#eleceed spoilers
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quesitocake · 3 months ago
Why is this so cute? boy really was all smiles after that trick just for duke to come and ruin the moment
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sleepy-cone · 6 months ago
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decimo · 3 months ago
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At first I thought Jurion was out of character in chapter 327. But then I thought again and is he really out of character? Not really.
Jurion's first appearance was trying to pressure a woman to marry his family because she was hot and they are powerful enough to make others obey just to not get on their bad side. When his father proposes the marriage deal to Jinyong what does he do? Smiles sleazely. When she is clearly not comfortable with the idea and her brother flat out doesn't like him what does he do? Ignore it, saying they are family already, trying to social pressure him to comply. When it's said that she has someone already, what does he do? He diminishes the other guy, with a clear classicist discourse, completely ignoring that the girl didn't say yes!! He doesn't respect her or her decisions (to date someone else). It's only when a big shot appears (Kayden) that he shuts up. Before that he was acting like the marriage was already a done deal.
Then after trying to force someone to marry him, and trying to demolish the self esteem of an innocent person he challenged the complete novice because he wanted to challenge the master -- but it doesn't make sense: he could challenge the master directly, Kayden never turned down a challenge. Kayden was also right there. Looking back it's obvious his decision to challenge Jiwoo was at least half because he wanted to look cool in front of Jinyoung.
After that, when he lost the challenge he got angry and almost challenged jiwoo again, stopping, once again, only because of Kayden. We all thought he could be a somewhat noble character because seemed to see the errors in his ways and he walked out rocking that cropped, but if Kayden wasn't there you can bet he would have pummeled Jiwoo and thought himself in the right.
Now everything is solved right? Nah, the guy would still keep bothering the girl, when she clearly said no. He even used his brother as an excuse. He kept calling her using Jiwoo's fame across the world as an excuse. He kept using her boyfriend as an excuse to flirt with her, wtf. He skirted his duty to his family by encouraging his brother to challenge her boyfriend, when he knew his grandfather would be against it and with good reason, just so he could see her again and have her lover defeated.
In this latest chapter we even learned that he appears uninvited. He thinks he is so hot he doesn't need to schedule his visits with a clearly very busy woman, because she wouldn't dare to say no to "his family". He has zero self awareness. He really acts as if he is a top 10 himself and not the son of one.
When he sees that her relationship with her boyfriend is good (like, isn't it to be expected??) he at first wants to challenge Jiwoo. If Jinyoung won't come to him by social pressure then he wants to scare her boyfriend away. When this isn't possible, what does he do?
He decides to help some other loser try to kill the boyfriend. And what for? It wouldn't be weird to say that without Jiwoo, Shinwha loses Kayden's backing. Jinyoung wouldn't have a valid reason to not marry him then. His intention is clearly to target her, direct or indirectly, to force her to marry him. He is trash. He has always been trash. It doesn't matter how he sees himself.
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septimus-h · 2 years ago
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Subin and Jisuk being the best duo ever
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robohydrogen · 6 days ago
I love eleceed so much
I love this chapter
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The switch up from calling him a cocky brat to finding out who he is
So fucking hilarious
Peak manwha
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reofyx · 2 years ago
// eleceed 261 spoilers
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i love him sm. roist my kayden no. i have no idea simp ❤️❤️❤️
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honestlyautomaticchaos · 2 years ago
Thoughts on Eleceed Chapter 255
First of all,
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every time I see him, my hatred grows.
Second of all,
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look how comfy that outfit looks. Oh my gosh I want that sweater.
The third thing I will cover in the next post, because I have... many thoughts on that...
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shortoncache · 7 months ago
[Spoiler warning for Eleceed]
You're probably thinking, "My boyfriend said this was a superhero movie, but that guy just turned that other guy into a fucking kebab!"
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Well, I may be super, but I'm no hero. And yeah, technically, this is a murder. But some of the best love stories start with a murder.
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And that's exactly what this is—a love story.
