#pedri is so damn hot
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A/N: This was written based on Shakira’s acrostico and the adorable clip of Pedri with the little girl at the Liga celebration in Camp Nou. Anything in italics is flash backs. Enjoy :)
If someone has the gif of Pedri with the little girl can you send it to me to add it onto here please?!?
gif borrowed from @pedripics
You heard Pedri shut the door to your bedroom in rage as you stood in the kitchen. Your heart was beating fast and with the silence around you, you were sure if anyone else had been there they would have been able to hear it. The last few weeks between the two of you hadn’t been very smooth. One argument after another, he had spent more time traveling with the team than at home, and that didn’t help either.
You took a few seconds to calm yourself down before walking over to the bedroom and talking to him. You had planned a nice dinner where you were going to give him the news. It had been eating you up for days and you had finally made your mind. You weren’t sure you were ready but you knew that together you and Pedri would be able to get through it together.
Unfortunately, Pedri didn’t come home on time. You called and sent him messages but they all went unanswered. Towards the end of the night your calls ended up going directly to voicemail. When he walked into the home you were sitting at the kitchen table. You looked up at him. “Hey.” He said as he put his keys down. You scoffed looking at the cold food that had waited alongside you for him.
-Ni de coña, hey, that’s all you have to say?- You raised your voice. It was almost as if this missed dinner had been the final straw for you.
-What do you want me to say?- He responded as he banged on the kitchen table with his fists startling you.
-Where were you?-
-Around.- He said coldly shutting down your questioning.
-I called and messaged you…- He cut you off.
-I know and I had to turn my phone off because you didn’t let me enjoy myself.- He stared into your eyes as he said this. Not a single bit of remorse in his eyes. You bit your inner lip as you tried to hold your composure. You felt your throat choke with sadness and emptiness. This wasn’t the man you had fallen in love with.
He turned around and began to walk away from where you were sitting.
-We were supposed to have dinner together and I was going to…- He interrupted you again as he stopped walking.
-And you were supposed to what? Seguir jodiendo? I can’t ever do anything because you want to know where I am, who I’m with. The day I cheat on you, you won’t even know it.-
-What’s what supposed to mean? That you’re already planning it?- You asked holding back tears.
He brushed his hands through his hair as he turned around to look at you frustrated. -This is so broken, why do we keep on doing this?- He said as he walked towards the hallway and into the bedroom.
-Que quieres?- He said as you opened the door to the bedroom.
-I think we should talk.-
-I don’t want to talk. I come home after days of being away and we can’t even last a few minutes before we start to argue.-
You rolled your eyes, standing silent for a few seconds. You tried to eat your ego up and not say anything. This wasn’t the right time. But of course you couldn’t.
-Why do you act like it’s always my fault?
He turned over to look at you. -Because maybe it is. It’s always Pedri why are you doing this. Pedri why didn’t you call.-
You interrupted him. -If something is broken, you try to fix it, you don’t throw it away. But if that’s how you feel, then I’m not sure why we’re even together.- you spat back after taking a deep breath trying to mask your need to cry.
-I honestly don’t know either.- He responded, immediately regretting the words.
But he was too proud to admit it to you. He sat on the bed scrolling through his phone while you packed your luggage. You rummaged through your clothes and packed a few of your things. You threw your clothes into the luggage as you tried your best to hold in your tears. You felt a knot in your throat as you wiped the tears forming in your eyes.
You grabbed the last shirt when you heard something fall to the ground. You picked up the positive pregnancy test you were going to give to him tonight. You bit your bottom lip trying not to cry as you held the test close to you.
I’m sorry. You whispered as you rubbed your stomach. But he will be better off without us.
You didn’t dare look at him when you walked out of the closet. He looked up from his phone. -Adonde vas?- Where are you going? He asked.
You continued to walk as you pulled the luggage and threw your purse over your shoulder. -Lejos de aqui.- Far from here.
-Estas exagerando.- You’re exaggerating. He said as he stood up from the bed following you.
You felt his steps behind you. You wanted to turn around and tell him everything. Show him the love the two of you felt had formed something beautiful, a life. But you knew that wasn’t the right thing to do.
He needed his freedom and that’s what you were going to give to him. The constant arguments had gotten to be too much.
You wiped your eyes and turned around to look at him stopping him dead in his tracks in front of you. Neither of you said anything for a few seconds. You took that time to look into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes and try to memorize them forever.
-Leave if you want to, I’m not going to beg you to stay.- He said staring at you. You took a deep breathe and began to walk away.
-Adios, Pedro.-
You walked out of the house as fast as you could and got into your car. You began to drive away in silence. You felt as if something was stuck in your throat. And finally a few streets away you let yourself break down. The tears began to roll out of your eyes and you couldn’t help but scream profanities as you hit your steering wheel out of anger. As the tears continued, you felt an emptiness in your stomach. You felt anxious thinking the baby could feel all of the sadness, thinking how horrible of a mother you were already to him or her.
You felt disappointed that this new life had been formed without love. You knew perfectly when you had gotten pregnant because it had been the last time you and Pedri had been together. He had came home drunk and late again. You argued and went to sleep only to be woken up by him asking you to forgive him. You fell right back into his trap and before you knew it you were having sex. But he didn’t kiss you like he used to. His sole focus was on how he felt. His hands didn’t caress your body as they once had. Once he was done he stood up from the bed and went to sleep on the couch leaving you a crying mess in the bed. You knew better but you still wanted to fix things. You were so caught up in not trying to lose him that you failed to see you already had.
-When are you going to tell him?- Asked your mom as she walked over to your bedroom window and opened up the curtains. The light from the sun hit your eyes and you took your covers and placed them over you.
-For what?- You said from under the covers.
-It’s his child.-
You had been back home in Valencia for two weeks since leaving Pedri. You would start your studies again in Valencia and completely forget about Barcelona. Pedri had called you that night as you drove from Barcelona to Valencia. He called the next day. But three days later his calls stopped coming in.
-He gave up in three days mama, I don’t think he’s going to care.-
Your mom had been shocked when you arrived to the home after driving almost four hours. She rubbed her sleepy eyes as she opened the door and saw you stand in front of her, your eyes puffy and red while you held on to one of Pedri’s jerseys. You didn’t have to say anything, immediately throwing yourself into her arms as you nuzzled your face on her shoulder. Again breaking down as you cried in your mother’s arms.
-Esta bien, mi niña.- She reassured you as she patted your back. You felt your body fall more into her, completely vulnerable.
-No, se ha ido todo al carajo- No, everything’s gone to shit. You said as you finally let go of your mother and she closed the door behind you. You fell onto the couch still holding onto his jersey. You had grabbed it without thinking. The smell of Pedri still lingering. Your mother followed you into the living room and stood there trying to take it all in.
-Mami.- You said in between sobs, holding his jersey against your body.
-Que ha pasado, cariño?-
She asked looking down at you. She had been woken up by the knocks on the front door somewhat frustrated but all of that frustration had now turned to worry as she saw you breaking in front of her. Your dad had passed two years ago, and she has given you the space you needed, even if that meant you hardly visited her. In a way she knew you were safe by the way Pedri looked at you when you were together. The way he melted at everything you did. But she hadn’t been around lately. In fact you had avoided her coming over because you were convinced that anyone who spent more than five minutes with the two of you could tell right away your relationship was breaking.
-I’m pregnant.- You looked up at her with pleading eyes. You were just twenty and sure it wasn’t the ideal situations but you didn’t need scolding, you needed her acceptance. You sat there as your own words replayed in your head. It was the first time you said it out loud. In a matter of seconds it felt more real. Your mother embraced you in a hug as the two of you cried. In that moment she didn’t understand the situation but she didn’t want to push you. She knew better with you.
Eventually you had told her most of what had happened. She encouraged you to tell him, telling you he had a right to know.
-What for? So we can get back together and be miserable for the rest of our lives with each other?-
Your mom shook her head knowing you had gotten your stubbornness from your father. -You don’t have to get back with him. Just let him know.-
-You know how he is. He will feel responsible and feel like he has to be with me. I don’t want him to be with me out of pity.-
Despite not agreeing with you she knew it wasn’t her place. She kept her mouth quiet and offered you support.
As the weeks went by you began to see news about Pedri out with people. A few models, some influencers. He looked happy. Meanwhile your belly began to grow. Your mom helped you with massages at night after long days. Some nights you cried yourself to sleep as you felt your life crumble down. You had no idea how you were going to take care of yourself, let alone your baby.
You sat in your car, crying, outside of the clinic when they told you the gender of the baby.
You closed your eyes and remembered how excited Pedri would get when the two of you spoke about your future children.
-Maybe two or three.- He said as the two of you laid on his bed. He laid on his stomach as you faced the ceiling. One of his arms draped around your body as one of your hands played with his hair.
-At least two. I always wished I had a sibling.- You said as an only child.
-What would we name them?- He asked as the two of you laid there. -I don’t know.- You said with a smile on your face.
-If it’s a girl, Rosie como mi madre.- Like my mother. He said. You laughed. -Vale, but if it’s a boy then Sergio como mi padre.- like my father. He smiled and agreed.
A few weeks later you found yourself in Barcelona picking up paperwork from school. Before heading back home you stopped by a small convenience store to pick up some snacks for the train. As you turned a corner you felt your body smash against somebody else causing you to drop everything in your hands.
-I’m sorry.- Said the voice above you as you leaned down trying to grab everything from the floor. You weren’t as agile as you used to be and found it difficult to get up from the floor.
-Joder, help me get up. I need a little help here.- You said as you looked up and your eyes met with Gavi’s.
-Y/N.- He said with eyes wide open and a startled look on his face, his eyes on your pregnant belly.
-Pablo.- You responded as you let go of his hand and grabbed the snacks against your body.
-You. You’re pregnant.- He said pointing towards your belly.
-Si.- You responded quickly hoping he didn’t ask any more questions.
-Is it, is it Pedri’s?- He asked timidly. You rolled your eyes.
-No Pablo. I’ve met someone else.-
He accepted your response. -Take care.- He said as he began to take a step away from you, only stopping when he heard you call out his name.
-Pablo, please don’t tell him.-
He looked at you with pleading eyes. -But he’s my best friend.-
-It’s not his, it doesn’t matter.- You said holding on to your stomach.
-I just don’t understand.- He said. -You leave and meet someone else and get pregnant? It hasn’t even been a year and you’re about to have this baby. He loved you.-
-You’re right, he loved me. But he didn’t love me anymore when I left, Pablo.-
-No, joder you should see him. He didn’t take it well. He’s not the same anymore, he still...-
You interrupted him. -He still what, Pablo? He still loves me? I’ve seen the pictures. He didn’t look too sad holding all of those girls’ hands.-
Gavi shook his head. -Promise me it’s not his. He would never forgive me if I knew and didn’t tell him.-
You shook your head. -It’s not his, Gavi. Don’t tell him, it will break him.-
Gavi agreed and left the store.
You went into labor a few weeks later, luckily knowing Gavi had kept his promise because Pedri had not tried to contact you.
Your mom rushed around the apartment as she grabbed all of your stuff and the two of you walked towards the car. Once at the hospital everything seemed like a blur. The nurse pushed you through the hallways as your mother joined behind. You felt a hole in the pit of your stomach as you saw other couples around. Despite the pain of being in labor it hurt you more to think about what Pedri would have been doing if he was by your side. Would he have been frantic and anxious, yelling at all of the cars who got in his way as he drove you to the hospital. Having to run back to the car because he forgot your bag. Or would he have been calm, eager for the arrival of your baby and given you the strength you needed in this moment.
Tears began to fall down your eyes because you knew it was nonsense. It didn’t matter what he would have been like because he wasn’t there. You were alone.
You felt yourself lose your last breath as you pushed one more time. Your mother held on to your hand as you heard the cry. Your body fell backwards onto the bed as you realized your job was done. You tried to catch your breathe as you laid against the pillow. A second layer they placed Rosie on your bare chest. You looked down at her and smiled, quickly counting all of her toes and fingers. Everything stood still. The noise went away, it was just you and her. She looked up at you and your felt tears come falling down your face when you realized she had his beautiful brown eyes.
Eventually the nurses and doctor left, your mother excused herself to give you time and you sat there with her in your arms. You continued to cry as your heart had never felt this type of love. You were sure your love for her would never end. As she looked up at you, you promised her she would never see you this fragile again. You were going to be strong for her.
You were able to return to your uni classes while your mother helped you take care of Rosie. It wasn’t ideal but you made it work. You stayed up all night doing your class work while she slept, and went to class and worked a job while your mother helped you with her. Sometimes you were able to bring her along.
Having Rosie made you stronger but also broke you in a way. She reminded you of her father every day. From the way she scrunched up her nose and pouted her lips to her eyebrows and light brown eyes. She had came into your life when you unexpectedly needed her the most but would always remind you of what you lost.
One day when Rosie was just a few months old and learning how to crawl you came home to her holding a picture of Pedri in her hands.
Rosie sat in the middle of the living room with the picture, a picture you had taken of him in his Barça uniform after a match.
-Que es esto?- What is this? You asked your mother as you took the picture away from Rosie. She immediately began to cry. Your mother shrugged her shoulders, -La niña la encontro, es su padre, blood calls.- She found it, it’s her father, blood calls.
You rolled your eyes as Rosie continued to cry only calming down once you handed her back the picture. You figured she would let it go when she fell asleep and you could get rid of it. But Rosie had other plans, she clinched on to it as she fell asleep. Her little fingers holding onto the picture of Pedri tightly.
Rosie didn’t let go of the picture. Not that night or the day following. She would place it down to eat or showers but she always looked for it. You tried putting it away once and eventually caved in and gave it back to her so she would stop crying.
One day as your mother, you and Rosie were sitting at the dinner table she began to look for the picture.
-Pa ��� pa … pa.- said Rosie as she reached for the worned out picture in front of her.
-What is she saying?- You looked over at your mother who took a sip of her drink trying to avoid your question. Her eyes on the plate in front of her.
-Mama!- You spoke up again. She looked over at you.
-Es su padre. You can’t even deny it, she looks like him.-
Unbeknownst to you, your mother had talked to Rosie about Pedri.
Rosie had the picture in her hands. Your mother looked down at her and smiled. She walked over to Rosie and picked her up placing her on her lap. Rosie looked at her and smiled as she took the picture out of her hand.
-I thought your mother was going to kill me when she saw you with this picture.- Rosie looked at her grandma with wide opened eyes.
-Este es tu papa.- Thus is your father. Rosie had just started to make small sounds and was working on saying mama but as soon as she heard your mother say those words Rosie’s eyes lit up. -Papa.- cooed the little girl.
Your mom smiled as she held on to the little girl who was a perfect combination of you and Pedri. Her eyes identical to his and her curly brown her just like yours.
-He loved your mom a lot and I’m sure he will love you as soon as he meets you.- She told Rosie. Your mom proceeded to tell Rosie the story of how you and Pedri had met, Rosie drifting off to sleep in her grandmother’s arms holding on to the picture.
You ran across the street after your last class of the day trying to make it to the metro on time. As you stepped one foot off the curb you felt his car hit you. You landed on the floor in front of a black Maserati.
-Ostia, watch where you’re going.- You yelled. The driver got out of the car quickly and ran over to you. -I’m so sorry are you okay?- He asked as he held you by the arms trying to lift you up. Your eyes met his chocolate brown eyes and you felt like your legs were made of mush and couldn’t stand up. This effect had nothing to do with his car hitting you but by the beautiful man standing in front of you.
-I’m fine. I’ll be fine.- You said as he continued to ask for forgiveness. -I am usually very careful but there were people trying to run after my car for a picture and…-
You interrupted him. -A picture? Are you famous?-
-It’s fine, don’t worry. I won’t sue you now just because I know you have money.- You said causing him to giggle. -Look my legs are fine.- You said pointing down at your legs as you flexed each one of them. Pedri looked at you with a smile.
-But I think I did miss the metro.- You say as you grab your book from the floor and look over at your phone to check the time.
Pedri grabbed your hands trying to prevent you from walking away. -Please, let me take you to wherever you were going. It’s the least I can do.-
A few weeks later you found yourself in Barcelona with Rosie. As much as you avoided going into the city sometimes it was impossible. You ended up near the university close by to Camp Nou and remembered the nearby cafe shop you and Pedri used to visit often. He would stop there every morning before practice for a quick shake and sometimes on his way home to buy you a cake pop, your favorite in the city. Rosie had been a trooper all day from the train ride from Valencia to Barcelona to going around running errands. She deserved a treat.
You walked into the coffee shop holding Rosie on your waist. The line was a little long and you hoped she wouldn’t get fuzzy. A few seconds in you felt someone’s steps get closer and Rosie began to giggle. You smiled because Rosie was always giggling with strangers. You knew it could be a problem as she became mobile but for the time being sometimes you appreciated it because it kept her busy. A few customers paid and the line moved as you continued to wait.
You felt as Rosie began to pull away from you. -Pa pa pa.- You heard her say. You had left the picture in the backpack and had managed to make her forget about it, at least for the day. You knew she would eventually ask for it and the time was now.
-Rosie, you will have to wait for the picture…-
As you turned around you saw him. He was smiling at Rosie. His hand put up in a high five waiting for her to connect it with hers.
Pedri stood there in front of you and his daughter. His face dropped as soon as your eyes met. Your skin tone changed, pale, as if you had seen a ghost.
-Rosie?- He furrowed his brows and looked at you. -Y/N?-
You stood there in front of him and felt heat go through your body starting with your legs. Your heartbeat accelerated as you looked at him and wished the floor would open and eat you up in that moment.
-Pedri.- Was all you managed to say. Rosie continued to pull herself away from you and towards Pedri. He looked at her, you could tell his mind was spinning. The way he looked at every detail of her. He knew within an instant she was his. He felt as if a cold dagger had been pushed through his heart.
-Gavi told me.- He said. His jaw clenched. -That you met someone. That you were expecting a baby with him. No jodas Y/N, es mi hija.- Don’t fuck with me Y/N, she’s my daughter.
You felt yourself choke up. Your eyes filling up with tears as Rosie looked at you. She immediately sensed that you were not okay and leaned in to rest her head on your chest.
Pedri looked at her with endearing eyes. A small smile peeking through his frustrated expression.
-Let’s not do that here.- You said as you looked around the cafe. People had noticed the two of you were in somewhat of an argument. Pedri cleared his throat.
-Then where?-
-Pedri, please.- You pled, this time unable to hold in the tears. Rosie looked up at you and with her little fingers traced down the wet path that the tears left on your face, in an attempt to wipe them away.
The three of you walked towards Pedri’s car in silence. You sat in the back with Rosie on your lap since you didn’t have a car seat and held on to her. Minutes later you pulled up to Pedri’s house. He opened the door to the dark home and turned on the lights.
You choked up as you looked around. Many of the decorations you had brought in still stood. You wondered how many more had came through these hallways and rooms without realizing bits and pieces of you still remained.
You found yourself standing in front of Pedri at the kitchen table. The same way you had the night you left, this time with Rosie in your arms.
-Why?- Was the only thing that came out of Pedri’s mouth as he looked at you.
-Pedri, she’s-
He interrupted you. -Ni de coña do you try to tell me she’s not mine. Her eyes. Rosie, that’s what you and I had said we would name our daughter.-
-You are better off without us.- You spat back. -You hated that I wanted to know where you were or with who. I gave you the freedom that you wanted. I didn’t want you to feel like you had to be with me for her.-
He had kept his eyes on the table, finally looking up at you.
-You made that choice for me. I didn’t ask you to.-
-You didn’t have to. You were miserable with me. Why would having a child change any of that?-
-Don’t act like you knew how I felt.- He raised his voice at you causing Rosie to begin to cry.
You looked over at your baby who you had promised to protect and defend and here you were back with the one person you wanted her to stay away from.
-This was a mistake.- You said as you grabbed your bag and began to walk towards the front door.
-If you leave right now, I’ll make your life hell. I will take her.- You heard Pedri say in a quiet manner behind you.
You turned around with a look of disgust on your face. -Don’t threaten me with taking my daughter away.-
-You’re about to walk out again. You already took her from me once. Si, yo fui un cabron, but you kept her from me. I’ve lost time with her.- Yes, I was as n asshole, but you kept her from me.
-What do you want, Pedri?- You asked annoyed as he took a few steps closer to you. The scowl on his face softened. For the first time in the whole night you look at his face, the details, realizing all of the moles you counted hundreds of times and the small scars were still there.
-Let me hold her.- He asked somewhat shyly. You looked over at Rosie who had stopped crying and was now smiling at Pedri. Pedri looked at her with endearing eyes. His heart was racing and felt like it was going to bust out of his chest any second.
It took everything in you to not turn around and run away. You held Rosie close to you for a few more seconds before handing her over to him. His chest fell in relief as soon as she was in his arms. He held her tight and Rosie rested her head on his chest. Pedri almost melted at her touch. Tears formed in his eyes, eventually beginning to fall down his face.
Pedri stood there holding her tightly against his body. His eyes were on her as he took in every detail of her.
You stood in front of the two and your heart felt like it was going to explode. Seeing Rosie in his arms was something you didn’t think would happen. Now that they were together their similarities were even more pronounced.
-She has your eyes.- You manage to say quietly. Pedri looked up at you and smiled. -And your dimples.-
-Well what is she like?- He asked minutes later as the three of you sat on the couch. Rosie still quietly sitting in Pedri’s embrace.
-She doesn’t take no for an answer. She loves music and …-
-And what?- He asked.
-And watching you play. I put on the Barça matches for her and she sits through them all.-
Pedri smiled. -Do you talk to her about me?-
You shook your head and looked at him. You had never seen him this defeated. He looked at peace with her in his arms but his expression showed the loss he was grieving at the moment. Over a year of Rosie’s life, the pregnancy, her birth.
-My mother does, she thinks I don’t know but I do.-
The two of you remained silent for a few minutes. Pedri continued to look at Rosie while he gently caressed her little hand.
-You know, if you had told me you were pregnant I would have asked you to stay.- He said.
You didn’t look at him, instead focused your eyes on your hands. -You should have asked me to stay regardless. You should have shown me we were worth trying to fix, worth fighting for.-
-We were. Joder, we are.-
You shook your head as you began to choke up.
-Not anymore Pedri. You can see her. You can spend time with her. But please, don’t make us go through this again.-
Pedri looked up at you as he continued to hold on to Rosie. The way he had his arms around her body, in a gentle yet fierce way. Like he was never going to let her go now that he knew her.
-You’re right. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive you for keeping her away from me. For making me feel like shit for letting you go thinking you had found someone else. Because at least you had her and I had no one.-
@cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount @iloveyourmom17 @amour88 @footballfan3108
#pedri gonzalez#pedri#pedri imagine#pedri x reader#pedri is so damn hot#pedri blurb#pedro gonzalez#pedri requests#pedri fluff#pedri imagines#pedri angst#Spotify
761 notes
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post match Pedri is SOOOOOO
gorgeous? hot? perfect? Yep, he is😌
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espresso - lando norris
summary: y/n is a famous singer who also happens to be a massive f1 fan. when she mentions a liking for a certain driver, it's only fate that he tries everything in his power to get her attention.
a/n: no face claim! the outcomes/order of races are altered to fit the story, it's just a fun time!!
liked by oliviarodrigo, oneruel, pedri, and 1, 376, 227 others ynusername my new interview with wired is out now!
user64973 Stop you're gorgeous
user89322 do i wanna be her or be with her??
user09384 so who r u crushing on huh
ynusername it's a seeeecret 🤫
user44172 This entire vid is so chaotic omfg
user03638 Please let y/n enter her wag era
liked by user55736, user89842, user73903, and 10, 652 others user33973 HELLO???? LANDO LITERALLY LIKED THIS TWEET I'M CRYING
user98301 brother personally knows who y/n's next bf should be
user34593 God please let this be lando shooting his shot after watching y/n's recent interview
user12871 lando and y/n 🙏🙏
view ynusername's story...

