#weird story
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whatwenthereagain · 2 months ago
Some random guy just decided on impulse to bring his bigass lizard (i think he said shes a argentine black and white tegu?) to school with him????
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All the teachers saw her too and none of them cared. Vix (the lizard) is the size of a cat and the teachers were just like "ah. cool. moving on."
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misseviehyde · 1 year ago
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Molly was beginning to regret entering the cursed dolls house with her friend Emma. True they'd been running away from their bitchy bully Madison and her clique and the strange abandoned house on the edge of town had seemed a safe refuge - but some feeling had told her at the time that they were putting themselves in terrible danger.
As they'd entered the old house, its evil magic had taken effect. The girls had groaned as their bodies changed. Plastic skin gleamed as joints became articulated and in a matter of minutes they'd been transformed into living animate dolls. Emma and Molly now looked like toys... but toys that could walk and talk.
They tried to leave, but the mansion also appeared to be bigger on the inside than the outside and now they were trapped clopping around in the impossible maze-like dimensions of the house.
"Oh my goodness," gasped Emma in horror at her new plastic body. "This... this can't be possible!" She reached over to touch her own arm and screamed as she accidentally detached it from the articulated joint with a pop. Then she calmed, realising it didn't hurt and there was no blood.
Molly looked at her friend in shock. "Looks like we have detachable parts now. Just like a real doll," mused Emma - and before Molly could stop her, she had yanked Molly's arm till it came out with a pop.
Molly watched in sick fascination as Emma popped Molly's arm into her socket and pushed her orignal arm into Molly.
Emma giggled, she now had Molly's sleeve of tattoos and she wiggled her new arm with fascination.
"Looks like we can swap body parts now. I wonder if we get out of the house, would this become permanent?"
"Hey! Give me my arm back!"
"Mmmmh. Later. This feels kinda good..."
Ignoring Molly'd protests, the two of them began looking around and finding a staircase they climbed up it hoping to possibly find a window or something on the upper floor.
They found nothing, so wandering around for a few minutes they returned to the staircase - only to find Madison flanked by her bitchy lieutenants waiting.
She and her cohorts were also now plastic dolls. Madison looked like a demented Barbie.
"I don't know how you nerds turned us into these dolls, but you'll pay for this," screamed the plastic bully as she waved her jointed arms around in rage.
But before she could do anything all three girls began to scream as Emma suddenly rushed at them and pushed them down the stairs.
They tumbled and fell backwards, their plastic bodies breaking and falling into pieces as they fell down the stairs. Their heads rolled away from their torsos and other bits broke off as they landed in a heap of bits and pieces.
Molly looked at her friend in horror. "You... you killed them."
"No, they aren't dead. The magic seems to make us invulnerable. We can put them back together again later. But before we do..."
A wicked grin came over Emma's plastic face. Walking down the stairs she picked up one of Madison's legs. It was long and sexy, smoother and shapelier than her own. Popping her own leg off she attached Madison's instead and then grabbing the other one did the same.
"Mmmmmh ohhh fuck that feels good."
Giggling Emma stood up. She was now taller and her legs looked amazing. "Oh fuckkkk. I feel so much more powerful and dominant. Soooo confident. Mmmmh these body parts come with feels and I LIKE it. Taking your arm felt good, but this is even better."
Admiring her legs, Emma began looking around with a hungry look on her face. There was a wild gleam in her eyes.
"Wh... what are you doing?" gasped Molly in sick fascination.
"Just making a few other improvements," smirked Emma. "After all if we have changeable parts now... why not?"
She grinned as she found what she was looking for. Lucy, Madison's minion, had the biggest tits at school. They were huge and round - massive fucking milkers that jiggled and wobbled enticingly. Now those tits lay ready to be used.
Lifting them up, Emma detached her own small breasts and with a click, pushed Lucy's onto her chest. "Ohhhh fuck yes, that feels good," she groaned in pleasure as they attached. "I feel like such a... such a fucking bitch. I need MORE."
Turning round she laughed. She now towered over Molly and her massive tits dominated the room.
Emma mashed her plastic tits with glee. "These are gonna feel so fucking good when I become a real girl again, but they are already making me feel so powerful. Mmmmmh I think I'd like to be a bully. Being pathetic boring Emma is so dull."
"Emma, this is crazy. You can't do this. It's wrong."
"You're right," giggled Emma. "It is wrong but it feels so fucking good. Besides I won't be Emma for long. I'm sick of being so weak and pathetic. My body is in control now and it needs a new head. This body deserves to be bitchy. I can take it all. I can become the bully."
Picking up Madison's lifeless looking blonde head from the floor, Emma laughed madly as she reached up and to Molly's shock casually ripped off her own head.
