“How are we gonna survive?” 
Nino barked a laugh. “We’re not. We’re fucked.”
“At least we’re fucked together.” 
Nino laughed again and held out a fist. She met it easily, grinning.
She could think of worse than being tortured by Alya side by side with Nino and maybe hopefully Adrien too. 
Adrien stares at the bottle that’s pointing at him, afraid to see Alya’s reaction. He starts when she puts a hand on his shoulder, but when she catches his gaze she’s smiling gently with so much patience.
She leans toward him. “I’m gonna kiss you for real,” she whispers. “You okay with that?” 
He nods dumbly just relieved that she’s still there - that she wants to kiss him. 
And kissing Alya is a very different experience than kissing Nino. Her hands on his face are warm and gentle. She’s the one who leans forward, the one who presses her lips to his. She’s softer, but more confident. Her lips part, and instead of pulling away as he had with Nino, he reciprocates. Her tongue slides across his lower lip, and electricity shoots down his spine to his toes.
When she pulls away, he doesn’t move. He’s dizzy, and he doesn’t want the sensation to end. 
Was every kiss this mind blowing? 
He pulls away staring at Alya in shock, but her attention is on Nino who is definitely staring at them both in slack jawed astonishment. 
And Adrien’s gut twists again, not sure where he stands with either of them at the moment, and nervous about how his kisses with each might be impacting their relationship. 
And then Marinette runs again. Nino lasts only thirty seconds longer, and Adrien fights to keep breathing. He had wanted to come to this party so bad, and now it feels like he’s messing everything up. His eyes are burning. 
But this time, Alya squeezes his hand and he relaxes. 
“It’s not what you think,” she tells him. “They’re just being stupid.” 
“They’re not stupid,” he defends. Marinette is brilliant and inspiring. He could watch her for days and never get bored. And Nino is just solid, grounding in a way that always makes Adrien feel like he is always enough. 
She laughs. She definitely does not agree with him, but she also doesn’t argue. 
Spin the Bottle seems to be a bust at this point. With Marinette and Nino gone, the group breaks apart. Nathaniel and Marc soon have their heads together over a notebook. Rose and Juleka are still making out in the corner. Mylene is on Ivan’s lap on a couch. Alix and Max are talking excitedly about something on his computer. Kim is nowhere to be seen. 
He and Alya are effectively alone in the sense that no one is really paying attention to them, though they’re the only ones who haven’t moved from the original circle. 
“Why did you kiss me like that?” he asks.
She grins. “I had lots of reasons.”
“Care to share?” 
“Not yet, but I hope soon.”
He sighs. He tries so hard to respect other people’s boundaries, but he’s so tired of being in the dark all of the time. He does appreciate that Alya is direct about it though. She doesn’t try to evade or dance around the fact that she’s holding information back from him. And he believes her when she says she wants to tell him, so he doesn’t push. 
“Are you okay that I kissed Nino earlier?” he asks instead.
“I’d be a total hypocrite if I wasn’t.”
Adrien frowns. “That doesn’t answer the question.”
She grins again. “Let’s just say I was a lot more okay with it than I thought I would be, and maybe that’s part of why I wanted to kiss you too.”
“Please don’t use me as a way to get revenge on my best friend,” he pleads.
She laughs again. “I promise you I was not trying to hurt him. And I don’t think I did, but you’re right. He and I should probably talk. Are you okay if I go find him?” 
He nods, though it’s not completely true. He doesn’t feel like he’s on the verge of panic anymore, so he doesn’t need Alya to stay. 
But when she’s gone, he’s alone with his thoughts. Thoughts he very much doesn’t know what to do with. 
He’s in love with Ladybug! He’s certain of it, but this crazy game is making him realize that he has other feelings as well.
Feelings for his friends that he’s not supposed to have.
He wanted Marinette to kiss him. Hell, he still wants Marinette to kiss him, but he’s not always sure she even sees him as a friend, let alone something more. So trying something there doesn’t seem worth the risk. But he wants it anyway even though he now realizes he has feelings for Nino and Alya as well. 
But he’s not allowed to have feelings for his best friend and he’s definitely not allowed to have feelings for his best friend’s girlfriend.
What is wrong with him? 
Nino’s not sure what shifted, but Marinette seems calmer now. She’s smiling and he can’t help but mirror the expression. He always liked her smile. 
A soft tap on the door stops his thoughts in their tracks, and Alya pokes her head around the door. 
“There you both are!” 
Marinette’s hands cover her face again, but Nino can still see the blush blooming under her hands.
“Hey girl, do you mind if I steal your spot to talk to Nino alone for a moment?” 
Marinette’s head bobs up and down with far too much enthusiasm. And as she disappears, Nino wonders if he should envy how easily she escaped Alya’s gaze. 
But the second the door is closed, Alya pounces on him. He barely catches her. Her mouth is on his, hot and urgent, her tongue demanding entrance, and he’s only too happy to grant her request. 
But he’s confused. He thought she would be upset. Not that he’s complaining. 
Her lips travel to his ear, and his neck. Oh yeah, he’s definitely not complaining. 
But he’s still very confused. 
“Babe! What the hell?”
“I’ve literally been wanting to jump you,” she tells him between kisses, “since Adrien kissed you.” 
For some reason this upsets him, and he pushes her off him. “This isn’t some game, Alya.” 
She frowns, settling backwards on her heels, but her hands stay on his shoulders. “I didn’t say it was?”
He takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes. “I just… I’m kinda messed up right now because I think I like him, like him. And I don’t want to mess this,” He gestured between the two of them, “up. And I don’t want to mess him and I up either, but I can’t stop thinking about it now. And now, you treating that kiss like it’s just some kind of turn on or toy thing for you to get me all riled up.” 
Her hold on him loosens, but she doesn’t let go. Instead she’s rubbing soothing patterns on his shoulders. 
“Nino, it’s okay. Adrien is super sweet, and totally hot. And you care about each other immensely. Of course, you have feelings!”
Nino’s brows pinch together. “And you don’t have a problem with that?”
“I personally think it’s totally normal to have a bit of a gay crush on your best friend,” she says.
His eyes blow open. “Holy shit! You have a thing for Marinette!”
She clamps a hand over his mouth, as she glances frantically towards the closed door. “Shh! Nino! She’s not ready to hear that!” 
“I thought this was about you riling me up, but this is about her too, isn’t it?”
Alya doesn’t say anything. 
“How long have you felt this way?” he asks.
She bites her lip. “A long time. Longer than us.”
“I see.” 
“Nino! It’s not like that! I don’t have a favorite. I’ve known I was poly for a long time, but I didn’t think that you were and Marinette was never interested, and I thought I had made peace with all of that.”
But today apparently had been testing all of their limits. 
“Babe, why did you kiss Adrien like that?” he asks, but he thinks he already knows the answer. 
“You kissed him first!” 
“He kissed me! And that didn’t answer the question.” 
She looks up at him. “Because I wanted you to know what it felt like to watch two people you love, love each other.” 
He’s not sure he really got to appreciate that feeling in the moment. He had been too busy freaking out about his feelings for Adrien and if Alya would be upset.
“You’ve never told Marinette how you feel.” 
“She’s not remotely interested. She’s always had tunnel vision for Adrien.” 
Having watched her melt down after Alya kissed Adrien firsthand, he’s not so sure of that now. 
“You’re a hypocrite.”
She scowls. “What do you mean?” 
“You tell Marinette to confess every day. You’ve told me that you wish she would just be honest about her feelings and even if Adrien is somehow an idiot and turns her down she’ll still be freer. All of that applies to you. So why haven’t you confessed?” 
“Well one, I’m dating you.” 
It was a cop out. “That’s not in the way anymore.”
“Nino! It’s different when you’re best friends. Her friendship is precious and amazing and not less than romance. I don’t want to ruin that. ”
He nods. “Yeah. Totally. Makes complete sense. But I think that what you tell Marinette all the time is still true. That you will be freer if you are honest with her about your feelings.”
Alya suddenly grins. “Tell you what. I will confess to Marinette if you confess to Adrien.”
“Fuck. I walked into that one.” 
Alya laughs. “Yeah, you did.” 
He loves her laugh. It’s loud and real just like she is. She’s never as gorgeous as she is when she’s laughing her head off. He pulls her back into his arms and kisses her hard.
She breaks away, giggling. “What was that for?” 
He shakes his head in amusement. She tackled him first. He was just following through. 
“For luck,” he tells her. He doesn’t know for sure which way Marinette swings, but he knows that Alya doesn’t need any luck. 
But he might. 
Alya follows Nino out of the bathroom, and sure enough, Marinette is in the kitchen having never made it all the way back to the main living area. Nino nods at her and winks at Marinette before he leaves them both without a word.
Alya faces Marinette who is not meeting her eyes. 
Had Marinette overheard her conversation with Nino? Does it matter if she’s planning on telling her right now anyway?
“Hey,” Alya greets softly, looping her arm through Marinette’s exactly as she had earlier during the game. “Are we okay?”  
Marinette’s head shoots up. “Why wouldn’t we be okay?” 
“Well, I thought you might be upset that I kissed Adrien. I feel like maybe I should have checked with you first?”
Marinette blushes. “I figured you were just trying to inspire me.” 
“Did it work?” 
“Umm… it was definitely inspiring.” Marinette’s cheeks are red as she looks down into her hands.
Alya’s heart flips in her chest. Dare she hope this isn’t as hopeless as she fears? She licks her lips. 
Marinette frowns and grabs her hand. “Did you think I would be mad?” 
Maybe she had thought that was a possibility beforehand, but Alya knew afterwards that she wasn’t. “No… I…” and she trails off. 
“Alya?” Marinette’s voice trembles.
Alya shakes herself. She needs to pull herself together. This is Marinette . Marinette will never hold this against her.
“I never understood why you have such a hard time talking to Adrien. I mean, I knew that it was hard. Obviously in that you struggled with it, but I didn’t understand why you were so afraid . Adrien’s the nicest person on the planet, so even if he wasn’t somehow interested, which for the record, I think he is—“
Marinette shakes her head and Alya wants to shake her. 
“—he would never ever be mean about it. But I think I get it now because there’s something that I’ve never told you because I was afraid.” 
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” Marinette says, squeezing her hands. “Best friends don’t always have to tell each other everything.”
“Nino said I was a hypocrite for not telling you this and he’s right.” 
“Oh no! Did you and Nino fight?” 
“No! Nino and I are fine. I never told you this because I am absolutely terrified you won’t want me in your life anymore.”
Marinette laughs. “Alya, there’s nothing on this earth that you could do, be or say that would make me wish you gone.”
Alya forces herself to smile. She knows that, she believes it. And yet, she’s still scared her feelings could make things weird. She wants Marinette to come to her, to gush about boys, and ask for advice. 
Will she still do that, if she knows Alya loves her too? 
“What is it?” Marinette asks. 
“I’m in love with you, Marinette.” 
When Nino walks back into the main room, Adrien is in the corner with Max, Alix, and Kim. Max and Adrien are playing the latest version of his fighting game, which is inconvenient because Nino really wants to talk to him now while he still has Alya’s encouragement in his head. But he’s so nervous that interrupting seems impossible, and he’s hovering to the side of the group like an idiot. Even Alix and Kim are throwing him funny looks. 
Maybe he just can’t do this. 
But then Adrien glances at him out of the corner of his eyes, smiles that blinding smile, and Nino’s stomach drops in a fluttering mess. He has to do this because Alya is right. However Adrien responds, Nino needs to get this out or it will drive him slowly insane. 
Max groans, signaling the end of the match. Kim claps him consolingly on the shoulder and Alix cheers, clearly having just won a bet. 
“That was super close though,” Adrien says graciously. “I think you’ll get me soon.”
Max nods. “We’re definitely more closely matched. I appreciate you not going easy on me.” 
“Wouldn’t want to diminish your accomplishment in any way.” Then he turns his attention to Nino and holds out the controller. “You want a turn?” 
Nino shakes his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets so he can’t fidget. “Can I actually talk to you?” He points behind them with his thumb. “Maybe out on the balcony again?” 
Adrien smiles, but Nino can see the sudden tension in his shoulders. “Of course.” 
Kim makes a weird kissy face at Nino over Max’s shoulder. And Nino tries not to react, but he tucks his head into his shoulders like a turtle trying to hide in his shell. His neck and face are hot. Kim laughs, but at least it cuts off abruptly when Alix punches him in the arm. 
“Hey!” Kim complains, rubbing his arm.
“Leave them alone!” she hisses.
Nino is relieved when the sliding glass door closes, so he can’t hear the interaction. But that lasts all of two seconds because now Adrien is looking at him, waiting for whatever Nino wants to say, and Nino knows Adrien well enough to guess that Adrien’s bracing himself for the worst news ever. 
Which means Nino needs to buck up and be brave. 
“So you know how I said I wasn’t straight?” Nino blurts out.
Adrien lifts his head up and Nino can breathe just a bit easier. “Yeah?” 
“Well, that kiss, mec.” Nino adjusts his hat and risks a glance at his best friend. “I think it awakened some things. And if you’re game, I would k-kinda like to see where that could go?” His voice is pitched too high, and Nino wants to hide, but the hard part is done, and so he makes himself sit still. 
Well, mostly still. Nino doesn’t know how to be completely still. 
“What about Alya?” 
Nino relaxes at that objection. Adrien isn’t saying that he’s not interested. “She’s on board. In fact, if you’re into it, I suspect she’d date you as well, but we didn’t talk about that.” 
