#adrienette rivalry
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coralpaperthoughts · 1 year ago
I am drawn between two options !!
So Adrien and Marinette Do Not get along as superheroes, due to the rivalry over their love interest, but is it the same as civilians?? Coz there's two options:
1) Adrien and Marinette have a rivalry over something in civilian form, maybe Marinette caught Adrien with the gum on her seat and the umbrella scene didn't happen, maybe it just never rained that day so there was no chance for Adrien to redeem himself
So now Marinette lumps Adrien together with Chloe, coz no friend of her could possibly be nice, and Adrien just doesn't have the energy to correct her so he just rolls his eyes and gets on with his day (coz please let me boy have at least a bit of back bone and let him stick up for himself for once) and they sorta just send daggers through their eyes to each other coz they're melodramatic
They also have an academic rivalry coz they're battling for second best of the class (obviously Max is first) and also they battle for Class President too, dragging Nino and Alya into their rivalry too (but they love each other too much to let it get to them, they just play along)
OR !!!
2) Adrien and Marinette are like this 🤞 out of the masks, they are the bestest bestest friends coz, although they love Nino and Alya very much, they always end up getting stuck together for outings and hangouts, Nino and Alya will constantly ditch them to go on dates
This time the umbrella scene does happen, but instead of Marinette falling in love (because by this point she's already falling in love with Scarletbug) she just realises that Adrien isn't actually an asshole like Chloe, so she decides she'll accept his advances at becoming friends
And they just get along so well !! they have so much in common, so many similar hobbies and interests and just a lot to talk abt and they pretty much hit off immediately
These four become inseparable,
and obviously there's the ppl who start shipping Adrien and Marinette but they either ignore them or are oblivious to the talk - they're just really good friends coz they're superhero counterparts have a rivalry and the irony of the situation is just hilarious and also they just haven't fallen in love with each other yet,, yet
And I mean ig I could make it that Marinette does fall for Adrien during the famous umbrella scene, but I don't think that's fair coz Adrien thinks he's gay, in this AU, and he doesn't realise until later on that he's actually bi
and also he's very open about his gayness, it's one of the first things he casually mentions after he gets to know a person and can trust them (didn't take him that long to trust Nino or Marinette) so Marinette would know that she doesn't stand a chance (yet) and I just dont think that's fair on her and I wouldn't wanna write that either
edit: i wanted to clarify that Adrien isn’t out yet to the public, he isn’t a public gay figure (yet) because he hasn’t really told his dad yet and he doesnt even feel like telling his dad coz his dad is a POS that probably wouldn’t even remember his name if it wasn’t plastered all over the city so Adrien just doesn’t waste his breath (eventually though, Adrien comes out to his dad in a heated argument and idk what the outcome that discussion will be just yet)
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that-one-fandom-girl · 3 months ago
Yeahh, it would’ve been so sweet, although she did have a crush on him most of this time. However, hear me out; Chloe (though she played a big hand in doing it herself) has just had everything crash down on her and she’s become very humbled. Maybe, just maybe, she’ll go through an arc and be much nicer (still a little of the popular/slightly spoiled rich type girl), but still nicer!
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Adrien and Chloe could have had the best found family dynamic but nooooo they needed a mean girl character
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flightfoot · 2 years ago
From my experience, there are three main types of enemies AU in Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction:
Villain Chat Noir, Hero Ladybug Ladynoir enemies au. This is the most common one, as it's pretty easy to pull off without altering the plot or characters much. Typically Gabriel finds Adrien just after he got the Black Cat Miraculous, shows him his mother's body, and convinces him to fight Ladybug in order to get her Miraculous and make the Wish. In more recent times, with the rise of Sentiadrien, Chat may inexplicably start fighting against Ladybug due to being controlled via his Amok, leading Ladybug to feel betrayed and confused.
Adrienette enemies AU. This one typically involves the misunderstanding in Origin about Adrien putting gum on Marinette's seat continuing, and even getting worse, with Adrien putting up with it at first but then lashing back out when Marinette won't stop thinking the worst of him, leading to a true rivalry. There's also some Adrienette enemies AU where Marinette didn't know Adrien when he was younger and, knowing he's Hawkmoth's son, is suspicious of him and believes that Adrien is following in his footsteps. Generally in these cases Marinette's the one who jumps to conclusions about Adrien being guilty, and Adrien reacts to those accusations, sometimes with anger, and sometimes with sadness and despair.
This is the rarest one, but Villain Ladybug, Hero Chat Noir enemies AU fics do exist. It's exceedingly hard to pull off though, as Marinette doesn't have as strong reasons to side with Hawkmoth as Chat does, especially with her strong sense of justice. It often takes a lot of finangling to make this plausible.
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stormiclown · 2 years ago
To be honest, I feel like Marinette's jealousy of Lila came from how she seems to be getting along so well with Alya, to the point of basically being another BFF would've been infinitely better than her judgement that once again revolves around (ugh) Adrien 🙄 Like, instead of having Lila sit next to Adrien, have her sit next to Alya. Instead of having Lila model with Adrien and spy for his father, have her help Alya with the LadyBlog by co-running it. Instead of planning Adrienette schemes, have Alya accidentally forget hang outs with Marinette in favor of Lila.
This would have been much more relatable and less cringe worthy than Marinette hating some girl she's only known for two minutes. It would have made Marinette seem like a real teenage girl who is protective of her friendship with her best friend. Heck, it could work the other way too with Alya being jealous of Lilanette friendship. They're both represented as foxes so they would've made an outstanding rivalry. But I guess what I'm trying to ask is why does everything that Marinette does have to revolve around Adrien? Like the dude has so many plot points that adding a new girl to cat fight over them seems counterproductive.
