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alpaca-clouds · 1 year ago
Hear me out! Whalepunk. 🐳
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Within those (potential) punk genres I listed a couple of weeks ago, there is one that absolutely fascinates me, even though it does not yet exist, if we are totally honest. The stuff I made up last week is partly more of a thing yet, than this specific one, though the name/idea is a bit older. As far as I can tell, it went something like this: "Yo, Dishonored feels kinda like a punk thing, right? And it runs on whale oil. So, like... Whalepunk? 😉" And given that there is a subreddit on it, there were definitely folks who really took to it. Yet, nothing much came from it. While I will argue that Dredge is also now part of that genre... That's it. Three games. Dishonored, Dishonored 2 and Dredge.
But I am super fascinated by the potential of this genre and now I am going to tell you why.
So, the entire Whale Oil thing predated the wide steam adaption by a bit. But of course it never got used in the way we see it used within Dishonored either way. For all intents and purposes, the whale oil in Dishonored might as well be called "magic whale goo", because it functions less as the oil and more as "energy source, but it is important it comes from whales". Because Dishonored brings in one other aspect: Some strange, almost eldritsch mysticism that is connected to the whales. And it is this, what makes the potential of the genre so interesting.
See, the thing about Whalepunk to me is, that there are three interesting things to explore within this genre.
The Whaling Industry as it existed was very cut throat and as basically the fishing industry still is today, there was ton of abuse going on. Because, duh, industries. Which would give an interesting start for the "punk" part to happen. Just explore people somehow surviving the life was a whaler and also... struggling with it. Because of their own misery, yes, but also because...
Whales are intelligent creatures. They are really, really intelligent. They are so intelligent that cultures living from fishing at times were able to co-work with the whales. So one can really work with the idea of "killing a being, that is almost human like in its intelligence" and how that might play out. And that would leave interesting places to explore. (Also: A story from the perspective of the whales?)
There is also the aspect of the ocean as this strange and unpredictable place. The one thing that to this day humanity is completely unable to tame. And the mysteries of the deep ocean. The same deep oceans the whales so often visit. Which is why this invites lovecraftian ideas so easily.
Between other people, who are interested in the punk genre, I always have heard: "But whalepunk is icky, because the poor whales." While I am sitting there like: "Whalepunk is interesting, because of that!" Because this senseless slaughter of another intelligent species can wonderfully play into the punk ideas.
And I don't know. I think this is neat. I think this genre would have a real potential on the basis of "the dependence on the ocean" vs "the unpredictability of the ocean". And I would love to see that explored a bit.
Again, so far there is not a lot within the genre. But man, I see some neet storytelling opportunities there.
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r-e-d-s-h-i-f-t · 2 years ago
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focsle · 2 years ago
I don't think you're super a TTRPG person iirc but I thought I should let you know about the existence of Hellwhalers, a game where you play as doomed whalers hunting a beast on the seas of hell, and apparently has heavy nautical and Christian horror overtones (without being a game geared toward specifically Christians). It sounded v interesting and kinda up your alley!!!
Oooh that sounds very interesting! I don’t play TTRPGs often—though not for a want of interest! But because it’s sooo hard to schedule a time when a group of people with a bunch of different work schedules can all sit down at a table together. But I am filing this away in the event that the stars align.
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markovianmuse · 1 year ago
I have nothing to say that will change the current madness, so in the meantime please enjoy some frivolous whale images made in DALL•E 3 and SDXL.
I have created an entire new genre - whalepunk!
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Created using Stable Diffusion XL and DALL•E 3.
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abysswatchers420 · 1 month ago
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i said i'd do it and i did. @whalepunk got me all the paints, brushes, and paper 🥹
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detournementarc · 2 months ago
Been fomenting a Scum and Villainy setting that brings back Blades in the Dark's Shattered Isles, reimagined as a dark Gothic Sci-Fi that splits the difference between the original's briny semi-Victorian whalepunk and a version of Warhammer 40k that didn't muddle it's punkish roots with Imperial apologia.
For your consideration:
The Shattered Stars
Millennia ago, humanity enjoyed a golden age, foraying fast and deep into the stars; laying claim to all the worlds within its reach. In their arrogance and ignorance, they thought little of the way the wakes of their faster-than-light ships wore thin the membrane of spacetime. They say it was the major space lanes that went first, the pristine black of space billowing aside like gossamer, spilling forth the profane mass of The Miasma into reality. The crimson un-space continued to spill forth, drowning stars and planets and causing the very laws of nature to come undone near its perverse influence.
An epoch hence, the Oros System stands alone— cut off from the rest of humanity, or all that is left of it. The Miasma surrounds on all sides, slowly encroaching; and the once brilliant star has cracked and faded.