liked by oscarpiastri, lorde, gavi, and 782, 774 others ynusername what a race! lovely to see you again @ oscarpiastri, maybe aim for a podium next time though?
oscarpiastri I'd like to see you try in a f1 car
user49949 Wait is oscar the guy y/n was talking abt in that vid? user53004 i hope not, i love him and lily
user20833 Okay so did y/n and lando interract or not? 😭
user61221 hot girls support mclaren (confirmed!) liked by ynusername
user89483 y/n slowly integrating herself in the f1 scene, we see u girl
liked by danielricciardo, logansargeant, ynusername, and 2, 459, 383 others landonorris A lot to learn from this weekend, but we keep pushing. Also great to meet a lot of new faces and the incredible fans🧡
user89894 is the new face y/n perhaps??
mclaren Great weekend Lando! liked by landonorris
user92702 I genuinely tweak whenever u post bc u look so fine
user53982 not y/n liking this post 😭
user66359 AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN FOLLOW HIM user98123 miss girl is stalking her crush i bet
user17263 please let this year be your year
user52209 Did anyone see his response to that post race interview?
user87229 oh he trynna thirst trap (y/n) liked by landonorris
liked by lilyzneimer, oliviarodrigo, pedri, and 334, 938 others ynusername remember that one bitch ass ex I had? yeah well I wrote another song about him! 'feather' is yours now, but best enjoyed when you have an ugly, cheating, lying dick of an ex to think about. have fun with this one!! 😘
user82983 i was like wow normal post! and then boom. oscar.
oscarpiastri Okay that seems a little mean
lilyzneimer already on repeat
oscarpiastri Um excuse me???? Did you read the caption...
user26321 omfg i've been waiting for an angry y/n song
user72639 this sounds really familiar?? song of the summer maybe?
ynusername ahhhh thank you bb
view landonorris's story...

