#wedding cake makers near me
nidhastreat · 10 months
Nestled in the heart of Cambridge, Canada, Nidha’s Treat has been delighting locals with its delectable cakes that strike the perfect balance between indulgence and health. Contrary to popular belief, enjoying a delicious slice of cake doesn’t have to compromise your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. At Nidha’s Treat, we believe in savoring the sweetness of life without compromising well-being. Here are 10 healthy cake recipes that you must try, each crafted with care and passion by the talented bakers at Nidha’s Treat.
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lya-dustin · 2 years
Someone will remember us
Chapter 16
Gif by: @the-dragonqueenblog
Taglist: @arrthurpendragon @stargaryenx
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“Would you like an almond cake, dear almond?” Aemma should know better than to call him that, but she can’t help being silly from time to time.
Especially when it makes him glare at her and roll his eye as he takes the cake offered to them by the grateful vendor. “Stop calling me that, Aemma.”
“My humble business is made greater with your patronage, Prince Aemond One-Eye.” The man says and they wince.
“You are such a crab, did you know that?” Aemma teases him and he huffed.
“Unlike you, people do not give me flattering epithets. Its why I don’t like these sort of outings.” He touches the inner pocket of his doublet. What was he hiding there?
The smallfolk don’t like him much, they fear Vhagar and find his missing eye discomforting, but he is Aemond, her Aemond, and even if the whole world turns against him, she will always like him more than she should.
But the smallfolk loved her and because he was with her and his sister, they warmed just a little to him.
Unlike Aegon who has been dubbed the Bastard Maker, one begging brother even called him Aegon the Unworthy and that was all just this morning.
“I haven’t seen Helaena smile since before the wedding.” Aemond looks at his older sister who even laughs when a pastry maker shows her their collection of bug themed treats.
“She needed this outing more than I did.” Aemma took a bite of the almond cake, it had little to no flavor. She did not particularly care for these, but this vendor will be happy all his life knowing his future queen liked his insipid little pastry.
“Will you promise me that you will look out for her while I am gone?” the princess asked a question she already knew the answer to.
“You shouldn’t even ask that, Aemee. Of course, I will.” He answered wondering why she needed to confirm such a thing.
“Good. I will rest easy knowing she has someone fighting her corner. No one else seems to be doing it these days.” She eats the rest of her pastry and pays the baker for the rest of his little cakes.
There is a woman with several children, one of the younger ones, she cannot tell their sex apart, looks at the cake in her hand with longing, so with a gesture Aemma calls them forward and lets them pick one for themselves and their siblings.
She should do more, she knows she can, but just like she can’t do much to stop Helaena from being hurt, she cannot stop them from being hungry again.
Not while she is just Princess Aemma.
A princess has no power here.
A queen regnant will.
“The Faith does not think it a crime for a man to take his wife by force, Aegon himself feels guilty of his actions and mother vouches for him.” Aemond is devoted to his gods: his mother and the Seven.
At least he was an exceptionalist. Some people in this day and age still refused to accept Valyrian customs regarding marriage even if it will have been almost a century since the High Septon accepted the Doctrine of Exceptionalism.
“You may choose to forgive him, but I will never do, Aemond. I hope you can understand that.” Aemma hates that he has ruined this outing by bringing up his brother, but she supposed one cannot mention protecting Hel without mentioning Aeg.
“Hel says she’s with child, that all her bugs have had twins and so will she.” Aemond says quietly.
Only a handful of people actually paid Helaena’s strange ramblings attention, Aemond was one of them.
“Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, she’s told me those are the names your grandfather will give them before she even gets to hold them.” Aemma nodded.
“If you think this is some ploy from my grandfather to usurp your mother, you are ---” he begins and she stops him.
“He is the reason Helaena shakes when a man comes near her now. He is not a good man; a good man does not use his family like that.” Aemma hissed at him.
“This outing was a mistake.” He says wanting to wound her, but she is too angry at how willfully blind he is to his grandfather’s evil doing to even care.
It was her mistake to think he was the Jaehaerys to her Alysanne.
“Think what you will, but deep down you know I am right.”
“She will turn him against me, I just know it.” The queen did not like the way her sweet Aemond had attached himself to Rhaenyra’s daughter.
No one seemed to share her fears, not even her father.
Her father had the audacity to second Viserys’ wish to betroth them to each other.
Even Criston has turned against her. “I doubt Princess Rhaenys allowed her grandchild to grow into her mother.”
“And yet we know what Laenor was.” The queen said derisively.
“Septa Teora assures me her charge is---” Criston began and Alicent cut him off.
“You were convinced she was a conniving little snake three years ago, what changed?” the queen asked, still looking out to the children having a last stroll through the gardens under her window.
Aemond glares at Aemma, but Aemma pays him no mind as she talks Helaena’s ear off. Reminds her of when she and Rhaenyra would quarrel and would incite her jealousy by going of to play with Laenor and Laena.
They will make up before the girl leaves, she and the girl’s mother always did.
“She is a willful girl, but she is a child still. Children outgrow their petulance.” He answered honestly.
His father and mother were Dornish, traitors to their own people and living thanks to the kindness of Lord Dondarrion. He was often judged as duplicitous and honor less because of his heritage and the murder of Laenor’s paramour.
Alicent supposed she could forgive him for seeing something of himself in the girl.
“The little queen won’t stay little, she will become her mother, or something far worse.” The queen reminded him.
The little queen will want a real crown soon enough and by then she will have turned her sweet and violent Aemond against her and his father’s true heir, Aegon.
“It won’t matter, anyways, your grace, the girl will leave and Aemond has gotten over his infatuation with her."
“Are you still wroth with me?” she asks him after Helaena goes off to look at something the gardener has gotten her.
“Yes.” He answers curtly.
“I am sorry for hurting you this morning, I should never have said that.” she apologized. She is sorry she hurt him, not quite sorry for telling him what she knows of his grandfather.
No one ever apologized for calling her mother a whore and her father a degenerate, or saying shit like her hair looks like fine wool, or that her skin is too dark to be fashionable and that they are afraid the black will rub off if they play with her.
But Aemma is not them and good queens lead by example.
When she is queen she will make the world better, starting by making court a less horrid place.
If they refuse to stop with their small-minded wickedness, she will feed them to the dragons, she supposed.
“If you can’t forgive me, I will understand, Aemond.” Aemma says hoping he will make an exception on his resentment for her.
Her resents Luke for his eye, resents Aegon for being born first, resents his father for not loving them as he should and will probably resent her.
“Grandfather did not get where he is being a good man.” He admits as they walk separately. “What he made Aegon do to our sister is despicable, but there is no turning back now and even he regrets his actions.”
They have agreed to disagree even if they have not said it out loud yet.
“You do not know him like we do.” Aemond adds.
“I suppose.” Aemma concedes.
“I wanted to give you something before you left.” He stopped and pulled something out of his inner pockets.
It’s a simple sapphire, the size of an eye and cut to look like one too.
“I take it the king and queen have agreed to let you have a sapphire eye.” She holds the gemstone in the palm of her hand and wished she could stay here and be with him when he goes through his surgery.
“They don’t know yet. The maester had them made and the jeweler made a right and a left eye by mistake.” The one eyed prince explained.
His right eye, one half of a whole.
“It is very sweet and thoughtful of you.” Aemma felt the words too little in her show of gratitude, so she does something to remedy that.
“Thank you.” She said kissing his cheek quickly before he can stop her.
Both are as red as the dragons on their banners after and then she sees the ever judgmental eyes of his mother.
Alicent best get used to her, the Velaryon princess looks back at the queen with a defiant smile.
“Who gave you the sapphire?” Teora asked in a whisper when the jeweler set the stone in a necklace.
They have been back home a week and Aemma had yet to divulge the name of her admirer.
“A boy.” Aemma bites her lip to hold back a giggle.
“A suitor, Aem, your mother will not like this.” The septa warned.
“She doesn’t have to find out, Teora.”
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potatowitch · 2 years
Ten Random Lines Tag
Thank you for the tag, @sillyliterature​!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it.
1 - From loved, lost, loved again (Anders/Karl, Anders/Nathaniel, Anders/Fenris)
He watches as Gregoir shoves Karl towards the door. “Time to go, Thekla,” he sneers. Karl swallows thickly, watching as the templar holding Anders drags him backwards.
“Be brave for me,” he breathes.
2 - From gaunt hands, full moon (Anders/Fenris)
Anders thinks he might just understand how it feels to mourn yourself - the way his heart still aches when he thinks of a skinny blond boy being dragged screaming from a burning barn, and a name Anders hasn’t heard spoken since. He understands, though he doesn’t know how to tell Fenris this, so instead he brings his hand to his lips and kisses Fenris’ marked palm, stroking his thumb over Fenris’ knuckles.
3 - From there are some secrets I will take to my grave (Anders/Fenris)
They’re home, alive and safe - but they were lucky, Anders realises. They could have both died. With the lives they lead, they could both be dead tomorrow, or the day after that.
4 - From things that die over and over (Sigrun/Velanna)
“Something like that, yes,” Velanna mutters. “And now I have … this. A half-life. An early death, going grey because I am a monster, not because I am an old woman. Buried in rock and filth instead of in the soil where I belong, and I don’t know if I’m angrier at the Darkspawn or the humans who lead us into their clutches…”
5 - From sit there and watch (E, Anders/Fenris/Justice)
Anders lifts his head slightly to look at him. His gaze is unfocused, eyes glassy and heavy lidded, his red mouth hanging open. His hair is damp with sweat, his long lashes are clumped together with tears, and his chest heaves with every gasping breath he takes.
“Fen -” he breathes, crying out as Justice twists the fingers inside him. “I, I … oh, Maker, Fenris, Justice, fucking Maker, I -”
6 - From writhe (E, Anders/Justice)
“Fuck, Justice!” he shrieks, thrashing in the spirit’s grip. “Fucking bastard -”  
I am nowhere near done with you, Anders.  
7 - From and still, I will live here (Anders/Fenris/Justice)
He can feel when Justice recedes in the way the kiss changes, when the hand resting on his waist clutches his shirt and the one at the base of his neck shoots up into his hair. Anders kisses him desperately, hiccuping a sob against Fenris' lips that turns into a gasp when Fenris yanks him closer, hands twisted in the front of Anders' filthy coat.
Here’s some WIPs too (with placeholder names lmao)
8 - From rip fenris (not really) (Anders/Fenris/Justice)
He keeps talking, but Anders can’t hear him. His blood thunders in his ears, heart rattling against his ribcage, and he’s vaguely aware of the strangled sound that rips its way out of his throat as he turns away from the bar. He doesn’t see where he’s going. His feet carry him out of the tavern and into the dark streets in a haze, the world narrowing to the sharp ache in his chest and Justice roiling beneath the surface of his skin.
9 - From i am here (Anders/Fenris)
"I am here," Fenris says at last. It is the truth, plain and simple and irrefutable, not marred by false promises or reassurances - I am here. You are not alone. In this moment, it is all Fenris can think to offer him.
He hopes, desperately, that it is enough.
10 - From justice wants a spring wedding and a three tiered cake (Anders/Fenris/Justice)
Anders turns his face to the sky, breathing in the smell of woodsmoke as he gazes at the stars. "He could choose not to come back from Gwaren," he whispers, "leave us behind and take a ship to anywhere he likes, and I wouldn't blame him for a second."
Tagging (let me know if you’d prefer me not to tag you in the future): @chaosride @justcallmecappy @tea42 @wildercrow @dismalzelenka @barbex
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mannandcobake · 10 months
Delight Your Senses with Custom Cakes near Me
In a world where we're constantly seeking unique and personalized experiences, why should our desserts be any different? Custom cakes near me offer the perfect solution for those who want to celebrate life's special moments with a sweet touch that reflects their individuality.
Unleash Your Imagination-
Custom cakes are a canvas waiting to be adorned with your imagination. Whether it's a birthday, wedding, anniversary, or any other occasion, these edible works of art can be tailored to your exact specifications. With a wide range of flavours, shapes, sizes, and designs to choose from, the only limit is your creativity.
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Local Artisans Crafting Edible Masterpieces-
When you search for "custom cakes near me," you'll discover a world of local artisans and bakeries who are passionate about their craft. These talented bakers and cake decorators take pride in creating edible masterpieces that not only taste divine but also captivate the eyes. Their dedication to quality and attention to detail ensure that every cake they produce is a true work of art.
Personalized Flavors and Fillings-
One of the most delightful aspects of custom cakes is the ability to select flavours and fillings that cater to your taste buds. Whether you crave classic flavours like vanilla and chocolate or desire something more exotic like mango passionfruit or lavender honey, your local custom cake bakery can make it happen. You can even mix and match layers to create a truly unique taste sensation.
Designs as Unique as You Are-
The designs of custom cakes are limited only by your imagination. From elegant wedding cakes adorned with intricate sugar flowers to whimsical birthday cakes featuring your favourite characters or hobbies, the possibilities are endless. Your cake can be a reflection of your personality, interests, and the theme of your celebration.
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A Memorable Centerpiece-
Custom cakes not only taste amazing but also serve as a memorable centrepiece for your event. Whether it's a towering tiered cake or a sculpted masterpiece, these cakes are sure to leave a lasting impression on your guests. They provide the perfect photo opportunity and can become a cherished part of your celebration's memories.
Supporting Local Businesses-
When you choose custom cakes near me you're not just indulging in a delicious treat; you're also supporting local businesses and artisans. These cake makers are often deeply rooted in their communities and take pride in delivering exceptional products and services.
In conclusion, when you search for "custom cakes near me," you're embarking on a delightful journey of taste and creativity. These edible works of art, crafted by local artisans, offer a unique and personalized way to celebrate life's special moments. So, whether it's a birthday, wedding, or any other occasion, treat yourself and your loved ones to a custom cake that's as extraordinary as you are.
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carlosbakery · 1 year
Wedding Cake Options and Tips for Choosing
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The options for wedding cakes are virtually unlimited, and the cake has come to symbolize the wedding more than any other visual element. There is a range of options available, but don't let them limit or overwhelm you. These choices are just opportunities to create the mood and setting of the reception you have planned, and your cake is a part of the romance and happiness of memories you are creating for your wedding day.
Today's wedding cakes range from the tiered cakes of old, which have been redesigned to incorporate new materials and techniques, to individual cakes cleverly arranged on tiered cake plates to look like wedding cakes. At truly extravagant weddings, miniature versions of the cake are served to guests. Whatever your budget, a magical cake can be found to share with your guests.
It is important to consider more than just taste when choosing a cake. There is a wide variety of flavours, shapes and textures available today that are a reflection of your style.
 There are a few limitations on flavour for cakes and fillings. Buttercream is smooth and creamy, making it easy to colour. Fondant is made of flavoured corn syrup and gelatin but is draped over the cake instead of smoothly applied with a knife. The result is a shiny surface that is easily decorated. Buttercream frosting does not hold well at outdoor summer weddings or in non-air-conditioned locales.
 When choosing your wedding cake, recommendations from friends and relatives are an excellent way to find the right baker for your wedding cake. Cakes may be ordered from a bakery or caterer, but some hotels and restaurants may also be able to provide a wedding cake. However, it is probably best to order the cake from a baker who specializes in wedding cakes. The best people make works of art that not only taste wonderful but are made from fresh ingredients rather than a mix.
 Before visiting the cake maker, you will need to know the number of people attending the reception, as this determines the size of your cake and whether additional ones will be necessary. Bakers often base their charges on a per-slice basis. If the cake you want is out of your price range, consider having a smaller version made for you to display and cut and serve sheet cakes with similar decoration. Communicate to the baker the type of reception and decorations and give him colours to be used if possible.
As for decorations, cake designs tend to follow bridal fashion. Remember, with wedding cakes, the more labor-intensive your cake design is, the more it will cost. The cake top can be traditional or imaginative. It may include fresh flowers, bells, love birds, a bridal couple or rings. Plan to discuss the top you will be using with your baker.
 The groom's cake can be any size, shape, flavour or theme. It can be sliced and served at the reception or boxed for guests to take home. At the reception, spotlight the wedding cake on a separate table covered with a tablecloth and decorated with flowers and greens. Your cake knife and toasting glasses should compliment your overall setting.
 The tradition of cutting the cake with the bride and groom feeding each other cake and toasting each other after the cake cutting makes a beautiful wedding tradition captured in photographs. A reputable baker or caterer will be happy to show you photographs of past work. He or she will also arrange for a tasting of two or three flavours.
 Are you planning a wedding, party, or celebration? Carlo's Bakery can take care of everything! Start by choosing one of our signature cakes and then customize it with your special touches. No matter what you choose, you can rest assured that everything will be baked fresh on the day of your event. Our fast-growing bakeries have several bakeries across the country to serve you better. Check out our locations today for wedding cakes near me.
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treehousecakes · 4 years
A wedding is one of the biggest days of your life, and you will want it to be perfect. The bride and groom will get to pick the wedding and reception venue, the dress code, and who is actually invited, but one of the most artistic elements that they will choose is the wedding cake.
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lordabovehelpme · 4 years
Let Me Try Something? - Din Djarin x Reader
This is part 3 to the Forget Me Not Series 
A/n: Thank you so much everyone who has reblogged and been enjoying this series. You guys are so sweet and I am so happy that I can write for all of you lovely people. I hope you guys like this chapter!!!
Summary: As you and Din get closer and more comfortable with one another, you try and spark more memeories. 
Warnings: mature themes, memory loss, female reader 
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A warm weight rests around your waist, holding you to the very firm yet impossibly comfy pillow you are laying on. Maker, that was the best you’ve slept since… ever. It’s like you’re a new person. But now, as you try to piece together where you are, you realize the pillow is breathing.
Opening your eyes, even as they protest, you find yourself staring up at a sleeping warrior. His head leans on his folded arm, mouth slightly open as soft snores fall from his throat. The other arm wraps around your form and keeps you secure. Feet have entangled with your own as you lay between his legs.
Shuffling slowly up his body, you press a kiss to his cheek. Tucking yourself away in his neck, you close your eyes again and find yourself falling back into a slumber.
Your husband takes in a long breath and his hand starts to trail up and down your spine. It sends shivers up and down your body. In gratitude, you press a kiss to the spot just beneath his ear. He hums his approval and rubs his scruffy cheek against your head, much like an oversized dog.
You giggle as his facial hair tickles your skin and you roll away from him. His arms reach out for you to try and pull you back into his hold. “Hold on I have to pee.”
Groaning, his arms fall to his side. “Hurry.”
He is just as you left him, eyes closed and arms waiting to be wrapped around your body. “Good morning.” You crawl back towards him and press a kiss to his lips.
That seems to have woken him from his unfaltering slumber. He pulls you back against his lips as you start to lean away. “Morning.” He mumbles through kisses.
You move to straddle his hips and lean away from him. His muscles flutter and his eyes close as you scratch your nails down from his face, along his neck, across his firm pecs, and back up to trail along his biceps. Your thumbs press into particularly tight areas, trying to soothe out the knots and pinched nerves he has.
“Mmm, cyare.” His hands grip at your hips and squeeze when you press harder into a sore muscle. You grin, happy that you can elicit these sounds from him. But it really takes the cake when you feel something twitch beneath you. Gasping, you bite your lip and start to move your hips along his own.
Your husband's eyes open wide. “No, cyare, no.” His hands easily lift you off of him as he stands.
The sharp pang of rejection rings out through your bones. You look down at the blanket as tears start to form. You bring your knees as close to your body as you can, trying to form a ball and disappear from the world.
His eyes soften as he realizes his mistake. “No… I-... Look, I’m not ready for this. I don’t want you to think that you have to do this.”
You look up from where you had tucked yourself away, teardrops falling down your cheeks. His hand reaches out and wipes away your tears. “It’s not you. Don’t even start to think that this is your fault. I just… everything was ripped away so quickly and now we’re moving almost too fast. I just need some time to process. Alright?” You nod your head. It makes sense, it has only been a little over a week. But you can’t ignore the way your heart has crashed to the floor.
You just wanted to make him happy, to be who you were before.
“I need to go check something in the cockpit alright?” He gives you one last glance before climbing up the ladder and away from you.