The lone source of hope for many— and source of terror for many more— is the Immortal Emperor, who left this forlorn system one gift in the Azure Sun, an ember of his inexhaustible providence, and tiny fragment of himself.
The Worlds of the Shattered Star
The world nearest to the broken sun, this world's Noble Houses once thrived on solar farming, and are quickly losing their power and influence both to the Empire a world away, and the ancient aliens stirring in the scalding atmosphere below the flotillas upon which Iruvia's inhabitants live. Refusing to decline without grace, the Houses of Iruvia maintain excellency in the arts, including their intricate sword dances.
Once called "Aqo-Oros" (the Jewel of Oros), this planet's on-world Jump Gate caused the Miasma to unleash its full, corrupting influence before it was sealed. Though centuries have past, the surface ecosystem is still rugged, haunted and strange; save for select protected regions and its pair of artificial moons— the Imperial City of Dawnbreak, and the immense starport of Duskfall.
"Syev-Oros", the Armor of Oros, refers to the immense gas giant thought to ensnare approaching meteorites that would threaten the inner worlds; but is the colloquial term for its sole habitable moon as well. This moon is warped and wracked by its world's gravity, leading to an unstable volcanic landscape, and the nomadic lifestyle of those Severosi who eke out a life riding on the bat-like stridewings that surf on the wind currents created by the incessant tumult of lava and frost.
The Dagger Belt
An asteroid belt shaped by Severos's gravity, the Dagger Belt is wealthy with both mineral wealth, and the remnants of Leviathan bodies not claimed by the Leviathan Hunters. For this reason, the Mining Syndicates exercise great influence over the economy of the system, a force almost too great for the Empire to control. In the dark corners of the Belt, it is said space pirates and fouler things lurk.
Before the cataclysm, Skovlan was a bitter enemy to the Empire, sole refuge to aliens and dissidents all loathed by the xenophobic regime. Today, both sides find themselves in a stalemate they both claim as a victory; the Skovlanders find themselves too busy battling the horrors the Miasma casts forth as the Empire claims their efforts as defense of the Inner Worlds; while the Empire, cut off from the immense power it once wielded, leaves Skovlan to claim its independence.
"Taig-Oros", the Gate of Oros, was the first world to be absorbed into the encroaching Miasma Cloud, and a grim portent of what awaits Skovlan, the Belt, Severos, Akoros, and Iruvia in turn. It exists in no singular location, instead occupying a quantum superposition at once everywhere and nowhere in the solar system spanning cloud. It's people are enthusiastic believers in the Empire, likely the sole thing ensuring their continued existence as the Miasma twists them into forms an Empire that could still afford its full prejudice would have decried as abominable once. This world of dotted with labyrinthine noneuclidian cities and strange alien landscapes.
That's all I've got for now
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in-case-of-grace · 5 months ago
What are your favorite, weird, fantasy settings?
Fantasy is a genre with a lot of rad stuff that gets hidden in the shadow of The Homogenous Tolkien Blob that takes up so much of the space, no matter the medium.
Hard as they are to find, I love exploring new, unique worlds unlike any I've seen before! I want to see something new! I'm going to throw up if I see another elf, orc, or dragon-- I want to see what new creatures people can make! I want to explore a world that doesn't focus on Medieval Europe-- I want to see something unfamiliar, fantastical!
I wanna hear about some of the weird fantasy settings you love that aren't part of the Blob!
A few of my own favorites:
- Dishonored. (found in the video game series of the same name, by Arkane studios. Whalepunk with some eldritch horror brewing underneath. Wonderful!)
- Cathedris (found on World Anvil, written by Stormbril. Dark fantasy dielselpunk world where the gods are dead, but their corpses, now husks, wander the world.)
- Araea (found on World Anvil, written by Qurilion. Horror fueled world where humanity has been forced underground.)
- Hallownest (found in Hollow Knight by Team Cherry. It's an underground civilization built by bug people! This informs a lot of how the world is built!)
A few edge cases that aren't really fantasy: Hylics (from the same-titled games), Invisible Cities (from the book by the same name), and Hell (the Hellraiser version).
This list of my own favorites should serve as evidence of why I'm asking this-- I want to expand it with more Weird!
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proxy-pages · 6 months ago
What do you think of the character design of steamworld games?
I didn't read this right, I missed the "character" part oops so my answer was
"Pretty, I wanna live there <3
Also dieselpunk and whalepunk are free game too."