“And that’s allowed?” Adrien asks. His brows are furrowed so tight and it’s cute. 
“I mean, if you and I are okay with it and she’s okay with it, does it matter what anyone else says?” 
“I uh… guess not.” 
“But there’s no pressure here either!” Nino backpedals. “My having feelings doesn’t mean anything has to change. Just because Alya and I are poly, doesn’t mean that you have to be. And you don’t have to date us both, though if you dated her and not me, I’m not gonna lie, I’d be super jealous.”
“Can we slow down please?” 
“You’re in love with me?” Marinette echoes. She heard it, but she can’t believe it. 
Alya has coached her through the most ridiculous anxious spirals, has seen her in her bathrobe rambling with her hair in nets at her most insane, and has chastised her when she was beyond petty. 
Alya has seen her at her worst. 
And Alya loves her? 
It’s so crazy her brain refuses to accept it. 
Alya nods. “Have been for a long time. And I want you to know I’m not at all sure where you would like to go from here if anywhere, but I wanted you to know. I don’t want to keep things from you.”
But if it is true, It’s the most amazing precious thing! She woke up this morning expecting a treat, and woke up with a whole cake! 
“Nino?” she squeaks.
“I love him, too. I’m poly. And I know you’re in love with Adrien. You know I’ve been rooting for the two of you since forever. Like I said, I just wanted you to know. And I guess I wanted to show you that even if you don’t get the answer you’re hoping for after a confession, that things can still be okay.” 
Marinette’s grabs Alya’s arm that is already looped through hers. Alya thought she was going to say no! 
But it’s too amazing. Marinette doesn’t want to say no.
“No,” Marinette says. 
“No?” Alya echoes, stiffening under Marinette’s arm. 
Marinette grip tightens around Alya. “No! No! I don’t mean no!! I mean– Alyaaaa!” she whines, burying her face against Alya’s arm.
Alya laughs. “I must be doing pretty well if you’ve lost the power of speech!” 
Marinette nods. 
And Alya untangles herself and holds Marinette by both her elbows, and suddenly Alya’s dark eyes are filling up Marinette’s entire field of vision. 
“Marinette, may I kiss you?” 
Marinette nods again. And now Alya’s hands ride up her arms to either side of her face, and Marinette basks in the feeling of being held in Alya’s embrace.
And then Alya’s lips are on hers, and Marinette forgets how to breathe. She’s kissed Chat before under battlefield conditions. Hell! She’s kissed Alya before! But it was never like this. Never with Alya pouring all of herself into it. 
Alya is warmth and safety. And she’s fire and courage. And Marinette never wants the moment to end. 
Alya pulls away first. 
Marinette doesn’t want to move. This was how Adrien felt earlier. She knows it. This is what it means to be blissed out. She can’t imagine anything better. 
“Now, I just want you to know, I don’t want you settling. I’m not kissing you again until you’ve confessed to Adrien.” 
Marinette’s eyes blink open.
“But Alyaaaaa!”
“Can we slow down please?” Adrien asks.
“Yeah, mec! Of course! I’ll just shut up now! And you can say whatever you need to.” 
Adrien laughs. Every inch of his body is buzzing. Like, he’s floating so high that his feet may never touch ground again. He has no idea what to say, but he knows he needs to say something.
“I think I’m game.” 
“You think?” Nino echoes. “You don’t have to tell me what you think I want to hear.”
“And I’m not! I just— Nino, that was effectively my first kiss,” Adrien admits. 
“What?! But you said–”
“I know! And I have, but it was under an akuma’s influence and I don’t remember it.”
“You could have said something.” 
Adrien rubs the back of his neck. He’s not good at speaking up. Not like Nino, Alya, or Marinette. “I just… when it landed on you I felt so relieved because I knew that my first kiss was going to be with someone that I cared about and who cared about me.”
And should have that alone told him something? 
Nino’s smile softens. “I’m glad.”
“And I definitely felt something, too. I wanted more, but everyone was watching. And I wasn’t sure if all kisses were like that? Because when Alya kissed me–”  
“Oh my god! I know!” 
“–I saw stars. But you’re saying she’s interested too? So maybe not all kisses are like that, and I’m just really lucky that the first two people I remember kissing are people that I have feelings for.” 
Adrien knows he’s the one rambling, but Nino only listens. 
“So umm… yeah. I’m game.” Adrien holds out his hand. 
Nino stares at it. “Yeah?” Nino’s voice cracks on the word, and he has to clear his throat. 
“Yeah,” Adrien says again. 
Nino takes his hand, their fingers interlace and it’s wild how natural it feels, how comforting the warmth of Nino’s hand is in his own.
“I want to do what you said,” Adrien says, “explore where we could go. And it’s not just because I want to make-out! Though that sounds amazing, too!” 
Nino laughs. 
“But a relationship with you? That sounds like a dream. How could I ever turn that down?”
Nino’s gaze drops. “Dude! I—“ His voice cracks again. 
Adrien squeezes his hand reassuringly.
But Nino stands suddenly, and yanks Adrien a meter to the side, where they’re not standing in front of a glass door.
Their second kiss is even better than the first. It leaves Adrien wanting more.
Good thing Nino is his boyfriend now and there will hopefully be so many more opportunities for more.  
The party continues like Marinette whole world hasn’t been thrown out of orbit. The pizza arrives, her friends eat and play Just Dance and Mecha Strike. And Marinette’s losing. 
She just can’t sit still, and she can’t think long enough to finish a slice of pizza, let alone pull off the complicated combos needed to send Alix’s avatar into next week. 
Marinette’s just so happy and so nervous, and her face has to be permanently stained red at this point. Everytime Alya touches her, everytime Nino laughs, everytime Adrien’s delighted smile meets her gaze, she explodes from her seat. 
She grabs another slice of pizza even though she hasn’t finished the first just to have an excuse to be out of her seat, and pours a cup of soda. She backs up and bumps into a solid warm body immediately. 
“Woah there!” Adrien says, his hands hovering over her arms obviously ready to catch her should she stumble. 
She only sees green. The green of spring grass and emeralds.
“Marinette?” he asks, his brows furrowed in concern. “Are you okay?” 
Her cheeks burn hotter. “Y-you’re fine! I mean, me! I’m fine!” 
He grins back at her and she feels warm. “I’m glad.” 
“About earlier, when I ran away?”
“Which time?” 
And god, she’s run from him twice today! Could she be more of a disaster? 
“I… umm… the first time.” She pushes a errant lock of hair behind her ear and licks her lips. “I wanted to explain.” 
“It’s okay, Marinette. You’re allowed to not want to kiss me, you know.” 
“But that’s not it at all!” 
“Then what is it?”
She swallows. She’s going to do this even if she messes up every word because Alya believed in her — because of Alya could risk everything to go after what she wanted, Marinette will too. And Alya if Alya can love her at her worst, maybe Adrien can love her at her most bizarre. 
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met. I just… I also wanted it to be special, you know?”
Her teeth press down into her lower lip, and she risks a glance up at him. 
And suddenly she can’t breathe.
Adrien isn’t sure he heard her right. 
She’s wanted to kiss him, wanted it to be special? 
For that long? 
He always thought he was doing something wrong, but she had just been nervous? Because she liked him?! 
A laugh bubbles out of him. 
Clearly the stars have aligned today.
Or at least he hopes so. 
“Marinette, what do you think of the idea of loving more than one person?” he asks.
“I… I don’t totally know,” she says, biting down on her lip. “From where I’m sitting, I really really want it to be a thing.”
Oh, this day cannot get any better. 
He reaches for her hand, which she takes. “Is it special enough if I kiss you now?” 
Her cheeks turn a delightful shade of pink. She nods, but he’s too lost in her eyes that are shining like stars to move. 
She moves first. 
And he learns that he’s been wrong on several counts. 
One, from his rapidly growing experience every kiss can be life changingly mind blowing. 
And this particular day can and will keep getting better. 
The party isn’t even close to over, but Alya asks if they want to bail early and they all agree. She lives only a few blocks away, and they probably need to spend some time, just the four of them together. 
Today has been a lot. 
But definitely the best kind of a lot, she thinks as they all four walk side by side. Adrien and Marinette are in the middle, their fingers just barely touching, but still interlaced. Nino is on Adrien’s other side, and her boyfriend cannot stop smiling. 
Alya has seen Nino excited and giddy when listening to a song. She’s seen him silly and flustered after she kissed him for the first time, but she’s never seen him quite like this, beaming like he just won the lottery. 
She’s never seen Marinette so calm and relaxed. She’s so glad that Marientte finally managed to confess, and she’s beyond touched that it was her own confession that finally goaded Marinette into action.
And she’s never seen Adrien so real. He’s joking and being silly, and just laughing. It’s a gorgeous sound. 
And she’s so happy for herself, too. That she doesn’t have to fantasize and wonder, she doesn’t have to settle. 
She gets to have all of this. All of them. 
She thought a day like this could never happen. 
“Alya! What’s wrong?”
Alya shakes her head, dabbing at her eyes. 
“I’m just happy.” 
Marinette beams at her. 
“I know! I don’t think I’ve ever felt so… loved.” 
Nino laughs. “It looks good on you.” 
It looked good on all of them. 
Because it’s perfect.
Right up until Alya has to let go of Marinette’s hand to unlock the front door. And instead of cuddling right back up to Marinette like she wants to, she ducks into the apartment trying to see if anyone is home. 
While she has no intention of keeping her unconventional relationship a secret, she prefers the chance to talk to all her partners for at least one whole conversation before she has to explain it to anyone else. 
Luckily, the whole place is dark. 
“Looks like we have the place to ourselves! Make yourselves at home! I’ll get drinks! Adrien, want to help me?” 
“Of course!” he agrees, his and Marinette’s hands slowly untangling, until they can’t reach as they part ways. 
“Why Adrien?” Marinette pouts.  
Alya laughs. “Because I need to talk to him! We’ll be out in two minutes.” 
He follows her into the kitchen. “What’s up?” 
“I just wanted to tell you all the reasons I kissed you today now that I’m not revealing any secrets.” 
He grins. “Please go on.” 
She hands him two cans of soda from the fridge. 
“One, I wanted to drive Nino nuts, but I swear in a good way.” 
Adrien laughs. 
“Two, I wanted to show Marinette that it wasn’t that hard. And that things could still be okay after the fact.” 
“Better than okay!” he adds. 
“Three, you are hot and I’m not blind.” She grabs another two cans of soda. 
He laughs again, and Alya really likes the sound. She looks right up at him. 
“And last, you were hurting earlier when Marinette ran, and I don’t know… I wanted you to know what it was like to be wanted.” 
“I…” he visibly swallows. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” 
She grins. “You're welcome! Now, come on!”
Alya freezes in the threshold. 
Nino has a hand on Marinette’s shoulder. He throws a silly grin at her and she sucks in a breath. He knows exactly what he’s doing. 
“So I don’t know how you feel about me compared to them,” Nino says to Marinette. 
Marinette blushes, and glances toward Alya who is staring at them both, still unmoving.
“But I have it on good authority that if we kissed, it would drive Alya wild,” Nino stage whispers. 
Adrien chokes on a laugh from behind her. 
Marinette nods enthusiastically. “She would deserve it after knowingly torturing us all day!” 
They turn towards each other. Marinette has to stand on her toes, and Nino leans down, and their lips meet. 
Alya’s throat feels dry. 
Adrien whistles in clear approval, and then the three of them dissolve into giggles. 
But Alya has to swallow several times before she finds her voice. “Not gonna lie. I have thought about this before and I didn’t think it would ever happen.”
Marinette holds her hand out, and Alya lets herself be pulled into their embrace. Adrien is only a few seconds behind. 
“Does it live up to your fantasies?” Marinette asks. 
“It’s even better. All thanks to Spin the Bottle! We’re gonna have to thank Kim for pushing it.” 
“And to think, Marinette didn’t think a Spin the Bottle kiss could be special,” Adrien teases.
“Shut up!” she protests, her cheeks turning pink. Alya kisses the closest one.
“Spin the Bottle kisses can obviously be life changing,” Nino says, his fingers threading through hers. 
“Did Marinette just tell Adrien to shut up?” Alya asks. “Maybe?” Marinette squeaks.
Alya grins. “I’m so proud.” 
Adrien’s never been this comfortable in his whole life. It’s almost overwhelming. Marinette’s head lay in his lap, while he leaned on Nino’s shoulder with Alya on Nino’s other side. He’s not sure how they got here all together like this, but he’s never going to let go now. 
“So are we exclusive?” Marinette asks, her fingers tracing patterns on the back of his hand.
“Why do you ask?” Alya grins, clearly amused. 
“I just kinda wanted to see if I could add Chat Noir.”
Adrien chokes. “Ch-Chat Noir?” he splutters.
“What? Is that crazy?” Marinette asks. 
“He does look hot in that catsuit.” Nino comments and Adrien’s ears burn. 
“I’m down for Chat Noir, Ladybug, and Carapace,” Alya interjects. 
Marinette glares at her. “I think you’re forgetting someone.” 
“Rena Rouge!” 
“Oh! Yeah, sure,” she agrees readily. 
They all turn to him expectantly, and Adrien doesn’t know what to say. It sounds amazing and it sounds like way too much, and it also seems impossible. “What are the chances all four of them would be down for that?” 
Marinette glances at Alya and Nino before her gaze flips back to him. “Higher than you might think.” 
