#weasley thirst
oldhotcinnam0n · 1 year
For Thirsty Trap Thursday I give you... fresh out of school professor edition!
Please say helloe to your new Charms Professor, Ominis Gaunt
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Also, welcome your new Potions Professor, Garreth Weasley
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And lastly, your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Sebastian Sallow
(because we all know all the DADA professors are the sketchiest individuals always!)
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Class will be starting soon, see you there!
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ravenclawcumlaude · 7 months
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dufferpuffer · 5 days
I think Snape actually quite likes the Weasleys, overall. - Bill was TOP marks. Good student. Became a curse-breaker too - probably shared an interest in Dark Magic.
- I can't imagine Charlie doing worse than 'decent, if distracted' (though surely he'd need good potions knowledge to deal with dragons...)
- Percy is a good student that doesn't cause trouble - if he did anything wrong it might be being a little overbearing. Always stays behind to scrub the cauldrons clean though.
- Fred and George - annoy him, of COURSE they annoy him - but you can't tell me they were bad at potions, or they didn't listen, considering the candies etc. they make. They're a pain in the ass but they aren't terrible in the classroom and have a thirst to truly understand. They would have LOVED the Half Blood Prince's book.
- Ron gets a beef with Snape, but I doubt he would have if it weren't for being friends with Harry. He is a decent enough student. I'd say that'd be what Snape dislikes most about him: He doesn't even try to do as well as his brothers did, just totters about after Potter...
What would he think of Ginny... that is one I can't really decide on.
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blue--ingenue · 1 year
soft!Sebastian headcannons - part 2
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Author's Note: so flattered at the response part 1 has gotten, so here's part 2! i may be projecting a bit with the adhd headcannon, but i swear that boy at least partially has it
he’s incredibly protective of you. after losing his parents, nearly losing Anne, and knowing that you defeated Ranrok alone in fifth year, he vowed to never let any harm come to you. he knows you’re more than capable of holding your own in a fight, and his overprotective streak causes a fair amount of arguing between you both, but it stems from his love for you and desire to see you safe
much of his Crossed Wands fan base consists of younger students (including Lucan) that he’s defended from bullies over the years 
absolute caffeine gremlin. drinks coffee when the house elves apparate it onto the breakfast tables, but if he can’t get his hands on a cup, he’ll settle for tea. (this is one of the reasons Earl Grey is one of the first scents you recognize while making amortentia in Potions)
usually doesn’t approve of Garreth’s ‘experiments in class’ (enjoys mischief as much as the young Weasley, but doesn’t want to jeopardize his grade), but once slipped him a few sickles to commission him for an energizing brew
knows how to braid hair, and is pretty damn good at it. Anne taught him how when they were little and he’s been doing it ever since. if MC has long hair, he’s braiding it into a neat french braid before their Crossed Wands match so that it doesn’t get in their face while fighting. some of the boys in his year with fragile masculinity scoff, but when they see half of the students in their year fawning over him. they try to learn how to braid as well
(i’m literally picturing soft Sebastian lovingly braiding MC’s hair with gentle hands before taking his place next to them and absolutely decimating their competition. the complete 180 from tender to lethal has most of the crowd swooning)
is absolutely the little spoon, but will take over as big spoon if you ask him to. whenever he’s stressed or overwhelmed from school (or the danger you often find yourselves in) he just wants to be held
has a major sweet tooth. he always has some sort of sweet with him. whether it’s a chocolate frog, a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans he’s split with Ominis, or a pastry tucked away from dinner
absolutely ADORES museums. his parents used to take him and Anne to wizarding history museums as well as the natural history museum in London. seeing artifacts up close while satiating his thirst for knowledge is his personal paradise
(possibly becomes a museum researcher after graduating. something a bit daring and dangerous that lets him put his dueling skills to use in the pursuit of contributing knowledge to his field)
has some degree of adhd that influences his impulsive decisions, risk-taking behavior, and constant switching from topic to topic. has many detentions from talking while the professor is speaking or engaging in unsanctioned spell work, but it’s not his fault classes aren’t stimulating enough 
loves dueling and defense against the dark arts because he gets to engage in hands-on activities after long days of having to sit quietly and still for hours of lectures
herbology isn’t his strong suit, but one day you tell him your favorite flower and he’s determined to grow them for you. a few days later in the undercroft you notice a little self-watering potting table with a few buds poking out from the soil. there are at least five herbology books flipped open to various pages on the exact flower you mentioned with little notes scrawled in the margins
he hands you a bouquet of the flowers once they’ve grown and you swear he looks positively elated
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When Cursed Child was released there was uproar about the difference between Harry and Draco as fathers. Fans were upset that Draco Malfoy was such a calm, understanding father while Harry was a bit of a hot head. It was hard to grasp the distinct difference between the two characters as fathers. I’ll just resolve this whole issue with one word: Narcissa.
The biggest difference between Harry and Draco’s childhood is a mother’s love. Harry did not know what it was like to be parented or loved until he was 4 ft tall. Whereas Draco had grown up with a loving mother who cared for him while he was ill and tucked him in bed each night. Draco being such a good father to Scorpius makes sense because he had two polar opposites as parents. There was Lucius, who loves fiercely but his love is entirely conditional. And while I believe Lucius loved Narcissa more than life itself, he put his Death Eater duties and his thirst for power over his love for his son.
Narcissa was a different story entirely. Even though she married into the cause, she never took the dark mark. I believe this was because she saw what it required of Bellatrix, Regulus, and Lucius. She did not want to have to choose between Voldemort and Draco, because she knew she would always choose Draco. When Draco came of age, Lucius wanted to send Draco to Durmstrang. Even though Narcissa came from a world of pure bloods, she decided they would send Draco to Hogwarts. Prioritizing Draco’s safety over blood purity. This tells us she will choose Draco over Death Eater values. I believe losing her sisters and Regulus made Narcissa hyper aware of possible dangers and ever protective of her son. During his first year, we know it was hard on Narcissa to be away from Draco because she sent him sweets and letters daily. She is consistently protective of him, especially when Lucius must go to Azbakan. She bears her teeth and throws Sirius’s death in Harry’s face. Again, choosing Draco over anyone else, including her dead cousin Sirius. When Voldemort decides to make Draco take the mark as a punishment for Lucius’s mistakes, Narcissa sees his actions for what they are. She risks her life, along with her sister’s, in order to ask Severus to make the unbreakable vow. Narcissa gives Draco her wand during the war to be able to protect himself after Harry takes Draco’s. This leaves her and Lucius completely defenseless while Voldemort is LIVING IN THEIR HOUSE. They are in the midst of a war and Narcissa goes wandless for Draco. And finally, when Harry gives his life in the Forbidden Forest, Narcissa makes her biggest bad bitch mama bear move yet. She uses occlumency and lies to possibly the most powerful Legilimens ever, Lord Voldemort. She knows Draco is at Hogwarts, she knows he is more important to her than life itself. So when faced with this choice for maybe the billionth time in this woman’s life - Voldemort or Draco - she chooses Draco. Something her husband never had the balls to do.
So don’t come for me telling me Draco couldn’t have been a better parent than Harry. Don’t come for me telling me how terrible his father was and how there is no way a prat like Draco Malfoy could be understanding, forgiving, and loving. He knew what it was like to grow up with people hating/fearing him because of his father. He grew up knowing what it was like to be in the shadow of grand expectations, and what it was like to fail them. He grew up knowing the love of a mother’s touch and feeling Narcissa’s unconditional love. Draco Malfoy is an amazing father because Narcissa was an amazing mother. She put her love for Draco before blood status, before her husband, before life itself… which is exactly why Draco prioritized Scorpius’s happiness above everything else.
There’s a reason fanfic writers do everything but portray Narcissa as the Virgin Mary!!! She was just as good of a mother as Molly Weasley and Lily Potter. She was just as strong and brave and protective as Minerva McGonagall.
Sweet, loving Daddy Draco is canon and I will die on this hill.
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nancy-reads · 9 months
am I the one you think about?
part 2!!
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pairing: fred weasley x reader
summary: having your heart broken before love really blossomed hurts more than it should. but fred's flirty banter never quits. maybe your love story isn't quite over?
warnings: slightly angsty but with a happy ending
authors note: i am so sorry for how long this took! school got crazy and college applications are a nightmare. however, i hope you all had a good holiday season and enjoy this late christmas gift!
part one
You refused to cry as you stomped back to your shop. Fred could do whatever he wanted. It wasn’t like the two of you were together or anything. He just flirted with you like crazy and you developed a massive crush on him. 
And of course, the girl Fred was kissing was gorgeous. You couldn’t get her face out of your mind. Clear, gorgeous dark skin and eyes, black hair in a braided ponytail that looked effortless, and a tall figure that looked like she was meant to be a model for Quidditch robes. 
You didn’t know how you even thought you could pull someone like him. Fred was gorgeous and strong and funny, and you were just…well, you. Not anything special. 
You swore as you stepped into a massive puddle near your shop. Tears were beginning to prick your eyes, but you blinked them away. You would not cry over a man you knew not even twenty-four hours. 
And it would be better if it didn’t work out, you thought. You were going to be very busy with your shop once it opened, and you wouldn’t have time for any sort of relationship. It would be an absolute logistical nightmare, and you had to focus on your business. 
You nodded to yourself as you stepped inside your shop, decorated with candles, fairy lights, and plants. This was where you belonged. This was the important thing, not some stupid boy you met once. 
You smiled to yourself as you lowered your wand and took in the exterior of your shop. Everything looked perfect. The plants were in place, the widow displays were shining, and best of all, the banner hung front and center, inviting anyone and everyone to come in. 
People were beginning to trickle into Diagon Alley for some early morning shopping, so you rushed inside your shop and flicked the sign from open to closed. You bounced on your heels as you did some final checks to make sure that everything was in place.
You had already checked about seven times, but there wasn’t any harm in one more, was there? 
Soon enough, you didn’t have time to check anything, too busy ringing up the barrage of customers who entered your store. The line was spread throughout the shop, and you couldn’t stop smiling as your products and potions flew off the shelves. 
Your dreams were coming true. Everything was running smoothly, the customers were marveling at the aesthetics of your shop, and you’d gotten many promises to come back.
But the day couldn’t stay perfect forever, and your eyes widened as a familiar face entered the shop. You couldn’t help but notice Fred’s handsome face and body, but you cursed yourself. You would not be thirsting for a taken man.
Attempting to look as busy as possible, you straightened the boxes behind you and fussed with the register. You could feel his stare on your back, and it took every ounce of your will not to turn.
He is a taken man. He has a girlfriend. 
And he is still staring at you.
After a generous amount of time, Fred cleared his throat. You sighed, closing your eyes for a moment, and finally began to turn around. As slowly as humanly possible. 
“That excited to see me, huh?”
You ignored him.
“And what are you looking for today sir?”
His eyes widened. “Sir? You haven’t forgotten my name already, have you?”
Taken man. Taken man. Taken man.
This was going to be an exercise in self-control.
“Just-” you paused. “Come on, Fred-”
“I knew you remembered-”
“This isn’t a great time-”
“Well then tell me when is,” Fred said. “I’d be glad to arrange a date.”
Why did he have to say these things?
“Are you really going to make me do this now?” you asked, anger coloring your tone. “It's opening day, and I’d really rather you not ruin it.”
“Ruin it?” he asked, dumbfounded. “What do you mean?”
“You know what? Fine,” you snapped. “Come here after closing. We can talk then. I have customers to help, and I’m sure you do too.”
Fred’s eyebrows were scrunched together, and his mouth pulled into a frown. “I-” he paused when he looked at your face, and a defeated expression appeared on his face. “Okay.”
You stared at him as he left, and a part of you wondered if you’d hallucinated the whole thing. He seemed so earnest, like he actually wanted to talk to you. Like you were important, not some other girl he wanted to have on the side. 
But you couldn’t think like that. He probably had some other ulterior motive.
You turned to the next customer in line. “Hi, how can I help you today?”
You had to give him credit, Fred was at your shop door at six pm sharp. You tried to ignore him for a while, but he eventually caught your eye as you wiped down the counters.