Why are there girls fighting over Blandrien anyway? He's not even that great! In fact, he's kind of dumb! I can't speak for everyone, but I would've enjoyed watching Lila and Marinette cat fight over Alya's friendship or Lila and Alya beefing about who's the better fox much much more than whatever tripe canon is trying to feed us. Instead of having four girls fighting over an arguable not-that- amazing guy, have them fight for, I don't know, their passions and/or their friendships? I might actually write a story centered around this just because. Ugh just just ugggh ���
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miraculouscriticismshub · 2 years ago
Revelation endcard analysis - Season 5 spoilers ahead.
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Revelation in my opinion is the best Season 5 episode. It moves the plot forwards and foreshadows events in future episodes. This post will analyse the endcard and how one photo can contain so much character details.
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We see on the left Adrienette standing next to each other. Adrien standing near Marinette represents how he is loyal to his Girlfriend and sticks by her when no one else supports her. The loyalty Adrien has for Marinette is a mirror for Cat Noirs loyalty for Ladybug emphasizing how Adrien and Marinette have both started to act like their alter egos in their Civillian lives. Adrien being on Marinettes side while the class is more towards Lila's side suggests how Adrien is devoted to Marinette while the rest of the class don't trust her as much.
Marinette and Lila's rivalry
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Marinette's and Lila's facing each other suggests how important their rivalry would be in the future. Basically Protagonist vs Antagonist. There isn't much to analyze about this because it's pretty obvious what the endcard is implying.
Chloe and Lila's alliance
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Chloe is standing next to Lila, looking small and unsure compared to her. This is different to the Chloe we're use to because she is usually very bold and confident. Here she is weaker and looks nervous despite trying to act intimidating. Chloe is presented as Lila's sidekick and is basically her minion. When Chloe is around Lila , she starts to act a lot like Sabrina. She does whatever Lila tells her to do and becomes Lila's puppet for her heinous schemes. However the difference between Chloe and Lila is that Chloe uses fear and abuses her power to control Sabrina while Lila is more subtle and manipulative. Lila enables Chloe , plants seeds into her head and praises her often. Chloe thinks she is in control when really , Lila is the one pulling the strings. That's why Chloe acts menacing in the end card when in reality , she looks worried. She thinks she is in control when Lila is the one who controls Chloe behind the scenes. Chloe being Lila's "underling" foreshadows the episodes Confrontation, Collusion and Revolution , where Lila influences Chloe to become a dictator only to use her for her schemes. Hope that makes sense
Chloe and Adrien : Friends turned enemies
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Adrien seemingly looks angry at Chloe while she suprisingly looks a bit upset. Adriens anger stems from Chloe showing no remorse for harassing Marinette during the previous year. He looks towards Chloe with resentment is interesting because he was one of the few characters who saw the good in Chloe and cared about her. He always had hope for her and gave her the benefit of the doubt. However Chloe showed no remorse for hurting Marinette clearly was the final straw for him. He ended his friendship and no longer acts kind to her. Chloe picked her side while Adrien picked his. He has no reason to show her affection anymore and is loving towards Marinette only. However Chloe looks regretful. She's feel regretful because she misses Adrien , her former Friend who turned against her. Who's now her enemy and sided with her nemesis. I'm not saying Chloe is a good person but she still has valid feelings. She still is fond of Adrien and cares for his well being. Therefore , Chloe and Adrien characters in the end card represent how two former best friends become enemies due to Chloe not maturing and apologizing for her actions. However their friendship ending feels tragic because Chloe and Adrien still care about each other despite being on opposite sides of a conflict.
Sabrina's redemption
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In the end card , we see Sabrina standing with the class instead of standing next to Chloe. This is strange because Sabrina is Chloe's henchman. She is only friends with Chloe and is basically her servant. Her being included within the group of Classmates foreshadows the next episode , Confrontation , where she stops being friends with Chloe and exposes her and Lila for their actions. She is free and no longer under Chloe's thumb. Her turning on Chloe and helping Marinette causes the class to trust her and become friends with her , hence why she stands with the class , not with Chloe.
Lila as the new villain
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Lila face taking up the majority of the card overshadowing Gabriel foreshadows Recreation where she replaces Gabriel as the show's main villain by gaining possession of the butterfly miraculous. Again this is pretty Obvious.
Gabriel's story
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The end card shows how Gabriel has his back turned. This foreshadows how Gabriel will not be a major character going forward because of his death in Recreation. This also foreshadows his reign as monarch ending and passing the torch to Lila , who will become the next villain. Another time where we see this in Miracle queen , where Master Fu's back is turned , implying how he lost his memory and leaves for London .
Revelation is one of the show's well written episodes (something which is very rare in Miraculous. ) I don't see enough people talking about the Revelation end card so I made a post. I hope i didn't go too much into detail : ) These are just opinions so don't take them as fact. Please stay respectful.
