Featured muses: Belladonna, Fulton, Cord, and Cypress ((Selective Indie multimuse rp blog. Adults only as there is triggering content. Mix of canon and oc. Mun and Muses are 21+Please read the rules and character info for any muse you're interested in!)) Most things are run through queue, current turn around is 5-10 days on average
Last active 60 minutes ago
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Send “¿” and my muse will tell yours something they have never revealed to them before.
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Send me 🔐 for a tip on how to make my muse trust yours
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"I'M KIND BECAUSE I CHOOSE TO BE" PROMPTS * assorted dialogue for remaining good despite it all, adjust as necessary
they've suffered enough.
i have seen the worst that humanity has to offer... and yet i'm still standing.
the world can keep knocking me down, but i'll get back up.
i don't give up.
i just want to live a peaceful life.
i don't want conflict.
there were nicer ways to ask that, you know.
i don't want to hurt anybody.
i still don't hate you.
i want peace at all costs.
if you would only try and see the world from my point of view.
i don't want to fight with you.
things always get better.
this isn't the end.
you have to stand tall.
the world is cruel, but i won't be.
i believe in you. i always have.
my morals are firm.
there's no harm in a little kindness.
just be gentle with them.
i mean well.
there's too much pain in this world. i don't intend to add to it.
i don't want to fight anyone.
don't you believe in yourself?
i'm not leaving them.
there is enough hate in this world.
i try to lead with love.
it's the right thing to do.
this doesn't have to end in violence.
why don't we talk this through?
maybe he's having a bad day.
i'm going to try again.
there has to be another way to do this.
this isn't the time to quit.
i've seen too many things go wrong. this has to go right.
i'm not giving up just yet.
kindness is not weakness.
you can do better than that.
i try to see the good in everyone.
you can't just give up!
you're a special person.
i deserve better than this.
you deserve happiness.
it costs nothing to be kind.
there's no need to be so mean.
if only you could see yourself the way i see you.
it's still a beautiful day.
there's always tomorrow.
are you asking me to quit?
tomorrow will be better.
you didn't mean that, did you?
maybe we should talk this out.
i will always choose to be kind.
despite everything, i just want to be good.
i do my best to see the good in everyone, no matter what.
you didn't have to do that.
that wasn't very nice.
do you have to be so rude?
a nice word goes a long way.
try smiling at them. see what happens.
you could try being nicer.
i deserve a happy ending.
don't beat yourself up.
don't talk about yourself like that.
i see the goodness in you.
life is truly beautiful.
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The Broken and the Crushed
Muses who are feeling it all.
"My bones hurt."
"I don't recognise myself any more."
"It feels like I'm broken into jagged chunks."
"You can't love me. I'm unlovable."
"There's nothing worthwhile inside me."
"Waste your time with someone else."
"There's nothing good in me, nothing at all."
"You can believe whatever shit you want. It's probably true."
"I'm a disgusting piece of shit, but who cares, really?"
"You can see a monster in me. You don't have to squint."
"My body craves violence. My mind... just wants to be free of it."
"There's rot in me."
"I'm just... tired. Sick of it all."
"Give up on me. It's easier."
"Rotten work... that's all I am."
"Go away. Leave me be."
"If you ever asked me what happened... I don't think I could tell you."
"Failure. Failure. Failure."
"I've tried, so hard. And I'm sick of trying."
"I cannot be fixed."
"I'm not something that can be repaired. I shouldn't be."
"There's a hollowness, inside my chest. Something got ripped out of me. I don't know what's meant to be there."
"Let me rest."
"I want to go... somewhere else. Anywhere."
"Why is there... anything?"
"I'm festering."
"My heart hurts, all the time..."
"It's like there's something crushing my chest."
"Fuck it all. Give up. Goodbye."
"Let's go home..."
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She didn't recognize the name but that didn't mean much. It wasn't too difficult to look the address up on her phone and copy it to her navigation app.
"Okay, let's get you back to your people, honey," she soothed, relieved that the place wasn't too terribly far away. "Do you think you can walk the distance or would a ride be better?"
"Seventh Circle," Catia answered, confident in that at least, but that was largely because her father and his business partners had several clubs in their respective locations that operated under that name to make them easily identifiable to the business's real clientele, not just the average club goer.
She didn't mention anything beyond the name, not knowing if the woman helping her would be aware that the club was a front, or even friendly toward that sort of thing.
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"Don't you sass me," he muttered, the words lacking any bite as he moved his thumb against the dragon's small body. "But, if you want a comfy bed, you gotta let go of my hand."
