lively-run-away · 8 months
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i recently saw the Alice ballet and that gave me the courage to post some alice in wonderland meme art. two of them i turned into stickers to bribe my friends to watch the ballet too because i wanted people to talk to about the ballet.
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bloggerspam · 16 days
Cozytober: Wrapped in a soft fuzzy blanket
Dan isn't sure what he's doing here.
He sits, squished into the smallest pink chair imaginable, holding a tea cup barely the size of his pinky and wonders—not for the first time—why him.
He's reformed! He has his family back (with bonus new ones, in Ellie and Danny himself), and is trying his damnedest to be the best of both his donor's parts! He rescues kittens now!
So why?
"More tea, Mr. Dante?" A squeaky, pleasant voice asks politely.
Internally, Dan sighs. He knows why.
"Sure." Dan rumbles, low, so as to keep from intimidating her. It's a moot point, considering you were immediately invited to this tea part upon first glance.
"Lovely!" The girl, Lian, beams brightly at him, causing him to squint at how bright she looks. She reaches over with her purple teapot, decorated with superhero stickers all over it, and mimics pouring tea into his Red Hood themed tea cup.
Dan didn't even know Red Hood had merch, much less a children's tea set.
She watches him expectantly, so he takes a sip.
"Mm." He smiles, tightlipped to keep his fangs away, "Tasty."
Again, that blinding beam. Dan wonders, distantly, if the reason he can still see is because of his healing factor.
"Lian! Lian, honey, it's time to—" A voice echoes, causing Dan to stiffen.
A man enters through the open doorway, pausing at the scene they must make.
"Hi Daddy!" Lian chirps, "Mr. Dante stopped some bad guys from hurting Mrs. Stoner, and he said he knew the Justice League, so I invited him to my Tea Party to thank him!"
"Is that so?" Her father, with a frozen smile, turns slowly to Dan and quirks a single burnt orange eyebrow. Thankfully, he doesn't seem mad at Dan's presence, more surprised and…amused, judging by the taste in the air. His quirked lips seem to ask him why Dan didn't refuse.
"I've been told," Dan says as softly as he can, "that it would be uncouth for a…gentlemen to refuse a lady's request."
The part of Dan that's Vlad, the part of Dan that Ellie and Jazz influenced, had reminded him.
The part of him that's still Danny, that's still a sucker for little children and his sisters, had taken control and his acceptance had been given before he even knew it.
This is why he is here. Because he is, in Ellie's words, a god damn marshmallow softie.
"Fair enough." Lian's father chuckles with a tilt to his head, "Hard to say no to Lian anyway."
Lian's grin turns a little sharp, the way Ellie's does, knowing and mischievous.
"I've also been told that it's rude to overstay my welcome." Dan places the tea cup down gently, still trying to figure out how to be soft, and contemplates the logistics of getting up.
"But Mr. Dante, you haven't even finished your scones!" The scones in question sit innocently, masquerading as pumpkin spice flavored Oreos. Dan chuckles, and delicately pinches one to toss into his mouth. He gives up on unfolding his limbs around the tiny furniture and simply goes intangible, floating up to stand.
"Lian, I'm sure Mr. Dante's got other stuff to do sweetheart. Besides, it's dinner time for you."
Lian pouts, but seems to acquiesce with a pout before smiling up at him again. "Thank you for coming to my Tea Party Mr. Dante!"
"Thank you for having me, Little Miss." Dan rumbles, floating up and ready to leave.
"Wait!" Lian jumps up, running towards her closet and dragging out a searingly bright orange cloth. Its got little arrows all over it, and is three times her size. She holds it up to him, reaching on her tippy toes, so Dan touches back down and crouches.
"You need a cape, since you're a hero!" Lian explains, "Some heroes don't wear capes, but I think a proper gentleman like you should have a cape!"
She does her best, jumping around and fumbling over him to drape the blanket over his shoulders. Her father, from the corner of Dan's eye, is trying not to bust up laughing. She tries once, twice, three times to tie it around his neck, and he takes pity on her and ties it on himself. He feels ridiculous.
It's less of a cape and more of a bundling. He's half wrapped up and if he didn't have the ability to fly and go intangible, he's sure he would have been tumbling around and stuck.
Thankfully, he does have those abilities, so he floats up to get that all sorted.
"Just like Superman." The Father chuckles, barely able to string it together through his laughed. Dan smiles a wry smile, doing a Superman Pose just to see Lian light up and giggle.
"See ya later, alligator!" Lian chirps, waving goodbye.
And then the part of him that's still Danny rears up again, without his permission, as he floats through the ceiling.
"In a while, crocodile."
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tinietaehyun · 13 days
A Cup of Madness, Please!
[MadHatter!Beomgyu x lost!Reader] [Wondrous Tales] [Series] [One-shot]
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Pairing: MadHatter!Beomgyu x Lost!Reader
Genre(s): Fantasy, dark fantasy, action, dark romance, supernatural.
Contains: Profanity, mentions/implications of drug use/sedative, complex themes of time, obsessive behaviour, mental breakdowns, binding, violence, gaslighting, manipulation and dialogue-heavy.
Note: thanks for such a patient wait guys! Had t rework this one a lot, and I hope the end result is good! <3
Links: Wondrous Tales Masterlist || Masterlist
Summary: Having managed to elude the tea party and trick Kai into thinking you’ll stay, you scramble for your life by bargaining with a strange caterpillar hanging from the trees to escape.
Being barely lucid, you stumble into what seems to be another secluded grove, another tea party. Oh, you were definitely mad by this point. Not again! You see exuberant host with his feet up on the table with a grin, “Welcome, welcome, do come and join me, little love. I have lots of tea or are you sick of it from the March Hare?”
Panicked you rush off past him, he makes no move to chase after you. How strange. “Toodles, love!” Grimacing you rush off through the tangled foliage….only to arrive back to where you were facing the man again. A loop…?
“Time’s prisoner I am, and so you will be too. I’m awfully lonely and the hare’s fed up of my games. You’ll play with me and keep this Hatter company won’t you?”
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Your feet drag along the muddy path. Everything seemed utterly weird here (which was saying a lot considering how much you had experienced and seen beforehand!) but this- this was truly weird!
You gaze at the floating leaves, the wind-blown trees of vibrant hues stuck in position, the birds in the sky forming floating statues with the way they hovered in place. Your mind itself felt fuzzy, your movements slow. This entire area felt absent of time. Despite having walked for what seemed to be ages, you felt as if you progressed nowhere at all.
Was this a sign that you were getting closer to the Hatter? Was this the consequence of killing time? Was he also perpetually stuck in this place with no way out? Surely you’d be safe right, you had heeded the caterpillar’s words of not following the path! Then why was everything getting even worse, you felt as though you were walking right into that madman’s hands!
Instinct bubbles uneasily within you as you sluggishly walk. Something didn’t feel right at all, in fact, it made you feel nervous. From what you had heard about the man, nothing good was bound to occur if you met face to face with that lunatic.
You shudder at the thought. Now your main objective was to somehow make it to the Cheshire Cat’s Woods. Your gaze lifts to the horizon, in the distance you see a murky, foggy space, the ominous silhouette of jagged trees. That’s where you were heading to. It made you feel uneasy, even just from the sight of it from afar. That would be your ticket out of here!
With a renewed vigor, you clench your fists and continue walking ahead. You had to make it out of here, no matter what. You clutch your head, a pounding pain pulsating in your forehead; your perception of time is warped and fatigue strains upon your bones. Everything felt overwhelming and all you wanted to do was go home and take an extraordinarily long nap. To think, you’d have called yourself insane before this, to miss your monotonous and stressful life!
The muddy path seems to curve off away from all the frozen in time chaos and floating objects and your shoulders slouch in relief. Anything further from the Hatter was good news in your eyes. You continue trudging along the path. How much more would you have to walk, to endure? Your mind felt weak, your sanity crumbling by every encounter you had. You really didn’t want to go insane here.
The foliage begins to morph and change, monochromatic bushes of black and white, the path ahead of you seems to change with every blink causing you to become disoriented. What the fuck was happening here? You wobble slightly and your mind feels fuzzy. That same unsettling feeling from before - it was nauseating. As though you had no grasp on anything. White noise fills your ears and you groan covering your ears, you begin running along the path in desperation.
What the hell was this place? You had to get out! After a while running; barely barely lucid, you stumble into what seems to be another secluded grove, another tea party. Oh, you were definitely mad by this point. Not again!
Your legs tremble and you attempt to steady yourself as the white static in your eardrums fades. The tea cups and saucers were mismatched, and numerous were shattered to smithereens on the floor. The table cloth was a colourful mismatch of fabrics, colours and patterns. The chairs all pristinely aligned along the sides and the food seemed untouched - varying from cupcakes, cakes, biscuits, scones and croissants perfectly baked to perfection, sweet and alluring in aroma, making your mouth water ever so slightly.
You couldn’t have wandered in a big circle back to the Hare, could you? No…it couldn’t be. The worst place to be in Wonderland. This couldn’t be the Hatter’s Tea Party? Oh you so desperately wanted to deny it, but you knew. You had indeed fucked up terribly.
“Welcome, welcome, do come and join me, little love. I have lots of tea or are you sick of it from the March Hare?” A rich, husky voice startles you and you whip your head to the side. Another small table of delights and treats arranged in pristine fashion. There, you see the exuberant host with his feet up on the table with a grin.
You look around mortified, it was! It was the Hatter’s Party! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fear courses through your system, you don’t think your mind could handle another insane encounter! You realise nothing is fenced off in this grove, you were free to roam. Why did you have to indulge him anyway? What if you made a run for it now?
Panicked, you rush off past him, he makes no move to chase after you. How strange? No…this felt wrong. Did he simply not care? Were you running into another trap? He calls out grinning, “Toodles, love!” Oh shit. This wasn’t good.
Why couldn’t you think straight at all? You felt so weird, so disoriented? Where did all your logic fly off too? You keep running, adrenaline coursing through your vessels. Perhaps it was foolish to do so, but you didn’t seem to have any idea, you just wanted to avoid the Hatter at all costs. But now, you feel as though you had walked right into the palm of his hand.
Grimacing, you rush off through the tangled foliage, twigs and leaves brush your face. Heavy pants leave your lips, all you wanted to do was escape. You keep running…only to arrive back to where you were, facing the peculiar man again.
Fuck. What was this? A loop?
The eccentric male tilts his head, a wide grin on his lips and mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he gleams, “Time’s prisoner I am, and so you will be too. I’m awfully lonely and the hare’s fed up with my games. You’ll play with me and keep this Hatter company won’t you?”
Your heart slams against your sternum. Was there truly no way out? Or were you simply going insane? He swings his feet off the table enthusiastically and stands abruptly adjusting his tailcoat, a seductive shade of dark blue with vibrant patterned patches here and there and blood red corsage in his chest pocket. If it weren’t for this place, you’d have thought he was a prince out of some fairytale.
Who would have thought the epitome of madness would have such a pretty face? Chiseled features, pouty lips, raven locks which fall in a wolf cut framing his face perfectly; a few strands over his piercing murky eyes. A sharp jaw and pointed nose, truly a beauty with brimming insanity beneath his skin.
With his hands behind his back, he skips over with an ominously delightful tune. Instinctively, you step back, “I-I just want to get to the woods is all, please, I-I- I’ve had enough.”
He tilts his head with a delighted expression and coos, “Oh? You beg so pretty. You’ve had enough? But we’ve just met, love? My darling little love, I’ve been waiting for you! Oh! You mean the others!” The man throws his head back laughing and tosses his top hat off with a flair. Running his hand through his hair, he giggles, “You don’t like our hospitality?”
Hospitality? Glaring, you take another step back, warily keeping your gaze locked onto him. He walks forward, “It’s been ever so long since I’ve had a guest. It’s so, so, so unfair y’know? That pesky king takes the ones that do show up and kills them when he’s bored? Tell me love, then what am I supposed to do? I also want a pretty little guest. And well, well, well, if you made it this far, you truly must be very special!”
You open your mouth to speak. “Ah, ah, ah, shush, shush! Let me introduce myself, love. I,” he exclaims, with an extravagant spin with outstretched arms, “…am the Mad Hatter, tea party extraordinaire, the most fun person in this dreary place called Wonderland...” he hops over and you yelp as his face is millimetres from yours. His voice drops to a whisper, “But, you can also call me Beomgyu.” Like a gentleman, he bows down taking your hand delicately and bringing it up to his lips as he places a soft kiss on the back of your hand. It sends a shiver down your spine. His gaze. It looked like he was going to devour you whole.
Once again, you open your mouth to speak but you’re halted by his index finger on your lips, “Ah, ah, let me finish. Now…” You stiffen. “Say it, say my name. Let's see how it sounds coming from those pretty lips of yours,” he coos. Your eyes widen - goodness, he was impressively tall. All of the wacky figures of Wonderland were terribly good looking too! Almost as if the divine were cursing you!
You remain silent and Beomgyu tilts his head, and your breath hitches as he suddenly grasps your jaw tilting your head up, his lips inches from your own, as he murmurs, “I said,” his tone darkens, “Say my name. Don’t hesitate for long, if you want to stay alive, play along.”
With great reluctance, you utter, “…Beomgyu.” He releases your chin with a sudden bright smile, “Wonderful, beautiful, how lovely indeed! Now, was that so hard, love?” You glare remaining silent and he chuckles leaning down, “Oh you are terribly cute aren’t you? How did the others let you escape, hm? Goodness, who wouldn’t want to keep you to themselves with such an adorable pouty expression? Now your name.”
You remain quiet and he leans closer making you blurt out, “Y/n.” Beomgyu muses, “Oh a lovely name indeed for my pretty little guest.”
Infuriated, you snap, “Stop. This- look. I just want to leave. I’m tired. I…I’m- I don’t know what to do anymore!” Beomgyu shakes his head, “Tsk, oh dear, you must be so tired. So fatigued. I always knew the others never knew how to treat their guests well. So incompetent.”
With a flourish of his wrist, he leans over and grabs a dark purple rose out of one of the vases. A sudden fit of giggles escapes him as he covers his mouth abruptly, “Sorry love, you have to get used to that. I just… find a lot of things amusing.” Another set of giggles leaves his lips and a terrible feel of unease permeates your very being. Oh, he was insane, alright.
Beomgyu raises the rose to your line of sight making you flinch back as you eye the thorns on the stem. His lips twitch and his eyes widen, sparkling with fervour, with…hunger. “Take it love, an introductory gift from me. It’s my most favourite flower here.”
