#weekly theme: hobbies
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Etho likes woodworking, so he finds himself often making little figures and trinkets for Tango.
Tango has had to start picking up new pieces of furniture so he has enough room to display them all. He refuses to let any of them go unnoticed!
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Hidden Gems 10

This week, we have seven fics that you might have missed - hidden gems with under 150 kudos. Check them out beneath the cut, and of course, comment or kudos if you like them!
Live Along Some Distant Day by Dira Sudis (dsudis) (3224, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
While in the tower in Aeor, Caleb and Essek share childhood memories about watching the sun rise through stained glass. Caleb makes Essek a gift.
Reccer says: This fic is lovely! It’s short, sweet, and a little bit melancholy, with some beautifully vivid imagery and just as much kissing as you’d expect.
No Distractions, Dear by CaptainHollow (1201, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
A tiny slice of life for the wizards in Caleb’s home as they settle in to life together.
Reccer says: It’s short and sweet, with spot-on characterization. I especially love how it shows Essek allowing his good old pre-traitor reveal snark to resurface.
and in between us a distance greater than the ocean by LivThael (4116, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb tries to seduce Essek into not betraying the Nein after the war is finally over, only to find himself in the uncharted waters of what their relationship could be
Reccer says: I liked it!
the sheep and the shadowhand by dragonslaeyr (7897, Mature) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Caleb has a husband in Rosahna. On the walk from the Bastion to the prisons to the house the M9 try to figure out more.
Reccer says: Is it crack? No but it is quite sequel to crack. A good and funny read with neither Caleb nor the M9 being subtle.
Cover me is sunshine, shower me in good times by raretune (1599, General) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Essek tells Caleb to find a hobby and Caleb becomes a C-popper
Reccer says: This was such a sweet read.
Statuesque by Chiakery (15682, Teen) Reccer's Content Notes: No Content Notes
Verin takes Essek to Jester's art exhibition and Essek falls in love with a statue that looks like Caleb
Reccer says: So well written! And even if you suspect what's coming it still surprises you. + super fun bonus content in last chapter!!
And then three recs for this last one: The Night Shift by Ghost Particles (27273, Explicit) Reccer's Content Notes: Choose Not to Warn
007 au where the mighty nein are spies and Essek is their handler.
Reccer 1 says: I love the build up of the Essek and Caleb's relationship. Reccer 2 says: It is an amazing AU, all of Essek's pov and it greatly showcases his thoughts and feelings and growing fondness. Keeping how in the campaign he was also distanced from the party by being in xorhas. Reccer says 3: I liked it!
Read all of those already, and looking for some good but not often recced fics? Check out some of our past hidden gems reclists here: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
This is one of our weekly communally-generated shadowgast rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation.
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics that take place in Eiselcross or Aeor. Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit!
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Number One Girl
Ning Yizhuo x Reader
Word Count: 4,257 Genre: Fluff, Angst Rating: Some adult themes, MINORS DNI!
Summary: Hoping to get over her crush on Yizhuo, Y/N starts to distance herself from her friend. Turns out that was the exact push that Yizhuo needed to realize that she has a crush on Y/N too.
Content Warnings: Alcohol consumption, very brief mention of sexual activity but no smut, unrequited love that is later requited. If you think I missed a warning, please let me know!
A/N: This fic is part of the @k-vanity network's "Love in the Mix" event! The songs that I chose to base my fic on were "Empty Glass" by Nam Jin, "Sleepover" by Hayley Kiyoko, "Number One Girl" by Rosé, "I Like You" by Day6, and "Unconditional" by Jaehyun. If you like this fic, check out the other fics that are part of this event! I'll be linking the event masterlist here when it's posted.
Taglist: @xomakara
Fic is under the cut.
You always hated going to the bar, but you never stayed home when your friends asked you to go with them, either. After all, despite your lack of interest in the city’s nightlife, the bar seemed like the perfect place to meet someone and finally get over your ex. It had been months since she’d walked away and left you heartbroken, and all you wanted was to connect with someone new and heal.
Honestly, though, when you really thought about how many times you’d already tried and failed, you wondered why you even bothered anymore. With slightly more thought, however, you concluded that it was a sick combination of desperation, loneliness, boredom, and a miniscule amount of foolish hope that made you want to keep trying.
When you finally arrived at the bar, you were certain that nothing interesting would happen. Still, that little bit of hope in the back of your mind kept you going as you made your way to the bar and ordered a cocktail. While you enjoyed your first drink of the night, one of the most gorgeous women you’d ever seen walked into the bar and sat on the stool right next to you. She looked at you and smiled, and you let the hope that carried you through the door continue to carry you into a conversation with her as you smiled back and introduced yourself.
“My name is Yizhuo,” she replied, her voice filling your stomach with butterflies as she spoke.
“What brought you here tonight?” you asked, hoping to hear her speak again so that the butterflies would come back.
“I just wanted something to do. What about you?”
“My friends dragged me out,” you answered, laughing softly.
Yizhuo laughed at your answer and asked, “Well, why did you let them?”
“The short answer is boredom.”
“I understand that, honestly. There’s never anything interesting going on around here.”
“Tell me about it.”
As the two of you continued to talk, you found yourself thinking about just how beautiful Yizhuo was in every sense of the word and how badly you wanted a connection with her that lasted beyond just one night. You wondered if she felt the same way about you, but you knew that it was far too soon to ask. So instead, you asked, “What do you like to do for fun?”
“I love to sing,” she answered. “I don’t think I would ever want to do it professionally, but when there’s music on, and I’m singing along, I feel lighter than a feather.”
“That’s really beautiful.”
“What are some of your hobbies?”
There was a brief silence before you answered, “I really like to read. Sometimes I write too, but never anything that I would want to publish.”
“I’d love to read some of the stuff you’ve written sometime.”
“Well, I’d love to hear you sing sometime.”
Just then, you heard an unfamiliar voice say, “Hello, everyone, and welcome to our weekly karaoke night! If you would like to participate, come see me in the booth next to the stage to pick a song and a time slot.”
“That’s perfect!” Yizhuo said with a smile before walking away. You wanted to ask her where she was going, but before you could, she was across the bar, talking to the guy that made the announcement earlier. He nodded at what she said, and she followed him to the empty stage.
“Ok, everyone, please give a warm welcome to our first participant for this week’s karaoke night, Yizhuo!”
You didn’t quite hear the title of the song that she sang, but once she started, you didn’t really care. The combination of the seductive nature of the lyrics and her sultry voice had you in a trance for the entirety of the song. You were sure that you looked like an idiot as you watched her onstage, but you didn’t particularly care. All you cared about was how beautiful she was and how she really seemed to be in her element as she sang.
When her performance was over, you clapped, and when she got back to her seat, you said, “That was incredible! You have a beautiful voice.”
“Thanks,” she replied, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks.
The rest of the night continued with nothing major happening, except for butterflies in your stomach every time Yizhuo spoke or smiled at you. For a brief moment, you wondered if it was a good idea to ask her to come home with you. After all, she was gorgeous, and you really wanted to show her just how beautiful you thought she was. In the end, however, you decided against it, too nervous to try anything beyond asking, “Can I have your number? I’d love to talk more.”
“Yeah, of course,” she replied, holding her hand out to take your phone. You handed it to her, and she handed you hers. You each put your contact information in the other’s phone, and with a smile, Yizhuo added, “I really liked talking to you tonight. I hope we get to see each other again.”
Before you could respond, she walked away, and your friends were surrounding you and telling you that they were ready to leave. You reluctantly left the bar, disappointed that meeting someone new hadn’t gone the way you’d hoped but excited that you’d met someone new in the first place.
When you got home, you considered texting Yizhuo, but you didn’t want to come on too strongly and make her uncomfortable. So, you decided to just turn your phone off for the night and go to sleep. Before you could, though, you opened your phone and saw a new message.
Yizhuo: Hi! Just wanted to say I had a lot of fun tonight. I’d love to see you again sometime. Y/N: That sounds great! Just let me know when you know what days you’re free. Yizhuo: Will do. Good night! Y/N: Good night.
The next morning, you woke up and got ready for work, just like any other day. When you got to the office, however, you were pleasantly surprised by a familiar face.
“Oh my god, (Y/N)! Hi!” Yizhuo cheered, pulling you into a hug.
“Hi! What are you doing here?” you asked.
“Today is my first day in the legal department! I’m so happy to see someone here that I actually know,” she commented, laughing softly as she spoke.
“Well, good luck! If you need anything or have any questions, just let me know.”
“I will!” she replied, letting go of you so that she could get to work.
Nothing significant happened for the rest of the day, except for Yizhuo asking if you wanted to get dinner with her after work. You happily agreed, and the two of you decided to go to a local restaurant that was close to the bar you’d met at the night before.
At the end of your shift, you met Yizhuo at the restaurant. Once you sat down at a table and ordered drinks, she asked, “So, when did you start working at the Kwangya Corporation?”
“I’ve been working there for just under a year. How did your first day go?”
“Better than expected. I thought that I was gonna struggle a lot, but Aeri was a huge help. She’s in charge of training me.”
“Aeri is one of the best employees the company has. If anyone can help you feel more at ease and teach you how to do things the right way, it’ll be her.”
The two of you continued to chat for what felt like hours as you enjoyed your meal and relaxed after a chaotic day. You talked about everything from what you did at work to foods that you liked, and with every word, you found yourself continuing to fall for her. The way she treated you fell firmly into the “platonic affection” category, though, much to your disappointment.
At the end of the meal, Yizhuo smiled and said, “Thank you for hanging out with me; I needed to get out and have fun with a friend.”
“It’s no problem. I’m happy to hang out whenever, as long as I’m not busy.”
After you paid for your food, she pulled you into a hug and left the restaurant. As you got into your car and drove home, you wondered if she would ever see you as anything more than a friend.
A few weeks later, you were walking into work when you saw Yizhuo speedwalking toward you. She looked much happier than usual, and when she finally reached you, she said, “Oh my god, you’ll never believe what happened last night!”
“What happened?” you asked.
“I met someone.”
You were surprised, to say the least, but you still tried to seem happy for her as you asked, “Really? What’s their name?”
“His name is Shotaro. We met at the bar last night. Actually, it was the same bar that I met you! Isn’t that cool?”
“Yeah, totally,” you answered, hoping that the hurt you were feeling wasn’t too obvious.
Before Yizhuo could say anything else, you walked into the building and made your way to your desk, which was in a different department. You knew it was petty, but you really didn’t want to listen to her talk about the amazing guy that she met, at the same bar that she met you, no less. All you wanted to do was focus on your work.
The day went by quickly, probably because you were determined to focus solely on your work until you got home. As you walked to your car, however, you couldn’t help but start thinking about how lonely you really were. Sure, you had friends, and you were somewhat close to your family, but you really missed having someone to fall asleep with at night and kiss good morning. You knew that you would find someone eventually, but you couldn’t help but wonder just when that would be.
The next month of listening to Yizhuo talk about how amazing Shotaro was and how much she loved spending time with him was difficult, to say the least. You were happy for her, of course, and you knew that holding onto your hurt wouldn’t help you get over her, but you couldn’t help but think about her constantly. You knew it was stupid, but you slowly found yourself falling harder and harder for your friend.
The way you felt only got harder to ignore whenever Yizhuo spent the night at your apartment. She stayed with you one night a week, sometimes two if she had a particularly bad fight with Shotaro, and over time, those nights became your favorite part of the week. Every time the two of you watched a movie together on your couch, her arm wrapped around you as you leaned into her side, you found yourself actually relaxing, and part of you couldn’t help but imagine that one day, she might see you the same way you saw her.
