#west coast synthesis
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vizreef · 2 years ago
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Buchla Touché // Analog - Digital Hybrid Synth (US, 1978)
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eriksoderberg · 3 months ago
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Recent work for Robotic Bean:
Experimental West Coast
Unleash the essence of modular synthesis with Experimental West Coast, a Portapack designed exclusively for the Portatron Tape Synthesizer.
Crafted from authentic Buchla modular synthesizer recordings, this pack delivers a boundless spectrum of sounds to fuel your creative adventures.
Dive into shimmering textures, atmospheric drones, glitchy sequences, and ambient soundscapes—all tailored for experimental producers and sound designers seeking to push boundaries.
“Step into a world where modular synthesis meets the nostalgic warmth of tape. With experimental West Coast Portapack, you’ll unlock new sonic timbres and expand your creative horizons.”
The sounds have been carefully sampled from a variety of modular systems; the big 1970’s Buchla 200 system at Elektronmusikstudion EMS in Stockholm, their small 1970’s Buchla 200 system as well as their 1960’s Buchla 100 system replica. Complimented by additional recordings from a brand new Buchla/TipTop Audio 200t system and the modern Buchla Music Easel (208c+LEM218v3).
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cygnusred · 2 years ago
An instrument that plays itself… West Coast/Generative Modular synthesis aka the “krell” patch.
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thedaveandkimmershow · 1 year ago
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One of the unexpected gifts of Linzy being a professional musician is getting to hang out with musicians in the local music community because they really do show up to support each other at gigs. 
That time Linzy performed a songwriter's retrospective with two other artists at the Blue Moon Tavern in the U District?
Everyone in Midnight High showed up. Linzy had the most applause that night because she had more friends there.
That time she was playing that winery gig at the end of a long week?
Some friends from another band showed up to encourage her and make her laugh.
When the missus 'n I are around, we get to talk some with these musicians. Sometimes the ones who're playing the gig, sometimes the ones who are there to support them. Either way, the conversations never disappoint. Maybe we're talking musical influences. Maybe it's the different bands and sometimes different genres in which they play. Maybe it's about live stage production and how they craft their specific sound if they have a specific sound. Maybe it's how they started and where they are now. And so on.
The most interesting of these conversations to date is the one in which I learned about East Coast versus West Coast synthesis.
Ummm What???
Okay synthesizers.
Because we were talking about synths from the eighties. We were talking John Carpenter (the director who also created music soundtracks for his movies), eighties movie soundtracks, and the first synthesizer I bought that I bought right before MIDI hit the market and was built into every keyboard there was... whereas I got a good deal but my synth couldn't talk to anything least of all a computer such as they were at the time.
I brought up Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon and how the synth that was used didn't have a keyboard at all. It was all modules and knobs and patch chords. Which is how I was introduced to the East Coast versus West Coast concepts of synthesizer design.
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East Coast synths were designed and crafted by Bob Moog and featured keyboards, piano keys, for input. His designs and mods were heavily influenced by conversations he had with musicians. West Coast synthesis, on the other hand, were spearheaded by Don Buchla, bringing a more experimental approach to making music. There was no keyboard to play. Only switches and knobs and patch chords to adjust and adjust and adjust.
Don't get me wrong. Moog's synth was also fashioned with switches and knobs and patch chords. But at least there was a keyboard in there somewhere.
That's kind of how far we got into the discussion about synths before veering off into Peter Gabriel then Genesis then Phil Collins then have you heard the latest Peter Gabriel album? Just came out. He promoted it with a competition held in partnership with Stability AI so there are a ton of AI videos for his current songs out there. The winning entry blew my mind. It even features Peter Gabriel as a young man singing the words to his brand. new. song.
And so on.
Anyway, it's these conversations that I consider to be unexpected gifts. Made possible to us because Linzy's a professional musician and these are her friends.