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luke-shywalker · 3 days
there are little moments
“Hold still,” she said, and Ben complied as his wife carefully adhered the new bacta patch over his eye. He flinched as her fingers gently pressed down to seal the sides.
“Why don’t you use your Jedi magic to just give me a new eye?” he asked dryly.
“That’s not how the Force works,” Fannie replied. She turned and went to dispose of the old patch, her lekku swaying behind her.
Ben groaned and massaged his right browbone. He couldn’t use his right eye to see—not yet, anyway—but it still moved in tandem with his left, and smarted whenever it did.
“Funny,” he remarked. “Anyone who sees me is gonna think I had some kinda heroic encounter against the First Order. When really, my eye just decided to stop working. Like…for fun, or something.”
“I’m glad we got it taken care of,” said Fannie. “You need your vision. You’re one of the best pilots in the Resistance.”
“One of ‘em. Mom seems to like Poe Dameron better.”
“Oh, hush.”
“At least this didn’t happen to you,” Ben said. “One of Skywalker’s Jedi. Though, you’d probably be able to use the Force to see, right?”
“Well, it’s not unheard of, but Force vision is not completely the same as natural vision,” said Fannie as she made her way to the kitchenette and pulled a canister of rice from the lower compartment. “You really don’t know how the Force works.”
“Sorry,” Ben shrugged. “Jedi school dropout over here.”
“I’m sure Luke much preferred training your sister,” Fannie teased. She began setting a pot of water to boil.
Ben shrugged again. Rey had confided in him recently that, without Luke to guide her, she had been struggling with the seductive pull of the dark…just like he had. But, that wasn’t for him to share.
“I can help make dinner,” he said, changing the subject and getting up from the foldout bed.
“Oh, no you don’t,” said Fannie. “Sit back down.”
“C’mon, Fan. I haven’t been able to do anything for like, two days. For the Resistance, or for you. I feel bad.”
“You took care of me after the Battle of Takodana. Call us even.”
A sudden ache behind his eye made Ben start to feel nauseous at the thought of food anyway, so he sat back down with a huff. “Fine.”
“We’re nearly out of protein rations,” Fannie noted. “We’ll have to get more soon.”
“Let’s just run out. I hate that stuff.”
Fannie flashed him a small, bittersweet smile. “Welcome to wartime, Ben Solo.”
“I’m sick of living through major historical events,” Ben said. “Though—I probably wouldn’t have ever proposed, if the war hadn’t happened.”
“Hm. So that’s what it finally took.”
“Aw, Fan. Don’t be like that. I just mean…life seemed to get way more real all of a sudden. And everything seemed to be moving way faster. Especially after Hosnian Prime was destroyed. I just…y’know…realized there wasn’t a whole lot of time left.”
“Well, I hope there’s some time left,” said Fannie. “I hope we get to see our children, someday.”
Ben squinted. “You have so been talking with my mom, haven’t you.”
Fannie smiled, placing the protein strips in the pot with the rice. “Your dad, actually.”
“Oh.” Ben scratched the back of his neck. “Well. Let’s work on making the galaxy somewhere we want our kids to be, first.”
“Yes,” Fannie agreed. She covered the boiling pot with its lid, then turned to look at him, leaning on the counter thoughtfully. “Is this what you thought it would be like, Ben?”
“What what would be like?”
“Being married.”
“Oh, well.” Ben shrugged. “I dunno. I never really thought about it much. I just like being with you, and I think we make a damn good team. And we do—at least—I sure think so. D’you think so?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“But…you used to think about it a lot, huh?” A teasing look crept onto his face. “Yeah, you always wanted the cute little house and the white duraplast fence and the two-point-five children—”
“Oh, stop it,” she said, waving a spoon at him. “But…yes, I did want that. The beginnings of a war would not normally be my ideal timeframe for a honeymoon—”
“—but we made it work.”
“Yes, we made it work.” She paused, thoughtfully.
“Well, I suppose it’s not at all like I imagined,” she said at last. “But, then…there are little moments, rather like this one, where it’s exactly as I’d hoped. Where we eat dinner together—”
“If you can call it that—”
“—and we talk about having kids—”
“—someday waaaay down the line—”
“—and reminisce about our life together so far, and I nurse my ailing husband back to health—”
“—not because something cool happened to him, but because his eye randomly stopped working…”
Fannie sighed, exasperated. “You just can’t let me speak, can you, Ben?”
Ben grinned from where he sat on the foldout bed—that roguish lopsided smirk he’d inherited from his father. “Hey, it’s my eye that’s busted, lady. Not my mouth.”
She rolled her eyes, but he was too difficult to stay mad at when he looked like that.
Even with the silly-looking eyepatch.
She smiled good-naturedly. “Well, I’ll soon fix that,” she said, and came over to give him a kiss.
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louisisalarrie · 4 months
Hi! I am bbg anon from yesterday (the fairly new one). I had read on one of the other blogs that ppl in the fandom are assuming that harry's next stunt might be with a man. It may be possible because he had been through a lot of queerbaiting allegations and HS4's response (any more might dampen his reputation) might have to do with how they want to navigate it further. I never thought that H and L would come out separately. But I had read that a lot of veteran larries thought they were seedings of a CO of H in 2015. Ending bbg is an indication of Louis being gay and Larry being real (indirectly within the fandom and outside as well if anyone has their suspicion). I think what they can do when bbg ends is to show that Harry and Louis aren't together anymore (that's the least they can do) because there's no way in hell bbg ending won't create a Larry buzz. And Harry has already been accused of queerbaiting. I think if Harry is to stunt with a man, it's a good time to end babygate. Because Harry is dating someone else now. In the present moment. And Louis had a kid for almost nine years. He must be het. And then Louis must dip for another year and come back with LT3. Maybe stunt with another woman while Harry is out with a man? I think showcasing that they have broken up is a good barter for ending babygate. It will also help Harry in his queerbaiting allegations? What do you think?Harries might be supportive if it's not Louis he's in a relationship with. Solo louies will also be sympathetic towards Louis and accept the fact that he had been cheated on with the fact that he's a father and that Louis isn't with Harry at least. Us, Larries, on the other hand will know as we always do 🤪
Hey anon! Lovely to hear from you.
Yep, I think you’re on the right track here. And again, I can’t shut my damn mouth/stop my damn brain ever so this is now an official welcome to the show!
In short, bbg was the perfect stunt so Harry could come out and Louis 100% couldn’t be tied to him, because he was a dad. It separated their relationship from the public and when you think about the time this was all happening and their team, this was the best way to solidify the end of larry, while allowing Harry to be free. How could Louis be gay if he has a kid and is fucking every little blonde thing at a club? He can’t possibly be gay, and could never possibly be with Harry, so that was the plan. It was pretty foolproof, to the public and antis at least, until it all fell apart.
Now, we’re looking at a switch in stunts. Harry comes out, and yes, if he has to stunt with a man, so be it. It’s no different than stunting with a woman, but it is an acknowledgment of his sexuality and that’s an important step forward. As I’ve said before, this is a shitty long process and it’s not gonna be easy, but if we survived bbg, we can survive anything.
So, Harry comes out with a boyfriend in the ramp up of HS4. Explains some of the love songs, right? Removes queerbaiting allegations, which you’re right, is now tarnishing his brand, and solidifies an undisclosed sexuality that’s certainly not straight. If he is seen as bisexual/not straight but still likes the gals, he still has huge market appeal and it’s not gonna lose the amount of followers he’d lose if he came out as gay. What is his sexuality? I couldn’t tell ya. But he’s not straight, that’s for sure.
Anyway, maybe this will be the best way to visualise it and theorise:
1. Louis finishes tour, has a couple of festivals, and stays far away from Harry before taking a break/writing. Opposite sides of the world.
2. Harry comes out with a boyfriend in some pap pics in the lead up to HS4, just holding hands or something. No snogging or anything, just small caresses that pick up the public’s interest. It can be a very lowkey coming out to begin with, and still while he’s flapping about kinda quietly like right now and not 100% in the public eye yet. Think of it as… a soft launch to test it with the fans.
3. After some more little soft launches of his new relationship (Insta story perhaps), Harry and boy start ramping up the PR by making more appearances and hanging out with some other super high profile celebs (this boy will not be high profile, and perhaps an influencer or something instead. They won’t be getting another proper fandom involved. That would be bad news bears).
4. Harry makes some “thank you for accepting me” style tweet, and posts an image that’s just plain colour or something, that will allude to HS4.
5. Harry drops HS4, and is active on social media more so than usual. Connecting with fans, listening parties, etc.
6. After the initial HS4 hype drops a bit, seeding starts that Louis and baby mama are having fights over F, and the timing is VERY important here between larry btw. But a possible good reason would be that now louis is done with tour, he wants to spend more time with F, B is like “nooooo u left him for so long you can’t have more custody than what you have rn” and then that ends up in court and paternity test etc. bc she’s being super shady. Also keeps his name relevant while being off tour.
7. Harry carries on with fan interaction and projects, some more pap walks with boy and perhaps something more intimate.
8. It’s further seeded by “insiders” and then confirmed by Louis’ team that he’s not the dad/he’s having personal issues right now/pls respect his privacy bc he going through some SHIT
9. H and boy are going well, he’s booked in a tour, and Louis disappears completely from public eye/social media.
10. Louis reappears months later, on the other side of the world to Harry bc he’s on tour, and says that he’s not the dad, he’s gonna still love F like he’s his own kid, and that he’s gonna just focus on writing and spend some time with his family.
Boom. 10 steps to happiness. Now, granted that the above all goes well, it seems like the perfect plan. It ends bbg, allows Harry to come out, makes the public sympathise with Louis and gives him the “good guy” award while also upholding his hettiness, and keeps larry rumours super far away.
After that happens (which could probaaaaaably take about… 6 months? If it’s done correctly? Lol) the next step is larry reconciliation, which would probably take another 4-6 months to get them fully comfy, and then it’s a decision on whether they get to come out before, during, or after a 1d reunion. Which is a whole other bucket of fish.
Alas, 10 steps, which if done right, minimise harm to both Harry and Louis immensely. This is a foolproof plan that yes, willl lose them some followers, but can be handled correctly by the right team.
So, fingers crossed that the game will begin soon!
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keep-the-wolves-close · 4 months
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Movin’ Mountains
Chapter 1: cowboy take me away
* Pairing: Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M
* Warnings: language, healing, dealing with some post trauma, fairly tame tbh
* Word count: 4,198ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant and @lexixstewart for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all.
Author's note: Hey everyone! We’re back at it again at the Krispy Kreme ✌🏻😝 (💀 I cannot believe I just did that along with a vine reference lmao.) (Please don't run in the other direction lol.)
Welcome to the continuation of Steady Heart! Thank you for coming along and continuing the journey with me! Here we are at the beginning of season 3! I can’t wait to see what lies ahead for our favorite, as Rip calls them, “merry band of misfits”. I hope everyone enjoys our soft start into the season, and the adventure ahead!
The door to the foreman’s lodge opened. It pulled Stella’s attention from the book she was reading, her heart dropped and her hand fell to her gun. She'd been jumpy ever since the night she got attacked. She glanced up and saw it was Kayce who greeted her from the doorway. Her shoulders relaxed and she smiled softly to avoid pulling the gash on her face and folded her book closed, placing it on the coffee table.
“Hey, you.” She welcomed and started to stiffly rise from the couch to be gentle on her ribs, but Kayce met her at the couch stopping her motion.
He bent down and gave her a quick kiss. “Hey back.”
She closed her eyes and hummed. “I still gotta get used to that.”
Kayce chuckled and sat next to her. “Me too. How’re you feelin’ today?” He gave a quick glance at her pistol.
Stella leaned back into the couch slow and steady and crossed him with a look of her own to stop any argument about being skittish. “I think I’m alright.”
“You think?” He placed his arm behind her on the back of the couch.
“Well I mean my ribs are probably gonna hurt for a while no matter how healed they are. My bruises don’t hurt anymore though.”
“What about,” he motioned to his eyebrow.
She grabbed the side of her bottom lip between her teeth and contemplated the change to her face. “I just gotta be careful to not stretch the skin too much, which is ass.” She laughed. “I never realized how much I actually used my eyebrows.”
“I coulda told you that, sugar.”
She flattened her face and gave him a side-eye. “Ha ha, you’re hilarious,” she quipped sarcastically. “Anyway, how’s Tate?”
Kayce blew out a heavy breath. “He’s okay, sleeping a little better, but still waking up scared.”
“Is there anything I can do to help? I understand being scared at the moment.”
Kayce stared down at her in the crook of his arm and shook his head. Of course she was worried about everyone but herself. “No, Monica is still with him. When she isn’t, I am.”
“Yeah, it probably wouldn’t be good for him to see me still so busted up right now. It would do more harm than good. How’s Monica?”
“Very happy that our son is alive. Grateful to you for trying to stop them.”
“I wish he would have kept running to the big house.” Stella placed her head back against Kayce’s arm and closed her eyes. She had to turn her brain off from thinking about everything she should have done versus what she did. It wouldn’t get her anywhere. “I’m still exhausted from all that mess.”
“I don’t doubt you are, but him coming back might have been the only thing that saved you.”
“I still wish he wouldn’t have come back. I would have been fine, eventually, and he wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped.”
“We’ll make it through, Stell. I’m just glad you both are still here.” Kayce draped his hand on her shoulder.