At some point, Yizhuo and Shotaro broke up, and you were the first person that she went to for comfort. She showed up on your doorstep late at night, tears in her eyes and a stuffed bear that you’d given her for her birthday in her hands. When you saw her, you knew pretty much immediately what was wrong, and the second your door was closed, you pulled her into a hug and said, “I’m so sorry. Do you wanna talk about it?”
Yizhuo shook her head and said, “I don’t think it would help.” After a moment of silence, she added, “Can I stay here tonight?”
“Of course.”
Once she was fully inside, you led her to the couch and picked a funny movie to watch together. While the movie played, she relaxed in your arms, and you found yourself thinking about how badly you wanted her once again. You knew better than to tell her, though, especially because she was there for comfort after the end of a relationship.
Eventually, Yizhuo moved on from Shotaro and started dating someone new. The relationship didn’t exactly last long, though, and based on the fact that she never even told you their name, you figured that it probably wasn’t serious. Regardless, she was heartbroken when they broke up with her, and you found yourself in a similar situation with her once again.
With every new relationship that Yizhuo got into, the cycle repeated, and after a few months of continuing to fall for Yizhuo while she dated and hooked up with other people, you started to consider distancing yourself from her. Not because you didn’t want to be around her, of course, but because you thought that space was the only thing that would help you get over her. So, over time, you started hanging out with her less and less.
When Yizhuo realized that you were distancing yourself from her, she couldn’t understand why. She stayed up late every night wondering what she did wrong, and she couldn’t think of anything that would have upset you. Every time the two of you talked or hung out, you were like a ray of sunshine, never even hinting that you were upset with her. Despite your upbeat demeanor around her, however, she couldn’t think of any other reason that you would distance yourself.
You even started avoiding Yizhuo at work, much to her disappointment and confusion. There were times that she considered just asking you what she did wrong, but she worried that it would cause an argument and make you want to distance yourself further or even stop talking to her entirely, so she really didn’t want to do that. Instead, she just hoped that one day the two of you could be as close as you were when you first met.
After a while, you found yourself thinking about Yizhuo less and less, and you wondered if it meant that you were finally starting to get over her. Before you could think about that too much, though you decided to try putting yourself out there once again, hoping that you could speed up the process of getting over Yizhuo by getting under someone else.
On a night that you felt particularly lonely, you went to the same bar that you’d met Yizhuo, but instead of actually meeting someone, you went home completely alone. So, you decided to try again the next night. Your second attempt was also unsuccessful, so you went home, collapsed onto your bed, and sobbed, wondering what was wrong with you that no one wanted you.
At some point in the night, amidst the depression threatening to swallow you whole, you thought, “Fuck it,” and texted Yizhuo to see if she was busy. Sure, you knew that you had no chance with her, but you figured that it was about time for you to fix your shit and accept that she only saw you as a friend. Hell, maybe the two of you could even go out to the bar act as wingmen for each other.
One night, while Yizhuo was thinking about the sudden shift in your relationship, she finally realized that her feelings for you weren’t strictly platonic, like she’d always thought. It all started when she allowed herself to actually wonder why she even cared so much, and all it took was a surprise text from you to realize that she was indeed falling for you.
Y/N: Hey. Are you busy tomorrow? Yizhuo: No, unless you count work. Why? Y/N: Do you want to go out tomorrow? Yizhuo: Sure!
Yizhuo’s heart started to race at the idea of actually spending time with you again, and she recognized the giddy feeling from when she first met Shotaro. As she thought about the implications of that, she wondered why her feelings changed when they did and why she had to have the realization that they’d changed after you’d already distanced yourself from her. In the end, though, all she could do was hope that you didn’t change your mind about hanging out or start dating someone else while the two of you weren’t talking as much.
Before Yizhuo went to bed, she spent a long time wondering if she should just tell you how she felt. In the end, she didn’t exactly make a concrete decision one way or the other. Instead, she decided to wait and see how your plans tomorrow went. If you seemed interested in her the same way she was interested in you, and you didn’t mention dating anyone, she would tell you. If you mentioned dating someone else or seemed uninterested in her, she would keep her mouth shut.
The next morning came, and you and Yizhuo agreed to meet at a local park after work. The moment you arrived at the park and sat down on a bench next to her, the feelings that you’d tried so hard to get rid of came rushing right back. You wanted to run away the moment you realized, but a strange feeling in your gut told you to stay. Maybe it was hope that Yizhuo would reciprocate your feelings. Maybe it was desire to not lose your friend. Most likely, though, it was a combination of both.
“So, how have you been?” Yizhuo asked, hoping that the small talk would ease some of the awkwardness between you.
You thought for a minute about how you wanted to answer her question. Did you want to lie and tell her that everything was fine, or did you want to admit that you missed her and felt like an idiot for pushing her away? In the end, you chose the latter and said, “Truthfully, I’ve been a goddamn mess. I’ve missed you a lot.”
“Then why didn’t you talk to me?”
With a sigh, you answered, “I was hurting, and I thought that I was doing the right thing by stepping back until I had time to heal.”
“All this time I thought I did something wrong,” she said, seemingly deflating as she spoke.
“I never meant to make you think that. I am so sorry.”
There was a moment of silence before she asked, “So, we’re ok?”
“Yes. We’re ok. I’m so sorry for ever making you think that we weren’t.”
There was silence for a while after that, but neither of you seemed to mind. It was like the need to fill the space with words was gone, with only the joy of finally being in each other’s company again remaining. After a while, however, Yizhuo felt like she was going to explode if she didn’t find out how you really felt about her. So, with a deep breath, she asked, “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, of course. What is it?”
“What was going on that you felt like you needed to distance yourself from me?”
You sighed at the question, unsure if you wanted to admit to your feelings. After all, what if she didn’t feel the same way, and you lost her again? But then again, what if she did feel the same way? In the end, you decided to just bite the bullet and quietly say, “I realized that I like you in a not-strictly-platonic way. I thought that distancing myself would make the feelings go away, but I was wrong.”
Yizhuo was silent for a minute as she processed your words, and you started to worry that you’d fucked up your friendship permanently. Before you could worry for too long, though, Yizhuo turned to you and said, “I also like you in a not-strictly-platonic way, you know.”
“Yeah. I realized it at some point while we weren’t talking as much. I don’t know why it took me so long to figure it out, but I’m happy I did.”
There was another awkward silence before you started to ask, “Does this mean that-”
Before you could even finish your question, Yizhuo wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed you. You melted into her hold, and you couldn’t help but feel like an idiot for not just telling her how you felt sooner. In the end, though, the fact that you waited so long to tell her didn’t really matter, because you two still found your way back to each other in the end.
When Yizhuo pulled away from the kiss, the first thing she said was, “In case that didn’t make it obvious, the answer is yes.”
With a smile, you asked, “In that case, are you busy on Valentine’s Day?”
“I don’t have anything planned right now, but I can definitely change that. Why do you ask?”
“Why don’t we go out that night? It’d be nice to go on a proper date with you.”
“Is this not a proper date?” she asked with a laugh.
“Let me rephrase. It’d be nice to go out with the intention of it being a date. Despite the way things worked out, I really didn’t intend for today to be a date.”
Yizhuo smiled as she responded, “That does sound nice.”
The two of you continued to enjoy your time at the park until it got dark outside. At that point, you each went your separate ways, but not without Yizhuo kissing you one more time. It was early in your relationship still, but as you drove back to your apartment, you had a pretty strong feeling that the two of you would be ok.
Valentine’s Day finally arrived, and you spent most of the day worrying about whether the restaurant you’d picked was good enough or if Yizhuo would like the gift that you’d bought her. When you actually met your now girlfriend at the restaurant, however, you realized that you didn’t have anything to worry about. She greeted you with a grin on her face and a bouquet of flowers in her hands, the exact same pink roses you’d bought for her.
When you both realized that you’d bought each other the same flowers, you shared a laugh, and you put the flowers in your car before the two of you walked into the restaurant together. As the two of you were seated at a table, you found yourself wondering how you got as lucky as you did meeting someone like Yizhuo. Her smile made even your darkest days brighter, and she never let a day go by without telling you just how much she cared about you. Valentine’s Day, of course, was no exception. As soon as the two of you finished ordering your appetizers, she said, “I love you.”
You were caught off guard, since she hadn’t explicitly said that she loved you before, but you still smiled and said, “I love you too.”
The rest of your time at the restaurant went by in silence for the most part, with both of you enjoying each other’s presence too much to worry about talking beyond the occasional comment about your food. If you’d been out with anyone else, you would have been upset about the lack of conversation, but since you were with the woman you loved, you didn’t really mind.
After you left the restaurant, you went home to put your flowers in a vase. Then, you drove to Yizhuo’s apartment, just like you’d planned to do earlier. When you finally got there, you knocked on the door, and she answered, though she looked disheveled. You wanted to ask if she was ok, but before you got the chance, she said, “Hi, honey. You got here faster than I thought you would.”
“Are you ok, baby?”
“Yeah, I’m ok. Just setting something up.”
“What is it?”
“You’ll see. Can you wait here for just a minute?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Yizhuo shut the door, and you waited outside for her to be ready. While you waited, you heard her walking around her apartment singing the same song she’d sung at the bar the night you met, followed by a crash and a string of curses. After a bit more noise, she opened the door and said, “Come in.”
You entered her apartment and saw that she’d decorated her entire apartment with lights and balloons, and “Howl’s Moving Castle” was ready to play on her TV. With a smile on her face, she led you to the couch. Once you found a comfortable position, she sat down next to you, leaned her head on your shoulder, and started the movie.
About halfway through the movie, you noticed that Yizhuo was asleep. You really didn’t want to wake her, but you knew that her bed would be far more comfortable than the couch. So, you gently shook her and said, “Baby, wake up.”
“What’s going on?”
“You fell asleep during the movie.”
“I’m sorry honey,” she said with a pout.
“It’s ok, baby, I just figured you might be more comfortable in your bed than on the couch.”
With an exaggerated pout on her face, she asked, “Will you stay here tonight?”
“Yeah, of course. Do you have an extra toothbrush?”
Yizhuo nodded and stood up before helping you off the couch. After that, the two of you got ready for bed together. After you both brushed your teeth, Yizhuo gave you an extra set of pajamas to change into. Then, you both changed your clothes and went to bed. Your lover held you close the entire night, and you couldn’t help but think that you wanted to fall asleep next to her every night of your life.
Thank you for reading! If you liked this, please like and reblog! If you wanna be tagged in future works, fill out the taglist form here! If you want to check out my other works, check out my main masterlist. If you want to see what else is in the works, you can check my upcoming works list! If none of that interests you, or there's something specific you want to see, feel free to send a request via my asks or dms!
Thank you again for reading. I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day!
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Manips & Mock-ups March
We are excited to announce our first graphic-making event of the year, Manips & Mock-ups March (we couldn't resist the alliteration).
This won't necessarily be a daily challenge --though anyone is welcome to make daily creations if they'd like. Instead, the month will be broken up into general weekly "themes" with a few additional prompts for each week. You are free to use any or all of these prompts as inspiration for your creations, or disregard them entirely!
The goal of this event is to simply create any form of manip or mock-up. It can be as a static graphic or as a gif edit!
What exactly counts as a "manip" or "mock-up"?
