#went a bit wild with this one ngl
soapyakships · 8 months
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Even being junks, even a piece of rag After following the never ending dream I'll find my own light, all the way
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
idk if anyone knows this show but like xiao//lin showdown crossed my mind for a split second and i was wondering if there is a fandom for it these days and ngl it did make me laugh very hard in a "ah yes of course" way to see that the hype guy for tumblr was jack spi//cer like yeah of course you all would.
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering can you write Earthrealm champions x Arab reader who is like a Marcelina from Adventures time. She basically doesn’t need blood to feed and she sucking the red from things making it grey and one day when the boys was in mission reader jumps on Kenshi and sucked his coat dry.
Cherry Cola
Yip notes: Ngl Adventure Time scared me as a kid and I still won’t watch it.
Pairings: Earthrealmer Champions x Vampire! Afab reader
Warnings‼️: Bonk, somewhat proofread
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Something is wrong at the Wu Shi Academy. The monks have been discussing the possibility of a wild animal in the area. But what kind of animal sucks the color out of a piece of fruit? And what could leave such big holes behind?
Oh, this doesn’t seem good. Vaeternus must be behind this. What else could create such marks? Why would they be targeting fruit? Nobody knows but they will still believe they are behind this.
This situation has put many on edge. Liu Kang would look into this himself but this might be a better mission for his champions to go on. He is confident that no one will be hurt. Because if this being is what he thinks it is then it will only be harmful to a primary color.
All four of the men walked through the wooded forest of the mountains. They followed a trail of plants that were missing their colors. Roses, berries, mushrooms, and leaves. All of them had two holes left behind. Johnny took a look at one of the mushrooms and saw how deep the puncture wound went. He grimaced at the thought of being bitten by the possible vaeternian that was doing this.
“Damn, I really hope we don’t come across this thing.”
“Better to catch it now than let it roam around and believe it can do whatever it wants.” Kung Lao replied to Johnny’s worry.
“What is it, Cage? Afraid to be bit?” Kenshi teased his friend.
“Johnny’s concerns are reasonable,” Raiden advocated for him, “But we should try to capture whatever this thing is. Even if it is not a vaeternian it is something else that doesn’t mind sinking its teeth into things.”
It doesn’t help Johnny’s nerves that they were wearing the same outfits they wore when hunting down Shang Tsung. The outfits were made to lessen any possible injuries. His face is still open though! What’s gonna stop this creature from taking a bite out of his nose and sucking him dry…pause.
If a mosquito can find an opening, so could a vaeturnian, if this is a vaeturnian.
The further they walked the more they saw the flora missing its color. Raiden and Kung Lao began to recognize something. All of the plants and fruit they had seen would have been red. Everything else had been left alone. They give each other a look before looking at Kenshi. It might have been a bad move to let him wander with a coat that was almost all red. He is literally a walking platter of food for whatever is out there. It certainly isn’t a vaeturnian but it has vampiric elements.
They were passing by a cave before Johnny stopped them, “Woah, you guys better take a look at this.”
The three stepped back and looked at where Johnny shined his light. Further in the cave was evidence that there was someone staying there. There was literally a house in the cave. It looked a little rundown, but it wasn’t in any bad shape. The true evidence that showed that someone was there was the pile of rose petals. Half of the rose petals have been drained of their color.
“Nope, nope, nope.” Johnny wanted to turn back but Raiden stopped him.
“We have to finish our investigation, Johnny.”
“Do you not see what I’m seeing? That’s a trap. It’s a trap to lure us in and when we are deep into the cave whatever is in there is gonna bite the back of our necks.”
“You should stop using your phone. All those conspiracy theories are making you paranoid. This is not one of those “liminal spaces” you talk about.” Kung Lao mocked Johnny for being so afraid.  
While those idiots argued about what to do Kenshi stood there in confusion. His vision could only make him see so far. He didn’t see what everyone else saw. He didn’t even know that the flowers and fruit were missing colors.
It didn’t matter. All he wanted to do was end this mess. He took out Sento and carefully made his way into the cave while everyone else kept arguing. The further he went the more he saw the house. The feeling of being watched hit him hard and he feared he might have walked into something dangerous. His head looked up and saw…
A being. A human being or so he thinks. All he can see is someone upside down with their feet planted on the rock ceiling. He couldn’t see many details since he could only see the blue outline of the body. He stared in awe as he tried to figure out what was going on. That left Kenshi wide open to the mouth of a ferocious beast.
The head of this creature turned slowly towards him. The creature lunged at him before Kenshi could bring Sento up to protect him. Its body collided with his and he was knocked to the ground. Its mouth opened wide and Kenshi could see the razor-sharp fangs. He heard Johnny yell out to him.
Down the fangs came onto Kenshi’s…clothes…?
Wait what? Hold on, did I misread that? Ah, okay, this was more dramatic on his end than yours. Let’s step back a bit and get your side of the story.
You are no vaeturnian, you’re just a chill vampire. You look the role and play the role except you have an easier time when it comes to feasting. You don’t need to go out hunting every night for a human body to suck the blood out of nor do you need to pin down a bear and drink its blood. You have it easier by only needing to drink anything red.
It’s way more pleasant than blood. Blood is metallic and the taste stays longer than you would like. But when it’s something like berries or rose petals, it’s much more flavorful. It’s floral, it’s bitter, it’s sweet, it’s way better than blood.
You declared yourself a “vegetarian”. No drinking blood, only the color red. You wandered around the land trying to find new objects that had the color red to them. You found that being near the Wu Shi Academy was beneficial because of the many plants that were around and the clothes they left out to dry.
Oh you scoundrel, no wonder some of Kung Lao’s clothes were losing color. You couldn’t help it. Once you realized clothes had a whole different taste you had to try whatever you could. Kung Lao was like a sweet lychee to you. He was your favorite to feast on.
The little bit you could get from Raiden was alright. He would taste like blood orange if his amulet wasn’t involved. He was way too metallic with all that lightning he was producing. On the rare occasion you got to steal from Johnny he had a red wine taste to him. It’s sweet but could use more aging than he would be perfect.
You never got the chance to try Kenshi however. It’s a shame. You saw how he always wore red but he never left his clothes out to dry. It must be his expensive taste and how his clothes need dry cleaning kind of care. He just looked so tasty with all that red he wore. You thought you would never get the chance to taste that delicious man. So you sulked in your cold and lonely cave, drinking from the same old things.
Your wishes must have been heard since you heard people approaching your cave. You went into hiding by crawling on the cave ceiling and hiding behind a stalactite. You peeked to see who your mysterious visitors were. You were unable to see them until
gasp Kenshi?! All in red? What a treat!
You walked out from behind the stalactite to get a better view of him. That’s when he peered up at you with that lovely red cloth covering his eyes. This was it. This was your big moment to finally get a taste of him.
You lunged at him with a wide smile on your face. You were on him in an instant with your teeth ready to snag onto his coat. You heard the yell that Johnny let out but paid no mind to it. Down you snapped your mouth on his coat and began to suck the color right off of it.
Kenshi was rightfully confused. All he could see was you nibbling on his coat. He couldn’t see how the cherry red color was slowly draining from his clothes, leaving only a pale gray color. Johnny was the first to run over to Kenshi and you. He shined the light at you guys so he could see what was going on. He was perplexed by the spectacle in front of him. You were not harming Kenshi at all. You were harming his clothes more than anything.
“Wh-What is she doing?” Kenshi asked.
Johnny stayed silent as he struggled to explain the situation to the blind swordsman. How could he logically explain that all the color in his clothes was draining away? Raiden and Kung Lao came running, only to be stunned by the situation at hand.
“Would anyone like to tell me what is going on?” Kenshi asked once more, sounding more aggravated this time.
“She seems to be…uh…” Raiden was struggling to tell Kenshi the truth without upsetting him. Don’t worry, Kung Lao will say it.
“She is sucking the color right out of your clothes.”
Just as you were about to finish sucking the last of the cherry red color, you felt the back of your head being hit with something. It made a loud thunk noise and you finally unlatched your jaw. You backed away while rubbing the spot where you got hit. You assumed that Kenshi hit you with the handle of Sento.
The men helped Kenshi up and looked at the damage you have done. All of the color in his coat was drained. There were only a few items of clothing that still had their red color. It’s not a bad look on him but that doesn’t help the fact that your actions were uncalled for. You hadn’t the slightest bit of guilt on your face. You seemed happy and full. Very gluttonous of you
“What was that?” Johnny asked.
“What was what?”
“That! That thing you did to Kenshi! How did you suck the color off his clothes?” Johnny’s concerns were echoing through the cave.
“Johnny, I think that is her ability. I think she can drink anything that is red.” What would these idiots do without Raiden?
You nodded your head, agreeing with Raiden’s spot on observation.
“So, if you drink red things, why have fangs if they are not used to cut through flesh?”
“You can’t drink soda without popping a hole in it. I need an entrance to suck the color out.” You answered Kung Lao with as much attitude as you could provide because his question was just stupid.
“So just to be one hundred percent with you, you weren’t trying to suck the blood out of Kenshi?”
This moment was weirdly incomprehensible to Johnny. He has never encountered a vampire creature that only sucked the color out of things.
“Clearly not! I don’t even like blood. The color red is much sweeter. He was really sweet, like uh cherry cola kind of sweet.”
There was silence for only five seconds. In those five seconds, the men found this situation a bit funnier, except for Kenshi. They realized there was nothing to worry about. You were an extremely harmless vampire who only sucks the red out of things.
“Wonderful…I think we can return to Liu Kang now. We can tell him that the culprit has been found.” Kenshi turned away from everyone and started to walk off. He put Sento away and walked with his fist clenched tightly. This day was just too weird for the men but it sure would be an interesting story to tell Liu Kang.
“Wait!” You called out to Kenshi.
He stopped for a second, hoping to hear an apology come from your red-stained lips. It could be about ruining his clothes, or pouncing on him, or even worrying everyone. But instead, you decided to say.
“Can I drink the red part of your shoes?”
“Haven’t you had enough?” Give Kenshi a break, please.
Yap notes: Not too sure I liked this one but I tried my best. I was pushing through my depression but nothing was making me feel great. Lots of thunderstorms and heat so it makes me a bit ill. Hopefully I can do a little better for the next fic I write. Sorry again if this wasn't my best. Adiós!
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dear-ao3 · 5 months
Question for the mods....
Like what???
I am so god damn curious about you two. I wanna study yall under a microscope lol
Also ngl kinda envious of how close of friends you two seem to be. (Being an introverted shy af mofo sucks lmao)
I would actually probably read a whole ass book or watch a sitcom or something of the seemingly ever present weird-ass shit that seems to happen on a day-by-day basis.