You’re sitting right next to the mandalorian as he pilots the ship. You can’t even imagine what it must be like to be in his shoes. For someone you loved and trusted the most in life to suddenly forget every single thing about you. To be demoted down to nothing, to start over from scratch. To wake up everyday and see the lost memory of your lover.
It would be so easy for him to just give up and leave you. Then he wouldn’t have to ever think of you again. He wouldn’t have to look at you and know what he lost.
But no, he’s stayed right along with you. He gives you everything you need and ask for as soon as he can. You smile as you remember the second night after the incident. “Can you show me where the tea is?”
He was in the middle of fuzing a couple wires together, but as soon as he heard your voice he literally dropped everything and gave you his full attention. “Tea? Yeah it’s over here.” He reaches up into a cabinet and pulls a tin can down. “Do you want some? Here, I’ll get the water started, you just go sit down, I’ve got it.”
He loves you so much.
He’s offered you so much compassion and care. Making sure every one of your needs are met. And making sure you’re okay.
Looking up at him as he pilots you see him in a new light… a softer light. Recently you have been thinking of yourself, not even noticing what this must be like for him.
“Hey, ummm, I’m sorry for this morning. I should have realized how abrupt it was and how it made you uncomfortable.”
He turns to look at you, his eyes scanning over your face. “No, cyare, you have no reason to be sorry. I just want to wait a little bit.” He reaches out and grabs one of your hands, squeezing it as he says, “I don’t want to spark any memories too sudden.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. When you giggle his face softens. “But I’m serious, I don’t want you to use too much energy too quickly.”
“You’re too good to me.”
The next few days are filled with the quiet routine of your lives.
You’re once again in your spot to his right as he pilots through the universe. It’s a few hours into today’s trip and you’re starting to get bored. The child is asleep down below in his hammock so you don't have anyone to play with.
Din, seeming to be in the same boat, or he just noticed your fiddling says, “It’s too quiet, how about some music?”
“Okay, come on, we’ll go eat some lunch too.” He grabs your hand and leads you to the main hull. You start to prepare the rations as he flips through a hologram, pressing buttons and waving with his fingers.
A melody fills the air. It’s a tad upbeat while still not being fast. Your head tilts as your mind works. This tune… it’s almost familiar.
“Wait.” Your husband turns from the speaker to look at you. “Why- how…” Suddenly you feel the need to move; like an invisible force has pushed you into the center of the room. “Come here.” You reach out for him.
He walks over and stands opposite to you. As if on a silent cue, you take his hand and start to move along the song. As you gain confidence, you give up control and let your body lead you.
The two of you spin and dance in a way that could only be practiced for many hours. Your hand stays enveloped in his even as your eyes widen. Your feet move on their own, carrying you around and with his body.
Suddenly, memories of laughter and the strong smell of beer fill your head. Almost as clear as day, you look around you can see different mandalorians surrounding you and your husband as you dance. They all watch you in earnest, raising their filled glasses and loudly cheering for the new couple. They drink as much as they can through their straws, allowing them to not take their helmet off.
The armorer sits with some children as she points at you. She nods her head at you. It is now when you realize your arms are covered in white lace. A wedding dress.
It’s beautiful, more beautiful than you ever could have wished for. The skirt flows with your every move, intricate lace decorates and accentuates your frame. Your sleeves, tight near the top but fall into long tendrils of fabric. As you twist and spin, it follows you and makes you feel even lighter on your feet.
The song you were originally dancing too suddenly turns softer, slower. You wrap your arms around Din’s neck and his large hands grab your waist, bringing you close to him as the two of you sway along.
When his forehead touches your own, you snap out of the flashback. You’re met with a pair of curious golden eyes. They skim over your face, searching for any tell of your emotion, any twitch or pull of a muscle that signals him of your thoughts.
“I-... this song,” His eyes widen as he slowly nods his head, “this dance.” A smile forms on his lips, the dimple becoming deeper as the skin around his eyes wrinkle.
As you try and piece together the final bits of the memory, a wave of emotion runs over you, almost knocking you down in the process. The intense feeling of just pure love, so simple that it’s almost complicated. Your heart swells, threatening to push past your ribcage. A gasp rips itself from your throat.
You remember. You remember how magical the day had been, almost as if it was a dream. The smile you would try to hide, but ultimately failed to, as the two of you stood before the Armorer. The vows you repeated back and forth. The cold touch of his helmet to your head.
The happiness you felt that day was like no other. Finally, after so many years, you were able to call him yours. Even now, your cheeks hurt as you recall the eternal smile you held. The covert gladly celebrated along with you two. Laughter and cheers filled the halls for the entire night.
Tears spring to your eyes, as you think of the end of the night. Sat before him in a private secluded room, nerves ablaze as he slid the helmet off his face. As each bit of skin was revealed to you, your eyes widened. Two lips, lips crafted by the gods. A strong handsome nose. Then, those curls. Those soft brown curls that frame his face perfectly.
And finally two enchanting eyes.
Eyes that hold so much emotion. Eyes that convey a long story with a single glance. Eyes that stare into your soul, and instead of making you feel small and weak, they urge you to grow, to let him in. Eyes that you love.
“Cyar’ika… you haven’t said anything.” You recall him saying, timid and insecure.
“Wow.” It’s all you could say, because he literally took every word from your head. The perfect and exact example of speechlessness.
Once again, you are snapped back into reality when a hand cups your cheek. Closing your eyes, you shake your head slightly and return your focus onto the man in front of you.
“That night, it was so special.”
“What night, cyare? Come on tell me.” Swirls of excitement sparkle in his eyes, his voice only proving his eagerness.
“Our wedding night. I remember the loud cheers as we did this exact dance and the fierce love I held for you.”
He nods his head frantically. “Do you remember anything else?”
Smiling you nod in sync with him, giggling at the fast pace. “So much. I remember how warm your hands were as they held mine before the armorer. I remember my dress. I remember how I could feel your eyes on me through the visor. I remember that night when he went back to our room and I finally saw you for the first time. I remember how I could only say wow.”
He chuckles as he kisses both your cheeks. “You were so beautiful that day, you still are. But then, in your white dress, all pretty for me, it was amazing. I felt like I was the luckiest man alive.”
As the song slows to an end, the two of you continue swaying. He tells you stories of that day, filling in the blanks your mind didn't. He tells you how when you walked down that aisle, he felt like his soul had left his body; in a good way he assures you.
The two of you laugh as you converse about the details. Specifically him telling you it's a shame you have forgotten the taste of the wedding cake. It was “like nothing you have ever tasted before.”
Babbles sound from the ground, and when you look down you are met with the outstretched arms of the child. “Hey little guy.” You lean down and pick him up, placing him in your arms. He coos and your husband rubs one of his large ears.
His little hands slap at your cheeks as he smiles, babbling to you about something.
“I know, I did remember something. Hopefully I’ll start to remember our memories too.” You smile at the child before looking up and meeting the warm eyes of your mandalorian. “But, slowly and within our own time.”
Overjoyed with your response, your husband smiles and wraps the two of you into his arms. “I love you cyare.”
“I love you too.”
Next Part: Know That I Love You
So yeah, I hope you all liked it. I’ve really been enjoying writing this series! 
Please consider reblogging, it really helps me out as a smaller blog. I also just love hearing what you all have to say, it makes my day! 
Love you all, Lordy :) 
Taglist: @ficthots @along-the-lines-of-space @jedi-jesi @coldlilheart @remmysbounty @t3a-bag @all-along-the-resolute @impala1967666​ 
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [17]
Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
➜ Words: 4.6k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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Marriage seems to be the ultimate goal for many.    And you have to admit its appeal — cute invitations tucked onto tables by bouquet centerpieces, flowers blooming and budding all around the aisle and arch, long trains of wedding dresses, the tulle of the veil, the glowing smile of both bride and groom radiating happiness.   Love is in the air and it’s hard to hate it. It’s difficult to remain bitter.   For a brief moment in time, you forget about pushing the idea that romance is sickly — that the emotional dependency will cripple you when affections inevitably run out, that the imminent insecurity and jealousy will only act to lower self-esteem, that heartbreak is always impending.   Just for the slightest of seconds….you forget to hate love.   “Jungkook, Y/N! Get in here!”   Sejeong eagerly motions you over and you exchange an expression with the boy beside you before scattering over hesitantly. Yet, she fervently welcomes you, shuffling over and draping her arm around your shoulder. Jungkook stands beside you, smiling wide for the camera.   “One. Two. Three.” The wedding photographer snaps several pictures of all four of you.    “Is this okay?” you ask in a slight murmur in-between shots, still worried considering you didn’t really have a place in this wedding. The only people you know here are the two of them, Jungkook, and Chungha who was somewhere preparing to walk down the aisle.   “Of course, it is!” Namjoon zealously assures with a grin. “You guys are our official wedding cake makers. We can’t forget about you two.”   “Chungha requested that we take as many pictures as we can. She won’t mind, trust me.” Sejeong smiles, excited for her sister’s wedding, and she squeezes your shoulder. “It’ll be a great way to look back on the memories.”   There are a few more pictures taken and when the photographer gives the ‘okay’ sign, the married couple enthusiastically runs out of the frame. “Okay, now just our two interns!”   You and Jungkook awkwardly scoot together, but then the photographer raises his head and suggests you both to go even closer. And that’s enough for Jungkook to throw his arm around your shoulders, pull you close enough that you nearly stumble into his chest and he flashes a grin as the camera snaps while your expression is still stunned.   The next picture, you stand on the tips of your toes with the hopes of overcoming Jungkook’s height and teasing him later on for being short. But he quickly notices you and his grip on your shoulder tightens, attempting to pull you down for the following photograph.    “Hey, don’t try to push me down!”   You try to shove his hand off, but the effort is futile and Jungkook giggles. “You’ll never be taller than me, Y/N.”   “Psh.” You stay on the tips of your toes, putting your hand over your head like that’ll somehow create the illusion your height is greater than his. But then Jungkook goes on his toes as well, lifting up his chin. The two of you laugh, using one another to keep balance and stand as high as possible.   Namjoon and Sejeong grin at your banter and the photographer is smiling as well, continuing to take pictures at different angles and distances with no end in sight.   “You got something on your nose, Jeon,” you lie.   “What?” His heels touch the ground again and his hand lifts to his face. You steal the opportunity to jump straight up as high as you can, putting your hands on his shoulders.    The wedding photographer captures the picture, then one of Jungkook turning his head in shock as you’re still in the air. Then the one where you’re descending and he opens his arms, catching your fall. And the one where you turn to each other, smiling wide as you gaze at each other.   The photographer doesn’t say that these are the best candids he’s taken.   “My name is Jung Sowon and this is Stand By Me.” The woman with the sleek, long, black hair stands at the stage. The band begins to play behind her, drums and guitar crescendo. The wedding singer parts her mouth to sing the first note and the melodic song fills the venue. “When the night has come. And the land is dark. And the moon is the only light we'll see.”   You linger by, watching and swaying to the rhythm.    “Would you like some champagne, ma’am?”   A familiar voice beside you interrupts the music, but it’s a smooth timbre that you recognize.   You turn to find Jungkook, offering you a flute of bubbling champagne and you laugh, taking it.    “Thank you, good sir.”   Jungkook’s dressed in a classic suit — white shirt, black blazer and trousers, shoes and tie. It’s simple, but it makes him look good, hugging his form well. You can’t help musing that he cleans up well. But maybe that’s because you helped him do his hair. It’s combed down as usual, but with the bangs slightly curled in, a bit of his forehead peeking out. Jungkook was screeching this morning and whining like a baby, afraid your straightener would burn his skin, but you’re glad you held him down and did it.    You’re in a blue dress yourself, one that stops at the knees and is ruffled at the neckline. You didn’t think you looked particularly special, but by the way Jungkook was staring at you earlier, you’re not sure what to think anymore.   “The ceremony’s starting soon. We should go.”   You follow his lead, sipping on your champagne. “Hey. Don’t get drunk. It would be embarrassing.”   He scoffs, playfully eyeing you. “Who do you think I am?”   A grin spreads into your face. “I’m just saying.”   The two of you find your seats at the left, near the back. The parents of the groom and bride gather together too, taking their spots at the front rows and the other wedding guests begin trickling into the garden area.    You lean over to Jungkook, keeping your eyes straight ahead, but murmuring underneath your breath, “When do you think it’ll be over?”   “I don’t know. Half an hour to an hour? Why?”   “I’m kind of hungry.”   “Course you are,” he says back but then begins looking around. “Do you want me to ask one of the waiters to bring around those appetizers again?”   “No, I’m fine.” You giggle. “I was joking. I’ll be fine, Jungkook.”   But concern lingers in his eyes. “Are you sure?”   “I won’t starve,” you assure, not knowing he would take it so seriously. Jungkook is attentive to you these days and you’re not sure how to feel……   No. That’s not entirely true. You do know how you feel. But you won’t say it out loud.   Instead, you focus your attention on your surroundings.   The venue was absolutely lovely. It was still a part of the resort, but in a more secluded area that’s away from the prying eyes of tourists and resort guests. A few meters away was the ocean. The tide that was kissing against the shore, saltwater bubbling and fizzing every so often. It was the best of both worlds — the man-made garden inside the tent gorgeous and contrasting against the beach background outside. The floor is verdant grass, soft underneath your feet, and the flowers are in full bloom and wrapped around the ceiling and wedding arch.    The reception area you had peeked at earlier was even more incredible.    You can’t wait until the sun sets and the fairy lights turn on.    “This is actually so nice,” you sigh out, speechless. “You know, for the longest time, I wanted a garden wedding too. Like pink peonies would be one of the themes or focuses or whatever. They bloom during late spring, early summer, so that would be perfect since the weather would be good too.”   Jungkook glances at you. “Do you still want that?”   “I’d probably never get married, so it doesn’t really matter.” You shrug to him, snapping back to reality.    “Why not?”   “Love’s gross,” you mutter quietly as the last people take their seats. “Plus, no one wants me.”   “I want you.”   Jungkook says it forthrightly, without a beat of hesitation, instinctively. As if you asked him what his name was. You look at him, staring wide-eyed. Jungkook gazes back at you, unwavering.    Your heart stutters. And you quickly look away from him.   “You shouldn’t joke about that kind of thing.”   He sulks. “I’m not.”   But none of you are able to speak another word. The music interrupts when it begins. The classic wedding march plays and everyone turns around to watch the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle with bright smiles. Sejeong and Namjoon wave at the two of you as well as they stride past.   And soon, Chungha is the one walking down with her arm hugging her father’s. She’s in a beautiful, white ball gown, practically glowing as the trail of her dress follows. The woman looks the happiest she’s ever been and as envious as you are, the joy is overwhelming.    Her soon-to-be husband is wiping at his eyes and when they meet, they hold one another’s hands, giggling.   "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”   The officiant addresses the couple, reading a long passage from his book for twenty minutes about what love and marriage means. Then there’s an exchange of vows and it becomes emotional as they read their professions of love to one another.    You feel the sting of your eyes that you try to dispel away.   You forgot love could be so innocent and comforting. For so long, you’ve demonized it in your mind, discredited the emotion as silly mistakes. But with the way the couple stare at one another underneath the arch — so genuinely in love — you realize you had forgotten love could be so sincere.   Not every love ends in heartbreak. Not every relationship ends in heartache.   You had forgotten.    And you find yourself stealing glances at Jungkook.   “Sometimes I wonder how it’s possible that I became so lucky. That I was there on that day. At the right time. And I met you,” the groom inhales a soft breath, staring at his soon-to-be wife. “Not everyone can marry their best friend, but I’m happy to be one of them. There’s no one I’d rather become a family with than you.”   The rings are exchanged as tears pool in eyes and then the pronouncement of marriage is made. After the kiss, the closing remarks are said and everyone stands up, cheering at the newly married pair.   Chungha is laughing, her husband grinning hard and they run down the aisle together.   Love is in the air and you’re glad that you’re experiencing it with Jungkook by your side.   //   Weddings are stressful when you’re the planner or the couple, but it’s fun as the guest. One of the perks that you and Jungkook especially have is being able to pig out at the table without having to mingle or interact with others. It’s not like you know anyone here, so the pair of you have resided by the snack area.   “The catering company didn’t do a bad job.” You lick off your fingers.    Jungkook hums and then turns to you with his arm extended. You look down, finding him holding a chocolate strawberry and immediately, your lips part. He feeds it to you and you taste it on your palette while shaking your head.   “Not as good as yours.”   “Of course.” Jungkook grins, relishing in your praise.   “Where’d you find that?”    “Don’t freak out.” He pauses, letting you suffer in suspense on purpose. “There’s a chocolate fondue fountain over there.”   Immediately you whirl around to where he’s indicating and an audible gasp tears from your throat. Jungkook’s eyes crinkle in mirth and he follows after you, chiding you not to run.   The milk chocolate is falling at three different tiers, grandly cascading downwards in a smooth liquid. You grab a plate and begin to stack skewered strawberries, marshmallows, banana slices, rice krispy squares and pretzels onto it. And the two of you end up crowding the fountain, dipping the food in one at a time to indulge.    “God, I love chocolate.” You could drop dead right now and ascend to the afterlife fulfilled.   Jungkook holds back a laugh. “Don’t eat too much. You’re going to ruin your appetite and get a stomach ache.”   “Doesn’t matter,” you dismiss quickly. “I’m living my best life here, Jeon. I could die happy right now.”   “You better not.” He smiles. “I still need you around to cover for me when I mess up.”   Jungkook has more of a sensitive sweet tooth than you do, so he slows down his chocolate consumption sooner than you even have plans of halting. But he enjoys watching you eat, filling your cheeks with chocolate-covered fruit and sweets. He feels satisfied somehow when he watches you consume to your heart’s content.   He eventually starts dipping what’s left on his plate to feed you, not allowing it to go to waste.   “Ah.”   Your lips part and he feeds you again, but this time, the chocolate accidentally drips onto Jungkook’s hand. He curses, pulling up his white sleeve to not get it stained, but before he can grab a napkin to wipe himself off, your hand clasps around his wrist.   Without thinking twice, you pull his hand to your mouth and you lick off the chocolate. Your warm tongue runs along his skin, cleaning the mess. It takes only three seconds. But in the meanwhile, your pupils flicker up to look into Jungkook’s. Directly. Boldly.   His Adam’s apple visibly bobs in his throat. Sweat begins to collect at his hairline but by then, you’ve already let go and turned away. You’re nonchalant. Your attention returns back to the chocolate fountain and you’re fucking humming, continuing to pig out.   Jungkook cusses in his mind.    You’re a vixen. A damn witch.   But there’s no time to react or linger. Not when you’ve obviously moved on and haven’t thought much about your action. Not when the married couple arrives at the reception area and everybody takes their seats again.    “Thank you everyone for taking the time to come here for us.” Everyone raises their glasses of champagne. “We really appreciate it.”   “I’d also like to thank my older sister, Sejeong, and Namjoon for making such a beautiful wedding cake.” Chungha grins. “It was a surprise, but it’s better than I could’ve ever imagined and it was one less thing to worry about, so thank you. I knew I could trust you.”   “Please,” Sejeong says aloud, “It’s my job.”   There’s shared laughter and the bride carries on, “And thank you to Jungkook and Y/N as well for helping out with my sister’s shop and making the cake. I’m sure it would’ve been a lot more stressful without your help.”   You’re bashful under the attention, but soon enough, the speeches and toasts move onto different people in the room. The maid of honour shares a long story about how the couple met and the best man wishes the pair a wonderful future.    Not long after, the food finally gets served as the wedding singer continues her performance.   You get mashed potatoes as an appetizer and steal part of Jungkook’s scallop dish. He feigns a glare, but then the two of you are splitting each other’s food family style to get a variety of tastes. The main course consists of filet mignon for Jungkook and pumpkin ravioli for you.   