#what a wonderful and passionate and creative community this is….
vaugarde · 2 months
my sky gift came!!!! cant get good photos of everything rn bc crickets on my leg but oughhhhh these are so cool… i wish i got this before sending eve his gifts tbh bc i know i wanna use the stationary
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also dusknoir has been cut in half. so sad!!
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kathaynesart · 1 month
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Felt a bit emotional today over the movie's second anniversary and I thought I might embarrass myself about it online. This little film has become really special to me in how it captured my attention and drew me back into something I haven't been a part of for a long time: a creative community.
For a good portion of my adult life I had been forced to put my energies and creativity primarily towards my work. I wanted to tell stories that people enjoyed and had felt like my career was the only method to achieve that. But this community and fandom really sparked a creativity in me I haven't felt since I was younger and I'm so happy to be able to find that avenue I've always wanted not through an employer but through all of you! I have met so many wonderful and inspiring people and none of this would have happened if I hadn't randomly come upon the four minute opening of the film 2 years ago cuz Youtube looked at my algorithm and said: "hm, lets see if she still likes turtles."
Thank you everyone, for loving what I do and enjoying my work. It means the world, and while my updates have become slower due to longer comic posts, real world obligations, and health issues, I still strive to continue the story inspired by this movie with a passion that has shockingly never waned.
Here's to another wonderful year!
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dontbelasagnax · 3 months
I find as fandom has assimilated towards a capitalist mindset of consumption, there has been a larger focus on fanart and fanfiction- both in spaces that view creatives as "content creators" and spaces where creatives are seen as writers and authors but lauded similarly to celebrities or deities for gracing the common people with their creations.
This has produced a side effect wherein fanart and, primarily, fanfiction are seen as the Best Forms Of Transformative Works... which means that any other type of transformative work is thrown by the wayside.
There should be no hierarchy of fanworks - every single work is a labor of love (or spite... I see y'all throwing middle fingers to canon 😉) and should be recognized as such. Fandom is a community. It's not a transactional relationship. Everyone contributes and interacts out of shared passions and interests.
If you make podfics, gifs, photo edits, fanvids, fan binding, metas, fiber arts, jewelry, fanmixes, translate fics to another language, run/contribute to a fan wikia or compile lore and resources in other ways: I see, appreciate, and cherish all the hard, love fueled work you put into your creations.
Not to say that fanfic and digital art are over-appreciated (Since I do see that many people are allergic to pressing reblog. It's a community. We're supposed to share and communicate. Lurkers are valid but for the most part, interaction with like-minded people is what fandom is intended for.) but the pedestal they are placed on needs to be lowered. Your favorite artists and authors are real people with real lives. They piss and shit just like you. They work in retail and healthcare and are unemployed due to disability. There is nothing extraordinary about them and they are wonderful human beings all the same. No one is better than anyone else. We're all equals here on this playground.
That said, I think we need to uplift the underappreciated fanworks and creators and give them more attention so they are on equal footing with fanfic writers and fanartists. Reblog the gifsets and tell the creator you're in love with how they colored the gifs, keyboard smash in the tags when reblogging a plush doll someone crocheted of your blorbo, try listening to a podfic on your commute home instead of an audiobook and remember to leave a comment when you get home.
As a final note, I want to give a warm hug to anyone who has sat refreshing tumblr or ao3 hoping that maybe someone will tell them they did a good job. To anyone who has considered quitting their fandom endeavors because their posts or works never get as much attention and love as the rest of the artworks or fics in the fandom tags, your creations are worth making and sharing. Numbers do not equate to quality, nor can they convey how loved your creations are by a given person. Only you can bring your unique sparkle to fandom and your presence is absolutely welcome no matter how big or small, grandiose or inconsequential, important or worthless you think it is.
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luna-azzurra · 18 days
Eye Color to Define Your OC
Blue Eyes 💙 Blue eyes often evoke a sense of calmness and tranquility, like the peaceful surface of a still lake. Characters with blue eyes might be seen as trustworthy, reflecting an inner serenity that makes others feel at ease around them. There’s something introspective about blue eyes, suggesting that these characters are thoughtful and reflective, often contemplating the deeper meanings in life. They might be dreamers, or people who carry a quiet strength, drawing others in with their gentle and soothing gaze.
Green Eyes 💚 Green eyes are often linked to mystery and a touch of mischief. There’s an intriguing quality to them, almost like they hold secrets or are constantly plotting something fun and unexpected. Characters with green eyes can be seen as creative and curious, always looking for new adventures or ways to express themselves. There’s a vitality in green eyes, a sense of life and vibrancy that suggests a character who is full of energy and imagination. They might be the ones who are always up to something, keeping others guessing with their enigmatic gaze.
Brown Eyes 🤎 Brown eyes are often perceived as warm and reliable, embodying a sense of earthiness and approachability. Characters with brown eyes can be the dependable ones, the friends who are always there when you need them, providing a stable and comforting presence. There’s a grounded quality to brown eyes, making these characters seem down-to-earth and relatable. They often exude warmth and kindness, making others feel welcome and understood. With their steady gaze, brown-eyed characters might be seen as the anchors in their communities, the ones who keep everything together with their unwavering support.
Hazel Eyes 🟤🟢 Hazel eyes are a captivating blend of brown, green, and sometimes gold, reflecting a sense of adaptability and versatility. Characters with hazel eyes might be seen as complex and multifaceted, with personalities that can shift and change depending on the situation. They are often intriguing and dynamic, drawing people in with their ever-changing aura. There’s depth in hazel eyes, suggesting a character who is always evolving, never quite fitting into one category. These characters might surprise you with their hidden talents or unexpected insights, making them endlessly fascinating.
Gray Eyes ⚪ Gray eyes often carry an air of wisdom and intelligence, like a stormy sky full of untold stories. Characters with gray eyes can be perceived as thoughtful and calm, often observing more than they speak. There’s a mysterious quality to gray eyes, suggesting depth and a quiet intensity. These characters might be the thinkers and philosophers, the ones who are always pondering the mysteries of life and seeing things from different perspectives. Their gaze can be penetrating, making others feel like they’re looking right into their soul, uncovering secrets that no one else can see.
Amber Eyes 🟠 Amber eyes radiate warmth and intensity, often associated with strength and passion. Characters with amber eyes might have a fiery spirit, with a magnetic presence that draws others toward them. There’s something fierce and determined about amber eyes, suggesting a character who is not afraid to go after what they want. They might be bold and courageous, standing out from the crowd with their distinctive gaze. These characters could be leaders or warriors, driven by their convictions and unafraid to face challenges head-on.
Violet Eyes 💜 Violet eyes are rare and ethereal, creating a sense of otherworldliness and mystique. Characters with violet eyes might be seen as enchanting or magical, with a spiritual quality that sets them apart. There’s a softness to violet eyes, almost like they belong to someone who exists between worlds. These characters might be the dreamers or the visionaries, with a connection to the mystical or the unknown. Their gaze can be captivating and otherworldly, leaving others wondering about the secrets they hold and the magic they might possess.
Black Eyes ⚫ Black eyes are intense and powerful, often conveying a sense of mystery and depth. Characters with black eyes can have a gaze that is both captivating and intimidating, making others feel like they are being drawn into a deep, dark abyss. There’s an allure to black eyes, a sense of danger or intrigue that keeps people guessing. These characters might be seen as mysterious or enigmatic, with an intensity that makes them unforgettable. They could be the ones who hold their cards close to their chest, revealing little but knowing much, their black eyes a window into a soul that is both deep and complex.
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evildilf2 · 7 months
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Hey guys, my friend Ayiko recently got diagnosed with colon cancer and needs help paying for his cancer treatments.
“*grey freeze frame* i’m sure you’re wondering how i got here—and for those of you who don’t know, i’m Ayiko, a 22 year old queer artist and musician. I’ve always been a creative, from theatre to a film major. My dream is to keep creating, to keep telling stories, to keep sharing my art with the world and with your help i’ll be able to continue with what i love, with my passions. On the night of February the 6th, what was thought to be a routine doctor visit for severe stomach pain turned into an in-patient hospital stay. A CT-Scan revealed the source of the pain was from a rare telescoping and entanglement of the intestines, known as Intussusception. After a successful colonoscopy relieved the pain, it also revealed a lump that was removed during the procedure. Further testing by the pathology department discovered that not only was the lump cancerous but there were additional tumors that were inaccessible without open surgery. The cancer had grown into 5cm tumors and had spread to some lymph nodes. On February the 17th i went under the knife(or in this case a laser) for a robotic colectomy to remove the remaining cancer. There was very little risk in it spreading and it was one of the least aggressive cancer of its type(Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Gastrointestinal Tract). After the surgery, i will be unable to lift more than 10 lbs or walk for long periods of time, which has left me unemployed. Now in post-recovery, i gently ask the community to rally behind my family and i as we face the financial burdens of hospital bills. As a first generation immigrant i am also aware of the family back home that my parents have to look after too(in fact my father is going to visit Uganda in less than a week). That’s why we would greatly appreciate donations of any amount, as i continue my recovery and face the possibility of chemotherapy. Just sharing the link can go a long way. Thanks for reading!” -Ayiko @pretty-roach
Currently donations are at 1.2k out of a 20k goal- any & all help is appreciated, please reblog to circulate.