For the purposes of this event, we are casting a wide net on what we consider "manips." We'd like as many people to participate, regardless of skill level, and "manip" often sounds intimidating. But it doesn't have to be anything elaborate.
A manip in its simplest form is the manipulation of images to create something new. It can be text messages between characters. A polaroid photo. A vacation postcard. A character given demon eyes or angel wings. Someone's hair changed. Two characters placed in a new setting. Characters meeting for the first time.
Check out our #manips tag for examples and inspo.
Mock-Ups are another option. For mock-ups we're thinking: Posters, VHS / DVD covers, book covers, album covers, magazine covers, flyers, prayer cards, etc. Basically something that could exist in the real world, but make it SPN.
You could make a poster for your favorite episode. An album cover for an AU were TFW are rock stars. Prayer cards for angels. A receipt from Gas 'n' Sip. A Biggerson's menu. The sky's the limit.
Check out our #mockups tag for more examples and inspo.
Use some of these, all of these, or none of these! These are just a guide / inspo.
📸 Week One: Memories 📸
Letter / Diary
Home Video
❤️ Week Two: Romance ❤️
Date night
Suggestive ;)
Unlikely pair (Enemies-to-lovers / rarepair / crack ship)
Kiss (good ol' kissing manip)
🗃️ Week Three: Work & Play 🏖️
Undercover / Dress Up
Hunter's Journal / Bestiary / Lore / Casework
🤖 Week Four: AUs & Crossovers 🔀
Fantasy / Scifi
Reverse Verse (supernaturals are human, humans are supernatural)
Domestic / Non-supernatural
Historical / Different time period / Time-travel
"Superwholock" aka blending SPN with other media
In our poll gauging interest for upcoming events, a majority of responders identified as "non-creators" but interested. We hope to turn some of you into "creators" by sharing resources to make graphic-making accessible to everyone!
Check out our #resources tag for PSD templates to help you get started.
Some free editing programs (if you're not using photoshop):
Photopea (a free recreation of photoshop)
Canva (has many templates for mockups)
GIMP (an open-source program similar to photoshop)
Photoscape X
Where to get free stock / public domain images (some of these sites have now joined the AI wave but have options to filter out that content): Freepik, Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay, Flickr Commons, Wiki Commons
🚫 NO AI generated content. 🚫 NO depictions of incestuous or adult/minor relationships. 🚫 Goes without saying but, no hateful / bigotted content. 🏷️ Please tag any NSFW content accordingly. 🏷️ Please tag for any additional content warnings.
🌟 Additionally please @ us or use our tracked tag #spngraphics-archive so we can see and reblog your creations!
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Flipping the Script: Leviathan Progression (Human World AU)
Previously: After a baggage mishap at the airport, you and your cosplay group found the perfect replacement for your Lord of Shadows! Rejoice, as now a demon has your number! (Not that you know that)
Contents: Second person (you), fluff, MC is an otaku, MC is down bad, mutual pining between idiots
Part One, Part Two (You are here), Part Three (Coming Soon)...
Levi met up with you and your team for the photoshoot that day, and it couldn’t have gone better!
As promised, you spent your first visit to the vendors room with him as part of his compensation for helping you out. What you hadn’t expected was for him to be quite so funny during your time together.
He had an infectious energy about him… Especially when talking about the shows and hobbies that he liked to indulge in. Coincidently, they happened to line up with a lot of your interests as well, so there was a nearly endless conversations between you two.
By the time the rest of your team tracked you down to do a scheduled fan signing, you and Levi had already gotten lunch at a themed café and exchanged online handles to play games together back at the hotel. Then they had to sit and suffer through you rambling about just how sweet and hilarious he was...
Even after the convention, the two of you kept up a very steady contact. Weekly game nights were an absolute must and he occasionally would join chats with you if you decided to stream. Leviachan, as you'd happily begun to call him, became a fast regular in your DMs and on your chat history.
You were surprised that for all of Levi's skill, he didn’t have the same kind of social media presence that you had to share his cosplay. You offered multiple times to bring him in for collabs together, but…
Well, Levi was always super cagey with you about just WHERE he lives or even where he was born in! When you first asked, he said it was, “J-just a small place somewhere out there! Nowhere important.”
To some extent, you understood his desire for privacy, so you've never really pried, but it still felt so odd that he wouldn’t even give you a country… Not even a time zone! Whenever you wanted to call him, he’d always just “up.” Did he ever sleep??
What information you could gain from him was mainly family-related. He had six brothers, no Mom, and an estranged Dad. The one you saw on the day you met him, Malcolm, was the second oldest and their relationship seemed… complicated.
It wasn’t until you both decided to do a video call to play a game he sent you that you got to first meet the others...
You had your computer booting up the copy of Demonlands 2 that Levi sent for you to play while the window for your video call rang for him to pick up. It was another typical Friday game night for you, though you decided not to stream in favor of having a chill night of fun with Levi. He had been talking up this as one of his comfort games for a long while, though you had never heard of it yourself, so when he offered to give you copy you sprang for it! Over the months you’d gotten to know the shy otaku, you’d learned to put paramount trust in his recommendations. He really knew his stuff, anime AND game-wise, so listening to him was like having your own personal guru.
You slid your headphones on and got comfortable in your chair right as Levi’s end picked up and the corner of your monitor displayed the smiling face of the man who'd quickly grown to become your best friend. The ambient blue light of his room tinged the violet in his hair a shade of indigo, but left the sunset shade of his eyes more or less intact. You'd already expressed some jealousy to Levi over his sweet setup... what parts of it he's been willing to show you anyway. He'd given you the digital tour of his figurines, manga, and games collections, as well as showing you little Henry. You had no idea someone would commit to an aquatic aesthetic so hard that they’d actually sleep in a bathtub, but at the same time it felt so very… Levi. Nothing in his bedroom was like anything you'd ever seen before, like, who actually sleeps next to an aquarium tank?? Maybe his family were the eccentric type���
“Hey, Y/n! Sorry that I'm picking up late.”
“No, it’s fine! I was grabbing a snack earlier. Did something happen?”
“No, nothing important.”
You watched Levi start checking over his monitor through the screen while mindlessly twisting the black wire of your headphones between your fingertips. When you first started to play games together, these little silences between you would feel awkward and Levi would scramble to get find anything he could to fill them. To alleviate the tension, you’d play a shared playlist of your favorite otacore or ani-songs to make him more comfortable, but for the last month or so he hadn’t needed it as much. The silences were now… pleasant. You could take your time with each other like real friends could and it felt pretty nice.
Most of your offline friends knew how embarrassingly down bad you'd become for this guy. You hoped your cosplay audience hadn't picked up on it yet, but there would always be those comments that point out how you gush about him whenever he offered you a new accessory for your outfits… If you guys had a ship name, you didn’t know it'd be yet.
Not that you had any ideas about it or anything. You? Ship yourself with your best friend?? Absolutely not! Like, who would actually do that-?
Levi's voice interjected itself into your thoughts, making you fumble with the headphone wire as you recovered.
“Hey, are you alright? You were just staring off there…”
Now back in reality, you stuttered out an embarrassed apology to your confused friend and try to smile it off.
“Oh yeah, Levi, I'm alright. It's just a long week, so I'm ready for some gaming!”
You prayed that the bubbly feeling in your chest wasn't also showing on your face when you watched his expression light up. That determined smile was more than half of the reason you agreed to these game nights of yours when he first brought up the idea. He took to giving you a good time as passionately as a great DM runs their campaign and you appreciated the hell out of him for it... Having a life on social media and being in the public eye could absolutely drain a person, but with Levi you could just relax and recharge with the stuff you loved…
“Okay, Y/n, do you have everything running?”
“Yep! Got it all installed last night.”
“Great! Go ahead and open the co-op menu and-"
His voice got cut off in your headphones by the sound of a sharp knock coming from behind him. Levi's eyes briefly grew to the size of saucers as they darted over his shoulder then back at your image onscreen.
“Levi...? What's wrong?”
“Nothing! Uh… J-just a second!”
You watched him lurch over his desk and fumble with his mouse until eventually the camera feed cut to black. You were definitely getting concerned, since Levi had almost never reacted that way to an outside noise before, but soon your worry morphed into curiosity. A sing-song voice called out through your headphones, one you had never heard before, and after checking the chat window you realized that, yep…
Levi forgot to mute the call.
“Oh Levi~! What made you think we're done talking? Is that your little friend in there??”
The man's voice was at a higher pitch than Levi's and he sounded pretty… annoyed. Or at least insistent about something. You heard the sound of door hinges swinging open, followed by Levi's much more exasperated tone.
“Go away, Asmo-gak! Why are all of you here!?”
A new voice joined the fray, this one was much softer than the other two. They spoke at a languid pace, slow like honey pouring from a bottle. Did he just wake up or something...?
“We thought you've been talking to a computer this whole time, but Mammon says that they're a real person…”
“Yeah, I’ve seen'em too! Tell'em Levi!”
That one you knew had to be Malcolm! There was no mistaking the energetic punch to his words, but who the heck was Mammon?? You didn’t recall meeting him too…
“Ugh, yes! They're real, but no you can’t all see them! We just started a new game, so go away!!”
“Uhm, Levi?”
Your question must have come through the speakers because, for moment, the sudden silence on the other end was deafening… then all hell broke loose at once.
Another voice spoke up now, one that sounded a lot deeper and almost velvety coming through your headphones.
“Was that them just now?”
Another responds, also deep, but muffled? As if they're trying to speak past a mouthful of marshmallows…
“Mmnph-‘ink so-mmmgh…”
The higher voice chimed in well over them both.
“Oh, we should go say hi!! What do you think, Levi? You can't keep teasing us like this!”
The blank screen on your monitor was starting to kill you seemingly as much as it was them… You desperately wanted some kind of explanation, but more importantly…!
“Levi, who's over there? Are those your brothers?!”
Your ears perked from the a collective gasp you heard on the other end, then the excitable one spoke again.
“They know about us???”
“NO!! N-not everything! Please leave-!!”
You'd be lying if you said that Levi's shout hadn't hurt you right then… It felt like a little crack went tink right on your heart! Had he been keeping you a secret from them this whole time? Was he embarrassed? Or did he not trust you to know too much about himself…? Was it your platform that he was scared of??? You had never broadcasted anything he hadn’t given permission about ahead if time… You wouldn't dare to dox him!! Though you could understand if that was his reasoning, the secrecy still kind of hurt…
“W-wait, Levi, I’ve always wanted to see more of your family...! Why not let them in? Please? We can still play right afterwards!”
“Huh?? But Y/n-!!”
“You heard'em, Levi! Let us through!”
A mass of shuffling filled your headphones while you waited with baited breath. You had even leaned in so close to your monitor that when the window flashed back on, you were briefly blinded by all of the colors at once! It took a few moments for you to make out all five pairs of eyes staring back through the screen. Each boy seemed to be crammed up against Levi's computer desk like lab students all forced to share the same microscope... To your surprise, not a single one of them looked like Levi or even like each other! You probably should have guessed, considering Malcom (who was seated center stage, having stole Levi's gamer chair for himself) looked nothing like him before, but you wouldn’t have guessed all 5 would differ quite as drastically… Would the sixth look that different as well?
“Uhm… hi?”