Stammering, you respond, “N-No thanks I-“ He suddenly snaps, “No? You’re saying no?” You feel your hands go cold at his tone before his expression morphs into a pleasant smile and then into manic laughter sending a jolt of fear through you.
“Goodness! You look terrified! How amusing! Were you scared?” Beomgyu asks, chuckling. “You’ve looked more scared than the moment you first saw me? Why? Did the others tell you bad things about me?” He pouts, reaching over to cup to your cheek, “I’m not scary, I just know how to have fun? Is that so bad? Tell me love, is that so bad?”
You stay quiet, hands trembling. You can’t even look him in the eye. Beomgyu suddenly tilts your head upwards again, his lips twisting into a smirk, “Oh love, feeling shy? Oh why? Come now, keep those pretty eyes on me, hm?” You quiver, “What do you want from me?
“Oh, oh, oh! What a great question!” He exclaims before scoffing with a roll of his eyes, “If it weren’t so abhorrently boring. But to answer your curiosity, I don’t know.”
You deadpan, “You don’t know?” He grins a little too widely, “Mhm, I don’t know. You don’t know either. We both don’t know. The possibilities are endless. Isn’t that glorious?”
Beomgyu gazes at the rose in his left hand, “What a thing of beauty,” he holds it up to your face, “Almost as gorgeous as you, love.” You roll your eyes. He drags the soft petal down your forehead slowly, along the bridge of your nose and rests it on your lips, “Doesn’t it smell divine?” Before you can muster a reply, a wonderfully sweet aroma emits from the rose. You inhale deeper, never have you smelt such an enticing scent. What the hell?…
“Inhale it deeply, love,” he lets out a breathy chuckle and you pale. What did you just breathe in? He takes the rose giving it a big inhale and sighs deliriously happy, “Oh, wait for it to kick in. You said you were tired right?”
Your legs buckle and your sight blurs. What drugs was this rose made from? Wacky and vibrant colours fill your gaze and the surroundings distort and stretch making you feel delirious.
“Isn’t it marvellous? Are you having fun?” He cackles watching you clutch your forehead and stumble and clumsily waver. “You can see the world, the way I do!” He laughs loudly, “Its a little hard you see, when time doesn’t move. Makes you go a little cuckoo, but hey on the bright side, you’re never late, or never early, or, or, never really on time at all!” Beomgyu guffaws clutching his stomach as if he had uttered the funniest phrase in existence.
Meanwhile, you were struggling to keep your ground feeling even the ground below you give way. You felt as though you were floating. Beomgyu hums amused, “Ah, look at your eyes blissed out, such a dazed expression, ah, I could never grow weary of such a sight.”
Knees buckling, you clutch your head as your eyelids feel weighty, drowsiness overwhelms your senses - with which you feel yourself hurtling to the ground and your vision snaps to black.
The Hatter muses crouching down, whether he’s amused by the thousands of colours he’s seeing or the fact you fell down with about as much grace as a sack of potatoes spilling, he himself didn’t know. Either way, he was utterly delighted to have someone after so, so long to be stuck in time with him!
Time was overrated. The future is bleak, unpredictable. Change is far too outdone. It’s not about the what ifs, but the what nows. He had killed time with his bare hands for that very reason, tore the fabric of existence here into shreds. He didn’t want Wonderland to progress forward, how preposterous would that be? What if one day everything faded into obscurity? What if…what if he were to be forgotten? The sheer horror of the thought sends a shudder down hus spine.
“No, no, no,” he mutters, he shakes his head, distraught laughs tumble from his lips, “We can’t have that.” Beomgyu gazes at you, his pupils dilated manically, “You poor thing, oh love, wanting to leave. You don’t know a thing about enjoying the present, not being tainted by the future. Eroded by the ravages of time.” He runs his thumb delicately over your cheek, “It’s okay, I’ll teach you, and I’ll make sure I don’t let you escape like I did with Alice, oh so long ago.”
After what seems like hours, you feel a terrible migraine. Your ears feel numb and you feel as though all the blood was rushing to your head. What the fuck did he do to you? You pry your eyes open and flinch at the light coming in. To your horror, everything was upside down. The same scene, but upside down. Your arms hang below your hand, fingertips grazing the vibrant grass below.
No wonder the blood was rushing to your head! You crane your neck to see your legs and see them tied up. You were hanging like a pendulum off one of the branches of this massive tree! Holy shit! Panic surges through your system, he was a a maniac! With every writhe of your body and deep breath, you swing pathetically.
Footsteps resound and you spot the familiar shoes in your line of sight. A low laugh escapes his lips, “You’re awake. I was beginning to think that my scent-of-sleep-rose had killed you or something.” You glare seething at him - him and stupid fucking smile.
“To make you aware, it is you, who is upside down, not me. Then again, to you, I must look upside down. Perception is a funny thing isn’t it?” He rambles with a grin. You snarl, “What’s wrong with you? I’ve done nothing to deserve this!”
Beomgyu snickers, “Oh hush, hush. Why so angry love? I just wanted to play a game. Believe me, we could talk forever, and I mean that literally by the way,” he giggles before abruptly covering his mouth and composing himself, “But I thought, we could make things a little more fun? I like fun. You like fun. Everyone does. So…why so cranky?”
This piece of…your jaw tightens. His gaze sharpens and he leans down, his hand giving your body a little push and you feel nausea hit you unceremoniously. “Well, what are you going to do about it? Glare into me till I what? Turn to ashes, quiver and blubber away,” he mocks, raising his tone of voice. Beomgyu coos, “Love, you’re in my territory, my grove now. My rules, my games, my…my everything.” He dramatically bends down plucking a bright blade of grass between his index and thumb, “Even this blade of grass,” he blows it in your face with a chuckle.
Anger and fear amalgamate within you into an uncomfortable mixture. Beomgyu’s voice darkens, a crazed expression in his widening eyes as he leans down; his face inches from yours, “Even…you.” Beomgyu stands brightly spinning around with a bright demeanour and a clap of his hands, “So! Suck it up, buttercup!”
Your restraint snaps, all your deliria, patience, fatigue building until it bursts like a geyser as you release a shrill scream piercing the air. It takes Beomgyu aback, the sound rattling his eardrums and momentarily making him stiffen.
You scream hoarsely, “Suck it up? Suck it up!? You’re fucking deplorable! You insane maniac! You- you- do you even know how hard it has been to get here? It’s all just a fucking game to all of you!” Your gaze burns into his as he quietly observes your apparent mental breakdown. You snarl, as you swing pitifully, your hands digging into the dirt to steady yourself. “I’d wish you hell! But this place is already worse than hell itself,” you seethe.
“Is it so fucking hard to get a break here?” You shout, tears running back into your eyes with how you were upside down. “And this! Being fucking hung up like meat at a butcher’s shop, icing on the cake really!” You continue rambling and cursing for another minute as Beomgyu stares almost entranced by you.
You snap catching his stare, “What? What now?” For a moment, he doesn’t reply before stepping forward and dropping to his knees. The expression you see next sends a chill through your body. Wide-eyed, he cups your face, “That was beautiful, what a performance. So much pent up emotion,” another set of tittering laughs leaves him.
“Are you…” he laughs again, “are you losing your mind already, love?”
Your heart flies to your throat. No. No you couldn’t be. No way. That was just…a little pent up anger. No, no, no. You? You going mad? That was ludicrous to even suggest. The Mad Hatter of all people to suggest such a thing?
He coos, fingers pressing into your cheeks, “That look in your eyes, it’s like mine. So chaotic, so panicked, so fiery, so delirious. I can see it, this place has taken its toll on you, as it has done on me. We’re the same. Not willing to die, but to endure, to afraid to never wake up again, but tormented to live!”
Beomgyu rambles as you blankly regard him, your mind spinning. Maybe it was the fact that you were hanging upside down or were you genuinely losing your mind? You couldn’t tell anymore.
You attempt to compose yourself as you splutter, “Beomgyu…I- I can’t be stuck like this forever.” He cuts you off, “Oh don’t worry about that, I’ve killed time! So you can? See,” he gestures wildly around him, “I have..,I’ve been stuck here, even if I want to leave I can’t! I just get brought back here,” he throws his head back laughing maniacally.
You feel even more nauseous than before. How were you going to get out of this one? You tremble, “Stuck? You…can’t leave? Why? Because you killed time?”
He nods wiping a tear away from laughing so hard, “Precisely, love. Consider it a punishment of sorts,” he leans down whispering, “Though this is exactly what I wanted, but don’t tell anyone that. This way, Wonderland can stay happy forever, no one will forget anyone, because we’re all perpetually stuck,” Beomgyu huffs, “Especially me, I can’t even leave my grove, the other losers here can at least have a little more freedom.”
You couldn’t imagine why anyone would subject themselves to this? No wonder he was like this, such a fractured mind, such a delicate psyche. You stammer, “W-Why?”
“Why?” He asks tilting his head, “Why?” He chuckles as he rapidly runs his hands through his head, “Because I wanted to. That pesky rabbit kept saying he was late, that abhorrent king said my tea parties lasted way too long. That crafty hare was trying to steal my limelight. Pathetic scum, the lot of them! And, and, and, the guests we get, oh love, before you, we hadn’t gotten anyone new in Wonderland for so long!”
He squeezes your cheeks, “Could you imagine how bored I was? Time was passing so quickly. The king barely came to my parties anymore, the Hare went his own way, and that stupid white rabbit didn’t even bother to tell me anything of anyone anymore. I was…” he giggles brokenly, “I think, I think I was being forgotten? Me?” He cackles, “Me? Being forgotten, isn’t that so funny? I’m the most memorable of the bunch!”
It hits you like a truck. The one weakness of the Mad Hatter. Time. Time’s passage. He was obsessed with being stuck in a moment. The relentless forward march of time terrified him.
Beomgyu releases your face and he peers down at his shaking hands with a wide smile, “Oh look at that. Even my hands are excited.” Afraid, you think, he’s afraid. He’s afraid of the fading joy and madness that defines his existence. He’s afraid of being forgotten.
You almost, almost feel bad. Perhaps you’d even feel sympathy if it weren’t for the fact you were hanging like a bat off a branch. A twinge of guilt permeates you…would it be so bad to exploit his weakness? To get out of here? Would that make you a bad person. No, you just wanted to flee is all.
“Why so quiet?” His voice is sharp and you’re startled by the husk in his tone and you see that you had zoned out whilst he rambled incessantly. “What?” You murmur dazed. Beomgyu’s lips form a twisted smile, “You’re definitely losing your mind.”
“I’m not,” you fire back. He coos, “Denial is always the first step. I would know, after all.” You snap, “I’m not! Just- Just let it be!”
He snickers, “Why? Is being mad so bad? I believe in madness lies great genius! Only the best people are crazy after all. Hmm…that brings me to the question, is being crazy, the same as being mad?”
You groan frustrated and yell, “Just keep quiet for ten minutes, please.” The Hatter muses, “Agitation, the common second phase of going mad,” he smiles darkly, “I like that, the notion of making you go so insane, you cease to function- no, no!” His eyes widen stopping himself, “No..not cease but ascend, to see things the way I do.”
Beomgyu stands with an eccentric step, “Don’t you feel pity? For the Hatter is lonely in his madness? Won’t you join this Hatter in his madness? In his little stagnant bubble?”
Silence stretches between the both of you as you simply gaze at each other. You didn’t know what to say - were you overwhelmed, drained? You didn’t know. You felt nothing.
Beomgyu grabs a chair and spins it around, sitting on it back to front, resting his chin on the back of the chair with his arms for support. “I don’t like when you’re quiet. That scream you let out earlier was delightful. Could you do it again?”
You give him a blank stare, attempting to get your fried brain to work. His gaze morphs into one of displeasure, “Are you ignoring me?”
You say nothing drilling your blank gaze into his. His jaw tenses, a scary expression on his face, “I don’t quite like what you’re doing, Y/n.”
With a long sigh, he hums, “Fine, fine, I’ll humour you since you’re special. I’ll stop pestering. How about this? I’ll let you down-“ Your eyes brighten and his lips quirk up, “Oh that got your attention now did it? All you had to do was say so, love.” You grit your teeth, piece of shit! As if he’d do so if you asked.
“I’ll let you down, if you play a little game. I think we’ve both been a little too personal with each other an frankly I’m just itching to see how that pretty head of yours works. So let’s lighten the mood. Riddles.”
You groan loudly, “No…I can’t even think straight now.” Beomgyu giggles, “That’s because you’re upside down silly!” If you could just wrap your hands around his neck and-
“Anyway, you don’t have a choice, love! I’m good at keeping promises, so don’t worry. All you have to do is answer the riddles correctly and I’ll untie you.”
“What if we raise the stakes? If I answer them correctly, you’ll let me go?” You murmur. His face morphs into one of disdain, “Come now love, that’s not what we agreed to do.” You snap, “We, we? We didn’t agree to anything? It’s all you!”
“You, me, he, she, whatever, whatever, all these are trivial details!” He exclaims. You smirk catching him off guard, “You’re afraid.”
He stiffens, his eyes narrowing, “Afraid? Of what?” Time. But you didn’t want to say that outright. You murmur, “Of me winning. Moving ahead. So you don’t even want to put that option on the table. Because there will always be the tiniest sliver of a chance that I’ll win.”
For a moment, you see his lips twitch and twist upwards and his head snap into a tilt, “Oh. Oh you think you’re so clever don’t you?”
You hum, “I do.” You expect him to seethe with anger but instead he smiles widely, “Good, I like guests with a little spunk. By far, you’re my favourite yet.”
“So you agree to my terms?” You beam. The Hatter muses sardonically, “Of course not, love. Don’t be foolish. Even if you left, you’d not be able to break the loop.”
“And how do you break the loop exactly?” You raise a brow asking. The Mad Hatter observes you amused, “You can’t.”
“I’m sure I can, there has to be a way,” you retort. “There is, one guest managed to. Pesky little brat,” he grits out. You hum, “Care to share?” Beomgyu sarcastically smiles, “When you win my game, I will.”
“Fine, if I win, you’ll tell me how to break the loop,” you mutter. He muses, “Mm, I’ll think about it. Actually, I don’t know. I lied.”
Fury bubbles up within you. Of fucking course! He resumes, “Anyway, first riddle. I can be cracked, made and told. What am I?”
Your brain whirrs slowly. Everything seemed foggy. Cracked? What on Earth? Think, think, think Y/n! Your brows furrow as you see his smug smile. Told…made…? Cracked? Oh-your eyes widen. A joke! A joke!