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mephistos-executioners · 8 months ago
The Devil's Housecat (Felicus daemonious) is a species living on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd layer of Satan's Eye (formerly, the planet Earth.) They are an evolved form of the Felis genus. They've become and intellectual species, creating societies and jobs within their populations. They are defined by having; 1. A minimum of four quadrupedal limbs. 1a. A minimum of two of these limbs must be feline. 1b. All feline limbs must have retractable claws. 2. A minimum of two ears (though they may not be feline). 3. A minimum of two eyes. 4. A carnivorous nature, if they consume the flesh of other organisms. 5. The ability to purr. There are three different ways housecats obtain energy. 1. "Consumption" -> Gaining energy by consuming the flesh of other organisms. 2. "Synthesis" -> Gaining energy through photosynthesis through the skin or body part(s). 3. "Absorption" -> Gaining energy through absorption of other organisms matter by use of an appendage. Housecat size ranges greatly. A housecat can be anywhere between 81-685 cm (2'8-22'5 feet) in height, measured to the shoulder. ------- On the 1st layer, the largest and oldest official group of Devil's Housecat are called Mephisto's Executioners. They have existed since 1772, formed by Mephisto himself. This group originated as a way to imprison and profit off of less-advanced housecats. He did this to expand his territory and support himself using their skills. After Mephisto's disappearance and his era's end, the group became more refined and put a collection of rules in place that could not be changed. Executioner Law
1: Thou shall not bring slavery into law, nor exploit feeble-minded Housecats for personal gain. 2: The peoples may challenge their superiors if they are deemed inept.  3: Thou shall not deny the wishes of a Housecat seeking refuge. 4: If threatened, thou and the peoples may defend themselves.  5: The Executioners may never fall, even if it falls upon the shoulders of a worm to uphold the Housecat’s existence. The group lives on the west coast of the Lake of Fire. They house themselves in an abandoned Fire-breathing parasite wasp (Ignispiratio parasitus) nest– ie, the charred & mummified remains of a super-mammoth (height over 100 ft) unidentified mammal. Due to the mummification, this exact species has not been able to be identified. There are two main entrances, with the rest of their home existing within the beast's eaten-out organs and circulatory system. They call their home Ignis’ Domain. There are a collection of other dens located around their territory, called Ignis’ Dens, if a housecat needs to house themselves temporarily and cannot reach the domain. Their hierarchical system has evolved and changed numerous times throughout the years since Mephisto's reign. There are no laws against leaders changing this system, or adding, removing or changing laws (excluding the Executioner Law).
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------ hello ! i am arthur (he/it/she). the devil's housecat is something i made up on a whim so that i could draw some monster-esc designs. i made this blog so that i could document the designs/characters/work i've done for the species !!!! yahoo !!! my main blog is @exocynraku
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
At the end of the fourth century, as the power of Rome faded and Constantinople became the seat of empire, a new capital city was rising in the West. Here, in Ravenna on the coast of Italy, Arian Goths and Catholic Romans competed to produce an unrivaled concentration of buildings and astonishing mosaics. For three centuries, the city attracted scholars, lawyers, craftsmen, and religious luminaries, becoming a true cultural and political capital. Bringing this extraordinary history marvelously to life, Judith Herrin rewrites the history of East and West in the Mediterranean world before the rise of Islam and shows how, thanks to Byzantine influence, Ravenna played a crucial role in the development of medieval Christendom.
Drawing on deep, original research, Herrin tells the personal stories of Ravenna while setting them in a sweeping synthesis of Mediterranean and Christian history. She narrates the lives of the Empress Galla Placidia and the Gothic king Theoderic and describes the achievements of an amazing cosmographer and a doctor who revived Greek medical knowledge in Italy, demolishing the idea that the West just descended into the medieval “Dark Ages.”
Beautifully illustrated and drawing on the latest archaeological findings, this monumental book provides a bold new interpretation of Ravenna’s lasting influence on the culture of Europe and the West.
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ekssperimental · 1 year ago
Just out; 8 Band Filter/Shifter/Shaper
Inspired by the free-spirited ethos of early synthesis pioneers, this Rack Extension invites you to sculpt and manipulate sound in ways that were once the exclusive domain of analog wizards.
8 Band Filter/Shifter/Shaper is not just an simple filter effect – it’s a comprehensive toolset. Each of its 8 bands features a customizable bandpass filter with a choice between 6dB/Oct or 12dB/Oct slope, free or quantized filter frequency, an envelope follower, a frequency shifter and a waveshaper, offering both single and triple sinewave shaping options.
The robust modulation capabilities are fueled by Reason’s CV signal system, providing endless possibilities for dynamic control. Save and recall your sonic experiments with ease using the patch-saving functionality.
Designed for exploration, the 8 Band F/S/S draws inspiration from West Coast modular synthesizers, echoing the aesthetics in a great looking GUI. It invites you to experiment with routing, pushing the boundaries of timbral possibilities reminiscent of Californian synthesis pioneers.