He gave you a big smile as you opened the door, and part of you wanted to melt. His smile was so bright and full of ardent hope. His freckles made him look younger, and it really added to the sweetness of his face. 
“So,” Fred began after a moment. “Why didn’t you come see the shop? It’s been weeks.”
You sighed. “Look, Fred. I just don’t think us talking like this is appropriate.”
He scrunched his brows. “Appropriate? Why not?” his eyes widened. “I haven’t been impolite, have I? I swear I’ve never meant to say anything weird, I just like to have a laugh-”
“No! Nothing like that,” you said. “I’m not interested in the kind of relationship you want.” There you said it. You would not be someone’s side piece or a good fuck. You wanted something real.
You should have known he was too good to be true as soon as you hit him with those boxes. 
“Oh,” Fred said, his face falling. “I’m so sorry that I assumed-” he paused, “I mean, yeah, sorry, you’re really busy so…yeah.” He forced a smile and stepped back. “I guess I’ll see you around?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I’ll see you.”
You ignored the disappointment in your chest as the bells rang, signifying Fred had left the shop.
The shop was still packed a few days later. You supposed word had spread about your low prices and fast wait times because potions were flying off the shelves. You’d begun to think about hiring someone else to help check people out while you brewed in the back. 
Plus, people seemed to like the idea of a small A&E in the back, and you’d definitely need more help with that. 
You’d just finished restocking some salves when he walked in. His brown eyes sparkled when they met yours, and that easy, earnest smile was back on his face. There was no hesitation or the anxiety you’d seen the other day. He was acting like nothing had happened. 
You hesitatingly smiled when he reached the counter, but your jaw dropped when you noticed the bruise that had formed around his eye. 
“Holy shit, Fred!” without thinking, you reached to touch his black eye. “What happened?”
He scoffed. “This is nothing. We just had a slight malfunction with one of our new products.”
“This doesn’t look very slight.”
“I’m fine. But,” he smirked. “I do appreciate your concern.”
“It’s professional concern,” you muttered as you searched for the anti-bruise cream behind the counter. “You’re not special.”
Fred’s jaw dropped dramatically. “You hurt me, dear lady.”
You snorted. “I think you can take it.”
Fred’s hand brushed yours as you handed him the cream and the anti-swelling potion. Your cheeks flushed, and he gave you a sweet smile as he left the shop. 
You could feel yourself smiling throughout the rest of the day, and you cursed yourself every time.
 He isn’t actually interested. He’s just a flirt. 
The next time Fred came in was a week later, and this time he had a cut branching up his arm. Thankfully, it was nearly closing time and most of your customers had trickled out by then. 
“What is this?” you fretted, grabbing his arm. “You hurt yourself again?”
“It was just a small incident with one of the pygmy puffs,” he chuckled. “They don’t like being told what to do.”
“Probably because they’re your orders,” you joked. “They can probably sense the stupidity from a mile away.”
“Hey!” he mock-yelled. “They don’t listen to George either.”
“My point still stands,” you said, tapping the cut with your wand. You held back a shiver as your thumb brushed his strong bicep. Was it just you, or did he have goosebumps?
“You don’t even know George.”
“He’s your brother, so if he’s anything like you, I’d be worried about his intelligence.”
Fred pouted. “They don’t listen to Angelina either, and she’s got a good head on her shoulders, so I think they just don’t listen to anyone.”
You paused your cleaning of his cut for a moment and tried to make your face as neutral as possible. “Who’s Angelina?” Could she be the girl he was kissing?
“Oh she’s George’s girlfriend,” he said, oblivious. You breathed a silent sigh of relief. “I don’t know how they’re still together, honestly she could do so much better, but she likes him, I suppose.”
You hummed, finally letting go of his arm to grab a potion. The cut was just barely a scratch now, but you wanted to make sure it didn’t get infected.
“Make sure you drink this, Fred, tonight and tomorrow morning. It’ll wash out any weird pygmy puff or whatever you call it infection from your body.”
“Yes ma’am!” he saluted and headed for the door. You couldn’t help but watch him make his way back from his shop, a spring in his step and a smile on his gorgeous face.
It kept happening. Fred came in with food poisoning, many more bruises, and even boils at one point. They were apparently from his inventions and experiments, but you were starting to get worried. Who gets injured this much?
The last straw was when he walked in with an injured leg. Your A&E hadn’t been opened yet, but you had hired a retired healer to run the counter so you could run in and out on occasion.
You were in the back, mixing a new potion when there was a loud commotion at the entrance. You had a sneaking suspicion of who it was but continued to stir the liquid until Martha poked her head into your office. 
“It’s your boy,” she said. “And I think you’ll want to see this.”
That got you out of your seat immediately. Most of the time Fred’s injuries honestly seemed more like excuses to come see you, for what reason you didn’t know, but Martha’s tone made it seem much more serious.
“What’s wro-” fear shot through you as you saw the pain on Fred’s face, and the fact that he was leaning on….a direct copy of himself?
You weren’t sure whether to be more worried or confused. Had Fred somehow invented a cloning machine? 
As you looked closer, you realized that they weren’t completely alike. The person next to Fred’s face was more rounded, and his nose was slightly bigger. His face was a bit uneven, and there was something off with his ear, but you couldn’t tell from far away. 
Suddenly, it all clicked. 
“You must be George!” you exclaimed. “Fred, you never told me that you had an identical twin!”
“Pleased to finally meet you,” George said, turning to Fred. “I can’t believe you never mentioned we were twins!” He glanced at you, mischief in his eyes. “It’s like you don’t care about me or something.”
“Shut up, George,” Fred said, turning your attention back to him. “I’m sorry to bother you again, darling-” your heart jumped, “-but I’m in quite a bit of pain and I was wondering if you could fix me up again?”
He is just a flirt. He is just a flirt. He is just a flirt. 
“Yes, of course,” you scooped Fred’s other arm over your neck and helped George carry him into the patient room. “Martha! Can you hold down the fort for a bit?”
You didn’t wait to hear her affirmative before slowly and carefully lowering Fred down onto the patient bed. His face was contorted in pain, and you couldn’t help yourself from squeezing his shoulder in support once he was safely in bed. 
“Drink this,” you said as you passed him a cup full of silver liquid. “It’ll make the pain go away for a bit.” Fred gulped it down, and a goofy smile filled his face when he finished. 
“You’re so pretty,” he said lazily.
You could feel heat creeping up your face, but you ignored him.
“Sleep well.”
You cleared your throat and turned to George. 
“Judging from the dirt and the Quidditch robes, I assume he fell off his broom?”
George nodded. “Yeah. He got distracted and a Bludger came flying toward him and…” he made a violent gesture, “Crash!”
You nodded. “Did he fall unconscious at any point, or hit his head?”
“He was a bit confused at first,” George said, hesitating. “He kept asking to come here though. My girlfriend kept trying to convince him to go to St. Mungos, but he wasn’t having it.” George smiled. “Are you two together? Because he kept asking specifically for you.”
Call the fire department, because your face was scorching. “I-” you stammered. “I thought he had a girlfriend or something?”
George snorted. “Fred? A girlfriend? He hasn’t dated anyone in a long time. I was honestly starting to wonder if he was gay and just afraid to tell me or something.”
“Really?” Your mind was spinning. Had you actually just hallucinated seeing Fred kiss someone outside of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes? “I thought saw him kiss a girl outside your shop a few months ago.” You sighed for a moment. “They looked really happy, so I didn’t want to intervene or anything.”
“That would be news to me,” he paused for a moment, lost in thought. “Wait, what did she look like?”
There was an insistent knock on the door. 
“Sorry, we’re busy right now!” you called. “Ask the counter if you need anything.”
The door burst open, and your jaw dropped when the women came crashing in. She was much less put together than the last time you’d seen her, her hair flying everywhere and her cheeks flushed. But she had the same dark skin and hair, and the same commanding appearance that made you see why Fred liked her. 
“I’m sorry,” you said politely. “But I’m currently busy with a patient. Please wait outside or go to St. Mungos if you-”
“She's fine,” George interrupted. “This is Angelina, my girlfriend.”
Suddenly, it all clicked into place. It wasn’t Fred you’d seen kissing a girl, it was George. Who was kissing his girlfriend. Like a normal person. 
You were completely and utterly stupid. 
“Angelina, this is that girl that Fred won’t shut up about.”
“Oh excellent!” She strolled over to you and stared at you seriously. “Please go out with him. Just to put him out of his misery. All I hear about anymore is him whining that some beautiful girl from the shops won’t date him and I need it to stop,” Her eyes were wide and solemn. “Please.”
George snorted. “Way to expose Freddie there.”
Angelina grinned back at him. “I think he needs it.”
“Well,” you clasped your hands, ignoring the redness in your cheeks. “I’m just going to do a quick skull exam just in case he hit his head, and then I’ll set his leg and let him rest.”
You couldn’t believe you’d messed it up this bad. Of course, you’d just seen Fred’s identical twin kissing his girlfriend. How hadn’t you thought of it before?
You quickly began your work, murmuring spells to yourself as you ensured everything was fine. You winced at the loud crack that sounded when Fred’s leg was set, but a final “Episkey,” finally healed the break.
You turned to face George and Angelina, who were watching with rapt attention. “Fred needs to sleep for an hour or two, just to make sure he doesn’t feel all the pain right away. I’d prefer to keep him here, just to make sure he stays asleep and pain-free, and I’ll also be able to check him over again once he wakes,” you said. “But I’ll do whatever you guys want.”
Angelina elbowed George before he could speak. “I think Fred will be perfectly content with staying here for a few hours.”
“Yup,” George said. “He’ll be fine.”
You’d been running in to check on Fred for what probably was close to every 5 minutes for the past hour and a half. Martha had given you multiple suspicious nods and knowing looks every time you stepped out of the back room, and she winked at you as she left at the end of her shift.
The store was closed and empty after another long and busy day, and the urge to go check on Fred was already pulling at you. 
Just in case.
It seemed your intuition had been correct, as he began to stir the moment you opened the door. His nose twitched adorably, and there was a small smile on his face as his eyes opened, the sleep still present in his stare.
Without thinking, you stroked his hair, but Fred didn’t seem to mind. He actually leaned into your touch, the smile on his face growing. It was all so domestic, and you couldn’t stop your own smile from spreading across your face. 
“Your smile is so pretty,” Fred mumbled. “You should do that more.”
Warmth filled your face. “I like yours too,” you sat on the edge of his bed. “Does anything still hurt?”
“Not when I’m looking at someone as beautiful as you.”
“You are shameless!” you giggled, smacking him on the side.
“Are you slapping a patient?” Fred teased. “I’m gonna have to report you to the Ministry.”
“You’re making me wonder if you have brain damage that I missed somewhere.” You said as you helped Fred sit up on the side of the bed. “Let me check again.”
Fred, much to your surprise, passed all of his exams with flying colors.
“First time that’s happened,” he joked. 
“I guess that means you’re sane enough for me to do this.”
You leaned in and brought your lips against his. Fred gasped into your mouth and responded eagerly, his hand rising to cup your face and bring you closer. His mouth was soft and gentle, and you almost wanted to cry with how sweet he was. One of your arms wrapped around his neck, while your other hand grabbed his bicep.
Fred leaned back for a moment, chuckling. “I guess you’re finally free to touch my arms now.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Don’t pretend that you haven’t been thirsting over my arms the entire time we’ve known each other.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He laughed again as he leaned back in, taking control of the kiss this time. He was more passionate now, and you let out a gasp as his tongue brushed against yours. Your heart was beating faster than it ever had before, and you had to break the kiss because you couldn’t stop smiling.
After you leaned back, Fred just stared at you for a moment, a soft smile on his face. Sure, he was already handsome, but that smile made him look ten times better, and even younger than before. His freckles made his smile boyish, and there was childlike joy in his face as he looked at you. 
“What made you change your mind?” Fred asked after a moment, his brows furrowing. “I thought you didn’t want a relationship.”
“So here’s the thing,” you laughed nervously. “I thought you didn’t want a relationship.”
Fred’s eyes widened. “I think you’re the one who needs to get your brain checked, love. Because I think I was being pretty obvious.”