liked by user58273, user98004, user63874, and 10, 376 others user44938 Y/N papped in Monte Carlo today! Rumours are circulating that she was visiting F1's starboy Lando Norris, however there is no official confirmation.
user99812 ohhh y/n we see you
user89283 Okay everyone shut up abt lando, let's take a moment to appreciate y/n's beauty omf she's gorg
user23294 I SECOND THIS !!
user12834 hmm i wonder why she's in monaco...
user48463 Y/N u ain't slick 😭
user35273 she saw lando's story and ran straight to him
user16282 "how far u go for a sneaky link? I'd fly"
user52883 I know damn well she ain't in monaco for a holiday
liked by landonorris, gracieabrams, laufey, and 483, 995 others ynusername it's exactly like selena gomez's 2011 film
user63762 ur the genuine it girl
lilyzneimer Monte Carlo reference, I love it liked by ynusername
user11928 landoooo
landonorris oooooo
user40948 oh hey lando user29830 Fancy seeing you here user73984 He wants her so bad
oscarpiastri I think I've seen that hoodie before
ynusername hmm i wonder where 🤷♀️
user49283 girl saw his story and flew out IMMEDIATELY
user53984 y/n l/n wag era loading 😏😏
user92874 So pretty
liked by oscarpiastri, ynusername, mclaren, and 3, 469, 848 others landonorris Calm before the storm #raceweek
charlesleclerc Good to see you with some company
ynusername omg invite me next time
user42761 Girl bfr we know where u were at
user19820 y/n and lando are a match made in heaven
user82637 I wonder who you were hanging out with 🤔
oscarpiastri Wow I feel like I've seen that girl before
ynusername me too
user61542 not lando soft launching y/n as if we don't know it's her
user82736 I mean technically we don't
user19823 @ user82736 No I think it is confirmed, she was heard on his twitch stream the other day
liked by landonorris, lilyzneimer, danielricciardo, and 1, 254, 982 others mclaren Our drivers and their partners after qualifying! Lando and Oscar will begin P4 and P5 respectively in Monte Carlo 🧡🤍
user52761 admin really said if they won't confirm it, I will liked by mclaren
user52839 Please lando and y/n are adorable
user82636 lily & oscar >>>
user48273 Sooooo they official...?
user27163 guys stop with this y/n x lando madness, i need a double mclaren podium
user82638 y/n really manifested her wag era huh
liked by ynusername, logansargeant, lilymunhe, and 3, 716, 372 others landonorris Monaco '24. Thank you to everyone who came out, and showed me support this weekend. I promise to be better next race. tagged: oscarpiastri & ynusername
ynusername my racer 🧡🏎️
user62538 HELLO? user82776 i'm gonna be sick
mclaren Papaya boys! liked by landonorris
user72538 Y/N is so beautiful I can't even
user16529 HIS EYES
user52863 him hard launching y/n >>>>
user98276 This is MY victoria and david
ynusername omg we're definitely not as cool as them
user41752 i won't get over this ever
liked by landonorris, phoebebridgers, mclaren, and 967, 837 others ynusername i think i need to buy more orange clothes
landonorris I've already offered up half my closet to her...
landonorris nice shirt though 😏
user62538 oh i'm living for their hard launch
lilyzneimer Welcome to the team!!
mclaren Our favourite pop star liked by ynusername 🌟
oscarpiastri It's actually papaya
ynusername okay sassy man apocalypse lilyzneimer @ ynusername feed him to the zombies
liked by oliviarodrigo, landonorris, lilyzneimer, and 583, 872 others ynusername oh and btw, my new song espresso is out and it's a @ landonorris certified 'banger'. his words not mine. listen on all platforms now!!
landonorris She's working late cause she's a singerrr
ynusername haiii
user72637 y/n really walked in and said that she's the best lando ever had and ever will have
landonorris I mean it's true sooo
user62537 Okay lando I didn't know u had game like dat
lilyzneimer oh I love you
ynusername LILYYYYYYY i love u so much oscarpiastri I think our gfs are gfs... @ landonorris
view landonorris's story...

please let me know if you guys liked this! i love doing lando fics so much. as always, my reqs are open so feel free to drop suggestions!!
here’s a cute oscar smau i just wrote
#lando norris#lando norris x reader#lando#lando norris x#lando norris x you#lando norris x y/n#mclaren#formula 1#ln4#mclaren f1#smau#lando norris f#lando norris f1#f1#f1 x reader#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 fic#f1 2024#lando norris fanfic#lando norris imagine#lando norris x oc#f1 x#f1 x you#f1 x y/n#f1 x female reader#mclaren racing#formula 1 fanfic#formula 1 imagine#quadrant
2K notes
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Shameless | PG8

Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x reader
Summary: where Pedri's girlfriend have 0 filter on and love saying freaky things on social media.
Genre: SMAU
Warnings: suggestive
Author's note; this is something...


liked by yourinstagram, pablogavi and 7,784,628 others
pedri Noche muy feliz porque siempre es especial marcar, y más si son los primeros goles con @/sefutbol. Gracias Palma por tanto cariño. ❤️ Con más ganas que nunca de que la #Euro2024 empiece!! #VamosEspaña
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yourinstagram such a kissable lips.
⤷pedri come kiss it then
⤷youruinstagram such a suckable dick 🤭
⤷pedri come ;)
⤷pablogavi DUDE WTF
⤷yourinstagram go away hater.
⤷username tears bro 😭
⤷username they've definitely makeout infront of him.
⤷pablogavi much worse
⤷username DUDEEE 😭😭
adidasfootball pedri potter 🪄
ferrantorres vamos hermano!
⤷username supportive besties 🥹
fcbarcelona ⚽⚽
⤷username buy wirtz!
⤷username who'll pay the money you?
yourinstagram waiting for you with open arms and open legs. 🛐🛐
⤷pedri I'm right beside you cariño
⤷yourinstagram let tie my hair real quick.
⤷username i understand her, if my man was pedri gonzález I would also be expressive like this.
⤷username fr like we can't even blame her.
yourinstagram "hey, can I take your ability to walk rq?" - the guy on 2nd slide.
⤷username what was your answer?
⤷yourinstagram can't even sit properly ffs.
⤷pedri 😘
⤷username damn ok girlie.
⤷ferrantorres gross. 🤮🤮
⤷alejandrobalde agree. 🤮
⤷username lmao 😭
pablogavi disgusting mfs 🙏🏻
⤷pedri jealous?
⤷pablogavi kill yourself lil bro
⤷yourinstagram hater.
⤷pablogavi biggest.
yourinstagram hey sexy.
⤷pedri hey cariño 💋
⤷username I don't if I want to be her or be with her.
username pedri really bagged a 10/10.
⤷pedri I'm surprised as you're brother.
username dude she's so pretty 😔
⤷yourinstagram all you bby<33
⤷username omg ilysm!!!
liked by yourinstagram
username they're my favourite couple.
pedri added to story 5m ago.

seen by yourinstagram, pablogavi and 2,638,799 others
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yourinstagram babbyyyy<3 now come and fuck me.
⤷pedri I'm literally down stairs cariño
⤷yourinstagram come upstairs then.
pablogavi simp.
alejandrobalde we get it bro

liked by pedri, sophiaamelia and 856,739 others
yourinstagram summer te quiero mucho. 🍀
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pedri mi niña hermosa ❤️❤️ (my beautiful girl)
⤷yourinstagram mi hermoso chico ❤️ (my beautiful boy)
⤷username I don't who I'm more jealous of.
ferrantorres the 2nd slide was not necessary thank you.
⤷pedri you should be glad I didn't let her post the pic she wanted.
⤷ferrantorres thank you saviour.
pedri you're so hot, have sex with me?
⤷yourinstagram you're on ban.
⤷username tears bro 😭
⤷username so they're crazy CRAZY
mikkykiemeny Mi precioso <33
⤷yourinstagram mi mikkyyy<33
⤷username my favourite wags
username @/pedri how did you bag her Lil bro?
⤷pedri idk mate.
⤷yourinstagram he have a big heart and a big dick.
⤷username oh ok pop off queen 😭
username she's soooooo pretty

liked by pedri, mikkykiemeny and 865,729 others
yourinstagram he can ruin my ability to walk.
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pedri proudly.
⤷username okay king.
⤷username atleast he's winning off pitch
pedri mi bebe
⤷yourinstagram 🫶🏻
username girly calma 😭
username the caption??
pablogavi you all make me wanna kms.
⤷pedri shush.
username my favourite wag ever.
ferrantorres gross mfs.
⤷yourinstagram die.
username I love them sm
username REALEST WAG ever.
#pedri#pedri gonzalez#pedri x reader#pedri x you#pedri fanfic#pedri smau#pedri smut#fc barcelona#barcelona#football#pedri blurb#pedri imagine#football x reader#football fanfic#football smau#football x you
965 notes
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hey! Can you make one which Pedri and reader are making out on his couch and suddenly his parents gets on his home with Fer, and caught them, and reader really just wants to dissappear
↬❥ It wasn't supposed to end like this...

Pedri Gonzalez x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : You and Pedri are having an intimate moment after his family leaves, but Fernando forgets his wallet in the kitchen.
a/n: I'm starting to feel confident about this. But I don't give myself five days to give up writing smut KAKAKAKAKAK
warnings: smut. Totally boring reader.
And sorry if there are mistakes, English is not my language.I hope this is what you asked for!
Pedri's hands were firmly on your thighs as his body moved intensely over yours. Your bodies fit perfectly on the living room couch, with you lying on your back and him between your legs—completely surrendered to each deep, slow, torturous thrust he gave you.
“Holy shit…” he murmured against her neck, his voice husky, full of lust. “You’re perfect like this, underneath me…”
You arched your back, your breasts pressing against his chest. Pedri's hands held your legs higher, making even more room for him to enter deeper, eliciting a loud, uncontrollable moan from you.
“Pedri…” you moaned, scratching his back. “More… deeper…”
He obeyed you with gusto. His thrusts became more intense, his hips slamming against yours hard, making the couch creak beneath you. The wet, rhythmic sound of your bodies colliding filled the room, along with muffled moans and heavy breathing.
Pedri held your face with one hand now, looking into your eyes as he fucked you with a mixture of affection and delicious brutality.
“You feel it, ¿mh?” he teased, with that damn smile on his lips. “Me inside you, deep inside…”
“I feel everything, damn it…” you replied, grabbing his shoulders. “You’re so hot, Pedri…”
He moaned against your mouth, and kissed you again hard, his tongue invading your mouth at the same pace he invaded your body. You felt your climax approaching quickly, the pleasure building up in insane waves, each thrust hitting just the right spot.
" I'm going to cum with you, darling… — he growled in her ear, increasing the speed even more.
You grabbed his hair and moaned loudly, feeling your entire body tremble.
" That's it, come on with me... fuck."
And it was exactly at that moment — at the height of your excitement, in the most compromised position possible, with Pedri pounding deep inside you — that the door to the house was opened with force.
"¡PEDRI! Hemos llegado! ¡Trajimos a Fer!" (PEDRI! We've arrived! We brought Fer!)
Time stopped. You froze. Pedri widened his eyes, still inside you.
And the scene that followed was simply the nightmare of his life.
Pedri’s mother entered the room first. She let out a shrill scream, her horrified gaze locking on hers just as Pedri desperately tried to pull a pillow over you. But it was impossible to hide what they were doing—your body was still shaking from your orgasm, your legs were still spread wide, and Pedri… well, he was still inside you.
“¡MADRE DE DIOS!” the woman screamed, turning her face quickly. “IT CANNOT BE! ANTONIO, GET ME OUT OF HERE!" (MOTHER OF GOD!)
His father walked in seconds later and let out a dry, indignant:
And then, Fer appeared behind them, looked at the scene with a mocking smile and said:
“Fuck, Pedri, not even to wait for them to leave, huh? That’s real love… or despair.”
You wanted to disappear. Vanish. Enter a time rift and never return.
You tried to pull something to cover your body, but Pedri was still literally stuck to you — which made everything even worse.
“For the love of God, get off me!” you whispered, pushing his chest, completely red, feeling the embarrassment hit you harder than any pleasure.
Pedri left carefully, still trying to cover you with the pillows while your mother shouted from afar:
“Get dressed! Let’s pretend this never happened! And you two, shame on you!”
“I won’t be able to look at your mother ever again,” you said, still trying to find your panties thrown somewhere in the room.
“She’ll get over it… one day. Maybe with therapy,” Pedri replied, still laughing, even though she was also dying of embarrassment.
“I’m not laughing, Pedri. I’m traumatized.”
“But it was delicious, wasn’t it?” He whispered naughtyly in her ear.
You slapped him. But even with your face on fire, you couldn't help but laugh.
" Idiot."
“You idiot.”
And there you two went, dragging yourselves around the house in silence, trying to regain your lost dignity between the sofa cushions.
Taglist: @paucubarsisimp @p4uul0vr @nngkay @meganesanchez @bymerinott @htpssgavi @luvvpedri
#barcelonafanfic#fc barcelona#universefcb#pedri gonzalez x you#pedri gonzalez x reader#pedri imagine#pedri x reader#pedri gonzalez#pedri x wife!reader#pedri x y/n#pedri x you#pedri/ferran#football x y/n#football x oc#football x reader#football imagine#football#my fanfiction
161 notes
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DOWN BAD marc guiu
pairings: marc guiu x fem!reader
summary: IN WHICH, marc is down bad…
warnings: swearing, nothing major!
face claim: rubi rose
@ʀɪʏᴀʜᴅᴀɢ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴘᴏꜱᴛᴇᴅ!

liked by alabamabarker, marcguiu9, and 802,389 others
riyahdag who you wish you were…
view all 564,453 comments
alabamabarker girllll😍
↳ riyahdag ❤️
user08 this girl is a different kind of fine bro
user06 riyah just gimme ONE chance😩
sexyyred bae fine asf😮💨
↳ riyahdag i love u🥹
user23 one sniff is all i need🙏🙏🙏🙏
liked by riyahdag
↳ riyahdag yo this is CRAZY💀💀
user87 she aight ig, low-key mid…
↳ riyahdag just like ya mama
marcsgirlx we see you marc🌚
↳ user56 fr he think he slickkkk
↳ user78 it’s just a like??? shut up…
kylianmbappe france misses you riri🤍
↳riyahdag i’ll be back so ky😘
user64 she knows kylian?
↳ user47 mhm, she used to visit her dad
in france all the time when younger
@ʀɪʏᴀʜᴅᴀɢ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴘᴏꜱᴛᴇᴅ!

liked by marsaimartin, nickiminaj, marcguiu9, and 1,056, 976 others
riyahdag “mama you pretty wit no makeup” 😘
view all 989,365 comments
user53 i need her so bad it’s not funny no more
user27 i’d let her spit in my mouth…
ayatanjali sisterrr😩
liked by riyahdag
user64 i just let out the loudest moan btw
barcagirl_ marc isn’t trying to hide it anymore
↳ user34 it’s sooo obvious he wants her
↳ user65 he’s always in her likes too!!!
user84 i lowkey ship her and marc
↳ user49 tbh who doesn’t atp they would
be soooo hot together
↳ user59 i agreeeee
kylianmbappe 😍
↳ riyahdag 😉❤️
user61 y’all her and marc will NEVER happen
↳ user76 bitch how do you know that…
↳ user61 bcs she doesn’t even follow him
back i don’t even think she’s aware of
his existence🌚🌚
kyliejenner prettiest girl in the world
↳ riyahdag *you are!!!
marcguiu9 😍
↳ user87 WHAT…
↳ barcagirlie i told y’all🤦🏽♀️
↳ marcsgf MARC GET OUT
↳ user75 my brain can’t function
pedri hate club
(ig messages)
seen by all at 19:03
↳ sent a post by riyahdag
i can’t take it anymore
i need her so bad
she’s so beautiful
who is that😮💨
my future wife:)
she’s bad
i want herrr😩
↳ lamineyamal: i want herrr😩
its past your bedtime…
just message her
you have a big following i’m sure she will reply
or not😄
so negative😟
don’t deflate his hopes
it’s what he’s best at
and i am NOT messaging her😹😹
why not????
because he’s 🐈⬛
↳ joaofelix79: why not????
bro where tf did you come from
and because she’s too fine for me😩
and she’s american it just won’t work
with distance
i thought she was dating mbappe🤨
he’s always commenting on her posts
but idk don’t take it from me🤷♂️
i can’t breath
 bro i fumbled😞
there was nothing TO fumble🌚🌚
you have never talked to her.
like i said
i definitely can’t message her now
we are playing madrid in two days
i can’t message his gf and play against him…
says who😏
you need help.
immediately too…
↳ marcguiu9: i can’t message his gf and play against him…
that is not his gf
they are just childhood friends, they visit each other from time to time
i just walked into marc’s house
he’s smiling like crazy at his phone
😂 reacted by all
BIG RIRI 🐈⬛. Follow
who tf is “marc” and why y’all keep bringing him up in my comments???🤨
00:13 21/6/2024 From Earth 21M Views
906K Reposts 21K Quotes 2.9M Likes 189K Bookmarks
i hate that tumblr only lets you add 10 pictures🌚
#marc guiu#marc guiu x reader#fc barcelona#fc barça#fc barcelona x reader#hector fort#hector fort x reader#football#football imagine#football smut#football x reader#footballer imagine#footballer x reader#footballer x y/n#footballer x you#jude bellingham#jude bellingham x reader
252 notes
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summary: youre pedris gf and are traveling with him for the psg game
a/n: im sorry but these are so fun to make 😭

i was reading on the plane, second pic is what I was reading, third pic is me sleeping (no clickbait)
liked by pedri, menshealth and 1,729,542 others.
pedri: ...
menshealth: best book on the planet 💪💪💪
random: is she traveling with barca to paris?
random: ig so
random: this is so mean actually
random: cry about it
random: frrrr

@mikkykiemeney (my love) and me enjoying our love in the city of love, dont know who the third guy is, he randomly photo bombed us
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 2,668,018 others.
pedri: babe.... stop these photos.....
random: LMAOOOO
random: why are they in paris?
random: love the duoooo 🫶🏻🫶🏻
random: PUTA BARCA
mikkykiemeny: Mi amor ❤️❤️❤️❤️
pablogavi: that guy on the third pic be looking hot who is that
random: lets gooo we're gonna beat psg
feeeeeeeerrrrrrr: you cut me out of the picture😞😞😞
fcbarcelona: always with us 🫶🏻❤️
raphinha: i think the guy on the third picture is the pilot of the plane
random: why is she so mean
random: i love you for doing Pedri dirty
frenkiedejong: our women got stolen
pedri: justice for us

knew that paris copied us
liked by pedri, jkeey4 and 2,183,017 othes.
pedri: 😍😍😍
random: so prettyyyy
siramartinezc: welcome home 😁😁
random: Why she so funny

liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 1,991,772 others.
comments have been limited...

pov: you just gave the most jaw dropping assist but you gotta play it off cool
liked by pedri, fcbarcelona and 1,629,991 others.
random: Hala Madrid
pedri: ❤️❤️
frenkiedejong: hey thats me!!
fcbarcelona: Our magicians 🎩 🫶🏻
mikkykiemeney: our one night stands😝😝
yourinsta: frrrr
pedri: babe seriously.
frenkiedejong: hey....
random: the pic of pedri lmaoo
random: Psg easy winn barca no chance
random: we finally have them back
random: Pedri is so fineeeeee
pablogavi: When do i get my appreciation post????
yourinsta: as soon as you play, promise
pablogavi: easy game

and my man, thank you to my man 😘❤️
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 2,729,681 others.
pedri: de nada amor ❤️
random: AAAA
random: the flowers. im dying.
random: im actually so jealous.
pablogavi: fine i mean i can be your passanger princess too
random: actually that car is so cool
random: how to sign up to be pedris girlfriend
random: REALLL
ferrantorres: and again i get no credit for heloing him with the flowers
pedri: cr to ferran
yourinsta: ferran you only think about yourself
pedri: yes ferran think about others too
ferrantorres: what....
pedri: you egoistic.
yourinsta: HAHAHAH
random: shes allowed to drive his car.... 😞

hot girls support red bull, anyways MAX FOR THE WIN. HE HAS DONE IT AGAIN.
liked by pedri, maxverstappen1 and 2,829,729 others.
random: why she just spawning everywhere
random: whats max doing here
pedri: hot guys get forced to support red bull because of their girlfriends
random: LOOOL WHAT
random: Shes so iconic
random: Ferrari deserved the podium
random: not our fault if they cant build cars
random: ateee
random: lewis for the win