Before your lips part to answer, you hold back. Why did you have to oblige him? He never promised you anything. Who said you had to give the right answer? You tentatively murmur, “A…secret.”
He stiffens, before snickering, “Oh love, that’s incorrect.” You feign innocence, “A secret can be told, made, and cracked, can it not?” The Hatter’s lips part and then close for a moment and he scoffs, “The answer was a joke, love, a joke. Come now, that was easy.”
“I’m technically right,” you snap. Beomgyu rolls his eyes, “No, you’re not.” You scoff, “It fits the criteria!” He muses, “It doesn’t fit my criteria.” You notice the surprise in his gaze as if he expected you to get the riddle right off the bat.
Hm. Perhaps the key, was to unsettle the Hatter. Use his weakness against him. Time. Lower his guard and attack. He mutters, “Second riddle, I’ll make it even easier this time,” he sighs drawling out his words, “The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?”
Oh you’d heard this one before! It was footsteps! You furrow your brows deep in thought. Beomgyu sharply observes you and muses, “Oh come on, this is a classic riddle, don’t tell me you don’t know this? How did you even get this far then?”
Tiredly, you sigh, “I…I don’t know. I just…don’t know.” His gaze shifts and he mutters, “What’s this…this was supposed to be more exciting.” He scoffs, “Whatever, just say an answer, don’t keep me waiting.” You see him tapping his foot and you have to refrain from smirking, he’s giving you a hint.
You think deeply. Hm, the more you take. The more you leave behind. The more time you take. The more time you leave behind. Time. You could also say time. How…perfect.
“Time.” You utter. The Hatter’s slouch diminishes and his gaze blazes into you, “What? That’s preposterous? How? How in Wonderland do you mess that up?” You feign being disoriented, “I- Is that not right? Everything feels…so…ugh.”
Beomgyu’s eyes narrow, his grip on the back of the chair tightening, “It’s footsteps! The second one is also wrong!” You let out a laugh and you see his right eye twitch. “What’s so funny, that I’m not laughing with you?” He questions.
You laugh louder, “You…you look confused.” His body tenses and he observes you laughing to yourself. Had you truly gone mad? He himself mirrors your laughter, “Has that head of yours been upside down for a little too long? My, my, perhaps my riddles are too complex for you at the moment. You’re losing your sanity as we speak.”
You snap, feigning anger, “No! I-“ His lips form a devilish smile, “Oh but you are, love.” You clutch your head and groan, “No, no, no-“ you let out a frustrated yelp, and you gaze into his eyes widely, “Please, just let me down!”
Beomgyu regards you for a long time before finally stepping forward. He reaches into his pocket pulling out a handkerchief, a flower, a broken pocket watch and then he scoffs in irritation. “Nothing to cut you down with.”
You gaze at the fractured glass of the pocket watch on the grass . How curious that he still had such an item with him. He grabs a knife and walks over beginning to slice at the rope around your ankles, “Do cover your head, don’t want you knocking what’s left of your sanity right out of you upon impact now, do we?”
It had worked! How odd…he caved in quicker than expected. You yelp as you feel yourself fall into a crumpled heap on the ground. The urge to vomit surfaces from the sheer blood rushing back to where it’s supposed to be. God…you felt awful.
You sit up groaning, hair disheveled and panting for breath. Beomgyu crouches tossing the knife aside and grabs your jaw tilting your head upwards, “You’re certainly something, y’know that?” His eyes scan down your flushed face and he smirks amused by your state, his thumb tugs at your lower lip, “Such a pretty thing. I almost feel bad. But if it means you can see things from my point of you, then I’m indeed happy to enable your insanity. Because what I’m doing, what you’re experiencing,” he leans closer; his sweet breath caresses your cheeks, “is your mind being freed. Sanity is the chain which holds you down, but madness, insanity, it opens your mind. You might be feared, marginalised but they don’t know how we think. They fear the unknown, what we’re capable of.”
You gaze into his eyes. God, that face. The type of face you’d believe anything that’d come out of his sinful lips. He whispers, “With every moment, everything you do, it just feels intoxicating. You so…unpredictable, so…thrilling. I love it. I love everything about you so far.” The words send a dark unease through you.
You question, voice just above a whisper, “Tell me, why did you kill time? It’s because you fear the passage of it. The passage of time means you’ll eventually be forgotten.” Beomgyu’s fingers dig into your jaw and his eyes darken, “You don’t get it. Being forgotten- ah, ha,” he brokenly muses, “No, no, no, you don’t understand it like I do.”
You murmur softly, placing your hand timidly atop his, “Then explain it to me.” His eyes widen bizarrely by your sudden compassion, “What are you up to?” You muse, “You don’t trust me?”
His eyes narrow and you see his lips twitching trying to refrain from smiling, “I don’t. But I want to.”
“I won’t leave,” you murmur and add on, “Not like I can. Even if I did, I’d be stuck in this godforsaken loop, that you so, kindly won’t tell me how to break,” you emphasise and he snorts, “Oh I genuinely don’t know. Even I can’t break it. As I said, it’s part of my punishment. As long as I exist, it will exist also.”
You hum, “If you cease to exist?” His eyes widen panicked, “No- no that can’t be. I can never die in this realm. Time has to pass for that.” Time to throw a wrench into his philosophy.
With a small smile, you utter, “You don’t exist outside of Wonderland.” His gaze snaps to yours, “What?”
“No one knows you outside of this world,” you say bleakly. Your hand tightens across his. You had to make him break down, had to keep him distracted until you could think of something more concrete.
“That’s…preposterous,” he stammers, “Even if I don’t technically exist there, I still exist here. I’m still alive.” You murmur, “That girl who once escaped, surpassed the loop, she must have forgotten you, no?”
You remember the caterpillar’s words. Only one of the many guests here had escaped Wonderland. That must be her!
Beomgyu rips his hand away roughly and his gaze darkens. Your notice his breathing become ragged and a mixture of anger and panic on his visage. Beomgyu trembles, “Stop it- don’t remind me of such nonsense! She…no. Forgotten me? I had almost driven her insane, there’s no way she could have forgotten me?”
You continue, “She’s escaped, living her normal life, what, perhaps years have passed in the real world? You think she’d remember you still? The older she gets the more you fade.”
With a shaky breath, you say, “Have you not considered, that by killing time, you’ve only inhibited your ability to progress, to remain relevant. What you’ve done, is confined yourself to the past.” Beomgyu’s eyes dart back and forth and he screams, “Stop, stop, stop!”
A manic chuckle emits from him, “I-I-I know what you’re doing Y/n. I know your little tricky mind game!” You shake your head, “I’m not playing any games. I’m saying my thoughts on our predicament,” you smile widely, “What’s wrong in that?” You inquire, “I’m right, aren’t I?”
Beomgyu yells infuriated, “No! No! No! You are not! Such insolence- I- how dare you?” It gives you a strange satisfaction to see him like this. Were you sick for enjoying tormenting his already fragile psyche like this? Maybe. Perhaps Wonderland had indeed taken its toll on you. So why were your lips itching to break into a delirious smile?
You catch a flicker of movement in the sky. The birds, you swear their wings flapped for a second. Your heart races - were you seeing things?
Beomgyu clutches his head distraught, “No, no, I killed time, time is only bound to make things worse! I’m not trapped in the past, I…I just want to preserve the moment. Don’t you get it? How don’t you get it?”
You peer at him with a grimace and he lets out an unhinged cackle dragging his hand down his face, “You’re looking at me like I’m mad? I am, I am?” He chortles to himself. “Oh…I’m a mess...”
Your eyes widen as you see the bunting move a little, the birds’ wings flap. Wait…did that mean time was passing? You glance back down at the deranged Hatter. Guilt and pleasure mix within you. His madness was the key to your escape. He had grown comfortable with his own twisted philosophy, and now that you were intentionally provoking him, provoking his conscience entirely, it seemed to mess with the loop.
With a smile, you bend down picking up the cracked pocket watch, “Why have this with you?”His eyes widen and he goes to snatch it before you place it behind your back, “For someone who doesn’t care much about time, you have something like this.”
“Don’t test me, love,” he grits out standing. You attempt to compose yourself and keep your fear in check as you inhale, “Does the truth hurt? The fact that you’ve trapped yourself in this bubble of time. Whilst everyone outside forgets about you? After I escape, don’t you want me to remember you, Beomgyu?”
Beomgyu marches forward, his hand flies to your throat as he slams you against the tree. The bark digs into your back and you grimace as his fingers dig into your neck. The broken pocket watch slips out of your fingers.
He clicks his tongue rapidly in annoyance as he snarls, “You sly vixen, you think you can just talk your way out of this? You don’t know anything about me! You don’t know anything at all! It seems you’ve truly gone bonkers!” Choked gasps and splutters leave your lips as you try to pry his hand off.
Your eyes flutter up and you can’t help but smile stupidly at the sight, the birds were moving, flapping away. This so-called punishment given by time was intrinsically linked to his mind and consciousness. No wonder he was as mad as he was.
Beomgyu’s eyes widen dumbfounded by the sight of you smiling as he chokes you out. The stagnant air seems to dissipate around him, the scent of nostalgia dissipates and he feels the brush of a hefty breeze against his skin for the first time in a long time.
Beomgyu tugs you forward, his face inches from yours as he seethes, “What? What are you grinning about?” You rasp out, “T-Time,” you cough, “is…moving.”
His hand immediately lets you go as you collapse, gasping for air. He looks up, where were the same three birds which hovered in the air? Why were the clouds moving so jaggedly, almost buffering?
Panic fills Beomgyu’s system as he stumbles back at the horrific sight. Time will always continue. After all, time makes everyone his fool. And now, the biggest fool of them all, was Beomgyu. The Mad Hatter.
A distraught and strangled laugh escapes Beomgyu’s throat as he peers at the livelier environment. Trees rustling, the sunlight glimmering. Tears drip down his face as he laughs, “I have not killed time, but time has killed me! How funny! Is that not hilarious?”
His head snaps to you as he cackles, “Laugh! Laugh, laugh, laugh it up! I’ve been the fool all along? Who was I to think I could outsmart time itself when it was in fact time who kept me trapped in my own consciousness, to be a fool who was but a mere memory!”
You gaze at the Hatter who had been shattered beyond recognition. His chronic phobia of the passage of time had seemed to overtake any remaining sense of rationale. With a cautious step back, you peer at the forest at the horizon. You just needed to slip away now…
Beomgyu beams brightly as sparkling tears run down his cheeks, “Oh, you…you, you. Never before have I seen such cunning, such a pretty face,” he coos before growling, “But twisted mind.”
Beomgyu steps forward, “How does it feel to have broken the Hatter? Huh? Huh? Not only have I been shattered once, but now twice?” He bursts out into another fit of laughter before his crazed eyes gaze lands upon you once more, “That smile on your face… you liked it. You like seeing me suffer, you’re just as depraved as we all are here in Wonderland.”
Your heart drops; no. You…,couldn’t be. Depraved? You wouldn’t go so far to be depraved- okay, perhaps you were enjoying tormenting him a little but that’s just because you were getting closer to a way out- you weren’t twisted or sadistic?
He breathlessly chuckles stepping forward, wiping away his continuous tears, “You’re singlehandedly the most twisted guest I’ve ever received.”
Fuck. You were so close. You step back timidly; you catch him looking at your feet and he runs his hands through his ebony locks, smiling widely to himself, “Oh, look at you, look. at. you.” He muses, closing his eyes as if trying calm his rage, “Get out.”
Your body stiffens at his words. Did you mishear him? “What?” You ask, quivering.
Beomgyu drags a hand down his face as he looks down, strands falling over his eyes dangerously, “Get out of my sight, before I make your pretty little head a cake topper for my next tea party.”
You take another step back, and another one. A few more. Finally, you turn around and break out into a sprint, you even glance behind you only to see him standing completely still - his chilling gaze burning into your back with a clear message:
With that, you look ahead and run, run and run like your life depends on it toward the eerie forest on the horizon. The sun begins to set once more and the entire place seems to wane, stretch, move and distort, with a new breath of life. A delirious laugh escapes your lips as you run along the decrepit path, wind whips past your face in which you relish immensely.
The Cheshire Cat…what would you face next? Your hands itch, at the rate you were going, you feel like you could…ki-no. No. Compose yourself Y/n. You just wanted to go home. Was that…so hard? No damn cat was going to stop you.
You’d do anything.
Anything to leave. Anything.
As you disappear from his line of sight, a smile laces Beomgyu’s lips and a breathy chuckle emits from him. His knees buckle and he clutches his pounding, overwhelmed head. His brain was truly scattered, broken into mere smithereens.
If you do get past the Cheshire Cat, by which you will, he knows it. That bastard of a cat, will most definitely let you go.
Whilst he may have lost to time, there’s one ounce of peace and one absolute truth that makes him grin so hard that his cheeks hurt.
He’ll never forget you.
And he has a feeling, most importantly, you won’t forget him either.
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Dirty Work 55
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: me very tired.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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As Frigga steers through Loki’s gate, you feel a wave roll over you. Something close to deja vu, edging on dread. It's nice to get out, if only for a few hours, and even if the reason was not entirely enjoyable. You're run ragged after a day of looking through swatches, samples, and the like. 
You can’t explain what it is. This place was once just a check on a list; you worked there. Then it became your prison. Now... now the rest of your life is within those walls. Strange. The girl who walked through that back door would not have ever expected all this. 
“You alright, dear?” Frigga frightens you as she touches your hand. 
The engine is off as the car is parked neatly alongside Loki’s. You blink and nod, “tired.” 
“Ah, yes, these last few weeks, this day alone,” she trills as she pats your hand, “you deserve rest, darling. I will be sure my son allows you some.” 
She smiles and you do your best to return the gesture. You unbuckle the seat belt and get out. Frigga catches you before you can head for the front door. She reminds you of the paper bag of goodies she insisted upon. A dress for the engagement party, shoes, and handbag she was particularly fond of. 
You peer up at the house as she locks the car with a beep. You see the curtain upstairs stirring and a tremor plucks in your chest. As you approach the front door, letting Frigga take the lead, you are unsurprised by Loki’s appearance. Has he been so impatient for your return? 
“Mother,” he stops himself before he can elbow past her, “you’re back.” 
He kisses her cheek as she touches his chest sweetly, “Loki, please, we’ve only just returned.” 
“Yes, yes, I was only... I heard the motor and I thought I might come out to see you in.” 
