Hi! I’m not sure if you are still doing your ways to worship certain deities posts but if you are do you think you could do one about Lady Hera?
Ways of Honouring and Worshipping Queen Hera

To note Hera is the Wife of Zeus and the Queen of the Gods. She is also the Goddess of marriage and childbirth and the protectress of women. She also bore the epithet Eileithyia at Árgos and Athens and was the Patron of those cities, giving her correspondence with Athena.
Learn her Epithets: Eileithyia, Gamêlia, Zugia and Teleia
Imagery of Cows, Cuckoo's, Peacocks, Panthers, Lions, Eagles and shelled animals
Peacock feathers, ethically sourced or faux cow leather, cow horns, snail shells etc
Research the celebrated "The Shield" that was held in her honour at Sámos
Research the Heraia
Self care days - baths with Epsom salts, bath bombs, face maks
Glamour magic
Colour magic! (Pinks/rose, purples, white and royal colours such as rich blues and greens)
Celebrate the solstices and the changing of the seasons
Any royal imagery such as thrones, crowns, scepter etc
Plants and Scents: lily, lotus, poppy, waterlily, maple, coconut, iris, rose, cyprus
Wear jewelerry made of rich gems and jewels like silver, garnets, diamond, sapphire and citrine
Apples and pomegranates
Statues and painting were common traditional offerings to Hera
Learning marriage customs
Have sex! (But don't cheat, iykyk)
Learn the Homeric hymns written for her
Set boundaries for yourself, especially in romance
Take care of your home physically and energetically
Most importantly take care of yourself

A prayer to Hera
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Greek Gods 101: Hera
Hera is a goddess of marriage, women, queens, the sky, and the stars of heaven. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Birth Control Packs/Pills
Depictions of Peacocks
Depictions of Cows
Jewels and Crystals
Peacock Feathers
Ethically Sourced or Faux Furs
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Learning How to Sew
Testing Perfumes (And Collecting the Sample Cards)
Keeping Your Space Clean
Creating Or Going Through Photo Albums/Scrapbooks
Going Clothes Shopping
People Watching
She is celebrated in 3 Athenian holidays:
Hera Telkhinia
Anthesteria, maybe
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🦚 Hera appreciation 🦚
Hera is in the bright sky and white clouds after a huge storm.
Hera is in the cool breeze on a cool afternoon
Hera is in the way a mother soothes her child when they get hurt
Hera is in the air that carries the wings of birds
Hera is in the indignation that comes from being betrayed
Hera is in the ones that stand against injustice
Hera is our mother, our beautiful mother. The way she cares for us is unmatched. Blessed is her name, blessed is the great Alexandros, the Queen of Heaven, the bringer of clouds.
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Low energy offerings for Lady Hera
- light a candle
- food offering
- wash your face
- surprise your significant other with something they might like
- spend time with family and friends
- donate/support domestic abuse victims
- read about her mythology
- read about marriage laws
- don’t be afraid to put someone in their place
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Things I’ve learnt so far working with Hera
She doesn’t take your bullshit. If you’re procrastinating, or putting off doing something important because you just don’t wanna, Hera will make sure you do it.
She’s very motherly. She likes to fuss over her worshippers, and make sure that they’re safe, warm, comfortable, etc. Today, I had a ritual bath for her, and while I was meditating I kept getting the urge to get out. Turns out she was worried that I was going to overheat in the very warm bath, which was so lovely of her.
She’s incredibly protective of her devotees. If you’re dedicated to Hera, she will fight for you, tooth and nail. When I had an issue recently with a spirit, her and Set (another deity I worship) stopped the spirit immediately. She’s extremely loyal, but only if you pay her the respect she deserves (which heads up, is a hell of a lot. She’s the Queen of the Gods, and she knows how she should be treated).
She’s extremely powerful. Hera walked right through the wards I had put up around my astral house. She may be written off as not very powerful, but she is Queen. Of. The. Gods. She has power and she knows how to use it.
She’s nothing like the myths. Hera is not angry, or vengeful. She delivers the due justice that people deserve. If you disrespect her, you will feel her wrath. But if you’re kind, and respectful, and treat her well, you’ll have no problem.
She’ll want you to get married. Boy, I should have seen this one coming. But Hera wants you to get married and start a family.
If she doesn’t like your partner, that could be an issue. Luckily, Hera likes my current partner. However if Hera doesn’t like your current partner if you have one, you may need to reconsider working with her, or look at your relationship. She wants what’s best for you, but you might not always agree on what that is.
Her and Zeus are close. In fact, when I work with Hera, I can often feel Zeus along for the ride as well.
Offerings offerings offerings! As I’ve said, Hera knows what she deserves, and she’s reminded of this at times when I’ve forgotten to give her adequate offerings. One thing I’ve found is that she’s a big fan of devotional acts as opposed to offerings, which is when you do an activity and dedicate to a god or goddess. For example, yesterday I played a board game with my family, for Hera, and today I had a ritual bath for her. As someone who is broke and a closeted witch, I can’t really give loads of offerings, but devotional acts seem to make her just as happy.
Dedicate some time to her. Leading on from my first point, spend some time with Hera for the gods’ sake. She wants to know you’re devoted to worshipping her. She’s not the type of goddess you can just pray to once and expect her to be raining down blessings on you left right and center.
The myth with Hephaestus paints an ugly picture, but as a person with disabilities, Hera has been nothing but understanding. I have severe mental health issues, including severe PTSD and psychosis, and this can make my worship difficult when there are days I can barely feed myself. However Hera has been lovely and so comforting during rough times, coming to me in dreams and when I’m meditating, and even just feeling her presence now feels me with a warmth that comes with motherly love. In short, Hera is a wonderful goddess, and I highly recommend reaching out to her if you have a calling to!
Reminder: this is all my personal experience (UPG) and may not reflect how you personally see Hera, but I wanted to share in case it could help someone!
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ALL ABOUT: Apollo ☀️
“Phoibos (Phoebus) [Apollon], of you even the swan sings with clear voice to the beating of his wings, as he alights upon the bank by the eddying river Peneios; and of you the sweet-tongued minstrel, holding his high-pitched lyre, always sings both first and last. And so hail to you lord! I seek your favour with my song.” - Homeric Hymn 21 to Apollo