/gen /lh /nf /pos
2018 newsies fandom. we weren't overly close but we bonded over race and albert a little and then katya dropped off the face of the earth for about a year.
during 2020 lockdown we both independently got into the witcher fandom and somehow ran into eachother again and had the fingers pointing OH MY GOD Y O U !!! moment in our dms. we bonded over hating jaskier. during this time we realized we were both dancers and katya was looking at dance colleges, i was already in college for dance and since it was lockdown and we couldn't go anywhere i told katya my experience auditioning at places to give him a good idea of places. and then i broke every internet safety rule known to man and said hey what if you had applied to my college but didnt know it?? and then one thing led to another and i dished out all the tea on my school. (only After that did we face reveal and give eachother our names lol) and then katya applied. mostly as a joke. until it wasnt a joke because that school gave katya a shit load of money and actually had stuff katya wanted to do. katya ended up coming to one of my zoom ballet classes and it took everything we had to not loose our shit on camera.
during this time we mostly kept eachother sane in lockdown writing witcher fanfic, and sending eachother awful thirst traps on instagram to pitbull music. one of our awful bits was using the dilf filter to make bad frat boy edits.
come august of 2021 we both moved into college. the same college. in the same building. it was wild. i pinched myself several times in shock. we went on a walk around campus with some worms on strings and were like what the hell how did we get here.
we continued to hang out and did weird insane things together. we took a class on the french revolution together where i had to put up with katya and fennec awkwardly flirting (read: making finger guns at eachother).
and then, since i was 2 years older, i was graduating and was going to stay in the area for a job and was like hey. what if we got an apartment together? and then we did. several adults agreed to this. idk why they let us. but now we live together in a real life apartment and we haven't even killed eachother yet. neither of our parents know that we met online. each of them have a different fake story as to how we know eachother and we really just hope they are never in the same room long enough to ask eachother about it. but its insane. 12/10 would recommend.
katya wanted me to include old tumblr screenshots of us talking, heres what i found from circa 2020:
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we've always been like this lol
and heres some ancient greatest hits from instagram, i dont have context and trust me you dont want it:
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every now and then the two of us look at eachother and go. how the fuck did we end up here??? (we have no idea)
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guiltyasdave · 6 months
when we go crashing down
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pairing: Dave York x f!reader
summary: And when we go crashing down, we come back every time.
word count: 808
tags/warnings: explicit smut -> mdni, angst, toxic relationship (situationship), cheating, able-bodied reader, Dave pulls her hair, no use of y/n, unprotected p in v, a hint of rough sex, a hint of choking, no happy ending (i’m just as shocked as you are)
a/n: another drabble for @beskarandblasters’ taylor swift drabble challenge, this time based on the song style. i hurt my own feelings with this one ngl. we’re entering my angsty era i’m afraid.
follow @guiltyasdavenotifs for fic updates and find my full masterlist here :)
dividers by @saradika-graphics 🤍
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You’re shivering, arms wrapped tightly around yourself, until the familiar car comes into view, headlights swinging over the dark parking lot.
Your heels click on the ground as you’re walking towards it and get in. You can only make out the silhouette of Dave’s face, the strong shape of his nose, the pout of his lips. His jaw is clenched, his hands gripping the wheel tightly. He’s tense, agitated, just like he always is.
“You have to stop calling me.”
He’s stern, his voice carefully controlled.
“You could stop picking up.”
You know that he won’t. Just like you won’t stop calling.
Silence stretches between you as he speeds through the dark night. The drive always feels like forever, and not long enough at the same time.
His wild eyes keep flickering from the road to you, taking in your face, the red lipstick that’s only a bit messy at this point of the night, the tight little skirt that’s leaving most of your thighs bare.
The familiar electricity sparks between you. Just like it always does.
He follows you into your apartment, a tangle of limbs, eager fingers pulling up and tugging on garments. He traps your body against your door, pressing your back into the hard surface. His coat is in a heap on the floor, his pants pulled down just enough, your skirt pushed up. His lips against your mouth are hungry, just as demanding as his hands, as his thrusts when he sinks into you.
It stings, the stretch around him, but the pain of him leaving without a word, traces of your lipstick all over his face, is worse.
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Two weeks later, you don’t even make it out of the car. He had refused to come up with you, so you climb over and straddle him in the driver’s seat.
His resolve crumbles immediately, his fingers grabbing at every part of you that he can reach.
You ride him until your thighs are burning, but you’re chasing the high that only he knows how to give you.
One of his hands wraps around your throat, his hips pistoning upwards, his cock hitting a spot so deep inside of you that it brings tears to your eyes.
“Stop calling me,” he snarls.
You glare at him, breathless, but still meeting his every thrust.
“Do you really want that? Do you want this to stop?”
He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t have to.
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The next time, he’s out of the car before you can get in. His hand closes around your wrist, pulling you back into the club, through the crowds of people and straight into the bathroom.
“I told you to stop,” he growls as he bends you over the sink and pushes your skirt up.
He keeps a firm grip in your hair, holds you up while he pounds into you from behind. Your eyes are glued to the mirror, to the reflection of the both of you.
You look good together, you think. He’s like a daydream, dark eyes glinting behind you, his breath panting, his hair a mess.
Your heart aches in your chest when he drops you off. You know that it will never lead to more than this, you’ve tried. You can’t control it, helplessly watching the both of you go round and round each time.
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A couple of weeks go by and you don’t call him. He glares at you the next time you slide into the passenger seat, asks where you’ve been. You went home with someone else the last few times, you admit. He grits his jaw, his lips curling into a scowl.
“Don’t try to tell me that you’re not seeing anyone else. I know about Carol.”
It hurts, saying her name out loud.
“That’s different,” he mumbles. There’s no real conviction behind his words.
“It’s not and you know it.”
He fucks you on your couch this time. It’s softer than usual, the cushions in your back almost making it feel like you’re in bed. It’s dangerous, too close to something intimate, to something more. It makes you long for something that will never be, but you don’t tell him to stop. Let yourself pretend, even if just for a few moments.
It’s not until he’s out of the door that you realize he didn’t tell you to stop calling him this time.
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The last time you get into his car, you know that something is wrong. The tension is rolling off of him in waves.
When he asks you to not contact him anymore, he sounds different, resigned. You know that he means it this time.
“Carol’s pregnant. I– we’re getting married.”
You swallow, hard. Eyes wide open, unblinkingly staring straight ahead into the darkness. A curt nod, a quiet hum of understanding. You always knew this day would come.
“Just take me home.”
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thank you for reading 🤍 if you liked this, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask, it absolutely makes my day!
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bbyblair · 1 year
small touches, pink cheeks pt.2
charles leclerc x f!reader 
a/n: right pt.2! hope you guys like it, this is a sloooow burn so you are all into a wild ride! thank you for all the support on part one!
summary: the start of the 2023 season, Bahrain in early march. you'd recently joined the sky team, working as a news reporter and interviewer for your beloved sport.it's your first week and a mix of nerves and anticipation swirl together in your stomach. you're giddy to finally meet who you’d be working with for the next few months… but what happens when an instant connection sparks up between the new girl and Ferrari's golden boy? 
warnings: cursing, charles being a cocky bastard. charles obsessed with reader! reader isn't sure how to feel abt him. pretty much a whirlwind of emotions and events ngl. probs non accurate f1 talk, I apologise!
word count: 2.0k
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friday, march 3rd 2023.
you were stumped, emotions swirling in your mind and you didn't know how to properly react. on one hand you were flattered that the handsome man was paying attention to you that way, but the rational side of your brain quickly shut down those thoughts and you went back to feeling angry. slightly less angry, but angry nevertheless.you watched over the video another few times, okay so maybe charles actions were not as obvious as you initially thought. this could be seen as a friendly admiration, right? 
you sigh and lean your head down onto the table, letting out a small huff of annoyance, but you could still feel the heat on your cheeks after this morning. deciding to take a break from the editing, you got up and informed your coworkers that you wanted to look a bit more around the paddock and try to familiarise yourself with the copious amount of people who worked in the ten different teams. 
it was around two hours before the free practice would start and you assumed that all of the drivers would be already discussing strategies and looking over the track details. the circuit itself was huge and swarming with fans and workers. your sky f1 id hanging from your neck proudly, and allowed you to go all around the paddock with no questions asked. 
walking past the mercedes area you had spotted toto wolff, and internally fangirled a little to yourself, having a small crush and also lots of respect for the mercedes team principal. continuing around the paddock you passed the red bull area, you couldn't say that you had a team you were vouching for per se, but the dominance of red bull did annoy you slightly, you did always love a bit of competition. 
after looking around the red bull hospitality area, your eyes landed on an extremely familiar face. Well you hadnt actually seen him in real life but you certainly had seen him on tv. none other than max verstappen. he was already wearing his fireproofs and was gripping his helmet in his hand while having a conversation with who you assumed was one of the mechanics. you were staring a little, he looked different in real life. not like the mad max the media made him out to be. 
his conversation ended and he must've felt someones eyes on him, as while the mechanic turned and left inside, max's eyes landed on yours. he quickly looked over you and you could almost see something align on his face. he shot you a wide smile and then beckoned you over. shocked, you stood there for a moment and looked around meaninglessly to see if he was motioning for someone else. sure enough there was no one else around. 
slow steps moved you over to the man and you sent him a polite smile. 
“hi, im Max. you must be the new reporter for this season. I thought i better introduce myself seeing as we will be seeing each other a lot this season.” he sent you a playful wink and chuckled a little. 
you laughed a genuine laugh and a smile spread across your face, and you were surprised by his kind attitude. 
“y/n. Its lovely to meet you max.” 
“so tell me, have you been introduced to any of the other drivers yet?.” his eyes never left yours as he spoke, his tone was sweet like honey.  “yes, this morning i actually did an interview with the ferrari boys!” you replied back eagerly. 
“ah, well I hope they were accommodating to the new girl.” he said as he pinched your shoulder lightly. “of course.” you replied curtly. 
he looked around for a moment, and in his eyes looked as if he wanted to say more, but seemingly decided against it. 
“well i best go prepare for free practice but it was a pleasure meeting you.” his dutch accent lacing his words. you smiled up at him again and nodded. “you too!” 
.┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
after your interaction with max you wandered down across the rest of the team's areas and luckily for you didn't bump into anyone else. you heard the roar of fans and assumed that free practice had begun and the drivers would be making their ways out onto the track to test their new cars for the season. you decided you better get back to work before your co workers notice your prolonged absence. 
swiftly you began walking back to the sky hq, and once you were firmly sat back at your desk you opened your laptop and began the tedious process of editing whatever the hell the interview this morning was. well hopefully the fans will enjoy it, you thought. Your co worker amilie made her way over to you with two coffees in hand and sat down next to you. she was a sweet girl, you'd only met her yesterday but she clearly took a liking to you. you were both around the same age, her being a few years older, and had some similar interests. 
“do you mind if i take a look at todays interview, the boss wants me to look over some stuff to make sure they didn't let slip anything a little too personal.” she said warmly. 
“yeah of course.. here.” you handed her the laptop, and sat there while she pressed play. heat began to rise up on your cheeks but you hoped she wouldn't notice the tension between you and charles. a few minutes into the extended clip she turned to look at you, your expression tried to be as neutral as possible, but you never did have the best poker face. 
“whats all this about then?” her words were not rude, she spoke with a girlish interest and smiled at you. 
“what?’ you replied dumbly, trying to avoid the question. 
“between you and leclerc!” 
even more blush threatened to explode on your cheeks as you sighed. shaking your head lightly. 
“I dont know what your talking about.” you tried to reply in a tone that indicated you wanted this conversation to end but she continued. 
