#well i sure have a task ahead lol
justabrokendoll · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Hello yes it forgot about this lol
1. Cats 😻 cats are so good for its mental health
2. The Moon 🌒🌕🌘 always excited to see the moon
3. Camping 🏕 love disappearing into the trees and cooking on a fire
4. Baking bread 🍞 especially when it turns out
5. Photography 📸 it loves taking pictures of flowers especially
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corroded-hellfire · 6 months
I've got this image in my head of very pregnant!AYW reader sitting outside with her feet in a kiddie pool, letting the older boys splash around and keep her cool on a hot day. Maybe a cooler full of frozen treats at her side.
I have had this one in my ask box forever because I wanted to write something I’d be happy with and I think I’m there lol. I hope it makes you happy as well 😘
Words: 1.4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Of course. The August that you’re seven months pregnant is the hottest summer Hawkins has had in over fifty years. Of course.
Eddie could see how the heat was getting to you. Sweat would dot your forehead just moments after you’d step outside. Your ankles had swollen to almost double the size. It hadn’t escaped anyone’s notice that you were a little more irritable than usual as well. But your husband wasn’t sure what he could do to comfort you. Usually, his way of comforting you included wrapping you up in his arms but the one time he’d attempted to do that you’d given him a death glare that blazed hotter than the weather. He’d learned his lesson after that: no touching when the temperature is above a hundred degrees. 
One early Saturday afternoon, you and Luke are eating lunch while Eddie and Ryan run a few errands. Luke had wanted to go too, but ever since you started your third trimester, Eddie didn’t like the idea of leaving you by yourself. 
It’s quiet between you and your ten-year-old son when the back door bangs open, making you jump and swivel around in your seat–which was no easy task. Perspiration runs down Eddie’s forehead, Ryan’s own golden brown hair plastered to his forehead from the moisture. Patches of Ryan’s gray shirt are black and clinging to his skin from the sweat. If Eddie’s black Iron Maiden shirt weren’t so dark, you know you’d see the same thing on him. Despite how hot and sweaty they both look, they both have smiles on their faces and Eddie looks quite proud of himself.
“I f’ought oo were goin’ to da store,” you say around a mouth full of pasta salad.
“We did,” Eddie said, breaths labored.
“And we set up a surprise for you!” Ryan adds, his beaming grin stretching from ear to ear. 
“And me?” Luke asks optimistically, craning his neck to look over at his father and brother.
“Actually, kind of,” Eddie says with a shrug. “Come on.” Your husband waves the both of you over towards the back door before remembering he should help you up out of the chair–even though you’re capable of doing it yourself. 
The boys both run ahead of you as Eddie stays back with your waddling pace. It feels like no sooner than your bare foot hits the grass of the yard than sweat begins to break out along your hairline. You swear you’ll never complain about the winter being too cold again. 
“It’s small,” you hear Luke say. 
Your eyes catch on the short inflatable kiddie pool set up in the middle of the backyard, two white and blue striped lawn chairs set up beside it, and a large red cooler between them. The garden hose is hanging inside the pool, the green tube writhing like a snake as the water whooshes in to fill the empty space. 
“Cause it’s a kiddie pool, duh,” Ryan replies to his brother. 
“I thought,” Eddie starts, reaching up to rub your shoulders before catching himself, not wanting to make your discomfort worse, “you could sit out here with your feet in the nice cold water. Might help your ankles, too. And you know these two monkeys are always splashing so you’re bound to get caught in the crossfire.”
“Hey,” Luke protests, but Ryan nudges him with his elbow because they both know that their father is right. 
“And…” Eddie takes your hand and gently leads you closer to the chairs, where he opens the cooler that’s nestled between them. Inside there are different flavors of ice pops, ice cream bars, and cold drinks, all enveloped in gallons of ice that have a pleasant chill wafting off them. 
Words become trapped in your throat. Your wonderful husband did all of this for you just because he knows how the heat has been making you feel lately. And after you’ve been a pain in the ass. This would’ve made you emotional even if the hormones didn’t beat you to the punch. 
“Eddie,” you say, all other speech cut off as your bottom lip begins to wobble.
“Uh oh,” Luke whispers.
“No, could be a good thing,” Ryan mumbles back quietly. He was slightly better at understanding the emotional aspect of hormones than his little brother. 
“This is so sweet,” you say, turning to cup your husband’s face in your hands. 
“You’ve been hard at work cooking that bun in the oven,” Eddie says with a shrug. “Oven needs some cooling down though, she’s getting overheated.”
“Ahem,” you hear from behind you. Ryan moves into your peripheral vision, and you turn your head to look at him, sliding your hands down to Eddie’s shoulders as you do. The eldest brother is clearly holding something behind his back, and you scrunch up your brow as you look at him.
“Whatcha got?” you ask.
Eddie huffs out a small chuckle and presses a kiss to your temple before saying, “Ryan found something at the store he says is on every ad for the beach.”
“You bought me sand? The ocean?” you tease the boy.
Ryan rolls his eyes, another reminder that he’s a preteen now. 
“No,” he says. From behind him, Ryan brandishes a floppy hat, and he is certainly right—a woman is wearing one of those in every ad for the beach.
“Ryan, I love it!” you exclaim with a giggle. The grass crunches beneath your feet as you waddle over the few steps to the boy. He holds the straw hat out to you, a bright grin on his face at your happiness. 
“You know,” you say as you accept the hat from him, “I’d bend down so you could put it on my head but then I wouldn’t be able to stand back up.”
“Like crowning a princess!” Luke adds as Ryan laughs.
“Well,” your husband says, coming up behind you, “it’s a good thing I’m taller than Ryan then, huh? Or we could’ve just made Luke help you back up.”
Eddie plucks the hat from your grasp, the straw scratching lightly against your fingertips as he pulls it away. He steps in front of you, and you keep your head level, only raising your eyes to watch Eddie’s pale, toned arms lift to place the floppy hat on top of your head gently. 
“Your Highness,” Eddie says, bowing his head. Your giggle makes Eddie grin as he gestures towards the lawn chairs. “Your throne awaits.”
Twenty minutes later it’s as if the summer heat were merely an annoying insect that you’re only somewhat aware of. Even though the chill water of the miniature pool only goes up to midcalf, sloshes of water have hit you all the way up to your neck. The cool beads of moisture feel like heaven as they meander down your red tank top, though. The denim shorts you’re wearing will weigh a ton later since the boys’ splashing has gotten them so wet, but Eddie’s such a pro at taking your clothes off that he could use a little challenge this time. 
Luke and Ryan manage to find games to play in the small pool—after Luke’s failed attempt at Marco Polo, anyway. Toy boats glide through the water, a few of them on the grass from flying overboard. The two boys shout but they’re outside and having fun, and it’s nice to hear. 
The sound of the back door slamming shut reaches you as you tilt your head back, protected from the sun by Ryan’s thoughtful gift and the sunglasses you grabbed when you got changed. Eyes closed, you listen to footsteps in the grass as Eddie walks your way from the house. They come to a stop and you sense as he crouches down next to you. Lazily, you loll your head to the side and crack your eyes open. 
“How’re my girls?” Eddie asks, placing his right hand over the soaked red shirt covering your baby bump.
“Mmm, good,” you hum. “She’s very happy you bought strawberry shortcake bars.”
“I’m glad she liked them,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “What about you, princess? How do you feel?”
You pretend to consider his question for a moment before speaking.
“Kiss me?” 
You pucker your lips and there’s no hesitation as your husband leans in and gently presses his own against yours.
“Perfect. Now I’m perfect.”
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
TF141 + König help you move
Here’s some backstory (bc this is incredibly self-indulgent send help): you take everything upon yourself, plan everything down to the last detail so you just wind up overwhelming yourself and then you’re just running on fumes the entire time, you are not at peace until you’ve moved into the new place, you are a ball of stress aaaand go:
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
He’s very much the type to watch you go, he knows you’re overloading yourself and he wants to step in but he also knows you need to learn how to ask for help
That’s not to say he’s completely hands off, he’s listening to every word when you review your checklist, he’s helping you pack- everything from assembling the boxes to sealing them when they’re full
He’s taken it upon himself to make sure you eat a proper meal
“What’s this?” You ask as you mute your phone while on hold with the utilities company for your new place,
“It’s breakfast. Eat.”
“I already-”
“Iced coffee isn’t food, love.”
So he’ll take to cooking or grabbing your favorite take out
If you’re worried you forget something, he’ll go down the list with you, going so far as to grab your notebook and review it with you
He encourages you to sort through your belongings and figure out what you want to keep and what you want to give away
His rule: if I haven’t seen you use it, wear it, read it, or touch it in the last six months, it’s going in the giveaway box (save for stuff with sentimental value)
Surprisingly enough, it helps reduce how much you have to pack and you couldn’t be more thankful
All in all, 10/10
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He’s so much fun to be around
He knows you’re taking on too much and he’ll tell you as much
“I’m fine, Johnny, I just like these things done a certain way. And when the order gets messed up, I have a panic attack.”
“Well, then explain how you’d like it done, and I’ll see to it that it stays that way, sound good?”
He’s so understanding god bless
He does everything possible to make the process stress free, from putting on music while you’re packing and cleaning, to being in charge of snacks 
He helps divide the labor very seamlessly, he does all the physical stuff (packing, cleaning, moving furniture, etc) and he leaves the logistics to you, (utilities, new apt, address change, etc)
If at any point you feel like it’s still too much, he’ll jump in without hesitation 
Just tell him where you’re struggling and what your next task is and he’ll gladly take over
You point, he’ll shoot (or pack, in this case)
John Price:
Good luck trying to take control of the whole thing
He’s way ahead of you and doesn’t let you do a single thing on your own, that’s not true, he’ll let you do things on your own but not all of it, you get the idea
Man’s a Captain for god’s sake, he definitely has a system to make the process easier
He makes sure you start the process sooner rather than later to avoid scrambling last minute
Before even buying boxes, he’ll sit down with you to come up with a checklist for things to do and what order to pack your place in
He’s very encouraging throughout the whole process
“Phew, almost an hour later and I was successfully able to transfer my car insurance.” You sighed slumping against the table, practically throwing your phone to the other side of the room
“You’re doin’ great, love, keep it up.” He comes up behind you to rub your shoulders and rub your back encouragingly
He’s with you every step of the way
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
I love him but I can see it as being kind of chaotic lmao but still fun!
You better believe he’s got Animal Crossing music on loop
He claims it’ll help you get into the cleaning/packing frame of mind and son of a bitch he’s right 
He sets a hard limit of one to two things a day, so if you finished packing up your living room sooner than you expected and now you want to move on to your bedroom, too damn bad
He’ll physically stop you lol
“You already did enough, babe, it’s time to rest.”
“I feel fine, Ky, I can keep going.”
“Trust me darlin’, take it easy, you’re doing great.”
Definitely the type to give you a treat to help keep you motivated, or even start your day with a treat
You’re dreading calling the new internet company to set up your new wifi? Well guess what? He’s treating you to coffee and a cinnamon roll from your favorite cafe to help motivate you
You’re dead tired after packing up all your belongings in your room, dinner is your pick babe, whatever you want, yes, Taco Bell is perfectly ok 
Very good at following directions and equally good at being perceptive and knowing when to step in without being asked
He knows you have a habit of taking on more than you can handle but he also knows your tells just as well
Increased irritability, you’re more tired than usual, you’re not eating as much, drinking more coffee than you normally do, jittery leg, trouble sleeping, he knows you babe, he sees you
So he does everything he can to prevent you from getting to that point
If you’re complaining about packing all your books, don’t worry about it, he’s on it
You’re stressed about cleaning as you pack, no need, he’s already coming behind you with Clorox wipes, a broom, and a swiffer mop
He encourages you to offload some of your tasks to him, insisting that he knows how you want it done and can do it accordingly
“Schatz, you have so much on your plate already, let me handle renting the truck and getting the supplies, we’ll go over what you want to do first, and I’ll help you do it, ok?”
At the end of the night when your limbs ache from exhaustion, he gently taking your hands in his and massaging the tension away, placing little kisses as he goes
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l-in-the-light · 11 days
The most embarrassing series of posts about Lawlu you will ever read: edition Zou (part 10)
This time around, your teeth might rot. Lawlu are absolutely over the acceptable sugar levels in Zou!
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Back to business! If you liked my theory from the last part of the series, you know that Law is probably patting himself on the back mentally here. He figured Luffy out by now: all he needed to do was to involve the food. Luffy would do just about anything then, lol. (Before the feast Luffy was like whatever about the guys in his fleet and refusing the idea. Now he likes them!)
Law also takes charge on their way to Zou:
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Because who else would? Look at the chaos, Franky is like "I can steer the ship, but I need navigator's guidance!!" meanwhile ofc Barto Club has no navigator at all. Everyone's in panic. So who do you think took over, if Franky, Luffy, Zoro (we saw what happened when Nami told him once to keep an eye on their direction lol), Kin, Usopp and Robin do not seem to be up to the task? And who has the vivre card and actually probably helped Bepo when Bepo was learning navigation himself? Yes, I think we're all betting on the same man here: Trafalgar Law. No rest for him!
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Luffy is already excited, Usopp of course wants to stop him, and who comes to the rescue? Law, but of course. Luffy can be as crazy as he wants around him, doesn't he.
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Please mark what Luffy is the most excited about here: "Your friends must be up ahead!" It's not even about the new adventure, nah, Luffy's just happy Law will see his crew. He says it with such a bright smile too.
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Same reaction, both standing in front. And again putting a short finishing blow to Usopp's panic mode. Law blends in quite well with the Strawhats and their dynamics.
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Again same reaction, despite both of them being determined and brave, they're also both slightly taken aback by the sight.
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Here I need to point something out: Law apparently didn't tell the Strawhats that Zou is an island on top of the gigantic elephant, despite knowing about it all the time. Only now he is explaining it (or actually sharing tales and background info about it). You could see it ofc as Law being a little shit trying to prevent them from panicking before they even reach their destination, so it becomes too late to turn back, but...
Just look at Luffy's reaction. He's loving the rollercoaster of emotions he's been experiencing as the result. He's having the best time of his life right now, his mouth open in awe, that's probably the most genuinely excited and surprised he has ever been when visiting a new place. Law keeping all that intel till the very last moment is actually perfect for Luffy: he often says he dislikes predictable adventures, he doesn't like to know too much about the place before visiting it. Law's withholding personality and Luffy's love for the unknown is actually perfect match. No one has to change their ways and their behaviour for the other, they're loving each other exactly for who they are.
It also seems Law might be one of the few people Luffy would listen to a lot, just to hear him tell tales. He's enjoying himself so much here.
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Again, Law taking charge, naturally and almost casually so. He's thinking of food because he's not sure if the minks will be friendly or not, so in worst case scenario he doesn't want Luffy, his crew and himself to starve to death. Thinking ahead of everyone else, because he feels responsibility over them: again, they went to Zou because of Law.
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This time around Law doesn't even wait for Luffy to ask him a question directly. He can see Luffy is a bit worried so he tries to reassure him with a logical conclusion in this situation. It doesn't matter if he himself is worried or apprehensive (he probably is a bit, look at his clenched fist here), but he will always put on a strong front so others won't worry. It doesn't matter they're not Law's own crew, he would do the same for the Strawhats that he would do for Hearts.
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It looks like Law is as interested as the rest of them in Kanjuro's odd creation. He even took a position to get a good look at the head.
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They're all ninja-crazy. I can't blame them. Robin's the odd one out tbh. Ninjas are freaking awesome! Law showing his excitement so openly is so rare as well, like, Luffy's influence definitely rubs off on him.
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Despite Law protesting later that it's stupid to get overly emotional over a painting, he stays quiet here. And I bet you anything it's not because he is thinking to himself "what a stupid bunch of people". If he truly wanted them to go back, he would have said it now. And yet he didn't. Also notice Zoro's face! He's also like "it was just a stupid painting" later, but here? Ryunosuke's struggle gets him right in the feels, just like the rest of them!
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How curious Law's face is hidden from us. He's clenching his fist again though, which signifies his inner struggle, trying to keep himself strong.
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Putting it all into context, neither Zoro or Law are actually honest here. They just both act cold, because they don't like things being too dramatic. They definitely felt empathy for Ryunosuke tho lol.
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The very moment Law points towards the guard tower, Luffy's already on it to get there, proving once again he always listens to him. Probably trying to impress Law with his speed haha. Even Usopp, who is so used to Luffy's antics, is surprised at that speed.
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Luffy's having the best day of his life, and it's all thanks to the adventure Law basically gifted to him :) That scream was so loud that I'm sure everyone below them also heard Luffy.
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Funny how Zoro thinks Luffy isn't just out for adventure, covering up for his captain. Law on the other hand is all business. There's no annoyance in him though, despite Luffy basically catapulting himself and leaving everyone behind. If he was mad about it, he would express it somehow, with a face expression or a sour comment. Nah, Law thinks Luffy deserves his adventure and just, lets him enjoy himself and do whatever he wants. Besides Law's heart wouldn't even dare stopping Luffy, not after hearing that extra big excitement from just a moment ago, probably reaching half the island. I told you your teeth will rot reading Zou together with me.
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Meanwhile, Law knows that with Luffy gone, it's now his own responsibility to take care of the crew. Like always he's trying to play it cool and confident, because someone is already panicky ;D He's also immediately ready to defend them all, staying on alert.
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Oh, this scene makes no sense, unless you know what's on Law's mind here. First, the context: a mink just attacked them, other one stopped them, they both were really worried about some trespasser ahead and trying to catch up to stop them. There's only one more outsider right now on Zou, and that's Luffy who catapulted himself some time ago. Law, the worrying cat that he is, obviously must be thinking about that. Thoughts are probably racing in his head, that's why he's so quiet and isolating himself from the rest. He might be even regretting allowing Luffy to just spring ahead like that.
And exactly because he's so worried inside his head here that he says such a stupid line "Oh, right, I forgot I have this vivre card". No, he didn't forget it in general, because he was using it all the time before they reached Zou and he remembered about it in Dressrosa. It's exactly because he's panicking here that it slipped his mind and only now he reminded himself of that. He's actually so distressed and distracted that he ends up speaking everything that's on his mind outloud without even realizing that.
"I didn't expect to ever see them again" is also a slip up from him, normally he would never voice any sentiment like that outloud. This shows us that despite having a poker face, Law internally worries a lot. And he totally went bonkers inside here, again because of Luffy.
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While Law takes care of the Strawhats, Luffy manages to meet up with Heart Pirates! He's so happy to see them (especially Bepo). He realizes Law's crew misses him a lot and it's probably true for Law as well.
And of course I have to mention that Luffy is a little shit who remembers Law's name properly, he just loves to use his nickname for him <3 again what's with the special treatment??
