#weaponized therapy
heterorealism · 6 months
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23-snvkecvlts · 3 months
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Maddy watched her son as he chatted with his friends at the kitchen table, homework and after school snacked were scattered across its surface as Danny told his friends all about his new crush.
And that was exactly what it was. She recognized those soft pleading puppy dog eyes, those dreamy sighs and of course the way that Sam girl was bending the cutlery in her grip as she gritted her teeth.
If she hadn't tested her multiple times she would have thought Sam was a ghost! Now there's a funny thought! A ghost! Under thier noses the entire time! She could have laughed!
Bringing this up with Jack made him have the same conclusion as her. They needed to go to Gotham to capture this Red Robin boy and make sure he wasn't an evil ghost in disguise and if he isn't then they needed to give him a good shovel talk anyway. This was the baby of thier family after all. Thier little angel was the sweetest, most innocent child on the planet and they wouldn't let anyone hurt him!
Meanwhile Danny is whispering to his friends about how he had reanimated like 800 hot dogs and set them loose in Vlads business tower when Bruce Wayne was supposed to be visiting. They had little guns, swords, battle flags and everything
Maddie later realizes the Robin of the less red variety was also her sons "type" and tries to capture him too. She also considers putting her son in therapy cause she's noticing some unhealthy trends in his choice of significant others...
Later Danny calls the police station and asks to speak to batman. When asked why he confessed he wanted to ask if they could free his parents and that thier godfather was a supervillian who was weirdly obsessed with Danny and his mom and has been abusive in the past.
The bats didn't even get a chance to make a joke before the bat adoption papers were out.
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gael-garcia · 8 months
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Ghost Hunting (2017, Raed Andoni) اصطياد أشباح
Former Palestinian inmates use theater to relive and share their experiences of being detained in an Israeli interrogation center. Watch on netflix
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aquarines · 11 days
for transparency sake, i want everyone to know that i never want any character on interview with a vampire to get therapy ever
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oddly-casual · 11 months
Mutant Mayhem Spoilers
(Donnie appreciation post, he’s a little instigator)
Okay I’m being a little Dramatic abt the instigator thing, but I think I’m mostly right.
Before MM was released and all we had were trailers I heard a lot of people talking about the potential dynamics of all the brothers, mainly that Raph was going to be the Rebel older brother that Donnie and Mikey follow with Leo being a wet blanket.
And while they were right about Leo being a wet blanket sometimes (it’s the anxiety), I think Donnie takes the mantle for a lot of the rule breaking and planning in this movie.
In the very beginning when Raph suggests staying out longer, Donnie instantly pulled out his phone and put the idea of the Movie in everyone’s heads. Didn’t even wait for Leo to response before he was off and Raph and Mikey followed. Almost like he already had it locked and loaded.
Donnie is the first one to come up with the plan to gain acceptance through catching Superfly, which all his brothers are immediately on board.
In almost every scene when Donnie is driving he’s always pulling some NASCAR, Mario cart, movie logical racing that gets them out of all pinches, and-
Donnie was the one who snapped out of it the quickest when Superfly was threatening to grind them into powder- able to divert attention and make the whole ‘we don’t like this plan’ seem like a joke and even offering to drive by himself so they could be closer to the machine piece.
He’s also the first one who yells at Cynthia when they’re put in the milking machine, which requires some guts ngl-
Almost every plan or outspoken moment or even quick save is done by Donnie. (With Raph coming in second for those quick saves)
I’m just super happy that Donnie got a ton to do in this movie and we can really see his potential.
And Donnie is still the smartest! He wasn’t the smartest because he was a tech master, he was the smartest because he could drive and he’s straight up the biggest opportunist in the film, with his smarts being more subtle then outright. It’s a different take on Donnie’s intelligence and I’m really glad they did it.
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sixbucks · 1 year
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vole-mon-amour · 3 months
The fact that in the Temperance ending Johnny has the access to any of V's cars and her guns (including his Malorian), but he doesn't take any, including his beloved Porsche.