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lilliesforya · 2 years ago
Mid September ~
Today I understood something but I don’t know what
I’ve been helping the students prepare for their speech contest for the past week. Sometimes they understand my corrections but usually the teacher translates for them. We all rotate the privilege of understanding someone speak. However, every so often I understand something beyond inferred information and context clues. I’ll understand what’s being said in Japanese but won’t be able to translate it fully. It is just understanding appearing in my head. It reminds me of Spanish class in high school. Some stuff I translated in my head and other phrases and sentences I just understood. It would happen way more in Spanish than in Japanese but the random bits of understanding Japanese help lighten the mental load of never knowing fully what’s going on. I remember when it happened in speech contest practice because it was the first time I noticed it.
9/14 The kids did well in the contest but I wish I could have seen them perform. Some ALTs are allowed to go to the contest but not my city. I did get to see them leave for the contest and I must have scared them a little when I said “good luck!” in English. Some of the material was unfairly hard for some of them so as much as I could help with pronunciation, it may still sound awkward. One kid had a poem and I was like even an American student your age would have trouble performing that effectively, so don't feel bad.
Next week, some of the teachers are taking a group of the older students to their sister city in America. I have never been to that part of America so I'm excited to hear what they think of it. I saw the schedule and it looks very packed, so I hope they can enjoy some free time. I told the class with the students to visit Walmart if they really wanted to experience America and I was only half joking. (I was being sarcastic but mostly talking to myself. I'm sure no one heard.) I wish they were visiting a more diverse area of America, so they could see different people and hear different languages. That sort of synthesis of cultures makes America really distinctive, especially in comparison to Japan. I'm hoping at the very least they encounter Spanish once or see a non-white person. I told them to take many pictures! I’m awful at recording memories with images and I regret it only afterwards. America is thought of as one collective country here because that's what most other countries are but its not easy to generalize. When people ask me questions I'm very quick to specify on the east coast, or in my state, or in my general area.. etc, because I have no idea about the other places in America. I'm from the east coast, and some of the other jets are from the midwest, and west coast. There are few questions you could ask all of us where the answer would be the same. Just today, I told the kids in one class that I liked fall because the weather gets cooler. They were younger so I said America (and nowhere specific) but that statement isn't true for like half the country. It's only half true now for my hometown too with global warming and all.
Articles and Prepositions
I haven't been in school for long. Barely a month at that. But something I have noticed is the absence of articles and prepositions when the students speak or write English. This makes sense- there aren't articles in Japanese and their prepositions (particles) serve a different purpose in the sentence structure. Sometimes two different prepositions are translated the same way/ non distinctive ways in Japanese. While I'm sure there are ways to get specific, because Japanese is so contextual and it just doesn't have the same amount of words English does (to mean basically the same things) it is really hard for students to understand. I don't blame them, if someone told me that one word in my native language had maybe 5 different translatable words depending on the specific sentence in English, I'd be pressed. Also, most English prepositions are like either 1 of 2 particles. There's always 5 ways to say something in English for every 1 way to say it in Japanese. It goes both ways though. Sometimes, I don't know how to say something in Japanese because I'm stuck on a specific word and it ends up that the word I needed is actually a word I knew- I was just thinking too specifically about what I was trying to say. I also tend to express myself with metaphors, similes, and other flowery language that isn't accessible to me in Japanese. And sarcasm. It is like going to war but war is communication and I have no ammo. The gun by itself doesn't do anything.
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datingcentralauckland · 3 months ago
Dwell in spells
Strange to distill
All the horrors into a Hiku
A statement of fate
To free one’s self from fate
Perhaps a good intro is Late Night Alumni, Empty Streets, with Jay Aliyev, I Can High, “I always used to feel like, a lonely soul without a home, but now I’ve come to realize, I’m right where I belong.  The city feels clean this time of night, just empty streets and me walking home to clear my head.” It has an Edward Hopper stillness to time, like Nighthawk 1942, is an eternal haunting from a previous life, for something I did.  It reminds me of the nightclub I used to work at, techno and hip hop. Time has seemed to forgotten about me.
Music anthology- bare feet, 1960-70’s records in the 1980’s electronic age. Tapes, compact disks, radio stations, Deep Forest, pirate hip hop, Hendrix, bonfires, beer kegs, Eagles, and beach guitars. Night club bar work, London Techno, West Coast Rap, hard rock and heavy metal hang-out clicks.
A re-popped vintage home audio system, guitar amp conversion, has been on my mind a lot lately. Grateful Dead’s Wall of sound used MacIntosh MC-2300, Pioneer and Marantz sound very good as vintage receivers. Audio interface, and network music streamers can modernize vintage audio with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi receivers. Holy grail synthesizers include the Yamaha CS-80 that was used in blade Runner. More modest synthesizers would include The Roland JD-800 & Jupiter 8, and Korg 8 & M1, Yamaha CS-80 & DX-7, Waldorf Wave, and Minimoog.