“Hey! You’re supposed to be nice to me now.” You poked his chest. “But remember when I told you I’d come over to see your shop the day after we met?”
“Yeah, so I ended up seeing George and Angelina kissing in front of the door to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, and since someone,” you stared at him pointedly, “didn’t tell me he had an identical twin, I assumed it was you.”
Fred was silent for a moment. “I have been coming to your shop nonstop for months, and you still thought I had a girlfriend the whole time?”
“Well now it seems stupid-”
He kissed you lightly before you could finish. “You can never make fun of me for being clueless again.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find a way to upstage me.”
Fred wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close. You couldn’t stop the stupid smile that was on your face, and you were sure Fred had a similar one right next to you. He squeezed your shoulder, and you leaned your head against him. Warmth enveloped you, and you’d never been so comfortable before.
“Don’t worry, love,” Fred said. “You’re the only one I think about.”
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newbienewness · 2 months
Can we please get some more sexy Garreth in a kilt before you go on your break? I hope you have a lovely break and enjoy your time away from tumblr!! ❤️❤️
SOOOOO sorry it took ages but hope these are enough for your thirst on this wet Weasley Wednesday
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Thanks bb @thesuperiorfeeling
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rainydayathogwarts · 1 year
My favourite fics from other authors!!
daisies - peter parker by @starktonyx
As it was - Steve x reader, Bucky x reader by @heli0s-writes
Never again - bucky barnes by @houseravenclaws
tap - bucky barnes by @houseravenclaws
the box - peter parker by @waitimcomingtoo
incorrect quotes ft. peter x y/n by @eunoiathewriter
begging with scott lang by @ragnarachel
trouble in paradise - peter parker by @ptergwen
your mess - peter parker by @peterbenjiparker
stark!reader x peter by @ptergwen
phone sex blurb w peter by @sgrantsgf
twenty bucks Peter parker by @deathbyathousandspiders
Wizarding World:
interrupted - neville longbottom by @nevillesimp
the one that got away - harry potter by @george-fabian-weasley
angry love confession in the rain - sirius black by @salazarslytherin
jealousy, jealousy - james potter by @letterstotheflre
Poly!marauders smut by @strawberrysodaslut
Chris being in love with Y/N for 7 mins video by @astranva
You'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me - Tom Holland by @waitimcomingtoo
Thirst tweets with Chris Evans and Y/N L/N by @put-trash-here
The friendship test - Joseph Quinn by @magicchai
ground rules - Joesph Quinn by @icallhimjoey
Criminal Minds
Touch starved - Spencer Reid by @donald4spiderman
Your relationship with Hotch is exposed by @ddejavvu
You walk in on Spencer talking to his fish by @radiant-reid
You obsess over Hotch and he overhears EVERYTHING by @kryptonitejelly
The team finds out you and Hotch are married by @kryptonitejelly
Jack calls you 'momma', outing you and Hotch's relationship by @kryptonitejelly
Another one where Jack outs you and hotch's relationship by @kryptonitejelly
A third one where jack outs your relationship with Hotch by @kryptonitejelly
The one where everyone finds out - You and Spencer (reid) are in love but you just don't know. by @reidscanehand
Don't think I don't like you - Spencer Reid by @luveline
Reid wears Glasses - Spencer Reid by @luveline
The fear of falling apart - Spencer Reid by @pathologicalreid
Stranger things
Whispering dirty things into Eddie's ear as a dare by @erosso
Eddie being pussy drunk - Eddie Munson by @subbypeterparker
Admiring Steve Harrington by @masmybeloved (deactivated acc)
Three's a crowd, but four's a party - Eddie, Steve, Robin x reader by @glasvera
Out loud - Eddie Munson by @iheartyouyou
Billy Hargrove noticing the little things by @fbfh
Bi!fem!reader x steve harrington by @eufezco
Eddie and daughter!Roan x reader series by @luveline
Dead wrong - Steve Harrington by @lucasnclair
199 notes · View notes
galaxostars · 3 months
Transfest celebration
Hi everyone ! Pride month may be over but Transfest is still very much on going and so many beautiful fics/art keep coming out every day, so feel free to check them out and give them some much deserved love <3
I will be reblogging this post every time a new work comes out so stay tuned for that + the authors' reveal next week!
The Magic of You : 13.9k, E, Petunia/Severus, James/Lily, Eileen/Tobias
One cigarette can change everything. Or when two people realise they are far more alike than they are different.
can i tell you something? : 2.7k, G, Regulus/Remus
Regulus needs to tell Remus something.
What Are Friends For? : 2k, M, Draco/Harry, Hermione/Ron
Draco offers to help Harry out with a certain problem he’s having, courtesy of starting T.
Sun's out, Guns out : art, T, Charlie Weasley
Charlie Weasley has much to be proud about. All his scars are fucking cool, the dragon claws, the eyebrow slit, the stretch marks on his hips, and ... oh yeah : his top surgery scars ! Charlie Weasley is a hot transmasc dude, what do you want more from me i'm thirsting
Full Indulgence : 14.7k, E, Fleur/Nymphadora, Nymphadora/Bill, Fleur/Nymphadora/Bill
Tonks and Bill used to fuck. Bill met Fleur, and friends-with-benefits became friends again. Now, Bill’s engaged to Fleur. Tonks thinks Fleur is hot. Really hot. Tonks cannot stop thinking about her. Bill finds out. Bill has a solution. Tonks is caught in the middle, in the best way possible.
brother, I've returned : 2.7k, G, Regulus & Sirius
Sirius and Regulus reunite after their parents' deaths. written for the HP TransFest, prompt #82: Brother, Madds Buckley or FTM Sirius left home many years ago. After his parents death he must return for the reading of the will and face the brother he left behind
I don't wanna be anything other than me : 4.3k, T, Sirius/Remus
Remus has been thinking about confiding in the boys that he is trans and a werewolf, because he is tired of hiding who he is. Lily is his best friend, but living in the girl's dormitory is taking it's toll. A story of friendship, opening up to others, and accceptance. Prompt 33: Remus ftm taking to McGonagall and the boys about switching dorms
your friends are a fate that befell me : 12.8k, E, Regulus/Sirius, Regulus/James
Self prompted : Established Sirius/Regulus, Sirius wants Regulus to make James feel better after his breakup
Fawning Over You by toxik_angel - a Podfic podfic length 4.5-5 hours, E, Draco/Harry
Harry's not sure which would be worse: Ron and Hermione finding out he buys Draco Malfoy's premium pornography and an extra gift off his wishlist every week, or Draco Malfoy finding out Harry has a horrible, distracting, embarrassing crush on him. Alt title: Whore-ton Hears a Harry.
force our smiles, baby, half dead (from comparing myself to everyone else around me) : 3.8k, M, Remus/James
Five times James was asked how he was feeling + one time Remus was asked the same.
The bleedin' hearts, the arts and that other stuff : 55.9k, E, Remus/James, Dorcas/Lily, Regulus/Sirius, Barty/Pandora/Evan
Sometimes "coming out" means going stealth with your hookup. Sometimes "going stealth" means that your hookup gets the wrong idea that you (a book-loving pacifist who writes self-proclaimed sad boi music in your spare time) are a repeat offender in the back alley knife fight department. Oops? It's all fun and games in love and war for Remus and James until somebody gets hurt. This is a FINISHED FIC With an eleventh chapter - epilogue coming post-creator reveals <33
Between These Walls : 40k, E, Harry/Severus, Luna/Rolf Scamander
Casting an eye to his former student, Severus saw Potter’s head loll onto the thin pillow. The young man faced the ceiling, expression inert and dull. Why was he in a hospital bed next to Potter three years after the war? In which Harry quits the Auror force to recover from a bout of depression, Severus starts an owl-order business from his country house, and they both learn what it means to be in a relationship for the first time.
Wine Drunk : 2.8k, T, Sirius/Remus
Prompt: Sirius is falling in love with new member of order (remus homeschooled) and notices several things and tries to put together pieces
It's not over yet : 6.9k, T, Lily & Severus, Poppy & Severus
Taking self-made potions and performing a ritual at Ostara in his fourth year - Severus Snape had thought of many aspects while planning his transition. Was there something he purposefully ignored until the last second? Certainly. Severus struggles to navigate both his parents' reaction and the reality he has to face: people will ask questions regarding his new form. Severus is sure he is no "young woman" but rather a lad, yet telling other people is intimidating. At least he got his friends and a surprise ally.
moving into me : 5.2k, T, Hermione/Ron
Veronica "Ronny" Weasley always knew something was "off" but Ronny didn't understand what it was until the Yule Ball shenanigans during fourth year. Submitted for 2024 Trans Fest Prompt 6: "Trans male Ron who doesn’t realize/come out until a few years into Hogwarts."
Make sure to leave some kudos and comments to the authors 🏳️‍⚧️🫶🏻
61 notes · View notes
pluviowriting · 4 months
Her Biggest Fan
18+ || MDNI || Content Warnings: SMUT, characters aged up, established relationship, language, oral (f!receiving), fingering, unprotected pinv sex(don’t try this at home, use protection), creampie, size kink, praise kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, munch Garreth (he needs a warning imo), aftercare
Word Count: 3.6k
beater!Garreth Weasley x f!Hufflepuff!seeker!MC
Repost from old blog @/pluvpluvpluv
A/N: Enjoy this brainworm that was born of a night of me, @marketfreshfics and @ellivenollivander thirsting over men in crop tops <3
There were few things Garreth Weasley loved more than quidditch. Being able to play again after Headmaster Black banned it fifth year felt like a breath of fresh air. He wasn’t the only student that had been excited at the start of their sixth year. Imelda Reyes had thrown a celebration so rowdy, some students feared that he would cancel the season again to punish them for it. There had been no incidents during sixth year too, which meant he had been able to play his favorite game during his last year too. While Garreth was disappointed that Gryffindor hadn’t made it to the quidditch cup, he wasn't having a bad time in the stands.
He was surrounded by a sea of golden yellow, staring across the pitch at the rival sea of emerald green. His own teammates were beside him and they were all causing a scene cheering for Hufflepuff. Arguably, after him, Natty and Leander were the loudest. He had help from his seeker in making his championship outfit. He wanted to ensure that he was the biggest Hufflepuff fan in the stands, not just MC’s - because the latter was a given. She had helped him transfigure MC’s practice jersey, after stealing it from her dorm that morning with some assistance from Poppy Sweeting, into a slightly loose fitting cropped tee. With summer fast approaching, he had anticipated the weather being warmer, and he was glad he was right. His girlfriend’s house took up the entire front of the crop top, and the back was reserved for her last name. His face lit up as he watched her fly directly in front of where he and his friends sat, flying around the pitch like she had been born on a broom instead of only flying for the last two years.
“Woo! MC!” He cupped his hands around his mouth and hollered after her as loud as he could.
She took a break from hunting for the golden glint of the snitch and looked towards where she heard her boyfriend’s voice come from. She was instantly filled with regret. What was meant to be a quick glance and a wink turned into an ogling session. She was clenching her jaw to keep it from falling all the way to the grass of the pitch as she saw him in her house colors. She had no idea where he had found that shirt, but it fit him perfectly, cutting off an inch or two above his belly button and showing off his toned stomach from his own quidditch workouts. Her eyes trailed down the copper happy trail she was intimately familiar with until she reached the waistband of his pants and she couldn’t see any further. Her eyes moved up, observing his broad chest and his arms. The sleeves were skin tight on his biceps, which seemed to bulge even when he wasn’t trying.
‘Godsdamned beater arms,’ she internally cursed, but her eyes were still stuck on him and moving upwards until she caught his face.
Her eyes found her favorite shade of green and realized she had been caught staring instead of playing her game. Her boyfriend winked at her before turning to show her his back. That was when it clicked what he was wearing and she knew she was going to either kill or worship Natsai Onai later for nicking it from her dorm. Seeing her last name across his broad back made her debate abandoning the game and taking her boyfriend into the prep tent and casting a muffling charm, but thankfully Amit’s broadcasted voice finally snapped her out of her daze.
“It looks like Reyes has spotted the snitch and she’s making a break towards it!”