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spanktony · 1 year
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summary: you can paired up with maddy for a project, little do you know there’s some lingering feelings in the air.
words: 3.8k
warnings: 18+, riding, g!p reader, reader being oblivious, rue, elliot & reader talk abt pegging and b*ssy 😭
notes: might be ooc maddy or bad dialogue, haven’t wrote for my baby in a while! sorry!
navigation. request.
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"Maddy and Y/N."
Maddy didn't exactly know you, but yes, she's seen you. She had noticed you from a distance, watching as you'd come to school on your skateboard nearly every day, and on the days you didn't, you'd gotten a ride from Elliot.
Then you'd proceed to come into fifth period with baggy pants, a beanie on your head, and a nonchalant attitude.
Maddy wondered what it would be like to strike up a conversation with you. But, Maddy couldn't gather the courage to approach you, fearing rejection or awkwardness.
Maddy often found herself stealing glances at you during class, watching you bop your head to the music playing through your earphones.
Maddy couldn't help but wonder what kind of music you were listening to and if you'd ever consider sharing your playlist with her.
You take your wired airpod out of your ear, making sure you heard your teacher correctly. You glance around the classroom, catching Maddy's eye. She quickly looks away, blushing slightly.
"So! Now to go over your assignment." You lean back in your chair, listening to the instructions your teacher is giving. "As we all know, spring break is coming up, and I'm sure many of you have exciting plans. Although, the school wants to do something fun to celebrate the break. We thought it would be a great idea for you guys to come up with an event-type fundraiser for the school. It could be anything from a bake sale to a talent show, as long as it's creative and engaging."
Your teacher pauses, scanning the room for reactions. "Then, once you finish your assignment, the school will vote for the best event idea, and we will make it happen during spring break. This way, you will not only have a chance to showcase your creativity but also contribute to the school community in a meaningful way. So, let's brainstorm and come up with some amazing event ideas that will make this spring break even more memorable!"
Your teacher claps, encouraging the class to get up and start sharing their event ideas with their partner. The class gets up, except for you. You hesitate for a moment, feeling a bit unsure about Maddy being your partner.
Now, you didn't know Maddy personally, but you had heard some rumors about her, and you knew her boyfriend, Nate, a dickhead who'd often cause trouble. One time, Nate chased you with her truck, nearly running you over as you frantically tried to escape on your skateboard.
You never talked to Nate nor even looked his way, but he had always given you menacing looks whenever you crossed paths, along with the rest of the football team. It was tiring, annoying, and made you feel constantly on edge whenever you were near them.
You're knocked out of your thoughts when Maddy appears in front of your sight, a slight smile on her lips. "Y/N, right?" You nod, sitting up in your seat. "Yeah..." Maddy chuckles and nods, her smile widening.
"Were you gonna keep thinking about the great depression or come over to my desk so we can discuss this project?" You crack a smile at Maddy's playful comment and quickly gather your belongings, making your way over to her desk.
You're at Maddy's house. It's been a week since you've been working on the project together. Maddy had a completely different personality from her boyfriend. She was inviting but at the same time closed off, she'd open up about her interests and passions but rarely talked about her personal life or emotions.
You move to the edge of the bed, taking your notebook with you. "So...uh, so far we have a spring dance, a photography exhibit, and a...twerk party? Did you add that one?"
Maddy giggles, hiding her face behind her hands. "No, that one was all you," she says, her laughter contagious. "I swear I didn't write that." You can't help but smile at Maddy's infectious laughter. It's refreshing to see her so carefree and playful, even if she still keeps certain aspects of herself guarded.
Maddy crawls to the edge of the bed, leaning in to read the notebook. You hold in your breath, her being so close to you, sending a rush of warmth through your body. "You can add karaoke, that sounds fun," Maddy suggests, you nod, taking the pencil from behind your ear and jotting down her suggestion in the notebook.
Maddy bites down on her lip, watching you with a smile. "What...?" You whisper, confused and intrigued by her sudden change in demeanor. She leans in closer, her eyes dancing across your face.
"Do you always ride your skateboard to school? I've been meaning to ask." You feel a flutter of excitement at Maddy's interest in your daily routine. "Yeah, I've been skateboarding to school for a while now. I have a car, but it's more fun, to be honest," you reply, fiddling with the pencil in your hands.
Maddy's eyes fall to your skateboard propped on her wall before falling back on you. "You look hot when you ride it too." Her compliment catches you off guard, and a blush creeps up on your cheeks. "Thanks, Maddy," you say with a shy smile.
"We can take a break," Maddy suggests, taking the notebook out of your lap and setting it aside. You lay back against Maddy's bed, and she does the same, turning her head towards you.
"Any more ideas?" You ask, turning your head towards her. Maddy smiles, "Girl, what part of a break don't you understand?" You chuckle at Maddy's response, your face heating up. "Sorry."
"It's okay," Maddy reassures you, her eyes twinkling with amusement. You turn on your side, propping your head up with your hand. Maddy does the same, jokingly mocking you. "You know, I was thinking we should totally have a secret handshake. Something so ridiculous, only we'd get it."
You laugh at Maddy's suggestion, imagining the two of you coming up with a silly secret handshake. "Like what?"
Maddy sits up, sitting on her feet. You sit up as well, sitting criss-cross apple sauce. Maddy softly takes your hand, "We could dap up..." She moves your hand to the side and starts doing a series of intricate hand movements, "then do a link our pinkies...and seal it with a kiss."
You watch in awe as Maddy effortlessly demonstrates the complex sequence of hand movements. The idea of sealing the secret handshake with a kiss makes you blush, feeling as if you were floating on cloud nine.
"Ready?" Maddy asks, her eyes filled with excitement. You nod eagerly, beginning the intricate hand movements. As you mirror Maddy's movements, your fingers fumble at first, but with each repetition, you start to gain confidence and precision, sealing it with a kiss every time.
"Maddy!" Someone shouts from behind, interrupting your secret handshake. Startled, you quickly break away, turning around to see Maddy's mom at the door. "Dinners ready."
You exchange a sheepish glance with Maddy. "I should probably get going." You say to Maddy, glancing at her door, her mom now gone. Maddy nods understandingly, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "Yeah, I guess we can finish practicing our handshake later," she says with a small smile.
You reluctantly leave, and you can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the next time you see Maddy.
You lean against Rue's locker, watching the students pass by in the bustling hallway. Thoughts of Maddy replay in your mind making you smile to yourself. Maybe there's something more between you two than just friendship.
But your smile fades, remembering Nate Jacobs. We're they still together? How bad would it be if you did try to pursue Maddy?
Regardless of the bad thoughts running through your head, you can't deny the growing connection you feel towards her, leaving you torn between taking a chance or playing it safe.
You take out your airpod, glancing between Elliot and Rue. "Guys...am I attractive?" Elliot and Rue stop their conversation, exchanging puzzled looks. "Yes," Elliot simply says.
"I'd say so, yes," Rue adds, nodding her head.
Their affirmations boost your confidence, but a part of you still questions if their opinions are biased. Nevertheless, their words provide a small glimmer of hope that pursuing something with Maddy might not be as complicated as you initially thought.
"Let's say...there's this girl, right?" They both nod, and you continue. "And...she's like...giving... I want you, but I don't know if you want me vibes, you know?" Elliot raises an eyebrow while Rue stares at you, waiting for you to elaborate.
"Like! I know she likes likes me, but I don't know how to let her know I like like her." You pause for a moment, trying to find the right words to convey your dilemma. "It's like we're both playing this game and we're afraid to make the first move because we don't want to get rejected or ruin our friendship."
Rue shrugs. "Sounds like you both need a little push," she suggests. "Maybe stop being a little bitch and make a move?" You chuckle nervously at Rue's straightforward advice, appreciating her bluntness. "I guess you're right," you reply.
Elliot puts his hands on his hips. "But are you not curious as to who she's talking about?" Elliot asks Rue, raising an eyebrow.