You tried to smile again to make a good impression, but it was hard to do while feeling like a living petri-dish. You were used to having eyes on you, but this was another level. Perhaps it was the added pressure of not wanting to look bad in front of a good friend's family, but it also could have also been the sheer intensity of their gaze… Levi could get this way too sometimes and it always felt like his orange-hued irises could almost see right through you... Especially if he just lost a game. In those times, his intimidating edge gave you a bit of a thrill. It'd feel like you just bested a dangerous beast in combat, but against ten eyes it was overwhelming… Each one bore right through you as if to examine your very soul…
“Huh,” a blonde one peering over Malcom's right shoulder was the first to speak up. His eyebrows were raised practically off of his forehead in surprise. “So they are real, then.”
The shortest boy, squished up against Malcom as if trying to steal center frame, clasped his hands over his heart and cooed back towards the doorway.
“Aww, Levi, look at that! You actually have a friend now!! And a real cutie, too~ Hello, hun!”
“Yeah, but why do they look like a human…?”
You watched guys instantly stiffen up as all eyes shifted towards a dark-haired boy clutching a spotted pillow just barely in view. It was hard for you to see his face, since it was only half on screen and even then some of it was behind his pillow, yet you could detect something… cold in it. He sounded annoyed, but you couldn’t place why… Was he seriously expecting you to be an AI or something?
To your surprise, the pillow guy was swiftly yanked out of frame and replaced by Levi, though you couldn’t see much of his face either. Only that he was holding onto the pillow guy's sleeved arm rather tightly as he spoke.
“Of course they're human! Not a 2D person or just a computer, but human like the rest of us… Right?”
You'd never heard such a dark edge come over Levi’s tone before. Not even in jest! It must have been rare for his brothers to hear as well, because most stared at him with equally shocked expressions. The arm in Levi's grasp yanked itself away and you heard footsteps head towards the door… but the other brothers stayed where they were. Another long silence flooded in, somethibg that felt far more uncomfortable than any you had experienced with Levi before, until a (frankly) massive dude chewing on a huge slab of jerky spoke up behind Malcolm.
“If they're nice to Levi, that's enough for me.” He inhaled the rest of the jerky into his mouth (which you didn’t quite detect him chewing) before he was already smiling at you with the kind of warmth that you'd see saved up only for the sappiest of shojo scenes. “Hello, thank you for being Levi's friend.”
The rest of the boys all exchanged glances with each other, then a similar kindness took over their faces too. Gone were the piercing stares of just a moment ago, and instead you only felt a welcoming energy radiating out from your monitor. As if sensing the change too, Levi finally came into view of the camera. He leaned down by Malcolm in the spot the pillow guy left open, grinning at you in that way only he really could.
“Y/n... These are my brothers.”
#personally i think not enough time is spent on ridiculously infatuated mcs#if you dont want to put your man in a chokehold#and burrow into his chest with your bare hands#is it even love?#come on now#obey me#obey me shall we date#shall-we-date-obey-me#obey me leviathan#obey me mammon#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me satan#obey me belphegor#obey me fic#obey me scenarios#obey me nightbringer
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2025 Year of Fluff
I got inspired to make this after a friend shared with me the 2023 Year of Whump made by @soheavyaburden and I wanted to make something like it, but for individuals like me who prefer fluff and can’t (for one reason or another) do a month long challenge. I’ve had this sitting in drafts for 2 years and I’m finally going to publish it this year.
This is my first time ever doing something like this, but I did my best to have a nice mix of prompts that can work for romantic fluff, platonic fluff, family fluff, etc. so that no matter what kind of fluff you want to do, there’s prompts for you!
I also themed some weeks around big holidays for those who celebrate them while keeping the prompts vague or open to interpretation and aren’t really holiday specific. For example, the week of Easter there’s “scavenger hunt” and the week of Christmas there’s “gift exchange” and “home for the holidays.”
For any prompts where there’s an “X” in it, just substitute the X out for whatever word you want that fits in the context of the prompt. Any prompts marked with “(any)” really means any interpretation of the word/prompt. For example: “Game Day (any)” can be anything from actual sports to video games, board games, card games, RPGs, etc.
You can choose to do this event monthly, weekly, or wild card and change up which you do! Wild Card is basically doing whatever prompt strikes your fancy from any month/week!
This is completely at your leisure! No stress, no pressure, just fun and fluff! Feel free to mix & match prompts or pair with other challenges to your heart’s desire (the only exception is whump, hurt/comfort is fine but there needs to be comfort).
This is open to all fandoms, relationships, forms of media creation (except AI), etc.!
I don’t have a place on AO3 you can submit to, but if someone else wants to make one, contact me and I’ll add the link in this post!
Anyway, without further ado, here are the prompts!
2025 Year of Fluff Prompts
January 1: New Year’s Resolutions/Trying New Things Together/New Year’s Kiss/“This is all so new to me”
January 5: Reassurances/Moral Support/Promises Made, Promises Kept/Massages/“Guess who?”
January 12: Emotional Support/Holding Hands In Pockets/Warm Bubble Bath/Blankets/“I’ve got your back”
January 19: Walk In The Park/Handwritten Notes/Piggyback Rides/First Kiss/“This made me think of you”
January 26: Stargazing/Pillow Fort or Blanket Fort/Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights/Compliments & Praise/“You too?”
February 2: Trust/First ‘I Love You’/Blushing/Walking Together/“Let me get that for you”
February 9: Sweet Treat/Valentine’s Day/Love Letters/Love Language/“Shut up and kiss me”
February 16: Love Confessions/Throwing Coins Into A Wishing Well Or Fountain/Weekend Trip/Sleepover/“Show me”
February 23: Bridal Carry/Soothing Touch/Cuddles/Sweet Notes or Texts/Acts of Devotion/“Can I help?”
March 2: Drive-In Theater/Helping With Chores/Sympathetic Ear/Caught In The Rain/“Make a wish”
March 9: Kiss For Good Luck/Tokens of Affection/Sweet Dreams/Wish Granting (or Wish Fulfillment)/“You’re in luck”
March 16: Spring Cleaning/Flower Crowns/Snuggles/Picnic/“You still have this?”
March 23: BBQ/Bouquets/Boating Day Trip/Besotted/“Be mine?”
March 30: Being Silly/Pleasant Surprise/Supporting Silly Quirks or Hobbies/Happy Accidents/“Is this a dream?”
April 6: Nose Kiss or Nose Rub/Parallel Play or Work/Scavenger Hunt/Rainy Day In/“You know you’re really adorable when you…”
April 13: Dandelion Wishes/Sharing Food/Photoshoot/Bookstore/“Oh no, you’re a morning person!”
April 20: Stolen Kisses or Stolen Moments Together/Amusement Park/Meaningful Gift/Uniquely You/“Wanna try?”
April 27: Winning A Plushie Or Prize For The Other/Spooning/Mutual Pining/Shopping Together/“Guess what… I love you”
May 4: Bedtime Stories/Domestic Intimacy/Long Conversations/Putting Flowers In Their Hair/“Could you stay just a little longer?”
May 11: Wearing Or Stealing Each Other’s Clothes/Romantic Dinner/Long Walks/Established ‘I Love You’/“May I have this dance?”
May 18: Heart-to-Heart/Napping or Falling Asleep Together/Adopting A Pet Or Plant/Holding Hands/“Could you stay on the line? I want to fall asleep to your voice”
May 25: Family Time/Game Day (any)/Home Cooked Meal/Surprise Visit/“I’m with you”
June 1: Passing The Time Together/Parade/Making Or Getting The Other’s Favorite Food/Nature Walk/“I’m so proud of you”
June 8: Breakfast In Bed/Fireworks/Pet Names/Rainbows and Butterflies/“Oh no! You’re a night owl!”
June 15: Bearhugs/Lifting Them Up/Pillow Fight/Ruffling Hair/“Did you bring snacks?”
June 22: Accidents Don’t Just Happen Accidentally/Tugging At The Other’s Clothes To Keep Them Close/Listening/Photo Booth Antics/“Want a taste?”
June 29: Flirting/Running Into The Other’s Arms/Summer Vacation/Secret Hideout/“Sorry, I got lost in your eyes”
July 6: Heart Eyes/Running Fingers Through The Other’s Hair/Forehead Touches/Road Trip/“Do you like it?”
July 13: Day At The Beach/Sharing Ice Cream/Swimming Pool Or Hot Tub/Date Night/“I don’t need X to have a good time, I just need you”
July 20: Truth Or Dare Or 20 Questions/Reading Together/Back Hugs/Outsider POV/“Follow me”
July 27: Caretaking/Meeting The Family/Public Displays of Affection/Finishing Each Other’s Sentences/“You read my mind”
August 3: Adoption/Swing Set/Under The Moonlight/Tickling/“Can we do that again?”
August 10: Carrying Things For The Other/Playful Banter/Comforting Actions/Spontaneous Trip/“May I…?”
August 17: Study Buddy/School AU/Passing Notes/Conversations Without Words/“You’ve told your parents/family/friends?”
August 24: Public Library/Sharing Earbuds To Listen To Music Together/Leaving Notes With Food Or Drinks Packed Or Given/Meeting Up During Breaks/“Anything interesting happen today?”
August 31: Loving Gaze/Soft Kisses/Making Playlists Or Mixtapes For The Other/Doing The Other’s Hair/“You’ve been saving this for a special occasion” - “This is it”
September 7: Angel Kiss (Kissing Eyelids)/Power Outage/Resting Their Head On The Other’s Lap While They Do Something/Doing Chores Together/“Let me know what you need, alright?”
September 14: Awkward, But Cute/Good-Natured Teasing/Taking Pictures Of The Other Smiling Or In Their Element/Marathon (any)/“Practice makes perfect”
September 21: Good Morning & Good Night Texts or Written Messages/Sitting On Or Being Pulled Onto The Other’s Lap/Sharing A Book Or Reading A Series Together/Pick Up & Drop Off/“Come here”
September 28: Laughing Together/Pinky Swear/Tracing The Lines Or Writing On The Other’s Hand With Fingers/Watching The Other Sleep/“I’ll take care of it, go rest.”
October 5: Good Morning & Good Night Kisses/Helping The Other Put Something On/Comforting Presence/Running A Bath For The Other/“Feeling better?”
October 12: Play Fight/Carrying To Bed/Whispering Sweet Nothings/Holding Or Touching The Other While They Work/“Tell me about your day”
October 19: Sharing An Umbrella/Fixing The Other’s Clothes or Hair/Making Time To Be With The Other/Weekend In The Countryside/“Oh, I haven’t done this since I was X!”
October 26: Leaves/Kissing In The Rain/Comfort After A Rough Day/Sharing A Bed/“You are my home”
November 2: Soulmate AU/Pillow Talk/Inside Jokes/Tying The Other’s Shoe When It’s Untied/“I’m always here for you”
November 9: Wall Kiss/First Dance/Head Pets/Art, Craft, Poetry, Music/“Have fun?”
November 16: Reunion/Cooking Together/Secret Family Recipe/Photo Album Sharing/“I’m thankful for you”
November 23: Starting A New Tradition/Leading By The Hand/Swapping Favorite Playlists/Getting To Know You/“You’ll get X all over you” - “I don’t care”
November 30: First Snow/Matching Sweaters/Playing In Snow/Baking/“You’re not dressed warmly enough”
December 7: Hot Drinks/Snow Day/Huddled Together/Building A Snowperson/“Baby, It’s Cold Outside”
December 14: Snowed In/Giving A Coat Or Scarf To The Other/Wrapped/Hand Warmer/“I’m comfortable where I am, right here with you”
December 21: Gift Exchange/Home For The Holidays/All The Hugs/Head On The Other’s Shoulder/“It smells like you”
December 28: Cozy By The Fireplace/Doing Their Favorite Things Together/Cute Nicknames/Twirling/“Seeing your face makes me smile”
Place Where You Want Prompts:
• Birthday Party
• Anniversary/Friendiversary
• Celebrating A Holiday Together
• Fluff & Stuff (writer’s choice!)