For a few moments, Stella pretended like everything was okay, that she and Kayce just got back from a long day. It was peaceful in his presence. She was grateful that he and Ryan found her when they did. She shuddered at the thought of what could have happened if she went untreated for longer. She opened her eyes thinking about her brother. “Oh, Ryan told me you guys are building a new barn further out?”
“When we’re out in the farther pastures, it would be nice to have a spot to go to that has extra supplies and things.” He faced her. “Speaking of which, we’re settin' up a spike camp until July.”
“Rip and I wanna be sure the clover isn’t gonna come back. We checked the fields this mornin’, and it didn’t look like there was any growing back, but we can’t be too careful. So we’re gonna babysit the herd. You wanna come with us?” He knew she would love the change of pace. He decided to not mention Tate coming along just yet. He didn’t want her to worry about him seeing her.
“I would be kinda useless for a little while yet. I shouldn’t even technically ride, as much as that fact pisses me off.”
“I’m not bringin’ ya up there to work, Stell. I just want you to have a change of scenery. But if you get to feelin’ right, you’re more than welcome to join the guys.” Kayce cringed. “If your brother doesn’t have a heart attack about it.”
She smiled at him. “C’mere.” He scooted closer for her. She leaned into him and whispered, “thank you,” on his lips as she kissed him.
Kayce carefully leaned his forehead against Stella’s. “I should go back up to the main house to be with Tate, but either myself or your brother will come get you in the mornin’.”
Stella nodded and stiffly stood with him. “What time?”
“Early. Probably 4:30 quarter of five.”
She groaned, “ugh, fuckin’ ranch hours,” and followed him to the door. Reaching out to grab his hand, she pulled him into a hug. “I mean it.” Stella didn’t know how else to say thank you anymore.
He pulled back just enough to gaze affectionately down at her. “You’re welcome, sugar.” He closed the gap and placed a gentle kiss on her lips as she brought her hand to his chest.
There was a groan that sounded behind the couple. “That’s the last thing I needed to see tonight,” Ryan grouched.
Stella faced down at the ground, with her eyes closed. Nervous about being caught so soon. “Hey, Ry.” Her face and neck heated up.
Kayce laced his fingers through hers as he stepped back, avoiding Ryan’s gaze. “I’m gonna go let Monica have a break.”
“See ya later, cowboy.” Their fingers squeezed each other and then slipped apart as he stepped away.
While Kayce walked off, the siblings stared at one another. Both of them had their lips pressed together and arms crossed. Stella’s face felt like it was on the sun with how red it must have been. The pair dissolved into laughter.
Stella cleared her throat. “You wanna come in?”
“It doesn’t smell like sex in there, does it?”
Stella rolled her eyes. “Oh my fuckin’ god, Ryan. No.”
Ryan nodded and stepped up to the door, trailing behind his sister. He watched while she made her way to the refrigerator.
“You want anything to drink?” She grabbed a Sprite from the fridge.
He stepped up to a kitchen chair, pulling it out and taking a seat. “Nah, we’re gonna be drinking later. I just wanted to check on you for the night before we did.” He took notice of her gun on her hip, but made no mention of it. He’d been keeping an eye on her, everyone had, especially with how edgy she’d been.
She cracked open her soda and leaned back against the sink to face Ryan. “I’m doing alright for the most part. Just starting to get bored,” she complained as she took a sip of her soda. “Very bored,” she sighed.
“I understand, but we need you 100%. Don’t need you hurting yourself more.”
“Yeah, I know,” she grumbled. Just because it was true didn’t make it suck any less. “Kayce invited me to come to the spike camp with y’all.”
Her brother's eyebrows shot up. “Oh he did, did he?”
“Yeah. Figured I would like a change of scenery. Which I would. Very much.” Stella stared at him, hoping to make her point. “Also, most likely so both you and himself could still keep an eye on me and keep me out of trouble.” She grinned.
Ryan leaned in the chair and propped his elbow on the backrest. “It’s irritating how smart he is.”
Her grin widened. “You’re just mad he thought of it first. He’s always been that smart.” She sat her soda on the counter and crossed her arms. “Is it okay if I go? I don’t wanna be stuck here by myself.”
“You wouldn’t be by yourself.”
“I know.” She shrugged. “But I wanna be with you and Kayce because y’all don’t treat me like I’m fragile like everyone else has been.”
“As long as you follow through with not working.” He fixed her with a look.
“Okay, okay.” She held up her hands in surrender. “I promise. I’ll sit with John and give everyone shit.” She smiled. “Now you go have fun. I’ll see y’all in the mornin’.”
Stella wandered around the foreman’s lodge aimlessly. She thought about going to hang out with the wranglers while they cut up, but she didn’t have the energy to be around the rambunctious bunch. She loved them, but she needed quiet. Reaching to grab her soda, she made her way to the little front porch area of the lodge. As she strode across the room, she made sure her gun was still on her hip.
She dropped into the single chair and fixed her glasses. Her feet swung up to cross at the ankles on the small table in front of her. The fizzy carbonation of her soda tickled her nose as she took a swig and swallowed. Stella surveyed the landscape carefully.
She could see the round pen, the cow pen, the barn, and the bunkhouse from where she sat. The lights were on in the house, so that gave her some comfort that her brother was close by if she needed him.
A breath pushed past Stella’s lips as she forced herself to calm down. The guys who were responsible for kidnapping Tate and beating the shit out of her were taken care of. She had to convince herself no one was going to sneak up on her.
“Everything is okay. We’re okay. We’re alive. Just breathe. You’re safe.” Stella encouraged herself, taking a few deep breaths in between her affirmations.
She’d been telling herself that a lot lately. That’s why her gun was glued to her hip. She had made the grave mistake of being caught without it, and it almost cost her her life. Stella vowed to never get found without it again.
The sounds of the ranch made her startle every once and a while, but eventually she settled and allowed herself to relax back in the chair. The thought of Rip probably wandering around somewhere nearby like a prowling bear made her fully sit back. Yes Kayce and her brother were nearby, but Rip was closer. She knew he wouldn’t be done with making sure everything was closed up for the night yet.
The longer she sat there, the calmer she became and the sounds of the ranch finally convinced her eyes to shut. Stella could still hear the horses in the pasture nearby, and the settling of the farm equipment, so she wasn’t fully asleep. It was a catnap state. She hadn’t been getting the fittest sleep since she came home from the hospital, so whatever rest her body would allow, she’d take it.
The crunch of the gravel that led up to the foreman’s lodge in between the stepping stones, startled Stella awake. “Stella-belle?” A gravelly voice intoned softly from her side. A warm calloused hand draped around her forearm and her eyes shot open. Without thought, she whipped her arm out to the side and hit the offender away from her. She scrambled to stand and back away from the intruder. Her hand dropped to her holster.
Rip stood back quickly and held his hands out like he would to a frightened horse. “Woah woah! Stella it’s me!”
Her eyes focused and her brain finally came out of its sleepy haze. “Oh my fucking god,” she wheezed out. From her quick movements her ribs smarted at her angrily. She moved her hand to her right side and hissed at the pain.
Rip wanted to help her, but knew she didn’t like being touched when she was in pain. He felt helpless as he watched her pant, trying to get her breath back. She paced back and forth, regulating her way through the discomfort. Slowly, it backed down to a throbbing versus a stabbing sting.
“Damn, Wheelie.”
“I’m sorry. I should have made more noise.”
Stella pursed her lips. She knew he didn’t mean to do it, and her anger was misplaced because of the pain of her own doing. She shouldn’t take it out on him. “It’s alright. What’s up?”
“I just got done laying into the wranglers because their asses are still awake and we got shit to do this morning. I saw you out here and wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I actually fell asleep after a while.” She yawned and scratched her head. “What time is it?”
“3:45. You should head to an actual bed, Stella-belle.”
“I should probably just stay up and get packed.”
Rip frowned. “Packed?” He pushed open the lodge door and motioned her inside. “For what?”
Stella grabbed her empty soda bottle and followed his direction, stepping into the house. She tossed the bottle into the little recycling bin next to the fridge. “I’m going to the spike camp with ya.” She smirked over her shoulder while she went to grab one of Kayce’s duffelbags.
“You’re what?”
“You heard me. And my brother and Kayce agreed. So I’m coming with y’all.” Stella opened Kayce’s closet and made a small “ha,” when she found the medium-sized bag on the floor. Heavy boots hit the ground behind her and she spun around to face the angry bear of a man she’d become so fond of.
She grinned up at him. “I already promised that I would sit with John and give everyone shit while y’all worked.”
The corners of Rip’s mouth turned further downward in a frown. “Stella…,” he let her name hang in the air.
“Riiip,” she dragged out his small name. Stella gently weaved around him to the dresser Kayce was letting her use for her clothes. Rip sighed behind her and she ignored him. She went about pulling out her clothes for at least a week, more than sure she’d have to come back down and get more. She decided she would cross that bridge when she got there.
“You love running us ragged, don’t you?”
Stella placed the pile of clothes she had in her hand in the bag and turned to look at him. His shoulders sagged, he looked exhausted. Not only did he have everything else going on, but he had become her unofficial babysitter. Kayce and Ryan were smart for that because they knew if she didn’t listen to them, she would listen to Rip. Her lips pulled together in an affectionate smile. She adjusted the frames on her nose, opened her arms and waved him over. “C’mere.”
When he didn’t step toward her fast enough, she met him halfway and engulfed him in a hug. “I’m sorry, Rip.” He placed his arms around her shoulders to keep away from her ribs. Stella took as deep a breath as she could and settled into the curve of his arm. “I know you worry and don’t tell anyone. Think of it this way,” she leaned back and Rip slowly let her go. “You’ll have me within eyesight, uninterrupted, unless my brother or Kayce steal me away.”
Stella backed up and brushed her shirt off nervously. “Plus, I need to do something about being this edgy. I think nature will help me reset that.” She shrugged. “Help me trust myself again.”
Rip gave a quick look down at her holster, thankful that she hadn’t pulled it on him outside. He knew she was having a hard time adjusting to being back on the ranch, the same place that the awful event occurred. He’d observed her jump at sounds and people she’d known for years over the last few weeks. It definitely wasn’t like her to spook that easy. He reached out and ruffled her hair quickly. “Alright, you heathen. I suppose that’s a good deal.”
“Hey!” Stella backed away from his hand giggling. “That’s hurtful.”
“Where’s the lie? Can’t be a lie if it’s the truth, now can it?” Rip crossed his arms and leaned back against the door jamb and smirked.
“I am not a heathen, I’m a lady.”
“Bullshit, you and this merry band of misfits are all heathens. You and your brother are at the top of that list.”
Stella clutched at her nonexistent pearls. “Rip Wheeler! I thought you knew me better than that.”
He chuckled deeply. The warmth from seeing her smile spreading throughout his chest, even if it was just for a minute. He stole a glance at the alarm clock he had set up on the bedside table and read that it was pushing on 4:00 am. “Alright, Stella-belle. I’ll leave you be to finish getting ready. Is anyone coming to get you?”
Stella smiled at him, not as wide as she would have liked, but wider than a few weeks ago. “Yeah, my brother or Kayce. Which from the sounds of it, it’ll be me getting him instead.” She huffed out a laugh through her nose. “So I’ll finish up here and see you soon, Wheelie. You go wrangle those boys into shape.” They shared a smirk, as Rip nodded and quietly made his way out of the lodge to agitate the guys.
Stella waited about 20 minutes before she started getting antsy. She knew that Kayce had other things to worry about, he shouldn’t have to worry about being responsible for her too. She hurried into the bedroom, gripped up the duffel bag, and rushed to the door. She slipped on her boots and threw her hair up in a messy bun that looked slept in. Making her way out the door, she made sure her hand gun was on her hip still and her knife on the other and made sure to close the door behind her.
She looked out by the barn and saw everyone mostly ready. Lloyd had been dubbed the driver of the wagon. Tate climbed up into the cart next to the older man and settled himself in. The little boy looked as if he was vibrating with excitement for this new adventure. Stella’s stomach dropped at the thought of him seeing what had happened to her. She didn’t want him to blame himself. Rip was off to the side holding John’s horse, Red, and Tate’s horse, Lucky. She watched as everyone milled about. Ryan worked on setting up Blue Jeans, exhausted, and quite honestly still looked drunk to Stella. Kayce was on top of Tank, making sure everything was ready to go for their ride. Abigail was tacked up next to him. He must have felt her staring at him because when he looked up they locked eyes.
He noticed she had one of his duffelbags slung on her shoulder, and one of his larger flannels overtop of her t-shirt. His eyes twinkled with affection at her display, and he dismounted from Tank, cutting a path directly to her.
Stella met Kayce and welcomed the soft hug he offered. He carefully transferred the bag to his hand from her shoulder and gave it to Jake to put in the wagon. He looked around to make sure no one was gawking, and scanned his gaze back down to Stella, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead to the left of the healing gash. “I was gonna come get you in a few minutes, I was hoping to give you more time to sleep.”
“Well, luckily for you, I’ve been awake since like quarter of four.” She laughed inwardly.
Kayce made a disapproving face. “Did you sleep at all?”
Stella withdrew from the comfort of his hug and sighed. “Yes, Kayce. I did. On the porch ironically enough. Rip already yelled at me,” she smirked over at Rip who’d been listening in this whole time. “Didn’t you?” He dipped his head in confirmation. She turned back to face Kayce. “And I slept pretty well for the first time in a while. I’m ready to rock and roll. Thank you for getting Abs ready for me.”
