#well first coz it's hilarious and second
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maburito · 10 months ago
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verdemint · 2 months ago
okay some other interesting things from pecco's episode on migbabol:
SERGIONE NAZIONALE (sergio mattarella, italian president) has one of Pecco's helmets and they've met twice! super cute the second time it was a private meeting but pecco insisted to also have his entire team there, he had prepared a speech but he forgot it completely coz he was so stressed in front of mattarella so he took his phone out and tried to read the speech there but he still couldn't do it lol so he decided to improvise!
pecco super gay description of him and Balda moving out of their shared house in Pesaro: "It was like a proper break up!"
in 2013 pecco was at his first year in moto3 and it was a pretty terrible year. His chief mechanic told him after three races that pecco was prob not gonna be there in moto3 the next year, a lil bit traumatizing for 15 years old pecco.
At the end of 2013 pecco and his parents started to talk with uccio about getting into the academy, but everyone was saying/joking pecco was never gonna get into the academy coz during Spurtleda 2013 (a kart race with a lot of riders from moto3/2/gp held during misano weekend to remember marco simoncelli) pecco (who was one lap behind everyone else coz he was thrown out of the race in the first lap) decided to mess with vale and pasini that were fighting for victory lol. So everyone was joking that after doing that he was never gonna enter the academy lol
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pecco, vale, pasini and other riders after Spurtleda58 2013
pecco's mom and domizia's mom were best friends so pecco has known domizia all his life and hes always been a lil bit in love with her, he remembers staying at domizia's house and playing with dolls as a child. The first time they kissed was in Pesaro during the summer at the beach and migno was there as well lol pecco apparently went to migno before going to the beach to ask for advice coz he really wanted to kiss her
migno praising carola no stop YES AS HE SHOULD
"How do u motivate yourself after winning a world championship?" Pecco said that he always gives himself a goal with a prize attached to it, his first goal was to win a world championship and he did, in 2018. So then he decided to give himself a second goal: to finish in the top three in motogp and he did that in 2021 when he arrived second, then his next goal was winning a championship in motogp, now its winning 3 championship in motogp
pecco said that he noticed he always falls during the race when he's slowing down, it happened in Barcelona and in Sepang this year, he didn't fall when he was giving his all or going super fast but when he decided to slow down the pace (hilarious, pecco pls never change)
he learned how to brake with just one finger this year, his index finger, in the beginning it was tough but now its easier.
about that migno said that casey stoner during his ranch visit showed them one of his tricks: casey brakes only using his middle and ring fingers coz he learned that from riding flat track so he can keep the index finger on the gas. He also has a pretty short index finger so its easier this way
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coralpaperthoughts · 1 year ago
I am drawn between two options !!
So Adrien and Marinette Do Not get along as superheroes, due to the rivalry over their love interest, but is it the same as civilians?? Coz there's two options:
1) Adrien and Marinette have a rivalry over something in civilian form, maybe Marinette caught Adrien with the gum on her seat and the umbrella scene didn't happen, maybe it just never rained that day so there was no chance for Adrien to redeem himself
So now Marinette lumps Adrien together with Chloe, coz no friend of her could possibly be nice, and Adrien just doesn't have the energy to correct her so he just rolls his eyes and gets on with his day (coz please let me boy have at least a bit of back bone and let him stick up for himself for once) and they sorta just send daggers through their eyes to each other coz they're melodramatic
They also have an academic rivalry coz they're battling for second best of the class (obviously Max is first) and also they battle for Class President too, dragging Nino and Alya into their rivalry too (but they love each other too much to let it get to them, they just play along)
OR !!!
2) Adrien and Marinette are like this 🤞 out of the masks, they are the bestest bestest friends coz, although they love Nino and Alya very much, they always end up getting stuck together for outings and hangouts, Nino and Alya will constantly ditch them to go on dates
This time the umbrella scene does happen, but instead of Marinette falling in love (because by this point she's already falling in love with Scarletbug) she just realises that Adrien isn't actually an asshole like Chloe, so she decides she'll accept his advances at becoming friends
And they just get along so well !! they have so much in common, so many similar hobbies and interests and just a lot to talk abt and they pretty much hit off immediately
These four become inseparable,
and obviously there's the ppl who start shipping Adrien and Marinette but they either ignore them or are oblivious to the talk - they're just really good friends coz they're superhero counterparts have a rivalry and the irony of the situation is just hilarious and also they just haven't fallen in love with each other yet,, yet
And I mean ig I could make it that Marinette does fall for Adrien during the famous umbrella scene, but I don't think that's fair coz Adrien thinks he's gay, in this AU, and he doesn't realise until later on that he's actually bi
and also he's very open about his gayness, it's one of the first things he casually mentions after he gets to know a person and can trust them (didn't take him that long to trust Nino or Marinette) so Marinette would know that she doesn't stand a chance (yet) and I just dont think that's fair on her and I wouldn't wanna write that either
edit: i wanted to clarify that Adrien isn’t out yet to the public, he isn’t a public gay figure (yet) because he hasn’t really told his dad yet and he doesnt even feel like telling his dad coz his dad is a POS that probably wouldn’t even remember his name if it wasn’t plastered all over the city so Adrien just doesn’t waste his breath (eventually though, Adrien comes out to his dad in a heated argument and idk what the outcome that discussion will be just yet)
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ybetzarts · 10 months ago
❗Contains a bit of spoiler from the Archie comics❗
When i got into the sth fandom, for the second time, i was surprised to discover that it had a comic by archie, so i got into that. Also because i was looking for more knuckles content lol. Did some research and found some really interesting and weird, almost hilarious(?) stuff..knuckles turned green, at one point he died??? that kinda stuff...like, why?? Dug dipper still, then i discovered the controversies, K.P. and the lawsuit, etc.
[Read more below]
I heard parts of the comics were a mess, but i gotta start somewhere. Stumbled upon an article where it mentioned bout the post genesis wave arc, which seemed to be the comic series' reset point or something, with a new writing direction. It kinda confused me at first, coz there was this sonic universe too (It confused me, why do certain scenes had to be separated from the main series? anyway..), and then there was the Boom series as well. I read those. Got some good Knuckles content in there. Then i went and read the IDW, good stuff. (Am taking a break from reading the idw. Will come back to it someday) Lotta things happened in between my Archie comic research. Gosh, i read through several articles and even watched videos bout some of the controversies, those echidna comics(not the archie ones, more like KP's own comic, iykyk hngg). My first impression was that the dude's crazy, with the way people described him. Am not sure bout now. Anyways, good times. Its so funny looking back at the things that i did to sorta, even for just a little bit, catch up on sth. Didnt have the luxury to play the games, but i always knew of Sonic T. Hedgehog the fast blue hedgehog as a kid. Hmmm...i wonder how things coulda gone if i were given the chance to play the games as a kid. When i revived my interest in sth, it felt like it was meant to be, i dunno. Ok thats enough talk XDD
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samarchys · 4 months ago
to set the scene, I listened to this record the second it came out, me and my girlfriend were driving home from dropping a friend off at the airport, shitty hyundai i10 speakers blasting, we’ve both been exhilarated for this project to release especially me being a fan since wolf, being around for album releases by you is a feeling i’ve had the blessing to be apart of in the past and i’ve held that feeling so close to me for a big portion of my life, it truly means a lot to me. CHROMAKOPIA felt so distinctive and revolved around a lot of accountability almost? that’s sort of how I saw it through my first listen anyways. I am a big fan about being yourself and saying what you feel over anybody else’s given opinion and there were topics of this sprinkled through the whole project and it’s something that inspires me a lot. For the first listen though, Thought I Was Dead, Hey Jane and Judge Judy all appeared bright to me, Hey Jane in all due respect to it’s incredible storytelling reminded me heavily of rap battle repertoire, the back and forth and clashing viewpoints between both you and Jane, but at the same time both being so individualised by their own perspectives, it truly did feel like two polar opposites and you articulated it well dude. If it’s a true story then major respect, it really reshaped my way of thinking about storytelling especially being a musician of my own, it’s flippin hilarious actually coz i’m in a deep writers block right now hearing you breathe colour back into things has lifted my heart back up, wrote two really rad tunes earlier this morning because of your artistry, i thank you for it. Judge Judy caught both me and my girlfriends ears the second it started playing, your flow resonated with the percussion, it’s suuuuper infectious, it brought me back to a time in my life that things just barely made sense but it felt like things should’ve been going right. The topic on how sudden things can change like this story of you and Judy just stuck with me and my girlfriend because part of it reminded both of us of just how we met and how instantaneous our relationship came to us, it created a very special moment for us, and the dogtooth interpolation was slyyy i loved it, major points for that moment. Finally Thought I Was Dead got me so sooo excited ever since you posted the excerpt of it before release, as soon as I heard it it gave me an influx of thoughts and ideas, I went to work right after hearing it, those drums have power!! and the horns dude, you used the brass instruments perfectlyyyy through this project man, the Q feature!? what can I say man, just absolute mastery, I resonate with it a lot because man i’m trying to promote this one single and i’m getting mocked and ignored heavily from it, i’ve always felt like that whenever i’m doing something or attempting something that takes a lot of effort, from highschool or junior school, it’s been major ignorance and doubt on my back so this song felt special like a real "proved it" moment, hit me the same way that P’s “You Can Do It Too” did with young Sam, it’s one of the ones i hold close. I’m hoping to be coming to a london show for the tour and all of these tunes on the album are going to create a very heartfelt experience for me and tons others that’s a given. Talk my shit I sure damn will! you ain’t like that shit? i’ll do it again!!!!
This is a message for Tyler Okonma
By Sam Draper
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rou-en · 11 months ago
lmfao the fuck are you on, a tesla is still very much a symbol of being rich as fuck. shut up and listen to actual poor people for a minute and maybe you'll gain some critical thinking skills. or maybe you'll just go back to being a bootlicker. who knows?
Oh wow another first - anon hate!
Also welcome, it’s very weird to be interacting with people on this hell site after so long, but hello!! To me this is all very hilarious to come about from just venting in tags about Watcher drama but I guess that’s this place for you eh?
I could just have not swiped and answered this one, and tbh I hesitated a bit on the first anon as well, but it does feel exhilarating to be speaking to the void and getting a voice back (any voice in fact!)
But first to this second anon (coz I’d guess from the tone that you’re not the first), I hope you’re doing alright in the real world - that as frustrated and angry as you might be about my take on Teslas (very much a shitty car), you are alright and safe,
Since I seem to have a captive audience (of at least two that I can tell of so far, how novel!), I guess let me soliloquy about thoughts on wealth and the complex nature sometimes of the whole “poor vs rich” dynamic, which is also a bit of why I even waded a little into responding to you amidst watcher drama,
Second anon, I recommend dl;dr (don’t like don’t read) -
I come from a generation where that’s what we did for things we didn’t like. For all I’ve said you’re a captive audience, you’re actually not (again, this is all very funny to me right now I can’t believe this is over ghoul boi drama still jfc) - one person’s opinion will always be just that, an opinion.
I think anon, we might be in different areas of the world, but at least where I live (please check prev tags on the post you were referring to, I’m also too internet-old not to hide in tags as much as I like) it’s become an increasingly common sight to see even soccer moms drive a Tesla, their bloody SUV model is the bane of my existence,
Does that mean everyone can afford them? No. Does it mean a middle-class family could afford them? If they wanted it enough, yes. Does it mean there still aren’t people suffering here from poverty in my part of the world? Sadly, no.
And therein lies an interesting problem (well at least to me as a former economics student) about signalling and truly knowing where in the whole class wars business you’re on, because it does make a difference if you ever have to figure out which rich to eat,
Is the 1% who get to fly on private chartered space flights and book out the whole of Disneyland for themselves (I’m looking at a shitty Amazon CEO there) the first to the guillotine? Oh yes.
But what about everyone else? Are we going to burn everyone who has multiple iPhones? God forbid anyone ever treats themselves to a seven-course degustation? Would not recommend, but I don’t think it guillotine-perfect, and I don’t think everyone that drives a Tesla where I am in the world can begin to count as that,
Those people live a daily life here, second anon, it’s so middle-class here it’s almost funny and why saying to me “Steven owns a Tesla” makes me shrug and go “would not recommend but you do you”,
I understand that can be different to you, because oh, turns out my own thoughts and circumstances can be very different to yours indeed.
Fun fact, I grew up first in a developing country, and had the privilege to move to a “first-world” country because my family was dedicated and sacrificed to make sure I could live the “better life” so to speak,
So I know there’s an inequality in the world when an exchange rate could mean the difference between something being a “rich” vs “normal” thing - I buy a Switch here for about 450 bucks (I saved and then got it on sale) as an achievable treat; for my sister who still lives in my home country, it’s almost two grand and definitely ridiculous to spend on for any normal family,
On one level, where is the fairness in that? But I live with it, and I have to choose some treats or if not what’s the point in life,
What does this all mean in the face of the original ghoul boys/watcher drama that’s occurring now? If anyone has read this for long enough is probably wondering at this point,
(I hope you’re both with me still my two anons, I’ll cherish this even if nothing else ever happens to me on this hell site)
I guess I wanted to try and say: life is complicated, and everyone makes complicated decisions, even your favourite comfort YouTubers,
It means I can only see the exacting vitriol at Steven for liking nice things but not Shane for also liking nice things and wonder whether people are barking up the wrong trees, very racist trees in fact,
It means that I keep thinking of shitposts about when the time comes, we’d likely just start offing our neighbours for being “rich” then anyone actually rich, because we seem to not understand the difference between nice things and things no nice person should have (holding also the complicated element of environment and geopolitics to account),
In the process of writing my first response to anon #1, I did have a moment where I wondered, “what if the Watcher boys did think about this? What if they did have some level of number crunching and still looked into their souls and decided that it wasn’t what they wanted? That they knew they could keep doing what they’re doing now and be financially stable, or risk it because of what they believe?”
I and you or anyone can wonder, can or cannot understand, but I sure as hell wish the Watcher team the best of luck, and like you anon, their days will be safe, content and filled with nice things, because why else would I want anything else for anyone,
That’s my one opinion at least, take that as you will anon on the bootlicking quotient for that - if being someone that would just like us all to take a chill pill is being one, then meh - you’re welcome to your opinion too,
But thanks to anyone that’s somehow come to my Tedtalk that started with my random thoughts on Watcher drama and ended with me finding people are still around (it’s not just all bots huzzah!)
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sawwyouuinadream · 3 years ago
My Favorite Underrated WLW Cinema
To keep this as a memory, after a lot of deliberation, I’m creating this list of all my favorite Sapphic movies of all time. Note that it is purely subjective to me, and they aren’t necessarily big-budget, blockbusters, or period dramas. I obviously love films like Carol, the Handmaiden, etc. a lot, but personally, I love indie films. So, these are mostly Indie films and are quite underrated. All of these have beautiful poetic cinematography and heart-touching storylines. In no particular order:
1. The Half of It (2020, USA):
Probably the most famous film on this list, this is Alice Wu’s second directorial venture after a long hiatus post Saving Face. It’s about a seventeen-year-old girl named Ellie Chu who is basically a dark academia Tumblr lesbian. She liked the pastor’s daughter but well the pastor’s daughter is very pretty so many boys like her. One of the boys approach her to write a love letter coz lesbehonest we’ve been there done that (I mean I’m 100% Ellie minus the swag) and a lot of things happen. Just watch the film to know more. It's beautiful, deep, and sweet and has some tidbits about religion and queerness. Oh, and cute platonic friendships.
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2. Desert Hearts (1985, USA):
The shots in this film is literally so ahead of its time, it feels like a period film honestly. Plus, the costume, the landscape- if you’re an 80s fashion buff, this is the best thing that could happen to you. Not to mention the leads are extremely beautiful. It was also groundbreaking for being a film of 1980s that didn’t shame lesbians and made them own up their sexualities. Also, if you like older women, I gotchu.
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3. Moonlit Winter (2019, South Korea)
This was truly unlike any sapphic film I ever watched. It’s basically about a teenage girl discovering her mom is gay and helping her get back to her lover. Like? Omg? Also gay Asian middle-aged lesbians and repressed emotions? I’m bawling my eyes out. The lingering shots were especially beautiful and the strengthening of the mother-daughter relationship throughout the runtime as the mother gradually got comfortable in acknowledging her sexuality hit home. Like no, my mother isn’t gay but who doesn’t have mommy issues. Right….. Right?
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4. Water lilies (2007, France):
Have you had feelings for your senior? Did you have gay panic in your changing rooms? Did you have homoerotic tension with women in tight swimming costumes? Did you have internalized homophobia? This film is all that and Celine Sciamma and Adele Haenel’s first film together so wink wink ultra super gay.
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5. Shiva Baby (2020, USA and Canada):
It’s about a miserable bisexual girl who has to deal with her sugar daddy, her ex-girlfriend, her parents and the outcomes of her pathological lying while her sugar daddy’s wife ( Diana Agron I KNOW) poses a threat to her existence. It’s a comedy and it’s very funny. The set ups were hilarious, the plot twists were un anticipated and the horror music score was so unconventional but it fit perfectly.
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6. Our love story (2016, South Korea):
It is probably the most realistic portrayal of a queer couple in their twenties on film. The messiness of it, the misunderstandings, having to hide the relationship from disapproving parents. It is very cute and heartwarming at times, with the lingering shots of typical Korean indie films, and at times it gives you a reality check that relationships are very messy.
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7. Saving Face (2004, USA):
Alice Wu’s first child, this is the best lesbian rom-com to exist and that’s on period. The situational comedy, the lovely relationship between the two leads, and a happy ending, Happiest Season could never. It also deals with very serious topics like pregnancy at an older age and homophobic parents with so much sensitivity and light humor. A totally feel-good movie.
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8. Kajillionaire (2020, USA):
Evan Rachel Wood was my bisexual awakening and the woman is horribly underrated in film. She portrays this odd girl in this film who has been raised by her con man parents to just cheat the system and engage in petty robberies. Her journey of breaking out of her toxic parents and finding someone who cares for her gave me goosebumps. The movie is brilliantly written and directed by Miranda July and its quirky aesthetic and satire of the system makes it one of a kind. Also Gina Rodriguez is so cute.
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9. Fire (1996, India and Canada):
This film overcame a lot of hurdles and managed to provide authentic queer representation in the Indian Demographic as early as 1996. It also ends on a positive note which is really commendable. The acting, the scriptwriting, the themes of yearning, confusion, and coming to terms with your sexuality against the dogmatic and patriarchal society of India makes this film a must-watch. Especially if you’re South Asian.
