#what are the benefits of aerobic exercise
penpoise · 10 months
The Chief Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise
Anaerobic exercise, also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), is any type of exercise that is done at or above 85% of your maximum heart rate for short periods of time. This type of exercise is beneficial for a number of reasons, but the chief benefit is its ability to build muscle.Anaerobic exercise is any type of exercise that is performed without oxygen. This means that the body…
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art-of-manliness · 6 months
5BX: The Cold War Military Workout for Getting Fit in 11 Minutes a Day
In last month’s AoM podcast episode with Dr. Martin Gibala about high-intensity interval training, he mentioned a high-intensity workout program that was developed by the Royal Canadian Air Force during the late 1950s, took only eleven minutes to perform, and became hugely popular with the civilian population. Duly intrigued, we decided to dig up the program to see what it involved. The 5BX plan (Five Basic Exercises) was born out of a particular need: a third of the RCAF’s pilots were deemed unfit to fly and needed a workout program that 1) could be done without any specialized equipment, as the pilots were often stationed at remote bases without access to standard gyms, and 2) could fit into airmen’s busy schedules. While high-intensity training hadn’t yet won mainstream acceptance, the pioneering research of Dr. Bill Orban had showed that by increasing the intensity of exercise, people could get the same fitness-improving benefits in much less time. Orban used this insight to develop 5BX, which involved doing five exercises — four of which targeted flexibility and strength and one that worked aerobic capacity — in just eleven minutes. The Canadian military encouraged not only its pilots to perform it, but their children as well. Orban also developed a plan for women called XBX, which involved doing ten exercises in 12 minutes. In the 1960s, the programs were published together as the Royal Canadian Air Force Exercise Plans and distributed outside the military. The booklet became popular with civilians not only in Canada but around the world; it was translated into thirteen languages, sold 23 million copies, and is credited with helping to launch our modern fitness culture.  If you’d like to try it out, we’ve reformatted and republished the 5BX plan below. It features six “charts,” each of which includes the program’s five main exercises: * Stretching * Sit-up * Back extension * Push-up * Running in place, interspersed with various jumps (can be substituted for an actual run or walk) Each chart offers progressively more difficult variations of the five exercises, and you work your way from one level of performance on a particular chart to the next, and then from one chart to the next. Charts 5 and 6 get into some elite-level athletics — good luck with those toe-touching jack jumps, friends. For a visual demonstration of some of the exercises, watch this 1959 Royal Canadian Air Force training video. --- The Five Basic Exercises (5BX) Plan presented in this booklet is designed to show you how to develop and hold a high level of physical fitness, regardless of where you may be located. The scheme is not dependent on elaborate facilities or equipment. The exercises require only eleven minutes a day and can be done in your bedroom or beside your bed in your barracks. The diversity of work assignments, combined with lack of adequate gymnasium facilities at many of your stations makes it difficult to schedule formal physical training periods for all our personnel. The 5BX Plan puts physical fitness training within reach of every member of the RCAF. It is your duty and responsibility as a member of the RCAF to maintain a high level of physical fitness and be ready for any emergency which may require the extended use of your physical resources. Positive physical well-being is also closely allied with mental and emotional fitness, all of which are essential in the discharge of normal daily tasks. Warming Up The 5BX Plan was designed so that no additional warmup is necessary in order to receive its maximum benefits. The older one is, the more necessary proper warming up becomes to avoid “strained” muscles. The 5BX Plan has a built-in method of warmup. This is achieved in two ways: * by the arrangement of the exercises; and * by the manner in which these exercises are performed. For example, the first exercise is a stretching and loosening exercise which limbers up the large muscles of the body. In addition, this exercise should be started very… http://dlvr.it/T4JMgd
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fitnessnirvana · 2 months
There are a ton of simple fat-burning exercises available, especially for beginners. Whatever your fitness objectives, it is critical that you follow through on them and maintain consistency; otherwise, it is unlikely that you will see any noticeable changes.
If you’re looking for a simple gym routine that works and is easy to follow, why not consider the following workouts:
Equipment: no equipment required
One of the best exercises you can do is a burpee. They don't require any special tools or training, but if you work hard enough, you will begin to notice the benefits. We advise warming up with some stretches and aerobics for a few minutes before you begin.
Equipment: no equipment required
Mountain climbers train your balance, agility, and coordination while working a variety of muscle areas simultaneously. They will support the maintenance of your leg, core, back, and arm gains. Due to their intensity, they will undoubtedly raise your heart rate and burn a significant amount of calories.
Equipment: a dumbbell, kettlebell or weights plate
Squat exercises that use dumbbells are especially powerful. In general, squats are a great way to tone your lower body and target a variety of muscle groups, such as your hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps. They are easily adaptable to suit all abilities and yield amazing results for your general fitness as well. A weight is held against the chest in this variation of the exercise to add resistance to the movement.
Equipment: a kettlebell
Swinging a kettlebell is an excellent calorie-burning exercise. With this exercise, you might actually burn up to 400 calories in 20 minutes. Your aerobic capacity ought to benefit greatly from this intensity. Not to mention, kettlebell swings exercise practically every muscle in the body, including the shoulders, back, legs, and core.
Repeat this 2 to 5 times.
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healthy444 · 4 months
What are the benefits of HIIT (High-intensity Interval Training)?
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High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is like a fitness hack for busy people. Here are some of the key benefits:
Time-Efficient: One of the biggest perks is that it saves time. You can get an intense, effective workout in just 20-30 minutes, which is perfect for those with jam-packed schedules.
Burns More Calories: HIIT keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time compared to steady-state cardio. Plus, you’ll continue to burn calories even after you’re done, thanks to the afterburn effect (EPOC).