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Mizuki Saku (水木聡久) Character Profile
Bofurin | Komoku Unit Leader | 3rd Year

School: Furin High 3-4
Height: 179cm | Weight: 69kg | Birthday: 21 December | Constellation: Sagittarius | Blood type: A
Image colour: Asagiiro [#00A3AF - see below]
Likes: Sentai hero stuff | Dislikes: Vapour (Glasses would fog up)
Favourite food: Mackerel miso | Disliked food: Umeboshi
Fashion style: Hero merch (like T-shirts)
Hobby: Tuning into the weekly hero show
Favourite season: Autumn | Favourite music genre: Sentai hero theme song
Best subject: All general subjects | Worst subject: Art and music
Special skill: Listing past Sentai heroes in order
Dream: To become a hero
Recent W (or L): Broke three glasses within a single week
Favourite place in Makochi: Hobby shop he frequents
What they always do in the morning: Wipe his glasses
#wind breaker (satoru nii)#wind breaker character book#mizuki saku#wei translates#from the alleywei#a sentai fanboy i see
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Kitten and Grizzly
Summary: Sy finds out what his kitten really wants
Word count: 941
Warnings: mentions of primal play, mentions of masturbation
What Sy held in his hands was not what he had expected. Not quite. He thought his kitten would read tearjerkers.
She rarely allowed this form of girly hobby in front of other people. Hid them outright. He remembered once coming home from a binge earlier than he thought because one of his friends had broken his leg and finding her on the sofa watching Bridgerton. Her cheeks flushed abruptly, but she just said, "Shut up." and turned back to the TV.
He had sat silently watching along with her. Actually, he shouldn't say something like that, but he liked the show. So when the second season came out, he just turned it on for their weekly movie night and pressed (y/n) against him. "I want to see what happens to Eloise," he shrugged.
They were both treating it like their little secret.
So he would have expected that this secrecy around her Kindle was simply related to the fact that she just preferred to keep this girly preference to herself. Without comment from the outside.
But when the little device was switched on and lying forgotten on the bed and he read the first sentence of the page, he realized that he had been mistaken.
He wasn't stupid. He had heard of Fifty Shades and had also seen the movie, but it had amused her rather than being a serious read.
But after what he had now read, he realized why. Fifty Shades was probably rather laughable against this. Before he knew it, he was lying on the bed, immersed in this new world. Got to know a whole different side of his kitten. Neither of them were prudes, but she had never been so explicit about what interested her. Was she actually interested, or was this just a more outlandish outing for once? He hesitated, but then looked at the considerable library on the device.
He read through the summaries and some reviews. One theme seemed to run through. Primal Play.
He memorized a few titles and put the Kindle back in its place as he had found it, only this time turned off.
He said nothing about it for now. The next few days, when his kitten was at work, he spent reading more and more of the books he had found. Not only once did he have to interrupt himself to get relief. If she liked that sort of thing, he was definitely into it.
Little fantasies crept into his head. How he caught her. Burying her underneath him. How she would live up to her nickname and scratch his back until red streaks decorated the skin. How he would growl when she bit him as hard as she could. Animalistic lust.
He wanted it. He wanted her. He wanted her that way.
He needed to talk to her. Today.
He waited until they were lying on the sofa together, watching a horror movie.
He cleared his throat hesitantly. "Kitten we need to talk," he began. She broke away from his embrace and looked at him uncertainly.
He looked back uncertainly. "First... It's important to me that you know I didn't WANT to snoop," he began, holding his index finger up to her nose. "But your Kindle was on the bed, turned on, and I picked up a phrase and then I just couldn't stop." He looked at her searchingly. She let no emotion flit across her face. Her walls completely intact and set on a defensive course.
He sighed. "Why didn't you ever say you liked that kind of thing?" He stroked her calf gently with his thumb. She shrugged her shoulders. "Kitten. Come on. If there's one thing I can say, it's that these ideas don't leave me cold, and I really, really want to hunt you." He grinned at her, but that grin fell from his face as she got up and left.
"Kitten!" he called after her, following immediately.
"Sy. This isn't going to work." she sighed still walking.
He grabbed her wrist and held it tightly. "Why?"
She slumped her shoulders. "Because my head won't cooperate," she sighed.
Sy was confused. She let her back fall against his chest. He held her tightly. "It's not about the hunting," she began. "It's... In the books... It's just feelings and actions. It's no thoughts. It's not overthinking. It... Damn you know me Sy. I always think about everything way too long until my thoughts are no longer thoughts. It... I want someone to rip this burden out off my mind. I don't want to have to think. I want to be able to just be, if only for a short time, but I can't. And I never will be able to. All I have left are the books." She literally fell against him. "If you want to chase me through the forest like Little Red Riding Hood, we can do that. But that's not really what this is about for me."
He turned her around and she dropped against his chest in surrender. He just held her close and stroked the back of her head.
"I just want you to feel good," he mumbled softly.
"I want to. But I'm afraid that if I do, I'll just be disappointed.", she murmured humbly into his chest. "After all, you're made for this.", she said and a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.
Sy grinned. "I'll be your grizzly if you stay my kitten."
She sighed. "We'll try."
He smiled and continued stroking her hair. "You just wait kitten. I've managed to handle a few other missions."
She smacked his chest.
They laughed.
#captain syverson#henry cavill characters#henry cavill#henry cavill fanfiction#captain syverson x reader#captain syverson x you#captain syverson x y/n
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Tsukutabe Comic and Drama: Compare & Contrast [Opinion]
This was an idea inspired by something @poisonbat said to me on Bsky. Think of it as a bonus to the Superlatives from the past three days~
...Am I really pitting Comic against Drama here? Well, not quite. This essay is more about my opinion on each version of "She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat." Specifically, what parts do I like more from each iteration and if there's one that seems to edge itself as "Best Version?" Well, let's find out, shall we? Oh, and this essay will just focus as far as the drama got, that is, Chapter 40 of the comic. I won't take anything past that into consideration (even if I have been up-to-date with the Japanese releases lol)
Woah...w-waitaminute, VERSUS?! This was just supposed to be the meeting of universes! What's going on???
The Basic Story
So, this is a story about two women. Neighbors, in fact. One loves to cook as a hobby (Nomoto) while the other really enjoys eating as a deep experience (Kasuga). However, both have some issues with their passion. Nomoto keeps getting pressured by societal standards of what it means to be a woman who loves to cook while Kasuga's love for eating does have an unfortunate side effect of being judged by others, especially her large portion sizes and how emphatic she eats. These two women are completely different in personality and overall vibes and yet...food brings them together. So together, in fact, they even start falling in love with each other! Their first experiences in romance, navigating that while also dealing with a society that definitely gives women the short end of the stick, even more if you're lgtbq+. And yet, there's always a glimmer of hope, an appreciation for "The Small Pleasantries" in life. They even befriend two other gals and form a sisterhood! Such a wonderful story...
And Here's the Fork in the Road
Two paths now stand in front of you - one path leads to the comic universe's specific traits while the other leads to the drama's. This split happens basically upon Episode 1 of the drama, as we see both Sayama and Fujita be silently introduced there, two characters only in the drama. The split is more spread out the farther you go, too, especially once we start Season 2 of the drama. That's definitely where things begin to be adapted into their own interpretation of the world. Perhaps having 20 episodes to play with this time played a part? Who knows~
And yet, the paths still lead to the same location.
Okay, so let's break this down into segments - story arcs, supporting cast, and then, the personalities of Nomoto and Kasuga themselves
STORY ARCS (or, how each version tackled certain things)
In the comic, the arcs are a little vague. Many of the in-between chapters have a general slice-of-life thing going on until you realize, oh wait, there's this theme again from the last chapter. From what I can tell, there's about six story arcs (that I can cover here): Introductions, Friendship, Christmas/Nomoto's Self-Discovery, Kasuga's Family, Valentine's/Confessions, Apartment Hunting. And at least two of these are blurred together in the comic! (Valentine's stuff starts in the middle of the Kasuga's Family arc). There are also two subplots once we hit Vol 3, in order to learn more about the ladies' new friends, Yako and Nagumo.
These arcs are more well defined in the drama, as the schedule helped kind of keep some of the arcs within a week's worth of material. The drama also did some unique things to create their own weekly arcs - use the source material, yeah, but they padded it out with some fleshed out scenarios and even two completely original stories (like, the Setsubun episode did have some of the Nagumo backstory in it from the comic, but Episodes 25-26 have completely new material). It also helped that it was airing during certain holidays (Christmas/New Year's, Setsubun, and Valentine's) so they took advantage of that. Of course, they moved some chapters around to fit this set-up, but they still managed to make it work in their new spots (ex. Curry Party now takes place after Confession).
As I said, S1 is pretty much a Christmas movie and is faithful to Volumes 1 and 2 of the comic (with a few improvisations), but Season 2 has 5 different arcs going on!
Week 1: Reacquaintances and Some New Faces (and Voices) Week 2: Orientation Journey/Kasuga's Family Week 3: Valentine's/Confessions Week 4: New Couple Baby Steps Week 5: Apartment Hunting
In regards to subplots, they are much much smaller compared to the comic's insights into Nagumo and Yako's lives, but they help flesh out Nomoto and Kasuga's journey. More emphasis is put into Nagumo's subplot compared to Yako's, but then we also have subplots with Sayama and Fujita, the two new characters I mentioned. They are both straight cis women - Sayama is basically the "straight ally" character for Nomoto to be able to talk to, back when the drama staff were unsure if they'd even get picked up for a second season (where Yako would appear). In Season 2, she gets a personal development via the pressures of dating and getting married as she is still young but of course, that lingering pressure still exists to this day. Fujita is less prominent, but that's due to Kasuga's work habits. She is a woman who works at one of the supermarkets Kasuga is assigned to and just kind of forms a positive acquaintanceship with her. She actually bridges a gap regarding Kasuga's family situation, providing proof that she's not alone on her thoughts about being restricted to old-fashioned family roles. Her particular story ends in a divorce, but she views it as the next page in her life's journey, which Kasuga thoroughly respects and provides vocal support.
Oh, and I guess there's also that overarching subplot of Nomoto helping with the development of that app with her colleagues. It's a very quiet thing going on throughout the season, though, just giving us chances to see Sayama's journey since she is just a coworker and that's the only way we'd really see the development.
The comic has a more comedic vibe than the drama, though the drama does have its funny moments. On the other hand, the drama is very subdued...gentle. This is probably a result of its time slot - night dramas tend to be "winding down" stories for folks as they settle down for bed. This does affect how some of these stories get told. The confession scene in both are so drastically different! And it really comes down to what you just find more relatable or what vibes with you the most (for me, the comic's take on the confession is best, but then in terms of the "consent" theme, aka when they have their First Kiss...I love the drama's take more).
SUPPORTING CAST (interpretations and what purpose they served in the story)
The comic has a very small cast. The idea is to focus on the sisterhood that has developed over time. These are four queer women who never fit in anywhere else and found a family of sorts through the power of food (yes, even Nagumo! She doesn't have to eat with these ladies, but she can still hang out with them in her own way, and they understand her limitations). This of course, creates a more queer/found-family-focused story, which may alienate some people who came in thinking it was literally going to be a tale about food. But it didn't alienate me~ I just love it even more lol. But it tries to keep it simple, too, so cishet readers can begin to understand these ladies and what they've gone through (or are going through). If they want more info, actually, Vol 4 provided a list of sites for further reading, which was really neat.