Her gaze landed on the mare that she’d only been able to walk around, lunge, and pet due to her restrictions recently. She moved over to her and brushed her hand along the roan’s nose softly. “Hey baby. You ready for an adventure?” Abigail blew a sigh into Stella’s hand.
A throat cleared from behind Stella. John came up beside her. “You sure you’re good to go on the trek?”
Stella bobbed her head. “Yessir. I should be right as rain in no time. I’ll be your buddy for giving everyone else hell.” She giggled quietly. “Besides, I gotta get away from here for a while.” They shared a look because John knew exactly what she meant. She almost died not too far from where they were standing. A little vacation would do her well. John nodded to her and stepped back to let her mount up. He didn’t go too far just in case she fell. Kayce took a few steps closer, joining his father if Stella needed a hand.
Stella stepped forward and placed her left foot in her stirrup. She reached for the horn and tried her best to step up into her saddle without showing the mild discomfort it caused. A quiet groan escaped her barely parted lips. She bent forward to pat Abigail’s neck. “See, girl?” Stella huffed, trying to catch her breath. “Wasn’t so bad, was it?” The large mare grunted back at her as if to say, ‘not for me, but it was awful for you.’
John spotted Jamie as he trotted up to the group. John instantly moved to give him directions. He had other plans for his son in mind. “Stick that horse back in the barn.” He pointed in the building’s general direction. “Move your gear outta the bunkhouse.”
Jamie halted his horse, and his stomach twisted into knots. “Move it where?”
“The lodge.” John explained simply.
Jamie dismounted, ready for an argument. “Why?”
Stella piped up from on top of Abigail. “Uh, sir? That’s where I’m staying.”
John eyeballed his son for questioning him instead of just going with his plan. “Cause I can’t have the Livestock Commissioner living in the bunkhouse.” Jamie took off his hat and shot his dad a questioning glance. “I’ll make the appointment official tomorrow.” John panned his gaze to Stella and continued. “And I’m moving you up to the big house with Kayce.”
Stella’s jaw dropped so fast it almost came unhinged. The tightness in her chest bubbled as she gave a panicked look to Kayce, who looked just as stunned as her, if not more. “Uh, are you sure that’s a good idea, sir?”
“Damn it, how many times do I have to tell you to call me John?” He scolded her. “And god damnit why doesn’t anybody just follow my directions?”
“John, you’d kill over if any of us followed your direction blindly.” Stella’s face flattened as she pointed to Rip. “Even Rip questions you from time to time. You’re pissed about something you taught all of us to do.”
“No, it’s what Kayce has taught you to do.” John grumbled.
“Now c’mon, dad.” Kayce tried to interject, but his dad was having none of it this morning.
He pinned Stella to her spot with a look that dared her to defy him any further. “I’m moving you up to the house with Kayce. Gator will move your things before Jamie gets settled in.” John strode over to Jamie and leaned in close. “And if you betray me again? You’re dead to me son, you understand?”
Jamie nodded. “Yes, sir. Thank you.” John pivoted to go get his horse, but Jamie reached out and stopped him. “Dad. I won’t betray you. You have my word.”
“Well,” John cleared his throat. “We’re about to find out what that’s worth.” The air hung heavy between the father and son as John turned back around. Stella shifted in her saddle at the unspoken threat.
The patriarch started doling out orders. “Kayce!” The aforementioned son was stepping up into his saddle. “You and Rip take the wranglers, start pushin’ the herd. We’ll be right behind. Stella, you stay with me and Lloyd.”
“Alright, let’s go,” Rip directed the wranglers.
“Keep an eye on him.” Kayce instructed his dad.
John climbed up onto Red. “You know I will.”
Kayce glanced down at his saddle and tapped the horn. “I’m uh, I’m sorry about the Commission. It’s just not me.”
John rearranged in his saddle. “You’re my son. I know exactly who you are and don’t you ever be sorry for it.” Kayce looked around and walked Tank on. Lloyd and Tate watched as the prodigal son marched away. The little boy stared at Stella with big, sad eyes.
“Are you okay, Aunt Stell?”
Stella took a breath, as deep as she could, and smiled at the youngin’. “Yeah, buddy. I’m okay.” It looked as though Tate’s shoulders dropped in relief. “You should see the other guys.” She winked at him and he smiled at her. He was comforted by the fact that she seemed like her normal self.
Lloyd peeped over Tate’s head to spot John. “We’re ready here, boss.” They observed John taking in the herd and the surrounding nature. “Nothin’ prettier on this earth.”
“It’s as free as a man can be.”
“Makes you wonder,” Lloyd moved the reins around in his hands to have a better grip. “Who’s gonna feed this world when there’s none of us left.”
John laughed. “Nobody, Lloyd. This world’s just gonna go hungry.” He spurred Red into motion. Stella would have galloped off with him but decided against it. She followed beside the cart with Abigail at a fast walk.
16 notes · View notes
xo-lesserafim · 1 year
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author’s note: Please enjoy episode 6. Thank you guys so much for 13 followers. I appreciate every single one of you guys<3 Also this is where Falling for your Smile and Eyes doesnt follow the timeline in xo kitty. It also have some of the same stuff as “THE EVENTFUL NIGHT!”
Bold: Korean
Italics: Over the phone.
Both: Korean and over the phone.
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“Gosh, Min ho. Cant you at least put a shirt on when I’m eating.” I say.
“Hey, it’s not my fault, you can’t handle this.” He says misting his face.
“You’re right, I cant handle.” I say.
“I’m right?”
As I put the mist thing down, i go to his ear and whisper “You’re to bloody hot.”
A few seconds, i jump into this lap, arms around his neck.
“Oh my gosh.” Min ho said.
I put my finger on my shut him up.
We were about to kiss, when..
“AHH.” Min ho screamed.
“Alex,Wait!” Kitty said.
I guess she told him about him being our half-brother.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I was worried that something bad might have happened since the text silence.”
“ No, yeah It’s all good. Just had a lot going on, you know?“ He said.
“Iguana’s run loose in the Italians’ room. and I’m afraid it’s gonna get turner into a belt if ai don’t find them soon.”
“Plus a lot of midterm prep. Hope you guys have been studying.”
“We have.” I said.
“But, we’re also been busy trying to figure out what my mom saw in Korean Snape.” Kitty said.
“Kitty, you really need to focus on studying.” He says.
“ And Professor Snape was good at the end.”
“Right.” Kitty said.
“But what if we go talk to him, right?”
“Get to know him, and figure him out.”
“Not, now” He said.
“Why? His house is literally right here. We can go together.” Kitty said.
“It’s the whole reason you came here to teach.”
“ I came here to learn about him, to get to know him, to see if I want a relationship with him. I love my dad. The dad who raised me. I don’t need to rush into this.” He said.
“ I get it.” Kitty said.
“But, I know some people that you’ll definitely wanna have a relationship with.”
“My sisters, Our sisters, I was thinking we could FaceTime them.”
“Margot might be frosty at first, but when she-.”
“Kitty, we just can’t upend everyone’s lives.” Professor Finnerty said.
“What if we’re wrong?”
“Well, what if we’re right?” Kitty said.
“Then we’ll be enhancing everyone’s lives.”
“Stop, I know you’re just trying to help, but not everyone’s on your timetable.” He said.
“I have test to organize, and you guys have tests to study for.”
“I just wanted to talk with him. and then he said that not everybody is on my timetable.” Kitty said venting.
“So now I’m wondering about professor lee and-.”
“How about instead of fixating on all this Alex drama, we concentrate on what you guys are wearing to Min ho’s madness party?” Q asked.
“I’m not going.” I said.
“I have no reason to go.”
“Same.” Kitty said.
“Why you guys? It’s the event of the year.” Q said.
“Because Dae and Yuri will probably be there.” Kitty said.
“And, I just wanna avoid Min ho.” I said.
“Ever since Chuseok happened. I think I’ve crush on him. No, it was when I met him to welcome party.”
“Andrea, ANDREA!” Q said.
“Huh? Was I zoning out?” I asked.
“Yea. anyway Yuri is will be there. She’s Djing”
“Dae never goes to these things, so you don’t have to worry.”
“I’m not worried. I don’t care to spend time with somebody how can’t even acknowledge a meaningful gesture.” Kitty said.
“Here we go.” Q and I said.
I always hated the fact that Kitty was always venting, but I never got to.
I just always hated how I was in the shadow of her.
I mean, she always had dad’s attention. And Margot, and Lara Jean’s.
I just, wished I was i the spotlight for once.
“He didn’t even say thank you for the necklace.” Kitty said.
“Not even an emoji.”
“The necklace was our mom’s. I gave it to Dae when his mom died.”
“Okay, while so I would love to sit here and talk about this again, I think I would rather shove a pair of scissors in my ears.” Q said.
“I mean this whole week, we’ve been hearing is, Dae, necklace, Yuri, Alex, necklace, Alex, Yuri, Dae, necklace. I said.
“You’re like a robot that’s malfunctioning, stuck on a loop.”
“And you came here to have new experiences and live your life.”’Q said.
“You know what Min ho’s Madness Party is?”
“A new experience.”
“Ugh, Gosh. I can’t believe I was just about to stay in on a Friday night, pouting about a boy.” Kitty said.
“Well, you can do that. I need to study.” I say.
“Come on Andrea, I’ll give you twenty bucks.” Q says showing me a 20 dollar bill.
“Deal.” I said as he gave me it.
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I saw this girl walk in with a black, off the shoulder, mesh dress.
I mean I to say she looked really good.
“Who are you?” I thought.
When Kitty and Q came up to talk to her and she turned around.
“No!” I said.
“No, no, no. Oh, my eyes! It’s like looking directly into the sun.”
“Hey you look at Drea, looking good.” Q said.
“You look so good.” Kitty said.
“Thanks, I actually made it myself!” I said.
“You’re a clothes and maybe a fashion designer?” Q asked.
“Yea! It’s what I do when I’m not studying, or doing my other hobbies.” I said.
“But anyway. Let-the-party-that-already- started get started!” I say as I maintain eye contact with MIN HO?
Why was he looking me?
“I told you, everyone is gonna lose their mind.” Q said.
“Yea, but I think they were looking at Kitty.” I say.
“Yea,totally.” Kitty said.
“Whatever.”’I say.
“Dae’s here.” Kitty said.
As we got mocktails, which sadly had no alcohol. But luckily Florian’s French.
“To new experiences!” I say.
“Let’s do this!” I say.
“Oh, Ah-ri!” Eunice coming up to me.
“Ah-ri?” They said.
“Yea! It’s a nickname Min ho came up with when I was talking with him one time.”
“There’s is someone I want you to meet. Meet Geon.” Eunice said.
“Hi! I’m Ah-ri or. Andrea!”
“Hi, I’m Geon.” He said.
“Here, let’s go get something to drink.”
“All right.”
We started talking, laughing at some jokes made, but then it started to go back.
“You know, sometimes I can’t believe Kitty is your sister, I mean I think she had the bad genes from your parents.” He said.
“Excuse me?” I said.
“Why did you even say that? “Are you saying that I’m better because I’m prettier? So what? In my opinion it’s all about the inside, and the outside. Plus why would you say that to her twin sister?” I said leaving him.
I decided to walk around, dance here and there but then I saw it.
Min ho and Madison were making out.
I found Q and Florian.
“I’m so sorry I have homework I need to finish. I’ll be back when I done.” I say running out.
I’ve had enough Min ho and Kitty. I just can’t handle being or living with them.
“Hi! Is this Jenny Song?” I asked.
“Yes! Hi Andrea do you need something?”
“This is so random but, can I live with you?”
“What, i’m yea sure. What happened anyway.”
“It’s a lot to explain but I’ll send you my location.”
“Alright sounds good.”
“Thank you.”
As I packed up, I told the dorm receptionist thanks, and I left.
“Thank you for letting me live with you.” I say.
“No problem, so tell me what happened.”
I explained to her about Min ho and Kitty, how I like him and how I hate always living in her shadow
“ Anyway do you remember the offer you gave me?” I said.
“I would love to join your company”
As we made it to the house I was shocked.
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“The third floor was for guest but it’s yours now. I also have a music room full of instruments, an ice skating rink, a dance room,-.”
And a lot more that I could comprehend. But most the things were on the third floor at least.”
“Thank you so much.” I say.
I checked my phone as I got a notification.
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I am going to have a lot to explain next time I see Q.
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TAGLIST: @chaewon-slays @cherrriesss
Copyrights © 2023 xo-lesserafim. All rights reserved. I do not own XO, Kitty , Netflix does. do not copy, translate, or repost anything without my permission.
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missprincesse345 · 8 months
Daddy’s girls
Summary: what happens when Billy Gunns girlfriend goes into labor while he’s at collision?
Pairing: Billy Gunn x y/n reader
Dating timeline: 2019 -now / Face claim (Chole Bailey)
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Third pov:
“ Are you sure you’ll be okay while I’m gone hun? If you need me to stay , get ya anything? Just” billy said only to get cut off by a giggling y/n who gave her big hunk a sweet kiss. “ we’re going to be okay the baby bag , extra overnight bags and everything else is already to go if anything happens bowens and Jon are on speed dial along with Renee, you go out there tonight win or lose our little princess is going to be proud of her daddy” she blushed looking down at her tummy.