You enjoy the meal for the most part, only slightly uncomfortable by the old woman in a floral dress who keeps glancing at you and Jungkook with a smile. And right before dessert is served, the stranger across the table seems to crack.   “How do you two know the bride and groom?” her voice croaks as she nosily asks.   “Oh. We just helped make the wedding cake.”   “We’re the bride’s sister’s interns,” Jungkook adds.   “Nice to meet you.” Her dainty, wrinkled hand shakes your hand and Jungkook’s. “I’m the groom’s great aunt. Such a lovely wedding, isn’t it?”   “Yes, it is.”   “The food’s great too.”   The old woman's eyes glimmer of mirth. “So how long have you both been together?”   You choke on your ravioli — Jungkook wheezes mid-sip of his water, coughing and sputtering. He pounds his chest. The pair of you look at one another, eyes rounded and wide.   “Oh...we’re not...uh….”   “No need to be shy.” Her hand bats the air. “There’s no need to hide anything, don’t worry.”   “Umm...well, we’ve known each other for a while now,” Jungkook says and you give him a look. Technically, it’s not a lie.   “Are you both considering getting married any time soon?”   The proposition gives you whiplash, but after working in the food industry for so long, you’ve perfected maintaining a calm disposition. Even if the smile you offer is stiff. “Oh, no. We’re still very young, so I don’t think so. Not at all.”   “There’s nothing wrong with getting married when you’re young,” she tells. “Back in my day, kids got married at eighteen. Right out of school. Better early than never was always my motto. If you know you’re good for each other, there’s no point in waiting.”   “Uhhh….” You’re not sure what to say to that.   Luckily, Jungkook jumps in and easily uses his infamous Jeon charms. “If I propose too soon, she’ll get bored of me. I’d prefer to keep her on her toes a little while longer.”   The old lady laughs heartily. “That’s a dangerous game, boy. If you don’t put a ring on it soon, she might just run off with another boy and you’d surely regret it then.”   He shakes his head. “She wouldn’t. It may not look like it, but she’s head over heels for me. She’d come chasing me.”   That seems to poke the old lady’s funny bone, but your mouth has dropped open. “I would not.”   “Sure about that?” Jungkook smirks impishly. “I might just run off with another miss if you’re not nice enough to me, Y/N.”   “Psh. I’d like to see you try, Jeon Jungkook.”   “You two are just too cute.” The old lady sighs wistfully. “Reminds me of my late husband and I. I know love when I see it.”   The meal eventually ends and the old lady wobbles off to mingle at another table with people she’s more familiar with — but as she bids farewell, she chides Jungkook to marry you already. And when she’s gone, he shifts to wiggle his brows at you.   You tell him that if he gets down on one knee tonight, you’ll slap him.   Fortunately, Jungkook has no such plans. Instead, the pair of you spend your time watching the sunset on the beach. The sky is painted in tangerine and rosy hues, the ocean reflecting the horizon and once it becomes dark enough, all the fairy lights flicker on. The venue becomes illuminated by the dim and soft mosaic of colours.   You feel ticklish and pink inside — stomach full of food, alcohol making it easy to loosen up, the amorous atmosphere a hatchery for hopeless romantics. You watch the first dance, listening to the smooth voice of the wedding singer and the warm sounds of the band. “Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you.”   The bride moves in sync with the groom, her dress gliding across the floor. Their hands are clasped together, feet moving slowly, eyes staring at one another. It’s magical to be an observer and it makes you wonder what it’s like to be there, to know you can live the rest of your life with the person you’ve chosen.   When the others trickle onto the dance floor, you watch them too.   And Jungkook soon returns, having gone to the bathroom and then taking a quick walk around. He finds you enjoying yourself in a rare carefree state, simply swaying to the melody in your seat.   His smile becomes tender.   “Go dance.”   You scoff. “I’m not going to dance by myself.”   “Then dance with me.” Jungkook takes your hand, pulling you up on your feet. “Come on,” he convinces when he sees your reluctance. “This is the only time I’ll ever dance. Are you really going to give up on this chance?”   You let him pull you on the floor right as another song begins.    It’s an older song — another slow one — fuzzy sounds that melts all around you. The wedding singer’s voice is sweet, drums providing a steady beat. The staccato of the bass is resonant and velvety with the lithe sound of the piano. “Stars shining bright above you. Night breezes seem to whisper ‘I love you’. Birds singing in the sycamore tree. Dream a little dream of me.”   But what should be romantic is terribly awkward.   Jungkook’s hands are placed tensely on your waist while yours are plopped on top of his shoulders. It’s as if you’ve been propelled back to the past — fifteen years old at a school dance with your crush, not sure where to look, how close to be, how to touch one another and be polite about it.    You wince when he steps on your foot.   “Ow.”   “Sorry.”   “I thought you danced, Jeon Jungkook.”   The boy’s brows knit together. “Who says?”   “I thought you could do everything,” you tease and this time, he’s the one lightly scoffing with a small smile tugging at his lips.   Soon, Jungkook steps on your foot again and you mutter cusses in his ear. It makes him laugh, but you swear the third time he steps on your toes, it’s intentional.   “Say ‘Night-ie night’ and kiss me. Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me. While I'm alone and blue as can be. Dream a little dream of me.”   The crowd on the dance floor is moving together — old married couples and the young ones holding each other securely to kids twirling with each other. Eventually, the music relaxes you enough that you melt into Jungkook’s arms and he falls into a rhythm, no longer stepping on any toes.    Your arms are looped around his neck, your fingers locked together. His hands are tenderly on the dips of your waist. The two of you sway with one another. There’s nowhere to look but directly into his eyes and you find his gaze fixed onto yours. As if your irises are the most interesting kaleidoscopes in the world.   Jungkook makes you nervous. He makes your palms sweaty, your steps unsure and seemingly unpracticed.   “Can you stop looking at me like that?” you murmur. In this party of people, only he can hear you above the music. It’s much too intimate.   “Like what?”   “Like you love me.”   “But I do love you.”   He tugs you closer and you search his eyes, brows furrowing unintentionally. You quietly scold him, “You can’t say that, Jungkook.”   “Why not?” he asks in a whisper.   “Because what does it mean for us?”   “Can’t friends love each other?”   “I—”   “I’m kidding.” Jungkook smiles gently, the corners of his mouth quirking. “Well, not really.”   The slow song encases you and Jungkook into a private bubble. The dim lights make his doe eyes sparkle even more than usual — like there are actual stars captured within them, like he’s snapped a picture of the night sky on a Summer night and kept them there. “Stars fading but I linger on, dear. Still craving your kiss. I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear. Just saying this.”   You never realized how much you love Jungkook’s eyes.   “Hey, can I ask you something?” he pipes up again in a gentle murmur as to not disturb the delicate moment between you two. “It’s not about me, but I have a friend who doesn’t really know what to do...”   “What is it?”   “He’s in love with his best friend who’s head over heels for some other guy and is still heartbroken over him even after so much time has passed. My friend really loves her, but he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship they have because it’s important to him.”   You hum a low note, corners of your mouth pulling. “Well, if this best friend is dancing with your friend, sharing the same bed together every night, and spending their days together, she’s probably not heartbroken after that guy anymore.”   Jungkook’s grip on you tightens, not too much that it hurts, but securely enough to keep you from floating away.    He swallows hard. “So you think he should go for it?”   “I think he should take it slow,” you hum. “Even if he values their friendship, once you’ve caught feelings, there’s not much you can do. I have personal experience on this topic, so I would know.”   “Would you now?” A boyish grin spreads into his cheeks, one that makes him look even younger.    “I think this friend of yours should take his chances.” You lean your head on his shoulder, relishing in his body heat. “Sounds like his best friend might just agree.”   Jungkook holds you close. The two of you sway together, enjoying the moment.   “Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams, whatever they be. Dream a little dream of me.”   The fuzzy song fades as it ends. The last note holds the air. And with it, the spell breaks.   You pull yourself away from Jungkook’s arms, offering a small smile. It’s awkward, so you quickly turn away to return to your spot at the table. But then….   There’s a call of your name—   “Y/N.”   As you spin around, Jungkook tugs you in by your waist. Your lips meet his.   Your mouths collide together right as another song begins — one you don’t pay any attention to, where you can’t even discern the lyrics. Not when your heart rate is pounding in your eardrums.   It’s a soft brush of the surfaces of your lips, a timid touch, but soon, you’re eagerly deepening the kiss. You’re surrounded in Jungkook and everything that is him — the scent of fresh laundry and his cologne, giving into the velvet texture of his soft lips, reveling in the warmth of his skin that brings heat onto your cheeks.   Your hands slink to the back of his neck, sinking your fingers into the little hair there. Your eyes shut and Jungkook sneaks in a long peek at you, soaking in your pleasured expression before his own lids flutter closed. Your nose bumps together and he easily tilts his head, kissing you tenderly, but eagerly underneath the pretty lights.    Jungkook kisses you and kisses you, like it’s all he’s ever wanted to do. But really, he should’ve done this a long time ago — maybe that time underneath the mistletoe all those months ago.   So he makes up for the lost time, tasting your lipstick curiously, smearing it shamelessly, getting it all over his own mouth.    It’s hot, breathy, and when the pair of you pull apart, the thin thread of saliva between your mouths break. You stumble back on your heels, catching yourself on weak knees. You try to remember how to breathe properly.   Jungkook’s own chest is heaving and he shakes his head, wearing an infectious smile. He wipes his lips wet with your saliva haphazardly with the back of his hand.   “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that for.”   You laugh, grabbing his tie roughly. You tug your best friend closer. “Then shut up and do it again.”   The both of you are in the middle of the dance floor, underneath the lights, but none of you pay any mind.   This time when Jungkook kisses you, he’s grinning against your mouth and you can’t help but smile too.
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
Before the Night Ends
Dean/Castiel, 2.1k words, post-Wedding/pre-Honeymoon
It's been a wedding for the ages. Dean and Castiel finally tied the knot, with guests flying in from all across America, Heaven, Hell - even the Empty. But everything must come to an end, and after a wonderful Roadhouse reception Dean and Cas drove off in Baby and off towards their honeymoon.
Except, it's a long drive from Kansas plains to California beaches. They stop close to midnight at a motel along the highway, to sleep, celebrate their wedding night and that it's Valentine's Day, too.
           There’s a motel off Highway 70 called Angel’s Paradise, first established in the early 1900s, and last renovated in 1982. The owners back then, who remain so today, envisioned heaven as some tropical destination. That meant each room, alike in their simplicity and functionality, would be redone along these guidelines. Walls plastered with paper-print palm fronds and blooming, pink flowers. Bathrooms tiled a light blue – like waters from the clearest ocean – and little soaps shaped like shells to match the shell-patterned shower curtain. They’d have an entertainment unit housing a small television set would double as a dust collector, various ocean-themed knick-knacks cluttered atop it, ranging from homemade to store bought. A wicker table situated between two wicker chairs, a wicker dresser placed next to the entertainment unit and a wicker bed-or-beds layered by their own palm fronds, matching the walls. Finally, tying the décor together was a little (wicker) side table near the door with a plastic conch set to catch keys or loose change or cigarette ash. Given these changes, any customer might imagine they were in Florida rather then Colorado, or it was June instead of February. Especially in the crown jewel of Angel’s Paradise, the Honeymoon Suite.
           Except the Suite’s current boarders were very aware of where and when they are. Probably because they have yet to see their room for the night.
           Dean tucks his hands into his elbows, shivering outside the Suite while Cas fiddles with its doorknob. “Come on,” he whines, “what’s the hold-up?”
           Cas pauses, turning to Dean. “Sorry,” he says, “the lady at the counter – she said they were having issues since the last occupants. Something about them breaking the lock?”
           “Fuckin’ a…” Dean hisses, bouncing now. An icy wind cuts across the parking lot, Dean defenseless to it because he forwent a heavier jacket and how thin the material of his suit was. Castiel looks marginally warmer than Dean, wrapped in his trademark trench coat. Still, Dean notices how his hands tremble while holding the key. Cas’s hand flicks to the left, Dean’s gaze catching the silver band wrapped around his ring finger. One day, he may get used to it. Dean hopes he never does and can experience the same flutter of warmth rippling through his heart from seeing it. He leans into Cas, Dean dropping his head onto Cas’s shoulder. “Who do I have to pray to for this door to open?”
           “No one,” Cas declares, lock clicking in time with his words, “because it’s open!”
           Dean curses under breath, smiling. “Great,” he says, “let’s get in there, then – hey… hey!”
           Swept off his feet, Dean falls into the loving grip of his husband. Cas places one arm at his back, supporting most of the weight, while the other arm traps Dean’s knees, keeping his legs bent and Dean unable to wriggle himself free. Cas smiles down at him, laughing.
           “You think this is so funny,” Dean scowls, holding onto Cas’s tie like it were a lifeline. “You little shit –“
           “Mr. Shit, Dean,” Cas interrupts, kicking the door open and striding past the threshold, “I did take your last name, after all.”
           “My mistake…” He huffs, burying his head in Cas’s chest while he uses the fingers not squeezing Cas’s tie to comb the hairs at his husband’s neck. “Dean and Castiel Shit… I can see the monogramed towels already.” Dean closes his eyes, purring like a kitten while he absorbs the heat that radiates from Cas. It’s inhuman how much of a furnace he was, especially after giving up his grace to live as a human, to be human with Dean. Like always, Dean’s smile widens at the thought. He tries hiding his rapidly flushing face, but Cas tears Dean off of him. He ungraciously dumps Dean onto the bed, blue eyes betraying his cool demeanor as they glow with mirth from Dean’s startled squawking. “What do you think you’re doing?”
           “Going to get the bags,” he says, moving towards the door, “Why don’t you get comfortable, I’ll only be a moment.”
           Dean shakes his head, situating himself better on the bed. He sits at the foot of it, toeing off his snakeskin boots and then peeling off the dark grey dress socks he wore with them. While pulling at his tie, Cas returns with their bags. He doesn’t close the door after, and a blustery chill fills the space. Goosepimples erupt in scattered bunches up and down Dean’s arms. “Close the door!” he yells, dumping the tie onto the slowly growing pile of discarded clothing. His suit jacket joins his tie and socks and boots as Cas deposits their bags by the television. He then hits the door with his elbow, shutting out the wind. Cas gestures at the closed door with a flourish and wry grin. Dean scoffs, “Ugh, who’s bright idea was it to do this in winter?”
           “The same man who, on his birthday, said,” Cas drifts closer, helping Dean unbutton his shirt, “and I quote, ‘If you think you can propose to me and not expect us to get married as soon as possible, then you don’t know what you’re signing up for… buddy’.” Cas eases the shirt off Dean’s shoulders, kissing the exposed skin right above his t-shirt. “For the record,” Cas adds, whispering into his collarbone, “I expected it. It was one of the reasons why I couldn’t wait any longer.”
           Dean remembers. Their family, together, celebrating Dean’s birthday. His first birthday free from Chuck’s machinations, with a cake Jack spent all day baking and presents that lined the end of the table. He held Cas’s hand as he blew out the candles, mind blank because nothing he could wish for would match the happiness he felt in that moment. He tells Cas this after he asks what he wished for. And Cas, of course, proceeds to kiss him. Cas kisses him while Eileen cut the cake, while Jack helped plate them, and while Sam clapped Dean’s shoulders in warning to reign it in. Dean pulled back, gasping, unsure how he might respond to his then-boyfriend’s passion. Then Cas asked him that all-important, heart-stopping, mind-blowing question, opened a velvet box, and Dean knew exactly what to say.
           “I would’ve waited,” Dean reveals, helping Cas with his clothes as Cas guides Dean’s legs out of his slacks. “Everyone knows how long I’ve waited to tell you I love you… I would’ve waited, even if we died and we had to get married in heaven.” Dean pecks Cas’s lips, divesting him of both jackets and his button-down shirt. “I’m glad we didn’t have to, though.”
           “So am I.”
           They stand together in t-shirts and boxers, barely an inch of space between them. No one speaks, not that they have to, but the usually comfortable silence makes Dean nervous. His focus drifts from Cas and onto the plastic conch behind him. Then, he notices how the rest of the room is decorated. Dean giggles, “Wow… it’s, this place is…”
           Cas nods. Dean needn’t say anything else. “You should’ve seen the inside,” he snickers, “the staff were wearing Hawaiian shirts and shark-tooth necklaces.”
           “Hey,” Dean shoves him, “don’t diss Hawaiian shirts.” He collects his clothes and boots, bringing them over to their duffels. “I’ve got about three packed away in here, and I’m planning on buying at least a few more before our honeymoon ends.”
           “Should they even be called Hawaiian shirts if we’re not in Hawaii?” Cas asks. Dean hears the mattress squeak, and guesses his husband sat on the bed. He digs through the duffel, Cas monologuing in the background. “Are they called Coloradan shirts since we’re in Colorado? If we buy them in California, won’t they be Californian Shirts? Or is it because they’re made in Hawaii, and then shipped elsewhere? Can you imagine it – shirt factories, dotting the beaches? Oh, I’d hope the workers making all these Hawaiian shirts are at least being paid a fair wage, given how popular they seem to be…”
           “There’s no factories on any beaches,” Dean tells him, “and – hate to burst your bubble, angel – but I doubt Hawaiian shirt makers are paid what they deserve, regardless of where their factories are.” Cas hums in that same, sullen note he usually does when the beginning notes of Sarah McLachlan play and Dean can’t switch channels fast enough. He folds his clothes, setting them aside. Then, Dean sneaks his hand into his stack of clean boxers, finding the surprise he hid for his husband. “Hey,” Dean rises, “capitalism sucks, but we can’t let it ruin our trip.” Dean drops onto Cas’s lap, delighting in the tiny ‘oof’ that escapes from his husband. “Here,” he says, “I was saving this for later… but hell, we’re running out of time. I’d rather give it to you before the night ends than a day later.” Dean hands him an envelope, Cas’s name scrawled on the front. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
           “A card?” Cas asks, flipping the envelope back and forth, “Dean… you didn’t have to get me anything.”
           “’Course I did…” Dean presses a kiss to Cas’s temple, ruffling his hair. “It’s Valentine’s Day… probably the first Valentine’s Day I actually wanted to celebrate in a long time, because I’ve got someone I love and want to celebrate. And sure, it’s not like we didn’t do just that… in front of all our friends and families… and a few exes… and uninvited guests –“
           “The point, Dean?”
           “Sorry,” Dean lays his head atop Cas’s, watching him peel away the envelope’s glue. “We’ll have tons more holidays and anniversaries to celebrate in the future… I just didn’t want our first Valentine’s Day to be overshadowed by our wedding. You mean so much to me that I’m not gonna just lump the two together like you’re some kid who was unlucky enough to be born on Christmas. You deserve it all.” Cas flips the envelope, shaking its contents free. A pair of red panties floats onto his outstretched hand. “Not just some stinkin’ card.”
           Cas squeezes the panties. “Are you –?”
           “About to show you how friggin’ fantastic married sex is?” Dean wrangles the panties from Cas’s fist, waving it about like a flag. “You bet. Let me slip these on and…“ He starts towards the bathroom, Cas slowly chasing him.
           “You don’t have to,” his husband growls, “you can change here –“
           “Cas, I won’t be long –“
           “I don’t know if I can wait!”
           “You’ll have to!” Dean closes the door on Cas’s face, laughing as he hears his husband bang against the door in protest. He yells for Dean, but Dean ignores him. Dean brings his hand to his face, covering his mouth with both it and the panties he carries. They smell like cherries. He forgot to tell Cas they’re edible. Cas will figure that out later.
           He’ll also give Cas his real card later, as well. The one he wrote using all the words Dean was too afraid to say at the altar. Little details about the way Cas hogs all the blankets when he sleeps, and how his eyes crinkle when he smiles, and that Cas’s hugs chase away dark thoughts better than any drink might’ve. There were also bigger things he mentioned, in this card. About Cas and his unwavering faith in Dean, even at times where he didn’t deserve it. About the despair that bloomed whenever Cas left his side, a bouquet of horrid, wilted roses growing rampantly over his heart and piercing it with their thorns during those awful times it seemed their last goodbye truly was. About the love Cas inspired within Dean that changed his life, from the very beginning, from the touch of Cas’s hand on his shoulder. That simple act which broke him free from Chuck’s wheel again and again and again. Dean couldn’t say any of this in a crowded room. He doubts he can with only Cas. He already cried enough for one day. So, they’ll have sex instead. After they’ve burned through the remaining fumes that linger in their tanks, Dean will present the card, curl against Cas’s side with his head tucked underneath his husband’s chin, and listen while Cas reads how much he means to Cas.