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writing-in-sin · 1 year ago
Miraculous the Awakening Headcanons:
There's a lot about the lore in the movie we don't know about. Whether its similar to the show or not is yet to be seen. But even though it'll be different than what the movie-verse may have planned, I've always loved to think up HCs about my favourite characters so imma enjoy thinking those up for them that I'd like to write one day in a fic series based on the movie-verse. Specifically by expanding/fleshing out the movie verse as well as some world-building
the protags are 13 when they met instead of 16, just to give them more time to grow. and i just want an excuse to write a freakin slow burn that'll have that lovely reveal when they're 16
as shown in a storyboard, Marinette was born and raised in China but moved to Paris when she was accepted into Collège Françoise Dupont on an art scholarship
when he met Marinette at the library, Adrien noticed how she stuttered in a mix french and chinese. remembering that Marinette is the new girl in his class from China and probably feeling out of place, Adrien feels a sense camaraderie with Marinette. so for the 1st time since his mother's death, Adrien carefully puts his earphones away and points to the black cat book in Marinette's hand with a shy smile, a 'that's my favourite book since i was little'' and an offer to read together
Adrienette become friends while hanging out in the library, with Adrien helping Marinette with her french whilst also learning chinese from Marinette herself
I repeat, in this Movie-verse, Adrien learns Chinese from Marinette!
they stayed until school lets out but once they walk out, Paris is covered in the autumn shower
umbrella scene dammit!
but i'm expanding it by having Adrien offering to walk Marinette home
her desire to protect her papa in the carnival incident is the catalyst for Marinette to change into Ladybug
instead of a partnership after the carnival incident, ladynoir starts out as rivals first since chat wants to prove himself worthy to stand beside his amazing crush
ladynoir both become Master Fu's students, learning about the Miraculous together whilst pushing each other forward in their rivalry as they continue to protect Paris together
That's all I got for now. Imma expand this more when i have the time. If you've reached this far, thanks so much for reading!
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fettuccinewrites · 1 year ago
I AM HERE to give a fic review nobody asked for but i have no one else to talk about it
I have finished CWM couple hours ago and i've been obsessing over it ever since. Firstly would like to point out that cwm was already in my reading list and when i decided to start reading it after sending you that first ask i kept asking myself "why didn't i read it sooner?" cause i do have a severe case of love square brainrot and i have an unresolved passion with ice skating so why haven't i read that indeed.
Then I got the scene in which Adrien's ed is revealed and it was a big OH THAT'S WHY moment for me. I have been recovering from an ed myself for years and i try to avoid the topic because i dont think i'm there yet yk? ANYWAYS. That did make my reading take a little longer than planned, out of caution really, but nothing i couldn't handle (my therapist will be very proud). On that note, I would like to apologize for needing to skip some of the more in-depth ed related parts, but to also congratulate you on the way you handled the subject. I don't usually feel safe reading these type of stories, but cwm was an exception due to your writing and story telling skills.
MOVING ON cause i feel cringey talking about my ed but you really deserve the praise for this
It really is amazing how well you are able to sell rivals to lovers narrative. dymdc and cwm both had me invested in their rivalry. It didn't feel forced, the progression of the relationship had incredible pacing and the reasons behind were believable. Like, writing this trope is so hard because it's easy to fall in traps of the narrative – not making the rivalry strong enough or making it too strong and having to bullshit a reason to end it – but you do it SO WELL. LIKE. i actually don't have words, I keysmashed three times over this so yeah i guess that's what i have to say.
Something I would also like to point out: the choice of performances. bruh. You matched the characters vibes to the choreographies so well. Like I know nothing about the fem skater from the 2010 phantom of the opera but I can see Lila so clearly in her expressions that makes me want to punch her in the face. The way the snake dance has Kagami's seriousness and precision and Luka's edge and style. *chefs kiss*
Now on the note of Moulin Rouge for Adrienette, i feel like keysmashing is not enough i need to bark. The way the story of the performance is a parallel to their relationship AND andrien's condition. Part of me thought he was going to die. I lost cound how many times I cried while reading this and I wish I could have recorded the way i GASPED when they came in twelfth. Had me shaking and tearing up ngl.
The one thing i did not understand tho was why Marinette kept that Gabriel remade their costumes a secret. Like I get Adrien making his piece with the relationship with his bio father, and deciding not to pursue one with him anymore, but Marinette not telling him felt a little shady for me. Maybe I missed something, but I don't think that shutting that door was up to her. I like the ending for Gabriel and Adrien, but idk maybe i just don't like that Marinette kept it a secret from him.
Alright I think I've said enough for one ask holy shit look at the size of this so i'm gonna stop it here. I think I said everything I wanted to say, but if I remember anything else – and I'm still welcome in here –i'll come back to dump more unrequited opinions.