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10. I care a lot (2020, USA): This dark comedy portrays the sapphic lead to be a villain but I honestly loved the film for a multitude of reasons. The plot aka Rosamund Pike’s suits and Eiza Gonzalez’s sunglasses were pathbreaking. Jokes aside, the plot was really unique and it treated the sapphic couple like a regular one which was refreshing. On top of that, the age difference in the couple made my heart rate increase a lot so there’s that. The movie in itself is truly brilliant oh yes and Tyrion Lannister did so well I love him.
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This list is in no way exhaustive. It doesn’t have enby and trans masc lesbians, and they are still seriously underrepresented in movies. We also need more black and brown women to portray sapphic relationships. I’m Indian and Fire was literally the only queer movie I had watched as a kid. So we mostly grow up with limited to zero representation. I hope it’ll change soon and people will stop making lesbian period dramas where nobody ends up happy.
Tell me how you guys liked these movies
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fluffallamaful · 2 years ago
I saw your post on tummy tickling and I wanted to yell some stuff at you about Dream if you would like to hear : D Please tell me what you think?
Cuz I headcannon his little tummy is his worst spot.
Thing is the stomach is just so so versatile. And Dream’s laugh is just so unique. I imagine George and Sapnap probably took a day real early on to get acquainted with Dream’s tummy and the different laughs it could produce.
Like the soft pokes and flutters that get him giggling. The more panicked he is the more he wheezes so you can get those really cute ones teasing near his bellybutton. Claw and grab to get his hiccup-y laugh. A little harder and faster to make him squeal. His squeals are hilarious. Each as unique as a snowflake. The mouth tickles kill him. When things get intense his laughter cuts out and he just flops around soundlessly, George in particular thinks he looks so stupid when he does this and will do anythingggg to make it happen. When he’s tickled he gets so squirmy it makes it all feel 10 times worse somehow every time too.
Dream is in his head so much so he can’t stand anticipation at all, which is helllll for anyone with a ticklish tummy. So much space to tease. Making grabby hands all over. Sucking in a giant breath of air and…holding it. Dream just loses his mind from teasing. Maybe his tummy gets a little red too. It’s all just so cute asfgghjioyfhgg who could even stop once they’ve started?
dream with a ticklish tummy 😌😖
ohhhhhh he’s just so cute and i love the idea that you’ve described here of sap and george just learning every reaction possible 🥺
it’s made me think of a situation where sap and george are just blatantly discussing dream’s ticklish tummy during a movie or at breakfast or wherever (like best techniques to use, his reactions, etc..), while dream is just sitting there writhing with ghost tickles and butterflies, trying his hardest not to draw attention to himself — he’s awful at it :D😌
these are my hcs for cc!dream’s tummy (coz let’s face it i have it all mapped out 🫠) (BELOW):
soft tickles make him melt and squeaky, and also fluster him beyond belief. as soon as there are scratchy fingers dancing lightly over his tummy his cheeks are burning. it’s entirely embarrassing and yet he can’t do a thing to stop it coz it makes him so melty
for this reason, he prefers rougher tickles on his tummy. if he can laugh loud enough to drown out his fluster and the lers teases then he’s happy. he’ll fight and complain about soft tummy tickles so much, but in truth he adores them, he just can’t stand how embarrassed they make him
i usually write his lower belly pudge and his belly button to be his death spots, and the bit where his sides meet his tummy to be a cackle/writhing spot (as well as a spot that makes his knees give out, if someone were to get him there while he’s standing)
scratches on the area above his belly button make him so damn whiney and giggly. it’s where i usually have the ler start with soft tummy tickles. it makes him arch his back and squirm and squeeze his eyes shut coz it’s just so damn flustery. his giggles are also not that loud here so it opens the door for so many teases. which absolutely kill him
the minute the ler starts circling his belly button his onto them, and his laugh immediately goes panicky and breathy. his protests get all slurred and incoherent and the anticipation of having his belly button tickled kicks in full swing
belly button tickles makes his laugh go silent for the first few seconds (used to have it disappear into a wheeze but i think his wheeze is gone now 😭). once the ler finally starts vibrating into his button his ability to protest comes back,, only it’s smothered in loud barking laughter
the tummy pudge makes his legs go crazy at first, but then all his strength gets sapped to be used for the loud cackles that the spot creates instead
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peanut-butter-parkerxx · 4 years ago
hickey prank...gone wrong
y/n wanted to prank the avengers for forgetting to hide a hickey she got from a 'mysterious boy' after she finished pranking them and telling them its fake, peter came in and NOT so subtly asked her when he did that since they're secretly dating
pairing: peter x stark!reader
status: secretly dating
y/n's pov
ive been watching a lot of youtube lately, it literally became my best friend, i scrolled through my recommendations and found a 'hickey prank' video, i smiled to myself already knowing im about to do it, and clicked on the video
It was a girl pranking her parents for getting a hickey, i watched the girl make the fake hickey on her neck, and i was considering to ask peter to do one for me that would be more entertaining but that would obviously backfire if i couldnt wipe it out
so i didnt ask him, another thing is that peter and i have been secretly dating for around a month now, my dad, tony stark, strictly told peter that i am off limits but were still dating and its been the best month ever.
anyways, i opened my vanity drawer and got my eye shadow pallet, i decided on a spot to make the 'hickey' and started adding dark colored eye shadow to make it look believable, the end result looked pretty good, and i know that from experience ;)
it ws on the right side of my neck right below my ear, i opened my two braids to cover the 'hickey' took my phone to record this i already know chaotic experience since this is the avengers we're talking about and left my room while i was walking in the hallway i got a text from peter saying:
MY baby 🥰🧸: coming in 15! xx
I squealed from excitment coz its been a week since ive seen him because of his exams and everything but back to the prank
i walked inside our kitchen/living room and the avengers were scattered everywhere since they just finished a mission and now theyre hungry af, perfect
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i snuck my phone behind a bowl of fresh fruits and acted normally trying to contain my nervousness and excitement
"hey guys!" i said looking at the kitchen island that filled with delicious hot meals, yumm
"hey sweetie" dad said kissing my cheek, and everybody mumbled a 'hey' since they're too busy stuffing theyre mouths with food
"hows the mission?" i asked curiously, thor, sam and scott completely ignored me trying to stuff everything in, nat and wanda were talking about how stupid one of the men were for flirting with them and comepletely beat the shit out of him for makig inappropriate comment, my girls I thought and steve, dad, bruce, and bucky answered my question
they've always had a soft spot for me and hated whenever i got ignored, i smile at them grateful that they didnt ignore me even though i wouldnt get mad i mean im also starving
i continued on eating arguing with sam on who will get the biggest slice of the chocolate cake wanda made, but then i remembered i came here to do the prank so i decided its time
i looked infront of me checking if my phone is still recording and it was, its been recording for 8 minutes now so i excused myself from the table to go 'get some fruit'
i quickly grabbed an apple and rerecorded the video, "so what do you guys wanna do? peters coming in a few" i said taking my hair and secured it behind my ear, its been exposed its been exposed omg omg omg i tried to calm down a bit coz in any second someone could spot my 'hickey'
"oh, we could have a movie night, you know, coz peter finished school so we should celebrate" my dad said looking at me then looking back at his food but looked at me again eyes widened, he spotted it ABORT MISSION OMG OMG
I looked down at my food trying not to run from the glare hes giving me
"y/n?" my dad asked, his tone has never been this serious before, oh shit
"y-yes" i squeecked god pull it together y/n, its not real
"what is that on your neck" he pointed out, which grabbed everyones attention, great, all eyes were on me, steve, bucky and bruce widened their eyes shocked, wanda and nat were smirking, sam, scott, and clint were laughing their asses off while thor looked as clueless as a baby
i was sitting at the center of the table and i just wanted to sink in and get absorbed my the marble walls
"w-what do you mean?" i asked 'confused' i grabbed nats phone that was between us, opened the camera and gasped trying to act surprised and scared "I-I uhhh" I let go of my hair so it can cover it again "I-I burned my self while curling my hair" I nervously blurted out, wow I'm a great actress
"that does not look like a burn young lady what is that?" Steve buts in, anger literally fuming from his ears and eyes Bucky glaring at me trying to think of every boy I've ever interacted with
"I curled my hair uncle Steve!" I replied rolling my eyes
"THAT IS NOT A BURN HUN THATS A HICKEY" my dad got out of his chair clearly getting angrier by the second
"ITS NOT DAD, YOU THINK I COULD HOOK UP WITH BOYS WHEN IM BEING WATCHED 24/7?" I shot back standing as well, everybody gasped
"what is a hickey if I may interrupt"
"SHUT UP" the rest of the team said clearly enjoying this
"I wanna know who's D y/n got" Sam said laughing
"was he at least good?" Nad asked smirking
"please tell me you used protection" Wanda asked concerned
"WHO IS IT" all three of them said
"NO ONE!" I shouted
"why is he that important that you have to be so secretive of him?" Bucky suddenly blurts out tightening his fists so hard his knuckles could pop out
"maybe he's special" nat smirked
"y/n" my dad said in a warningly tone "if you don't tell us who this idiot is I swear I'm gonna let Bruce turn into the hulk and smash every boys house that you've ever interacted with" I felt like that was enough, and obviously got everyone's attention, I tried to contain my laughter coz they're faced are just hilarious waiting for me to tell them who it is
"it's....it's...a-a..A PRANK!" I laughed, everybody looked at me speechless clearly not buying it
"yeah a FAKE one" I took the wipe from my back pocket, wiping my 'hickey' and gestured to the smudged make up "SEE??" I laughed
Steve, Bucky, Bruce and my dad looked relieved, nat, Scott, Wanda, Clint, and Sam looked...disappointed?? And Thor was still clueless as ever, I walked to the counter to stop recording
"YOU WERE RECORDING?" Wanda scoffed
"do not do that to us a again young lady I was gonna get a heart attack" Steve warned leaving the table
"doll" Bucky said and I looked at him "if I ever see a boy with you this close" he gestured between him and I "I will squish their face and pull his brains out with my bare hand" he warned
and for a second I thought of Peter, I swear he's gonna get killed if they know what 'helping him study' and 'looking after me' means I just rolled my eyes at their stupid behavior
"so y/n didn't get any D yesterday? Poor thing" Sam laughs
"SAM I SWEAR YOUR NEXT ON THE LIST" dad said walking out of the kitchen
"for the first time in forever IM glad this was a prank coz the poor boy would've been dead just by the glares he'll get" I laughed shaking my head after the hilarious prank we cleaned up the kitchen island
"ok guys I'm gonna go to my room to clean this...mess" I gestured to my neck full of smudged make up
"hey guys, what did I miss?" Peter walked in the living room a few minutes after i left
"oh just y/n being y/n, she'll tell you what happened" Scott laughed which confused Peter but he ignored it m opened the fridge to get a snack and go to your room,
like I said it's been a week since he's seen you so he was very excited to kiss you hug you and just shower you with affection...in secret obviously
he knocked on my door doing our secret pattern and barged into my room
"HEY PETER" I almost shouted jumping onto him crossing my legs on his torso and snuggling my headphones to his neck
"hey baaaby" he whispered kissing my temple
"ITS BEEN AGES" I whisper shouted
"that it has" he whispered back finally connecting his lips with mine, And slowly walked to the bed, he sat down which resulted in me straddling his lap
"I missed you" I mumbled hovering his lips a bit
"I missed his more" his voice was lower than usual which made my hormones go haywire, he started pampering me with kisses
"I *kiss* miss *kiss* you *kiss* so *kiss* fucking *kiss* much" he said
"oh since when does innocent Peter Parker swear" i teased looking at his eyes
"since I've dated you" he shot back "when I started dating you, you made me feel and become like a normal horny teenage boy" he kissed me again
"well, im glad you feel...normal" I laughed, he started kissing my neck again and unfortunately my dad was walking past my bedroom at the time
"is this a bruise or just a very messy hickey I gave you, coz if it is I better fix it" he smirked already knowing it's not his but just finding an excuse to do one on me
"oh it's just a prank I did to the team which thankfully I recorded so you can see it"
"how bout I make it a real one?" He smirked
"Yes plea-"
"WHAT?" my dad barged in PERFECT TIMING DAD
🏃‍♂️ 💨
Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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ahomeganeyatsu · 3 years ago
I caught up! I am buzzing with so many feels and thoughts right now. I AM SO EXCITED. jdaksjdklasjdk
!!!From this point Spoilers for 155-157!!!
Okay, I know Jiwoo had to have a big moment so it could be revealed that so they know there's someone in the Academy that matched Duke's skills or surpass them. It's obvious from the setup that they were gonna pit these two against each other. It still frustrates me that Subin had to play damsel-in-distress for it.
She was so amazing. She held herself in that match. I was really rooting for her. And it makes me tear up when they declare the tie. So some might not agree, but I actually appreciate that Jisuk immediately starts teasing her. He re-establishes the status quo they have. They thrive in a relationship where the other isn't afraid to call them out and diss each other. They rile each other up and push the other to do better. Jisuk starting to tease Subin is something I find more comforting than if he had tried to reassure or sympathize with her. Other than it wouldn't be in character, it would be more of a reminder that she failed. That she couldn't beat Duke. That she hadn't been strong enough. Jisuk also reacting that way is a reminder that nothing's changed. He isn't feeling sorry for her. She doesn't need that. What she needs is to set a target, and that's what Jisuk did. You declared this, make sure to meet those words. It's a challenge. And even if it pains me that she had to go through that, I'm looking forward to how she'll grow from this.
Jisuk and Subin also really remind me of Kayden and Kartain (yeah, I'm using this spelling from now on). They were so hilarious in these chapters. Kayden really baiting Kartain like that had me cracking up. I had to admit it took me a hot second to realize what he was doing. Like at first I was all "aww, he wants to keep Jiwoo safe" but then I get the point and I just go, "Kayden you sly beautiful bastard." He really knows how to push Kartain's buttons and it just makes you see how well he knows Kartain. And you just keep asking yourself, "How long have they known each other? How in the f did they meet? What changed their relationship from strangers to actual best friends?!" (coz Kartain is pretty much Kayden's closest friend we've got atm. Also, I'm still not over him going on walks with Kartain in the morning and the way they sit close to each other, okay? AND KARTAIN'S BIG KITTY EYES WHEN HE ASKS KAYDEN FOR SOMETHING, my heart can't friggin handle the adorableness. I'm crying.)
On an unrelated note, I guess it's a running theme now for Jiwoo to get training from the best. From Kayden, Jiyoung and now Headmaster Han? Who else is next? Can we also talk about how Headmaster Han is a Tiger??? The cat theme is going strong too 🤣🤣🤣 Kayden is not gonna be happy about that, but I could also imagine him smirking coz he may be a cat but he sure as heck can beat anyone.
Speaking of cats, the new characteeeeer. Like does he have animal telepathy too? HE HAS A PANTHER. HE HAS A BIG CAT. Will Kayden and Kartain be found out?! Will Kayden beat the crap out of that Panther? Assert his dominance? And now he'll be a coveted cat by that new student? I want a showdown between them. But it would be funnier if Kartain's the one that beat that big cat, coz he'll be underestimated due to his appearance. And just imagining the shock on everyone's faces will be the BEST.
I can't wait to read the next chapter.
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lovelysugawara · 4 years ago
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**grammatical errors ahead, sorry guys**
plot: you and Kuroo are married, but your husband turns cold over you, because of an incident a year ago. Will he once again love you back???
Part 1-12 
Part 13
*Kuroo’s POV*
I wake up the next morning with a bit of a headache.
But i don’t mind.
The most important thing in my life now is sleeping beside me. 
-My wife.
Hinari is peacefully sleeping and even snoring a little bit. It’s been awhile since I saw her like this.
She felt warm and familiar, I wanted to bury my face in the curve of her neck and never let go. 
I miss her touch, I miss her skin, her lips, her hands on me, I miss her everything. 
Her voice, saying I love you’s, and how much she loves me.
I can’t help but kiss her while she’s sleeping.
I really missed her.
I remember last night after I kissed her, I swear I can taste the next hundred years of my life.
I have to thank the boys for making me drunk.
And of course Kenma, I didn’t know he can pull punches like that.
I also need a serious talk with him too.
But for now, I have to focus my eyes on the precious queen besides me.
I put both my hands and hugged her tight, causing her to wake up.
“Good morning.” I said while smiling at her.
Her eyes slightly adjust to the sunlight from the window.
When the whole night registered to her, she suddenly blushed, and looked away.
“G-good morning, Tetsu,” she said. How cute.
“Did you sleep well?” I asked, and I touched her face with my left hand.
She also touched my hand and closed her eyes to feel my touch.
“Like a log. I didn’t even dream,”
“That’s good. Coz me too.” I said, she smiled at me.
I opened my arms and she knew what it meant, she curled up against me. I held her close and kissed her hair. 
“I want to kiss you, Hina.”
She touched my face, “You don’t have to ask permission. I’m yours.”
And I didn’t waste time, I once again claimed her as mine.
We decided to get up at 9 am.
We cooked breakfast, together. We do things together for the whole morning. I don’t know but I always make sure to hold or touch her whenever I have the chance. We ate breakfast, while we held hands.
“Are you sure you’re not going to work?” she asked worriedly.
“That’s the 4th time you asked me that, do you want me to go to work?” I asked her as we cozily lay on the couch. 
She blushed and looked away. “No, I don’t want to.”
She once again put both her hands at my neck and buried her face at the crook of my neck.
I know we're happy, but I also know we need to talk things out.
Kenma’s right. I have to tell her the truth.
“Hina, we need to talk.” 
We are now sitting and facing each other.
“I wanted to say sorry. For everything.” I said looking straight to her eyes.
I saw her flinched, and I know I’m digging deep into her wounds. The wounds I already inflict to her. And I’m well aware of that.
“Tetsu, I-”
“No, let me finish, Hina.” I stopped her by saying I don’t have to do this, that she already forgives me, because I know how much I hurt her.
“First of all, I’m sorry for invalidating your feelings about our angel. Our baby.” After I said those words, her tears fell. I fight back myself from not hugging her right away. 
I hate seeing her crying face, but this is the price I have to pay for my wrong doings. 
“I ignored you, taking you for granted. I even purposely try to forget loving you. I was wrong, I thought it’s only me who is hurting when we had a miscarriage. When the most hurt one is you, and I failed as a husband to protect and support you in times that you needed me.”
I don’t mind crying in front of her, I don’t mind showing how weak I am, and I don’t mind if I have to bow my head to ask for her forgiveness. 
“I wanted to apologize and beg you for any little chance you can give me. I hurt you big time, and I don’t know if you still love me or the marriage paper is the only thing holding you down. But I can’t imagine my life without you.”
She’s sobbing already, crying her heart out.
And I can’t help myself anymore, I throw myself to her, and hug her. Cry like a baby and we both sobs.