Yep there is a new Gunn on the way for Billy & y/n ever since New Year’s Day billy & the boys found out she was pregnant they had been her saving grace,from helping out with housework to driving her around it was a easy stress free pregnancy for her. “ alright alright I’m going just nervous * holding her close feeling the baby kick softly making the two chuckle* man can believe it I’m gonna be daddy again, mmm that’s the boys mmm love you I’m gonna call you soon as I get there love sweetheart” billy told y/n kissing her deeply her smaller figure fitting perfectly in his big arms.
“ love you more now go before your late” she giggles pushing him playfully towards the door watching as he left waving goodbye “ you’re daddy is something else” she said smiling to herself rubbing her tummy.
“ And you’re winners the acclaimed!!!” They announced as the guys hands were raised smiling big everyone cheering loudly. Walking back to their locker room Bryan Danielson flagged billy down “ billy you gotta hurry up and get to the hospital y/n went in to labor half an hour ago jon & Renee are with her right now” he told them as billy freaked out for a second before quickly getting changed.
“ mmm thank you guys * winces a bit* for being here” y/n said shaking slightly in pain as the couple helped her calm down earlier on while watching the show from home her water broke “ no worries hun just keep breathing alright” Jon replied as Renee nodded in agreement before going to look out for billy. After a while as well a few speeding tickets he made it to the hospital running out of the car he headed inside frantically looking around he found Renee “ where’s y/n? God please tell me she’s okay” he said out of breath.
“ she’s fine but hurry up baby’s almost here already started pushing and she’s terrified keeps asking for you” she replied leading him to y/n’s hospital room. Busting through the door sweating out of breath seeing his African beauty crying in pain breathing heavily made his heart break a little “ billy?” Her small sweet voice called looking up at him managing to smile * He came * she thought.
Switching places with Jon billy kissed her head holding her hand tightly rubbing soothing circles up and down y/n’s back “ I was so scared didn’t think you were gonna make it” she replied shakily “ I know I know but I’m here darlin you got this babygirl understand? You carried this little bundle of love & beauty in your stomach I know it’s hurts but it’ll be all over soon” he said giving her words of encouragement “ love you billy I love you so much” she said crying a little.
“ Ms.y/l/n you have one more push take another deep breath for me and you’ll meet your little girl” the doctor said as y/n nodded never wanting to go through this painful moment again she was happy to welcome their child into the world.
After one final push y/n fell back against billy out of breath tired sore and exhausted the little cry’s of their precious darling made them cry happily “ you did it baby you did it she’s here” billy said kissing her tears away then giving her the biggest kiss. “ we did it she’s here can’t believe it”.
* few days later *
Y/n & the baby had been discharged from the hospital and were now currently resting in the living room holding their little coco puff bundle of joy in her arms “ she’s so beautiful our little flower” y/n giggles smiling tracing the Carmel skinned infants face softly, “ she gets all of it from her mama not a trace of me in her” billy teased squeezing her side his two girls daddy’s beautiful African beauties. “ not true she has your eyes” y/n replied pouting it was true while their little girl was her twin she had Billy’s eyes mixed with y/n’s long lashes. Hearing a knock at the door billy chuckled smiling seeing Austin and Colten at the door ready to meet their new sibling “ come on she’s in the living room” he smirked watching them quietly yet quickly head to the living room gasping in awe at their new sibling “ hey you two * giggles * c’mere Austin Colten meet your baby sister Lottie Gunn” she said softly watching the two men tear up admiring the newest addition to the family “ hey little sis we’re so glad you’re here couldn’t wait to me you, yeah but don’t worry we’re gonna protect you with every fiber of our being we love you so much can’t wait for the memories were gonna share” they said holding their new sibling softly.
Since his ex wife leaving him and the boys high & dry Billy got a amazing blessing he never ever thought he’d get again to be a father to amazing children, but here is with his sons His queen of color and their chocolate drop princess * I am truly blessed thank you lord * he thought to himself smiling.
Her outfits:
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deadprompts · 11 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
no one is impressed, man.
people came and took this place.
this isn't the end.
we can walk away, and we will never cross paths again! i promise you!
your way of doing things is done.
i'm gonna hose you down in your sleep.
we can make it there.
it's all about survival now.
i haven't gotten used to it.
oh, sunshine, you don't get both.
you fought to be here and we have to keep fighting.
you know what's happening here and you let it happen.
come and get me.
you're survivors.
i kept listening to the news so i could do what i could to help.
we had to stop being out there.
why don't you say what's really on your mind?
he had one skill that kept him living.
it's not your fault, you know.
i ain’t slaying a lion anytime soon.
i could kill you right now. i could.
try to look at the good we're doing.
never let your guard down. ever.
get over yourself.
we’re not splitting up again.
i think pretty people taste better, too.
keep walking.
don't you want one more day with a chance?
cards on the table.
did you ask him the questions?
good news is you're not dead yet.
the deal is done.
if you don't fight, you die.
you owe us.
you don't need their love, but you need their respect.
i know what you did.
i've killed people. i don't even know how many by now.
i always lock the doors.
it's better now.
it's funny how you don't even notice the time go by.
as bad as it gets, it's still better than down there.
except you didn't get us here.
what the hell did we think was gonna happen?
people like you are supposed to be dead.
people are the real threat now.
i know you're feeling like an outsider.
i’m not a scientist.
we ain’t ashes.
you and your people took away our home.
sounds like i'd want to be part of your family.
i don't have any friends.
god, you're really that much of a coward?
things don't get better because you want them to.
the longer they're out there, the more they become what they really are.
i owe you everything.
they don't get to live.
this place is going to make us weak.
that's what i'm going to use to kill you.
everybody can't be bad.
we're all going to die and you let this happen for nothing.
i'll be damned if i'm gonna let that happen again.
nightmares end. they shouldn't end who you are.
you should keep your gates closed.
they're scared of you and me for different reasons.
i didn't need to know that, but cool.
the happier my officers are the harder they work to keep us going.
this... is not real.
you haven't had to get your hands dirty. i can tell.
you keep the windows intact, you keep society intact.
nowadays people are just as dangerous as the dead.
it's a long trip, but if it works out, it's the last long trip we have to make.
they're coming for us.
i look around this room and i see survivors.
eyes in every direction!
i’m not giving up, you hear me?
you’re the butcher, or you’re the cattle.
you said that we get to start over.
where are our people!?
it went the way it had to.
i want you to help us survive.
i don't want to lie anymore.
sorry i was an asshole.
i just need to forget.
the living will have this world again.
starting right now, we have to live in the real world.
turn it off.
come at me.
we'll survive, i'll show you how.
shut up.
no one's coming.
i met a lot of bad people out here doing a lot of bad shit.
we brought dinner.
my daddy was religious. i used to be.
i was watching them.
we can find a way, and if we don't, i'm still with you.
i'm trying.
satan disguises himself as the angel of light.
if you’re safe enough to be bored, you’re lucky.
some days, i don't know what the hell to think.
they're just assholes i stay alive with.
a false light will destroy everything.
welcome to the human race, asshole.
you still don't get it.
we brought them here.
i don’t cry anymore.
it's kind of like saving an anchor when you're stuck without a boat in the middle of the ocean.
i'm taking anyone back there who wants to leave.
we should never have put up the signs.
i'd like to propose a toast.
you look ridiculous.
i know you're in pain.
i think a lot of people in your position probably woulda given up, but you didn't.
you don't have to do this.
walk away.
we got you here.
i told you to stop.
horrible shit just stacks up day after day. you get used to it.
are we supposed to be mad at him because he used it?
we were trying to do something good.
we are them, we are now.
you're not the only one who lost something today.
i’m damned. i was damned before.
these people are my family.
we are not the same. we never were.
we do what we need to do and then we get to live.
if you want to come with us, step forward now.
i didn’t turn away.
i guess it's easy to make a deal with the devil when you're not the one paying the price.
i'm not rubbing dirt on anything.
we'll make it work.
we don't go back.
they have guns and people.
who the hell do you think you are?
we were being human beings.
you're not like everybody else.
is that all you want to be?
if they can't make it, then we'll just take this place.
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dancingbabya-notes · 3 months
Summer Mirrors 1
<-♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ —♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ ->
Kiba x reader (Idol AU)
wc: 1017 (I fought for those last fifty words damn it)
Welcome to week one, who this finds everyone well I just wasn't sure what to do this year and I knew for a fact that I wouldn't have time to do a really long list of characters and a whole bunch of prompts. if you can tell that I didn't know what I was doing... no you didn't. But hopefully the rest of them come out a bit better.
<-♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ —♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ ->
You were always dragged along to events by your friends, Hinata and Ino—ever the unlikely friends—happened to like the same idol group as teens. You didn’t entirely dislike them, but you weren’t exactly a stan. It wasn’t obvious at first, you thought you were doing normal event stuff, what you forgot was some time ago Ino had signed the three of you up for a recent audition. An idol audition. You weren’t a slacker you were just not sure why being an idol was what she thought was good for you all.
“You’re telling me you want us to do what we do for fun for some men in suits?” Hinata stutters.
You blink a bit confused. “Didn’t your dad say that he didn’t want you being an idol unless it was under his company?”
“No, he changed his mind,” Hinata chuckles nervously as she  looks away.
Ino smiles as she pulls the two of you close. “Come on we got this, it’s not gonna be too hard.”
It was hard. Because upon getting accepted you three were given another newbie. It didn’t take long for your parents to get involved, despite how they claimed they wouldn’t insert themselves in your life, they did actually do something good for once. Whatever it was, your parents did make it, so you and your friends weren’t bound by contracts that they drafted. Luckily the added member was also roped in with you and they also got out of an unfair contract.
“So… you want to write songs Sakura?” You were stretching and it was obvious that you were already sick of the constant practicing, exhaustion was starting to nibble at your nerves when involuntary moments would be bade based off the drill like practice.
“I mean one of us has to.” She shrugs a bit, the recent cut to her hair was uneven and you know why.
Digging in your bag you hand the bundle to Ino. “Ino, don’t you know how to cut layers think you can fox busted bangs.”
“Y/N!” Sakura gasps quickly covering her forehead.
“Oh, come on, I had to dye my hair again I don’t wanna hear it.” You roll your eyes as they leave.
But with just you and Hinata in the room you didn’t expect anyone to walk in. Much less an idol group you were familiar with.
“Hey shorty,” smiles a cocky man, his eyes bright as he towers over you.
Finding the manicure, you’d been given recently much more entertaining, you glanced to Hinata, her mind must have been short circuiting. “Hina, when do you get to go back home?”
Snapped back to reality she blinks, picking up the little book she’d started to help keep herself organized. “We have two hours before physical practice ends. Then Sakura and I have vocal practice while you and Ino need to talk to the manager again.”
“Tch, I hate talking to them they never listen anyway.” You roll your eyes before looking at the man still a little too close for comfort. “Why are you boys here anyway?”
Sai, Ino’s favorite, chuckles a bit. “We’ll be doing practices together for a little bit. They want us to do a collaboration.”
Kiba hums. “That’s right, they want us to do pairs. And we’re paired together rapper.”
“Huh?” Irked by his continual dismissal of personal space you cross your arms. “This is news to me.”
Ino and Sakura walk into the room. “So, I thought it was a joke, was he actually serious.”
“Yup,” Naruto seemed energetic as he looked Hinata in the eye. “And I’m paired with you.”
“Don’t seem very fair we only have four girls, and you have six members,” you turn away with your styling bag back in your possession.
“Awe but I was really excited for this.” Kiba chuckles.
“That’s the thing we’re getting two more girls.”
“All the pairs are decided, your particular register and style is taken into account.” Sasuke, who would usually have walked away based off the other’s rumors, clicks his tongue as he walks to grab Sakura.
You sigh. “Alright big guy, do you know exactly what they want us to do?”
“Well, you haven’t been listening to me this entire time.” Kiba’s face got too close. “So, I’m gonna have to bend my knees just a little bit for you to hear me properly, aren’t I?”
You took him down, pinning him to the ground with your knee on his back. “I think I can hear you a little better if you stay down there.”
And he laughs, letting him go you step back.
“Never mind I don’t need any threats of you get bruised. Remember that this is purely work related. Meaning you two still gotta pretend you’re not married.” You narrow your eyes reminding Hinata and Naruto.
“No promises.”
Sakura pulls away from Sasuke. “Why’d they pair us together?”
“Dunno, don’t care.” He shakes his head.
“I think it’s quite an interesting combination.” Sai hums. “Your other members will join you tomorrow, right?”
You give a slight nod. “Yeah, Shikamaru, Choji please be kind to them they are still newbies got it?”
“Right. Just don’t go flirting with Kiba during practice.” Shikamaru yawns, but you didn’t have much a chance to respond when your body made contact with the ground.
“Oi! I was gentle with you, jerk.” You push him off you before sitting back up. “If I have a bruise you’re paying for my extra makeup fee.”
Kiba pulled you closer to him, his chin resting on your head as you tried to scoot away. “I’ll pay for all your make up fees even if you don’t got a bruise. Come on what’s a little fight between friends.”
You, finally giving up, cross your arms and frown. “We’re not even that close.”
“Looks like you two are a lot cozier than you let on.” Naruto teases but you stand up to get free.
“I’m guessing our manager wants us to help out the new girls, this is gonna be annoying. Don’t make extra work for me okay, Kiba?”
<-♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ —♡—♡—♡— NEXT ->
Side note I'm realizing that 1k isn't as many words as I thought it was... I apologize for the future posts
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oceansprompts · 9 months
marvel's midnight suns | misc quotes 3
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Tell me, do you have any tried and true ways to avoid being triggered?
How has your, uh, [abilities/job] affected your loved ones?
