#what fucking ever dude it'll be fine.
lostjulys · 2 years
gmorninnnnnnnnnnng btwwwww. hiiiiiii. hi. sleepy. going to colorado tmorw.
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
oh! my nephew stayed here last night, and he told me that his grandma's partner - the most annoying, conceited, boring man I have ever met - said he doesn't like it that I always contradict him :)
I've met this guy maybe... 5-10 times total? and every time he manages to say something even more stupid than the last! it's almost impressive! like, he thinks he knows everything. and no one ever says anything, they just let him talk because it's not worth it (I know that because almost every one of them has told me this).
but I get too pissed off when it's something I care about. and I'm an adult now, I can talk back to shitty adults, I don't give a fuck.
anyway, I just think it's absolutely hilarious that he feels that way and now I'll do it even more often :) it's very fun when I ask him what his sources are for what he's saying and he just stammers some bullshit and tries to say that's not the point (pretty sure it's 100% telegram and tik tok, because that's the kind of useless old guy he is).
#some fun recent examples include... my niece gave back my rainbow high doll. he saw it and commented that it's disgusting that dolls#sexualise little girls like that because of crop tops and high heels and makeup and garter belts. what the fuck man. no one is sexualising#anything except YOU#that's a fashion doll. meant to be like 15. wearing fun pretty clothes and colourful makeup. if you look at that and think oh that's#too sexy. then I'm sorry but that's YOUR problem#(and garter belts??? it was some decoration hanging off her skirt what the fuck.)#he didn't like it when I said that no one ever says toys for boys have to be good role models :)#got realllly pissy when I wouldn't stop :) like hello dude you know there's something you can do if you don't want anyone to respond to your#fucking bullshit right? it's called THINKING. just keep that shit in your head#I'll keep doing this until he no longer wants to say dumb shit when I'm around :) (so. forever probably. but he's old he'll die before me so#it'll be fine).#oh and one time he tried to convince us that regular people in the UK are better off since Brexit. hello? dude you don't speak a damn word#of English. you barely know how to order a drink or something. how the fuck would you know#it drives me insane. he couldn't be any more mediocre and stupid if he tried. yet he thinks he's the greatest person ever#can't fucking stand him#and men like him in general. (yes it is only ever men. women like my mother are similar but they're never this fucking sure of their shitty#opinions.)#(in fact they usually give up way too easily. in my experience at least.)
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snekdood · 8 months
i knew ppl who were more dedicated to being counter culture than having any real morals or convictions would end up being nazis lmao
#if i say this to you will you knock it tf off and develop an actual personality?:#'omg dude you're so cool and different and you have totally unique/niche opinions on politics and also your politics are perfectly#fine and never need to be criticized and you never have to change' is that reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally the validation you need?#it might be the validation you *want* but is it reaaallly the validate you *need*?#bc idk how stroking your dick 24/7 will ever make you realize when you're fucking up but do you ig#bitches gotta be counter culture to feel unique. dawg at that point just give up lmao#if you constantly gotta be the white to someones black to *feel* different and *feel* unique then well a. you still havent found who you ar#yet and b. you're just a boring fuckin person rn dawg. you might not think it but it makes you entirely predictable.#its the same thing as becoming a satanist. you are akin to a 14 year old edgelord boy betraying christianity and you havent even grown up#yet. no wonder my abusive ex has no real personality.#mimicing ppl isnt a personality. being the exact opposite of ppl isnt a personality either. who you are is deeper than that.#unironically meditate fer fuckin' once. shut your mind entirely tf up about your external life and get to know you from inside.#if you hate yourself? cool! at least you have a better grasp on who you are now. at least who you are *for* now. you dont hafta hate#yourself forever yknow. you CAN change. but pushing away your feelings aka ignoring that you hate yourself and pretending you dont will#never get you close to actually loving yourself. genuinely THINK about why you hate yourself. feel the actual emotions of being a pos.#feel the actual emotions of regret. then cry about it. its normal and natural to do when you realized you've failed your own expectations.#and then move on and try to be better. you'll never forget what you did but it'll be a learning experience for future situations.
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bandgie · 2 months
I was just thinking about hannie starting an online shop for anime (hentai 👀) style costumes and asking hyunjin to help taking pictures. The reader would be modeling with the outfits. At first they'd be finding excuses to touch the reader to fix the clothes or help her change, then they'd ask her to do different poses that were showing her body more than the clothes, not that they were covering much skin anyway, then hyunjin would ask jisung to help with the poses bcs the reader on her own can't do it properly. and then ✨️threesome✨️
a little manipulation, a little manhandling, a little corruption, the best combination ever
yes anon you are correct
mdni18+ | fem!reader, dubious, pussy play, (un)solicited photos
"are you sure this is necessary?" you turn your head back towards the men. you've got your elbows perched on the table, arching your back so your ass widens for the camera. the underwear you're wearing leaves little to the imagination. you're sure they can see every crease.
click! "yes! i need customers to know it's fine material. it's business, babe. you wouldn't understand." han's reasoning makes your eyes roll. you turn to face the front again, forced to hear the clicking of hyunjin's camera.
a hand comes on your hip. guiding you to arch your back more and spread your legs. you squeak, snapping your head around to see Hyunjin carefully moving you. 
"chill," he doesn't even look at you. "i'm just fixing it." but there's something off about the way he touches you. hyunjin squeezes your flesh, massaging the skin until he travels to your inner thighs. you want to say something, but you recall han telling you that he's a professional. it would be better to let him do his job, but it's weird. 
it's instinct when your legs snap shut, his fingers had went to your crotch. 
"okay! dude! that's so fucking not necessary."
"the underwear was all messed up. im just fixing it," it's the calmness in Hyunjin's voice that gets you to settle. he's so stoic, so poised. his overly professionalism makes you simultaneously comfortable and uncomfortable.
"han, can you help me over here?"
you internally whine. now there's gonna be two men essentiality gawking at your cunt. you shut your eyes and try to pretend you're anywhere else, but it only does more harm. it focuses the feeling of ghost touches from their fingers, the accidental flicks to your clit. it makes your hips jolt, your breath hitch. it's a normal reaction for you to get wet, for the substance to leak through the underwear for han and hyunjin to see.
"god damn." it's low, but you hear han. he gets bold, using two digits to run up and down your slit while hyunjin spreads one of your cheeks for easy access.
"w-wait. hannie, it gonna get dirty."
"dirty?" he scoffs. "it's gonna look good. just let me and hyunjin get you nice and wet, okay? it'll look really good for the photos."
"mhm." hyunjin nods. "adds realism, you know?"
you don't know, but they're the professionals. might as well let them do what they think is best.
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bigwishes · 2 months
Hey man, my workout bro gave me a new pre-workout shake to try and it's really been helping me bulk up, but I always feel really — UUUUURRP — fuck man, I'm always really bloated after drinking them. Fuck though, they taste so good, and I've been putting on mass like crazy... I've also put on a little pudge as well, but I should be able to work that off, right?
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You've been chugging that down like it's water haven't you dude, well that's fine. It was your choice to drink all of it even when the product was designed for a guy to take one serving in his whole life.
The product you took was designed to mutate the metabolism to help guys who are serious about lifting be able to absorb and process more food without it technically putting them through a bulk.
However you decided to drink a lot more than what one guy needs and its caused you to develop a lot of side effects. The first of which you've already noticed, belching non stop and always being bloated but that's just the easy stuff. Soon you'll begin to sweat like a pig and not just whilst you work out, your body will generate so much extra heat whilst it tries to turn anything you eat into size that it'll cause you to be a walking sauna, heat radiating out of your body and a cloud of steam coming off you at all times, but that steam isn't just an aesthetic, it'll reek, you might even find guys gagging from the terrible smell as you walk past. Of course making your body redirect so much nutrients isn't without its consequences, you'll probably start to notice your dick is getting smaller each day and pretty soon you won't even notice when you have a hard on, but don't worry, your pants will still be getting tighter as not only your thighs are getting bigger but the muscles in your ass are being pumped full of size getting big and swollen making it difficult to put on things like jeans.
and of course the pudge, drinking so much is causing your body to just now throw on size however it can, you'll still be mostly muscle but you'll always have a slightly jiggly layer over the top.
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but lets talk about what's really going to start happening. That last sip this morning was the thing that will push you over the edge, you've fucked yourself now. You'll always be hungry, never full again. There will always be room for one more bite or one more sip of a protein shake and 100% of what you eat will be converted straight into muscle and size. There is no need for you to work out anymore, in fact its probably a waste of time to try and work out you'll gain more size by just stuffing your face.
After every mouthful you'll find yourself forced to belch, you'll always feel heavy sluggish and bloated. Feeling your mass bounce as you walk. You've earned the nickname Bubbles from your mates as whenever they hang out with you the only thing they can hear is you stomach bubbling away churning food into raw size only ever interrupted as you grumble in discomfort rubbing your tight layered abs as you belch loudly and uncontrollably
Enjoy being a big bloated beast Bubbles...
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distortionbobble · 5 months
"do you ever shut up" no... and nobody asked for this but i'm thinking about situationship!anakin right now. minors dni. fic has no warnings rn . might expand this one. modern au.
see the thing is, if any of your friends had gotten into this, you would have done a whooole extraction mission to get them out of it. a situtaionship? with that fine-as-fuck man? pretty wavy brown hair and that stupid fucking smile... baby your eyes look like the ocean i'm not arguing with you...
you found him on hinge during one of your dry-spells. the first thing you noticed was how pretty this man is. his profile featured pictures of him hanging out of the window of his car, gravity pulling his hair down as he flashed the camera a prize winning smile. another picture inside a restaurant, just a hint of manicured nails in the corner of the photo.. taken by an ex-girlfriend, maybe? you hum, and scroll down to see the rest of his profile.
"anakin, 22... figuring out my dating goals," you murmur to yourself, munching on your popcorn. okay, figuring out dating goals, that means... means what? a situationship? fuck, do you even have that in you? you're ready to x him out but something makes you wanna look at that face just one more time. fuck, he's pretty.
before your better judgement can stop you you're typing out a quick response to his prompts. green flags i look for are... good at legos. okay, that's cute, right? maybe he doesn't know what his dating goals are because it's kind of intense to be like, i want a long term relationship. that is a lot of pressure. you respond by sending him the lego flowers bouquet that's sitting on your coffee table (yes, your ex gifted it to you. no, that doesn't matter to you. what he doesn't know won't kill him. besides, it was a good present).
does this count? you respond, tossing your phone to the side to focus on Love Island playing on the TV, not expecting a response from anakin for at least a couple days. which is why you're almost shocked when the screen lights up with a notification from hinge.
anakin: yeah, looks pretty good to me ahaha
anakin: sent an image
anakin: rate the set up?
you open it with curiosity and a little bubbly feeling in your chest-- a cute boy matched with you, you're pretty sure it's well within your rights to be a little excited. it's a rather impressive set up of a few different lego sets, all built meticulously. you spot a few that are difficult to get your hands on, and think for a second on how to respond to him.
you: do i spot the indiana jones temple escape set?
anakin: oh my god yes that's my favorite set lmao, took ages to get it
you: dude that's so lucky
you stare at the screen, biting your lip. fuck, this is such a dry-ass conversation, it'll probably die out anyways so you don't bother sending a follow-up
anakin: honestly pretty lucky in general w all my sets. i've got a coupe unopened ones if you wanted to hang out and do them w me sometime tho? might be fun.
oh my god. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. okay, be cool about this. wait, is this code for a hookup? okay, hang out and do them with him = y'all fuck after the legos? or before? you're confused. but like, legos sounds like a fun time.
you: sounds like a good time. does friday work? we could pick up some takeout from this place on jefferson ave, if you're down
anakin: down for friday. but i was thinkin i could make you somethin? i can make a mean miso soup, if you're down.
you: seeya friday, then :)
you brought chocolates. to his apartment. and after you knocked on the door, you're thinking maybe this wasnt such a good idea, after all. the chocolates, and the being here in the first place.
but anakin opens the door, and his apartment smells so good, and he's got a set of space post card lego sets already open with the accompanying instruction booklet next to him.
