#wesley yang
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The Tavistock performed gay conversion therapy in broad daylight, while undertaking medical experiments on kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
So many potentially gay children were being sent down the pathway to change gender, two of the clinicians said there was a dark joke among staff that “there would be no gay people left”.
“It feels like conversion therapy for gay children,” one male clinician said. “I frequently had cases where people started identifying as trans after months of horrendous bullying for being gay,” he told The Times.
Transing the gay away is what Iran does.
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
It’s also probably worth saying while I’m still thinking about it that when I made that tweet I was both less familiar with Ulysse Carriere (knew her more for her transgender platonism, which is a much better/more true provocation than “actually woke authoritarianism is good! This can’t possibly backfire”) and thought despite loving the reviews and the pod that you were more gender critical than I now think you actually are (it’s been my experience that hat generally people who get worked up about youth transition also don’t think there should be trans adults*) but I recognize that both of those views were in their way wrong.
*for the record, my own thoughts on youth transition are also maybe unacceptably nuanced
Thanks! For me, remembering Ulysse's schtick from before, I'm not always sure where the irony begins and the sincerity ends—but I also had to look up "henology" (it turned out we weren't carrying identity politics into the world of poultry, as I'd assumed), so what do I know?
The youth issue fits more into my sometimes skeptical views on medicine and technology than my views on gender; as I'm sure I've already said, I do think we run the risk of reifying gender through its medicalization in the guise of expanding it, something I say precisely because I was, relative to my milieu, a fairly gender-nonconforming adolescent. But I'm certainly not "gender-critical" as the term is used now; I read a Substack the other day about how this movement is made up of the religious right, the second-wave feminists, and the rationalists—not my lunch table. I'll be on the other side of the cafeteria with the Nietzschean right, the third-wave feminists, and the irrationalists, who, even if I don't agree with them about everything, are more fun to hang out with.
By the way, Yang Tweeted in response to the pod that he will be "vindicated fully." Irrespective of his or my views, I predict objective results will be much more mixed. Endemic American libertarianism will likely come through for trans adults. E.g., there's now a trans icon for every tier of the right—Caitlyn for the FoxNews Boomercons, Blaire for the YouTube Millennial alt-lite, and Salome for the Dimes Square neo-fascist Zoomers—not to mention Ron D's crashing while trying to outflank Trump on the subject. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if a moderate view won out on the youth medicine question, even among left-liberals. (Then there's sports, which everyone is so exercised about; but I've never in my life had any opinion about sports other than that they don't interest me, and I'm not going to start now.) It should be said, however, that we weren't so much criticizing his views on the pod as his way of holding them—more an aesthetic than a strictly political critique.
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cinemabuffoon · 11 months
Missing them today
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(they aren't dead the franchise just screwed them over)
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mystacoceti · 17 days
every big flare up of the so-called culture wars always comes with these guys who make a career out of journalism or essays or whatever that are at best slightly more thoughtful than merely gainsaying the stupidest and loudest leftists, and then you get to spend ten years or so seeing them damned with praise so faint it almost doesn't show up on the pages of the New York periodicals it's printed on
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Leander took Ji Ho to Britechester after the Court Hearing at Tartosa.
Leander: "We are going to live at Paraná-Wodall House."
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"Don't worry, Ji Ho. And trust me. We are going to meet Rubyn later. We will solve this, I promise." (Leander is one of the most powerful characters in our story, and he knows it ^^'. And Rubyn the best scientist. She has many appearances in our stories. She also was in Jack's coma world- and(!) she is adult Ji Ho's ex fiancee!)
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Leander: "There is also a stable for Yang Mal and Little Goat."
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Ji Ho is a bit worried that Yang Mal will be lonely here without the other horses. Even though Yang Mal can leave anytime to the Otherworld, he grew fond of the other horses, the Boys and the goats. Leander: "Little Goat will be here too and you, Baby Ogg will also stay with Yang Mal, right?"