The drama, on the other hand, decided to double down on the Women's Experiences in Society aspect. So we got the four from the original story, but then we also have Sayama and Fujita, as stated before...then we even get tertiary characters like the Chinese employee, Ko, who actually got a brief spotlight in one episode via an interesting lunch convo with Nomoto and Sayama... and we even have a calm and understanding/respectful guy named Mikami who never belittled Nomoto and Sayama as they worked with him with that app project...Just to remind folks there are some good men out there.
One downside, though, was how Nagumo and Yako were portrayed in the drama. Nagumo is anxiety kitten, yes, but she is really subdued in the drama. So meek, so shy. She doesn't even evolve to address everyone else by their first names! And Yako's passionate rage moments? Gone. But I always figured that was due to, again, the type of show this was built to be. Maybe if it was a primetime drama instead...
NOMOTO AND KASUGA (There are differences!)
This is probably the big reason why I personally draw for both versions of Tsukutabe: There really are slight differences in the main ladies themselves, and I don't mean just by their physical appearances alone! Though you gotta admit, the live-action versions are pretty dang close (and honestly, I think Yuzaki-sensei saw something in Kasuga's appearance in the drama that she has even tweaked Kasuga's design in the most recent chapters, heh)
At their core, Nomoto is a woman who is ambitious yet anxious, she's an ambivert (definitely prefers to focus on herself at work but can talk to friends in a very extroverted way) with her heart on her sleeve. We know if she's happy, sad or worried and has trouble hiding anything for long. Kasuga, meanwhile, is introverted, tends to keep her thoughts to herself but is a very kind and considerate woman (like when she reminds Nomoto to eat/don't just drink and listening to Nagumo about her own situation). It really feels like she doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
The basic personalities are still there in the drama, but, again, as we move into Season 2, stuff starts to shift. I personally think it's due to the chemistry Higa and Nishino had been developing ever since Season 1. Just from stuff I've read, they would say they'd start to talk to one another more often to see how they should tackle a specific scene, and I'm pretty sure there's a decent amount of ad libbing involved in the show. Like, I even saw it in the foreword from the scriptwriter from the S1 DVD - some of the script is just vague enough that it's all about how the actresses end up reacting to the general directions. The commentary Nishino had over Episode 18 also implied that Kasuga was probably NOT supposed to really cry, but it happened anyway, but she only fought back enough where she thought Kasuga herself would and let it out in front of someone she trusted (Nomoto).
It's a really interesting thing to watch - it's still Nomoto and Kasuga, but somewhere there, we ended up with a more nurturing Nomoto who tends to take the lead conversationally (and is even more social than her comic counterpart since she has coworkers she voluntarily mingles with), and a Kasuga who is withdrawn a little (because her history with her family was brought out more and it's clear it really had affected her all this time), prefers to take the backseat, and has to learn how to open up and be (positively) selfish more often.
Again, this whole thing is just based on my thoughts and observations, and I still love both very, very much. But, I guess as I look back at what I wrote, there's definitely a clear "winner" here, and that is...the drama! It is definitely an amazing adaptation of the source material that expands the world of Tsukutabe without messing things up, like many adaptations accidentally do (or intentionally. There are some BAAAD ones). I think it helps that both the producer (name escapes me, though) and the scriptwriter (Yuri Yamada) were already fans of the comic, so they wanted to do it justice. And they definitely did~
But this isn't some beat-down. Nah, in this "match," the winners simply prepare the meal! (the losers missing out on an opportunity to do so, get it?)
#tsukuritai onna to tabetai onna#she loves to cook and she loves to eat#tsukutabe#essays#opinion piece#geez my journal blog actually got some original art going on lately!
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When Martyn had walked in on Cleo carving a statue late into the night, they had been on full defence mode ready to defend their hobby to him, but to her surprise his eyes widened in awe, crossing the room in quickly strides to admire what she was working on.
It was a horse statue, a gift she was making for Bdubs, and while it was mostly ready for the painting stage she still had a little carving to go. Martyn didn’t seem phased by the fact it was unfinished however, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“I didn’t know you made statues!” He turned to her after a moment, tone almost accusatory.
“You never asked?” Cleo shrugged him off, rolling her eyes.
“Well sorry I don’t ask people randomly ‘hey, you don’t happen to carve statues do ya?’” Martyn retorted with a matching eye roll.
“Well maybe you should,” Cleo said, biting back a laugh. “Besides, what are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you, Scotts gone mining and I was bored. I know Bdubs is with TIES and Scar went to go see Grian, I saw the two of them leaving on my way over, so I figured you’d be alone and bored too. Didn’t realise I was interrupting your work, I can go.” Martyn turned to exit the clock tower but Cleo called after him.
“Wait!” They shouted, surprising themself. She cleared her throat, “wait. You can stay, I’m almost done carving and then I’m gonna start painting. Do you want to help? It’s for Bdubs and I know he’s kind of fond of you, don’t tell him I told you but he said he was disappointed when you ended up teaming with Scott instead. He said our interactions when I burnt down the mansion were really fun and he wanted to spend more time with you. I think he wanted you to replace Etho,” they said with a soft laugh.
“Yeah,” Martyn said after a moment, smiling at her, “I guess I can stay.”
Cleo only slightly regrets their offer. But they know Martyn well enough that he wouldn't actually paint the horse purple if Cleo didn't want it. Not unless it was really funny... Which it probably would be but Cleo has to pretend it isn't. This is an earnest gift. Bdubs will be overjoyed to find out Martyn helped! Well, as long as-
"Martyn, stop drawing that dick right now-"
#trafficshipping#ask#cleo tag#martyn tag#bdoubleo tag#zombiewood#woodubs#mod 🎀#weekly theme: hobbies
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Hello, Blue Harbor! Happy Monday, and more importantly, happy ( almost ) fall! As you may have already noticed, with the changing of the seasons, us admins have decided to do some housekeeping on the main. Over the weekend, we installed a brand new theme with matching graphics to better represent the time of year! We think this is a wonderful idea to keep things fresh, not only for us but for you all as well, so do expect similar updates every few months or so moving forward. For now, have a look around the new blog! If there's any questions about where a specific page is located, don't hesitate to reach out and we'll point you in the right direction! That's not all, though! Alongside this housekeeping, we also figured that it was an excellent time to do some general maintenance, including but not limited to: updating our guidelines, reorganizing the news blog, adding fresh locations, and more! We ask that you please continue to read through this post in its entirety to familiarize yourself with all that may have changed.
Starting on Sunday, September 22nd, we will no longer be accepting hiatus requests on the day of activity checks. While generally we have considered ourselves to be pretty lenient with hiatus requests, as we completely understand that this group is a hobby and should come secondary to real life commitments, we also understand that it may be unfair to other members if we continue to allow hiatus requests at the last minute. This is not to say that we will be striking the hammer down completely on this, since sometimes unexpected circumstances lead to dips in our online presence, but we simply ask that you uphold communication with us if you find yourself needing a hiatus, activity extension, etc! We're still here to help, and are more than willing to come to a solution so long as we're kept in the loop!
Additionally, we will no longer be allowing members to take up multiple ( 2+ ) wanted connections for the same mun. This does not apply for connections that currently exist within the game, but rather for character applications moving forward. We absolutely love that everyone is so interested in connections — to be entirely honest, we've never seen a group so eager to snatch them up, and we couldn't be more thankful for it — but in an effort to move forward with our inclusivity expectations, we'd like to implement this rule to further incentivize all members to branch out of their comfort zones!
In regards to the Blue News blog, the weekly column will instead shift to the monthly column, posting on the first of every month. This ensures that we as admins can take the time to cook up new ideas and keep things fun and fresh for everyone, quality over quantity! This also gives you guys, our members, more freedom to make submissions of your own. If you have any submissions that you would like to make throughout the month, do not hesitate to fill out the form and it will be included in the next issue!
The weekly radio playlists will return, but biweekly, starting today! No big spiel on this, we simply have regained the time to put them together! The link to the playlist can be found here if you'd like to listen.
We've added four new locations! Including a lover's lane, country club, an impending multicultural institute and the renovation of one of Blue Harbor's favorites ...
Ahead of the last announcement, we have decided to re-enable the anonymous feature. However, please continue to be mindful. Questions and comments are perfectly acceptable, but outright rude messages will not be tolerated. Both of us continue to be open to kind and constructive conversation, but still withhold the right to disable the feature in the future if need be. We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding!
We have also decided that there will be a temporary ban on two careers: lawyers and writers, due to overabundance. This change will be listed on our application for future reference, and will be announced once it's taken off.
Last, but certainly not least, we will be expanding our mun count to 35! We are so honored and grateful to have kept up with being at full capacity for this long, and thought it'd be best to open a few spots to introduce new players to our lovely little community!
Thank you all so much for your patience and understanding, once again, as we implement these updates. Please toss this post a like after you've read it, and as usual, if there are any questions, comments or concerns, you're more than welcome to address them to the main.
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Hi I’m interested in writing, but idk how and where to start. Any advice?
Starting your writing adventure can seem daunting, but it’s actually the best time to have fun and discover what the craft means to you. And to get started with writing, I have a few basic concepts to consider.
Whether you’re writing poetry, a novel, short stories, nonfiction, or even screenwriting, the below concepts are versatile, and work as general steps on how to start.
Let’s dig in!
Start small, build a habit
The first thing to do to get started with writing is to actually start writing. Earth-shattering response, I know.
Start with finding a small routine that works best for your schedule and try it for about two weeks to gauge if changes are needed.
For example, you can spend five minutes during lunch every day to type whatever is on your mind. Then, once that becomes an instinctual habit, increase it to 10 minutes. You can also experiment with half-hour increments every other day, or, your routine becomes writing a few hours on the weekend because of your work schedule.
There’s no magical writing routine you should force yourself to do. Everyone has their own pace, and it’s up to you to find yours. There’s no wrong answer to this.
Experiment, adapt, and find your flow. Finding a routine can take a few tries, and that routine can also change after a significant life event (you can also have a different version of the routine for low energy days). So no need to be rigid with yourself. But once you find your flow, do it as consistently as possible.
As for what to write: write about your day, let out an emotion, tell a story from childhood, practice talking as a character; whatever fancies you at that moment. As long as you’re writing, whether it’s 5 or 5,000 words, you’re doing it right!
P.S. Looking for more on building a writing habit? Our course “Write to Play” helps you get started with writing and learn to enjoy it! Our Discord Community also hosts weekly writing sprints and other activities, so you can connect with fellow writers and work on goals together. Both are free to join.
Ask why you want to write
Writing may look like a glamorous career or hobby, but as with many things, it takes effort. And your level of writing effort depends on why you write in the first place.
Some people get started with writing because they think publishing something will make quick bucks. But it should never be about the money (although money is a nice bonus). Writing is about community and entertainment via the oldest form of connecting with others: storytelling.
We write because we love to tell stories. We write because we want to share a message with others through written expression. We write because we are natural creators of worlds and characters that weave adventures.
So ask yourself why you really want to write. Do you want to connect with others through your personal experiences? Is there a message you want to share with the world? Do you want to entertain the masses with meaningful adventure? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, great news! You’re on the right track.