           But that won’t be until later. Now, Dean shimmies out of his boxers. He pulls the panties on, flicking the bow twice once it’s settled. “Are you ready?” Dean croons, jiggling the knob, “because it’s time to ride ‘em, cowboy!”
           Cas pries the door loose, almost ripping it off its hinges as pull Dean forward into a searing kiss. Dean smiles into it, letting Cas take lead. Dean’s gift were the panties. Cas’s gift is putting in the work to get them off. Cas throws Dean onto the bed, his mouth attacking Dean’s neck. His hand trails down Dean’s side, tickling and teasing him.
           He couldn’t have written a better ending to his story. Or imagine a better beginning to his next.
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askbittyerror · 4 years
Wedding RP part 9
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Blue has decided the wise thing to do is clearly to retreat closer to the tree. And wonder at how their kiddo manages to take more after them than they even are themself.(edited)
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {the sounds of boot steps suddenly rise above the din of noise} You are not used to such chaos I am guessing {The guardian said walking over. He can see why Bells called themselves their mother's double. Almost identical} Hello you are Bells's mother~ {Not exactly a question as the guardian gives a slight bow}
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Blue blinks, looks up... and up... "Oh, I'm used to chaos. But this much chaos tends to lead to me either being murdered, or someone just trying to, not realizing theyre a hundred years late for that ride." ...maybe a little blunt. "Um. But, yes. I am."
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {He offers his hand and when he gets theirs he actually gives it a small kiss. He is without his gauntlet today. No need for it at a wedding but his gloves are of a supple leather and soft to the touch} I suppose that is true. Sadly I guess this is the chaos we bring. Its nice to finally meet you Blue. It is not often I get the honor to meet the maker ... or origin of any of my lovers
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "..." yeah, they werent expecting that. "I wish i could take credit for that," they deny quietly, not drawing their hand away, "but even if they were made with my magic, I'm not their maker." "...origin though," a smile, if faint, as they lift their gaze to his again, "maybe. part anyway."
feather bean💙09/27/2020 a feather arives over here
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {He grins} You have a good soul. They take after you greatly. It is only recently they have become more ... assertive. Its like night and day honestly how much Bells has grown since I have met them {He chuckled} I am happy though I get to meet you without you wanting to punch me {gasp a Feather has arrived! Dream looks to them and smiles more} Feather. It has been a long time small one
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "Wait, pun-" "...Feather?" Oh. An asker... a child asker? Huh. "Hi Feather, i'm Blue." Meanwhile theyre only more puzzled by their offspring's relationships... apparently though, it somehow works for them? ...that kind of makes the whole taking near death in stride a little easier to believe. "...why did they want to punch you?"
feather bean💙09/27/2020 "hi blue!" they wave at blue and then to dream "it has- sorry for not visiting much-"
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {He hummed} Its alright you have your reasons. Shame though I dont have any treats for you {he chuckles and looks at Blue winking about their first comment} Because they were upset about Ink and the state he was in so when I got back everyone came to break my face for a bit for his honor
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "...Ink." they echo, naturally thinking of the bitty version they knew, but pretty sure that's not who he meant. "..." they consider Feather, then Juice, then simply, "So... are you one of my son in laws too?"(edited)
feather bean💙09/27/2020 Pats for dream "is ok If you don't have any treats for me-"
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {He chuckles} Ah but I enjoy spoiling the younger askers when they come { He looks back to Blue and hums} I think that is a yes because if I say anything other than that Bells will probably personally kick my ass {He says this with great amusement}
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 The bitties watch silently, Mercury still in excited-want-hug vibration mode and Paladin and Magnus staring at Juice with no small amount of wariness.
salty darkness09/27/2020 Nintendo takes a moment or two to actually process Juice's words- mainly because he's busy trying to stop Archer from getting at the cake. Eventually, he bundles the smol into his arms, turning around and begrudgingly walking over to his boyfriend, and the group he's amassed. "..." "Hi."
feather bean💙09/27/2020 feather waves to Nintendo "hi-"(edited)
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "...fair. I think." It sounded like he was joking, and not even in an unfamiliar way. in fact they'd probably laugh if, well, all that hadn't just happened.
the sight of the very tall comparitively to what they're used to, anyway Ink sort with purple wings, gives them pause. very little, admittedly, and more surprise than anything, before they offer a smile to him too.
"Are you the Ink whose honor Bells was ready to defend?"
salty darkness09/27/2020 The apparently-tall-Ink snorts, leaning on Juice's shoulder. The baby in his arms babbles, reaching out to greet and probably try and hug all of these new friends and faces.
"No, clearly I'm a destroyer of worlds come to murder you for daring to even look in my direction." a small laugh. "...I'm their brother. And you are?"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 "I'm Magnus, their Dad." Mangus points to himself. "Blue is my mate and their mom." "Paladin. His brother, their uncle." Paladin nods, not taking his eyes off Juice for a second. "Domino," Domino nuzzles his mate. "And Licorice. Grandparents. May I hug you?" "Mercury!" Mercury absolutely vibrates, barely contained in Jabber's arms. "Brother also! Want hug you and also bab please please please please?" "I'm Jabber." Jabber smiles, trying to keep his mate from just combusting with excitement. "I'm his mate." "Gold." Gold peeks out. "Beryl." Beryl smiles, hugging him. "We're Mercury's brothers."
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 The baby catches their attention first, a smile instantly loghting up their face, before his words register. "brother?" They look interested now. "Bells has mentioned you! um, not in more than passing, but... things have been, busy." A bit apologetically? "um, anyway... I'm Blue. mom, apparently. which I wasn't expecting, but... I'm, not really opposed to either. They seem, good." even if they make a solid point not to think too hard about where they came from
feather bean💙09/27/2020 oh Lots of people are here- they Wave to all of them -
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 Magnus and Paladin immediately nuzzle. "You okay, beloved?" Magnus asks gently.
salty darkness09/27/2020 Nintendo is quiet for a few seconds, just kinda absorbing information... and watching the bitties. Archer babbles, reaching out to hug, and he lets them.
"..." "First of all, I already have a dad, so you're going to have to share."
A huff, and he curls his wings around, fiddling with the circlet on his head. "Second of all, the Omniverse is already stupid and crazy, so more extended family might as well happen." He watches Blue for a moment, narrowing his eyes. "...are you okay?"
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 "..." they nuzzle Magnus for comfort, before admitting, "mostly. waking up one day to find out you've had a kid, with something like that... thing... without consent or awareness, and you've apparently missed their entire life, and-"
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 More nuzzles from the entire family.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {Dream looks amused pulling Ink closer to himself kissing his jaw. he lets the group talk before he looks to Blue...  his aura suddenly is there. something warm and comforting like being rapped up in a blanket right out of the dryer. He was able to actually pick and choose whom his aura touches. Ink as always only senses it but not feeling it. there is a strange potency to his aura compared to all the ones Blue has been around. one dream taught to be a warrior and angry, one too young to realize that he had or would have such powers. and the bitty... well its like a fine aged wine compared to a young vintage. they were the "same" but not the same}(edited)
feather bean💙09/27/2020 they Pat blue
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 The words fall quiet, as they nuzzle their family, one at a time, before turning back to Juice again. There's a long moment of just looking at him- then they smile. "Thank you, but that isn't necessary. My family does the same when I have a panic attack, but-" "- but shy of that, I'd sooner try to come to terms with my emotions myself, when I can. I hope that makes sense?" The child gets a soft pat back, if a bit distracted. Child askers are a new one on them... but, chikd, and offering comfort. "And thank you too."
feather bean💙09/27/2020 "its No Problem"
salty darkness09/27/2020 Archer wraps their arms around Blue, nuzzling and flapping their wings. Good smol. Comforting smol.
Nintendo gives Juice a vaguely upset look, but doesn't elaborate beyond that. "..." "Ahem. Uh. Yeah. Nice to meet you, and... stuff."
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 Baby... distracting baby. Cute wonderful happy adorable- -nothing against Juice's aura, but this? this is much more effectively disttacting.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {he looks amused. automatic reaction as his aura is and all} This is Archer {He adds watching Blue take him and cuddle him} they are Ink and my and Erebus's bab
with-bells-upon09/27/2020 aaand again with the pause, looking from him to Nintendo to baby, and back. "...my surprise kiddo has made themself an interesting family tree, haven't they?"
salty darkness09/27/2020 Nintendo shrugs. "My boyfriend- Juice- fused with Erebus to create an entirely new being called Morpheus. I slept with said being. Now there's Archer." "...and now I have two boyfriends."
Happy Archer! Such a happy Archer! Happy Archer with a very happy aura!
Askbittyerror09/27/2020 The bitties, all but Magnus and Paladin, seem to relax at Juice's aura, smiling happily. Magnus and Paladin nuzzle their person, growling softly, auras rising, pushing back the best they can.
JusticeMom09/27/2020 {Its not Juice's aura they have to worry about its the melt the person happy baby aura who makes anyone not used to it a useless giddy lump for a bit that has to be worried about.} Archer {Dream says trying to catch the happy child off guard to loose his hold on his aura} and probably more of a. find very chaotic timelines only to build a family out of them
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smitten--kitten · 5 years
Mafia!Seunghyub AU
Your alarm blaring you wake up disgruntled. Annoyed and close to rolling back over for a snooze before realizing you were close to being behind schedule. The covers being thrown off and you quickly heading to the shower to wake yourself up as quickly as possible. You really shouldn’t have gone out last night, but it really wasn’t something you do often. And it was a bachelorette party, so could anyone really blame you? If you asked, they would probably say no. But with you scurrying you grab a coffee and a bagel walking the last couple blocks until you got to work. With your show slipping off from random people bumping you and stepping on your heels you had it slip off. Bagel in your mouth and coffee set on the ground you bend down to fix your shoe. Jumping slightly when the loud bang of the door across the street was slammed out. You could hear an argument but the words certainly were not clear. Someone throws a man out the door and walking off the other direction. The other man turning towards the door again and seeing your face. Looking for a few seconds before he went back in, the door locking behind him. Your mind clearing again you pick up your coffee and get back to all the errands and tasks you needed to do for the day.
You life continuing as usual. Your friend sending the photos taken at the wedding. Sighing, you realized how beautiful it was. And it really was something you would have loved to have gone to, but you didn’t have the money to attend a destination wedding. Your alarm ticking you realized it was break time. Grabbing your packed lunch you looked out the window. Luckily unlike yesterday, the weather seemed to be clear. But your attention was soon elsewhere. The little Italian place across the street had a party it seems. People coming out the street wasn’t as quiet. A man walking out holding the door very into the conversation he was having. His face turning towards the street. The two of the men waiting for their driver, you recognize him. The handsome what you now assume was a guard of sorts. Or maybe a bouncer. You couldn’t be sure. but at least he shouldn’t be able to catch you staring, right? You focus on your lunch you don’t notice his eyes shift. Taking in your face before recognizing you himself. You look back up; you see the two men getting into their car. Oddly, you felt disappointed.
Working with taxes and accounting you had to go out often. But it was good to not be stuck behind a desk all the time. But after time passed you realized you cannot talk people out of anything if they actually want to do it. Today’s adventure was collecting the files to help a driving company and their profits correctly file their papers. Waiting in a small room for someone to bring the papers to you, you heard the voices of people in the hallway. One laughing and one just casual. Though it was definitely deeper than the others. “I have the boxes of papers and receipts. I can carry it to the car for you if you’d like.” You look up and see a guy next to two..two trolleys of boxes? Shit. Shaking your head you realize you needed to respond “Oh yes. Um, follow me to my car. I can push one if you want?” “That is all right. Boss said it should be me” “A-All right this way” Stepping to the side of the elevator you ride back down into the garage and make sure he can see the way. He’s quiet though. His mask and glasses hiding his face. Though this surely would be faster if he allowed you to help. The sound of the back door and trunk closing you realized he had finished. Strong and productive? That is something your office needs. If only.
Deciding to take the files home instead. Luckily you had a work laptop and with you having use of an elevator at home you had to go there instead. No way you would carry 10 boxes upstairs from the garage into your office and back. No, sir. Getting your wheeled computer chair you wheeled a few boxes in at a time. Too tired to even begin going through it all. Settling into bed you were going to get up early instead. Sure you would have a clearer mind and better focus, anyway. Not even bothering to change you kicked off your pants and flopped onto the bed. The morning coming sooner than one would think for someone who got a solid 8 hours for once. The smell of the automatic coffee maker waking you. Dragging your feet you make it into the kitchen and see the boxes near the couch. So you needed to do that much work, huh? At least your boss wouldn’t rush. But it makes sense why you were sent. Finishing your coffee you settle onto the couch pulling out files from one of the boxes. Some people really made things harder than they had to be. Things are so much easier when you don’t have to look at every paper. But older people don’t like it automated, old habits really do die hard.
Papers, and papers and more papers. If you didn’t know better, you would think someone would slip more in overnight to drive you insane. But luckily the old man was organized. Able to knock it out in less than a month was impressive. But it certainly wasn’t something you would want to go through again. New clients were nice when they came with good money. Able to get a little more than the standard bonus was nice when more work went in. But you rarely got personal checks as an apology from the business itself. But $10,000 was a lot. I mean, the company did lots of business including events, travel amongst other things. And you had seen their profits and expenses but wow. It was a new man who took the boxes back in to destroy. Some people really were the paranoid types when it came to personal information but you would not fault them for that. Not realizing it wasn’t the same man as last time until you got to your car. At least you hadn’t commented on it, you saved yourself from embarrassment for one, and you didn’t even intend to.
Life continues as usual in the office again. Unfortunately, you seemed to be stuck behind the desk for a few weeks now. Looking out the window when hearing aloud honk you saw him again, holding open the door of the car and walking into the Italian restaurant again. Even in a winter coat, one could see how toned he was. Not noticing that he again had seen you. Eyes on you through the window next to their booth. Your boss giving you files for another new client. Though this time they made it easier with it being digital. Staying late you were able to finish the client. Your eyes finally noticing the time. 4 a.m.? You really need to learn not to do things this way anymore. Heading towards your car you see him again. But he’s alone this time. He’s on the phone, and this time you heard him talk. He had been the one to help you initially. That voice wasn’t something you’d forget. Even if you aren’t sure what was lost, he seems angry about. His eyes on you as he abruptly ends his phone call. Eyes watching for a moment before he walks off. What could have happened? Geez. But that voice truly suited his face.
Deciding to go to the place across the street was new, but you had never been. Though you couldn’t think of why. It had regular business and traffic so it couldn’t be bad. Knowing you’d go next week when you got off early for a long weekend. Living your life as normal you didn’t really notice the subtle things you should have picked up on. Like how your boss seemed to give you all the large-scale clients. Or how there was a lot of gang activity in the city. Though, everyone seemed unaware. The news screen glaring with the bold bar. How there had been an accident and a shooting. Most seemed to think the first incident was guilt after the man committed the shooting but the news had something else that changed people's minds. There had been a stabbing. But it wasn’t a robbery. And it truly was overkill. What got to you the most was it was the garage of the cab company. How lucky are you, that you finished a week early and weren’t there? But with your mind on that, you had some trouble sleeping. It is probably why you agreed to go on that blind date that your friend mentioned. Though, it was worse there than the theory even was. He wasn’t even wearing his shoes. Who takes on their shoes while out at a nice French restaurant? Man, you and your friend must have lost touch a lot since she went backpacking last year. Why would she ever think THIS would be someone you would be interested in? Luckily enough your phone gave you a message notification. And even if it was a simple reminder to grab eggs at the store on the way home, you would have been a fool to not use that to get away.
You may take the cake for the dumbest of them all. Your boss, of all people, setting you up on a date. Sure, he was a sweet old guy, but you should have said no. Especially with yesterday fresh in your mind. But you didn’t have the heart to say no, for whatever reason. But that was only now coming to you. Five hours later as you lay staring at the ceiling on your back in bed. Still unable to sleep. Maybe this one will at least be polite enough to keep his shoes on. And your boss said it would be at the place across the street. At least you had another reason to go there at least. With your boss giving you the day off instead of an early day, you realized you would just go there instead. 10 a.m. seemed like an early date but an off day with pay? You would take that for sure. The man sitting at the booth across the room said your name. A sweet smile on his face, just how young was he? He seemed sweet enough, but he sure was talkative. He had already ordered for you. There seemed to be a little of everything, and you would have said something had he not beat you to it. “So, you may not exactly be here for a date, it is to help file and input or expenses. I know you aren’t exactly a secretary but you specialize in this. And your boss said your name specifically when we mentioned what we needed help with. And in case you wanted to know, it’s not for me... it’s for my bro...well, not really my bro..I...I’ll go get the files, do, should I actually just get a guy to bring them over to your place directly? There is...a lot of boxes..” Just how many is a lot? Is what you would have asked if you weren’t an idiot. But here you are, in your living room with 30 boxes. How...how many years of filing is this even for?
This would take months. Separating by category, the month amongst other things was the fun part. Fun. Man, you really need to get out more. Sending updates was something you felt was necessary. Sending for every three months you were able to finish. And the months going by again. And wow, this business also had big bucks. franchises in different cities, some cater only, wow, that total has a LOT of zeros. With the truck coming to take their papers to shred the files themselves you concluded that the next company will be the company that does the disposal that all these companies likely use.
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Some people have a way of making things harder than they needed to be. Some just can’t listen nor do what they said they would do. But sometimes things were also messy. Like now, another runaway that owed us $50K was dumb enough to come back here and out of hiding, people will pay their debts, even if it’s with their life. To think he was dumb enough after all this time to think we wouldn’t shoot. Blood really does get everywhere. With the sun down long ago it seems at least one thing in my favor tonight. Putting the trunk back down I started the drive back to the restaurant. Entering through the side entrance and slipping into our spares. Finally presentable again I went into the restaurant for the meeting with the boss. At least he’s been more lenient and lets me handle things in ways I want now. But man, it really was a long day. Grabbing some of the leftovers I headed home knowing it’d continue on tomorrow. 
Unfortunately, when you have big clients them going missing brings attention than I would prefer to be avoided. There is a reason I am in the back of everything. Though today, I got a very interesting assignment. Keep an eye on the big boss’ employee. She seems so, clean on paper. Even when we do our documents, we don’t have this. Why he could need surveillance on her, I guess I will find out..but wait..I’ve seen her before. She heard me on the phone with Hweseung after he ended up losing the envelope of passports we got after the final deal with buying the rest of the properties. Politicians are too easy, ‘Can’t be bought’ my ass. 
Knowing her schedule is honestly, sad. All prior clients have known about scandals and of weird activities that warranted following. But this is the most, plain thing I’ve seen. It’s also kind of, nice. In this line of work, you forget there are just average non-dirty and average people anymore. Gets to work at work by 9 but usually is a little early. That is what I knew first. She orders the BLT every time that she goes to that food truck but takes the tomato off after a bite, but never gets without. Likes her coffee with just cream but eats it with a cinnamon roll on Fridays. She always looks at the pets in the window of the pet shop even when on the other side of the street. She smiles when she takes the first bite of, pasta? Who makes their own lunch this much? But even from here I can tell it tastes nice. If only I could have a home-cooked meal, geez, when is the last time I even had one of those? Luckily. I don’t have to watch while she’s at work anymore. New cameras installed so just weekends and after. 
The weekend coming soon I knew I needed to have Jaehyun cover my shift, so I decided to text now, with a little time to kill. But with Jaehyun distracting me with a story about drunk Hun I didn’t notice the time. And she was now walking this way, towards the small bakery for a nice snack before heading home. She usually looks to the window of puppies which, I am standing in front of, ‘way to go unnoticed Seunghyub you dumbass’.  She gave me a soft smile, and I gave her a small wave. Maybe the fact she is attracted to me would make this less of a fail, right?
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Maybe you should just pick up and move. Usually one would like the ease of day-to-day life, yet it makes everything seem too plain. With your boss adding about 8 files he needed you to finish tonight apparently, you were definitely annoyed. Luckily, there was a pizza place just down the road so at least you would have dinner. Unaware of the eyes watching you. Cameras throughout the entire building Seunghyub made sure to watch all your movements. The boss wanted to get help on some of the most secret files and needed to know for sure that they would trust you not to ask questions when you were to be given the documents, even if they had been altered to hide the true reasons of profit. Seunghyub watching you whine as you dropped the piece of pizza upside down on the floor. Your mind exhausted, but the boss needed to do some quick business nearby and needed to be sure you wouldn’t stumble upon it.