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Or not... (I'm really spoiled from the goats... These dogs/cats/horses are so hard to control omg! Leander even told Baby Ogg to interact with Yang Mal but he ran away. But I also noticed we can't interact at all with the horses on those horsebeds -.-)
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They went over to the 'Book Nook' - a student bar - to meet Rubyn and Wesley, Leander's partner (and Vlad's ex bonded! ^^' Plus Wesley and Noxeema (where Saiwa and Jack stay atm) are technically the same Sim, I cloned Wesley to create Noxeema and didn't change her (only hair and makeup) since they are both based on the actor Wesley Snipes who played Noxeema Jackson in 'To Wong Foo').
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Rubyn told him about her additional plans to study the meteorites here. And that she might need his help. She'll try to find out why they crashed at the same day Vlad and Ji Ho met and how they are connected to their bond magic.
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Ji Ho agreed to do everything necessary to cut the bond. (A little later, Ji Ho felt the Bond twitch. That was when Jeb gave the massage to Vlad...)
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It was late and Wesley showed Ji Ho his room. Wesley: "I'm in the room right on the other side of the corridor, should you need something. Just come over - anytime." Ji Ho: "Thank you. And thank you for helping us."
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Poor Ji Ho. He is still poisoned from Morgan's words and thinks Vlad and his friends are better off without him.
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Then he saw the messages from Jack on his phone and cried a bit.
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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mai-komagata · 2 months
paul wesley on spirk season 3
"We have some amazing stuff in season 3. Yeah, it’s a slow burn. You don’t wanna, out of the gate, explore everything. It’s nice to have the characters slowly get to know one another, because that friendship is so important to this series. It’s really nice to [give] sprinkles and hints of what’s to come. Hints of how connected they will be, even though they could not be more opposite. Kirk and Spock are very yin and yang in a good way. But we explore that… The short answer is yes. We very much explore that in season 3. But I think we intentionally let it slowly build." https://screenrant.com/star-trek-strange-new-worlds-paul-wesley-amazing-stuff-kirk-spock-season-3/
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risingchaos · 3 months
Explanation of pips in Star Trek (TNG onward)
Explanation of the wrist cuffs in Star Trek TOS
This will mostly have pictures of Star Trek: Next Gen because of ease but this is generally applicable to any ST media chronologically after TNG. If I’m remembering correctly it doesn’t really deviate.
So, the way that Star Trek ranks work is based upon the U.S. Navy. I’m going to break this down into five classes and each rank inside it, lowest to highest.
If you just want to know the look and don’t care about any explanation, there is a guide at the end for you. :)
Cadet - Uniform distinction
These are people enrolled in Starfleet. They wear distinctive uniforms to help differentiate them from others. Left is dress uniform, right is regular. The Cadet uniform is almost always an entirely red outfit, also shown in the AOS movies. Also I believe they have lines on their uniforms usually to tell what year they’re in. Think Cadet Uhura from Strange New Worlds (technically ranking works different in this show but the uniform is the same).
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Petty Officer - No pips, CPO wears one empty [x]
Petty Officers wear no pips. This rank really isn’t talked about because almost no one is really featured. It’s comprised of people who are enlisted but didn’t attend the Academy. You see it on some engineers. Within this rank, there’s also a command structure like Chief Petty Officer who wear one empty pip, but it’s difficult to find reliable breakdowns of it. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any clear pictures of a lapel. Miles O’Brian is a Senior Chief Petty Officer.
Ensign - One gold [o]
It’s generally what people are promoted to out of the Academy. Technically they have command but not really. Under this rank is also Acting Ensigns and Ensigns who were promoted for the field. Think Wesley Crusher’s arc.
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This has three ranks within it.
Junior Grade Lieutenant - One empty, one gold [xo]
These are just above Ensigns. They wear one empty pip next to solid gold. Medical personnel are typically Junior Lieutenants out of the Academy due to their extended training. They often have actual responsibilities on the ship. We actually watch Geordi La Forge’s promotions through Lieutenant, as he starts the show as a Junior Lieutenant along with Worf.
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Lieutenant - Two gold [oo]
This is what we see most often interacting with the crew we’re following. They have genuine responsibilities. We see them taking head of teams or working at consoles. They’ve proven themselves to Starfleet. Worf and La Forge are promoted to this in season two, and Tasha Yar was a Lieutenant in season one. Spock is a Lieutenant in the first two seasons of SNW.