“oh come on! he is so into you! even i am jealous. leclerc has the hots for you!” her french accent peaked through her words and how she spoke with such excitement and interest made a small smile grace your lips.
“like i said, i dont know what your talking about.” your tone this time was playful and you rolled your eyes and nudged your new friend. the conversation died there as she knew you wouldn't say anything more.
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you two stayed there for a matter of hours. editing the interview and getting it ready to be posted online. once you were done it was already the evening and most had packed up to leave. 
you began packing your bag and said goodbye to the few people still in the small office space. heading out of the building you began making your way through the paddock. to get to the exit you had to pass along all of the different teams' areas. mostly the building were dark, some motor homes lit up with people inside. 
passing by the ferrari section, you let curiosity get the best of you and peeked into the window. your eyes instantly fell on a familiar face. charles. he was sitting alone, watching over some footage of what you assumed was his free practice one today. headphones were wrapped around his neck and he was dressed in different clothes to this morning. just a comfortable sweat seat.you had to admit he was a very attractive guy. 
clearly you had been looking at him for longer than you realised, because his head suddenly snapped toward the window and eyes instantly locking with yours. blush erupted all over your face as you didn't know what to do. shit. he had just caught you staring at him. god you were mortified. a smirk spread across his handsome face quicker than you could blink and he sent you a small wave. his eyes had that same dark expression as they did earlier. 
its like you were frozen in place, legs refusing to move. you sent him  a shy wave and immediately  turned to leave. when you looked back behind to see charles, he had gone from his space in the small room. your stomach dropped. you didn't want to face him again, his cocky attitude annoyed you, and his stupid smirk, and his stupid unreadable expression! charles leclerc annoyed you. 
you heard some steps behind you and then a masculine voice saying your name. fuck. you didn't want to face him, but you didn't risk pissing him off and him then reporting you to your boss. you could loose your job! you stopped in your tracks, rolled your yes then turned around.
“mr leclerc.” you spoke sweetly and the way you addressed him clearly sat well with him when he chuckled a little. 
“so, how was your first day? did you enjoy your first interview?” there was that mischievous glint in his eye again, and the way he spoke just instantly made you blush. there was something about him that you couldn't quite place. 
“yes. i had fun.” you tried to keep your responses short and snappy. to try and send a signal that you wanted to leave. clearly charles was not a man who gave up very easily, when he responded. “good, i'm glad. did you meet anyone else today? any of the other drivers.” in his mind charles had thought that you and his teammate were the only ones who had seen the pretty new interviewer. he liked knowing he had you all to himself. so your next words clearly shocked him.
“yes actually, max. he was very welcoming.” you spoke softly. his gaze darkened and his jaw clenched. he didn't respond for a few moments. you took in his reaction, and it made you laugh internally. you could definitely use this against him.to annoy him the same way he annoys you! so before he could reply you spoke up again. 
“i'm so excited to work with him! i'm a big fan of redbull and it was such an honour to meet the best driver in the world!” now, most of what you were saying was a total lie, but charles didn't know. your tone was sickly sweet and as you spoke you batted your eyelashes up at him so innocently, that he did not question your words for a second. 
you didn't think his eyes could get any darker, but he proved you wrong. you could tell he was trying to control his breathing, his eyes piercing into yours so deeply that you got intimidated. he then let out a chuckle. not an amused chuckle. the kind of chuckle that you do when you are very fucking pissed off. he nodded. 
“hm. well we will just have to see who is really the best driver on the track this sunday no?” his words had a bite to them, and when he got angry his accent thickened in a way that is so delicious. he smiled at you. eyes never leaving your face as if he was trying to memorise every small detail about your face. 
you smiled and nodded again. then without even granting him a verbal response you turned on your heel and began walking back through the paddock to the exit. charles was stunned. and your heart was racing, never did you actually expect yourself to make such a ballsy move. your actually quite shocked at what the hell you just did. 
charles was also stunned. a girl had never ever dismissed him before. he was used to them falling to his feet. you shocked him. but if there's one thing charles enjoyed, it's a challenge. 
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
wow. hope you guys enjoyed reading this part and it lived up to your expectations lmao! lmk if anyone wants to be tagged in the next parts <3
tagged: @buendiabebeta @summerslike11
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narrators-journal · 9 months
For the Lovecraft ask can we add breeding kink and squirting and maybe size kink and belly bulge
Also maybe reader is his wife and she’s turned on by him
I just kinda went wild with your prompt ngl. Lovecraft is still reader’s husband, and she’s still turned on by him! But I wrote this less as a bsd-exclusive kinktober-style fic, and leaned into the monsterfucking aspect to just GO HAM on the tentacles and monster angle. So yes, this is Lovecraft x reader, but it’s also kinda able to be read as a general monster smut. Which, was fun to write! Sorry if I went a bit light on some things, or it’s not quite to your liking on the details, this is sort of my toe back in the water after kinktober.
Thankfully it’s not as bad as last year, but ya still gotta give yourself some leniency after a challenge, y’know?
CW: teratophilia, sacrificing, tentacles, possible oviposition? U can kinda ignore that tbh, but it’s there. Breeding kink is lightly impied, size difference is also implied, squirting
It was an ancient, possibly outdated tradition, to sacrifice women to a god in exchange for a good harvest. Yet, ever since you could remember, each spring had been marked by the offering of a fertile woman to the god of the sea your town relied on. Normally, said woman was on the younger side, around eighteen to twenty for the best fertility chances, but your grandmother had always warned you that standards were likely to change. So, as you bathed and mentally prepared for whatever happened to the sacrificial brides of your god, you weren’t surprised at your position.
You weren’t a virgin, nor were you eighteen, or even twenty, in fact, you’d gotten married before you had been chosen to be this year’s sacrifice. Yet, there you were. Your hands being tied behind your back by your husband before you were walked down to the beach, nude, to await your new ‘husband’.
Like any other sacrifice to your town’s god, you had been tied to the edge of the dock. Your hands bound behind you, your foot tied firmly to one of the sturdy supports. So, all you could really do was sit on the rough wood of the water-warped platform and listen to the waves lazily lapping at the sand beneath the dark, star-speckled night sky.
However, it wasn’t more than two hours max before you first spotted an odd, slow movement in the water. Too slow for it to be some sort of person, but too big to be a fish. It’s okay, You told yourself as you watched the form approach and sink into the glittering soup before you, Brides don’t always turn up dead. It’ll probably be okay, no matter what happens.
With that, you took a deep breath to calm the knot of anxiety that formed in your chest. Yet,when you felt the cold, watery slime of a tentacle’s smooth skin against your own, you still jumped and attempted to scramble away. Yet, there was little you could do beyond scoot as far from the edge of the dock as your tether allowed. Not that your nerves did much to dissuade more green tentacles from rising out of the water to snake around your ankles and wrists, or around your waist to trap you in place. To hold you hostage while more tentacles emerged from the cool sea water to explore your nude body. It was disgusting.
Yet, at the same time, it was thrilling.
Ever since you were little, you had heard tales and rumors about all of the many things that might happen to the ‘brides’ your town offered to the sea god in exchange for the plentiful fish, including the exact situation you now sat in. But, in those past years until your own eighteenth birthday had passed, some part of you had always feared the possibility of becoming the sea god’s bride.
However, when you’d passed eighteen and gotten married, that fear had gone dormant. But, it hadn’t left completely. After all, how could a woman ever put to rest the anxiety of being one bad flu season away from being chosen to risk being torn to shreds or split in half?
Only to find, that the slow slide of tentacles, and the gentle kisses of their suction cups against your nipples or the tender skin of your inner thigh didn’t disgust or scare you as much as you had expected. Instead, they excited you.
Even when a rather meaty tentacle slipped between your legs to prod at your dampening cunt, the pressure of it against your folds sent lightning through your blood, and the stretch of it pushing into you was enough to wipe away the fears and earn a lewd noise. And while yes, you weren’t a virgin, as hardships had left sacrificial options too slim to offer an eighteen-year-old woman and ensure something like that, there was simply something far more exciting than your human husband could achieve.
Yet, that didn’t keep the tentacle from settling deep within you, creating a bit of a bulge in your belly while your muscles twitched and stretched to accommodate the growing girth of the appendage within you. Nor, did it stop the tentacle when it began to move.
In. Out. In. Out. The tentacle’s movements within you were slow. Curious, almost. The odd, slick appendage somehow able to brush against and find each of your sweet spots as it pushed deeper into you to explore every inch of your gummy walls. And, while the monster you had been sacrificed to didn’t seem interested in your pleasure, the tentacle’s slow, thorough thrusts and flexes still managed to draw lewd moans out into the warm night’s air. Oh god, why does this feel so good? You managed to think while your back arched off of the rough wood of the dock you laid on into the inquisitive caress and attention of the tentacles that still squeezed and toyed with your breasts. Feeding the fire in your veins that you tried to ignore, even as the more primal, needy part of you begged, More. More! I feel too good. I need more! In a shameful plea for that pleasure to continue to be indulged.
And, as if the god had read those deep, lust-addled thoughts, the tentacles that snaked around your breasts and toyed with your nipples squeezed your mounds and the thicker tendril that stretched your cunt so deliciously flexed against that special spot within you. Pulling another, louder cry of desire from your throat with the force of the lightning it sent hurdling through you. Yet, even as your blood screamed with need, and the chill of the water-cooled tentacles that held your wrists and legs down were the only things keeping your small body from combusting, your new husband kept going. “Hah! W-wait! Hold on!”You begged into the spring night’s air, able to feel the tell-tale tightening of your muscles with each brush of that thick tendril against your g-spot. “I-I’m gonna- ngh!- going to c-cum! I’m gonna cum!” You screamed, no longer scared of your fellow townsfolk hearing your blissful calls over the waves when your euphoria crashed down upon you with such force that your juices squirted out slightly.
Though, your pleasure didn’t end with the deviant pleasure. You merely got a brief break from the friction, as the tentacle that sat buried in you stilled to let you stare up into the colorful night sky and catch your breath. And, for a second, you thought your monster husband had somehow sensed that you had orgasmed and was going to stop or at least pause their movements. However, the tentacle only paused for a moment, before you felt the already thick girth of the tendril move more within you.
Not to continue fucking into your twitching entrance, though, but to push something into you. The...egg? Capable of being felt as it slid down the length of the tentacle to settle into your womb. Followed quickly by more and more masses being pumped into your belly to the point that your belly began to look bloated. Not that you minded, though. You simply laid on the dock, listening to the waves lap against the supports beneath you while the tentacles kept hold of your limbs until your monstrous husband was satisfied with how plump your belly had gotten. Only then, did those strong tendrils finally release you to lay on the dock beneath the stars. Exhausted, slimy, and bred.
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daisies-daydreams · 11 months
Office Hours - Chapter 3 (Professor!Miguel O'Hara x F!College Student!Reader)
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Pairing: Professor!Miguel O’Hara x F!College Student!Reader Category: Smut (18+) with a pinch of angst Warnings: Phone/Video Sex, Dirty Talk, Mutual Masturbation, Panty Sniffing Word Count: 2.3k+
Summary: Miguel rewards you for working so hard.