car appreciation post (plus the man driving it)
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 982,829 others.
pedri: ❤️❤️
yourinsta: dry ass comment
pablogavi: damn
pedri: my bad, i love you my wonderful girlfriend the love of my life please marry me in that car
yourinsta: okay!! 😁😁🥰🥰❤️❤️
random: i want pedri as a boyfriend
random: awww the flowers
random: I would do anything to have a car like that
pablogavi: always flexing that damn car
yourinsta: gotta do what you gotta do 🤷♀️🤷♀️
random: PEDRI IN A SUIT?
#barca#fc barcelona#fanfic#football#futbol#mustread#espana#pedri imagine#pedri x reader#pedri gonzalez#pedri smau#pedri#pedri gonzalez lopez#fanfiction#pedri fanfic
374 notes
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pedri and joao threesome pls 🙏🏻💕 absolutely love everything u write
Their cum as lipgloss >...
Enjoy 🍌
Twice The Fun
You were squealing like a little school girl, when you opened your package. After removing the wrapping paper, the royal blue fabric greeted you. The polyester was soft between your fingers, when you took the shirt from the box.
You smiled.
Another piece for your collection. Immediately after seeing the transfer announcement on his instagram, you went to the FC Chelsea website and placed your order.
Scrunching your nose at the chemical smell, you cut the labels and put it in the washing machine. 20 Minutes and it will smell fresh as ever.
His jerseys held a special place in your closet, right behind your dresses and blouses. All of them neatly hung up on black coat hangers, sorted by club and season. You started collecting them long before meeting Pedri, who wasn't exactly fond of your little obsession with Chelsea's new striker starlet.
So when you sat on the couch two days later, watching Chelsea's Champions League match and Pedri came home from practice, he gave you a cold stare instead of the usual kiss. All because of that damn name on the back of the jersey.
"So you're a Chelsea fan now ?" Your boyfriend asked mockingly, sitting down next to you.
You smirked. "Only until the end of the season, then I can watch him beat your ass in LaLiga again"
"I should bend you over and give your ass a little beating for talking to me like that" Pedri replied, obviously pissed off.
"I really don't get why you're so jealous. I'm just a fan" you poked his chest playfully.
"I'm not jealous! João Felix is a fucking arrogant asshole, who thinks he's the next Ronaldo just bc he scored a few goals. You shouldn't sit here, wearing his jersey." Pedri crossed his arms.
You decided to push his buttons a little more. "and yet he's there playing Champions League and you sit here, exhausted from extra training, because you disqualified from Europa League"
The midfielder rolled his eyes. "If he's so great then why aren't you there with him ? I bet you'd let him fuck you after the match, the way you're jumping up and down just because he hit the crossbar. Any 4th grader would've scored that."
"If you had asked me in 2019 I'd tell you yes. I thought his braces were really hot" you admitted, focus back on the TV.
Pedri laughed. "His braces ?" You joined in, glad he lightened his mood.
"What can I say I am obsessed"
He looked at you, raising a brow. "So you're telling me you didn't think about it recently"
"If I say I did, will you get a pissed again ?" you nudged his shoulder.
You leaned close to his ear, not waiting for a reply. "Because I did, but don't worry, only when Barcelona played against Atletico. Twice the fun, right ?"
Teasing Pedri with João wasn't your best choice. You boyfriend had been acting annoyed all week and ignored your affectionate tries to lighten him up. You decided to surprise and apologize to him.
Pedri had a new campaign photoshoot with Adidas today, meaning he would probably come home late.
You dimmed the light in your shared bedroom and lit a few tea lights to set the mood. Pedri loved it when you wore lingerie and you had just found the right set on your shopping trip today. It came with a matching robe which wouldn't make you feel too naked. The color was a soft red, powdery and not to bright, complimenting your skin tone.
The thought of Pedri's lips teasing your skin as he slowly took the lace of your body made you shiver in delight. He wouldn't be able to resist you.
Putting on some light makeup, you heard the lock turning. You quickly applied some last layers of mascara and went to the hallway.
You jumped into your boyfriends arms, pulling him into a heated kiss. His hands caught your waist under the robe caressing your hips. Your fingers caressed his cheek as you broke the kiss, staring into his deep brown eyes.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have teased you. I'm more obsessed with you than with João." you said, hoping he'd accept it.
"Didn't sound like that when Pedri told me about it." a voice with familiar accent stated. You know that voice.
You let go of your boyfriend to see if your guess was right, but it couldn't be. You must be hallucinating.
João Félix was standing in your hallway. He wore a beige oversized t-shirt with the logo of some designer brand and light ripped jeans. You looked back and forth between the Portuguese and Pedri.
So many questions ran through your mind.
"I wanted to apologize for being an asshole and Félix and I did the photoshoot together so I invited him to meet you since you love him so much." Pedri explained, pushing you a little towards João.
"I- ummm. Hey." the blush that decorated your face and neck must make you look like a beet.
"Hey." João smiled at you and checked out your outfit. Realizing you were still only wearing the rather revealing set of underwear, you wrapped the robe around yourself.
"I'll umm go change." The presence of João made you forget how to think properly.
"No need to. Red is my favourite color, but I'm sure you know that." João said teasingly, a smirk curling on his lips. His hand caught your arm, holding you from leaving.
You stopped in your tracks and you were sure you forgot how to breathe for a second. Did he just flirt with you ?
His grip on your arm was firm but soft. It made your whole body shiver. You turned your head to see Pedri's reaction. He must be fuming.
To your surprise you're easily provoked sweetheart was watching the scenery without a hint of anger or annoyance.
"You do look irresistible. What a nice surprise-" Pedri looked at João and winked. "- for both of us."
You shot a confused look towards Pedri, about to ask what he was up to when he walked towards you. Trapped between the two footballers, you swallowed.
"Isn't this what you dreamed about, princesa ? Twice the fun. Remember ?" His voice went straight to your core, soaking your panties.
Of course you remembered. The thought of both Pedri and João touching you helped you fall asleep many nights, but that was it. Just a fantasy.
João moved his hand to undo your robe. He slightly towered over you due to his height, lips almost touching your temple. You leaned into him, inviting him to go further.
Pedri slipped his hand inside your panties. The pads of his fingers finding you wet and needy.
If you thought about what was happening right now, you'd probably laugh, but you couldn't rationally think right now. João's and Pedri's hands on your body was all you could think about.
João discarded your robe and opened your bra with a flick of his fingers.
"You're so pretty." he whispered. His voice was drowned in arousal.
You wanted to speak up, but he cupped your breasts and massaged them, which had you moaning instead. Your boyfriend started to kiss your neck.
Somewhere between João teasing your now hardened nipples and Pedri having two fingers pumping in and out of you, the three of you ended up in the bedroom.
You were sitting on the edge of the bed and watched as João took his shirt off. His skin was tan and his muscles defined. He sat next to you on the duvet and Pedri encouraged you to be more confident.
João caressed your hair as you opened the fly of his jeans. His long fingers combed through the strands and he leaned back a little. His dark brown eyes watched you intensely. Your hand reached inside his boxers.
He was hard and warm in your hand. The other found leverage on his knee. João let out a breathy moan when you started to move your hand up and down, spreading the precum leaking at the tip. His hand wrapped around yours to tighten your grip around him, teaching you how he'd like it.
You moved your sitting position to kneel beside him on the bed. The wetness between your thighs felt sticky and you rotated your hips slightly to create some friction.
"Put me inside your mouth, amor." The striker whispered, hand wrapped around the back of your neck.
Strong hands pulled at your hips as you leaned down. Pedri's hand sneaked inside your panties again, finding your pulsing clit.
You let spit run over João's tip, covering his shaft, before taking him. Teasing the head by tracing the small furrow on the underside with your tongue made him call out your name. You clenched your thighs.
Your boyfriend pulled your legs apart with one hand, keeping them apart with one knee. Pedri kneeled behind you. His hips flush with your ass. He must've taken his pants off, because you felt his hot skin on yours.
João's other hand started to play with your hair again as he watched you take more of his cock.
"That's perfect, take all of me." he praised you, slightly pushing your head down by the neck. He added just enough pressure to make you press yourself against Pedri's erection. The midfilder let go of your hip to play with one of your nipples. Pulling and twisting it, making it harder not to grind against him.
Removing your hand from João's shaft, you grasped his shoulder. The hand on his knee moved to play with his balls. They were full and heavy and João thrust his hips up, making you gag.
Tears formed in your eyes from the burning sensation in your throat. João found a fast pace with his hips, hitting the back off your throat repeatedly. You were on the edge with Pedri rubbing your sensitive spot.
You came with tears and spit running from your face, still swallowing João's cock.
Pedri pulled you up and João wiped your tears with his thumbs. Pedri held you to him and kissed your flushed cheek.
"That was so hot, princesa. Can't wait to be inside of you." he said, lips warm against your face.
João's warmth disappeared as he got up to take his pants off, but you stopped him. Reaching forward you pulled his jeans and briefs now all the way down.
His thighs looked strong as he walked towards you. He turned to Pedri, asking him something in Portuguese which you didn't understand. Pedri laughed and nodded, replying.
João went over to one of your drawers but before you could see what he did, Pedri pulled you into a kiss. His tongue massaged yours and his hand intertwined with yours. You reached under his shirt, feeling the muscles of his six pack.
The midfielder broke the kiss to take his shirt off, only his boxers covering him now. You wanted to please him. He shouldn't have to watch you have fun with João, even though Pedri had encouraged all of this.
"Lay down." he whispered and grabbed some pillows from the headboard.
As you were getting comfortable, Pedri positioned one pillow beneath your head and one beneath your ass. His hands explored your body doing so, touches lingering longer than needed. It got you excited all over again.
The bed dipped beside you as Joao came back. His hands travelled from your knees to the dip of your waist, spreading them in the motion. He hooked his fingers into your panties and slid them off you. His hand immediately cupped your exposed pussy and you bucked into him.
He watched you squirm, lips slightly parted and moved to lay beside you. His lips left butterfly kisses on your shoulder, goosebumps erupting on your skin. Two of his long fingers entered you, making you arch into the pillows.
After discarding his briefs, Pedri appeared on your other side. He whispered declarations of love into your neck. You felt something cold on your wet folds and hissed. João pulled his fingers out, spreading the cold liquid over your sensitive pussy, before moving them back inside.
At least you thought so, but his digits only teased your entrance before guiding them lower. His middle finger teased the little ring of muscles, making you shriek in shock. He stopped.
Pedri caressed your cheek and pressed his forehead against yours.
"I'll be careful. You'll like it if you relax." João mumbled against your shoulder.
Your boyfriend moved his hands down your lower stomach to find you're prepared and dripping. He easily slid his fingers inside.
"I'm here, mi vida. I've got you." Pedri said, curling his fingers. You cuddled into him. "We've got you."
Pedri made you feel safe.
João moved slightly atop of you. His free hand exploring your chest and his lips followed. When he teased your nipple with his tongue, he continued to massage your back entrance.
This time you relaxed, enjoying the new sensations. The tip of his finger slipped inside as Pedri found your sweet spot inside of you.
You felt your orgasm building up and Joao pressed further inside. He slowly started to move in and out, reaching hidden spots.
The name on your lips was now his. He chuckled against your breast. "I told you you'll like it."
Pedri circled your clit, wanting you to reach your peak. He had you clenching uncontrollably around him in seconds. João took the opportunity to slip a second finger inside of you. You barely even noticed it, being focused on the electricity making your body spasm. He bit down on your nipple.
Now focusing on your other breast, he increased the pace of his fingers and Pedri, too, continued the play of his fingers.
"Hermosa, you're a sight." Pedri moaned against your lips. His sweaty hair stuck to his forehead. His cheeks were flushed. He looked so sexy when he was aroused, you almost started drooling.
João looked up at you from your chest, releasing your abused bud with a pop. "I think you're ready to take my cock now, amor."
He cocked his eyebrow and smirked. Removing his fingers, he crawled next to you. Pedri guided you to lay on your side, facing him. Your boyfriend handed João the lube again.
Your heart thumbed in your chest. You had never experienced this much pleasure. Pedri hooked your leg over his waist, pulling you closer.
Finally you could feel his cock against you. You were impossibly wet, his tip immediately slipping inside, being pressed flush.
Pedri fucked you in a static pace, enough to make you moan, but not enough to make you come. His face pressed into your chest, hands spreading your cheeks for João.
You clawed at Pedri's back, surely leaving bruises. Arching your back into him, he increased the speed of his hips. You barely even noticed João entering your backside. He felt big, too big to make this pleasurable, but these two had proved you wrong before.
Guiding his cock further, he moaned your name into your neck. His hands held your hips in a vice grip. He filled you out completely, waiting for you to get used to the feeling.
Your hand found his and he slightly intertwined your fingers, resting them on your hip.
"You're doing so well, amor. Taking two cocks at the same time." João kissed your shoulder.
You couldn't quite register what he said, your thoughts and feelings overwhelmed by the intense pleasure. Your face felt sticky as you pressed it into the pillow. You didn't know if it was from the tears or the sweat.
Pedri groaned into your chest as João started to move. They must feel each other pleasuring you. After a few thrusts the two synchronized each other. The sounds coming from your mouth were pure and raw desire.
"This feels so good, makes me think we should invite him more often. What do you think, cariño ?" Pedri toyed with your nipple between his teeth, making you nod and scream out in pleasure. He never had a better idea.
João grinned against your neck and moved your joined hands to your middle. He let go of your fingers, but you trapped his hand in a vice grip. His fingers found your clit, drawing figure eights.
The third orgasm of the night crashed over you in waves. It felt even better than the first two.
Expecting the boys to come inside of you, you tried to move your hips, riding out your orgasm.
They had other plans, as João carefully pulled out and detached himself from his hugging position against you. Pedri followed and slid up to the headboard.
His crotch was now at level with your face, cock glistening with your juices. You felt João's hands guide you on all fours above Pedri, repositioning the pillow under your pelvis.
João slipped inside your pussy with ease, filling you to the brim. You clenched around him greedily accepting his hard thrusts. His balls slapped against your throbbing clit.
Pedri jerked his cock, guiding your head onto him by holding your hair in his hand at the back of your skull. Taking him fully, he moved the hand from his manhood to rest comfortably on the pillows behind his neck.
Before you got to enjoy to blow your boyfriend, João released himself inside you. He pulled out, spilling some of his cum on your pussy and ass.
This didn't bother you enough to stop sucking Pedri off. His cock was familiar between your lips and you knew exactly how to move to get him to lose control.
João didn't let go of your hips. His fingers spread his cum over your core and found your clit again. The striker soon had you coming for a fourth time.
The vibrating moans at the back of your throat, brought Pedri over the edge. He thrust his hips into your mouth until he was spent. His cum tasted salty, but nice. You liked swallowing him.
Climbing off him, you laid on your back exhausted. Pedri turned to pull you into him. João left into the small attached bathroom.
After getting a washcloth he kneeled between your thighs, softly cleaning you up.
"If Pedri doesn't mind, I'd like to hear more about your little obsession with me, amor."
A/N: Finally I built up the confidence to post this!
Special love and thanks go to @pedrisgatorade & @simpingmyassoff who were so kind to read this over! You're the best!
I really hope you enjoy this and leave me a comment 💕🫣
Love you❤️
#pedri gonzalez#joao felix#pedri fanfic#joao felix fanfic#pedri smut#joao felix smut#pedri one shot#joao felix one shot#pedri x reader#joao felix x reader#joao felix x reader x pedri#pedro gonzález lópez
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i was wondering if you could write about gavi getting jealous after his friends talk about the reader (his girlfriend) being rlly pretty or about her ass and body and his teamates talking about how good she is and he see thee same teamates talking to her when she is coming to pick him up and he gets rlly clingy
Pablo's POV
It was a good game, a 3:0 win for Barça, and another goal for myself. It was definitely a good day and to top it all, my girl was watching me from the stands and is giving me a ride home.
"Buena juega!" Xavi hugged me before slapping my ass as I left toward the changing rooms. Mierda! Why always me!?
"Pablito had a supporter today at the stands chicos!" Ansu joked when we all arrived at the changing room starting to take off our sweaty jerseys. I just smiled feeling lucky to have a girl who would come watch my matches and be my big supporter.
"She looks so hot in a Barça jersey!" Araujo aded and I felt my fists clench.
Yeah, my jersey hijo de puta! I thought to myself but didn't let their provocations get to me. They always do things to get my reaction, calling me a "hot head" all the time.
"But hermano, her ass in that shorts...damn! Pablo is a lucky cabrón!" Ferran's chuckled and I clenched my jaw. That was my ass to look at, not yours!
"Things I'd do to that ass!" those words were the last straw and I turned around to face the three guys staring in amusement back at me.
"Watch it..she is MY girl!" I said giving them a death glare and they made a joke about it raising their hands in surrender.
What the fuck!? I never look at other man's girl...it's so filthy!
"Can I steal you for a moment Gavi?" Xavi called and I nodded hoping it won't take too long cause I couldn't wait to kiss her lips again.
Your POV
I was waiting by the gates like we said but Pablo was running a bit late. I just assumed he was celebrating his goal and an amazing win. I was really proud of him today!
I sat on some chairs taking out my phone to scroll through Instagram while I waited before I heard familiar voices calling my name.
It was Ansu, Araujo and Ferran with bright smiles on their faces and I got up politely smiling back. You didn't really interact much with Pablo's teammates, except for Pedri who is like a brother to you, but you were still friends.
"Pablo is right behind us. He was talking to Xavi about the national team stuff" Ansu told me and I nodded once again proud of my boy.
"You got him whipped Y/N. This was the first time I saw Pablo really jealous" Ferran commented and you got curious about what he meant so they told you the story.
"We did it on purpose, tho. To mess with him. Not that you aren't beautiful, but we respect that you are Pablo's girl of course" Araujo explained getting a little nervous but you giggled reassuring him that it was fine and kinda curious why Pablo got so riled up?
"Amor!" speak of the devil, Pablo rushed pushing past the guy and snaking his arms immediately around my waist and pulling me into quite a theatrical kiss.
"Alright, bye Pablo. Bye Y/N!" Ferran said as the three of them started walking away and Pablo made sure to stand right behind me to block any possible sight of my ass. He was so adorable when he was acting jealous!!
Pablo's POV
Why was she laughing with them!? Fuck! I was all of the sudden is such a bad mood!
"Everything alright, cariño?" she asked while driving us to my apartment and I just nodded murmuring a quick "fine" meanwhile still staring at my phone.
I was being stupid! She is my girl and she would never do anything with any of them!
"Congrats on a win but you don't really seem happy...what's up Pablito?" she asked me as we came into the apartment and I just tossed my bag onto the floor and went to sit on the sofa.
"I'm tired." was all I said really not in the mood to tell her that I was jealous because my teammates made inappropriate comments about how hot my girl is.
"Is this about what your teammates said?" she moved to sit next to me and I gave her a curious look. How did she know?
"How do you know about that?" I said
"They told me that you got really jealous because they talked about me?" she said making it sound like a joke but I wasn't exactly feeling like it was nothing.
"I'm not jealous! And they were not just talking about you! They were talking about things they would do to you...and how hot and sexy you are..and I'm sorry I don't find that funny!" I snapped at her and she gave me a concerned look. Fuck! Why did I yell at my princesa like that!?
"Pablo..they were doing it to get a reaction from you..that's all" she tried but to me it just felt like she was defending them. How the hell is any of this okay!?
Your POV
I just tried to deflate the situation, reassuring him that his teammates meant not harm but he just rolled his eyes leaving to get changed without a word.
Wow! This was such a stupid argument!
I followed behind him hearing that he was in the shower and I took that opportunity to get into pajamas and wait for him in our shared bed.
Hopefully the shower will help clam him down a bit.
When he came out in just his pajama pants and shirtless running a towel through his wet hair, I almost forgot we just had an argument..I was suddenly extremely turned on.
When he laid down, I moved closer kissing his cheek and down to his sharp jawline while he just stayed quiet hopefully enjoying my ministrations.
"Amor, can we not fight?" I whisper moving my hand now to touch his strong abs smirking when I saw that his eyes were closed and that he was certainly ready to fold as well. It was stupid after all!
"They were just messing with you Pablito.." I added not expecting him to suddenly move away turning around to look at me once again angry.
"Why are you defending them again!? Mierda! Whatever!" he said getting up before leaving to sleep in the guest room. Childish!
"You won't be able to sleep alone, angry bird!" I yelled after him knowing what a big cuddle bear my man is but also knowing I won't be able to fall asleep until his arms are around me again.
Pablo's POV
I knew I overreacted the moment I laid my head on the pillow of the guest room. I was just so furious that I didn't punch their stupid faces after the filth that left their mouth!
I was angry at them and I was taking it our on her..fucking idiot!
I regretted leaving the moment I did but I also happen to be a stubborn hijo de puta and I wanted to prove to her that I could sleep alone!
Almost two hours have past and I was twisting and turning trying to get comfortable but it was useless...I had nobody to hold..nobody's hair to kiss..nobody's breathing to listen to...I couldn't sleep without her!
I faked going to get some water stealing a glance through an open crack of our bedroom door just to see her twisting and turning he same way I did for past two hours. I was smirking. She couldn't sleep without me either.
When I slowly got back into our room, her back was turned towards me and I slowly slipped under covers snaking my arm around her waist receiving an immediate reaction while pulling her back against me.
"Finally..I knew you couldn't sleep alone Pablito" she teased and I refused to tell her how right she was. It was my ego what can I say.
"Nahh I just saw you fidgeting when I went to get some water and I felt bad princesa..that's all" I lied and she giggled pushing her bum more into me and i felt myself getting hard. Mierda! Why were we arguing again?
"I mean they are not wrong..your ass really is so hot bombón..hot and all mine!" I hummed feeling her move against me slowly and I grabbed her bum giving it a rough squeeze that made her moan loudly.
"Don't you think I deserve a treat for winning..and for not punching their faces" I smirked and she turned around kissing my lips passionately while running her small hands through my hair..fuck those made me weak.
"Mhmm whatever you want papi" she said preciously and I smirked biting her lower lip while getting on top of her determined to release some of this pent up frustration.
#pablo gavi icons#pablo gavi x you#pablo gavi x reader#pablo gavi x y/n#pablo gavi#pablo martín páez gavira#pablo gavira#fc barça#fc barcelona#fc barca
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Try Not To Laugh Challenge (Pedri)
Summary: You and Pedri are co-workers who are paired up to do a video for the Barcelona Instagram account - the only thing is you’re dating and both bad at hiding the feelings.
Warning(s): none
A/N: Please send in any requests if you have any.
Word Count: [2035]
You stared at the email in disbelief. Just your luck.
You were currently being asked by your manager to meet him on the training grounds to film a video for Barcelona’s Instagram page with Pedri.
Big no.
Originally, Gavi was supposed to film the video with him but had to cancel last minute as the shoot he was doing with Nike was taking longer than anticipated.
Because of the short notice, the players had already been sent home, with only Pedri remaining after practice.
This led to you getting an email from your manager to step up and take the role as you were the team’s social media intern.
You didn’t want to turn him down, one because he was your boss and technically you weren’t even sure if you could without getting fired, but two also because you hadn’t seen Pedri all week and a small part of your brain, that was filled with all the mushy gushy feelings missed him.
The two of you had met when you started your internship with Barcelona the summer prior, he had just been ending his second year as a professional, and you had just ended your second year of college, thus landing the internship as a result.
Initially, things had been pretty awkward between the two of you. You rarely ever saw the players, often being thrown headfirst into the research aspect of social media marketing, such as trying to predict trends and analyzing raw data. It wasn’t until 5 weeks later that you had your first encounter with the boy.
You had walked into the break room, which to be fair was more of a snack room than anything else, the tables filled with different assortments of food.
Once there you noticed that there was only one other person present. A brown-haired boy on the other end of the table, looking intently at what appeared to be muffins.
You chose to ignore him at first, deciding to see the spread of food the Barcelona staff had brought in for everyone today. Your eyes locked on the pizza, and your body filled with excitement.
You were a big fan of pizza.
There was only one slice left and it was calling your name.
You grabbed a plate and made your way over, reaching out, just as another hand stole the pizza.
You looked up, ready to fight for what was rightfully yours, making eye contact with the boy from earlier.
He spoke first “Oh my bad. Did you want that?”
You cleared your throat, ready to stake your claim, but instead only came up with “Oh no, no worries.”
God damn it Y/N. You really need to grow a backbone you thought.
The boy looked at you, “Are you sure, you can have it if you want.”
He held up the limp pizza and you both watched as the cheese slowly started to separate from the sauce.
“I’m good. Thanks.”
The boy nodded before moving along the line.
You looked back over at the food, you had skipped breakfast earlier this morning as your boss asked you to come in earlier than expected so you didn’t have time to grab anything.
As you were contemplating whether to eat a muffin or an apple your stomach began to growl.
You felt your cheeks grow hot as you desperately prayed the boy standing just a few feet away didn’t hear it.
“Okay, clearly you’re hungry. Just take the slice, really I don’t even want it, it’s bad for my diet.”
You wanted to die. You finally met someone who looked around your age and the first thing you did was embarrass yourself in front of them.
You turned around to face the boy, he was once again holding the pizza in his hand, but this time he was stretching it out to you as a peace offering.
You looked at him as he gave you a warm smile.
“Split it?” You asked.
The boy grinned, “For sure.”
After that, whenever you and Pedri saw each other in the hallways you always made sure to stop and say hello. Eventually, those hellos became walking with each other back to your respective cars whenever you ended at the same time. Those walks then became lunch breaks, and before you knew it you were spending so much time with Pedri, you were surprised no one else had picked up on it.
“What do you tell your teammates when they ask where you go?” you questioned, sitting beside him in the empty conference room as you shoveled yogurt into your mouth on a random Friday afternoon.
“I say that I’m talking to my mom.” he admits.
You laugh out loud, reaching over to hit his shoulder, “No way haha. They believe that?”
Pedri rubbed the spot where you hit him, pretending it hurt, “Well they’ve never questioned it.”
“Aww but doesn’t Gavi miss you?” You asked, making a kissy face with your lips, purposely trying to annoy him.
He groaned at your antics, pushing your legs that were rested on his lap away, “Oh fuck off. You know there isn’t anything going on.”
You giggled. Recently someone had started a rumor on the internet that Pedri and Gavi were madly in love and once you had caught wind of it you had brought it up every chance you could, never getting enough of Pedri’s angry face, which in all honesty did not look even the slightest bit intimidating.
“Can’t say the same for us.” Pedri spoke, effectively cutting off your giggles.
You straightened in your seat, “What?”
“Oh c’mon you clearly have a thing for me.” He spoke again.
This time you fully sat up. While it may have been true that you were harboring the slightest, and i mean the slightest of slight, feelings for Pedri, there was no way anyone was ever getting that out of you unless you were literally chained to a wall fighting for you life.
Maybe not even then.
“Not even a chance.” You huffed looking at him as he grinned back at you.
He leaned over, hands finding their way to your shoulders as he squeezed, “Awh c’mon Y/N you’re telling me you don’t even have the tiniest of feelings for me.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, “Why so curious? You got a crush on me or something?”
Now it was his turn to shrink away.
“What? No, of course not.”
“Then why are we talking about this?”
You peaked at him through the corner of your eye, you couldn’t tell if you were imagining it or not but you swore you saw the smallest tint of pink on his cheeks.
You were right, he definitely had a crush on you. That all led you to your current position now, where you and Pedri had been dating in secret for 6 months, not wanting to risk telling anyone and you losing your job, since it was against company policy for employees to date when there was a power difference, which in this case there was since Pedri was a player and you were an intern.
Debating it over in your head, you decided to go and just get it over with. You just hoped you and Pedri would be able to keep it undercover.
You both failed. Miserably. Throughout the shoot you kept feeling Pedri’s eyes on you when they shouldn’t have been. For example, when your manager was explaining the rules of the game behind the camera, you could feel Pedri’s gaze directed towards you, and when you turned to look at him, he gave you a smile that made your insides melt.
It had been just over a week since the two of you had last seen each other, with the team going off to compete in a different city for La Liga, and you staying back to keep up with work at home base. You weren’t even able to Facetime as there was never a time where both of you where free or away from everyone else.
You had missed him a lot, and it seemed he had missed you just as much.
“Ok so do you two understand the rules?” Your manager asked.
You gave him a thumbs up before turning to Pedri.
You both walked over to the water bottles, reaching down to collect them. With your backs turned to the camera, Pedri leaned over and whispered,
“I missed you this week. Wish you were with me.”
You sighed, glancing over at him, “Me too.”
You both parted before you could say anything else, standing opposite to each other after being handed flour tortillas.
“Ok so just try to hit each other with the tortilla’s and we’ll be good.”
You had a mouth full of water as you tried to communicate with Pedri about who should go first. The boy stared at you with a confused look.
You started doing the motions of rock, paper, scissors, and finally he understood.
You won, and started moving closer to Pedri with the tortilla raised as he kept moving backwards.
You had to choke back a laugh as he almost tripped over a lighting wire, turning your body away from him and closing your eyes so you wouldn’t have to see the look on his face.
You urged him back towards you, and he took hesitant steps forward.
You pretended to be surprised, and looked at something over his shoulder pointing for him to look.
Stupid boy. Literally the most classic trick in the book.
As he was mid turn you slapped him with the tortilla on his cheek, the noise of water sprurting out of his mouth and silence that followed after sending you into hysterics.
The water spilled out of your mouth as you laughed, “Oh my god, I can’t believe you fell for that!”
Pedri glared at you before giving you a light push as you leaned over trying to catch your breath.
“This is what I get for trusting you.”
You stood back up, tapping his cheek empathetically, “You’ll survive.”
He pulled your hand away from his face, but let his hand rest in yours for a second too long before he dropped it.
“I’ll get you back for that.” He warned once again taking his position across from you.
You smiled sweetly at him, “I’d like to see you try.”
The game went on like that for another 2 rounds before your manager called it quits saying that there was enough footage to post.
You were drenched from head to toe when he had finally called cut, and you had a disgusted look on your face. During the last round, Pedri had purposely lost and spit water all of your face.
You had shrieked jumping away from him, but he grabbed your wrists trapping you from getting too far as he drenched you.
“Pedri Ew! So gross!” You groaned once he finished giving you a mini shower.
He gave you a cheeky smile, “Told you I would get you back.”
You rolled your eyes turning to face the camera, “Can we be done yet?”
Your manager laughed behind the camera, “All good.”
You smiled once more at the camera before saying bye and letting Pedri finish off the video.
Once everything had wrapped and you had dried yourself, Pedri came over to you.
“That was fun!”
You groaned, walking alongside him as you made your way to your cars, “For you maybe.”
“Oh c’mon Y/N, don’t be a sore loser.” He retorted, bumping your shoulder with his.
“I didn’t even lose!” You exclaimed.
Pedri’s eyes twinkled at he looked at you, “That’s not the way I remember it at all.”
“Then you must have amnesia.”
He laughed at your comment, “You know what would probably cure it?”
“Some kisses.”
You once again rolled your eyes at Pedri’s cheesy words, but felt your self smile regardless.
“Fine, but you get nothing if I beat you to your car.” You shouted already taking off in a sprint.
You heard Pedri yell after you before he started chasing you, “Not fair!”
You laughed to yourself, feeling so grateful that you had found someone who was just like you.
#pedri#pedri imagine#pedri imagines#pedri headcanon#pedro gonzalez#pedro gonzalez imagine#fc barça#barcelona#pedri angst#pedri fluff#pedri x reader#pedri one shot#football#football imagine#pedriimagine#pedrioneshot#gaviimagine#pablo gavi
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Apocalypse Hector fort x reader requested (next story pedri)