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Now let's take a look at this sequence of events. First, Luffy's disappointment when Bepo says he can't leave the whale forest and asking Luffy to tell Law to come to them. Luffy's face expression there is quite outstanding. He clearly thought Law is looking forward to seeing his own crew again, as we remember from the beginning of this post: that was Luffy's first thought when Law showed them the vivre card. Luffy apparently also wanted to meet them so badly, but he also went on ahead on his own thinking he can bring Heart Pirates to Law so they can reunite faster! Sadly, that part didn't work out.
Then Carrot mentions Nekomamushi and that coincidentally becomes the only person in Zou arc whose name Luffy will remember properly, before even meeting him! And why? Because he associates seeing Nekomamushi with meeting up Heart Pirates again!
And finally we have Chopper asking where's Law and Luffy answers he's in "Bear Forest" (Kujira, Kuma, yeah, close enough Luffy, at least you got the "ku" right). Luffy couldn't bother to remember the name of the forest (whale forest) so it became "bear forest" because that's where Law's bear is waiting for him, lol.
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Again, Law's so worried here, he even starts to think Zou is in the middle of infighting. Luffy's safety must be constantly on his mind, so no wonder he reacts so quickly and transports them (probably without any warning) to where Usopp spotted Luffy being potentially in danger. Just look how clumsy that teleportation point was, so high up in the air! Someone was clearly in a hurry when shambling here lol.
We only get a look of his hand as he does that, which feels like a small callback to Sabaody: when Law makes his decision there to save Luffy, we only see his body, but not his face. Later Iva-chan said "sometimes body moves on it's own/by instinct" and I think this is exactly another example of that here. Law didn't even think of doing that, he just automatically reacted the moment he heard Luffy is in danger.
Btw it's not that Law only cared for himself and Robin to stand properly on landing. Robin is seen falling upside down, she stabilized herself using her own devil fruit power to land properly. Meanwhile Law always lands in style haha. Mr Steady Two Legs No Matter How Shaky the Ground Is.
Luffy's very happy to see them, his eyes are shining. It's not like he already started to miss them or anything, they seperated not that long ago, and Luffy was completely unaware of Strawhats worrying for him. I think Luffy's reaction here can be explained differently: he's happy to see that Law clearly took care of the Strawhats for Luffy! He's happy to see them all together. He probably wouldn't have expected Law to run off on his own, but it made him super happy that Law stayed despite missing (and worrying about) his crew so much. Luffy knows by now that Law worries a lot, after all. But he's also just happy to see Law again.
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And they finally reach the other minks. Law's very confused, because just moments ago he thought minks are infighting, but they're apparently all cheerful instead. We're not really shown when Law seperates from the group or if Luffy relayed the message from Bepo, but if he did, this would be the moment. Just look from one frame to another, Luffy's in front at first, but suddenly in next frame he's close to Wanda again. We know already that Luffy can't sit still for even 5 seconds, so he was probably turning around to tell Law that his crew is waiting for him!
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There we go, finally a reunion. Judging from Law's relieved face, Luffy was right and Law was indeed worried about his crew (but he's also just simply happy and touched to see them. He kinda looks like he's saying something akin to "Sorry I left you for so long guys" in his mind).
Luffy knows him pretty well by this point huh. Of course Law also denies taking any credit for their achievement of beating Mingo, instead saying it's all thanks to Luffy. At least in Sabaody he took half the credit, but here he decides himself unworthy of any. Is it because of his gratefulness to Luffy?
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Just Luffy looking out of the window, nothing unusual right? Except it's yet another rare whimsical Luffy frame and they're all very suspicious by nature. He's peeking outside curiously, kinda like he's awaiting to see something there. That window we see is facing the entrance to the minks base. Curiously enough, it's most likely the entrance that Law took to go and meet up with his crew (retracing Luffy's earlier steps!). Do you get it?
Yes, Luffy is checking up if Law is already coming back with his crew, clearly impatient to see them. They probably seperated not that long ago, but he already can't wait to reunite. He wants to spot them even a second faster so they can be together again, because every second away from Law feels like eternity.
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And then suddenly, Luffy turns his attention back to Wanda. Unusual, Luffy actually listening to anyone else rambling than Law, right? But it's because of what Wanda said here: "Bepo's group". Yep. Luffy realized Law and his crew didn't see each other for at least a month and a half. Luffy knows what this means, he was also seperated from his crew at Sabaody and he missed them so much it hurt him. He can clearly relate. From this point on, he will do his best to be patient and allow Law to take as much time as he wants and needs with his Heart Pirates. He understands.
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Luffy taking Kaido seriously? What a big change from the first time Law and Luffy discussed alliance! Back then Law told him "you're not taking the emperors seriously". Well, now Luffy clearly does. It all changed when he saw Mingo defeating Law twice, and Law claimed Mingo will be a difficult opponent as well. Someone learned his lesson here and it's again, thanks to Law and also only because of Law.
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Luffy declaring "we'll go quietly to Big Mom". This is also Luffy trying to take the things seriously. He is trying to prove Law he can be serious and trustworthy! (despite Law not being here to hear it haha)
And then Luffy refuses to meet up with Heart Pirates. Sounds cold on the surface level, right? Not so much anymore though when we remember Luffy peeking out of the windows, awaiting Law impatiently. It's only because Luffy already decided to give Law all the time he wants with his own crew. In other words, Luffy is actually holding himself back here and he's doing it for Law's sake. He wants Law to find him by himself once he's satisfied with the reunion. He cares about both Law and his feelings.
And that's all for this part! Zou's the shortest arc (not counting Reverie and Return to Sabaody), and yet it's so full of Lawlu that I couldn't fit it all into one post! Second post on Zou soon! Meanwhile, here's a bonus:
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Let's analyze Luffy's vivre card. First piece was taken by Sabo, second by Bellamy, then Cavendish, Bartolomeo and the rest took their own bits. And yet while boarding Barto Club's ship, Luffy's card seems to be missing an extra piece.
I will leave you with that thought <3
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The Dangers of Hope Ch. 7
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Series Summary: When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
Pairings/Characters in the series: Endverse!Dean x Reader, Emma (OFC), Castiel, Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Michael, Zachariah, Risa, Johnston (OMC), Patrick (OMC), Theresa (OFC), other survivors and soldiers.
Series Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Show level violence, some gore, angst, smut, fluff all the usual for a series of mine. ❤️ Endverse!Dean (that's a warning for his anger and callousness as well as his extreme hotness. 😁) Each chapter will have their own specific warnings.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, bit of smut.
Word Count: 4,813
A/N: So, I've had this idea for quite a while. Basically since I watched The Last of Us. I loved Pedro in the role of Joel, but I kept thinking how incredible Jensen would have been. Which then made me think of how amazing he was as Endverse!Dean which then led me to this idea. Lol! I've stolen the premise of Ellie's storyline from TLOU, but made her a grown up, a reader insert, and a love interest for Dean.
If you've never seen TLOU, don't worry - you don't need to have seen it to understand this story. 😊
I've taken some liberties with the Endverse in my story, changed a few things from canon, but kept lots of things too.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. It will be ten chapters and I will do my very best to post one chapter every weekend. ❤️
A/N 2: Chapter 7 has arrived. 😊 I hope you enjoy it! Thanks so much to everyone who has been reading, liking, commenting and reblogging this series! It means SO much! ❤️
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Three and a half weeks later
“And these would be beside every tent?” Dean asked Brandy as he looked at the rough drawings she’d made of her latest idea.
She nodded. “Yeah, on the West side of every tent. It would mean families don’t have to come to Food Storage every few days for more rations, and once the deep snow comes that’s gonna be a huge benefit for folks. Plus it’s easier for people to plan ahead and stretch their food if they have two weeks worth of rations sitting outside their tent. I mean, it won’t work once spring comes, but that’s a problem for spring.”
Dean nodded. He looked at their builders, the group of half a dozen survivors that were tasked with providing new buildings and necessities as the camp required. They’d built the sheds earlier in the year, the chicken coop last summer and were currently finishing up a small barn for the cow.
“Is this gonna interfere with completing the barn?” He asked, nodding at Brandy’s drawings. 
One of the women, he was pretty sure her name was Vanessa, shook her head. “No, we’ll be finished with the barn in a couple of days, and be able to get Lily settled for the winter all snug, and then move on to the food sheds.” She looked at the drawing again and shrugged. “They’re small enough that we should be able to get them all done within a few weeks?” 
She looked to the rest of the builders who nodded their agreement.
Dean frowned. “Lily?”
Vanessa grinned. “Yeah, sorry that’s what the kids have dubbed our little cow. Y/N has them going to visit her once a week so Ralph can teach them about farming.” She said, referring to the old farmer who had helped to plant the winter vegetables.
Dean felt his stomach twist as it always did when someone brought up her name. But he just nodded. “Okay, good. Get started on the food sheds as soon as you’re able. The deep snow is gonna come in the next couple weeks. It’d be good to have them all done by then.”
They all gave a chorus of “Okay, Boss” or “Sure thing Boss” as they nodded and took their leave. They wrapped their scarves tight and pulled on their mittens. The deep snow may not have come yet, but the ground was layered in white, and winter was sharp and stinging in the late November air.
Brandy gathered up her drawings and was headed out when Dean called her back.
She turned back to him, an eyebrow raised in question. They'd never discussed their meeting in the cabin with Y/N, but he'd noticed a slightly colder demeanor from her lately.
And he knew why, of course. 
Brandy had been one of the original dozen survivors who had built the camp together. She'd been an incredible asset from the beginning, and they probably wouldn't have survived without her planning and strategies for running the camp. He and the soldiers may have kept the survivors alive, but Brandy kept them living by organizing and planning for their food and shelter. She was an invaluable member of the camp.
But three weeks ago he'd treated her like a servant meant to do his bidding. He knew he owed her an apology, but it had been so long since he'd apologized for anything that it stuck in his throat.
Now she contemplated him, waiting for him to speak, and he just nodded. He pointed towards her drawings. 
“This is a good idea.” He cleared his throat. “So, thanks.”
Brandy stared a moment longer before a small smile twitched at the corners of her mouth. She nodded.
“No problem, Boss. That's what we're all here for, right?”
Dean just nodded and she lifted her scarf over her face and left the big cabin where Dean conducted most of his business these days, since it was warmer than his tent and could fit more people.
As he ran a hand over his face, the door opened again and most of his soldiers tromped inside. They were there to talk about security and possible threats, but Dean immediately looked at Johnston. 
“Hey, did you tell her I want to see her?”
The thin man nodded vigorously. “Yes sir. I told her yesterday. Has…has she not come to see you yet?” He looked around the room as though Y/N might be hiding somewhere. 
Dean shook his head. “No, she hasn't.” He pointed towards the door. “So why don't you go get her and tell her I expect to see her now.”
Johnston looked wary and as though he definitely didn't want to follow that order. But when Dean just stared him down, he turned and left quickly.
The rest of his soldiers began giving their reports about any problems they were having at the outposts, like equipment that needed repair or items that needed replenishing. But Dean was only half listening; his gaze kept straying to the door, waiting for Y/N to show. 
Ten minutes later, Patrick was briefing him and Dean tried to focus on what he was saying. 
“Williams has seen the group twice now, but -” Patrick cut himself off as Y/N and Johnston pushed through the door.
Y/N smiled at the soldiers as she came in. “Sorry to interrupt, but apparently I was summoned.” 
She cut her glance to Dean and her smile turned brittle. 
“I was told you needed to see me.”
“Yeah, since yesterday.” Dean responded, hardening his voice in an attempt to not seem desperate, especially in front of his soldiers.
“Sorry. Busy.” Was Y/N's curt reply. “What do you need?”
Dean took a deep breath. “I just wanted to know how you're -” he altered his words, “your school, or, uh, the school was going?”
Y/N paused for a moment before answering with a shrug. 
When it was clear that was all she was going to say, Dean scowled at her. “You wanna elaborate on that?”
She raised her chin a fraction. “Oh, I'm sorry, Boss, I don’t have anything else to say right now, but I’ll be sure to write out a full report for next week.”
Her eyes shot daggers that found their mark, bringing a pain to his chest that he felt a lot these days. He’d thought it might go away if he could talk to her, see her, but it was just worse with her there.
He shook his head. “That won't be necessary.” He said quietly.
“Anything else then, Sir?”
He'd never hated that moniker more. “No, that's it.” 
She spun on her heel and walked out of the cabin. Silence reigned when she left. Dean waved at everyone else. “We'll finish this another time.” When they didn't immediately move, he made his voice a bit sharper. 
That got them moving and they all shuffled their way out the door - all except Risa. She closed the door behind her fellow soldiers and then turned back to face Dean. 
He caught her eye and lifted his hands. “What?”
She shook her head slowly. “You're such an idiot.”
Dean dropped his hands and raised an eyebrow. “Wanna try that again?”
Risa shook her head as she walked back to him. “No, I said what I said.” 
Dean gave her a look of annoyance as she reached him and leaned one hip on the table where he stood. She raised her hand to his cheek, her countenance softening. 
“I really wanted to be the one.”
Dean scowled in confusion. “The one what?”
Risa pushed her fingers through his short hair. “The one to make you smile.” There was a long pause between them and Dean had no idea how to respond to that. She shook her head and stood up straight, dropping her hand. “But, it was obviously meant to be her.”
Dean scoffed. “What are you talking about?”
“Y/N. You know I'm talking about Y/N.”
He gave a short burst of sarcastic, humorless laughter. “Yeah, right. You think Y/N's gonna make me smile? I've done nothing but pull my hair out since she got here, so ..” He trailed off and looked away from Risa's knowing gaze.
Risa nodded. “Yeah, cause you're an idiot.” She reiterated.
When he looked back at her, Risa was smiling softly and wistfully. “Apologize to her, idiot. Try to get back what you've nearly lost. She's pissed, don't get me wrong, it might take some real groveling on your part but,” she nodded, “she has a very kind heart, so she might forgive you. It's definitely worth a try.”
Dean stared at her for a moment before he looked down at the ground, conceding the truth in her words. “I don't know how to do it.”
Risa gave a gentle laugh. “You're a smart guy. Bet you'll figure it out.”
She put her hand on his cheek again, resting the other on his chest as she stood on tiptoe to reach his lips. She placed a light, lingering kiss there and then pulled away. 
“Goodbye, Dean.”
Dean felt a jolt of worry at the farewell. “You’re leaving? Am I losing a soldier?”
She smiled and shook her head. “No, the soldier is staying. I'm saying goodbye to the woman I wanted to be for you. And the man that she…cared about a lot. I hope he lets himself be happy.”
Dean frowned, feeling the weight of her goodbye, with all of its disappointed hopes. 
“Goodbye Risa.” He said, and knowing it wasn't enough, he cupped her cheeks in his hands and kissed her lips, light and brief. “Thank you…for being the woman you are.”
He thought he saw a glimmer of moisture in her eye, but she blinked it away quickly and pulled out from under his hands. She moved to the door in a few strides and, with one last smile thrown over her shoulder, she walked away.
That afternoon as the winter sun headed into the west, Dean made the decision to go talk to Y/N. This was ridiculous. They were a camp of less than 150 people, continuing to try and avoid each other was impractical.
He'd just go tell her that.
He walked to the school because she was usually still there this time of day. But when he got there, the schoolroom was empty. He looked around the space that he hadn't seen in over a month and had to shake his head.
What had been a cold empty shed not even three months ago was now a warm, inviting, cozy space. She'd had a little camp stove installed, and on the Northern wall, replacing the fall leaves that had been there, was a giant, beautifully sewn quilt. He recognized it as the same design as the one that hung in the big cabin. 
Hannah, who was Ralph-the-farmer's wife, had made it out of old scraps of material. It took a long time to gather enough scraps for a whole quilt so he knew this quilt probably took her months of hard work. But of course she'd gifted it to Y/N and the school. That's what Y/N brought out in people - hard work and generosity.
The small wooden table in the room had four chairs around it now and he wondered where she'd snagged the other two chairs. 
The kids’ blanket seating had been enhanced slightly with the addition of a few pillows, and on the western wall, beside the old map, two long, weathered planks of wood had been nailed in place to serve as bookshelves. The books he'd brought back had been placed lovingly on the shelves, not a single corner bent on any of them. 
He sighed at the changes and felt a warmth flare to life in his heart. Y/N did this too - seeming to warm the spaces around her without trying.
He walked out of the schoolroom and was just starting to walk back to his tent when he heard high pitched giggles coming from the side of the school just seconds before three small bodies hurtled forward, chasing and grabbing on to one another - Emma and her two little friends. He couldn't remember their names.
When they all saw him, the laughter fell away and Emma's eyes got wide, fear and suspicion filling them instantly. It felt like a punch when he remembered the way she'd climbed up on the chair beside him that one time, shy acceptance in her expression as she asked him to read to her.
He hated that she was so scared of him; he had to try and fix that much, at least. 
“Hi girls.” He said in what he hoped was a friendly sounding voice. Emma's friends nodded and waved at him slightly. But Emma stayed on high alert.
He looked at her two friends. “I need to talk to Emma, so you girls head on home now.” 
They looked to Emma who looked more scared than ever. But she whispered goodbye to them and they ran off.
Dean got a bit closer to her and went down on his haunches. He took a second to think what to say to her.
“You know, you don't have to be scared of me.”
“I'm not.” Emma said quickly while her big blue eyes were shrouded in fear.
Dean nodded. “Okay, good because…” He struggled to find the words that would help. “Cause I thought maybe I scared you a bit before. When I, uh, needed to talk to your mom alone.”
Emma nodded, the suspicion growing in her gaze. “When you were mad at Mommy.”
Dean shook his head. “No, I wasn't mad.” 
Emma gave him a look that said she didn't believe him and he conceded with a nod. 
“Okay, I was a little…upset, but I was just…confused. Eventually everything got figured out.”
She didn't say anything, clearly still highly skeptical. 
Dean took a deep breath and decided  to just go for it. “Anyway, I didn't mean to scare you and I'm…sorry about it.” He cleared his throat. “And I promise not to scare you like that again. Okay?”
Emma stared at him for a long time and he kept hold of her earnest blue gaze throughout her scrutiny. Slowly a smile spread across her face.
“Okay.” She said, accepting him at his word. “Then can you come over again for supper tonight? I can read a bunch of words now, mommy taught me in the books. So, I could help you read the story this time.”
Dean shook his head at the speedy ways of forgiveness in a child's heart, and for the first time in more years than he could remember, a small smile turned up one side of his mouth. 
He reached out to pat her cold cheek. “I'm not sure, kiddo. We'll have to wait and see.” Emma was about to argue the point but Dean stood up. “Now it's gonna be dark soon and it's way too cold for you to be out here without a scarf. Don't you have one?” He asked.
Emma nodded. “Yeah, but I don't like it. It itches.”
Dean hummed. “Ah, yeah wool does that sometimes.” He unwound his own scarf from around his neck.