Johnny could've taken his beloved car back on the road and sleep in it when needed, and move at his own pace, but instead he leaves it ALL behind and gets out of the city on a city bus.
I love him and the Temperance ending so much. 😭 If there's no happy ending for both V and Johnny, there's the Temperance ending, my beloved.
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heterorealism · 9 months
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thegreateggbandit · 6 months
*Me trying to convince my brother to watch ROTTMNT*
Me: So Leo gets a portal sword, Mikey gets this fire ball-on-chain-thingy,
Brother: Uh huh, makes sense I guess.
Me: Donnie keeps his tech-bo and Raph gets—
Brother: Therapy?
Me: … *ten minutes laughing hard*
Me: heheh nope!
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venti-death-watch · 10 months
yknow based on freminet’s emphasis on being controlled & the director’s weapon vs making his own decisions, and looking at xiao’s everything, if one of the house of hearth kids is going to betray the fatui/join the traveler i’d kinda expect it to be him
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a-c-u-l-o-s · 10 months
Fowl Manor, Artemis' office
Artemis straightening a pile of papers on his desk.
Artemis: Thank you for joining me today everyone, for your yearly employee review.
Insert collective sigh
Artemis: Juliet, why dont we begin with you. If you could please stop signing your emails with "Fowl Manor, WWE Wrestler Jade Princess Headquarters" that would be very helpful. If anything it would stop the stalkers from trying to enter the premises and being *ahem* dealt with by Butler.
Juliet: But that's why I do it.
Artemis: Please. Stop.
Now on to Butler. You're doing great. I'm still alive despite the incident with the anthrax last week.
Butler: That was your anthrax.
Artemis: I cannot confirm nor deny that.
And finally, Mulch. I don't know why you're here. You're not on my paylist. Please stop squatting in the basement.
Mulch: Hmm you drive a hard bargain, mudman, but no.
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Chapter 11: Homecoming
After a short intermission, Nico would finally return to the S.F. base, greeting his colleagues and friends (and Sonya) as if he didn’t see them in years.
JOHNNY: Hey, kid. Glad to see you made it back safe and sound. How'd it go?
ROBIN: Long story short, I went, I saw, I was beaten to a pulp, then I woke up and got yelled at. The usual.
JOHNNY: You alright? You look like you need some rest. And to fix that mask of yours.
ROBIN: Nah, man. It's alright, I really just need a proper rest.
The caped crusader would then walk off into his room, sitting on his bed and taking off the damaged mask, which had a bullet-shaped dent on the left side, and completely missing a right side, other than the part that covers the mouth. he would then hear a knock at his door.
ROBIN: Come in.
Then Cassie, Jaqui, Takeda and Kung Jin would enter. The Kombat Kids would all take seats and start rapid firing questions at the crusader.
CASSIE: Hey, Nico! We heard you were back, so we wanted to check in. How'd it went?
ROBIN: Great. Almost died, but, uh... Great.
TAKEDA: So, uh, why's your mask all messed up?
ROBIN: Well, that's the part where I almost died. Shao Kahn's kid headbutted the right side into oblivion and a cowboy shot it two times.
KUNG JIN: So standard Outworld stuff?
Cassie would then add, as she's tying Nico's hair.
CASSIE: And how did the mission go?
ROBIN: Poorly. I found the person I was supposed to and they just slipped through my fingers.
Jaqui would then say, while holding the mask.
JAQUI: Well, you might need some new parts.
The caped crusader, with a bit of an attitude, responds.
ROBIN: Oh no, thanks. The old parts are just fine.
TAKEDA: No, dude, seriously. If we get some titanium plating or something, we can make your mask even stronger.
ROBIN: Can you look through Titanium?
ROBIN: Then no.
KUNG JIN: Well, that's stupid.
ROBIN: No, that's Sparta. Now, if you all would excuse me, I got some relaxation to do, so if you guys would be so kind?
CASSIE: Oh, right, sorry. C'mon, guys, let's go.