Sure, he could have asked Wylie to grab the clothes but, well, he had made the promises so he should be the one to keep them. Especially when he was still trying to build trust.
"Probably go with a couple of both in case he gets too cold or too warm."
Chalupa had practically half-climbed into Verv's hand by that point, looking up at him with a sleepy gaze, though still alert enough to look put out by the chastisement as he huffed in response and made a chittering noise that sounded like he was cutely grumbling in protest.
Wylie couldn't help letting out another chuckle at watching his boyfriend be sassed by a tiny ball of fur that didn't even speak English, but seemed to comprehend it well enough.
"I threw a couple of things in on Tuesday, but no, most of it is still in the basket, so there should be at least six or seven shirts in there. A couple of hoodies too, I think."
#neonbitemarks#vervain:threads#vervain:chalupa#vervain:chalupa001#vervain:wylie#vervain:wylie008#I'm not qualified to queue that
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She nodded slowly, twisting her fingers idly before small, deep purple and pale blue blooms spread over her skin. It was unusual to see her sporting such muted shades, but it was a good indicator of how heavily all of this had been weighing on her mind.
"I worry that he will not have a full life, that is so concerned with keeping me safe that he will sacrifice his own desires and happiness, and I do not know how to tell him that I'm fine. That I'm probably safer than he is as a general rule."
"How closely have you followed his advice?"
"I don't know. Can't say I have much experience with that myself," Cillian answered frankly, knowing his response would be unhelpful, but it was honest, nonetheless.
"My closest experience isn't even really my own, but that of someone close to me. I suppose I could consider him the closest I have ever known to family, though I'm not sure how I would describe our relationship in those terms," he explained, referring to the fact that his relationship with Aspen had, at times, blurred lines.
"He lost someone he loved once. A mortal. As I understand it, it affected him to the point that he is cautious where he lays his heart these days, and enough that he advised me from quite a young age to be conscious of how briefly mortals live compared to us."
#neonbitemarks#lowan:threads#lowan:cillian#lowan:cillian001#ria:threads#ria:cillian#ria:cillian001#I'm not qualified to queue that
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"Yeah, but you also like, grew up with Britt and Lyri, right? It makes sense that you'd be closer with her when you haven't known Bells nearly as long." Genesis could understand that, it was a hard thing to reconcile. Even she had grown up thinking Ava's house was a safe place until everything came out about Nik and Finn. Now the idea of being anywhere near that house made her skin crawl and she was glad that Finn and Nik had external support. "That's rough. I get some of it, but probably not all of it. Everyone's trauma and responses to it are different." It was something Genesis had been told a lot growing up. "But that sounds boring."
Gen shrugged at that, having not given it a lot of thought personally. She didn't like thinking about things often, more of the jump in blind sort. It was making more and more sense why someone would stick her with a babysitter. "I don't know what I need but what I want is her. She knows where I live, we've seen each other a couple of time since things ended, but I don't know what's going to happen going forward."
"Ever get the feeling that something is gonna come back to bite him in the ass?"
"I like Bells too. I mean, she's not Britt - one of my truest loves - but she has her own little special something. Her house is probably like that because she provides the peace all those kids need. There's enough chaos outside, they've found sanctuary with her. Sometimes you just need a safe base like that. When I was younger it was actually her mom's house that we all wound up in most of the time. Don't get me wrong, this was before. Even I'm upset with Ava." It wasn't Dimitri's business to get in the middle of and he didn't want to make anything worse but he couldn't deny that Ava had been a maternal figure for him in his younger years. "Probably just trying to warm him up to the idea of you. Reed's coming in blind to all of this with trauma of his own that he's not dealt with. He'll warm up to everyone, even you, eventually." He just smiled at that, glad Izzy had friends who cared just as much as he did. "Good. So stay safe."
"Definitely is," he had to agree. "But what about you? What do you need? Is pining after the girl you can't have all that's left for you or do you try to move on? Or go after her again? I mean, I'm not condoning you getting involved with archdemons and making trouble but... some people are worth the trouble sometimes, aren't they? Or, I'm just a sucker for a love story. Always have been. You really shouldn't take relationship advice from me considering my track record. I mean, there was a long bout of serious obsession in my last one but I was young and stupid. Maybe just have fun for awhile? If she's meant to be she'll find you, won't she?"
Dimitri nodded again. "Best I know, he's allowing her to be friendly but keeping her, and everyone else, at a distance. He doesn't have a choice with me because I'm his dad. I helped put him into this world and I will annoy the shit out of him if I so please."