“I’m sure you are only being the gentleman I raised,” she mocks, “but by god, you must give the woman some space. Let her breathe before you smother her once more. You will be married soon and have all your entire life to do so.” 
“Mother,” he girds abashedly. “I did have something pertinent to speak of with my fiancee. I don’t appreciate the insinuation. Darling,” he faces you as you linger behind Frigga, just at the bottom of the steps, “when you are ready, I would speak to you in my office. Of course, I will allow you to settle in,” he sends his mother a trite look, “I can wait, never you mind me. I am not... not mad.” 
Frigga chuckles, “oh, Loki, you are silly. Dear, come along. We will have some tea. I’d like to try these macarons and I think they’d pair well with some darjeeling,” she trills, “you are welcome to sample some as well.” 
Her son steps back and crosses his arms, “no, mother, I’m not of the mood,” he drops his arms and turns, pulling open the door, “please.” 
You trail after Frigga, coming up the steps as Loki offers his free hand. You take it as your heel knocks off the stair. He squeezes and clings before finally letting you go. 
“I might take your bag,” he offers as he follows you within. 
“You will not,” Frigga insists without looking back as she struts forward, “you won’t spoil the surprise. Go and wait in your office then, or find your father and trouble him.” 
Loki sighs but does not argue. As you flit after the confident matriarch, his soles scuff towards the stairs. It might be amusing to see him so pressed but you worry it will fall back on you. His frustration is palpable and leaves a gloom in his wake. 
Frigga puts on the kettle and fleetly moves around the kitchen. You set the bag on the marble counter top and offer help. She declines as she sets out a pot and two teacups with saucers. She sifts around in her own bag and pulls out the box of macarons. 
“Do you see it, dear? My son is like a hummingbird. He cannot stay still,” she snickers, “all for you. You see? I am never wrong about my sons...” her words hang in the air and her face falls, “well, mostly.” She frowns and thins her lips. “Pardon, I... I...” her lip trembles and she watches her hands as she counts out tea bags for the pot. You’ve never seen her falter but in that moment, she looks almost terrified. 
You know why. It is the elephant in the room. The large man looming over you all, just like he did on Walpurgisnacht. You come up to the other side of the island and watch her. 
“It isn’t your fault what he did,” you say quietly, voice cracking as the memory flickers in your mind. 
“Dear, please, I don’t want to upset you--” 
“I...” you begin and weigh your words with the rush of emotions swirling in your stomach, “please. He won’t speak of it. At all.” Her green eyes flick up and meet yours, the lines in her forehead deepening as her cheeks pinch, “but if... if it upsets you then you don’t need to either.” 
Her lips purse then slacken and she exhales, “it isn’t about me. I am... trying to understand what happened. I... they are both my sons but I didn't... how could I know?” 
“He did it, not you,” you reach up to touch your nose, still set and tender, “I’m... getting better.” 
Her eyes glisten and she looks down, hands shaking as the lid of the pot clinks loudly against the body. She swallows and shoves aside the pot and balances the lid on it. She brings her hands together, weaving her long fingers through each other. 
“What did he do?” She asks in a whisper. 
“Frigga, I don’t want to say it all." 
“I need to know. Dear. All I saw was Loki, angry, he was yelling and he... both my boys, bloodied and about to do worse to each other, and then you both were gone. I don’t know everything but I know it is bad and I am so sorry,” she looks at you and dabs the brims of her eyes with her knuckles, “I see he’s hurt you. It is all over you.” 
You cross your arms and look down at yourself. The cuts on your arms and legs are scabbed still and the bruises are no longer swollen but still noticeable in some lights. You push your shoulders up. 
“If Loki cannot listen, I will,” she says and the kettle clicks, “and what better way to do so than over tea.” 
You’re quiet as she turns to take the kettle. She pours the steaming water into the teapot. You go to the fridge and take out the milk. You find a small milk pot and fill it. You put it on a tray wit the sugar dish and small spoons. Frigga adds the pot and cups. 
She stops you as you come close, her hand on your arm, “you can tell me. I should know. Truly, it wouldn’t be fair for me to live in ignorance as you suffer.” 
You look down and your eyes sting. Your cheeks tighten and your throat aches. You raise your head again, “Loki saved me. That’s what happened. Thor hurt me but not that bad. Not as bad as he meant to because Loki was there.” You tear your eyes away and stare at the wall, “I’m not afraid of Thor but Loki is and that scares me.” 
She hums and rubs your shoulder, “you are brave, dear.” She kisses your forehead and draws you into a hug, “should my other son ever hurt you so bad, well, I will string him up myself.” 
Frigga goes off to find Odin, leaving you to a rare moment of solace. Funny. Before, you spent so much time alone and now you can hardly get a second to yourself. You linger in the kitchen, reluctant to break the serenity. You know you must. It is best to go to Loki before he comes to find you. 
You make the long descent up the stairs and shuffle down to his office door. Another reminder of how much changed so quickly. Everything has been cast in a new light since Walpurgisnacht, though it isn’t the renewal promised by so many. 
You knock and wait for an answer. You have that little time to prepare yourself for Loki. The door opens before you’re ready. You don’t know that you ever can be. 
“Ah, there you are,” he sounds relieved, “I thought my father was back to berate me once more.” 
“Berate you?” You wonder. 
“Ah, he always has some gripe for me. Second son, second best,” he shrugs, “come, come, I’ve been waiting. Very long, mind you, so don’t forget...” 
He leans in and it takes you a moment to catch his meaning. You kiss him as his fingers flutter down your arm and he takes your hand. He draws you into the study and shuts the door. You let him guide you across to the desk, too worn out to resist.  
Your conversation with Frigga needles in the back of your mind. You feel lighter for saying it all aloud and yet it is Loki you wish to hear it. You resign yourself to disappointment. You suppose marriage entails a lot of that. 
He stops you before his desk and lets go of you, raising his hands to frame you, “stay there.” 
You obey easily. You don’t have the energy to do more than go along. He rounds to the other side and sits in the leather chair. He opens the top drawer and grumbles at himself. He is almost jittering as he pulls open the next. 
You look at him. The faded bruises, his discoloured knuckles, and the small scab at the corner of his lip. He is not healed either. Both of you are still so battered but neither of you can admit it.
“Ah, forgive me, my mind has been all over,” he declares as he reaches inside, “and yet I could think of nothing else.” He hesitates to reveal the contents, “pet, I’ve sat here for hours trying to decide. I’ve thought of you only and tried to make up my mind and I cannot. Then I saw what should be so plain. It isn’t my decision to make.” 
He pulls a shallow wooden case from with the drawer. The lid has a glass window that peers in on the sparkling contents. He turns it towards you, setting it down on the leather desk pad delicately.
You stare down as he undoes the clasp and opens it, baring completely the rows of bands and gems set upon velvet cushion. There are at least thirty rings firmly placed into the slots, glinting in the light; silver and gold, ruby, sapphire, and diamond. You blink then look at him. 
“I must apologise once more. I should never have gotten on my knee without a ring,” his fingers twiddle along the sides of the case, “so you may have your pick.” 
You glance down again, awestruck at the array of jewels and metals. You shake your head and clutch your hands in front of your chest, “I don’t... I can’t...” 
“Of course you can,” he insists. “I’ve acquired these through my work. All antique, all one of a kind. They sit in this box and for what? So go and choose.” 
You stand and stare. You’re silent. It’s all so much. They are all so beautiful and you don’t deserve any of them. They are too much for just you. 
“Pet,” he breathes and sits back, retracting his hands from the case, “I’ve... what’ve I done wrong?” 
“What?” You bat your lashes, “nothing. Nothing, I’m only... surprised. I never expected... to have a ring. From anyone.” 
“Not least of all me, I know,” he utters, forlorn, “I know I've made many mistakes. Many. Now I am trying to do something right.” 
“It’s very sweet,” you gulp as you resists a hot haze of tears. It’s overwhelming. “Can I think?” 
“Yes, please, take your time,” he flutters his fingers and crosses one arm over his middle, “look as you will.” 
“Right, er...” you step closer and hug yourself.  
You lean over the desk. It takes a few minutes to focus and actually look at the rings. To delineate between this one and that. They are all beautiful but to you, one stands out especially. You bring a hand up then close your fingers. 
“May I?” You peer up at Loki. 
“Yes, do,” he sits forward slightly, curious as your eyes fall back to the case. 
It’s much simpler than the rest. The band is slim with fine patterning along the gold. The little metal claws hold in place a single pearl; shining white. You wiggle it free carefully and squint at it as you take in every detail. 
“Try it,” he goads. 
You turn it and line your finger up. You hold your breath as you slip it on. It fits snug at the base of your finger. You keep your grasp around it for a second before you finally reveal it. You examine it as you sense Loki lean further forward. 
“Might I see?” He asks. 
You extend your hand to show him. 
“It fits?” He wonders. 
“I think,” you answer. 
He nods, “would you like to try any others?” 
“No, I like it,” you say and tilt your hand to get a better look. 
“Pearl, simple, classic,” he intones, “that one I believe is from the Georgian Era. Some earl’s wife was gifted it by King George IV. So it is said. The age of the pearl is confirmed, however, one can never verify hearsay.” 
“Wow, that’s... old?” You remark, feeling a bit dumb. 
“More than two centuries,” he closes the lid and stands, “you will let me know if it requires a proper fitting. I should hate for it to slip off.” 
“I... It is expensive, should I--” You go to take it off. 
“It is yours, pet. I wouldn’t ask it back. Ever.” You watch him clasp the box shut and he stands straight, watching you across the desk, “that is for the engagement. For the wedding, we will have matching bands.” 
“Thank you, it’s...” you look at the ring again, “it’s beautiful.” 
“Mm, beautiful enough that I might have a kiss?” He wonders as he slithers around the desk, “I have been patient for you, darling.” 
You lower your hand as he approaches and face him. You nod and as he grasps your shoulders tight, his long fingers curling into you. He’s so intent, you don’t think you could stop him regardless. His leans in and crushes his lips to yours, purring as his tongue flicks across your mouth. You let him in. You feel as if you owe it to him after all that. 
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endomentendo · 3 months
Welcome my sluggers 🐌
Digital wonderland
📝 Commissions: closed for now
💰 -You can support, commission, or request on KOFI. Every penny helps.
Join the mad tea party!!
¿Get to know me:¿
Who/what are you?: I am just a goober, a dumb goober who likes to draw and who wants to stay as an enigma.
what tools do you use?: I mainly use procreate on an iPad, I use the narinder brush for inking and sketching.
What’s your interest?:
The Magnus archives
Alice in wonderland
platonic or romantic fictional relationships
Old times stuff
Animation/storyboard/concept art/ect.
4. What are your restrictions?: Not much besides the obvious.
I won’t tolerate any harassment toward anyone, friends, or myself. I won’t answer any asks I don’t have an answer to, or if they’re spammed non stop.
I don’t take requests, unless it’s directly from KOFI: only costs five dollars.
please know I’m very slow minded, but feel free to make fun of me.
If you reached this far, know that my tumblr is a safe place to love yourself. You’re an amazing person I know you can be. Grow, learn, and love. Strive for your passion and take life by the reigns. Get at it and give yourself a warm hug, cause darn it, you deserve it! ❤️
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thegamingcatmom · 28 days
Finished Donna´s section earlier (again) and it got me thinking (again).
In other words: Have this lil Donna rant under the cut because our spooky baby deserves some love and attention too.
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(Yknow, sometimes I forget that Angie isn´t a mere extension of Donna. She is Donna.)
Whereas the other Lords rely on their physical powers to cause damage and destruction, Donna just fucks with your mind.
...I say "just" because I feel like some people truly don´t realize that your mind can become your greatest enemy. Anything physical pales in comparison. And yet-
It seems to me that she´s considered the least threatening of the Lords BECAUSE she doesn´t rely on anything physical. The fact her domain strips you of all your weapons (which is very likely another mind trick) just adds to the whole feeling of "oh? no fighting today? it´s gonna be that easy?"
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She drugs you before you even enter her house and uses the memories of your loved ones to taunt you. Remember what she did to her gardener? Instructing him to plant the Mold-infected flowers so she would be able to lure him to her estate with promises of seeing his dead wife again?
Now, I don´t believe Donna´s intentions were actually evil at any moment in time, but that´s exactly the point: She´s mental. Literally. She´s so desperate for people to stay with her that she drugs them into obedience which will ultimately lead to their downfall. It´s the only way to make them stay with her permanently.
That´s a whole different level of fucked up.
Then you enter her house and all that greets you is deafening silence. That alone fucks with you because you expect...something to happen at any moment. Every corner becomes a nightmare to round, every hallway seems to stretch on for eternity. But still-
...Nothing happens.
And yet-
You can´t shake the feeling of hollow eyes watching your every move.
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You have long since become a puppet, and Donna´s pulling the strings.
She then proceeds to use nightmarish versions of your loved ones to drive you mad, to the point you can´t distinguish between illusion and reality. Sometimes, those illusions become so powerful that they threaten to swallow you whole - anything to ensure you won´t escape her grasp...
Like the Duke said:
None of her playmates have ever left her house.
She even admits to it before the boss fight:
"Don´t leave...I can´t let you..."
My deranged ass: "I won´t babe I luv u babe whatever u want babe."
But yknow what really melts my brain?
Out of all the antagonists Resi Village features, Donna is probably the most relatable because she embodies all those things you actually need to be wary of in life:
psychological manipulation
If you still believe Donna Beneviento isn´t one to be feared, then sorry to tell you this, but-
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(For the record: Yall are most welcome to have tea parties with Donna. Totally fine. To each their own. But don´t say I didn´t warn ya. I´ll bring the biscuits.)