“Here, I'll trade you.” He said as he wound the polyester scarf around her neck and up over her cheeks. “Now, you head home.”
Emma's eyes were bright and happy above her new scarf as she danced away, skipping through the light snow that blanketed the ground.
He watched her go for a moment before turning back to head home himself. But he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Y/N standing in the path with an arm full of wood. Silence reigned for nearly a full minute. Finally he reached forward to take the wood, but Y/N shook her head.
“No, I’m fine.” She nodded toward the school. “Just stocking up for tomorrow.”
More silence. Y/N’s voice was quiet when she finally spoke. “Thank you for the scarf. It’s been impossible to get her to wear one.”
He nodded and then realized something. “How long were you standing there?”
Y/N took a deep breath, answering on an exhale. “Since just before you promised my daughter not to scare the shit out of her again.”
Dean nodded and closed his eyes. “So, basically the whole time.”
“Yeah, basically.” She took a beat pause. “Thank you for that.” 
Dean nodded. She walked towards the school again but before she could close the door and shut him out, Dean called to her, knowing his voice sounded desperate.
“I needed to believe it.”
Y/N turned in the doorway, a frown on her face. “Needed to believe what?”
He took a step closer, feeling choked by all the words he wanted to say that wouldn’t form properly in his mind. Y/N stared at him for a moment more before huffing slightly and walking into the schoolroom. He followed her inside, closing the door against the wind as she dropped the pile of wood into a metal bucket by the stove.
When she turned back to face him, she was scowling. “Dean, I don’t know what you want here. What do you want me to say?”
He shook his head. He didn’t want her to say anything. He wanted to say things, so many things. “No, nothing.” He croaked out.
She crossed her arms over her chest, bunching up her too big jacket. “Then what are you doing here?”
He took deep breaths in through his nose, pushing the words out through a closed throat. “I needed to believe it.” He said again, quieter this time.
“Believe what?” Y/N asked in frustration.
He stepped close to her and she took a step back before refusing to retreat. He gazed at her and wished more than anything that she really could just see inside his head so he wouldn’t have to try and get it out.
But he looked at the ground quickly and then back at her. His breathing was slightly labored and his voice was thin as he spoke. “You’re so dangerous to me, Y/N.”
He knew he said the wrong words when her forehead wrinkled into a deep frown and she nodded. “Because - I’m a psychic monster? Or because I’m a croat? Why exactly am I dangerous this time?”
“Because you’re you.” Dean answered loudly, speaking over the end of her question. He sighed in frustration; he was getting all of this wrong. He looked up to the heavens, as though they could possibly help him, and tried again, speaking softer.
“I needed to believe that you could control my mind or my…my feelings because…” He trailed off and looked at Y/N hoping she’d just know what he was saying and finish the sentence for him. But she was still just frowning in confusion.
“Because,” he continued, “my feelings when I'm around you are…dangerous. For me, I mean, they’re dangerous. Y/N I can’t…” He shook his head. “The way you look at the world? And the way you change how I see it too? It’s so fucking dangerous.”
He waved his hand, trying to encompass everything. “This world is ugly and shitty, and fucking ended! We literally lived through the end of the world, and now all that’s left is this - this dark, violent, bullshit reality.” 
He shook his head and his voice was filled with awe. “Yet somehow you move through it like this,” again he struggled for the words to describe her, “like some kind of lighthouse, like a refuge for every cold, lost thing. And I - “
He cut himself off, not sure he was making any sense. But Y/N had stopped frowning and was now just contemplating him.
He shrugged. “And when I’m around you, I feel warmer than I’ve felt in years, brighter.” He shook his head and moved away from her, embarrassed by his confession and knowing he wasn't saying it right. 
He stared at the map as he spoke. “So, I needed to believe that the feelings weren’t real, that you’d just forced me to feel that way. Because if the feelings and thoughts you bring out of me are real?” His shoulders slumped. “God, I’m so fucked.”
He felt Y/N come up to stand just behind him on his right, but he stayed staring at the map as she spoke.
“Why? What’s so dangerous about warmth and light?”
His voice was barely audible as he answered slowly. “Because they bring hope. And hope is a lie. It’s a lie I believed for a long time, a lie I clung to. The lie of possibilities, of family, of good conquering evil. And when the lie was revealed and the world fell apart, the truth almost killed me.”
After a moment he turned to face her and felt his heart skip as he saw her expression of sadness and the tears that sparkled in her eyes, even in the growing dusk.
He lifted a hand to cup her cheek and thumbed away a tear as it fell over her bottom lashes. “And Y/N, if I allow myself to hope again, and it gets crushed by the world again…” He shook his head. “I won’t survive it, I know I won’t.”
He took a step closer to her and felt her warmth penetrating his cold bones. She grabbed his free hand and held it in both of hers as he dropped his other hand from her cheek.
“Or…” she said, her voice filled with conviction, “or we can both hope, both fight, and both win. Even if we never get big wins, the little ones still count. And they add up. Every day we’re here alive is a win. Every time we smile at someone and they smile back is a win. Every time the sun shines so bright you have to close your eyes, every time we hear Emma giggle, every time our stomachs are full, every time we do something to make our home here better - every small thing adds up to big wins.”
Dean shook his head. He knew that trying to resist the pull of her light and life was pointless; she’d been pulling him out of the dark, and changing his plans since the moment she’d come into his life. 
He used their connected hands to pull her tight against him and watched heat enter her beautiful, red-ringed eyes.
He bent his head, but before his lips touched hers, he whispered words that came much easier now. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. For all of it. I’m so sorry.”
Another tear fell down her cheek and she smiled and bit her lip. “If I say you’re forgiven will you kiss me?”
He pretended to mull it over and then nodded. “Yes, I think that’s fair.”
In the dusky twilight around them he pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers; his arms tightened around her as she moaned softly. 
He was definitely counting that sound as a win.
Over the next month Dean resumed his dinners with Y/N, the difference being that he was there nearly every night, and he’d stopped pretending to himself that he didn’t relish every moment with her and Emma. 
Over the evenings spent together, Emma had warmed more and more to him so that now she ran to meet him every time he walked through their tent flap, holding her arms up so he’d pick her up and toss her up into the air, catching her in a swooping motion as she came down. It made Y/N gasp every time, but Emma squealed with delight. He’d set her down and she’d grab his hand, nearly three times the size of hers, and pull him over to the table.
He’d take off his heavy canvas jacket within the relative warmth of the tent, and drape it over Emma’s shoulders, making her giggle as she drowned inside it. 
They’d sit around the table and share the day's events, though Emma usually did the majority of the talking. It always brought a mixture of feelings when he listened to her bubbly, excited stories. It made him happy and terrified at the same time. She was so precious he couldn’t help but smile, an expression that was becoming easier for him as the days went by. But also, his chest felt tight and he could feel terror creep in as the darkness whispered a warning, telling him that he couldn’t possibly keep her safe. He’d lose her, and Y/N too.
Sometimes that thought woke him from a deep sleep and made him shake and sweat. It was proving incredibly difficult to make all his fears go away. But as soon as he saw Y/N’s smile the next day, it felt easier.
In fact it was becoming increasingly difficult to go home at all, to leave her warm cozy tent and return to his dismal gray one. But they were trying to be careful and move slowly in deference to Emma. They didn’t want her to feel confused or unsure of things now that she finally seemed so at ease. 
So they hid their kisses and their caresses until after Emma was sleeping, at which point they’d usually try and brave the cold long enough to enjoy some alone time, even if it was encumbered by bulky jackets and scarves. They never had enough time, but they’d managed slightly more satisfactory make out sessions in the empty school and in Dean’s tent. But they were always too rushed and things had to end too quickly.
Dean ached for her more and more every day.
One evening in mid December, the air was much milder than usual; the day had been unseasonably warm and the night held on to a trace of it. Dean had Y/N pressed up against the side of the thick canvas tent, sucking on the soft skin just below her ear. As her breath caught and she angled her head so that he had better access, he was practically vibrating with how badly he needed to feel her. 
As he breathed into her mouth, he slowly unzipped her jeans, letting her tell him no if she wanted. But she just nodded and bit her lip.
He watched her face as he slipped his fingers under the waistband of the leggings she wore as an extra layer against the cold, and then down into her panties. He desperately tried to stifle the moan that wanted to escape as he felt how soaking wet she was for him.
“Goddamn.” He whispered roughly as he slid two fingers inside her, rubbing his thumb against her little bundle of nerves and making her bite harder into her lip to keep quiet. He decided to help her out and closed his mouth over hers, swallowing up her small moans.
He pushed in and out of her body, his cock hardening as she gripped his forearm where it disappeared into her pants while her cunt clenched tight around his fingers. He passed his fingers over her sweet spot a couple of times and she fell over the edge. She broke off their kiss to bury a scream in his neck, muffling it with his thick collar. 
As she came down she clung to him, her hot breaths creating puffs of white in the cold air. She moved her hand to cup his hard on through his jeans and was just reaching for his zipper when they suddenly heard Cas’ voice inside the tent.
“Emma, where is your mother and Dean?” 
Dean groaned. What the fuck? Y/N squeaked slightly and pulled her hand back, making him absolutely throb with need. He was gonna slaughter his best friend. 
They were quickly righting their clothing when Emma's voice reached them, and it didn’t really sound like she’d been sleeping.
“They’re outside the tent, kissing each other.”
Y/N’s eyes got huge and round and Dean stifled a snorted laugh behind his palm while she slapped his bicep. 
“It’s not funny. Jesus, we’re gonna traumatize her!” She said in a horrified whisper.
Suddenly Cas’ head poked around the side of the tent and he frowned. “Are you finished kissing?”
Y/N buried her head in Dean’s chest and Dean scowled at the angel. “Well, we sure as hell are now.”
Cas nodded, completely ignoring Dean’s frustration. “Good. You need to come inside. I have incredible news.”
Dean sighed and rolled his eyes. “What news, Cas?”
The angel’s smile was surprising in its rarity and it made Dean raise an eyebrow.
“I know why Y/N isn’t a psychic.”
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @akshi8278 @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @safiyas-world
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @hobby27 @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96
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papil0nglegs · 26 days
One small step at a time! 🛸
Tf2 x Juno!reader
A/n: This one’s for all my overwatch babes <33 ik this idea is rlly niche but this was so fun to write I’m so proud of this. Most of these can be interpreted as platonic but read however you’d like, enjoy ✨
Warnings: Scottish people, Drinking, Passing out drunk
Vocab: (p/f) - Parental Figure
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He has such a father daughter relationship with you
When you first landed on earth he was extremely fascinated by the technology your (p/f) discovered to get to mars, especially your anti-gravity boots
“So these things are just makin’ you float around?”
“Yeah! I’m not really used to earths gravity so my (p/f) sent me off with overboots!.. how do you guys get anything done while stuck on the ground?”
“We just make do with what we can, sugar”
His fav activity with you? Lounging. Doesn’t look like much but his rancho relaxer + you using your jetpack to ‘sit’? Soo cute
You guys would just be chilling in his workshop after doing whatever task it was you were doing <3
“You want a beer, Buttercup?”
“No thank you! I’m not really fond of drinks with alcohol since all we could drink at mars was juice and water”
“shoot, glad I’m not you”
He’s definitely one of the mercs who warmed up to you the fastest, he’s just chill like that.
Pls don’t tell him your from mars, weird shit is gonna happen
He’s going to treat you like one of his test subjects, at first it starts tame with general check ups but it escalated pretty fast.
When doing his uber surgery on you he decided to explore more things
“..how long was I out, Dr. Ludwig?”
“Oh not long!! Just two.. days”
“What? You said it would only take about 20 minutes!!”
“Vell yes I did say that my Martian friend, however I must say curiosity got the best of me! I simply had to know more about your anatomy”
“Uhm,, ok”
Yeah you’re so scared of him now lol
But of course you two do need to work together to try healing your teammates
He loves it when you heal him, it’s always a pleasant surprise since he never expects to get healed, like ever
“Here! I can help you!!”
“Oo, so vats how it feels..”
Yeah he doesn’t think your good for the team
Sure it was interesting to meet someone who was born and raised in a completely different planet, however your inexperience with earth was enough for him to neglect you
Once you visited his smoke room to find abundance of books, you being new to earth were excited to see all the knowledge they carried
“Wow! Can I borrow this one? I’d like to learn more about earth and its continents!!”
“Go ahead, I never made use of that thing anyways”
It always catches him off guard how little knowledge you have about earth, especially since your were chosen to go on the mission to earth
Once you randomly found a globe somewhere in the break room and got so fascinated by it
“Earths colors are beautiful, I’d really like to go the that purple one!”
“Y/n, Russia is not purple. And you don’t want to visit there, it is full of trash people.”
“Oh..I see”
He doesn’t guide you to earth like the rest of the mercs, he wants to really straighten your back and push you to your limit
“Would a croissant go well with your meal good sir?”
“Excuse me?”
“You seem like you are from the Western Europeans my (p/f) brought back to mars!! Au revoir madam, please enjoy your tea”
Tbh that moment made his heart melt by just a little bit. Hey, he’s not a monster he can have heartfelt moments.. sometimes
You are so fascinated by him, literally just him
For the most part it’s because of his job title ‘assassin’, you’ve never heard of such a job back home.
“Is it true you earn currency to kill specific people?”
“Why of course Sheila, who else would do it?”
“Well, on mars we kinda just let them live even if we don’t like them.. that’s a thing here right??”
You love going on roadtrips with him so he can show you around, just to see get a feel of that New Mexican dirt
You two have a relation where he misses his parents despite always arguing with them, and you miss your (p/f) because you two now live on completely different planets.
On those trips you tend to enjoy chilling in the back of his trailer. You can’t stand spending another second on an uncomfortable leather seat!! So you roam around a lot in what he basically considered his home.
“How was it back there? ‘eard sum ruckus out in the front.”
“Oh right! I am trying to get use to earths gravity so I tried cleaning up here a bit, I hope you don’t mind!!”
He almost cried, you reminded him of his ‘mum’
Whenever you’re curious about any animal you always go to him, we all know Australia a place with weird animals so
“Mr. Mundee, is this spider deadly?”
“I’m not sure, you should probably check in with doc tho. Your face lookin pretty swelled there mate..”
“Oh thank the stars! I was sure this was a lion..”
You passed out from the poison.
It’s good tho, sniper carried you to Medics room like the big brother he is 🧡
Not only is he obsessed with the drink that you’ve literally never heard of until you arrived in earth, but the way he acts makes it seem like crack
You have so many questions, they almost never get answered because he’s either too drunk or he’ll pass out with medic dragging him out the room
“Is it true that your stomach now declines any normal drinks?”
“Ayouhhh it’s just beerdelicois burp”
“..is he going to be alright?”
“Oh no worries my Martian friend, this happens all the time.. although I can never tell if he’ll live or not”
When on the battlefield he’s always screaming and creaming, sometimes it scares you so much to the point where you ask your fellow teammates to help you
“Darlin’, I thinks he’s just tryna get some healing..”
“But why is it yelling.. ☹️”
Now you’re scared of Scottish people, and convinced they probably eat their youth
He def plays a father role like engineer, but way less charm and warmth to him
He’s like a dad at a soccer game, he’ll cheer you on but aggressively, to the point where it seems like he’s booing you
In the lobby he’d always do his soldier talk, and it never fails to make you do you best
“No sir!! I’ll feed it to them!”
Soldier is always hard on you, sometimes he calls you a ‘space commie’ just for jokes, although his tone definitely sets you off
When you unleashed your orbital ray he started screaming about ‘the commies getting to us’, you had to reassure him several times that it was something you had full control of
This guy was ecstatic when he found out his new teammate was going to be from space, scout is really into comics (even tho he can’t read) so his imagination went wild when Ms Pauling announced that he’d be fighting alongside what he considered an alien
Once you arrived he was in awe, he thinks you’re the coolest person on the team solely because you’re from another planet.
But he did quickly recognize that you weren’t use to like, anything on earth.
He handed you a cold can of Bonk just for you to look at him confused
“What do I do with this?”
“You drink it?”
“..um I don’t think you’re supposed to drink ‘atomic punch’, that sounds like it hurts 0-0”
He had to teach you how to drink stuff that wasn’t in an aluminum bag, you didn’t take a liking to it but you got used to it
Scout offered you to sleep on the top bunk because he wanted to be nice and all, huge mistake.
The next morning you completely forgot you were on a different planet, so you rolled and fell 9 feet from the bed to the floor.
“Jesus y/n!! what the hell happened?”
“I think I.. fell? Falling feels weird..”
Gets so hype when you two are on the same team, he’s so ready to clock the enemy team with orbital ray
“Scout! My orbital ray is ready!! ^^”
“Whooo! Let’s go then E.T what are we waitin’ for??”
For the most part he’s the one who shows you everything you need to know about earth, baseball is his favorite thing to teach cuz obviously
When you joined him to watch a baseball match you were so excited yet so lost
“What happens if they win? Is this a war?”
“No? Toots it’s just a game”
“Hm, intresting.. then I must try this ‘game’ too!”
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Guns-For-Hire Very Small Dinbo Details
If I have a nickel every time Din and Bo's full name are mentioned together in Guns-For-Hire, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice in one episode, right?
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"Din Djarin and Bo-Katan Kryze."
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"Lady Bo-Katan Kryze and Din Djarin of Concordia."
It's like they're about to be pronounced husband and wife 😆
And Din mentioned that he and Bo are "engaged" twice when they are speaking with the Ugnaughts. Weird choice of words when he can simply say "tasked".
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They also mirror each other a lot of times in this episode. When Bo fidgets her hand, Din does as well (I wish I could put a gif of that part but it's when they are inside the pod for the first time). And in the pic above, they're even in the same exact position with each other like their heads and hands are exactly the same. Their walk and even their run is on sync. They both turn to look at each other at the same time.
And after rewatching Guns-For-Hire for a lot of times (to write my fic for lust alley weekend) I've noticed something about this little scene as they went to the resistor bar. (Or this is just me overthinking but hear me out please)
While they were bickering about Din kicking droids, you will notice Din keeps on looking on the droids that pass them by, as if being paranoid. You will notice his visor following the droids that passes him and Bo as they walk.
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Here he is walking behind Bo. But then there's a couple of droids on their way.
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You can see him walking a little faster to catch up on her.
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And when they pass through the droids, he moved to shield Bo from it.
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Then he walked ahead of Bo, but he turned his head to her to make sure she's still following behind him.
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And when he opened the bar entrance, he waited for Bo to walk in first and watched the droids outside intently, watching her back.
I didn't notice this before and I have always thought Din wasn't as protective of Bo as I want him to be but it turns out he is lowkey protective of her lol, just very subtle.
And may I add that when Bo groaned in pain when the rogue lab droid had cut her with its laser beam, Din used the darksaber with no issues, it didn't look like it was heavy for him at that time. It's the first time he used the saber to protect someone else and not himself.