And with that, they left, and the crusader, laying down in his bed, took a big, long breath, and closed his eyes, relaxing while listening to music. Sonya would then see the team exit Robin's room, while a bit curious, passes it off. As the next day rolls by, the group is having lunch together, talking about their days and whatnot. After that, Cass would ask for something from Johnny.
CASSIE: So, dad, you got any plans for today?
JOHNNY: Hmm... considering that we just wrapped up Ninja Mime 5, No, not really. Why do you ask?
CASSIE: Well, I was wondering, maybe you could call up Nico later, I wanna see how he is in a fight. Who knows? maybe he'll finally get out of his room.
JOHNNY: Ooohhh, yeah. That could work.
Meanwhile, the crusader is still relaxing, but, as the team would soon find out, not sleeping, and listening to his music in the background, loud enough for the team to hear. Johnny would go and knock on the door.
ROBIN: Go away.
Mr. A-list would walk in anyways, seeing the masked crusader in a strange position, almost draping from the bed.
ROBIN: Alright, man, what is it?
JOHNNY: Wanted to check in on ya. How you doing?
ROBIN: Still alive, if that's what you mean.
JOHNNY: No, I'm more worried about your mental health.
ROBIN: Yeah, no. That's a no-go.
JOHNNY: Listen, Cass wants to see you fight again. And I wanna see what you got.
ROBIN: I don't know what this has to do with my mental health.
JOHNNY: I know, man. Just... give it a try.
The caped crusader sits up, and sighs.
ROBIN: Alright. For them.
he would get up and go to the training room, to see Cassie punching the shit out of a sand bag.
ROBIN: Wow. Someone's a little excited, aren't they?
CASSIE: Hey, I heard you were finally ready to fight. Let's see what you've got.
JOHNNY: Imma go check something. You kids play nicely, okay?
As the action star left the room, Cassie and Nico were face to face, staring each other down, almost like they were about to throw down, but Nico's the one that would make the first move.
ROBIN: So, what's this about?
CASSIE: This was all so I can get you to leave your room.
ROBIN: You sassy bitch.
Nico would take a jab, and Cass would block it, and counter, but Nico dodges. They continue to exchange blows, with Nico getting the upper hand. Then, Cassie would duck, making Robin think she'll leg sweep, but the crusader jumps, and then she would actually do it. The caped crusader was caught off guard and fell down. He gets up and shakes it off.
ROBIN: Aight, well played.
Cassie would extend her hand to the crusader, helping him up.
CASSIE: Not bad yourself, man.
Nico would shake her hand, and the two would hear clapping behind them. They turn around, and see Sonya.
SONYA: That was pretty impressive. You sure you've fought anyone before?
ROBIN: My whole life has been a fight. ADHD would do that to ya.
CASSIE: That doesn't count.
ROBIN: I fight the urge to wander around, yes it does.
SONYA: But I'm glad to see you're ready to help us.
ROBIN: Not quite yet, first there's some things I need to take care of before that.
Sonya would sigh, with her hand on her face. 
SONYA: Fine. We don't have any new missions anyways.
ROBIN: Awesome, see ya around.
He would then leave the room, heading for the exit. As the caped crusader heads to his room, he would get an email from Billie.
"oi, u free tn?"
"Ye, but also, where the bloody hell have you been?"
"I'll explain later, see ya at that bridge that looms over the city."
"Well, ok. See you there, I guess." 
He would put away his phone, take his McCloud jacket and climb out the window, walking off to the nearest bus stop and heading towards the bridge. Once he arrives, he would see Billie sitting at a bench. She turns her head to him and waves him over.
ROBIN: Well, it isn't the daughter of yobbo, how's it going? And also, where the hell were you the past few months? 
SIRIS: Well, you know, Black Dragon stuff. Sellin' guns, witnessing the killing of  bastards, the usual. 
ROBIN: Cool. Very cool. Well, since we're on the topic, how're Kano and Skarlet doing? I hope not well.
SIRIS: Well, we've taken in a new member...
ROBIN: Oh, how fun. What's their name? And how old are they? How much trauma have they endured? And what are their abilities? How good is their aim with a gun? How well do they fight? Do they use kunai? Do they use swords? Do they--
SIRIS: Can you shut. The fuck up. Jesus Christ, man. Look, their name's Tomek, or Tom. They about 21, I assume, not sure. 