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Lieutenant Commander - One empty, two gold [xoo]
These are heads of departments, the one people default to about smaller issues on board, and general senior officers. They are the ones defaulted to for ship’s command, as seen throughout TNG with Data, and are often relied upon by Commanders and the Captain to keep the ship going. Data is a Lieutenant Commander throughout all of TNG, La Forge is promoted in season three. Worf is not promoted until season four of DS9. Deanna is actually a Lieutenant Commander for almost the entire duration of TNG. They are often referred to as “Commander” instead of Lieutenant by officers unless introducing themselves.
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Commander - Three gold [ooo]
Most often called “Number One”, this is the second in command. They are competent, capable, and willing to take lead and help the ship. Commanders are trusted by the crew and the Captain, and are often a yin to the Captain’s yang. The Head Doctor is often a Commander to give them authority, like Dr. Beverly Crusher. William Riker is the iconic Commander in TNG, Spock is Commander in TOS.
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Captain - Four gold [oooo]
We’re all very familiar with Captains. They are as senior as you can get on a ship unless there’s an Admiral on board. Captains are intelligent, confident, and understand what must be done, even if it’s a bad situation. The lives of their crew is in their hands. It comes with a great deal of free will to choose their ship’s path, yet an insane amount of responsibility. Captain Picard of TNG, Captain Kirk of TOS, Captain Janeway of Voyager. We know the names.
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Admiral - Entirely different system
Admiral pips are strange. They do not wear pips on the collar, instead wearing them basically in boxes. It really was not standardized until the end of DS9, I think. The Admirals wear a different uniform to make themselves stand out. Admirals are representative of Starfleet. They make the big choices for the fleet, the life changing ones. They give direct orders if needed and expect respect from all lower officers. They’re incredibly powerful. We don’t get to see much of Admirals in any show, but we know of a few, such as Admiral Picard in Picard, Admiral McCoy in TNG, and Admiral Kirk in the movies.
Here is a complete guide to each rank in Starfleet, excluding Cadets and Petty Officers.
Ensign - [o]
Junior Lieutenant - [xo]
Lieutenant - [oo]
Lieutenant Commander - [xoo]
Commander - [ooo]
Captain - [oooo]
Commodore/Rear Admiral (lower half) - [[o]]
Rear Admiral (upper half) - [[oo]]
Vice Admiral - [[ooo]]
Admiral - [[oooo]]
Fleet Admiral - [[ooooo]]
x is an empty pip, o is a gold, and for the Admirals, the double brackets is to indicate that they’re in a box.
Hope this helps you understand ranks in Star Trek better, as it has helped me. Let me know if anything needs clarifying! I have edited this a few times to add more clarifying information.
Thank you to @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv for asking for this! I had a great time putting it together.
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mr-president · 16 days
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i was and am absolutely sick and floored that i couldn’t find a single drag queen jamie headcanon or design. i, frankly, absolutely despise designing things, especially fashion, so i grit my teeth and went into agony to deliver this concept.
seriously, how can you not look at this kid and go “a DRAAAG QUEEN???” anyways…here’s my design notes
if i’m referring to jamie in his drag persona, i’ll be using she/her pronouns as is customary with drag queens. and forgive me for any historical or chinese errors; i cannot read or write chinese i can only speak it, and my buddy vinnie stopped answering my questions after a while.
tentative drag name: xiao long bao—yun and yang are known as the white dragon (bai long) and blue dragon (lan long) respectively, but jamie’s title is a pun: “dragon” or “long” is the title, but the entire word “xiao long bao” jsut means soup dumpling. and that’s fitting to me as a nickname for jamie, but imo, it’s not a good drag name. it’s cute and it’s fitting, but it’s not vogue, it’s not a performance name. PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS IM BEGGING YOU
jamie really seems to like having chinese inspirations in his normalwear, so it made sense to me to have his drag persona be very inspired by hanfu (i believe this is uhhh tang dynasty; the one focused on very ornate patterns with the cross-body robes and emphasis on a waistline; though normally every chinese character pulls from song-dynasty tradition). since i’m not very imaginative, this look was pulled straight from Guangzong drag queen Yuhua Hamasaki
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in that traditional chinese hairstyle, jamie has 4 loops in the back with the crown and 4 major pieces of clothing, and with every swig, the loop gets untied and a piece of clothing gets taken off (numbered in order of taken off) the top of the clothes is a zhiju (2, 直裾), dark purple with a reddish iridescent pattern, with a the red xiapei (霞帔) scarf on top. it’s tied with a “horse face skirt”—mamianqun (1, 马面裙) —giving that very long dress/skirt sillohette. underneath that is a jinru (3, 晋襦), another cross-body but shorter robe that’s red and hides the typical drag queen bodysuit (4) that she can then breakdance in.
