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alpaca-clouds · 1 year ago
Hear me out! Whalepunk. 🐳
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Within those (potential) punk genres I listed a couple of weeks ago, there is one that absolutely fascinates me, even though it does not yet exist, if we are totally honest. The stuff I made up last week is partly more of a thing yet, than this specific one, though the name/idea is a bit older. As far as I can tell, it went something like this: "Yo, Dishonored feels kinda like a punk thing, right? And it runs on whale oil. So, like... Whalepunk? 😉" And given that there is a subreddit on it, there were definitely folks who really took to it. Yet, nothing much came from it. While I will argue that Dredge is also now part of that genre... That's it. Three games. Dishonored, Dishonored 2 and Dredge.
But I am super fascinated by the potential of this genre and now I am going to tell you why.
So, the entire Whale Oil thing predated the wide steam adaption by a bit. But of course it never got used in the way we see it used within Dishonored either way. For all intents and purposes, the whale oil in Dishonored might as well be called "magic whale goo", because it functions less as the oil and more as "energy source, but it is important it comes from whales". Because Dishonored brings in one other aspect: Some strange, almost eldritsch mysticism that is connected to the whales. And it is this, what makes the potential of the genre so interesting.
See, the thing about Whalepunk to me is, that there are three interesting things to explore within this genre.
The Whaling Industry as it existed was very cut throat and as basically the fishing industry still is today, there was ton of abuse going on. Because, duh, industries. Which would give an interesting start for the "punk" part to happen. Just explore people somehow surviving the life was a whaler and also... struggling with it. Because of their own misery, yes, but also because...
Whales are intelligent creatures. They are really, really intelligent. They are so intelligent that cultures living from fishing at times were able to co-work with the whales. So one can really work with the idea of "killing a being, that is almost human like in its intelligence" and how that might play out. And that would leave interesting places to explore. (Also: A story from the perspective of the whales?)
There is also the aspect of the ocean as this strange and unpredictable place. The one thing that to this day humanity is completely unable to tame. And the mysteries of the deep ocean. The same deep oceans the whales so often visit. Which is why this invites lovecraftian ideas so easily.
Between other people, who are interested in the punk genre, I always have heard: "But whalepunk is icky, because the poor whales." While I am sitting there like: "Whalepunk is interesting, because of that!" Because this senseless slaughter of another intelligent species can wonderfully play into the punk ideas.
And I don't know. I think this is neat. I think this genre would have a real potential on the basis of "the dependence on the ocean" vs "the unpredictability of the ocean". And I would love to see that explored a bit.
Again, so far there is not a lot within the genre. But man, I see some neet storytelling opportunities there.
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walaranisiyabai · 2 years ago
Horror machine idea
Uses life force to fuel it. For example, a teleporting device but you need to sacrifice an amount of life force that is equal to the distance.
You can sacrifice a fetus to travel 10 kms. Or you can sacrifice a fully healthy adult to travel to another country. You can also use yours. Or, you can use animals, and even plants. It depends what life force you want to use as fuel
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lambmotifz · 4 months ago
i’m very normal about a kind of one sided wincest where dean isn’t aware (or pretends he isn’t) that sam knows about his obsessive feelings and is always willing to let dean fuck him, all dean needs to do is ask. sam would let him, just like he lets dean hit him till he bleeds. but dean doesn’t ask because it’d mean having to admit he wants to ravish his little brother, so he just swallows his hunger down
then at some point something inevitably triggers his jealousy & possessiveness (either because of ruby or sam’s history with brady) and he just loses control and dubcons sam ♡
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tsukasa · 4 months ago
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tbhk should focus on this stuff more often i have the time of my life when it does
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sunlithauntings · 2 months ago
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eg! 🥚
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lokh · 2 months ago
i feel like i would just have to tell you 'my favorite film is the invitation (2015)' and youd be like. you would enjoy conclave wouldnt you
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sunmisbf · 8 months ago
they should remake strangers from hell but w women n sunmi should play moonjo
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paperultra · 1 year ago
your love for geto suguru is measured in bodies.
skin over muscle over bone, hands on knees, knees on the floor, cold. thirteen corpses, colder. tongue unmoving, eyes closed, blood still. frozen forever in a state of perfect decay.
to curse users, death is family. you know, intimately, the way it feels in your lungs, the way it settles like a fine dark dust at the end of a struggle. the stench sticks to the back of your throat and tells you that you are home.
suguru presses his face into your neck and breathes out.
you did your best, he says. you did so well.
(this is love returned.)
perhaps there was a time when you loved differently, in the way that he wanted, but you are not your past. you are your present, and this is your only gift. and he accepts it, arms wrapped around you like ribs around an unbeating heart.
your love for geto suguru is measured in bodies.
the first one was yours.