We both cry like our tears are unlimited, I felt her punching me, probably she wanted to release how badly hurt she is.
“I-I a-always question myself if it is still worth it to stay beside you, even if you always push me away. I cried myself to sleep after our baby was gone. And I expected you to hug me tight and remind me that it will be fine soon and I got to hold on. How many times I have to cry because all I can see at night is your cold back and it’s like I’m alone fighting.” she said in a shaky voice, she almost can’t finish those sentences without breaking a sob. she ‘s pushing me away, but I won’t let go.
I kept saying I'm sorry, I kept on saying please forgive me, until she calmed down and went limp on my arms. 
“You messed up so much Tetsu. You messed up big time.” she said in between sobs.
“I’m sorry,” I kissed her head, and I felt her hands hugging me.
I want her back, I want to start over.
But there’s this thing about Mayuri, and Hina needs to know it.
“Hina,” I cup her face, and look into those sapphire eyes the most beautiful color I have ever seen.
“What is it, Tetsu?” she said as she also holds my hands. 
“About Mayuri,” I saw her flinched after mentioning her name.
I know something happened the day Mayuri brought me here months ago, thus the result of her keeping a distance with me. 
“What about her?” she then looked away, and i felt her tremble more.
But I have to see her eyes, I have to see her face.
“No, please baby, look at me.”
I draw her face so that she can see me.
Her tears are already falling as she looks at me.
“Listen, Hina, I’m not having an affair with her. I didn’t like her.”
I said firmly.
And it’s like the time stops, she blankly stares at me without saying a word.
“Hina, did you hear me? I’m not having an affair with her, she’s-!”
I didn’t have the chance to finish what I’m saying after she suddenly kissed me. A kiss of relief, for the both of us.
“Please, love me again, Hinari.” I can’t help it, but my voice trembles.
She smiles gently at me, “I love you, Tetsuro. I love you. I never stop loving you.” she keeps on saying, that makes my heart melt. 
And I know I am the luckiest guy knowing this woman is all mine, forever.
“And I love you too, Hinari. And I promise, your love is forever safe with me. You have all my words, my love.”
I can’t think of any greater happiness knowing she loves me and that she’s mine forever.
“We have to talk.” I said it after I suddenly showed up at Kenma's flat. 
He swiveled his chair to face me, “Gladly, I wanted to settle the score Kuro.” he said as he stood up and went straight to the door. 
And I can’t believe how fearless he is right now. 
And I followed him.
“Look, Kenma I’m not here to fight you know?!”
When he suddenly gave me a glass and poured an expensive red wine.
“Our favorite, Château Lafite 1787. We need to celebrate right?” he smiled at me.
This guy, really.
“You had me there, yeah, we need to celebrate.”
And we both laugh as our antiques already subsided. 
“So you finally make up?” Kenma said as we sat at the bench of his balcony.
“Yeah, I also told her that I’m not having an affair.” I sip a little of the wine that tastes like the old days.
“You have to get rid of her, transfer her somewhere far. I can help you with that.”
“I might take your offer. And yes, I’ll definitely need to transfer her.” I said agreeing to his idea. 
“An obsess woman is the most dangerous one. It’s scary. I can’t believe it’s her. She followed you even at your work.” Kenma’s voice is a bit irritated.
“At first I didn’t recognize her, she changed her name and even her appearance. But It’s definitely her. I guess I’m wrong that I followed her every whims, I’m just afraid she’ll hurt Hinari. I’m such a coward.”
I won’t ever forget how Mayuri threats me to hurt my wife if I don't follow what she wants. 
“We should ask a mental institution for that. Leave it to me. I’ll deal with her.” Kenma said as he started typing on his phone. 
“Thank you, Kenma.”
Few seconds later he puts down his phone, “Done, you don’t have to worry about her.”
“That was fast!” I can’t believe how scary his connections are. But I’m amazed at the same time.
“All for Hinari, of course I’ll do anything to keep her safe.” 
There it is, the gentle and fondness he had for her.
Ahhh, I should have been mad at him, but I also love this guy. He’s the best man ever!
“So are you going to confess to her?”
“Will you let me?”
“I don’t mind.”
“You only say that, because you are so confident she won’t run away with me. Ah! So rude of you Kuro!”
“Hey, as if I will let that happen!”
“I need to think of ways to convince Hina that I’m the better guy for her.”
“Kenma stop, you still have the bruises on your face, I feel sorry if I have to add more.”
“Try me,” Kenma confidently said to me with a sharp eye.
And then, we burst out laughing.
This is so hilarious! I miss laughing with my best friend.
This is the first time in a while that we laugh carelessly, sincerely.
“Ah! I know the two of you are here!” 
We both looked at the door way, and saw Hinari walking towards us.
“Seriously, when can I have my own privacy? I can’t believe I gave my password to the two of you?!” Kenma complained but laughed at his own remarks.
“Too bad, we both have it, right Tetsu?” Hina smiling at me, as she put her hands on both of our shoulders.
“She’s right. Who will also remind you to eat or something if we didn’t know your password?” I added and saw him make face.
Hina just laugh at him and we are all laughing right now.
Kenma suddenly smiled gently, “Don’t ever break up, you two. Or I might be forced to kidnap you two and throw you to an isolated island somewhere. You two are my most precious friends, and I wanted you two to be happy. Always.” 
And that’s the sweetest message he ever said to us, and the best compared to his message at our wedding.
And me and Hina already crying, “K-KYAAAAANMAAAAAAAA~!!!” We both said
We both hugged him tightly.
He’s really the best man ever.
**A/N updates every FRIDAY..**
Heyya guys, I would like to announce that the series will end until part 15. Thank you for supporting this fanfiction, I really enjoyed writing this. And I had the chance meeting you all. 
Stay tuned for last few chapters. Have a great day ahead!
@dekuspet​ @mkkhaikyuu​ @captain-eagle-art​ @rozesarered @kurooloves @elianetsantana @saamsstuff @seijohsangel
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wiypt-writes · 4 years ago
Leave No One Behind
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Ch 6- Kiss The Girl
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: Ari is trying to find the right moment to talk to Hannah about their kiss but things and people just keep getting in the goddamned way…
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. A world of smut via flashback (NSFW no under18s)
Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
A/N: So, we promised you some soft daddy Ari, and here he is…you might want to grab a fan or something coz we ain’t gonna lie, this one left us in a puddle on the floor!!!
 Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 5
“Life can be short or long, love can be right or wrong, And I if chose the one I’d like to help me through, I’d like to make it with you, I really think that we could make it, girl.” Make It With You by B.R.E.A.D
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It had been days since the kiss, which soon enough turned into weeks. 4 and a half to be exact. Ari knew. He had counted them along with each phase of the moon, and nothing happened. They had kissed and that was it and to say it was bugging him would be an understatement.
He had tried, though. Well, sort of. The night after the kiss, Ari had seen Hannah walking Simon towards her spot as she had gotten used to doing before going to sleep. He had started after her on impulse, but then he had stopped on the beach sand and  chickened out when he realised he hadn't thought about what to say and ended up going back to his hut after finishing his cigarette.
A couple of nights later, he had mustered enough courage and was determined to go after her. He needed to speak to her. He didn't know exactly what he would say but he had come to the conclusion it would be best to wing it and let his mind speak for itself. Just get your ass there and let's see how it goes, Levinson. And then Sammy (who else?!) had appeared with a bottle of whiskey asking him to join him and Jake. It was a good thing, though. They had sorted their differences which had left them on an even keel, although Ari wondered for how long. If Sammy only knew what was on his mind just a few seconds before...  But Sammy had also told him he had also apologised to Hannah so things were getting better, that much was undeniable.
Still, the fact was, that little gathering around a bottle of whiskey had meant Ari had left another few days go without speaking to her. And even though she hadn't reached out to him either and things, everything considered, weren't awkward between them, Ari knew he had to speak to her.
The next chance he got was another few days later. Everyone was busy after dinner and he decided it was the perfect opportunity to go for it. But he had to stop when he met some tourists on the beach near her spot. He had to feign he was checking up on them and after a polite exchange on the wonderful time they were having at the resort he had to turn on his steps and head back to his hut, cursing all the way.
The more time that went by the harder it was getting not only to find the perfect moment but also to gather the courage to have that pending conversation with Hannah. So Ari found himself one night wondering if it was just better left alone. Was there even a pending conversation to have? The atmosphere was good, Hannah was fine with him, even her and Sammy had taken a trip together to Port Sudan and no one had died. That was another bump in the road, every time he commented on having to go to Port Sudan or even Khartoum hoping for Hannah to come with him, someone called dibs or even offered to go on his behalf. So he had stopped faking reasons for the trips and coming up with real reasons as chances were he would end up going with someone else or staying at the resort.
Fortunately Simon made it impossible to stay in a bad mood. The dog was as cheeky as it gets. Hannah had been teaching him some tricks so he now sat, gave his paw and rolled over. Well, sort of, he more like got onto his back and stayed there with his short legs extended in the air. It was hilarious. He also went conveniently deaf whenever anyone other than Hannah or Ari told him to do anything. So it was a common joke now that Simon was his and Hannah's kid, which didn't bother Ari in the slightest. On the contrary, he happily played along when someone told him to take care of his child.
Thus, week after week went by and before they knew it they were in the middle of February and Rachel was preparing to take the first Shore Leave trip home. She was the only one with kids other than Ari, but Maya was with her mother while Rachel's kids were with their grandparents so they all agreed she should be the first to travel home. Hannah would take her place as managing director, aerobics instructor and much to Max and Jake laugh, masseuse.
The night before Rachel travelled to the US, Hannah was in the kitchen feeding Simon after they had already had dinner while the rest of them were chilling on the patio. Rachel had sneaked a bottle of Tequila from the stash of alcohol they had been gathering from their trips to Port Sudan or the nearest village market, to toast for a safe trip home. Jake, encouraged by the Tequila shots he had been gulping, was hitting on a group of young female tourists that were gathered around an improvised bonfire on the beach.
"It's the first time I see him do that in the nearly two months we've been here." Max snorted, seeing Jake stumble on the sand and fall on his ass next to one of the girls.
"Guess the real Jake has taken over Luca Morano." Sammy scoffed.
"It has." Ari chuckled. "Did I ever tell you how I found him with a girl in a decompression tank when I went to recruit him in Belize?"
"Now that's Jake Wolf." Max laughed. "Must have been a sight to see."
"Oh, it was. Stark naked. Refused to cover himself up all through our conversation." Ari confided before taking a drag of his cigarette.
"Well, he has managed to keep himself away from tourists until now. We have to give him that." Max commented.
"Maybe it's because Hannah’s not into him after all." Rachel deadpanned, always the perceptive one.
"What do you mean?" Sammy asked or more like groaned.
"Just saying they're not diving as much now as they did before. She’s cooled off, certainly over the last month anyway." she shrugged.
Everyone fell silent for a few minutes, enjoying their shots and taking in Rachel's words. Of course she had noticed, she always did. That was what made her, along with other qualities, one of the best spies Mossad could ever hope for. 
Ari could see the clogs in Sammy's brain turning, as usual his brain short-circuited when it came to his sister. He, on the other hand, was low-key pleased to hear that. He wouldn't be feeding himself to the sharks after all and he couldn't help the smile that spread on his face when Hannah came back with Simon and grinned at the sight of Jake flirting with the group of women.
"How's he doing?" she asked, nodding towards Jake before taking a seat next to Ari.
"Working on it." Max answered, looking first at Hannah and then discreetly at Ari who was still smiling widely.
The following morning, after having waved goodbye to Rachel who had left after giving some last minute instructions to Hannah and promising them all to make the most of her week off, Jake, Max, Ari and Hannah were sat at their breakfast table.
"They must think we're stupid." Hannah said, pointing to the fact that Sammy had offered himself, more like jumped to the opportunity of driving Rachel to the airport in Port Sudan.
"What?" Ari asked.
"Ok, maybe you all are stupid." she said rolling her eyes as she poured herself some more coffee.
The three men ignored her jab and looked blankly at one another for what looked like an eternity until Max twigged it. Hannah spotted the exact moment coz he grinned and gave his trademark chuckle. That was enough for Ari to realise as well.
"Rachel and Sammy?" Ari asked, not believing it. 
"You're a dumbass, Levinson." Hannah teased him. 
Simon then rolled on the floor and gave a loud yip as if to highlight his mum's words.
"Wouldn't be so pleased, pal. He's coming back." Jake said, looking down at the dog. 
Everyone chuckled at the comment and as much as Jake tried to hide his hangover behind his shades, his hoarse voice was betraying him.
"This is good." Max said, still grinning. "I mean Sammy needs to get laid, release some tension."
"Don’t we all?" Jake quipped, thus unwillingly confessing he hadn't been lucky the night before.
"Cheers to that." Hannah said, raising her mug.
Max, Jake and Ari all raised their mugs to join Hannah in her toast as they laughed, though Ari was internally groaning. He wasn't expecting having to visit the shower again that morning.
With Rachel gone Hannah was busier than ever as she had to pick up a lot of her chores, including the aerobics classes. Having to witness Hannah every morning clad in those colourful tight leotards and tights, bending and stretching sent Ari into a frenzy. At some point he tried to avoid her classes, either to dodge suspicious looks from Sammy or to prevent Jake from drooling shamelessly over Hannah and other female tourists too. 
“What? Why can you be at the classes and I can't?” Jake asked Ari one morning after he gave him a reproachful look because the truth was that Ari’s attempts to avoid them had failed, miserably, and instead he had found any excuse possible to lurk in the reception area. Be it a document he needed to check, a key someone from the staff had asked him for or a glass of water he had to grab from the kitchen, among other things, which always caused some giggles from the group of young female tourists. If they only knew it wasn't about them.
Ari had come to the conclusion that he needed to speak to Hannah, because it was starting to get embarrassing and Simon wasn't helping. The dog was exposing him even more as he would bark at him and look for his attention every time he walked in to the room with another lame ass excuse. He had no idea what he would say or how he would address the elephant in the room after so a month, he just knew he needed to be alone with her or he would go crazy. 
However, he failed again and again not only because with Rachel gone Hannah was busier and didn't have much free time but because most of the scarce free time she had was spent with Sammy, who was excessively clingy to his sister.  Ari now realised that Hannah had been right, the man clearly had a thing for the blonde. 
Which was even clearer the evening before Rachel was due to return as Sammy had been particularly jovial after a week of exacerbate grumpiness and moping around the resort. A fact that didn't go unnoticed by any of them. What was more, Hannah was not letting the opportunity to tease his brother go by.
Sammy had offered to walk Simon with her before going to sleep and they were walking along the sea shore in a comfortable silence when he threw a stick towards the waves so that Simon could go and fetch it. Hannah didn't hesitate to bug him when he bent to scratch Simon's ear when the dog came back with the stick in his mouth.
"I don’t recognise you, Samuel Navon. You’re even being nice to Simon." she said.
"Well, he’s growing on me." he shrugged, smiling at the dog.
To be honest, Hannah knew Simon was indeed growing on him. The dog had become a sort of celebrity in the resort, with all the guest ladies cooing over him like a baby whenever he was near and him going from group to group of guests on the beach, demanding attention from everyone, most of them willing to give it to him. But, there was something else to Sammy's sudden cheerfulness and Hannah was sure she knew what it was.
"Bullshit. Just yesterday you were wanting to kill him because he chewed your shoes." Hannah smirked, stopping to look at her brother.
"Why does he have to chew my shoes when he has Jake’s shirts to go at?" Sammy whined. 
"It’s a woman, isn’t it? More specifically, it’s Rachel. She’s back tomorrow and you’re happy…" Hannah insisted, smiling at him in an attempt to make him confide in her. Sammy had never been the one to let his emotions take over. Even when they were kids she had been the lively, expressive one and he had been the brooding older brother.
"Will you shut up if I tell you it is?" he asked, more of an order than a question. He knew her sister and there was no going back at this point, he had been busted. Better to get it over with in the most graceful manner possible.
Hannah grinned "You sly dog."  and then she offered him a warm smile "Good for you, Sammy.  I’m pleased."
"I don’t know if she feels the same way…so I don’t want to make a fuss about it, ok?" he said, trying to dim his sister's enthusiasm. 
"My lips are sealed." she made a zip gesture over her mouth. "But you know there’s only one way to find out? Ask."
"Easier said than done." Sammy scoffed.
Hannah then sighed, "Don’t I know it."
Sammy looked at his sister, his brow furrowing.
 "What do you mean?"
"Oh nothing…was just talking in general." she said, trying to make it sound casual.
"No, you weren’t." he retorted.  "But it's ok if you want me to pretend you were. After everything that’s happened I’m probably better off in the dark."
Hannah smiled at her brother's words. After all, he was trying hard not to meddle in her life, unless she asked him to do so, as she had requested when he had apologised to her weeks earlier.
"Just give yourself the chance to be happy, Han." he said as he reached to hug her.
Hannah sighed and leaned into her brother's embrace. She knew full well he didn’t mean Ari when he was talking about her happiness, but that was where her mind went. The thought of Ari's shore leave looming in the horizon, as his turn would come only a few days post Rachel's return, made her shiver. And the realisation that she needed to speak to him before he left hit her like a landslide. She needed to reach out to him before he went back to the real world. To Maya. To Sarah.
"Easier said than done." she forced a smile, repeating her brother’s earlier words back to him. 
Rachel returned the following day and she was beaming. Being able to spend time with her kids had, no doubt, suited her. It was now a matter of days for Ari to be able to spend time with Maya and he was looking forward to it. The countdown to his leave officially started and he was excited to see Ethan too as he was proud of how they were set up and operating. His idea of turning the resort into a running hotel had been a great success and Ari couldn't wait to report to Ethan face to face, or Isaacs for that matter. The Head of Mossad had been a whiny bitch about them taking in real tourists and Ari, arrogant as he was at times, was hoping to have the opportunity to rub it in his face.
Yet there was one thing that was bothering him and would keep him awake late at night, and that was Hannah. Over the past few days Ari had noticed she had started to withdraw again. She should have been more relaxed now that Rachel was back but she had become warier and quieter instead. But that wasn't the only thing bugging him. He was well aware that he was going to miss her and he was finding it quite odd. They hadn't seen each other at all over the last four years and now the idea of being apart from her for ten days was bothering him.
They say time flies. Either because you're having a great time or because you don't want time to pass at all, which was the reason in Hannah's case. The night before Ari left they were gathered together as usual after dinner, having drinks and toasting to Ari's safe flight home. Hannah was trying to keep it cool and ignore the churning feeling in her stomach, but she was failing spectacularly. She was a jumble of nerves, she had been for the past few days, but that night it was getting worse so she decided to stop drinking before she barfed or even worse got so drunk she would start doing or saying something she would regret. She felt like she was gonna start crying any minute and Max and Jake goofing around weren't helping her in any way.