Seunghyub looking away after someone told him the coast was clear and hoped you could go home soon. You decide to call in for one of your days off that you never took you went on a nice stroll. Passing by a small gym you saw him again. He was training. You didn’t need to know much about boxing to know he had a nice form. Seeing him shirtless for once you realized just how fit he was. Just what does he do for a living. Shaking your head you start back on your way towards a small bistro, unaware of Seunghyub’s eyes following you. Seeing you walk towards a small street he knew where you were headed. Seunghyub turning towards a few people for a quick conversation before redressing. Making his way towards you, Your food is being brought towards you when you hear the chime of the door opening. You see him walk in, walking past you to the counter ordering a small muffin and coffee before he steps to the side. Back against the counter, he checks his phone before looking around, before his face settles on you, and he gives you another smile.
Today really was your lucky day, wasn’t it? Your favorite seat was open, you had the day off and then this. Smiling shyly back you started to eat your sandwich trying not to embarrass yourself on the spot. Seunghyub thanking the lady for the coffee before grabbing his order and heading towards the door, before he stops, and turns back. Walking towards you he stands on the other side of the table, eyes on you. He speaks slowly when asking. “May I sit with you?”. Perhaps he doesn’t want to eat alone, but it felt like he wanted to sit with you specifically. But that’d be crazy right? It wasn’t like he knew you. There aren’t too many words between the two of you. But he laughed when you mentioned having a hard ass of a boss. Perhaps you should ask him for his number. But before you can he is standing up. Bidding a soft farewell. You could only hope you would see him again soon so that maybe next time you could ask.
With your boss piling more and more work on you, you had to think he had it out for you. Why else would he make you need to have a final report within the week? But if only you knew who he really was. Your phone giving you an alert you saw something you had almost forgotten about. There was another murder, the news assuming it was a hit. They had found a car in the nearby lake. Someone had driven the man into the lake while tied to the seat. The body had been dead at least a year. The man was a local, but it seems no one had reported him missing, man. What a scary thought. Would anyone notice you were gone or care enough to report it? You definitely hoped so. The little camera in the corner still watching you. You staying at work through the night. Oddly uncomfortable with the news, even though it happened quite a while ago, and the likelihood that the guy was still around or would have any reason to harm you is slim to none.
Oddly enough, you felt safer alone at work, even though there is that sketchy alleyway around back than at home. It felt like you had more protection and potential saviors. Not aware of your own surrounding even you were working through the night. The buzz of the door you looked at the camera and recognized the pizza box. Had you even ordered pizza? Walking to the door you opened it and went to hand the man his money before he informed you that it had already been paid for. Extra cheese, a side of wings, this definitely was something you have ordered before but you knew this wasn’t right. Maybe it was a glitch in their system where it resent when you set your alarm for a break. You definitely would never assume it would have been him. And if he could help it he’d make sure you never did.
Heading home after you noticed the sun had come through the window, you grabbed the leftover pizza box and the wings and headed home. Sleeping in the majority of the day you chose to be lazy. Grabbing a few slices of the cold leftovers you sat on the couch, still in pajamas deciding you could binge some Bob’s Burgers. If you ever truly had a normal schedule, you would try to recreate some of them, but it didn’t seem like that would ever happen. You in your own world you would never notice the sleek black car at the end on the street. The camera snapping pictures of you through the window. The camera no longer capturing you as the needed images were taken already. The car backing up and driving away slowly, you blissfully unaware of its existence.
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You would think in this line of work you couldn’t really be surprised anymore, and that you would have ‘seen it all’. Yet hearing the plans for Saturday I have to say there is a first time for everything. Not only is it a day’s notice for a party, but a themed, 20s Mafia party. If I didn’t know him so well, I would think he was pulling my leg. Getting the right cars in order for the big boss coming from out of town, making sure that the menu at the restaurant was set, among everything else.
Jaehyun laughing and annoying Hun let me know at least some things weren’t changing this week. When was the last time the boss was even here? It had to be a year after we had to deal with a higher up trying to steal files. I wonder if he is coming back with the body being pulled out, but it didn’t seem like this was a high priority meeting. Settling on being a driver, mostly to be able to have at least some peace and quiet. Plus, I can avoid people talking and drinking and being loud as long as possible. Even though it wasn’t said it was mandatory, his tone implied it would be better if I actually was there. Plus, according to Jaehyun, she would be there. After all this time he could still apparently see my emotions written on my face. But it seems to be a new thing. Since when was I into the good girls. It isn’t possible to have a good girl in this environment. The ding of a timer going off I knew I needed to head out. Driving the car around back I stayed in silence. The ride to the pickup was a little way out, but it really was what I needed right now. How can I be excited to see her and hope she doesn’t show at the same time? Shaking thoughts of her from my head I pulled up to the hangar. Stepping out and walking to the side of the car, opening the door and taking the bags to the back. 
The drive back isn’t as quiet as they held a conversation, yet it could tune it out as I tried to compose myself. Maybe Jaehyun was wrong and this nervousness would be all for naught. Pulling into the garage, I park quickly before opening the door for him again. Walking into the restaurant I end up being pulled into multiple conversations I almost forgot about the nerves that were on edge when I arrived. While going through the room I tried to look around to find her. Eyes searching until they found her. A plate stacked full of shrimp and mashed potatoes in her hand. It really was something to behold. The other girls in the room sitting to the side. Nothing but wine, or a salad. But using shrimp instead of utensils to scoop the mashed potatoes and gravy truly showed she wasn’t the one to be at these parties. Gently nudging Hun’s arm I exited the conversation I walked towards the bar, for a little liquid courage before finally talking to her.
Damn it Jaehyun I’ve been on edge all day knowing this next time let me go in blind. Maybe I will get another. or two. Standing and leaving the stool I turn to go to look for her again, only to bump into someone. With my luck, it just had to be her. Not really sure what to say I just stand there like an idiot. Wow, that shirt is very sheer. Black bra under too, huh? Very daring. “I didn’t mean to bump into you sorry I wasn’t really paying attention”. Wow, she is prettier up close, and she’s smiling. Glancing down, I realize she has a fresh plate of food again. I certainly do love when a girl can eat. She seems to notice me staring and holds the plate out to me. “Here I’ll get another. I get it. Drunk food is nice” She places the plate into my hand before heading to the table to get another plate. I turn to the bar again and sit back down, ordering another drink. Maybe something stronger would take the edge off, a double shot of scotch should help.. The seat next to me is taken, she’s really not going to let me get her off my mind, is she? The bartender getting us both drinks, beer isn’t what I was expecting someone like her to order, but it was nice to see someone so....casual even in this setting. Where or conversation even started, I am not sure. But I do know that there have many rounds of drinks. I do know that most have filed out. She is laughing at things I am saying and this truly is an amazing feeling. No business at all. I don’t even remember when life wasn’t business. She thinks I am funny. Take that Hweseung.
Leaning towards me she’s whispering about how she liked me in the gym. Hand running up and down my arm. How can I be this sensitive, damn it Seunghyub it’s like puberty all over again. Snap out of it. She’s gotten off the stool and held out her hand. I would be a fool to deny her. Taking her to her own home, I did try my best the whole walk there that it would not end in anything but a good night. But with her hands slipping to pull me towards her by my belt I knew that I too could not resist her. Following her lead to her room, our clothes were being kicked out in the process. Shoes, pants, bra leaving a trail that would leave nothing to the imagination. “Take it off” Oh, man, she truly is beautiful, kicking off my boxer I try to kneel on her bed, missing and falling to the floor. Her laugh somehow making it not seem embarrassing. Climbing onto the bed I made sure to tell her. Tell her how I had heard from Jaehyun that she would be there, how I thought she was so so beautiful. How much I loved that laugh. Her hands pulling my face towards her’s into a kiss. Her hands gripping me firmly. I didn’t even notice her move her hand. Shit. How does this feel so good? She’s pulled away and given me a look I’ve never seen before. Is...is she taunting me? Returning the favor I made sure to let the rings do something I knew would drive her crazy. But I honestly needed this as much as she did. Adjusting the position again I skip the teasing, for both our sakes and get straight to it. Sliding it slowly I try to keep pace. But I’m slipping out and honestly, just the sounds she is making was making it hard to even last. Her leg locking over my hip to pull me into her firmly as she finishes. Nails deep into my shoulders. Finishing with her I realize I really can’t leave. I couldn’t move if I wanted to. I hope she doesn’t regret this in the morning.
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Waking up you notice that your arm is sore. Only to then notice the man asleep on top of you. His face buried in your neck and arm draped across you, you were able to see why your arm hurt. Sliding quietly out from under him, you push his hair from his face and are able to recognize him. Slipping towards your bathroom to take a shower you are happy to be alone and think of what unfolded. You remembered talking to him and using your hands to eat..oh man, he totally saw that. Talking about how handsome he was and how amazing he looked shirtless. How after all that was he not considering you a creep was your thought. The small moments coming back too, like him tripping when taking off his pants, and how deep his voice was when he was telling you to hold on to him tighter, even remembering a good night. How long you had taken you couldn’t exactly be sure, but the water had gone cold, so it had been a while.
Walking out from the bathroom in a robe and drying your hair with a towel you notice he was gone. You didn’t really expect him to stay, but it really is a shame he didn’t. Getting ready for work you head in and just try not to think about it. Immersing yourself in your work to avoid questions your mind may ask, you zoned out. Not really focusing on anything. Being snapped back into reality with a knock on the door of your office. Your coworker walking in with takeout from the restaurant from across the street and a bouquet of roses. I know I didn’t say goodbye, but you were in the shower a while. Be sure to eat this and have a nutritious lunch okay? - Seunghyub. Smiling lightly to yourself you can’t help but snort a little. More memories of last night coming back, like him saying how his friends call him J.Don. But how he had asked you not to call him anything but Seunghyub in bed. Maybe you should have asked why he had the name he did with his friends. But for now, all you knew was that you felt you’d see him again.
With you actually being sure to leave on time today you turned the corner and bumped into someone. Seunghyub apologizing before taking notice that you hadn't eaten much of the lunch, seeing how he had knocked the container from your hands to the floor. Taking your hand in his he walked you down the block to a small diner. Telling you to order food. His eyes soft but he was deadly serious. Ordering an omelet and a bowl of fruit. Usually, you would get pancakes or fries, but with his note of “nutritious”, you felt this would be a better route with him. His order of just eggs and toast and black coffee did not surprise you. Even now, with his button-down shirt and jacket, he was still simple. It was as if he knew everything he liked and what worked for him. Your eyes going to his shoulders. Wondering just how they held up from last night. If your hips showed you anything he was definitely marked up as well. Blushing, you hid your face as much as you could behind your own cup of coffee. His voice not helping when he talks. Even if it wasn’t as deep as it was in the moment last night it truly was a sound that could make you melt. His eyes lighting up as he watched from the side of his eyes. Looking out the window. As if he knew how much he was messing with you.
Your eyes looking at his face again, not knowing what you are doing before it happens. Your words surprising yourself as much as they did him. Asking him to be your boyfriend. Did you really just go there? Why isn’t he saying anything? If only a hole could open up and swallow you on the- “Is that not what this is?” Wait, was he saying what it seems like he was saying? “I am not the hookup type and I really enjoyed talking to you. Plus, you’ve been praised a lot by the boss and I have to say I can see why” Oh wow, he was. With soft smiles and even numbers exchanged you went home happy. In a daze as you walked to your bed and fell onto your back looking at the ceiling before putting the pillow over your face looking forward to whatever would happen with him in the future.
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As luck would have it, I got sent away for meetings and shipping. Why did it have to be as soon as I had something good happening? Well, at least we have a routine of sorts. We started sending short videos to one another recently, and I don’t think I can ever get over the first soft sleepy video she sent me before she went to sleep. Telling me how much she missed me. Her hair a mess, but her eyes, man her eyes. I am so lucky she couldn’t see how soft I have gone for her yet. Maybe I can get her to video call, or Skype me this weekend while I am away. Knowing her schedule and that she would sleep in I sent Chinese takeout to her house. Knowing she got it and wasn’t upset by the selfie of her cheeks full. Maybe when I get back, I can convince her to get a kitten from the pet store or ask her to move in with me. Is it too soon for that? Maybe just giving her a key would be good for now.
The first week going by fast and as luck would have it even with different schedules and a time difference while I was away we could chat tonight. I didn’t expect her to ask what I was wearing, and at the moment I didn’t realize her intentions. But now, which, of course, is after our chat has long ended I know what she was suggesting. Maybe she would take better to the key. This next week had better go by fast. The next day was, intense. With Jaehyun starting his training, we went to the range, and he had lots of target practice. Even though he was not someone we wanted in the field, as he was more a face and manager type we could always do good to have another ‘just in case’. Hweseung surprising even me with how well he takes to everything. And how gentle he can be despite everything. The trip taking longer than expected as Jaehyun was still pretty awkward and reluctant with everything I could finally go home.
Sure to get a key made and some assorted flowers in a bouquet and a hunter green rabbit’s foot key chain with the key to my place. Heading to your house around noon. Knocking on your door I took a step back rocking on my heels, the nerves not settling, would she say no? The door opening she smiled at me and let me in quickly. I was standing there still holding the flowers like an idiot. Holding them out to her she took them, sure to make me almost regret this “I never thought you would be the soft and sappy type, J.Don.” Her smirk making me almost scowl, yet I stayed here “I can take them back then, and I told you when we are alone call me Seunghyub” “I never said I didn’t like them, Seungyub, I’ll put them in some water.” My hands slipping into my pocket I pull out the key and twirl the keychain in my fingers. In my own little world, I don’t notice her walk back into the room. “Whatcha got there?” Startled I drop the key onto the floor. Bending down to pick it up before holding it out in my hand towards her. “I, for you? To move in, or to have I, you don’t have to I just thought that you may want to, maybe” “I guess it all depends, are you asking?” A playful glint in her eyes told me that I was right, I truly am whipped for her. Her hand coming and taking it from me smiling and even though I could tell she was going to talk my mouth opened anyway “We should get a cat!”. Her laughter filling the room, I can feel my ears and face turning red “Next thing you will ask to have a baby, huh” Stumbling over what never turned into words I turn away from her, her hand touching my shoulder her soft voice, calming me “Okay. But let me move in before we get one okay?” Yes. That was definitely okay.
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You may have been more accustomed to living with him had there been any routine or regimen with his schedule. But you live for the moments where things work out like this. Your schedules matching up and off days with you waking up before him and seeing just how sweet he looks when he does. Your hands tracing lightly on his chest. The fact he sleeps shirtless is truly a blessing. You in your own world hands going lower, and lower not noticing him looking at you. His movements are quick as he rolled you over. Hand catching your wrist between your bodies. His eyes looking over your face and he smirks. Knowing just how equal your desperation for him is. Kiss your neck he shifts his knee between your legs to spread them just a bit more. Nibbling on your collarbone as his hand drops your wrist, pulling himself from his boxers as he shifts forward. Slowly pushing his hips forward until he sinks in fully. Your hands on his shoulders he pushes himself up. Pace starting to pick up, as well as his force. More erratic than normal. Perhaps he really was desperate and needy. But these sounds. His moans and heavy breathing, and the sounds of the actual action filling the room, in addition to the smell of it, you realized how desperate and how much you had missed him. All around you right now was him. All of your senses overwhelmed by him and only him at this moment. His hand sliding between you again to add just a bit more intensity by playing with your clit. The low groan and bite on your shoulder were almost unnoticed as you felt, everything. Maybe you should have said something early, but the feeling was warmer than anything else. 
Rolling onto his back his hand slides down to intertwine his fingers with yours. His chest rising and breath heavy. A soft hum escaping him before a single deep laugh, deep in his chest. His thumb rubbing the back of your hand you knew he was as overwhelmed as you were, and you honestly never hoped for him to skip work as much as you did at this moment. Seunghyub rolling onto his side to give you a kiss before slipping out of the bed and towards the bathroom. The sound of the water running under normal circumstances would have lulled you to sleep, but with the ability to finally see him for a whole day kept you from doing so. Had your mind not run and have weird zoning out bouts you likely would have joined him, but with the sound of the bathroom door opening you realized how much time had passed.  Rolling onto your side you watch him. His chest on full display as he had a towel over his head, and another around his waist. Eyes catching yours in the mirror above the dresser and he smirked. “Don’t worry baby, I will hurry and rejoin you soon enough. Unless you want breakfast instead?”. Breakfast really sounded good. Sliding out of bed and towards him, you kissed his neck before heading to the kitchen. A soft breathy laugh escaping him when you did. You just getting two ingredients from the fridge to make an omelet as he made his way into the kitchen with you. His hands reaching around your waist to pull you back towards him his head falling into your neck “What can I do to help?”. Pointing at the apron you didn’t need to say much more. His hands reaching for it as you grabbed another cutting board, and placed an onion and pepper on it, as you continued to wash the spinach and mushrooms. The two of you peacefully working in silence, only a small nudge of his elbow as he grabbed some eggs and scrambled them, as you started to saute the veggies. The nice sweet day off was nice. The two of you cuddling on the couch and binging Netflix, eating way too much popcorn but it was definitely worth it. Though around 6 his phone kept going off, and you knew he needed to head into work. You can’t really be mad at him, you know it wasn’t something he wanted to do. But deciding to do laundry, upon switching over the loads you heard the printer doing off.   
Walking into the office after folding and putting away the laundry you certainly could never have prepared for what you saw, you had seen that name before. Why would your boss be paying off the family, unless he had something to do with it? And why would that info be sent to Seunghyub? With your mind drawing to the only logical conclusion you were glad that he would come back late hours, likely well into the morning. Settling into bed your mind could not focus. Staring at the ceiling and rolling onto your side to get more comfortable. There really was no way to truly know when you fell asleep, but when you woke up Seunghyub was back and asleep next to you, facing away. Sitting up you looked at him you weren’t really sure how to feel. With all the amazing nights you’ve had. How out of his way he’d go to bring you lunch or stay up to see you get home. Could he really be someone to do such a thing? Leaving early for work to be able to avoid seeing him and think things through in your office without him possibly noticing something was up with you. Not really second-guessing yourself and you opened a file you didn’t expect you finished and sent it through. Your mind not really thinking about it again, until a few days later that is. 
Your boss called you into his office. It was then that you remembered what you had done. Was he going to try to make you feel bad about handing in your resignation? Likely. But you just hoped that he would not tell Seunghyub. Sitting down in front of his desk he continued to just look at you, not saying anything for what felt like a long time. “I will assume you know. Would that be a correct assumption?” Eyes wide and no words able to form from you he just sighs. “I am not going to kill you, but I would like to say something. With it being this abrupt I assume you said nothing to him? I want you to do two things for me. The first is to think back to the party. I want you to think of how many people were there.”  His pause made your mind do just that. And now that you truly did there was maybe 50 or so. Though before you could say anything he spoke again. “I want you to go see Seunghyub. I am sure you know now how small the operation we have is. There isn’t really an opportunity to meet people in our line of work, and he is already stuck to you like a magnet. So if you do plan to leave, I want to at least see him before you do. Just, I’ll let you off early just go to this address okay?” Walking back to your office you sat in your chair. Contemplating whether you should or not, before opting to do as such. You driving slowly to the address he gave you. Though it took longer to walk in than you thought you would take. Your feet finally giving you trouble, you walk in. Not seeing many people, but hearing what had to be a conference ending. Stepping into a hallway you hope they walk past quickly so you can find Seunghyub and leave. But just as you turn a corner, you hear his name. Though most of the worst you can’t hear you do know that some are clear enough to know what they said. You deserve it. Promotion. Good job?  Shaking you head still unsure you really want to know, you peak into the room and see him. Somehow he looks just like and not like himself at once. His head turned and noticing you walk in the room. Somehow even with the stoic look on his face, his eyes flashed a flurry of emotions. Your feet taking you to him, you are just looking at him. No words are said between the two of you now, though you both somehow know. You will both go home, but you will have a lot to talk about.