If you need a “why” example, I’ll give you my reason for writing poetry and fiction. It’s to advocate mental health and self-worth.
After going through a personal journey of discovering self-acceptance, I want people to follow their hearts and core desires, and to love themselves for who they are. Because that’s true happiness–valuing your core identity.
Genre and theme
Genre and theme are two vital things you need to get started with writing.
Genre is fairly straightforward. Most aspiring writers already have one in mind. However, if you’re not sure where to start, think about the genres that your favorite books, movies, or TV shows are, and go from there.
Do you like epic fantasy and adventure? Try the action genre. Do you enjoy dystopian settings questioning the ethics of society? Society and worldview are great for getting deep and philosophical. Or do you love a character rising to the top with a successful career or sports tournament? Look into performance and status.
Theme takes a little more effort, but if you spend time on your “why,” that will help significantly! Because the theme you write about, from a poem to a novel, typically derives from your “why.”
Take my own “why” again as an example. Since it’s about mental health, I spend my days on themes of self-discovery, societal influence on “success,” inner demons, acceptance–the list goes on. But they all come from my overarching goal to show how valuing your true self brings real happiness.
Here’s another example: say you have a personal experience of winning a sports tournament because you pushed yourself, even though you wanted to give up. Perhaps that’s inspiration for a project with the message, “with effort comes reward.” That theme opens all kinds of opportunities, from looking at the best-suited genre to what kind of story and character to write about.
Which leads to my next concept!
Characters and story basics
Genre and theme play right into your characters and story. This is where we dive into some mechanics of storytelling, starting with the concept of story and characters, and then how the theme and genre affect them to create a basic project outline.
To start, your story is the external sequence of obstacles your character faces, leading to learning the theme at the end. Your character is the one going through the story’s external events while internally processing them.
Your theme then determines the “what” in your story: what message the story shares to readers at the end, and what core events lead to the theme reveal. Meanwhile, the character(s) are the “who” being affected by the theme throughout the story.
With that, the theme determines the beginning and end of your story, as well as the path of growth for your character to experience. This is the bare minimum you need when writing a project, like a novel or short story. Even if you don’t use outlines.
For the end of the story, we already mentioned the theme reveal; and that’s typically portrayed through the character facing a final challenge–like a big boss fight. And through that challenge, the character grows from learning the theme. So the theme dictates the end of the story by what the final event and message are, and who the character becomes after growth (or lack of, for tragic ending).
From there, we can move backwards to the beginning of the story. In storytelling, the ending is the opposite of the beginning. So, if the story’s end has a character learning the theme through a final challenge, then the story’s beginning introduces that character with a major flaw to overcome by learning the theme; while starting the sequence of obstacles that eventually leads to the theme reveal at the end.
Just like that, you have the theme crafting the basics of your story with a dynamic character!
But let’s dive further with genre. Genre helps plot the “how,” as in, how your story and character’s journey are told (i.e. action, romance, etc). Each genre has specific conventions for a story to follow, thus acting as a great template to plot lengthier projects like novels.
For example, romance genres start the story with two characters meeting as potential love interests (the meet cute), and typically end with them falling in love. Thus, if you choose romance as your genre, then you work your theme, story, and character(s) into those parameters.
Once you do that, you’ll notice you’ll have a basic outline for a project. Shall we go through an exercise to see the magic?
Let’s go back to the theme example of “with effort comes reward,” and combine it with a character, story, and genre.
Based on that theme, the character needs a major flaw at the story’s beginning, one to overcome by learning the lesson. Also, the beginning starts a sequence of obstacles that must lead to the character getting rewarded from effort.
So let’s create a character who believes everything comes easily to them–someone born into a rich family and had everything handed to them at a young age. That’s the flaw. And for the sequence of obstacles to start their growth, we’ll have the character lose their inheritance, forced to figure out how to live on their own.
These obstacles become the hardships of living without wealth. That way, by the end of the story, the character comes face to face with the theme, realizing if they want “reward” (or perhaps fulfillment), they must put effort into what they do. The story thus ends with the character growing and understanding it’s worth working toward something.
Now add the romance parameters mentioned above for genre. After the character loses their inheritance, they meet someone at a local store; one who becomes friends and helps tackle the character’s personal dilemma. This also helps the character realize genuine happiness as they also fall in love. Therefore, they find their path through their own efforts, without inherited wealth, and live happily ever after.
Tackle that mindset
There’s only one mindset every writer needs to have before they get started with writing, and that’s this phrase:
Perfection is failure.
Trust me, as a healing perfectionist, that sounds wild. But here’s something crazier.
Not even your published work will be perfect.
You will always reread your work and think a word needs tweaking, or a character needs different reactions in dialogue. Some published books still have typos, too.
With projects like novels, most writers never finish their first draft because they spend time and energy editing the story as they write. To perfect it as they go.
But you don’t know how the novel goes until you write to the end of it.
Like creativity, your project will change and flow. Especially in the beginning, as your first draft is the discovery draft; the foundation of the project. That’s not the time for tweaking, but the time for building.
So allow your first draft to be messy. Get the whole concept out first. Then, you will have better knowledge on how to edit the entire project. Not just parts of it that might change anyway as you get closer to the end. Don’t waste your precious time and creativity like that.
This is the same for me with poetry. I always focus on the poem’s core message first, then I’ll play with pretty prose and rhyming.
So focus on the journey of writing the draft and getting the full idea down. Again, creativity is fluid. Allow your writing to be the same.
My favorite book coach discusses perfectionism with the analogy of baking a cake. You can’t put icing on a cake without letting it fully bake first. Finish baking your draft to the end, then add the icing edits.
And there you have it! Those are my five main concepts to remember to get started with writing. And those are merely the tip of the iceberg of what the craft has to offer you–but remember, this is the time to have fun and discover!
Are you ready to dive in and get started with writing? I can’t wait to see what you create.
Happy writing!
#writing tips#writeblr#writing#writing advice#writing resources#writers#creative writing#writing community#writers of tumblr#creative writers#writing inspiration#writerblr#writer#writer stuff#on writing#ask novlr#writers on tumblr#writing stuff
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Fulcrum Trio HC

Besties who help each other work through their trauma, and their trauma has overlapping areas in some parts.
They share a ship, it's the first home they've had in awhile.
It's not uncommon for them to go on missions together. But when they go on missions and things start getting chaotic, only one of them manages to hold onto a brain cell while the other two become more feral. The one who holds the brain cell changes each time.
Cassian is treated as the baby brother and he says he hates it. He'll never admit how much he actually likes it. It took the longest time for him to admit it to himself.
This one was spoken about in comvo with some friends (hi you're probably reading it rn 💙) [ They have platonic cuddle sessions. They're all very touch starved and it starts out as an accident.
Kallus is an octopus cuddler when he manages to drink too much. At first, Kanan had been the one to get trapped, but he managed to slip away. Unfortunately, that means the nearest person would get trapped. Which was Cassian. He just accepted it. There was no way he was going to be able to wrestle out of this two meter man's arms and he wasn't upset about it. In fact, he was very smug about the fact that he cuddled Kallus before Ahsoka did.
Cassian got his payback on Kallus. Cassian cannot hold his liquor nearly as well as Kal and fell asleep laying across his lap. Kallus was not even tipsy, he refused to move. "No. It's illegal." Cassian rarely gets asleep as it is. He was NOT about to wake him. Ahsoka decided that she had enough and sat herself right next to Kallus, laying her head on his shoulder as she gently brushed through Cassa's hair.
After that, the three of them decided to just incorporate it into their routine. It wasn't uncommon for their friends or partners to find the three of them in a puddle of blankets and pillows together.
(Also, any of their partners just as to accept the fact that they're sharing their partner with the other fulcrum counter parts.)
The three of them are usually the reason why there's a weekly supply run made just for Caf.
They have crafts each of them learned when they were younger and they teach them to each other.
On coruscant, since the stars were never visible, especially so far down in the lower levels, stars were a treasured cultural thing. Star-themed nicknames were some of the highest praise or used to emphasize how cherished one was to another. Star maps and holo projectors were an expensive luxury item. Something that was always passed around the youth were paper stars. Kallus was taught how to make them before he even learned how to read or write. The children of the lower levels often sold or traded them for food or other supplies. Pennies for each one. Kallus had made hundreds of thousands of them. When he began to interact with Ahsoka and Cassian more, he picked it back up and would leave them in random nooks and cranies.
On Kenari, Cassian had learned how to braid threads into accessory pieces. Attachments to clothing for special events, bracelets, necklaces, headbands, sashes, even bags. It's something he does occasionally to keep his hands busy. Eventually, he had completed projects but didn't have anything he could do with them. So he gave them away. Commonly, he made braided bands for K2, Bee, and any droid that took a liking to Kallus. (Which kept him busy because "why are there so many droids that decide 'yes. You.' Do you just pick up every droid you see?"
Ahsoka was very young when she came to Coruscant. Master Plo Koon taught her not just about the Jedi Order and training, but little things too. Something that the two of them often did together started out as a way of training but became a shared hobby for them to do as they talked things over or meditated. Master Plo Koon had taught Ahsoka how to embroid and cross stitch with her mind. It was to have a master over precision and patience. It's a practice that Ahsoka never truly dropped. She greatly struggled with it as a youngling and a padawan, but as she got older, she got better at it.
When Ahsoka started teaching Cassian and Alexsandr, she struggled slightly because it was the first time she was doing it by hand rather than through the force, but she enjoyed learning a new way of the craft.
They'll spend hours debriefing over missions, making strategies, or just talking things out as they teach each other their crafts.
That's all i got atm. Will probably add more later.
#star wars fulcrum#fulcrum agents#fulcrum trio#star wars#ahsoka tano#alexsandr kallus#cassian andor#star wars rebels#swr#star wars andor#rogue one
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Cosmic Weather Report 4-10 February 25.
Cosmic Weather Report: 4th–10th February 2025 🌌✨
Alright, stargazers—grab a cuppa, sit back, and let’s dive into the cosmic vibes for this week. The sky’s got a lot to say, and trust me, you’ll wanna listen. We’ve got Jupiter waking up from its retro nap, Mars having a heart-to-heart with Saturn, and a whole load of shifting energy that’ll get you thinking, feeling, and maybe even re-planning.
4th February – Jupiter Stations Direct in Gemini ♊️✨
Right, let’s kick things off with the big one—Jupiter stations direct at 11°16’ Gemini after months of retrograde (since October 2024, if you’ve been keeping tabs).
Jupiter’s like that mate who’s always got big ideas, loves a good adventure, and says things like, “Go on, what’s the worst that could happen?” When it’s retrograde, though, it’s more like that same mate stuck at home, reflecting on all the wild stuff they’ve done.
Now that it’s going direct? BOOM! 🚀 Expect:
• Mental clarity: Ideas flowing faster than your Wi-Fi on a good day.
• Social buzz: Conversations, connections, and probably too many group chats.
• A thirst for knowledge: Fancy learning a new skill or picking up a random hobby? Now’s the time.
Gemini’s all about communication, so if you’ve been struggling to get your point across or feeling misunderstood—good news! The fog’s lifting. 📢
Tip: If you’ve had ideas brewing but didn’t feel ready to launch—this is your green light. Send the email, pitch the project, start the blog. Jupiter’s got your back.
9th February – Mars Retrograde in Cancer ♋️ Trines Saturn in Pisces ♓️
Now this one’s interesting. Imagine Mars as the planet that says, “LET’S GO!” and Saturn’s the one replying, “Hold your horses, have you done the prep?” Usually, they’d argue, but in a trine (a smooth, supportive aspect), they’re actually getting on like a house on fire—in a good way.