On the Stark scale of recklessness yet daring heroics I give it a solid six out of ten. Don’t worry, you’ll get there. With a little help.
Stopped here before, while you were out- wanted to surprise you with a nice little housewarming present. Was all set to write you a lovely welcome note but I’m fairly certain that wasn’t red ink in your “quill”.
Certainly got that new suit of yours done a lot faster than I expected. Speaking of… what’s the verdict, boss?
The roar of the ocean, winds moaning through the rafters…
So, you tell me: what’s not to be troubled about?
Hydra may be on the rise, but they will never rise above the Tower.
Go ahead! What are you waiting for?! Say it! Tell me I screwed up!
How did I let him play me like that?!
Half the night I’m shaking hands and managing expectations…
Are you really going to chase the birthday girl through a hellish dimension?
It’s not gonna be easy to get that sample…
I mean call me crazy…
Give me a couple hours and a decent lunch…
Gives us our biggest ace in the hole! I know, the irony isn’t lost on me.
I’m serious, what kind of hero are you…
If you can deliver, great. Otherwise, he should get out of the way, you know?
So in a way, it’s kind of poetic. I’m gonna use dad’s shady tech…
My appreciation of magic is evolving quite a bit…
I think he’s afraid I’m gonna turn around and become an even greater sorcerer than he is.
Every problem has a solution, my friend…
I don’t like to say that I do my best work under pressure, but I think this time, I even amazed myself.
Or maybe you’re smart and you know I can get us across the finish line?
How would you, ah, handle something like that?
If that fails, we shoot him off into outer space…
I know I said I was completely comfortable with that thing before, but I may have lied…
And now here we are, two friends, enjoying a moment…
Yeah. I don’t want to know card tricks or anything like that…
If you don’t mind, can we keep these lessons between you and me?
Is it crazy that I’m actually kind of enjoying this?
Yes! Blazing trumpets, fiery pits, Thor’s backyard–where did you end up?
Acceptable answers are “genius design,” “work of a genius”–really, anything involving the word “genius”.
Money isn’t everything, but it’s a lot of things…
No, the whole situation. Chasing magic pages from an evil book…
Well, I am in the middle of something. Come back later.
I cannot let such a fate happen to her.
And when all you knew was darkness and despair growing up…
What I eat is none of your business.
I do not think I will ever sleep again: not until we find her.
Don’t you also hear it calling out to you in your dreams sometimes, whispering secret things, dark think?
Like I said earlier, we’re all mutants. Not to freak you out or anything.
Wait, if you found your way to this place… What did you hear?
This day is an anniversary of my weakness… Nothing more.
I should stay here, this evening. I can endure the stares and the whispers… But not tonight.
You can, but I should not. Don’t worry, I will return in the morning.
She should trust us… We should be trusted.
I do. I just think wearing a hellhound’s skin to bypass a demonic barrier…
I don’t know if I’ve recovered from my traumas…
I did not say you. This…is a place I like to take all my…colleagues.
The others would not understand. But I know you do, as we both… Have so much in common.
And more importantly, you’re proving to be quite a good… friend.
It never felt right for a bad person like me to fight with the good guys… Until you showed me how.
Am I a monster for being grateful it happened as it did?
I will never apologize for being comfortable with my darkness…
When this battle is over, you should come back with me, join the X-Men.
There is always strangeness in the background. Like hippie aliens…
Made from octopus, marbled with ginger shavings…
Hunter, what I most appreciate is that you always know when to say nothing.
No. Something you can do by yourself during the bleak moments.
It must be worse for you. All the faces are new.
It comes so easy to you. Even when you are a butt, you are a likable butt.
This was the only music I had for so long…
Replacing you was too much to ask of her.
Not to me. You are incapable of replacing her.
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lyranova · 6 months
ooo lyra what about 4, 16, 24 for the ask game?
Hiya Tam! Of course, and I hope you enjoy 🥰~! Also I apologize these are all OC content, tbh that’s all I’ve been writing these days 😆!
4 with dialogue i'm proud of
This is from “Fractured Diamond X” which is an unreleased chapter for “A Fractured Diamond”! Someday I’ll actually be able to post it 😔.
“ Now I need you to listen to me; I’m going to go downstairs and help your father, now you’ll probably hear a bunch of frightening noises but I don’t want you to panic ok? It’s just me and your father taking care of things. After we’re finished all of us are going to go on a trip, we might even go to the Capital.” Idalia tried to sound cheerful, but instead it was a mixture of cheerful and sadness. “ I need you to do something for me ok? I need you to stay in here until your father and I come and get you, do not open this door for anyone! Even if you know them, do not open it. Do you understand?” She watched her daughter slowly nod her head, she smiled softly before kissing her forehead.
“ No matter what happens, your daddy and I love you so much. You’re the best thing to ever come into our lives, and I’m so grateful to have you as my daughter. My little diamond.” Her voice cracked at the end as new unshed tears began to pool in her eyes, Idalia cleared her throat before placing another kiss on Neva’s head and gently pushing her into the small cupboard. She closed the door and the magic barrier went back up. Idalia quickly turned and ran out of the bedroom, she could hear banging and loud noises float upwards from downstairs, she hoped she wasn’t too late.
16 from a recent piece i want to brag about
The way I haven’t written much of anything in over a month let alone anything I want to brag about 😭 *shakes fist at school*! But I guess this little snippet that’ll be in “Children of the Future: Shadows of the Past” is one I really like!
Her grey eyes stared into his as the two stood there looking at one another. A glimpse of her true feelings bubbling to the surface.
She loved him, and he loved her, they loved each other…
But in completely different ways.
She loved him as one would love a romantic partner, while he loved her as one would love a good friend or sibling…they both knew this.
But never spoke of it. It was like an unwritten rule between them. They recognized each other's feelings, but didn’t acknowledge them. If they acknowledged it then that meant they would have to talk about it.
And neither one wanted to talk about it.
Maybe it was because they were afraid their teamwork and dynamic would change if they did, or maybe…they were afraid their friendship would change…
This unspoken feeling between them was fine, at least for now…
They were fine….
24 that makes me go "huh...i wrote that?!"
I know I already answered this, but I’m gonna answer it again, and I’ll give you a different answer 😁! This little bit started out as an incorrect quote, but it was just so good that I had to include it in “Children of the Future” chapter 32!
Discordia Helheim, formerly Faust, had raven black hair that was partially up in a low side ponytail, and she had the signature Faust bright blue eyes. She gave everyone a small smile.
“ Welcome to Lumi, I apologize that I’m the only one here to greet you. My husband is ill at the moment and cannot join us today.” Discordia said, Nacht smiled at his cousin.
“ I’m sure you had something to do with his ‘illness’.” Nacht said, and Discordia chuckled.
“ Just like you had something to do with Morgen’s death?” She asked with a smile of her own.
There was no denying two things; that Nacht and Discordia were indeed cousins, and that they almost despised each other.
“ Um Nacht,” Gimodelo started as he peaked over Nacht’s shoulder. “ Would you like some ice for that burn?”
“ Be quiet Gimodelo.” Nacht muttered as his eyebrow twitched again.
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embarrassingggggg · 1 year
Their first kiss is soft and sweet and quiet; it’s a surprise to neither of them.
It could have happened any time in these past few months, Eddie supposes - after he took a baseball bat to his bedroom walls, after Buck stepped into the mess and took on the role of partner and secondary father and, well, everything. After Taylor threw Buck out of his own loft, and he stepped into Eddie’s home with a duffle bag and a sheepish expression on his face.
After Eddie didn’t ask him to leave.
It’s not a surprise one warm evening after dinner when Eddie wraps Buck’s wrist in his hand and tugs him in, slots their mouths together like they do it every day.
Buck sighs and cradles Eddie’s face in big hands like he’s precious, like he’s delicate and special and loved in a way he’s never felt before. It steals Eddie’s breath away.
They kiss and touch and smile goofily at each other all night; curl up on the couch and indulge in the new closeness.
When they go to bed, there’s no question that Buck won’t need to sequester himself to the sofa ever again. Eddie welcomes him into his sparse, empty bedroom and for the first time it feels warm. They kiss over and over - unhurried because this is it, for both of them, forever. There’s no rush, it’s just the beginning. Eddie tries to learn Buck’s mouth by heart; the shape of his soft lips and the taste of his tongue. Their whispered confessions and promises follow him into sleep.
In the morning, Buck’s shift starts a couple of hours earlier than Eddie’s. They cook together, dancing around Eddie’s little kitchen. Christopher watches with a smile on his face that’s almost too knowing. He doesn’t blink when Eddie leans over the table to kiss Buck just because Buck is there and beautiful and he can.
Buck hugs them both goodbye. He kisses Christopher’s hair - almost hesitant, giving Eddie a wide-eyed look like he’s not sure if he’s allowed, but all Eddie does is smile at him. He wants Buck to feel like Chris’ dad because he is, has been for longer than any of them realised.
Chris goes to grab his bag and Eddie takes the moment to curl his hands around Buck’s narrow waist, to lean up into a kiss that makes him want to hold Buck here and never let him leave. Buck makes soft, wanting sounds against his mouth and grins at him when he leans back and Eddie can’t help but chase him.
“You know we’re working together in like, two hours, right?”
“Yeah, but I’m not so sure Bobby is gonna let me kiss you up against the truck,” Eddie dips his head to press a kiss to Buck’s collarbone, the side of his throat, the notch of his jaw.
“Not so sure your kid is gonna be too happy about it happening in the middle of your kitchen either.”
“Our kid,” Eddie squeezes Buck’s waist and leans back to look him in the eye. “Our kitchen.”
He’s not mistaken; Buck’s eyes go shiny and liquid at the words. “Y-yeah?”
Buck ducks his head, that bashful thing he does when he’s pleased and not sure what to do about it. It’s sweet. Eddie swallows back the words before he realises he doesn’t have to anymore.
“You’re sweet,” he murmurs after a moment. He slides his hands up Buck’s broad back and curls his palm around the back of his neck, brings him in to press their mouths together. “And you’re going to be late.”
“Okay,” Buck still looks a little dumbstruck by Eddie’s words, but he’s smiling, cheeks pink. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah,” Eddie doesn’t let him go, but he does turn his head to call out to Christopher: “Chris, say goodbye to Buck!”
“Bye Buck!” Christopher calls from down the hallway. “See you when you get home!”
“Bye buddy, have a good day at school!” Buck beams back at him.
Another kiss; hurried, Buck leaning to grab his duffle at the same time.
“Hey,” Eddie hesitates a second but thinks fuck it and adds, “Love you.”
It’s not the first time they’ve said it - in fact they both did several times last night, but it’s the normalcy of it that gets Eddie. The fact that he has someone he can kiss in his kitchen, someone who will come home to him tonight, someone who will smile and say, ‘Love you’ right back.
Buck blushes brilliantly. “I love you too,” another sunshine smile, another peck to Eddie’s lips and he’s out the door. “I’ll see you later!”
“See you!”
Eddie closes the door and leans against it, brimming full of light and warmth.
How I love this fic here’s the whole story it’s fucking good!!! :
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curlyhairednerd · 10 months
Circé, Bink’s Brew, and Rosé
Buggy heard her before he ever saw her.
Gather up all of the crew!
He was being led back to a ship by this Roger guy and his first mate Rayleigh. He could hear someone singing loudly as he approached.
It’s time to ship out Bink’s Brew!
“Cece’s at it again!” Roger laughed. “She’ll never stop singing that song.”
“I tried, but it’s her favorite.” Rayleigh sighed. “At least she got her mother’s singing voice.”
Buggy’s eyes went wide when he saw her. The girl with long blonde hair had a younger red head by the hands and was spinning around the deck with him. Her purple eyes landed on him and fixed him in place.
Sea winds blow, to where who knows?
The waves will be our guide!
The next thing Buggy knew, he had been dragged into her dance, replacing the red head.
O’er across the ocean’s tide
Rays of sunshine far and wide
Crocodile watched in amusement as she sang. Ever since she found her devil fruit, even her songs were enchanting to listen to. The entire bar was singing along and so caught up in the mood that no one noticed she was robbing them all.
Birds they sing of cheerful things
In circles passing by!
Circé laughed as she took a seat by him. “Throat too dry with sand?” She asked.
“I’m not stupid enough to let you rob me again.” He grunted, still bitter about the last.
“Hey I made it up to you by giving you a golden hook!” Circé pouted, turning back to the crowd. “How can someone not sing along to this?”
Bid farewell to Weaver’s town
Say so long to port renowned
Crocodile smiled into his ale as he heard her softly sing along with the drunken crowd. He’d throw her a bone this once.
Sing a song, it won’t be long
Before we’re casting off!
Mihawk wondered how he got here. Trapped in a party led by Shanks and Circé, two of the biggest drunken fools he had ever met. Oh right, because Circé was pregnant and someone had to make sure she wasn’t going to get drunk. And she didn’t trust Shanks so that’s why he came.
Cross the gold and silver seas
A salty breeze puts us at ease!
“Whew!” Circé laughed as she took a seat. “I haven’t had this much fun all year! You were right Shanks, you throw the best parties!”
“And my new niece or nephew deserved the best welcoming party!” Shanks cheered. “I still can’t believe you of all people are going to be a mother! How did that even happen!?”
Mihawk watched in confusion as Circé’s eyes widened, and wondered why she so desperately grabbed a cup to shove in Shank’s hands. “Who cares why?!” Circé laughed. “Just worry about how you’re gonna be my babysitter!”