Her eyes grew wide and she whipped around, looking for Imelda and hoping to catch a glimpse of gold as she headed that way. As she flew away, she once again heard her name and she pushed just a little harder. Thankfully, with the practice she had and the upgrades from her fifth year, it wasn’t hard to catch up to Imelda, but the Slytherin still had an advantage.
MC still hadn’t spotted the snitch.
Knowing her competition was far too competitive to try and throw her off course when she could see what they were both after, she just stuck to Slytherin’s captain.
It felt like they were soaring through and around the pitch for hours before Imelda finally slowed down.
“What happened Melda? Lose it?” She taunted, a smirk settled on her lips as she tried to catch her breath.
“Go back to eye fucking Weasley. Don’t worry about the snitch, I’ll catch it for you.”
MC just laughed before leaving the Slytherin captain behind. She wasn’t going to find it any faster sitting there and talking trash. As she flew around, using every ounce of self control to not let her gaze drift back to the Hufflepuff side of the stands for longer than it took for her to try and find a glint of gold against the yellow, she could still hear Garreth’s voice no matter where she was. Even next to the Slytherin stands, she could hear him over the jeers from the field of green and silver.
Then, there it was. The golden snitch.
MC didn’t even spare a glance at Imelda as she gave chase to the tiny flying ball. She heard Amit announce that she had found it this time and she knew that if Imelda hadn’t spotted it earlier, she’d be on her tail soon enough.
“Come on, you bastard,” she huffed, trying to will her broom to move faster.
She didn’t let up as she realized she was gaining on it, her gaze laser focused. Not wanting to lose her chance, she shot her arm out and almost screamed when she felt her fingers wrap around the cold metal.
The second it registered, she held her closed fist over her head and she diverted her broom to move back towards the center of the pitch.
“MC caught the snitch! Hufflepuff wins the cup!”
The second everyone’s favorite Ravenclaw finished announcing her accomplishment, another voice boomed through the open air.
“That’s my girl! That’s my fucking girl!”
MC laughed, immediately swarmed by her teammates as they all landed, but her eyes never left the stands. She blew a kiss up towards where she knew Garreth was sitting before she let herself get swallowed up by the excitement.
Leaving the team tent, still on a high, she intended to look for Garreth. She didn’t have to look far, and really she didn’t have to look at all. The moment he saw her leave the tent, his arms were wrapped around her waist and he lifted her off the ground in his embrace.
“There she is! The hero of Hufflepuff!”
MC laughed, her face buried in his neck. “You are a terror. I could hear you over the Slytherins.”
“Just means that I’m doing my job as your personal cheerleader.”
He set her down with a wink, leaning down to press his lips to hers in a tender kiss. She reciprocated, her touch just as sweet as his. Her hands moved from his shoulders down to his exposed sides and her thumbs started rubbing circles into his skin.
“I see that. You’ve got the uniform and everything, sneaky boy.” She hummed as she moved her lips to his neck, still dragging her fingers across his bare skin. “I could really go for a bath. It would be a terrible, terrible shame if I broke into the prefect bathroom alone while everyone else was celebrating my victory...”
“Well, I’m sure you’re exhausted from all that flying. Perhaps I should accompany you. To make sure the stairs don’t give you any trouble.” Garreth taunted her right back, gently squeezing her hips. “Come along, champion.”
The second the bathroom door closed behind them, MC cast a locking charm and turned her attention to Garreth. Her lips were on his in an instant, this kiss needier than the one he had graced her with when they reunited after the game.
“I cannot believe,” she huffed, pulling back slightly to start ridding herself of her quidditch uniform, “you turned my practice jersey into something so revealing…”
“My only regret is almost costing you the game. I didn’t realize you’d have such a…reaction.”
Garreth’s eyes dipped from her face to her bare breasts as she managed to get them free from the confines of her clothes. He truly thought she was the most gorgeous witch he had ever seen. He backed her up against the wall, kissing his way down her neck until he took one of her nipples in his mouth. He hummed at the taste of her skin, his gaze flicking up to her face as he kissed across her chest to make sure her other breast got the same attention. Satisfied with his work, he kissed his way down MC’s torso and left a trail of pale marks in his wake. Settling on his knees, he pulled back slightly to look up at the woman of his dreams. He didn’t need to look at his hands while removing the rest of her uniform, which allowed him to soak in just how amazing she looked from this angle.
“Merlin, MC. So. Fucking. Pretty. Perfect. Gorgeous.”
Every compliment was punctuated with a kiss to her inner thigh. Once he reached his destination, he spread her with his fingers and moaned at the sight.
“Hello pretty,” he murmured before licking up with the flat of his tongue.
Feeling his tongue moving through her folds and flicking over her clit immediately removed the question of if he was truly talking to her pussy from her mind. A low moan fell from her lips as her hands tangled in his copper hair. Her head dropped back against the wall and she felt him lifting one of her legs to rest over his shoulder. She looked down and almost moaned at the sight. Garreth was looking up at her, his lips were wrapped around her clit and she could feel him alternating between sucking and using his tongue to rub circles. The hottest thing about this angle was seeing that her thigh was practically the size of his shoulder. Quidditch had done wonders for her physique, and she understood the phrase “broom thighs” when she’d look at herself in the mirror. However, if the sport had done wonders for her, it had done miracles for her boyfriend.
Not only did Garreth also develop some of the sturdiest broom thighs MC had seen, but that effect just carried to every other muscle in his body too. Regular practices paired with the growth spurts he had hit the last two years, it constantly felt like he just towered over her. His strength was also a bonus that they enjoyed exploring on the nights they’d spend in the Room of Requirement, tangled in sheets from a conjured bed.
He could see her eyes going unfocused and one corner of his mouth turned up. He sucked her clit with extra force as he pushed two fingers into her. His smirk only grew as it pulled a loud moan from her. His fingers didn’t stop pumping into her as he pulled back.
“There you are, pretty girl. You were going somewhere on me.”
If she wasn’t already flushed from the pleasure coursing through every inch of her body, him calling her out would’ve caused color to flood her cheeks.
“I uh. I wa-as looking at my thigh on your shoulder.”
The Gryffindor chuckled, turning his head to plant a kiss on the thigh she was talking about. He knew MC well enough to be able to conclude what was running through her head.
“Yeah? This pretty thigh? Comparing size are you? So much smaller than me, aren’t you, pretty girl. Can’t toss you around in here but I can do this.”
She gasped as his free hand moved, lifting her other leg and hooking it over his shoulder so she was now sitting on his shoulders against the wall with his face buried in her cunt. Without another word, his mouth found its way back to her clit while he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her aching walls. His free hand settled on her hip, as if he was trying to ensure she didn’t fall.
MC felt her orgasm building, and her grip on her boyfriend’s hair grew impossibly tighter as she tried to push him into her more. Her walls fluttered around his fingers and his pace seemed to pick up, his fingers curling up in search of the spot he knew would make her scream.
“Gare–” She tried to warn him but she was cut off by a loud moan as his fingers found what they were searching for.
“I know, pretty girl. I can feel it. Cum for me. Be a good girl and let me taste you.”
Her moans only grew louder as he pushed her towards her orgasm, and her back arched off the wall as it hit with a cry of his name. Garreth only slowed for a moment, letting MC start to come down from what would be her first orgasm of the day before he ramped back up. He added a third finger and his mouth was working her clit like he had been starved his entire life. 
“Ah~! Garreth!” She was trying to push his head away one second and pulling him closer the next. “‘S too much! Please!”
He chuckled against her, his eyes looking up at her as if he was asking her if it was really too much. Unfortunately - or fortunately, really - Garreth knew her body practically as well as MC did. He knew she could keep going after he pulled one from her, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t ready to drown in her and suffocate between her thighs. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t trying either. After pulling two more orgasms from MC with his tongue and fingers, he slowly lowered her legs back to the ground. The lower half of his face glistened with the arousal he had drawn from her body, and in moments, his aptly named cheerleader outfit was on the ground and he was as bare as she was.
MC’s eyes immediately dropped, taking in the sight that was his hardened cock. She had seen him naked several times at this point, but she always stared at him naked. He somehow looked even bigger without clothes, his muscles on display and accentuating just how pretty his cock was. She knew from experience that it was the perfect size, and that the happy trail she had admired when he was in the stands led to a trimmed patch of copper curls she loved to bury her nose in when she took him down her throat.
There was no warning before he hoisted her up, unceremoniously kicking their clothes towards the edge of the pool sized bath before he submerged the both of them in the warm water. His lips found hers, and she could taste herself when his tongue found its way into her mouth. Recognizing the taste caused her to moan, her hips moving and grinding against his cock, the head catching her clit perfectly.
“So needy, aren’t you, pretty girl? Didn’t I just give you three orgasms and you still need more? What happened to it being too much?”
“Garreth, please.” She whined, pouting her kiss swollen lips at him.
“You know I can’t say no when you look at me like that, baby. Plus, I’m supposed to be rewarding my champion.”
He moved them through the water, turning MC to face away from him. Instead she faced the pile of their clothes at the edge of the tub. She looked back at Garreth with her eyebrows furrowed and he met her gaze with a grin.
“When you eventually hit the point where you can’t hold yourself up anymore, you can rest your head on our clothes.”
She held the edge of the tub, and soon felt her hips get lifted to the point even her tiptoes weren’t touching the bottom. She felt the head of Garreth’s cock drag up and down her slit a couple times before he pushed into her.
“Fuck, MC. Fuckin’ made to take me, weren’t you?”
She moaned at the feeling of her walls stretching to accommodate him, and she only grew louder when he started moving. The water around them splashed up and over the lip of the tub, but both were too lost in each other to truly care. Their moans echoed off the tiles around them, filling the room with the sound of their voices.
One of Garreth’s hands moved down, his fingers rubbing tight circles around MC’s clit. He could feel her walls fluttering around his cock, signaling how close she was.
“Come on, pretty girl. Cum on my cock. You know I want it, give it to me.” He growled in her ear, snapping his hips harder.
She gave him what he wanted moments later, when he pinched the bundle of nerves. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and as Garreth had predicted, she fell forward and rested her arms on the edge.
“That’s it. Good girl. My good girl.”
Feeling his own orgasm swiftly approaching, he didn’t alter his pace. His fingers resumed their harsh assault, trying to push her into a fifth orgasm by the time he came.
“Just one more, MC. Wanna feel you milk me when I fill this pretty little cunt. I know you can do it. Unless you want me to pull out…”
She gasped at his threat, frantically shaking her head. “No, please no. Cum in me. Please cum in me.”
Garreth grinned, working the both of them towards a mutual orgasm. Feeling her walls squeezing his cock like a vice and hearing her screaming his name pulled his own orgasm from him. He buried her face in her neck, biting down gently as he groaned. MC whimpered, feeling his cock throbbing with every spurt of cum he filled her with.
Slightly regaining his own senses, Garreth released her neck, gently kissing the mark he had left behind. As he looked at it, he chuckled softly. MC would be able to cast a glamor charm to hide it, but he knew she’d be frustrated he had left something so visible to begin with. He hadn’t meant to, and he was usually very good at keeping any marks to where the two of them would be the only witnesses, but it had been too much this time.
“Merlin, you’re beautiful.” He spoke softly, pressing a kiss between her shoulder blades as he carefully pulled out of her beneath the water.
They both tried to catch their breath before cleaning themselves up, and MC was so spent she was just allowing herself to float amongst the bubbles. Garreth gently pulled her towards the stairs so he could sit and wash her hair for her. Tilting her head back with her chin, to get her hair completely soaked one more time, he settled in. He ensured she was comfortable on his lap before filling one of his palms with shampoo before his nails were scratching against her scalp.
MC practically purred in his lap, even if having to keep her own head upright felt like a task at the moment. She had always loved Garreth playing with her hair, and it was sweet that he’d wash it for her after effectively turning all of her bones to jello.
“I’m so proud of you, MC. Did so fucking brilliant in that game.” He dipped and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Did so fucking perfect for me too. Always take what I give you so well. Make me feel so good. Make me feel so loved. I love you, pretty girl.”