A/N: Finally finished with chapter 3! Wrote this one by the seat of my pants ngl. I hope you enjoy! (Next chapter will be even spicier, hehe).
Ch. 2 <- -> Ch. 4
Your face was glowing as you walked down the hall. Halloween decorations lined the halls despite it being nearly Thanksgiving (not that you were complaining). You hummed as you slotted your key into the door before stepping inside. Your bright expression fell when you saw a familiar Brit sitting in your kitchen alongside your roommate.
“Hey,” he said with a small wave, a deck of cards in his other hand.
"Hi," you replied as you closed the door behind you. You hung your coat up before kicking your shoes off.
“How’d your meeting with O’Hara go? He was a real hardass when I saw him during his office hours,” Gwen piqued. Your entire body stiffened as your face went blank. Hobie shifted in his chair, a small smirk stretching across his face. You swallowed. 
“O-Oh, you know…that man is never pleased,” you stammered as you waved your hands. Hobie pursed his lips as Gwen sighed. 
“Sorry, sis. Just don’t take it personal-I heard he’s been like that for the past year or so,” she replied as you made your way towards the fridge. You snagged a protein shake before shutting the door with your hip. 
“Where’d you hear that?” you asked. Gwen hummed as she shifted her cards around.
“One of my friends who had him last semester had to retake the course this year,” she explained. She suddenly narrowed her eyes at Hobie. He returned her expression with raised brows. “I call bluff,” she said. His rolled his eyes.
“Damn, you’re good,” Hobie muttered as he laid his cards down with quiet defeat. You couldn’t help but grin as your roommate took a pile of chips from him.
“Anyway, she said that O’Hara actually used to be nice,” Gwen said. 
“He is!” you blurted out. Both of them stared at you as your ears burned. “I mean…I’m sure he is, sometimes,” you muttered. Hobie raised a brow while Gwen shrugged. You glanced down at your phone. “Alright. Guess I’ll go finish my homework,” you said as you walked towards your room. 
“Have fun," Gwen snorted. "Oh! Hobie and I have a gig tonight so no wild parties!” she jested. 
“Okay mom!” you teased and poked your tongue out before closing the door behind you. You smiled as soon as you saw the sweet sanctuary of your bed. You instantly collapsed on top of your cozy comforter as your bag fell next to you.
You smiled into the soft fabric before pulling your phone out. You blinked when you brushed your hand against a bright post-it note. You plucked it from your bag before your heart stopped.
A phone number with Miguel's name was hastily written on the piece of paper. You bit your lip as you peeked at your phone. You snatched it before quickly typing his number in, your heart trembling as your finger shook over the message button.
You huffed as you tried to think of the perfect thing to say. Your mind was still fuzzy from the earth-shattering orgasm he gave you, your thoughts muffled behind your glossy eyes. You sighed as you rolled over, the skirt of your dress starting to bunch up as you typed into your phone. 
“Hi. This is (Y/N) :)” you typed. You bit your lip so hard it stung as you glanced at the send button. You swallowed the heavy lump in your throat before you squeezed your eyes shut and hit it. You opened your eyes and squeaked as you chucked it away. You scooted down your bed, your heart pounding in your ears as you stared down your phone.
You sighed and let your head fall onto your pillow. Your eyelids felt so heavy, body still shimmering with afterglow. Maybe a small nap wouldn't hurt. After all, it's been a long day and-
You shot up as you scrambled over to your phone, hands trembling as you opened the message. 
“Good to hear from you again, conejita,” Miguel replied [bunny]. You sat on the edge of your bed as you watched three dots bounce up and down. “Finish your homework already?” he asked. Your face hardened a little as you crossed one leg over the other. 
“Not yet,” you replied with a frown. You waited a few minutes before your phone dinged again. 
“Be a good girl and finish your homework first, then you'll get your surprise,” he texted back. Your heart skipped a beat as you bit your lip. 
“Okay. I’ll try not to be too long, then ;)” you replied. You snatched your laptop from your bag before getting to work. You sat on your bed cross-legged for what felt like hours as you typed away on your computer, sipping on your protein shake every once and a while. You heard your phone ding again. 
“A little sneak peak…for motivation,” Miguel texted. Your jaw nearly dropped when you saw a picture of him raising his shirt up to reveal a pack of his chiseled abs.
You wanted so badly to rake your fingers through each divot and crevice of his muscular body. You swallowed when you saw a trimmed patch of black hair running down from his belly button to beneath his pants. You couldn’t help but notice your thong hanging from one of his pockets. 
You hummed to yourself as you considered sending him a photo in return before there was a knock at your door. You nearly dropped your phone, scrambling to hide it behind your pillow as Gwen cracked the door open.
“We’re heading out. Want anything from Monty’s?” she asked. You shook your head as you clutched your comforter. 
“I’m good,” you said, hoping she didn’t notice how your voice cracked. Gwen nodded, her short, blonde hair bobbing with her head. 
“Okay. See you later!” she said. You sighed as she started to close the door, only to nearly kick your laptop across your room when she opened it again. “Don’t study too hard! Make sure to take a break,” she winked. You nodded, your eyes widening as you felt your phone buzz again. Your roommate gave you a bright smile before she shut the door behind her. You released a long sigh as you threw your head against the wall. 
Your mind felt numb as you dug around for your phone. You bit your lip as you opened a message from him, your heart stopping when you saw the image of his tongue swiping over the crotch of your panties. 
“I can’t wait to see what the rest of you tastes like,” he wrote. Your mouth went dry as you sucked in a sharp breath. Your core felt like it was buzzing as you began to type a message before pausing. You still haven’t finished your homework.
You gripped your phone when a thought crossed your mind. You bit your lip as you spread your legs, the cool air hitting your slick pussy lips as you angled your phone. Your heart nearly leapt out of your chest as you quickly snapped a picture. You held your breath as you typed in a message. 
“Here’s a little sneak peak…for motivation,” you typed. You bounced your leg as you sent it, quickly hiding your face in your pillow. Silence loomed in the air before you finally sat up and sighed. You finished a few more equations before your phone buzzed again. You glanced over, your body tending as you eyed your phone. You glanced at the message: 
“Traviesa” [Naughty]
You giggled as you heard his husky voice sneer in your mind. You wiggled on your bed, a wave of lust suddenly washing over you as you imagined him pleasuring himself to your lewd image. You gently rocked your hips back and forth before stopping yourself. 
You shook your head as you blinked a few times, retraining your eyes to your laptop. You furiously typed on the keyboard as thoughts of Miguel bombarded your mind. Him bending you over your kitchen counter, folding you in half on your bed. It felt like hours before you finally finished. 
“Fucking finally,” you breathed as you closed your laptop. You sighed as you rubbed your eyes, your mind completely spent. You jumped when you heard your phone ding after a few minutes. 
“Did you finish your homework, cariño?” Miguel asked. Your eyes lit up as you replied. 
“Yes”. Your heart thumped as you waited, your face leaning towards the screen. You squeaked when your video chat ringtone started to play. You scrambled to grab your phone before hastily swiping it away. Your limbs turned to jelly as you saw him staring into your screen, his head propped up by his palm. His perfect, chiseled chest was on display, his muscles shifting as he slid his glasses off. 
“Hi,” he smiled with a half-lidded gaze. You flushed as you returned his grin. 
“Hi,” you said as you wiggled your shoulders a little. Your professor’s face softened as he suddenly stepped back. Your jaw nearly dropped when you saw a dark happy trail lead down to his flushed cock.
“I think you’re ready for your reward now, hermosa,” Miguel lilted [beautiful]. You nodded quickly, making him chuckle. “Ser paciente-I want you to do something for me real quick,” he added [Be patient]. You bit your lip and waited with  anticipation. Miguel leaned closer to his camera. 
“I want you to prop your phone up and spread your pretty legs for me,” he murmured. Your eyes widened as you saw his cock throbbing between his muscular legs, his flush tip oozing with precum as he squeezed his shaft.
You let out a quiet moan before crawling on your bed, grabbing a few throw pillows and placing your phone against them. Every touch against your blanket felt like fire as you hiked up your skirt, revealing your glistening pussy to him. 
“Mmm there’s my pretty girl,” he groaned as he swiped his thumb over his dripping slit. You released a shaky breath as you slowly pulled your labia apart, your fingers slathered in your slick as you gently rubbed your clit. Miguel grunted as he wrapped his fist around his thick cock. “That’s it, cariño: keep playing with that cute little pussy of yours,” he inhaled sharply. 
“Miguel,” you whined as he bucked into his palm, his heavy balls slapping against the side of his hand as he moaned. You threw your head back against the wall as you drew tight circles around your bundle of nerves, making sure he had a good angle of seeing how engorged it was. Miguel’s eyes glistened as he grunted, his jaw clenching as he watched you slide a finger up and down your drenched slit. 
“Ay, coño,” he breathed as he pumped his girthy shaft [Oh, fuck]. You whimpered as you heard the soft squelch of your pussy, your fingers sliding along your folds as you rubbed your clit a little faster. 
“Shit, daddy,” you moaned. Your jaw dropped at your own words as you gasped. 
“Daddy, hm?” Miguel clicked his tongue as gazed straight into the camera. You stammered, your cheeks filling with heat as your chest tightened. He licked his lips as he stepped closer to the camera. “I prefer Papi if that’s alright with you, princessa,” he murmured lowly [Daddy; princess]. You gulped and nodded before pinching your clit, a small whine leaving your lips. His eyes lit up with hunger.
“Why don’t you stretch yourself open with those pretty fingers of yours, hm?” he purred. You couldn’t stop the moan that tumbled past your lips as you nodded. His breathing grew heavier as you slipped the pads of your digits over your tight entrance. You stared into the camera as you parted your lips, slowly pushing two digits inside your gushing hole. 
“Fuck, look at how tight you are,” Miguel sucked in a sharp breath . You pumped your digits in and out of your walls, each stroke leaving you dizzier with each passing second as you imagined his thick fingers stuffing your warm cunt. 
“Yes, Papi!” you mewled as you curled your fingers against your g-spot. Miguel groaned as he rubbed his shaft. 
“S-Sí, muñeca. Keep making those-mierda!” the man released a guttural growl as his cock twitched [Yes doll; shit]. You gasped as you watched ropes of thick, hot cum spill from his cock and down his large hand.
Your walls suddenly clamped down on your digits as you cried out, his name falling from your lips like a mantra as you reached inside your snug pussy. Your head rolled the side as pleasure washed over your entire being, enrapturing you in a state of pure bliss. 
“Miguel, Miguel,” you chanted as you felt your muscles contract and squeeze around your slick fingers. You swallowed thickly as the last of your release faded, blinking slowly as you focused your attention back to the screen. You frowned when you saw tears streaming down Miguel’s sharp cheeks, his bottom lip sticking out a bit. 
“Miguel?” you asked as you went to reach for your phone. He flinched like a wounded animal being cornered, his pupils constricted and face tight. Miguel released a low, stuttering breath before glancing into the camera. 
“I-I’m sorry, (Y/N). I have to go,” he muttered as he looked away. Before you could reply, the call was suddenly disconnected. You sat there, the warmth of your afterglow slowly fading as you stared at your blank phone screen.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999 @sebinis-musings @lavenderbabu @tayleighuh @thedevax @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dust @samanthadusk @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx
Want to be part of my taglist? Comment down below!