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okay, that was The Plan but I think I'm just gonna call it a night so I can at least get SOME sleep before morning shift.
Cats are taken care of, almost done making dinner. Should be on for a bit after I eat. Work at 10am tomorrow
#outofcorpses#two more days of work and then two whole days off#but the hours this week are good AND I got a raise
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Cats are taken care of, almost done making dinner. Should be on for a bit after I eat. Work at 10am tomorrow
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good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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He mulled the question over for a moment, going through everything he knew about Kai and Fiero's dynamic before shrugging. "I think he'd understand but he won't like it, whatever the plan may be. Kai's...one of the few people Fiero feels safe with. That's the one line Kai would never cross, at least not intentionally." He didn't think it was love, he wasn't sure Kai was capable of love, but it was something. It was the closest to genuine emotion his older brother, that much Creedance was certain of. "Nope. You don't get rose colored glasses when datin' shifters. Accidents happen, especially with big claws and teeth. We don't always remember our size or strength when shifted." It was a good warning, a good lesson, and one he felt Darcy sincerely needed with being with Atlas. He wasn't sure Atlas had even thought to have that discussion with him. "Yeah, ma don't quit when it comes to us. Once she decides you're hers, you ain't gettin' rid of her." His eyes rolled, but it was a good natured response, the smile never faltering. "Whatever you say."
Learning was a bigger part of this whole having a family thing than Darcy had realized it would be. Not just a family, really, but an entirely different life. He was learning how to be a person that allowed himself to rely on other people. Having relied on his instincts and himself for so long and not really knowing what life was really like - it was taking some time and that learning would probably never end. Darcy was willing, though. That's what was important. Letting his eyes trail over the scar, he just shook his head. Kai was a nasty piece of work. "You think he'd be upset about what I'm planning to do? I'm not supposed to tell anyone the details who doesn't need to know but Fiero is key. Just his likeness..." Darcy had to do this, no matter what, but when it was over Kai and Fiero were still going to be his siblings and while he had written off Kai immediately he was still involving someone who he knew little about. "No... but I've seen a really big and cuddly one? Who could, admittedly, do some serious damage. But, damnit, let me wear my rose colored glasses." Atlas was harmless... until he needed to be something different. Darcy understood that because he was the same way. "I don't think Bells would've given up on me even if I tried to shake her harder than I did - so, yeah, I feel wanted. It's kinda nice. As for you and me, we got time. Be best buds before you know it, Cowboy."
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"Do you know the power level required to raise the dead? Especially the been dead for centuries dead?" The answer was a lot and she had done it more than once. Hell, her oldest son was older than she was and had been dead long before she had ever been born. It was damn impressive and terrifying enough that even Cree had to admit that his mother might actually have a point on that one. "With the way things are goin', I don't see that bein' an issue." The house spoke volumes about his seriousness when it came to Dimitri and he could only hope Silas saw that too. "Guess it's a good thing I never wanted him to go then." He nodded, having listened to Dimitri talk about it. It was an important chapter in his life and it seemed he was still working through it, so Creedance was doing his best to be supportive and actually hear what was said. "Dude, you have great-grandkids that are older than me."
"Brittia is not scary." There was a chance things had changed but Silas simply couldn't see it. Not the Britt he'd grown up around that his father and grandfather adored. No, she couldn't be scary. At least not to him - perhaps anyone who crossed her but like Creedance, Silas had never seen that side of her. "Good thing you didn't then, huh? Especially not after you met him. The only way you and I will ever have problems is if you break his heart." Silas simply feared his father would never recover from it. "Also don't think you could ever get him to leave - not that it looks like you have plans to." That whole cabin thing really cemented the fact that nobody was going anywhere. "You know we were here the whole time, right? Pops could never really leave his family." Dimitri was too close to them and he knew he regretted leaving for all that time even if it was supposed to have been forever. "Ahhh, not all of 'em. Don't make me older than I am. Pretty sure there are a couple of young ones out there still."
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Shippy Memes
Requested by anon! Not my usual thing so I hope you like em! They began to lean a little more into first admissions/dates/etc.
"You've been staring at me."
"Are you okay? Do I have something on my face?"
"Can I, uh... can I hold your hand?"
"Would you hit me if I kissed you?"
"Oh... you're beautiful."
"Hi. Hey. I'm, um, I'm [name], um, I saw you and I wanted - wanted to say hi -"
"I want to hold hands with you."
"Do you want to go see a movie?"
"Would it be too forward of me to ask you out for a drink?"