High end Vintage table top wood case tube radio amp conversion with amp input jack and vintage microphone input jack for wind, wood and wire, and classical guitars would make a nice complement. The warm tones would suit a Cajon Drum Box and Handpan Drum. The high-end live grunge mid-range hang-out would include a nice Arabian rug, 80’s décor, bean bags, and perhaps even a lava lamp. Tape decks can record and provide backing music and a tactile interplay with live sound as a total vintage home audio aesthetic. Old equipment can be reconditioned with high-quality materials, including higher-quality insulated wires, and silver, as it is a better conductor and relatively cheap to source.
Japan came out with some Vintage Techno Hardware along the time dance music was kicking off in England and Germany. Echo units, drum machines, effect units, have a range of interactive uses and you could play electric guitar through a techno effects unit. This would all centre around a vintage analogue mixer, with complete system synthesis in functionality, style, and aesthetics.
Café Gossip
Working in the clubbing scene on a bar, looks like slave work, but I do miss the old version of me, it seems to have rotted with this idea of young love. All the relationships are broken like tea cups in a fine China shop. I may be romanticizing the potential. Sasha Alex Sloan version of Two Pilots, Dancing with Your Ghost reminds me of this lost world. An afterthought would be Zonoma & Sara Farell – Somebody Else, which is such a beautiful song. Perhaps it is in the wrong order, perhaps it is not. MollonoBass & Ava Asante - Feeling Good reminds me of the sunshine of nightwork, when the violin breaks through the clouds.
How did these beauties fall into my arms, Reflekt Feat. Delline Bass - Need to Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix). Perhaps a little rain-soaked bodies under the street lamps, SOEL & Rinzen – Meliora. My love has always been greater than my reality, my mind, has always been quieter than the hope. Now it is dating by smartphone brands and credit card access. I think I am a ghost to all the love around me, or perhaps I am a god, lost in the wrong world.
It wasn’t the college experience I got, but now all the empty people of the past are stuck on Deadmau5 & Kaskade, I Remember, and apparently, it is called reflective glory. I really need to insert 4 Strings, Take Me Away here, an oldie but a goodie.
I should be more interested in things, Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan – Silence. What does all this silence do in the end anyway? Internal narratives are a form of hell looking at itself, Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground. When I look in the mirror, I don’t recognize the memories. There are three major fracture points in fate, high school and leaving, nightclubs and leaving, family and leaving. If I could sum it up its optimism of opportunity lost reminds me of, DJ Rui Da Silva, Touch Me.
I don’t mind losing me, I’m good, I don’t even know me. Some songs kind of remind me of being a kid, like Enya, Caribbean Blue, but its all just embellishments on stuff. I guess imagination and possibility has a high brain spark imprint, not the physical reality recall, just the feeling.
Where am I now in this reality and does it really matter, are we not all just characters in the movies and books of time, whether win or lose, we are still, just a story. Loves twisted roots, this hollow numbness, of a well-worn mask of family, writing dear life letters to the fractured truth, behind the stars singing to the clouds. Even deep inside, there is no shared shame, no teamwork, just a train wreck of lies, which becomes so firm in its roots, that to doubt it, is to hallucinate the raw reflection of time eating itself. Innocence is consumed by lies, optimism is diluted by acts, and habit is broken for momentary survival. A soft chime echoes out in the darkness; a dating app, I’m not in the mood to read it now.
Road Trip to a Small Town with a Muddy River
Life had reached some kind of climax years ago and now it resided in a manicured lawn of local emptiness. Imperial charms attract the most backwards-thinking locals, high on the notion that a building with pillars, is worth its architectural weight in gold coins, regardless if its foundations trembled from earthquake or cattle truck. It is difficult to criticize a personas mental prison over, the general pull of the town to congeal locals into a routine of, existence surrender. The dying age of several local food shops a couple decades past their due, sprung insects off the soft jelly sweets with their unnaturally hard, air-dried, outer shells. This signalled the gradual death of an old world, without a new world to embrace it.
Existence convenience was just technology from the city filling the same old tired buildings coated in white paint and rust. Life parades people like some kind of promotional tool of citizenship, in a nightly mini-series upgrade, on each new work shift, of melancholy time signature. The extroverted popular carbon copies wear well-cared-for masks, enjoying brief moments of love's fairytale, together.