"It's probably BB." You grimace, "That's not funny, Rue." Elliot tilts his head, confused. "BB? Like, the vape addict, BB?" Rue nods at Elliot, confirming his suspicions.
"You're gross..." He mutters, frowning at you. You make a blank face, "It's not BB, bro."
Elliot puts a hand over his heart. "Oh, thank god." "Who is it then?" Elliot asks, his curiosity piqued. You pause for a moment, debating whether or not to reveal the truth. "Uh..."
Just then, Maddy walks up to you, smiling slightly. "Hey, Y/N." You smile, giving the girl a small wave. "Hey, Rue and Elliot," Maddy adds, earning tight-lipped smiles and nods from the two.
Maddy then holds out her hand, and you're surprised she'd wanna do the handshake in front of Elliot and Rue. You quickly glance at them before reluctantly taking Maddy's hand and reciprocating the handshake, indeed ending it with a kiss.
While you release your grip, you notice a flicker of confusion in Elliot's eyes, but he remains silent. Rue, on the other hand, seems unfazed and continues to observe the interaction with a calm expression.
"Walk me to class?" Maddy asks. You hesitate for a moment, aware of the potential consequences of being seen together, but ultimately decide to go along with it. "Sure," you respond, offering her a small smile as the two of you start walking towards her class.
As expected, Nate Jacobs passed the two of you without acknowledging your presence. He keeps his gaze straight ahead, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. You turn around to see if he's still watching, but he's already disappeared into the crowd of students. You feel a sense of relief, grateful that he didn't make a scene or confront you about being with Maddy.
Elliot takes a hit of his cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air. Rue lets out a sigh. "I can't believe a community service event won against your and Maddy's spring dance."
You shrug. "I don't really care. I still got the A." Elliot nods. "So, do you and Maddy still talk? Or have you been talking during the break?"
You hum, "Yeah, we'll Facetime a bit and hang out every now and then." Elliot raises an eyebrow. "Interesting. Are you two just friends, or is there something more going on?"
"Just friends." You confirm. Rue cuts in, "Because you're a little bitchhhh..." You roll your eyes at Rue's comment. "Aren't you the one who nearly skipped town with Jules?"
"Yeah, well, that's different. Jules and I have a deeper connection," Rue retorts defensively. You shake your head, not wanting to get into an argument with Rue. "Whatever."
You glance at Elliot, hoping to change the subject. "So, Elliot, what about you? Are you seeing anyone special?" Elliot chuckles and shakes his head. "Nope, just enjoying the single life for now."
"I think he secretly wants to have a threesome with Jules and me." You and Elliot burst into laughter at Rue's comment, finding it amusing but also slightly uncomfortable. "I think you and Jules want me to want to have a threesome with you guys so you can feel good about yourselves."
Rue raises an eyebrow playfully. "Oh, is that what you think? You're totally wrong."
"What if we had a threesome?" Elliot suggests, jokingly. Rue laughs. "Yeah, and we just pegged Elliot the entire time." Elliot joins in on the laughter but quickly interjects, "Woah, woah! Why me?"
Rue smirks mischievously. "Well, you did bring up the idea, didn't you? It's only fair that you take the spotlight." Elliot's face turns slightly red as he stammers, "I-I was just kidding! I didn't actually mean it!"
You grimace, "Enough about pegging! I just got reminded of Silento."
"Silento? What does he have to do with this conversation?" Rue asks, raising an eyebrow.
Elliot mouths, "Bussy," and Rue frowns, fake gagging.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket, distracting you from the strange conversation. You quickly pull it out to see a message from Maddy, smiling at the message.
maddy - wyd
"Maddy just texted me, what am I doing?" Rue lets out a dramatic gasp. "She's a wyd warrior? Brace yourself, Y/N." You chuckle at Rue's dramatic reaction.
you - nm, u?
maddy - home alone and extremely bored
maddy - you wanna come over?
"Holy shit." Elliot is nearly breaking his neck to look at your phone screen. "Maddy wants you to come over? She def wants to fuck." You raise an eyebrow at Elliot's assumption and shake your head.
"No she doesn't." You look at Elliot who stares at you with a raised eyebrow. "She doesn't!"
Rue joins in, "Then she would've asked for Cassie. Not you." Elliot nods in agreement. "And she's home alone."
You consider their points for a moment, realizing that they may have a valid argument. Anyway, you still believe that Maddy's intention is simply to alleviate her boredom. "Well, maybe she just feels more comfortable hanging out with me," you suggest.
"Why are you plotting your own downfall?" Rue raises an eyebrow, questioning your reasoning. Elliot chimes in, "If Maddy wanted company, she could have invited anyone else. It seems weird that she specifically asked for you."
you - omw
You get up from the bed and say, "See you guys later."
Rue yells after you, "Don't be a little bitch!"
"Why are your parents out?" You ask Maddy, plopping down on her bed. Maddy shrugs and replies, "They went out for dinner. My dad finally found a job."
You raise an eyebrow at Maddy's response and ask, "So why did you specifically want me to come over tonight?" Maddy hesitates for a moment before saying, "I just thought it would be nice to have some company."
You sense there's something more to Maddy's invitation, but you decide not to push further. Instead, you lean back on her bed and let out a contented sigh. Maddy sits on her feet before lying down beside you.
"You smell like cigarettes." You glance at Maddy, slightly surprised by her comment. "Oh, sorry about that," you say, realizing that the faint smell of cigarettes must have clung to your clothes from earlier. "I was hanging out with some friends earlier, and they were smoking."
Maddy stares at your face, and you feel yourself becoming self-conscious under her gaze. "I am so jealous of your eyebrows," her thumb begins, tracing the shape of your brow.
"They're so perfectly arched," she continues, a small smile playing on her lips. You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks as you thank her for the compliment, appreciating her attention to detail.
Maddy's eyes leave your eyebrows and fall to your lips. You notice a flicker of curiosity in her gaze as she leans in slightly. You clench your jaw, frozen in place, you were nervous as fuck. Your heart pounds in your chest, unsure of what might happen next.
Maddy pauses for a moment, her eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation or discomfort. Sensing your unease, she leans back slightly, giving you space.
Shit...did you just blow it? You watch Maddy's reaction, you try to gather your thoughts and find the right words to salvage the moment. The silence hangs heavy in the air, and you swallow hard, feeling the weight of the missed opportunity.
"No fucking way," Elliot mumbles as you finish your sentence. He shakes his head in disbelief. "You fumbled badly."
You run a hand down your face, "I know." Elliot pats you on the back, "Have fun dealing with that one. I gotta get to class."
You narrow your eyes, "Since when did you start going to class?"
Elliot chuckles, "Since I realized that I might not be getting my diploma." You give him a playful shove, "Well, good luck with that. Maybe I'll see you at graduation."
Elliot raises an eyebrow, "Don't hold your breath." He turns and walks away, leaving you alone to ponder the consequences of your missed kiss with Maddy.
You lean against your locker, scrolling through your playlists before landing on the one you made for Maddy. Well, she didn't know you did because you hadn't shown her yet.
You press play, and the familiar melodies fill your ears, but suddenly your headphones get snatched from your ear. You lift your head to see one of the footballers, Tyler, smirking down at you. "Who the hell still wears wires?"
You roll your eyes, annoyed by Tyler's interruption, reaching out to grab them back. Tyler chuckles and shrugs, moving them before you can reach them. "You should upgrade to wireless, man. It's the future," he says with a teasing tone.
"You're so fucking annoying." You mumble, exasperated by Tyler's teasing. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" Tyler's smirk fades as he hears your response, his playful demeanor turning more serious.
He leans in closer, his voice lowering as he confronts you. "You better watch your mouth, or you'll regret it."
"This isn't some Disney show, dude. Can I just have my headphones back?" You ask, trying to diffuse the tension. Tyler's eyes narrow as he considers your request, his grip on your headphones tightening. "Maybe I'll give them back if you apologize," he proposes, a hint of superiority in his voice.
"Nah, man. I can always buy another pair." You say, attempting to walk away from the escalating situation. But before you can take a step, Tyler slams you back against the locker, throwing your headphones on the ground before stomping on them.
"Why? They're right there." He smirks, pointing at the broken headphones. He pats your shoulder before walking away, leaving you stunned and seething with anger. You stand there, anger boiling inside you.
He was a dickhead who obviously craved attention because he lacks it at home.
"What the hell happened to you?" You turn around to see Maddy approaching with a concerned look on her face. You take a deep breath, "Nothing, but I'm about to leave school."
Maddy's concern deepens as she notices the anger in your voice. "Are you sure you're okay? You hesitate for a moment, contemplating whether or not to confide in her about Tyler's actions. You nod, picking up your broken headphones.