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Creep Reader surviving in an Invader Zim/Grim Adventures est town and the Yan entities that center around them. Once every few months a group of humans are moved overnight into a cozy new home in a friendly new town. With no way out of the fog that surrounds it, the humans are either forced to adapt to their new lives and rolls given to them - or face the consequences and creatures that lure in the shadows. Most succumb to the madness or live in the terror of the unknown - Creep Reader is trying to figure out where to put the new chair made out of human spines their neighbor gave them and having a tea party with their neighbor who thinks she's a real life barbie doll and has a closet full of funky smelling human sized dolls she refers to as past lovers
The horrors find a gore obsessed, desensitized human an absolute treasure and work in their favor. Creep Reader's roll is eventually swapped from underpaid worker to mayor and invited to executions daily like a celebrity getting an invite to fans birthday parties. It gets a little repetitive to have to welcome the new bus full of screaming and crying residents, but they're quite happy with their new life
Creep Reader: Hey so- welcome to the town. Please try not to yell or anything or- [immediately gets cut off by a sobbing resident who then picked up by a giant praying mantis in a suit and carried off into the night]
Creep Reader: ....As I was saying - please try not to raise your voices as my giant praying mantis assistant takes all volumes above what I'm at now as a threat toward me
[A group of slashers sit at a slumber party, watching the spilling blood of the last victim they slaughtered forms into the first lettor of your name]
Yan Slasher #1: Oooooo, someone has a crush on The Mayor~
Yan Slasher #2, blushing: Nuh uh
Yan Slasher #1: Uh huh
Yan Slasher #2, throwing their knife at a body crawling towards the door: Nuh uh
[During a meeting with the new residents the mailman comes crawling through the third story window carries two packages]
Mailman: you can't escape what's delivered to you....
[In the resident's box is a single bullet - one that wad removed from their heart eight years ago as a police chief. They run outside only to be gunned down immediately. Reader opens their to find a teddy bear and a cake saying "Happy Birthday." The mailman turns them to face the window where the same message is written in the recently deceased blood]
Creep Reader: Aw thats so sweet.
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anti-romantico · 8 months
[casuality] enhypen heeseung
warnings: mentions of alcohol, unprotected sex, fingering, blowjob, cum swallowing, idk what else lmao
words: 3536
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After a rough week of finals, you thought you finally were going to go home and enjoy your mom’s delicious food. Well, that was the plan until your brother called to tell you they weren’t going to be home. 
— Are you sure you don’t want to come with me? You know mom loves you. — Sunwoo said, not wanting to get his backpack in his car.
— Leave, it’s not like I’ll be the only person on campus. — You pulled him for a hug and breath. — Go before I regret saying no.
Sunwoo gave you a kiss on the top of your head and got in the car. You watched him disappear and finally went back to your dorm. There were more people than you thought.
— [Y/N]! — A very familiar voice called you.
— Heeseung, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to spend your vacations with your girl. — You didn’t know much about his love life, but the whole campus knew about their relationship.
— Yeah, I don’t think I’m welcome in her house again. — He nervously scratched the back of his head.
— Please don’t tell me… — He nodded before you could finish the question. — Damn, I don’t know if I should say sorry.
— As if I didn’t know you never liked her. — He crossed his arms, starting to walk with you.
— But she was your girlfriend. — You looked at him from time to time.
— And I’m the one that called it quits. — You nodded and bit your lower lip. — What about you? You always go to your mom’s.
— My brother got reservations somewhere and took my mom with him. And I’m not mad about it, but I wished he would’ve called me before so I could make plans. 
— Well, if you're still looking for a plan and want some company, you can call me.
You stopped abruptly, making him frown. — You sound just fine for someone that just ended their long-term relationship. 
— I'm not saying I'm fine, but it was something that had to happen sooner or later. I preferred sooner.
— And are you sure you want me as your company this winter break? 
He shrugged and nodded. — We haven't talked in months. Pretty sure our last encounter was at that frat party. Why not?
— Fine, but if you need to be alone just tell me. 
The first week went smoothly, ordering take-out with other classmates and eating outside. There were still some security staff around, but they never seemed to be bothered by the constant yelling and loud music coming from some dorms.
In the second week, Yeji sneaked in alcohol and invited her close friends to her dorm. She was alone in her room, and even though there wasn't much space, 6 people fit in it.
— How did you sneak this? — You asked Yeji, she giggled.
— The security staff stopped checking our food after the second day, I just risked it and sent my cousin a message. It was easier than I expected.
Heeseung was sitting on a bed beside you, sipping on his plastic cup filled with tequila and soda. 
— Should we play truth or dare or Heeseung is going to tell us what's the tea between him and Yuri? — Jake asked, earning a slap on the head from you.
— How do you even know something happened? — Heeseung asked, finishing his drink.
— She made a whole ass announcement influencer-style on instagram about your now “complicated” relationship. — Yeji answered.
— She called it complicated? — Yeji nodded. — Well, far from being complicated; I broke up with her. 
Everyone, except you, yelled at him, almost spilling their drinks.
— I thought you were going to get married! — Yuna placed her hand over her chest, feeling her heart beating fast. 
— Let's not overreact, everyone knew we had problems. 
— But you lasted, what?, 2 years? That's how long my parents dated before getting married. — Jay said, standing up from the floor and pouring a new drink for himself.
— Well, it's over. Now let's change topics.
— We can still play truth or dare. The only rule is not to go outside this building for the dares. — Yeji offered. Everyone agreed and sat down on the floor. Jay grabbed the only empty bottle and spinned it in the middle of the circle. It landed on Yuna.
— I knew it. Truth. — She brushed her hair with her fingers, moving it to one side.
— What happened with the blind date your mom set you? — You asked, making everyone laugh.
— Ugh, you know who appeared in the door of that expensive restaurant? Her neighbor’s son! The guy she never stopped talking about every time I visited her. I told him I wasn't interested, but at least we had a nice dinner. My mom didn't talk to me for a whole week when I told her she should stop.
— What was wrong with him? — Jake asked, grabbing the bottle.
— Aside from being a hardcore gamer? You can guess. 
— And he paid for the dinner? — You asked.
— I wish. He used his mom's money. I thanked her for the dinner, actually. 
Jake spinned the bottle and this time it landed on Jay. Jake smirked.
— I know that face, dare.
— I dare you to finish your drink in 15 seconds.
— You're an asshole, man! — Jay said laughing. 
Everyone started to count and cheered for him when he finished it even before the 15 seconds. 
— There must be water in the vending machine from the lobby. — Yeji said, feeling bad after watching Jay's reaction to the alcohol.
— I don't think he's going to make it to the hallway. I'll go. — You said, standing up.
— I'll go with you. We are all going to need water after finishing the alcohol. — Heeseung followed you behind, making everyone exchange glances.
Both got to the lobby and bought water for everyone. You weren't drunk, but your mind started to get dizzy. 
— Forget the water, if you want to sober up, go to the lobby and come back. — Heeseung said when you finally got to the room. Both were out of breath.
The game continued a few rounds before the dares started to escalate. Everyone ended up posting an instastory in someone's room without one piece of clothing. 
The bottle landed on Heeseung when Yuna spinned it.
— I don't have energy left to do another dare. Truth. — Heeseung said, laying his head on the bed that was behind him.
— Why did you break up with Yuri? 
Heeseung chuckled. — It took you this long? We just argued about the same topic over and over again, even after she said everything was clear, she kept bringing it up and I got tired. I was packing my things so we could go and she brought it up. It might be impulsive, but the moment she mentioned it I broke up with her. She didn't say anything, she just left. I guess that's why she's calling it a “complicated relationship”. 
— And what are you going to do when winter break ends? — Jay asked and he was about to grab the bottle, but Yeji beat him. — Hey! 
— Ignore her. I don't have anything to do with her. She can keep my hoodies. The less I'm in the same space as her, the better. 
You stood and ran to the bathroom, ignoring everyone's protests. When you were back, the bottle was pointing at your empty place.
— Right, what a coincidence. — You sat down and sighed. — Truth.
— Answer yes or no. — Yeji explained and you nodded. — Is it true that Hesseung's ex and you had a physical fight? 
— No! God, that rumor is so old and she started it. 
— Seriously? — Heeseung asked. 
— What happened was that she didn't like me being close to you and tried to threaten me. I told her she was being pathetic and she cried. That's all. 
— Boring. — Yuna said under her breath.
— As if I'm the kind of person to be violent with others. Can't believe y'all believed her.
— I didn't. — Jake said, earning a couple of pats on his head from you.
Jay yawned, causing almost everyone to also do it.
— How about we sleep for a while and then have dinner? — Yuna said, stretching her body.
— Please! I'm exhausted. — You said, laying your head on Heeseung’s shoulder. 
Jay helped Yeji to hide the rest of the alcohol and the empty bottles while everyone went to their dorms. You went to Heeseung's since it was the closest one.
— Do you have something I can wear to sleep in? I don’t like to sleep in the same clothes I had the whole day. — You said, walking in the room.
— I have some old pants and this shirt. — He took the clothes from his drawer, it wasn’t even packed.
— Were you going to get rid of it? — You grabbed it and placed it on the empty bed. He nodded. — Do you mind if I keep it?
— Sure. — He took a deep breath when you took your hoodie off. — I’ll change in the bathroom.
— Yup. — You didn’t notice how nervous he was. 
When you woke up, Heeseung wasn’t in the room, but the door was open. You thought he went to the bathroom when you heard him talk. He was just on the other side of the wall.
“I’m not judging the way you did it, that’s your problem, but I was clear when I said I was done with you”. He sounded mad. You just couldn’t stop yourself and stood up and walked quietly so he couldn’t hear you. “You were the one that decided to bring her up.” “I told you millions of times she was just a friend and even stopped talking to her when you told me she made you insecure”. What? “Because we were at the same party, I wasn't going to leave or ask her to leave”. “I’m enjoying my time without you just fine, Yuri”. “I’m not doing such a thing, and I don’t care if you make another statement to tell your followers we’re done”. “Well, that’s too bad because she’s also here”. “Goodbye, Yuri, don’t call me again”.
You didn’t find the strength to move from your place, so Heeseung found you the moment he walked in.
— What…
— Am I the reason you two broke up? — You didn’t know why it affected you, but it did.
— You weren’t supposed to hear that…
— Close the door next time, then. Now answer.
Heeseung tried to hold you, but you pushed his hands. — She started to feel insecure after spending too much time with this girl. She told her it was suspicious how “close” we were. She overanalyzed our interactions before she started asking every second of the day if I ever had feelings with you.
— Close? We only share classes. — You couldn't believe what he was telling you.
— She said her friend saw us being “clingy” at a party, but I honestly don't remember.
— You were too drunk, I was just making sure you didn't throw yourself to the pool. — You explained. Heeseung being in that state didn't even allow you to drink a single drop of alcohol, or anything. — I had to carry you, I guess her friend saw us hugging.
Heeseung threw his head back, not being able to remember anything. It was frustrating. — I'm sorry… god and after that I stopped talking to you.
— Well, at least now I know who started those rumors. — You tried to joke, but Heeseung didn’t laugh. — Let’s go for something to eat before going back with the rest. 
Heeseung sighed and nodded, following you around without saying a word. You wanted to cheer him up, but you knew it wouldn’t be easy. 
Once you were with your friends, they immediately knew something was wrong with him, but luckily didn’t make a comment about it. 
Alcohol made an act of presence once everyone was comfortable, drinks getting stronger and stronger. You weren't drunk, but you weren't sober. Heeseung at your side was laughing at Jake making a weird dance as a dare. He spinned the bottle again, landing on you. 
— Well, about time. — He teasingly said.
— As if you know what I'm going to choose. — You said, finishing your drink. 
— Oh come on, don't be boring, we’re all having fun. — Heeseung exclaimed. 
You laughed. — Fine! Dare.
Jake made an expression of thinking, but you knew he already had your dare in mind. — We all are gonna close our eyes and you are going to give a small kiss on the lips to whoever you want.
— It’s ok, babe, you can give us the kiss to get away with it. — Yeji said, hugging Yuna from the neck, making her whine when she pulled her close.
— Nah nah nah, she has to be honest. C’mon, no one’s going to watch. No cheating. — Jake said as he covered his eyes with his hands.
— Whoever cheats has to run around the building naked. — Yuna said, imitating Jake.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of all of your friends with their eyes covered, Heeseung included. You didn’t think about it for too long, knowing perfectly at least one was going to check what was taking you so long. You leaned towards Heeseung, moving his hands apart from his face. He smirked when he saw you so close. None of you said anything, you gave him a small kiss and he went back to cover his face.
— It’s done. — You said.
Jake bit his lower lip and leaned his body. — How was it, Hee? — Heeseung didn’t answer, he just chugged his drink, lifting one eyebrow.
After a few minutes, the bottle landed on Heeseung, Yeji speaking up before anyone else. — I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven in Yuna's room with whoever you want.
— Nice, let’s go. — Jay joked, standing with Heeseung who only pushed him aside. 
— You wish, man. — Heeseung extended his hand towards you, causing a howling mess in the room. 
You laughed so loud and still grabbed his hand, letting him guide you to Yuna’s room. 
The air changed the moment you closed the door. Heeseung gently pushed you against the door, caressing your cheek. 
— Do you think they’ll come to check us in 7 minutes? — He asked, slightly brushing his lips with yours.
— We both know they won’t. — You whispered and locked the door. — But just in case.
Heeseung nodded and finally kissed you. Hard, immediately sucking on your tongue and squeezing your butt. You didn’t know how, but both were on the floor, him over you, still hungrily kissing. He was trying to get you naked so you let him. His hands were all over you and you were really getting into it when he pushed you down on your stomach and pulled your shorts off.
He took his time pulling your panties off too and then you felt his hand between your legs. You were wet already from him kissing you and he knew it. He rubbed his fingers up and down your pussy a few times before he slipped them inside you. It felt really good, making you moan. 
He slid his fingers out of you and put them in your mouth. — Taste yourself. — He said.
You sucked on his fingers and tasted your own juices. He did this again and you sucked each finger clean. You looked up at him and smiled.
Heeseung kissed you hard and put his tongue in your mouth. You couldn't believe how hot this made you feel. You wanted to touch him and kiss him more. He pulled his shirt off and threw it across the room. Then he unbuckled his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. You stared at his dick for a minute. It was beautiful and big. You reached out and touched it, wrapping your hand around it and stroked it slowly. Heeseung groaned and leaned forward, taking your head in his hands. He kissed you harder and you ran my tongue over his lips. You wanted to taste his cock.
You kissed down his neck and chest and then you opened your mouth and wrapped your lips around the tip of his dick. He gasped and you closed my eyes and sucked on him. You swirled your tongue around the tip and then took as much of him as you could in your mouth. He tasted so good. 
You started moving your mouth up and down his shaft, making sure to slightly moan when you felt him touch your throat.
He moaned — Take it all, baby, I know you can do it. — You did as he told and then moved your head up and down faster. 
You could hear him breathing hard and you loved that sound. You kept sucking him and he kept thrusting into your mouth. You felt his body tense and then he shot his load in your mouth. You swallowed it all and kept sucking him until he pulled away. 
You sat up and wiped your mouth. He pulled your face again and kissed you, sucking in on your tongue as if he wanted to taste his own cum. 