Thank you so much for sharing your amazing work with us 🧡
omg! thank you!! one thing about me is i LIVE for long comments, particularly about cwm (my forever favorite story) so you are always welcome
i figured the ed parts would be difficult for some people to read, so they are 100% skippable & i’m glad you were able to take advantage of that and still enjoy the story ❤️
i love that you actually went and looked up the performances bc i just feel like it enhances the reading experience so much??? moulin rouge felt like the ONLY choice for them, i am soooo glad the parallels were noticed bc it was very much my intention :)))))
re: costumes… really just needed to wrap up that plot line and didn’t know how else to do it haha. I’d spent far too long on it already, and thought of it as like a parting gift kinda thing? A was done with G so (in my head) she didn’t see a reason to tell him, i guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️
anywayyyyy always happy to talk cwm! or writing! or dymdc! or anything else <3333
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 1 year ago
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adrienaline-rushed-art · 5 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 (End!) Thanks everyone for keeping up with this short comic that didn’t need to take as long as it did. I’ll be posting the next chapter of Chat’s Cradle soon and when this scene comes up in the fic, I’ll get to go more in depth like I wanted to... plus of course you get to see the confrontation with this teacher >:( 
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coralpaperthoughts · 1 year ago
for this au I'm thinking reverse love square, but Luka instead of Adrien
Luka walks his sister to school (coz he's a good big brother and she's nervous about her first day), he bumps into Marinette - now, he's already heard about Marinette from his sister but he's never actually met her before
He actually physically bumps into Marinette, or she does to him coz heck our girl lacks spatial awareness, and she falls but he catches her, and she doesn't feel anything but embarrassment but he, oh Luka, Luka is blushing, just a little bit coz wow, she's just got the prettiest freckles
and he's all up in her face so he leans back and helps her upright because he was practically dipping her and he let's go of her waist and Juleka mumbles 'Hi, Marinette'
so this is Marinette
she says hi back and introduces herself, 'oh you must be Juleka's older brother, Luka', Juleka mumbles smth about twins but Luka's not paying attention to her anymore, he's looking at Marinette and thinking about all the good things Jules has had to say about her in the past and how pretty she is, our boy is swooning so hard, he forgot to reply back before the warning bell has rung signalling to students class is starting soon
he says a quick rushed 'bye, you'll do great, I'll be here to pick you up' to Juleka and a quick smile to Marinette before he pushes the girls towards their classrooms and rushes out himself (this all takes place after the incident (test) with Master Fu)
This is Luka crushing on Marinette, then you have Marinette crushing on Scarlet Bug
because this strong, hunk of a guy, beautiful man is now her partner against crime (which she didn't sign up for !! but she'll do what she needs to do for the people of Paris) and at one point she gets flung across the block and lands in the beefy arms of a boy with gorgeous blue eyes
cue Marinette getting extremely nervous and stutter-y around him coz damn, she's falling
the fight goes so and so but it passes pretty quick, it was a bit difficult for Luka coz his partner would trip sometimes and wouldn't look him in the eyes but he just put it down to first time jitters, he was deffo feeling them too
they don't, however, purify the Akuma and so they're back at the fight a little over an hour later but now with a new addition to their already new team, Adrian !! (referring to Dog Miraculous!Adrien as Adrian coz I don't like Flairmidable, and Adrian is apparently a common name for dogs so hush)
Adrien is gay, he's known since he was a kid, women never crossed his mind - so when he lays eyes on the gorgeous gorgeous black and red haired (because I say so !!) boy that he is now meant to fight these so-called Akumas with, can you really blame him for falling in love?
So Adrien being Adrien starts flirting with this boy, non-stop, and it's not like he tells him to stop, no !! The boy, ScarletBug he introduced himself as, flirts back !! he indulges in Adrian's advances which springs a little hope in his heart, but also makes a certain Kitty mad
This wretched dog, just showed up out of no where! and is stealing her man!!
She gets so mad, she forgets to be nervous around Scarlet and here marks the start of a beautiful rivalry between Chien and Chat (maybe I'll have a play with the word chein for Adrien's superhero name)
This leads to them defeating the Akuma rather quickly and skillfully, bringing all surrounding citizens to awe as they watch this trio of Superheroes who work so well together and at the end, after Scarlet has purified the Akuma and Miraculous ScarletBug'd all the damage away, he extends both of his fists to new partners
the first 'Pound it' of many, even if this time Kitty and Adrian didn't do it to each other (they both have eyes only for Scarlet, they don't even take notice of each other)
until he bounds away that is, saying how he's about to transform and needs to hurry home and he rushes a quick goodbye and salute to them both before leaving
then the two left on the Eiffel finally take notice of each other's presence, glaring at each other with pouts on their faces and crossed arms
'Back off, dumb dog'
'He's mine, stupid cat'
'I saw him first!'
'I talked to him first!'
cue more glaring, growling and hissing until their ring/choker (omg I forgot the dog miraculous is basically a collar) beeps and reminds them they need to hurry back to class
so with a hmph from both kids, they hop down from the Eiffel and head off to detransform
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jordan939 · 6 years ago
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Miraculous: Tangled in Love (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/9XIqXVWjqW Marinette X Adrien She grabbed a toast from the plate and Tikki following behind her. Running out the house she turns a corner and bumped into a blond with green emerald eyes, he glares at you "Watch were your goi-!" he looks at her seeing her red with black polkadot underwear, her face turns red and she stands up "P-pervert" ___________________________________________________________________________________ Marinette X Nathaniel A boy with red hair stood beside my desk "I...I...I'm Nathaniel nice to meet you!" He held out his hands and I took it "Marinette, It's nice to meet you" 'He's cute when he's shy... ___________________________________________________________________________________ All these strings tangled, a love sparks for the oblivious bluenette. Who will Marinette end up with? What ship will sail out into the vast ocean? Who knows it's not my damn description- Readers
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cerulane · 3 years ago
Pourquoi Marinette accorde-t-elle de l’attention à Lila ? Elle ne l’apprécie même pas !
Je n’ai pas vraiment accroché, principalement parce que Lila change drastiquement sans vraie raison.
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years ago
do u have any really good fic recs for mlb enemies to lovers
Do I ever! Some of these have already been recced in my AU rec list, but since this isn't part of my "undiscovered gems" series, I'm going to let myself rec all of the popular enemies to lovers fic I've been enjoying too 😊
A Series of Meets: Reach by @damagectrlwrites
Paris is safe, except from the rivalry of its two superhero guardians: Ladybug and Chat Noir.  Since they were teenagers, the two have raced around Paris, trying to out do-good each other.
After Chat Noir saves a bus of people from falling into the Seine before Ladybug can even get there, Adrien is in high spirits.  He helps a young woman reach some chips high on a shelf, kicking off a friendly conversation that ends with a coffee date.
It’s a terrible day for Marinette.  First she had a hectic day at work, then Chat Noir gets all the praise for saving a bus of people, and then she nearly topples over trying to reach some chips.  At the very least, a nice guy helps her and asks her to coffee. Surely, things will get better, right?