"You wanna come with?" Maddy hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to respond. She finally nods and says, "Yeah, I'll come with you." You smile gratefully at her.
The sun has now set, and you're in your car in a secluded area. Maddy smiles, the last song on the playlist you made from her finishing. "Send me that now!"
You laugh, "I will, swear."
You feel a sense of relief knowing that Maddy enjoyed the playlist you made for her. You meet Maddy's gaze, and your heart swells with gratitude for her presence and the connection you share.
Rue's words echo in your mind, "Don't be a little bitch."
You take a deep breath, letting Rue's words motivate you to push through any fear or hesitation. You softly place a hand on Maddy's cheek, pulling her into a gentle kiss. Maddy sinks in the kiss, leaning forward to deepen the kiss.
The kiss deepens, and you can feel Maddy's nails lightly graze the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. Without hesitating, you pull the Latina into your lap with slightly shaking hands.
You pull away in a desperate need for air, but Maddy takes this as a chance to attack your neck, nipping and sucking on your sensitive skin, while grinding in your lap.
You let out a low groan, grasping her hips tightly as you surrender to the energy between you. Maddy's lips trail to your neck, to your jaw, and then back in an intense kiss, her hands roaming over your body.
The kiss becomes messy, her tongue sliding against yours, making your head swim with lust.  Your hands lift her skirt up, feeling the heat and smoothness of her thighs beneath your fingertips.
Maddy's breath hitches, pulling away from the kiss. You think you've done something wrong, but then you see the hunger in her eyes and the way her chest rises and falls rapidly. She leans in close, whispering in your ear, "I wanna ride you so bad."
Heat pools in your lower abdomen as you imagine Maddy straddling you, her body pressed against yours, moving in sync with your every touch. You bring Maddy into another kiss, she begins to grind on your hard-on, her movements becoming more urgent and desperate.
You lift Maddy up slightly, pulling down your pants with one hand while supporting her with the other. You reach back into her skirt, moving her underwear aside, before sliding into her wetness. 
Maddy moans softly, her nails digging into your shoulder as she begins to move her hips in rhythm with your thrusts.
The eye contact is strong, fueling the intensity between you both. Maddy's gasps become louder, her body arching against yours in, "Mm..fuck! You feel so good, baby."
You let out a small groan, throwing your head back against your seat as the pleasure builds. Maddy's moans fill the confined space of the car, encouraging you to increase the pace, lost in the passionate moment.
Your hands grip her waist tighter, guiding her movements as the desire between you escalates.  The car rocks with each thrust, the sound of skin against skin echoing in the enclosed space. The intensity reaches its peak, and with one final gasp, Maddy explodes into a state of euphoria, holding onto you tightly.
"Y/N!!" You hold onto her, her body trembling in your arms as she catches her breath. You gently stroke her hair, whispering words of comfort and affection as you both bask in the afterglow.
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obsidian-pages777 · 4 months
Pick a Card: Your Future House and Mansion Aesthetic. Have fun! Pick an Image
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Top Left to Right- Pile 1->Pile 2. Bottom Left to Right- Pile 3->Pile 4
The below is a pick a card prediction of what your future manifestation of a house or a mansion would look like if you were to manifest it into your existence. Enjoy!
Pile 1: Cozy Cottage
The Empress
Your future home will be abundant in natural beauty, with a garden or a lot of indoor plants. The aesthetic is nurturing and comforting, with soft, earthy tones and cozy furnishings.
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Ten of Pentacles
This card suggests a traditional, well-established home. It will likely have a classic design with antique furniture, family heirlooms, and a warm, inviting atmosphere. Think of a place that feels timeless and deeply rooted in family history.
If you Manifest a Mansion, It ought to look like the image below:
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Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups indicates a home filled with love and emotional fulfillment. The décor will reflect a sense of peace and tranquility, with elements like water features, soothing colors, and comfortable spaces for relaxation and connection.
Pile 2: Modern Minimalist
The Fool
Your future apartment will have a fresh, modern, and minimalist design. Expect open spaces, clean lines, and a sense of freedom and lightness. The décor will be simple yet sophisticated, with an emphasis on functionality.
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The World
This card suggests a globally inspired aesthetic, with influences from different cultures. Your home will be a blend of modern design and eclectic touches, creating a balanced and harmonious environment. Think of unique art pieces and travel memorabilia.
If you Manifest a Mansion the below image will show how it will look like:
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Page of Swords
The Page of Swords indicates a home that is intellectually stimulating and technologically advanced. The aesthetic will be sleek and contemporary, with smart home features, a dedicated workspace, and a clean, organized environment.
Pile 3: Artistic Bohemian
The Star
Your future home will be an artistic haven, filled with inspiration and creativity. The aesthetic will be eclectic and whimsical, with lots of personal touches, handmade items, and vibrant colors. It will feel like a dreamy, magical space.
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Queen of Wands
This card suggests a dynamic and lively home environment. Your space will be full of bold colors, eclectic furniture, and artistic expressions. It will be a place that reflects your passion, creativity, and vibrant energy.
In case you are planning to manifest a mansion, this is what it will look like:
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Seven of Cups
The Seven of Cups indicates a home with a whimsical, fantasy-like quality. The aesthetic will be imaginative and dreamy, with unique decor, mystical elements, and a sense of wonder. It’s a place where dreams and reality blend seamlessly.
Pile 4: Rustic Retreat
The Hermit
Your future home will be a quiet, secluded retreat, perfect for introspection and peace. The aesthetic will be rustic and cozy, with natural materials like wood and stone, warm lighting, and a serene, uncluttered environment.
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Four of Wands
This card suggests a home that is a place of celebration and joy. The aesthetic will be charming and welcoming, with a focus on comfort and community. Think of a rustic farmhouse with a large, inviting kitchen and communal spaces for gatherings.
Your Future Manifestation of a Mansion will look like the follows:
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Nine of Pentacles
The Nine of Pentacles indicates a home that is both luxurious and self-sufficient. The aesthetic will be elegant and refined, with high-quality materials, beautiful decor, and a sense of abundance and independence. It’s a place of both comfort and sophistication.
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bbyquokka · 1 month
fizzy pop
– yn has a habit of bottling up their emotions, chan comforts them & explains the importance of communicating about feelings/emotions.
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pairing | bang chan x gender neutral reader
genre | angst w comfort – 18+ is strongly advised!
cw | established relationship, mental health (low moods, low/no motivation, lose of interest in hobbies/things), pet names.
words | 2k ~ ( 2,042 )
notes | idk why but i've been putting off on posting this for months, maybe bc im nervous 🤔 don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. i hope you all enjoy! ‹3
m.list — wips list — you can also read it on my ao3
dont repost. dont translate. minors, ageless & default blogs; dni! feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
it's just another day. another day of just being there. another day of feeling like you have no purpose in life except to please others. another day of wondering “what is the purpose of me being here?” you fake smiles, say you're "ok" because saying how you actually feel is exhausting.
aside from it feeling exhausting, you also don't want to draw attention to yourself and when you do speak, you feel stupid for doing so, so you keep it all in, bottle it up until it's too much for you to handle. some days you wonder why you even bother to get out off bed.
is it because of the birds you hear outside? the sun's heat that you want to feel on your skin? could it be the laughter and chitter chatter of others? or maybe you want to hear the rain on the leaves–who knows. all you know is that everyday is the same and it's tiring.
the days merge into one. what day is it even? monday? tuesday? oh wait, it's saturday morning. time doesn't exist anymore. in your mind you see no point in getting up out of bed because again, what's the point? 
so why is it that your boyfriend is gently shaking you, asking, no, begging you to get up.
“darlin'. please get up.” chan whispers as he gently shakes you by the shoulders. you sigh deeply, a tired sigh that causes chan to swallow and his suspicions to come to light.
you pull the duvet over your head, body curled in a small and fragile ball. the curtains are still drawn providing darkness despite the morning rays that wish to peak inside. 
chan has been up since the crack of dawn. he has showered, made breakfast and managed to get dressed. he gave you some extra time to sleep in because he knows you're not a morning person but when the number nine on his watch turned to twelve and you're still not up and out, does he grow concerned.
he's had his suspicions for a while. he's noticed how defeated you sound. how there is little to no energy in the words you speak. he's tried everything to cheer you up, thinking, hoping you were just having an off day. but that off day turned into an off week which slowly, but surely, turned into an off month.
you lost your passion for being creative, lost the will to make anything which you despise. being creative is one of the many pleasures you have in life, to be able to make something and share your creations with others is exhilarating but when you feel like this, your mood turns bitter and cold towards everything you do which results in you resenting everything you create.
you lost the energy to speak to people. to pick up the phone and just talk. you're not deliberately ignoring nor trying to be difficult but keeping conversations flowing is just too hard right now and when you think they're giving you the same energy back do you feel so guilty. 
what have i done to deserve this? why am i forced to feel like this. you find yourself questioning everything late at night. your head loud as soon as it hits the pillow and no amount of music you blast down your ears can silence those thoughts.
everything is so exhausting. everything is the same. you just want to disappear whether that be for a few days or forever, you're not quite sure, but certain people around you wont allow that to happen. they are keeping you afloat, head above water. you desperately and silently wish they never let you go, no matter how hard you fight and push them away.