Leverage intellect is a kind of revenge arch, manifesting a karmic environment of absolute control over their damaged ego. The internet created a middle ground, career-focused variant; popular culture typified as an ecosystem of fake on fake, built from a lack of participation. But in dreams, I dream of something love. I am illiterate of love, fake on fake, a tourist of my hometown, a beggar, and perhaps worst of all, a storyteller between compensation and denial, but still, I dream in curses. Love is a non-provider; a non-provider of party supplies, a non-provider of money, a non-provider of style and class, a non-provider of gifts made from all the big lies, or real love, told of other people.
Love is a toy, time is attention, hope is a deficit of promises in the hyperactive, for avoidant attention swims in symptoms of trend fantasies. Life’s still a show, and I am an unwilling actor who enjoys it from time to time, the acting that is, even when something is dying on the inside. The tragedy is a voyeur of the cultured fearful, which is almost trendy if it wasn’t replicated in every other cultural artefact. Reality is a bit of a meat grinder, but nothing makes the numbness of reality disassociate spirit from time, more; than when people chase a normal lifestyle and celebrate it as success. A muddy river runs through the old small hometown like a permanent curse, making it esthetically stagnant. Voids are character-building, but so is escapism; she is a tainted soul, with a post office in the middle, like a beacon of lost time. Pretty quickly you know it as intimately as the back of your hand and you outgrow that town quicker than others are consumed by it. It has a horror story quality to it, but for the most part, its just a museum of memories wishing for different endings.
Small Town in the Rear Vision Mirror
The world is a prison you cannot escape from, and life is a zoo that everyone can look in at. When your days are over, capitalism consumes you more efficiently as waste, than capitalism can provide a meal to the wasting bodies in waiting, wishing for the end of days.  Time just gets worse and worse, spiralling out of control, and hate becomes what time sees in you, but in total delusion, love keeps telling you, fate gets better. Prettier co-workers get all the free party supplies, like trash on the side of the road, dying to some social voyeuristic curse. Admitting lost moments is a kind of naivety linked to intelligence, like the worst idea of romance, as a social trade-off to sacrificed passion, for lost normality.
Thought is just the speed of light voyeuristically living in hindsight, bizarre reality stabilizes memories as existence erodes into this pretty night, ugly day; like a soulless vampire that puts on makeup. You say to yourself, that is one of the most devious, cunning, and ruthless things, I could ever imagine; being the private joke among a group of superficial soft living types. Party kingpins to all their adventures without getting a ticket to go on anywhere wild and free, the synthetic metamorphism of adventure itself with a safety rating, old and broken.
Sun vibes and tree shade, quick winks and old buses, deluded fantasy, and road trips of make-believe, a peasant of moments, a motorbike for every thundercloud. Every animal spirit is its own island and the death of the soul is not death, but, a transition in the immortality of self-identity, as to discover a new world requires, a death in the old one. I ruled my own interpretation of life once, now the deeper dimension of the stars was the reflection of our own thoughts imagining itself to the cosmic sky never revealing good or evil, before opportunity becomes its willing sacrifice.
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slumdogbuddha · 4 months ago
Space/Time Continuum: ongoing experiments with Death By Audio's Space Bender and DBA/Earthquaker Devices' Time Shadows, + JHS Compressor. Squier Jagmaster guitar recorded directly into Ableton. The Space Bender is Chorus-on-Acid. The Time Shadows is set to "middle" position for West Coast-style synthesis.
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endrusmithreal · 1 year ago
Cryolite Price Trends: A Key Indicator for Market Dynamics
Cryolite (Na3AlF6) is a mineral chemically known as Sodium Hexafluoroaluminate. It occurs as a colorless, white reddish to gray-black prismatic monoclinic, glassy solid crystal, which is rare in nature and is found in the depositions of Ivittuut on the west coast of Greenland. The compound is soluble in Aluminium Chloride solution and sulfuric acid with the evolution of Hydrofluoric acid, which is toxic in nature. However, the compound is not soluble in water.
Cryolite is used in the industrial manufacturing of metals such as aluminium and has many other metallurgical applications. The texture and look of the compound are used in the production of glass and ceramics as a coating over the products, and it has vast applications in different market sectors.
Request for Real-Time Prices: https://procurementresource.com/resource-center/cryolite-price-trends/pricerequest
The key importer countries for Cryolite are the Netherlands, Germany, and the United States. On the other hand, the key exporting countries for the same are Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium.