"Come on, Red. Drink another shot with me." Jake said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he poured two tequila shots with his free hand.
"I don't want to drink, Jake." she refused the drink with a wave of her hand.
"What? Are you pregnant? Don't tell me, a hairy Nazi knocked you up after a massage." Max snorted, visibly drunk.
"You're not funny, Maxwell. Fuck you." she growled at him, standing up to shove him in the chest almost sending him flying backwards on his chair.
"What's wrong with you, cracker?" he yelled back, visibly surprised, trying not to lose balance as the chair teetered precariously on its back two legs.
All the group, in fact, were surprised. Not only because Hannah and Max were best friends and got on but also because they joked and pranked each other on a daily basis and Hannah had never snapped at him like that. Normally she would have come up with a smart reply and they would have been bickering for minutes but that night Hannah was behaving out of character.
She didn't answer Max, instead she shook her head and left, with Simon following trail. Everyone then turned to glare at Max who shrugged and leaned to grab the bottle of Tequila.
"Something has gotten her on edge. She's been odd for a few days but today she's been particularly bad." Rachel explained, looking worriedly towards the path that led to the huts.
Ari sighed, both of his hands brushing his hair back. He wanted to go after her but wasn't sure if it would be weird in the eyes of the rest of the team.  While debating what to do he looked at Sammy but he was busy looking at her and asking Rachel what she meant. Max was out of the question as he had decided to drown his concern in Tequila shots, so he looked at Jake who nodded meeting Ari's eyes. Go talk to her, he mouthed.
He didn't have to be told twice. Ari stood up and went to find her. In order not to raise suspicions, more on Sammy's part than on anyone else's, he went in the opposite direction before doubling back around the front of the resort. He went to the beach and started walking thinking maybe Hannah had decided to go to her spot on the rocks after all. But she wasn't there so he decided to try her hut. And there she was as he heard Simon bark when he knocked on the door.
"What do you want, Ari?" Hannah asked the moment she opened the door.
She didn't seem surprised to see him at her door but she didn't seem excited or pleased either. She seemed so messed up, as she didn't give a damn about anyone anymore.
"Wanted to see if you’d drive me to the airport tomorrow." he said shyly.
He hadn't thought about what to say to her, not knowing the mood she would be in and the idea came to him out of the blue. He thought it was the perfect chance to be alone, to talk.
Hannah frowned at him "Thought you already asked Sammy."
Ari looked down at his feet, put his hands on his hips and sighed.
"What do you really want, Ari? I’m not in the mood." she asked again.
"No, but you’re in A mood. I noticed, matter of fact everyone did..." and then he paused as a thought hit him. As unlikely as it was, he decided to ask anyway, edging his bets. “Is it…is it because I’m leaving tomorrow?"
Ari saw her eyes beginning to cloud and she looked away 
"You’re as bad a liar as Sammy." he said, trying to lighten up her mood.
But his attempt to make her smile resulted in her turning away from him. She left the door open though so he stepped in and closed it behind him, accepting the silent invitation. 
"Firefly I…" he began.
"I’m just stressed Ari…a little homesick too, I miss mama, but that’s it." she cut him off.
"Promise me?" he asked, tilting his head and smiling softly.
"Yes, Ari." she replied drily.
"I don’t believe you." Ari said, his hand caressing her cheek. A bold move if you will but he had nothing to lose at this point.
Hannah started crying immediately and Simon let out a little whine when he heard her. Ari then pulled her in for a hug. He was beginning to wonder if it had been too much but then he felt her shoulders relaxing as her hands connect round his broad back. Simon felt her change in demeanour too and jumped up at them wanting to take part in the comforting gesture, his paws resting against Hannah’s thigh. Hannah chuckled as she stepped back slightly to pet him.
She stayed quiet for a minute, her eyes focussed on the dog and then she lifted her eyes to look Ari before speaking “Are you going to see Maya?”
It was a dumbass question, as she knew perfectly well he was, but he instantly understood what she was really asking. Are you seeing Sarah?
"Is that what’s bothering you?" Ari asked, looking at her with concerned eyes.
"No it’s just I.. " she started protesting but he cut her off.
"Han, if I want to see Maya then I need to speak to Sarah."
Hannah fell silent again, she knew she had just shown her cards so there was no point denying anything anymore. She looked down and started fiddling with the hem of her top for a few seconds before her shoulders started to shake and tears began to run down her cheeks again.
"Hannah, what’s going on?" Now Ari was genuinely confused. They had not been alone since that night, not talked about the kiss so he wasn’t sure why it was bothering her so much. He had assumed from her silence over the past month that she thought their little moment was all a mistake and that was it for them, but the fact that she was bothered by the thought of him seeing his estranged wife meant something else, didn't it? "I don’t want you to go."  her voice now a whisper. "I mean, I know you have to but.." she swallowed before continuing "I don’t want to be here without you." She had said it, right? She had admitted it. I don't want to be here without you. Ari was suddenly floored, utterly floored. This meant she felt something more. 
"Firefly, look at me." he demanded. But she didn't move. "Look at me, please." he spoke more softly this time.
Hannah then raised her eyes, locking them to his, her bottom lip quivering slightly. "I’m coming back." Ari assured her.
"I know. It’s just…I’m gonna miss you." she said lowering her eyes again
"You’ve got Simon to keep you busy." he said, nodding down to the dog who was sat watching them both. "And Sammy to placate when he growls at him or eats his shoe. Jake to take you diving, Max to…well…just be Max and Rachel…" he paused to lift her chin to make her look at him  "You got your safe place for when it all gets too much, the sea, the stars at night…what else could you ask for?"
"Well, when you put it like that I’m not sure." she chuckled.
There it is, that damned smile. Ari thought as he chuckled too. "Guess I made my point."
There was a slight pause as he reached for her hands, his fingers caressing hers “I’ll miss you too Han, more than you know.” he said before pressing his forehead to hers.
"But you’re gonna.."
"I’m going to see my daughter, that’s all I care about in Tel Aviv." he paused before asking her again the million dollar question "Why are you so bothered, Han? Tell me honestly."
Hannah swallowed, her fingers fiddling with his as their hands are laced together "I just…what if you see Sarah and decide you want her back."
"But why do you care?" Ari asked, he was frustrated at this point and he knew his voice showed it. They were going round in circles and he just wanted her to say it.
She pulled back to look at him, her eyes locked onto his, their faces inches away.
"Because I wouldn’t be able to…" she swallowed once more, stumbling over her words "It would break me again Ari. I’d be happy for you but…”
She had said it. She had admitted it out loud. She had feelings for him. Wasn't that what you wanted? Your move Levinson. Ari thought before taking a breath thinking his next words carefully.
"Listen to me carefully, Hannah." he said, sternly.
Hannah was deflated by the look on his face and those words. He had called her Hannah, no Han, no Firefly. She thought that was it, she had pissed him off. She had fucked it up and this time she was the only one to blame.
"There’s no chance I want her back, even if she wanted me, which she doesn’t. We’re over." 
"But for Maya." Hannah blurted out. 
"Not the slightest chance, Firefly." he said, taking her face in his hands.
Hannah then let out the breath she had been holding and sniffed.
"God, I’ve been going out of my head for almost a month, Han. Going over that afternoon in Port Sudan  and that kiss…" Ari confided, tracing her lips with his thumb at the mention of the kiss.
And she gasped. It was electric. An electric blue bolt of lightning sending shivers down her spine.
"Me too…" she whispered, trying to recover from the jolt that had just travelled through her body “Why are we so shit at communicating?"
"I did try and find you at your spot a few times but someone always got in the way" Ari admitted.
"Story of our lives huh?" she said with a soft smile.
"Yup." Ari chuckled "Maybe it's time we changed that…" he said as he cupped her face in his hands. "Wait for me to get back…"
"Not like I can go anywhere, mi lobo." she said smiling at him.
And Ari knew why. MI...not EL, MI. My. It had been 9 years since she uttered those words to him. His heart was literally bursting and at that point he thought fuck Sammy, fuck Andy, fuck Max. He didn't care anymore.  With his hands still on her cheeks he tilted her face to meet his and kissed her. And it was everything he needed and more. It was only them now, as far as he was concerned the world could go to hell. It was soft, gentle, but oh so loaded at the same time and when he pulled away eventually, he kept his head pressing to hers.
"You said Mi…" he whispered.
Hannah bit her lower lip, a wide smile forming on her face and was about to reply when there was a loud noise outside and Simon started barking.
"I best go, it's an early flight." Ari said, fighting the urge to press her body against his and never let go. But he was leaving the following day and it wouldn't be fair for any of them.
"Ok…" Hannah nodded.
Ari turned slowly to go, his hand still on hers for as long as his reach would allow but had to let go when he reached the door.
"Come back to me this time." Hannah said before he opened the door.
Ari paused and turned to look at her "Promise…my firefly." When he left her hut, a smile that could lit up an entire city on his face, the feeling in his chest was warm. That crappy pang he had associated with being around her over the past few months gone, hopefully for good.
Ari left before breakfast the next morning, his flight was early. Nevertheless all the agents were up to bid him a good trip. He shook hands with the boys, hugged Rachel and finally reached Hannah. Giving her a smile he swept her into his arms and she closed her eyes momentarily, holding him close before she stepped back and smiled, both of them trying to play it cool. Tearing his eyes away from her he crouched down to give Simon a scratch, the dog leaping up at him to lick his face.
“Gonna miss you too.” he said quietly, and Hannah knew full well he wasn’t just talking to the dog.
The day was fairly busy, which kept Hannah occupied for the most of it, right through until the evening at which point she bid them good night and headed off to take Simon for his usual pre-bed walk.
“Mind if I join you?” Rachel asked “I haven’t stretched my legs properly all day.”
“Sure.” Hannah looked at her, and the two women headed out onto the sand.
“So, You and Ari…” Rachel said as soon as they were out of ear shot. Hannah spun to face her, frowning.
“Me and Ari what?” “Don’t play dumb with me, Cracker.” Rachel looked at her “I saw the way he was hugging you before, and the way he looked at you as Sammy drove them away.”
Hannah sighed, and knew there was no point playing dumb. “You know, it’s pathetic really. I mean I hadn’t seen anything or heard anything from him since Andy’s funeral and then within 6 weeks of us being here I’m catapulted right back to where I was 9 years ago.” “Must have been some fling…” Rachel looked at her, and Hannah snorted.
“You know full well it was more than that.”
“You loved him.” Rachel shrugged
“Ironic thing is I never told him.” Hannah sighed “Not whilst we were together anyway. I came close once.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Well, it felt too soon, you know, we’d only really been dating a few weeks.” Hannah shrugged “But if I’m honest, I fell for him way before we got together.” She stopped walking and looked around, before she gestured with her head and Rachel followed her lead, sitting on the sand besides her. “I remember the nigh though. Instead of using the actual 3 words I told him that I’d fallen for him years ago. We’d been on a date, just a small restaurant not far from his and we were walking home…”
“You know, everyone at work keeps asking me who my mystery girlfriend is.” Ari’s glanced down at Hannah as they walked down the pavement, his hand around hers.
“I thought you liked the secrecy?”
“Yeah, well, as much as it’s been fun I’d like to be able to introduce you as my girl one day.” he looked at her.
“I’d like that too.” Hannah smiled.
“Though you friend, Abi is it? Yeah she might not like it that much…” Ari said and Hannah let out a snort.
“Yeah, she would go mad. She keeps on asking me about you.”
“Really? What’s she say?”
Hannah laughed, “Fuck off Lobo,” she said, shoving him playfully in his chest.
“Easy firefly…” he caught her hand softly, raising it to his mouth and pressing a kiss to her wrist “She never stood a chance”
“Neither did I” Hannah look at him as his fingers laced through hers.
“What do you mean?” Ari frowned.
“The minute I met you I was a goner, Ari”
“But you’ve been dating other guys, I’ve met some of them.” he looked at her.
“Yeah, but they weren’t you. I knew you were out of my league but still, always hoped one day you’d see me.”
Ari took a deep breath and shook his head “I saw you, Hannah. How could I not? You were this smart, sassy kid, old before her time. I constantly had to remind myself how young you were and then I watched you grow up…” He smiled “And then, a few months after your 18th, at your graduation I came over and for the first time, well I saw you then as this gorgeous young woman, not just that sassy little kid and…” he shrugged, trailing off.
Hannah shook her head, her eyes fixing on Simon who was barking at his reflection on the calm ocean.
“It was funny that he brought up my graduation, as that was when I fell for him big time. I’d always had a crush on him, you know…” “Every little sister does on their older brother’s friends.” Rachel said wisely, and Hannah nodded.
“But then he gave me a pair of earrings. Just silver ones, in the shape of a crescent moon as a congratulations. But, they were so special because it was a little joke between us, you know, the fact I used to say he probably turned into a werewolf every full moon because he used to eat mama out of house and home…” “El Lobo Hambriento…” Rachel repeated and Hannah nodded.
“But that…that was the moment. He’d gone to enough effort to get me something that was personal and meant something to us both and I knew then I was falling for a guy I had no chance with. I tried so hard to ignore it. I dated other guys but it was pointless. And then on my 21st.” she shrugged “We had a whirlwind of a 3 months before he ended it and left. I heard nothing more until Sammy told me he had a girlfriend. So that was that, and it turns out it was all down to my late husband.”
“That must have been really hard.” Rachel said after a pause
“Well, I knuckled down, finished medical school and pretended I was ok.” Hannah shrugged “Even went to his wedding because I figured having him in my life one way was better than not at all. I didn’t see much of him then until I joined Mossad 2 years later.”
“Did he go to your wedding?” Rachel asked.
“No.” Hannah shook her head “I dunno why. Maybe he was on a mission, maybe he was too busy living his life with his then wife and kid…I never asked.” she took a deep breath and smiled as Simon bounded back across the sand towards her, flopping down onto his back for a belly rub which she happily provided “And then Andy died and just when I was beginning to come to terms with it all Ari shows up at the clinic and I find myself here in the desert and once more he’s turning my life upside down.”
“Maybe you need to set it the right way up again.” Rachel looked at her. “What’s stopping you, honestly?”
Hannah shrugged ���Look, the other night, you’re right…we had a moment. Just a kiss, nothing more, and then last night we talked about it, kissed again and I dunno, maybe when he comes back…” She trailed off.
“Do you both want it?” Rachel looked at her. “To try again I mean?”
“I know I do and he says he does so…” she shrugged “I just…is going back over old ground the right thing to do Rachel? I mean we’re here…then there’s Sammy and his fucking reaction and…” she shook her head as she glanced out over the ocean. “Why does everything have to be so complicated?”
“It’s only as complicated as you make it.” Rachel said, laying her hand on Hannah’s arm “Look, screw Sammy and screw everyone else. If they weren’t in the picture…” “Then I wouldn’t hesitate.” Hannah looked at her friend. “You know, I loved Andy, and in a way despite me being so angry at him, I always will do but what I felt when I was with Ari, well, it was like this raging fire, it consumed every single part of me whereas Andy felt safe...not that I was any less happy with Andy, I wasn’t but…”
“Was Ari your first?” Rachel looked at her, and Hannah nodded. “That’s why it felt like that.” Rachel continued wisely. “You were discovering things, it will have been exciting, passionate…” “I know, and I understand that we’re both different people now and I don’t know whether, even without everyone interfering we would have made it back then, probably not to be honest but I’m wondering if this was life’s little plan all along. A way of giving us a second chance when we both have a more mature understanding of what we had…does that make sense?”
Rachel smiled and placed an arm around Hannah’s shoulder “Perfectly.”
“You cannot tell Sammy.” Hannah looked at her “Not until Ari comes back and we’ve decided on what is gonna happen…if anything.”
“Cross my heart.” Rachel smiled.
Hannah, satisfied she could trust the woman turned her attention to the ocean. She knew Ari would be home now, and she couldn’t help wondering if she was on his mind, as much as he was on hers…
******** Ari was exhausted. Upon landing back in Tel Aviv he had been greeted by Ethan, and he’d been back into HQ for an hour or so before heading to his apartment. Thankfully, Mossad had agreed to keep funding the rental fees whilst he was away which at least meant he didn’t have to stay in a hotel on his trips back home. He’d debated calling Sarah to tell her he was back, but it was getting late and not wanting to wake Maya he had instead decided to call in the morning.
He showered, revelling in the comfort of having decent water pressure before he collapsed into bed. But try as he might, as tired as he was he just couldn’t turn off. His mind was wandering, in particular over everything that had happened with Hannah just before he had left. She’d basically admitted to him what he knew anyway, that her feelings for him were still there, and moreover that there was a chance that they could make something out of the whole sorry mess. He should be happy, and he was, but part of him was still tentative. There was a lot at stake, if it went wrong they were stuck, thousands of miles away from home…and he didn’t even want to think about Sammy’s reaction, or Andy for that matter. What he did know, however, was that whatever they both decided it was going to be their decision. He wasn’t letting anyone make it for them, not like last time.
The rain was lashing against the windows, and he was suddenly taken back to a rainy evening one March almost 9 years ago when he and Hannah had been out for something to eat. They were walking back to his and she was telling him how she’d fallen for him big time over a pair of earrings he had bought her. He had just been about to tease her about being materialistic when the heavens had opened…
“SHIT!” Hannah shrieked, ducking as if that would prevent the rain from hitting her. She pulled her jacket a little tighter around her but the rain fall was ridiculously heavy.
“Come on!” He said, tugging on her hand and the two of them began to run towards the doorway of a shop. Ari pulled her under the awning, glancing down at her. Her hair was dripping, sticking to her face and she looked at him and started to giggle. Her jacket wasn’t done up all the way, and he could just see the rivulets of water trickling between the swell of her breasts, through her cleavage and dampening the fabric of her little flowery dress.
“My face is up here.” She quipped and immediately his eyes flew to hers and he gave her a sheepish grin, before he arched an eyebrow.
“Seems I inadvertently got you a little wet.”
She snorted, shaking her head at the joke and then looked up at him, her eyes flashing as she bit her lip.
“Better take me home and do something about it then,”
Ari groaned at the memory of her, stood there in front of him. They’d only been dating a few weeks at that point and he’d taken it slow, deliberately not wanting to rush her but as she stood there in front of him, giving him the blatant come on, her eyes fixed on his, not a shred of doubt in them, he’d pretty much dragged her back to his. He shifted slightly on the soft mattress, his hand sliding into his boxers. Just that image of her in front of him had him hard as fuck, and he needed to do something about it. With slow, deliberate strokes he began to palm himself to the memory which was now fresh in his mind…
As Ari was fetching them both a towel each from the bathroom, he heard Hannah on the phone speaking in Spanish to her mama. When he walked into the living room she was just finishing up and he handed her the towel which she used to start drying out her hair as she kicked off her shoes.