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Hello! i absolutely love your work <33 can i request sagau scaramouche rates your taste in genshin boys pt 2. with diluc, kaeya and zhongli??
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❀ synopsis: you introduce your friend/unofficial sibling to your lover, what could possibly go wrong? everything...
❀ notes: AJNDJNEHBFH MY FIRST REQUEST!!! thank you so much for the support and reblogs, I'm also very honored you like my writing! here's the first part
❀ pronouns: none specified
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Diluc Ragnvindr: 2/10
Diluc is this 🤏 close to receiving a 1/10 if he continues to invade you and Scaramouche's sibling bonding time. Obviously, the two don't get along (and will probably never get along) due to Diluc's past and Scara's trust issues, the two argue a lot about you while you're just there vibing with the lamp grass unaware of the commotion.
He's heard of it all, the youngest Cavalry Captain who left the Knights to pursue Monstadt's enemies alone. He'd sometimes use his knowledge of Diluc's past to provoke him, and boy does it provoke him. The two went into a full-blown fistfight at one point, with the occasional use of a vision since their weapons have been thrown aside by the other.
Scaramouche is clingy to the ones who stay by his side, and Diluc is protective of the ones he loves, so you can imagine what it was like when Diluc saw you walking along with Scaramouche (who Diluc knows as the Balladeer, the 6th harbinger of the Fatui) when you told him that you would be introducing a very close friend of yours. It started with Diluc carrying you on his shoulder and running away, with a wild Scaramouche on his tail. And ended with Diluc being treated by Barbara and Scaramouche being treated by Nahida.
You really have to manage your time here, the two won't ever get along and if you spend more time with the other, the one you didn't spend time with will go visit the other and start demanding that they leave you alone. Diluc would wonder how you could ever tolerate and even care for Scaramouche, whatever your reason is he wouldn't be able to understand. Scaramouche would ask when will you break up with Diluc, and would pout if you reply that you wouldn't break up with him.
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Kaeya: 3/10
Just right next to Venti, and he would soon be ranked right next to his brother if Kaeya doesn't learn to shut the fuck up-
Arrogant, lazy, and a teasing prick. How many more traits can Kaeya have to piss people off? Scaramouche already looks down on humans, and seeing Kaeya with you disgusts him as he believes you deserve so much better. their first impressions of each other were bad, you can feel the tension in the air when the two just stood there with fake smiles.
He hates it when Kaeya tags along in your travels, even insisting on helping the both of you with your journeys when he has free time. Scaramouche would make a passive-aggressive comment on how the two of you don't need his help, and that you are both capable of defending each other. if you agreed to Kaeya joining Scaramouche would be appalled, before turning around so no one can see the expression on his face. Why did you agree??
The two are in a contest with how much they're provoking each other. If the other one breaks and lash out, the one who didn't wins. Their words to each other are sharp, and even when they're having a decent conversation with the other it's only when you're around, and even then it has slight undertones and hidden threats. Good lord, I hope you have a lot of patience.
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Zhongli/Rex Lapis/Morax: 4/10
You know that situation where someone's little sister is dating a boy and the big brother tries to be intimidating but the boy she's dating is taller and stronger than the big brother. Yeah that's the situation Scaramouche is in, but you are not a little girl nor is Zhongli just a human boy.
He's very annoyed with the situation, he's supposed to be the reliable one! What is this skyscraper of a man doing here?! Ngl he might be a tad bit insecure with the situation and would be at arm's length around you the entire time Zhongli was around the both of you. After the first few weeks of introducing him to Zhongli Scaramouche would notice just how pathetic this man is for you, and would find it amusing to watch.
Though it would soon turn to annoyance when Zhongli slowly starts dedicating all his time to you and going as far as to do his paperwork right next to you. This pet of yours is slowly turning into a pest, and he wants to get rid of it immediately. Zhongli would notice how Scaramouche is excluding him from your travels and would confront him about it in private. After the confrontation the atmosphere between the two became suffocating.
The only thing holding back Zhongli from throwing an entire mountain at the child was the fact that you and Scaramouche have a bond similar to siblings. The two of you insult each other but it never held any sort of ill-intent, and you both travel together frequently. Zhongli would rather die than be hated by you, and killing/hurting Scaramouche is a one-way ticket to being hated. So for now, he would just try to spend as much time with you, even if it means being next to the purple haired brat.
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rubra-wav · 5 months
can you write more about Vox making reader grind on his foot(as seen in “Really? Here?” Vox x reader smut)? Preferably afab reader but go wild with it. TV man won’t get out of my head
Vox x reader smut : If You're That Desperate..
A/N I'm surprised that that's what you fixated upon with that one but cannot blame you, ngl. Although, I'd be feral about a role reversal in that situation personally.. 😏🫶
Accidentally hit post on this a but early but it should be alright HEHDH
Cw: NSFW/18+, afab!reader/gn!prns used, domtop Vox/bottom reader, bondage, humiliation, edging, sadism, Vox being an asshole
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- You had been teasing Vox the entire day, riling him up all while playing innocent.
- It was as if you were so horny you couldn't think straight, and that didn't exactly work well with his long work day.
- When you awoke, you pressed a kiss against his neck softly while 'absentmindedly' brushing your hand across the back of his screen and gently dragging your pointer across the sensitive ports on the back.
- Vox had jolted with an audible gulp, looking up at you with a somewhat questioning expression as you pulled back before deciding you were surely just tired.
- At breakfast, you had fake dropped a knife on the floor to crawl down under the table in an overly exaggerated way, putting a hand on Vox's thigh as if to steady yourself before looking up at the surprised demon from in between his legs before getting out from under the table again like nothing happened. That one had him sparking.
- It was when you came into his office to give him papers, and you'd leaned down right in front of him from where he sat in his chair with your ass right in front of his lap to place down the stack of pages that he'd caught on that you were doing everything on puprose and lost it a bit.
- Vox went on angrily with bright blue flush painting his cheeks about how you should've known better than to disrupt him while he was working.
- He inwardly cursed himself because he then did something he probably shouldn't have. You 'misbehaving' in his eyes should not have been met with any kind or 'reward', however, he was very much in the mood after everything that had happened during the day.
- "If you want to act like a slut then I'll treat you as much." He grumbled, waving a clawed hand through the air to prompt various unused power chords to shoot out from all different directions and wrap around you, pushing you onto your knees in front of him.
- That's what brought you to your current predicament.
- You let out a soft moan as you ground your hips forward into the toe of his shoe, being promptly robbed of what little contact you were getting the next second.
- “What did I say?” Vox said sharply, blue light bearing down on you as he looked in your direction.
- You looked up pleadingly at him, lip trembling as your watery eyes blinked owlishly at his half-hearted harsh expression.
- “D-don't distract you while you're working.” You said softly, eyes avoiding his in embarrassment with a slight ‘tsk’.
- Vox grinned cruelly at your expression and compliance to put yourself in this humiliating situation.
- It showed just how much you were craving him.
- The demon grit his teeth, forcing his eyes back to his screens as he pressed his shoe back against your clothed sex.
- He revelled in the gasp you made as he slowly began moving his foot up and down again against your crotch.
- The wires wrapping around you dug into your skin, leaving small pink marks as they slithered around your body to rub against areas that were sensitive over your shirt and pants.
- You took a shuddering breath and began rutting your poor cunt against the stiff leather of his shoe for the umpteenth time since this agony had begun.
- You squeezed your eyes shut and bit down on your lip hard to keep from making any sounds as you finally felt your release building up passed where you'd been robbed of what little contact you had.
- Vox watched you despite his more logical side yelling to just get on with this so he could go finally bone you after finishing up, shifting somewhat uncomfortably with the arousal he was ignoring.
- He momentarily glitched as he admired the tears beading at the corners of your eyes, hair a mess and plastered to your forehead with sweat despite how cold it was in his broadcast room.
- A relieved moan escaped your lips as you lost yourself in your pleasure, just a few seconds from your release.
- Vox bit down on his lip, silently laughing with an evil grin on his face as he pulled his foot away again.
- You let out an angry whine, shaking your head and pushing against the wires. "F-fuck you, you asshole." You cursed at him, tears falling down your cheeks as you glared up at him.
- Vox snickered, leaning down to take your chin in his hand and forcing you to look up at him. "I don't think you're in any position to say such things." He revelled in the way you cringed.
- You really weren't, and he knew that. It was terrible the way that turned you on despite the relentless teasing he'd been putting you through.
-"I trust you've learnt your lesson, yes?" He cooed patronisingly to you. You sniffled, slowly nodding despite how badly you wanted to tell him to piss off.
- "Good." The simple word and the tone it was said in sent shivers down your spine. The hand on your chin let you go, and you let out a surprised squeak, the cables wrapping around your limbs suddenly curled up under your clothes before promptly ripping them to shreds.
- You squirmed again, skin now covered in goosebumps as the freezing cold air of the room hit you. "Shit- it's too damn cold in here vo- mff!" You're cut off as his shoe is ground hard against you again, cables moving to tease your cold-hardened nipples as you whined.
- Your embarrassment fell away quickly as it became clear you were finally being awarded release after all the bullying you'd been put through.
- Vox gave up trying to do the small amount of shit he had to do to watch the much more interesting show you were putting on for him, now humping his foot like some kind of animal in heat without even a lick of dignity - it being seemingly shred with the clothes he'd ripped from you.
- Again disregarding the fact that this was far from the place for this kind of thing, he undid his pants and pulled out his neglected erection with a somewhat relieved growl as he focused upon you with apt concentration, stroking himself.
- Your hands balled up from where they were pinned to your sides, eyes cracking open to look into his face as you lost yourself to the growing pleasure coursing through you with breathy gasps.
- You couldn't see his expression, but you could guess pretty well as he growled from above you. "Yeeeah, look at me like that."
- You arched your back with a loud exclamation as the knot of pleasure which had been getting constantly wound up, then down again finally grew to snap within you and the aching release that you craved finally was given to you.
- After the few seconds of heavenly bliss were afforded to you, you crashed right back to hell again as you once again felt the freezing cold air biting at you.
- You shivered as you felt the cables digging into you unwrap your now cramped limbs, and instead felt Vox lift you into his arms and hoist you up bridal style against him.
- You relaxed into in his hold and warmth with a heavy sigh before looking up to be greeted with his terribly smug face.
- "I hope you don't honestly think that's the end of this, dollface. You may have gotten off but I sure as hell fucking haven't."
- You inwardly rolled your eyes, even more flustered as you considered not only what you'd just lowered yourself enough to do for him but also what would follow.
- You knew bratting out on him while he was like this would just make him all the more of an asshole with you, so you opted to murmer an "alright."
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I do not think I could ever write him as a soft top because bro would just devolve into being sadistic and/or overly excited at having you under him 💀
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randoimago · 1 year
Day 9 - Fake Dating
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Character(s): Link
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): The requester wanted Reader helping Link fend off his suitors and I love this idea so much. Also, I make Link talk a tiny bit in this (like only a few words at a time) Also Also I felt so bad for Paya while writing this ngl (sorry Paya!!)