Guns-for-Hire is my fave Dinbo focused episode in S3 followed by the Mines of Mandalore because there's a lot to unpack about Din and Bo's interactions throughout the whole episode. Those details were choices that are made, and they may look insignificant but when I saw Favreau and Howard in the behind the scenes in The Heiress, you can tell how detail oriented they are. So these tiny things are all intentional and they are meant to convey something. So I believe Guns-for-Hire is an implication of Din and Bo' s developing romance.
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itjazzbicch · 11 months
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Pairing: Havik x Vaeternian(Vampire)!Reader 
First time writing for Havik, so I hope I did well! 
Summary: As friends/allies, the reader is blindsided before meeting with Havik to discuss important matters, starving as some time had passed before their meeting, and when Havik sees their condition, their friendship begins to show...
Warnings:  Mentions of blood, blood-sucking, mentions of injury. (Havik being a little soft because that's what I want lol) Havik's tower ending spoiler (kinda lol)
(Had this idea in mind and could only see it working with Havik for some reason)
Word Count: .6k 
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"You conquered Seidou, huh?" As much as Havik disliked the wholesome word, friends, that's what we were, happy that my friend accomplished his goal, "I knew you would."
"Something's wrong-"
We were supposed to meet as I hoped to take a big step in my plan to save my kind in the realm of Vaeternus, but I was blindsided before meeting here.
In the dark forest, it was hard to see; stepping into the moonlight, my face showed that I was drained, and the one distinctive part of me was now missing.
"Your wings-" The moonlight revealed the anger in his eyes, rage on his scarred face, and in his voice, "What happened?!"
"Simple-minded scum hating my kind, as always," I sighed, going to him, but stumbling into a tree, slowly sinking to the ground, explaining as he came to me, searching for my wings and not wanting to accept the truth, "They clipped my wings, Havik. They're gone now."
"Who did this?" Staring deep into my eyes, I could see the chaos that this created in his mind and how badly he wanted to release it, "I'll kill them."
"There's no need. I already did that," The wounds left behind after my wings were clipped left me considerably weakened; I managed to dispose of the assassin who was sent to kill me, but I was too weak to put myself in danger and not able to use my intuitive tactics now that my wings were gone, Havik realizing what was most threatening at that moment:
"You haven't eaten, have you?"
"Not since I ate that assassin," I hated how my stomach felt like an endless pit at times; now, starving on top of being wounded, the future wasn't very bright from my perspective; apologizing to Havik with a whisper, "I'm sorry, but I'm useless now."
"Don't talk like you're a weakling," Kneeling at my side, he was always hellbent on whatever task lay ahead of him and expected me to be the same way, "You're not useless, just hungry, right?"
"Very," I sighed, taken aback as he titled his head, presenting his neck to me:
"What are you waiting for?"
"A-Are you sure?" My rumbling hunger had my mouth water at the sight of his neck, but he was my friend; something in my heart conflicted with that hunger, making me hesitant.
"Yes," He huffed with impatience, rolling his eyes, so I picked myself up and rubbed the side of his neck, cooing:
"Relax, so it doesn't hurt that bad."
"Pfft, sure-"
I warned him, hunger's desperation was no longer tolerable, my fangs sinking into his neck, feeling the bit of tenseness as I pierced his skin and flesh. The first drop of blood had me humming, trying not to suck him dry.
This was more of a test of self-control rather than a feeding session. I'd never tasted anyone like him before. The taste was distinct and was urging me to be ravenous, my hums growing with every swallow, even running a hand through his hair, but his chaotic ways made me side-eye him as he was groaning and laughing:
"Ngh, ha-ha, hmm."
"Enjoying yourself?" I toyed as I picked myself up, not full, but not starving, so I was grateful, cleaning his neck with my tongue before kissing the bite softly, "Thank you for that."
He wasn't responding to me, unsure of what he was doing, till I felt his fingertips tracing up my back, wincing at the lingering pain as he trailed the slow healing wound where my wings were before.
"This is going to take some time to heal," He observed, showing a side of himself that I never imagined existing as he rubbed my side, the tone in his whisper sparking something within me, "And yeah, I did. I like the pain."
He was a maniac, but I think that's what I liked most about him; I chuckled at him with a smile as I shook my head, "Only you would." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome 
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hwabang · 1 year
Break Up + Make Up - Yang Jungwon
Summary: You ended your relationship with Jungwon because HYBE told you to. After a lot of mutual heartbreak and some dangerous situations, you realize this was all a big stupid fucking misunderstanding
Genre: angst + fluff ending
Warnings: fem!reader, idol!reader x idol!jungwon, '03 reader, established relationship, breakup, cursing, arguing, dieting, fainting, starvation, mention of weight, bad eating habits, slight mentions of poor mental health, hospital, mention of sasaeng/crazy engenes lol, reader breaks jungwon's heart but temporarily!, one slight mention of reader not being korean, exes to lovers
Author’s Note: feeling angsty lol. i kinda wanna make "break up + make up" a series for the enhypen members i write for, let me know if you'd be interested!
Word Count: ~ 6k (oop)
NOTICE: (the names used for side characters are fake names, with the exception of the enhypen members. the fake names don't represent any real life characters.)
(gif not mine!)
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You and Jungwon have been dating for 4 months now, but you two have been in love with each other for a while. The only thing that had stopped you from dating earlier is the fact that Jungwon's a year younger than you, and neither of you wanted to talk about the feelings until he became an adult in Korea.
Unfortunately, last month some pictures of you and Jungwon on a date were leaked, but your companies decided to go ahead and confirm the relationship since both ENHYPEN and your group were doing quite well right now. You were expecting the hate from crazy fans, but you weren't expecting as much support as you guys were getting. It was an overwhelming amount of love and you two couldn't be more happier.
People who didn't know you and Jungwon would say you two are moving too fast, but the ones who know you well know that you two have been head over heels in love with each other for so long. Sure, your relationship is very established and you two are really serious for a 4 month couple, but who cares? You and Jungwon are taking it at the pace that feels right, and since you two are fully committed to each other and love each other immensely, nothing wrong with moving "too fast".
Currently you were tidying up your dorm with the rest of your members. Today marks the first couple of days you guys get off, and some cleaning of the dorm was much needed right now so that was everyone's first task. After this you were prepared to spend the next 4 off days with your precious Wonnie.
"Hey Y/N," your bandmate Mijeong called out, walking back into the dorm. "Come here?"
You turned the sink off and patted your hands dry then walked into the living room. "Yeah what's up?"
"I just went to pick up our mail and you have a letter from HYBE."
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "HYBE? And it's addressed to me?"
"Yeah, look." She handed the letter to me while sorting through everything else.
"Huh that's weird.. I'll open it later. Anything else for me?"
"Uh.. no more letters, but the front desk said you have a package from (your/country) downstairs; maybe your parents sent you something."
You nodded relaying the information. "Great, I'll go pick it up later. Thanks Mijeong-ah."
You went back to washing and drying the dishes; your last task for today. Once you were done, you took the letter up to your room. Your roommate was doing the laundry so you had a couple minutes to yourself. You sat on your bed and sighed, opening the letter not thinking much of it. Oh how wrong you were.
"Hello, this is HYBE Corporation.
We are sending you this letter to inform you that you must end your relationship with our artist, ENHYPEN's Jungwon, as soon as possible.
The relationship being out in the public has decreased ENHYPEN's popularity and put our artists' safety at risk. Furthermore, Jungwon-ssi seems to be losing his focus a lot more after your relationship started. You both have worked very hard to get where you are; we wouldn't want either of your careers being sabotaged because of this relationship.
We kindly request that you end your relationship with him without letting him know that we have asked you to do so. Once you have done so and Jungwon-ssi lets us know, HYBE will personally put out a statement confirming your breakup to the public.
We understand that this might be tough for you to do so. It is solely for the sake of both your group's and ENHYPEN's careers that you all worked so hard for. Idols don't date for this reason; it's quite hard to maintain personal and professional lives. If you start to receive backlash or dangerous threats for the breakup, HYBE Corporation will provide you and your members with top notch security.
Thank you for understanding and for your cooperation.
Best regards,
HYBE Corporation & ENHYPEN Team"
Hot tears were streaming down your face. HYBE wants you to breakup with Jungwon without letting him know they're the reason for the breakup? HYBE were the ones who coerced your company into agreeing to confirm the relationship!
So many things were going through your mind.
You didn't wanna do this; Jungwon would NEVER wanna do this.
You knew ENHYPEN were in danger because of this. Not only did all the past idol-dating horror stories scare you, but you knew haters were sending trucks to HYBE asking them to remove Jungwon from the group.
You can't let Jungwon's dream be sacrificed.
So many things were going through your mind.
But you knew what had to be done.
After a text to Jungwon asking him if you could go over to his dorm tonight, you asked the rest of his members to give you and Jungwon the dorm to yourselves for about 30 minutes.
"Oh?" Heeseung exclaimed and you could practically hear the smirk on his face. "Y'all really can't get enough of each other huh?"
You couldn't even crack a fake smile at his joke so you just shook your head, as if he could see it. "No it's not that.. we have something to talk about."
Heeseung abruptly stopped laughing and it felt as if his entire demeanor changed"What's wrong? Did something happen?"
"N-no not really.. I just really need to talk to him."
"Something happened. Talk to me Y/N-yah. What's wrong?"
You couldn't do anything but shake your head. "'Im fine Oppa, really. There's just a conversation Jungwon and I need to have that's why I need the dorm for a bit. Just half an hour.. please?" Without hesitation he agreed to get the members out of the dorm for a bit.
8pm finally came around and you rang the doorbell. The door was swung open and you were greeted by a beaming cheeky smile on his face. "Hi sweetie!"
Immediately he wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck, hugging him tightly, knowing this would be the last one.
"H-hey Jungwon-ah.."
He moved to the side as you let yourself in, taking your shoes off and walking into the living room behind him. He looked so excited to see you here.. little did he know you were about to break his fragile heart.
"You know," he started. "I was fully prepared for our mini vacation to start tomorrow, but I'm so happy you came over tonight! Now we have even more time together!"
You gave him a sad smile. "Yeah about that.. that's what we need to talk about."
Still his smile didn't fully fade, he only tilted his head a little. "What happened? Sudden schedule? Plans with your other friends? We can still make a little time for each other baby, no worries."
"No it's not that.. you might wanna sit down."
Now Jungwon was worried, worrying that something really bad happened to you as you hadn't smiled once since you walked through the door. He sat down cautiously right next to you. "What happened princess?" he cooed and held your chin gently. "Who's got my baby so sad, hmm?"
His caring nature brought tears to your eyes but you quickly wiped them away. "Jungwon.. I.. I want to break up."
Time felt like it stopped for Jungwon. It felt as if everything stopped; his breath, his heart, even the trees that were blowing in the breezy wind out his window felt like they were frozen in place.
".. What are you saying baby?" he said slightly chuckling. "If this is one of your pranks again–"
"It's not. I'm serious.. I want to break up."
Jungwon's facial expression was unreadable. Was he angry? Sad? Disappointed? You don't know. But whatever it was, it was far from him being okay with this.
"Okay," Jungwon sighed. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked back into your eyes. "Let's talk this through. What happened that made you feel like you need to take such a drastic decision?"
Of course you had thought about what your reason was gonna be. You knew Jungwon well enough to know that whatever the reason was, he'd opt to working it out with you versus losing you. There was only one reason that would hurt him enough, reassure him enough that the breakup wasn't a haste decision; a reason that would make him not want to be near you at all which is what needed to happen.
"..I fell out of love with you."
If the feeling of time stopping was what Jungwon felt when you sprung the break up on him, he didn't know what the hell this feeling was now. "Y-you what?? You.. don't love me?"
You were never a good liar; your trembling voice usually gave away your true intentions. How could you blatantly lie to your lover? Just by simply nodding of course.
"Say something Y/N-yah." Jungwon's jaw slightly clenched, you could tell he was holding back an enormous amount of emotions. "Y-you can't just.. you can't just walk in here after 4 happy months and tell me you don't love me anymore!"
Jungwon's shouting never scared you. He couldn't yell at you the way he yelled at his members. You were too precious for him. "W-what do you want me to say, Jungwon.. f-feelings change."
"At least look at me while you break my heart."
You finally looked up at him to see him in a state that clearly meant he's about to break down; hands balled into fists, tears welled up in his beautiful boba eyes, jaw clenched yet somehow a slight pout formed on his lips, said lips quavering with sobs ready to come out.
"I'm looking at you.. d-do you believe me now, huh?" Your voice got a little loud at the end; you were getting defensive. You just wanted this to end. Not the relationship, but this conversation. You didn't want him to fight for you, ask you anymore questions. You just wanted to go home and cry your heart out.
Jungwon shook his head, the tears starting to fall and the quaver of his lips getting rougher. "N-no. I can't believe it. Not when we both waited so long! S-so long to finally be together.. Not when you tell me and show me every single day that you love me, and that you'll always be here for me. N-not when we've talked about a future together! Y/N, fuck, why are you doing this?!"
All his tears rushed out as soon as yours did. You whimpered, not being able to hold the sobs nor the intense eye contact with him. Your eyes went back to your lap where your fingers were playing with the hem of your shirt. "I-it's the truth Jungwon.. Like I said.. feelings change..."
"And yours changed in a couple hours?" he challenged as he stood up from the couch. "You were texting me about our plans tomorrow, telling me you can't wait to spend your days off with the love of your life!"
"I-I know what I said Yang Jungwon!" you screamed, also getting up from your seat. "You don't have to remind me."
His eyes widened. "Y-Yang Jungwon? When did you.. when do you ever call me by my full name?"
"What do you want me to call you, huh? I'm breaking up with you for God's sake!"
"So why are you crying, baby?! You're breaking up with me because you don't love me but you can'd do it without crying??" Jungwon stepped closer to you, grabbing one of your hands and intertwining your fingers. "Something's off.. w-what's going?"
You had to amp your acting skills up; you realized Jungwon knew you too well. "Nothing's going on! God, I'm just an emotional person and you know this! Just because I don't love you anymore doesn't mean I'm not gonna miss having a boyfriend! That's why I'm crying Jungwon; because of the memories and the romantic feelings not because of you!"
Jungwon winced, clearly hurt by your harsh words. You wanted to pull him into you, but you knew damn well you couldn't do it.
"What is it? What made you fall out of love with me? Is it th lack of time? The publicity? Are you still hung over about me being a year younger? God, it's not even that much.. I've been doing my best to not let you feel it, no?"
"Jungwon, it's none of that. I'm just.. n-not into you anymore."
"Bullshit," he spat. "I don't believe it for a second. I know you're fucking into me."
You shook your head, knowing this was going nowhere. Jungwon would fight for your relationship no matter what and you knew it damn well. "W-whatever Jungwon.. that's the only reason I came here. D-don't contact me anymore after this." You turned to walk towards the door. You had to get out of here before you cave in.
You didn't get far, Jungwon immediately grabbing your wrist and turning you towards him. His tears were coming in faster, dribbling down his neck into his pajama shirt. "Is someone making you do this?"
You tried not to show it in your face; trying to use what you learned from the one and only acting session your company made you do. "What are you on about now."
"Is someone making you do this," he repeated. "Are you being threatened? Were you influenced?.. No fucking way.. tell me HYBE didn't do this..."
You pulled your hand out of his group. "How easy do you think I am, that I'll get influenced by someone else to breakup with you?"
Very, apparently.
"Get it through your head Yang Jungwon; I don't want to be with you anymore."
You turned around again to leave but were immediately pulled into a firm chest. Jungwon wrapped his arms around you as he weeped into your shoulder, his anger now turning into complete sadness.
"Y-Y/N-yah.." he whimpered. "Please.. d-don't leave me.. you were the missing piece in my life that I needed to be 100% happy! You're my lifeline.. h-how can I survive without my lifeline..."
He turned you around to face him, his hands on your shoulders. Your heart was already broken, but the pieces broke into even smaller, microscopic ones once you saw the kicked puppy look on his face with the biggest pout and the biggest teardrops. "I-it's okay if you don't love me anymore. I-I'll do my best to make you fall in love with me again. I'll do whatever I need to, just d-don't go..."
You shouldn't change yourself for anyone Jungwon-ah, you wanted to say.
You wanted to say a lot, mainly how this is all a lie; how you still love him.
But you couldn't.
You shouldn't.
You shoved his hands off of you. "Just let me go Goddammit!"
He was taken aback by your actions and voice volume. "Y/Y/N.."
You pinched the bride of your nose, letting out a sigh that sounded annoyed. "Yang Jungwon, do you hear me? We're. Done. I don't want to be with you anymore." You went to put your shoes on as he followed you with slumped shoulders, a mantra of your name falling from his lips. "Delete my number. This is goodbye Yang Jungwon."
You ran out of his dorm and straight into the van that was waiting for you. As the door closed, you let all the tears and sobs out. Your heart cried loudly, you screamed into your hands as you couldn't control your tears.
A tissue box was handed to you. "Here," a soft voice said. You took the tissue boxes without looking up at your manager. "You alright?"
You shook your head. "I can't be Leo... I-I love him so much! I hated telling him that I don't!"
Leo gave you a sad smile, sighing as he started the engine up. "I don't understand why HYBE would do this.. maybe Jungwon really was losing focus.. whatever it is, you'll be okay in the end Y/N."
You got back to the dorms and all of your members sensed something horribly wrong. They followed you to yours and Haydee's shared bedroom and forced the story out of you.
Mijeong smacked the desk she was sitting at out of anger. "Why would HYBE do that?! It makes no sense!"
Your youngest member Jaein was sitting right next to you, letting you cuddle into her as she rubbed your back. "It really doesn't... HYBE can't be that ruthless, right?"
You shrugged, sitting up from your position and looking straight at Haydee. "I know you're good friends with Jake. He'll definitely contact you. He can't know anything about HYBE contacting me, please."
Your prediction turned out right as an hour later, Haydee's phone rang with Jake's name displaying on the bright screen. She went downstairs onto the street to answer the call, not wanting to discuss it near you as it's a fresh wound. "Yeah Jake."
"Yoi~ what the hell is going on?"
'I don't know," Haydee sighed. "How much have you heard from Jungwon?"
"Well, he wouldn't talk at first. When we came back to the dorm he was on the floor in the living room, in like a fetus position and crying a fuck ton. It took some coaxing from Jay for him to tell us that Y/N came over and broke up with him because she doesn't love him anymore.. but that's not the full truth, is it Dee?"
Haydee was conflicted, but girl code first; she knew it well. "Look, I'm not gonna add more fuel to the burning fire.. It's not my place to discuss this with you but whatever Y/N did, she did for a reason."
"She still loves him though right? Just tell me that much so I can comfort him."
"I was told specifically not to tell you jack shit bro."
