#wei triplets
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kaijuposting · 2 years ago
All the Pacific Rim Character Birthdays I Could Find
...And by "all," I mean I will be writing down character birthdays from all the sources I can find, some of which contradict each other! It definitely sheds some insight into how ideas changed during development, and I think it shows some evidence that not everyone was always up to date - for example, Mako and Raleigh's Drift Space bios seem to be up to date, but Newt's is clearly an older version, as indicated by his age being given as 45 rather than 35.
Update: I found a post on Travis Beacham's blog that lists birthdays! I've added them now.
Mako Mori Bio posted by GdT on Twitter: January 9th, 2006 Drift Space Special Feature: April 23rd, 2003 Man, Machine, & Monsters: April 23rd, 2003 Pacific Rim Novelization: April 23, 2003 Travis Beacham's Blog: April 23, 2005
Raleigh Becket Bio posted by GdT on Twitter: April 11, 1991 Drift Space Special Feature: December 11, 1998 Man, Machine, & Monsters: December 11, 1998 Pacific Rim Novelization: December 11, 1998 Travis Beacham's Blog: December 11, 1998
Yancy Becket Travis Beacham's Blog: November 7th, 1995
Stacker Pentecost Bio posted by GdT on Twitter: September 9, 1983 Man, Machine, & Monsters: December 30, 1985 Pacific Rim Novelization: December 30, 1985 Travis Beacham's Blog: December 30, 1985
Hercules Hansen Man, Machine, & Monsters: November 10, 1980 Pacific Rim Novelization: November 10, 1980 Travis Beacham's Blog: November 10, 1980
Chuck Hansen Man, Machine, & Monsters: August 14, 2003 Travis Beacham's Blog: August 14, 2003
Sasha Kaidonovsky Man, Machine, & Monsters: February 9, 1991 Travis Beacham's Blog: February 9, 1991
Aleksis Kaidonovsky Man, Machine, & Monsters: January 31, 1998 Travis Beacham's Blog: January 31st, 1989
The Wei Triplets Man, Machine, & Monsters: December 24, 1998 Travis Beacham's Blog: December 24th, 1998
Tendo Choi Man, Machine, & Monsters: May 17, 1992 Travis Beacham's Blog: May 17th, 1992
Newt Geiszler Drift Space Special Feature: January 19, 1980 Man, Machine, & Monsters: January 19, 1990 Pacific Rim Novelization: January 19, 1990 Travis Beacham's Blog: January 19, 1991
Hermann Gottlieb Man, Machine, & Monsters: June 9, 1989 Pacific Rim novelization: June 9, 1989 Travis Beacham's Blog: June 9, 1989
Beacham stated that Aleksis Kaidonovsky's 1998 birthdate was a typo.
Beacham's blog lists Mako's birth year as 2005, but given that 2003 is listed far more commonly, I'm inclined to think his date may be in error.
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hollowwarriors · 11 months ago
Not even that, Chuck, the Wei brother and some of the others are Gen Z 🫠🫠 OLDER Gen Z yeah, BUT STILL GEN Z!
The Pacific Rim novelization has Herc Hansen looking at Newt and Hermann like "I wonder what they think of me, I bet they think I'm all old and washed up" like HELLO you people are ALL MILLENNIALS HERE????
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foolscapper · 1 year ago
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Game night is the worst.
My second piece for @edgeofhopezine!
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winchester-burger · 1 year ago
life may be rough but at least at the end of the day there are always the pacific rim mutuals in my phone <3
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driftwithme · 1 year ago
Aleksis Kaidonovsky: 210cm
Stacker Pentecost: 189cm
Herc Hansen: 185cm
Raleigh Becket: 183cm
Chuck Hansen: 183cm
Yancy Becket: 181cm
Hannibal Chau: 180cm
The Wei Tang Triplets: 179cm
Sasha Kaidonovsky: 177cm
Hermann Gottlieb: 175cm
Tendo Choi: 173cm
Newton Geiszler: 169cm
Mako Mori: 169cm
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theinternetisaweboflies · 2 months ago
Pacific Rim Props Part 2
(Part 1)
(Part 3)
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Crimson Typhoon Jaeger Pilot Drivesuit
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Raleigh Becket Hero Welding Pack
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Scavenger Meat Hamper Lot
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Chau Thug Costume
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Mako Mori's Corkboard
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Mechanical Kaiju Skin Mite
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ghostgirlvii · 1 year ago
I finally received my loot from @edgeofhopezine !!!! The first fanzine I ever financed because where would I get more PacRim merch??!! I would say the extra 30€ had to pay for the customs kind of leave a bitter sweet taste, customs are so bitch to ask for such a high price, but it was either that or don't get my stuff.... Not the zine fault!!!
Look at this! I quickly checked some of the fanart in the zine and 😭👌 amazing!
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That Striker keychain??? Fucking stole my heart 🫶 and Chuck sticker with Max? I'M BEING BLESSED! till I saw one beautiful but oh painful fanart lol
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taintedmind6669 · 1 year ago
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addictsitter · 2 years ago
do you think guillermo del toro is aware of what he created when he invented drift compatibility for pacific rim
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stiltonbasket · 1 year ago
Shuifang daughter #1 is absolutely her mother’s daughter? She comes home from the baoshi to find out that her parents have suddenly adopted three babies and she freaks out? She also pulls a “run away to Ning-shushu”.