“baby, please.” chan's words dripped with desperation. his knees on the bed behind you as he kneels causing the mattress to dip. his hands on your shoulders gently as his eyes bore into the duvet, burning holes into it until he is burning holes into you. tears threaten to spill down his soft cheeks as he becomes increasingly worried for you.
“chan..“ you whisper, your words shaking. “please.. leave me alone.” 
he swallows. those three last words he hates to hear. now he is left in a difficult position. should he do as you say and leave you? leave you to fester and rot in your own thoughts and feelings. watch you melt into the mattress and become nothing but a lifeless shell. or should he force himself, force you to acknowledge him. show you, tell you that's it's going to be ok–even if you don't believe him in the beginning.
but this is chan and you know more than anyone how stubborn chan can be.
“lets go take a shower yn, together! and maybe we can go out and get lunch at that café you love so much?”
“or how about we go to that art shop! pick up those water colours you've been eyeing up for months?”
“ok well, what about some new cloth–”
“chan please!” you snap, causing him to jump. “what part of leave me alone don't you understand?!”
you don't mean to sound harsh and you hope chan doesn't take it to heart. the last thing you want is to hurt the one person you adore so much. luckily, chan knows you don't mean it but it doesn't hurt him any less.
“all of it.” he softly speaks. you feel the weight being lifted up off the mattress and footsteps against the wood flooring before the bedroom door squeaks open at the hinges.
your heart breaks. hot angry tears finally being set free and rolling down the bridge of your nose and cheeks, soaking into the material of your pillow. you sob, curling up into a ball even more as your heart aches in your chest. you grip onto the pillow as you silently cry out for chan, thinking he has completely left you alone.
but you did ask for it so why do you feel so guilty?
the duvet gets pulled back from you, the cold air hitting your hot and sweaty skin. the mattress dips once again as an arm snakes over your midriff. chest being pressed against your back as chan spoons you.
“don't cry, darlin'. i'm here, your channie is here.” his soft words provide you with a sense of comfort and an indescribable feeling of warmth as well as relief. his hand strokes your soft stomach, his lips kissing your neck so tenderly you worry that he isn't really there. 
“c-chan…” you sob through your words as a way of confirmation. you can't breathe, the pain of everything that's built up over the past months is making it impossible for you to breathe. your mind fogs over as your chest heaves up and down.
you struggle to take breaths as tears stream down your face. your pillow becomes soaked with your tears. chan strokes your unwashed hair gently, hushing you and singing softly to help ground you.
“sh sh sh. you're ok, you're safe.” he whispers.
“sorry! i'm sorry!” you repeat over and over again in your fits of tears. chan continues to hush you, noticing that it's not working so he gently rolls you over to face him and pulls you into his naked chest. 
the warmth and softness of his skin calms you down in an instant. his natural scent hugs your nostrils and sinks into your heart, soothing your heartbeat as well as your mind. you grip onto him, desperately trying to cling onto something before resulting in wrapping your arms around him tightly. 
he gives you a bear hug. arms around your shoulders gently, fingers raking and massaging your scalp. his chest wet with tears as he continues to hush you through your episode.
there isn't much he can do when you're crying like this except wait. wait for it to pass–and it does, fifteen minutes later.
“better?” he gently asks. you peer up at him to notice that his own cheeks are wet with a few tears slowly falling.
“you're crying..” you whisper as you reach up and wipe the tears away. chan laughs softly before leaning into your touch. “why?”
“because it pains me to see you like this, my love.” that guilt comes back, settling in your stomach and wrapping itself around your heart, like black fog. you look down, tears falling from your lower lash line.
“sorry..” you mumble.
“hey.” chan unwraps his arms from you to gently lift up your head. “it hurts because i can't do anything about it. it hurts because i love you! seeing you in so much pain is rough darling. and it's not physical pain either, it's not like i can put a band aid on your wound.”
“i'm sorry i'm like this, chan. sorry i'm so difficult and such a disappointment.”
“oi.” his tone of voice turns stern which causes you to look up at him. his brows furrowed together as he reaches and strokes your cheek. “you're not a disappointment or difficult baby. it's ok to feel like this, to have off days and feel like nothing is right, however, you have to come to me when you feel like this! or if you can't come to me, talk to a friend.”
“but i hate talking about my feelings, chan.. i feel like a burden and that it just bores people and when i do confined in people, it feels like i don't get the comfort i expect to get so i'm left thinking if it's worth it and if i just expect too much from people.”
“what have i told you about bottling things up, mhm?”
“that it's just going to keep building and building until i explode.” you mumble to which chan hums and nods too
“imagine you're a bottle of fizzy pop. your body is the bottle, your feelings are the fizzy liquid. what happens when you shake a bottle of fizzy pop?”
“it bubbles and explodes, creating a huge mess.”
“and what happens when you bottle your feelings up?”
“i get shaken up by the smallest of things, which causes me to bubble and explode..”
“mhm. you have to remember, my darling, that how you feel is valid. your feelings are valid. you might seem like it's something so small or stupid, but that something small could build and build and build.”
“so i should come to you whenever i feel negative?”
“even if i'm frustrated at a piece of work? even if i can't get a recipe right and it annoys me?”
“but that is so small and not as important..”
“yn, if it's bothering you then it's big. if it's bothering you, it's important to me. if you feel angry, upset, energy less, i beg that you come to me or to a friend! it's important that we voice these things, let it be known because you'll feel better.” he tucks your hair behind your ear gently before you nuzzle into his chest, thinking about what he's saying.
he is correct. he always is and that's the thing that sometimes bothers you, but in a good way! it just means that you can't hide anything from chan, whether it's good or bad and when you are feeling down, chan is always there to pick you back up and dust you off, providing you with love and comfort.
“shall we go shower together to start the day?”
“isnt it a bit late for that? besides, hasn't your day already started?” you mumble against his chest.
“it's never too late to start the day and besides, i don't mind ‘restarting’ my day if it means i get to do it with you.” he kisses the top of your head gently, stroking your back as you tangle your legs with his.
“soon?” he questions.
“i just want to spend some more minutes with you..”
“we can spend as many minutes together as you like, my darling. as long as you're happy and content.”
“i'm always happy and content with you, chan. you're my safe space.”
“and i hope i continue to be and provide you with that safe space, yn.”
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your-astro-mami · 8 months
Pluto officially enters Aquarius later today. The Sun-Pluto conjunction could be a powerful tool to start something new creatively - as it could have a lasting impact on your life and could show the beginning of a major new cycle.
For Aries Rising, it will be a powerful day to make a plan, start doing something related to your biggest dreams, aspirations, anything you want to do to have a major impact on the world.
For Taurus Rising, it will be a good day to focus on your professional goals, plans for the future and your career. This could be a great time to work on your public image as you are more likely to gain popularity for what you do.
For Gemini Rising, this can be a wonderful time for your personal development - working towards educating yourself, gaining knowledge. Planning a travel now, travelling or any new journey will be valuable to you in the long-run.
For Cancer Rising, it could be a great time to focus on financial goals, ambitions and investing money. You could receive recognition for the things you do. It could be a transformative time for your hidden self and gaining strength.
For Leo Rising, it will be a time that impacts relationships - both personal and professional. Now is the time to let go of unhealthy relationships, network, build new connections as you are likely to meet people who will benefit you. Good day for business-related activities as well.
For Virgo Rising, it could be a powerful time for work, starting new projects or anything health-related, making bigger shifts in your lifestyle, incorporating something new. You may gain more power in your work environment.
For Libra Rising, this will be a time with strong creative energy and inspiration - desire to do something new. A valuable time for love and your social life as well. Now is the time to express your creativity, think of new ideas and turn them into reality.
For Scorpio Rising, this could be a transformative day for anything related to your emotional wellbeing, as well as family and domestic environment. Now is the time to plan any changes connected to your living situation.