You gently pushed his chest so he could sit down on the floor and you straddled him. You rubbed your pussy against his dick and he groaned. Lowering yourself onto him, you felt so full, he was so thick. 
Heeseung held your hips and you started to ride him. He put his arms under your thighs and held you still while you fucked him. You rode him fast and hard and then slowed down and picked up the pace again.
You felt so close to coming you didn't want to stop. You bounced up and down on him and then he grabbed your hips and held you. He kissed you and then he pushed you down to the floor and started fucking you, much harder that before. You came so hard and he kept going until he came inside you.
Heeseung collapsed on top of you and you just stayed there like that for a while. You were both breathing hard and covered in sweat.
He kissed you and then rolled off of you, laying next to you on the floor. You lay there like that for a long time and then he kissed you again. You could feel his dick getting hard again and you knew he wanted more. And so did you. You needed him more. 
You got on your knees and took his dick back in your mouth.
— I love your mouth, baby. Fuck! — Heeseung groaned when you moaned around him and kept sucking.
You felt him push your head away so you pulled out and got in all four. He got behind you and rubbed his dick against your wet pussy and slid right in. 
He was so deep and you loved how full you felt. He started fucking you so hard and you were moaning loudly, combining to the skin slapping. 
He grabbed your hips and started thrusting harder and faster. You felt yourself getting closer to another orgasm and cried out. He kept fucking you and you came so hard feeling your juices running down your legs. He kept thrusting until he came too.
Your knees protested when you tried to stand up. Heeseung helped you, hugging you from behind and kissing your neck.
— Are you ok? — He said against your ear.
— Amazing. — Your voice came out so low, almost like a whisper, moving your head to give him more access to keep kissing you.
You sighed when you felt his teeth nibble your skin. — I promise next time we’ll be on a more comfortable surface. — He said, making you feel tingles on your stomach at the thought of this happening again.
— Do you want to go back there? — You asked once you had enough strength on your legs again, taking your clothes from the floor.
— I don’t know if I want to deal with the million questions they’ll make — Heeseung dressed up too. 
Once both were ready, you opened the door, you still needed to go to Yeji’s room to get your phone.
— Here. — Jay handed your phones, not letting you go in.
— Jay, c’mon, man, at least let us help to clean. — Heeseung said, grabbing the phones.
— We can handle it, don’t worry! — Yeji yelled from the inside of the room.
— Keep having fun! — This time it was Yuna who yelled. 
You laughed and pulled Heeseung’s shirt. There was no way in hell they'd let you in.
Back in Heeseung’s room, you finally laid down on the same bed, enjoying your time alone.
— So… — He asked, afraid of your answer.
— What? — Your head was over his chest, listening to his heartbeats.
— Does this mean something now?
You sat down and looked at him. — I don’t know, it’s you who just got out of a relationship. — You reminded him.
— Is it… bad? — Heeseung also sat down and held your hand. — Do you.. want something to happen between us? 
You glazed at your hands and then at him. — I don’t think I’d have fucked you if I didn’t.
Heeseung chuckled. — Maybe we can keep it on the low while I take you on dates and propose appropriately.
— What? You coming inside me wasn’t appropriate? 
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Even More DBD as Incorrect Quotes from a Random Generator
Charles: So like, how far do you think the distance is from that window to the ground? Edwin: Enough.
Crystal: I never said I was gonna get back together with them. But I was thinking, they're in town, would it be the worst thing in the world if I gave them a call? Jenny: No. No, Crystal, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. It would be the fourth worst thing. Number one: a super volcano. Number two: an asteroid hits the Earth. Number three: All the Evel Knievel movies are lost. Number four: Person F calls Person C. Number five: Niko gets eaten by a shark. Niko: I’m Niko, and I approve the order of that list.
Charles: Some people are like slinkies. Edwin: What? Charles: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs. Edwin: Edwin: Please don't push the Cat King down the stairs. Charles, pushing the Cat King down the stairs: Too late.
Crystal: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're impressed. Edwin: But you do know better.
Edwin: Ew. What kind of tea is this? Charles: I boiled gatorade.
Niko: Are you mad? Jenny: No. Niko: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Charles: What the fuck is with english teachers and being like; "write a story about a deep and personal memory that impacted your life". Ma'am, if I do that you're going to send me to the counselor's office.
Crystal and Charles: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?
Charles: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait. Edwin: You and me. Charles: *tearing up* Ok.
Crystal: Hey, can I get a sip of that water? Esther: It’s not water. Crystal: Vodka! I like your sty- Esther: It’s vinegar. Crystal: …What? Esther: It's vinegar, PUSSY.
Charles: Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
Edwin: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees? Crystal: Bees? Edwin: THEY HAVE SELECTED THE BEES! Crystal: Wait- *Charles approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
Jenny: What’s something you guys are better than Edwin at? Crystal: Mario Kart. Charles: Yeah, video games. Niko: Emotional vulnerability.
Charles: So apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually "Severe psychological distress."
Charles: You're a lying piece of shit! Crystal: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Edwin: I'm leaving and I'm taking Niko with me! Jenny, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
Charles: If you were to have sex with any insect scaled up to human size, what would it be? Jenny: What the hell is wrong with you?
Charles, about Edwin: I would never say that my partner is a bitch and I don’t don’t like them. That’s not true… My partner is a bitch and I like them so much!
Esther: *writing a letter* Esther: Dear Santa, I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty... And it was worth it you fat, judgemental bastard.
Charles: How do those little boys on XBOX parties always know what slur to call you? Crystal: They're empaths.
Charles: Mama. Just killed a man. Charles: Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead. Charles: MAMAAAAAAAA OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Edwin: What?! Let me hide the body, where is it? Is there anyone around that can hear us? Edwin: ...Are those song lyrics? Charles: Those are song lyrics.
Crystal: What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done? Edwin: *sighs* Edwin: I killed a man.
Edwin: Unfortunately, due to several experiences in my youth, I cannot just 'walk up and join a circle of people talking', but it does sound lovely, thank you.
Edwin: What's this? Charles, hugging Edwin: Affection! Edwin: Disgusting. Edwin: ...Do it again.
Edwin: If you've ever had a crush on me, god bless your poor, misguided heart.
Crystal: I'm gonna need a human skull but you can't ask why. Edwin: Only if you also don't ask why. Edwin: *pulls four pristine human skulls out of their bag* Crystal: ... Crystal, grabbing a skull: This one will do.
Niko: Source? Crystal: Divine intuition.
Crystal: Made you all playlists! Crystal: Jenny, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul. Crystal: Edwin, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression. Crystal: And Niko has the ABBA Gold album.
Charles, to Niko: You know, the Cat King can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching. Charles: *blows airhorn at the Cat King* GET FUCKED!
Niko: Croissants: dropped Charles: Road: works ahead Crystal: BBQ sauce: on my titties Monty: Shavacado: fre Jenny: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead Edwin: Edwin: ...I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
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helpfandom · 8 months
May I request BTAS Riddler and Mad Hatter (separate) with a platonic darling who is curious? Like they aren’t scared like other people are and instead observe them from afar. They aren’t afraid to ask questions and sometimes accidentally intrude on personal space a little.
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Riddler: Although most people simply walk past his riddle boxes, he noticed that you actually went to it, poking it and then grabbing it, sitting on a bench with it perched on top of your lap. Attempting to try and pry it open before grabbing it, flipping it around and managing to fix the puzzle open.
How was that possible? After all, you're simply a random person, and most Gothamites don't even have the courage to pick it up or notice it, much less attempt and manage to solve it. Walking towards his base, which was nearby where he had spotted you, he noticed that there was a second pair of footsteps behind him. Turning around, he noticed that there you were, trailing behind him, but unlike the other Gothamites who had followed him and ran away upon being found out, you walked over to him and started asking questions!
It was quite interesting seeing as you were excited to talk to him. Although he had to leave due to the Dark Knight, he noticed that you seemed a bit, disappointed?
As he learns more and more about you because of you simply coming up and talking to him, he gets the urge to protect you.
You're just a little kid, so unafraid of the world. "Wouldn't you like to see where I make my riddles?"
Mad Hatter:
He was outside in a garden [in the daytime, otherwise Batman would have caught him] drinking tea and simply enjoying himself when he could feel your eyes upon him. Searching around, he found you, and simply waved you over. It's not often that someone watches him, or goes up to him after being found out.
Taking the seat that Alice would have sat in, he notices how you seem so full of life, and so welcoming. Asking him questions, he slowly slips back into his mindset, and falling into calling you Alice and Bunny without meaning to.
He was of course, interested in what could be so intriguing about him, then going out more often in his outfit to try and see you again, beginning to need that rush he craved from being needed.
"You're so nice, Alice. Thank you for meeting me at the tea party!" You were so welcoming, and nice.
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utilitycaster · 11 months
Fighter Breakdown Tracker, episode 3x78
Welcome to what was originally an opportunity to talk about the myriad wizards (not Myriad wizards, a separate concept) of Campaign 2 that occasionally gets co-opted into other things when the thought arises. Anyway, obviously the main event was the Barbarian Breakdown and, relatedly, the Party Breakdown, due to their Communication Breakdown, giving Allura Vysoren specifically her 19th Nervous Breakdown, but I've already talked a lot about Ashton. How are the fighters doing?
As a reminder: characters are included on the basis of 1. are they a fighter, 2. are they remotely relevant to this campaign, and 3. do I have something funny to say about them. I cannot stress enough how important item 3 is in the decision process; do not make requests, my muse speaks to me and that is how the characters (and, to be honest, classes) are chosen.
Cassandra de Rolo: Yes! According to the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting (not reborn) she's multiclassed into fighter! Anyway that plan to go to the ziggurat went well, huh? totally normal and great. I like to think that due to her rogue levels she saw Fearne march down the ziggurat steps and just peaced out and has been chilling in Pike's little cabin ever since. 4/10: normal "is the world ending" concerns but otherwise she's having maybe the best day anyone on the Whitestone War Council can.
Jarett Howarth: he's specifically avoiding Bells Hells because motherfuckers keep teleporting from Marquet and not bringing any fusaka. This, plus normal "putting the Pale Guard on a war footing and also there's a really mad goat lady in the garden" bumps him up to a 6/10.
Orym: my serious thoughts about the space made for Chetney, FCG, and Imogen to step up aside I honestly think the semi-joking narrative of Orym going off in a huff and working out his feelings quite literally via the power of elaborate bodyweight calisthenics of the sort that grant you 20 Dex and 10 Str would be good for him. Allow yourself a little pettiness, Orym; it's good for the soul. 5/10 because I don't fucking know; we'll see next game.
Ariks Eshteross: I hope he's at peace and buried next to his love as requested; I still haven't gotten around to making those cookies actually and frankly I've had much more of an eye on the gunpowder tea shortbread. 0/10; I like to think he has found true rest.
Bertrand Bell: These motherfuckers have not visited the grave of their namesake at ALL. Traipsing around the Raven Queen's temple - literally everyone but Laudna and FCG has wandered over to that corner of the city - and NO ONE has taken a moment to pause and reflect. He died as he lived: everyone kind of setting him aside for more important matters except for followers of the Raven Queen. 8/10 because hopefully he was entertained by the raven show that got put on but also, come on man you couldn't stop by at all?
FRIDA: I have to imagine things in Vasselheim are wild and it's going to be missing FCG hours, but at least they're in great company! 5/10; they're a pretty even-keeled robot all things considered but the situation is pretty tense.
Otohan Thull: My sole regret about how great this episode is and the fact that we're dropping into the Fey Realm for a bit to have some much-needed time to regroup is that we are likely delaying their richly deserved demise. Anyway everyone's beloathed Palpatine knockoff is unfortunately super unflappable; another reason why they are boring as shit and why I very much want Bells Hells to make the bridge a little bit bloodier on the way up. 3/10.
Percival Friedrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III: Here's the thing. All things considered, his personal position is stressful, but not terrible. The ziggurat did not blow up; Gwen appears to either have not told him about her Delilah incident or did so in such a way that he didn't realize what was going on; he doesn't seem to have noticed the break-in into his parents' bedroom yet; Allura was reassuring re: Whitestone likely being safe (although...it's on a ley nexus so watch out!); and he got to deliver the line "ever since I met you, I knew you were destined for stupidity" which is actually how he specifically blows off steam. On the other hand, every single window in the castle has been destroyed, Allura had to leave, and I just checked and confirmed that Pike does not have the mending cantrip. Maybe one of the local clerics does? Maybe one of his kids does? Maybe Vilya or Ebenold does? Maybe Grog's in town and can be convinced that the role of the Grand Poobah etc etc is fixing windows? 6/10.
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cursedcupcakemaster · 7 months
Welcome to the bakery
Feel free to look around we have all sorts of dandy things to look at
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This is mostly an twisted wonderland,visual prison and Delicious in dungeon blog but if you have questions you can ask me
My only rules are if you have requests are
No incest, no r*pe, no smut, no p*d*hilia
Be polite, you're allowed to ask for
Candy violets(friendship)
Cotton Candy(fluff)
Poison apple pie(yandere)
Double Dutch Poison apple pie (yandere x yandere)
Mad Cap Tea (crackfic)
Cupcakes(sweethearts/x reader/oc)
Strawberry (Heartslabyul)
Lemon (savanaclaw)
Cinnamon (scarabia)
Root Beer Float (Fellow Honest)
Chocolate croissant (Rollo Flame)
Coffee (NRC Staff)
Spider Cider (Skully J. Graves)
Nightshade Tea (Antabellows)
Star candy Cream Soda(O☆Z)
Black Raspberry Macarons (Los✝️ Eden)
Pear mille feuille (Eclipse)
Laois party (deluxe fruit tart)
Kabru Party (quiche)
Shuro party (Green tea )
More will come to my menu but for now have fun~
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storiesbyjes2g · 5 months
3.120 Joyous occasion
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I woke up, revving with excitement about the day's festivities. Today, we celebrated that blessed day Sophia Aguilar came into the world. Regardless of the circumstance, I was beyond grateful her mother chose to give birth. And now, as Sophia Murillo, we'd also open our home and welcome family and friends for the first time. The icing on the cake would be announcing our new family member. There was nothing about this day that was not joyous. Even the weather was perfect. True, every day in San Sequoia seemed to be perfect, but I couldn't have asked for a better first day of summer. The warm temperature, accompanied by a cool breeze, was perfect for our outdoor festivities.