"So, um... where do you want to go for dinner?"
"That movie was terrible! I spent most of the time watching you! I mean - not, uh -"
"This is my favourite place. I wanted to share it with you."
"I'm sorry, I really want to kiss you."
"You're beautiful. Oh - oh, I'm sorry, that just slipped out -"
"I've wanted to do this since I first met you."
"We can go anywhere you want. Just - I want to go together."
"I'd do anything to make you smile."
"I love you. I'm - is it too soon to say that?"
"I don't care what anyone else says."
"I think... I think I'm in love with you."
"You always take my breath away."
"We could get a little house together. A cat or a dog. Maybe start a family."
"I never thought I could love someone how I love you."
"I feel safe here, holding you."
"You make me feel safe, in your arms."
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Questioning Sentences, Vol. 39
(Questioning sentences from various sources to ask all kinds of muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"How long have you been here?"
"Which side of the bed would you prefer?"
"Can I ask you a personal question? How can you afford to shop here?"
"Do you ever think about your legacy?"
"You ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck?"
"This is weird, even for you. What are you doing?"
"Are we safe here?"
"What am I to you?"
"Do you think I don't understand what it is to be different?"
"You know, it is a little bit strange that we hardly know each other, right?"
"Who hit you?"
"You know, you should really work on your party face."
"I need to borrow a car tonight. Can I take yours?"
"Are you telling me you don't love me anymore?"
"Perhaps you'd like to know my name?"
"How can you help me if you don't believe me?"
"Do you ever think what it would be like to be like other people? Normal people?"
"Is this your way of apologising?"
"Speaking plainly, what's in it for me?"
"You have an interesting accent. Where are you from exactly?"
"Have you been told anything I haven't?"
"Do your ambitions not exceed this?"
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"I'm thinking of getting a gun for protection. Is there one you would recommend?"
"Do you like birds?"
"Do you reckon I'll get one of those medals for bravery?"
"You can't stay away from me, can you?"
"Do you have to enjoy this quite so much?"
"How can I help you if you won't let me?"
"Am I having some kind of psychotic breakdown?"
"You've been hiding from me, haven't you?"
"Why is it that I surround myself with a bunch of incompetent fools?"
"Has my utility not been amply demonstrated?"
"Were you just flirting with that woman?"
"Is this it? Is this therapy?"
"Do you really believe you see demons and devils?"
"You didn't really think you were never going to see me again, did you?"
"Do you think what happened to you is a miracle?"
"When did you get so bitter?"
"Why are you talking in the past tense?"
"Aren't you supposed to be talking to me about the virtues of mercy?"
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Questioning Sentences, Vol. 38
(Questioning sentences from various sources to ask all kinds of muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You don't know much, do you?"
"Don't you have a car of your own?"
"How would you like to go on your first stakeout?"
"What would you do for money? What would you be prepared to do?"
"Is your job always like this?"
"Are we drunk? How drunk are we? What's happening?"
"If you could change something in your life, anything at all, what would it be?"
"Will you be offended if I ask you something?"
"Why do you wear those gloves?"
"How is it you seem to know more than I do?"
"What's your favourite book? You do read, right?"
"Why are you here? Why are you not there?"
"Has it never occurred to you that sometimes other people might have something valuable to offer?"
"I do hope you're going to liven up a bit. What is wrong with you tonight?"
"Are you saying I smell like a dead cat?"
"Are you sure those things you saw today were hallucinations?"
"How can someone so smart be so stupid?"
"Do you ever know something and don't know how you know it?"
"Are you questioning your sanity?"
"Why are you so afraid to succeed?"
"What's wrong? Why are you frightened of me?"
"Do you ever have one of those moments where suddenly you understand everything?"
"Would you think it bold if I compliment your eyes?"
"I think it's time we sorted out our problem one way or another, don't you?"
"Who exactly are we looking for?"
"What do you want more than anything?"
"How long has it been haunting this place?"
"Have you any idea what it's like to be haunted?"
"Do you like me?"
"Why didn't you share with me what you're doing?"
"Have you ever noticed that people are getting meaner?"
"What are you doing sitting here all by yourself?"
"Look, are you going to let me in on what you're thinking here?"
"When did you become so contentious?"
"You've never done that before, have you? Taken a person's life?"
"I'm not going to see you anymore, am I?"
"What did you really come here to ask me?"
"Are you sick or something?"
"How's the writing coming?"
"Has anyone ever told you how insufferable you are?"
"You don't drink anymore, do you?"
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