#weird anime
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Brave Bang Bravern is such a weird anime design wise; they have three different shows happening at once.
Serious military mech show with characters who have more realistic proportions. The women look at lot more like adult women, and the mechs are basically battle suits for the soldiers to operate.
Moe blobs that feel left leftovers from studio's girls that are also horses show. They belong in some cute girls doing cute things anime. Wild seeing them next to other characters who are also adults but proportioned differently.
Super robot show pulling in all the robotfuckers and Transformers fans (me included). Very gay, very flashy. We got superb nails on one.
It was so jarring in the first episode that I was going wtf the entire time lol
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cat-brains · 2 years ago
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...??? ☆ !! ☆ !! ☆
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belvira · 1 year ago
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Weird anime meme found on Reddit by gottwisted
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ffeatherisffeather · 5 months ago
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theredplague · 4 months ago
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itsavgbltpta · 1 year ago
Anime No One Talks About That Live Rent Free In My Brain
There are some anime shows that I've watched, but when I go online I barely see anyone talk about them. Anime that have less than 100k views on My Anime List (I know MAL isn't the only metric out there, but it's a big one).
And yeah, these shows are probably mid to most people. But for one reason or another, I ended up really enjoying them.
So I want to share!
Dr. Ramune -Mysterious Disease Specialist- (Kai Byoui Ramune)
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Dr. Ramune looks like an anime aimed at kids. It's not. The second episode is titled "The Chikuwa Penis", where a man's penis gets replaced by chikuwa - a spongy food commonly found in Japanese dishes like oden.
Dr. Ramune gets werid. And it also gets kind of dark. There's an abusive cult storyline, an arc dealing with grief gone bad, and generally some really horrible things that happen to the patients that Dr. Ramune and his assistant help out.
I think this anime would have received more attention if the character designs were more adult? Or maybe the first episode being kind of wacky with a kid that cries condiments was a no-go? But I implore you to give this show a watch.
Muteking the Dancing Hero
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I am a sucker for transformation super hero/tokusatsu-esque anime. And the Muteking song that plays (nearly) every episode when he transforms and fights the bad guys is a consistent ear-worm even years later.
This is another anime that looks like it's aimed for kids. And it is definitely more kid-friendly than Dr. Ramune. But this show also has some weird and darker moments, especially towards the end of the show.
I say at least watch it for the music. Maybe you'll enjoy it as much as I did. If nothing else, maybe someone else will know what the heck I'm singing every now and again.
The Gymnastics Samurai (Taisou Zamurai)
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This anime has the looks and character designs that should have attracted an audience, but the pacing/plot lacked a lot of focus. It's half sports anime, with training, rivalry, and performances (with somewhat decent CGI involved), but the other half is slice of life/drama anime with the realities of being a single parent and missing out on things mixed along with goofy every day activities with a foreigner otaku who suddenly lives with the family.
And there's a weird pet bird too.
The first half walks, the second half sprints to an ending. There are some characters that could have used a lot more fleshing out. But it was fun. Plus the OP gets a thumbs up from me.
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headcanonforthought · 5 months ago
Bastard headcanon thing?
When Dark Schneider adopted Arshes Nei, he was going through a "horse girl" phase. Obsessed with this small child he tells her to get on all fours, run around and Neigh like a horse. He keeps yelling at her day after day to "Neigh!" So much so that she thinks, "Neigh" is he name.
Dark Schneider eventually comes to his senses and elongates "Neigh" to Arshes Nei. He hates horses now and pretends that never happened.
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lostcryptids · 2 years ago
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montegomonty · 2 years ago
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The type of anime, you dare someone to watch and expect them to be so confused, if not not talk to you for a while.🤣🤣🤣🤣
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softlavenderanimeedits · 2 years ago
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allthatispeculiar · 4 months ago
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minimiffy · 3 months ago
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belvira · 1 year ago
I think i found the weirdest transformation sequence ever
Henkei Shoujo (2017)
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maggotmuncher0 · 2 months ago
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otakween · 10 days ago
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Can I Make Your Ears Happy in 180 Seconds? (Final Thoughts)
I wanted to watch something quick that didn't have any strings (manga, video games) attached. Unfortunately, it ended up being this trash lol. I was intrigued by the concept of an ASMR anime because I haven't listened to a lot of ASMR personally and I really like experimental/interactive audio experiences. However, this was just a bunch of gooner bait fanservice. No nudity, but all the suggestive angles, noises, etc.
To my surprise, there were two episodes I found some genuine enjoyment out of, but they were actually the least ASMR ones of the bunch lol.
Sleazy content aside, the most disappointing part about this series is that the ASMR isn't even good. Half the time it's not even ASMR and just sounds like a normal anime. When there are attempts at ASMR they don't quite sound right. I wish they had gotten some ASMR artist to be a consultant or something. Anyways, I give it a 4 out of 10. It has about a 5 on MAL, so at least weebs have some standards!
Ep. 1
Didn't like this one bit. The concept is interesting, but it's clearly targeted towards creepy gooner types. Especially with all the close ups on the girl's chest/thighs.
I feel like the ASMR wasn't even good? I'm listening with headphones, as suggested, and it seemed like the noises weren't loud enough. Not that I'm a connoisseur or anything
The fact that you can do ASMR to yourself with one of those heads is interesting. Would that even work though? It seems kinda like tickling yourself.