Improves Cardiovascular Health: It’s great for your heart. Regular HIIT sessions can boost your cardiovascular health, making your heart and lungs stronger and more efficient.
Increases Metabolic Rate: Your metabolism gets a serious boost, which can help with weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight. This higher metabolism can last for hours after your workout.
Builds Muscle: HIIT isn’t just about burning fat; it also helps build and maintain muscle mass. This is because the intense bursts of activity often involve bodyweight exercises or weights that challenge your muscles.
No Equipment Needed: Many HIIT workouts can be done without any equipment, using just your body weight. This makes it easy to do at home, in a park, or wherever you have a little space.
Boosts Endurance: Even though HIIT workouts are short, they’re tough. This toughness helps improve your endurance over time, making you stronger and more resilient.
Improves Mental Health: The intensity of HIIT can release a ton of endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones. It’s a great stress buster and can significantly boost your mood and mental clarity.
Adaptable for All Levels: Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, HIIT can be adjusted to fit your fitness level. You can start slow and gradually increase the intensity as you get fitter.
Enhances Insulin Sensitivity: HIIT can improve your body’s insulin sensitivity, which helps your muscles use glucose more effectively. This can be particularly beneficial for managing or preventing type 2 diabetes.
Improves Oxygen Consumption: Regular HIIT sessions can enhance your body’s ability to consume and utilize oxygen, improving your overall aerobic capacity without the need for long, tedious cardio sessions.
Supports Brain Health: HIIT can boost brain function, improving cognitive abilities and memory. The intense exercise increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, stimulating the growth of new brain cells.
Reduces Blood Pressure: For those dealing with high blood pressure, HIIT can be more effective than moderate-intensity continuous exercise in reducing blood pressure levels.
Increases Fat Loss: HIIT specifically targets abdominal and visceral fat more effectively than other types of exercise, helping you achieve a leaner physique.
Enhances Flexibility and Balance: Many HIIT routines incorporate movements that enhance flexibility, coordination, and balance, which can reduce the risk of injuries.
Boosts Immune System: Regular intense exercise can strengthen your immune system, making you less susceptible to illnesses.
Improves Skin Health: The increased blood flow and sweating from HIIT can promote healthier, clearer skin by helping to flush out toxins.
Promotes Better Sleep: HIIT can help improve sleep quality. The physical exertion can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Increases Longevity: Regular HIIT workouts are linked to longer life expectancy due to the comprehensive health benefits they provide, from improved heart health to better metabolic function.
Cost-Effective: Since you don’t need a gym membership or expensive equipment, HIIT is a very cost-effective way to stay in shape.
Social and Fun: HIIT can be done in groups, making it a social activity. The variety of exercises also keeps it engaging and fun, reducing the likelihood of workout boredom.
HIIT offers a well-rounded approach to fitness, addressing various aspects of health and wellness efficiently and effectively.
In short, HIIT is an incredibly efficient way to get fit and stay healthy, especially if you're short on time. Plus, the variety and intensity can make workouts more interesting and fun!
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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National Walking Day
National Walking Day is every year on the first Wednesday in April and takes place on April 3 this year. National Walking Day is exactly as it sounds — a day to celebrate the easiest way to be the healthiest version of you. Walking for thirty to sixty minutes per day may sound like it isn’t much, but studies have shown that it can drastically improve your health and even help prevent ailments such as type II diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
When is National Walking Day 2024?
Reap the benefits of walking and make it a part of your lifestyle on National Walking Day on April 3.
History of National Walking Day
Walking has always been a part of being human. Many archaeologists have found that even when humans were nomadic tribes, we would often walk great distances to stalk our prey (think Wooly Mammoths) and wait for them to sleep before pouncing. Walking is, essentially, what humans are physically we best at. We’re the slowest runners, the worst swimmers, and we can’t even fly without a big jet engine. Walking is the humans bread and butter.
Maybe that’s why during the Victorian era there was a little fad called pedestrianism, where walking became one of the major spectator sports in America and Europe until baseball usurped it. But individuals would wager massive bets over whether walkers could make it marathon distances and under what time. There’s a reason why racewalking is an Olympic sport, after all.
Whether it’s John Muir’s spiritual journeys through the woods; pilgrimages to Mecca; or just a casual stroll through your local park, walking has always held a close, dear place in the hearts of humans. It’s no wonder that there are so many health benefits associated with it and also why National Move More Month and National Walking Day were created promote this fantastic and surprisingly easy pastime.
National Walking Day timeline
1.5 Million Years Ago
Fossilized Footprints Tell a Story
According to fossilized footprints, it's likely that humans were walking similar to how we do today about 1.5 million years ago.
Bet on Pedestrianism
Pedestrianism enters the modern lexicon as a popular sport for betting who can walk the longest, fastest, and still keep the proper gait. 
On Your Mark, Get Set, Walk!
Racewalking is introduced as an Olympic sport following pedestrianism's popularity where a "fair heel and toe rule" is established.
Manpo-Kei Becomes Okay
Y. Hatano creates a pedometer based on the concept of 10,000 steps a day (what manpo-kei roughly translates to).
National Walking Day Traditions
Go for a walk! Well that one’s pretty easy. Take thirty minutes to an hour to get the blood pumping and the legs moving!
Do a racewalk Why not! They’re a great form of aerobic exercise and you can impress your friends with your new, faster walking technique.
Join a walking club They’re a great way to get out, get the work done, and also meet fun people at the same time.
National Walking Day Statistics
3.1 miles per hour — the average walking speed of a human.
500 miles — the walking duration a pair of tennis shoes lasts for. 
50% — the percentage of Americans who exercise regularly. 
6,000 — the number of steps a day that improves overall health. 
65,000 miles — the distance a person walks in their lifetime. 