Key Details About the Cryolite Price Trends:
Procurement Resource does an in-depth analysis of the price trend to bring forth the monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly information on the Cryolite price in its latest pricing dashboard. The detailed assessment deeply explores the facts about the product, price change over the weeks, months, and years, key players, industrial uses, and drivers propelling the market and price trends.
Each price record is linked to an easy-to-use graphing device dated back to 2014, which offers a series of functionalities; customization of price currencies and units and downloading of price information as excel files that can be used offline.
The cryolite price trends, including India Cryolite price, USA cryolite price, pricing database, and analysis can prove valuable for procurement managers, directors, and decision-makers to build up their strongly backed-up strategic insights to attain progress and profitability in the business.
Industrial Uses Impacting Cryolite Price Trends:
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Cryolite has various applications in the metallurgical industries. It acts as a solvent for bauxite, for the electrolytic production of aluminium on a large scale where it gradually reduces alumina to aluminium by the Hall-Heroult Process. It helps in manufacturing aluminium wastes, aluminization of steel and in welding industries, as well.
Cryolite has several applications in the ceramic industries, such as producing glass objects and ceramic products such as basins, tubs, pans, etc. It is also used as a filtering membrane in inbounded abrasives. Synthetic Cryolites are the derivatives of Fluorites and are used in the synthesis of sodium or aluminium salts. It is also used as a flux in the electrolytic processing of aluminium. Cryolite is also used in the manufacturing of agricultural products like insecticides and pesticides, and hence, it shows its associations with the agricultural industries as well.
Key Players:
Do-Fluoride Chemicals
Nantong Jinxing Fluorides Chemical
Jiangsu Xintai Material Technology
Shanghai Yixin Chemical
Jiangxi Qucheng Chemical
Triveni Chemical
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Procurement Resource offers in-depth research on product pricing and market insights for more than 500 chemicals, commodities, and utilities updated daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. It is a cost-effective, one-stop solution for all your market research requirements, irrespective of which part of the value chain you represent.
We have a team of highly experienced analysts who perform comprehensive research to deliver our clients the newest and most up-to-date market reports, cost models, price analysis, benchmarking, and category insights, which help in streamlining the procurement process for our clientele. Our team tracks the prices and production costs of a wide variety of goods and commodities, hence providing you with the latest and consistent data.
To get real-time facts and insights to help our customers, we work with a varied range of procurement teams across industries. At Procurement Resource, we support our clients, with up-to-date and pioneering practices in the industry, to understand procurement methods, supply chain, and industry trends, so that they can build strategies to achieve maximum growth.
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Company Name: Procurement Resource Contact Person: Chris Byrd Email: [email protected] Toll-Free Number: USA & Canada – Phone no: +1 307 363 1045 | UK – Phone no: +44 7537 132103 | Asia-Pacific (APAC) – Phone no: +91 1203185500 Address: 30 North Gould Street, Sheridan, WY 82801, USA
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georgethechen · 1 year ago
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Zum celebrates its 25th anniversary as a record label with a series of shows on the West Coast. On Saturday, Dec 2, Oakland California’s renovated Thee Stork Club will host the Bay Area return of GROWING after thirteen years away! 
They will be joined by synth-doom act My Heart, an Inverted Flame, New York’s Somnambulists (solo project of Warren Ng), and Marshall Trammell & Paul Costuros Duo). DJ Melanie Marie will also be spinning and providing live visuals.
The New York/Olympia duo GROWING has a storied history of releases on Kranky and Silver Current and recent live and recorded collaborations with acclaimed harpist Mary Lattimore. GROWING released a CD EP with Zum in 2005 (a split with Mark Evan Burden) and contributed a track to the recent Zum Audio Volume 5 double-CD compilation. 
My Heart, an Inverted Flame played their second-ever show (their first was a 2022 Zum showcase at Noise Pop) after a few years of recording for Zum and Deathbomb Arc. The San Francisco/Ashland, Oregon duo delivers heavy doom drones using only synthesizers and percussion. Members Andee Connors (A Minor Forest, Common Eider, King Eider, aQuarius Records) and Marc Kate (I Am Spoonbender, Driftloss) also released a collaboration single with viral TikTok star Banshee. The Wire magazine called them “Stars of the Lid with a bad fucking attitude.”