"hi," you smile up at him, a wave of shyness washing over you as you look at him. how are people allowed to be this pretty? it's like the camera didnt do him justice, because he's at least 20x more attractive in person.
"hey. it's nice to meet you," anakin responds with a grin of his own. "d'you wanna come on in? i've just put some of the veggies into the stock. got some tofu and stuff, bok choy, it'll be good," he says, shutting the door behind you as you enter his apartment.
"nice place," you say, looking around quickly before you take off your coat and shoes.
things flow easily between you too. he tells you about his day, his job, asks you about yours, asks you about your favorite movies. you ask him about his lego sets, his decorations, his favorite music, how he learned to get so good at cooking (the soup is fucking delicious). he puts on a grateful dead song on his speakers as you work on the sets, laughing when he asks you to separate two legos that are stuck together with the nails that you have ("don't you have one of those lego-separating tools?" "those. are for pussies.").
the sets come together what feels like too quickly. you almost wanna tear it apart so that you can have an excuse to just stay for a little longer, but it doesn't seem like anakin is eager to kick you out either.
but it's late, and you should go. as you head out for the door, you feel your eyes drifting to his lips-- his pretty bottom lip, plush and rosy and you wanna sink your teeth into it-- and you know he notices too. he doesn't say anything. is a first date too early to kiss?
"well," you say, lingering at the door. "i, uh, had a good time tonight."
"me too," anakin says, equally as awkward. he leans in just a little, so that his face isn't so far, so that you don't need to look up so much.
well, that's it. no invite to a next hangout. you try not to let your face fall as you wish him goodnight and thank him for the miso soup.
you've only made it out of his apartment complex when your phone lights up with a message.
anakin: d'you wanna do smthn next week?
you smile.
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
reader somehow manages to escape the cabin in the woods where serial killer ghoap is keeping them, and stumbles across two park rangers on patrol. ranger price is so, so kind, wrapping you up in a blanket and giving you water and assuring you that everything will be fine, it'll be ok. ranger garrick listens to your sobbing, almost incoherent story of what happened to you with sympathetic eyes. they load you into the back of their jeep, garrick sitting in the back with you gently holding your hands in his to soothe you and calm you down. the gentle touch gets hard and solid when you realize they've brought you right back to soap and ghost's cabin.
FUCK yeah dude. Hell yeah. This is the only idea ever actually. I want to crush it up into a blender and drink it for breakfast everyday. This fucks so hard
They’re so nice :( And Price has that paternal thing going on - you showed up naked and he took the shirt right off his back for you to wear, he just immediately makes you feel so comfortable. And Gaz is such a good empathizer, he makes you feel like he’s really feeling your horror, and he’s so familiar in a way you can’t really describe, it feels natural to relax with him
And dear fucking God the BETRAYAL!!!! You’d see the cabin and just start screaming, looking at them through the mirror with wide eyes. Gaz would maybe laugh a little, maybe coo to you and reassure you it’ll all be ok. Price is rolling his eyes, telling you not to be so dramatic, they’re just taking you back where you belong. And the worst part is you fight to stay with them when they drop you off - you cling to the interior of the car, then to Gaz, then to Price, desperate for anything but Ghost and Soap.
Maybe a few weeks later Gaz and Price come over for dinner. And you’re not nearly broken enough to have no spirit, so you spend the entire evening just fucking glaring at them like they killed your dog, refuse to talk to them, refuse to do anything but stew in your anger.
Gaz is a little condescending, a little pouty maybe. Does that C’mon, you still angry? We took you home, you don’t like us for that? Were we supposed to just leave a stray on the side of the road? And you fucking hate his tone, it takes everything in you to bite your tongue and not just shout in his face.
But Price is a lot condescending. He rubs a hand over your hair, smirks down at you with a mean little glint in his eyes. Says Don’t like your men, girl? You mad at us for putting you back where you belong? What, did they punish you real rough? Don’t take that shit out on me. Chin up, with a little chuck to your chin that has your growling like an animal You’re better off here than anywhere else. Your men take nice care of you, could at the very least treat their guests with some respect.
Johnny and Simon don’t push you to be nice. You sit in Simon’s lap for the meal and the most he does is smirk a little when you get particularly grouchy, but he doesn’t make you talk to them. He does make you kneel between his knees in the living room when Gaz and Price linger to chat. Runs a hand through your hair until you very unwillingly fall asleep with your face on his knee.
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hai7ani · 10 months
CHERRY BLOSSOMS haitani rindou
sfw, nothing happens
home collection | playlist
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part ii / i just want you to take me where your heart is.
Rindou is having trouble falling asleep.
He's got a 10 o'clock with the higher ups first thing in the morning. Rindou vividly remembers asking his direct supervisor, Kimura-san on what the meeting is about as soon as he was notified about it.
He’s thought it through -- there is no reason for them to want to see him personally (he’s sure he’s never given them one), nor does he remember doing anything that might have seem out of line, or perhaps appeared a little too out of place in the company. A meeting of only him with the higher ups? It's scary even for someone like Haitani Rindou to face.
"That's exactly it, Haitani. You've been a bit too out of place lately."
"And by that, I mean, you've been showing off brilliant work."
" . . . Excuse me?"
Kimura-san chuckles and brings a wrinkled hand up to pat his junior's back as they walk side by side together through the long corridor that leads to the break room. Rindou fixes his tie out of habit and holds a sealed envelope tight in his hand -- the paper almost crumpled -- as he brings himself together to listen to his senior's words.
"You've been doing great, Haitani. Awesome performance, extremely satisfying work and you're very punctual. Believe me, I'm glad I chose the right person to nominate for this promotion. I've been watching you ever since you started working here as a clerk, and I have to say, I'm proud of you, boy. You've been working hard every day for . . . How long has it been? Five months? Your dedication is worth congratulating. Keep it up, young man. And don't worry about the meeting, it's all part of the promotion process. You'll be fine."
Though Kimura-san's attempt at comforting him worked that day, it certainly failed miserably today. It's less than 7 hours to when he'll soon be standing in front of a conference room facing the Chief Executive and his subordinates, and he doesn’t know why.
What if it goes bad and it's not the kind of meeting that Kimura-san said it would be? What if they're there to tell me I'm rejected for the promotion? Or even worse, fired and-
Rindou suddenly hears a certain conversation of Ran and himself echoing in his head. The loud yet timid 16 year old Rindou and the childish and arrogant 17 year old Ran, that is.
"Keep up that long face and I'll smack you right square, bro. I've taught you better than this. Stop doubting everything and believe it'll go well instead. Determination pays off, you know."
"Idiot. You think everyone in the world is capable of chasing a girl their first time? Especially someone like me?"
"Why wouldn't they? Why wouldn’t you? Look, I've made sure that she likes you back. Shion even told her about how you'd waited 2 hours for her to get off work jus’ to walk her home the other day. Trust me, shitty brother, she's definitely into you too."
"Shion did what?" "You heard me."
"And about that, of course everyone is capable, because I did it." Ran proudly flashes a hardcopy of him and a girl hugging with a cheeky grin. The older boy never misses a chance at showing off, especially to his younger brother who is absolutely sick of him. Rindou moves closer to get a proper look and immediately recognises her as the girl in Ran’s class he’s been courting for months. They’re high school sweethearts now? Unbelievable.
He scoffs at the older boy, "you really did it, huh?"
There’s a certain warm and proud feeling swarming in Rindou’s chest as he gapes at the lovesick grin stuck on Ran’s stupid face. It’s what he deserves, Rindou thought. Ran’s been through hell and back trying to court this girl.
Neither young Ran nor young Rindou knows that in 15 years time, Rindou would be calling Ran's high school sweetheart his sister-in-law and stealing recipes and life hacks from.
"Fuck yeah, dude. So like I said, just do it now or you'll miss your chance and regret it for-fuckin'-ever. Also, just for your information, 'cause I'm Haitani Ran and I'm also your big bro and feel the extreme need to tell you," Ran nods his head to the direction behind Rindou. "There's a guy hitting up your missus at the counter."
Rindou has never snapped his head back so fast.
He sees a man who's about a year or two older than him holding a piece of paper and pen to you by the counter, his mouth moving a lot and you’re listening intently.
Rindou immediately regrets not learning how to lip read.
Though he is certain the man must have said something out of line because he sees you adjusting the collar of your uniform and you’re biting your lip nervously. He knows you by your habits and by looking at that, he's sure you’re feeling uncomfortable by the man’s presence. Rindou wants nothing more than to smack the sly smirk off the man’s face right away, so he stands up.
He'll win this fight.
The loud creak of the wooden chair sliding against the marble floor catches your attention and you shake your head at him with a frown.
I’m fine.
Rindou understands that much from your eyes and sits back down again, with Ran who has an arm hooked behind the chair observing he situation with an amused smirk.
The idiot lives for chaos. "Maybe this'll teach him a lesson." Ran murmurs beneath his breath as he observes how Rindou's leg is bouncing anxiously against the marble beneath his shoe, watching you and the man like a hawk.
You have a soft smile plastered on your lips as you bow at him politely, rejecting his advances.
"I'm sorry, sir . . .
But I already have someone."
Lovestruck Rindou witnesses your pretty little face look away from the man to him. You with the pretty glint in your eyes, staring deep into his surprised purple ones and him who is now a blushing mess as he fakes a cough and push his round metal glasses higher onto his nose. You see his reaction and it almost makes you giggle but you remain collected as you try to get the man in front of you to leave the store, telling him you're not interested and you have to get back to work.
And it's when he finally does, all beat and ruined, when Rindou's legs moves over to the counter -- to you -- almost automatically. He stands in front of you and suddenly it’s blank in his mind. His mouth is ajar as he tries to remember what he's came here to say.
(Rindou to this day still argues and swears it was your overwhelming presence and especially your pretty smile that's made him forget his words while he fiddled with the hem of his black turtleneck like a damn loser.)
Come up with something, you idiot. Quick.
"Rindou-kun?" Oh, good fucking gracious. That voice. The sweet voice that will be the absolute end of him.
He musters up everything in him to speak.