Her body simply tossed her old head aside like it didn't need it, then with a groan of pleasure pushed Madison's slutty blonde head into the neck socket till it clicked.
Evil eyes fluttered open and the new super bitch stretched happily. "Mmmmh yummy, feels so good to have a new personality in the driving seat. I AM Madison now."
"E.... Emma?"
"In a manner of speaking loser. There's bits of her inside my perfect new body - but I'm like totes the best parts of all you sluts now. Haha, now let's rebuild my minions and then I can leave and start my new hot life as a super bitch. Lucy will just have to cope with smaller tits. Think I'll help myself to a better ass and a tighter pussy too whilst we are at it. Hey... you're a virgin right loser? Bet your pussy is super tight..."
Molly whimpered as her new bully approached with a mad gleam in her cruel eyes and she screamed as the new Madison began to tear her apart...
Madison groaned as she exited the house and plastic became flesh again. She loved the sensation as all of her new body parts finally merged and turned her into the slutty bimbo bitch she deserved to be. She was now a mix of all the best parts of the girls and rubbing her massive tits she could feel her new superior pussy start to tingle.
Her two minions exited behind her, now looking smaller and weaker without the assets she had taken.
"What about that loser Molly, you aren't gonna leave her like that are you Madison?" asked Lucy sulking at her now small tits.
"What loser?" laughed Madison as she strode away. "I don't remember any loser. What a shame, imagine being trapped in that house forever."
And deep inside the cursed mansion, a plastic mouth screamed from amongst a discarded pile of bits and pieces...
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theamenableone · 4 months ago
The Malleable Mannequin Girl
The boutique’s door jingled, and in swept Chloe—a tall, slender girl with a catlike gaze and an almost regal air of confidence. Behind her trailed her friends: Cassie, petite with a quick wit and a mess of auburn curls, and Lisa, a statuesque brunette with an effortless elegance. Bringing up the rear was Amy, the odd duck of the group, a step behind, hands full of shopping bags and expression one of pure, obedient adoration. Amy’s outfit was an exact copy of Chloe’s: same blouse, and mini skirt except that Amy’s was so short that it left the bottom half of her bubbly butt cheeks exposed. Each fleshy cheek bounced with her every step, the deep folds accentuating the soft curvature.
As the girls roamed through the store, Chloe occasionally glanced back at Amy with a smirk, mildly resentful that Amy’s skirt could be drawing more attention than her own. “Hey, Amy. Make yourself useful—grab that blue blouse.”
Amy nodded emphatically, her wide, blank blue eyes lighting up at Chloe’s words. Her lips—plush, ridiculous bags of plump flesh, bouncing slightly whenever she nodded—quivered with gratitude as she obediently echoed Chloe, emulating her unique gaze and confident air but with a gentle twist, as if proud of her subservience. “Oh, absolutely, Chloe! Useful... that’s me! The blue is the best one!”
Cassie raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained by Amy’s eagerness. “How about that red one Amy? I think it’s the best,” she tossed out casually as she watched Amy hand Chloe the blouse, knowing Amy would mirror her whim.
“Oh, yes! The red! Definitely the best.” Amy said, the energy of her voice twisting to suit Cassie’s preferences, her expression a carbon copy of Cassie’s enthusiasm. Even her mannerisms directly mimicked Cassie’s, but with an air of humility.
Lisa gave a dry laugh, brushing hair back. “Didn’t you just say blue, though?” she asked with an amused tilt of her head.
Amy let out a similar dry laugh and brushed her hair back as well, “Oh, I did, didn’t I?” Amy responded, tilting her head in the exact same way while echoing Lisa’s sardonic tone; her agreeable response filtered through her big, spongy lips. “Red, blue... whatever you like. You all know best!”
Chloe steps in and sternly mutters, “Stop it. It’s obviously... the blue. You’re such a mindless idiot.” Amy’s demeanor instantly shifted again to mimic and echo Chloe. “Yes, Chloe. It’s obviously... the blue. You’re always right! I’m such a mindless idiot. Thank you for setting me straight!”
After a while, the girls grew absorbed in shopping, laughing and trying on accessories and dresses, completely forgetting about the girl with arms laden in bags. The moment they turned away, Amy’s face relaxed, and the flicker of life faded from her features. Her eyelids drifted half-closed, her eyes unfocused, her meaty mouth hanging open and slack. Her whole body stilled until she resembled an abandoned mannequin, not a single spark of attention left in her eyes.