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nidhastreat · 2 years
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We always bring something really sweet for all of you order this beautiful and really sweet basket for gifting. Order your Diwali basket of cakes in Cambridge from Nidha's Treat. Call us at +1-647-548-8428 or visit our website to place an order. 
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I See You : Part 2
A/N: After an absolute shit day at the office, you hear a very familiar voice and it brings you back to when you first met Billy Russo.
Word Count: 4,217
Warnings: language, mention of suicide, death
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I know that voice. One word and you were almost positive that you knew who that voice belonged to, even though it had been a good eight years since you’d met him, and at least five since you’d heard his voice.
“Yeah, Frankie, I got it. Talk to you soon.”
That last bit was laced with sarcasm. Oh, I definitely know that voice. You’d been listening to the one side of the conversation that you could hear, since he boarded the bus along with a line of chattering tourists, rushed commuters,and dramatic high school kids. Normally the ride on the bus or the 7 train was your personal time. You’d pop your earbuds in and lean against the window, quietly letting yourself dissolve into whatever playlist felt right for that day; whatever songs you needed to hear to forget about the things you couldn’t change, or to erase the obnoxious remarks in whispered tones when people figured you couldn’t hear, or lift your spirits when you were tired of feeling alone in the nothing. 
Normally, on a day like the one you’d been having, you’d turn the volume up almost too high, on a song that was almost too angry. You’d had a blow up with your boss earlier- he’d mentioned that he thought you needed to take a step back on a few of your cases, and although he was probably right, hearing that from him felt like betrayal. Anthony was an old friend. He was the reason you had a job in the first place. He reached out to you after you’d returned home, for good this time, and while most of the time that dynamic made things light and easy- hard work balanced with jokes of the inside variety- it sometimes made things head and shoulders more difficult. Like when he had to give you what he knew you would take as “bad news”.
“C’mon, kid, you know it’s not personal.” He’d said from behind you as you turned your back on the conversation, deeming it over after he’d said the words “Sorry, but this is my final decision.” You imagined the slump of his shoulders, one hand coming to the bridge of his nose, the other gesturing in an apologetic manner. But you weren’t interested in his apology just yet. The rawness of his decision was still too new and you were never the type to hold your tongue.
“Feels pretty fuckin’ personal from where I stand, Ant.” You spat, still turned away from him. You started packing things into your bag with a little more aggression than necessary. It wasn’t that he was taking some of your cases away. Well, it was, but it wasn’t just that. He was taking away your favorite case- Molly Turnwell: 15 years old, bright as could be, lots of friends, good grades, captain of her swim team, and prior to her records landing on your desk, a suicide risk. You’d made a lot of progress with Molly in just the short two months that you’d been working with her, and you were completely against the idea of her being transferred to another counselor. You knew Molly’s case inside and out. You knew the tone of her voice and when she was hiding something. You knew her laugh, you knew the names of her friends. Hell, you even knew her swim meet schedule. “You’re taking me off Molly’s case just when I started to get somewhere with her. Just when she started to trust me. You wanna explain, Ant?”
He sighed, the sound of his slowly released breath sliding through the increasingly charged air between the two of you. “You know why.” His voice had changed from his authoritative tone to his friend tone. “You’ve been...struggling...coming in stressed and tired and…” he let his sentence trail off, the words sizzling up in the electrified air.
“And so you thought taking my favorite case would-” you shocked yourself with how loudly you were shouting, though you doubted Anthony was shocked.
He cut you off, matching your volume, but not challenging you to a screaming match. “Jesus Christ! Fine! I’m not taking anything from you, okay? But I am going to have Naomi step in for the next two weeks.” He sighed again and you paused your aggressive packing as a pang of guilt and the annoying feeling of knowing that you were wrong mixed in your stomach. Anthony said your name with all the sincerity that he had in him. “Just take two weeks, okay? Paid leave. Just...get some rest and get yourself back on a normal schedule...take care of yourself...you can’t help Molly like this, and you know it.”
His words sunk in and you knew that he was right. Things had been hard lately- it always came and went in unexpected waves, but for the past week it had been much, much worse;then again, the death of your best friend wasn’t something you normally had to deal with. You cracked your shoulders with a small twist of your spine and sniffed, wrinkling your nose. “And when I get back-”
“Yes, Jesus. Yes. When you get back, Molly is yours again, okay?”
It was the best you could hope for and you knew it. You nodded, curtly, still facing the wall, and Anthony, having known you since high school, knew that that was the best that he could hope for, too. “Come on, Ike,” you rose from your seat and Ike followed you soundlessly, the two of you leaving your office. As you stepped outside, the carpeted lobby of your office building giving way to the hard, cracked, caked in gum concrete of the sidewalk, the early summer air hit your face. You reached into the pocket of your bag that held your earphones, needing to shut out the sounds of the city and be alone with your mind.
In one lightning quick series of events, a pizza delivery person on a bike hopped the curb in his hurry to get the three pizzas he was balancing to their destination while they were still hot to avoid having to give them away for free. A flurry of curses and shouts followed him as he knocked a woman sideways into you. She grabbed your arm to steady herself and you grabbed onto Ike and miraculously none of you fell into the street where cars and busses flowed mercilessly by. Your earbuds, though, were another story. They flew into the road and you heard the distinct crunch as the tires of a cab rendered them useless. “Shit,” you muttered, not at all surprised that that was how things were going.
So today you sat on the bus, leaning against the window, trying to focus on anything but your anger, your exhaustion, Molly, Anthony, or attending the services you were dreading later in the week. You focused instead on the conversations of the people around you; an old hobby of yours- try to listen in, make up a story about the person, about their life or the nature of the relationship between them and the person they were talking to. It wasn’t so challenging when both parties were present and you could clearly hear every word. It was more fun and a better distraction when you were listening in on only half of a conversation happening over a phone- more gaps to fill, more silences to explain. So when the group that boarded the Q60 bus on Queens Boulevard included the voice that had caught your attention, you sat straight up and turned your ear toward where he had found a seat a few rows behind you, listening as he finished his conversation with someone named Frank. You were pretty sure that you’d heard that name before, too- pretty sure that Frank was his best friend- a brother- as close as you and Lexi had been.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .
Without warning,triggered by that appealing voice that was at once smoky and mysterious as well as blunt and sharply punctuated, your mind hurdled through eight years of memories. You found yourself standing outside the bar that was down the street and around the corner from your hotel. You and Lexi were in New York for a few days for a friend’s wedding, and while it had been nice to see some of your old college friends, you both decided that the 5 hours at the wedding had been enough. Skipping the afterparty in favor of a few cheap beers and something fried seemed like a much better plan so the two of you did just that.
“All I wanted was one hot groomsman, you know?” Lexi was slightly drunk and gesturing more wildly than normal and you had to laugh at her as she spun in your direction. “And I didn’t even get that! Noooo, instead we had to listen to Michelle go on and on about how wonderful it is to be pregnant.” She rolled her eyes and made a disgusted face as she yanked the door to the bar open. “Spare me the lies, Shell, amirite?”
You shrugged. “Wouldn’t know, but in no rush to find out.” As soon as you stepped inside the bar it was extremely apparent that the two of you were vastly overdressed, still in your wedding attire. You felt several sets of eyes tracing the curve of your hip, on full display in the skin tight charcoal gray dress you’d chosen for the evening, and you were certain that even more eyes were finding their way to the nearly backless, deep cut purple number that looked like it had been painted onto Lexi’s body. Not that you cared- unlike Lexi, you weren’t on a never ending quest to get laid by a different guy in each city you travelled to. You saw the smirk and the glint in your friend’s eye that said she was happy with the attention she was already getting, and the two of you found stools near the corner of the L shaped bar, right next to the only two men who hadn’t dropped their jaws to the floor upon your arrival.
You flagged down the bartender and ordered two Brooklyn Lagers and two shots of Maker’s Mark, biting back the laugh that was on your tongue at the face Lexi made when the amber liquid found its way in front of her. “Really? Bourbon? You hate me, don’t you?” She pouted.
You let the laugh out as you grabbed your shot glass. Lexi reluctantly picked hers up as well. You clinked them together. “When it’s your turn to pay, you pick the shots,” you said as a toast before the two of you downed your shots, you finishing yours much more quickly than Lexi.
“Ughh, I wish you were Vodka,” she whined into the empty shot glass before setting it down and washing the taste from her mouth with her beer. You laughed at her, tossing your head back at how overly dramatic she could be over the smallest things when in fact you knew her to be one of the most in control and logical people that you’d ever met.
“Oh come on, it couldn’t have been that bad, could it?” You asked, knocking her elbow with yours.
“It was. It really was,” she answered, her lips still set in a sour pout. She dropped her voice and you saw her eyes lock onto something over your shoulder. “But I think I see something that could make it better.” She raised her eyebrows and winked and you knew she was talking about a guy.
You feigned a stretch to turn your head without being obvious to get a look at whomever had put that spark in your friend’s eye, knowing as soon as you saw him which guy Lexi was talking about. Oh, wow. Yup. I bet he could make you forget all sorts of unpleasant things, you thought, as you took in the actual textbook definition of tall, dark and handsome leaning back in his stool, long fingers grasping the neck of a green beer bottle bearing the same logo as the one in your hand. His eyes were obsidian, but they shone brighter than eyes that black should in a very dangerous and alluring way. He laughed at something his friend was saying, longish hair falling in his face before he brought a hand up to rake it back into place. It was no wonder his weren’t among the eyes that had landed on you as you entered the bar; he didn’t need to go looking. Women came to him.
You turned back to Lexi, eyes wide. “Wow,” you mouthed.
“Yeah. Wow is right,” she took a long pull from her beer. “Watch this.” She set the beer on the bar and hopped off of her stool with a wink. You shook your head, hair brushing your shoulders as you did. Lexi sauntered the few steps between where you were sitting and her destination. She stopped behind the two men, standing between their stools. “Hi,” she simply said, dazzling smile lighting up her face, drawing her perfect pink lips upwards, taking her perfectly rounded cheeks nearly into her eyes.
You watched as her target licked at his lips, a bright smile starting on his own face as he looked Lexi up and down. “Ma’am,” he said with an appraising nod.
Lexi turned to his friend and smiled at him, too. He nodded and smiled back, a genuine smile, and skipped the part where he tried to see through her dress. You noted a thick gold band on his left hand that indicated that he was taken, though it couldn’t be more clear that he wasn’t interested in a one night stand with a stranger, no matter how great Lexi looked. You felt your own smile grow as you took another swig of your beer and watched Lexi flirt with her target. Before long the four of you were sitting close together, chatting and laughing. Tall dark and handsome, whose name you learned was Billy, ordered another round of shots- vodka for Lexi this time, which she graciously accepted, but bourbon for the rest of you. You swore Billy winked at you as he slid your shot down the bar, but he turned his attention back to Lexi before you could be sure.
“To chance encounters with attractive strangers,” Billy toasted, flashing a million watt smile, bright enough to blackout the whole eastern seaboard.
“Cheers to that,” Lexi responded, tapping her glass lightly to his before throwing the contents of it down her throat much more quickly than she had the bourbon. Minutes later, she found herself in Billy’s lap, his eyes roving over her neck and shoulders, flicking back up to her face. You noticed the way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled, noticed the casual and comfortable way he draped his long limbs over the back of the bar stool and around your friend. The two of them seemed to be sequestered in their own bubble, despite the fact that the bar had gotten rowdier around you.
You turned your attention to Billy’s friend Frank and carried on a polite conversation with him. You learned that they were both Marines, both in between deployments, both lived here in New York. H e told you about his wife and his kids, told you a story or two about some of the things he and Billy had gotten into and out of. He wasn’t a big talker, but he answered your conversational questions, acknowledging the fact that both of you were wingmen for your more sexually voracious friends. When Lexi turned to you to tell you that she was going home with Billy that night, you were as unsurprised as you could be, knowing full and well that that had been her goal since you two stepped foot inside the reception hall at the wedding hours earlier.
You told her to be careful and have fun and to call you if you needed anything, and you locked eyes with Billy, threatening all the normal things if he didn’t treat your friend well. He laughed and winked at you, promising to treat her just fine before lacing his long, pale fingers with Lexi’s perfectly manicured carmel colored ones, the two of them disappearing through the bar door and out into the night. You turned to Frank. “Well, good for them I guess,” you shrugged and he chuckled.
“Yeah, good for them.” He offered to walk you back to your hotel, and though you were never afraid to walk anywhere at any time alone, having full faith in your self defense skills, it was a nice offer and one you hadn’t gotten in years, so you took it. Frank walked next to you, keeping enough distance to be respectful but staying close enough to intervene if needed. “You know,” he said as you approached the lobby doors of the hotel. “Bill’s not really a settle down type of guy, much as I try to get him to see the light,” he laughed and looked at you. “But if that’s what your friend is lookin’ for then-”
You cut him off with a laugh. “Frank, I appreciate the concern, but Lexi’s mottos is ‘cannot be tamed’. She’s not the settle down type, either.” They’re perfect for each other.
Frank smiled and nodded, pulling the door open for you. “Well, it’s been a pleasure, Ma’am.”
“Likewise, Frank. Thanks for walking me back. You have a good night.” You smiled and headed inside and up to your room, utterly exhausted. You peeled your dress off and fell into the big empty bed and before you knew it you were fast asleep.
A few weeks later, once you both were back home in Boston, Lexi got a text from Billy saying that he’d be in town the following week for a day or two and wanted to know if she wanted to meet up. “Oh, Mr. New York is looking for a repeat performance on the road, is he?” you teased, tossing a couch pillow at her.
She shot you the finger as a smirk crawled up her cheeks and she replied with their address, telling him to come on over when he got here. But almost as soon as the text was sent, Lexi had forgotten about Mr. New York, and made plans to go out with a Mr. Chicago, who was also visiting, just for a day or two. You stayed home like you always did when Lexi was out doing her thing, preferring to stretch out on the couch with a beer and a movie. An hour or so after she’d left, there was a knock at your door, startling you. You crossed the room to peek through the peephole and nearly choked on your own caught breath. There he was, Mr. Tall Dark Handsome Billy Russo New York himself. Oh, crap, Lexi never let him know… You bit your lip, silently cursing your friend for putting this on you, and despite what Frank had said about Billy not being the settle down type, you found yourself feeling bad that he’d shown only to be stood up. You doubted that he was used to that.
He knocked again and you realized that you couldn’t just leave him standing there, so you opened the door. “Hi, Billy,” you greeted him as though you were expecting him all along. He was dressed casually again, like the time you’d met him, in dark jeans and a thermal sweater, the sleeves pushed up around muscular forearms.
“Hey yourself,” he said as you stepped aside to allow him and his smile through your door. You closed it behind you and he crossed his arms over his chest. “So, Lexi around?”
You flinched, fixing the chain lock in place before turning to face him. You shook your head. “Sorry, Billy, she...something came up and…”
He let out a breath of air that was half laugh and half annoyed sigh. He pressed his lips together, tongue slipping out to wet them before speaking. “Uh huh. Something came up. I’ve used that one before, too.” Oh, good, so he knows that they’re cut from the same mold. He looked around your apartment, taking in his surroundings before his jet black but curiously wide eyes landed on you- on you in your sweatpants with your oversized NAVY tee and your haphazard ponytail. You self consciously tugged at the hem of your shirt.
Billy seemed to notice that you felt uncomfortable- do I though?- and dropped his arms. “Alright, well, sorry to bother you,” he didn’t sound even the slightest bit disappointed that he’d been stood up and you wondered if that was an act or if he truly didn’t care. He turned toward the door to leave but your own voice came from the silence, stopping him.
“You don’t have to leave, you know…” Shit. Why did I say that?
He swiveled back to look you in the eye and again your breath caught so forcefully that you feared you’d choke on your own air. He arched on eyebrow up into his hair, questioningly.
You rolled your eyes. “Oh God, Russo, not like that,” and he laughed, more genuinely and less annoyed this time. You shrugged. “I just meant, you could stay for a drink or we could go grab one or something.” You looked down at your appearance. “I’d have to change, but..” you shrugged again.
He eyed your tee shirt. “You got a boyfriend in the Navy or something?”
You shook your head. “Nah, I don’t have a boyfriend in the Navy. I’m in the Navy...so is Lexi...didn’t that come up?” Now it was your turn to arch a brow and he pursed his lips, nodding as if to say touche. “So. About that drink, am I changing or what?”
He’d decided to stay and you popped open two more beers as the two of you talked and laughed at Lexi’s expense, just a little. After that, it was all too easy to call Billy a friend, the two of you keeping in touch over text and with the occasional phone call. You kept up with where he was when he was deployed, and he managed to keep track of your time overseas as well. As the years went by you didn’t even talk about Lexi anymore. He’d opened up to you about certain things that you knew in your heart he hadn’t shared with anyone else, save maybe Frank, and you’d shared some of the same brand of secrets with him. You got the feeling that he wasn’t the type to make friends- in three years the only real friend you ever heard him mention was Frank, occasionally a guy named Curtis, but it wasn’t lost on you that you were in a very small circle. It was never romantic with Billy, never more than a friendship, although the more he shared, the more you gave him in return. You had friends in nearly every branch of the military, most of them deployed for the better portion of the year. But you never felt quite as nervous when they shipped out, or quite as relieved when you heard that they’d returned home safely as you did with Billy. By the end of the third year of your friendship, you were starting to question what that meant, when all communication with him stopped.
You tried not to let your mind go to the worst places as you scanned articles and obituaries hoping not to find his name. You never did, and while you were immensely glad, you were also saddened to realize that he’d simply lost interest in you. Guess I had a longer run than most, you told yourself. About a year and a half from your last conversation with Billy, you’d heard his name on the news- no, not his name...not Billy, but “Former Marine Lt. William Russo”...being announced as the CEO of a new advanced security training facility in NYC. Good for you, Mr. New York, you thought as you looked at the man on the screen. He wore Billy’s smile, though there was less light in it. He had Billy’s hair, but not a strand was out of place. Instead of the casual jeans and sweaters that he looked too good in, he wore a three piece suit that you knew cost more than your monthly rent payment. He looked like Billy, but he also didn’t. Guess he’s moving up in the world.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .
As he snapped the phone closed, you couldn’t hold your tongue. You moved up a seat, Ike following dutifully, until you were right behind him. Suddenly you felt nervous all over again, but this time you had reason, real reason- because his communication had dropped off five years ago, he hadn’t known about your accident. You adjusted the thick, dark sunglasses on the bridge of your nose. Don’t be stupid. Just say hello. Ike leaned his furry head against your leg encouragingly. You took a deep breath and let the words tumble out before you could talk yourself out of it. 
“Billy Russo, is that you?”
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
@something-tofightfor @my-little-dumpster-fire @zaffrenotes @suchatinyinfinity @lexxierave @songforhema @thesumofmychoices 
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bitchesofostwick · 6 years
Festive, Twilight, Glassy Eyes :)
thanks madie, sorry i’m not getting around to it until now! for @dadrunkwriting . let’s go with em and alistair.
“That’s the last of them,” he confirms.
As though seconding his words, Fletcher skids into the throne room, claws raking against marbled floor littered in streamers, misplaced champagne flutes, flower petals, forgotten embroidered cloth napkins, all to give a quick bark in agreement, and Emilia laughs.
Maker, she laughs.
It’s a light sound, pure, content, one he doesn’t hear nearly enough and one he never expected to hear in the throne room, in the twilight of the nearing dawn, but it’s a laugh that tells him yes, you’ve done well. He takes care to step over the remnants of a party long planned and an affair long lasting–it had taken the palace servants hours to prepare the morning before; it was only thanks to a last-minute horseback riding excursion in the hills outside the city that he’d managed to pull off any sort of surprise at all. 
She’d given him a questioning look, a curious smile on their return when he’d presented her with the new gown–Marcher fashion, she’d commented; he’d noted her speaking of the all-the-rage style from Tantervale weeks before and ordered out for one immediately, though she’d been unaware at the time–and she stepped behind the dressing screen in their quarters, just trying it on, she’d said, stepping out minutes later in silver and blue satins draping from her shoulders to the floor. She’s looked heavenly, he’d thought, otherworldly, and he’d almost forgotten why he’d gotten her the gown in the first place when it finally dawned on him and he took her hand, led her out of their quarters and down the long palace corridors, ignoring her cries of Alistair! and what in Andraste’s name are you doing? only to arrive in a throne room filled to the brim with friends from all corners of Ferelden and some from even further.