" . . . D'ya wanna go out with me? For lunch tomorrow. I’ll pick you up and we’ll go together. Anywhere you want . . . As boyfriend and girlfriend, that is."
You're silent for a minute, and Rindou feels his heart race. It’s hot and humid all of a sudden and he feels like digging a hole and jumping right into it and he doesn't dare look at you and he’s afraid of what's to come. But you call for him again.
"Rindou-kun, please look at me."
The boy wipes his sweaty palms on the dark denim of his Levi’s 501 and chews on his lip. He's so nervous he's certain his mother would be making fun of him when she finds out. Unlike his brother, he’s never been good with girls and has never gone to this extent at courting one. Hell, he’s not even sure if he’s been this nervous before. He’s done loads of illegal things, almost landed his ass in juvie multiple times, fought countless of gangs (both big and small), and none of them could compare to what you’re making him feel right now.
You've got a very, very wide smile ready for him when he finally looks up.
“Ask me again, Rindou."
Get yourself together, prick. Be fair to her.
“Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
Rindou thought he’d ascended into heaven.
Today, the same young boy who is now 31 in age and an expecting father, grins at the memory. He's glad he took Ran's advice the other day. As stupid as his older brother can be sometimes, Rindou cannot deny that Ran is always helpful when he needs to be. Always there for him. Otherwise, he wouldn't be having your worn out figure sleeping beside him in your shared bed, the beautiful band on your ring finger shining brightly at him as the moonlight shines in through the curtains he’s forgotten to shut before bed.
He stares at you as you sleep peacefully; the steady rise and fall of your chest indicating that you're feeling comfortable again. It's been difficult for you to fall asleep these days, the kicking getting harder and more frequent.
"She's so impatient to come out." You pout sleepily at the father of your child as you place a hand on your bump and rubbing slow circles, trying to get her to calm down in your belly. "Just another month left, my baby."
He eyes your stomach and leans down to press a soft kiss to the skin, suddenly feeling a kick to his lips and he airily chuckles. It’s almost like the baby in your stomach recognises him . . .
Her father.
"Don't kick your mom so much, girl. Be nice to her." Rindou tells his kid in his heart.
Another kick.
You start stirring in your sleep. Shit. You're waking up after finally falling asleep and it's all because of the father and daughter that's ganging up on you. Talking together behind your back. Destroying your sleep.
Absolutely foul.
There's a frown on your face as you move around beneath the blanket, trying to get comfortable again when your husband runs his calloused thumb over the crease between your eyebrows, gently coaxing you back to dreamland.
It's then Rindou hears it another time.
"Stop doubting everything and believe it'll go well instead. Determination pays off, you know."
He reminds himself to give Ran a call when he wakes up.
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Rindou has survived the 10 o'clock. It is now 12pm in the afternoon and he's standing in the middle of a fairly new and empty office room with a woman in her early fifties who he recognises as the Operations Manager, Hasegawa Keiko. Everyone calls her Hasegawa-san despite her constant reassurance that simply calling her Keiko is fine.
Rindou directly reports to her now instead of old Kimura. Although being congratulated and trusted deeply by the company, he still feels a bit strange, standing in an office room two floors above his previous one that now has a floor to ceiling view of Tokyo city. He's also been introduced to many new faces that he'll be working with from now on. No more shitty Ito flirting with Ishikawa-san in public and harassing him on going out for drinks or the really irritating habit of the woman clacking her nails on the desk opposite of him, but he supposes he'll adapt sooner or later. He will; Ran told him that he'll be just fine earlier on the phone. He believes in his brother (and you) more than anyone in the world.
"This will be your new office from now on. Feel free to take some time and explore around, make yourself feel comfortable with the environment and so on. And as always, you can ask me if you're unsure about anything. I'll be in my office most of the time down the hall if you have any further questions." The corners of Hasegawa-san's eyes crinkles and Rindou instantly feels more at ease at her warm welcoming. She reminds him a bit of his late mother.
"I'll leave you to it now. Looking forward to working with you, Haitani-san." And with that, she shuts the door behind her, leaving him alone inside.
The silence is overwhelming.
Rindou immediately fishes out his phone in the pocket, dials in the familiar digits he's long memorised and presses the gadget to his ear.
You pick up after the third ring.
"Baby? How'd it go? Are you okay?" He smiles giddily as he pictures the worried expression on your face and you’re probably sitting on the couch watching TV.
(Everything he’d pictured is exactly what you’re doing, by the way. You've also just finished two bowls of plain white rice fresh from the pot without yourself knowing due to how anxious you felt on behalf of him.)
Your husband simply brushes you off. "Whatcha doin'? Are you eating?”
"Answer my question, Haitani!" He laughs at your tone, "take a guess, babe."
"Well, I’on fuckin' know! That's why I'm asking you.”
He thinks of how to put his words into a statement without sounding too overly happy.
"I've got it, you know.”
You have big, red question marks hanging on top of your head as you wait for him to continue on the other line.
"The promotion . . . I've got it."
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Rindou spends his lunch break on the terrace talking to you on the phone. He’s eating the bento you prepared this morning before he left for work. "Finish it, 'kay? The broccoli is expensive." You nagged, knowing how much he despises the said vegetable, but it's included in the new diet he's been keen on trying so he's fine with it. He has you to keep him on track, after all.
He picks up the miserable vegetable with his chopsticks and pushes it into his mouth. Jesus- He closes his eyes as he forces it down the throat.
"Fuck, this is so painful." He coughs when he finally swallows it. You hum from the other line, "what is?"
"The broccoli. Fuckin' hell."
"Sucks to be you. Broccoli's so delicious I don't understand why anyone even hates it. You're weird. Rin."
"Says the person who doesn't eat egg whites."
"Egg whites' got no taste. It should be inedible. It's disgusting."
"And I'm the weird one."
Rindou's been so immersed in talking to you that he doesn't hear the door to the terrace opening and closing. He thought it was just him there, considering everyone else has already went out for lunch and some still remained in their respective offices finishing up paperwork.
He doesn't hear the click of a lighter and cigarette paper burning behind him as he continues to bicker with you on the speaker about why egg whites are delicious and broccolis are not.
"Anyway, I've had 'nuff. I'll be confiscating your watch-Gilmore Girls-with-me rights tonight if you don't finish your broccoli. Your daughter agrees wit' me."
"You know damn well I never miss an episode.”
"Sure, we'll see. I've got clothes to fold now, mostly yours. Bye, weirdo."
"Have I told'cha how noisy you are, mama?" He complains and you laugh and hang up after Rindou reminding you for the third time to take your daily vitamins and wear your grippy socks. That's when the eavesdropper decides to make their presence known.
Rindou nearly chokes on his food when he hears a deep voice speaking behind him. "Your wife?"
He turns around with a mouthful of rice as he takes in the situation. Oh, it's him.
The man who he recognises as Sakoda-san is sitting on a chair with his hands tucked into his pockets, a burning cigarette hanging from his lips.
The same guy who frequents a whorehouse all the way in Kabukichō. Yeah, that one. The one who keeps a polaroid of his children in his wallet on the bedside table while he fucks other women in their rooms, telling them he loves them when he doesn't even mean it.
Saying things for the sake of saying it; Rindou doesn't like that.
He decides to keep his distance as he swiftly finishes the food in his mouth. Of course, he didn't forget his manners.
"Yeah, my wife."
Sakoda-san observes Rindou from the corner of his eyes. How the young man is feeding himself spoon after spoon of the bento, especially the broccoli while he scrolls through his phone, catching up on the latest news and watching random videos that appear on his feed.
"How far along is she?"
Rindou doesn't feel like replying. He's always been a private man who keeps matters to himself, but he thinks it's not fair to the baby in your stomach, his daughter, who he feels her existence should be made known. She's not a secret and shouldn't be kept as one.
"Roughly 8 months. She's due in September."
"A girl?" "Yeah." "What's her name?" "Sakiya." "Sakiya for cherry blossom?" "Yeah." "Your wife picked it?" "We picked it."
Okay, he decides this is as far as he'll go. He starts clipping on the lid of the bento and wiping his mouth with a napkin, ready to leave the terrace (of course he doesn't make it obvious) but Sakoda-san speaks again.
"That's nice. I have a girl too. She's 11 this year. And also a boy who's turning 6." Rindou simply nods and wraps up the bento in the fancy cloth you bought at a bazaar in Harajuku. "Would you like to see a photo of them?"
He stops moving. Rindou thinks of all the options, and the one he feels like picking the most is saying no and leaving.
But he shouldn't be cruel. As much as the man he's talking to is a bad person, a bad father, a bad husband, the children have done nothing wrong. He shouldn't be cruel. It's just an innocent picture of two young children.
"Sure." He agrees out of courtesy and Sakoda-san instantly slips out the polaroid from his wallet and hands it to him. Rindou takes and looks at it carefully. They don't look too happy in it.
"I always keep this with me. Gives me a little push in life, you know?"
A little push? To do all those things to his family?
Rindou is instantly reminded of the many ultrasounds of his daughter attached on the fridge with cute bunny magnets that he glances at every day when grabbing milk from the fridge before leaving for work. He figures that a little push in life contains different meanings to both him and Sakoda-san. It makes him feel sick to the core.
"Nice photo." He hands it back to the man after he finishes looking and stands. Rindou grabs the bento by the handle and is ready to leave, when Sakoda-san stops him once again.
"How good of a drinker are you?"
"I don't drink." Liar. He was fucking Haitani Rindou of Roppongi, for fuck's sake.
"I quit."
"Wife's pregnant."
The older man laughs at his blunt responses.
"Your life must be pretty boring, huh?"
Rindou doesn't look back at him when he mutters these words.
"At least I am not you."
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It is now past lunch break and back to working hours that Rindou finds himself standing outside of Hasegawa-san's office. He has been for the past few minutes now, actually. Thinking about what to say and what to do; if she’ll approve of him or get pissed off.
He doesn't have the courage to go in.
Rindou had contemplated on keeping the topic away from his boss for now and simply bring it up another time, but he knows that it's not possible; it's only a short time away to when you're due and it’s also not fair to you either.
Finally, after making up his mind, he musters up all the courage in him to knock on the door. He waits for the faint come in and twists the knob.
"I was wondering when you'd come in."
Shit, it was that obvious?
Hasegawa-san closes the file she was working on and leans back in her chair while gesturing to the one in front of her desk. "Have a seat, Haitani-san." He immediately follows with a creak echoing in the room, not wanting to waste more time than he already has.
"You're nervous." It's not a question, it's a statement. And Rindou knows it as he feels himself growing hot and he coughs and sits up straight. "Sorry."
"What is it you're here for?" Hasegawa-san breaks the silence first. Rindou looks down at the half crumpled envelope in his hand, thinking a little before laying it flat on her table and pushing it forward with the letters on it facing her.
She stares at the envelope before swiftly opening it up to read. Rindou watches intently as her eyes go over the letter word by word, before finally folding the paper back to it's original form and laying it down on her desk.