Minutes stretched on. She stood like that, arms limp under the weight of shopping bags, her gaping mouth slightly damp from her parted lips, which jutted forward from her face, heavy and idle. A curious customer walked by and raised an eyebrow at her, poking one of her lips with a finger. The plump, protruding mouth jiggled from the slight flick, the fleshy mass bouncing before gradually settling back, an echo of life in an otherwise blank, doll-like face. The woman stared into the vacant girl’s empty, unmoving eyes and spoke to herself. “These new mannequins are so... strange.” The woman chuckled lightly before moving on, leaving Amy inert as ever.
After what seemed like ages, Chloe and the others finally swept back by, each one plucking their shopping bags and clothes from Amy’s arms, but not one of them addressed her. Amy’s vacant eyes maintained a fixed gaze as they lightened her load, her body remaining immobile, her eyes wide and unfocused as the last bag left her fingers, leaving her arms dangling at her sides. Her massive lips drooped, her protruding mouth beginning to drool profusely.
A few minutes after Chloe’s group left her behind, a gaggle of rowdy guys sauntered in, loudly laughing and jostling one another. The group’s ringleader—a tall, scrapy-looking young man in a worn baseball cap and jeans torn at the knees—spotted Amy’s frozen, wide-eyed form and snickered. He elbowed his friend. “Yo, man, ain’t that that girl we heard about?”
One of his friends, a wiry guy with a cocky grin, leaned in closer, his eyes widening as he took in Amy’s blank, drooling expression. “Oh, yeah... Isn’t she the one known for... uh, her ‘skills’?” He wiggled his eyebrows, snickering with his friends.
Their leader tilted his hat and gave her a quick poke on the shoulder, speaking in a Texan accent and with a condescending mock politeness, “Hey, darlin’, you sure look silly standing there like a statue.”
Amy blinked, life flaring back into her eyes as she took in the ringleader’s rugged, cocky demeanor, instantly enamored by his presence. Her expression softened, transforming into one of adoration as she mirrored his Texan drawl with wide-eyed enthusiasm, and emulated his politeness but instead of executing it with mockery, she does it with an honest but less than dignifying slavishness, “Why, howdy, Sir! You’re so right. I sure do look silly standing here like a statue!” Her meaty lips bounced heavily as she spoke, her voice quivering with gratitude. “How rude of me to just stand here! I’d be mighty honored if I could help you boys out!”
The ringleader’s smirk grew as he chuckled. “Well, you got the right idea. Y’know, you’re gonna have to put those big lips to use for us, got it? Now... follow us. C’mon, get movin’.”
Amy smirks as well, the fleshy pads of her mouth curling upward. She chuckles in a lighter tone before fawning over the imposing man. “Oh, absolutely! Anything to please you, Sir! Thank you so much for telling me what to do!” Amy nodded eagerly, her lips bouncing with the momentum, her face lighting up with genuine joy as she followed behind the group, every step a grateful affirmation. Her gaze stayed locked on the ringleader, drinking in every word and movement as if he were the most important person in the world. The boys snickered to themselves as they led her toward the back hallway.
Hours later, as the boutique emptied out and the lights dimmed, the janitor ambled out of the storage room with his mop and bucket, whistling a low tune as he went about his business. In the dim glow of the bathroom’s half-lit space, he barely registered the silhouette of a woman posed in a squat position in one of the stalls behind him, her empty eyes gazing forward, her enormous lips drooping and hanging agape as saliva drips to the floor, forming a pool below her. Her body is so still it blends in with the background.
Without a second glance, he started his mopping, oblivious to the shadowed, inert figure lifelessly posed behind him. The inert young woman’s head slowly fell to right, the pillow pads of lip meat flopping sideways and drooping with such juicy weight that they pulled her head further downward, almost meeting her shoulder. Her squatting lower half remained unmoving except for her faint breathing. The janitor, who didn’t even notice, kept mopping and whistling to himself, lazily ignoring the stalls.
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dnschmidt · 10 months ago
Hey, you... Wanna read something?
𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥
🏰Portal fantasy short story
💀Weird monsters
⚙️Creepy clockpunk vibes
😷Plague doctor(s)
📜42 pages
🪙Only 99 cents
Grab a Kindle copy here!
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thepalecrawlers · 7 months ago
Dog child spirit
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devildomwriter · 1 year ago
Just found out one of my ancestors was murdered on a steamboat in Georgia for his gold. Anyone else have a crazy ancestor story???
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cherries8angels · 3 months ago
Bro I’ve had this thing going on for awhile- one day in like July I just randomly brought up that I wanted to see my baby teeth again for no reason at all. Then one random day at like october I walk out of my bedroom door and I saw a baby human cuspid tooth on the floor 💀 I asked my parents and they were spooked by it and I have no sibling in that age of losing teeth- I kept it for a bit cuz I love how it randomly appeared- I had my first sleep paralysis demon experience and then I lost it from the spot I’ve always kept it and got so sad bc like :/ THEN the next day it was at the exact spot I found it by my door but perfectly cut in half, I told my parents again and they looked at it and thought it was one of my dogs teeth but I looked at it more and it had the dry toothpaste I got in it when I first got the tooth and cleaned it- THIS SHIT WEIRD! I swear my parents can’t be messing with me bc they’re genuinely confused- but they got to be, just thought it would be weird to tell.