It stands empty now, merrymaking and dancing and toasts and laughter just an echo away and that’s the last of them, he’d said, the only lasting reminders of the party left being the bits of revelry strewn across the floor, the slight smell of cake and champagne hanging in the air, and the sight of his wife, his Emilia, lying back with her head propped up on one arm of her throne and her legs swung over the other, rose petals in her hair, a flush on her cheeks, twisting the stem of a long-empty champagne flute between her thumb and her finger and laughing.
How he’d missed her laugh.
“Did you have a good time?” he murmurs, taking the champagne flute and placing it on the floor before leaning down over her to take her in his arms, carry her out of the throne room as he had only once before, nearly five years before on their wedding night. The sunrise nears outside the great glass windows lining the corridors as he takes her to their quarters; it’s almost morning but it doesn’t matter, they need rest, and she deserves it.
“Mmhmm,” she says, kissing his neck and he can smell the champagne on her lips, see the fading moonlight in her glassy eyes when he looks down at her. She’s rarely so at ease, almost never so carefree, and he knows he’s done well. “Wish Leliana could have come,” she adds, and he frowns; he’d tried but their friend had been evasive as of late, nearly unreachable, only a scrawled apology and well-wishing offered in response to his letter.
“Me too,” he agrees, rounding the hall that led to their corridors. “But Nate’s staying in the city all week.”
She smiles at that. Howe had been the first to respond to his invitation–and ecstatically, at that, promising an extended visit in honor of Em, he’d written, and Alistair was glad for the friendship she had in him.
“Yes,” she murmurs. “He’ll have to come for breakfast in the morning.”
It’s already morning, he wants to laugh, but he holds back, nudges the door open with his foot, and carries her in. “Of course,” he agrees, and she smiles again, gives him another kiss on the cheek when he sets her down on their bed.
“Thank you, Alistair,” she whispers, and now it’s his turn to smile.
“Happy twenty-fifth, my love.”
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 194: One Mind
In the week since the welcoming ball, it had been very busy. Magical overhauls on the castles commenced, modernizing and updating them to include electricity, Wi-fi, indoor plumbing with modern bathroom facilities, and updated, modern kitchens with modern appliances. And now the villages were underway with the same modernization. The changes and modern faculties had mostly been well received. The Land Without Color was still very leery of magic, so Snow and Regina had hired a crew of plumbing experts and electricians to complete the work there without magic. It was going to take a lot longer for them at this rate, but it was best that way. The changes would be very slow and easier for those people to digest.
In the meantime, Eva was very busy planning an anniversary celebration for their parents. Her siblings were lending their help, as was Granny, Red, and Joe and Frankie, of course, as they were catering. It had been pretty funny all week, as both her parents discussed details for the party with them, while simultaneously thinking the other had no inkling. They were so focused on surprising each other that neither of them realized they were going to do just that; albeit in a different way than either of them expected.
"The menu looks great," Eva mentioned, as she handed the tablet back to Joe and he smiled.
"Thanks...looks like the set up is well underway too," he mentioned, as he noticed she had employed her siblings, the dwarves, and Red to set up and decorate the entire block.
"You really think your parents will stay out of town all day though?" he asked.
"Considering they're both determined to do so, it won't be a problem. And the less details we all know about what they're doing, the better," she joked, making him chuckle.
"Well...here it is," Frankie announced, as he emerged from the kitchen, carrying a cake. The most magnificent cake that Eva was sure she'd ever seen.
"Oh my gosh...Frankie, this is incredible!" she gushed, as she marveled at the magnificent cake.
"Yeah...I borrowed the book from Henry to make sure I got everything right," Frankie replied, as she observed the white frosted cake, which was adorned with peridot colored frosting trimmings, like the color of her mother's ring. Frankie had created snowdrop frosting flowers to decor the entire cake, but atop it was truly the amazing part. There was a miniature white arch, adorned with multicolored frosting flowers, much like the arch from their first wedding. Then he had created two figurines with a striking resemblance to her parents, dressed just as they were the day her father first awoke her mother from the sleeping curse.
"Yeah Frank...you really outdid yourself on this one," Joe complimented.
"Truly...they're going to love this," Eva said, as she started snapping pictures with her phone. She planned to document the entire party and then help her mother make an album, since Snow loved to create family photo albums, just as much as her father loved teasing her about how she could fill a room with all her albums.
"Whoa...that cake is incredible," Leo said and his twin saw his finger going for the frosting before he could even get close, causing her to smack it away.
"Ouch…" he cried in offense.
"Don't you dare," she warned and Elsa smiled, as he proceeded to pout.
"I finished the ice sculptures," she revealed and they went to the window to marvel at her creations.
"Wow...Elsa, those are amazing," Emma said, as she and Killian came in.
"Thanks," she said shyly. One of the sculptures was their parents, armed with their weapons and somehow captured the essence of the people they were. Leaders and defenders of their people. Then there was another beside them of the chalice with real snowdrops around it. The flowers were holding up well, but that was to expected since they were a flower that could survive the harshest conditions. It was a testament to their mother's name and their parents as a whole.
People were still very busy stringing up the twinkle lights that would soon light up the entire block for the party and the disc jockey they had hired was setting up his equipment, ready to play a mixture of classical and modern music.
"This is amazing...mom and dad are going to be so surprised," Eva gushed.
"Yes and it will be entertaining to watch their reactions when they find out they threw each other the same party," Emma added in amusement.
"This is awesome, but you know there's going to be a lot of PDA," Leo reminded.
"True, but honestly, is that really different than any other day?" Summer quipped.
"She has a point," Bobby agreed.
"But they'll be really happy and they deserve this, so we'll endure," Eva said, as she turned to them.
"Okay...there's still a lot to do and you all have your assignments," Eva said, as she spied her baby brother trying to sneak behind the counter.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"Uh...I'm helping Frankie by being his taster?" he questioned with a wince.
"Nice try...but that's not your assignment. You get to help Leo set up tables for the food," she said, as she ushered him outside.
"But I'm hungry…" he complained.
"You just ate lunch and you can stuff your face at the party tonight," she refuted.
"Man...she's like a drill sergeant," Bobby complained and Leo chuckled.
"Yeah...that pretty much describes Eva," he joked.
"If you two don't get to work, I really will get a whistle…" she warned.
"Easy...we're going," Leo said, as they went to work.
"Boys…" Elsa joked.
"I know...I swear those two are bottomless pits," Eva joked back.
"I know what you mean. My kitchen staff is having fun trying to keep him fed. Kudos to your parents in having to feed two of them," Elsa mentioned. Eva nodded with a smile, as they went to work on their own tasks for that evening's surprise party.
"Here…let me get that," Killian offered, as he stood up on the step ladder to finish wrapping lights around one of the light posts.
"I'm not an invalid yet," Emma chided.
"I know...but you still shouldn't be getting up on step ladders and you know I'm right. Your sister the doctor will flip her lid if she sees you," he warned. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.
"She is so much like Mom that it's scary sometimes," she mentioned, as her cell phone rang.
"From the station?" he asked. She nodded.
"Yeah...I insisted that Dad let me take any calls today so he wouldn't see any of this," she replied, as she answered.
"Sheriff," she answered, as she listened to the person.
"Okay...we'll be right there," Emma replied, as he climbed down from the step ladder.
"Trouble?" he asked.
"That was one of the Merry Men. Guess they found a couple of bodies out in the woods," she replied quietly.
"Increase in crime...it's started already," he muttered.
"Yeah...you mind tagging along with me today? I'd like to keep this quiet at least for today. My parents really deserve this party and I don't want anything spoiling tonight for them," she said. He smiled at her.
"You couldn't stop me from coming with you, even if you wanted to, love," he replied and she smiled at him.
"Let's go," she said, as they hurried off. Fortunately, it was on the opposite side of town and not near the Toll Bridge, where she knew her parents were.
Snow sighed in contentment, as she lay sated against her husband and he placed idle kisses on her neck. They had come to their favorite place by the Toll bridge and enjoyed a picnic together, one which consisted of chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. He had picked them up from the chocolate maker in town, knowing how much she loved them. After they enjoyed the wine and feeding strawberries to each other, it had naturally led to some very intense lovemaking right there on their picnic blanket. And now, they were covered with another blanket and firmly nestled in each other's arms, while looking up at the clear, blue sky.
"Happy Anniversary, my darling…" he whispered to her. She smiled and looked up at him.
"Happy Anniversary, my love...I'm so glad we decided to get away for the day," she mentioned.
"Mmm...me too," he agreed, as he kissed her lips tenderly.
"I feel like we've been so busy in the last week that we haven't had time for us," she said.
"Yeah...but things will calm down soon and it will all be worth it. I think most people are really happy," he replied. She hummed.
"It seems that way...I just hope our peace lasts," she said. He kissed her hair.
"Me too," he replied, as he continued to spoon her against him and kissed her bare shoulder.
"Mmm...as much as I want to continue to lay here, we should probably get up if we're going to go riding for a bit, before we have to go home and clean up for dinner tonight," she mentioned," she said, as they started to get dressed.
"Yeah...are you sure you want to go to Granny's for our anniversary dinner though?" he asked. He had thought it was going to be a little harder to get her to Granny's that evening since they usually had their anniversary dinners at Tiana's or another more upscale place in Storybrooke. Plus with so many Kingdoms now within their reach, they had been exploring all the new cuisine they had to offer in the last week. He hoped that wasn't a sign that she was suspicious of his surprise party.
"Yeah...I like going all those other places, but somehow, Granny's just always feels like home. I think it's the perfect place to spend our fortieth anniversary," she responded. She hoped that he wasn't suspicious about her wanting to have their anniversary dinner at Granny's. It was, of course, a ruse to get him to the party and she only hoped that he wasn't on to her.
"Ready for that ride to see our true love sapling that's now a giant tree?" she asked. He smiled.
"Always with you," he agreed, as he whistled and a white unicorn came galloping to them. He mounted the noble beast and offered his hand to her, as she mounted it behind him, while wrapping her arms firmly around his waist. With that, they took off galloping, soon leaving the woods of Storybrooke and into the Enchanted Forest.
Five years. Five years spent traveling the realms to learn everything she could. Five years of living in a damn submarine, trying to devise a way to harness magic and expose all of this to the world. Revealing Storybrooke would have been one thing, but managing to make realm travel through portals proved impossible without magic beans. But all that had changed one week ago when a cloud of magic had swept them up and deposited all the realms in one land, side by side, with Storybrooke being their new neighbor. They were back in the Land Without Magic, though concealed safely from the rest of the world.
In the five years since the events in Seattle, she learned that the government had gone quiet about it mostly. They could no longer explain it away as a hoax, so they had immediately classified all files and information about that day, including the Nolan files, and buried them.
But the public had not forgotten. Parts of it had gone on with their lives, mostly returning to their normal, daily routines. But others had made careers out discussing, researching, and theorizing about those events and more importantly, the people at the center. There were podcasts discussing events with theorists and eyewitnesses, books had been written, some filled with wild theories and others simply documenting the events of that day. A few fictional writers had even spun their own tales about the pair at the center of it all. The mysterious David and Margaret Nolan, whom some really believed were actually Snow White and Prince Charming. Henry Swan's book had rocketed to the top of the best seller's list, naturally causing some fiction writers to spin their own tales based on his works and since Henry Swan had disappeared, there seemed to be no danger of anyone to sue them.
In addition to books, podcasts, and even supposed documentaries that discussed who these people might be, there was a darker side. Conspiracy theorists offered one outlandish theory after another and some even suggested that these mysterious people were not heroes at all, but figures of darkness that had a sinister plot to somehow take over the world. The proponents of these theories were borderline lunatics at best, but had quite a following.
But she knew the complete truth now and that Henry Swan's or Henry Nolan's book was the true history. And now that she was in Storybrooke, the time had come to find a way to open the United Realm's borders to the world, expose everything to the world, and most importantly, develop the technology that would allow them to invade and takeover this extraordinary place. Henry Nolan's family, aptly named the Charmings, were the key to it all.
"Time to blend in and ready the United Realms for takeover from within," the Major said quietly under her breath. She knew what she was up against and how impossible that task seemed. But she also knew the Charmings would have many distractions that they would never suspect or see her coming.
Emma and Killian arrived at the site where the bodies were discovered. It was in the woods bordering Storybrooke and Rose and Fandral's Kingdom, so she wasn't surprised to see Fandral there, already overseeing the investigation.
"Hey...sorry it took us so long. There's a lot more woods to comb through these days," Emma said. He smiled.
"I understand...will David be a long?" he asked.
"Ah well...I really want to keep him and Mom away from town until later, so I'm going to handle this myself for now and then I'll fill him later," she replied. Fandral smiled.
"No worries, Emma...I am fully confident in your abilities as Sheriff as well," he said, as he led them to the site, where there was tarps covering the bodies.
"I would brace yourselves though. There is a significant amount of decomposition," he warned, as he pulled back the tarp. Though she didn't see this stuff often, usually she was able to hold it together, but with her condition, it was way too much at this time.
"Emma...perhaps you shouldn't be seeing this in your condition," Fandral said, as she was now bent over and dry heaving, as Killian rubbed her back.
"I'm fine…" she said, as she managed to hold back and he covered them again.
"By their clothing, we can at least ascertain that they were probably not native to Storybrooke," Hook stated. Fandral nodded.
"Yes...one male and one female. Beyond that...there's too much decomposition. This summer heat probably only served to speed up that process," Fandral agreed.
"Well, if they're not native to Storybrooke, then that means they haven't been here any longer than a week," Emma said, as she dialed the lab.
"Hey Bashful...we're going to be sending you two bodies, probably homicides, with significant decomp. Do you think you can put a rush on this? We may have a murderer on the loose," she said and nodded.
"Thanks Bashful," she said, as she hung up.
"Most of the stuff he's working on now is minor so he's going to put them at the top of the list. It will still probably be a day or so before we know more," she said, as the medical van arrived and the bodies were put in body bags, before being hauled away on two stretchers.
"Not a good start for those two in the United Realms, though I did not see any defensive wounds or blood loss. Are you sure it's homicide and not accidental?" Fandral questioned.
"Not for sure...but if they were killed with magic, then there might not be any wounds or blood," she replied. Fandral nodded.
"Of course...and there is quite a suspect pool now," he realized. Emma nodded, as her phone beeped.
"It's Eva...it's almost time to get in place for the surprise," she said, as she pocketed her phone.
"Are you and Rose coming?" she asked. Fandral smiled.
"Of course...we wouldn't miss it for the world. We'll see you there," he replied, as they parted ways for the moment.
The Queen looked out from the castle window, observing all the fuss going on in Storybrooke from above. Her contempt of it all was barely restrained and she was beyond annoyed that it was all for those two idiots. But that irritation was assuaged by the fact that she knew she was going to crash it.
"I ruined one wedding and I'll be happy to ruin an anniversary too," she said, as she took the vial of serum out of her dress pocket.
"Are you ready for this evenings festivities?" Seth questioned. She smirked and turned to him.
"Very much so...I cannot wait to see the look on the little wretch's face when she sees that I'm back," the Queen replied.
"It's a good thing that this is finally happening. I am tired of hiding in the shadows and eager to say hello again to a certain Asgardian," Amora said, as she looked out over the town with her.
"Yes...what exactly happened there?" the Queen asked curiously. She smirked.
"What do you think happened?" she asked coyly.
"That one is almost more man than I could handle...and I've handled many, believe me," she replied.
"Finding out that this Prince Charming is almost identical to my former Asgardian conquest and that he has a twin brother was almost too much," she gushed.
"That's a triple vision I'm going to enjoy," she added.
"All three are happily married and woefully devoted. I don't think you'll get anywhere, as much as I wish I was wrong," the Queen warned.
"Hmm...we'll see," the other woman hummed.
"There is much goodness and happiness here...but I still sense that there are desperate souls. Desperate souls ready to make a deal with the devil," Mephisto sneered, as he gazed out at the town.
"The time has come to reveal Nephilim to the United Realms and myself. The Gods must now suffer my wrath for what they did to me," Seth announced, as they prepared to infiltrate tonight's party, first with the necessary glamor spells and when the moment was exactly right...they would reveal themselves and unleash their horror.
After a wonderfully relaxing ride on Summer's unicorn, Snow and David returned home to shower and get ready for the party. Of course, David thought they were just going to dinner at Granny's for a normal, quiet candlelit dinner and she couldn't wait to spring her surprise on him.
"Wow…" he said, as he came out of the bathroom, dressed in nice, dark wash jeans and a black button down shirt.
"Wow yourself…" she replied, as she admired how handsome he was. She was wearing a red party dress and glittery black ballet flats. Her shoulder length hair was half up and half down, with the part that was up being secured at the back of her head with a diamond encrusted barrette.
"Too dressed up for Granny's?" she asked.
"No...you're perfect," he replied, as he slid his arms around her waist and kissed her tenderly.
"You are...everything to me. Forty years...and sometimes, I still can't believe you're mine," he confessed and she marveled that he still somehow had the ability to make her blush.
"Oh Charming…" she uttered, as she kissed him again and then pressed her forehead against his.
"And you must know that I feel the same about you. You're my everything...you might as well be the air I breathe," she confessed, as her eyes sparkled with love.
"You're the love of my life...my eternity and every day that I get to spend with you, wake up with you...make love to you," she said coyly.
"It's everything and I am the luckiest woman in all the realms to share this incredible love we have with you," she continued, as he kissed her passionately again, leaving them both breathless and a bit dizzy.
"Sure you don't want to skip dinner and stay in bed?" he teased and she bit her bottom lip. Oh it was definitely tempting, but there was a surprise waiting for them.
"There will be time for that later," she assured.
"Do you promise?" he asked coyly, using her familiar phrase.
"What do you think?" she answered back playfully, as he offered his elbow to her and she hooked her hand on it, as they headed out to the truck.
Lucy walked excitedly between her parents, as they arrived in Storybrooke with Tiana and Naveen behind them. The latter had stopped by to meet their counterparts, a Tiana and Naveen from the 1920's Land Without Magic. Their story was entirely different, as they had been victims of the Collector and spent many years in Atlantis. They would be along soon with their counterparts. But meanwhile, they continued on to arrive ready for the big surprise.
"This is so exciting!" Lucy gushed. Henry chuckled.
"Yeah...leave it to my grandparents to throw the same party for each other," he said in amusement.
"You have to admit that it's really adorable. I mean...to be that in sync with each other," she said, as she nudged him playfully.
"You think we'll ever be that in tune?" she teased. He grinned.
"I think we're on our way there," he quipped in return, as he pecked her on the lips.
"Okay everyone...mom and dad both just texted me. They parked the truck around the block and they'll be rounding that corner any minute!" Eva called, as everyone got in position. Eva then nodded to Leroy and he killed all the lights momentarily. They all heard Snow laugh, as they rounded the corner.
"Why is it so dark?" she asked, playing along with the surprise. That was the queue and Leroy connected all the lights again, lighting up the entire block. There was a banner on Granny's building that read "Happy Anniversary,".
"SURPRISE!" a simultaneous shout ensued and they grinned, before looking at each other.
"Surprise, my love…" Snow gushed, as she turned to him and his brow furrowed.
"Uh...thanks, but this is my surprise to you, my darling," he responded. Her brow furrowed in confusion then.
"No...I've been working with Eva all week to plan a surprise Anniversary party for you," she said.
"But I've been working with Eva all week to plan a surprise Anniversary party for you," he answered, as they looked at their children, who couldn't contain their laughter.
"Actually, you both came to me with the same idea to throw an anniversary party so I decided to do it and let you surprise each other," Eva corrected. They looked at each other and then grinned.
"We threw each other the same party...now that is goals," he said.
"Oh baby…" she gushed, as they shared a kiss.
"Yeah...precious as always. Turn on the music and serve the booze," Regina quipped, as the DJ did so and the Aesop began mixing drinks at the bar tending station they had set up outside Granny's.