You don't know about this, Rindou reminds himself as he waits patiently for Hasegawa-san to process his letter. You don't know about this, so he has to be serious. He has to be straightforward and sure. He can't be leaving you alone at this time because he doesn't have the balls to request for something that will mean the world to you.
The woman leans on her elbows and looks at him with an unreadable expression. He can't tell what’s going through her mind right now. Is it good or bad? Oh, she's squinting her eyes now. Do I need to say something? Fuck, this is so confusing.
"So, according to your letter, you will be away for . . . 2 months? That's a pretty long time. And it's your first day in this department."
The atmosphere is intense.
Thinking that he needs to speak up, Rindou pulls himself together and starts explaining to his boss.
"I know it may seem unacceptable, considering that I am just only in charge of this position. I am also aware that there will be no one to take over my duties when I'm away due to a short of hands, but my family is important and-"
"-tell me, Rindou." She cuts him off with a stern look. "How much does your wife matter to you?"
He doesn't hesitate in answering. It's immediate. Quick. Determined. Sure.
The tension in Hasegawa-san’s face loosens and she smiles. "Then there's no reason to further explain yourself. It’s all written clearly in your letter and letting you go to be with her is what a decent human being should do.” She pauses, “I wish my husband did that for me as well. I'm a woman too, so I know how it must feel to want her husband with her at this period of time.”
To say Rindou is shocked is an understatement. A higher up that doesn't ask questions? Doesn't make you wonder if your decision was right or wrong? Doesn't shame you for having different priorities?
No. It's not because she's being soft. It’s not because she’s biased. It's not because she doesn't care.
It's because she understands.
"I wish for her a safe delivery. Is it a boy or a girl?"
"A girl."
"How nice. I have three sons myself, I wish I had a girl too, to accompany me and so on. Boys grow up a lot faster than girls do." She laughs.
Rindou places both his hands on his knees as he lets out a breath of relief. Other than the meeting earlier today, letting his boss know that he will need to take some time off is also what's been clouding his mind for the entire week.
Your due date has clashed with the moment his work became much more serious and now he has to pick between the two: to stay with work and continue to fulfil his new duties and responsibilities while pouring his heart and soul into his shitty company or to stay at home and take care of you when everyone else is busy taking care of the baby.
And the answer is clear, actually. He'll never let anything, especially work, get between him and his family, and he's never let himself be placed in a position where he feels obliged to choose between the two. If he is, then you and the baby will always come first, no matter what, and he'll quit his job if he has to.
Letting Hasegawa-san know about this is just for him to find out if he has to quit his job to stay with you or not.
And luckily, he doesn't have to. Because Hasegawa-san is an angel in disguise and he feels so terribly relieved. God, he misses you so much. He really wants to go home and kiss you right now.
"You can go now. I'll sort things out with HR. You should take the rest of the day off, too. Go celebrate with your wife and spend some time with her. And please don't worry about work, I'll have a substitute soon for your position."
"Thank you, Hasegawa-san."
"You're welcome, and Keiko is fine. You remind me a lot of my second boy, by the way."
And you remind me of my mother.
"I'll see you soon, son. Take good care of your wife, yeah?"
"I will, Keiko-san."
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You are in the midst of hanging up his clothes in the closet when Rindou arrives home.
"Huh? Why are you home at this hour?"
He kisses your forehead and takes the hanger from your hand. He tells you to sit down and you listen and . . . Great. He's taken charge of hanging his own clothes now.
Rindou is always doing the chores whenever he can now that you're too pregnant to move around even when you insist to him that you can do it. "I like to move around, Rin. 'Don't like to sit around 'n daydream all day, it's boring."
"Boss' let me off early." He states nonchalantly and you raise a brow. You see your husband organising his clothes by colour and you suddenly feel some kind of warmth blossoming in your chest. Much to you and his brother's demise, Rindou used to be the kind of person who doesn't hang his clothes and just throws it in his closet when he's done with the laundry but that changed drastically when he met you. You always nagged at him to hang them up and sort it out by colour, by shirt category, so it'll look more organised and neat when he opens the closet.
"Why?" "I'll tell you later." "Why can't you tell me now?" "It's a surprise." "Huh?"
You're so confused.
Rindou is facing you now. "Have you showered?" You shake your head and remove the claw clip from your hair, scratching at your scalp. "Not yet. I needa' wash my hair, though. It's kinda itchy."
"I'll wash for you." He leads you to the bathroom slowly and helps you into the shower when you both are stripped off your clothes.
You're standing on the non-slip mat and adjusting the water temperature when Rindou joins you in the shower. "I'll take you out tonight. What'chu feel like eating?" He rinses through your body and you hum softly as he starts lathering shampoo on your hair. "Dunno, but I don't feel like eating something spicy, though."
"You want western?" You let out a sigh when he scratches at the itchy spot just above your ear, "sure."
The both of you don't speak after that, choosing to relish in the comfort of the warm water running down your bodies but you're suddenly reminded of it. Cheers to him for managing to butter you up successfully.
"Are you gonna tell me why you're home early?"
"'Told'cha, boss' let me off early." "Yeah, but why?" "I'll tell you over dinner." "You're pissing me off, Rin. Tell me now."
Okay, you're getting mad.
He's grown used to your mood swings over the course of this pregnancy and after so long, he's figured that the best way to deal with it is just by simply accepting it. It'll go away eventually and he should be patient with you and your emotions. After all, it's harder on you.
But he can't deny that it's a bit funny, though. You're getting mad at him because he won't tell you the actual reason he's home early while he's busy washing your hair yet you're purring whenever he scratches at a certain spot on your scalp.
"I got some time off. You know, when you give birth then I'll get to be home 'n take care of you 'n 'Kiya."
"Oh, so you're a romantic."
"Of course."
You feel so happy after listening to him that you turn around (slowly) and pull him down for a quick smooch. "Here's one from 'Kiya." And you kiss him harder this time, "'n one from me."
Rindou is dumbfounded when he looks at you who has literal hearts in your eyes as you hold his face in your hands like he's fragile porcelain, like he's some fine china. You run your thumbs over his cheekbones and pinch his cheeks.
(Doing that made you remember the times you liked to pinch his chubbier ones when you were still teenagers.)
"'Love you."
You with soapsuds in your hair proclaiming your love to your husband for the nth time over the course of 15 years (before and after marriage) and him with his fingers tangled in your hair as he continues scrubbing.
He smirks handsomely, "you tryna skimp out on the kisses, mama? I know my daughter ain't so stingy with 'em," he removes his hands to touch on your bump, "gimme one more, baby."
A kick.
"She jus' said no."
"She said yes, you brat."
You hold him by the neck and softly inhale the scent of his musky body wash that you've grown to find comfort in. He's so endearing that you don't want to let go.
You never want to let go of him.
Rindou lands two strong and assuring hands on your waist and keeps you close to his body.
"Quit sniffin' me, I still need to wash your hair."
You suck on his neck and he squeezes your ass in return. It's nothing sexual or anything, you just like sucking on his neck randomly and Rindou never passes up the chance to grip on your fat.
Some of the foam from your hair has gotten to his face and he simply washes it off with water, though you still don't let go of him.
"Never change your body wash, babe."
"I know . . . You tell me that every day."
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Rindou is helping you pick out your outfit as you sit by the dresser doing your makeup. He's holding two dresses in his hands,
"Do you wanna wear this?”
Option A: a long red floral one that he bought for you while away at a business trip in Kyoto. He saw it while passing by and immediately stopped the car to cop it from the old lady. It wasn't for a special occasion or anything, he'd just seen it and felt like buying it for you and you haven’t got the chance to wear it until today.
"Or this?"
Option B: a shorter navy blue sundress that is obviously a little too tight and small for you right now.
“Baby, please. You know I can’t fit in that.” “I know. ‘Was just foolin’ wit’ ya.” “I’ll bite you.” “Go 'head.”
He lays the red dress down flat on your bed and plops down beside it, waiting for you to get ready. “I’m still halfway done wit’ the nursery. I’ll have more time to work on it now that I’m home.” Rindou says and you finish clipping on your right earring. “It’s just the crib and rocking chair left now, right?” You’re referring to the unfinished pieces of furniture that’s sitting in the nursery room next door and he hums as a response.
"Are we finished buying Sakiya's stuff? We can get the remaining later when we’re out. Settle it sooner, you know?"
“No, we’re finished. Ran ‘n Miwa have already bought tons for us.” You think of your sister-in-law who seems more excited for Sakiya's arrival than you, constantly buying you gifts like clothes and toys for the baby whenever she and Ran comes over for dinner together. “Auntie Miwa and Uncle Ran are so excited to see you, girl.” Miwa squeals as she touches your baby bump, feeling a soft kick to her palm.
“Ran is helping us save money now?” You laugh at his joke, “he seems enthusiastic to do so.”
In another city all the way in Ikebukuro is Ran in his home office sneezing with Miwa standing behind him massaging his back. “You’ve got a cold too? Everyone around me is getting a cold and it isn’t even flu season. I’ll have to stay away from you now, Ran. I don’t like getting sick.” She blabbers along and Ran simply hushes her down with a hand to her mouth. Miwa licks it and he retracts his hand away with a scowl, “you’re nasty, love. And you talk too much.” Miwa places a hand on her hip as she looks down at her husband like a mother scolding her son, “I’m not the one sneezing and at a risk of falling sick.” “It’s just Rindou talkin’ ‘bout me, wifey. I know it, I can feel it.”
Back home in Ueno is Rindou sneezing again. “Stupid Ran, he talkin’ ‘bout me too? Asshole.” “Huh?”
Neither Ran nor Rindou stops sneezing for the next five minutes and you and Miwa are left confused, wondering about just how strong these two brothers’ telepathy senses are.
You are actively ignoring your husband’s mumbling and cursing about stupid Ran this, stupid Ran that while combing your hair and Miwa isn’t even in the room with Ran anymore.
“Stop sneezing, Rin.” “Then tell Ran to stop talkin’ ‘bout me.” “Shaddap, you’re just makin’ things up.” “‘M not.”
While blowing his nose on a tissue you handed him, Rindou hears you humming along to a song playing on the radio and he instantly feels at peace.
He's home, you're sitting pretty on the stool, you'll be enjoying Western food together at a fancy restaurant downtown later tonight, and Sakiya will be here anytime soon.
Everything is calm and fine,
and Rindou thinks he will never be giving up this serenity for the world. He'll burn it up if he has to; if it guarantees his family forever peace and happiness.
There can only be his family.
His love. His heart.
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reblogs are appreciated & i hope you guys enjoyed this! ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
ending is a bit rushed cus idk anymore he's successfully rotted my brain and i have fallen onto my knees for this man
198 notes · View notes
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A/N ::: Just some fluffy fluff about Draken, y/n & Mikey. This did not go as planned at all.
C/W ::: F.reader. Mm, nothing really? Mentions of sex, flirting, kissing. Nothing much.
WC ::: 2,780 +/-
Special thanks to @kazutora-kurokawa for talking up some ideas with me!
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The rain was coming down in buckets as you, Mikey and Draken made a run for Mikey's room. It was a futile effort, though. All of you were soaked by the time you got inside.
