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thatdogmagic · 22 days ago
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One of four collab commission pieces completed since comms went live. One is still a WIP and the other two I can't show on here.
You can see all of them over at my Bluesky account, as always, but in the meantime here's the lovely Athena, as commissioned by Webster Leone, clocking in at ~4hrs, with @ependasketchpad on pencils and me on finals.
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naxlevelnat · 7 months ago
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Working on giving Sitka a wereliger lacky too. I'm not very good at beastly-monstrous designs, but I think I'm getting a shape I like for this guy. The shape is very punchable, that's the shape.
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I dunno if I'll ever get around to finishing this, but I wanted to draw what the AU UT characters are like where Sitka comes from. I'm just kinda piecing together lore for the place, but it's a crime infested AU where monsters escaped the Underground and took over the human world through some underhanded tactics. I'm just calling it Underhand AU for now haha :'D
Uh names,
Sans - Reggie, Papyrus - Ronnie, Burgerpants - BurgerTats, Alphes - Conner, Undyne - Outsider
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onespacedown · 5 months ago
Terrible paranormal romance plot of the day: a werelion and a weretigress fall in love, but theirs is a forbidden love. Not because of racism, but because wereligers, being absolutely huge, stand out way too much, and their existence threatens the masquerade.
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wereaddison · 6 months ago
Personal Werewolf/toon/beast headcanons
A little infodump about how werebeasts work in my head to make up for being inactive
Lycanthropy and most other forms of therianthropy are caused by a virus that shares a common genetic ancestor with rabies and vampirism, and is normally spread via contact with an infected’s bodily fluids (usually saliva from a bite wound) but can also be passed down genetically
Due to the nature of the virus that causes it, anyone already infected with a form of Therianthropy become immune to infections by other strains as well as vampirism, same goes for vampires.
If two werebeasts of different types were to have children, the child will most often inherit the therian type of its mother. Hybrid werebeast are rare, but happen more often when the parents’ beast forms are more genetically similar. (You’re more likely to find a wereliger than a werehawk/squid hybrid (squawk?))
Werewolves are the most common form of werebeasts, along with other mammalian predators (lions, hyenas, bears, etc.). Ones who take the forms of other animals are more rare. Fictothropes (aka weretoons) are the rarest ones, with very little scientific documentation being made on them.
It is unknown where weretoons originated from, but there are rumors of them being created in the late 1920’s by a certain infamous animator who dabbled in the occult.
Weretoons can take the form of any fictional character, not just limited to cartoons, though those tend to be the more common variants.
Due to the supernatural origin of Fictothropy, weretoons tend to be slightly different from other werebeasts. Along with the expected cartoon physics, they can also have different ways of “infecting” humans rather than via fluids. They also tend to stay mostly themselves mentally while transformed and are usually less dangerous because of that.
That’s all I’ve got for now, might add on more shit if I think of any lol
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ofviolentdeath · 10 months ago
Quick hint of new muses being added, bios coming...eventually~
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Chrestos "Charlie": Oneiri, Bridget's twin brother
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Larissa "Reece": Keres/Fae, Tass's daughter
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Kiya: Keres/Caracal shifter, Tass's daughter
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Dalton: Keres/Leopard shifter, Tass's son
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Jules: Keres/Werewolf, Tass's daughter
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Gabriel "Gabe": Wereliger, dating Dominic
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Atlas: Erote/Keres/Wereliger, Gabe and Dominic's son
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years ago
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i found this character theme/symbolism meme while tag surfing, and thought it looked like a fun way to get back into character vibes (seriously i have 5 active games/3 active game nights and i’ve only played Candi for like a month...cats aren’t allowed screen time lol). i rearranged the original meme admittedly, but i saw others do that too so whatever. and then i was kinda on a roll, so i did even more than just my currently active PCs; we pulled out some of the core classics too.
looking up all the flowers was very fun ^^ also as a note, Leosa’s listed as a “Lionfolk” just as a jab that he’s a lion-based Catfolk; pretty much the same as Jass being a “Wereliger” but is just a Werelion, it’s all flavor to make me happy.
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goldieedge · 3 years ago
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I’ve made her two refs before this but never finished them. So glad to finally finish her third one!
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erillianbird · 3 years ago
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Completed ref of an oc
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magicalforestfairy · 5 years ago
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I know he is actually a lion, but I ended up painting him as a tiger.. So I guess he is a wereliger now? 🐯🤔🤣
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claycaduceus · 6 years ago
can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh werewolf she ra au
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joerawlings-blog1 · 7 years ago
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Jericho (Photoshop)
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red-dragon-archfiend · 6 years ago
That last post is cool because I've made my first catgirl oc and she's a trans wereliger
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floofangel · 6 years ago
I love what you did with Mike's markings!
Thank you I’m glad you do!! ;;W;;
I wanted to up his design a bit and make it more interesting, so it’s good to know it’s working! This also means he’s technically no longer a werelion XD More so a wereliger.
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ofviolentdeath · 8 months ago
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Who: Gabriel "Gabe" Alexander Lewis, goes by Goliath at work FC: Brock O'Hurn What: Wereliger Where: Currently New York Parents: Deceased Siblings: None Partner: Dominic Kids: Callie and Atlas
Abilities Shifted form (liger), accelerated healing, heightened senses and strength, slowed aged
Personality Loyal, Protective, Honest
Other Info
Gabe works as a security guard at a bar and given his physique, it earned him the nickname "Goliath". He doesn't mind the nickname but he only uses it at work and does not like to be called that in his personal life.
He is extremely protective of Dominic and their kids and will do anything necessary to protect them. He tries to be supportive of his kids and give them the space to make their own choices, but that does not mean he doesn't panic over said choices.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years ago
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it’s that time of year again, where i draw my chars in meme sweaters and thigh highs/knee socks/legwarmers. (blame my twitter for giving me an ad for knitted thigh highs that looked super cozy)
did my 3 active PCs, and 3 of my fav perpetually in limbo prettys. and yes i  know i did Candi and Jelena before, but i realized that after everything was drawn (and in fairness that was PF!Candi and this is 5e!Candi, and well, i just love Jelena). tried to do the heights right even too...probably failed, but i dcn’t care; sweaters and fancy socks for everyone!!
(left to right on the lineup) Jelena Thorne (firbolg) in an oversized cable knit, Jass Creedance (wereliger) in the weird cutout croptop, Kirrah (oni-tiefling) in eth virgin killer sweater, Candoren Caina (fierna-tiefling) in a classic keyhole sweater, Dr Vektoria Rendari (foreclaimer) in a “Bah Humbug” shirt, and Yukiko Mosaka (snow kitsune) in a blue Santa dress
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ofviolentdeath · 8 months ago
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Who: Atlas Archer FC: Chris Briney What: Wereliger/Erote/Keres Where: Currently New York Parents: Dominic and Gabriel Siblings: Callie (twin sister) Partner/lover: Darcy Kids: None
Abilities Shifted form (liger), accelerated healing, heightened senses and strength, demi-immortal, short-range shadow travel (still learning), can see/talk to spirits, emotional absorption via touch
Personality Introverted, emotional, stubborn
Other Info Atlas grew up a little on the sheltered side but he understands why his parents are as protective as they are. Despite that and his stubborn streak, Atlas wasn't really the rebellious type. He preferred staying home, reading, playing video games, that sort of thing.
It wasn't until he was legally an adult that he started getting even a little more adventurous and even then, it was mostly the occasional casual hook-up and not anything too out there, for the most part.
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