"We threw each other the same party," Snow said in amazement.
"Well...one heart, one soul, one mind," he replied fondly, as he took her hand and led her into the street where others were already dancing. She gazed at him dreamily, as they began dancing in each other's arms.
The party was three hours in and with no sign of stopping any time soon. Frankie and Joe's food offerings went over very well, as did all of Tiana's contributions. The bar was still very busy and the music was still pumping, while Frankie and Joe were preparing to bring out the cake.
"They look so happy…" Elsa mentioned wistfully, as she and Leo danced.
"Think we'll be that happy in forty years?" she asked playfully. He smiled.
"You're my true love...I know we will," he replied, as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"As usual...excellent party," Paul complimented, as he and Eva danced. She smiled.
"Thanks sweetheart...I'm just happy I could do this for me. Mom and Dad have been through so much and I feel like maybe we're finally going to all have peace," she replied. He smiled and kissed her cheek.
"I hope so…" he agreed.
"Mmm...this is so much better than dancing," Emma mumbled, as she devoured more of Tiana's beignets. Killian chuckled.
"Well, you are eating for two, love…" he said fondly, as her phone rang. She swallowed and answered it.
"Hey Bashful...I didn't expect to hear from you yet," she mentioned.
"I didn't think I'd have any answers either, but I've identified the bodies already," he replied.
"Really? How?" she asked.
"Apparently, with this new curse, it created a database of every person in all the realms. All I had to do was input their DNA signatures into the system and I got identification. It's remarkable and probably more magic than science. It's beyond any technology," he explained.
"That's great...I had no idea we had that ability now," she mentioned.
"Yes...our male victim is Prince Edward of the Southern Isles and the female is his wife, Charlotte La Bouff," he told her. Emma froze and turned to look in the direction of her parents. It didn't make any sense, because she saw this exact pair near her parents, along with King Malcom and Queen Freya. A really bad feeling suddenly settled in her stomach.
"Emma?" Bashful asked, noticing the line had gone silent.
"Uh...are you sure?" she questioned.
"Yes...the DNA is a one hundred percent match," he answered.
"Okay...thanks," she replied, as she hung up the phone.
"Love?" Killian asked, noticing her perturbed mood.
"Bashful identified the bodies already," she replied.
"That was fast...but that's good...isn't it?" he asked.
"It would be...except that he said the victims Prince Edward and his wife Charlotte La Bouff, who I'm looking at right now," she replied gravely. He followed her line of vision and vaguely remembered this pair from the ball a week ago.
"Then who are they really? And was it them a week ago or the real ones?" he wondered.
"I don't know...but I doubt it was the real ones then either. The question is who are they...and why have they made it a point to be near my parents?" she asked, as she started toward them, just as Frankie and Joe brought out the cake.
"Wow...now that is cake," David said, as he smiled at his wife.
"It is...oh this is wonderful. Thank you," Snow gushed, as she marveled.
"Hey...you're family and you two are the reason we have this new life," Joe said, as he picked up a glass of wine.
"To Snow and David," he toasted, as everyone else joined him in the toast.
"My my...to have such admiration from everyone. How does one manage that? You cast such a spell with your tru luv…" Charlotte said in an over exaggerated accent.
"Uh...well, our love has always inspired us to instill hope in others. True love is never easy...but it's always worth fighting for," Snow replied.
"Oh yes...I agree completely. I mean, unless you're someone that's constantly denied love time and again. Hope is a bit useless when everyone hates you, but then the wonderful Snow White wouldn't know anything about that," Charlotte said, with a sudden sneer.
"Excuse me?" Snow asked, as she bristled at the blonde's words.
"Mom...get away from them…" Emma interjected, as she put herself between her parents the two imposters.
"Emma...what's going on?" David asked.
"Earlier today, Killian and I got a call about two bodies found in the woods and thanks to the new database that Bashful has to work with, he already identified the murder victims as Prince Edward and his wife Charlotte," Emma announced, causing commotion.
"Then who the hell are they?" Leo questioned, as Rumple waved his hand over the pair and discovered an obvious spell; a very good one at that.
"Glamor spell," he announced, as Belle looked at him and then back at the pair in scrutiny.
"You are so right...Rumple," Charlotte purred, as she then looked at Emma.
"Excellent work, Emma...I guess the gig is up, as they say," the blonde said, as a puff of purple smoke engulfed her. More puffs of smoke ensued, as other "guests" were revealed not to be exactly who they appeared to be. And in the distance, a mysterious shadowy realm appeared, much to the shock of everyone and the crowd was now almost roaring with commotion.
"What is that?" Summer questioned.
"That's a very good question, sweetheart," Regina's voice sounded, except that the words did not come from her. The purple smoke began to clear and there were cries of alarm.
"No way…" Emma uttered.
"This is impossible…" Regina cried.
"No...no...no…" Snow cried, as she clung tightly to her husband.
"That's right...I'm back," she announced, as she turned to her granddaughter.
"And to answer your question, sweetie...that is Nephilim. A land of the fallen. A barren wasteland where the heroes have cast us out like trash!" she hissed and then smirked.
"But thanks to me, a dark curse, and a nice concealment spell, I brought us here so we could have our revenge," she announced.
"Us?" Eva questioned, as the smoke cleared on the other figures, revealing them to everyone.
"No…" Aphrodite uttered, as her face went ashen.
"Honey?" James asked.
"It can't be…" she uttered, as she clung to him and was more frightened than he had ever seen her.
"Oh it is, Goddess...I have returned and imagine my distress when I learned that your charges repaired all I had undone," he hissed.
"I ripped the realms apart and they undid it all," Seth hissed.
"But don't worry...I have decided not to rip them apart again. Instead, I just plan to rule them all and eliminate anyone that stands in my way," he added.
"We...we banished you once. We'll do it again!" Aphrodite retorted. He smirked and a blast of the most powerful dark magic any of them had ever witnessed shot out from his fingertips. The wind picked up and David held Snow close, as they watched the horror in the sky. The dark magic swirled into a magical snake head and screams of terror erupted, as the snake shot out toward Mount Olympus. There was an earth shattering explosion and through the smoke, they could now see that the entire mountain was engulfed in flames. Aphrodite cried out in horror. Hermes looked on with her, knowing that whichever Gods had been there at this moment had just perished. They may have been immortal, but the great Titan, Typhon or Seth, as he now called himself, was a God killer.
"You certainly know how to heat things up," Regina complimented.
"Indeed…" Mephisto agreed.
"It can't be...I know of him," Fandral uttered.
"From your home realm?" Rose asked, as he had her firmly nestled against him. He nodded.
"His proper name is Mephisto...but most just call him Satan due to his penchant for getting people to sell their souls to him," Fandral revealed. Mephisto smirked and bowed deeply.
"So good to know that my reputation proceeds me," he quipped.
"Who the hell would sell their soul to his asshole?" Leo questioned.
"Desperate people...very desperate people," Fandral answered.
"Very true...and I sense many desperate people in these lands, but I'm not the only one from your home realm, Asgardian," Mephisto retorted, as a woman stepped forward beside him.
"You…" Fandral hissed.
"Hello Fandral...it is so good to see you again," Amora purred.
"My love...who is she?" Rose asked.
"An evil Enchantress that does nothing but ruin lives," he spat, as she smirked at his description.
"I daresay he's not happy to see you," the Queen joked.
"Or he's worried he won't be able to resist me," she replied.
"You'll find yourself to very wrong about that!" Fandral snapped.
"I told you. That one," the Queen said, as she pointed to Rose.
"Is almost a bad as her counterpart. But fortunately for her, she's not the one I'm going to make pay. I'll leave that to you," the Queen continued, as her eyes came to rest on Snow again.
"You, dear step-daughter, are the one that will receive my wrath. I'm finally going to have my revenge this time," she growled.
"The hell you will!" David snapped, as he held her close and comforted his beloved, who was nearly hysterical now.
"I won't let you terrorize her again...not this time!" David hissed. She smirked at him.
"Oh, I'm not going to destroy her. She's going to do that herself," the Queen retorted, which caused them both confusion. There was suddenly an ear piercing screech that was emitted from Seth, as his sonic shock wave paralyzed them all. David struggled with all his might to move so he could protect Snow, as the Queen approached, but it was no use. Her glare bored into her step-daughter's frozen emerald eyes, as she pulled out the capped syringe with the red colored serum.
"I've waited so long for my revenge...but I realized that I could never truly destroy you. Not with your hope and true love sustaining you. But then I realized that if anyone could destroy you...it would be the darker half inside you," Regina said.
"Snow doesn't have darkness in her…" David hissed and she rolled her eyes.
"Yes she does...and you know it. Once her dark side is out, she'll do anything to unleash your dark side and that will be very fun for me to watch," she hissed, as they suddenly felt a rumble beneath their feet.
"What is that?" Leo asked, as he happened to see his baby brother out of the corner of his eye and gasped, as he saw him vibrating with his magic in his signature color of dark green.
"Bobby…" he uttered, as the boy's magic somehow broke through Seth's sonic spell that had paralyzed them all. A small earthquake erupted from him and canceled the Titan's spell, much to his shock.
"Impossible…" he uttered, as everyone was suddenly able to move again.
"Oh my Gods…" Aphrodite uttered, as she realized what had just happened.
"What is it?" James asked.
"Bobby just nullified his magic...no one, not even Zeus, could do that," she told her husband.
"How dare you...you're a child…" Seth hissed in disbelief, as his four older siblings were quick to surround him.
Once they were free, Snow tried to pull away, but the Queen was quick and managed to jab her in the arm with the needle.
"NOOO!" Snow cried, as she pulled away and looked at David, as he held her close.
"You're not getting off scott free this time, Snow White. I will see that your happiness is destroyed for good this time...if it's the last thing I do," she hissed. Snow's eyes widened, as she felt her entire body begin to convulse.
"Charming…" she cried.
"I'm here, my darling...I'm not going anywhere," he promised.
"No...you have to! You have to get away…" she cried.
"Not going to happen," he refused, as she cried out and convulsed, as all present watched her separate with horrified awe. David's eyes widened, as the separation was complete and he stared at this supposed dark side of his wife. She looked at them and her eyes immediately rested on David, as her lips curled into a smirk. Unlike Snow's now shoulder length hair, this Snow had a pixie cut and was dressed in a short, black leather dress and black stiletto heels. Her makeup was also a bit more pronounced than Snow's, especially her eye makeup. Snow swallowed nervously, as she approached them and David recoiled, as she tried to caress his face.
"Oh Charming...of anyone here, you are one that has absolutely nothing to fear from me. You and our children, of course," she purred.
"They're my children...not yours," Snow snapped and she smirked at her counterpart.
"I am you...just the darker parts that you keep stuffed away behind hope speeches. But deep down, you have dark thoughts like everyone else. I'm those dark thoughts. I'm the one whispering to you that you deserve revenge for all those that have wronged you and our beloved…" she hissed.
"No...revenge is wrong…" Snow refuted.
"Maybe for you...but now that I'm free, I can pursue all the revenge you failed to," she replied, as she caressed David's face, even though he shrugged away.
"My touch feels just like hers, doesn't it? It shouldn't surprise you, my love...I am her," she reminded. But he shook his head.
"No...no you're not," he refuted,
"I am...though it would be a bit confusing to refer to me as Snow as well," she replied.
"Snow is so pure and I'm not. But Winter...now Winter is harsh and cold, but beautiful. Winter destroys anyone in its path, but will fiercely protect those she loves. I am Winter…" she leered at him.
"And my Charming...my other half, the darkness in you, is now clawing to get out," she said. As she said that, David groaned and held his head.
"David?" Snow questioned, as she held him.
"What are you doing to him?" she demanded to know, but Winter only smirked.
"I'm not doing anything...he won't need the serum to separate. We share a black heart, just like you two share your pure heart. And my heart is calling to his that is inside your Charming. Don't fight it, my love...it's only a matter of time," she purred.
"And when we are together...we will rule the United Realms together with a vengeance and have revenge on everyone that's ever wronged us," Winter hissed, as she glared at the Queen, who scoffed.
"Bring it on, Princess...you talk a big game, but you're not even half as evil as me," the Queen challenged. Winter smirked.
"We'll see Queenie," she retorted, as she turned back to Snow and David.
"How the hell do you think you're going to rule all the realms?" Emma questioned and Winter looked at her. But it was Aphrodite that answered.
"Because if David's dark side emerges, then together, though they are evil, they can wield the chalice," Aphrodite revealed.
"She's right...and we will," Winter promised. Rumple waved his hand, as Snow and David disappeared in twin puffs of red smoke. Winter glared at him.
"Where are they?" she demanded to know.
"Somewhere safe from you and you won't find them," he responded, which made Winter cackle in amusement.
"Really? You think I can't find my Charming? Is that really what you think?" she growled. Rumple looked slightly uncomfortable, as he realized that she might be right.
"I will find him...I will always find him," she promised, as she turned and walked away. She wanted to go to her children, but she knew they would reject this version of her. For now...but in time, they would see that she was as much their mother as Snow was.
"Winter has come early to Storybrooke and if your last name isn't Charming...then you better stay out of my way," she warned, before she continued on.
"Holy hell…" Emma uttered.
"We're in so much trouble…" Regina uttered.
"What the hell have you done?!" Leo growled, as he faced the Queen.
"I told you sweetheart...I'm getting my revenge. Your mother will destroy herself and I'll finally get what I want," she replied.
"Or she'll destroy you," Rumple chimed in.
"She wants revenge too and I'd put you at the top of her list," he added. She glared at him.
"We'll see…" she said, as she glanced at Bobby.
"Keep him safe...or he'll destroy him after what he just did," she muttered to Leo and Emma.
"Oh, so now you're pretending you care about us?" Leo hissed and she looked him in the eyes.
"You know I do," she replied, as she looked at her counterpart.
"Hide him," she whispered, before turning away from them.
"Beware Storybrooke and the United Realms...it is the dawn of new era!" she boasted for show.
"A new era of evil!" she added, as Seth looked at her and he was still boiling with barely restrained rage.
"That boy...he must be destroyed," he hissed.
"In due time...but not tonight. He doesn't even know what he did," she reasoned.
"It doesn't matter," Seth argued.
"It does...he's my grandson and if he's that powerful...he can be useful. He's young and impressionable," she reasoned.
"Then you think he can be swayed to our side?" he questioned.
"Time will tell...and I'd certainly like to see how things play out. It's about to get very interesting in Storybrooke," she mused...
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CupCake Bakery Near Me
In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat 2 eggs with the whisk attachment on medium speed (15-20 seconds). Separate the eggs, placing the whites in the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the whisk attachment (or, if using a hand mixer or whisk, a large mixing bowl) and reserving the yolks in another bowl. Combine milk, instant pudding mix, and vanilla extract in a large bowl. I found the best cupcake bakery near me at the website in the link.
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Stir in the vanilla and egg yolk. It was dark chocolate with dark chocolate frosting under the decoration which was made entirely of marshmallow fondant heavily flavored with vanilla except for the black parts which were flavored with semi-sweet dark cocoa. For the recipe for modeling chocolate see my How to Make Modeling Chocolate Hub. NOTE - If you are piping on frosting like I did, you will need to double this recipe. There are now online cupcake makers and in some town specific shops that will make only these types of cakes. To help you tell the good from the bad (and the ugly), The Daily Meal has come up with a list of the 50 best cupcake shops in America — and the must-try flavor at each. This chocolate recipe has been in my family forever and it is absolutely the best chocolate cake I've ever had.
CupCake Bakery Near Me
Let us know in the comments section below what you thought of our homemade cupcake recipe. I know somewhere it says to fill them half full, but I filled them all the way up. Don, don't know how long these will last but it would be interesting to know how long the real Twinkie takes to fall apart. You don't want to rush this decision because all the hard work you will do bears this name. There are so many ways to enjoy food and drink that will mix up your routine and invigorate your pallet. The frosting will look like snow. Xanthe Milton - the cover may look sickeningly pink and too girly so yes, you might think it is a bit snobby and pretentious, but you must not judge this book by its cover. They look like you have slaved for hours and usually small portions of these yummy favorites with satisfy even the greatest sweet tooth. Divide the flour to five portions and fold it into the mixture portion by portion. Sweeten to taste. Fold the whipping cream, strawberries, marshmallows and 1/2 can of the crushed pineapple into the gelatin mixture. Gently fold in whipped topping until thouroughly mixed.
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If you're absolutely cuckoo for coconut (like me) . Flowers looks like they are hard to do, but are really very easy with a little practice. Here are seven tips to help those new to cupcake decorating -- or some ideas to add to your own repertoire of tips. I love cupcakes. Nothing is prettier that a cupcake. Cupcakes are best eaten the day they are filled and frosted. Are the cupcakes part of birthday celebrations, baby shower, Christmas or other holiday celebration? Regular cupcakes are used in this bouquet. There are cupcakes that have coconut custard filling. They are really lucious! Gradually add powdered sugar. I split the sugar between regular cane sugar and brown sugar. When your Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes have cooled completely, carefully remove them from cupcake tin. Pour the batter into the cupcake holders about 3/4 full. Fill the cupcake holders 3/4 full of batter and place them in the oven. Even though this recipe was cut in half, it made a lot of batter. Find the best cupcake shop at the website in the link.
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Your recipe is a lasting (and much healthier) tribute to this Hostess snack cake! The Secret: Come here and get lost amongst the cupcakes - you’ll be spoilt for choice, with everything from coconut and pineapple cake to refined strawberry and champagne (£3.50 each). I've never been a fan of coconut cakes but my girlfriend loves them and I was wanting to surprise her with one. This has become one of my favorite lenses. I think my favorite is the lighthouse cake - since I live at the beach. I've never tried red velvet cake before. And, have you joined our big and bold community yet? Over the years, I have become a major cupcake maker, my kid’s love my cupcakes. It covers some of the basics of cupcake making. Whereas planning for such events you may even embrace the older kids in baking and making such cakes. You could even wrap the entire pie in crust, such as the pies above-right.
How to Turn Any Recipe Into the Best Chocolate Cupcake Recipe
So I began to search out ways to have pleasure in gluten free cupcake recipes that weren't loaded down with sugar or white flour but didn't compromise on taste. High glycemic foods cause your blood sugar levels to spike, raising insulin levels. Unfortunately, most gluten free flours use a blend of high glycemic ingredients like rice flour, potato starch, tapioca flour and sorghum flour. So whilst the gluten is missing, every one of the blood glucose levels-spiking effects are still there.
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To present your baked products, you need to have tiered cupcake stands. With the use of a cake stand, you'll be able to produce your wonderfully baked products to the crowd to delightfully delight in. The purpose of the 2 main or 3 tiered stand is not just to produce regular baked cakes, but in addition to display muffins and cupcakes that a lot of people also benefit from.
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The next most important to creating a bakery worthy cake is to ice the dessert smooth. The best way to do this is to put a thin layer of icing on the dessert called a crumb coat. As the name suggests this layer catches any crumbs that will go away the cake that you will not need to see inside your final layer of icing. After the crumb coat, put a layer of thinner consistency icing on the dessert, starting around the top and dealing the right path along the sides. Once you get the dessert covered and smooth as is possible enable the icing to crust. Once the icing crusts, cover both your hands in corn starch and smooth over any trouble areas. You can also easily cover small problems with decorations.
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Google reviews or otherwise not, you take considerably less of this kind of a risk in case you chose to get a well-known shop you'd heard of 100s of times through one media source and other. After all, they paid enough to have their large audience together, to go and ruin the show! The cupcake tier or a wedding cake that you can get from their store, might or might not be what you were hoping for, nevertheless it will probably be OK, at least, and as well as it they'd have lent you their image (if you care).
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You can get most forms of cupcake packaging from your local bakery or online. If you need great amount for a special event or bake sale you will usually be able to buy cupcake boxes wholesale from bakery vendors. Some of them will request proof of business ownership but others may have not a problem selling to those who place large orders. It's worth making the effort to call and get. You could find yourself saving a lot of cash.
For more details on finding the best cupcake shops near you visit https://www.buzzfeed.com/kaylayandoli/cupcake-shops-you-need-to-visit.
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