"Give me your clothes, I'll go throw them in the dryer," Mikey said. You looked at him with widening eyes that quickly narrowed. "What? Oh Jesus, y/n. It's not like we've never seen what we have. C'mon. I'll bring blankets back if that'd make you feel better. You can cover up that perfect, pristine virginal body of yours." He laughed and shook his head, and collecting the clothes from Draken and you, he grabbed his umbrella and headed to the main part of the house.
"Nice that he had an umbrella this whole time," you said, doing your best to cover up your chest. You wanted to look at Draken so badly. This was a perfect opportunity to see his body without being too creepy about it.
All of your clothes had been saturated. That was normal, right? It was normal for friends to sit around in their underwear and talk casually while their clothes dried.
Your thoughts got interrupted by Mikey barging back in through his door. "Here. A thermos of hot tea and some chips if you guys are hungry. Annnnd, if you're not hungry now," he pulled a blunt from the pocket of his fresh, dry t-shirt, "you will be after this. C'mon c'mon. Gather 'round, my friends. ‘Tis time."
You looked back to see if Draken was going to take anything only to see that he was already staring at you. "What?" You asked him. But he remained as stoic as ever.
"Nothing. I thought I saw a bug on your back but I think it's a freckle. Can ... can I double check? I know you hate bugs. "He shot a smile at Mikey that he probably was guessing you'd missed. But you did not miss it. In fact, it made you smile at Mikey, too.
"Mikey," you started, "why do you get to wear dry clothes and we're standing here in our fucking underwear, shivering? And did you bring blankets?"
He stopped what he was doing, "Shit. No. I forgot, y/n. I'm sorry. It's fine, though. The clothes will be dry soon and I'll grab them. I'll turn the heat up though." Mikey kicked on the heater and it blasted to life, sending nearly visible heat waves out into the small space.
"Gee, thanks a bunch, Sano." You made your way over to the futon and sat down, bending over as best you could to hide the front of your mostly naked body.
"Ahh, it'll be fine, y/n. 'Sides, we can smoke and that'll distract us from the cold." Draken said.
"I don't smoke, you guys forgot that?" You waved your hand at them to keep it away from you. It's not that you had anything against it. You just didn't like it. People around you could smoke until they floated away and it wouldn’t bother you. It wasn't for you, though. "You guys go ahead, though. I don't care."
Mikey walked over to crack a window above the futon, he stopped right in front of your face. Essentially brushing his crotch against your cheek.
"Dude," you pushed him by the hips so he'd scoot back, "Jesus, Mikey." You laughed.
"Oh! My bad. I saw you there but didn't care." He shrugged.
"Ok, Ken-chin. 'S just you and me, I guess." Mikey lit it up and took a hit, not really coughing either. It always impressive to you how he did things so effortlessly. Kicking people in the face, smoking, everything was so cool about him.
You and Draken sat on the futon, him in his underwear and you wrapped in Mikey's small blanket. You sat back, not realizing how close you were to his arm and you immediately looked down at where your arms were touching. "S-sorry." You started to move over a little bit.
"You don't have to move away, y/n. I don't bite." Draken chuckled.
"Hard." Mikey added. "Unless you like biting, in which case, he'll chew you up."
Draken threw a square pillow at Mikey, "Shut up, dumbass. No, but you're fine. You're warm, too. It feels ... it feels good to stop shivering for a bit." He smiled and put his arm over your shoulders. The smile did little to ease the pounding of your heart in your chest. "Here, do you want a sip of the tea?"
You nodded and Draken poured some into the cap of the thermos and held it to your lips. You took a few sips and it did wonders to warm you up.
"Thanks." You said. You knew you should've been more focused on what Mikey was doing or saying but Draken's body heat and his strong arm draped over your shoulders made it hard for you to think about anything else. You didn't know if he was being a good friend or trying to make a move on you. You've known each other for a while now. But you couldn't bring yourself to care too much either way. It just felt so amazing to be this close to him.
Draken shifted on the futon and you felt his fingers graze your lower back. Your eyes widened and you looked at him. He was looking at you, but there was something different in his gaze. It wasn't like anything you'd ever seen from him before.
"Sorry, I thought I saw something."
"You're sure seeing an awful lot of things today. Y'need me to get you some glasses?" Your sarcasm did not go unnoticed. Draken laughed and shook his head.
"Nah, I'm good, I'm good. Thanks though. Heh."
The way that he'd positioned himself on the seat, you could see directly into the front opening of his boxers. Not that you were trying to look. But your eyes had a mind of their own.
You knew you shouldn't stare, but you couldn't help it. You didn't even realize you were biting your lip until Mikey pointed it out.
"Damn, y/n. You wanna bite into Ken-chin or something?" Mikey said.
You froze and your mouth went dry. You looked at him with wide eyes, "Mikey, shut up."
"Yeah, you can shut up, Mikey." Draken said. "Y/n and I are just talking." He was looking at you with a curious gaze and you felt like he could see right through you. "Right, y/n?"
You nodded. "Right. Yeah. I mean, yes. We're friends. Right? And we're all cold and wet and I don't want to catch a cold. So, let's just ... let's just stay warm. That's all." You were rambling and you knew it. You pulled the blanket tighter around yourself and sat back, away from Draken.
"So, what was it that you saw on my back earlier, Draken?" You asked. You weren't going to let him get away with that so easily, despite just trying to play it cool. Epic fail on your part.
Draken looked at Mikey and then back at you. "Nothing. Just a freckle."
"Oh, is that what it was? Okay, but, I don't have any freckles on my back." You said.
"He's lying. I think he was checking you out, y/n." Mikey said, taking another hit off the blunt.
"Mikey, seriously. Shut the fuck up." Draken said.
You were feeling a bit bold. You were cold and you wanted to know what was going on. "I don't mind it, really. It's not like I haven't looked at him either. I mean, I saw you, Draken. So, it's fine. We're friends, so it's fine." You shrugged and looked at him.
"Yeah, we're friends." Draken said.
"Okay, well, if you say so, I believe you." Mikey said.
"Mikey, I swear to god. I'm going to kick your ass if you don't shut up." Draken said.
You watched as Draken and Mikey exchanged words. You weren't even sure what they were saying anymore. You were too busy thinking about Draken and how he'd been staring at you. You couldn't help but wonder if he really did want to look at you. But you didn't want to get your hopes up too high. You'd never had the courage to tell him how you felt about him. You were too scared that he didn't feel the same way.
"Y/n," Draken nudged you and you blinked hard to come back to reality. "You okay? You look like you're freezing."
You nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just ... just cold."
"Do you want to get in the dryer with our clothes?" Mikey asked.
You laughed, "No, that sounds like a terrible idea. I think I'll just stay here."
Draken rubbed your back and you felt your body heat up. It was like he was your own personal heater. And you loved it.
The three of you sat there, chatting and laughing, but you couldn't help but notice that Mikey seemed to be egging on Draken more than usual. He was being weird and you had no idea why.
You took a deep breath and decided to just go for it. "Draken, can we talk about what happened before? You know, when you were looking at me and telling me you saw a freckle or something?" You asked.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Well, you said you saw a freckle. But you're not telling me what kind of freckle it was." You smiled, trying to keep it light.
Draken shrugged, "It was just a freckle. It's not a big deal."
"Oh, I think it is. I mean, you're always checking out my ass and tits and face and whatever else. But this time, it seems like you actually saw something. And I want to know what it was." You looked at him.
"I wasn't checking you out, y/n."
"What about earlier today, when you asked me if I had a stick in my butt? Were you checking me out then, too?"
Draken looked at you, "No, I was just making a joke."
"Okay, fine. I believe you. So, the freckle that you saw on my back, what was it?" You asked.
Draken sighed, "Y/n, there was no freckle."
"Then what were you looking at?"
"I wasn't looking at anything."
"Why are you lying to me, Draken? Just tell me the truth. Did you see something or not?"
"Okay, fine. I did see something."
"What was it?"
"It was just ... it was nothing."
"Draken, please just tell me the truth."
"Yeah, Draken. Just tell y/n the truth." He smirked and dodged the thermos that flew right at his head.
"You little shit." Draken said to Mikey.
Mikey laughed and took another hit. "Yeah, yeah. Don't change the subject, Ken-chin."
"Fuck you, Mikey. Why don't you mind your own business for once?" Draken said.
"Because y/n is my friend, too."
"Yeah, well, she's my friend, too. And I don't need you sticking your nose into my business."
"Fine, I'll stop."
"Good. Now, can you stop fucking bothering us? We're trying to have a conversation."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Mikey said.
Draken looked at you, "Sorry about that. He's just being a dick."
You nodded, "It's fine. Just tell me what you saw."
"I ... I saw your bra strap. Ok? Jesus. You happy now?"
"My bra strap?" You asked.
"Yeah. Your bra strap. That's all it was. It was just a bra strap."
"And you couldn't have just said that from the beginning?"
"I didn't want to make things weird."
"Well, they're not weird, Draken. They're fine. We're fine. Right?"
"Yeah, we're fine." He said.
"Good. Then let's just forget about it and move on." You said.
"Great, that's exactly what we should do." Draken said.
"So, are you guys done being weird? Can we smoke and chill?" Mikey asked.
"Yes, Mikey. We're done being weird. Now shut up." Draken said.
The three of you sat in silence for a bit. You were still trying to process what had happened. You felt like you'd gotten your hopes up for nothing. It was just a bra strap. And he didn't even want to admit that he saw it. What was the big deal?
"You want any of this Ken?" Mikey held out the blunt and Draken waved him off.
"No, I'm good. You can have it." He said.
"I'm gonna go check the clothes. You guys good? I won't come back and find you both dead or anything?" Mikey stood by the door.
"No! What the hell kind of - Mikey, just go." Draken huffed.
You heard Mikey's footsteps getting farther away and Draken looked at you, "I'm sorry about him."
"It's fine. It's fine. We're all friends. No one's mad at anyone, right? So, it's fine." You smiled.
"Yeah, it's fine."
Draken and you sat in silence for a while. You knew you should say something. You couldn't help but think about what he'd said before. You thought back to all the times that you'd been around each other. You couldn't deny that there had always been some kind of spark between you.
"Hey, Draken?" You asked.
"What about us? Are we just friends?" You asked.
Draken looked at you, "I don't know."
"Do you want us to be more than friends?"
"How long have you had feelings for me?" You asked.
Draken shrugged, "I don't know."
"Okay, well, do you want to kiss me? Like, right now?"
Draken looked at you, "Maybe."
"You're really not making this easy for me, Draken. Just answer my questions."
"Fine. Yes, I do want to kiss you. And yes, I do have feelings for you. And yes, I have for a while. Okay?"
"Okay. Me too. So, we're on the same page?"
Draken nodded, "I think so."
"Well, then why don't we just do it? Why don't we just kiss?"
"Because I don't want to make things weird."
"They're already weird, Draken. So, let's just go for it."
Draken sighed and leaned in, placing his lips gently on yours. You felt a spark inside of you that you'd never felt before. His lips were soft and warm, and you wanted more. You pushed back and deepened the kiss, letting your tongue slide into his mouth.