A tired hum left her lips, which were spreading into a giddy smile. “I love you too, Garreth.”
After soaking and debating whether or not MC really needed to make an appearance at the celebration they were going to be extremely fashionably late to (she did), the Gryffindor was walking around and collecting their clothes. Deciding to take the lazy way, since most of them were already wet, he dunked them into the soapy water and dried them with a charm. He turned his head to say something, and was stopped by the look MC was giving him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“That is how you’re deciding our clothes are clean? Need I remind you what’s fucking floating around in this water?”
He raised an eyebrow at her before casting scourgify and raising an eyebrow. “Is that better, your highness? It’s not my fault you needed to jump my bones so badly that neither of us had a chance to figure out other clothes.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes, but she was trying to hide a smile. “Whatever.”
He folded their clothes so they’d sit neatly on one of the shelves before he went to retrieve MC from the still warm water. Her legs were still a little weak, but the more she walked, the easier it was. By the time the two were dried and fully clothed again, she had started walking like normal.
“Hmm. I’ll have to do better tonight if you’re already walking fine. Come on, pretty girl. I’m ready to share you with people for a while.”
She laughed softly, taking his hand as the two snuck back out of the prefect bathroom and down to the party they were missing on the shore of the Black Lake.
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oldhotcinnam0n · 1 year
Tumblr media
Okay, woke up at 2:00 AM so just going to start Thirsty Thursday bright and early with sexy Weasley.
9 notes · View notes
pluvpluvpluv · 5 months
Her Biggest Fan
18+ || MDNI || Content Warnings: SMUT, characters aged up, established relationship, language, oral (f!receiving), fingering, unprotected pinv sex(don’t try this at home, use protection), creampie, size kink, praise kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, munch Garreth (he needs a warning imo), aftercare
Word Count: 3.6k
beater!Garreth Weasley x f!Hufflepuff!seeker!MC
A/N: Enjoy this brainworm that was born of a night of me, @marketfreshfics and @ellivenollivander thirsting over men in crop tops <3
There were few things Garreth Weasley loved more than quidditch. Being able to play again after Headmaster Black banned it fifth year felt like a breath of fresh air. He wasn’t the only student that had been excited at the start of their sixth year. Imelda Reyes had thrown a celebration so rowdy, some students feared that he would cancel the season again to punish them for it. There had been no incidents during sixth year too, which meant he had been able to play his favorite game during his last year too. While Garreth was disappointed that Gryffindor hadn’t made it to the quidditch cup, he wasn't having a bad time in the stands.
He was surrounded by a sea of golden yellow, staring across the pitch at the rival sea of emerald green. His own teammates were beside him and they were all causing a scene cheering for Hufflepuff. Arguably, after him, Natty and Leander were the loudest. He had help from his seeker in making his championship outfit. He wanted to ensure that he was the biggest Hufflepuff fan in the stands, not just MC’s - because the latter was a given. She had helped him transfigure MC’s practice jersey, after stealing it from her dorm that morning with some assistance from Poppy Sweeting, into a slightly loose fitting cropped tee. With summer fast approaching, he had anticipated the weather being warmer, and he was glad he was right. His girlfriend’s house took up the entire front of the crop top, and the back was reserved for her last name. His face lit up as he watched her fly directly in front of where he and his friends sat, flying around the pitch like she had been born on a broom instead of only flying for the last two years.
“Woo! MC!” He cupped his hands around his mouth and hollered after her as loud as he could.
She took a break from hunting for the golden glint of the snitch and looked towards where she heard her boyfriend’s voice come from. She was instantly filled with regret. What was meant to be a quick glance and a wink turned into an ogling session. She was clenching her jaw to keep it from falling all the way to the grass of the pitch as she saw him in her house colors. She had no idea where he had found that shirt, but it fit him perfectly, cutting off an inch or two above his belly button and showing off his toned stomach from his own quidditch workouts. Her eyes trailed down the copper happy trail she was intimately familiar with until she reached the waistband of his pants and she couldn’t see any further. Her eyes moved up, observing his broad chest and his arms. The sleeves were skin tight on his biceps, which seemed to bulge even when he wasn’t trying.
‘Godsdamned beater arms,’ she internally cursed, but her eyes were still stuck on him and moving upwards until she caught his face.
Her eyes found her favorite shade of green and realized she had been caught staring instead of playing her game. Her boyfriend winked at her before turning to show her his back. That was when it clicked what he was wearing and she knew she was going to either kill or worship Natsai Onai later for nicking it from her dorm. Seeing her last name across his broad back made her debate abandoning the game and taking her boyfriend into the prep tent and casting a muffling charm, but thankfully Amit’s broadcasted voice finally snapped her out of her daze.
“It looks like Reyes has spotted the snitch and she’s making a break towards it!”
Her eyes grew wide and she whipped around, looking for Imelda and hoping to catch a glimpse of gold as she headed that way. As she flew away, she once again heard her name and she pushed just a little harder. Thankfully, with the practice she had and the upgrades from her fifth year, it wasn’t hard to catch up to Imelda, but the Slytherin still had an advantage.
MC still hadn’t spotted the snitch.
Knowing her competition was far too competitive to try and throw her off course when she could see what they were both after, she just stuck to Slytherin’s captain.
It felt like they were soaring through and around the pitch for hours before Imelda finally slowed down.
“What happened Melda? Lose it?” She taunted, a smirk settled on her lips as she tried to catch her breath.
“Go back to eye fucking Weasley. Don’t worry about the snitch, I’ll catch it for you.”
MC just laughed before leaving the Slytherin captain behind. She wasn’t going to find it any faster sitting there and talking trash. As she flew around, using every ounce of self control to not let her gaze drift back to the Hufflepuff side of the stands for longer than it took for her to try and find a glint of gold against the yellow, she could still hear Garreth’s voice no matter where she was. Even next to the Slytherin stands, she could hear him over the jeers from the field of green and silver.
Then, there it was. The golden snitch.
MC didn’t even spare a glance at Imelda as she gave chase to the tiny flying ball. She heard Amit announce that she had found it this time and she knew that if Imelda hadn’t spotted it earlier, she’d be on her tail soon enough.
“Come on, you bastard,” she huffed, trying to will her broom to move faster.
She didn’t let up as she realized she was gaining on it, her gaze laser focused. Not wanting to lose her chance, she shot her arm out and almost screamed when she felt her fingers wrap around the cold metal.
The second it registered, she held her closed fist over her head and she diverted her broom to move back towards the center of the pitch.
“MC caught the snitch! Hufflepuff wins the cup!”
The second everyone’s favorite Ravenclaw finished announcing her accomplishment, another voice boomed through the open air.
“That’s my girl! That’s my fucking girl!”
MC laughed, immediately swarmed by her teammates as they all landed, but her eyes never left the stands. She blew a kiss up towards where she knew Garreth was sitting before she let herself get swallowed up by the excitement.
Leaving the team tent, still on a high, she intended to look for Garreth. She didn’t have to look far, and really she didn’t have to look at all. The moment he saw her leave the tent, his arms were wrapped around her waist and he lifted her off the ground in his embrace.
“There she is! The hero of Hufflepuff!”
MC laughed, her face buried in his neck. “You are a terror. I could hear you over the Slytherins.”
“Just means that I’m doing my job as your personal cheerleader.”
He set her down with a wink, leaning down to press his lips to hers in a tender kiss. She reciprocated, her touch just as sweet as his. Her hands moved from his shoulders down to his exposed sides and her thumbs started rubbing circles into his skin.
“I see that. You’ve got the uniform and everything, sneaky boy.” She hummed as she moved her lips to his neck, still dragging her fingers across his bare skin. “I could really go for a bath. It would be a terrible, terrible shame if I broke into the prefect bathroom alone while everyone else was celebrating my victory...”
“Well, I’m sure you’re exhausted from all that flying. Perhaps I should accompany you. To make sure the stairs don’t give you any trouble.” Garreth taunted her right back, gently squeezing her hips. “Come along, champion.”
The second the bathroom door closed behind them, MC cast a locking charm and turned her attention to Garreth. Her lips were on his in an instant, this kiss needier than the one he had graced her with when they reunited after the game.
“I cannot believe,” she huffed, pulling back slightly to start ridding herself of her quidditch uniform, “you turned my practice jersey into something so revealing…”
“My only regret is almost costing you the game. I didn’t realize you’d have such a…reaction.”
Garreth’s eyes dipped from her face to her bare breasts as she managed to get them free from the confines of her clothes. He truly thought she was the most gorgeous witch he had ever seen. He backed her up against the wall, kissing his way down her neck until he took one of her nipples in his mouth. He hummed at the taste of her skin, his gaze flicking up to her face as he kissed across her chest to make sure her other breast got the same attention. Satisfied with his work, he kissed his way down MC’s torso and left a trail of pale marks in his wake. Settling on his knees, he pulled back slightly to look up at the woman of his dreams. He didn’t need to look at his hands while removing the rest of her uniform, which allowed him to soak in just how amazing she looked from this angle.
“Merlin, MC. So. Fucking. Pretty. Perfect. Gorgeous.”
Every compliment was punctuated with a kiss to her inner thigh. Once he reached his destination, he spread her with his fingers and moaned at the sight.
“Hello pretty,” he murmured before licking up with the flat of his tongue.
Feeling his tongue moving through her folds and flicking over her clit immediately removed the question of if he was truly talking to her pussy from her mind. A low moan fell from her lips as her hands tangled in his copper hair. Her head dropped back against the wall and she felt him lifting one of her legs to rest over his shoulder. She looked down and almost moaned at the sight. Garreth was looking up at her, his lips were wrapped around her clit and she could feel him alternating between sucking and using his tongue to rub circles. The hottest thing about this angle was seeing that her thigh was practically the size of his shoulder. Quidditch had done wonders for her physique, and she understood the phrase “broom thighs” when she’d look at herself in the mirror. However, if the sport had done wonders for her, it had done miracles for her boyfriend.
Not only did Garreth also develop some of the sturdiest broom thighs MC had seen, but that effect just carried to every other muscle in his body too. Regular practices paired with the growth spurts he had hit the last two years, it constantly felt like he just towered over her. His strength was also a bonus that they enjoyed exploring on the nights they’d spend in the Room of Requirement, tangled in sheets from a conjured bed.
He could see her eyes going unfocused and one corner of his mouth turned up. He sucked her clit with extra force as he pushed two fingers into her. His smirk only grew as it pulled a loud moan from her. His fingers didn’t stop pumping into her as he pulled back.
“There you are, pretty girl. You were going somewhere on me.”
If she wasn’t already flushed from the pleasure coursing through every inch of her body, him calling her out would’ve caused color to flood her cheeks.
“I uh. I wa-as looking at my thigh on your shoulder.”
The Gryffindor chuckled, turning his head to plant a kiss on the thigh she was talking about. He knew MC well enough to be able to conclude what was running through her head.
“Yeah? This pretty thigh? Comparing size are you? So much smaller than me, aren’t you, pretty girl. Can’t toss you around in here but I can do this.”
She gasped as his free hand moved, lifting her other leg and hooking it over his shoulder so she was now sitting on his shoulders against the wall with his face buried in her cunt. Without another word, his mouth found its way back to her clit while he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her aching walls. His free hand settled on her hip, as if he was trying to ensure she didn’t fall.
MC felt her orgasm building, and her grip on her boyfriend’s hair grew impossibly tighter as she tried to push him into her more. Her walls fluttered around his fingers and his pace seemed to pick up, his fingers curling up in search of the spot he knew would make her scream.
“Gare–” She tried to warn him but she was cut off by a loud moan as his fingers found what they were searching for.
“I know, pretty girl. I can feel it. Cum for me. Be a good girl and let me taste you.”
Her moans only grew louder as he pushed her towards her orgasm, and her back arched off the wall as it hit with a cry of his name. Garreth only slowed for a moment, letting MC start to come down from what would be her first orgasm of the day before he ramped back up. He added a third finger and his mouth was working her clit like he had been starved his entire life. 
“Ah~! Garreth!” She was trying to push his head away one second and pulling him closer the next. “‘S too much! Please!”