But hmmmm character design wise i do love it but especially when people go for fashions and designs past the Victorian era which is more common
But also if you don't have robots in your cast of characters then what a loss u.u
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ruins-of-gods · 2 years ago
New aesthetic idea: Whalepunk. Port towns and huge ships and even huger sea monsters. Things made of huge bones and dark wood and cast iron and oil-lanterns. Great wars on the thundering grey deeps, between colossal leviathans and towering edifices of hulls and harpoon-guns. Part Lovecraft, part Moby Dick, part Dishonored, part Jules Verne.
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a-driftamongopenstars · 2 years ago
might anyone have recommendations for steampunk or whalepunk books? 👀
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walderro · 1 month ago
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the stranglehold this image has on my brain. every time someone mentions that they're going to the bathroom my reflexive response is always "go piss girl", like saying "bless you" in response to a sneeze
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year ago
Solarpunk as a Storytelling Framework
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I will be honest: Yes, right now I am mostly writing Fanfictions set in somewhat medieval fantasy settings. But I really do want to write more original stuff - especially Solarpunk fiction. I talked about my idea of writing a Solarpunk horror story two days ago. And I promise you that I will write more about that during the next few weeks.
Something else that I have talked about before is the fact, that there is not yet a lot of solarpunk fiction. And part of that is that Solarpunk is inherently anti-capitalist and hence a lot of big media conglomerates do not want to tell those stories. But another part is, that people treat Solarpunk too much as a genre on its own, but do not know what kind of story a Solarpunk is actually telling.
And here is the thing: You gotta realize that technically Solarpunk mostly describes a setting - not a type of story.
See, here is the thing: This is actually true for a lot of "genre fiction". Fantasy technically also does not tell you what kind of story it is, only that it takes place in a sort of fantastical setting, where there might be magic, fantasy creatures, or maybe stuff like elves and dwarves and what not. And sure, most folks hear "fantasy" and think "adventure", but if you consider this you will realize that for the most part fantasy really does describe the setting - and adventure is the actual genre.
Same can be said with SciFi. In both Fantasy and SciFi you can technically tell a romance, an erotic thriller, an adventure, a murder mystery, a philosophical story about the meaning of life, a political drama, and a ton of other stories.
And the same is true for Solarpunk. You can tell all sorts of stories within a Solarpunk setting.
And sure, some of the other punk genre tend to be more pegged in with their actual genre. Like, most Cyberpunk tends to be mystery-based with a heavy helping of noir. Most Steampunk tends to go into either some adventuring direction, or deal with mystery as well. And even as small was Whalepunk is, most Whalepunk tends to be horror-themed.
But rather than be alienated by the fact that Solarpunk does not yet have a hole to be pegged in... We should rather enjoy this fact, don't you think?
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fmp1pb · 2 years ago
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The Dishonored games are a really cool series of stealth action games, Its based in a fictional setting of Dunwall that was inspired by victorian industrial era, this is seen a lot in the buildings and it is classed as a steampunk theme but people have agreed its genre is whalepunk (which is a punk inspired by this game), whale punk is a bit different from steampunk, whalepunk mostly uses whale oil instead of steam, its also described as retro-futuristic victorian era. I had started playing dishonored 2 (never played the first though) and I thought it was a really stunning game, the visuals are really pretty and it was quite fun, although I never finished the game, I did like the mechanics and challenging aspects of the game, I love the mix of the victorian era mixed with the mechanical things like the robots and weapons, I think it works really well. The look of the robots are actually pretty cool, I like the human like look to them in the general shape, posture and in the way they act, but I also like how most of the mechanical parts are showing as it looks quite cool.
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lillythepyromancer · 1 year ago
And dishonored isn't really steampunk either- Never is steam used in the first game (everything seems to run on electricity, and there ain't a boiler in sight) and their energy is from the maybe magical whale oil so it's more like dieselpunk (Whalepunk?) or teslapunk? Idk, steampunk seems so underutilized by itself
steampunk, as a artsyle, is weird because it's very popular and well-known and common but it typically only really shows up in the form of homages and one-offs rather than actually dedicating to it. and whenever it DOES show up as a main aesthetic in something, it's always like the entire identity of the thing, their tends to be very little originality in steampunk media. when it comes to steampunk media that's actually worth talking about it's like... bioshock, dishonored, maybe fallen london? a very small number of things. it's like the DnD of aesthetics.
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abysswatchers420 · 7 months ago
im stealing from @fresh2definitely bc i luv making picrews + last song listened to
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ill tag @chumqueen @cybervillainess @themoonshoes @whalepunk @bastardfact @auwa and anyone else who wants to idk lol
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trout-scout · 3 years ago
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Thinking about succumbing to the sea-madness and finishing this map of the Leviathan setting
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