“Mama ok?” he asked.
“Yeah she’s fine. Didn’t ask where I was,” she paused, squeezing her long locks with the towel, “which suits me as I didn’t have to lie.” Ari sighed. “I meant what I said before. I don’t want it to be like this forever.” “Me neither.” she agreed. “But, I just don’t want anyone interfering. Not yet anyway.”
He smiled and used the towel he had grabbed himself, to rub at his hair and face, emerging from it and Hannah giggled, reaching up to smooth down his hair.
“This is getting long.” Her nails raked on his scalp as she straightened it down.
“I might grow it.” He mused.
“As long as it’s not into a mullet.” At that he laughed, his hands falling to her hips. “Not a chance Firefly.” She looked at him as she continued to attempt to dry her hair before he couldn’t take it anymore. Gently he took the towel off her and tossed it, along with his own, over to the sofa, before his hands cupped her face and he kissed her slowly. Her hands fell to his waist, tangling in the bottom of his grey shirt and he let out a little sigh at the feel of her fingers brushing his skin. She pulled back slightly and he pressed his forehead to hers, both of them breathing deeply and she looked at him, giving him the same eyes she had in the shop doorway.
“Lobo…” she swallowed.
“What do you want Firefly?”
“You…” She blinked up at him. “All of you.” At that his cocky demeanour wavered slightly. She’d told him only a few days ago when they’d been getting a little heavy on his couch that she was a virgin. She’d done other things, but not that, and now the thought of him being her first…well it was a head fuck. But a good head fuck.
“You sure?” He asked, searching her face for any shred of doubt. But he found none. Instead she nodded and bit her lip. Permission granted he’d reached down, gripped the soft flesh at the top of the back of her thighs and hauled her up, her legs locking around his waist. His lips smashed onto hers, their teeth clanging together in the urgency of the kiss as he carried her over the hall to his bedroom, where he softly set her down on her feet, flicking the lamp on besides him.
She’d stood, looking up at him, all doe eyes and damp hair and he’d had to fight back every single urge he had to push her back on the bed and fuck the life out of her. He wanted her first time to be soft, gentle, special. So instead, with a restraint he wasn’t sure he even possessed up until that moment, he reached out and pulled her to him again, kissing her softly and her fingers drifted to the buttons on his shirt. She broke the kiss so she could look down, her hands fumbling slightly but Ari let her carry on. Eventually she had it open and she pushed it back off his shoulders and down his arms where he then shrugged it off and let it fall to the floor. She looked at him, biting that damned bottom lip again and Ari couldn’t help but feel slightly smug at the hungry way her eyes were roving his torso. He ran, worked out with weights and he knew he wasn’t in bad shape. He couldn’t afford to be with his job after all, but he was enjoying the appreciative way she was taking in his broad shoulders and chest, following the strip of hair down to his waistband. She looked up at him once more, reaching out with her hands and she smoothed her fingers over his chest to his shoulders as he leaned down and caught her mouth again. This time his hands moved to the back of her dress, finding the buttons and he flicked them open one by one. Hannah stilled at little and he stopped, glancing down.
“You ok?”
“Yeah.” She nodded.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, just, no one’s ever seen me…”
“Let me.” He whispered softly, almost pleading.
Her cheeks flushed red and she moved her arms to allow the dress to fall down, shimmying out of it as it dropped over her hips and Ari let out a soft groan as he took her in from toe to head. Lithe legs gave way to a softer curve over her thighs and hips, up to her trim stomach, her waist cinched in before it met the swell of her perfectly proportioned breasts which he’d always had a real thing for. She was dressed in a simple matching cotton pair of baby blue panties and bra, and the pure innocence of it was driving him wild.
“See,” he said, his eyes locking onto hers, “beautiful, my firefly…”
He leaned down and dropped a kiss to the crook of her neck and shoulder and she gave a little shiver.
“Like that?” he asked softly, she nodded so he did it again, his arm curling around her waist, holding her still, letting her get lost in the sensations as he lavished affection on her, working across her collar bone to the other side, before he trailed hot kisses up her jaw line, pressing his lips to hers again. She kissed him back, the kiss hungry as her hands tangled in his hair. Taking the lead, he backed her up slightly, until her knees folded against the edge of the bed and she sat down. Her eyes were level with the top of his jeans now, and there was no hiding the evident bulge at his crotch. She glanced up at him, giving him a little smirk, almost of pride, before she popped the button on his jeans. She tugged them down, and he stepped out of them, leaving him in his tight boxers and he crawled over her as she moved up the bed, settling into the space between her legs. His hands trailed up the outside of her thighs to her hips and up her ribcage before he gently palmed her breast over her bra. He felt her relax under him, which is what he wanted, and he gently pressed a kiss to her shoulder as he pulled down her bra strap, repeating the motion at the other side. He slid his hands underneath her and she arched her back allowing him to pop the clasp. Taking another look at her, she nodded and he pulled the garment away, and he glanced down, taking in her bare breasts with a soft moan.
“Fuck, Han,” he groaned softly, his mouth dropping to her cleavage, soft kisses trailing up her sternum as his thumbs softly skated over her nipples. She wriggled a little, letting out a tiny whimper at his actions which encouraged him and he moved his mouth over to take over from his left hand, gently flicking his tongue.
“Shit, Ari…” she gasped, her hips bucking upwards slightly and he ground down against her, this time her noise was louder as she mewled at the contact, her hands fisting around the duvet at either side of her. He moved his attention to the other breast, repeating his action, drawing more noises and reactions from her, before his lips moved downwards, trailing over her belly where he gently rubbed his nose above the waistband of her panties. Glancing up at her again, she was watching him, her eyes wide with excitement and he hooked his fingers into the cotton, sliding them down her legs. He knelt up, taking a second to look at her before he parted her knees with his hands. He felt her shift slightly and looked up, that bashful tinge was back on her cheeks.
“Hey…” he said, looking at her as he pressed a kiss to the inside of her knee. "You trust me?”
“With my life, Mi lobo…”
That fucking name did things to him, and once more he found himself fighting to keep control. But knowing he had to take it slow he did just that, trailing soft kisses up the inside of her thigh before he reached his goal and gently slid his tongue up her entrance, causing her hips to buck again.
“Easy firefly…” he mumbled gently, his arm looping over her waist to keep her still as he gently lapped at her, teasing her sensitive bundle of nerves before his tongue poked deeper into her, fucking her with his mouth. She writhed as much as she could, her breathing deep, almost at a pant and he glanced up to see her head was thrown back against his pillow, mouth forming a perfect O shape, and her hands were flat against the bed. With his spare one he reached up, taking her right hand and he placed it on his head, where she gently gripped at his hair. As he continued to eat her out, god she tasted amazing, her fingers tightened, and at one point she pulled on his hair to the point of it being painful. He let out a groan and she stopped and he glanced up.
“Sorry….” she began to apologise but he shook his head.
“Don’t, I like it.” She arched an eyebrow at him, but he didn’t give her much time to think about it as his mouth set to her once more. As he continued alternating his attention between her entrance and her clit, her breathing became nothing but a sharp, staccato pans and he felt her legs beginning to tremble.
“Oh, God, Ari…” she keened above him and he gave a little grin as he upped his speed slightly., “I’m…gonna…” and with that she gave a loud cry, her hips jumping upwards as her body trembled. Her legs became rigid for a second before she relaxed, completely boneless in the after throws of her orgasm. Knowing she’d be sensitive, he moved away slightly, wiping his mouth on his arm as he crawled up her body.
“Good?” he asked, already knowing the answer as she was utterly wrecked beneath him, but he wanted to hear it from her.
“Yeah…really good…” she panted, her eyes flickering open to lock onto his before he kissed her again. She was clearly feeling a little braver now as her fingers grasped at the waistband of his boxers and she pushed them down. He shuffled out of them before he practically fell over her, propping himself up on his elbows, and she looked at him for a second, her hand pushing into his hair.
“You got any….” “Top drawer.” he nodded, to the nightstand. She shuffled slightly and he sat back on his heels, his erection hard and slapping against his abs as she found the condom and handed it to him. He easily tore it from the packet, and once he’d carefully rolled it down over himself he moved forwards again, so he was settled and lined up. Taking another look at her face, once more making seeking assurance she was absolutely sure, she nodded and slowly he began to push into her. She tensed up a little, her hands gripping at his forearm and he took his time, gently moving his hips until he was fully sheathed inside her.
“You ok?” he panted, she felt tight and warm around him and fuck, it was euphoric.
“Yeah…” she assured him. “Just go slow.” “I got you sweetheart.” He gently pressed a kiss to her mouth, moving his hips back before he slowly pushed into her again, and again, taking his time, keeping his eyes focused on hers as he caged her between his arms. He gently pressed a kiss to her hair line as he ground into her again, causing her breath to catch in her throat, but it wasn’t in pain. No, he could tell she was enjoying this. Taking that as encouragement he repeated the action and her hands tightened around his biceps.
“You alright?” he asked, his voice ragged and she nodded eagerly.
“Feels good.” she panted, as he pushed up against her, his hips bumping hers as he continued his movements, picking up the pace ever so slightly, but all the time being careful to still take his time. Her hands hooked round his shoulders and he pressed a bit more of his weight onto her as he found a slow, steady rhythm. It wasn’t long before he began to feel the warming deep in the pit of his stomach and balls, and he really wanted to get her there again, but was now beginning to question how much longer he was going to last. His lips met hers, the kiss desperate, and she cried out into his mouth as he pushed deeper. He could feel her fluttering around him and he knew she was close.
“Come on Firefly…come on…come on…” he said, his breathing deep in between each word as he nudged at her chin with his nose, gently nipping along her jaw line before he softly sucked at the point under her ear and with another push upwards he felt her tense and she gave a desperate mewl once more, her nails digging into his shoulders, before she stilled completely, her mouth slackening, eyes fluttering shut as she tightened around him, her release crashing over her in wave after wave. A few thrusts later Ari found his own, the coil in his belly finally slapping and with a loud cry he came, hard, his hips stuttering before they slowed completely and he gently fell forward, his face burying into her neck. He stayed still for a moment, waiting for the world to tip the right way up again, and he moved his head to kiss her, both his hands holding her face before he pressed his forehead to hers. She smiled at him, her lips once more meeting his as her breathing started to even out.
“I didn’t hurt you?” he asked softly and she shook her head.
“No, no you didn’t.” she smiled “That was…that was perfect Ari…”
With a loud groan Ari finally brought himself off and felt the hot, white ribbons streak over his abs as he gently worked himself through his release. With a sigh his head fell back against the pillow and he gave himself a moment before he reached over for a tissue from the box by his bed.
“That was perfect Ari…”
Hannah’s voice echoed round his head and he swallowed as he cleaned himself up. Yes, it had been perfect, he’d loved the fact he’d been her first. Something no one else could ever claim. With a sigh he tossed the tissue to the side, his breathing deep as he settled himself down for the night, the earlier tension and unrest he had been feeling slightly abated. Jerking off to his own internal filthy thoughts was nowhere near as good as the real thing but for the time being, a memory would have to do.
**** Chapter 7
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annabethlestrange · 4 years ago
RANKED: STUDIO GHIBLI MOVIES (rating from highest to lowest)
Check caption on every photo to check synopsis and review. 📷
I'm so happy! I've managed to finish 24 Ghibli Movies. Yay! Achievement unlock! I want to rewatch some of their movies. Every movie feels nostalgic, with good vibes, and a whimsical story! Highly recommended!
(my highest rating is 5 stars and the lowest would be 1 star)
(set2 10photos)
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Princess Mononoke 1997 ★★★★ 𝄢 A masterpiece. Likable and relatable characters. It pains me by thinking about it... I mean, humans... Can be deceiving, loving, caring, and can destroy humanity. This movie shows that everyone has a different point of view. We live and fight for what we believe in. It's a matter of choices. To become a better person or the other way around. I think if everyone can learn how to be Ashitaka as being selfless, this world might have a chance to survive. 📷📷 • THE FATE OF THE WORLD RESTS ON THE COURAGE OF ONE WARRIOR. Ashitaka, a prince of the disappearing Emishi people, is cursed by a demonized boar god and must journey to the west to find a cure. Along the way, he encounters San, a young human woman fighting to protect the forest, and Lady Eboshi, who is trying to destroy it. Ashitaka must find a way to bring balance to this conflict.
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Added another movie poster. Coz why not? 📷
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The Secret World of Arrietty 2010 ★★★★ 𝄢 Beautifully crafted and made. I love the whole story. A magical, heartwarming, sweet, and simple yet so unique movie for all kinds of ages. It was fun with a great sense of adventure, through the film you'll feel like even the smallest childhood fantasies might be real. I remember the first time I watch this movie. This is actually the first Ghibli movie I've watched, recommended by my best friend and brother Jao Wonders. This particular movie opens my eyes to other Studio Ghibli movies. • DO NOT BE SEEN BY HUMANS. THAT’S BEEN THE LAW OF CHILDREN OF THE UNDERFLOOR. 14-year-old Arrietty and the rest of the Clock family live in peaceful anonymity as they make their own home from items “borrowed” from the house’s human inhabitants. However, life changes for the Clocks when a human boy discovers Arrietty.
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Kiki's Delivery Service 1989 ★★★★ 𝄢 📷📷📷📷📷📷 I love everything about this movie. Waaahhhhh. Jiji is hilarious! 📷 Adorable and lovable characters. I wish I can fly like Kiki. 📷 • I WAS FEELING BLUE, BUT I’M BETTER NOW. A young witch, on her mandatory year of independent life, finds fitting into a new community difficult while she supports herself by running an air courier service.
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Whisper of the Heart 1995 ★★★★ 𝄢 Heartfelt movie. I really love the part that Shizuku strives to be better, that she use Seiji as an inspiration. 📷 Soooo pure. It's refreshing when it comes to romance movies. Love it! • I FOUND SOMEONE I LIKE Shizuku lives a simple life, dominated by her love for stories and writing. One day she notices that all the library books she has have been previously checked out by the same person: ‘Seiji Amasawa’. Curious as to who he is, Shizuku meets a boy her age whom she finds infuriating, but discovers to her shock that he is her ‘Prince of Books’. As she grows closer to him, she realizes that he merely read all those books to bring himself closer to her. The boy Seiji aspires to be a violin maker in Italy, and it is his dreams that make Shizuku realize that she has no clear path for her life. Knowing that her strength lies in writing, she tests her talents by writing a story about Baron, a cat statuette belonging to Seiji’s grandfather.
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Porco Rosso 1992 ★★★★ 𝄢 I LOVE IT! Even the villains! They're all adorable. 📷 • A PIG’S GOT TO FLY Porco Rosso, known in Japan as Crimson Pig (Kurenai no Buta) is the sixth animated film by Hayao Miyazaki and released in 1992. You’re introduced to an Italian World War I fighter ace, now living as a freelance bounty hunter chasing “air pirates” in the Adriatic Sea. He has been given a curse that changed his head to that of a pig. Once called Marco Pagot, he is now known to the world as “Porco Rosso”, Italian for “Red Pig.”
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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 1984 ★★★★ 𝄢What a masterful work from Hayao Miyazaki! I respect and like strong female characters! I love the storyline. From the world-building, villains, and characters are all well executed! YAY! • A YOUNG GIRL’S LOVE CALLED FORTH MIRACLES… After a global war, the seaside kingdom known as the Valley of the Wind remains one of the last strongholds on Earth untouched by a poisonous jungle and the powerful insects that guard it. Led by the courageous Princess Nausicaä, the people of the Valley engage in an epic struggle to restore the bond between humanity and Earth.
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My Neighbors the Yamadas 1999 3.5 ★ 𝄢 Feel-good movie. I laughed out loud with every situation. It feels nostalgic as well. I can relate to some of their issues when it comes to dealing with family. Love it. 📷📷 • THE SAFETY OF FAMILY IS THE WISH OF THE WORLD The Yamadas are a typical middle-class Japanese family in urban Tokyo and this film shows us a variety of episodes of their lives. With tales that range from humorous to heartbreaking, we see this family cope with life’s little conflicts, problems, and joys in their own way.
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Earwig and the Witch 2020 3.5 ★ 𝄢 Wow! Even though it's far from the original classic Ghibli movies that we're used to, I still enjoyed this movie. The only letdown for me would be the ending. I was hoping for much more appropriate closure. Or is there a second part?! lol. A bit disappointing. I still prefer classic Ghibli movies! But a great experience though. Nice try. 📷📷 • A headstrong orphan discovers a world of spells and potions while living with a selfish witch.
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Grave of the Fireflies 1988 ★★★ 𝄢 📷📷📷📷📷 These emojis will explain my emotions after watching this. SAD AF! • In the final months of World War II, 14-year-old Seita and his sister Setsuko are orphaned when their mother is killed during an air raid in Kobe, Japan. After a falling out with their aunt, they move into an abandoned bomb shelter. With no surviving relatives and their emergency rations depleted, Seita and Setsuko struggle to survive.
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flyingpurplepeopleeater42 · 4 years ago
Who's your favourite doctor (from Doctor Who) and favourite companion? (Those are my standard questions every time I come across someone who watches Doctor Who.)
Oh boy (this is gonna be a long post 😂😂)
It's kinda difficult for me to do favourites but I'll try.
I've watched season 1 to 11 from the 2005 reboot so what I am saying is based on that.
First of all , I do not like 9. Idk if this is controversial of sth but 9 is just boring. The writing this season is awful (3 EPISODES WITH FARTING ALIENS ?!?!? REALLY?!??!) with the notable exception of where-is-my-mummy episodes. Even the 9th doctor's outfit is plain and not even close to the other iconic doctor-outfits we had through the seasons. The only thing I adore from that season is Captain Jack. I love him. He owns my whole heart and no I will not elaborate.
So since 9 is out of the way I'll talk about 10th,11th,12th and 13th.
Firstly in terms of writing/story:
11th had clearly the best writing and the most interesting plot in his seasons (mainly the whole River Song- subplot and fantastic monsters like the Angles and The Silence. )
Same goes for 12th with episodes like Hell Bent /Heaven sent or that inception-like Christmas episode etc. (Capaldi's last season was kinda weak so that's why I put him second here)
Then we have the 10th doctor. I liked the Master and every episode Moffat has written but I wasn't a fan of episodes like Doomsday (yeah a lot of dramatic stuff happened but the deus-ex-machina at the end threw me off)Also 10th had really well written companions (I love Donna and Martha)
Finally we have the 13th. WHY CHIBNALL WHY?!?! The 11th season was boring. All the master were human-like things with deep voices and the only episodes I actually liked was the Rosa Parks episode and Demons of the Punjab.(and I liked them coz of their interesting historical setting.The aliens were again shit.)Also 13th had a huge companion-problem. WHY GIVE HER 3 GODDAMNED COMPANIONS?!?!?There wasn't time for any actual character development for any of them. They were just plain stereotypes. I wish that they would ditch Ryan and his Grandfather and keep Yasmin as the companion.(idk despite the shit writing I still love Yaz and I think that Mandip and Jodie have great chemistry)
Now in terms of acting
I love david Tennant coz he even tho he gave the character that playfulness/silliness you could still fill all the underlying anger that came from all the time war related stuff.