10 miles — the distance it would take to walk every week to end 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions every year. 
20 minutes — the number of extra minutes of walking it would take to burn seven pounds of body fat per year. 
2,000 steps — the number of steps that equal one mile. 
60% — the percentage boost human creativity gets from walking. 
15 minutes — the time it takes to curb sugar cravings by walking. 
National Walking Day FAQs
Is there a National Walk Day?
National Walking Day is on April 6 every year.
Why do we celebrate World Walking Day?
World Walking Day is a fun way to be active and promote walking as exercise. 
What is Warrington Walking Day?
The Warrington Walking Day Fair is an annual event for young people. Processions take place throughout the town and in parks. 
National Walking Day Activities
Walking: Well, this is a no-brainer. Walking is, obviously, the most popular activity on National Walking Day. Just make sure you put one foot in front of the other. 
Racewalking: Get out there and get competitive. Racewalking is great aerobic exercise and can help you zoom around your town at lightning speeds. 
Light jogging: Or, if you prefer, take a light jog instead. Sometimes walking is just too slow for your speedsters and this next step up is nice and relaxed, but efficient. 
5 Facts About Walking That Will Make You Walk Right Away!
It is popular: Walking is the most popular form of exercise in the U.S.
Walking does wonders for our mood: Walking increases blood flow to the brain and improves our mood.
It is a lifespan indicator: Walking speed tells us how long a person will live.
Walking prevents diseases: Walking can help reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer.
Hippocrates said it right: He said, “Walking is man’s best medicine.”
Why We Love National Walking Day
It gets us outside: Getting outside is an important element to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Walking is a great way to get out doors! 
It improves our health: Walking 10,000 steps per day is an effective way to improve your own health. 
It's easy to do: No weights necessary. No running. No special skills or talents. Just get out there and walk!
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neuroscience-corner · 2 years
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We have all heard about the benefits of exercise for literally every part of our body at least once. But what about the brain? Dementia is a concern for many, and brain training and reducing the risk of dementia is a very active field of research. However, the role of brain training remains controversial, but what we know for sure is that physical exercise can help your brain maintain its health for longer, and there is some scientific evidence to back it up.
What are some benefits of exercise for the brain?
There are many, but amongst the main ones are decreased stress and “brain fog”, decreased social anxiety, improved emotional processing, increased focus, attention and memory, and potential prevention of ageing and dementia!
How can exercise actually benefit the brain?
Firstly, by promoting cardiovascular health. Regular exercise was also shown to improve the blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Steady blood flow helps to deliver vitamins, glucose, amino acids and other nutrients that are essential for the mental sharpness of your brain. It also helps get rid of waste materials such as carbon dioxide faster. Any aerobic activity that increases your heart rate will do! Other ways to benefit the brain health is to reduce inflammation and lower cortisol (stress-hormone) levels. Meditation and yoga were shown to help with that.
It could be that exercise may provide physical benefits to your brain itself, too, through improving neuroplasticity (or the ability for the brain to adapt to changes), increase the thickness of the cerebral cortex and improve the integrity of white matter.
What about the evidence?
In a study done in 2019 older adults underwent yearly medical check ups and cognitive tests for 20 years, and they agreed to donate their brains for research when they die. They were also given equipment to track their activity, like accelerometers. Those who moved more throughout their day scored better on memory and thinking tests. The researchers also reported that increased physical activity was associated with a 31% lower risk of dementia (remember to be critical - this is a correlation but not yet a causation). 
A study on greek participants with amnestic MCI* showed that those who were randomly allocated to engage in 1 hour of ballroom dancing twice a week for 10 months improved in multiple areas of brain function, their mood and behaviour. 
In another study on MCI patients researchers offered participants to engage in aerobic exercise (three times a week for 45 minutes per session), eat a heart-healthy Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, combine exercise and diet or receive health education. Over a six-month study, it was seen that those who followed the DASH diet alone didn’t improve on assessments of executive function (which is responsible for tasks like planning, problem-solving and multitasking), while the health-education group’s brain function worsened. Those who exercised, on the other hand, showed improvements in thinking and memory, and those who combined exercise and the DASH diet improved even more, the researchers reported.
When it comes to how much exercise you actually need, scientists recommend to aim for 15 minutes of 3 days per week of vigorous aerobic activity or 30 minutes of mild one 5 days per week.
Some research shows that even a little bit of extra activity you can get can be beneficial. In one recent study researchers concluded that each hour of light-intensity physical activity and achieving 7,500 steps or more daily was associated with higher total brain volume, even in people who didn’t meet the activity guidelines. Researchers claimed it was “equivalent to approximately 1.4 to 2.2 years less brain aging.”
*MCI stands for mild cognitive impairment which is considered to be a pre-dementia state, where cognitive decline is noticeable but doesn’t interfere as much with day-to-day life. Amnestic means referring to memory. I actually wrote an extended essay on this so I am thinking of introducing this concept in the later posts!
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ivfbabyscience · 8 months
What Is The IVF Treatment Procedure?
If getting pregnant is taking longer than you anticipated, you might start considering your way of life. If you look up the topic on the internet, in books, or in magazines, you’ll find a never-ending list of dos and don’ts that seem to have an impact on conception. Many of these pearls of wisdom do contain good advice, but some only serve to further confuse you.
Exercise is one of the most hotly contested topics in relation to the potential for conception. Even though you might feel incredibly vulnerable right now, we can assure you that exercise won’t hurt you. The right kind and amount of exercise could actually improve your chances of getting pregnant by enhancing your fertility.
You benefit greatly from staying active while trying to get pregnant. For a healthy cardiovascular system, regular aerobic exercise—those exercises that raise your heart rate and get your blood pumping—is crucial. Who isn’t under a little stress while trying to conceive? Working out increases endorphin production, which helps to reduce stress.