Jake groaned. "Fine fine.. whatever you or Y/N or anyone says I refuse to believe it. All of us refuse to believe it; no way Y/N's out of love with Jungwon. They're a match made in heaven!"
"And I agree Jake, but we can't really do much besides be there for them."
"Nah you're right.. Uh, Jungwon wanted me to tell you one thing though. It's actually a favor."
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Don't let Y/N forget to take care of herself. We both know.. actually everyone knows, how bad this girl is at taking care of herself. So he just wanted me to tell you and the rest of the girls to take extra care of her."
"Yeah Jake, tell Jungwon and the rest of the guys we'll be keeping an eye out on her. Nothing will get passed us."
And that's where Haydee was wrong. It had been about 15 days since the breakup and so much had changed.
HYBE announced the breakup the same day and since then, the hate towards Jungwon had stopped completely. HYBE stated the reason for the breakup to be conflicting schedules, so neither party would get hate.
Another thing that changed though, was you. You had done a weight check-in today and your managers were shocked to see you lost 10 lbs in two weeks.
"I'm fine Leo," you repeated for the fifth time as he walked behind you into the convenience store. "Stop babying me, you're a year older than me."
"This is literally my job Y/N. Let me do my job."
You rolled your eyes and went to the snack section, picking up a pack of saltine crackers. "Then let me do mine. I'm an idol, I have to watch my weight."
Leo watched as you put your lunch down at the register– if he could even call it a lunch. A pack of saltine crackers, a cup of ice, a zero coke, and a bottle of water. He eyed you as he got the company card out of his wallet. "Shouldn't you grab like, I don't know, an actual lunch item?"
"This is enough," you protested. "I'm not even that hungry. Now stop before I start coming to the convenience store without you or any protection."
With a defeated sigh, Leo payed for your stuff and then grabbed the bag, walking out with you as you two headed back to the company. "How's this enough when all you had for breakfast was coffee? The whole point of me bringing you here was for you to get actual food Y/N.. we're all worried about you. "
"Don't be, I feel fine! I've been so energized since I stopped eating all the food I was eating before."
"That's your fatigue talking. You're gonna end up crashing, I'm telling you."
"I hear you and your worries, but I'm fine. Trust me." And with that, Leo let it go.
Big mistake.
The week after that was the Waterbomb Korea Festival. Because your group was performing, two months prior to the event Jungwon got tickets for all of ENHYPEN so they could come and support you guys. Jungwon was gonna return the tickets, not having the courage to face you, but all of the members insisted that it'd be quite fun to go and enjoy the festival as audience members and not artists for once. So they dragged Jungwon with them.
Jungwon had been so depressed. The past two weeks were a repeat of the same thing; he'd wake up, eat breakfast, go to the company, come back home, shower, eat dinner, talk to fans on We Verse, and then cry looking at videos and pictures he took of you till he'd fall asleep. His members didn't know what to do. They all discussed it and all 6 of them agreed that something about the breakup felt off; no way you fell out of love with Jungwon. 
Jay had even come to see you at your company once. You were pretty close with Jay, him slowly becoming sort of a therapist for you once you two got close as he was quite well versed in helping you through your mental health. He was thinking that maybe you let the voices in your head get to you; maybe you felt you were not enough for Jungwon (which is so far from the truth) hence you broke up with him. But you kept giving Jay the same reason you gave Jungwon until he gave up and left after giving you some sweet words of encouragement. After that Jake, Heeseung, even Jungwon's sister had messaged you but you left all of their notifications untouched.
Jungwon had snagged pretty good seats; not too far from the stage and smack in the middle so they could get a good view of everything. They enjoyed all the acts and performances, having a genuinely good time. All the members were relieved to see Jungwon displaying a sincere smile on his face for the first time in 3 weeks.
Then your group came out and Jungwon felt his heart break all over again. Yes, partly because the breakup and your relationship were fresh wounds. But the main reason he was having a hard time holding it together was because of the way you looked.
Although everything about your outfit, hair, and makeup was perfect that day, Jungwon couldn't help but notice you lost an immense amount of weight. You usually didn't wear revealing clothing as it was out of your comfort zone, but for a festival like Waterbomb, your stylist had to put you in a halter crop top and really short shorts. So Jungwon could see a lot of your skin, and you looked so beautiful.. yet so weak.
And everyone noticed it too. "Is it just me," Niki started, "or does Y/N Noona look sick?"
Jungwon nodded and sighed disappointedly. "Yeah, she looks like she lost a lot of weight–"
"No not that Hyung," Niki interrupted. "I mean, yeah she does look like she lost too much weight but. I mean actually sick. Her face is pale and she's not performing like she usually does... like.. she's gonna faint..."
Jungwon's head snapped to you at the younger's words, now really watching you. And Niki was right, you looked sickly. You were a great performer, so it was definitely odd for you to not be fully doing the moves. Jungwon also noticed you kept looking down a lot, and then noticed you were scrunching your eyes tightly closed while doing so. Were you really going to faint??
Jungwon's question didn't go unanswered for much longer as your group's 3rd song was coming to an end. Jaein had just started singing the very ending of the song when you plopped onto the stage floor, making her scream in the middle of singing. The music stopped, the crowd went from singing and laughing to gasping and murmuring concernedly. 
Jake's eyes widened. "What just happened?! Did Y/N just faint?!"
"I-I think so.." Heeseung responded.
The members (and everyone in the crowd) watched as staff rushed to you, gently picking you up and taking you back stage. Jungwon watched everything happen, completely frozen until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see one of your manager's Leo standing there with a concerned look, completely out of breath. 
"Hey man," Leo greeted. "We're gonna take Y/N to the hospital, the ambulance is on the way... D-do you wanna go with her?"
Jungwon frantically nodded. "Y-yeah Hyung, please." He said goodbye to his members and then followed Leo to where you are. They had you laid on the couch with your members surrounding you; some fanning you, some just watching you to see if you'd wake up, and Haydee was walking around looking stressed as she called your family.
Jungwon slowly made his way towards you. Your members nodded and made some room for him to kneel down in front of your unconscious figure. He caressed your cheek with the back of his fingers, trying to hold his tears back the best he could. "Wh-what did you do my baby.." he whimpered to himself.
"Jungwon," the eldest of your group called out to him.
He looked up to see her standing there with your backpack in her hand. "FeiFei Noona, what is it?"
"The ambulance is almost here, our managers arranged a space for us to change her into her regular clothes; these are pretty uncomfortable. Do you want to come with me to help change her?"
"Of course Noona, anything for her." He got up and carefully picked you up bridal style as he followed FeiFei to the empty dressing room. Jungwon couldn't help but notice that you had packed one of his shirts in your bag.
By the time you were dressed the ambulance came and you were put on a stretcher and taken in. Haydee, Leo, and your main manager went with you, along with Jungwon. The rest of your members were so distraught they knew they couldn't perform so they went home.
Once you were admitted to the hospital everyone was just sitting in the waiting room, waiting for any news on you. 
"Any update?" Jake asked as he called Haydee.
"No," she sighed. "The doctor and nurses have been in there with her for almost an hour.. no one has said anything."
"How's Jungwon?"
Haydee looked over at Jungwon, turning her back to him and walking a bit further away so he couldn't hear. "Not good. He's been crying and sobbing. Nothing we say is helping, although Leo is trying hard. I'll call you once we hear anything."
Not too long after, a nurse came out to the waiting room. "Are you all here for Y/N-ssi?" Everyone stood up nodding. "We just transferred her into a room. The doctor is there waiting, you all can follow me."
They walked in to the room you were in and Jungwon gasped. Your face gained some color back but you were hooked up to IVs and the sight made Jungwon wince.
The doctor greeted the four in the room with you. "Ms. Y/N is fine now," he started. "She was heavily malnourished and dehydrated. I checked her charts, and it seems she lost a dangerous amount of weight in the past month. What have her eating habits been like recently?"
And for once Jungwon couldn't answer.. he had no idea what you'd been up to the past three weeks so Leo answered. "Honestly she hasn't really been eating much.. We all try to force her but she doesn't listen. I don't know how she is at home.."
Haydee shook her head. "It's the same thing at home. She drinks juice and then goes about her day. We've gotten into so many arguments with her about this but like our manager said, she doesn't really listen."
Jungwon teared up again hearing this information and looked up to the doctor with broken eyes. "W-when will she wake up?"
"Hopefully soon," the doctor said. "We're administering saline, medicines, and some nutritional vitamins to her through IV so she should wake up soon. I'll leave you all with her for some time."
"Haydee," your main manager called out. "We gotta get you back to the dorm.. I'm sorry but you guys still have to continue with your schedules and you have a fan meet tomorrow morning."
Haydee nodded defeated. "Okay.. let's go then."
Your main manager nodded then turned to Leo. "I've already talked to ENHYPEN's manager; Jungwon is allowed to stay as long as he'd like. You stay until she wakes up, and when Jungwon-ssi wants to go home take him. Call me if she wakes up."
Leo nodded as Haydee and his boss left the room. "Yes Hyung." Once they were gone he came up to Jungwon who was now sat by your bed, playing with the hand that wasn't hooked to machines. He put an encouraging hand on Jungwon's shoulder. "You okay?"
He sniffled and nodded. "I just.. I don't know what to feel.. I-I'm so mad at her but m-myself too..."
"Yeah I get it man.. I know your manager gave the okay for you to stay here as long as you want but my advice? Don't stay too long. Maybe it's selfish of me to say it but I don't want HYBE coming at Y/N again."
Jungwon slowly turned his head to look at Leo with disbelief written all over his face. "What do you mean Hyung.. what do you mean HYBE will come for her again."
Leo sighed, realizing he fucked up. "She'll kill me for telling you, but here." Leo took his phone out and showed Jungwon a picture of the letter HYBE sent you.
The more Jungwon read it the more he seethed with anger. He stood up abruptly. "What? How could HYBE do this?!"
Leo shrugged. "We were confused too, since HYBE were the ones who wanted to confirm your relationship in the first place. Don't be mad at Y/N; understand she did this to save your career."
"Why would I be mad at her?" he shook his head and turned to look at your unconscious figure. He caressed your cheek as a pout formed on his lips. "My baby.. I knew you still loved me.. but you put yourself through so much just for me.." He kissed your forehead before handing Leo his phone back. "I'll be back Hyung.. I've got a phone call to make. Send me that picture please."
Jungwon stepped out of the room to call his manager, accusing him of ruining his relationship but to his surprise, he was also shocked to hear the real reason why you broke up with him. Jungwon then sent the picture to his manager who immediately contacted his higher-ups at HYBE. "I'll call you back Jungwon-ah," he said before hanging up.
Jungwon paced around in front of the hospital room, biting his lips as a way to keep his anger at bay. HYBE did this without telling his manager, without telling him, and for what? And out of nowhere? None of it made sense. As soon as his manager called back Jungwon immediately picked up. "Hyung what did you find out."
"Jungwon.. that letter wasn't sent by HYBE."
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What? What do you mean? The address, the logo, it's even signed by HYBE!"
"Jungwon look closely at the picture.. the 'H' in the logo is tilted."
Jungwon took the phone off his ear to zoom in on the picture and sure enough, his manager was right. He put the phone back to his ear. "Hyung, I'm so confused. You're right but what does this mean?"
"Someone sent that letter to Y/N pretending to be HYBE to sabotage your relationship"
Jungwon's eyes widened. "What? Who would do such a thing?"
"My guess is a crazy fan? Sasaeng? I'm not sure but HYBE is working on it as we speak. We'll get to the bottom of this. You stay with Y/N and her manager and do not leave the hospital alone. We don't know if anyone is trying to hurt you or Y/N."
Immediately Jungwon went back to your hospital room, relaying this new information to Leo who was equally shocked. The two couldn't do anything about it so they just sat around your hospital room waiting for you to wake up. Jungwon in the mean time was updating his members and his sister about what he had just found out.
Another three hours later, you had slowly opened your eyes. You were quite confused as you looked around to see you were in a hospital room, with machines hooked to you. In the car corner of the room you saw Leo and Jungwon sitting on the couch scrolling through their phones. You didn't know what was going on, so you mustered all the strength you had to call out Jungwon's name hoarsely.
Immediately he looked up and practically chucked his phone on the couch before sprinting over to you. "Y-Y/N! You're awake!" His face lit up with joy and relief as he sat down next to you, taking your free hand and kissing it. "Thank God!"
Leo walked over to you and smiled."How you doing kiddo?"
"I'm fine.. what happened? Weren't we performing today?"
Leo nodded. "You were yeah. Until you fainted on stage."
Your eyes widened. "W-what?! I fainted?"
"The doctor said you were heavily malnourished and dehydrated. I told you right? That you'd end up crashing? You didn't listen now look where we are." Leo shook his head in disappointment before ruffling your hair. "Glad you're awake though. I'm gonna go find the doctor so you guys can have some alone time.. you two really need to talk."
After Leo left you hesitantly looked at Jungwon. "Jungwon.."
He gave you a sad smile as he caressed your hand. "I'm glad you're awake."
You sighed. "I'm sorry Jungwon."
"For which part? The part where you didn't take care of yourself? Or the part where you lied to me and broke up with me because of HYBE?"
You widened your eyes. "H-how did you–"
"What were you thinking princess? Why would you tell me you don't love me? Did you want me to start hating you?"
You slowly nodded. "I-I did what I had to do Jungwon... your life was in risk, your members lives were at risk; your careers were at risk! You worked so hard to get here, I couldn't be selfish and take that from you."
"But you were selfish! You took yourself away from me!" he exclaimed. Jungwon wiped his tears before continuing. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I-I was told not to.."
Jungwon sighed, coming closer to you and he caressed your cheek. "Baby.. Leo Hyung showed me the letter so I contacted my manager who knew nothing of it. Then he talked to HYBE and.. they said they didn't send it."
Your heart stopped. "What? What do you mean?"
"So I spoke to my manager a little earlier.. one of my sasaengs sent that letter to you impersonating HYBE."
"Are you serious?!" you almost yelled. "I ended our relationship because of a sasaeng?!"
Jungwon sadly nodded. "Yeah baby.. But HYBE found her and she's having charges pressed against her for this whole mess. We don't know how she found your address so she's got that against her too."
You sighed taking in all of that information and then you suddenly started crying. You pulled Jungwon to you and wrapped your free arm around him. "I-I'm so sorry Jungwon!"
Your sobs brought tears to his eyes again and he too started crying as he gently hugged you back. "Shh.. it's okay.. you didn't do it on purpose.. you did it to save me and as much as I hate it, I'll always appreciate that baby.." He kissed your forehead before letting go and sitting next to your bed again. "Now let's talk about your health.. why did you do this Y/N-yah.."
You shrugged, not really knowing what to tell him. "I don't really know.. I just, didn't feel lie eating I guess."
He shook his head at your reasoning. "Doesn't matter. Eating is a basic human need.. even if you don't feel like eating you should eat something. And Leo Hyung told me about your "lunches"; you think saltines and juice are enough to fill you up for the day, hmm?" he lightly scolded.
"S-sorry Jungwon-ah.."
He sighed as he felt the tears coming back and he looked at you completely dejected. "Please baby.. promise me you'll never do this again.. Please, just eat.."
You felt so bad for everything you put Jungwon through in the past couple weeks, your heart was breaking more than ever. "Jungwonnie," you cooed. "Come here."
Immediately he caught your drift and stood up to lean over your body and kiss you. You two passionately kissed for a couple seconds before he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. "Be my girlfriend again Y/N," he sniffed. "Please... be mine forever."
You nodded and pecked his lips shortly. "I love you Jungwon."
Jungwon sighed, missing your voice telling him that. "I know, I know my baby.. and I love you too."
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cressthebest · 26 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 44
chapter 67:
1. jfc remus (how is he that strong)
2. god, can’t our side have one fucking win? all these people captured. including my remus
3. “"She started the war for me, and she'll end it for me, too."” GOD i love lesbians
5. 😦
6. marlene?? i-
7. i’m still in shock
8. okay i have my bearings. this is why the post is two days after the last one lol. anyways, i’m actually pissed that she didn’t get to die a big dramatic or memorable death. she didn’t do anything. it was just a landmine. and she’s dead. and i get it, i really do. war isn’t always big heroic deaths. it’s also this. where one moment, you’re planning to propose to your partner and laughing with your freind, and half a second later, you’re blown to bits. but genuinely, her death fucked me up. i knew it was coming, but not like this. holy shit, not like this
anyways, the first thing i did after i read that bit was text my freind. and first thing they did was call me. i sent in bold “IM CRYING” and i get back “why” “MARLENE” bro immediate call. not well. not well at all
9. i continued and read the rest of her death. and her last words being dorcas will forever fuck me up
10. PANDORA????? PANDORA????
12. anyways all i did was call back the freind and say “PANDORA” and that bitch laughed at me. (love them to death) told them to go suck a lemon (they’d never heard that phrase before) and then they made me hang up to finish reading
my poor roommate has heard me call this freind twice (it’s ten o’clock at night)
13. “Horace would need more than just two hands, many more, to count the amount of people who would have gladly put their guns down for Pandora alone.” yeah, me for one
15. james will be devestated beyond belief
16. remus? huh??? he was shot in the head. but. he had a pov. i’m not sure now
17. …dorcas? i was so sure she had a pov
no wait she has a pocket. just checked
18. regulus???
19. um actually albus can fucking keel over. wont save all those other people in the lineup, then hears his brothers name and is willing to sacrifice the war for him. i get it, but alberforth knew this would happen to him
20. huh, damn. and alberforth still gets shot
21. 🚨🚨🚨pandora is safe. holy shit pandora is safe. i repeat pandora is safe 🚨🚨🚨
22. and fleamont and suddenly that all made sense
23. “”You forgot to count your bullets."” do i hate snape? yeah. but that’s fucking iconic
24. “Riddle lost the moment those doors burst open and two of Euphemia's someday son-in-laws moved into the room with Dorcas Meadowes one step ahead of them.” lmao freaking iconic. more historically important than trump getting shot
25. effie stopping to mourn barty gave me chills
26. NO FLEAMONT!!!! i’m getting fucking whiplash from this
27. effie having such a short pov but still so much emotion and character is shown in her love for fleamont
28. yall remus, regulus, and dorcas are fucking insane.
and i’m so here for it
29. “For all those years Sirius was taken away from him, Regulus breaks Riddle's fingers. Ten years, ten fingers.