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bloodstainedsapphic · 10 months ago
little miss can't pick a theme if her life depended on it
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butch-borisdrubetskoy · 2 years ago
The plot of the film re-animator is that they hate to see a girlboss (herbert west, if that isn't abundantly clear) winning. not me though. when he shovel-decapitated that long-faced creep of a man in the basement of his apartment it felt like a personal moral victory. the other plot of the film re-animator is boys being boys and autistic eye contact. also the sluttiest and best outfit of all ever (white button-down rolled up to the elbows, glasses. splattered with blood).
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sweetlikesunflowersandhoney · 4 months ago
wip sunday screw it
“Sweetheart,” the stranger chuckles and shakes their head. They lean into Marcia’s space, golden eyes pinning them to the spot like daggers. Their smile widens and slits their face gruesomely, jagged teeth lining the monstrous mouth. A guttural voice rumbles out from deep in their chest. “If I wanted to rob you, you’d be dead.”
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nebquerna · 1 year ago
i found old art and i used to make so many comics??
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dudedudewriting · 8 months ago
Horroresque #4
This girl had a crush on me. Most likely. Originally, I did not know she did. Did I like her? She was fine to me. She was good-looking enough, and she smelled nice too. But when I invited her to my place, I did not intend to romance her. Perhaps she thought that I would. And so she went along with me, past the sleeping security guard of the apartment complex, at two in the morning. She giggled as I dragged her through the dusty halls by the hand. I held her dainty and pale wrist, the warmth of which vibrated in my bones, reaching towards my core. My feet sank into the soft carpeting, making me walk as if I was dreaming.
I locked the door behind myself on three locks, one original and two that I put up myself. I rushed to kick away some of the trash on the floor. While I was hustling around she just stood there by the door, with that smile of hers unchanged. I felt her eyes follow me around the room. A drop of sweat ran down my back. I was reminded that my landlord still hasn't fixed the air conditioner. But I did not want to lose my cool, so I excused myself for a moment. Looking at myself in the musty bathroom mirror, I noticed a weird feeling coming from inside my skull. Reverberating through my teeth and gums, it was an itch I could not scratch. My bloodshot eyes stared back at me disappointedly. What were we even doing here, I thought. Well, I knew my intentions. What about her? I did not want to think of her as dumb, but I could not come up with a better reason. Then I heard the creaking of the floor from the outside, which I had not heard before this second. She just stood out there unmoving this whole time. As I scrambled out of the bathroom, I heard more of that noise. When I came back into the room, I saw her standing right where I left her, by the entrance. My hands felt moist. Did I forget to dry them with a towel? I came up to her. She did not do anything, just looked at me with those big brown eyes. She was less chatty than how she was before I invited her over. Instead of saying something, I kept standing there in front of her, dissecting the features of her face with my eyes. My gaze traced down the seams of her long shirt, as I imagined the shape of her body. Me blatantly checking her out did not elicit any reaction from her. Lights flickered suddenly, almost scaring me to death. She did not react. If I had not done anything, I thought she would have kept standing there like a statue, just softly smiling at me from time to time. It was starting to piss me off a bit. I pulled her to sit on the couch with me. My breath was uneven, and my heartbeat escalated by the second. I closed my eyes, sensing the upcoming headache. She did not want to cease the intense eye contact. With loud ringing in my ears, I finally mustered up my courage to do what I had planned to do all along. I picked up her arm to my face and sunk my teeth into that pretty wrist. It felt soft yet chewy. It was both sweet and savory. I took a bite and spent my time properly tasting it. I did not look at her face anymore. Her wicked smile was seared inside my lids anyway. I saw her in my mind's eye as I swallowed her piece by piece. She did not fight back, did not scream. Holding her limp body in my hands, I understood that she was actually perfect. She was perfect, coating inside my mouth, her flesh enveloping mine down my throat. My nerves calmed down. I guess I was just too anxious.
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kudravi-nesit · 9 months ago
Hhhh sometimes I'm just so annoyed how I abandoned making edgy art.
I was SO GOOD at drawing blood and for what?
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tomtepixiedust · 2 years ago
Go out, find a smile in the moor
Out in the woods or was it at some harbour, the smell of wet and soil stuck to my nose but well not so important as walking was all I did, walk and walk till my feet hurt a thousand boiled needles.
So I took off my shoes and ah the cool mud was so much better, I could feel the mist washing my feet and before I knew it I stopped.
Take a break. I did.
Silently, bloody feet just as mine (which I didn't even feel as much, and kept watering the dark soil beneath) and still
A smile.
Bright and happy, the air swirled into many colours.
Amidst the mist, standing on muddy ground
She smiled.
(somehow, any breath stuck in the lungs,
the heart warmed and also stopped)
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sexybabystevie · 2 years ago
a scenes been in my head for SO long i wanna write it so bad because its. genuinely so good like hello....
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