There are a few restrictions even though exercise is generally advised for women both before and during pregnancy. Consult your doctor if there is a reason you shouldn’t exercise, not even low-impact exercise. Always share with your doctor your preferred types of exercises, frequency of workouts, and level of intensity.
When you’re TTC, moderate forms of exercise for five hours or less per week are typically advised for healthy women of all body types. Try lowering the intensity if you typically push yourself hard and long during your workouts. Replace your strenuous exercise with one of the following suggestions:
It is a safe exercise for every person. It’s great for your heart, builds endurance, is low-impact, and works wonders to relieve stress.
You can bust a move and increase blood flow by dancing. Additionally, dancing provides a respectable calorie burn.
A great way to exercise is to ride a bike for 30 minutes a few times per week. If you’re sharing the road, just make sure you’re safe; use a helmet, and keep an eye out for reckless drivers.
Yoga is a fantastic way to loosen up (great for giving birth!) and unwind. Yoga can undoubtedly help you manage the stress of infertility. A yoga body is strong and svelte. Don’t push your body too hard when exercising, whether you do yoga at home or in a studio. Bikram (hot yoga) may also not be recommended. Consult a medical professional.
A beneficial method for maintaining your health and enhancing your fertility is Pilates. Pilates is calming while still being challenging.
One of the best forms of exercise for women who are TTC is swimming. Without overtaxing your joints, you can still get a good cardio workout. When you swim for exercise, you can choose your own pace and increase it. For those who are just beginning a fitness regimen, this is a great option.
Always pay attention to your body, and drink plenty of water. Never put yourself at risk for a fall or injury, and be careful if you don’t regularly exercise because you could become pregnant at any time.
Regular runners might need to put their training on hold for a little while. The best course of action is to put off any marathon training for the time being because long-distance, intense running can occasionally interfere with ovulation.
At BabyScience IVF Clinics, we provide a complete list of exercises to do and not to do to couples having fertility treatments with us. Get in touch with our doctors if you have any queries on exercises for fertility.
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Take a Hike! A Hiking Checklist to Help You Get on Track
Exercise is one of the best things that you can do for your health. Not only will it improve your fitness but it’ll also reduce your risk of various diseases.
As a general rule, you want to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per day. For example, you can go for a jog or a swim a few times every week.
Hiking is another option. If anything, it’s a great way to build up your endurance.
Thinking of getting into it? Looking for a hiking checklist? If so, you’re on the right page. Keep reading to learn more!
Benefits of Hiking
Hiking is a great cardio workout. It doesn’t matter what trail you go on either; the benefits will be the same.
For one thing, it can help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In doing so, you’ll be at a lower risk of heart disease.
In addition to that, hiking also contributes to healthy muscles, bones, and joints. In other words, you won’t be as likely to develop arthritis.
Preparing For Your Hike
Start off by researching the trail. Find out the length, elevation, and difficulty rating. The last thing that you want is to underestimate the area!
It’s also a good idea to read up on local regulations. For example, some areas might require a park pass or a permit.
And while you’re at it, make sure to check the trail conditions. There’s nothing worse than being stopped by snow when you’re halfway up a mountain. Not only will that make the hike more difficult, but it can increase your risk of getting lost.
Finally, you want to dress for the conditions. As a general rule, you want to opt for moisture-wicking clothes (e.g. those made of polyester or nylon).
That way, even if you get wet, your clothes will dry quickly. And here’s another tip—dress in layers. That will allow you to add or remove clothing if the temperature changes.
Don’t forget about your feet as well. After all, you’ll be relying on them for the hike! Make sure to wear trail runners or hiking boots that provide proper grip.
A Hiking Checklist: 9 Things That You Should Bring With You
There are a few essential items that you should bring with you to every hike. Here’s what you need to know.
1. Navigation Tools
It’s easy to get lost when you’re out in the wilderness. Given that, it’s crucial that you bring proper navigation tools with you such as a map and compass.
If you want, you can even bring a GPS device. Not only will it tell you where you are, but it’ll also keep track of things like average speed and elevation change.
2. Sun Protection
Sun protection is important when you’re spending time outdoors. It doesn’t matter if it’s cloudy, you’ll still need it.
Aside from sunscreen, you also want to bring SPF lip balm, sunglasses, and a large-brimmed hat. Protective clothing should also be considered, especially for long hikes.
3. Illumination
Bring a flashlight or headlamp with you to the trails. After all, you never know what might happen; one wrong turn and you can easily get lost in the dark.
Tip: You can always use your phone as a flashlight but keep in mind that it can drain your battery quickly.
4. Hydration
It’s important to stay hydrated when you’re hiking. Given that, you want to make sure to bring enough water with you.
As a general guideline, you want to bring one gallon per person (for 24 hours). Make sure that it’s easily accessible via a water bottle.
5. Snacks
Pack some dry foods and snacks. For example, you can bring dried fruits, jerky, and nuts. Or if you want something more filling, you can make sandwiches or even tortillas.
That way, you’ll be able to sustain your energy for a full day of activity.
6. Emergency Shelter
It’s highly recommended that you bring a small, lightweight emergency shelter with you if you’re going on a day hike. You might not need it but if you do, you’ll have it.
If anything, it can potentially save your life.
7. Daypack
A comfortable daypack is essential for carrying all of your gear. Make sure that it’s well-fitting and large enough so that you can pack everything in.
If you can, try to get something with convenient storage compartments.
8. First Aid Kit
You always want to bring a first aid kit when you’re traveling into the backcountry. After all, anything can happen and you want to be prepared.
Depending on your needs, you can either put one together yourself or buy a pre-packaged kit.