With Mars retrograde in Cancer trining Saturn in Pisces, the energy shifts from:
• 🚩 “Why do I feel so emotionally stuck?”
• ✅ “Ohhh, THAT’S why—and here’s what I’m gonna do about it.”
It’s a mix of emotional insight (Cancer) and spiritual discipline (Pisces). You might find yourself:
• Reflecting on old emotional patterns—family stuff, relationships, even childhood memories popping up.
• Feeling more strategic about your next moves. Less impulsive, more intentional.
• Finding strength in boundaries—emotionally and physically.
Tip: If emotions feel heavy, don’t brush them off. Journal, have a deep chat with someone you trust, or sit with your feelings instead of distracting yourself. Saturn rewards the work you put in.
Weekly Vibes: The Cosmic Combo Meal 🍟🌍
So, what happens when you mix Jupiter’s forward motion with the Mars-Saturn trine? You get a week that feels like:
• A mental reboot (thanks, Gemini)
• A heart check-in (cheers, Cancer)
• And a bit of soul-searching with a practical edge (courtesy of Pisces and Saturn)
It’s like the universe is saying:
“Sort your head out, feel your feelings, and then crack on with what matters.”
Key Themes This Week:
1. Momentum Returns: Stuff that felt stuck? It’s starting to shift.
2. Clarity Over Confusion: Especially around decisions you’ve been putting off.
3. Emotional Maturity: Facing your feelings without letting them run the show.
4. Strategic Action: No rash decisions. It’s about smart moves, not just fast ones.
Cosmic To-Do List ✅
• Speak Your Mind: Send that message, clear the air, write it out if you need to.
• Reflect Before You React: Especially if emotions run high. Breathe. Think. THEN respond.
• Do the Inner Work: Mars retrograde loves a bit of shadow work. Get reflective.
• Learn Something New: Whether it’s a new language or random trivia—feed your mind.
• Rest When You Need It: Growth doesn’t mean burnout. Jupiter’s expansive, but don’t stretch yourself too thin.
Affirmation for the Week:
“I trust the process. I honour my feelings, speak my truth, and move forward with clarity and purpose.” 🌿
How are you feeling about this week’s cosmic vibes? 🚀✨ Let me know what’s resonating or if you’re feeling any of these shifts already!
#witchcraft#2025#paganism#astrology#aries#taurus#gemini horoscope#cancer horoscope#leo astrology#virgo horoscope#libra#scorpio#sagittarius#capricorn#aquarius#pisces#magic
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Yveline Schoenheit's profile
💠 Bio 💠
- Dorm: Pomefiore
- Japanese: イヴリーヌ・シェーンハイト (Ivurine Shēnhaito)
- Birthday: March 20 (Pisces)
- Age: 17
- Height: 180cm
- Dominant hand: Left
- Homeland: Shaftlands
- Family: Eric Venue (father) Vil Schoenheit (older brother)
- Voiced by: Aya Endou
- Other Name(s): Reine de Fleur (Queen of Flowers) (by Rook) Aoi Betta-chan (Blue Betta Fish) (by Floyd)
💠 School 💠
- Grade: Sophomore
- Class: E (no 22)
- Club: Film Research Club
- Best subject: Alchemy
💠 Preferences 💠
- Hobby: Making herbal products, Flower arrangements
- Pet peeves: Being angry
- Favorite food: Apple and herb salad
- Least favorite food: Greasy food
- Talent: Herbalism
Vil Schoenheit's younger sister. A girl who radiates a gentle, mature vibe to those around her and rarely does she get angry even when people provoke her on purpose, and also often carries a hand mirror around with her. Although her personality isn't too similar to her brother, they both share the same ideal - beauty is full of effort and no cutting corners.
💠 Unique Magic 💠
Made in Mirror ( 囚われの乙女 "The Trapped Maiden"): Can trap someone else and prison them inside a mirror for a chosen period of time. As long as there's a mirror around, she can use her unique magic with no troubles.
💠 Background 💠
Yveline's earliest memory was when she was with her older brother, listening to their father talking about fashion and the beauty of dressing up. The little girl was so fascinated at that moment, she wants to try out various kind of clothing, or make-up, or maybe just some simple accessories will do even. She would often look at herself in the mirror, checking out her new appearance while asking her brother which would suits her the best. She enjoys the feeling of dressing up, the result of spending efforts to make herself looks pretty. The Schoenheit siblings both understand that beauty isn't something you can get naturally, and also not something to conceal away.
Her fondest memory when she was a young child is her first photoshoot. She still remembers the anxiety, but also the sensation lingering on her fingertips when the camera, lighting, and people's gaze are all on her. It was a complete success, with her brother being the first person to congratulate her with a smile, she felt like she could belong to the spotlight of modeling with confidence, her father too, was very proud of her and support her career fully from that point onwards.
💠 Trivia 💠
Her motif and theme are based off the Evil Queen's magic mirror.
She always wear make-up no matter the outfit, with her dorm uniform make-up a bit darker and more saturated while for school it's light and natural. She likes to learn new make-up tips and sometimes ask her brother for advices.
She always carries a hand mirror with her most of the times so she can use her unique magic if it's needed. The mirror was a gift from Vil to her on one of her birthdays and she cherish it a lot.
The red ribbon with apple flowers pattern is a gift from her dad when she was just a little kid and she also cherish it a lot, often wearing it on her hair or with her outfits.
She works as a professional model and often takes photoshoots for fashion or make-up brands outside of her school hours. Occasionally, she also works as a print model.
She has 3 million followers on Magicam and is quite popular in the school, though she isn't prideful about her fame and is quite humble about it.
She likes making herbal products, such as soap, skin care products or cosmetics. It also explains why she often smells like fragrant, flower-scented herbs as she likes to spend a lot of times studying and growing them in her mini garden.
She often hangs out at the school's botanical garden and likes to take care of the plants there as well as the herbs.
She also likes arranging flowers and growing them as well as collecting artistic or beautiful flowerpots so she can switch them out weekly or daily depending on her mood at that moment.
She often wears 10cm heels, which implied her standing height is 190cm in actuality.
Despite being a fashion model, she doesn't wear much accessories outside of her modeling work, and even if she does its mostly simple ones.
Unlike Vil, she doesn't work as an active, professional actor as she mostly act as support characters more, occasionally appearing in films or movies and not often. She also doesn't participate as antagonist or protagonist roles much as most of her roles are on the neutral side of the story.
She likes to study about herbs ever since young age, as she pursue both fashion and herbalism at the same time and balance both in her life.
She rarely ever gets worked up about something else or gets angry, as her demeanor is gentle most of the time. However, the moment she gets angry... Her expression alone is enough to scares others away within 3 seconds.
If possible, she would like to works as a herbalist if she get to have a side job or if she doesn't work as a model.
#twisted wonderland#twst#disney twst#twst wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#twst oc#twisted wonderland oc#twisted wonderland ocs#oc#pomefiore oc#yveline schoenheit
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💋 𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜! 💋
✨ Welcome to my brand-new blog! My name is Classy, and I’m on an exciting self-growth journey, ready to become the best version of myself! ❤️

I believe that sharing my experiences and holding myself accountable is the key to flourishing, so I’m here to inspire, uplift, and empower you along the way! If you’re down for some realness and growth, let’s be besties on this beautiful adventure! 🌟✨
✨ Goals for Self-Improvement ✨
Goal: Reduce reliance on pornography (including smut books, comics, videos, even porno music) ⛔
Action Step: Identify triggers and create a plan to avoid them.
Use apps like StayFocusd or Cold Turkey to block access.
Daily Affirmations ✨: Start each day with positive affirmations to boost self-esteem and redirect your focus.
Workout Routine:
Goal: Exercise 5 times a week.
Action Step: Choose specific workouts 🏋️♀️.
Tip: Mix it up with fun classes like Zumba or yoga to keep it exciting!
Skincare Routine:
Goal: Follow a morning and night routine.
Morning: Cleanser + moisturizer + sunscreen ☀️.
Night: Cleanser + moisturizer + acne treatments + 5-minute self-massage for relaxation. 🧖♀️
🙏 Daily Prayer & Bible Reading:
Goal: 10-15 minutes of prayer in the morning and reading the Bible before bed.
Action Step: Use Bible apps and set an alarm/reminder.
Reflection Journal: After reading, jot down thoughts or verses that stood out to you.
Reading Books:
Goal: Read at least 2 books per month—1 for me and another for our future book club. 📖
Action Step: Keep a list of books I want to read and start a book club!
Monthly Theme: Each month, focus on a theme such as “self-care”, “growth mindset”, or “creativity”.
🌼 Daily Routine 🌼
Morning Routine 🎀
4:30 AM - Wake up
4:35 AM - Make bed
4:40 AM - Pray
5:00 AM - Workout
5:50 AM - Shower/skincare
6:30 AM - Read a few chapters of the current book
7:00 AM - Simple + healthy breakfast 🍳
DAYTIME (Post-graduation vibes 🌟):
Focus on school, work, or personal projects.
Explore a hobby or learn a new skill! 🎨
6:00 PM - Dinner + family time 🍽️
7:00 PM - YouTube + tea (me time) ☕
8:00 PM - Read or journal (here on Tumblr!)
9:00 PM - Bedtime 🌙
🌹 Tracking Addiction 🌹
Identify Triggers: List specific situations or feelings that lead to urges.
Accountability Partner: Share this goal with a trusted friend who can check in weekly 📞.
Alternative Activities: When urges arise, have a list of alternatives ready (like walking or reading the Bible).
Reflect Weekly: Journal about successes and setbacks related to these goals each week.
💪 Physical & Mental Wellness ❤️
Weekly Workout Plan:
Mon-Fri: Shoulder stretch (10 min) + arm fat workout (10 min) + Daisy Keech ab workout (10 min).
Sat-Sun: Light stretches 🧘♀️.
Weekly Skincare Plan:
Sun & Wed: Weekly mask + exfoliation.
Balanced Eating:
Aim for 3 meals a day plus healthy snacks. 🍎
Meal prep on weekends to save time!
Hydration Challenge: Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day!
🌟 Community & Accountability ❤️
Find a Group: Join a local church group, Tumblr communities, or a study group for shared growth.
Weekly Check-ins: Schedule meet-ups with a friend for mutual encouragement on goals.
Social Media Detox: Plan regular breaks from social media to refocus your mind. 📵
Weekly Review Questions:
What went well?
What were the challenges?
How can I adjust my goals for the next week?
Gratitude List: Each week, write down three things you are grateful for! 🎀
✨ Final Thoughts ✨
✨ Remember, change is a gradual process. Celebrate the small victories, and be patient with yourself as you embark on this journey. Consistency and discipline are key, so keep the faith in yourself and your path. You’ve got this, Classy! ❤️✨

#SelfImprovement#PersonalGrowth#MentalHealth#Motivation#Wellness#SelfCare#PositiveVibes#Mindfulness#HealthyLifestyle#FitnessJourney#DailyRoutine#Affirmations#BookRecommendations#Journaling#SpiritualGrowth#GoalSetting#WomenEmpowerment#Inspiration#Gratitude#SelfLove#HealthyHabits#SkincareRoutine#BibleStudy#Accountability#PersonalDevelopment#AnxietyRelief#UpliftingContent#ExploreYourself#girlblogging#self creation
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