For Sagittarius Rising, this is a wonderful day to turn your plans into action, communicate your thoughts and opinions, express everything that matters to you. It is a good time to make decisions and let go of any mental/creative blockages.
For Capricorn Rising, this could be a very transformative time financially - a good time to make financial decisions, major purchases, look for new opportunities to increase your income and find a new source of income.
For Aquarius Rising, this is probably one of the most important days of your life. Take action towards your plans - focus on yourself, be selfish today and do the things that will benefit you long-term. It is a transformative time so it is important to use it well.
For Pisces Rising, this is a major time for your mental health and inner wellbeing. Now is the time to heal and let go. Spend time with yourself, focus on your needs and relaxation. Feeling at peace today shows the beginning of a great cycle for your inner self.
My advice for everyone is to focus on your passions this weekend - focus on what benefits YOU. This is an important time that will set the start of a large cycle in your life so it is best to use it to your advantage. Creative activities, business plans, anything that you truly want to be a part of your future - now is the time to put work towards it.
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iovmegumi · 1 year
sims 4 crystal legacy challenge
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hello! here is a legacy challenge i created while playing the Garden Legacy challenge. i didn’t want to finish on my tenth gen and decided to create my own challenge, based on crystals. this challenge can be continued from a previous save or started in a new one! i also tried to implement base game options for those who don’t own all the packs! some gens do need packs but if you don’t have them, they may be skipped. 
if you play this please tag me! or post your sims with #iovmegumi crystal legacy challenge
general rules ❥ you do not have to live on the same lot for all 10 generations if you wish. ❥ mods and cc are allowed! ❥ no money cheats ! ❥ i’ve assigned a colour to each gen so you may play with berry sims if you wish!  ❥ i’ve decided that in each generation you may roll for offspring (rolling a dice or using a random number generator to decide how many children) unless stated otherwise in the rules.
gen one - rose quartz (pink)
a stone of unconditional love.
growing up, all you ever wanted was a family. leaving home young to start your life, you work on your career while trying to find the one, dedicated to cultivating the perfect life. you work hard to support your family and love your children so much, opening your heart and home to those in need of families as well. you cherish your partner and frequently find yourself going on date nights.
traits: family-oriented, romantic, perfectionist aspiration: super parent (PH) or big happy family rules:
❥ level 10 cooking ❥ level 5 gourmet cooking ❥ level 10 parenting (PH) ❥ master arts critic career or reach level 10 of painting while freelancing ❥ have four kids, one adopted ❥ marry your soulmate and stay together until death do you part
gen two - orange calcite (orange)
a stone for energy and creativity.
you had everything as a child, lots of siblings and loving parents. you took an interest in your house, specifically the furniture and decided that you’d love to create your own items. when you are old enough you begin learning how to make furniture and take an interest in repairing objects. though you grew such a passion for this, you found that you hadn’t really had time to make friends.
traits: loner, self-assured, maker (EL) or creative aspiration: master maker (EL) or curator rules:
❥ level 10 fabrication (EL) or complete crystal collection or both! ❥level 10 handiness ❥ level 5 gardening ❥ level 10 civil designer career - green technician branch (EL) or live off making creations ❥ have only one friend ❥ marry that friend ❥ complete aspiration ❥ roll for offspring ❥ fill house with furniture or items you’ve made
gen three - moonstone (white)
a symbol of light and hope and also encourages us to embrace new beginnings.
your parents were so focused on the world around you that you began wondering what else was out there. you grew a fascination for space and found the urge to explore outside your planet. you meet some different people, and even find yourself falling in love with one of them. how do you tell your parents that you’re marrying an alien?
traits: genius, family-oriented, clumsy aspiration: nerd brain rules:
❥ level 10 logic ❥ level 10 fitness ❥ level 10 rocket science ❥ level 5 parenting ❥ level 10 astronaut career ❥ complete aspiration ❥ have 4-5 kids ❥ marry an alien (if you have GTW) ❥ build & fully upgrade a rocket ship ❥ travel to sixam
gen four - sodalite (blue)
enhances communication and builds confidence.
having an alien background, you have never felt like you fit in. you dream of having lots of friends and living a normal life. you focus on trying to blend into society and try to be as social as possible, throwing parties and meeting new sims, even seeming to gain some attention on the internet too.
traits: outgoing, unflirty, party animal or bro and loyal aspiration: friend of the world rules:
❥ level 10 charisma ❥ level 7 comedy or mischief ❥ level 7 video gaming ❥ level 10 social media career - internet personality branch (CL) or entertainer - comedy branch ❥ complete aspiration ❥ roll for offspring ❥ throw 5 parties over the course of your life
gen five - pyrite (grey)
used for abundance, confidence & protection.
note: this gen requires Get Famous and may be skipped if you do not own the pack!
having a well-known parent thrust you into the spotlight from a young age and as you grew older, you found yourself loving it, wanting more. you dream of being on the big screen, your face plastered on billboards, your name nominated for awards. you’ll do anything to gain fame, even if it means use others.
traits: ambitious, snob, self-absorbed (GF) aspiration: world famous celebrity rules:
❥ level 10 acting ❥ level 10 piano ❥ level 5 violin ❥ level 5 guitar ❥ level 10 acting career ❥ complete aspiration ❥ become a 5 star celebrity ❥ have two failed marriages ❥ have only one child ❥ have a butler (VG)
gen six - amethyst (purple)
a powerful protective stone.
your parent was obsessed with fame, wanting you to follow in their footsteps. after seeing how little they cared about you, you decided to go in a different direction. your butler was your best friend and basically raised you, talking to you of how they used to love their family garden. you decide a quiet life is suited to you and put all your focus into working on a lovely garden dedicated to your butler.
traits: loves the outdoors, neat, vegetarian aspiration: freelance botanist rules:
❥ level 10 gardening ❥ level 10 cooking ❥ level 6 logic ❥ level 10 gardening career (seasons) or complete basegame plants collection or both ❥ have at least 3 kids ❥ lose one child to death ❥ be best friends with your childhood butler
gen seven - tourmaline (black)
promotes happiness and offers protection, inspires creativity.
losing a sibling was the hardest time of your life, and you found that your family never recovered from this loss. you hear a myth of a book that can bring people back to life and vow to return your sibling back to you and your family. 
traits: gloomy, creative, paranoid or erratic aspiration: bestselling author rules:
❥ level 10 writing skill  ❥ level 5 photography skill (GTW) ❥ level 10 writing career ❥ complete aspiration ❥ write book of life & bring back deceased sibling ❥ marry a bookworm ❥ roll for offspring ❥ adopt a cat (C&D)
gen eight - bloodstone (red)
for courage & justice, strengthens immune system & family bonds.
your parents had been stressed a lot of their life, working hard to bring your family member back. you were frustrated that they had to go through so much and decided to take it out on others. you grew to despise most people, working on creating enemies rather than friends, feeling a sense of justice for your parent. yet you still made sure to love your children, even if you may have not loved your spouse as much.
traits: mean, noncommittal, bro aspiration: bodybuilder rules: 
❥ level 10 programming ❥ level 10 mischief ❥ level 10 criminal career (oracle branch) ❥ roll for offspring ❥ cheat on your spouse once all children are born ❥ get divorced as an adult ❥ get engaged again & leave new spouse at the altar
gen nine - amazonite (green)
a stone of peace, harmony, truth & communication.
the trauma of your parents rough marriage led you to pursue finding harmony and inner peace. you find this through yoga and painting, refusing to get a job so you can keep an eye on your spouse and make sure all your children feel loved. 
traits: jealous, erratic, art lover aspiration: painter extraordinaire rules:
❥ level 10 painting ❥ level 10 wellness (SD) or level 10 violin ❥ level 5 knitting (NK) ❥ complete aspiration ❥ never get a job ❥ fill your household with children ❥ always celebrate the holidays (seasons) ❥ go to the spa once a week (SD)
gen ten - citrine (yellow)
attracts wealth, prosperity & success.
note: this gen requires discover university! but i have included a basegame option too!
your whole life has revolved around your siblings. you had nothing that was your own and desperately wanted to remove yourself from them, wanting your own success and your own name. you study and get a degree, priding yourself on your intelligence and work ethic.
traits: hot-headed, materialistic, overachiever or ambitious aspiration: fabulously wealthy rules:
❥ level 10 robotics or level 10 logic & charisma ❥ level 7 programming ❥ level 7 handiness ❥ level 10 engineer career or level 10 business career ❥ complete aspiration ❥ get a university degree (DU) ❥ own a dog & a cat (C&D)
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connorsnothereeither · 4 months
Fable SMP has been an experience that has genuinely changed my life, in ways. I know I only came into it during the final season, but I was around before then too, and I adore this series, or project, or whatever you want to call it, from so many angles. First as a friend, and a fan, and finally now a collaborator, and a creator. I have gotten to work with some of my best friends, and made so many more in the process. It has genuinely been an honour and a privilege to work with so many amazing, talented, kind and creative people over my time in this space. I have learned skills and passions that I never knew I would, and it dragged me out of a creative rut I had been stuck in for a very long time.