Απολλων - APOLLON
Apollo is the olympian god of prophecy and oracles, music, song and poetry, archery, healing, plague and disease, and the protection of the young. He is often associated with the Sun. More specifically: Apollo is the god who punishes and destroys. The god who affords help and wards off evil. The god of prophecy. The god of song and music. The god who protects the flocks and cattle. The god who delights in the foundation of towns and the establishment of civil constitutions.
His parents were the olympian Zeus and the goddess Leto. He has a twin sister, Artemis.
His surname is Lukêgenês, meaning either “Born in Lycia” or “Born of Light,” though his birthplace has been argued among scholars and traditions. But the opinion most universally received was, that Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto, was born in the island of Delos, together with his sister Artemis; and the circumstances of his birth there are detailed in the Homeric hymn on Apollo, and in that of Callimachus on Delos. The myth states that Hera was enacting revenge on Leto for sleeping with her husband, so that Leto couldn’t find a place to peacefully give birth- until she ended up on the island of Delos. Apollo was believed to be born on the 7th of the month: hebdomagenês. The number 7 is sacred to the god.
Apollo has many titles and epithets, many of which can be found here.
Symbols of Apollo:
Bow and arrows
The lyre
The raven
Rays of light radiating from his head
Branch of laurel
Want to read more? Check out my sources!
Theoi Apollo Page
Apollo’s Epithets
Symbols of Apollo
Apollo Facts Britannica
Apollo Wiki Page
Apollo Olympian Facts
Origin of Lukêgenês
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Praise to the Nine Muses/Louvor às Nove Musas
Invoco Calíope, de doce voz, de épicas jornadas, pois canto das Piérias Musas inspiradoras, companheiras de Febo Apolo. Com Erato, soprando a flauta, conduz o coração pro deleite de Afrodite Vem também Clio gloriosa, proclamadora dos momentos da história Ao lado Euterpe vivaz, musicando a poesia, entoando alegrias A sóbria Melpomene encanta, com o punhal reluzente, derradeira na melodia Tália zombeteira, de alado coração. Ouve, ri e entoa cantante o hino nunca em vão Polímnia mais sacra, cantando louvores aos céus, ergue as mãos e o rosto sob o véu Urânia que mapeia tudo, perscrutadora do celeste firmamento, louvo a ti, professora do eterno Em passos certeiros vem Terpsícore, sinestésica e refulgente Entre elas, saudadas aqui, vem Apolo do coro, o líder. Saúdo as filhas de Zeus em nove, seguidas do Létida glorioso. Venham sempre propícias, Grandes Musas, vós que inspiram bem o novo.
I invoke Calliope of sweet voice, of epic journeys, as I sing of the inspiring Pierian Muses, companions to Phoebus Apollo With Erato, blowing the flute, led is the heart to Aphrodite's delight Also comes Clio most glorious, proclaimer of the moments of history Beside the vivacious Euterpe, setting song to poetry, chanting joys The sober Melpomene enchants, bright dagger in hand, with lasting melody Smiling Thalia of winged-heart. Listen, laugh and chant the hymn never in vain Most holy Polyhymnia, singing praises to the heavens, lift your hands and face under the veil Ourania who charts all, searcher of the celestial firmament, praised be you, teacher of the eternal In sure steps comes Terpsichore, synesthetic and effulgent Among them, saluted here, is Apollon, leader in choir. I salute the daughters of Zeus in nine, followed by glorious Leto's son. Come always propitious, Great Muses, you who inspire well what's to come.
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