Ep. 2
This one was slightly better because at least they gave the girls some sort of backstory. It's kinda creepy that she thinks this is the best way to make friends though, huh?
Her cringing herself out by saying "nya" made me chuckle.
These girls need to stop getting so hot and bothered by the simplest things oml
The ASMR was slightly better this time. The whispers were good but I could barely hear the ear picks.
Ep. 3
Setting aside the weird fanservice stuff, the ice sounds have been my favorite so far! I really like crunching on ice though, so maybe that has something to do with it...
The setup was weird lol. A girl just ~stumbles~ upon an ASMR head mic. Riiiight.
Suddenly we have a reoccurring character with this "Gekko" person texting two of the girls. Who could they be? 🤔
Ep. 4
Awkward girls bond over ASMR! Probably the most wholesome episode yet. It seems like it might be fun to do ASMR with a buddy, but the heavy breathing would be a bit much. Maybe stick to the water noises lol.
Okay, so Gekko is just the first girl's name (nickname?)
I can relate to getting stuck and being able to keep a conversation going, but that ending line where she asks how much it costs to become friends was pretty cringe. Girl, who hurt you?
Ep. 5
Lmao, Gekko's mom is a freak. I was a bit shocked to find out that was supposed to be her mom cuz she looks 12 years old, but okay #AnimeLogic.
I guess I could see a very lonely mom doing this kinda roleplay, but the pacifier thing was a bit much.
Ep. 6
[Insert gif of Shinji Ikari's hands here]
This episode was UNCOMFORTABLE. No thank you. Also, why are we rubbing cream all over this electronic device!?
The random puffer fish they keep cutting to keeps cracking me up. He judging.
Literally thought she was going to eat the hand cream at one point I was like "don't you dare..." Thankfully, they didn't go that far.
Ep. 7
This was probably the most degenerate episode yet even though there wasn't any physical fanservice. It's basically Kiss x Sis ASMR as one MAL commenter put it -_- I guess some people are into that so whatever. It's just a dumb fantasy.
The ASMR was pretty good in this one. I got a laugh when they were whispering random stuff like "pufferfish" and "Meiji Restoration." If this show went the comedy route and focused on bad ASMR I think it might be more entertaining.
Apparently this show has some big name VAs but I don't know my seiyuu so well...So far everyone has done a good job, but I rarely hear bad Japanese voice acting -shrug-
Ep. 8
Nice, an episode for the LADIESSSS 💖Didn't see that coming. You would think they would have a girl version of the show and a guy version since that's how things usually work in Japan. How progressive.
The "hardboiled" guy's voice was very nice (and deep) but ear cleaning again? Damn. And why is he cleaning my ears in a restaurant!? That seems very unsanitary.
The ice clinks were nice again. Imagine having a bf who supports your ASMR hobby (even though he called it weird haha)...(I don't have an ASMR hobby, but any partner being supportive of hobbies is a green flag).
Of course the dude episode is the least problematic so far. He appears to be a full grown adult and isn't making sex noises or wearing a skimpy outfit -_- (the shit women have to put up with with how we're represented, good grief).
Ep. 9
I actually loved this one! It was more ambience than ASMR, I feel, but it felt like a realistic peek at a office lady's life living in a studio apartment (glad I at least have a one bedroom because yikes...)
This girl was cute and not overly sexualized! It felt like a nice slice-of-life instead of bizarro degen stuff. Even her taking her bra off at the end there (while under the covers) felt like a realistic, non-sexy thing to do. I thought it was a nice touch.
This episode made me very glad I don't need to dress nice for work. Also, I hope she wasn't working overtime after just getting home! Poor girl 😭
What was that pepper grinder thing she was using?? That was weird. (Literally looked like she was grinding pepper onto her carpet lol)
Ep. 10
And we're back to the degen stuff! I'm not sure wtf they were going for with this one. I really really don't want sexy baby POV times, that's just...very disturbing
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If I was to be super duper extra charitable I might say "well, being talked to like a baby by a mother character is soothing/comforting" but...not how they did it. The dialogue was creepy and unnatural. What was with the "babu babu" stuff? We don't go around saying "goo goo gaga" to our babies all the time? (Or maybe we do? IDK, I'm child free atm lol)
This is one of those "I must be on a watch list now" episodes of anime.
Ep. 11
This one was just boring. Still creepy, but not as creepy as the previous at least. Ain't no way that a girl would get that hot and bothered from just the sound of an electric ear pick (whatever that is)
Clearly this show was made for ear cleaning fetishists since nearly every damn episode is coming back to that. I know ear cleaning is a bigger deal in Japan than in the west. If I didn't have that knowledge I might be even more weirded out by this. I have zero memories of my ears being cleaned by my parents and when I do it to myself it's as unremarkable as blowing my nose. Do they not know that ASMR doesn't need to involve inserting stuff in the ear??
Ep. 12
More cringe waifu stuff. All the girls got together in this one to "rehearse" their ASMR. What are they rehearsing for? Who knows! They don't tell us. Perhaps they're starting a YouTube channel.
I'm pretty sure when you do whisper ASMR you're supposed to actually say stuff. Not just saying "whisper whisper" over and over.
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caprine-bees · 1 month ago
New photo refs for the paleo artists out there, courtesy of Knuckle Bump Farms' naked emu chicks.
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Like seriously, look at these guys and their stupid little arms.
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