Ladynoir Enemies AU. Never met AU. This one is absolutely amazing and hilarious and YOU NEED TO READ IT!! Ladybug and Chat Noir are superhero rivals, always trying to outdo each other, and being annoyed at the other. Marinette and Adrien get a meet-cute and fall in love. The juxtaposition is perfect and ridiculous and THAT IDENTITY REVEAL OMG.
Dearly despised, (I love you) by @snacc-noir
Marinette could go on about why she hated Adrien Agreste—to his pranking tendencies to ineffable attractiveness—ever since he had the audacity that day with the umbrella.
And yet, here she was fake-dating him while in love with a superhero.
Adrienette Enemies AU. Warning: This is a WIP! But it's so much fun. Basically Adrien and Marinette never sorted out the misunderstanding with the gum and instead just dug themselves deeper and deeper in hate with their miscommunications. Meanwhile ladynoir are totally in love with each other. Add in a whole bunch of sexual tension and seeing just where the author teases out these missed chances and it's beautiful.
Curiosity and Satisfaction by @imthepunchlord
When Adrien agreed to this line of work, he thought all his focus would be on the job of catching the elusive Lady Luck. It never crossed his mind that someone else would catch his attention.
Ladynoir Enemies AU. Although this is a ladynoir enemies AU, this dynamic change bleeds into all of the different sides of the love square and it's so different and interesting! I loved how the changes made actually affected other aspects. The story feels very real and believable.
like poles of a magnet by @rosekasa
ladybug spat her blood at chat noir. invincibility was only granted to the ladybug and black cat that worked together. not even the miraculous cure could heal them, otherwise.
(or, five times they didn’t hate each other, and one time it was love).
Ladynoir Enemies AU.  The enemies dynamic here is AMAZING!! Adrien is so in character even when he’s a “bad guy”, and the backstory of how he ended up working with Hawkmoth is perfect. (Also, how is Gabriel even worse??) I love the way the identities are played with, and especially the repercussions of Chat working for Hawkmoth on what Adrien is allowed to do.
Unstuck by @ominousunflower
Chat Noir, notorious supervillain of Paris, experiences a wardrobe malfunction in the best and worst possible place: Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s balcony.
Heart pounding, Chat pins Marinette’s wrists to the balcony. She stares up at him, her blue eyes kaleidoscopic from the lights hanging overhead, her features twisted into a scowl.
“Why are you trying to take my Miraculous?” Chat hisses.
“Because—you—I—” Marinette splutters, her eyes dipping down below Chat’s face. “Why is your suit unzipped?”
“I—well…” Chat sighs. “My zipper got stuck.”
Ladynoir Enemies AU featuring Marichat. I'm an absolute sucker for villain!Chat who just needs someone who's willing to care for and believe in him. And, even as a villain, he's still so recognizably Adrien here. My hearttttt!
out of the woods. by @anxiouscupcake​
“I- I have a… Someone I care about very much,” Adrien admitted. “I’m only doing this because my father gave me no choice.” “Well,” she said, lips pursed. “I don’t have it in me to fight The Gabriel Agreste, right now. My hands are tied too.” “I’m sorry.”
To his credit, he genuinely sounded a little remorseful. She even resented him a little for it, because she had so much more to lose than he did, but he just wanted to stay in Daddy’s good books.
She grimaced. Marriage, for one year, they agreed. And a painful few months of “courtship” to convince the press of the authenticity of their “marriage”.
In eighteen months, her father would be hale and hearty, and she’d divorce Adrien Agreste and be nothing more than his business partner.
(...In which Gabriel is an asshole, Adrien is trying and Marinette's stubborn but gives in eventually.)
This is a 2-part series that isn’t finished and that I desperately hope is continued. It’s not EXACTLY enemies AU per se, but it hits the same sweet spot. Ladynoir are in love, but can’t be together. Adrienette are forced to marry because of circumstances and Marinette resents Adrien for it. It’s got Enemies to Friends to Lovers vibes, even if we haven’t gotten that last part yet, and I love it!
i have found someone (like a nomad finds a home) by @hanaasbananas
After Stoneheart, Gabriel figured out who Chat Noir was, and forced him to work for him, rather than with Ladybug. Years later, Adrien is miserable until one night, he meets Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Ladynoir Enemies AU featuring Marichat. Sort of a Never Met AU in that Adrien doesn't start attending school until after he's been a villain for some time and after he's gotten to know (and fallen for) Marinette as Chat. I love it when Chat's a villain and his love for Marinette/Ladybug helps him make better choices!
This Red Love by @hanaasbananas
In another world, he loves her. Would lay down his life for her without a second thought. Would be devoted only to her. In another world, they are partners, fighting side by side to keep Paris safe from Hawkmoth. Ladybug and Chat Noir, heroes of Paris. In this world, Ladybug is his enemy; the only thing standing in the way of what he most desires. In this world, he is not a hero.
Or the one where Adrien and Marinette are dating, but Chat Noir works for Hawkmoth. Angst ensues.
Ladynoir Enemies AU featuring Adrienette. This one has so much tension and the identity reveal and the ladynoir conflict really impacts the adrienette relationship and it's fantastic!
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chatonnoir · 2 years ago
Predictably adrienette fangirls are vagueposting me and to no one’s surprise they’re being dense and illiterate about it at that so I’m going to repeat myself about what my actual problem with pre-reveal adrienette is and maybe they’ll read it this time before they go on to write another 8 paragraphs about how much they supposedly don’t care about my opinion
I love Adrienette, contrary to how the Adrienette fangirls are trying to frame this is as just being about Side Preference, because considering that people’s upset could be anything more than “they’re just salty it wasn’t their favorite side 💅” is apparently too complex a concept to grasp. You know why Adrienette could never be my favorite side of the square, though?