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One by one, our guests trickled in, starting with Rashidah, then Less, Maira, Shirley, and Mama. Shirley was brimming with excitement because it was also her birthday and she couldn't wait to be big, she said. I hadn't known her long, but it was crazy to me how fast children grew up. Actually, all the little girls in my life were grown or near grown now. Chi Chi's daughter, Luna, was a grown woman. Orion, our neighbor, was a teenager, and now Shirley. Wow. Even the little sims in my life were females. Thank Watcher for Dub. I couldn't wait for him and Maia to be our neighbors.
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Alessia arrived upset, and I assumed she was still mad about us leaving the bar so abruptly. But it was her pregnancy that had her face all frowned up. She loved Jace and was eager to create a life with him, but children were not part of that equation. I was kind of relieved to hear her sounding more like herself, but I hated she wasn't looking forward to having a baby. If only she knew what Sophia and I went through to get to where we were, maybe she'd appreciate what she accidentally walked into.
As she complained about the changes in her body and being sick all the time, Mama smiled at me as she slipped past us and went into the house. That was weird, so I ditched Less' pity party to go after her. I found her in the kitchen, standing in front of the sink. At first, I thought she was waiting for the tea maker to brew, but she was just standing there staring at nothing. Between her arriving without Dwayne and now this weird behavior, I knew something serious was up. I needed to get started on Sophia's cake anyway, so I gathered my ingredients and tools and got started.
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"Is Dwayne running late?" I asked, casually.
"No. Umm...he's not coming."
"Oh. What's going on with you two?"
She sighed. Even with her back toward me, I knew her eyes rolled, and her face wrinkled into a scowl.
"That child... I guess she told you."
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"She didn't know the details, but she said she heard you arguing. What happened?"
She hesitated, shifting her weight and sighing some more.
"He's fed up with me."
My imagination formed all kinds of answers to my next question. Most of them involved my dad.
"Because I haven't given him an answer yet."
I almost dropped the egg I was about to crack.
"He proposed?!"
I was oddly excited but also frustrated. I wouldn't say Dwayne and I were friends, but I didn't mind him now. It is what it is, you know? He was the one who made my mom happy. Bonus points for him understanding the situation and being respectful of everyone's feelings. Plus, he really was a good dude. I let all that drama go a while back, so he was welcome in my life if he chose to be part of it. With that in mind, I didn't appreciate Mama stringing him along all that time.
"A while ago," she said. "I wasn't ready then."
"Sounds like you're still not," I spat.
"I don't appreciate your tone, Luca."
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"I'm sorry, Mama, but I just don't get it. Everyone has moved on. Even Dad! Why are you still waffling on this? Don't you love him?"
"Of course I do!"
"So what gives??"
"If I knew, I wouldn't be in this position! I want to say yes, but something inside won't let me!"
I didn't mean to upset her and relented.
"Okay. I'm sorry. I just want you to be free of this, Mama."
"That makes two of us. Especially now. I need to get out of that house."
All the alarms began blaring as I entered into protect mode.
"Is it that Jason?? What did he do?"
"Jace. It's not him. It's Alessia. If you and Sophia decided to move back home, I'd be totally fine and comfortable with it. But Alessia is different now, and I'm not comfortable living with them. I feel like a third wheel in my own house. How bad would it be if I accepted the proposal just to get away from them?"
"I'm not even gonna answer that. Besides, you know she's gonna need help with the baby."
"And Sophia won't?"
"Sophia is prepared. Less never wanted this."
I heard the front door open and shut and wanted to see who arrived.
"Can you finish this?"
"Sure, go ahead. I got it."
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I found Dad in the living room, staring out our beautiful window. He turned around when he heard me, and I noticed he shaved down his beard. I smirked at the thought of my parents doing everything they could to keep from looking as old as they were. When I reach their age, I'd like to think I'd embrace the process, but I had no idea what it was like, so we'll see what I do.
"This is such a nice view," he said.
"The best," I replied.
"And the house is gorgeous. You did it all yourselves?"
I laughed at the question hidden between the lines.
"Yes, we did. Mama was not invited this time."
"Good for you. I'm so proud and happy for you two."
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In the corner of my eye, I saw Sophia had finally come out of the bathroom and headed upstairs to put on her makeup. She had so much hair and always took her time bending every strand to her will. It was no wonder she always looked amazing.
"You wanna know a secret?" I asked.
I waited until I heard her enter our room to tell him.
"Sophia is pregnant," I whispered. "Mama hasn't seen her yet, so don't say anything."
His eyes watered just as I imagined they would, and he embraced me, squeezing tight.
"Congratulations, son. I am so glad to hear that. My heart is so full!"
"Thanks, Dad. We didn't want to say anything, but it's been quite the journey."
"Oh no. Really?"
"I'll tell you about it someday, but it's behind us now."
"That's right. The little one is here, and it is already so loved."
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Day Pass - Mad Hatter
Repost from main blog and AO3.
Please tip if you can, and reblog.
"Thank you, Edward. This is very nice of you."
I put a hand on top of my nervous friend's hand to stop his babbling.
"Jervis, it is not a problem to take you out for lunch. Here we are."
Jervis would have been fine getting a drive-through at McDonald's, but I wasn't. And I wasn't about to treat one of the first people that I had empathized with in my therapy group like he wasn't worth something special.
Pulling into a parking spot beside the restaurant, I opened Jervis's door and guided him to our table, a hand at his back and thought about how we had met.
Therapy in Arkham Asylum is a hit or miss affair. It doesn't do to get too attached to one therapist. They frequently change therapists to avoid that and its resulting…complications. And the turnover rate with good therapists is ridiculously high. Some, I thought sourly, I only wished had a high turnover rate. After years of Dr. Crane and Dr. Strange failing to get the desired results from me as a patient, Dr. Arkham himself decided to see what was wrong with my surly ass. Years of "therapy" with Crane's drug enhanced exposure therapy to treat my trauma and Strange's odd biofeedback that only seemed to worsen my obsessiveness had me being an extremely paranoid boy with some paredolia on the side of my other issues. Meeting with the good doctor for therapy hadn't been a high point in my plans. But, well, as a patient in Arkham I hadn't had much of a choice. So, imagine my surprise to find a good old fashioned group therapy session with no terror or mindfuckery. And that was where I met Jervis. Not quite a case of like minds meeting, but what I imagine what it must feel like for a piano virtuoso to meet an expert sculptor. Just an admiration and appreciation for the other person's skills.
We had been friends ever since.
What? You expected me to be humble? I was mentally unstable, not mentally deficient. And for all his quiet self-effacing tendencies, once Jervis started talking about his technical expertise or any of his passionate interests, there was a brilliant mind waiting to be discovered. 
Disturbed, obsessive, socially awkward, but brilliant.
Jervis fidgeted with his light hair, looking uncomfortable in the borrowed button up and dress pants from the asylum laundry. I noticed they had not given him a hat. Part of me hurt for my friend, knowing he identified so much with his accessory. And the rest of me realized the wisdom of not overly indulging his fixation, for everybody's well being. Especially Jervis himself.
But, like with my puzzle ring, sometimes it was important to scratch that itch. To find ways of being yourself without giving in to the madness.
Like a tea party, perhaps?
But not the crumpets and tea cake sort. That might be a little too tempting for Jervis. But I thought this restaurant might just do the trick.
"Do you want to order, or do you want me to?" I asked, remembering just how overwhelming simple decisions could be sometimes.
"If you don't mind. Please." Jervis said.
The waiter came over with a smile. "Welcome to Qnia. Are you ready to order?"
"We are. Can we get two orders of the moroccan mint tea, and then we are splitting an order of chicken tagine with couscous, zaalouk on the side. And two pistachio croissants to finish the meal."
"Of course. I'll bring your tea out in just a minute."
"Tea?" Jervis perked, a slightly too enthusiastic gleam in his eyes.
"Yes, it should go very nicely with the food." I told him.
The food came promptly, and we talked about music, art, and science rather than books or movies. 
I paid the check as we finished the last of our dessert, listening to Jervis tell me about a recent scientific study about using specific tones and frequencies to help subliminally curb addictions and its results. He still was his meek, polite self, but with a confidence he normally only got when fully delusional.
As I pulled out to drive back, I made a mental note of the restaurant.
It had been a lovely place to treat Jervis to a tea party. We would have to do it again.
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aleksanderscult · 7 months
Character analysis: Genya from S&B
⚠️TW!!: sexual abuse, rape⚠️
It's women's day and let's celebrate it by analyzing Genya Safin who was an iconic female character that specifically shone in "Shadow and Bone".
In this post we'll see how in that book Genya was a woman with different characteristics perfectly in balance that made her incredibly engaging to the reader.
(scenes from the Tailor will also be incorporated of course)
- She was very intelligent and cunning
There are a hundred ways to kill a King but Genya chose the most poetic one. Knowing that the King was lusting after her and visited her often, she decided to use that to her advantage. She turned her beauty into a weapon and used her skills both as a Fabricator and a Corporalki to bring her abuser down in a quiet, slow but still painful way.
The fact that the poison would be painful for her too didn't matter as long as her plan would be successfully executed.
She used her brains and knowledge to take revenge and that impressed everyone that was inside that room when she first revealed it in R&R.
- She was politically aware and very perceptive
When the Darkling decided that Genya would be a very important piece of his scheme, the latter became part of his most trusted soldiers. Ivan seemed to be his top 1 but Genya was also pretty close to him in comparison to the rest of the Grisha and that gave her an even deeper insight of what was happening (and what would happen) to Ravka politically.
“The Apparat visited her last night to rant about Saints and saviors. From what I could piece together, he was either trying to scare her senseless or bore her to death.”
“I may need to have a word with the priest.”
“I told her he’s harmless.”
“Hardly that,” says the Darkling, “but he has the King’s ear. For now that’s all that matters.”
- The Tailor.
Genya might had tried to ease Alina's worries but her own mind was already trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle. And of course the Darkling gives his own honest opinion and view of the Apparat to her and how important his role is.
The Darkling seemed to be at ease when he talked ill of the royals and Genya was present:
“Welcome to court,” he said.
“I’m not sure I like it.”
“No one does,” he admitted. “But we all make a good show of it.”
“The King seemed pleased,” I offered.
“The King is a child.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
Apparently Aleksander and Genya weren't strangers in talking shit about their superiors to each other which makes me wish we had scenes of them judging the royal family.
Furthermore, her role as the Queen's confidant made her also aware of all the gossip that had to do with the royal family.
I was much happier sitting in my room with Genya, drinking tea and gossiping by the fire. I loved to hear all the court gossip, and even better were the tales of the opulent parties at the Grand Palace.’
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 13
“Probably drunk,” said Genya, stirring her tea. “He devotes all his time to hunting, horses, and imbibing. Drives the Queen mad.”
“Well, Ravka is at war. He should probably be more concerned with matters of state.”
“Oh she doesn’t care about that. She just wants him to find a bride instead of gallivanting around the world spending mounds of gold buying up ponies.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 13
“You can’t call a royal prince ‘puppy,’” I laughed.
“That’s what everyone calls him.” She lowered her voice. “And there are rumors that he isn’t strictly royal.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 13
“The Darkling should have done something,” I said. “He should have protected you.”
“He has, Alina. More than you know. Besides, he’s as much a slave to the whims of the King as the rest of us. At least for now.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 14
Not only she knew the importance of rank or the royal family's family problems but she also knew what the Darkling planned (apart from his plot to use the Fold). She was also into any kind of court gossip so she definitely was aware of what was happening around her (unlike what the duology tried to tell us).
- She was traumatised by the King's abuse
A victim of both the King and the Queen, poor Genya became terrified of the former.
‘There were no good days anymore, no sweets or outings, just long hours of tedium, waiting for the Queen’s call, dreading the King’s soft tread outside my door.’
- The Tailor
And it made her protective over Alina who was about to meet that disgusting piece of filth:
“Besides,” she said, “you don’t want to attract too much attention from the King.” Her voice was light, but I saw a shadow pass over her features.
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 6
“Alina, the Darkling doesn’t notice most of us. We’re moments he’ll forget in his long life. And I’m not sure that’s such a bad thing. Just … be careful.”
I stared at her, baffled. “Of what?”
“Of powerful men.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 14
I've seen people say that Genya was trying to warn Alina about the Darkling here but that's not the point I think. Genya had experienced first hand how men with power exploit their influence for their own sick pleasures. That traumatised her and made her cautious. It's not like she had seen the Darkling do something and started suspected him but more like "I'm kinda afraid of all men that have power because my own experience with them was not kind".
Even Alina understood that Genya was indirectly referring to the King.
- She had a cruel and petty streak inside her as well
The Queen's betrayal and the constant abuse from the King's hands made her a woman with a deep bitterness and hate towards them.
‘I wanted to smash the mirror she feared so much and cut her face to ribbons with it, stuff her mouth with glass and make her swallow every jagged edge of my hurt and shame.’
- The Tailor
And of course let's not forget how beautifully she destroyed her abuser's life. It was a carefully planned revenge. Just like he took her innocence, she decided to take his years and strength.
“If I’d wanted him dead, he’d be dead.”
- Ruin and Rising, Chapter 7
“Once it builds up in the victim’s system, a threshold is reached, the organs begin to fail, and the degeneration is irreversible. It’s not a killer. It’s a thief. It steals years. And he will never get them back.”
- Ruin and Rising, Chapter 7
But she was also petty towards the people she didn't like and enjoyed to get under their skin (Aleksander 🤝 Genya in this aspect).
“Where are you rushing off to?” she says with a sniff. “Does the Queen have a party to attend?”
“As a matter of fact, yes,” I say coolly. “But I have a few moments if you want me to see to your eyes. They’re looking awfully red.”
“Hay fever,” she mutters. “There’s something new in the air here that irritates me.”
“Yes,” I say as I glide past her. “I hear you practically choked on it.”
- The Tailor
“Excuse us!” announced Genya. “But we have need of this chamber. Darkling’s orders!”
Zoya’s beautiful blue eyes slitted dangerously. “If you think—” she began and then she caught sight of me. Her jaw dropped, and the blood drained from her face.
“Out!” commanded Genya.
“But mostly I wanted to see the look on that bitch’s face when she saw you in the Darkling’s color.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 14
Just iconic. 💅
- But she was still kind and soft
When Alina felt offended and was self-aware about her looks and Genya's comments, the latter tried to soothe her.
Genya walked over to me. “You’re not ugly, you know.”
“Thanks,” I said drily, still staring out at the wooded grounds.