I love Matt Smith coz when I look at the 11th doctor I dont just see a young face. I see that 900 year old creature who's been through a lot and is running away from his past. (Bonus: BOW TIES ARE COOL)
I love Peter Capaldi coz he gave us a more angry/disappointed (emo?!?!) Side of the doctor.(Bonus: The war speech at the Zygon Invasion episode is def one of my favourite dr who scenes of all time)
I love Jodie Whittaker too. I believe she captured very well the eccentric part of the character and I am surprised that she still delivered such a good performance given how shitty the script was.
Soo I am done with the doctors let get to companions now.😂
I love Amy Pond too. I just like her character and the whole idea of the girl who waited/ is tired of waiting any more is great. Also the romance with Rory 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼.(plus !!!!!!!!!SEASON 7 SPOILERS!!!!!!!! the Angels in Manhattan episode ripped my heart into pieces and given my current Merlin obsession I seem to I love that🤣)
Donna is HILARIOUS. Catherine Tate + David Tennant = Comedy Gold.
Clara Oswald was great too and worked really well with Capaldi's doctor.
I like Bill Potts too. Her story is kinda needlessly confusing and not that interesting but I cannot help but stan a gay science fiction nerd
Yasmin has the potential to be a great companion but as I mentioned before...shit writing
I don't even consider Ryan and Graham to be companions ...they're just there... just entities that exist in the tardis....def not companions
Finally ......maybe the most controversial part of this post: I do not like Rose Tyler. I do not like how she treats Mickey (I do not like Mickey either but that's besides the point ) I absolutely hate that whole romance between her and the doctor.And overall I find her annoying. (I think Billie Piper is a great actress tho)
Bonus: James Corden's character is lovely and that episode with him , the doctor and the baby trying to stop the cybermen is one of my all time favourites and I believe that deserves a special mention .
So that's it. I think I am done.🎉
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what-is-your-plan-today · 5 years ago
Leave No One Behind Ch6: Kiss The Girl
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
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Episode Summary: Ari is trying to find the right moment to talk to Hannah about their kiss but things and people just keep getting in the goddamned way…
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. A world of smut via flashback (NSFW no under18s)
Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Song for Episode:  Make It With You by B.R.E.A.D
A/N: So, we promised you some soft daddy Ari, and here he is…you might want to grab a fan or something coz we ain’t gonna lie, this one left us in a puddle on the floor!!!
Series Master List    //   Main Masterlist 
Life can be short or long, love can be right or wrong, And I if chose the one I’d like to help me through, I’d like to make it with you, I really think that we could make it, girl.
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It had been days since the kiss, which soon enough turned into weeks. 4 and a half to be exact. Ari knew. He had counted them along with each phase of the moon, and nothing happened. They had kissed and that was it and to say it was bugging him would be an understatement.
He had tried, though. Well, sort of. The night after the kiss, Ari had seen Hannah walking Simon towards her spot as she had gotten used to doing before going to sleep. He had started after her on impulse, but then he had stopped on the beach sand and  chickened out when he realised he hadn't thought about what to say and ended up going back to his hut after finishing his cigarette.
A couple of nights later, he had mustered enough courage and was determined to go after her. He needed to speak to her. He didn't know exactly what he would say but he had come to the conclusion it would be best to wing it and let his mind speak for itself. Just get your ass there and let's see how it goes, Levinson. And then Sammy (who else?!) had appeared with a bottle of whiskey asking him to join him and Jake. It was a good thing, though. They had sorted their differences which had left them on an even keel, although Ari wondered for how long. If Sammy only knew what was on his mind just a few seconds before...  But Sammy had also told him he had also apologised to Hannah so things were getting better, that much was undeniable.
Still, the fact was, that little gathering around a bottle of whiskey had meant Ari had left another few days go without speaking to her. And even though she hadn't reached out to him either and things, everything considered, weren't awkward between them, Ari knew he had to speak to her.
The next chance he got was another few days later. Everyone was busy after dinner and he decided it was the perfect opportunity to go for it. But he had to stop when he met some tourists on the beach near her spot. He had to feign he was checking up on them and after a polite exchange on the wonderful time they were having at the resort he had to turn on his steps and head back to his hut, cursing all the way.
The more time that went by the harder it was getting not only to find the perfect moment but also to gather the courage to have that pending conversation with Hannah. So Ari found himself one night wondering if it was just better left alone. Was there even a pending conversation to have? The atmosphere was good, Hannah was fine with him, even her and Sammy had taken a trip together to Port Sudan and no one had died. That was another bump in the road, every time he commented on having to go to Port Sudan or even Khartoum hoping for Hannah to come with him, someone called dibs or even offered to go on his behalf. So he had stopped faking reasons for the trips and coming up with real reasons as chances were he would end up going with someone else or staying at the resort.
Fortunately Simon made it impossible to stay in a bad mood. The dog was as cheeky as it gets. Hannah had been teaching him some tricks so he now sat, gave his paw and rolled over. Well, sort of, he more like got onto his back and stayed there with his short legs extended in the air. It was hilarious. He also went conveniently deaf whenever anyone other than Hannah or Ari told him to do anything. So it was a common joke now that Simon was his and Hannah's kid, which didn't bother Ari in the slightest. On the contrary, he happily played along when someone told him to take care of his child.
Thus, week after week went by and before they knew it they were in the middle of February and Rachel was preparing to take the first Shore Leave trip home. She was the only one with kids other than Ari, but Maya was with her mother while Rachel's kids were with their grandparents so they all agreed she should be the first to travel home. Hannah would take her place as managing director, aerobics instructor and much to Max and Jake laugh, masseuse.
The night before Rachel travelled to the US, Hannah was in the kitchen feeding Simon after they had already had dinner while the rest of them were chilling on the patio. Rachel had sneaked a bottle of Tequila from the stash of alcohol they had been gathering from their trips to Port Sudan or the nearest village market, to toast for a safe trip home. Jake, encouraged by the Tequila shots he had been gulping, was hitting on a group of young female tourists that were gathered around an improvised bonfire on the beach.
"It's the first time I see him do that in the nearly two months we've been here." Max snorted, seeing Jake stumble on the sand and fall on his ass next to one of the girls.
"Guess the real Jake has taken over Luca Morano." Sammy scoffed.
"It has." Ari chuckled. "Did I ever tell you how I found him with a girl in a decompression tank when I went to recruit him in Belize?"
"Now that's Jake Wolf." Max laughed. "Must have been a sight to see."
"Oh, it was. Stark naked. Refused to cover himself up all through our conversation." Ari confided before taking a drag of his cigarette.
"Well, he has managed to keep himself away from tourists until now. We have to give him that." Max commented.
"Maybe it's because Hannah’s not into him after all." Rachel deadpanned, always the perceptive one.
"What do you mean?" Sammy asked or more like groaned.
"Just saying they're not diving as much now as they did before. She’s cooled off, certainly over the last month anyway." she shrugged.
Everyone fell silent for a few minutes, enjoying their shots and taking in Rachel's words. Of course she had noticed, she always did. That was what made her, along with other qualities, one of the best spies Mossad could ever hope for.
Ari could see the clogs in Sammy's brain turning, as usual his brain short-circuited when it came to his sister. He, on the other hand, was low-key pleased to hear that. He wouldn't be feeding himself to the sharks after all and he couldn't help the smile that spread on his face when Hannah came back with Simon and grinned at the sight of Jake flirting with the group of women.
"How's he doing?" she asked, nodding towards Jake before taking a seat next to Ari.
"Working on it." Max answered, looking first at Hannah and then discreetly at Ari who was still smiling widely.
The following morning, after having waved goodbye to Rachel who had left after giving some last minute instructions to Hannah and promising them all to make the most of her week off, Jake, Max, Ari and Hannah were sat at their breakfast table.
"They must think we're stupid." Hannah said, pointing to the fact that Sammy had offered himself, more like jumped to the opportunity of driving Rachel to the airport in Port Sudan.
"What?" Ari asked.
"Ok, maybe you all are stupid." she said rolling her eyes as she poured herself some more coffee.
The three men ignored her jab and looked blankly at one another for what looked like an eternity until Max twigged it. Hannah spotted the exact moment coz he grinned and gave his trademark chuckle. That was enough for Ari to realise as well.
"Rachel and Sammy?" Ari asked, not believing it.
"You're a dumbass, Levinson." Hannah teased him.
Simon then rolled on the floor and gave a loud yip as if to highlight his mum's words.
"Wouldn't be so pleased, pal. He's coming back." Jake said, looking down at the dog.
Everyone chuckled at the comment and as much as Jake tried to hide his hangover behind his shades, his hoarse voice was betraying him.
"This is good." Max said, still grinning. "I mean Sammy needs to get laid, release some tension."
"Don’t we all?" Jake quipped, thus unwillingly confessing he hadn't been lucky the night before.
"Cheers to that." Hannah said, raising her mug.
Max, Jake and Ari all raised their mugs to join Hannah in her toast as they laughed, though Ari was internally groaning. He wasn't expecting having to visit the shower again that morning.
With Rachel gone Hannah was busier than ever as she had to pick up a lot of her chores, including the aerobics classes. Having to witness Hannah every morning clad in those colourful tight leotards and tights, bending and stretching sent Ari into a frenzy. At some point he tried to avoid her classes, either to dodge suspicious looks from Sammy or to prevent Jake from drooling shamelessly over Hannah and other female tourists too.
“What? Why can you be at the classes and I can't?” Jake asked Ari one morning after he gave him a reproachful look because the truth was that Ari’s attempts to avoid them had failed, miserably, and instead he had found any excuse possible to lurk in the reception area. Be it a document he needed to check, a key someone from the staff had asked him for or a glass of water he had to grab from the kitchen, among other things, which always caused some giggles from the group of young female tourists. If they only knew it wasn't about them.
Ari had come to the conclusion that he needed to speak to Hannah, because it was starting to get embarrassing and Simon wasn't helping. The dog was exposing him even more as he would bark at him and look for his attention every time he walked in to the room with another lame ass excuse. He had no idea what he would say or how he would address the elephant in the room after so a month, he just knew he needed to be alone with her or he would go crazy.
However, he failed again and again not only because with Rachel gone Hannah was busier and didn't have much free time but because most of the scarce free time she had was spent with Sammy, who was excessively clingy to his sister.  Ari now realised that Hannah had been right, the man clearly had a thing for the blonde.
Which was even clearer the evening before Rachel was due to return as Sammy had been particularly jovial after a week of exacerbate grumpiness and moping around the resort. A fact that didn't go unnoticed by any of them. What was more, Hannah was not letting the opportunity to tease his brother go by.
Sammy had offered to walk Simon with her before going to sleep and they were walking along the sea shore in a comfortable silence when he threw a stick towards the waves so that Simon could go and fetch it. Hannah didn't hesitate to bug him when he bent to scratch Simon's ear when the dog came back with the stick in his mouth.
"I don’t recognise you, Samuel Navon. You’re even being nice to Simon." she said.
"Well, he’s growing on me." he shrugged, smiling at the dog.
To be honest, Hannah knew Simon was indeed growing on him. The dog had become a sort of celebrity in the resort, with all the guest ladies cooing over him like a baby whenever he was near and him going from group to group of guests on the beach, demanding attention from everyone, most of them willing to give it to him. But, there was something else to Sammy's sudden cheerfulness and Hannah was sure she knew what it was.
"Bullshit. Just yesterday you were wanting to kill him because he chewed your shoes." Hannah smirked, stopping to look at her brother.
"Why does he have to chew my shoes when he has Jake’s shirts to go at?" Sammy whined.
"It’s a woman, isn’t it? More specifically, it’s Rachel. She’s back tomorrow and you’re happy…" Hannah insisted, smiling at him in an attempt to make him confide in her. Sammy had never been the one to let his emotions take over. Even when they were kids she had been the lively, expressive one and he had been the brooding older brother.
"Will you shut up if I tell you it is?" he asked, more of an order than a question. He knew her sister and there was no going back at this point, he had been busted. Better to get it over with in the most graceful manner possible.
Hannah grinned "You sly dog."  and then she offered him a warm smile "Good for you, Sammy.  I’m pleased."
"I don’t know if she feels the same way…so I don’t want to make a fuss about it, ok?" he said, trying to dim his sister's enthusiasm.
"My lips are sealed." she made a zip gesture over her mouth. "But you know there’s only one way to find out? Ask."
"Easier said than done." Sammy scoffed.
Hannah then sighed, "Don’t I know it."
Sammy looked at his sister, his brow furrowing.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh nothing…was just talking in general." she said, trying to make it sound casual.
"No, you weren’t." he retorted.  "But it's ok if you want me to pretend you were. After everything that’s happened I’m probably better off in the dark."
Hannah smiled at her brother's words. After all, he was trying hard not to meddle in her life, unless she asked him to do so, as she had requested when he had apologised to her weeks earlier.
"Just give yourself the chance to be happy, Han." he said as he reached to hug her.
Hannah sighed and leaned into her brother's embrace. She knew full well he didn’t mean Ari when he was talking about her happiness, but that was where her mind went. The thought of Ari's shore leave looming in the horizon, as his turn would come only a few days post Rachel's return, made her shiver. And the realisation that she needed to speak to him before he left hit her like a landslide. She needed to reach out to him before he went back to the real world. To Maya. To Sarah.
"Easier said than done." she forced a smile, repeating her brother’s earlier words back to him.
Rachel returned the following day and she was beaming. Being able to spend time with her kids had, no doubt, suited her. It was now a matter of days for Ari to be able to spend time with Maya and he was looking forward to it. The countdown to his leave officially started and he was excited to see Ethan too as he was proud of how they were set up and operating. His idea of turning the resort into a running hotel had been a great success and Ari couldn't wait to report to Ethan face to face, or Isaacs for that matter. The Head of Mossad had been a whiny bitch about them taking in real tourists and Ari, arrogant as he was at times, was hoping to have the opportunity to rub it in his face.
Yet there was one thing that was bothering him and would keep him awake late at night, and that was Hannah. Over the past few days Ari had noticed she had started to withdraw again. She should have been more relaxed now that Rachel was back but she had become warier and quieter instead. But that wasn't the only thing bugging him. He was well aware that he was going to miss her and he was finding it quite odd. They hadn't seen each other at all over the last four years and now the idea of being apart from her for ten days was bothering him.
They say time flies. Either because you're having a great time or because you don't want time to pass at all, which was the reason in Hannah's case. The night before Ari left they were gathered together as usual after dinner, having drinks and toasting to Ari's safe flight home. Hannah was trying to keep it cool and ignore the churning feeling in her stomach, but she was failing spectacularly. She was a jumble of nerves, she had been for the past few days, but that night it was getting worse so she decided to stop drinking before she barfed or even worse got so drunk she would start doing or saying something she would regret. She felt like she was gonna start crying any minute and Max and Jake goofing around weren't helping her in any way.
"Come on, Red. Drink another shot with me." Jake said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he poured two tequila shots with his free hand.
"I don't want to drink, Jake." she refused the drink with a wave of her hand.
"What? Are you pregnant? Don't tell me, a hairy Nazi knocked you up after a massage." Max snorted, visibly drunk.
"You're not funny, Maxwell. Fuck you." she growled at him, standing up to shove him in the chest almost sending him flying backwards on his chair.
"What's wrong with you, cracker?" he yelled back, visibly surprised, trying not to lose balance as the chair teetered precariously on its back two legs.
All the group, in fact, were surprised. Not only because Hannah and Max were best friends and got on but also because they joked and pranked each other on a daily basis and Hannah had never snapped at him like that. Normally she would have come up with a smart reply and they would have been bickering for minutes but that night Hannah was behaving out of character.
She didn't answer Max, instead she shook her head and left, with Simon following trail. Everyone then turned to glare at Max who shrugged and leaned to grab the bottle of Tequila.
"Something has gotten her on edge. She's been odd for a few days but today she's been particularly bad." Rachel explained, looking worriedly towards the path that led to the huts.
Ari sighed, both of his hands brushing his hair back. He wanted to go after her but wasn't sure if it would be weird in the eyes of the rest of the team.  While debating what to do he looked at Sammy but he was busy looking at her and asking Rachel what she meant. Max was out of the question as he had decided to drown his concern in Tequila shots, so he looked at Jake who nodded meeting Ari's eyes. Go talk to her, he mouthed.
He didn't have to be told twice. Ari stood up and went to find her. In order not to raise suspicions, more on Sammy's part than on anyone else's, he went in the opposite direction before doubling back around the front of the resort. He went to the beach and started walking thinking maybe Hannah had decided to go to her spot on the rocks after all. But she wasn't there so he decided to try her hut. And there she was as he heard Simon bark when he knocked on the door.
"What do you want, Ari?" Hannah asked the moment she opened the door.
She didn't seem surprised to see him at her door but she didn't seem excited or pleased either. She seemed so messed up, as she didn't give a damn about anyone anymore.
"Wanted to see if you’d drive me to the airport tomorrow." he said shyly.
He hadn't thought about what to say to her, not knowing the mood she would be in and the idea came to him out of the blue. He thought it was the perfect chance to be alone, to talk.
Hannah frowned at him "Thought you already asked Sammy."
Ari looked down at his feet, put his hands on his hips and sighed.
"What do you really want, Ari? I’m not in the mood." she asked again.
"No, but you’re in A mood. I noticed, matter of fact everyone did..." and then he paused as a thought hit him. As unlikely as it was, he decided to ask anyway, edging his bets. “Is it…is it because I’m leaving tomorrow?"
Ari saw her eyes beginning to cloud and she looked away
"You’re as bad a liar as Sammy." he said, trying to lighten up her mood.
But his attempt to make her smile resulted in her turning away from him. She left the door open though so he stepped in and closed it behind him, accepting the silent invitation.
"Firefly I…" he began.
"I’m just stressed Ari…a little homesick too, I miss mama, but that’s it." she cut him off.
"Promise me?" he asked, tilting his head and smiling softly.
"Yes, Ari." she replied drily.
"I don’t believe you." Ari said, his hand caressing her cheek. A bold move if you will but he had nothing to lose at this point.