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You blamed it on how nice he is to everyone. Oh, you need ten apples? He's doing it. One hundred crickets to impress a girl? Done. It's insane what he'll do (you're still annoyed that you watched him cut grass for hours to get the crickets to only actually give the guy ten).
But then he was going to Karkariko Village next. He seemed nervous as you two traveled on the new horse he tackled and won over. Usually, he liked using his Sheika sleight, but you both quickly found out that you are not transported with him, and he had to hurry to get back to you before the Guardian shot you. It was not a fun time.
"What's wrong, Link?" You ask as your arms are wrapped around his waist while he directed the horse. He's quiet for a bit as he ponders the question. Or maybe he heard you and was choosing to be quiet like he sometimes does. A sigh is heard from him as he looks over his shoulder. You did not realize how closely you were holding him and tried to put some space between you.
"Be my girlfriend," he says. No lead in, no 'hey I have a favor', just a flat-out proposal and your jaw dropped. Link quickly realized his mistake and pink crossed his cheeks as he shook his head. "Pretend! Pretend to be my girlfriend!"
You had a million questions and were starting to ask before Link filled you in. Apparently almost every girl and woman (some men too) in Karkariko village has a crush on Link. Well, maybe not Impa, but that's still a large number. And Link does not know how many excuses he can give so he wants you to pretend to be his girlfriend just to keep them off of him.
And you agreed.
You don't know what came across your mind to agree, but you did. You and Link talked about things like how you started dating or other couple questions that might be asked. It was a bit weird, but ended up being fun? Mostly because he's a dork and you teased him quite a bit when he talked about how he didn't realize a lizalfo tail couldn't be used as food for some reason and a fairy had to save him after eating the dubious food.
When you make it to the village, you don't quite understand what Link needed help fending off. The people seemed nice, some kids wanted to play tag (and you found it adorable how Link did so), and there was a shrine that Link stole the apples from. It wasn't until you and Link went into a shop that you realized.
"Why hello, Link, here to fill up your quiver?" She practically purrs and your jaw drops at how much confidence she has while Link pushes you forward.
"Um, actually, we would like some arrows please," you say, and she glances to you in disappointment at you being between her and Link, who she still tries to eye as a piece of meat.
"And you are?" She asks, her tone a bit bored, but you can tell she tries her best to be nice to a new customer. Even if you're a bit annoyed with how she's treating you.
"His partner," you tell her, and she pauses as Link breathes a sigh of relief. She glances between the two of you and, without thinking, Link holds your hand.
Sure, he's held hands with you before. Mostly so you didn't fall off a cliff or when the wind was really bad. But this context felt different. Well, you're fake dating so it really shouldn't be that weird, but the issue is that you liked it.
You hear her mutter something about "typical men breaking a woman's heart" but you ignore it as Link buys up about every arrow in the store. You thank her as he drags you outside and sighs.
"'Fill up your quiver'." You are so quick to tease him, and his face goes a dark red as he puts his hands over his face to hide. You're interrupted from your next teasing as you hear a gasp and you glance over and see a, well, a very pretty girl.
"Hello Paya," Link greets politely to the girl while continuing to hide his face and her face gets redder than his is. And you realize that she likes him too. It's difficult not to realize it as Link gives you a look for help and you smile gently at the girl, Paya.
"Hi," you say, and she looks to you in confusion as her eyes glance between you and Link and how close you stand together. And you watch as her heart seems to shatter, but she keeps giving a smile. Your own heart aches with her reaction.
"Hello, I'm Paya. It was nice seeing you again, Link." It was sweet how she greeted you if only tears weren't forming in her eyes as she quickly walked off and Link sighed, muttering that he'll have to talk to her later.
You keep walking through the village with Link, continuing to be his fake girlfriend but the smile on your face felt faker. Your mind kept going back to the shattered look on Paya's face and you imagined yourself in her shoes. Link is your friend; one you've traveled with for so long. How would you react if he suddenly showed up with someone he looked really close to? You didn't like those thoughts.
Eventually you and him walk out of the village, going to where the fairy shrine is so he can catch some just in case. And you see the shining lights surrounding him and how handsome his face looks as he glances in the pool of the fountain. And you realize your "just friends" thoughts are full of crap.
You're silent as you two walk away from the fountain, following the path to a little overlook. Link sighs in relief as he sits on the ground, taking a break from the excitement while you stay standing and overthinking.
"What's wrong?" Link asks and you hate how perceptive he is. Or at least, when it comes to you, he seems overly preceptive. You force a smile and sit next to him.
"I was thinking of Paya, she looked heartbroken," you tell him and Link sighs at that.
"I know." Is his reply and you can hear the heaviness in his tone, as if he also feels guilt, but he doesn't say anything afterwards. Nothing about telling the truth or even hoping she'll be okay. You know earlier he said he'd talk to her, but you don't know what that entails. The only thing you're thinking of right now is, you don't want to end up like her, the poor girl.
"It'd be unfair if she learned that we are lying about dating," you say and Link glances over at you, giving a slow nod. "So, we should actually date." His eyes look like they'll pop out of his head.
"What?!" You wince at his reaction and are about to apologize and start to think 'maybe I will end up like Paya' but then you see the massive blush on his face again.
"Well, we've traveled together for so long and-"
"Let's date." He cuts you off from the long speech you're about to give to explain your feelings. You're a bit annoyed by how quickly he recovered, but that goes away as you sigh and lean against him, something you did as friends but now it feels different, but a good different.
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minaturefics · 6 months
Whispered Words
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Request: Can I request an aragorn x reader where the reader is a queen from a faraway land? The fellowship came to his land to ask for help and Aragorn instantly fell in love? Whatever you like to add!
A/N: Ngl, I feel like I went off the rails a bit here (still trying to get into the groove again). I tried to create and integrate a somewhat convincing land/people. And the fic is mid-war so idk how romantic it really is. Still, I hope you enjoy it!!!
Aragorn x Reader
Fem reader
No content warnings
2.5k words
You sat back in your throne of twisting coral and straightened the crown of mother-of-pearl shards on your head. All the torches in the throne room were lit, the fires flickering blue and purple, and the faded banners of your country adorned the walls. The coastal guard had alerted you to intruders — a company of four — that were swiftly captured and brought to the crumbling castle.
Who would dare sail the black waters? Who would dare to venture so close to the graveyard of the Númenóreans? There was only one, you thought, who would be desperate enough, bold enough, to endeavour such a treacherous trip — the returned heir of Gondor. 
The rumours had flowed to you, to your kingdom, carried by the waters of the Anduin and the creatures that inhabited it. There were stories of the encroaching shadow of Mordor, of the growing strength of the Corsairs of Umbar, even of the awakening of the Ents. For years you had hoped that the dangers would remain on the continent, but it seemed that the kingdom’s luck had run out. 
You reached for your sceptre, a beautiful thing of wrought gold and pearl, and nodded at your guards to let them in. 
The large wooden doors creaked open and revealed a curious array of companions — a man, an elf, a dwarf, and a wizard. The wizard you knew, one of the fabled Maiar, but the rest…
They walked forward hesitantly, eyes scanning the room, until they stood before you. They were waterlogged and bedraggled, their clothes creased, sticking to their forms, their hair hanging in stringy strands. Even the elf, so noble and graceful, stood in a dishevelled mess, and you fought a smile.
The wizard bowed first and the rest followed suit. You eyed the man, taking in his dark hair and his ripped clothing. This was the heir of Gondor? He looked like a mere Ranger, a man of the land. He raised his head and a pair of keen grey eyes pierced you.
Your breath hitched in your throat and your fingers tightened around the sceptre. 
“I know why you have come,” you said.
The elf and the dwarf shared astonished looks, but the man stood straighter and said, “Then you know there is not a moment to lose. I will speak plainly if Your Highness allows.” You inclined your head and he continued. “I am Aragorn, son of Arathron, heir to the throne of Gondor. My companions — Gimli, son of Gloin, Legolas of Mirkwood, and Gandalf the White. 
“We have come to request your aid against Sauron of Mordor. Your kingdom may be safe for now, removed from the continent, but it will only be a matter of time before Sauron turns his eye towards the west.”
That, you already knew. But even so, to send your creatures, your people, into battle… There was little hope in defeating the overwhelming forces of Sauron, but here, sequestered away and shrouded by a vengeful sea, your people might still yet live.
“What will you offer me in return?”
“In return?” Gimli frowned, his chest puffing. Aragorn raised a hand to silence him and the dwarf fell to quiet grumbling. 
“Land,” Aragorn said. “A home, an island, close enough to the continent for trade. It is wild and empty, but the land can be worked.”
“You speak of Tolfalas,” you murmured, thinking of the rocky and lonely island in the Bay of Belfalas.
His offer was a good one. It was not an easy life for you or your people, surrounded by tumultuous seas, battered by frequent storms. The bay would be sheltered, there would be plenty of catch and the weather would be temperate enough to farm properly, and of course, there would be trade with the coastal cities. It could be a place where your people could grow and thrive. 
“Our people once were allies,” you said to Aragorn. “When your ancestors’ hubris destroyed them, it nearly destroyed us too.”
“This is not hubris, Your Highness,” he said, voice firm and impassioned, stepping forward. “Hubris would be to sit here and think that your kingdom would be beyond his reach. Hubris would be to think that you alone could survive him. Together there is still a chance we might drive his forces back, but alone we would fail.”
Aragorn straightened and squared his shoulders, he lifted his chin, and there in the ghostly light of the hall, he stood, a true king. 
A heat flared in your stomach.
“Very well. You have our support.”
He broke into a smile, and gone was the solemn son, the honourable heir. Instead, before you stood a man, handsome and strong, and your traitorous heart thudded  in your chest. 
Aragorn settled down in the hull of the ship, feeling each sharp rise and fall of the waves, and tried to get comfortable on the cushioned bench. Rain pelted the deck above him like a volley of arrows and the sky rumbled like a distant war drum. It was unfortunate that they had to sail back to the continent in a storm, but you had supplied them with a ship of your people, sturdy enough to withstand any tempest. He was glad that they had secured your allegiance, and he had no doubt it would be invaluable when Sauron began his assault in earnest. 
He had heard and read about your kind, the Númenórean’s oldest allies, people of land and sea, shapeshifters of a sort, but to meet one, to meet you…
He thought of how you looked on your throne of dead coral, formidable and beautiful, your gaze sharp and your painted lips grim. He had seen the flicker of amusement on your face, the hint of a smile, when they stood, dripping onto the black marble floor. Such a lovely, lonely queen, the leader of a dying race, the steward of a fading land. 
Were it not for the weight of war on his shoulders, he would have been convinced that he had wandered into a fairy tale. For so long all he had been concerned with was his relentless work as a Ranger, of his inescapable duty as king, and yet when he had laid eyes on you those swirling thoughts vanished. Proud, noble brow, beautiful, determined eyes, graceful, strong shoulders. 
His heart had leapt from his chest and he was still yet to retrieve it.
He reached for the strange pendant around his neck and held it up to the lantern. It was an iridescent shell, gleaming purple and pink, that curved and spiralled to a point, much like a war horn. The memory of you giving it to him rose in his mind.
“It is the custom of our people,” you said with an amused smirk. “It allows us to speak across leagues of land and sea.”
