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ofviolentdeath · 1 year ago
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The snow had started out light, small flakes spiraling to the cold ground but it had quickly picked up. Now, large and fluffy flakes were coming down heavily, the view from the shop's windows obscured, verging on white-out conditions. Byrne had meant to lock the door and flip the sign to closed but he had gotten distracted with tending to the fireplace, knowing that the older building wasn't the best at keeping out the chill, even with an updated heating system.
The chime of the bell had him turning, hands sliding into pockets as he took a few steps forward to get a better look at the other, unsure if they were a customer or just someone trying to get out of the quickly building blizzard.
"You uh, lookin' for a specific book?" It was the best way Byrne knew to gauge what he was in for as there was a code among his less pleasant clients centered around specific titles.
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inkandichxr · 7 months ago
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"I heard you might need a hug or whatever. Shoulder to cry on. Someone to ignore all the bullshit with? I'm here to provide."
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itsagentzero · 8 months ago
@neonbitemarks liked this for a starter
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"Dude, I brought you a cursed item once," he groaned. "ONCE. Am I never gonna live that down?"
He wasn't as frustrated as he sounded like, but it was mostly amusing to find the level of inconvenience he could cause by actually acting on his good intentions. His makers had created him to be a weapon, and sometimes it was hard to be anything but.
"I tell you, I have no way of knowing when something is cursed. My powers block that kind of shit-- And I can't even trace magic on my own or anything."
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ofviolentdeath · 5 days ago
"Don't you sass me," he muttered, the words lacking any bite as he moved his thumb against the dragon's small body. "But, if you want a comfy bed, you gotta let go of my hand."
Sure, he could have asked Wylie to grab the clothes but, well, he had made the promises so he should be the one to keep them. Especially when he was still trying to build trust.
"Probably go with a couple of both in case he gets too cold or too warm."
Chalupa had practically half-climbed into Verv's hand by that point, looking up at him with a sleepy gaze, though still alert enough to look put out by the chastisement as he huffed in response and made a chittering noise that sounded like he was cutely grumbling in protest.
Wylie couldn't help letting out another chuckle at watching his boyfriend be sassed by a tiny ball of fur that didn't even speak English, but seemed to comprehend it well enough.
"I threw a couple of things in on Tuesday, but no, most of it is still in the basket, so there should be at least six or seven shirts in there. A couple of hoodies too, I think."
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cantevenbeachhere · 4 months ago
Chocolate guy is back again
I want one of those apples!! Imagine eating an apple filled with like apple pie filling! Those look sooooooo good!
And HOW did he get chocolate to look like wood??? Like seriously!!
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heirofhermes · 1 year ago
repost. don't reblog. bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies.
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scraped knees · silent tears in a locked room · slamming doors · pervasive loneliness · a dog barking · rain on a metal roof · flinching at movement · the creak of an old house · forced laughter · wandering in the dark woods · wondering how you made it through · sudden loss · trying to make sense of the noise · hiding what you love to protect it · trying to explain but your words falter · invaded privacy · confusion at the pain · running barefoot in the grass · wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing · realizing you aren’t a priority · grass stains on white clothing · trying to earn love you will never have · being threatened over the smallest mistake · secrets you are warned not to share · the feeling of never being good enough · the hope things might someday get better · grief that aches in your bones · childish dares and pranks · the sense that your body isn’t yours · shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry · sledding down a frozen hill · absentmindedly following snakes through the grass · punching a tree until your knuckles bleed · tears over every dead creature you find · searching out small places you can hide… just in case · climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you · the feeling of something tainted under your skin · a curious child told to stop asking · floral dresses · body tensing at approaching footsteps · anger with nowhere to go · brief escapes from the chaos · the purr of a contented cat · taking the blame to keep the peace · being told you’re too sensitive · the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
Tagged by: @beastbitten Tagging: @thejadedking, @soncfthewitch, @wiedzmacienia, @legaciestold, @mythosisms, @neonbitemarks
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grimlyyfiendish · 3 years ago
Credit to @/neonbitemarks on TikTok 🖤 many, many, thanks to the creator for making the sexiest and the most beautiful edit I’ve ever seen in my life 😩
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babyitsmagic · 6 months ago
@neonbitemarks is getting farah!