i debated the logistics of breakdancing in drag heels, but turns out elektra fence has done it on drag race before so. i don’t need to justify its plausibility.
the other two designs are kind of jokes; i’ve (against my will) been forced to see that darkstalkers felicia jamie mod, and i think it’d be a really cool if this actually was a drag thing of his, especially with my hc that yang kind of treats jamie like a beloved stray cat. and felicia’s a performer and singer; i’m sure he could do it. i did adapt some things from felicia’s design; instead of an actual tail (or even a prop one)—which could fuck up jamie’s breakdancing routine—she ties her hair at the end, where it’s dyed white to act as a “tail.” i also hope you enjoy the paw high heel concepts i came up with.
i like jttw, it’s probably my favorite legend of all time and i blame sun wukong for 40% of my personality. but quan yin is absolute fucking mother, and we must pay tribute, so like with his usual routine, jamie strips and reveals the lotus dress underneath her robes.
yun and yang are surprisingly supportive of jamie’s drag hobby, and they’re willing to participate in performances or just show up to support; hence, i think they open up the quan yin act with a fight between sun wukong (yun) and the liu er mihou (yang) before jamie comes in and breaks up the fight by distinguishing the two. the reason for yang’s pensive expression is that, because sun wukong and liu er mihou look exactly alike, then yang has to look like yun, something he despises. would require heavy convincing, but i think he’d eventually budge.
i think jamie’s drag attitude (and attitude in general) reminds me a lot of wesley snipes—an actor typically in hypermasculine action films, who played a very flamboyant drag queen. i’m referencing his role as noxemma jackson in “to wong foo” of course; everything about snipes as noxemma absolutely reeks of jamie, and i could see this being a major inspiration and influence for him
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i thought a bit about jamie on rupaul’s drag race, and i concluded that he would fucking hate it. drag queens are viscous, and jamie’s good at quipping insults back, but he’s also used to being able to throw hands afterwards. i can imagine he’d say things like “even the most aggressive, dangerous street fighter cannot match the viciousness of these girls.” i also think he would not like rupaul because rupaul is racist and the judges don’t like cultural performances.
ah yes. the lesbian fucking love drag queens. drag in general—they show the fuck up. jamie in drag would summon every dyke with a 50 mile radius immediately, tips and drinks in hand to be given.
anyways, someone please tell me i’m not insane for this idea that is totally canon, peer reviewed, no notes.
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Quick thoughts on two person ships that I've seen in the fics I like or read fics for in both HP and RWBY
Percy x Penelope: I like it it's cute. Ginny catching them snogging would probably have a greater impact on canon if Penny was someone the Weasleys had a vocal opinion of.
Percy x Audrey: It's cute in fanfic. In canon though, it suffers from the thing of canon Audrey is just a name.
Percy x Oliver: This fits into so many of my favourite tropes, it's kind of hilarious. I think this was my first Percy ship.
Percy x Marcus: Character I love shipped with a charater that absolutely would go to hell and back for the other is probably the quickest way to get me to ship two characters and Flintley isn't any different. This is my favourite Percy two person ship, hands down
Percy x Anyone in Harry's year or Ginny's year: Not getting into specific ships because this is the most common theme of Percy ships that I end up filtering out. Personally, I only see it happening post second wizarding war after both members have left Hogwarts, and I have to be in a really specific mood to read fics for these types of ships. However, depending on who Percy is shipped with, it can be cute
Penelope x Audrey: I love these two together in fanfic and I love the versatility. If you thought Perciver fit a lot of tropes, then this ship can fit more because again canon Audrey is just a name.