You were always the girl who no one payed attention to, you would just sit in the back of the class chattering on your notebooks and listening to music. That fact didn't really bother you because you liked having a peaceful mind.
You had chemistry class, you were actually pretty good in it, everything felt so well until your teacher decided to put you in a project of two. And there was he, the play boy of the school just casually sitting not expecting he would be paired up with you. When the teacher announced it, one of his friends whispered to him "interesting..." right after hearing your name. You hated it, you hated him cause he always played with feelings of other girls and he is really an immature guy, i mean that's still what you thought.
when class ended, you headed home, and on your way out of the classroom, you immediately felt a hot breath that pinned you to the locker, saying "Here's my address, and you better show up, was I clear enough?" he chucked "that's what i thought" before he left he gave a stare, right into your eyes, making his hand go through your hair. Before anything he turned around and said "Dress up nicely for me hermosa" laughing his way through the school door.
He left you stunned, you didn't move an inch realising what kind of control he has over you just by leaning you in. Damn what a flabbergasting moment you said to yourself without any doubt. Later that day, you packed your bag for the project, wore a nice piece of clothing and headed to his house. You knocked twice, moments after someone opened the door,and there he was, in a white tight undershirt, he dried the curls with a towel, threw it on the couch and said "You didn't break my word, come on in Princesa " he let you in first and looked you over from head to toe until you were sat.
you took out the books and you started to explain the project to him but he didn't listen to you he sat on the couch watching and not taking his eyes off your lips saying "Why would I do it myself when I have someone like you doing it for me"
Fine, if you dont get you ass up here right now im gonna leave you started to get up but he pulled you by your v dress "I'm not letting you go, you think i care about all this, i dragged you here cause" not finishing his own sentence he pulls you in, he was preparing you for a kiss but you started slowly moving away in awkwardness.
"Aw poor thing never kissed anyone before huh?" he teased you. "You can trust me okay? i know my ways with pretty girls like you"
Kissing you deeply, feeling hands on your neck adjusting your head.
"See, it's not that scary" he pulls away smirking his way to the other room.
#fc barcelona#barca#pablo gavi#gavi x reader#hector fort#love#bellingham x reader#pedri x reader#gavi x yn#gavi fluff
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Hey babe, can you do childhood best friends to lovers please xx
A/N: Hope you guys like it. Also some visual representation ;)
Warnings: smut
-Hola, tonto.- You say as Pedri opens the door to his home, taking you in for a quick hug. He rests his arms around you as he takes a quick smell of your hair and that shampoo you haven’t changed since the two of you were kids.
He smiles.
-I wasn’t sure if I was going to find you here or you were still going to be stuck in that hotel.- You joked about his latest scandal. He rolled his eyes and laughed. -You saw that? I don’t know what they’re going to come up with next.-
He moved over so you could walk in as he grabbed your luggage from your hand and pulled it inside for you.
-I don’t know why you don’t say something. You always let them make up their stories.- He shrugged his shoulders.
-Do you believe it’s true?- He asked you point blank. The two of you stood at the entrance of his house. You looked up at him and smiled. -Maybe I would have believed it porque eres un cabron, if I didn’t know you spend all day watching the king’s league and sleeping. And if I didn’t almost get in trouble at work because we were playing chess all day on the phone.-
He smiled. -Well then I don’t need to come out and say anything. As long as the special people in my life know it’s not true.-
The two of you walked into his house. As luck would have it his parents and brother had flown back to canarias as you were flying to Barcelona. You had came to the city for a few days for work and Pedri had offered you his house to stay at.
Although you loved his family you were glad you and Pedri were going to be able to spend some time alone, just you and him.
The two of you had met when your family moved next door to his when you were five years old. Pedri had found you crying in your bedroom as both of your moms talked in the kitchen.
-Disculpa.- He said when you turned around and were startled by his presence.
-Who are you?- You said as you dried the tears from your face.
-I’m Pedro, your neighbor. I’m sorry, your mom sent me here to meet you.-
You didn’t say anything and just stared at him. The boy stood there awkwardly before taking a few slow steps towards you. -I know it can be difficult to move. We moved here when I was three and I missed the few friends I had made.-
You turned to him and smiled. -You don’t remember a lot when you’re three years old.- He shrugged his shoulders. -I don’t but I’m sure I was sad. But look now, I love this place.- the six year old looked at you and offered a smile which you reciprocated.
In that moment he became your best friend and the two of you were inseparable. As you got a little older he was always there to protect you and sometimes scare off possible love interests, which he would tell you were mere accident and he didn’t mean to.
You cried yourself to sleep the week before he moved to Barcelona, which was when you finally realized what he meant for you. Pedri had become more than just your best friend. You were sure you loved him but knew he was impossible specially with the adventure he was about to embark on.
Pedri opened the door to the guest room and pulled your suitcase in. -There’s a match tomorrow night, do you want to leave with me or you can take a car and get there closer to when it starts. Unless you already had plans.- He said as he stood there in front of you.
-Actually, I did have plans.- You responded. Pedri automatically pouted and combed his hands through his hair. He shrugged his shoulders. -Vale, esta bien.- Okay, it’s fine. Before he finished his sentence you began to laugh.
-He hecho planes con el novio de toda España, I’m going to go see him play at this little stadium called Camp Nou.- I’ve made plans with all of Spain’s boyfriend. He looked up at you and giggled. He put his hand over his chest. -You had broken my heart.-
You shook your head and patted him on the back as he walked out of the room. He turned around once he reached the door and smiled. -Have a good night, I’ll see you in the morning.-
The next morning the two of you made breakfast together. Pedri sat on the kitchen counter as you stood in front of the stove making some eggs. You were wearing pajama shorts and a long T shirt. His eyes drifted from his phone to your legs as he traveled his gaze all along. You turned around and cleared your throat. He finally looked up at your face and smiled with a red tint on his cheeks. He shrugged his shoulders and chuckled as you shook your head.
You sat together and ate your breakfast as you reminisced about childhood memories. Since Pedri had moved to Barcelona you had only spent time together when he managed to sneak off to the islands for holidays. You would message all of the time and often called each other. But it felt nice to finally have him in front of you.
You spent the rest of the day watching TV, planning your next few days with work. Pedri left to the stadium before you, knowing it would be easier for someone to spot you if you arrived together. -After the match it’s easier to leave unnoticed.- He explained and you agreed. The last thing you wanted was for your face to be everywhere as Pedri’s new hook up.
Pedri left one of his jerseys on your bed for you before he left.
The match was great. The team won and you were happy to be there to cheer on for Pedri.
The two of you made it back to his house laughing and talking about the match. Pedri opened the door for you as he placed his phone and keys on the nearby table.
-Who knew you were such a great player.- You joked as he rolled his eyes. -You’ve always known how to keep me humble.- He said as he took a step closer to you.
His body inadvertently catching you in between him and the table behind you. You moved your hands up and placed them on his chest as you tried to maintain your balance. You could feel his heartbeat accelerate through his chest. You smiled and looked up at him through your lashes. He bit his bottom lip as he looked down at you.
-I… Y/N, I- he stuttered. You felt your heart racing. His scent intoxicated your lungs a little more every second. His hands crept to your lower back holding you close to him. You could hardly breathe.
-Hazlo.- Do it. You whispered.
-El que?- What? Pedri responded but before either of you could say anything else you saw as he leaned in to you and you closed your eyes, within seconds you felt his lips take yours in an embrace. His lips were soft and warm and took you in fiercely. He pulled you in closer to his body causing you to let out a small moan. He smiled. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue in to explore.
A few seconds later, which felt much longer to you, the two of you paused to get some air. He looked at you as he caught his breathe.
-I don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that.- He explained. -Remember when I helped you with your first kiss?- You nodded. -I lied. That was my first kiss too.- You smiled. -And when you started to date Eric, I hated him.- in an attempt to understand what was happening in his heart he talked more than he should have in the moment.
Seconds later you found yourself following him to his bedroom. Your hands interlocked. As soon as you stepped foot in the room his lips attacked yours once again.
The two of you moved in unison until the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat down on the edge. You stood there in between his legs and looked down at him. You could feel your heartbeat going at full speed. Your stomach full of butterflies.
You crossed your arms and grabbed the bottom hem of his jersey that you were wearing. He looked up at you with parted lips. His breathing was accelerated and you could see his chest moving rapidly.
-Estas segura?- Are you sure?
You looked down at him and cupped his jaw with your hands as he placed his hands around your waist.
-He estado segura desde que me diste mi primer beso. I’ve been sure since I look into your brown eyes and I feel at home.- I’ve been sure since you gave me my first kiss.
He smiled.
You returned your hands to the hem of the jersey and pulled it off over your head, throwing it somewhere on the floor of his room, exposing your black lace bra to him.
He looked up at you. -Can I?- You nodded as he moved his hands to your back and unclasped your bra. He let the piece fall on the floor and looked up at you as he licked his lips.
-You’re the most beautiful thing to walk this world.- He said as his lips left a trail of small kisses from your bellybutton to your breasts. He took one of them in his soft and warm lips as his eyes fixated on yours. You but your bottom lip trying to hold in the moans but he loved his hand up to your mouth and gently caressed your lips prompting you to let go of the grasp. -I want to hear your moan.-
Eventually he let go of you and you kneeled down in front of him. You placed your hands on either of his knees as you stared into his eyes. Your hands eventually moving towards the hem of his pants.
-You don’t have to.- He said knowing you weren’t too experienced.
-I want to.- You said as you continued with him standing up for a bit and allowing you more room to pull down his pants and along with them his boxers.
You took him with your hand and licked his tip. He trembled at your touch. You looked up at him through your lashes as you continued to lick around his tip and eventually put all of him in your mouth. His hand grabbed your hair as he pushed you down gently against him trying to feel you deeper. You could hear his moans get louder as you continued to bob your head on him.
-Stop babygirl or I’m about to come and I really want to come inside of you tonight.- You stared at him as you tried to catch your breathe, saliva falling off the side of your mouth as he helped you stand up and placed his arms around you leaning in to kiss you.
He placed you gently on his bed, his lips quickly made their way to your neck causing you to close your eyes and enjoy the pleasure as his soft lips sucked on your neck. Your arms around his black hoodie that somehow framed his beautiful face.
His hands moved up and down the side of your body. Your hands crept to the edge of his sweater and moved it up his body, he quickly got the hint and stood up as he took the hoodie off followed by his shirt. You licked your lips as you looked at his bare chest and moved your fingers outlining his chiseled abs. He trembled at your mere touch.
His body was in between your legs and as he left more and more nibbles you could feel him growing harder.
He continued to suck on your nipple.
His lips eventually traveled down from your breasts to your waist where he helped you take off your pants followed by your underwear. He left a trail of small kisses on your inner thighs as he eventually made his way to your core. You felt his tongue lick you causing you to immediate close your eyes and take in the pleasure. His tongue licking on you felt like heaven, you felt a pressure begin to build up in your lower stomach. Your hands grabbed onto the bedsheets underneath you as you began to move your hips against his mouth. His hands grasped you by your hips as you continued to roll your hips against him. You yelled out his name as you felt yourself come causing him to smile. He had never heard his name sound so beautiful as when it was coming out of your mouth.
Eventually Pedri moved up and lined himself with your entry. He winked at you and smiled and he dipped into you. You felt the way he stretched you and couldn’t help but let out a moan as you felt every part of him. He gave you a few seconds to adjust to him before beginning to move in and out of you. You rolled your hips in sync with his body. His hands explored your body as his lips attacked your neck leaving small wet kisses when he couldn’t control it anymore.
You felt in pure bliss as you felt him moving in and out of you. Every time he touched you deeper and deeper. Your hands grabbed onto his back, digging your nails in deep as the sudden rush of pleasure that he gave you.
You felt as he began to move a bit sloppy when he stood up and grabbed you by your hips with all his strength. He held on to you as he continued to thrust hard into you, his grip surely leaving a bruise for you. You stared at him as he bit on his top lip and thrusted into you with all of the strength he had left. Sweat coming down his forehead, his hair clinging onto his face, red cheeks adorning his face. He furrowed his brows as he screamed out your name and came inside of you.
He toppled on top of you, his face on your chest. You saw his head move up and down along with your breathing. You looked up at his ceiling as you tried to regain your breathe. Your hands massaged through his hair as you felt him smile.
-Te quiero, lo sabes?- You heard him whisper.
@cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount @iloveyourmom17 @amour88 @footballfan3108
#pedri gonzalez#pedri#pedri imagine#pedri is so damn hot#pedri x reader#pedri blurb#pedro gonzalez#pedri requests#pedri fluff#pedri imagines#pedri smut#pedri fanfic#pedri angst#pedri one shot#pedri x you#pedri x y/n
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Hi sweetheart! for the prompt thing, what about "you're easy to love" with Gavi and Íñigo? Like in a fatherly way, if that is allowed?
I love that you requested this. Sadly, I've chopped up the longer version into this small, 1000 word version, but if you like this part, the longer version is linked at the bottom. I hope you enjoy. 🍃
“Do you think she’ll like it?”
“Man, I don’t know. I don’t even wear the Barca rings we got that one year.”
“Wait. We got rings?”
Iñigo chuckles to himself. He can only imagine what the hell those two are up to. Trouble, no doubt about it. Now that Gavi is finally back to full health, he torpedoes any sense of routine simply by existing and causing a ruckus.
But it’s so loved and appreciated, especially when they’ve suffered a recent draw.
“God Pedri, I can’t rely on you for anything. Iñigo, come look at this.”
Iñigo groans and gets up. “What is it?”
“A gift for Anna for her birthday.”
It’s a silver necklace with an obnoxious heart at the center.
“It’s good, right?”
Iñigo scratches his head. “Have you already bought it?”
“No, but it’s on reserve at the store.”
Iñigo sighs. “I would get her something else.”
“Wait, why? What’s wrong with this?”
“Heart jewelry isn’t exactly top of any woman’s list.”
“But I love her.”
“Yes, you do,” Iñigo agrees. “But does she wear heart jewelry?”
“I’ve never seen her wear one before.”
“What does she wear, usually?”
“Mostly gold, but-”
“Go look at what she’s wearing and show it to the shop. They’ll find something that suits her style.”
“Won’t that be too similar to what she already has?”
Iñigo shakes his head with a laugh. “It won’t matter. Because you got it for her, so she’ll wear that piece over the others.”
Pedri looks like he’s taking notes with the way his jaw drops. “Damn, I didn’t even think about looking at what a girl already wears.”
“That’s smart, not gonna lie,” Gavi adds, impressed. “Look at you, Iñigo. Romantic.”
“I just have a wife,” he gruffs. “Been doing this for a long time.”
“How long?”
“Coming up to eleven years.”
Pedri smiles. “And two daughters later.”
Iñigo nods. “Good luck, boys.”
“Thanks, Iñigo!”
Gavi arrives late for practice and is subsequently taken off the starting eleven. He doesn’t argue with Flick, choosing to get ready for practice in total silence.
“Have you spoken to him?” Iñigo asks Robert.
“I think they’ve split,” Robert laments with a sigh.
Iñigo swears. “His first break up?”
“I can’t say, but it seems so.” Robert unlaces his shoes. “At that age, it feels like the world will end.”
Iñigo is well aware. Before Nerea, he had his fair share of heartbreak. At least Gavi showed up for practice. Iñigo recalls spending days in bed and in the bottle before Nerea came around. When the midfielder is still scrolling through his phone while the rest of the dressing room clears out, Iñigo has an idea.
“Hey Gavi. Do you want to come over for dinner?”
Nikole squeals happily when both men step into Iñigo’s house. Nerea is surprised, shooting her husband the “tell me when guests are coming over” look that he’s become all too familiar with. Nevertheless, she sets another place at the dinner table while Gavi twirls around with Nikole, Paule hot on his heels yelling, “Me next! Me next!”
“Don’t let him tire himself out before dinner!” she calls out.
Gavi is never tired on the pitch. And this also applies to Iñigo’s living room, where both girls are now shoving toys at Gavi and demanding he play Princesses and Pirates.
“You have to be the princess,” Nikole says.
“Me?!” Gavi asks, aghast. “You’re the girl!”
Nikole plucks on a captain’s hat. “I’ll rescue you, Princess!”
Gavi goes positively red faced at this, but he succumbs quickly to his role. He even throws in a fake fainting spell, one that has the girls laughing as they crawl over him. Iñigo watches before escaping to the kitchen to help Nerea with the rest of dinner. It’s not long before they’re all seated at the table. Iñigo cuts up the chicken for Paule and Gavi is relaying stories about his cousins who are not too different in Nikole’s age.
“I hate all boys,” Nikole pouts while folding her arms. “Except Papa. And Cuba.”
“What about me?” Gavi asks, genuinely offended.
“You’re okay, but you have to get better at Princesses and Pirates.”
Gavi holds up a hand. “I promise you I will.”
The kids finish first, racing through dinner so they can get their coveted television and iPad time. “They’re so well behaved,” Gavi remarks as they sit on the couch, waiting for Nerea to pass out their respective devices.
“They’re just doing that to impress you,” Iñigo laughs. “They know they’ll get an extra hour if we have a guest.”
Nerea puts down a simple rice pudding for dessert. “I’ll leave you both in charge of them,” she sings sweetly before kissing the top of Iñigo’s head.
“How was Cuba’s birthday dinner?”
“Was okay.”
“Just okay? He’s 18 now. You should teach him how to drive.”
This makes Gavi chuckle. “Every time I drive Cuba anywhere, he does the sign of the cross. Pedri keeps a copy of his will on his phone because of me.”
“You kids.”
“Not kids, men.”
“Men aren’t late to practice,” Iñigo points out, effectively trapping Gavi into a corner. “That’s twice this week.”
Gavi turns away. “It’s complicated.”
“The girls are watching cartoons. Nerea is in her vanity room. And we’re eating dessert. It doesn’t have to be complicated if you don’t want it to be.”
“You have a nice family.”
“I do. It didn’t happen over a year.”
“I figured.”
“And it took more than jewelry. Or fancy trips.”
“I know,” Gavi grits out. “I thought I came here for a meal. Not a lecture.”
“You did. There’s no lecture here. All I’ll say is that you should continue to be who you are, even if someone else wants otherwise. Because you're easy to love. ” Before Gavi can respond, Iñigo offers him another serving of rice pudding. “Also, Nerea is going to pack up the rest of this for you. Whether you like it or not.”
And here is the not so short Ao3 version.
#I honestly could have kept going but I need to stop writing and work sksdjkf#This was so fun to write thank you for this request#anon request#Basil Writes#Pablo Gavi#Gavi#prompt fill#football rpf#fc barcelona#myfics#divider credit: strangergraphics#VOSs#BasilQ#inigo martinez
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Hey can I ask one when Gavi/Pedri is always gentle with reader when they do it, but she wants to try it rough but he is too afraid that he will hurt her but after a little fight, Gavi/Pedri eventually do it hard and reader get hurt a little but is too afraid to say stop to not embarrass herself. Please end it with fluff!!! Thank youu. If you don't write this type of things I'm so sorry that I asked, but didn't see any rules about requests.
𝑰 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 🔥 - 𝒑𝒆𝒅𝒓𝒊 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒛𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒛

𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭, 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 💗
𝒑𝒐𝒗: 𝒚/𝒏 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒅𝒓𝒊 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒔𝒆𝒙 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒂𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓
- oh Pedri, come on, I'm almost there…- Y/N groaned, almost reaching her limit.
- I'm also fine, almost there .. - Pedri was also almost coming, in addition to both being sweaty and panting
-Pedri, pedri... - y/n groaned breathlessly as he came and Pedri soon followed too.
- Baby, you're amazing.. - He comments panting, laying down next to her and they both fall asleep.
y/n pov
The day dawned and I realized that Pedri had already gone to training, I think I overslept. I decide to go make my breakfast, I choose to make pancakes with apple, today was Saturday, it meant I didn't have to work, but Pedri had training today and wouldn't be back until the afternoon, leaving me completely alone in the apartment.
At 14:00, Pedri arrived home:
- hey my love. - he says and kisses me. - I'm going to take a shower, okay?
- Hi love, ok, do you want me to wait for you so we can watch something together?
- yes, my dear, you can choose while I take a shower. Pedri took a shower and then joined me on the sofa, we were watching and when a hot scene appears on the screen, I decide to say something that has been on my mind for a few days:
-Honey, I wanted to try something different.
- what is love? - he asks confused
- I wish you were a little more rough and domineering with me in bed, you know...
- what? why?
- I don't know Pedri, I just feel like trying something different
- but you seem to like it the way we already do it. - he says looking thoughtful
- yes, I like it but I was just wanting something new. - I tell him.
- Baby, I don't know if it's a good idea, I might end up hurting you unintentionally, then you don't like it.. - Pedri says scratching the back of his head.
- I don't think it's going to hurt me honey, I think it would be nice. - I try to convince him.
- oh y/n I don't know.. honestly, let's leave this subject for now?
- oh Pedro, you are very annoying! - I exclaim already irritated.
- what? you come to me with a subject like that and I'm annoying for not wanting to talk about it?
- Yeah, that's right, oh, I've even lost the will to continue watching. - I run upstairs to the room, a little upset that the situation was not as I expected
I understand that maybe for Pedri it's new and he's not sure about it, but the way he reacted he seemed uninterested. I decide to watch in the bedroom and end up falling asleep.
I am woken up by someone stroking my hair, I slowly open my eyes and see Pedri sitting next to me, he is watching something and realizes that I woke up then says:
- Did I wake you, love? I'm sorry.
- It's okay Pedro, what time is it?
- it's already 20:00.
- Damn I slept too much, I'm going to take a shower.
- Go there, I'll order food for us, what do you want?
- I don't care, choose something.
- I want, love, I do it for you and for me too, I'm just afraid of hurting you
- why don't we agree on the following, if it's hurting me I'll let you know and we'll stop, and if you don't feel good about it we'll stop too?
- good idea love.
when we were finally in a hot spot, we decided to give it a try. Pedri grabbed me all over my body in a way I had never experienced before, he took my clothes off without delay and then started sucking my breasts, and went down leaving marks all over my body, I felt him sucking my intimacy, introducing a finger to my same time and then inserted two more, I was almost coming when he stopped.
- Pedri… - I moan in complaint at his sudden pause.
- What is it love? - he asks undressing.
- why did you stop? I was almost cumming
- I'll let you suffer a little, now it's your turn to suck me, get on your knees now.
I kneel on the bed, Pedri finishes undressing and stops in front of me, soon grouping my hair in his hand, he pushes my head to suck it, I start sucking slowly and then I accelerate, passing only my tongue to tease him , then Pedri pulls my hair and fucks my mouth.
- you're very naughty, you know? Teasing me like that, I'll have to punish you. he says and the look in his eyes is pure lust.
- I want to be punished, Pedro. - I finish the sentence and go back to sucking him, before enjoying Pedri pushes me away and pushes me to the bed, he lays on top of me and without any warning he puts his cock inside me, I feel all his length and he starts to fuck me hard .
- you're being a good girl to me y/n.- Pedri was panting and I was a moaning mess. I could feel the full length of his cock inside me and it made me feel like I was going to come at any moment.
- pedri, pedri.. - I screamed his name. I suddenly started to feel a little pain, because Pedri was fucking me in a way I had never experienced, but I wasn't going to ask him to stop, not after it was my idea, I was going to take it like a good girl.
- You're so hot, y/n, you drive me crazy. - Pedri knew how to say naughty things when he wanted to.
- I'm almost cumming, Pedri...
- Me too, mi amor, I want to cum on you.
after a few minutes I feel my legs tremble and then I feel myself unravel, it doesn't take long for Pedri to come too, he lays down next to me and after we relax a little, I feel that I'm sore and when he takes off the condom I see that there is a little blood in it. Pedri looks at me confused and asks:
- honey, are you close to your period?
- no, my dear.. - I feel ashamed to admit that he had maybe been tough to the point of hurting me.
- I hurt you?
- I felt a little pain at one point, love, but it wasn't a big deal.
- I told you to let me know if you were hurting my baby, why didn't you say anything?
- love, I would endure this pain again, after all, I asked for it, I would feel ashamed to ask for help. I laughed and he smiled a little. Pedri took my face in his hands and kissed me.
- you're crazy, y/n but I love you so much... - Pedri put his forehead on mine and looked me in the eyes smiling.
- I love you too, mi jugador.
- Now I'm going to prepare a hot bath for you, it will help. - he says and leaves for the bathroom.
After preparing the bath, Pedri insists on helping me to bathe, gently cleaning every part of my body, I finish the bath and go to bed, he insists that he will just take a quick shower, not letting me help him.
When he returns to the bedroom, he climbs into bed with me and hugs me from behind.
- good night my love
- Good night, Pedrito...
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i read your pedri/unai fic and lost my mind it was so good!!! you are a savior for reviving their tag 😩
the shirt grab really got me hot but now i am in my hurt/comfort feelings with them since they’re both injured :( unai had a wrist surgery yesterday and won’t be able to play for like 4-5 months… crazy how he powered through and won a tournament while he had the injury
i would love it if you continued writing for them 🫶 i want to scream about them but have no one else to talk to so i hope it’s alright coming to your inbox
Hi, hello! I am assuming you're a different anon from my friend who sends the links. Thank you for reading my silly story! Haha, there's only eight stories there! I might just have to add more though oops
It was SO hot. I was honestly surprised no one else wrote about it! Wait, Unai is injured too!? Oh no, that's horrible. I hope his surgery went well (I'm about to go google this.) But yeah, holy shit, to play through the Euros with an injured wrist when you're the damn goalkeeper is badass. But also... both of them being injured, together, has my brain going BRRRR with the angst ideas? Like, imagine them hanging out and doing dumb stuff together because they're both unable to train/play. 😂 But then also being in their feelings because they can't play or train. 🥺
I definitely have other ideas that keep popping up in my head (definitely the thought of them being injured together would be a great story!) hehe. Thank you for the encouragement, and please, stop by whenever you like! Conversation/comments always help fic writers, so I am quite happy to discuss them whenever! ;w;
#ask#answered#love u anon#UnaiPedri#I literally spent the whole morning watching Pedri interviews btw#he has such beautiful eyes :)#Now where are my Unai interviews X)#Basil adjacent
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I’m definietly not a writing blog but I had this scenario for Pedri in my head and just wanted to share it with someone so I thought - why not write it down and post it here? So here we are, I may occasionally share stuff like this, when ideas come to mind :)
warnings: alcohol,strong language