Draken pulled back, "Jesus, y/n." He smiled, "You're crazy. But I love it."
You kissed him again and again, until you heard footsteps coming back. You pulled back and sat up straight as Mikey walked back in.
"The clothes are dry. You guys ready to get dressed and go outside or something?" He asked.
"Yeah, we're ready." You said.
Mikey looked at you and then at Draken, "I'm happy for you guys. But you're not allowed to fuck on my futon."
You and Draken looked at each other and at the same time said, "'S too late, Mikey."
You laughed and Mikey groaned, "Fuck, you guys."
You pulled your clothes from Mikey's hand. And as you slipped on your pants, you saw Draken looking at you.
"Stop it." You whispered.
"What?" He whispered back.
"Stop looking at me like that." You said.
"Like what?"
"Like you want to fuck."
Draken shrugged, "I can't help it. I've wanted to fuck you for a while, y/n."
You looked at him and shook your head, "Jesus Christ."
"What? It's true." He smirked.
You put on your shirt and pulled on your hoodie. You felt better now that you were wearing clothes. "Well, maybe you can fuck me later." You said.
Draken laughed, "Maybe I will."
You walked out of Mikey's room and headed back outside. The rain had stopped and the sun was starting to come out from behind the clouds. You breathed in the fresh air and smiled.
"Y/n, let's go get ice cream." Draken said.
"I could go for some ice cream." You smiled.
Draken stuck his hand out for you to take and as you reached for it, Mikey caught your attention and flashed you his big, beautiful smile, mouthing the words "You're welcome!"
You rolled your eyes, your hand over your heart, nodding.
"Draken, what's your favorite flavor?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Probably mint chip or cookies 'n cream. Why?"
You leaned your head against his arm and. "No reason."
Draken bent over and kissed the top of your head, "Whatever you say, kid. Whatever you say." 
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Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @kazutora-kurokawa @darkstarlight82
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s1nk1ngst4rg1irl · 4 months
PROLOGUE◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ `
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵ ˚₊₊˚ ‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
╰┈➤how you became nekomas manager, or how kuroo bullied you into taking the position.
╰┈➤NOTES: hehe
╰┈➤WARNINGS: boobi talk and surgery, also swearing!!
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Kai introduced you to him, or rather he shoved him into you. You were just walking though what you presumed to be a safe hallway trying to get by till graduation without dying, not a booby trapped danger zone where people got jumpscared by some lanky dude with a serious case of bed hair, but there you were under him. He wormed off of you and offered a hand, which you begrudgingly took in yours, pulling yourself up and adjusting your shirt.
“Have you ever thought about breast surgery?” Kuroo deadpanned, looking down at you.
“Dude, what the everloving fuck.” 
“Maybe you were too busy looking down at them to see where you were walking, i get it-their very distracti-” your fist connected with his face before you understood what was happening.
That's how you met Kuroo, with a breast reduction and a black eye. The counselor made sure you guided Kuroo around school during this ‘tough time’ for his vision. Dragging him around school and unknowingly allowing him to trip down small flights of stairs turned into study sessions which turned into meet ups for non school reasons. You'd even go as far to say, you and him were friends.
 So when he asked for you to be manager of the Nekoma volleyball club on a warm sunny day while snarfing down more than his share a bag of chips what else could you say but
“hell no. Sweaty stinky guys asking me to carry around their shit and bandage their booboos? No thanks dude”
Kuroo buried himself deeper into the pile of plushies he was laying on- and getting crumbs all over, groaning.
“Come onnnnn, Y/NNNN, it'll be fun, plus we haven't had a female manager in forever, the upperclassmen will totally love me-and you!.”
“That's exactly what I'm afraid of, plus I don't feel like doing you any favors after what you did to my maths notes” you sniffled.
“I didn't mean to drop them, it just happened ok?? Plus I bought you that keychain you wanted so we’re even.”
“Kuroo, you could bring me Yaku’s diary and that still wouldn't make up for you dropping my notebook into a shit filled toilet.”
“Accidentally dropping your notebook into a shit filled toilet.”
“Who even studies in a fucking toilet??”
“Well first of all you could benefit from some toilet study sessions and second of all it was a shit, people do weirder things all the time when they shit.”
“Have I ever told you you're a huge nerd?”
“Yeah, like every day so will you be the manager already??” you mull it over for a few seconds, weighing out pros and cons, hard work, running, but also there might be a few cute guys, and you needed some boosts for a college resume.. what could be the harm, you needed something other than binge watching shameless to do after school anyway.
“.... fine. One condition though.” he perked up, sending potato chip pieces flying all over your carpet.
“Clean your crumbs off my shit, and get me a new notebook- a new set of notebooks.”
“That's two conditions, babe.” maybe this was a bad idea
“You want a manager or not dawg.”
“Ok! Calm your overly large tits, maybe its the back pain making you angry-” he dodges the empty cookie tin you chuck at him. stupid athlete reflexes. 
“Shut the fuck up loser.” 
“-there you go again! Ok- ok- i can always massage them iif they hurt that ba-ok!!!! Point taken! Wheres you dustpan?” yeah. This was a bad idea.
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mulletmitsuya · 1 year
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, homophobia (as a joke), and one poop mention
Desc: the boys are trying to find out how cat boys defecate
Mikey: it doesn't matter
Mikey: if Kazutora was a real cat boy he would shit in a litter box
Mikey: that's all i'm saying🤷‍♂️
Baji: don't say that then tf??
Mitsuya: usually i don't ask but this seemed unprovoked
Mitsuya: what are you guys talking about
Mitsuya: i'm gonna regret asking this tbh
Kazutora: i shit in the toilet just fine thank you
Kazutora: and i never claimed to be a cat boy😭. i'm just a boy that loves cats
Mikey: you said, and i quote "yeah i think i'm a catboy"
Mikey: fucking slut
Draken: then leave him alone? like what's the issue
Mikey: oh here comes sensible Ken-chin to save the day with his common sense that will most likely save hours of arguing🙄
Draken: 😐
Kazutora: ok fine maybe i said that but i didn't mean it like that. i meant i was a boy who also happened to like cats. Mikey you aren't listening to me
Kazutora: also why am i a slut???
Chifuyu: i mean
Kazutora: bro??
Chifuyu: no i'm joking lol
Baji: he's not
Mikey: it's your waist
Mikey: and your piercings
Mikey: you're a literal whore
Draken: Mikey
Draken: shut the fuck up
Baji: go fuck his sister to spite him
Draken: dude
Draken: can you ever be normal
Baji: nah
Kazutora: nothing's wrong with my waist?
Baji: you wear crop tops sometimes
Mikey: and your twink like, feminine like, small torso tempts those around you
Baji: don't get me started on those nipple piercing bruh, had me creaming all over the place
Mikey: chill😕
Mitsuya: of course
Mitsuya: of course this is an argument you guys are having
Chifuyu: yeah guys leave him alone
Baji: are you typing with both hands? 🤨
Chifuyu: yes????
Chifuyu: 😭
Smiley: these damned homosexuals bruh
Smiley: sorry thought i was dming Angry
Angry: homosexuals are fine!
Angry: Smiley's homophobic, not me
Angry: please keep that in mind
Angry: i was going to reply with something along the lines "well i like gay people because they slay"
Kazutora: idk man i just feel like i'm being attacked for no reason
Mikey: stop being slutty then!
Baji: only be slutty in our apartment bro
Baji: problem solved 👍
Mikey: wait
Mikey: bro chill i was joking
Mikey: dress anyway you like fr
Draken: don't listen to them Kazutora, they're all delusional
Kazutora: ok...
Kazutora: i am a boy that likes cats and that is all
Hakkai: sorry to interrupt
Hakkai: but does that mean that Inupi's a dog boy
Koko: puppy boy in particular
Angry: bro came out of nowhere
Mikey: lol
Mikey: came out
Mikey: get it
Mikey: cause he's gay
Angry: i believe it's bi
Kazutora: i don't think it's gay to think Inupi's hot
Mikey: why not
Kazutora: he's pretty like a girl
Mikey: he has a dick and balls
Kazutora: ok fine 🙁
Smiley: koko and inupi
Smiley: they're the gays i hate the most tbh
Draken: dude can u stop 🤨
Smiley: no
Smiley: watch me tell Emma you're half gay
Draken: she knows mf😐
Smiley: i wanna call you guys a homophobic slur so bad rn
Kazutora: dude you can't do that
Kazutora: it'll hurt Baji's feelings
Baji: nah i'll just beat his ass
Kazutora: lol cause you're gay
Baji: ...
Baji: yeah?
Kazutora: what?
Baji: yeah? cause i like dudes?
Kazutora: ...
Kazutora: 😯
Baji: ain't no way bruh
Mikey: Tora you fucking idiot man
Draken: L
Kazutora: what'd i do???
Baji: did u think me being attracted to men was a joke
Kazutora: yes...
Kazutora: it's not??
Chifuyu: 😟
Baji: so all the times i physically grabbed your ass...that didn't ring a bell?
Mikey: or the times he stared deeply into your eyes and told you he loved you
Kazutora: i thought you were being sus with the homies
Baji: c'mon man
Baji: bro this isn't even funny
Baji: i thought we had smth fr
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Mikey: Kazutora rn lol
Chifuyu: 💀
Draken: lmao
Smiley: Draken chuckled ☺
Smiley: he found the joke funny🤣🤣🤣🤣
Draken: let's go outside
Smiley: nah bruh you gon beat my ass
Kazutora: Baji let's talk bruh
Angry: he emphasized the 'bruh' which means he doesn't have romantic feelings for you
Angry: sorry Baji
Baji: fuck off megamind pubes head ass
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Mikey: Baji rn
Baji: i'm gonna shove a cactus in every crevice of you body
Mikey: bro's mad
Baji: ayt
*Baji has gone offline*
Mikey: bro thinks i'm scared
Draken: why r you trying to find a place to hide
Mikey: i'm just looking for my phone
Draken: ...alr
Draken: ...
Mitsuya: what
Draken: Baji
Draken: where'd you get a cactus that big that fast?????
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TWEEK: Mister
TWEEK: Tinfoil
TWEEK:  What
KENNY: His names Stan
TWEEK: I'm not gonna remember that
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TWEEK: You said you had
TWEEK: A bunker
TWEEK: Right?
STAN: Yeah
CRAIG: Dog shit covered ahhh barn 💀
TWEEK: Why is he saying Skull emoji out loud
TOLKIEN: Not even WE know at this point
KYLE: We gotta get him to stop that
KYLE: It's more annoying than KYLE: ….Whatever….. Stan's got going on
CRAIG: Omg not you slandering me 💀
CRAIG: Don't even rn you look like the Goodwill shat you out
KYLE: Fuck you
KYLE: You know that Supreme hoodie isn't even real Supreme, right?
CRAIG: Lmao what
CRAIG: Me when I lie
KYLE: Nonononono
KYLE: Look look look
KYLE: It says “Souprem”
KYLE: It's fake merch dude
KYLE: Its as fake as those fucking yeezys
KYLE: …Dude?