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rasistrinketdrawer · 2 years ago
LMAO HE DOESN'T EVEN PRETEND ANYMORE they're his babies don't you dare wake them up from their nap not even jiwoo is safe lol
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quesitocake · 13 days ago
Look at these two cuties 😭
I'm happy to see jiwoo with one of his friends after a long time and relieved because it seems like there's nothing to worry about for their friendship.
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In other topics, I'm a little sad about jiyoung not going to the event too. I was hoping to see her on duty (as shinhwa's president/Korea's first ranker) after a good long time 💔
It still surprises me how little these people actually gossip, for the Bryans' new heiress to think the Koreans were invited solely because of Arthur. hoping to see the official/public jiyoung - seongik han top 50 announcement at the end of this though (I'll put my clown make up on).
Arthur's new arm is cool. I wonder if they will find a solution for it to start working with awakened powers or a new way for Arthur to fight.
they talked until it was dark. I'm not okay, guys.
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(poor pluton. someone help him) (how did kayden get in??? That's not fat, it's fur)
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sleepy-cone · 27 days ago
I'd say "without spoilers," but I feel they may only have liked him 1/4th of the dog.
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steamedeggs · 2 years ago
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she mothered so hard in these panels oh my god??
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septimus-h · 2 years ago
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The first panel, and the last panel. - Eleceed, 216.
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nabiverse · 2 years ago
eleceed ch. 240 spoilers
WHAT THE FUCK, DUKE EDIT: after getting over the shock of what the fuck just happened. i hope she gets like fr fr serious now that the wwa top 10 were severely injured and some DIED (rip laura jensen wtf).
but honestly i feel so sad for them at the same time because as we saw with arthur’s family, the wwa top 10′s parents probably don’t give a SHIT that their kids were injured or killed. they only care about their and their organizations’ status.
fuck man when arthur was shocked that someone (jiwoo) was worried about him that shit HURT BROOOOOO
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weirdocat83 · 5 months ago
I had thoughts about that last thing you said and it kinda spiraled. Sorry! Also I’m sorry if it comes off as a little rude, I don’t intend that, but I really don’t know how to state my case otherwise.
Bold of you to assume Kayden, kartien and pluton will ever move out. I could see pluton probably and maybe kartien but Kayden? Yeah, probably not…. I get that the latest chapters have been… concerning to say the least and are looking more and more towards the future but I really can’t imagine them just *leaving*
Tbh I don’t think Kayden has a home to go back to and if he does… why would he? Kayden was known to be a loner so it’s not like anyone is waiting for him aside from some people waiting to try and kill him. Plus, jiwoo is his apprentice! The one he personally trains and would be a large part of any awakened one’s life. Meanwhile Kartien has been skirting around the fact that he doesn’t want to leave despite not really having a valid reason to stay other than “you’re my patient and I guess I’ll stay if you want me to”. And I can’t ever see jiwoo willingly kicking them out. I think they’ve been found family’d a bit too hard for them to leave in a way that makes sense to the story. Especially since a big part of jiwoo’s story is gaining strength and friendship as he makes his way through the world of the awakened ones to protect the ones he cares about.
Don’t get me wrong, eventually jiwoo will have to make a name for himself and will need to do that alone and without Kayden’s help. But also you can’t tell me that the man won’t be on the sidelines cheering and analyzing with Kartien and laughing at those who underestimate Jiwoo. I figure more of a “the kid has grown and needs me less but I’ll still be there for him” type of vibe than a “carry on without me” type of thing. Also it’d just be hype as hell to see Kayden and Jiwoo fight against some enemy together on equal ground.
eleceed spoilers, be warned
guys eleceed still has so much to wrap up wth
the whole "artificial" awakening thing
jiwoo and jiyoung
the whole thing with the frame
kayden and pluton
and a lot more general stuff, like jiwoo's growth and the squad's growth as a whole, as well as what kayden, kartein, and pluton are going to do after they move out of jiwoo's house
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dark-night-hero · 5 months ago
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