9. Fire Starters
Being able to start a fire could be the difference between life and death in an emergency. Not only will the fire keep you warm, but the smoke can help searchers find you.
Remember, things don’t burn well when they’re wet. So make sure to bring the proper fire starters with you.
Gathering Your Hiking Essentials
And there you have it—a hiking checklist for your weekend trip! If anything, it’s always better to be overprepared than underprepared.
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greenbeverages · 1 year
What is the best way to start losing belly fat?
Maintain a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn.
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.
Engage in regular aerobic exercise like walking, jogging, or cycling.
Include strength training exercises to build lean muscle and boost metabolism.
Get sufficient sleep and manage stress to reduce cortisol levels.
Avoid sugary beverages and limit processed foods.
Stay consistent with your routine for long-term results. Incorporate green tea into your routine for added benefits:
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Green tea contains catechins that may aid in fat loss and metabolism.
It can help increase thermogenesis, burning more calories.
Green tea is rich in antioxidants, promoting overall health.
Try Green Beverages for healthy green teas like Detox Kahwa Green Tea and Lemon Ginger Green Tea, which can support your belly fat loss journey. Start sipping today for a healthier you!
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Rise and Shine: Group Exercise vs. Group Training
Are you the kind of person who loves exercising with a group but needs clarification about whether you should go for group exercise or group training? Do you think group exercise and group training are the same? Whether you are new to group workouts or a seasoned gym-goer, knowing the difference between group exercise and group training is essential. This blog post will explain the differences and which is better for you.
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What Is The Difference Between Group Exercise And Group Training?
Group Exercise
Group exercise is a type of workout that involves large groups of individuals exercising together in a class. These classes are led by a certified instructor who demonstrates proper techniques and provides guidance throughout the class. The group fitness classes may range from 30 minutes to an hour and include various activities like dance aerobics, yoga, cycling, and Pilates.
Group exercise primarily focuses on improving endurance, cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility. Group exercise classes are great for those who want to enjoy the camaraderie of working out with others, get motivated by the instructor and music, and have fun while working out.
Group Training
Group training, on the other hand, is a more intense workout that emphasizes functional movement patterns and strength training. Group training involves working in small groups of usually two to six individuals, though this number can vary. The purpose is to sculpt, tone, and improve strength, agility, and endurance. The classes usually take 45 minutes to an hour and involve exercises like weightlifting, TRX training, and kettlebell workouts.
Group training is more personalized than group exercise, as a professional personal trainer leads it. Group training is perfect for those who want to experience a highly efficient workout, get personalized attention, and benefit from a program that yields results.
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Differences Between Group Exercise and Group Training
The main differences between group exercise and group training are the focus, individualization, expertise, and intensity. Group exercise classes are more about fun, community, and cardio. In contrast, group training is about working towards specific goals, pushing past plateaus, strength training, and circuit strength workouts.
Group training is more targeted and personalized, and the trainers monitor your progress and tweak the program to suit your goals. Group exercise usually focuses on the entire class, whereas group training explicitly targets an individual's needs.
Which Is Better For You?
The answer to this question depends on your goals, needs, and fitness level. If you are looking for a fantastic way to meet new friends, have fun, and get a great workout, then group exercise is perfect. Alternatively, if you have a specific goal in mind, like losing weight, toning your body or increasing your strength, then group training may be what you need.
Conclusion: Group Exercise vs. Group Training
In conclusion, the differences between group exercise and group training are significant, and you need to decide what is best for your fitness journey. Regardless of which one you choose, both have fantastic benefits.
Group exercise is great for building community, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness, while group training is perfect for strength, agility, and endurance. So, whether you decide on group exercise or group training, get out there, find a class that excites you, and get ready to transform your fitness routine!
Impulse Fitness And Wellness offers various group classes that you can attend to achieve your fitness goals. Visit our Coquitlam Gym today for more information.
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lunaheadblog · 1 year
Exercise and Cognitive Function: Enhancing Memory and Mental Acuity
In today's fast-paced world, where information overload and constant distractions are the norm, maintaining optimal cognitive function is essential. While many individuals focus on improving their physical fitness through exercise, the benefits of regular physical activity extend far beyond just the body. Research has consistently shown that exercise plays a vital role in enhancing memory, attention, and overall mental acuity. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating connection between exercise and cognitive function, shedding light on the mechanisms behind these effects and providing practical tips on incorporating exercise into your daily routine to optimize brain health.
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Understanding Cognitive Function
Before delving into the relationship between exercise and cognitive function, it's important to understand what cognitive function entails. Cognitive function refers to the mental processes and abilities that enable us to acquire, process, store, and retrieve information. These processes include attention, memory, language, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Maintaining optimal cognitive function is crucial for tasks ranging from academic or work-related performance to everyday activities such as remembering appointments, multitasking, and staying focused.
The Exercise-Cognition Connection
Over the past few decades, numerous studies have demonstrated a strong link between exercise and cognitive function. Regular physical activity has been shown to positively impact various aspects of cognitive function, including memory, attention, executive function, and information processing speed. The benefits of exercise on the brain are particularly relevant for older adults, as cognitive decline is a natural part of aging. However, the effects of exercise on cognitive function are evident across all age groups.
Mechanisms Behind the Exercise-Cognition Connection
The mechanisms underlying the positive effects of exercise on cognitive function are complex and multifaceted. Several key factors contribute to these benefits:
Increased blood flow and oxygen delivery: Exercise promotes cardiovascular health and enhances blood flow to the brain, improving the delivery of oxygen and essential nutrients. This increased blood flow stimulates the production of new blood vessels and supports the growth of brain cells, particularly in areas associated with learning and memory.