Penelope x Fred: I think my enjoyment of this ship heavily depends on how Fred is characterized. These two in a ship read to me as Bookworm x Prankster, and I'm really not a fan of that trope. It absolutely doesn't help that the twins are tied for my least favourite (I don't hate them but I like the other siblings better) of the book Wesley children.
Oliver x Marcus: I like the ship, and I think it's a good rivals to lovers ship. I'm pretty sure the only reason I've dropped a FlintWood fic is because I didn't vibe with the non-Flintwood ships in the fic
Ruby x Weiss: White Rose I think is partly as popular as it is because of the thing of pair off the spares. However, unlike a lot of couples I've seen with that thing, their canon interactions are pretty cute. On the other hand, their canon status of getting partnered during initiation does help their cause.
Ruby x Blake: I know I've said it for basically most of the other ships on the list but it's cute. I think I got into this ship with either a Team RWBY poly fic or a Beauty and the Beast retelling that used Ladybug
Ruby x Jaune: I like their friendship and I think a romantic relationship would be fine. I don't really ship it myself but I can see the appeal.
Weiss x Blake: I like it. However, I think it would be better in the later seasons rather than when they were in Beacon.
Weiss x Yang: Freezerburn, my beloved. I know with recent events, it's absolutely not going to be canon, but imma just vibe with their dynamic with fanfic
Weiss x Pyrrha: I think this is my favourite Weiss ship. There's a possibility of one-sided rivalry to lovers while in Beacon, and I think that's my favourite trope the ship could fall into
Weiss x Jaune: Personally prefer a friendship between the two but the volume 9 white knight moments were cute
Blake x Yang: It's cute. I'm glad they got made canon, and I want to see more cute canon moments between the two if the show does somehow get another volume. In the meantime, I will be chilling with fanfic.
Blake x Sun: Like Bumblebee, its cute. I also don't want to see discourse between it and Bumblebee.
Blake x Adam: The exception to my Blake ships that I've read are cute. The stuff I've read have sometimes had this as a past relationship for Blake and it should stay a past relationship.
Yang x Neo: Would be an interesting friendship post s3 but I don't feel comfortable shipping them romantically with recent canon events even with the Neo age discourse I've seen.
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In season three, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is looking towards establishing that friendship between a younger Spock [Ethan Peck] and Lt. Kirk [Paul Wesley], and according to a recent interview with Screenrant [via CBR], Wesley, who won a Saturn Award for Best Guest Star in a Television Series for the role, says there's "some amazing stuff in season three" which will begin building the relationship between the two characters. 
Though Wesley describes the characters as opposite, he also calls them "yin and yang in a good way." And that was never more true than in The Original Series. Spock, being Vulcan, always approached problems from a logical perspective while Kirk had to deal with human emotions that didn't always equate to logic. 
"We have some amazing stuff in Season 3. It’s a slow burn. You don’t want to explore everything out of the gate. It’s nice to have the characters slowly get to know one another because that friendship is so important to this series," Wesley said. "It’s really nice to sprinkle hints of what’s to come. Hints of how connected they will be, even though they could not be more opposite. Kirk and Spock are very yin and yang in a good way. We explore that. The short answer is yes. We very much explore that in Season 3. But I think we intentionally let it slowly build."
Knowing that Strange New Worlds is beginning the process of connecting these two legendary characters gives us even more to look forward to as this new season starts as the friendship between this pair is an important part of Star Trek history.
Slow burn you say?? After shaking hands out of the gate...
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thesleaziestlawyer · 2 months
Gary Goldstein (He/Him)
The Sleaziest Lawyer in Hatchetfeild
Hi, Gary Goldstein, attorney at law. I’m Hatchetfield’s top (and maybe only) lawyer willing to get his hands dirty—reaaaaaal dirty. From divorce settlements to cult sacrifices, I’ve seen it all and taken a cut. In a town full of secrets, someone’s gotta be the guy to exploit them. Might as well be me.
(P.S. - Please don’t knee me in the crotch again, Linda.)
“Get ready for audits! Audits up ya ears! Audits in your yin yang! Audits in ya WAZOO!”
Hiii, I’m Wesley/Chester (he/him). Honestly, gang, I don’t know how to characterize this guy, so good luck! Open to all kinds of plots and interactions.