Robin, realizing he's getting a bit annoying, shuts his trap and just gives her a thumbs up. Siris keeps going.
SIRIS: From what I've heard, he's got some power. He don't seem an experienced fighter, but he's gotta have potential. Now, can I stop talkin' for a second now? How 'bout you? Anything interesting happened lately?
ROBIN: Other than the fact I nearly died? No, not really. Just, trying to figure out what I should do for when I don't have a job contract. I'm about to hit 20 in like a month or two, so there's that. 
The heiress would look at the crusader, raising an eyebrow.
SIRIS: Contract? What do you mean 'contract'? Did you kill someone? 
ROBIN: Well it's a little more complicated than that. But short answer yes, out of pure rage, I did a Fatal Blow on a pirate. Or an X-ray. Or whatever the audience thinks is better, I don't care.
Siris, a little shocked, would raise her eyebrows and her jaw would drop slightly, not expecting this response. She would then respond with another question.
SIRIS: Okay, and the longer version?
ROBIN: Well--
over 20 minutes later...
ROBIN: And now I'm here. Class dismissed.
SIRIS: ... Riiiiiiight... Anyway, you said that Erron Black took the blood bender away? 
ROBIN: Mhmm. Not sure why, but hey, they're out of my hair, and the kahn is horribly pissed at me. Not my problem anymore. But anything weird happened to you lately?
Billie looked at her prosthetic arm and then sighed at Nico.
SIRIS: Okay, uhm... Well, yeah. You remember Tremor, right? 
ROBIN: Yeah, I remember last time I saw him he went to find Dreamrealm or whatever.
SIRIS: Yeah, so, he showed up in a couple of mine and he looks like an absolute badass, I'll tell ya what.
ROBIN: Oh, cool. But also, what?
SIRIS: I don't know how to explain. But anyway, he's basically a ticking time bomb.
The two would talk until long after the stars came out, and while they did, Nico talked about how he met and worked with the late Shao Kahn's daughter and almost died by her hands.
SIRIS: So, ya mean to tell me, she'd actually have it out with that blue bastard?
ROBIN: Hey, it's just a theory. She's not fun at all, but she's good on her word. That and it’s fun to see her get mad, I'll tell you that.
The two would then chuckle, and after a bit, Billie would turn to Robin.
SIRIS: Hey, uh, it's gettin' late. I should head home.
ROBIN: Same. Catch ya later, scumbag.
SIRIS: You too, fuckwit.
The two would laugh and part ways, and head home. With Robin sneaking back in, and seeing Sonya in the corner of his room, for the third time in the last few months.
ROBIN: Jesus f-
He inhales.
SONYA: What's your excuse this time? Out for fresh air? Out on a night stroll? On a smoke break? 
ROBIN: Why don't you ever sleep? Like I swear, every time I get out just because I feel like it, you're up stalking the halls like you're Michael fucking Myers.
Sonya would tilt her head and raise an eyebrow.
SONYA: Answer. Now. 
ROBIN: You wouldn't get it. Look, I'm a grown man. And if I want to leave, I can. Besides...
Robin's daggers would fly out of his jacket and into his hands.
ROBIN: I can take care of myself.
The General would cross her arms and glare at the masked crusader.
SONYA: Is that so? Well, I'll let you know. You're still a soldier here. And as such, you'll respect my rules.
ROBIN: You know what? Fine. As for today, I won't sneak out without your approval.
SONYA: Good. Now sleep.
Sonya would then leave the room, with the caped crusader laying down, putting his daggers in his belt that he left on the top of his bed. As he lays in bed, he smirks and chuckles at the fact that Sonya doesn't even realize she's been gotten.
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tiffanytoms · 1 year
‘Setting a boundary’ is setting out actions for YOURSELF. On what you want to do and how you want to live your life. Not about how to CONTROL OTHERS. You don’t have any right to tell other people what they can and cannot do.