Anyways, what type of jewelry should I make out of it? I know it’s weird but I thought it would be unique to make some jewelry out of a baby tooth (especially since it’s my favorite tooth, the cuspid/canine/vampire tooth) :P
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rodentatelier · 1 month ago
If you wanna know what you would do without social media let me tell you about what I did today
While impulsively fishing hair out of my shower drain after dinner (I had just changed the shower head and was left with no distraction or anyone to stop me ) I found a PERFECTLY preserved dead wasp wich must have been in there for about five month
So being me I went on to show it off to everyone of my family members (who were more or less enthusiastic) this led to me putting the wasp in a small jar filled in rubbing alcohol in order to preserve it
Anyway I don't know that this was the best idea to preserve the wasp but I still can't believe this happened and I now have an unclogged shower drain and a suuper cool wasp in a jar
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henry-the-queer-artist · 22 days ago
remembering one of the weirdest things that ever happened to me. One time I was at this dinner thing and there was this weird like pistacho flavored thing (not ice cream btw) for dessert but all I remember is there was cherries in it. so I use the spoon to just pick up one cherry and put it on my plate. And suddenly the old guy behind me laughs and says with a very southern(ish?) accent ''haha, you're just like my wife, she'd do anythin' for a maraschino cherry'' and the way he emphasized maraschino was so fucking weird. and honestly I just stared at him, laughed nervously, and ran away. like I feel like it wouldn't have been weird if he wasn't A: An old man saying this to a teenage boy. B: emphasizing maraschino for some reason (and even specifiying the type of cherry too that's weird af???) and C: saying this weirdly unprompted because it wasn't like I was trying extra hard to get a cherry or anything.
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xxjamiedarlingxx · 1 month ago
Ok so this a short story of one of my weirdest dreams called the fly dream.
So it basically starts with my kid self in a colourful room maze and in front of me was this small room with a flower I think it was one of those lotus flowers in the middle of the room it was still blooming but when it was done blooming it started to decay and I watched it like die and when I thought it was dead I turned around to walk away until a fly flew out the now dead lotus and I was like ew so magically some how I got a fly swatter appeared in my hand and begin to try squish the fly which was very fast and I managed to somehow chop off the fly head with my fly swatter! I was so happy that the fly was gone that I was about to leave until I saw the fly was flying without its head and chased me around in the colourful maze and I just woke up looking so confused why the fly scared me…
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fakesurprise · 10 months ago
There were questions you didn’t ask when the answers could only bring pain.
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the-adventures-of-random · 2 months ago
Random walked down the street and turned the corner going around the building. He walked on the right side of the sidewalk and the crotchety old lady, who lived nearby, stood on the left with her obnoxious dog pissing in the grass to the side. The second the dog was done urinating all over the well-manicured grass, it lunged into the sidewalk pulling the crotchety old lady with it. A second later the old lady cut Random off and before he was able to respond, he stepped to the side and past her. As he did this the old lady screamed in fright and bitterly complained to Random that people needed to speak up when they are behind others. Random almost stopped and told her that entitled people need to be aware that there are other people in the world, and they had better watch where they are going to avoid accidents, but Random thought better of it and ignored the ramblings of the crotchety old lady.
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So there’s a squirrel skeleton hanging out of a hole in the wall in the apartment facing mine and we joke that he is our apartment’s guardian.
It’s a kind of gross story. When we moved into this apartment 3 years ago there used to be a live squirrel who lived in that hole and we would watch him bring in food and rags and it was funny because it was a hole in the 5th floor of a brick apartment building. Then one day about 8 months in, his head was hanging out for too long and I said Oh no he’s dead! We told our super because we hoped that he would be able to get in contact with the super from the other building but nothing was ever done about it. Over the next several months we had to watch him swell and rot from our window. We have curtains, we were just morbidly curious I guess. Eventually he became a clean white squirrel skeleton just poking out from the hole always staring directly at us. We named him Hernando. Our cat Wednesday goes into that window and stands on her hind legs with her front paws on the window and stares and sometimes finishes with a downward dog type of bow. We say she worships our squirrel guardian and he protects us. I don’t know how skeletons work or hold together but I assumed his skull at least would eventually fall but he’s still there after almost 2 years.
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strickenspirit · 1 year ago
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thepalecrawlers · 3 days ago
Reptilian in chesapeake bay
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hasanabiyoutube · 2 months ago
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