Neurotransmitter release: Exercise stimulates the release of various neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which are essential for brain function. These neurotransmitters play a crucial role in regulating mood, attention, and cognition.
Neurotrophic factors: Physical activity promotes the production of neurotrophic factors, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which act as growth factors for brain cells. BDNF supports the survival, growth, and differentiation of neurons, leading to the development of new neural connections and enhanced cognitive function.
Reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress: Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are known to negatively impact brain health and cognitive function. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, thereby protecting the brain from damage and promoting optimal cognitive performance.
Practical Tips for Incorporating Exercise into Your Routine
Now that we understand the powerful connection between exercise and cognitive function, let's explore some practical tips for incorporating exercise into your daily routine to enhance memory and mental acuity:
Choose activities you enjoy: Find physical activities that you genuinely enjoy, whether it's dancing, swimming, hiking, or playing a sport. When you engage in activities you find enjoyable, you are more likely to stick to your exercise routine in the long run.
Aim for a mix of aerobic and strength training exercises: Both aerobic exercises (e.g., brisk walking, cycling, jogging) and strength training exercises (e.g., weightlifting, resistance training) have been shown to have positive effects on cognitive function. Strive for a balanced routine that incorporates both types of exercises.
Make it a habit: Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the cognitive benefits of exercise. Set specific goals and establish a regular exercise routine. Start with small, achievable targets and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts over time.
Incorporate physical activity throughout the day: If your schedule doesn't allow for extended workout sessions, remember that even short bursts of physical activity can be beneficial. Take breaks from sitting, opt for the stairs instead of the elevator, or go for a brisk walk during your lunch break.
Combine exercise with cognitive challenges: Engage in activities that simultaneously challenge your body and mind. For example, try learning a new dance routine or practicing yoga, which involves concentration, balance, and coordination.
Prioritize sleep and recovery: Adequate sleep is crucial for consolidating memories and optimizing cognitive function. Ensure you get enough restorative sleep each night to reap the full benefits of exercise on brain health.
Exercise is not just about improving physical fitness and appearance; it is also a powerful tool for enhancing cognitive function and promoting optimal brain health. By engaging in regular physical activity, you can boost memory, attention, and mental acuity while reducing the risk of cognitive decline. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine, and you'll not only reap the immediate benefits of improved mood and increased energy but also enjoy long-term cognitive advantages that can positively impact various aspects of your life. 
Additionally, you can make your exercise sessions even more enjoyable with Lunahead. Lunahead is a fantastic mindfulness meditation app that provides you with plenty of soothing musical pieces. You may listen to these rejuvenating audios and improve your cognitive efficiency. 
So, let's lace up our shoes, get moving, and unlock the full potential of our brains through exercise!
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The Healing Power of Hydrotherapy: Enhancing Physical Wellness
If you've been searching for a natural way to enhance your health and wellbeing, hydrotherapy can help with aches, pains, and other common maladies. Warm water has been used for generations as a treatment for a wide range of physical and mental ailments. More importantly, how can it be of use to you?
The Physical Wellness Benefits of Hydrotherapy
Relieving Muscle Tension and Promoting Relaxation: Hydrotherapy pool, through the use of warm water immersion, can help relieve muscle tension and induce relaxation. The warmth of the water relaxes the muscles, increases blood flow, and improves oxygenation, leading to reduced muscle soreness and stiffness. Whether it's a relaxing soak in a hot tub or a soothing hydrotherapy session, the water's buoyancy and heat can work wonders for your physical well-being.
Boosting Circulation and Easing Pain:
Improved circulation is another significant benefit of hydrotherapy. The warm water causes blood vessels to dilate, enhancing blood flow throughout the body. This increased circulation helps deliver vital nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and organs, promoting healing and reducing pain. Hydrotherapy has been shown to alleviate chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and lower back pain.
Enhancing Joint Mobility and Flexibility:
Hydrotherapy offers a low-impact environment for exercise, making it an ideal option for individuals with joint conditions or limited mobility. The water's buoyancy reduces the effects of gravity on the body, allowing for easier movement and less strain on the joints. Hydrotherapy exercises, such as water aerobics or gentle stretches, can help improve joint mobility, flexibility, and range of motion.
Stress Reduction and Improved Sleep:
The soothing nature of hydrotherapy can have a profound impact on mental and emotional well-being. Immersing yourself in warm water stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones, which helps alleviate stress and promote relaxation. Regular hydrotherapy sessions can contribute to improved sleep quality, reduced anxiety, and an overall sense of well-being.
Accelerating Recovery from Injuries:
Hydrotherapy is widely recognized for its effectiveness in accelerating recovery from injuries. The combination of warm water, buoyancy, and hydrostatic pressure helps reduce swelling, improve blood circulation, and support the healing process. Whether you're recovering from a sports injury, surgery, or a sprain, hydrotherapy can aid in rehabilitation, helping you regain strength and mobility faster.
What advantages does hydrotherapy offer?
The warm pool water promotes better blood flow to the muscles, which in turn helps them relax and reduce pain and stiffness.
The water's pressure may have anti-inflammatory effects.
Due to the water resistance, the workout helps enhance strength and muscle mass.
Because endorphins are released, it can help with mental health.
Hydrotherapy offers a multitude of benefits for physical wellness, ranging from muscle relaxation and pain relief to improved circulation and joint mobility. Whether you choose to unwind in a hot tub, participate in water aerobics, or explore other hydrotherapy techniques, incorporating this practice into your routine can positively impact your overall physical well-being. Stay tuned for our next blog, where we will delve deeper into the specific hydrotherapy techniques and exercises you can try to reap these incredible benefits.
Disclaimer: It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new wellness regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are pregnant.