Hannah started crying immediately and Simon let out a little whine when he heard her. Ari then pulled her in for a hug. He was beginning to wonder if it had been too much but then he felt her shoulders relaxing as her hands connect round his broad back. Simon felt her change in demeanour too and jumped up at them wanting to take part in the comforting gesture, his paws resting against Hannah’s thigh. Hannah chuckled as she stepped back slightly to pet him.
She stayed quiet for a minute, her eyes focussed on the dog and then she lifted her eyes to look Ari before speaking “Are you going to see Maya?”
It was a dumbass question, as she knew perfectly well he was, but he instantly understood what she was really asking. Are you seeing Sarah?
"Is that what’s bothering you?" Ari asked, looking at her with concerned eyes.
"No it’s just I.. " she started protesting but he cut her off.
"Han, if I want to see Maya then I need to speak to Sarah."
Hannah fell silent again, she knew she had just shown her cards so there was no point denying anything anymore. She looked down and started fiddling with the hem of her top for a few seconds before her shoulders started to shake and tears began to run down her cheeks again.
"Hannah, what’s going on?" Now Ari was genuinely confused. They had not been alone since that night, not talked about the kiss so he wasn’t sure why it was bothering her so much. He had assumed from her silence over the past month that she thought their little moment was all a mistake and that was it for them, but the fact that she was bothered by the thought of him seeing his estranged wife meant something else, didn't it? "I don’t want you to go."  her voice now a whisper. "I mean, I know you have to but.." she swallowed before continuing "I don’t want to be here without you." She had said it, right? She had admitted it. I don't want to be here without you. Ari was suddenly floored, utterly floored. This meant she felt something more.
"Firefly, look at me." he demanded. But she didn't move. "Look at me, please." he spoke more softly this time.
Hannah then raised her eyes, locking them to his, her bottom lip quivering slightly. "I’m coming back." Ari assured her.
"I know. It’s just…I’m gonna miss you." she said lowering her eyes again
"You’ve got Simon to keep you busy." he said, nodding down to the dog who was sat watching them both. "And Sammy to placate when he growls at him or eats his shoe. Jake to take you diving, Max to…well…just be Max and Rachel…" he paused to lift her chin to make her look at him  "You got your safe place for when it all gets too much, the sea, the stars at night…what else could you ask for?"
"Well, when you put it like that I’m not sure." she chuckled.
There it is, that damned smile. Ari thought as he chuckled too. "Guess I made my point."
There was a slight pause as he reached for her hands, his fingers caressing hers “I’ll miss you too Han, more than you know.” he said before pressing his forehead to hers.
"But you’re gonna.."
"I’m going to see my daughter, that’s all I care about in Tel Aviv." he paused before asking her again the million dollar question "Why are you so bothered, Han? Tell me honestly."
Hannah swallowed, her fingers fiddling with his as their hands are laced together "I just…what if you see Sarah and decide you want her back."
"But why do you care?" Ari asked, he was frustrated at this point and he knew his voice showed it. They were going round in circles and he just wanted her to say it.
She pulled back to look at him, her eyes locked onto his, their faces inches away.
"Because I wouldn’t be able to…" she swallowed once more, stumbling over her words "It would break me again Ari. I’d be happy for you but…”
She had said it. She had admitted it out loud. She had feelings for him. Wasn't that what you wanted? Your move Levinson. Ari thought before taking a breath thinking his next words carefully.
"Listen to me carefully, Hannah." he said, sternly.
Hannah was deflated by the look on his face and those words. He had called her Hannah, no Han, no Firefly. She thought that was it, she had pissed him off. She had fucked it up and this time she was the only one to blame.
"There’s no chance I want her back, even if she wanted me, which she doesn’t. We’re over."
"But for Maya." Hannah blurted out.
"Not the slightest chance, Firefly." he said, taking her face in his hands.
Hannah then let out the breath she had been holding and sniffed.
"God, I’ve been going out of my head for almost a month, Han. Going over that afternoon in Port Sudan  and that kiss…" Ari confided, tracing her lips with his thumb at the mention of the kiss.
And she gasped. It was electric. An electric blue bolt of lightning sending shivers down her spine.
"Me too…" she whispered, trying to recover from the electricity that had just travelled through her body “Why are we so shit at communicating?"
"I did try and find you at your spot a few times but someone always got in the way" Ari admitted.
"Story of our lives huh?" she said with a soft smile.
"Yup." Ari chuckled "Maybe it's time we changed that…" he said as he cupped her face in his hands. "Wait for me to get back…"
"Not like I can go anywhere, mi lobo." she said smiling at him.
And Ari knew why. MI...not EL, MI. My. It had been 9 years since she uttered those words to him. His heart was literally bursting and at that point he thought fuck Sammy, fuck Andy, fuck Max. He didn't care anymore.  With his hands still on her cheeks he tilted her face to meet his and kissed her. And it was everything he needed and more. It was only them now, as far as he was concerned the world could go to hell. It was soft, gentle, but oh so loaded at the same time and when he pulled away eventually, he kept his head pressing to hers.
"You said Mi…" he whispered.
Hannah bit her lower lip, a wide smile forming on her face and was about to reply when there was a loud noise outside and Simon started barking.
"I best go, it's an early flight." Ari said, fighting the urge to press her body against his and never let go. But he was leaving the following day and it wouldn't be fair for any of them.
"Ok…" Hannah nodded.
Ari turned slowly to go, his hand still on hers for as long as his reach would allow but had to let go when he reached the door.
"Come back to me this time." Hannah said before he opened the door.
Ari paused and turned to look at her "Promise…my firefly." When he left her hut, a smile that could lit up an entire city on his face, the feeling in his chest was warm. That crappy pang he had associated with being around her over the past few months gone, hopefully for good.
Ari left before breakfast the next morning, his flight was early. Nevertheless all the agents were up to bid him a good trip. He shook hands with the boys, hugged Rachel and finally reached Hannah. Giving her a smile he swept her into his arms and she closed her eyes momentarily, holding him close before she stepped back and smiled, both of them trying to play it cool. Tearing his eyes away from her he crouched down to give Simon a scratch, the dog leaping up at him to lick his face.
“Gonna miss you too.” he said quietly, and Hannah knew full well he wasn’t just talking to the dog.
The day was fairly busy, which kept Hannah occupied for the most of it, right through until the evening at which point she bid them good night and headed off to take Simon for his usual pre-bed walk.
“Mind if I join you?” Rachel asked “I haven’t stretched my legs properly all day.”
“Sure.” Hannah looked at her, and the two women headed out onto the sand.
“So, You and Ari…” Rachel said as soon as they were out of ear shot. Hannah spun to face her, frowning.
“Me and Ari what?” “Don’t play dumb with me, Cracker.” Rachel looked at her “I saw the way he was hugging you before, and the way he looked at you as Sammy drove them away.”
Hannah sighed, and knew there was no point playing dumb. “You know, it’s pathetic really. I mean I hadn’t seen anything or heard anything from him since Andy’s funeral and then within 6 weeks of us being here I’m catapulted right back to where I was 9 years ago.” “Must have been some fling…” Rachel looked at her, and Hannah snorted.
“You know full well it was more than that.”
“You loved him.” Rachel shrugged
“Ironic thing is I never told him.” Hannah sighed “Not whilst we were together anyway. I came close once.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Well, it felt too soon, you know, we’d only really been dating a few weeks.” Hannah shrugged “But if I’m honest, I fell for him way before we got together.” She stopped walking and looked around, before she gestured with her head and Rachel followed her lead, sitting on the sand besides her. “I remember the nigh though. Instead of using the actual 3 words I told him that I’d fallen for him years ago. We’d been on a date, just a small restaurant not far from his and we were walking home…”
“You know, everyone at work keeps asking me who my mystery girlfriend is.” Ari’s glanced down at Hannah as they walked down the pavement, his hand around hers.
“I thought you liked the secrecy?”
“Yeah, well, as much as it’s been fun I’d like to be able to introduce you as my girl one day.” he looked at her.
“I’d like that too.” Hannah smiled.
“Though you friend, Abi is it? Yeah she might not like it that much…” Ari said and Hannah let out a snort.
“Yeah, she would go mad. She keeps on asking me about you.”
“Really? What’s she say?”
Hannah laughed, “Fuck off Lobo,” she said, shoving him playfully in his chest.
“Easy firefly…” he caught her hand softly, raising it to his mouth and pressing a kiss to her wrist “She never stood a chance”
“Neither did I” Hannah look at him as his fingers laced through hers.
“What do you mean?” Ari frowned.
“The minute I met you I was a gonner Ari”
“But you’ve been dating other guys, I’ve met some of them Han.” he looked at her.
“Yeah, but they weren’t you. I knew you were out of my league but still…always hoped one day you’d see me.”
Ari took a deep breath and shook his head “I saw you. How could I not? You were this smart, sassy kid…old before her time. I constantly had to remind myself how young you were and then I watched you grow up…” he smiled “And then, a few months after your 18th, at your graduation I came over and for the first time, well I saw you then as this gorgeous young woman, not just that sassy little kid and…” he shrugged, trailing off.
Hannah shook her head, her eyes fixing on Simon who was barking at his reflection on the calm ocean.
“It was funny that he brought up my graduation, as that was when I fell for him big time. I’d always had a crush on him, you know…” “Every little sister does on their older brother’s friends.” Rachel said wisely, and Hannah nodded.
“But then he gave me a pair of earrings. Just silver ones, in the shape of a crescent moon as a congratulations. But, they were so special because it was a little joke between us, you know, the fact I used to say he probably turned into a werewolf every full moon because he used to eat mama out of house and home…” “El Lobo Hambriento…” Rachel repeated and Hannah nodded.
“But that…that was the moment. He’d gone to enough effort to get me something that was personal and meant something to us both and I knew then I was falling for a guy I had no chance with. I tried so hard to ignore it. I dated other guys but it was pointless. And then on my 21st.” she shrugged “We had a whirlwind of a 3 months before he ended it and left. I heard nothing more until Sammy told me he had a girlfriend. So that was that, and it turns out it was all down to my late husband.”
“That must have been really hard.” Rachel said after a pause
“Well, I knuckled down, finished medical school and pretended I was ok.” Hannah shrugged “Even went to his wedding because I figured having him in my life one way was better than not at all. I didn’t see much of him then until I joined Mossad 2 years later.”
“Did he go to your wedding?” Rachel asked.
“No.” Hannah shook her head “I dunno why. Maybe he was on a mission, maybe he was too busy living his life with his then wife and kid…I never asked.” she took a deep breath and smiled as Simon bounded back across the sand towards her, flopping down onto his back for a belly rub which she happily provided “And then Andy died and just when I was beginning to come to terms with it all Ari shows up at the clinic and I find myself here in the desert and once more he’s turning my life upside down.”
“Maybe you need to set it the right way up again.” Rachel looked at her. “What’s stopping you, honestly?”
Hannah shrugged “Look, the other night, you’re right…we had a moment. Just a kiss, nothing more, and then last night we talked about it, kissed again and I dunno, maybe when he comes back…” She trailed off.
“Do you both want it?” Rachel looked at her. “To try again I mean?”
“I know I do and he says he does so…” she shrugged “I just…is going back over old ground the right thing to do Rachel? I mean we’re here…then there’s Sammy and his fucking reaction and…” she shook her head as she glanced out over the ocean. “Why does everything have to be so complicated?”
“It’s only as complicated as you make it.” Rachel said, laying her hand on Hannah’s arm “Look, screw Sammy and screw everyone else. If they weren’t in the picture…” “Then I wouldn’t hesitate.” Hannah looked at her friend. “You know, I loved Andy, and in a way despite me being so angry at him, I always will do but what I felt when I was with Ari, well, it was like this raging fire, it consumed every single part of me whereas Andy felt safe...not that I was any less happy with Andy, I wasn’t but…”
“Was Ari your first?” Rachel looked at her, and Hannah nodded. “That’s why it felt like that.” Rachel continued wisely. “You were discovering things, it will have been exciting, passionate…” “I know, and I understand that we’re both different people now and I don’t know whether, even without everyone interfering we would have made it back then, probably not to be honest but I’m wondering if this was life’s little plan all along. A way of giving us a second chance when we both have a more mature understanding of what we had…does that make sense?”
Rachel smiled and placed an arm around Hannah’s shoulder “Perfectly.”
“You cannot tell Sammy.” Hannah looked at her “Not until Ari comes back and we’ve decided on what is gonna happen…if anything.”
“Cross my heart.” Rachel smiled.
Hannah, satisfied she could trust the woman turned her attention to the ocean. She knew Ari would be home now, and she couldn’t help wondering if she was on his mind, as much as he was on hers…
******** Ari was exhausted. Upon landing back in Tel Aviv he had been greeted by Ethan, and he’d been back into HQ for an hour or so before heading to his apartment. Thankfully, Mossad had agreed to keep funding the rental fees whilst he was away which at least meant he didn’t have to stay in a hotel on his trips back home. He’d debated calling Sarah to tell her he was back, but it was getting late and not wanting to wake Maya he had instead decided to call in the morning.
He showered, revelling in the comfort of having decent water pressure before he collapsed into bed. But try as he might, as tired as he was he just couldn’t turn off. His mind was wandering, in particular over everything that had happened with Hannah just before he had left. She’d basically admitted to him what he knew anyway, that her feelings for him were still there, and moreover that there was a chance that they could make something out of the whole sorry mess. He should be happy, and he was, but part of him was still tentative. There was a lot at stake, if it went wrong they were stuck, thousands of miles away from home…and he didn’t even want to think about Sammy’s reaction, or Andy for that matter. What he did know, however, was that whatever they both decided it was going to be their decision. He wasn’t letting anyone make it for them, not like last time.
The rain was lashing against the windows, and he was suddenly taken back to a rainy evening one March almost 9 years ago when he and Hannah had been out for something to eat. They were walking back to his and she was telling him how she’d fallen for him big time over a pair of earrings he had bought her. He had just been about to tease her about being materialistic when the heavens had opened…
“SHIT!” Hannah shrieked, ducking as if that would prevent the rain from hitting her. She pulled her jacket a little tighter around her but the rain fall was ridiculously heavy.
“Come on!” He said, tugging on her hand and the two of them began to run towards the doorway of a shop. Ari pulled her under the awning, glancing down at her. Her hair was dripping, sticking to her face and she looked at him and started to giggle. Her jacket wasn’t done up all the way, and he could just see the rivulets of water trickling between the swell of her breasts, through her cleavage and dampening the fabric of her little flowery dress.
“My face is up here…” she quipped and immediately his eyes flew to hers and he gave her a sheepish grin, before he arched an eyebrow.
“Seems I inadvertently got you a little wet.”
She snorted, shaking her head at the joke and then looked up at him, her eyes flashing as she bit her lip.
“Better take me home and do something about it then…”
Ari groaned at the memory of her, stood there in front of him. They’d only been dating a few weeks at that point and he’d taken it slow, deliberately not wanting to rush her but as she stood there in front of him, giving him the blatant come on, her eyes fixed on his, not a shred of doubt in them…he’d pretty much dragged her back to his. He shifted slightly on the soft mattress, his hand sliding into his boxers. Just that image of her in front of him had him hard as fuck, and he needed to do something about it. With slow, deliberate strokes he began to palm himself to the memory which was now fresh in his mind…
As Ari was fetching them both a towel each from the bathroom, he heard Hannah on the phone speaking in Spanish to her mama. When he walked into the living room she was just finishing up and he handed her the towel which she used to start drying out her hair as she kicked off her shoes.
“Mama ok?” he asked.
“Yeah she’s fine. Didn’t ask where I was…” she said, pausing where she was squeezing her long locks “Which suits me as I didn’t have to lie.” Ari sighed “I meant what I said before. I don’t want it to be like this forever.” “Me neither.” she agreed. “But…I just don’t want anyone interfering. Not yet anyway.”
He smiled and used the towel he had grabbed himsel to rub at his hair and face, emerging from it and she giggled, reaching up to smooth down his hair.
“This is getting long.” she said, her nails raking on his scalp as she straightened it down.
“I might grow it.” he mused.
“As long as it’s not into a mullet.” At that he laughed, his hands falling to her hips. “Not a chance Firefly.” She looked at him as she continued to attempt to dry her hair before he couldn’t take it anymore. Gently he took the towel off her and tossed it, along with his own, over to the sofa, before his hands cupped her face and he kissed her slowly. Her hands fell to his waist, tangling in the bottom of his grey shirt and he let out a little sigh at the feel of her fingers brushing his skin. She pulled back slightly and he pressed his forehead to hers, both of them breathing deeply and she looked at him, giving him the same eyes she had in the shop doorway.
“Lobo…” she swallowed.
“What do you want Firefly?”
“You…” she said, looking at him. “All of you.” At that his cocky demeanour wavered slightly. She’d told him only a few days ago when they’d been getting a little heavy on his couch that she was a virgin. She’d done other things, but not that, and now the thought of him being her first…well it was a head fuck. But a good head fuck.
“You sure?” he asked, searching her face for any shred of doubt. But he found none. Instead she nodded and bit her lip. Permission granted he’d reached down, gripped the soft flesh at the top of the back of her thighs and hauled her up, her legs locking around his waist. His lips smashed onto hers, their teeth clanging together in the urgency of the kiss as he carried her over the hall to his bedroom, where he softly set her down on her feet, flicking the lamp on besides him.
She’d stood, looking up at him, all doe eyes and damp hair and he’d had to fight back every single urge he had to push her back on the bed and fuck the life out of her. He wanted her first time to be soft, gentle, special. So instead, with a restraint he wasn’t sure he even possessed up until that moment, he reached out and pulled her to him again, kissing her softly and her fingers drifted to the buttons on his shirt. She broke the kiss so she could look down, her hands fumbling slightly but Ari let her carry on. Eventually she had it open and she pushed it back off his shoulders and down his arms where he then shrugged it off and let it fall to the floor. She looked at him, biting that damned bottom lip again and Ari couldn’t help but feel slightly smug at the hungry way her eyes were roving his torso. He ran, worked out with weights and he knew he wasn’t in bad shape. He couldn’t afford to be with his job after all but he was enjoying the appreciative way she was taking in his broad shoulders and chest, following the strip of hair down to his waistband. She looked up at him once more, reaching out with her hands and she smoothed her fingers over his chest to his shoulders as he leaned down and caught her mouth again. This time his hands moved to the back of her dress, finding the buttons and he flicked them open one by one. Hannah stilled at little and he stopped, glancing down.
“You ok?”
“Yeah…” she nodded.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, just…no one’s ever seen me…”
“Let me…” he said softly, almost pleading.