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"Could you think a little less loud? You're giving me a headache."
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dandeliicnsarchiived · 1 year ago
cont. from here // @neonbitemarks
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" Hey don't judge me! Blame the werewolf side of me and being loyal! When we make friends, have romantic relationships or overall have good people around us, we're loyal to the very end. I'm thankful that part of me didn't die." Claire somewhat teased back to Nik, it wasn't until recently that she came to terms with her hybrid nature. She tried her best to not reflect to heavily on the fact that she did die in order to become what she is now; but overall, she was a lot happier.
"Oh, I have to tell you the latest and greatest! We got these two new cooks, vampires of course and they're honestly not that! I've come to find out, that the really old ones, just wanna lay low, avoid the drama and help people! So I am learning that not all vampires are predators just looking for a next meal."
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ofviolentdeath · 3 months ago
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"I'm only here to retrieve Calla, not to socialize."
She was late, as usual. Robert was beginning to wonder if he should take longer when Calla called, but the ever-present concern that she had gotten herself in trouble was too high for him to follow through on it. It never crossed his mind that she might be doing this on purpose again.
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inkandichxr · 9 months ago
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"Staring at me like that is creepy, just so you know." Dimitri settled his hands on his hips and folded his wings behind him. He'd been caught out in the open but knowing how warded this place was he wasn't exactly afraid of the person who caught him. "You one of Bells lost boys?"
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itsagentzero · 1 year ago
@neonbitemarks liked this for a starter
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"Like I've already told you quite a couple of times before," he started, tired blue eyes looking up at the taller man. "I had no way of knowing that ring was cursed, but it didn't worry me too much because my power blocks that kind of magic anyway..."
"Besides, the heirloom I bring today isn't cursed! I think."
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ofviolentdeath · 1 month ago
"Even if. The custody agreement between your mother and I ended when you turned 18. There is no legal or medical documentation that states you cannot choose which household you reside in. If all of your documents say you need supervision, that's fine. I am more than capable of taking that on and if they try to pull shit about him being your therapist, I can put in for what, conflict of interest? Legally, he can't be your therapist since he's married to your mother now. Won't be hard for me to find someone else and get a second opinion on everything he's put down."
The last few points was something Thras had been trying to get straightened out before all of this came to light and now? Well, now he had more reason to push for it on top of the resources and money necessary to drag it out in court if he needed to. "Besides, I know my lawyer's better than any they can afford."
"Even if they tell the cops I'm crazy?" Daniel asked, knowing that would be exactly the kind of tactics that would be used against him, and unfortunately, his stepfather had manufactured more than enough evidence to back up that claim and discredit Daniel.
It didn't help that Daniel had also had a few run-ins with the law outside of attempts to run away that probably didn't look good and wouldn't work in his favour, but he trusted Thras and knew that his dad's family would protect him once Thrasos had gotten everything set up to do so.
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inkandichxr · 10 months ago
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“This is the last time I help Dimitri with shit,” Izzy grumbled under his breath. Awkwardly standing around some place he’d never been before wasn’t high on his list of things to do but he’d lost his grandfather to what looked like a serious, or at least heavy, conversation.
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ofviolentdeath · 10 months ago
@neonbitemarks continued from [X]
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"What business is it of yours if I did? You gonna tell on me?"
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"Maybe I just want to watch what you do next. I like watching."
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inkandichxr · 11 months ago
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Knocking felt so strange. Maybe less so because of the family's usual open door policy and more so because this was the door to the house where his father lived. Dimitri had never knocked looking for him before. It felt even more strange not to. Knowing that beyond that door was a whole new life he knew nothing about made him feel compelled to wait just outside the threshold, to be invited in instead of barging through like he might normally do.
Looking up when the door cracked open, Dimitri cleared his throat. "I'm looking for my dad... I mean, is Hypnos awake?"
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