For more information about our Hydrotherapy Pool and the Benefits of Hydrotherapy, please contact Greenfield Physiotherapy. What are you waiting for? Call us now at 02 9610 1497 to discuss our hydrotherapy treatment plan.
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danielstock · 2 years
What are the additional benefits of weight loss?
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1. Slimming down
The first benefit of losing weight is obvious - slimming down. By doing so you'll look slimmer and feel great about yourself. You'll probably lose some weight even if you don't want to; you should try to maintain your current weight as much as possible. If you do start dropping pounds though, you might find that you have more motivation to keep going.
2. Better lifestyle
You may well find that you're happier as your body changes shape. You'll need to work out how to achieve this though, and that's where the second benefit comes in. Losing weight lets you take more control over your daily routine, both physically and mentally. For example, you might find it easier to get dressed in the morning. Your clothes might fit better, meaning you won't spend any time trying to squeeze into ill-fitting ones. Similarly, you may find that you become less tired as your energy levels rise: you could get more done at home or work without feeling exhausted. And finally, you may notice that you have more energy to spare after a workout or go running around outside.
3. Healthier heart
If you're overweight, then you're putting extra pressure on your heart. In turn, this means that it has to pump harder and faster to circulate blood throughout your body. If your heart doesn't get enough rest between beats (and we all know how busy our hearts get), it can suffer damage. Overweight people are twice as likely to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes than those who aren't obese. Those conditions can lead to serious problems such as strokes and coronary heart disease. So not only does being thin help you look good, it's also keeping you healthier.
4. More effective workouts
When you've lost weight, you'll find it's easier to run, lift weights or use exercise equipment properly. When you're heavier, you tend to hold back or struggle with movements that require balance or strength. As a result, you might end up having less fun while exercising. Exercise becomes a chore rather than a challenge. That said, you shouldn't expect to be able to tackle everything immediately – you'll still have to build up muscle mass and stamina before tackling more difficult exercises. But once you reach this point, you'll soon discover that you're stronger and fitter than you ever thought possible.
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5. Improved self-esteem
Being thinner boosts your confidence. Studies show that women with higher body image scores are more successful in their careers. Having a positive body image gives you the courage to wear what you want and the confidence to pursue opportunities that others would pass over. Being thinner helps you feel more comfortable in your own skin, which makes you feel better about yourself.
6. Reduced risk of certain cancers
There's evidence to suggest that obesity increases the risk of several types of cancer including colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer. A study published in 2016 showed that men with a BMI of 35 or above had a 27% increased chance of developing liver cancer compared to men who were normal weight. The link between obesity and cancer isn't clear cut, however. There's no proof that being thin directly reduces your chances of getting cancer, but there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of certain illnesses. These include eating a balanced diet and avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol excessively.
 7. Lower risk of dementia
Research shows that increasing your activity level may protect your brain from degeneration. People who regularly play sports are less likely to develop Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Not only that, but studies have shown that aerobic activities boost mental performance. Exercise is known to increase oxygen supply to the brain, which stimulates the production of neurotransmitters. This helps prevent memory loss and dementia.
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fitnessnirvana · 1 month
LISS VS. HIIT WORKOUTS ( Differences )
Whether you want to lose weight, increase your stamina, or improve your general health, incorporating cardio workouts into your weekly fitness routines is a wonderful place to start when trying to gain fitness and exercise more. However, not all cardio workouts are the same; most can be classified as LISS or HIIT. Which one you choose will depend on your goals, fitness level, preferences, and lifestyle, but is one superior to the other?
What is a LISS Workout?
LISS stands for low-intensity steady-state cardio. LISS workouts are lengthier, consistently paced aerobic sessions that last between 30 and 60 minutes at a target heart rate of 45 to 65%. The goal is to have a consistent heart rate and burn calories without placing too much strain on the body.
LISS sessions can include:
Climbing stairs (on a stepper)
Steady cycling
What Is A HIIT Workout?
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a cardio workout that combines brief, intense bursts of activity (often lasting 10-60 seconds) with periods of complete rest or low-intensity active recovery. The heart rate should be between 80-95% and then drop back to 40-50%.
Some favourite HIIT exercises include:
Mountain Climbers
Squat jumpsPress ups
Split Squats
What Are The Differences Between A LISS And A HIIT Workout?
LISS exercises are consistent; you'll work at low-to-mid-intensity for the duration of the session, maintaining a consistent level of effort. Meanwhile, high-intensity interval training involves alternating bursts of maximum effort with periods of complete rest or active recovery. LISS and HIIT workouts have many similarities, but which is more beneficial for fat loss and muscle building is hotly contested in the fitness community. Both improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance while also providing all of the mental health advantages of exercise. However, the significant distinctions come when we look at the particular benefits each gives.
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beingsmile34 · 2 years
Diet And Exercising For Weight Loss
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Obesity is now being called an epidemic in the health community. In fact, it will soon be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, even ahead of cigarette smoking. Obesity leads to type two diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke and even an increased risk of cancer. With all of these health risks, as well as the general improvement in the quality of life that can occur, losing weight is one of the best things that you can do for yourself.
No matter what we would like to believe, there simply isn’t a magic solution to losing weight. The body will shed excess fat when it needs more calories to function through the demands you place on it in a given day than the amount of calories that you feed it. It’s that simple. So, in order to lose weight, you need to decrease the number of calories that you eat as well as increase the amount that you burn.
There is a wide range of options to choose from when looking for a weight loss program. All of them often spend a lot of time explaining what to eat, in what amounts and even at what times or in what combinations. But few of them emphasize the importance of exercise – not just for losing weight, but for your general health and wellbeing. Exercise is vital when trying to lose weight for several reasons:
First, as you start to eat less, your metabolism will slow down somewhat. Exercising helps to elevate your metabolism back to an efficient level. Second, as mentioned, exercise burns more calories so that you can lose weight faster and stay motivated in your efforts. Third, exercise actually releases endorphins, chemicals that keep your mood elevated.