Her cheeks flushed red and she moved her arms to allow the dress to fall down, shimmying out of it as it dropped over her hips and Ari let out a soft groan as he took her in from toe to head. Lithe legs gave way to a softer curve over her thighs and hips, up to her trim stomach, her waist cinched in before it met the swell of her perfectly proportioned breasts which he’d always had a real thing for. She was dressed in a simple matching cotton pair of baby blue panties and bra, and the pure innocence of it was driving him wild.
“See…” he said, his eyes locking onto hers “Beautiful, my firefly…”
He leaned down and dropped a kiss to the crook of her neck and shoulder and she gave a little shiver.
“Like that?” he asked softly, she nodded so he did it again, his arm curling around her waist, holding her still, letting her get lost in the sensations as he lavished affection on her, working across her collar bone to the other side, before he trailed hot kisses up her jaw line, before pressing his lips to hers again. She kissed him back, the kiss hungry as her hands tangled in his hair. Taking the lead, he backed her up slightly, until her knees folded against the edge of the bed and she sat down. Her eyes were level with the top of his jeans now, and there was no hiding the evident bulge at his crotch. She glanced up at him, giving him a little smirk, almost of pride, before she popped the button on his jeans. She tugged them down, and he stepped out of them, leaving him in his tight boxers and he crawled over her as she moved up the bed, settling into the space between her legs. His hands trailed up the outside of her thighs to her hips and up her ribcage before he gently palmed her breast over her bra. He felt her relax under him, which is what he wanted, and he gently pressed a kiss to her shoulder as he pulled down her bra strap, repeating the motion at the other side. He slid his hands underneath her and she arched her back allowing him to pop the clasp. Taking another look at her, she nodded and he pulled the garment away, and he glanced down, taking in her bare breasts with a soft moan.
“Fuck, Han…” he said softly, his mouth dropping to her cleavage, soft kisses trailing up her sternum as his thumbs softly skated over her nipples. She wriggled a little, letting out a tiny whimper at his actions which encouraged him and he moved his mouth over to take over from his left hand, gently flicking his tongue.
“Shit, Ari…” she gasped, her hips bucking upwards slightly and he ground down against her, this time her noise was louder as she mewled at the contact, her hands fisting around the duvet at either side of her. He moved his attention to the other breast, repeating his action, drawing more noises and reactions from her, before his lips moved downwards, trailing over her belly where he gently rubbed his nose above the waistband of her panties. Glancing up at her again, she was watching him, her eyes wide with excitement and he hooked his fingers into the cotton, sliding them down her legs. He knelt up, taking a second to look at her before he parted her knees with his hands. He felt her shift slightly and looked up, that bashful tinge was back on her cheeks.
“Hey…” he said, looking at her as he pressed a kiss to the inside of her knee.“You trust me?”
“With my life, Mi lobo…”
That fucking name did things to him, and once more he found himself fighting to keep control. But knowing he had to take it slow he did just that, trailing soft kisses up the inside of her thigh before he reached his goal and gently slid his tongue up her entrance, causing her hips to buck again.
“Easy firefly…” he mumbled gently, his arm looping over her waist to keep her still as he gently lapped at her, teasing her sensitive bundle of nerves before his tongue poked deeper into her, fucking her with his mouth. She writhed as much as she could, her breathing deep, almost at a pant and he glanced up to see her head was thrown back against his pillow, mouth forming a perfect O shape, and her hands were flat against the bed. With his spare one he reached up, taking her right hand and he placed it on his head, where she gently gripped at his hair. As he continued to eat her out, god she tasted amazing, her fingers tightened, and at one point she pulled on his hair to the point of it being painful. He let out a groan and she stopped and he glanced up.
“Sorry….” she began to apologise but he shook his head.
“Don’t…I like it.” She arched an eyebrow at him, but he didn’t give her much time to think about it as his mouth set to her once more. As he continued alternating his attention between her entrance and her clit, her breathing became nothing but a sharp, staccato pans and he felt her legs beginning to tremble.
“Oh, God…Ari…” she keened above him and he gave a little grin as he upped his speed slightly., “I’m…gonna…” and with that she gave a loud cry, her hips jumping upwards as her body trembled. Her legs became rigid for a second before she relaxed, completely boneless in the after throws of her orgasm. Knowing she’d be sensitive, he moved away slightly, wiping his mouth on his arm as he crawled up her body.
“Good?” he asked, already knowing the answer as she was utterly wrecked beneath him, but he wanted to hear it from her.
“Yeah…really good…” she panted, her eyes flickering open to lock onto his before he kissed her again. She was clearly feeling a little braver now as her fingers grasped at the waistband of his boxers and she pushed them down. He shuffled out of them before he practically fell over her, propping himself up on his elbows, and she looked at him for a second, her hand pushing into his hair.
“You got any….” “Top drawer.” he nodded, to the nightstand. She shuffled slightly and he sat back on his heels, his erection hard and slapping against his abs as she found the condom and handed it to him. He easily tore it from the packet, and once he’d carefully rolled it down over himself he moved forwards again, so he was settled and lined up. Taking another look at her face, once more making seeking assurance she was absolutely sure, she nodded and slowly he began to push into her. She tensed up a little, her hands gripping at his forearm and he took his time, gently moving his hips until he was fully sheathed inside her.
“You ok?” he panted, she felt tight and warm around him and fuck, it was euphoric.
“Yeah…” she assured him. “Just go slow.” “I got you sweetheart.” he gently pressed a kiss to her mouth, moving his hips back before he slowly pushed into her again, and again, taking his time, keeping his eyes focused on hers as he caged her between his arms. He gently pressed a kiss to her hair line as he ground into her again, causing her breath to catch in her throat, but it wasn’t in pain. No, he could tell she was enjoying this. Taking that as encouragement he repeated the action and her hands tightened around his biceps.
“You alright?” he asked, his voice ragged and she nodded eagerly.
“Feels good.” she panted, as he pushed up against her, his hips bumping hers as he continued his movements, picking up the pace ever so slightly, but all the time being careful to still take his time. Her hands hooked round his shoulders and he pressed a bit more of his weight onto her as he found a slow, steady rhythm. It wasn’t long before he began to feel the warming deep in the pit of his stomach and balls, and he really wanted to get her there again, but was now beginning to question how much longer he was going to last. His lips met hers, the kiss desperate, and she cried out into his mouth as he pushed deeper. He could feel her fluttering around him and he knew she was close.
“Come on Firefly…come on…come on…” he said, his breathing deep in between each word as he nudged at her chin with his nose, gently nipping along her jaw line before he softly sucked at the point under her ear and with another push upwards he felt her tense and she gave a desperate mewl once more, her nails digging into his shoulders, before she stilled completely, her mouth slackening, eyes fluttering shut as she tightened around him, her release crashing over her in wave after wave. A few thrusts later Ari found his own, the coil in his belly finally slapping and with a loud cry he came, hard, his hips stuttering before they slowed completely and he gently fell forward, his face burying into her neck. He stayed still for a moment, waiting for the world to tip the right way up again, and he moved his head to kiss her, both his hands holding her face before he pressed his forehead to hers. She smiled at him, her lips once more meeting his as her breathing started to even out.
“I didn’t hurt you?” he asked softly and she shook her head.
“No, no you didn’t.” she smiled “That was…that was perfect Ari…”
With a loud groan Ari finally brought himself off and felt the hot, white ribbons streak over his abs as he gently worked himself through his release. With a sigh his head fell back against the pillow and he gave himself a moment before he reached over for a tissue from the box by his bed.
“That was perfect Ari…”
Hannah’s voice echoed round his head and he swallowed as he cleaned himself up. Yes, it had been perfect, he’d loved the fact he’d been her first. Something no one else could ever claim. With a sigh he tossed the tissue to the side, his breathing deep as he settled himself down for the night, the earlier tension and unrest he had been feeling slightly abated. Jerking off to his own internal filthy thoughts was nowhere near as good as the real thing but for the time being, a memory would have to do.
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featciren · 5 years ago
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It was sooooo happy to see the premier of the part4 trailer after finishing part3 of the show so I didn’t have to wait long. This show is too exciting to watch that I couldn’t sleep well every time I finished one episode. Although there’re indeed some plot holes and quite a lot of unnecessary sex scenes, the characters are good enough to make it addicting.
The Professor: My fav character. He’s clever, he’s smart, he’s thoughtful. Being the mastermind of the rebellion but is actually a soft good boi. He has a high moral standard and is patient with everyone. He’s awkward during some social situations which is adorable. He’s definitely demisexual too which makes me love him more. The only thing that I’m not happy about is that he went to have sex with his opponent during the heist when his crew are battling in the Mint... And why going on another heist with the same crew knowing that this crew had fucked up big time during the last one where three members of his crew, including his own brother were dead and the rest had barely escaped? (his choice of recruitment for the first heist is questionable as well...)
Tokio: Idk if she’s one of my fav. She’s got beautiful face and body and is very brave and fearless. She’s good at intimidating ppl but it’s she who caused most of the troubles. Moscow fucking died bcoz of her impetuous decision of driving straight into the entrance of the Mint which was completely unnecessary. She could’ve waited outside and found somewhere to hide after getting rescued from the Serbians. She had little contribution to the crew after she was back as well except firing to the police with Rio. Not to mention she’d disclosed the Professor’s real name to the police... However most of my fav scenes in the whole show have her in them so I can’t hate her much. I do like her interactions and father-daughter kind of relationship with the Professor. But is it the only way to make the show more interesting? by making Tokio do so many stupid things and putting everyone in danger?
Raquel: She’s fine. I like her sticking to the police protocols and being very moral towards criminals. I can’t say her changing sides wasn't smooth at all. Her romantic relationship with Professor has a solid foundation but being an upright officer I don’t think she can be convinced to change sides at once with juz a few words. Maybe her character isn’t actually very into the job of being a police officer to restore justice and love life is more important to her? I juz think she can be a more interesting character if she sticks to be a police officer and keeps chasing them (like Ángel) even she’s in love with the mastermind. She had become much much more boring in part3 as the assistant of the Professor. Her existence can be absent and the story wouldn’t be affected at all (except for the last plot where her “death” made the Professor decided to go on a war). Their relationship is fine tho. They got along well and are perfect for each other. But I’m juz not into it at all.
Berlin: One of my fav. He always had the ultimate goal in mind and was determined. He did every thing solely for the sake of the success of the heist. I had totally no problem with him ordering Denver to kill Mónica or threatening to kill Rio or pushing Tokio out of the Mint coz it was indeed the right thing to do if they wanted to prevent more chaos. Despite being ruthless and a psychopath in common ppl’s eyes, he was very loyal and affectionate to his brother that he quickly got over it even the Professor exposed his identity to the police on purpose to punish him. His kind of understanding of love lead to his tragic relationship with Ariadna which I feel very sorry for him. (I know I should feel pity for Ariadna too but...) I thought there was enough time for him to go into the tunnel and escape with the others?? Like if he ran with Nairobi and Helsinki they could blow up the tunnel at once even the SWAT team were already close behind coz it’s a bomb that could block the whole tunnel? I know his death is necessary if they wanted more chaos in part3 but it’s juz too sad... I’m happy every time he appeared in the flashbacks in part3 and was totally a loving brother throughout the show. I don’t think his character had changed at all coz he was with his brother all the time and he treated his family and the others differently after all.
Moscú: A good dad who wanted the best for his son and everyone. His death was so sad and also unnecessary except for making everyone cry and making Denver uncontrollable in part3. I see no problem with him escaping with Denver and Mónica and living a happy life with them... He wouldn’t have special use in the Bank coz there was no tunnel to dig but he could wait outside and be the loved ones waiting for his son and daughter-in-law to come back safely...(and he could be the one looking after their son as well. damn it)
Denver: I like him being the fighter with a certain level of moral standard. I really like his sweet sweet relationship with Mónica. Him confronting Moscow was heartbreaking and I can’t believe how fast he forgave Tokio for causing his father’s death. It makes sense with his kind of personality tho. That’s why he was happy to see Tokio again for the first time after so long but got sulky again after getting into a high pressure environment which reminded him of his father. He had a child to take care of and a wife to protect and he didn’t want to participate the second heist but he had to for the sake of their safety. He finally saw a bright and wonderful future of himself with his new family but the capture of Rio took everything from him. All these had made him becoming a more interesting character in part3. And his laugh is hilarious.
Nairobi: I love love love her so much. She’s so fierce and she’s perfect for the heist. She believed in the Professor all the way and was very loyal. She had a mistake she wanted to make up for which had made money more important to her. She is sympathetic that she even taught Alison Parker to stand up against those who bullied her (although I really doubt if it was a good idea coz if she learnt how to stand up she could be a threat to the heist...) However it could be her stubbornness in printing more cash that had indirectly caused Berlin’s death. And why would she go out of the Bank to grab that bear knowing it’s clearly a trap...? It was indeed Alicia’s ruthlessness that caused her gunshot but it could’ve been prevented if she had thought for one more sec... I mean you’re in a big heist in a danger zone you have to act rationally... Hope she’s alright in part4. She’s one of my fav pls don’t kill her despite her doing only one silly thing.
Rio: Could be a good boi but too emotional. He lacked the attitude in being a kidnapper. He was all buddy and loving with the hostages especially with Alison Parker which had only made them look down on the crew... If the hostages knew the kidnappers wouldn’t kill them then why would they fear them? His love story with Tokio was quite annoying to be honest. Their love towards each other caused too much trouble and conflict. I appreciate his decision in breaking up with her in part3 but such bad timing is unbearable. I mean you’re in a heist... and you know very well that Tokio was a timed bomb... why would you trigger her knowing that it could send everyone to hell? He was too immature and I agree with the Professor that he should be kicked out of the crew (including Tokio actually. I honestly dunno what their purpose for the heist was)
Helsinki: Is cute and loyal. Had become a cinnamon roll in part3 when he asked Nairobi not to leave him alone in the shared bedroom. Lovestruck with Palermo which is sad coz it’ll most probably be unrequited. Also very sad when he had to kill his cousin but his determination was very admirable. Hope he won’t have to face the death of his best friend and most importantly pls don’t kill him...
Arturo: Probably the most hated character in the whole story but is also a very real character. He wanted to go out by all means including ordering others to do dangerous things for him. But he did stand up for himself sometimes and did the most dangerous part when he confronted Denver so he was actually quite brave. It was a little bit sad to see he was in despair after the first heist and had to boost his fame to hold on to his life even his talk shows were pathetic. But then if he wasn’t such an asshole who told Mónica to have an abortion and being mean and selfish throughout his life he wouldn’t end up like this.
Suárez: Is very handsome. I like to watch him getting real pissed every time when he got back to the tent after the missions were fucked. I understand his anger towards Raquel coz it’s very reasonable towards traitors. I wish he would have the chance to fight the Professor sometimes where the Professor would want to avenge his brother. (Him killing Berlin was also a reasonable thing to do so I have no special thoughts on it)
Palermo: Is a player but actually loves Berlin so much that he’s been in despair for the whole 2 years after his death. He does have the charisma in giving speeches which makes him an intimidating kidnapper. It was so unfortunate for him to be almost blinded in the beginning of the heist but it was probably serving the purpose of him losing control. However his personality juz didn’t fit well in the crew...I know the heist of the Bank is his original idea so he should be involved but he couldn’t get along with the others. Why sending him into the Bank seeing them constantly having conflicts during those 4 months before the heist? (but then the Professor is a very bad matchmaker...) Him punching that one hostage (forgot his name but saw him having a big part in part4′s trailer) was satisfying to watch. Hope he won’t die too I want to see him living for Berlin.
Mónica: Is a poor soft lady with traumatic experience in romantic relationship. Her falling in love with Denver was a natural thing waiting to happen and was very sweet. She had become braver in part3 but she was kinda forcing herself to be. She was juz too sweet to intimidate anyone. Hope she or Denver won’t die coz it would be too too sad. Can’t this kind hearted lady have a peaceful and decent future with her loved ones?
Alicia: The most most hated character in the whole story LOL I hate her to the core. I despise cops in the very first place and this is exactly the kind of cops that I hate the most. Not following protocols, doing every kind of immoral ruthless cruel things juz to accomplish her missions (or fulfil her sadistic desire) and even covering up dirty things done by the govt. I don’t care that she’s pregnant, fucked up sadistic assholes like her shouldn’t have kids in the first place okay? However I understand her existence boosted up the tension in part3 and was very successful coz it’s more challenging for the Professor to deal every kind of situation...(Raquel was a good cop but she wasn’t his opponent at all. She caught him only bcoz he fell in love with her) I enjoyed watching the Alicia series videos on the official Youtube channel tho. Those are kinda cute.
Alison Parker: I don’t like her too although knowing this kind of character should be admired. Being fearless even in danger and giving no fucks to her kidnappers most of the time. She was only trying to get out afterall (although not taking any actions unless Arturo told her to). She was basically useless for the crew too except for the recording part between the Professor and Raquel which was probably an accident) I would start to like her if she managed to stand up against her classmates but that scene never came so I think that’s it for her. (Also why the fuck would you agree with dating your classmate who you know little about and have sex with him in a bathroom in a few hours and take sexual pics with your shirt opened? LOL Even when you have no friends and desire love that’s juz too brainless I can’t even...)
Ángel: Is loyal to Raquel and only wants the best of her. It was smart of him to follow the Professor and got his fingerprint. He was the first to find out who the mastermind was which was pretty amazing. Him having a car crash and went into coma didn’t make me feel sorry tho coz it was jealousy that drove him to investigate the Professor in the first place... and it was also his love towards Raquel that made him keep the information from the police even it violated his principal. I’m glad to see him reappearing in part3 coz he’s actually a good cop and it’s interesting to see him being missioned to chase down Raquel.
Before the trailer was released I was wishing I could see some breaking new things being done. Like the Professor being captured (but got away eventually) and confronted Alicia face to face or going into the Bank by himself to be with the crew physically for the sake of the plan, no longer staying in somewhere else depending on the CCTVs and phone calls to help. I want to see Nairobi live :’( I want to see Palermo sacrificing himself for the crew (not by dying tho) and apologising to Helsinki I’d be okay if Raquel give away the crew to Alicia coz that suits her character and it’s a forgivable thing to do (coz that’s the pressure of the whole world when she’s threatened with her family) I want to see Tokio and Rio being mature and helping out everyone instead of being sulky and losing control I want to see Denver and Mónica walking out of the Bank to reunite with their child in the end :’( I want to see Bogotá and Marsella having more screen time and doing some epic stuff Basically I don’t want anyone to die okay (except for that fierce hostage) And I want to see Alicia having trouble with her pregnancy and finally gets what she deserves LOL that’s a horrible thought but I can’t help
And of coz
Flash backs with Berlin!! Yay!!
There’re a lot of bombing and shooting and fighting in the trailer hope those are not the only things in the whole season
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