The problem is the show never let them be what they could be at their best because it always chose to prioritize drama. Things like their adventures in Gorizilla and them joking around together in Puppeteer 2... they never gave me more of it. They always chose cliche contrived drama and drawing out the will they won't they """tension"""" over letting them spend real time together and get close. And that just makes me mourn the fact its only this way because the majority of people think THATS the most interesting part of a ship. Why let Adrienette get to the point of being able to comfortably hang out together as close friends when that "diminishes" the """tension"""" after all??? No one wants to see FRIENDSHIP silly!
This side is always plagued with corny forced drama and manufactured "tension" more than other, which is achieved by not letting Adrienette get close as friends at all costs and throwing in waste my time bullshit like love rivals to extend the runtime of said "tension". Every seemingly promising scene with them becomes a microcosm of this phenomenon. Puppeteer 2 was nice but the comfort and joking around together didn't stick and they cut it short with more of that love triangle "the girl you're in love with?" bullshit. I was excited when it seemed like Marinette was going to join the fencing team in Riposte because their interactions in that scene were cute and I was happy to see them spend more time together and become comfortable while sharing this common interest, only for it to turn out that that was all to introduce a goddamn love rival plot that amounted to nothing besides developing the friendship between the two protagonists and said love rival more than their friendship to .... each other. Again, gotta prioritize the Tension!!1!1!!
I've said if I wanted to watch another generic school romance I'd choose to watch a much better one than pre-reveal Adrienette. One example? Anne/Gilbert. I'm going to talk about the Netflix version here: Anne/Gilbert feels a bit like what Adrienette might've been if the umbrella scene didn't happen and it took longer for Marinette to warm up to him. Anne gets awkward and babbles and puts her foot in her mouth around Gilbert.  Gilbert is all smitten smiles and soft looks when he sees her being Anne(TM) and being her weird self or standing up for what’s right. But that's not all. They're good friends. They have a rivalry. They tease each other. They argue. He tells her directly when he disagrees with something she did. They challenge each other’s perspectives. They grieve together. They hold each other and cry after they lose someone important to them. Anne’s the first person Gilbert wants to tell about things that happen to him. Gilbert comes to Anne to discuss his future when he's confused. This was all before they were even together. This is the depth and rawness and realness that I wish Adrienette gave me. Alas, it's Ladynoir that has all that depth and closeness, while I'm not even convinced Adrienette can even be considered "close" at the end of season 4. Three hundred “soft looks” scenes only go so far. They only just scratched the surface of said closeness with Risk, and even that wasn't entirely organic considering it took magic to get it to happen. I hoped that would finally be the start of letting Adrienette get closer as friends and have some real substance and--- oops! They're dating now lol.
Weird as hell that Adrienette fangirls are being like “you all think platonic relationships are less than romantic ones and it shows 💅 one lovesquare side getting together doesn’t kill the others” acting like they really did something when … the whole fucking issue here is that Adrienette needed to develop as friends. Even if we ignore the fact that this is a piece of fucking Romance media and therefore not the place to whine about the value of platonic love when the romantic development is literally the main fucking plot, Ladynoir has had all the depth and platonic development and platonic love built up already. Ladynoir is fully realized. They've struggled and been at odds and reconciled and seen each other at their best and worst and grown together. It’s Adrienette that’s lacking in platonic development, it’s Adrienette that some of us wanted to have developed into a strong platonic relationship first but apparently, for reasons unknown, they’re incapable of being friends and needed to date to have any of that long overdue development. The Adrienette stans KNOW they needed development, they even defend pre-reveal Adrienette by saying they needed the development, but bizarrely y'all think it absolutely had to happen through speed running pre-reveal dating rather than uh..... friendship. Are ladynoir stans really the ones failing to see the value of platonic love here lol
One thing I always hated that this fandom did was treat romantic love as an ulterior motive or somehow shallow. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that once again that theme comes up in the defense of this plot point with “nOw LaDyNoIr CaN bE fRiEnDs wItHoUt uLtErIoR mOtIvEs.” I’m sorry some of y’all think someone wanting to get closer to another person or having affection for them is an ulterior motive lol. Maybe this is the consequence of how hollywood and popular culture has equated romantic love to sexual tension. Maybe this is why I’m having to listen to adrienette fangirls say deranged shit like “ladynoir was meant to be the platonic side and adrienette was meant to be the lovers side uwu” because of course, a deep bond built on real trust and friendship and affection with someone who you can share things you can’t with most others, a relationship reminiscent of what actual healthy romantic relationships look like in real life, isn’t romantic at all, but forced Tension and contrived schoolgirl drama, apparently, is romantic.
In case some Adrienette fangirls are still having trouble with reading comprehension: I love adrienette and everything they could be. I hate how they’re often handled in canon. When I talk about what Ladynoir has that Adrienette does not, that’s me explaining how their writing and development was handled better and how Adrienette isn’t allowed to reach that point, not why one side is “superior” lol. Despite me saying this I know Adrienette stans are still going to take it as a personal attack when I point out the objective fact that Ladynoir has the closer and more developed relationship lol
The past four seasons but season 4 more than any other established these themes of truth vs. lies and secrets and the importance of being honest with your loved ones and how secrets are hurting them more than they’re helping. They were even in the fucking titles of the first three episodes of the season. And it seemed so obviously to be building up to a reveal, of course the culmination of all the interpersonal conflicts and anguish they’re going through would be the two of them revealing their identities right? No, actually, the solution to the question of truth/lies/secrets posed at the beginning of season 4 is ….. for Adrien and Marinette to have sex.