He chuckled against her, his eyes looking up at her as if he was asking her if it was really too much. Unfortunately - or fortunately, really - Garreth knew her body practically as well as MC did. He knew she could keep going after he pulled one from her, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t ready to drown in her and suffocate between her thighs. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t trying either. After pulling two more orgasms from MC with his tongue and fingers, he slowly lowered her legs back to the ground. The lower half of his face glistened with the arousal he had drawn from her body, and in moments, his aptly named cheerleader outfit was on the ground and he was as bare as she was.
MC’s eyes immediately dropped, taking in the sight that was his hardened cock. She had seen him naked several times at this point, but she always stared at him naked. He somehow looked even bigger without clothes, his muscles on display and accentuating just how pretty his cock was. She knew from experience that it was the perfect size, and that the happy trail she had admired when he was in the stands led to a trimmed patch of copper curls she loved to bury her nose in when she took him down her throat.
There was no warning before he hoisted her up, unceremoniously kicking their clothes towards the edge of the pool sized bath before he submerged the both of them in the warm water. His lips found hers, and she could taste herself when his tongue found its way into her mouth. Recognizing the taste caused her to moan, her hips moving and grinding against his cock, the head catching her clit perfectly.
“So needy, aren’t you, pretty girl? Didn’t I just give you three orgasms and you still need more? What happened to it being too much?”
“Garreth, please.” She whined, pouting her kiss swollen lips at him.
“You know I can’t say no when you look at me like that, baby. Plus, I’m supposed to be rewarding my champion.”
He moved them through the water, turning MC to face away from him. Instead she faced the pile of their clothes at the edge of the tub. She looked back at Garreth with her eyebrows furrowed and he met her gaze with a grin.
“When you eventually hit the point where you can’t hold yourself up anymore, you can rest your head on our clothes.”
She held the edge of the tub, and soon felt her hips get lifted to the point even her tiptoes weren’t touching the bottom. She felt the head of Garreth’s cock drag up and down her slit a couple times before he pushed into her.
“Fuck, MC. Fuckin’ made to take me, weren’t you?”
She moaned at the feeling of her walls stretching to accommodate him, and she only grew louder when he started moving. The water around them splashed up and over the lip of the tub, but both were too lost in each other to truly care. Their moans echoed off the tiles around them, filling the room with the sound of their voices.
One of Garreth’s hands moved down, his fingers rubbing tight circles around MC’s clit. He could feel her walls fluttering around his cock, signaling how close she was.
“Come on, pretty girl. Cum on my cock. You know I want it, give it to me.” He growled in her ear, snapping his hips harder.
She gave him what he wanted moments later, when he pinched the bundle of nerves. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and as Garreth had predicted, she fell forward and rested her arms on the edge.
“That’s it. Good girl. My good girl.”
Feeling his own orgasm swiftly approaching, he didn’t alter his pace. His fingers resumed their harsh assault, trying to push her into a fifth orgasm by the time he came.
“Just one more, MC. Wanna feel you milk me when I fill this pretty little cunt. I know you can do it. Unless you want me to pull out…”
She gasped at his threat, frantically shaking her head. “No, please no. Cum in me. Please cum in me.”
Garreth grinned, working the both of them towards a mutual orgasm. Feeling her walls squeezing his cock like a vice and hearing her screaming his name pulled his own orgasm from him. He buried her face in her neck, biting down gently as he groaned. MC whimpered, feeling his cock throbbing with every spurt of cum he filled her with.
Slightly regaining his own senses, Garreth released her neck, gently kissing the mark he had left behind. As he looked at it, he chuckled softly. MC would be able to cast a glamor charm to hide it, but he knew she’d be frustrated he had left something so visible to begin with. He hadn’t meant to, and he was usually very good at keeping any marks to where the two of them would be the only witnesses, but it had been too much this time.
“Merlin, you’re beautiful.” He spoke softly, pressing a kiss between her shoulder blades as he carefully pulled out of her beneath the water.
They both tried to catch their breath before cleaning themselves up, and MC was so spent she was just allowing herself to float amongst the bubbles. Garreth gently pulled her towards the stairs so he could sit and wash her hair for her. Tilting her head back with her chin, to get her hair completely soaked one more time, he settled in. He ensured she was comfortable on his lap before filling one of his palms with shampoo before his nails were scratching against her scalp.
MC practically purred in his lap, even if having to keep her own head upright felt like a task at the moment. She had always loved Garreth playing with her hair, and it was sweet that he’d wash it for her after effectively turning all of her bones to jello.
“I’m so proud of you, MC. Did so fucking brilliant in that game.” He dipped and pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Did so fucking perfect for me too. Always take what I give you so well. Make me feel so good. Make me feel so loved. I love you, pretty girl.”
A tired hum left her lips, which were spreading into a giddy smile. “I love you too, Garreth.”
After soaking and debating whether or not MC really needed to make an appearance at the celebration they were going to be extremely fashionably late to (she did), the Gryffindor was walking around and collecting their clothes. Deciding to take the lazy way, since most of them were already wet, he dunked them into the soapy water and dried them with a charm. He turned his head to say something, and was stopped by the look MC was giving him.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“That is how you’re deciding our clothes are clean? Need I remind you what’s fucking floating around in this water?”
He raised an eyebrow at her before casting scourgify and raising an eyebrow. “Is that better, your highness? It’s not my fault you needed to jump my bones so badly that neither of us had a chance to figure out other clothes.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes, but she was trying to hide a smile. “Whatever.”
He folded their clothes so they’d sit neatly on one of the shelves before he went to retrieve MC from the still warm water. Her legs were still a little weak, but the more she walked, the easier it was. By the time the two were dried and fully clothed again, she had started walking like normal.
“Hmm. I’ll have to do better tonight if you’re already walking fine. Come on, pretty girl. I’m ready to share you with people for a while.”
She laughed softly, taking his hand as the two snuck back out of the prefect bathroom and down to the party they were missing on the shore of the Black Lake.
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boxdstars · 6 months
Any personal HCs about what happens to the gang after Hogwarts?
GOD IM SO SORRY ANON 😭😭 I’m so bad at time management, whoever you are - please accept a forehead kiss as compensation
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With that being said.. aside from my own little canon (and the joint-canon I share with each of my friends) I do have some general ideas for the kiddos!
Natsai undoubtedly becomes an Auror, it just feels heavily implied within her companion story. She’s looking for clues, standing up against the law to do things her own way, and doing what’s right. She wants to be better than those before her, and isn’t going to settle for not getting involved when she knows she can help. She’d also be much more prolific with her wandless magic.
Poppy being a magizoologist is another HC that just feels right. Of course she’d want to work with beasts, perhaps even pull a Charlie Weasley and go look after dragons in Romania. I can’t imagine she’d want to do anything else, especially if it means she could help beasts from poachers in that line of work as well.
Imelda gets to achieve her dreams of become a professional quidditch player. I reckon she’s a chaser, and she’s incredibly renowned for it, taking her team to the World Cup on several occasions.
Sebastian has a lot of options, being the favorite of the fandom I’ve seen a lot of ideas bounced around. A personal favorite of mine is that he becomes the DADA professor (though it’s in conflict with Dumbledore taking that position as well for a time). Either way, he definitely is involved in academia to some extent, later in life more like it. I could see him as a cursebreaker, something a little less sanctioned than an aurorship given his penchant for rule breaking.
Ominis needs some peace and quiet. And preferably far away from his family. I think he’s a good narrative mirror of his ancestor, Isolt Sayre. She fled the Gaunt family and ran to America (later being one of the founders of Ilvermorny) and it would be a nice justification as to why he wasn’t mentioned in later canon, as he fled his families clutches overseas and presumably took on a different surname.
Amit our little academic that he is, is going to be a professor no doubt. He’s not keen on action packed adventures, and like any true Ravenclaw, loves to share his never-ending thirst for knowledge. He’d definitely be a Hogwarts Professor, perhaps Astronomy or Charms (though he’d always have a fondness for the stars).
Garreth would pursue something more casual than the rest, no doubt following his passion for potions. I also think he’d be an excellent cook, not as a main profession but for his family! While he goofs around in class he makes no margin for error as an adult and is quite adept with a cauldron.
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niabridges · 7 months
Hogwarts Legacy boys describe themselves.
You’re in a dating sim. Now choose.
Sebastian 🐍
I wouldn't call myself handsome, exactly. More...intense, maybe. *winks* Messy brown hair, always falling in my brown eyes, and enough freckles to rival a toadstool. Trouble? Nah, it just likes to hang out with me. Let's just say life's more interesting when you don't shy away from the shadows. *whispers* So...wanna check out this secret dungeon my mate and I found?
Ominis 🐍
I've heard whispers of 'blond hair' and 'striking blue eyes', though their constant staring holds little interest for me. Unlike some, I don't flaunt my appearance to distract from a lack of depth. True understanding? Most of them wouldn't recognize it if it hit them in the face. Seriously, I can hear you breathing from across the hallway. The whole place is buzzing. *scoffs*
Garreth 🦁
Can't miss this Weasley ginger hair, wouldn't want to anyway! Got more freckles than you could count too, adds to the charm, right? But looks aren't everything – my potions are where it's at. Best brews in Hogwarts, no question. Course, I'm not just a potion boss. I've got a good head on my shoulders, always ready with a laugh... a well-rounded bloke, that's me. Let's sneak off to Honeydukes together. Just don't tell my aunt, alright?
Leander 🦁
I might look a bit like a lion with all these freckles and muscles. Don't worry, I'm pretty strong and I've always got my friends' backs. I'm not afraid of much around this school, so I can handle myself. You'll usually find me out in the courtyard showing off my broom skills – yeah, I'm a Chaser too! Oi! Sallow! I challenge you to a duel. *smirks at you*
Amit 🐦‍⬛
My sun-kissed skin holds whispers of ancestors who traced celestial paths. My eyes, deep and searching, seek not merely stars, but the mysteries they veil. I am Ravenclaw to the core – fueled by boundless curiosity, a thirst for knowledge that echoes the boundless heavens. Among the stars last night, I found a poem... and within it, I saw your face. *smiles*
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snowyslytherinowl · 1 year
Most Crushed on Male Harry Potter Characters: A Study (Version 1)
I was wondering what male characters from Harry Potter (including Hogwarts Legacy and Fantastic Beasts) are the most crushed on. When I couldn’t find anything online that answered my question, I decided to take it into my own hands and research it for myself. I looked at reader-insert fanfics and thirst trap videos on 4 websites (AO3, Tumblr, Wattpad, and TikTok) since I think it’s the most effective way of seeing how many people want to be the focus of a Harry Potter boy’s affection. Here are the results as of August 6, 2023! 
Note: I researched other characters (ex. Matteo Riddle, Charlie Weasley) that weren’t listed here, but some of them didn’t make the cut on any website. I’ve also never seen Fantastic Beasts or played/watched videos of Hogwarts Legacy, so it’s possible that I missed loved characters from those parts of the Harry Potter universe. 
The second version of this study is now out! You can find it here!
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*GIF isn't mine
What I did: I researched how many works are under “(male character)/reader” and “(male character)/you.” The number of works under these tags differed, so the number in parentheses is the higher number of works between those 2 tags. I only counted pairings with at least 300 works.
Draco Malfoy (1,414 works)
Severus Snape (1,013 works) 
Sirius Black (890 works)
Remus Lupin (817 works) 
Sebastian Sallow (710 works) 
Fred Weasley (698 works) 
George Weasley (627 works)
Harry Potter (401 works) 
James Potter (332 works) 
Newt Scamander (326 works) 
Tom Riddle/Voldemort (316 works) 
Ominis Gaunt (310 works)
Potential problems: I think the AO3 results are the most accurate since for the most part, all reader-insert works are under only 1 name of the character, not something like “Snape/reader” and then “Severus Snape/reader.” However, I did notice that there were sometimes works with 2 characters where 1 character had a relationship with the character, while the other character was in a loveless arranged marriage or some sort of non-con relationship that the author didn’t mean to romanticize. 
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” “(male character) x you,” and “(male character) x y/n.” The number of followers under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of followers between the 3 tags. I only counted characters that had a reader-insert tag with at least 2k followers. Some characters are tied because Tumblr only shows followers in thousands, not the specific number. 