For what Riddle took from James, Regulus takes his eyes. This is a difficult task. Regulus has never removed someone's eyes before. It's messy, and it takes the combined efforts of Remus and Dorcas to keep Riddle from flopping right out of his chair.”
mom pick me up i’m scared
30. “There are no good people in war, and now Dorcas thinks there are no good people out of it—certainly not her, because she would gladly go back into it just to have Marlene again.”
going feral over this actually. i’m unwell. i’m so freaking feral over this omg
31. reading authors notes and finding out that monty was author’s prim is actually making me go fucking insane
32. 😀 hi i’m unwell
(anyways side note, uhhh chapter was fucking insane but also like if y’all are reading this fic or this post, just know that there is no anger or resentment towards the author. he wrote this for himself and shared it with us. it’s a masterpiece and we RESPECT people. so yeah, this is the story he wanted to tell, so he wrote it for himself. just ya know, so yall remember)
[also don’t sell fics 😊 i will hunt you down]
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
Regarding my last ask I have a rough idea but you can go ahead and explain
So, buckle up ;)
So I just checked but the only true Loumand post I tagged “lol“ on was this one (if I saw that correctly):
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Note that "I can SMELL the discourse that will happen already" there.
That is something I anticipate - because, well. Armand... is Armand.
I'll elaborate the (book) canon on that below the cut:
Armand has been a coven master for centuries, in the Children of Satan/Darkness and later as the master at the theater. He was literally tasked to uphold the laws of the vampires and did so as he saw fit. I have talked about them here, note also the difference these laws go through in the books:
Armand does what he sees is best, which does not always align with what others think is best. For example he usually hunts down rogue vampires, "cleaning up" so to speak, which is something that Lestat for example is loathe to do in the later books.
And he canonically influences Louis several time with the mind/spell gift, to make him do something - even after he promised Louis not to do so (here an ask with quotes):
Armand originally is interested in Louis because he is Lestat's ... he literally "imprinted" on Lestat when showed up after his turning, because Lestat reminded him so much of Marius.
Lestat goes to him to plead for Louis' and Claudia's life after Claudia tried to kill him, and Armand, though he did promise he would help Lestat if he asked him to, throws him into a dungeon instead, starves him, and then uses him at the trial against Louis and Claudia.
The trial itself happens because Louis - even deeply infatuated with Armand - decides to leave with Claudia and Madeleine after all. (And of course the coven knows, and insists on the rules.)
Armand uses the spell gift on him as they are taken by the coven to be tried.
Louis is sentenced to be entombed, something the original cult Armand was the leader of did to young vampires - until they're mad or manage to dig themselves out.
Claudia is sentenced to death. Madeleine as well. Later on it is revealed that Armand has a little surgical theater there as well, where he conducts the experiment of chopping off Claudia's head to sew it onto a grown woman's body. But he is unsatisfied with the result and puts Claudia and Madeleine into the sun after.
Armand digs Louis out after a while, and Louis feeds (a lot) and destroys the coven.
He thinks Lestat died there, but actually it is later revealed that Armand throws Lestat off a tower instead, and tells Lestat Louis and Claudia are dead.
Louis goes on, numb, and Armand... tags along, keeping a "veil" between Louis and the world.
Louis stays with Armand, because he has nowhere else to go - and despite knowing that Armand killed Claudia.
He stays until the veil is lifted and Armand finally tells him Lestat did not die.
Armand... is Armand.
We will see the horrific things he can do wrt the Devil's Minion arc with Daniel as well, because Armand hunted Daniel. And the beginning of their relationship was far from cute. I think that will be episode 5.
Also, Armand is not too big on consent. He does what he thinks best.
I reblogged something earlier wrt this as well:
So where does that leave us with the show and wrt my tag? :)
When Armand says he never hurt Louis then he is not lying. But look at their faces after:
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That's history, baby.
Because no, Armand does not physically hurt Louis.
But he literally hurts everyone Louis loves in an effort to keep Louis for himself.
He experiments and then kills Claudia (and Madeleine). He hurts Lestat and tells him Louis is dead. He tells Louis Lestat is dead and keeps him under the "veil".
And it will be far from pretty.
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photogirl894 · 5 months
Sorry for not specifying, lol. Those were from the angst prompt list! (this is the person who requested the Rex one-shot)
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I can most certainly do that for you, anon, and thank you for specifying the list!! 😊
**Slight spoilers for TBB s3 ep6**
4. "Do you know what it would do to me if I lost you?"
16. "It's my job to protect you."
Pairing: Rex x fem reader
Rex had assigned you to be a bodyguard for Senator Riyo Chuchi after her own guards had been lost in an assassination attempt, especially now that she was neck-deep in her support of the Clones. She was going to need someone to watch her and she didn't want to risk anymore of her own security detail, so Rex entrusted you with that task, which you were glad to undertake. You and Riyo were similar in the fact that you both weren't Clones, but supported them in everything, fighting for their right to have a place in the galaxy. Though, after the Emperor declared the Clones were dangerous and would be replaced by his own order of stormtroopers, you knew that you and Chuchi had a lot ahead of you to help protect the Clones.
Soon after, Rex really began working hard on improving his underground network of Clones to fight back against the Empire while you helped Senator Chuchi from the inside. Neither side had it easy by any means. You and Rex kept each other informed of everything going on. He was always checking in on you, making sure you were safe. You were important to him, just as he was important to you. There was always something unspoken between the two of you that you honestly were a bit surprised hadn't been brought to light yet, given the constant danger you both were in. It didn't matter, though. You both had work to do and lives were at stake, so any feelings would have to wait.
A few months later, Chuchi was going to meet with Senator Avi Singh, the former Separatist Senator, and both you and Rex were going to be at that meeting for extra security. It wasn't long into the meeting that Rex got word something was wrong and then suddenly, there was a beeping noise in the room. A thermal detonator was thrown through the window of the room and Rex jumped into action. He caught the detonator and threw back out the window, nearly seconds before it exploded.
He had saved both Senators' lives, but seeing him throw himself into danger with such a close call made your heartrate spike with fear. He could've been killed just then had he only waited a few seconds more. Before you could say anything, he ran off to pursue the assassin while you got Senator Chuchi and Senator Singh to safety.
Some time later, he met back up with you, reporting that the assassin got away. Once you saw he was all right, you suddenly couldn't hold back.
"What were you thinking, jumping in front of the grenade like that?" you questioned him.
"I was protecting the Senators. It's my job to protect them," he stated. Then he looked intently into your eyes. "It's my job to protect you, as well."
You stepped closer to him. "I don't need you to protect me...and even so, I wouldn't want you to protect me by risking your life like that."
"I'm a soldier. It's what I do," he said.
"I don't accept that," you replied, laying your hands on his cheeks. "Do you know what it would do to me if I lost you?"
Rex's lips parted in surprise at the question, his eyes searching yours, but then he turned his gaze away, guilt etched in his features on his face as he whispered your name.
With a gentle nudge, you made him turn his head back to look at you and you stated, "Yes, we're soldiers, but we're also both human. That doesn't mean our lives are nothing to just throw away for someone else's sake. We both deserve to live...and to love."
Then, with those words having been spoken, you brought your lips to his and kissed the Captain softly and lovingly, enough to get your point across and hopefully not scare him away. After seeing him nearly have a brush with death, you were willing to take a chance at admitting your feelings. The time for waiting was over.
The sensation of your joined lips sparked a fire within the Captain that only been just an ember for so long. His arms were around you so quickly and tightly, nearly crushing you against him, and he deepened the kiss almost right away, seemingly wanting to lose himself with you.
After a passionate moment, he broke away, his breath heavy. "I know I said I was protecting the Senators," he said, "but all I could think about was you. I...I didn't want to see you hurt."
"I don't ever want to see you hurt either, Rex," you said back. "Please don't ever do something so risky like that again. We need to get through all this together."
He took your hands in his and gently kissed your fingers. "Together."
Photogirl894's Angst prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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milawritesstuff · 2 years
Hiii Mila, can you do a pedri enemies to lovers trope in which him & the reader went to school together & hated each other for dumb reasons (you can make up why). They go years without seeing each other since he moved to Barcelona but they bump into each other at the Springfield clothing photo shoot. They don’t recognize each other so they flirt during the shoot until they begin to talk about their childhood & it finally hits him who she is. Eventually he invites her to a game & she falls for sweaty pedri & at the end he takes her out to dinner as their first date…sorry this was super long but uh yeah ✌🏼
Ok this was SUPER long but I couldn’t take anything out. Hope you like it :)
Warnings: it’s long lol
You heard your alarm in your sleep, you shot open your eyes and realized you almost slept in. Lately the days had become so mundane. You had been in Barcelona for about six months and you finally were beginning to miss your home in Canarias. You began to get ready and remembered that today was a photoshoot day. “Great.” You thought. You worked for the creative department of a clothing company and you were given the task to take care of the “talent.” Most of the time the talent turned out to be people who thought they were better than you and treated you as their servant. Today’s talent was supposed to be a footballer from Barça.
An hour later you walked into the building where the photoshoot was. After lunch the session would be moving to to the beach. “Y/N!” Said your boss as you walked in. “Pedri is running late, please make sure he has everything he needs to be comfortable. And begin setting out his outfits.” She said. You proceeded to do as she said. 
Eventually you began to hear commotion. You looked over your shoulder and saw a dark haired guy greeting people. You continued to separate the outfits when your boss came behind you. “Pedri, this is Y/N. She will be helping you out today. Please ask her for anything you may need.” You turned around and put on a fake smile. 
“Hello, nice to meet you.” You said. He smiled and extended his hand out to shake yours which caught you by surprise. “Nice to meet you.” He responded. “Okay, Y/N please get him settled in.” Your boss said as she began to walk away with Pedri’s manager.
Pedri stood there looking at you in silence. “You can go ahead and take a seat.” You said motioning for the couch in the room. “Do you want me to show you the different outfits? If you don’t like something we can always switch it.” You explained. Pedri sat down on the couch. “Whatever you tell me looks good I’ll be fine with.” He said with a smile. You turned around and returned to separate his outfits. “I’m really nervous.” He said.
You weren’t sure how much to engage, this was definitely more than many of the talent had said to you. “It will be like just any other photoshoot.” You responded. He giggled, “Well, this will be my first photoshoot so…” You turned over to look at him and realized you hadn’t truly taken him in.
He was young. His brown eyes looked pure. His jawline was chiseled but in between his manly features glimpses of his youth creeped through. His dark eyebrows perfectly framed his eyes. He looked familiar but you couldn’t recall from where. You had probably seen his face at the Barça store down Passeig de Gràcia you assumed. “You will do fine.” You said. 
You began to give Pedri the different outfits so that he could try them on and make any adjustments that were needed. “How long have you been doing this?” He asked. “I’ve been here only for about six months. Listen, don’t be nervous. Just pretend you’re out on the pitch. It’s just you and the ball.”
“Do you follow futbol?”
“Not really.” You admitted nervously knowing that was his passion. 
“So what do you like to do outside of work?”
“Usually not much. I like to walk around the city by myself and just look around. Other than that I really just like being home.”
He just stood there without a response when his eyes drifted towards the door where my boss and his manger were walking in. They were ready to start.
A few minutes later Pedri came out of the dressing room in the first outfit. A jean button up with a white shirt underneath and blue pants. You couldn’t help but stare at him because he wore the clothes with such confidence despite you knowing he was nervous inside. You neared him and smiled. “Do you like music?” He nodded. “I’ll play some Quevedo for you during the shoot. Just let the music guide you.”
Throughout the shoot he would turn over and mouth “thank you” as they continued to take his pictures. Your music idea had worked and he had loosened up after a few photos. By the time lunch break came around he was a natural.
You rode with him in the car on the way to the beach. “I’m super hungry.” He commented. “They will have all sorts of food ready for you once we get to the beach.” You explained. “Will you sit and eat with me?” He turned around to ask a she stared at you. You giggled. “It’s kind of my job, I have to be around you all day.” He raised his right eyebrow “So you’re being paid to be my friend?” He asked jokingly.
“No. Well I’m being paid to be with you all day. But trust me you make it easy.”
The two of you talked while having lunch and the rest of the crew was setting up the photoshoot area. Eventually you two realized you were both from Canarias. “I can’t believe it, you said. What part exactly?”
“Tegueste.” He said which left you shocked.
“No way, that’s where I lived my whole life.” You responded. Before you could say anything further the photographer had called Pedri up to continue the shoot.
“Pedri if you can do as good as you did in the studio we can finish the session earlier than expected.” He said as Pedri walked over to the setup.
You stood there looking at Pedri as you turned on the music for him once again. The end of the session went by quick and when Pedri went to take the pictures with his last outfit it finally hit you. You knew why he had looked so familiar. You hadn’t seen him at the Barça store. You took out your phone and quickly looked up his name. Pedro Gonzalez Lopez. The same boy who had made fun of you for years throughout grade school. The same boy who told everyone your pants had ripped in class.
“Come on, Y/N we have to get to class.” Said your best friend Alejandra.
“Ale, I can’t go to class. I can’t believe my pants ripped. Everyone will know.”
Alejandra looked around the locker room in search of something for you to wear. Eventually she took off her sweater and handed it over to you. “What’s this for? It’s not long enough to cover my butt.”
“It’s not for you to wear, well at least not like that. Put it around your waist and it will cover the back of your pants.” Alejandra was going to go cold the rest of the day to help you and you appreciated it.
A few minutes la the two of you were running towards class because the bell was about to ring. “Look at them.” You heard Clara yelling behind you. You turned and saw Clara, her boyfriend Pedro, and the rest of their group walking behind you and Ale.
Clara was the most popular girl in your grade. You had known her since preschool and most days you wish you hadn’t ever met her. You rolled your eyes and continues to run with Ale. “What are you running for?” Clara continued to yell. “Some of us want to do well in school.” Yelled back Alejandra.
“And what are you wearing Y/N?” Asked Clara once they got closer to you and she saw the sweater wrapped around your waist. “None of your business.” You spat back. “Are you trying to be fashionable?” Clara laughed mocking you. “Look Pedro.” She turned over to her boyfriend. “She thinks she can get a boyfriend if she gets some style.” Pedro looked at Clara and over at you without saying a word. “Isn’t that funny Pedro?” Asked Clara pressuring him to answer. Finally he laughed. “Who would want to be with her?” He muttered and his words hurt you more than whatever Clara had ever told you. You stood at the door of your classroom as Clara and her friends shoved you over to go in. Clara being the last managed to pull the sweater arm causing it to become undone and expose you to the only person now behind you, Pedro. You turned around in horror hoping he had suddenly gone blind. Hoping he had turned around and not seen what you were trying to hide. But instead you were met with Pedro’s eyes on your ass. “Pedro, please.” You pleaded silently to him. He stood there just looking at you. Then suddenly Clara yelled, “Pedro are you coming in or not? Or do you want to hang out with Y/N so much?”
I continued to plead with my eyes until Pedro finally yelled over at Clara. “Y/N’s pants are ripped Clara. I just saw her whole ass and I don’t ever want to see it again.”
*end of flashback*
You stood there looking at Pedri. A knot in your throat because despite so many years passing since those incidents it still hurt you. School was torture for you after that day. Clara would not let it go. Pedro always followed her lead. You counted the days until school would be over and you never had to see Clara or Pedro again. Finally Pedro moved away but Clara continued to bother you until graduation.
Pedri approached you and brought you out of your thoughts. “It’s over, thank you so much.” He said. You turned around to look at him. You wanted to yell at him but remembered you were at work. “I’m glad. Goodnight.” You said as you began to walk away leaving Pedri standing there.
“Excuse me Y/N, is everything okay?” The young man asked clearly sensing how your attitude has taken a 180 turn. “I’m great. The photo shoot is over, we will send your manager all of the outfits you wore today and you can decide what to keep or what to donate. Good night.” You proceeded to walk towards a trailer where you would pack up the outfits. A few seconds after you went in and closed the door you heard footsteps and a low knock. “Come in.” You said begrudgingly knowing you couldn’t deny anyone entry into the trailer. It was Pedri.
“What do you need?” You asked.
“This may be weird but I thought we were having a good time and you caught me off guard just now with -“ you decided to interrupt him.
“I was paid all day to spend time with you. My job is over now.” You said as you packed up the last box you had to take with you.
Pedri didn’t say anything he just stood there. “I get it, you were just doing your job.” He said as he turned around and began to walk towards the door. And despite how he had made you feel when you two were younger, the way he looked when you muttered those last words really tugged at your heart. “Stop. Do you want to n ow the truth?” You asked.
He turned around “I would like to.”
“Clara Morata.” You said.
He looked surprised. “I haven’t heard that name in years. She’s a girl I dated back in Tegueste.”
You nodded. “Do you remember the girl she tormented?” Pedri stared at you dumbfounded.
“Y/N” he said.
“Have a good night Pedro.” You said as you walked past him and out of the trailer.
A few days later as you were sitting in your desk looking over some of the assignments your boss had sent you were startled by your boss walking in with. A bouquet of flowers.
“Y/N” she said.
“How can I help you Miss Calderon?” You stood up from your chair.
“I would usually get mad about any of my employees getting involved with the talent.” She said. “But you and Pedri are so close in age and both from Canarias, I’m going to pretend I didn’t know anything about this.” She said as she handed the bouquet over to you. You looked surprised.
You quickly opened the card attached to the flowers.
“I’m sorry for not standing up to Clara. You deserved better. Please come to my game tonight. - Pedro.”
You stared at the card. “I gave his manager your number, I hope you don’t mind.” Said your boss as she began to walk out of the office. “And you have my permission to leave early tonight. Make sure you freshen up at home before heading to Camp Nou.”
You sat there for a few minutes contemplating the proposal. Your phone chimed. “I don’t have any excuses for being how I was. But please give me a chance. Let’s start with a clean slate. - Pedro”
You didn’t know how to feel. He was nothing like the boy who has tormented you anymore. But you were still weary.
After much thought you decided to go to the game. If anything you would at least get a game out of all of this. You sat on the bleachers watching the team play and you couldn’t believe how good Pedri was. He ended up scoring that day. As the game ended and the players began to walk back into the lockers you stood there waiting to see him. He made his way to where you were sitting. “You came.” He said. He was sweaty and his cheeks were flushed red. Something about seeing him like this attracted you even more to him. Which was weird because he had never been someone you had been into, until now.
“Clean slate.” You said as he smiled.
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gourdkeeper · 1 year
Drunken Brawlin'
A self-insert/reader/world tour character 🍋 fic with Jamie Siu. Reader is gender neutral.
4k+ words
Warnings: Drunken sex, light bondage, public setting, semi-public sex, blowjobs, masturbation and mild name calling, switching, lesson goes too far. Canon compliant but not plot heavy (there's no plot almost lol this is straight up porn)
Disclaimer: I am not a writer. Specially not an erotica writer and this was all very self indulgent so please forgive the simplicity of the sentences and amateur-like writing.
Part 2
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The sound of a new message rings and you check your phone. It's Li-Fen, again. You sigh in annoyance. She was a very sweet girl but she could easily overload you with small requests that would amount to massive chores if you don't learn to tell her no. Started when you helped her track down Bao Bao Bro and now it's never ending.