That’s right, folks. Not identity reveal, not for Adrien and Marinette to be honest with each other the way Alya and Nino were, the culmination of this conflict is …. For them to have sex. The picnic blanket date scene where they lay down and try to kiss only for Marinette to be “Not Ready” and for Adrien to tell her that he can Wait For Her <3, which takes place in the same spot as the implied GabrielxEmilie Adrien Conception Picnic, is an unsubtle first time sex metaphor. Fuck honesty and personal growth! Fuck Adrien and Marinette actually saying goodbye to their best friends! "I'll never abandon you" and "never do that to me again" and "I'm afraid of you disappearing for my life" all didn't mean fuck all when it comes to getting fucked on a picnic blanket! The rest of the lovesquare got thrown over because Adrien and Marinette are just so fucking horny apparently :��) This is what the pre-reveal Adrienette stans are calling peak romance and the best season of the show. My god
Though I can’t say this kind of contrived botched unnecessary conflict and nonsensical “development” on the Adrienette side is new to this season. Adrienette stans were noting the Glaciator 2 -> Risk """"development"""" like "look! Marinette stopped seeing Adrien's sadness as an Opportunity to Win him and listened to his feelings! Character/Relationship development 😌✨" Except.... no. That wasn't development that ever needed to happen. Marinette was already capable of seeing Adrien's sadness way back in season 1 (Rogercop) and of caring more to see him happy than about pushing her own feelings on him (the scarf in Bubbler + being his 3rd wheel in Frozer). Then Glaciator 2 decides to introduce this asinine "Adrien is sad now's my chance!!1!1!" moment so that y'all can later pretend Adrienette had a development moment here when it REALLY didn't. That was literally not what was holding her back for the past 4 seasons. That was a solution to a problem that never existed in the first place.
The drawn-out “not being ready to kiss Adrien” conflict this season is a completely new invention too because guess what: We had Chat Blanc! We SAW Marinette was already happily ready to kiss Adrien in full view of her friends back in season 3!!! Pre-reveal Adrienette is repeatedly negating past characterization and past development and past established themes for its forced drama and Adrienette stans are shutting their eyes to that fact because uuwwwu cute Adrienette scenes!!!11!!!1
(And y’all know people can enjoy the scenes/think they’re cute while still disliking the plotpoint/writing surrounding it, right? Or is that still too complex a thought for this fandom)
The fear of rejection has been there for the past 7 years, ready to be tackled at any moment. Those of us that actually paid attention to Marinette’s character, and weren’t just projecting ourselves and our high school fantasies on to her like a lot of these pre-reveal Adrienette stans, were all waiting for it to naturally payoff with a Marinette confession scene, regardless of the outcome. Let her overcome that rejection sensitive dysphoria!!!! Oh, wait, nevermind, now that problem has been gleefully skipped over and apparently the REAL issue is that Marinette can’t kiss Adrien. Fucking Phenomenal. Marinette already knows Adrien loves her and was able to completely skip over the "overcoming her fear of rejection" part but she's still scared for some reason and everyone is going to pretend this is so compelling and soft uwu and not completely lackluster compared to the powerful character moment that could've been if she'd been allowed to confront this fear pre-relationship. The past 4 seasons of her trying and failing to tell Adrien how she feels were actually just more dilly dallying contrived runtime expansion because that issue was never going to be something she needed to overcome through Facing Said Fear, apparently. Adrien had adequate development in realizing he needed to drop the Cat-sanova schtick with Ladybug if he wanted to be seen for who he is. On Marinette's side of the personal growth and development? Crickets. She’s just a scared little animal who needs Adrien to handle it all for her uwu. She never needed to do any growing, it was always Adrien! Adrien’s Feelings were always the obstacle actually! It’s Adrien’s job to make this all happen! Fuck seeing our protagonist taking initiative and overcoming that seasons-long fear in a satisfying confession payoff I guess!
There were conditions under which I actually would’ve accepted pre-reveal Adrienette, like for example actually getting that confession scene, but the way it played out in canon flopped. I thought ML was following the Raimi Spider-Man plot, which it has been in many ways, but even those movies had Peter Reject Mary Jane after she finally realized she loved him, and only let them get together after his identity was revealed and Mary Jane was able to accept that Spider-Man and Peter Parker are a package deal. Here’s another example of an actual good school romance I’d choose over pre-reveal Adrienette every time: Sawako and Kazehaya. The pinnacle of sweet slowburn slice of life school romance. Kurumi, an actually effective romantic rival character, tells Sawako that she’s not worthy of being called her rival if she simply gives up and wallows without ever actually mustering up the courage to confess her feelings to Kazehaya. The love rival got rejected and got her heart broken, only to be the one who pushed the protagonist to confess, and then we got a beautiful, emotional confession scene where Sawako, despite all her shyness and anxiety, puts herself out there and pours her heart out and tells Kazehaya that she loves him, all Without Knowing Her Feelings Are Returned. It was powerful and satisfying and tear-jerking and earned and it put the reigns in our protagonists’ hands. Pre-reveal Adrienette flopped with this. Now I’m going to have to endure the fans acting like this half-season-long contrived drama/first time sex metaphor was the REAL issue all along and that it’s actually a well-written and compelling conflict. Now they’re going to pretend Marinette continuing to be afraid to confess and having to overcome that while already knowing Adrien loves her is in any way logical or satisfying. Who cares about seeing our protagonist take initiative and grow and be rewarded for it!