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So, I did a study abroad in the Middle East with Israel and Palestine.
Would you say you're pro-Palestine or pro-israel?
As a gay man, I would be punished and-or put in prison or killed if I were openly gay in Palestine. how do you react to that?
... I didn't know that.
It is illegal to be gay in Palestine. You are punished by prison in death.
In Israel?
No, Israel has gay pride. Israel is completely open to lesbian and gay people. Palestine puts them in prison or kills them. You weren't aware of that?
I was not aware of that, no. So, that does pose an interesting... aspect.
Have you seen the Queers for Palestine movement? It's a very common movement. But I don't see any Muslims for Queer movements.
Uh, yes. That's where i gets gray, right? Like...
Well, for me, it's not gray. I am fearful of Islam because there is no Islamic country on Earth that embraces me as a gay man.
So, OK, OK, so maybe I'm confused because Israel, which is still an Islam country, right?
No, no, no, Jewish.
So, Israel is Jewish, Palestinians are Islamic.
What the fuck did she study? Given her other answers, I'd say it's safe to conclude that "in the Middle East" means she was staying at Disneyland Paris.
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
At the link above, please find my appearance on Daniel Oppenheimer's Eminent Americans podcast. We discuss the career of Wesley Yang, the literary danger faced by writers in and on politics, the online rise of the intellectual independent of academe, and my own academic and ideological background.
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iteratedextras · 9 months
We'll see an intellectually-inclined 'man of color' with a white wife (or ex-wife) and 'mixed' children, like Wesley Yang, support post-racial liberal norms. (Also Razib Khan. Or from the opposite direction, Rufo's wife is asian, their kids are 'mixed,' and he's supporting post-racial liberal norms, even though he's willing to talk to people farther right.)
This makes a lot of sense, because they're trying to make a world that would be a good world for their children, and even if these men aren't perfect, that's something you can build a society out of.
At the same time, we'll see a 'woman of color' politician married to a white man, who presumably has 'mixed' children herself, go off and create 'BIPOC-only' parties or something.
This probably isn't statistically significant, just politically salient in terms of who gets promoted and platformed.
But still, what the fuck.
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undeath1245 · 2 months
Headcanon full names for the TD contestants
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I figured that I should share my list of headcanon full names of each of the characters of Total Drama, with a couple of exceptions here and there (i.e. Chris McLean, Blainely O'Halloran, Alejandro Burromuerto, Cody Anderson, Harold McGrady, Devon "DJ" Joseph, Dakota Milton, Lightning Jackson, Cameron Wilkins, Nichelle LaDonna, Valentina MacArthur). Results may possibly vary.
Original Total Drama contestants
Gwendolyn York (sharing the same name as the York Region)
Trent McAllister
Duncan van Jensen
Courtney Ferrera
Heather Yang
Lindsay Berglund
Tyler Greenwood
Bethany Collins
Geoff Baskerville
Brigette Heinemann
Justin Carroway
LeShawna Martin
Isabella Crampton
Eva Alexandrova
Sierra McAnthony
Katie Bisonette
Sadie Jeong
Ezekiel Brimstone
Revenge of the Island contestants
Michael Holmvik
Zoey Abendroth
Brick Hopkins
Scott Bronson
Josephine "Jo" Arnold
Samuel Braxton
Anna Marie Lombardi
Dawn Nicholson
Beverly "B" Norwood
Staci Murray
Pahkitew Island contestants
Shawn Romero
Jasmine Abbott
Sky Rouleau
David Corduroy
Sugar van Hoffman
Amanda Dufresne
Samantha Dufresne
Topher Fellows
Ella Grimm
Maxwell Hunter
Scarlett McGrady
Rodney Fieldston
Leonard Hammersmith
Winslow Beardman
The Ridonculous Race contestants
Devin Letterman
Carrie Brennan
Thomas Wesley
Jennifer Walcott
Brody Simpson
Stephanie Fairchild
Ryan Carmichael
Rosalind Sanders
Josée Guillaume
Jacques Beaumont
Emma Zhong
Katherine Zhong
Stuart Rockford
Theodore Spudman
Dwayne Broker Sr.