“I have not heard of such a thing,” he muttered, turning the shell in his hand, running his dirty thumb over the polished surface.
You tugged a similar shell out from under your robes. “They are a matched pair.”
His heart stuttered. Was it possible that you felt the same inkling of  connection as he did?
“They were originally used by lovers, but they were soon adopted for logistical arrangements,” you said and he pushed down the rising feeling in his chest. “Though,” you continued, smile growing mischievous, “the way to use them has not changed.”
“What do you mean?”
“To harken to the paired shell, one has to kiss one’s own. There is a limit to how much one may speak, but it should be sufficient for us to arrange where and where to deploy our armies.”
Aragorn twisted the shell between his fingers. It felt too intimate to press his lips to it, to speak, knowing you would be holding yours close to your cheek, listening.
“Aragorn!” Gimli called from the top of the stairs. “We are emerging from the storm.”
“I can see the continent on the horizon,” Legolas added. 
Aragorn glanced down at the shell. Perhaps now would be a good time to test it. He listened for their retreating steps and, feeling foolish, brought the shell hesitantly to his lips. It was cool and smooth, and it carried the scent of the ocean. It glowed, illuminating a sphere of light around it.
“Aragorn?” Your voice was clear, but quiet, and he brought it closer to him. “Has something already gone awry?”
“No,” he chuckled, strangely relieved and soothed by the sound of your voice. “I simply wish to inform you that we have made it out of the storm. Dol Amroth is in sight.”
“That is good news. I am corralling my forces, we will soon follow behind you. The larger fleets we will send to Dol Amroth to defend against the corsairs, and our smaller army of creatures we will send up the Anduin.”
“That will do for now.”
The shell’s light pulsed and began to fade. 
“We will not be able to speak for a few more hours,” you said, voice faint and thin. “Until then…”
“Until then,” he murmured but the shell’s light had already vanished. 
It had been a gruelling three weeks. True to your word, you had deployed your armies as you had planned with Aragorn. In the Bay of Belfalas, the dark ships of Umbar were repelled by the hallowed vessels of your people, and up the Anduin swam swarths of sharp-toothed monsters to Pelargir and Osgiliath. For three weeks you had muttered into your shell, had cradled it to your ear, savouring the snatches of conversation with Aragorn.
“We are entering the Paths of the Dead soon,” he said. “I hope we will emerge with good news.”
“Be careful, Aragorn. I, too, have heard the stories of that path. The Dead will not be forgiving.”
“I do not fear them.”
“But I fear for you.”
“I promise you, we will be on our guard.”
“I had forgotten how enchanting the race of men can be,” you said. “Even in war they play their flutes and harps.”
“The people must take pleasure where they can.”
“When this is over, I think I shall learn.”
He chuckled, the sound warm and soothing. “Dol Amroth is known for its skillful harp players. I’m certain you will be able to find a good teacher.”
“Perhaps one day we can welcome you to Tolfalas with the sound of harps.”
He hummed, a low, pleased rumble. “I look forward to that day.”
“Aragorn, for Valar’s sake, please answer,” you grit out. “Word of Pelennor has reached me. Are you alive?”
There was silence, and then, a whisper, “Yes. But we have suffered greatly.”
“The sun, it has been blotted out.”
“The men are losing hope.”
“I have faith, Aragorn,” you whispered, picturing him standing in your halls, strong and noble. “I have faith in you.”
“That brings me more comfort than you know.” His voice was soft and tender, and your heart stirred. “You bring me more comfort than you know.”
“We are marching for the Black Gates,” he said, grim.
“You go beyond my aid. We will repel what forces we can here in the bay and along the Anduin.”
“If you do not hear from me —”
“No.  We will see each other again, Aragorn.”
“We may not,” he said. “And so now I say: I am glad to have met you. I am glad that we were able to honour our ancestors’ history.”
The shell pulsed.
And the light faded.
You had seen, had felt, the destruction of the ring, even all the way in Dol Amroth. There had been cheering in the street, tears of grief, of relief, and the Sea-ward Tower’s bell chimed in victory. Aragorn had answered you desperate calls, assuring you that he was alive, and made promises to ride down to the coastal city when his troops had settled.
You sat on the docks, dangling your bare feet into the cool water, and watched the setting sun paint the sky orange and pink. An odd look perhaps, for a dignified queen, but after the horrors and terrors, you felt that it was a necessary indulgence. You stared at your rippling reflection, wishing you could shift form and vanish into the embrace of the ocean, just for a moment. Alas, that would be too much of an indulgence; you needed to be available should any matter arise. 
You thought of Aragorn, of his steely grey eyes, his peppered beard, his toothy grin, and your heart fluttered. Who would have thought that a descendant of the Númenor would stir your heart so? Or perhaps it was not so much of a surprise, given the blood that ran through both your veins.
Aragorn’s voice rang out, calling your name, and you fumbled for your pendant. 
“Are you on your way? Shall I inform the Prince of your arrival?”
He chuckled, sounding clearer and closer than he had in weeks. “I am already here.”
You whipped around and he stood a few paces from you. You rose to your feet, taking in his eyes, soft and silver in the evening light, and his lips, cracked but smiling. He was unarmoured, but dressed in his kingly robes of black and silver. You swallowed, suddenly conscious of your damp robes and bare feet, flush rising in your cheeks.
Valar, what had come over you? You were a queen of your own right. 
“I wish you would have told me of your impending arrival. I would have sent word to the princes to prepare the city to welcome you.”
He waved his hand. “There is no need for such things.”
“You are a king.”
“I did not come as a king.”
His gaze was sure and full of meaning. He stepped closer and the breeze carried his scent of cedar and pipeweed to you. He was so much larger up close, broad and imposing, but also so much more charming. You ran your eyes over his face, the lines on his forehead, the creases at the corners of his eyes, his slightly unruly beard. Yes, underneath it all, still a man.
“I did not come for them, the people of the city,” he muttered. “I came for you.”
He reached for your hand, and when you did not move away, he wrapped his fingers around yours. “Do not tell me you do not feel this also. I have heard the change in how you say my name.”
Your heart swooped, but you shook your head. “I have my people to care for, a home to build.”
“As do I. We need not make any formal promises as of yet.” He squeezed your hand. “I only ask that we continue to speak as we have these last few weeks. I do not wish to go a day without hearing your voice.”
You nodded slowly and he brought your hand up to his lips. He pressed a kiss to your knuckles, a smile breaking over his face. “How long do you have before you must return?”
“A day or two.”
You hummed, gripping his hand tighter, and faced the sun. The air was crisp and clear and the rays warmed your skin. There was laughter from the homes and music in the streets. The Sea-ward Tower’s bell rang out, loud and joyous. Aragorn glanced at you, smiling, and you grinned.
“Then let us enjoy this peace for a moment longer.”
Aragorn is so grim and broody sometimes I find it so hard to write him, to show passion and feeling in a way that's not out of character. I hope he didn't come off as too flat here.
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Meet Lilith🌙✨
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Made my own take on the Mighty Queen Lilith for fun! Ngl her designs one of my favs, aswell as the Helluva Boss succbui designs! I mixed them together!
I def wanted to show how she’s not just the first but most powerful succubus. I imagine as Queen of the Succbus she’d have the largest wings of them all aswell as biggest horns. I imagine Verosika looks up to her as an icon figure and tries to emulate her fashion! Also added a bit of night sky glimmer to it🌌 made her skin white as the glowing moon!🌙🌌
Gave her dress a gradient aswell as a slit to show off her legs and feet. I imagine she wears all kinds of different outfits.
Made her hair wavier, more volume! Also added some silver streaks.
Added gradient to her limbs. Was lowkey inspired by Milkymelodie’s song cover.
Gave her gold claws. I imagine they’re actually black like Charlie’s, jsut paints them gold for that glam⭐️👑⚜️
Wanted to make her look more similar to Charlie(perhaps Adam sees a lot of Lilith in her). Blonde hair, fangs, nose white skin, ears, claws etc.
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Gave her dark eyes with white details. Like a night eclipse. She and the Goetia def share a connection to the moon 🌙
Gave her big hoop moon like earrings🌙🌙
Went for a mix of nocturnal animals and goats she’s usually redesigned as(apparently Lilith associated with snakes or shriek owls but goats also represent fertility which also symbolizes Lilith well). Went for lowkey Eda Harpy . Talon like claw nails, wild hair, bat like wings. A true creature of the night/moon and the wild, empowering feminine nature of it🌌🌖🦇🦉🐐
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What do u think? How would u redesign Lilith? I’d love to know💖
I’ve done Charlie and the entire gang🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Also did Vox and even Mimzy 📺🐤
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nikethestatue · 7 months
I’m a baby elriel. I’ve like never really “shipped” any characters before in my life — and after the last few weeks of looking at the historical/ongoing ship war clusterfuck that is the ACOTAR fandom I don’t think I’m ever going to set sail again anywhere. You and all the other elriels who have been in the trenches from the get go have my respect 🫡 Anyways, your blog is super swaggy and you’re like the chillest elriel I’ve seen, so it is to your inbox that I shall share my testimony, my come to Mother moment if you will.
I didn’t really start giving any serious thought to the two them being a legit thing until I was already done with ACOSF. And it’s wild because it was the “‘I don’t see you spouting poetry, brother.’ ‘I don’t need to resort to it.’” bit in ACOWAR between Cassian and Azriel that triggered me to reevaluate.
When I first read that part I was like damn okay I see you Rizzriel, and I just kept on thinking about it and coming back to it cause it was so funny and entertaining but one day I was like yo hold up, don’t need to resort to it?? Okay, Mr. “Born Hearing the Song of the Wind.” Okay, Mr. waxing poetic about “The Naphelle Philosophy.” Like don’t get me wrong, it is definitely, first and foremost, a subtle flex for his third unspoken title; he is Azriel — shadowsinger, spymaster, and rizz master of the Night Court. However, I am a firm believer that he doesn’t need to resort to poetic words as some sort of attempt at flattery or being charming because the right situation/person naturally draws out that part of him.
✨Walk with me✨
When Elain and Azriel first meet in ACOMAF, even though there’s not a whole lot of interaction between them, it’s definitely a case of two people having a connection simply off vibes alone (yay for those of us who don’t have loud personalities). He puts her at ease with a smile and by acknowledging her fears and apprehension about their presence, about how much of a mindfuck it was for her to be dining in her home with those she was raised to believe were horrific creatures that would kill her if given the chance.
So like because of this, I think Elain is driven by a deeper curiosity that came from her unexpected comfort when she asks “Can you truly fly?” cause ngl asking the dude with massive wings if he can fly is certainly a choice 🧍🏽‍♀️ Like, there’s more to it than that, more than just attempting to transition from a tense situation into conversational small talk which could’ve been done just as easily with the likes of “Tell me about yourself” or a more confrontational “So what are you?” — which is essentially what Nesta asked immediately after 💀
Elain doesn’t know anything about these guys, but she sees Feyre trusts them, and Azriel’s small expressions of gentleness towards her amidst the escalating interactions made her willing to attempt connecting with him further. So I think her asking a ridiculously simple question with an obvious answer was her way of softly inviting him to share something about himself — not necessarily through what he responds with but rather how he responds — because something, if anything, unique to his answer beyond a simple yes or no would offer her a glimpse at him. And what does he do? Stone-faced, cold ass — doesn’t open his mouth except to give the shortest answers possible or to make some sharp sassy retort — Azriel spouts poetry for her about his and Cassian’s heritage.