“What was that about?” Mihawk asked his friend as they watched Circé return to the party.
Day and Night
To our delight
The voyage never ends!
Circé rocked her baby as she paced around deck. “I appreciate you helping me out so much.”
“It’s no problem.” Tom assured her.
“I know you’re busy with the train.” Circé continued. “I just need help making sure her crib and dresser don’t slide around.”
“You just have a seat honey and let the boys take care of things.” Kokoro said, handing Circé a bottle. “They’ll have your ship baby proofed before the day ends.”
Circé nodded and took a seat. Roselyn was starting to get fussy so Circé began to sing.
Gather up all of the crew,
it’s time to ship out Bink’s Brew!
Circé noticed that the younger of Tom’s kids, Cutty Flam was giving her odd looks as she held her baby. She wondered why until she remembered what Tom had told her. Cutty’s parents were pirates who abandoned him. He was probably wondering if she’d do the same with Roselyn.
Pirates we, eternally, are challenging the sea!
With the waves to rest our heads
Ship beneath as our beds
Rosé felt… odd as she listened to Brook’s play. “What is this song?” She asked.
“Bink’s brew.” Robin explained. “It’s a very popular sea shanty.”
Hoisted high, upon the mast, our Jolly Roger flies!
Somewhere in the endless sky
Stormy winds are blowing wide
“I know this song…” Rosé said quietly.
“Course you do.” Franky said. “I’ve heard plenty of pirates singing it back in Water 7.”
“No, that’s not it.” She insisted. “But I can’t remember.”
Waves are dancing
Evening comes
It’s time to sound the drums!
“Please tell me more.” Rosé begged.
But steady men and never fear!
Tomorrow’s skies are always clear!
“Bink’s Brew.” Shakky sighed nostalgically. “Your mother’s favorite song.”
“She told us that she was even making it your lullaby.” Rayleigh said. “We could never get her to stop singing it.”
So pound your feet
And clap your hands
Till sunny days return!
“It’s my favorite song and I hate it more than anything else.” Buggy the Clown told her. “Because she always looked so happy singing it and I will never hear her sing it again.”
Gather up all of the crew
It’s time to ship out Bink’s Brew
“That bitch got me so drunk and relaxed I didn’t notice she stole my hook right off my hand!” Crocodile scowled. “And I never paid her back for that!”
Wave goodbye, but don’t you cry
Our memories remain!
Shanks sighed. “Cece was always the life of the party, and nothing made her more exciting than that song. If I had known that was the last party we’d have, I’d have done so much more.”
Our days are but a passing dream
Everlasting though they seem
“Circé was an… unusual woman.” Mihawk mused. “You didn’t get a lot of female pirates of her caliber back then. You could say she inspired a generation. She had a lovely voice.”
Beneath the moon we’ll meet again
The waves our lullaby!
“Damn I wish I knew it was you.” Franky was beating himself up badly now that he knew the truth. “Maybe Iceberg and I could’ve helped you when you first came to Water 7.”
“I was a baby, why would you recognize me as a ten year old?” Rosé comforted.
After all is said and done
You’ll end up a skeleton
“Your mother sounds wonderful.” Crossette sighed. “I wish we could’ve met her.”
“Grandfather said that she wanted to be buried on Raftel.” Rosé said. “When we get there, I’m going to make sure she has a grave.”
So spread your tale
From dawn til dusk
Upon these foamy seas!!
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talkingwithghosts555 · 6 months
Trauma, Cellular Trauma, Cellular Memory-Conversation with Paul Walker
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K: Hey. I’ve felt you around. How are you?
P: I’m good. You know…(bringing an ankle over a knee) I’m good.
K: Thank you for your help for the last couple of weeks. Working with Sam and all that.
P: You’re welcome. (picks at the cuff of his jeans) Life…right?
K: For sure, life. Just keeps on goin’.
P: I don’t know if you’ve felt it lately…that charge in the air. The picking up speed?
K: I have. It generally feels like there is a hard line drawn in the sand of what was and what’s going to be. It’s not even anything general or subtle. There is a hard line and you either cross it or you don’t because now is the time to choose.
P: That’s part of it, for sure, that’s part of it. I think people are having a difficult time in recognizing that because it’s really never happened before. It feels a little like now or never but that’s a bit extreme.
K: That’s exactly what it feels like though.
P: I feel it too. I really do. Which, you know, is why I’m here. (shrugs like it’s no big deal)
K: I had a curiosity about cellular memory including the trauma that’s stored there.
P: Okay.
K: In the past few weeks or months, I have had this very heavy suspicion that the back stuff that I have…
P: Yep.
K: Isn’t an injury. I feel like it’s deep trauma that’s coming from my root and to move that, it’s causing a lot of discomfort and pain.
P: I would have to agree with you there.
K: Can a person tell that the body is releasing past trauma through the kind of pain it’s experiencing.
P: Absolutely. But before we get into it, we have to let people know the usual.
K: That we aren’t doctors or healthcare professionals and anything here is not intended to be used as diagnosis or as a health resource. (blah, blah, blah)
P: It just protects you, Kim.
K: I know.
P: There you go. Now everyone knows. That’s done. Have you ever had the experience of trying to take something from a child and they hold onto it for dear life and there’s this bit of a tug of war?
K: Sure.
P: Because they don’t want to release what they have in their grasp and the thought of losing that, even if it’s something that can hurt them, is really scary.
K: Yes.
P: That is what’s happening at a cellular level right now. Let’s take you, for example.
K: Sure.
P: That spasm you feel, at a cellular level, is the back and forth of your trauma not wanting to let go of the place that it’s held in the body for a long time. And when there is that pretty big tug of war happening, it can feel crippling. Again, people need to make sure if they’re having a lot of pain, to see a doctor but if we’re gonna put it in the energetic or spiritual sense, it’s trauma being forced to vacate but it’s not willing so it’s gonna cop a squat where it wants to. If a person has had trauma while growing up, it will manifest in the root of that person. If the person was sexually abused, they will have those trauma stores in the root and sacral…heart…throat…it can spread like a virus into any center of the body that had anything to do with feeling that, going through that…enduring that. That’s a pretty extreme example so let’s look at something simple. If a person grew up poor…they had nothing. They lived in the slums…that can give serious hip and back pain. If someone felt neglect, they can have that pain or discomfort in the chest that feels like heartburn or upper back pain. If people needed to grow up before their time…they can feel that a lot in the neck and shoulders and find it really hard to express themselves. I will put out there that the diagnosis of “fibromyalgia” (finger quote) is an umbrella term for pain that can’t be diagnosed. They don’t know why it happens…where is this inflammation coming from and it’s really coming from a cellular level where there was trauma, at some point, that happened and now it’s being felt in the physical and mental bodies because it’s stuck there.
K: I see a lot of pain coming up for a lot of people. I also see a lot of…over-awareness…hyperawareness about it that’s causing the other extreme and trying to do everything to get rid of it.
P: And the over-awareness or the hyperawareness of it is trying to solve a problem as fast as possible so it can be done as soon as possible without really understanding why it’s there in the first place and not doing the work to really heal it, so it doesn’t come back. That hyperawareness about trauma is fleeing for your life…trying not to get caught with your hand in the cookie jar. If traumatic cellular memories aren’t cleared properly or intentionally with that love…that self-love and self-awareness and truth, they will continue to thrive.
K: I know people do a lot of past life regression and things of that nature to try to heal a specific pain in the body…
P: They do and that’s cool. That’s cool to clear all that past life stuff from a body because we all carry it. Me, living as Paul, carried it and I died from it…but that’s a side conversation that we’ve had.
K: Yes.
P: But that’s past life stuff and that’s stuff that maybe makes up 10% of the pain someone is feeling. The other 90% is this life right here (pointing down) that people tend to forget about because they’re so wrapped up in what happened as they played a different part that they ignore who they are right now and the importance of that. Especially when there’s trauma involved. Let’s talk about birth for a second.
K: Okay.
P: No matter which way you slice it, birth is traumatizing. Some women handle it and love it and that’s great. A lot of what goes unsaid from women is that they don’t love it, it caused them to feel dissociation and a lack of connection with their child and it takes months to even feel like they can call themselves human, let alone a woman again. I’ve seen it. I’m pretty passionate about this actually.
K: I know.
P: That’s stored in the body for the next child, if they choose to have another one so not only is it affecting the mother that doesn’t want to talk about it because they might feel shamed for feeling something different than what’s the “norm” (finger quote) that a woman “should” (finger quote) feel after birth, it’s also affecting the child and creating a trickle down generational affect. That’s huge and that’s from that first woman worried about shame and being judged for honest feelings of trauma and not being able to heal from that because birth is “beautiful” and connection to the woman’s body and what it can do…and that child…is “blissful”.
K: Holy crap. You’re on a pedestal about this.
P: I’m glad you’re bringing this up. (slaps the back of his hand into the palm of the other) People, get your trauma helped. Get it out. Understand that you are not your trauma, and it isn’t your fault and let it go so you can feel better in your body, mind, and heart and be an example to others that shit happens but so do you and you’re worth a life without pain, suffering, shame…blame.
K: Cancer?
P: I want to talk about breast cancer.
K: Oh boy.
P: How much hurt, pain, abuse, self-loathing…no self-confidence…lack of self-acceptance does a woman need to inflict on herself…telling herself some story that she’s not before her body says enough, I can’t take your hate anymore.
K: Again, we are not doctors.
P: No, we’re not. Cancer…the term…it spreads like a cancer…
K: Yes.
P: Cancer hears the negative that you don’t speak out loud and women do this to themselves a lot and it will start very small…something harmless…and feed and build and get bigger until you cannot ignore your health anymore. Cancer doesn’t just feed off cells or manipulate itself into your cells. It feeds off the negativity that you have stored and it loves it. Miracle healings take place with acts of love. They take place with acts of care. They take place when two or more gather in HIS name but when people gather in HIS name it isn’t gathering to gossip or judge or hate…they gather in love for themselves and for another because that’s what Jesus stood for. I see it, time and time again with women. The comparing. The lack of self-esteem because someone told them or they told themselves they don’t make the cut…they don’t make the grade. Cancer…it hears that and even when there is a history of cancer in the family…that’s that generational stuff that I was talking about. Grandmothers, mothers, daughters…
K: The trauma that gets stored through the mother…in those genetics from mother but even father? Because the father came from a mother at some point.
P: Absolutely.
K: Wow.
P: Cells are wise. They are smart. They are loving but they are also very innocent and just doin’ what they do and they can be imprinted on and they keep that imprint like a child not wanting to give up what’s in their hands even if it’s dangerous.
K: So then how can we support the healing…the cellular trauma healing.
P: Let it happen. You need to let it express itself to free itself and there are supports out there. Depending on the trauma is how hard or difficult that process will be. When is the last time someone really took a look at their pain or their illness and spoke to it and showed it love and compassion instead of covering it…despising it?
K: But people don’t look at pain and trauma like that. It’s looked at as something to fix or deal with. Not love.
P: We have always told people…when tragedy strikes…to love those effected back to standing. When tragedy strikes the body…love it back to standing. There are certain feelings that people experience when their body doesn’t cooperate or doesn’t feel like their own or just gives them a hard time. They can get resentful of their bodies. That can get mad…mourn themselves because they aren’t “healthy”. The word can’t escapes their lips more than it should. Do they show it love? Is it easy to show pain love when you are feeling the worst of it? Is it easy to show a mental illness, brought on by trauma…love? This is a key factor in healing. Acceptance that things happened is a key factor for healing. Healing doesn’t happen when a person tries to forget what’s happened. Accepting it…accepting that trauma has happened, that your body is trying it’s best to let go of its trauma is really the first step in true intentional healing. People don’t like to hear that they chose this path. They hate that. They hate being told that they chose it. Sorry. That’s the human experience you chose. But you also choose how to live it. You also choose how to love it. You choose how you want to look at it through the eyes of perspective. It’s a tough love lesson from Paul right now because these sorts of things are…it’s seen a lot right now.
K: Yes. For sure.
P: No one likes to hear, you chose this path before you came. But trust me when I say that no one loves to hear…when you get here to my side…You missed the point. You forgot yourself.
K: Wow!
P: My work here is so people don’t have to hear that when they get to my side.
K: Do you think that trauma is part of the human experience…it’s meant to be a part of it?
P: It doesn’t have to be. There are some people that equate the human experience to one of hardship but that’s not…that’s not correct. The human experience is a really cool experience. It’s the ultimate experience right now but people are always searching for that experience that they believe exists beyond this one. Knowing and understanding that this experience is your creation and your response to the ultimate creation…it doesn’t have to be filled with trauma. It can be filled with something different but it’s a choice. Yes, shitty things do happen. Trauma does happen. It’s what you do with it that creates the outcome. A person never has to be a victim of something. That is continuing the story that trauma is part of the human experience. Thriving over surviving…that’s a true human experience and…you know…it’s considering that there’s more than what you assume there is…there’s more than what you feel you’ve been handed…that’s the human experience. There’s always more through the lens of perspective. It’s just where a person’s head and heart are at that determines that. Trauma is being released right now but that’s not something to fear or succumb to. It’s something to sort of get happy and excited about because…think about it…what does the human life…the planet’s landscape look like when trauma’s released…loved back to standing and doesn’t exist anymore?
K: I guess that’s a personal question for anyone.
P: Exactly. It’s a choice to answer that…honestly. Roll those credits.
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