Marshall Trammell (Music Research Strategies) & Paul Costuros are longtime Bay Area improvisers who convened for Trammell’s six-month residency at The San Francisco Contemporary Jewish Museum “For Friends” ending in early 2022. Their first recorded material as this Duo is documented in the track “Blue Cube” on Zum Audio Vol. 5. Trammell has toured extensively co-founder and former percussion of the Oakland-based Black Spirituals and currently as solo performer Music Research Strategies or the percussion in In Defense of Memory and White People Killed Them. Costuros has been in the projects Total Shutdown, Death Sentence: Panda!, The Fisticuffs Bluff, Murder Murder, and Burmese.
Somnambulists is Brooklyn-based Warren Ng. He has released solo material under the moniker Somnambulists and in the group This Invitation. Ng has been involved in collaborative film + live score performance works presented at experimental film festivals and exhibitions in New York and San Francisco including an expanded cinema series co-presented by the Microscope Gallery & The Whitney Museum (2016); Mono No Aware IX and X (2015 & 2016); and the SF Cinematheque's Crossroads 2016 & 2018 (presented at the SFMOMA). He has performed at Che Chen’s (75 Dollar Bill) Fire Over Heaven concert series in New York and this is his first appearance back in Oakland since 2019. This show will also be the album release for the new Somnambulists cassette Ascending Planes on Zum.
DJ Bio:
Melanie Marie is a visual artist and creative coder based in Oakland. Initially working with installations centered around Macintosh SE & SE/30 computers, she is now primarily focused on live coding visual synthesis in collaboration with live musicians. Melanie is a host of Transformations Radio and Beloved Radio. Her work and music sets focus on the relationships between music and imagery.
Siblings Yvonne (Xiu Xiu) and George Chen (Common Eider, King Eider, KIT) launched the Zum Audio compilation series (including acts like Duster, Modest Mouse, Deerhoof, Yellow Swans, Zach Hill) in 1998. Over the ensuing decades, the label has released indie emo pioneers Nuzzle, Canadian noiseniks AIDS Wolf, and even Chen’s own stand-up comedy EP.
To mark this anniversary, the latest Zum Audio Vol 5 was released in a double CD format as well as on digital. George Chen set out to survey present-day experimental electronics, drones, hardcore, and mutant pop.
ZUM - linktr.ee/zumaudio
GROWING -https://growing-music.bandcamp.com
Marshall Trammell -https://www.musicresearchstrategies.info
Paul Costuros -https://www.discogs.com/artist/310473-Paul-Costuros
Somnambulists -somnambulistsmusic.bandcamp.com
My Heart, an Inverted Flame -https://myheartaninvertedflame.com
Melanie Marie -https://projectvisualsensation.com
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prismglassseo · 1 year ago
Discover the Elegance of Metal and Glass: Mumbai's Premier Metal Glass Shop
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Mumbai, the full of life metropolis on India's west coast, is recognized for its animated culture, varied planning, and a wealthy developed scene. Amidst the cities manhandle and hustle and bustle lays a hidden gem that adds a stroke of difficulty and modernity to Mumbai's skyline – the Metal Glass Shop. In this blog, we will see the sights the world of metal and glass in Mumbai, showcasing the craftsmanship and modernization of the city's head of management metal and glass shops.
The Art of Metalwork in Mumbai:
Metal cock-and-bull story has rich times gone by in Mumbai, with artisans and craftsmen passing down their skills from beginning to end generation.
Mumbai's metal shops offer a wide range of military, from custom ironwork to structural steel fabrication.
See the sights the complicated designs and functional artistry that Mumbai's metalworkers transport to life inside homes, profitable seats, and community structures.
The Beauty of Glass:
Glass is not simply a practical material; it is a work of art in itself. Discover the world of glass craftsmanship in Mumbai.
Mumbai's glass shops concentrate in custom glasswork, together with stained glass, glass facade, and pleasing to the eye glass features.
Learn how glass enhances architectural aesthetics and creates eye-catching interiors in homes and business across the city.
Metal and Glass Fusion:
One of the most fascinating aspects of Mumbai's metal glass shops is the synthesis of these two materials.
See the sights the pioneering applications of metal and glass together, from striking staircases and railings to breathtaking glass bridges and canopies.
See how the combination of strength and honesty can redefine spaces in the city.
Customized Solutions for Mumbai's Urban Landscape:
Mumbai's only one of its kind urban challenge often require dedicated solutions, and metal and glass shops rise to the occasion.
Learn how these shops address issue like noise contamination, security, and typical weather control with their commissioned creations.
Learn about the sustainable practices in employment in metal and glass fabrication to reduce the city's ecological footprint.