It was finally friday, you came home exhausted from collage but as soon as you stepped into your apartment excitement creeped in. You and your friends decided to go out tonight, which was nothing new honestly, you were partying every other weekend.
But this time it was different. One of your friends pulled some strings and managed to get you a reservation at a really popular,fancy spot that was basically impossible to get into unless you have connections.
Throwing your bag in the living room, you had a quick dinner and took a warm shower while waiting for your friends to arrive so you can all get ready together and do some pre-game. After all the club was expensive and you were just broke collage students. You didn’t have to wait long before they burst trough the door,sound of alcohol bottles clinking together filling the room.
“Hola girly, ready to get fucked up tonight?”
You laughed “Tipsy,yes. Fucked up,no”
“Oh come on you say that every time and then end up throwing up and crying on the bathroom floor”
“There was really no need to detail it” you replied while ironicly pouring a shot of tequila for everyone.
For the outfit you decided to go for a backless black dress. Simple but attractive. You spiced it up with some jewelry and strong eye makeup. Upon arriving at the club you felt excitment bubble up inside. The hostess showed you to your table where you got comfortable.
A few minutes passed before your friends sent you to get cocktails at the bar. While you were waiting for your order,a tall guy appeared at your side, alcohol visible in his eyes.
“Hey chica, mind if I buy you a drink or two?”
You kept your eyes forward,not wanting to look at him.
“Not interested” you replied
“You haven’t even looked at me sweetheart”
You spared a glance at his direction.
“Still not interested”.
But he was persistent, not wanting to leave you alone and you were cursing the bartender for taking so long on those damn cocktails. In the middle of you conversation or rather you struggling to get the guy off of you, Pedri walked to the bar also waiting for his order. At night clubs he really does try to keep away from other people’s business. It keeps him at peace and also lowers the chances of Gavi getting into an argument.
But he couldn’t help but notice that this guy was obviously bothering you and you obviously were not interested. He glanced at him, their eyes meeting and Pedri trying to tell him to fuck off trough the look he gave him. He obviously didn’t get the memo, taking a step further by tucking a strand of hair behind your ear,grazing your cheek in the process. You were horrified but tried to keep it cool.
“Can you get the fuck away from me?!”
Just as he was about to touch you again, you felt a touch on your waist, slightly pulling you away and someones breath fanning over your ear.
“Yeah hermano you should really fuck off, she is actually here with me” a voice behind you said. It was familiar in a way and you couldn’t put a finger on where you heard it already, but you were mentally thanking it. The guy,thankfully, rolled his eyes and left. You turned around to thank the guy for saving you but the words died out in your throat.You met eyes with Pedri freaking Gonzalez.
“Are you okay?” He asked, slight smile on his face.
“Yeah,thank you. I just didn’t expect to see Pedri Gonzalez standing behind me”
“In a good or a bad way?”
“Why would that be in a bad way?”
“Well I don’t know, not everybody likes me”
“Well I definetly do” you whispered lowering your gaze, your cheeks hot from the sudden realization that Pedri was standing in front of you. He was wearing a basic black t shirt that hugged his arms perfectly and it was safe to say you felt something. The room was getting hotter by the second.
“What was that?” he asked, leaning down to hear you better over the loud music. At that moment the bartender placed your order down on the counter. You panicked and took your drinks just wanting to get out of there and cool down cause your whole face felt like it was on fire. As you turned around to finally reach your table, you heard his voice next to your ear again.
“Can I at least know you name before you run away?” A smile across his face.
You turned your head around to answer “Y/n” and practically rushed off.
When you got back, you definetly had a sight to see. One of your friends was dancing with a random guy, a bottle of tequila on your table. Placing the drinks down you looked at your other friend,confused “What is happening?”
“Well he offered to buy us a drink, she accepted and now we have a bottle on our table and a hook-up soon to happen” she replied wiggling her eyebrows. You smiled and gave your friend a thumbs up behind the guys back. “So we gotta drink this now, it would be rude not to?” you said taking a shot.
Alcohol soon hit you and you were the perfect kind of drunk. Just enough to make your body move more sensual and free. DJ hit the spot with the next song he played and you started dancing with your friend. You didn’t even notice you were scootching back when you hit somebody. “Shit sorry-“ you said turning around but once again met eyes with Pedri who was smiling down at you. “Oh my god, I am not sure how many more bumpings into Pedri I can take”.
“Let’s say this one was not really on accident” he said, eyeing you up and down.
“What do you mean?”
Placing a hand on your lower back he leaned into you ear “Keep dancing bonita and you’ll see”
Pedri’s touch on your bare skin made your stomach tingle and goosebumps formed all over. He smoothly turned you around so that your back was against him. Alcohol surging trough your veins was definietly the one responsible for your confidence. You started swaying your body to the beat, Pedri’s hands on your hips,guiding you. He leaned into the crook of your neck,his hot breath making you melt into his hands.
You pressed your ass against his crotch, grinding slowly. He gripped your hips,one hand snaking down to your thigh
“Don’t tempt me y/n” he whispered making you smile.
“Or what?” you asked over your shoulder, one hand grazing the stubble on his chin. You turned around so you’re facing him now, your nose almost touching his,all while keep eye contact. He pressed you against his body, feeling the buldge forming his jeans while he kept both hand on your waist.
“Or what Gonzalez?” You asked again, dangerously close to his lips. His hand went up to your chin, gripping it and pulling you in for a kiss. The arrogancy slowly leaving you as his lips made you melt. It was rough and hot. You had both of your hands wrapped around his neck, toying with his hair and slightly pulling when you felt a pull yourself. He disconnected your lips, his fingers still tangled in your hair.
“Or I might just need to take you home” he replied smirking.
@pedriswife @gavisuntiedboot I would really appreciate your opinions cause I love your writing sm and this is my first time posting something💗
hope you like this🫶🏻
#pedri x you#pedri barça#pedri smut#pedri blurb#pedri fanfic#pedri x y/n#pedri x reader#footballer imagine#footballers x reader#gavi x reader#pablo gavi#barcelona#fc barcelona#i hope you like this#feedback#tell me what you think#x reader#x yn#pedri gonzalez
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