So after my revelation slapped me in the face and then bonked me over the head for good measure, I went back and sought out all their interactions and was like dang bro became horrendously down bad for her in the most quietly romantic way possible and she’s feelin something too I can’t believe I didn’t pay attention to this before. I love love love that they just seem to be at ease in each other’s presence, that the vibes between them are so immaculate they don’t even need to bother with many words. Existing in comfortable silence with someone is like my favorite way to spend time in relationships whether it’s familial, platonic, or romantic so it makes me feel all fuzzy that we see them like that quite often.
So now I’m here and am looking forward to eventually reading about them and discovering more about Elain’s gifts because the whole creation story with the Mother + the Cauldron always gave me Gaia-type vibes and with Elain being invested in gardening and then being made a Seer by the cauldron because it thought she was so lovely I’m like Elain Archeron — the absolute goddess that you are, light and life flowing through your Made veins — we haven’t even seen all you can do yet and you’ve got this angelic fae male of death and darkness ready to worship you on his knees and I’ma be right there with him yes ma’am 🛐
WOW baby Elriel. You smote me with this beautiful post.
(first of all, you should write fanfiction. You reminded me of the greatest Elriel (or otherwise) writer that ever graced this hot mess of a fandom with their presence)
But I can't agree more. I think SJM actually pays attention to them, as a couple. Not something she does with many others. That relationship just flows so beautifully in the background, calm and poetic, even with the language she uses around them. There is so much imagery of death and life and decay and rebirth and beauty and flowers and blades and warmth and baking and loneliness and despair and searching for love and for home.
I don't know what she'll do with them, but it could be her Magnum Opus if she is careful, thoughtful and steady in crafting their story. What she already put down deserves special treatment when the story actually comes to pass.
Also, welcome to the fandom.
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roryzlittles1ut · 5 months
Backstage Pass: R!Euronymous X Fem! Reader.
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Warnings: Protected Sex, Fingering, Mixture of Gentle and Rough Sex, Mentions of smoking/drugs, Dom!R!Euronymous, Sub!Reader, Mentions of Drinking, Slight Manipulation (idk if imma add this ngl).
Your friends dragged you to a Mayhem concert, though you weren’t really into metal. You were a tiny bit annoyed, as your friends acted like wild animals. Everyone was screaming, head banging, smoking, drinking, doing drugs, some even secretly having sex. You rolled your eyes as the metal band slowly emerged from backstage. One of the members really caught your eyes though, Øystein Aarseth, the leader of the band, and the lead guitarist.
“Alright, settle the fuck down. You guys ready to hear some true, Norwegian, black, fucking metal?” He yelled, the whole crowd screaming loudly. You stared at him, feeling so flustered as you lost words. He glanced down at the crowd and noticed you. He started playing his loud music as the singer, Pelle growled in the microphone. You didn’t care about anyone else, just him.
Øystein continued to play the guitar as the music got louder, almost making your ears bleed. It didn’t bother you at all, all of your attention was on him, just him. He winked at you as he slowly approached you, getting on one knee, but still playing his guitar loudly. “What? Never seen a metal head before?” His voice was deep as his blue eyes sank into your eyes.
You blushed as you tried to figure out the right words to say. He smirked slightly and grabbed your chin, his thumb caressing your soft skin. He tilted his head to the side as the light glared on his face paint, making it noticeable that it was coming off. “I-I..it’s not that. I’ve just never been to a concert before.” You said shyly, not knowing how to exactly react. He chuckled and got back up on his feet, walking away as he played the guitar again.
You felt weak in the knees. Your friends squealed at the whole band, saying how bad they wanted to fuck one of them, even Øystein. You shook your head and looked away. Then, after the concert, a security guard walked up to you. “Hey, Miss. Mr. Aarseth wants to see you backstage, he says it’s important.” Of course you couldn’t miss this opportunity, so you followed the security guard backstage.
Once you guys reached backstage, he was sitting on the couch in a manspread manner. The security guard walked away, closing the door. Øystein got up as you stayed quiet. He grabbed your cheeks with his rough, veiny hands as he stared into your eyes. “Oh..you look like a little princess who needs help, or maybe something else.”
Your eyes went wide as you blushed, feeling him pull you closer to him. He chuckled a bit in amusement. “Did that get your attention or something? You stupid whore. All of you girls are the same, but you seem..a bit different.” He brushed some hair out of your face with his index and middle finger, being gentle with you. It was prettty odd, but you did like his touch. “What do you want? You’re the one who invited me here.”
His eyes widened slightly at your words, then he let go of you. “Alright..I want a little favor from you.” He whispered into your ear, giving it a soft kiss as he slowly plopped back on the couch. He sat back in his manspread way, staring at you up and down. “What?” You said, a little nervously though. He sighed softly and looked away, shaking his head.
“No, seriously. What is it? Because I could really be heading home now.” You crossed your arms, staring at him. Øystein slowly brought his eyes back up to yours. He pinned you against the wall and started taking off your clothes. “Be a good girl..” Your eyes widened slightly as you blushed.
As he took off your clothes, he pushed you back onto the sofa, taking off your panties. He leaned in and started demolishing your pussy, nuzzling aggressively into it. You can feel his nose against your clit, making you moan loudly out of ecstasy. His tongue made you see stars as he swirled his tongue around your aching, wet pussy. You also didn’t expect him to just do this to you so fast. He seemed so desperate.
You placed your hand in his hair, your fingers getting tangled in it. He grabbed you from underneath your thighs, picking you up as he plopped down on the couch. He still had your pussy pressed up against his mouth, but now you were sitting on his face. He roughly slapped your ass, making you let out a squeak. “Never been eaten out by a metal head hm? How does it feel you fucking dirty girl?”
You whined softly and squirmed, no words coming out. It felt so good, too good. He pulled away from your clit and looked up into your eyes, shoving his middle and ring finger inside of you. You gasped again, your eyes widening. “Oh my gosh!” You whined again. He chuckled as he felt how wet you were, moving his fingers in and out of you roughly. “Mm..so wet. You’re just aching for my cock.”
He stopped and shoved his fingers in your mouth. “Come on, be good and taste yourself.” His eyes were locked into your deeply. You sucked on his fingers. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and took off his pants and boxers, his cock sprung out of his pants. You gasped, not expecting him to be so huge. He shoved one finger inside of your pussy as he leaned in, sloppily making out with you.
“I want this so bad, I want you so bad. You looked so lost and pathetic in the crowd. I could’ve gotten off stage and fucked you right there.” He whispered into the kiss, moving his hand a bit faster. You whimpered, blushing so much as you felt close to your orgasm. He felt you clench against his fingers before pulling out. “No no, not yet. I need to have my cock inside of you when you cum.”
He stroked himself for a quick second as he grabbed a condom, putting it on before placing you down on the sofa. He shoved himself in your tight heat, making him groan. “Oh fuck. You’re so tight.” He thrusted into you in a slow, steady manner, placing his hands on your waist. He grabbed a cigarette from the table in front of the sofa and lit it with his lighter, tossing the lighter to the floor. He took a drag, starting to fuck you a bit harder and faster.
You squealed as you felt him arrange your insides. You felt a bit flustered, and he loved it. He groaned, fucking you harder. You started tearing up a bit, and Øystein noticed. He tilted his head to the side and slowed down. “Can’t take it anymore? Aw, you’ll get used to it.” He smiled a bit and took another drag of his cigarette, starting to slowly move a bit faster. He let out a grunt as you let out a whimper.
He tossed his cigarette aside, squeezing your breasts roughly. “So fucking fluffy and smooth. Like that?” He smiled and kissed your neck before kissing your forehead. “I-I’m gonna cum~..” You murmur shyly, gasping for air. That just fueled the fire. He moved harder and rougher. “Then..cum for me. Be a good girl.” He moaned into your ear, letting out a soft chuckle. He lifted you up and placed you on top of him, squeezing your ass as he fucked you with no mercy.
You moaned loudly, making him cover your mouth. “Shh, the rest of the guys are here. I know you love being fucked by me, but don’t be so loud.” You nod quickly, whimpering into his hand. You were so close to your orgasm again, your eyes rolling back. He wrapped another hand around your waist, moaning in a quiet manner. Then, it hit you hard. He our orgasm made you do star struck. You almost screamed, but he held your mouth tighter.
“Shh, shh, good girl, good fucking girl.” He chuckled and kissed your forehead, slowly pulling out. He gently placed you back down on the couch, taking off his condom and putting his pants back on. “I’ll take you home, don’t worry.” He smiled a bit and played with your hair. It was like he completely forgot he just fucked your brains out, as you slowly fell asleep.
AN: I know it’s been so long, but I have lost almost all of my motivation and decided to get it over with. It’s kind of like the Mike story, and this is pretty rushed so, I hope you..enjoy at least :3
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squeakadeeks · 10 months
had a wild one yesterday, had to go to the hospital and i have thoughts
honestly the whole thing was not that big of a deal, but it was a wild day.
I woke up at 5am, felt ok but with a mild pain in my left side. got ready and started going to work thinking "huh ok this pain is getting a little bit worse than i'd like but no big deal". got there and within an hour it went from "ouchie" to "HOLY FUCK". i tried to start with urgent care, but got sent to the ER immediately. spent the whole day there doing tests and imaging and they did actually find something which is a huge relief. plus what they found explains my experience to a tee so it offers some peace of mind.
but the funniest things to me are the following:
i know they have to do this, but I find it funny when the nurses ask "are you sexually active?" and I'm like "no" and then theyre like..."have you ever been sexually active" and again the answer is no, and the nurse is always without fail weird about it. like being apologetic bc i dont have any game, asking a bunch of questions like "are you sure", which ?? ??? girl what ??? ?? and most commonly thinking that im lying, when its like first of all:
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second of all:
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most of the time i get a kick out of how flustered they get when presented with the idea of an adult who has literally no interest in having sex despite that being a well known sexual orientation (like babygirl how in the hell is this a novel idea to you). but this time what ticked me off is they didn't believe me when i told them i had never been sexually active so much that they actually ordered a pregnancy test without telling me. which is also annoying bc my symptoms wouldve made no sense with pregnancy so they pretty much just did it because they didnt believe me.
and 2:
I was in horrible pain from a cyst and needed to get bloodwork done. but the person doing my blood work was so aggressive and bad at it that they had to try my left arm, right arm, and then my left hand and they burst the vein in all three locations. i've never had that happen before normally my blood draws are routine and painless. they also botched my hand blood draw so badly that my whole hand is bruised and swollen and ngl?? the pain is comparable to the cyst. like that nurse FUCKED me up. i wont go into detail about some of the specifics about what she did that was so painful during the draw bc it makes my skin crawl just thinking about how she handled the needle inside the vein but it was BAD bad.
hell of a day. im happy they found something and all but between being undiagnosed as asexual and having a nurse just absolutely fuck up my whole scene during a blood draw im just like. girl.
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