Dwayne Broker Jr.
Kelly Greenwood
Taylor Greenwood
Jay Henderson
Mickey Henderson
Ennui Craven
Marie Crimson
Tammy Lundgren
Laurie Delcroix
Kristoffersen Miles
Ellody Newton
Marie Poindexter
Chet Levett
Lorenzo Antonelli
Gerry Drummond
Peter McLean
Total Drama Revival contestants
Caleb Edwards
Priya Rouhani
Millie Baldridge
Hezekias "Zee" Wanchai
Julie Martinson
Mary Kate "MK" Chung
Wayne Rupert
Raj Samaroo
Bowie Davison (based on the late English pop star)
Emma Wahlgren
Damien Laurence
Ripper Alderman
Axel Emerson
Chase Rodgers
Lauren "Scary Girl" Metcalf (sharing the same name as the actress)
Why don't you share me your fan name ideas?
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Underwater Love 🔱
A dramedy and slices of life from the Boys. About music and magic, friendship and love.
Follow them 🧭 to wacky places 🧭 going on dramatic adventures   and 🧭 having weird encounters
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Chapters: 1-6 📔 7-12 📔 13-16 📔 17-22 📔 23-28
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The Boys
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Saiwa 🔸 Kiyoshi 🔸 Vlad 🔸 Jeb 🔸 Ji Ho 🔸 Jack
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🪷 Heights and Zodiac 🪷 Group Dynamics 🪷 Roles (below the cut in the linked post)
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🗂️ The Resistance 🗂️ The Council
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In chronological order: 🫛 Saiwa and Jack 🫛 Vlad and Jack 🫛 Saiwa and Vlad 🫛 Kiyoshi and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Ji Ho 🫛 Ji Ho and Jack 🫛 Ji Ho and Jeb 🫛 Ji Ho and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Kiyoshi 🫛 Vlad and Jeb 🫛 Saiwa and Kiyoshi 🫛 Jack and Jeb
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(not updated yet) ❤️‍🔥 Ji Ho and Vlad (and Luci) ❤️‍🔥 Saiwa and Jeb ❤️‍🔥 Jack and Kiyoshi ❤️‍🔥 Noxee and Greg ❤️‍🔥 Leander and Wesley (and Vlad) ❤️‍🔥 Francine Spencer (Jeb's Grandmother) and Jules Rico
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The Stables - a spin off about their Horses (and Goats)
There are stories woven around how the Boys found their horses: 🐎 Kiri and Kiyoshi 🐎 Diablo and Vlad 🐎 Yang Mal and Ji Ho 🐎 Lunatic and Jack 🐎 Tyalindo and Saiwa 🐎 Valerian and Jeb
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Old Chapter list Old Loose Collections
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All our other stories below the cut
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(all my stories are without poses, cc, mods and proper english Ö.ö)
chronological  -   The Family Business   - latest saving sims, hunting things. The Callahans. chronological  -   Lost in Space   - latest alien cat lenny’s only joy is his vacuum bot, but it vanished in a malfunctioning transporter...
chronological  -   Zombie Detective   - latest a zombie wakes up in a pile of trash and shuffles back to humanity
chronological  -   Rosa’s Garden   - latest Grandmother asks Rosa to look after the haunted family farm
chronological-   The Gang Doctor   - latest a doctor treating gang members to pay the treatment for his chronical ill sister
chronological  -   Owen’s Farm   - latest the daily life at a moisture farm - with droids!
chronological  -   Sixam Away Team   - latest  the team on their search for lost crew members in the jungle of selvadorada
chronological  -   Love hurts   - latest teen werewolf logan loves his boss, the vampire giga, but...
chronological  -   Strangerville   - latest dutiful soldier kang and the warily trailerpark goofer gianna are investigating the strange things happening in strangerville
chronological  -   Bacalao Bay   - latest the pirates of bacalao bay
chronolocical  -  Meteorite Crash Scene  - latest the sixam away team examines a meteorite crash at granite falls
chronological  -   Magic Realm  - latest about my magical sims
chronological  -   Underwater Love   - latest Dreams of a Mermaid. Ji Ho’s dream of him, Vlad, Jack and Giga as Teenagers.
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