I often joke around and talk about it as “the silly little minecraft story” and it is, to an extent, but it’s also so much more than that. It’s a story. Our story, that we got to tell, and that effected us and so many people in so many ways. One that had made me laugh and cry and that I have poured my heart and soul into. And now from the end I can look back and see how beautiful and elaborate and funny and heartbreaking this story is. I can see the creativity and the passion that everyone involved put into making it what it is. And from the end it is so… wonderful. It is something I am so incredibly proud of. I am proud to be a part of it, despite its ups and downs, and I so proud of the people who were involved. Who have made so much. I could not ask to have told this story with a better group of people, and I could not have asked for a better story to be invited into.
It has been a story, and an experience, and friendships that I am genuinely going to cherish.
It’s strange to consider this a goodbye to Fable SMP. Because in my mind it’s not, really. Fable isn’t gone. It’s not going anywhere. It’s still here. The story is there to be rewatched again and again, as many times as we want. I’m certainly not done stewing in this world and retelling it personally (just look at how much is left of Brink-) and I don’t think the fandom is either. Hell, I don’t think a lot of the cast are ready to leave it behind entirely. We’re still around. Fable is still around. We just get to view it in a different light. We get to look back on it, and immerse ourselves again, and see all that we missed the first time in the rush of flipping through the chapters.
So this is not a goodbye to Fable. But it is a thank you. A thank you to the cast, who made such an amazing story, made such an amazing environment to create in, and who gave me so many amazing opportunities. And it is a thank you, so so much, to the community, who got as attached to our characters as we did; played along with our silly games and codes; who encouraged me as I delved into this new way of storytelling for the first time; and who helped make the entire series what it was.
Thank you, truly.
- Connor
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theereina · 5 months
Start a daily gratitude journal to cultivate a positive mindset.
Practice mindfulness meditation for at least 10 minutes each day.
Set specific, achievable goals for yourself in all areas of your life.
Read a self-improvement book or listen to a motivational podcast each week.
Create a budget and track your expenses to improve your financial literacy.
Take a new fitness class or try a different workout routine to stay active and healthy.
Volunteer your time to a cause you're passionate about.
Practice self-care regularly, whether it's through skincare, baths, or relaxation techniques.
Develop a morning routine that sets a positive tone for your day.
Learn a new skill or hobby that interests you, such as painting, cooking, or coding.
Practice forgiveness and let go of grudges or resentments from the past.
Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who uplift and inspire you.
Start a savings account or investment portfolio to secure your financial future.
Practice assertiveness and boundary-setting in your relationships.
Spend time in nature to recharge and reconnect with yourself.
Take a solo trip to explore new places and gain independence.
Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare providers for preventive care.
Practice saying "no" to obligations or activities that drain your energy.
Explore different forms of spirituality or connect with your spiritual beliefs.
Declutter your living space to create a more organized and peaceful environment.
Practice random acts of kindness to spread positivity in your community.
Learn to manage stress through techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.
Attend workshops or seminars to continue learning and growing personally and professionally.
Set aside time for creative expression, whether it's through writing, drawing, or crafting.
Practice self-reflection to identify areas for growth and improvement.
Cultivate a mindset of abundance and gratitude rather than scarcity and fear.
Set boundaries around technology use to prioritize real-life connections.
Experiment with different styles and fashion choices to express your unique personality.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals and aspirations.
Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and understanding.
Explore your passions and interests to find what truly lights you up.
Develop a morning or evening skincare routine to care for your skin.
Take up a regular exercise routine, whether it's yoga, running, or weightlifting.
Practice effective communication skills to express yourself clearly and assertively.
Set aside time for hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
Invest in experiences rather than material possessions for long-lasting happiness.
Foster gratitude by expressing appreciation for the people and things in your life.
Practice forgiveness, both towards others and yourself, to release negative emotions.
Engage in acts of self-love, such as positive affirmations and pampering sessions.
Cultivate a sense of curiosity and wonder by exploring new ideas and perspectives.
Invest in your education and personal development through courses or workshops.
Practice empathy and compassion towards others, seeking to understand their perspectives.
Practice mindfulness in everyday activities, such as eating and walking.
Set realistic expectations for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.
Surround yourself with supportive friends and mentors who encourage your growth.
Create a financial plan to save for future goals, such as buying a home or traveling.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal of things you're thankful for.
Take time to relax and recharge by engaging in activities you enjoy.
Reflect on your values and priorities to ensure your actions align with your true self.
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elysiansparadise · 11 months
Hello! 👋 I was wondering if there are any synastry placements that could make someone believe their partner is really smart or look up to them because of their intelligence. Thank you!!!
Hello love! I really like your question, thank you so much for suggesting it. 💖
Intellectual Admiration in synastry 
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🤎Sun conjunct the MC/Sun trine MC/Sun falling in the other’s 10th house. It makes you see your partner as a very capable, intelligent and ambitious person. You can admire the other person for their tenacity, professionalism and because you see their personality as something appealing or something you can aspire to be. MC/10th house person feels mesmerized by the other person's essence, their creativity and their way of behaving.
🤎Mercury conjunct the MC/Mercury trine MC/Mercury falling in the other’s 10th house. This meaning is a little more direct, since Mercury shows intellect, skills and abilities. This overlay or aspect can cause you to see in your partner someone with great mental capacity, someone who is mentally agile, and you may even admire a particular skill he or she has. You see in the other person someone very capable, and not only in the areas they master, but in any other area due to their great learning capacity.
🤎Jupiter falling in your partner’s 10th house. Similar to the previous one, let's remember that Jupiter represents complex knowledge, going beyond the details, so in this case you admire the other person's ability to see the big picture, how they understand things that seem simple at first glance, and the depth of your mind and heart. You see in them a very cultured person, open-minded and very capable in certain specific areas.
🤎Saturn falling in your partner’s 10th house/conjunct or trine MC. House person find it admirable how the other's mind operates, how they take many things into consideration, their ability to reason, their expertise and how they seem to have a plan for everything. Various types of admiration come in here, from the professional, the personal and the intellectual. You may even be inspired to put your life in greater order with the other person's presence.
🤎Uranus falling in your partner’s 10th house. Something interesting happens here, and it is that they admire both the unique, witty and fascinating personality of Uranus person, and that quality of genius that they perceive when working with them/knowing them well. They can put their intellectual abilities and capabilities, as well as their creativity and inventive spirit, on a high pedestal.
🤎Mercury falling in your partner’s 5th house. House person admires and finds the other person's cunning and skills very attractive. They see this person as a mixture of mischief and great intellectual abilities, a combination that they consider lethal, interesting and somewhat hot. They like to listen to this person talk about what they like or are passionate about and it is very easy for them to pay immediate attention when they start a conversation.
🤎Mercury aspecting the other’s Sun [especially conjunction or trine]. Besides the fact that communication flows in an ideal, dynamic and constant way, Sun person will feel very interested in talking with Mercury person due to the affinity of ideas, while Mercury person will directly see Sun person as someone very sharp and clever. 
🤎Mercury aspecting the other’s Jupiter. Both may feel fascinated by the amount of hours they can spend without getting bored, they see in the other someone with an interesting mind and, in general, as very smart and witty. They love being with each other, as it helps them notice details that may go unnoticed [Mercury person] or see things from a new perspective [Jupiter person]. They love how each other's minds work and have a lot of intellectual affinity.
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🤎Jupiter aspecting the other’s Sun [especially conjunction, opposition, trine or sextile]. Jupiter person will see in Sun person someone from whom they can learn many things, someone with whom they feel very comfortable and is very likely to leave very positive lessons in their life. For its part, Sun person will see in Jupiter person a reliable, wise and very cheerful or positive person. They will contribute a lot to each other's lives, they will support each other and there will be respect, approval and acceptance for what the other is and knows.
🤎Jupiter harmoniously aspecting the other’s Saturn. They both have experience and maturity that they love to share with each other, because they feel that they understand each other on a deep level. Beyond admiring the other's ability to listen and immediately understand what they want to say, they feel admiration for the way the other behaves, sees life and their ideas.
🤎Saturn making harmonious placements with the other’s Sun. Sun person will admire Saturn person's stable, hard-working and clever personality, and will feel more grounded by their presence. Saturn person sees in the other person someone with a lot of potential, with many capabilities and can admire certain traits of their character and mind.