Draco Malfoy (13k followers) 
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (11k followers)
Fred Weasley and James Potter (8k followers)
Newt Scamander and George Weasley (6k followers)
Regulus Black and Tom Riddle (5k followers)
Cedric Diggory and Severus Snape (4k followers)
Theodore Nott and Sebastian Sallow (3k followers)
Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Ominis Gaunt (2k followers)
Potential problems: Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like “Remus Lupin x reader” and “Lupin x reader.” I had to exclude Harry’s tags because a lot of the works under those tags were mixed with reader-inserts or other characters. Also, there are probably some thirst photos/GIFs on Tumblr for male characters that aren’t tagged as a reader-insert. 
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” (male character) x you, and (male character) x y/n. The number of results under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of results between the 3 tags. I only counted characters that had a reader-insert tag with at least 10k results. Some characters are tied because Wattpad doesn’t show the exact number of results. 
Draco Malfoy (68.5k results) 
Neville Longbottom (53.4k results)
Newt Scamander (50.9k results)
Cedric Diggory (49.3k results) 
Ominis Gaunt (37.5k results) 
Ron Weasley (26.3k results) 
Remus Lupin (19.4k results) 
Sirius Black and James Potter (18.9k results) 
Severus Snape (18.4k results) 
Fred Weasley (15.9k results)
George Weasley (12.8k results)
Theodore Nott (11k results) 
Tom Riddle (10.7k results)
Potential problems: I don’t think these results are very accurate. Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like Remus Lupin x reader and Lupin x reader. I had to exclude Harry again because his results pulled up results for other characters. Similarly, searches for other characters pulled up reader-insert stories written only for a different character. 
What I did: I looked up “(male character) thirst” on TikTok and filtered the results to show videos in order of highest number of likes to least number of likes. The first video wasn’t necessarily a thirst video of that character, so I had to manually search for the thirst video with the highest number of likes. I only recorded characters where their thirst video with the highest number of likes had at least 10k likes. Some are tied because the same video covered multiple characters. 
Harry Potter (3m likes)
Newt Scamander (447.6k likes)
Neville Longbottom (295.4k likes)
Dean Thomas (206.9k likes)
Cedric Diggory (131.6k likes)
Fred, Ron, George, and Bill Weasley (123.8k likes)
Draco Malfoy (91.6k likes)
Severus Snape (57.5k likes)
Remus Lupin (21.4k likes )
Lucius Malfoy (21k likes)
Sirius Black and James Potter (17.6k likes)
Potential problems: There were so many problems with finding videos on TikTok that romanticized the character, so I would take the TikTok results with a grain of salt. It was really frustrating to research on TikTok LMAO. I originally just looked up videos with the name of the character, but it took forever to find a thirst video and it was sometimes difficult to tell if it was an actual thirst. For example, there were some edits of Snape that showed him as a kid and a grown-up and it wasn’t clear if the creator was romanticizing him. For this reason, I know that the rankings I listed are most likely inaccurate because there are definitely thirst videos of characters that weren’t labeled as thirst videos. Also, for the results I gave for Harry, I looked up “Harry Potter thirst” and chose the video that @miwallbank duetted and had the most likes. 
For accuracy reasons, I left out the numbers of results from TikTok because I think that my research was inaccurate for the most part. 
Draco Malfoy (approximately 82,914 admirers)
Newt Scamander (approximately 57,226 admirers)
Neville Longbottom (approximately 55,400 admirers)
Cedric Diggory (approximately 53,300 admirers)
Ominis Gaunt (approximately 39,810 admirers)
Remus Lupin (approximately 31,217 admirers)
Sirius Black (approximately 30,790 admirers)
Ron Weasley (approximately 28,300 admirers)
James Potter (approximately 27,232 admirers)
Fred Weasley (approximately 24,598 admirers)
Severus Snape (approximately 23,413 admirers)
George Weasley (approximately 19,427 admirers)
Theodore Nott (approximately 14,000 admirers)
Tom Riddle (approximately 5,316 admirers)
Regulus Black (approximately 5,000 admirers)
Sebastian Sallow (approximately 3,710 admirers)
Do I think these final results are accurate? Most likely not, so take the final results with a grain of salt. Also, these results aren’t necessarily indicative of how much a character is crushed on since there are probably plenty of people who don’t write fanfiction or follow tags on their loved character. I might do this again, but this is what I have for now. Thanks for reading!
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 5 months
Better Off - Bernard DeMarco x OFC - Chapter 6
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Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 |-| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Summary: After finally acknowledging the grief of losing her sister, Susie opens a door for her and DeMarco to grow closer
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 4.1k
Tags: @xxluckystrike @latibvles @footprintsinthesxnd @mads-weasley @joyfulbookreviewmarvelspy
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Sunlight blinded her the moment her eyelids peeled open, spilling forth through the gap in the curtains and bathing her in a bright, warm glow. Susie groaned, a headache thrumming behind her eyes, an unbearable dryness coating the inside of her throat. Tossing an arm over her face to shield herself from the sun, it took her a long moment to realise she didn't know where she was.
This registered with a sudden panic, a jolt of electricity shocking her awake as she pushed herself to sit up, thick, comfortable bedsheets rustling with each sharp movement. She wasn't in her hut - for a moment her mind even wondered if she'd somehow ended up home, back in Manchester, until she realised her mother had never been able to afford blankets as nice as these.
An indiscernible mass weighed down her feet, and with a gentle kick, Meatball let out a tired whimper, peeking his head up from beneath the opposite end of the duvet. Susie would have laughed had she not been so dumbfounded by her surroundings, the huge double bed and floral wallpaper utterly unfamiliar to her. Turning her head, she noticed a crumpled scrap of paper on the nightstand, and reached across to seize it, resting uncomfortably on one elbow.
Out on a mission. Called in sick on your behalf.
Meatball's been fed. Coffee downstairs.
See you later
She'd had to squint to read his handwriting, chicken scratch letters almost indecipherable in her freshly conscious state. It took her a second to recall who 'Benny' even was, the nickname so foreign to her. He'd scribbled a smiley face next to his name, and Susie felt the corner of her lips curl upwards, oddly comforted by the gesture.
Memories of the night before began to return to her. Everything since the call with Beatrice had been a blur the moment she'd awoken, but the longer she sat there, watching Meatball roll back and forth across the mattress, things seemed to return to clarity. She was in one of the rooms above the pub - the owner had been reluctant to admit them so late at night, but she faintly recalled DeMarco slipping the man some extra cash. He'd been there when she'd fallen asleep. She'd woken up earlier that morning - at the time she thought she was dreaming, but now it grew apparent that it had been real. He'd been getting ready to leave, treading carefully so as not to make a sound. As he'd placed the note on the table beside her, he'd whispered something... but now she had no idea what on earth he had said.
Unceremoniously casting away the blankets, Susie rose from her bed groaning as she stretched her arms as high above her head as they could go. Beatrice's words from the night before remained etched clearly in her memory, the only thing she could truly recall with any lucidity. She'd forgotten how good it felt to cry. She had no idea how long it had been since the last time she let it happen - not since Ellie died, for certain. The combination of far too much wine and the sudden release of years of pent-up grief certainly had its way of making its effects felt the morning after. Susie staggered towards the bathroom, drinking cold water from her cupped palms with the fervour of someone dying of thirst, the relief to her throat immediate and heavenly.
Meatball darted back and forth between her feet as she dressed, and it was a constant fight not to trip as she pulled on her trousers. She'd awoken wearing what definitely was her sweater, but where it had come from she had no clue, as it had been tucked away in her drawers back at the hut the last time she remembered seeing it.
At least DeMarco had been right about the coffee. It felt strange to drink it sitting up at the bar, the rest of the pub lit with daylight and entirely deserted save for the barman, still cleaning pint glasses from the night before.
"You look like shit," He pointed out.
"Thank you," Susie nodded. There was a clock up on the wall behind the bar, its steady ticking piercing the veil of silence that lingered over the place. She stared at it for a while, watching the second hand rotate around and around as Meatball sniffed at her feet, nudging her toe with his nose. Tilting her cup, she felt a mouthful of hot coffee scald her throat as it worked its way down.
"Hey - d'you know what time the planes left?" She called to the barman as he wandered past, a keg of beer tucked under each arm.
He glanced up at the clock, blowing out a long breath. "Not sure, love. Think your fella left here about four hours ago, but I could be wrong."
"Oh, he's- ...Thanks." Susie gnawed at the inside of her lip, deciding the correction wasn't worth the energy it would take to make.
But there was something pecking away at her insides, something deep in her stomach that made her feel slightly ill the longer she stared up at the clock, watching the minutes tick by. Her heel began to tap incessantly against the leg of her barstool, heaving in one long sigh after the other, fingers drumming against the outside of her mug. There was a restlessness in her that was beginning to drive her mad, and it only worsened with each passing moment she spent just sitting there. Whatever this feeling was, she couldn't just wallow in it.
Meatball let out a joyful bark as they left the pub, sprinting down to the end of the road and straight back up to her, tail wagging wildly, tongue dangling to the side. Susie had tugged her sweater back on over her uniform shirt from the night before, slightly-too-long sleeves hanging down past her palms, the wool fraying in places around the hems from years of wear and tear.
She'd never attempted to walk all the way to the airstrip from the village, and the further she trekked it was beginning to become clear why. The hike was far longer than she'd envisioned, and by the time they arrived at the runway, her feet ached for release, although Meatball remained as chipper as ever, the familiar surroundings exciting him as he began to sniff around for friendly faces.
"Oi!" Susie was ripped from her thoughts by the echo of Charlotte's voice as the woman approached. Crowds had already begun to assemble, ambulances and medics waiting nearby in preparation for the worst. It was a formation she'd seen countless times before, but for some reason this time it felt different, a bolt of nausea running through her before she forced herself to look away, turning towards her friend. "You look terrible."
"Yeah, I know. Morning to you too."
"They said you were off sick today," Charlotte frowned, brow arched in question. Of course, she had noticed Susie's absence the night before. Whatever had happened - however her sweater had made its way from the hut to her sleeping form - she was bound to have questions.
"Uh, yeah, I am. I just - I wanted to come up here... are they on their way back?"
"Any minute now," She nodded. Folding her arms tight across her chest, Charlotte moved to stand beside Susie, swaying slightly on the balls of her feet as they both stared up at the grey sky above.
"... Y'know," Charlotte began. "I don't mind if you don't tell me where you went. But you can."
Susie leant towards her, their shoulders pressing together. "I know."
Almost as if on cue, the steady hum of engines came into earshot, the dark shapes of returning planes just visible through the thin blanket of cloud. She hadn't realised that she'd begun picking at her nails in agitation until Charlotte reached out and grabbed her wrist, tugging her hands away from each other. Susie peered down at them, pink flesh raw and sore around the edges of her nails, then glanced across at her friend. Charlotte had noticed what she was doing without even having to look. She shoved her fists into her pockets.
The sounds of engines rose to a deafening roar as they swooped into land, propellers spinning to a slow halt as tyres skidded against concrete, coming to a slow stop one by one in various states of disrepair. Ground crews and medics were already springing into action from the moment the first bomber made touch-down, and all the two women could do was stand and watch, trying their best to make out the names scrawled across the noses of each passing fort.
She had long lost sight of Meatball, the dog skittering around the place and darting between legs in search of anyone familiar to him. Susie had begun to grow paranoid at her inability to locate 'Our Baby' when his bark split the air and he came bounding up to her from within the crowds, leaping up onto his hind legs as one of his claws caught on her sweater.
"Hey, hey, shhh," She cooed, stroking his head until he calmed down, stilling long enough for her to untangle his paw from the knots of wool. Meatball's tail wouldn't stop wagging, his head snapping back and forth between Susie and the crowds that covered the runway. When she glanced up, Charlotte was already walking away, a faint smirk creasing her cheek.
"Suze!" Her gaze darted towards the sudden voice, spotting DeMarco as he crossed the tarmac towards her, dark hair slick with sweat and plastered to his temples.