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Exercise doesn’t have to mean spending hours at the gym or straining through exhausting workouts. In fact, in order for you to stick with it on the long run, exercising should be something that you enjoy. Start by increasing your activity level in an overall way. Take the stairs when you can. Park further from the mall door when you go shopping. Go for a walk in the park or through a neighborhood you love and bring a dog or a friend along for company. Take dance or martial arts lessons.
Once you become more active in general, you’ll find it easier and more natural to move into regular exercise. Which you’ll need to do eventually in order to get regular, noticeable health benefits. You need to raise your heart rate to a fat burning level and keep it there for at least 20 minutes, 3 times or more a week. However, if you don’t want to go to a gym, there are other options. Videos and DVDs are now available in all kinds of exercise types. That way you can change your routine whenever you want so that you don’t get bored with what you’re doing. Try a range of aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, or pretty much any activity you want right in the comfort of your own home.
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If you have physical limitations that would keep you off from exercising, you can still find a way to increase your activity level. Water aerobics is a wonderful option for those who have joint problems or limited mobility because it relieves the pressure on your body that your weight provides. But you still get the resistance to challenge your muscles from the water. There are even classes and videos available that let you exercise in a seated position.
Whatever kind of exercise you choose, it’s important to stay motivated and keep it fun. Try gathering a group together to make it a social event. Or get a pedometer, a device that tracks how far you walk, and see how many miles you can walk a week. Make a competition amongst your friends or family members and treat the winner with something special (not food related!). Make the experience of exercising something that you look forward to, and it will soon become a regular part of your healthier lifestyle.
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bstudiosfitnesscentre · 16 hours
Pregnancy Exercise Class Near Me: A Guide to Staying Fit During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a transformative journey that brings about significant physical and emotional changes. One of the best ways to navigate these changes is by staying active and engaging in exercises designed specifically for pregnant women. If you’re searching for a "pregnancy exercise class near me," it’s important to understand the benefits, types of exercises, and what to expect from such classes.
At BStudios Gym/Physical Fitness Centre, we offer specialized pregnancy exercise classes that cater to the unique needs of expecting mothers. Our goal is to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout your pregnancy while ensuring the safety and well-being of both you and your baby.
Why Join a Pregnancy Exercise Class?
If you’ve been wondering, "Why should I join a pregnancy exercise class near me?", here are some reasons:
Improved Posture and Core Strength: Pregnancy often leads to posture changes and weakens your core muscles due to the growing baby. Our classes focus on strengthening these areas to reduce back pain and discomfort.
Boosts Energy Levels: Staying active during pregnancy helps combat fatigue. Regular exercise boosts energy levels, allowing you to feel more active and refreshed throughout the day.
Prepares Your Body for Labor: Strengthening key muscle groups and improving flexibility can make labor and delivery easier. Pregnancy exercise classes target these areas, preparing your body for childbirth.
Relieves Pregnancy Discomfort: Common pregnancy symptoms like swelling, leg cramps, and joint pain can be alleviated through regular exercise. Our classes are designed to help manage these discomforts effectively.
Supportive Environment: Joining a pregnancy exercise class near you provides the opportunity to connect with other expecting mothers, creating a supportive community that shares similar experiences and challenges.
What to Expect in a Pregnancy Exercise Class
Our pregnancy exercise classes at BStudios Gym/Physical Fitness Centre are tailored to ensure safety and effectiveness for expecting mothers at every stage of pregnancy. Whether you're in your first, second, or third trimester, we’ve got you covered.
Low-Impact Cardiovascular Workouts: Exercises like walking, swimming, or light aerobics are great for maintaining cardiovascular health without putting too much strain on the body.
Strength Training: Our classes incorporate light weights and resistance bands to help build and maintain muscle strength, which is crucial for carrying the extra weight during pregnancy.
Stretching and Flexibility Exercises: Gentle stretches are included to improve flexibility and relieve tension in the muscles and joints.
Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles is essential for preventing incontinence and aiding in a smoother recovery after childbirth. Our instructors guide you through safe pelvic floor exercises.
Relaxation and Breathing Techniques: We also focus on relaxation techniques, including breathing exercises, that help reduce stress and anxiety, especially as you approach your due date.
How to Choose the Right Pregnancy Exercise Class Near You
When searching for a "pregnancy exercise class near me," it’s essential to consider a few key factors:
Certified Instructors: Ensure that the class is led by certified instructors who specialize in prenatal fitness. At BStudios Gym/Physical Fitness Centre, our instructors are trained in prenatal care, ensuring the safety and comfort of every participant.
Class Size: Smaller class sizes allow for more personalized attention, which is important during pregnancy. We limit our class sizes to ensure each participant gets the support and guidance they need.
Comfortable Environment: Pregnancy exercise classes should be held in a comfortable, non-judgmental environment where you can feel relaxed. Our gym provides a warm, supportive atmosphere for expecting mothers.
Location and Accessibility: Finding a convenient location is key, especially as pregnancy progresses. BStudios Gym/Physical Fitness Centre is easily accessible, making it the perfect choice for those searching for a "pregnancy exercise class near me."
Staying fit and active during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for both yourself and your baby. If you're looking for a "pregnancy exercise class near me," consider joining BStudios Gym/Physical Fitness Centre. Our classes are designed to provide you with the support, exercise routines, and camaraderie you need throughout your pregnancy journey.
Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or new to exercise, we welcome you to experience the many benefits of staying active during this beautiful chapter of life. Contact us today to learn more about our pregnancy exercise classes and how we can support you in achieving a healthy, active pregnancy.
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