🤎Saturn making harmonious placements with the other’s Uranus. Even if they initially seem very different, on an intellectual level they connect in interesting ways. Saturn person will see in them someone with great intelligence, someone very unique in their way of thinking and seeing things, and can be greatly inspired by this. Uranus person will see in Saturn someone admirable, respectable and someone in whom he will place a very high esteem. Despite their differences, they understand each other and find in each other someone who is intriguing to say the least.
🤎Pallas conjunct or trine Sun. I remember mentioning it in some synastry observations, and these aspects usually indicate that the Pallas person sees the Sun person as someone admirable, rational and in general can have a very positive opinion about them. Sun person is very the mix of creativity and intelligence in the eyes of the Pallas person. You may think that the person is very prudent and mentally skilled. 
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Now, don't misinterpret this question as me trying to excuse or justify the Vees' behaviour in any way. They're twisted, evil and have done a lot of messed up shit in their lives. However, I was wondering what you think their good qualities are (probably fairly few, but oh well)? Mostly personality-wise.
Oh I think they have plenty of objectively good qualities - that's what make them so successful. They just use it to do bad things.
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So he's for sure funny and charming. He's also extremely insightful and emotionally intelligent. He can easily recognize what other people need and is always willing to provide it (even though he uses those skills to prey on people). Also, I think he's a very chill and non-judgmental person (but he will say judgmental things to people when he wants to hurt them even if he wholeheartedly doesn't care). And he's fiercely protective of those he cares about. Things often get dirty after some time but as long as nothing triggers his abusive side, he can be genuinely the best, most supportive friend/partner ever that has this special ability to make people just feel good. With Val it's always a high-risk but also high-reward game and that's what makes him so dangerous.
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Vox is extremely intelligent and capable; as long as he doesn't let his emotions take over, he really knows what he's doing. He's ambitious, driven, and very solution-oriented. While it's a trait that can be perceived as coldness, we know how good it is to have this one friend who can offer a real solution instead of a shoulder to cry. Also, he's passionate - when he cares, he cares so much. About his work and hobbies, about his pets, and about his people. Not always he can properly show genuine care but he overcompensates for it by spoiling his friends with money and privileges.
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Vel is creative and has a great aesthetic sensitivity. She's also fiercely loyal and willing to put much effort into maintaining relatively healthy relationships, even if it means some compromises. It's complicated because she struggles with forming deep bonds but at the same time, she loves having a small community and cares about it. Also, she's extremely insightful and perceptive; she works really well under high pressure, she's brave and seriously believes that there are no things the Vees can't do if they just focus and work together; she generally is great at motivating people to take action and lifting them up if its needed.
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inksandpensblog · 12 days
Judging by the trailer, it feels like they made this movie for an audience that doesn’t know anything about Minecraft except that it’s “the block game.” As much as it may look like Minecraft (and that’s debatable), it doesn’t FEEL like Minecraft.
Anyone who hasn’t experienced Minecraft for themselves will be getting exactly what they’re expecting from this movie, meanwhile the people who are actually familiar with and love the game will feel alienated because this is such a poor representation of the thing that they love.
You know what my basis is, for believing this? It’s not the stylization of the cgi, though that’s part of it. It’s not the comedic tone, though that’s part of it. It’s not the weird choice and lazy execution of live-action integration, though that’s part of it.
It’s because the trailer isn’t trying to say that Minecraft is an experience just waiting to be understood. It’s because the trailer isn’t trying to say that the oddities of Minecraft are what make it fascinating, sometimes even wonderful (and, yes, quite often amusing). It’s because the trailer isn’t trying to say that Minecraft is something you can find meaning in; whether meaning is a family, a skillset, a creative passion, a sense of belonging, a community, a reservoir of memories, a means of connection, or a better understanding of oneself.
It’s because the trailer is trying to say that Minecraft is ridiculous and incomprehensible.
This trailer doesn’t show me a movie about what it’s like to play Minecraft.
This trailer shows me a movie about what it’s like to not play Minecraft. And that’s the perspective it’s trying to sell the movie on. That’s the perspective it expects its audience to find relatable.
The trailer tells me that this movie was not made for the people who play Minecraft. It was made for the people who don’t.
I just hope that, if it does make people want to try playing it, they come to appreciate what the game really is.
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earthxangell · 8 months
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☆ミ what are you manifesting in february || pick-a-card reading (timeless)
Hello my beautiful star souls and welcome to my new Pick-A-Card reading. I'm coming back with my weekly messages for the collective, fully recharged and passionate about delivering guidance from the Spirit and any entity that wants to come through. I hope you're doing well and sincerely smile from the bottom of your heart full of joy, happiness and love.
Take a few deep breaths and let your intuition guide you towards a certain pile. Choose a picture and read your interpetation down below.
Only for entertainment purposes. Take what resonates and leave everything else behind.
,。・:*:・゚☆ Pile 1
Some sort of a big opportunity coming to you. You've been praying for this one because it directs towards your soul's passion and desire. Especially if you've been meaning to start some sort of a creative business or just simply allow yourself to be bold and move towards that passion despite the fear and negative thoughts of losing this game. There's a message here to strongly communicate what it is that you truly want for yourself. For some, I feel like an important conversation with parents is about to happen. You've been planning it, for some reason feeling uncertain if they'll get you but Spirit is encouraging you to do that. The conversation will go well. For some, I feel like they hide their passion from friends/family because they don't want to be misunderstood or laughed at. You won't be. You're never alone and the month of February will prove you that. You deserve to live this life according to your desires, wants and needs and be supported and loved for that. If you want to paint, paint; if you want to sing and produce your own music - do that. No matter how bad or simply disgusting it will seem to you. This talent of yours is a gift from ancestors. Don't be afraid to show your progress with the loved ones - they'll love it, that's for sure. Even if you're just a beginner or only about to start it - please, if you feel called to talk and share this goal of yours with someone, do that. I see you receiving support and financial opportunities (your parent giving your money to start this bussiness or a friend gifting you some tools if you've been wanting to start crochet and etc). Communication this month will lead to a lots of opportunities. No wonders, it's Aquarius season! It's about emracing yourself and your nature, being surrounded with mind-like people. Another main blessing for you is that you'll move through this month in the state of 'flow', intuitively knowing what to do and smoothly going with your progress. You will finally stop biting yourself for any mistakes or setbacks and you will just enjoy the process by embracing the challenges with inner peace and fulfillment. Energy of this pile feels like floating on a water surface - just this simple but rich feeling of letting go of any resistance and just being, living, cocreating with the Universe. Good for you!
,。・:*:・゚☆ Pile 2
My sweethearts! I will bite if you won't love yourself this month enough! I'm seeing so much confidence and determination for you in February. For some it may be a career advancement, for others - excellent grades and success in the choosen field (especially with anything that is somehow relates to fashion, self-care and beauty products). My card literally says 'A very happy ending!' The main message for you is to let go. Just let go of the past situations that made you, for some reason, believe that you're not good enough and get these grades, get this promotion, take that leap of faith and for once, just really believe in yourself. You have no idea how beautiful and capable you are. The next month is bringing you this inner transformation that you've been needed in order to move on, to really grip on that self-control and take important steps towards your goal. If you felt exhausted and tired all the time in January, I'm seeing change here as well. Any setbacks, delays or that constant worry that you feel nonstop is based on your lack of self-confidence and belief in yourself and your capability. Get out of your head, journal more. You'll feel more confident and motivated, you'll receive lots of recognition and praise from others not only for your looks but also for your hard work and growth. It'll get better, I promise you. Just hang in there, angel.
,。・:*:・゚☆ Pile 3
You're on receiving end this month. I'm seeing an opportunity to travel, recharge and come back even stronger than before. This is especially significant, if you're 'the mother figure" in your friends group or just literally a mother of a child. You can be extreme with how much you give to others but it didn't fade away unnoticed from your spiritual team and the Universe. They are sending you times where you can just sigh with relief, take some time for yourself and make new plans. You've been working hard for something, you've done the work and now you can let yourself rest and recieve these professional and financial blessings. If you wanted more time for yourself to practice spirituality in any form, I'm seeing the opporunities to do that will happen as well. You're quite intuitive and your skills will be developed and highlighted even more in February. More time with family and friends and your loved ones. Receiving a love confession. Opportunities to lead in the choosen field. Winning a competition. Receiving a scholarship. Moving to a different country because of the study. Focus on yourself and your inner battery. Successful relocation. Seeing beauty in everything around you. Bright times ahead. Your prayers are being answered.
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