Little Wei Shufen was an only child for several years, since A-Lan and Lan Fang had previously decided they were happy with just one...and while A-Fen was glad to be an older sister, she was not happy about having to move out of her parents' room so that they could tend to the triplets at night without waking her.
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mvncesa · 2 years ago
pac rim gave us a jaeger piloted by three people (the only ones to pull this off) & we only get to see them for three minutes
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airasilver · 1 year ago
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Why you keep this in the tags @driftwithme? It's so true. I mean we see Raleigh on screen but is it really? Are they just in Raleigh's body together or is it just the one that was the most 'put together' (not ripped in half or etc?) so it was the best one to use?
Do the others see Raleigh? Do they see Yancy? Do they see both? At the same time?
Oh! Chuck hanging around Herc and Stacker also because of the last run. Stacker goes to see Mako but only when Chuck takes over Herc's body to go hang out with his best friend.
(It's easier to tell with Chuck, Stacker, and Herc than it is with the Becket brothers. They and the Gage Twins (are they still alive? At least one of them) are the hardest since the Wei Tang brothers are gone.)
(Shoot. The twins are dead according to the Wiki. Let's say one lived like Raleigh for this.)
addicted to relationships where one person is a ghost but it's unclear who's haunting who
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qourmet · 10 months ago
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alright, no more disabled tyrant's pet palm fish from me. i just wanted to draw da, er, san & si bao + bao xue as more grown-up
headcanons under the cut
the idea that heng is the only black fish despite looking the Most like their dad gets me.... i like to think he grows up Laid-back + the fact that qiongxue & heng have the same hair texture won't ever Not get me
kai xin & wei all probably look like identical triplets with their hair down & their robes removed
qiongxue probably steals wei's accessories
heng probably crawled into his little sister's cradle Once when they were babies & knocked the fuck out & now it's not unheard of to find the two youngest siblings napping in the same room
even though heng is the shortest of the quintuplets, he's still taller than Dad. qiongxue is the only one as short as Dad.
all 4 of the youngest siblings call da-ge "grandpa's boy"
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k-scinerd · 2 months ago
On this day in the film, there is the first double event as predicted by Dr. Hermann Gottlieb with category IV (4) Kaijus Otachi and Leatherback emerging from the breach
Unfortunately, the Wei Tang triplets of Crimson Typhoon and Kaidonovsky's of Cherno Alpha were lost in this battle.
Herc Hansen of Striker Eureka was also injured in this fight.
Striker Eureka and Gipsy Danger still remain.
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months ago
I wonder who's the recent in in this continued stoned egg AU if the twins and lunar node triplets are already born. Other than the other unnamed sons in Paramita's story could it be like Wei-Chen from American Born Chinese? Technically he counts as a non canon kiddo, albiet a more modern one.
I love the idea of baby girl Yuebei still being the one to destroy LBD as an unborn baby - but in the post Jttw stone egged au she can still destroy the witch as a toddler (maybe her first ever show of divine power).
Fun fact taken from this article from @journeytothewestresearch! The names of the kiddos from "Journey to the South" refer to "imaginary/shadow" planets in chinese astrology - Jidu/Ketu and Luohou/Rahu being the lunar nodes (and possible early observations of Neptune and Uranus) and Yuebei Xing being lunar apogee (when the moon is farthest from the sun).
The only shadow planet not mentioned is Ziqi (紫气/"Purple Mist").
So I bet a tiny purple-masked baby is the next one in line :3
Also fun fact, these pseudo planets are included on the inscriptions/design on Zhu Bajie's rake, in addition to the planets. I like the idea of Wukong asking his pig bro about the pattern and getting a lesson in chinese astronomy, only to come away with some cute naming ideas for his future eggs.
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beifong-brainrot · 1 year ago
In my head, Su accidentally got pregnant with the twins almost right after giving birth to Opal. The pregnancy was really difficult on her and Katara and Kya had to be the ones to take care of her through it.
When Lin learnt of this, she almost reached out, but ended up chickening out at the last second. This woman would rather fling herself into a volcano than expose her emotional vulnerabily.
During this time, Aiwei inserted himself into the family and helped Su with managing the city and stuff. He even occasionally helped babysit the kids. This is why Su was so attached to him. In my brain I also like to think that she named the older twin, Wei after Aiwei. They already had a Junior in the house so they just shortened the name i guess.
After a very difficult birth, Katara advised Su not to try for anymore children. This is also one of the reasons Su ended up adopting Kuvira when the opportunity presented itself.
Being so close in age, Opal and the twins are often treated as a set of triplets rather than being just short of a year apart. This also means that, despite being younger, the twins feel very protective of their sister, especially back when she was a nonbender. I can also see Su being, in turn, super protective of the twins. They're her baby boys and she always wants them close to her. A little bit of codependency going on there I think.
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