CRAIG: No that's my other hoodie
KYLE: Are you fucking serious
KYLE: You aren't even rich stop acting like you are
CRAIG: Nuh uh
TOLKIEN: Kyle, just give it up
TOLKIEN: Trying to convince Craig he isn't rich is like trying to convince a toddler to wipe their own ass
TOLKIEN: It's not worth it
CLYDE: …. CLYDE: Why do I feel like that was directed towards me?
TOLKIEN: Because It was, Clyde
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STAN: Hmmm
STAN: At my barn we could like
STAN: Use my dad and my sister
STAN: As like
STAN: Food
KYLE: Dude no
KYLE: I am not resorting to cannibalism
CARTMAN: Kahl, you’ve eaten animals, that's basically like eating people
KYLE: Okay mr “forty big macs in one day”
CARTMAN: Uhm, actually they're vegan chicken patties KYLE
CARTMAN: ALSO did you just ASSUME my GENDER????
KENNY: Actually studies show that most human meat is similar taste wise to chicken
CRAIG: I thought it was pork
CRAIG: Deadass
CRAIG: Like pigs
CRAIG: Like deadass pigs
KENNY: We know what pork is CRAIG 
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STAN: Yeah
STAN: So we’re fucking set
CARTMAN: Uhhh no thanks, i’d rather be one with the animals and eat dirt and hay
STAN: We don't even have animals
CARTMAN: I’ll just eat the weed then
STAN: What
KYLE: What
CARTMAN: What???
CARTMAN: It's like eating catnip
CARTMAN: Besides its environmentally friendly
STAN: What's your source
CARTMAN: Wikipedia
STAN: Ooooof course it is
STAN: The internets lying to you, you know
CARTMAN: Fuck off, Stan, Queermo
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TWEEK: HhhhuGiyhvfdeiohjd
TWEEK: Awesome
TWEEK: Great
TWEEK: Dandy even!
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TWEEK: Everyone
TWEEK: Lets hold hands
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CRAIG: I am not touching Clydes fucking shitstained hands
TWEEK: I’ll hold Clyde's hand
TOLKIEN: Why do you wanna touch Clydes hands thats fucking nasty
CRAIG: For real
CRAIG: Preach 🙏🙏🙏
TWEEK: I don't care
TWEEK: It's just for a bit TWEEK: I can wash my own hands afterwards
CLYDE: Aww… really?? :D
TWEEK: Whatever
CLYDE: Nobody other than Tolkien has wanted to hold my hand before! :DD
TOLKIEN: Was that before or after I figured out you don't wash your hands
TWEEK: Who else is fine with
TWEEK: Touching Clyde
CRAIG: Stop making me have gay thoughts, Playboi Carti
TWEEK: I don't
TWEEK: I'm not
TWEEK: Hold hands
TWEEK: You all have socks on
TWEEK: I think
TWEEK: So it's not gay
CARTMAN: Uhm erm erm erm
CARTMAN: Actually
CARTMAN: That's a homophobic statement
TWEEK: WHAT???????
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CLYDE: I forgot CLYDE: What holding hands felt like
KYLE: Woah
KYLE: This reminds me of the first episode of My Little Pony
KYLE: Where
KYLE: Twilight and her friends
KYLE: Find the friendship trinkets or whatever
KYLE: And they reverse the curse on them that turns them into stone
KYLE: And they used them to like
KYLE: Defeat Nightmare Moon
KYLE: Turning her back into Princess Luna
KENNY: That was so fucking gay
KENNY: I feel like I'm gonna vomit rainbows because of you
CARTMAN: Kenny stop being homophobic
CARTMAN: I will cancel you again
KENNY: Fuck off I know that blue hair you wear online is a wig
CRAIG: Slllaaa-
TOLKIEN: Actually, you’ve lost speaking privileges
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TWEEK: Alright
TWEEK: Is everyone holding hands
CRAIG: yeah its like Kumbaya frfr
TOLKIEN: Stop talking
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TWEEK: Alakazam
TWEEK: Alakazane
TWEEK: Im sending you off this mortal plane
KYLE: Wait wha-
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CRAIG: Like And Subscribe! Like And Subscribe! Like And Subscribe! Like And Subscribe! Like And Subscribe!
KENNY: Yoooo
CRAIG: Like and Share! Like and Share! Like and Share!
TOLKIEN: Was that
TWEEK: Magic Trick
TWEEK: Hey you have a lot of free time when you live in a dumpster
CRAIG: Copy link! Copy link! Copy link! Copy link! Copy link! Copy link!
TOLKIEN: Whatever, please for the sake of our brain cells, never do that again
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KENNY: I dunno
KENNY: I thought that was pretty cool
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TWEEK: Alright
TWEEK: Humans
TWEEK: Freaks
TWEEK: Whatever your names are
TWEEK: Get in the fucking barn
TWEEK: Now, quoting the safety psas from Estella,
TWEEK: Don't open the door for strangers, Don’t investigate any random noises, don't take any offers from strange men in white vans, don't help anyone, if anyone says they're friends of your parents do not trust them
TWEEK: And for goodness sake,
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CRAIG: I'm addicted to Takis! I'm addicted to Takis! I'm addicted to Takis! I'm addicted to Takis!
STAN: One, what are we, five?
STAN: Second
STAN: It's a backup bunker, not  a barn
STAN: ….
TWEEK: Kay…..
TWEEK: Just…..
TWEEK: Get in the barn
STAN: Fineeeee
STAN: Whatever
STAN: Fuck you
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CRAIG: [ Gotta sleep in fucking pig shit this sucks fuck this ]
CLYDE: Hey CLYDE: Hey Tweek
TWEEK: Arrrghhh…What….
CLYDE: Do you
CLYDE: Do you think
CLYDE: Do you think we CLYDE: Do you
CLYDE: Do you think we could
CLYDE: Maybe
CLYDE: Go to like
CLYDE: Dennys
CLYDE: After this???
TWEEK: Whats
TWEEK: What's Dennys?
CLYDE: Maybe we could like
CLYDE: Go to Olive Garden then?
TWEEK: What's an olive?
TWEEK: And what's a Garden?
CLYDE: Oh you poor
CLYDE: Sweet
CLYDE: Summer child
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CLYDE: You know what
CLYDE: I'm gonna take you to the Olive Garden
CLYDE: And you're gonna have the time of your fucking life
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CLYDE: Alright
CLYDE: I’ll see you there babe
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TOLKIEN: Don’t fall for that shit
TOLKIEN: He doesn't wash his hands
TOLKIEN: Or his ass
TWEEK: Why's that relevant?
TWEEK: …Whatevs
(edits made by @pissblanket)
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corroded-coffin · 2 months
the way cobra kai fandom absolutely IMPLODED because of the johnny/carmen baby plot is so bizarre to me... like you guys know you can just ignore canon, right? right??? the end of the world as we know it is not here and the whole final season will not center this baby, it'll probably be an epilogue thing?????
i'm deeply Meh about this particular plotline too and would prefer it to not be a thing, but to be honest it seems par for the course considering how aggressively hetero this show has been from day 1
so many "there's no way carmen/johnny (either/both) would want another kid" takes - why? and for that matter, y'all know that a lot of unplanned babies live perfectly happy lives, right?
i've seen arguments that they're not financially stable enough? they seem to be doing fine, and even so, poor people are allowed to have babies if they want to. also: they're like, besties with the larussos now, do you really think daniel OR amanda would just let their kid live in poverty if it came to that??
(sidebar: i swear to god i saw people saying that carmen having a top gun themed fantasy was unrealistic or weird when i literally could NOT escape the tumblr top gun renaissance which had a huge overlap with CK fandom??? at this point it just kinda sounds like you hate carmen???)
also like, idk how to tell people this but... lawrusso was never gonna be canon you guys. this show is written by a bunch of straight dudes as nostalgia bait. it does truly have some great emotional moments, but it's also at the end of the day a show for all of these middle-aged dudes to go "hey remember the 80s??? weren't they so EPIC????"
not to mention i'm pretty sure some of the actors (ralph and billy especially) have some sway over the way their characters are written, and i just don't see them being that bold. ON TOP OF ALL THAT - it's netflix! they are here to milk this cash cow for all it's worth and that means appealing to the lowest common denominator.
that doesn't mean you can't enjoy fanworks!!!! i ship them too!!!!! everyone is queer as FUCK in my mind and it's SO fun to explore that as a fan and no one involved with the show can ever take that away from you!!!! i just feel like a lot of people have these overblown expectations of what SHOULD happen in canon and then are disappointed when the show inevitably just does what it does. of course it would be fuckin Sexy if the show ended in a johnny-carmen-amanda-daniel polycule, but it not happening doesn't mean it's a Bad Terrible Show That Should've Never Been Made™, you know???
TL;DR: stop making excuses for hating on my girl carmen!!!!!!!!!!! and if you hate the Stupid Karate Soap Opera so much for not being as deep or groundbreaking as you'd like it to be, perhaps it's just time to watch a different show.
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2demon2slayer · 1 year
What does the not-friend group think of Sabito?
giyuu obviously loves sabito a whole lot. they're the best of friends. he's very nervous about being sabito's sort-of-caretaker now that he's a demon and kind of needs to be hidden from people. but giyuu's also kind of dealing with sabito's turn into a demon worse than sabito himself and is banking his entire mental stability on turning sabito back into a human. he's a little bit codependent
kanae was initially cautious about sabito (as you would be upon meeting any demon, no matter how friendly they supposedly were), but basically the moment she realizes that sabito really is a Good Demon, she's all in on becoming best friends with him. something about his existence is just . it gives her so much hope. hope for what demons could be. (arguably, maybe too much hope. she ought to be more careful or i'll write her another tragic death, but on-screen this time)
shinobu doesn't really know how to feel about sabito. she's distrustful of him at the start, but she's rational enough to recognize that he really is harmless towards humans. so she's generally nice to him, but she still finds mr fox boy sort of off-putting
despite his brother's relative faith in sabito, kyoujurou still didn't really trust the demon for a while! after all, it's a demon's nature to want to hurt and kill and eat people! he doesn't say it because he loves his brother, but kyoujurou thinks senjurou's a bit stupid for trusting sabito. but all it takes is one mission together for kyoujurou to realize that sabito's not only a genuinely good dude, but he's also Very strong. kyoujurou ends up dragging him over to train together a handful of times and ultimately decides that sabito's also very fun to be around. they get on like a house on fire. (kyoujurou also maybe goes to his brother afterwards and is like "hey, i'm sorry i thought you were stupid" and senjurou, heartbroken, goes "you thought i was stupid????")
gyoumei was initially distrusting of sabito, but with his teacher's (genya's) approval of the guy, and eventual proof that sabito's not bad, he decides that he's fine with the kid. they don't interact much, but if ever gyoumei encounters a weird fox that feels a bit too much like a demon, he'll give it a little pet before moving on
look. see, here's the thing. sanemi kind of has this thing where he cannot let himself believe that any demon could do any good. because if he follows that train of thought, it'll lead him to the ultimate realization that he murdered his mother for no reason when she could've been saved and reasoned with. and sanemi can't have that particular breakdown, so he hates sabito on principle. because fuck demons, am i right?
obanai has never encountered a demon who wasn't terrible awful. and in his mind, he never will. because sabito is also terrible awful and obanai Does Not like or trust him. nothing more to say than that
tengen thinks the fox boy is kind of scrawny, but pretty flashy! he definitely approves, even if he's not usually a fan of demons. honestly they don't really interact much.
and sabito interacts with kaigaku even less. kaigaku's kind of on the fence about sabito. he's heard good things from both zenitsu and tengen, but also sabito is a whole ass demon. kaigaku sometimes finds himself almost envious of sabito. all the power of a demon without any of the hunger. the guy's not even an actual demon slayer and yet he's allowed to follow around the goddamn sun hashira on missions. if kaigaku was a demon- ah, well. he's not, so it doesn't really matter
mitsuri thinks sabito's kind of really cool! he's a demon, which made him kinda scary at first, but then he turned out to be a good demon which is crazy but also super cool! he's a genuinely kind guy and really strong, too! mitsuri properly met him when he started hanging out with kyoujurou, and so the three of them tend to hang out all together! also, very important tidbit: his fox form is so fucking fluffy!!!!!!!!!