This time she had you fetch some weird coupon that allowed her to order milkshakes and boba tea for free once a week via drone delivery. "Sure," you thought "Can't be that hard." Indeed it wasn't such a hard task, but it took your whole morning away and you pray that she doesn't ask anything else of you.
"Did you find it yet?"
You reply with a thumbs up sticker.
"Cool! I'm still chilling with Jiejie here."
You're not far from Chinatown so you decide to take a stroll over there and handover the damned coupon to get this over with.
As soon as you enter the alleyway your eyes meet Chun Li who is once more teaching the locals. She gestures a small wave and a smile at you and you retribute, never did it dawn you that you'd be friends with such a well-regarded and skilled fighter such as her but here you are trading smiles. A little more ahead is Li-Fen, perched up on a little chair, eyes trained on her laptop. Either up to no good or browsing FooTube, who knows.
She doesn't seem to notice you right away so you clear your throat. She looks up at once and sets her sticker filled laptop aside, prancing at you with a full smile. You reach your pocket to get the coupon and notice another small folded paper together with it "Huh, weird when did this get here?" You mutter to yourself. Regardless you hand the prized coupon over and you wish her farewell as you have more business to attend to. She even gave you a Bao Bao Bro sticker as "reward" of some sort. She was happy and that's good enough of a reward as is.
As you turn around and walk away you take a look at the other mysterious paper. Unfolding it revealed the message: "Rooftop, at night."
Wow sure, someone wanted to be weird. You look around your surroundings trying to figure out who must've slipped the message into your pocket but nothing catches your attention. Your feet start moving again, eyes still on the paper. You take a quick final glance over your shoulder to see that someone was just watching you from the corner before swiftly disappearing.
Without any thought or time to waste you turn on your heels and begin sprinting towards the small alley. As soon as you make the corner. No one. Just some merchants going about their day. You know your eyes weren't playing tricks on you.
Well, no reason to stand around. If anyone tries anything funny you know you can stand your ground. "I'll just go about my day and return at night..." Whatever could be worse than another gang bothering you anyway?
The message had been in the back of your brain all day now that the sun is setting.
Come to think of it, that same alley was where you had met that long haired guy who was a "peacekeeper" or whatever it was he spouted out of his drunk mouth. He knocked out a couple of gang members and nearly had you beat as well as he had confused you for one. He seemed like a weirdo vigilante to you, albeit a weirdo you'd like to know more about. His fighting style was interesting and unique, you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to learn some of those moves as well.
Perhaps he was the one who had left the message?
With the sky now dark you make way to Chinatown for the second time this day, a couple of cardboard-box-headed fools try to pester you but you quickly brush them off. You don't have time for their stupid brawls.
You make way up the little ladders and onto one of the rooftops and there he is. The exact same drunk guy that singlehandedly beat a swarm of gangsters, facing away from you, staring off into the sky.
You approach cautiously, remembering how the last time you had seen him you nearly tasted asphalt.
The braided man seems to have heard your footsteps and turns around with a welcoming smile on his face, arms rested beside his torso, laying on the railing without a sign of malice. "Yo! I'm glad you got my message! Name's Jamie."
You awkwardly introduce yourself back, slowly closing the gap between the two of you.
"You dropped this that other night and I've been meaning to give it back but figured we could have a chat as well?"
He hands you your own ID, you haven't even noticed it was gone until now, almost makes you wonder if he didn't swipe it off you just to have an excuse.
"Oh uh, thanks!" You take it back and join him by the railling and look down on the humble alleyway. It's quite a nice view you can't lie.
Jamie bumps the back of his hand on your shoulder, motioning his gourd at you inviting you to take a swig with him. You politely decline "I don't really drink much, I don't think I'd be able to keep my drink well."
"Oh this?" Jamie looks at you, eyebrows raised "No no, not at all! This isn't booze, it's more like a uuuh herbal energy drink? Sure it is strong but it won't leave you with a nasty hangover. Family recipe!"
He has a kind smile on his face, he's... Really pretty honestly, the moonlight reflects off his eyes and skin, your eyes drift downwards meeting his bare midriff. It's making you feel things. You are smitten by him. The view *sure* is nice in here. Focus, you're not here for that.
"Try it really! I'll even teach you some of my moves so you can be *almost* as cool as the great Jamie Siu!"
You laugh at his cockiness. He's kind of arrogant but in a joking manner, like he doesn't fully take himself seriously? It's endearing. Plus he just offered to teach you his style and that's pretty much what you wanted. Surely can't hurt to give it a shot.
You nod and accept the drink. Jamie's smile stretches across his face and quickly grabs you a small cup and kicks a bench upright for you to sit on. "Really, best that you take a sit incase *it is* too strong for you."
It makes you question the contents of the drink but sure. You chug it down in one gulp and. Oh. Oh no. God. He was not lying. This is strong. Maybe too strong. You've dropped the cup and you're seeing double, one Jamie is enough, thank you.
You stupidly try to get up and trip over yourself, thankfully he grabbed you and stopped you from falling.
"Yooo are you okay?" Absolutely not.
"Try to regain balance, c'mon." He lightly slaps your cheek to get your focus on him and you just fall towards him. He lays you down. "Ok maybe there is a *little* bit of alcohol. Jeez you sure cannot hold your drink. Sorry about that."
Your head is still spinning, you're clueless as to how anyone can stand up, let alone fight after drinking whatever that gourd contains. Out the corner of your eye you see Jamie take his puffer jacket off, leaving his chest bare.
"Woaah..." You mouth, causing him to chuckle at you.
He lifts your heads and slides it under for support. "Just lay down for a couple 'k? We'll get onto the fighting part once you can clear your head a bit."
Whatever he says just does not register, your mind's in cloud nine and you can't unglue your eyes off of him.
Sure you realized he was attractive already but, goddamn, he is beautiful and you cannot stop yourself from stammering it outloud.
"So I've been told!“
He doesn't take you seriously, under the impression it's just the drink talking but you are dead serious.
You were there to catch fists, not feelings damnit.
Your breath is heavy and dragged, your eyes half lidded and your head feels entirely too hot, it's like you're going to explode.
You look up and he's hunched over, hands on his knees, staring right at you smiling.
"You're quite pretty too, y'know that?" God. You just want him to kiss you honestly.
"Anyway," He continues, "If you're lucid enough to admire my beauty... I'm sure you're lucid enough to get up and fight, no?"
You whine quietly at the callout and do your best to get up on your feet.
Jamie takes on his stance and you mimic it.
He starts explaining the basics and gesturing simple moves for you to copy.
You're following along but there's nothing but static in your brain, you can only think how badly you want this beautiful dark haired man standing in front of you half naked. This isn't the usual you, you're a fighter, and fighters show restraint, they don't show whatever this newfound weakness is.
He goads you onto attacking him. "Give it your all. Go on." You try to jab him but he deflects it effortlessly. You take a backstep and throw a kick. Deflected, throwing your balance off. You catch it and waste no time bringing your opposite arm forth with another punch and your feel your arm get stopped in it's tracks and circled around you. You get hit a couple of times and before you realize, you're locked in place, defeated.
"Tsk tsk" he clicks his tongue, "that's no good. Try again."
Once more, the same result.
Every time, taking the same stance and defeating you without breaking a sweat while you can barely even maintain your composure.
This time he locks you in place and ends with his fingers pinched over your windpipe.
Right beside your ear, "I could have killed you easily. You need to do better." He growls.
His sudden serious low tone brings a shiver to your spine. Once more you're feeling things that shouldn't be felt, not here or now at least.
His stern voice. His breath right next to your ear, his naked chest pressed onto you, unable to move. This could prove to be a real problem.
You let out a pitiful whine and stare at him through the corner of your eye. He looks like a predator who had caught his prey.
"Are you... Gonna let go of me so we can try again?“ You enquire half nervously.
"No. Break out of it yourself."
You gulp down hard. He has a devious smirk on his face for a moment and the drink is still impending you from lying.
"What if I don't want to?"
He squeezes his grip on you like a snake trying to strangle his prey and applies pressure on your neck causing you to squirm and yelp in pain.
"What do you mean by that? Are you giving up already? Not cool... I thought we had a fighter here and not a loser..."
"I'm..." the words stutter out of you, "Too distracted... By you..."
Your cheeks are burning in embarrassment, why can't you just be quiet. Stupid drink. That was the biggest mistake ever. Mom truly was right, never take anything from strangers.
One moment you don't know each other and the other you're undressing them with your eyes because you took one, *one* single swig of an unknown liquid. Stupid stupid stupid.
"Is that so?" He tightens even further. "Tell me, what about me makes you so distracted, hm?"
"Can't be my amazing skill as a fighter, I assume." He mocks, clearly enjoying this. "Is it my handsome physique?“ Tone still mocking.
With the limited motion you have you simply nod slightly and let out a breathy "huh uh" out that sounds more like a moan than an answer.
"I see. It's alright, I would be a flustered mess if I saw myself too." He jokes, cracking a smile and letting go of you.
You regain your breath and balance, assuming a fighting stance once more.
"Oh no no, I don't think so. That's enough fighting today, you need to sleep." Jamie says waving his index finger sideways. "Do you have a place to crash at?“
You tell him you just stay at a hideout near Beat Square but that you're not done. You came here expecting to learn something.
"Fair enough, but I did warn you." He takes on his stance as well and once more has you beat in record time, ending with you pinned underneath him. Wrists gripped by his hand above your head and his leg directly under your crotch.
You squirm and try to break free to no avail, once more he tightens his grip and pushes his knee up.
"It seems to me like you're losing on purpose now... I'm not quite sure I catch your drift."
"Maybe I am..." You reply flustered.
"What is it you want?" His face coming dangerously close to yours.
"You." You nearly moan, "I want you... I think."
"You think? “ he wastes no time and your mouths connect, making you gasp when you feel your lips touch and his tongue intrude.
He pulls back, flustered now too, "How's that for a thought?"
"More." Nothing else is in your mind but him, you need him. You only need Jamie, nothing else.
He smiles and gets back on attack, obliging, this time you feel his free hand roam on your chest, feeling you around and groping while your tongues fight for dominance.
He breaks away from the kiss as if asking for permission to move further and you nod. You've started grinding on his legs, you're getting desperate.
You moan his name softly as you attempt to please yourself with his leg and he scoffs. "Tsk, an hour ago you didn't even know my name and now you're moaning it... Pathetic. Do it again." He goads you, just like he did earlier to deflect your jabs, only this time he takes your open mouth as an invitation for his fingers. "That's right, open up for Jamie... Be on your best behavior..."
Jamie's fucking your mouth with his fingers in and out, smearing your drool on your chin while keeping you in place wanting for more. He withdraws his digits and wipes them off on your cheek. "Tsk, maybe I was right, you are indeed a loser." The smile on his face isn't one of bad intentions though, he's just being light-hearted but it does get you going and you once more moan a "huh uh" at him. "Good. I do like reminding losers where they belong." He lets go off your hands for a moment to rip you out of your pants and turn you around. "Follow my instructions, yeah? Lift your ass up."
You do as he says without a second thought. "Good, hold it like that." Without a second to waste he starts rubbing you through your underwear and you have trouble staying in the position. Hell, you have trouble not collapsing completely. You can't even believe that you're doing this. On a rooftop of all places!
"You're beautiful like this..."
He's picking up the speed and you're having trouble not being loud. You don't want the entire neighborhood to hear you but it gets harder and harder, you are quaking, quivering, if he keeps this up you will come undone without a doubt.
"Jamie... Please"
"Please what?“
"Please, Jamie, I'm going to... Aah"
He pulls his hand away leaving you twitching and panting.
"Not yet."
He lightly kicks you to the side making you lose balance and roll over.
Gasping for air and staring at him through heavy lidded eyes.
His braid has come loose since, and his long black hair is a mess, strands clinging to his sweaty glistening forehead and torso.
"On your knees." He commands and you scramble to assume position, wondering if he's doing what you think he's doing.
You expect him to undo his pants but it never happens.
Instead he removes your top, leaving you bare. Completely naked and vulnerable. You can only wish that no one can see you like this. Last thing you need is a random gangster trying to blackmail you over this.
"Spread your legs for me and lean back... Like that, good. Do that for me... Good." He's so mesmerising, his flowy hair, the way he talks, his body, he has you melt like butter. He has you completely in his grasp.
You see him hold onto his gourd but don't question it and simply do as he says.
He crouches next to you and resumes, applying pressure in all the right spots, rubbing at the perfect pace, getting you worked up once more.
"Open your mouth."
You slightly open one eye and part your lips.
"Face up." He tilts your chin forcibly and positions you as he wants. "Open wider."
His busy hand speeds up as he slightly loses his temper. "I said. Wider."
Suddenly there's liquid pouring over your mouth, chin and chest.
"Drink up, loser. Don't you want to be as strong as me? Learn to stomach it then."
Your chest heaves up and down, trying to not choke up on the drink while fighting the growing orgasm inbetween your legs. It's almost too much to bear.
He picks up the pace, faster than before. "Soon you'll be having something else in your mouth."
Now it was definitely too much. You inhale and you feel the climax crashing and you choke on the drink, coughing and gasping for air as your arms grow tired and let yourself collapse on the ground.
He lays down next to you, taking a swig of his own drink and wiping his mouth with his arm.
"You good?"
You regain your breath and exhale while nodding.
"Good, I'm not through with you."
He rests his palm on your cheek while gazing into your eyes and approaches for a kiss once more.
"Hm, you taste much better now" you're both giggling like school girls, you reek like his drink and you look like a mess. You *feel* like a mess, hell, you probably can't even walk straight at this point.
"Do you still want it?“
"Hm?“ You look at him, confused.
"The other "something" in your mouth?“
You can't help but let out a laugh and nod. You do. You want all of him.
"You sure right?"
It's sweet of him to confirm with you even though you're both clearly plastered.
You reassure him and crawl over to him and start undoing his sweatpants.
He's leaning back on his arms, cheeks burning red and with a smile on his lips.
"Eager eh? You sure are a good student, the best for sure."
"Oh so you just do this with everyone?“
A belly laugh comes crashing from his side. "No no, absolutely not. First time doing this to be honest."
Huh. His answer and honesty perplexes you. First time sinning on the rooftops with someone he's trying to teach or? First time, first time? You push for clarification.
"Of course the great Jamie Siu has had sex, duh of course." His eyes averting from you now. "No one can resist my charm, I mean, look at me. It worked on you!"
You already know the confidence is a bit of a façade, no use making him feel bad even if he's a terrible liar. You're done removing his pants and you start teasing him. Giggling at him while you ghost your finger tips on his thighs and above the elastic of his boxer shorts.
"Is this revenge or something?" He asks with a cocked eyebrow.
"Nah, I just like seeing how you react."
You peel his underwear off of him. The way his sex springs up makes you hunger even more for him. He's so wet already, coated in his own precome. Would be a real shame to tease him further...
You crawl inbetween his legs, taking one into your grasp and kissing up from his calve to his thigh and do the same on the other one. Lightly touching his ankles, the back of his knees, the inside of his thighs. The more he shivers under you the more you want to devour him.
"Please" his brow is furrowed and his cock is heaving up and down together with his chest. "Please just touch it already..."
"Since you've asked so nicely..."
Your lips touch his tip, just a small kiss before reaching down with your tongue at the base of his shaft and dragging it up painfully slow causing him to squirm. He bucks his hips upwards trying to connect with your mouth and you take hold off them and push them down, pinning him to the ground.
He moans in response.
"Hm? What? Do you like being under my grasp as well?"
"Maybe so." He's pouting slightly, somehow redder than before. It's honestly cute and it only makes you want to push further.
You run your tongue lightly up and down his sex. Everytime it goes near the frenulum he almost loses it. It's like you're making love to it.
'Ah's' and 'oh's' together with a myriad of other noises keep escaping his lips.
You pin him harder to the ground and decide to take his entire lenght in your mouth. Hollowing out your cheeks, his pubes tickling your nose. You apply some pressure and go up. And down. And up, alternating between circling the head with your tongue and licking the base of his cock with every motion. He's squirming, panting and his hips twitching.
He's swearing something in Cantonese and it makes you proud of your skills. He's so beautiful, specially like this. It makes you wish you could see him in this state every day.
You feel his hand reach up to the back of your head pushing you down and you slap it away immediately, taking a hold of his wrist and pinning it on the ground. You do the same to his other hand that was laying about comfortably.
Judging by the moans leaving him, that was the right move.
You close your eyes shut as you work him up.
No. This is not enough, you decide last minute.
With a pop you withdraw your mouth from his cock. Jamie produces the whiniest moan you've ever heard from anyone.
"N-no please, I'm so close please, please please"
His pleading is adorable.
"Oh yeah? Do you want to come?"
"Please, god yes please! It was so good please" He pleads thru his teeth, grimacing, teeth gritted, eyebrow furrowed, tears swelling up at his eyes, redder than the lanterns in Chinatown and his hair clinging to his sweat. If you didn't know any better you'd think he was in pain. He's back to swearing in his language, switching back and forth between the swears and the pleading.
"Oh come on? I thought you were the great Jamie Siu? Protector of Chinatown? You're getting destroyed in a rooftop and you're being so loud about how badly you want more? If you don't watch out you'll be branded as the whore of Chinatown instead." You tease.
He stills and gulps down, not even realizing how much of a loudmouth he was being. Embarrassed and thankful that you reminded him of his whereabouts, now whimpering quietly.
"If you want to come to badly, you'll have to be quiet, ok? 'O great Jamie Siu..." You mock and his cock twitches at the words.
He nods quickly, trying to stammer out a "Yes please, I'll be quiet!"
"Good boy."
His world froze. *Boy? Good boy?* How could you talk to him in this matter. First calling him a whore and now this... He didn't like that his body betrayed him in this way, he should be offended, whooping your ass even, but truthfully nothing has ever excited him like this before.
You see the gears in his head turning and repeat yourself. "That's my good boy..." His breath is ragged and you return your mouth to his cock.
You release one of his wrists briefly only to slam your knee over it instead and with your now free hand you start jerking him off along with your mouth, squeezing ever so slightly when it's close to the head. You keep pumping up and down. Making eye contact with him. He's a mess. Biting down on his lip, trying to be a good boy for you. His fists balled up, trying to ride these sensations out for as long as he possibly can. Sadly for him it all comes crashing down. He can't take it any longer. His body convulses underneath you as he blows air out of his nose and his forehead almost goes purple. With the most beautiful expression painted on his face. He comes, hard. Spurting for what feels like an eternity in your mouth. You doing your best to not let a single drip out.
He collapses, defeated. Body drained of strenght and mind of judgement.
You've let go off him by now and swallowed most of his come. Crawling up to him you decide to kiss him. You swirl your tongue, dancing together with his, giving him a taste of himself to which he scrunches his nose with a look of disgust now that the clarity is hitting him. "Good boy." You whisper as you back out of the kiss.
He flops onto his back and stares at the sky.