Inspirational Projects and Case Studies:
Get inspired by some of the most iconic metal and glass projects in Mumbai.
Explore the architectural wonders that have been brought to life by the city's talented craftsmen.
From iconic skyscrapers to cozy residential spaces, determine how metal and glass change the urban countryside.
Mumbai's Metal Lead Stain Glass is not just businesses; they are the architect of modernity, the curators of elegance, and the guardian of innovation in this dynamic city. Whether you're a proprietor looking to add a stroke of lavishness to your space or a draftswoman seeking to redefine the skyline, Mumbai's head of state metal glass shops have the skills, skill, and inspiration to make your vision a reality. Embrace the prettiness of metal and glass, and watch as they put on a pedestal Mumbai's structural design to new heights.
Source link:- https://prismglassmumbai.blogspot.com/2023/10/discover-elegance-of-metal-and-glass.html
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mariacallous · 1 year ago
At the end of the fourth century, as the power of Rome faded and Constantinople became the seat of empire, a new capital city was rising in the West. Here, in Ravenna on the coast of Italy, Arian Goths and Catholic Romans competed to produce an unrivaled concentration of buildings and astonishing mosaics. For three centuries, the city attracted scholars, lawyers, craftsmen, and religious luminaries, becoming a true cultural and political capital. Bringing this extraordinary history marvelously to life, Judith Herrin rewrites the history of East and West in the Mediterranean world before the rise of Islam and shows how, thanks to Byzantine influence, Ravenna played a crucial role in the development of medieval Christendom.
Drawing on deep, original research, Herrin tells the personal stories of Ravenna while setting them in a sweeping synthesis of Mediterranean and Christian history. She narrates the lives of the Empress Galla Placidia and the Gothic king Theoderic and describes the achievements of an amazing cosmographer and a doctor who revived Greek medical knowledge in Italy, demolishing the idea that the West just descended into the medieval “Dark Ages.”
Beautifully illustrated and drawing on the latest archaeological findings, this monumental book provides a bold new interpretation of Ravenna’s lasting influence on the culture of Europe and the West.
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coleadams2 · 2 years ago
Synthesis Update: 16th May 2023
The deadline is two days away yet I think I am able to submit the work early as I cannot think of what else to add to the three pieces. I’ve spent the majority of today doing light mixing and making sure everything is all good and to a standard I am somewhat comfortable with.
The West Coast piece I have named “Analogue Animosity” to reflect the idea of not only solely using analogue synths but also the aggressive sounds they made. I didn’t want to do a lot of mixing to this piece since it would defeat the purpose of doing it on the synths themselves. One main thing I did do was add a tremolo effect to some tracks as I did not know how to do this on either the Buchla or Oakley so it would add some interest. Near the start with the pink noise track, I did use automation to slow it down and then speed it up, again to add interest.
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I am well aware that this piece is, to put it bluntly, quite boring. This style of more ambient and less traditionally musically written sounds are not my forte and I really struggled to sonically visualise where the piece could go structure wise, but I am still pleased that I made three evidently different sections in it.
For (Ghost) Riders In The Sky, this was the one I had most fun working on since I have a fair bit of experience with this song already as it was included as help in my dissertation. However I still did struggle to create sounds that would sound nice together as I remember this is advice Stephen gave to me; not to create sounds similar enough to one another since the mix would become quite muddy. I was happy with the end result of the sound of the repeated arpeggio chords. To create this I utilised the pulse waveform on the Oakley which meant it could sound more colourful compared to a sawtooth for example. I did use the ES2 synth from Logic to create the chord sounds as it would be easier to do so since it is polyphonic and would take up less time compared to doing it in the studio using analogue synths.
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The Give Me Love instrumental was the first of the 3 pieces that I started, originally inspired by the “Switched On” movement. It was also the first of the pieces that I recorded using the analogue synths so hearing it back compared to the other two, the tones are a lot more basic. For the arpeggio sound, I do really like how it sounds and I’m also really pleased with how similar yet slightly different it sounds to the preset I used originally for the draft, especially with the frequency sweeps. An element that I did struggle with was the final section and getting low tones. I knew I wanted a sub bass sounds by using sine waves, yet I wanted something more audible yet aggressive too so I started with a sawtooth bass, but this meant I had to get creative to not have clashing sounds in the low end, so I used pulse waves in order to add a bit of colour especially in the higher end of the frequency range.
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vizreef · 4 years ago
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Buchla Easel-K 
yes the 1973 original is a thing of beauty already but slapping that 223e Tactile Input Port in there is just on another level.
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