“You just look a little …”
“Tired? Sickly? Skinny?”
“Well,” Genya said reasonably, “you said yourself, you’ve been traveling hard for days and—”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 6
When Alina kept worrying about Mal, Genya felt sorry for her and even guilty.
‘Alina gives a single sharp nod as her hands clench the edge of the infirmary sheet. I’m sorry to see her hurting...’
‘Lips pressed together— she hopes anyway. It’s almost painful to watch.’
The paper is starting to fray beneath my fingers. “She’s suffering.”
But her kindness extended to other people as well. Even those that were below her status.
I eyed her suspiciously. “What did you eat?”
Genya looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was within earshot and whispered, “One of the cooks has a daughter with terrible spots. I took care of them for her, and now she sends me the same pastries they prepare for the Grand Palace every morning. They’re divine.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 8
- She had a sense of humor
And it's worth noting that she had a habit of using her humor to turn an unpleasant situation or conversation into a funny one.
“I have no idea,” I said honestly. “Everything she said was perfectly nice, but the whole time she was looking at me as if I were something her dog spit up.”
Genya laughed.
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
“It’s funny,” I said after a while. “I always thought that being beautiful would make life so much easier.”
“Oh it does,” Genya said, and laughed.
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
“Maybe I should lie down on a table in the workroom and wait to see if he welds something to me.”
“I think that’s the way most great love stories begin.”
She laughed.
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 13
She entered and set down the tray, hovering near the table. “I shouldn’t be here,” she said.
“Probably not,” I admitted. “I’m not sure that I’m supposed to have visitors.”
“No, I mean I shouldn’t be here. It’s incredibly dirty.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 20
There are so many scenes where Genya displays her sense of humor and they're always an absolute treat to read.
- She yearned for acceptance and true friendship
Living in the Grand Palace separated her from own people and when the King started abusing her that distance grew even more.
‘If I could wish for anything in this world, it wouldn’t be jewels or a coach or a palace in the lake district. I’d wish to be a true Grisha again.’
- The Tailor
Genya blew out a frustrated breath. “You don’t understand. It’s a great honor to be asked to dine with you, but the other Grisha might not approve.”
Genya sighed and sat down on one of the carved chairs. “Because I’m the Queen’s pet. Because they don’t consider what I do valuable. A lot of reasons.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
She seemed really hurt by this reality especially with how her own kind thought so little of her.
It was one of the reasons Genya decided to join the Darkling (although the main one was to take revenge of course). And, in the end, the Darkling delivered what he promised:
‘That was when I realized what Genya was wearing. I’d been so surprised to see her, so caught up in my own thoughts, that I hadn’t really taken it in. Genya was wearing red. Corporalki red. Her cuffs were embroidered with blue, a combination I had never seen before.’
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 20
Her desire for friendship was also evident in how Genya felt close to Alina, wanted forgiveness from her, felt bad for being shady to her and was always kind towards her by giving her advice and by trying to make her feel good about her physical appearance.
- She was chatty and teasing towards the people she liked
When she was around people she liked and felt comfortable with, she let herself have fun around them.
‘Genya maintained a steady stream of chatter during dinner, mostly about Grisha gossip.’
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
I grin. “Does that worry you, Ivan?”
“No,” he snaps.
“Careful,” I say. “Keep frowning like that, and even I won’t be able to fix your wrinkles.”
- The Tailor
(Genya + Ivan = friendship goals👌)
In "Shadow and Bone" Genya was a complex woman with layers. An incredibly strong person, traumatized from the constant sexual abuse she suffered, she harboured a deep hatred for the King and Queen and was eager to take revenge in the most fitting way possible. She had no remorse, no regrets, just pride even when she faced them. But she was also kind and thoughtful, funny and cheerful, supportive and a teaser. Her knowledge in the area of the Corporalki and the Materialki as well as her knowledge for the intrigues that happened inside the court made her one of the most valuable and dangerous soldiers that the Darkling had.
The way she was "butchered" by the author in Nikolai's duology was painful and a pity. And it's no wonder how people remember S&B!Genya fondly and ignore her latest version that apparently is only Leigh's mouthpiece at that point with no agenda, no complexity, just painted white all over that has forgotten how court works by blaming only the Darkling for her abuse.
Where was the complexity? Where was the Genya that seemed willing to do anything to overthrow the monarchy and didn't give a fuck about them?
Her duology counterpart had me like:
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Anyway, S&B!Genya you will always be famous, Queen. 🥹
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(credit to @adamarart)
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bratshaws · 9 months
through the hourglass 335. brb x oc
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a/n: im so tired of my internet issues ughhh (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia @mrsbradshaw01
“Have you been to Disneyland before?”
She looks up from her phone when he asks, sunglasses low on her nose as she purses her lips, “Hm?”
Rooster’s caravans shone as the sun hit the lenses, one of his arms resting by the window as they wait in traffic, pointing forward, “Disneyland,gorgeous.” he smiles, “You’ve been there?”
“Oh yeah, not too often. You know, my parents could handle me and Leo maybe Mike? But,” she shrugs, “We often came here with other family members, but it was really fun.” she smiles at him, looking back to check on the kids. Nicole was the only one awake, holding her stuffed chicken toy - again, his friends were hahah so funny - with her big light eyes moving around.
The twins were sleeping so soundly Bea was jealous, “Anyway,” she cfontinues, “I asked Dr.Connelly again if it’s okay for them to come–”
“Didn’t we check with her yesterday,gorgeous? Didn’t she say it was fine?”
“Well yes,” she types down, “But you gotta make sure,Roos.”
Rooster nodded,smiling to himself as the traffic finally move forward "You're right, gotta make sure everything's in order. We want this trip to be perfect for them."
Beatrice smiled, nodding as she waits for the pediatrician’s response. "Exactly. I want it to be a magical experience for all of us, stress-free."
As traffic inched forward, Rooster glanced at Nicole in the back seat. "Nikki seems excited. She's been eyeing that stuffed chicken like it's the key to the Magic Kingdom."
Beatrice chuckled, casting a glance at Nicole who was now inspecting the stuffed chicken with a serious expression. "That chicken is her travel companion. It goes everywhere with her. I have no idea how she got so attached to it." and she gives him a side eye look, “Who knows why,right?”
He narrows his eyes playfully, “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Our daughter likes chicken themed stuff? Wow,” Bea giggles, “Can’t say I saw that coming.”
“Yes,baby girl it is a chicken.” he adds while looking through the rear view mirror, “So, since you’ve been there before can you,” a shrug, “Give me the basic rundown of what I’ll see first? I think I haven’t seen anything Disneyland related since the 90s.”
Beatrice smiled, eyes shining immediately, hands spreading. "Sure thing. Disneyland is divided into different lands, each with its own theme and attractions. The first land you'll probably see is Main Street, U.S.A. It's designed like a nostalgic American town from the early 20th century, you know, with shops, restaurants, and the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle at the end." 
Rooster nodded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Sounds charming. What's next?"
"Well, from Main Street, you can branch out to different lands. There's Fantasyland, where you'll find classic attractions like 'It's a Small World,' 'Peter Pan's Flight,' and the 'Mad Tea Party' – you know, the spinning teacups. Perfect for Nikki."
"I can already picture Nikki insisting on spinning the teacups faster than anyone else."
Beatrice laughed, "Exactly. She'll probably challenge you to a teacup spinning competition."
Rooster smirked,  tilting his head so he could see better "Bring it on. What's next after Fantasyland?"
"Well, there's Adventureland, where you'll find 'The Jungle Cruise' and 'Indiana Jones Adventure.' It's got a tropical jungle theme."
"Sounds like my kind of place. I'm ready for some jungle exploration."
“Yeah, you would.”
Both of them looked down at his Hawaiian shirt. And he snorted, “Hilarious, what else?”
"Then there's Frontierland, with a Wild West theme. You'll find 'Big Thunder Mountain Railroad,' a roller coaster. And oh!  'Splash Mountain,' a log flume ride with a drop at the end."
Rooster's eyes lit up at the mention of roller coasters. "I'm definitely trying those. What's after Frontierland?"
"New Orleans Square is next. It's got a Southern charm with cobblestone streets and a haunted mansion. The 'Haunted Mansion' ride is a must-see, especially if you like spooky stuff."
“That could be interesting. What's left?"
"Uuuuhhhh,well, there's Critter Country, which has the 'Winnie the Pooh' ride. And finally, there's Tomorrowland, a futuristic-themed land with attractions like 'Space Mountain' and 'Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters.' she grins, “And hmmm…let me think, there must be something else.”
“You got that all from memory?”
“Course not hon,I memorized everything remember?” she grins, tapping her phone, “So we’d know what to do.”
Rooster chuckled, "You're like our personal Disneyland encyclopedia. Impressive."
Beatrice grinned, tapping her phone screen. "Well, it's a big park with a lot to offer. I just want us to make the most of our time there, experience everything the kids might enjoy." she smiles more “And you. You look good by the way.”
He smirks, face still forward, “Do I?”
“Hard to look,bad,Roos.”
“Aw,keep going like that and I’ll have to take you on a date,gorgeous.”
Beatrice's laugh rang through the car, a warm and melodic. "A date at Disneyland? Now that sounds like a plan. We could even try one of those character dining experiences. Maybe have dinner with Mickey and Minnie?"
Rooster grinned, the image of sharing a meal with Disney characters sparking his amusement. "Sure, why not? I'd love to see kids’ reaction."
"I bet they’d love it."
As the traffic inched forward, Rooster stole a quick glance at Beatrice. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and the sparkle in her eyes mirrored the excitement building within him. "Gorgeous, this trip is going to be incredible. Thanks for making it happen."
Beatrice met his gaze, her eyes softening with affection. " I'm just making sure it's filled with magic for all of us."
The car finally reached the entrance to Disneyland, and the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle came into view. Rooster couldn't help but marvel at the sight, the grandeur of the castle against the backdrop of a clear sky. "We made it.”
Beatrice grinned, her excitement bubbling over. "We sure did.Ready?."
Rooster chuckled, "Sure am."
Nikki's eyes widened at the sight of Cinderella's Castle, and she tugged on Rooster's hand. "Dada, big! Inside?"
Rooster chuckled, lifting her onto his shoulders. "Maybe later, sweetheart. Let's explore a bit first." he keeps her up on his shoulders and her tiny hands land on his cap as they walk forward, “There’s…a lot of people here.”
Bea pushes the stroller forward, the twins now awake, “Yeah. But it’s less than often. I think we’ll be okay.” she does grab his bicep as they move forward, to stay close at all times.” Where do you want to go first?”
Rooster scanned the parl, considering their options. "How about we start with Fantasyland? I’m…kinda overwhelmed right now,hah."
“That’s okay,Roos,we’ll start slow.”
Rooster and Beatrice navigated through the crowd, the twins in the stroller, and Nikki on Rooster's shoulders, her eyes darting from one magical sight to another.
Nikki pointed excitedly at the spinning teacups of the Mad Tea Party. "Dada!"
“Yeah,baby girl. I know, we can go there later.” his eyes looked around for a bit, lips pursed, “...you know, it feels…weird? A little?”
Beatrice nodded, understanding the mix of emotions Rooster was experiencing. "It's a lot to take in, especially for the first visit. But we'll take it one step at a time, alright?"
Rooster smiled appreciatively, squeezing her hand. "Yeah, one step at a time. “ the kids were having a blast at least, Nikki was just babbling so happy on his shoulders that he just couldn’t help smiling, “Do…they have anything to do with the sword and the stone?”
Beatrice thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, they do! The Sword in the Stone is right in front of King Arthur Carrousel. We can check it out."
Rooster’s lips parted and he just…looked like a little boy for a second, lips quirking, “Wow…wow uh…wow.” he was fidgeting a bit with excitement, “Can we…can we go there?”
Beatrice chuckled at Rooster's childlike enthusiasm. "Of course, we can. It's a classic Disney experience. Nikki, what do you think? Want to see if Daddy can pull the sword from the stone?"
Nikki clapped her hands  "Yea!"
“I think daddy is worthy enough too,” Bea smiles, rubbing his arm and seeing how his cheeks heated up as he dropped his gaze, “We can go Roos. If you want to start there,we can go there.”
He looked so delighted by that idea, he looked so so happy. “It is your favorite movie, right Roos?”
Rooster grinned, his eyes lit up with a genuine excitement. "Yeah, it is. 'The Sword in the Stone' has always been a favorite. I mean, who wouldn't want to try pulling that sword out?" he pauses “My mom…and I watched it often.”
“And…Robin Hood.” he smiles, “Do they have stuff like that here? Robin Hood?”
"Oh, they definitely have nods to Robin Hood. We can explore the area around the castle, and I'm sure we'll find something related to the legend of Robin Hood. Maybe even a character meet-and-greet!"
Rooster's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That!...sounds amazing. Yeah,yeah, gorgeous."
The Bradshaw family made their way to Fantasyland,  and Bea was so happy that all her loves looked like they were having a blast. As they approached the King Arthur Carrousel, Nikki's eyes widened with. Rooster carefully lifted her down from his shoulders, and she immediately ran towards the majestic spinning horses.
"Dada, horsies! Wide one?" Nikki's little hand was pointing forward while looking back.
Rooster grinned, glancing at Beatrice with his hands on his hips "What do you think, gorgeous? Ready for a carousel adventure?"
Beatrice nodded, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Why don’t you two go first? I’ll stay with the twins first.”
‘You sure?”
“Yeah,” she grins, “You two have fun,yeah?”
Rooster smiled appreciatively at Beatrice, his shoulders relaxing"Thanks, gorgeous. We'll catch up with you right after."
“I’ll be right here,” she points to a bench, “Don’t worry.”
Nikki was practically bouncing on her toes, her eyes flickering between the carousel and her parents. "Come on, Dada! Horsies!"
Rooster chuckled, taking Nikki's hand. "Alright, let's go baby girl."
As Rooster and Nikki joined the line for the carousel, Beatrice found a comfortable spot nearby to park the stroller. The twins were wide-eyed, taking in the colorful surroundings. Beatrice glanced around, with Aurora being a loud babbling baby as she watched people go by.
She couldn't help but feel a warm sense of contentment, hand on her cheek as she watches. She just wanted him to have a good time, he’s been through so much and he deserves a break. The carousel music began to play, and Beatrice marveled at the joyous expressions on their faces, pulling out her phone to film them for a short while. Nikki was getting so tall, even for a one year old, she’s half his calf already.
She only watched with her eyes shining. This was going to be a good day.
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