"Hey," She breathed, wide-eyed as he approached, a laugh escaping his throat as Meatball jumped up at him, barking with glee.
DeMarco stopped in front of her, lifting his hand to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. Yesterday she would've flinched.
"You look nice," He said.
"Oh, shut up," Susie shook her head, breaking their moment of eye contact. He let out a low chuckle, clearly anticipating such a response. "...You alright?"
Nodding for a long moment, DeMarco took a deep breath. "Yeah. Could ask you the same."
"Right, well I was never at risk of getting blown up, but thanks," She huffed, squinting in the sunlight as she began to smile. As he began to shrug off his jacket, DeMarco let out a faint hiss of pain. Susie's eyes narrowed at him, folding her arms across her chest. "Uh-huh, right, so when you said you were fine you were full of shit?"
He batted a hand at her, shaking his head. "It's just a stiff back - woke up with it. 'S what happens when you sleep in a chair all night, y'know."
"You... Did you stay all night?"
DeMarco froze for a second, and from the way he was staring at her, she could tell he was trying to gauge her reaction, to predict her response.
"I... don't wanna answer that if it'll make you mad at me."
"I assumed you'd just come back in the morning. When I saw you leaving-"
"I thought you were asleep when I left."
"Mostly. I thought I was dreaming at the time."
A lopsided, boyish grin spread across his face. "Oh yeah? You dream about me a lot?"
"Oh, Jesus Christ," Susie rolled her eyes, whacking him across the shoulder and making him wince again. "... Sorry."
"It's cool. Hey, I gotta go debrief - I'll see you later, ok?"
"Yeah, yeah, see you later," She nodded. As he began to walk away, she felt a question burning on the tip of her tongue, desperate to be asked. "Oh, hey - DeMarco?"
He stopped, turning back as he waited for her to speak. What had she wanted to say? Why did you stay? What did you say to me before you left? Why can't I think of anything but whether you're alright when you leave?
"Uh- it's nothing. Don't worry about it."
Susie reached into the paper bag in her lap, passing a sandwich across to DeMarco as he poured a cup of coffee from the thermos, fending off Meatball to prevent him from snatching the meat out from between the bread. It had become a usual occurrence for him to join her on her lunch break, bringing with him food of his own to add to her meagre feast, and he came almost every day when he wasn't flying a mission. Charlotte and Maeve had joined them initially, but after returning to work the pair had been left alone, sitting in the grass beneath one of the trees at the edge of the airfield.
Lying back against the ground, she lifted her foot in the air, holding her toe to blot out the blinding afternoon sun. It was almost perfectly quiet here, the wall of trees muffling the constant noise of the ground crews, toiling away across the field.
"So," DeMarco began, propping himself up on his elbows. "If you weren't working here - if there wasn't a war and we didn't have to do all this - what d'you think you'd be doing right now?"
Susie frowned, letting out a faint huff. "God, I dunno. Probably still be in my old job."
"Which was-?"
"I was the projectionist at the Paramount in Manchester. Y'know - splicing the reels, switching them over, keeping the projectors running. Did that for five years before the war - got bloody good at it." When she looked over at him, he was smiling. "What?"
"Nothin', I just wouldn't have guessed it. You liked it?"
"Well, I got to sit around watching films on my own and no one talked to me."
"That tracks, actually."
Susie laughed, a deep chuckle vibrating from her chest. It had been a long time since she'd thought about that theatre, of the hours she'd spent sitting up in that tiny booth, only half paying attention to whatever book she had in her lap so that she was ready when the film ran its course. The constant clicking, rolling, scrolling sound of the reels of film had once occupied her mind almost permanently - she'd swear she could still hear it at dinner, or lying awake in bed at night, the noise etched into her very brain. But it had been years since she'd heard it now.
She lifted a hand to her mouth, biting nervously at her thumbnail for a moment as she built up the courage to speak again, feeling her heart rate begin to speed up inside her chest.
"I have a question, too."
"Oh yeah?" DeMarco shifted in the grass, propping himself up on one side so that he could face her properly. She wished he'd stop staring at her like that. It was awkward enough to ask what she needed to without those damn eyes on her, his expression always so open and forgiving no matter what venom seemed to lace her tongue.
Susie grunted, pushing herself up to stand as she paced back and forth in front of him for a while. He watched her go this way and that, over and over, beginning to frown. "You havin' a breakdown over there?"
"Will you come with me to Charlotte's wedding?" She blurted, rambling so quickly she was worried the words might have blurred together into a single, unintelligible slur.
"What?" DeMarco grinned, although there wasn't a hint of mockery in his smile.
"Charlotte said I could bring someone, I - I dunno, it's stupid, don't worry about it," Susie shook her head, a hint of red colouring her cheeks.
"No, no! I'll come. Not stupid," He hadn't moved from his spot, cheeks creasing with the weight of his grin.
She threw her hands up, refusing to meet his gaze. "It's just, I'm gonna be the only person showing up on my own otherwise, and it'll be weird and embarrassing and-"
"Hey, Susie! Susie. I already said I'll go. I'm just... I dunno, surprised to be your first choice."
Sitting back down again, Susie let out a long, deep breath, feeling a weight rise off her shoulders now that the question was out there in the open. The idea of showing up alone had been bugging her for weeks, but it wasn't until that morning, sitting alone in the bed he'd paid for, did she realise the answer had been in front of her all this time.
"Well, it's- ...Whatever, it's not like I had any old boyfriends to dig up for the occasion."
"You never had a boyfriend?" DeMarco scoffed in disbelief.
She narrowed her eyes at him, shrugging. "Don't act like it's so unbelievable. I mean, I've done the sex and the snoggin' and all that stuff but... no. Nothing serious. But I'm a bit bloody miserable and not very pretty so it adds up."
"Don't say that," He shook his head slightly, tone suddenly firm.
"Don't say what?"
"Don't say you're not pretty - you're very pretty, Suze."
"Oh, but I am miserable, eh?" Susie joked, attempting to hide how taken aback she'd been by his sudden seriousness.
"Hey, I'm sworn to honesty," DeMarco shrugged, laughing as she lashed out, smacking him on the chest with the back of her hand.
They slipped into silence, watching Meatball attempt to chase a small group of geese across the field. She chuckled as the dog darted back and forth, the birds leaping to fly over his head whenever he got too close. DeMarco let his head loll to the side again, watching her face as she smiled. Who the hell had told her she wasn't pretty? He couldn't believe it - couldn't fathom how she could either. There was something effortless to her that he found wonderful - how she never bothered to curl or pin her hair, how her uniform was never quite up to regulation, how she never seemed able to tie her necktie the same way twice.
Susie let out a groan, her head tilting back. "What is it now?" He asked.
"Remembered I have a job."
"That's rough. You should probably go do that."
With a sigh, she took the last sip of her coffee and scrambled to her feet, brushing stray pieces of grass off her trousers, a faint patch of damp creeping up her back. There was a leaf stuck to the back of her hair, and as Susie scrambled to collect her things, DeMarco stood up, trying and failing to reach it through her constant movement. She turned, almost bumping into him, their faces only inches apart.
"Can I help you?" Susie asked quietly.
He reached around to the back of her head, plucking away the leaf and holding it up so she could see. "Got it."
Letting out a snort of amusement, she nodded, taking a step back and turning to leave. "Come 'round my hut sometime and I'll give you the wedding invitation," She called over her shoulder, the sunlight hitting her auburn hair and lighting the frizz around its edges a bright, flaming orange.
"Will do!" DeMarco shouted in reply, standing perfectly still as he watched her hike up the slope to the top of the field and disappear. Looking down, he realised he was still holding the leaf in his hand.
Darkness had begun to fall over Thorpe Abbotts by the time Susie returned from work, a cigarette burning away between her lips as she approached her hut, keys jangling in her palm as she flicked through to find the right one. Sliding it into the lock and opening the door with a click, the place was already almost full as she entered, her bunkmates reading and chatting and pinning their hair into curlers in preparation for the next day. In the centre of the room, Charlotte and Maeve were holding up a long, white wedding gown, each of them gripping one end, eyeing it closely as they talked amongst themselves. Charlotte had spent months preparing the thing, sewing it herself out of scraps of parachute silk, and it was now achingly close to completion with only two weeks to spare.
"How's it lookin'?" Susie asked, strolling past them to get to her bed, shrugging off her jacket as she went.
"Come over here and put it on," Charlotte ordered.
She sighed, kicking her shoes off. "Again?" She and Charlotte shared almost identical measurements, and in the absence of any sort of mannequin, Susie found herself modelling the dress far more often than she would've liked.
"I think this should be the last time - I just need to sew the lace on once it comes in the post. But I'm not sure about the cut of the sleeves."
"Why can't you just put it on yourself?"
"Fine! Fine, God," Shaking her head, Susie crossed the room towards them, stripping off her uniform as she went. Her friends helped her into the dress, feeling almost lost beneath the layers of identical silk. Charlotte was slightly taller than her, so the hem of the skirt crumpled itself against the floor, but it was otherwise an almost perfect fit.
Maeve sat on the end of her bed, watching as Charlotte surveyed the dress, muttering inaudibly to herself as she poked at the sleeves and the fit of the bodice. Susie refused to turn her head for fear that she'd catch sight of her reflection in one of the girls' mirrors. She'd seen Charlotte wear it enough times to know what it must have looked like on her, but something about the idea of seeing it made her intensely uncomfortable.
"See, I'm thinking of taking the sleeves up a bit," Charlotte explained, marking out with her finger where she wanted to raise the fabric. "Like this, see?"
"Yeah, I think that'd be nice," Mave nodded. She had been dragged into the project just as involuntarily as Susie had, but they played their parts diligently for Charlotte's sake.
A knock sounded at the front door to the hut, and one of the other women scrambled up off her bed to go and answer it. People came by all the time, so the interruption hadn't even caught Susie's attention until her name was called.
"Susie! It's for you."
Her brow furrowed. "Who is it?" She replied, already thinking up an excuse to avoid having to go to the door. The woman stuck her head around the door again, talking briefly to whoever was outside.
"Says his name's Benny."
Maeve's face seemed to light up, grinning over at her. "Fuck's sake," Susie muttered, hiking up her skirts with as much care for Charlotte's handiwork as she could as she marched towards the front door.
DeMarco stood out in the darkness, a nearby streetlight basking half of his face in a warm glow. He'd smiled the moment she'd appeared in the doorway, but it faded into confusion as he took a moment to process her appearance.
"... Oh?"
She rolled her eyes. "Charlotte's wedding dress. We're the same size, she's- ...I dunno what she's doing really."
He let out a chuckle, nodding. She hadn't had a chance to deal with her hair since getting back, and curls protruded at all angles from the bun on the back of her head, which had been steadily slipping out of place for hours. Paired with the wedding gown, it was a distinctly strange combination.
"Well, I just came by to get the invite, I didn't mean to interrupt... whatever this is."
"Ooh, right," Susie nodded, using one of the other girls' boots as a makeshift doorstop as she scurried back inside, skirt held up to her knees as she rummaged in the drawer of her nightstand until she found it.
"There you go," She declared, holding it out to him as she returned.
"Thanks," DeMarco nodded, slipping the invitation into his pocket. Looking back up at her, he couldn't help but stare for a moment. Despite the strangeness of the situation, he couldn't deny that it suited her. He cleared his throat, shaking his head before his mind was allowed to wander to places he wasn't ready for. "Ok, well. Have fun with this," He said, gesturing to her dress. "I'll see you around."
"Yes," Susie spoke slowly, flashing him an awkward smile. As she reached back to close the door, a forgotten pin hidden inside one of the seams poked through her flesh, eliciting a hiss of pain. "Fuck! Charlotte, you haven't taken all the pins out of this thing!"
From somewhere inside, Charlotte's voice echoed. "Take it off before you get blood on it!"
Benny cleared his throat, feeling heat rise to his face. "Oh, right, ok - I'll be on my way."
"Bye!" She yelped, practically slamming the door in his face in her desperation to get out of the dress. Through the door, he could hear muffled voices, fast and irritated, and he let out a chuckle, gravel crunching beneath his feet as he walked away.
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