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stormblessed95 · 7 months
Hi how are you fine I hope,...umm do you have a list of Manga or Anime that I could read or watch? If you have a list to start off with on your blog I would greatly appreciate. I used to read manga all the time but life happened so if you don't mind thank you...Happy Holidays.
I'm still new and haven't seen so much! Here is what I'll do, I'll give you a list of what I've seen and what I thought about it though!! It'll go like this:
Media Title (version I've seen it in, anime or manga, etc): my thoughts
and then you can take them as recs or not lol
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (anime): SO GOOD. It was the second anime I watched ever and it's what really got me hooked. Lol it's just pure good solid story telling and is just truly amazing in every way. I love it so much
Ouran High School Host Club (anime): it was fine. Lol good moments, funny moments, cute moments. Lots of weird ass tropes that I didn't love lol. Good palate cleanser but not my favorite and not one I continued to really spend time thinking about after
Demon Slayer (anime & manga): a new obsession after I watched it. I had to then go read it because I was obsessed with the story and couldn't wait. The most beautiful animation too. Tragic and hopeful and amazing. Made me cry a few times and does flashback so well lol
Yuri on Ice (anime): so good. So cute. So gay. I have posts on this anime on here from when I was watching it. Lmao I'll just link that here. I'm still obsessed.
Spy x Family (anime & manga): I actually read the manga first and then found the anime and it's just so wholesomely wonderful in every aspect. I love the story so much. I love the romance. The slowburn is so slow is painfully good. I ship it SO HARD. The domestic family life of a Spy, assassin and telepath is everything I didn't know I needed
Buddy Daddys (anime): 2 dude (they make a good ship too honestly lol) assassins accidental baby acquisition. It's as funny as it sounds with some surprisingly dark and sad and emotional backstories and moments. Just a really great time. Short and quick watch too. Link to my rec post too
The Yakuzas Guide to Babysitting (anime): it was okay. Lol cute and fun but nothing that stuck with me. Found this one off my Spy Family and Buddy Daddy's high while looking for something similar lol
The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague (anime): cute and fun but man some of the episodes dragged and were a little slow. The romance was just okay too but had some really adorable moments
Sasaki to Miyano (anime): SO CUTE. God the whole premise is the BL romance and the slow burn is soooo slow but istg. The tropes are so good too. The importance to consent is beautiful. Literal BL tropes all over the place as the MCs is a BL fan and introduced his LI to BL lol my rec post here. And my post over a clip of the new movie too.
A Silent Voice (anime movie): excellent movie. Sad as fuck. I cried so much. Lol all the trigger warnings though. Please read the trigger warnings
Your Name (anime movie): excellent movie. I still think about it all the time. I just read a book that pulled inspo from this movie. I had tears STREAMING DOWN MY FACE at the end.
Sk8 the Infinity (anime): so good. So wholesome. So gay (it's canon gay, fight with the wall, I don't care lol) just a little show about skateboarding. Who knew it would be SO GOOD. My rec post. My matchablossom brain rot post
Naurto, Naruto Shippuden (anime): OBSESSED. I watched this show with my partner as part of his "I'm introducing you to anime" series he has for me. Lol and clearly he was going to introduce me to the classics. Yes One Piece and Bleach are on his lists for us to watch together too.
Haikyuu!! (anime & manga): Look, with this being the 3rd sports anime I watched, I'm convinced all sports animes create so many ships low-key on purpose. Lmfao in all honesty though, it's so good. Never in my life would I have imagined getting so invested into volleyball. But here I am.
Jujutsu Kaisen (anime and I'm starting the manga now too): IM SO OBSESSED ITS NO LONGER FUNNY AND THIS SHOW IS SO MEAN LATELY. I had to go buy the manga because I CANNOT HANDLE WAITING FOR NEW EPISODES OH MY GOD. WISH ME LUCK READING I GUESS My post
Bungo Stray Dogs (anime): I started this show for Dazai. Found him on TikTok. Stayed for the weird ass powers and the absolute utter nonsense that is this whole world. Nothing makes sense and we are all just here for the vibes. Yes I fucking love it, thanks lmfao My post
Link Click (donghua): started this on a whim because I got a random rec video on my algorithm and found it on Crunchyroll and I was told it was gay. There is so little gayness in the grand scheme of this show I felt so unprepared for what it was. Lmao I have never in my life had a show hit me so hard in my emotions off the bat EVERY SINGLE TIME. BUT ITS SO GOOD?? I told my husband I start each episode going "so how are you making me cry this time link clink??" The twists twist so hard it hurts, but in a way I love. I need the next season like now. my God.
Blue Eye Samurai (anime sort of): my NEWEST obsession. I NEED SEASON 2 PLEASE. I said sort of about anime because it is animated and it's set in Japan, but it's not from Japan so it's not really an anime.... Lol but it's on Netflix. It's not for children. And it's so good. Go watch it. Only 8 episodes. The story is immaculate. My post
Inuyasha (manga): read the manga and thoroughly enjoyed myself as a super fast and fun read!! Really just there a good time lmao
Yona of the Dawn (manga): SO CUTE and yet intense too. My sister put me on this one as one of the first manga series I started reading and I just ate it all up. If we ignore some of the weirder tropes it throws at you in the beginning, it's just fabulous lol I love it
Mo Dao Zu Shi (donghua): read the books, watched the donghua, watched the live action too lol. The brain rot is SO REAL. Like these characters live rent free forever. Thanks. You can find tons of posts for MDZS and TGCF(heaven Official's blessing) in my master list on my other blog @moonofthesurvivor
Heaven Official's Blessing (donghua): SAME AS MDZS THATS ALL LMAO
No. 6 (anime): loved it, sci-fi dystopian madness and so gay. My rec post here
Given (anime): so gay.... So sad.... So healing... That kiss though! That backstory! The songs are actually so good! I love that it's just a band full of gay people. My post here too
Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess (anime): politics meets isekai (done well) meets lesbian romance, meets magical epic battles and showdowns, meets badass ladies saving the world. Literally everything you could want
Hunter x Hunter (anime): I am watching this one now and have been for a little bit. This is the current one I'm watching with my partner in his list of animes he wants to introduce me too. I'm having SO MUCH FUN with this one but I also am hurting a little. Lol yes he warned me about the ants. Yes I'm not having fun with this arc. Thanks for asking. I can report back when we finish 😂
And for those who will want to know yes, I've got lots on my list to still watch and work through. Lol I'm always open to taking more suggestions though too!!
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eartheats · 2 months
[video: taken 05/17/2024]
[The video starts pretty normally; it seems like Ren's in the Dalizapa passage, with Lulu, Linux, and a tall blonde haired man in what can only be described as "clothing that should have been retired years ago". torn shirt with holes in it, jeans that seem to be more bobbypins than fabric, and his long mess of blonde hair seems to cover his eyes a little bit. he also has a scarf that a few little pokemon can be seen poking their heads out of; a family of Maushold, it seems.
"Yoooo, Renny, thanks again for volunteering to help Gran out." The young man seems to laugh easily as he walks with a casual style, the Maushold making little noises as he does. "Really appreciate it. You said this stuff with the tinks should be sorted out real soon, yeah?"
Ren turns around with a grin, as the camera catches a brief glimpse of Lulu and Linux fighting off some Tinkatuff--ones that ran at them first, of course. "Don't mention it, Kev! Figure it's the least I can do since the both'a ya have been helpin' me out. We still on for tonight?"
"Duuude, fuck yeah!" Kevin laughs brightly as they walk, seeming to take a path towards Medali. "Need for Speed and alcohol, and neither of us have to drive? Sounds like a damn good time to me!"
Ren can't help but laugh at that a bit. "For sure. At least with this one the tickets we're gonna get are purely metaphorical!"
"Renny, if we aren't racking up huge fines by the end, what's the point?"
"Sooooo true, bestie!" The both of them laugh easily, though if one is eagle eyed enough, they can see Kevin look to the distance before Ren gets the chance to and reach out to grab their shoulder, stopping them cold as they startle a bit. "Kev, what's going--?"
"Dude. Hot and crazy spotted. We, uh, might wanna--"
Ren winds up looking back before Kevin gets a chance to try and do something--hide them, take another path, do something--but the camera turns along with Ren, and everyone will get to see who Kevin's talking about.
The camera focuses on a woman. A woman that might be a little familiar to those who remember the time that Ren's younger self took over their Rotomblr account for a while, but something about her is different. Maybe it's the fact that there's a lot more black in her wardrobe; a short leather jacket in black with rinestones that glimmer, with a cute pink dress underneath. It contrasts with the black boots she has on, ones that seem to raise her already rather sizable height (about 6'0'') to intimidating levels. She commands her Pokemon easily, a Mawile and a Shiny Ribombee taking on a Tinkaton and a few Tinkatuffs with ease as they come back to their trainer.
"Ohhhhh my goooosh! Look at you two! You guys slaughtered the fuck outta 'em! Good. It'll teach those nasty fucks to try stepping near our turf again, huh?"
Everything in the woman's voice drips venom, and there's a brief--hilariously brief second that turns back to Ren and Kevin, both looking like they're about to make a break for it--but it's the shiny Ribombee, sweet and innocent as ever, that seems to trill a bit in recognition before flying off. A joyful one to it and it alone, it seems, as the camera focuses back on the woman as she turns around to see where her partner is flying--
"Dearheart, baby, where you goin'? You see another one--?"
And then the woman catches sight of where Dearheart seems to be flying, and in an instant, her eyes seem to widen. Lulu seems to startle for a moment, but Linux is very quick to place themself between the Ribombee and everyone else, causing the Ribombee to startle. The camera focuses on the woman, who's gaze is full of utter shock, but one that slowly gives way to something else as she speaks up. Her expression tightens, her eyes widen further, and...
She looks more like a feral Pokemon when she speaks up, her tone booming and frankly furious.
"What the FUCK are you doing here, you backstabbing bitch?!"
The recording cuts off here.]
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