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the same people who are rallying for this shit are some of the same people who’ve put Adrien salt on my dash and whine about Chameleon on a monthly basis because it was already clear from those salt takes that they clearly do not understand these characters. It was never about character growth for Marinette. Narrative themes never really mattered. It’s all about the self-projection. The people who are happiest about this are the Marinette kinnies who think Adrien needed to learn a lesson and Finally Notice and Appreciate NormalGirl Marinette and/or stop being “pushy” with Ladybug and learn his Lesson to blindly follow Marinette through all Chameleon-esque drama in the future. They love the idea of having that celebrity boycrush romance fall in to their laps with no personal reflection or growth on their own parts and they love their self-insert Marinette having an echo chamber entourage of friends that follow her blindly and never disagree with her if she has personal beef with someone. The inequality and double standard -- that Adrien's original crush was treated as the Obstacle that he had to Grow from and Get Over while Marinette's isn't -- isn't a problem to the Marinette kinnies because to them it's always everyone else's fault for not Appreciating or being Loyal Enough to Marinette of course. It was never about her growing. The real problem was always Adrien ~~~being too blinded by red and black to notice the cute girl behind him in class uwuwuww~~~ or however that cornyass cliche shitty fanfic line always goes.
Pre-reveal Adrienette has framed the rest of the lovesquare, and especially Adrien's feelings for Ladybug, as a simple obstacle that always stood in the way of the end goal of Adrienette, not a completed/fully realized square. Pre-reveal Adrienette decided that the entire point of the season 4 conflict was actually about making Adrien finally ~get over~ Ladybug so he'd ~notice~ Marinette. Pre-reveal Adrienette made it so Alya's entire role in Season 4 was actually just to get in-between Ladynoir to reach this end. Pre-reveal Adrienette started with the two of them bizarrely forgetting about the existence of their superhero best friends and ghosting them to get laid, which, seeing the later eps, was clearly just a summary of how this entire phase of their relationship is going to play out. Pre-reveal Adrienette bizarrely snubs the years-long plotline of Marinette's romantic feelings for Chat Noir after just 3 episodes of exploring them (even the Adrienette stans are relying on pure speculation of future episodes to justify this shit, you know, when they're not relying on their asspull argument that ladynoir stans just "think platonic relationships are less than romantic ones and it shows 💅🤪").
It’s hilarious to hear pre-reveal Adrienette fangirls vaguepost like “you’re just mad it wasn’t your favorite side 💅” when I’ve said multiple times that I would not have been satisfied with pre-reveal Ladynoir either because I Wanted to see that climactic Marinette confession moment and see Marinette’s fear of rejection handled in a satisfying way (and my dream for season 5 was to see all 4 sides openly simping), meanwhile it’s exceedingly clear these Adrienette stans are making a lot of excuses and hinging their defenses of pre-reveal Adrienette on pure speculation (lmao when their justification depends on future, yet-to-be-seen episodes being Better) and retroactively rewriting the past four seasons to ignore the abandoned themes and to tell anyone who doesn’t like it that they're just salty about their own side and were actually hallucinating all the blatant themes in the past seasons and to pretend this writing isn’t completely disjointed and nonsensical because they’re actually the ones who only care about seeing their favorite side be canon 🤷‍♀️
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snacc-noir · 4 years ago
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an Adrienette Enemy AU cos I feed off ✨tension✨
things to know:
their rivalry started with the gum incident that was never cleared - Adrien was upset she didn’t listen to his defence
the whole thing amplified when they both keep running into each other while trying to transform hide (like their job isn’t stressful enough)
(they also literally never try to reason why they other is ‘following’ them other than ‘they suck’)
Fat crushes on chat and lb respectively also they probably (definitely) have crushes on each other and will never admit it
I’ll probably write a fic but all there is so far is this one shot of them winding up fake-dating yes I’m trope-mad
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iwasbored777 · 3 years ago
I saw some Marinette salt about how she stalks Adrien or whatever. And how she's creepy or whatever. Do you have any sugar takes or something that counteracts those arguments?? I really love Marinette as a character and it's just.. really disheartening seeing everyone hone in on that aspect of her character... :(
I have a perfect post for this because...
I was thinking and it's not a rocket science that every time Marinette's crush on Adrien caused a catastrophy she didn't know that her crush will cause a catastrophy and when she does she picks another option and backs away and I just want to remind you that cuz do you guys know that every time her crush was a problem she didn't know it would be a problem, if she did she would never do anything, cuz a lot of you need to remember/realize this.
The whole "if Marinette wasn't acting selfish" thing would be understandable if
a) she knew something would go down
b) if she wasn't usually the only one who suffers the biggest permanent consequences of choosing the wrong option every time it happens (like being the guardian bc of Miracle Queen, being traumatised bc of Chat Blanc, losing every miraculous bc of Félix (which we know didn't have anything to do with her crush on Adrien but she still got wounded badly)).
One thing is being aware that...ummm...having a crush is apparently bad...but the other thing is saying all these things about her bc so far Marinette and Chloé are literally the only people dealing with consequences of their rivalry. I'm not saying that's bad if they did something wrong but if that was fair Marinette would deal with something way less than constant trauma every time she makes a move on Adrien and Chloé would deal with something worse than being kicked out of the team. Lila and Kagami were awarded for their unfair treatment of other girls by getting to spend more time with Adrien at that time and getting more friends while Marinette lost Adrien a lot of times now AND she is being judged by her friends. No one is judging other girls, ever! That's why I want Adrienette to be canon so badly now (I'll take Ladynoir too of course I love them all but Adrienette has ever bigger chance). Just end the circle of Marinette always being the one who has to sacrifice and pay. She deserves Adrien more than any other girl and the longer I watch the show this is more and more accurate.
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