You shouldn’t start a relationship with someone fully knowing who they already are — and being attracted to them for that very reason —and suddenly expect them to change for you.
Stop telling other people what they can and can’t do under the guise of progressive ‘therapy talk!’
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shadowofthelamp · 1 year
thinking about surge the tenrec lads
me when she was announced: haha I bet I'm gonna like the scourge 2.0 girl, she'll probably just be another edgy-
idw sonic issue 56:
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maliciousalice · 1 day
Count the ways I've had a fucked up life:
-Shoved my twin sister when we were 3 and saw blood come out of her ears from the knock on her head. From that point on she was half-deaf. -Twin sister and I nearly drowned at age 6 by being pulled into a powerful rip-tide at an unsupervised beach. My parents thought it was cute until we couldn't swim back and they both had to swim out to get us. I remember being really tired, and them being unsure about being able to swim back to shore.
-At age 11 witnessed my mother forgetting to apply the brake to her car. She tried to get back in and tripped, it subsequently rolled over her, crushing her foot and dragging her down the road. She bled profusely. The crimson stained pavement haunted me for a long time. I blamed myself because I arrived home from a friend's house at the same exact same time and believed I distracted her.
-Accidently electrocuted myself when I was bored while watching my siblings play on the computer. Without looking, I fiddled with the back of an old lamp with my finger tips, but I didn't know that fumbling the cables would cause it to surge. The large shock sent my arm numb for about an hour. Didn't seek treatment because the power tripped and I was worried I would get yelled at.
-Deep in the bush, during a particularly dry summer, family friends stupidly made a bonfire, and I saw our campsite get quickly lit up. As the flames surrounded us and the cars, I was yelled at to go get help/manual water pumps as if it was my fault. Somehow we managed to put it all out. We had to try something because the alternative was getting trapped.
-Was on the phone to my grandma when she had a stroke, I had no idea what was going on, to the point I thought it was a prank. I was crying because it wasn't something I was even aware could happen to someone, I continued to listen and her language skills deteriorated the longer I was on the phone. She became convincedly desperate despite her incoherence and somehow I broke away from my fear and got my dad to help her.
-My mother stabbed my older sister in the arm with a kitchen knife and they both just walked off. I remember being around the corner listening to the argument escalate and saw my older sister clutching her arm. (my sister is very violent so I think it was done in self defense???)
-Dad threw that same sister into the drywall multiple times--Not to excuse it but she was a devil, and would attack / lunge at us, and disrespected my parents from a young age. Dull thudding against walls sends me on edge to this day because it was one way to identify a scuffle with her.
-Mum had a cabinet pushed onto her by my older sister. The cabinet had a glass panel that shattered on her leg and sliced it open.
-My twin sister got upset at me and swung a 10kg metal bar stool at my leg, the blunt force tore my leg open, I now have a very sensitive scar on my shin. -My mum ran at me in an anger spell and I blocked it by pushing her away from me (that's legitimately all), she slipped on the slippery cork floors we had and fell over hitting her head hard. She was unconscious for a few minutes. Her tongue was sticking out and her eyes were open. I thought I had killed her. I wanted to call an ambulance. She woke up and I begged to her that she needed to go to hospital but she brushed it off because we had to catch a flight.
-On my way back from a lunch break I saw a woman go under a Truck. Once again I blamed myself because I crossed in front of the driver at a crossing, and nodded to him. As he rolled forward to leave she sprinted across, I turned and saw that she got hit. -My older sister took advantage of my mum and got into large debts by getting her to co-sign loans behind my dad's back. My mum was paying off things like her phone bill and eventually a car loan. This caused a lot of violent contention.
-Older Sister was kicked out of multiple times but my parents never fully cut her out and now she lives scott-free in a brand new granny flat in the backyard because of their guilt.
-lived in relative poverty and mess most of my teenage life because it was too expensive to send 4 kids to school for my parents. They worked full time but didn't really provide us with any emotional security. Both parents were very messy but blamed us for it as we got older. I tried my best to keep things clean but it was often in vain (it is to this day as things have escalated to full hoarding)
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