"I can't believe we just did this." He's incredulous.
You're both laughing again.
"We should probably get dressed again and call it a night." You remind him.
"Uh yeah definitely..." his tone seems a bit sad now, "Do you uh, want me to walk you home?"
"Oh you don't have to, I can handle myself-"
"No really, I want to, I insist."
"Well," you look back at Jamie with the grin of someone who's about to mock him again, "if the great Jamie Siu insists who am I to decline?"
You're both standing at your doorway now, saying goodbyes. You've tried inviting him in but he politely declined, you can only hope you haven't scared him off. You'd hate for this to be the last time you see him.
Just as he's about to walk off you exclaim "Wait!“
You pull the Bao Bao Bro sticker that Li-Fen handed you earlier.
"You're gonna give me a sticker?? Really?“
"No dumbass," he's bewildered. You pull a pen out and scribble your number into the back of it. "It's more than a sticker. Here." You hand it to him and kiss him once more before seeing him off.
You turn on the lights to the small apartment (if you can even call it that) and kick your shoes off just as you hear your message tone again.
"Please tell me she doesn't want to send me on a wild goose chase again."
It's not Li-Fen this time, instead it's an unknown number.
"Tomorrow, rooftops? xx"
Now that was fast! A smile curls at your lips. Tomorrow, rooftops for sure.
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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Your Creed, My Quest - Prologue
Din Djarin x jedi!reader/jedi!oc
series masterlist
She's been tasked by her master to watch over the child, but things become complicated when she picks up a rogue Mandalorian along the way.
series warnings | 18+ canon-typical violence, angst, eventual smut, like a moderately-paced burn lol
chapter warnings | 18+ canon-typical violence, angst
a/n | ahhh! i am so excited to share the first entry of the series with you. let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and I will start it up with the first chapter. thank you for reading! alsoooo, props to the darling @toxic-seduction for sending me the idea for this scene which really started it all, love youuuuu
She doesn’t like this one bit. When Mando had told her about the job, she had initially refused it outright. It sounded like a suicide mission to her, banking on a prison ship to free a man with a group of people they didn’t know, but he had assured her that Ran had good contacts, people they could trust, at least as long as it took to get the job done.
But now, as they’re stalking the halls of the prison ship, her mind is a swirl of anxiety all over again. All she can really think about is the kid they left on board with that damn droid, the kid who is her one mission. She had found the child nearly at the same time Mando had, and had aided him in freeing him on Nevarro, saving Mando’s life in the process as well.
While there aren’t words for what she is, not really, not anymore, she is a wielder of the force, and when her training is complete, she would call herself a Jedi, if such a title wasn’t so dangerous to hold these days. She had trained from a young age with a master, and she had given this task to her, to reunite the child with his own kind, and to keep him safe from those who wished him harm. And somehow, she managed to pick up a Mandalorian on the way.
They’ve already had a run-in with a prison guard, Xi’an quick to kill him, something that sent a prickle up her spine. It was the first thing her master taught her, to respect all life, and to choose peace over violence, always. These people certainly do not live by the same tenets. But she supposes things are a bit different now in this New Republic.
“Should be down this hall, let’s go.” She pulls up the rear of the group, Mando further ahead with Mayfield leading them all. It’s not her weapon of choice, a blaster rifle held in her hands, but she knows it’d be foolish to bring out her sabers, keeping them stowed behind a loose panel in her bunk on the Crest. 
Suddenly, Xi’an is letting out a high-pitched squeal, rushing over to one of the cells and pressing up against it. Mayfield quickly deactivates the lock, the door swinging open with a loud hiss, letting a twi’lek man step out as he hugs Xi’an in a tight embrace, murmuring that it’s so good to see his sister. She’s surprised when it appears that he recognizes Mando, a not altogether friendly grin spreading across his face.
“Mando, can’t say I’m happy to see you again.” It happens in a flash, the twi’lek man kicking Mando in the stomach, shoving him back into the cell and moving to slam the door closed. She moves before she can even think about it, stretching out her palm, willing the door to stop on its hinges. It halts, but she already knows she’s made a grave mistake revealing her powers. Not even Mando knew she could wield the Force. 
A harsh pain burns in her thigh, and she glances up to see Xi’an holding a dart gun aimed at her, a wicked grin across her face. Sure enough, a dart with a now empty vial is sticking out of her thigh, the room already starting to darken and tilt around her. The last thing she hears before collapsing to the floor are Mayfield’s words.
“Do you think Jedi heads are worth more if they’re pretty?”
He can’t quite believe what just happened. Getting double-crossed by Qin, he could have expected. But seeing her use the Force, something he had only heard of in myths, something he thinks he may have seen the kid do, has sent him reeling. He steadies himself as best he can, ears pricking to the sound of a prison droid coming down the hall. 
Getting out of the cell isn’t a problem, making quick work of the droid and using its key to free himself, but he knows he’s in a race against time to find them before they get to the Crest and strand him on this damn ship.
He hurries back to the control room, finding the group of raiders making their way through the halls on the surveillance footage. She’s still slung, unconscious, over Burg’s back. He has no idea what he’s doing, but he figures it’s all he’s got as he starts flipping switches on the control panel, sending the halls into darkness as doorways start to shut throughout the prison. The staticky surveillance screens show the group getting separated by one of the closing doors, Xi’an and Burg getting shut off from Qin and Mayfield. It’s a start, and now all he has to do is pick them off, one by one.
When she was little, she was given a sedative H4b injection before a tooth extraction to keep her asleep during the procedure. She woke up in the middle of the operation and had bit down so hard on the medic’s fingers that he needed stitches. It was one of the first signs of her sensitivity to the Force, her nervous system working just a bit differently than everyone else’s. So, it’s no surprise now that she’s waking up a whole lot sooner than would be anticipated with the kind of dart she was hit with. 
The world starts to come back to her in hazy patches of sound and light. She can hear what sounds like two men fighting, loud crashes and grunts a little ways away from where she’s slumped on the ground. Her vision comes back last, blurry blobs of movement that start to focus in until she realizes it’s Mando grappling with that Devaronian, Burg. Something foreign stirs in her chest at the sight of Mando getting thrown to the ground. 
It’s as if someone, or something, is whispering in her ear, directing her focus to the way the Devaronian is standing right in the doorframe, hulking over the struggling Mandalorian, and once again, she moves before she can even think about it, power running through her that is new in its speed and might as she whips the door closed on Burg with a twist of her palm, crushing him where he stands.
She doesn’t have much time to think about how different this power feels, not when a knife is whirring past her head where she’s still sitting on the ground. She jerks around to see Xi’an slinking down the hallway toward her, teeth bared in a hard cackle.
“Well, look who’s awake. Looks like your boyfriend is a bit indisposed at the moment. What say we have a little girl time?” She scurries up onto her feet as another knife comes hurling her way, grabbing her blaster as Xi’an runs toward her.
It’s a quick blur of jolting hand-to-hand combat. Twi’leks are notoriously squirrelly, but she has been trained for this, letting her instincts take over as they twist around each other, a tangle of blocked jabs and hard hits. Her mind becomes singular with the task to such an extent she doesn’t notice the door to the control room reopening, but Xi’an is quick to lob a knife Mando’s way, lodging deep in the sliver of unarmored skin over his shoulder. The twi’lek’s distraction costs her, though, as she grabs her, pressing her lips to her ear and whispering words that put her to sleep, slumping down onto the ground.
She finally looks up at Mando who is stilled in his place, his helmet tilting subtly as he looks between Xi’an’s unconscious form and her.
“You– you’re–” She cuts him off before he can finish that sentence, already turning and heading back to where they came in from.
“There’s no time for that right now. C’mon.” 
“If you and the kid are gonna keep traveling with me, I need to know what’s going on. All of it.” She sighs, eyes tracing the streaking patterns of lightspeed darting by outside the Crest’s windows. 
They had made it out, barely, taking Qin back to Ran’s station to complete the job while the others were left behind in a cell. Mando had thought fast, bringing along that alarm device, and as she watched Ran’s station get blown up by two New Republic fliers, exhaustion finally washed over her, the reality of just how much power she had used settling in and rendering her unconscious in the cockpit of the Crest. She was surprised when she woke up in her own bunk, the kid curled into her side and watching her with his impossibly large eyes. Mando must have carried her down to the hull while she slept. She still feels woozy, sapped, as she joins him again in the cockpit, and has to immediately sit down as he starts asking questions. She can feel his stare, even through his helmet.
“Are you– is the kid–” She huffs, picking the kid up from where he was grabbing at her pants and settling him on her lap, a contented coo sounding from him.
“Technically, I suppose we’d be called Padawans during a different time in this galaxy. But yes, we have both been trained up in the Force, though under different masters.” Having this conversation with someone behind a mask is unnerving, all he gives her is a small nod.
“Is this a part of your training then? Looking after him?” She shakes her head, glancing down at the kid who has slumped into sleep on her lap. 
“No. My training is as complete as it can be. This is my mission, a trial of sorts. If I succeed, my master will give me the title of Jedi. It is not how things once went for our kind, but it is the path I must walk in this new world. I vowed to bring this child to my master so he may continue his training with her, and to keep him safe so long as he is in my care.” Mando nods, resting his elbows over his knees as he leans closer to her.
“I will travel with you then. The child is as much my ward as he is yours. I will do what I can to keep you both safe.” She frowns at his solemn words, wrapping a comforting arm around the child who is fussing in his sleep.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you wish to part ways with us. It’s not safe to be our kind in this galaxy. And it’s certainly not safe to aid our kind either.” Mando straightens in his seat at that.
“You have saved my life, multiple times now. I am indebted to you and I am tied to this child by my creed. So long as you need my help, I will answer your call.” She can’t help the shiver that runs down her spine at his words, swallowing thickly and nodding, but her attention quickly shifts to the darkening fabric over the front of his one shoulder.
“You’re bleeding.” He jerks his head down to assess the damage, shrugging lightly.
“It’s nothing. I can cauterize it myself.” She feels that whisper again, a jolt running down through her fingers. She quietly picks up the child and tucks him into his bassinet, making sure he’s still sleeping before turning back to Mando.
“Come with me, I can fix that for you.” 
“I’ll give you a moment of privacy– please remove your armor and unbutton your flight suit.” He seems hesitant to heed her command, but he eventually nods as she turns around to face the wall of the hull. She can feel energy skittering up and down her spine, the anticipation of power being used only being heightened by the muffled sounds of Mando removing his armor. He finally clears his throat, and she turns around to find him bare chested, the top part of his flight suit shrugged off his broad arms and hanging loosely around his hips. But of course, his helmet is still on.
She moves quietly back toward him, eyes focused on the wound over his left shoulder, a deep gash smeared with blood. She brings her one palm to hold steady over his chest, her other hand coming to hover directly over the wound. His helmet is tilted down just slightly, she figures so he can study her as she closes her eyes and centers her energy toward the task. 
Everything falls away as she feels the power flowing through her, like magnets pushing and pulling her toward him. It’s over in a flash, and her knees start to buckle in the aftermath, Mando wrapping his arms around her to hold her flush to his chest so she doesn’t collapse. Her eyes squint open, darting to the now smooth expanse of skin over his shoulder where the wound once was. 
“Dank farrik. Are you alright?” His words are a bit breathless, clear wonder lacing his tone at what he just witnessed. She lets out a ragged sigh, still not quite able to hold herself up in his arms.
“I am– I just– need to sit down, I think.” He helps her over to his open bunk, sitting her down on the edge of his sleeping mat while he pulls over an old fuel tank to sit down on across from her.
“You didn’t have to do that– not when it obviously drains you so much.” She props her elbows on her knees, holding her chin up in her palms as she offers him a tired smile.
“It’s better than a cauterizer, though, isn’t it?” For the first time, she hears the Mandalorian laugh, a breathy chuckle as his helmet tilts at her.
“I suppose it is, thank you.” 
“My pleasure, Mando.” She can hear a sigh crackle through his helmet.
“If we’re going to do this, I’d like you to know my real name.” She perks up out of her exhaustion at that. She hadn’t been sure if names were another sacred part of Mandalorian culture, something that didn’t get shared just as they covered their faces. She understands that this means something, for him to tell this to her. He holds out his hand to her, for once uncovered from his usual gloves. She takes it in a firm shake, trying to ignore the energy that she feels once again rolling through her.
“I am Din Djarin, and I will travel with you and the child so long as you need me. I will not break my vow to you. This is the way.” 
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s2pdoktopus · 2 months
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Since I have been rambling here a lot I will also ramble about my dear mdzs children
So these four are made because I joked about populating the female species in MDZS and then I made more...
Disclaimer: I am not Chinese so these names are very much like when Anime grabs random names for English characters. They don't make sense.
First RongQuan
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I completely forgot what Chinese characters I grabbed for her name (something that means melting, I think?
The design idea for her is that of a simple looking woman
She became a disciple because she wanted to and her father loves her very much he used his family ties to get her in. Upon entering, it became very clear that he has absolutely no talent for cultivation. This, and the well known fact that she's here because nepotism, made her the subject of many disciples' teasing. To compensate for her lack of talent she became a push over, doing many menial tasks to contribute to the sect. She's too tired to feel mad about the treatment most of the time.
She's doing the same thing she's always done. Her mother fears that being involved with a sect riddled with so much scandal might ruin her marriage prospects. She thought about agreeing with her mother for a solid minute but ultimately decided that if men can't handle being involved with her as a Jin disciple, they can't handle her at all and politely rejected to do as her mother asked.
Lan FeiRi
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I also completely forgot what her name's Chinese characters are. (One of them is the character for sun, I think)
Her design idea is that of a fairy, I tried to make her hair have the silhouette of a butterfly for this. It's also why I chose something that would spell FeiRi lol
She is a child orphaned by a demonic cultivator and adopted by a Lan couple. She cultivated a little late so her cultivation isn't as good as it could've been but she's average on power, overall. She exudes nearly the same tranquil energy as Lan XiChen. This is just a facade though, she absolutely loves it when people she deems evil get the justice she thinks they deserve, she can be sadistic. The ultimate two-faced individual, she could be smiling on the outside but seething on the inside, caring on the outside but laughing out in joy over others' suffering on the inside.
Post canon:
She absolutely hates that the grandmaster of demonic cultivation is living just a few minutes away.
(she has one of my favorite designs among the mdzs ocs I made)
Nie QiaoLu
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Again, I forgot what her name means.
I designed her last. I didn't know if my designs are outrageous already so this is me dialing back down. But she looked too simple with straight hair so I made it wavy.
She is the strongest female cultivator in her age group, She is a distant relative of Nie Huaisang. She used to be a quick-tempered child but when the reality of the Nie cultivation sunk in, she sought to find a way to minimize the possibility of qi deviation. Instead of finding some new techniques she found Hanguang Jun. She thought, surely, by imitating him she will be less susceptible to qi deviations and so she went ahead and lived her life with such belief. As if the natural consequence trying to imitate one of the twin jades, her social skills were stunted and she is disconnected from her emotions.
Post canon:
She came back to rejoin society and the first thing she heard was Hanguang Jun's recent marriage. Her reaction was, "Oh. Congratulations to him, I guess?" She's still unaware of the things happening around her. Someone needs to anchor her to the ground. (Her head is so empty she might just float away, never to be seen again...)
Ok. The Jiang kids I made plenty of first of all:
Yu Lilai
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I do remember that her name is supposed to mean "beautiful future".
Lilai already has a whole post explaining her. She is my favorite to use of the bunch in the silly comic stuff I made because there's no stake in her. She's the kind of gag character you will see in an anime who has an eccentric yet loving and supportive family.
She's also my favorite of the bunch :3
I have no height chart for these kiddos anymore
Jiang Lian
Jiang RenJi (courtesy name)
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His given name means "to unite" and the courtesy name means "sturdy foundation"
He is a distant relative of the main Jiang family. His great great grandmother left the sect to live a civilian life away from Yunmeng. He reentered the Jiang sect when he was eight because he heard about Jiang Cheng's story and felt really bad for him. He wanted to help rebuild his ancestral home.
He is the responsible and ever-so-reliable Shixiong! He is the guard dog to the sheeps that are the baby disciples. Though he lacks Lilai's talent in combat or XinXue's silver tongue, he is the person the baby disciples trust the most. A sturdy leader, fitting his name.
Xiao XinXue
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You know how Wei Wuxian is abbreviated to WWX and Jiang Cheng is JC? Yeah. XinXue's name is just so it can be abbreviated to XXX. XinXue name means "new blood" I forgot what Xiao is supposed to mean though.
Her family was killed by demonic cultivators and Jiang Cheng saved her. She is also the first orphan the Jiang sect save whom they eventually took in as a disciple.
. She harbors a deep hatred for demonic cultivation and doesn't think anything is wrong with punishing them. In essence she represents the irl people who just hate Wei Wuxian and an answer to people who think demonic cultivation users are just poor unfortunate souls who had no choice.
She's wrong in some points and justified in other points. No one is telling her to let go of her anger but her friends, Lilai especially, are quick to tell her that she needs to direct that anger to the right place (and not to a man who was dead during the death of her family). She goes to RenJi to vent whenever she needs it.
(and RenJi is always there to tell Lilai that she really needs to be more gentle with her wording)
She's usually very mischievous. It's difficult to be mad at her because seeing her happy is a far cry from the catatonic girl they nursed back to consciousness. Surprisingly, she is the most nurturing of the disciples. It's an unspoken agreement that she handles the other traumatized kids they will save.
I planned to make more characters with funny abbreviations like, XD, LOL, OWO, etc but it's tiring to look for Chinese characters...
Finally, the nebulous existence of
Jiang Xie
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She never had a name first, then someone asked and I had to give her a name. Then I forgot what the name was and I have no internet to look. For the first time she's gonna get referred to by name in a drawing so I just put Xie and was done with it. Then I forgot that it was Xie lol. I finally looked up Chinese characters to make names for others and I named her MiFu (overflowing blessing, something like that) then I saw the comic again where she is Xie and well Xie it is. Thankfully it could mean harmony which fit her despite her chaotic tendencies.
She was never planned to be anything beyond the first comic thingy. As someone who only watched the worst version (the anime/manhua) finding out that the temple scene is different from what really happened, especially people's outrage about it compelled me to both make something silly about it that can comfort the traumatized grape. Lol.
Then some people really liked her, I did have some not funny ideas in my head so I just drew that. Sometimes others would comment stuff that gave me ideas so I made those. In a sense she's a group effort I guess. She just developed like that. She is a joke character at her very core though. I wanted to hit a balance of funny innocent children stuff without making her just a walking ball of gags.
Ultimately she's a good kid who likes helping people by suggesting solutions only children would think of (Jin Ling has no dad? Swear brotherhood with her so they can share her dad!) It usually doesn't help but it makes the receiver of the advice feel better more often than not. Promising to break the legs of her loved ones' bullies is her love language.
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