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sinister-yet-satisfying · 2 years ago
New goal unlocked: Make billionaires cry
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Cyber bully billionaires. If you have the opportunity, bully them to their faces. Make them cry. Make them scared to leave their houses. Terrorize them.
Break out the guillotine if you’re feeling ambitious.
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blackoutfeverdream · 22 days ago
Trump has exposed beyond all dispute the lie that nations exist as anything more than incidental agglomerations of meat and cartographers' scratchings used to delineate economic spheres of market and resource and purchasing power.
The American state's signal failure to achieve anything against or even in his mania's service
the world community's juvenile denialism of their responsibilities when the United States exercises such extremes of industrial and organizational power
the fragmentary globe's solipsism and unwillingness to unite in pursuit of productive intervention
America's friends', enemies', and horrified bystanders' torpor
all of this should make clear death-dream capitalism has succeeded in dehumanizing the entire planet as both individuals and collectives.
Past even the insectile degradation of Stalinism, Maoism, and Kimism, it is capitalist Wealthism that belies any claim the human animal is possessed of innate and inviolate dignity and divine ordination.
For all their godbothering histrionics, it is the American right that have killed the ideal we are sacred of purpose and parentage. All that is good and beautiful and Edenic in the species and its ecology has been Taylorized, McNamarized, commodified, quantified, wealthified into impersonal clumps of stuff whose only value is found when counted in piles of hallucinatory numbers.
The eternal reactionary whinge it is progressivism, communism, socialism, antimaterialism that fuel relativism and outright amorality is as always projection. There is and can be no god and no holiness in capitalism because it is the abolition of humanity itself and the enslavement of the warm willing flesh as instrument.
Artificiality is now incarnate and stalks the earth realer than the warmth of a lover's hand.
Nothing holds meaning now that the very ideal is rejected for the evanescent head-count of consumption.
Every one of you holds responsibility for this. You never were obliged to participate and accede with meekness. At any time, any
one of you had the right and obligation to say, No
to renounce and to reject and to pursue as far as possible a life that would start to drag the great slothful weight of this accursed race back away from sunless night.
But you wouldn't. You let yourselves be distracted by infantile appeals to tribe and conflict
to hatred and vengeance
to the imperfect settlement of arms and community ruin as satisfice for collective betterment.
We few who tried now stand aloof and shrug.
I speak only for myself, but I don't care. I've lost the capacity to care. I see no future for myself and for anyone else.
I am a lifelong psychotic. My parents did not want me as anything but a bauble and a punching bag. I am schizophrenic and possessed of religious delusions that have seen me as prophet-martyr.
But it is not god who speaks to me now except in the airless cold wind where once there were purpose and direction.
It is something worse: It is history
and it is to know there is no precedent for this.
The human race is dead. I no longer dream. I no longer have visions. I no longer hear god and its angels.
I see nothing.
And so it is.
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speculativism · 8 months ago
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captaincharlespeek · 2 years ago
2023 July blog: Wealthism, or Profit Abused to Override Hearts and Minds
“He is a self-made man and worships his creator.” John Bright “He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts… for support rather than illumination.” Andrew Lang “There is no greater fallacy than the belief that aims and purposes are one thing, while methods and tactics are another.” Emma Goldman “It is the people who scream the loudest about America and Freedom who seem to be the most…
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drwatrugudat · 5 years ago
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catsnuggler · 3 years ago
It's so weird that feudalism is named because of, like, the old English word for cattle, cattle representing wealth in general, therefore making it a system purely based on wealth. Like, yeah, that makes sense, it certainly was a system of "he who has the gold makes the rules", in ways, eh, generally more blatant than capitalism follows that rule, but... the way it's written really leads one to believe it's simply a system of endless war, that the politivo-economic structure is based around warring against all of your neighbors and even people in far-off lands, and the only thing you know about these people is that they follow different religions or aren't exactly like you.
Seriously, if feudalism comes from feo/fehu, why not just call it... wealthism? Cattleism? Something that obviously cannot mistake "fehu" with "feud".
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languagendersex · 7 years ago
tfw you get WAY too fucking far into the secret lives of the very rich:
Inherited millions are often fraught with an array of pathologies and dysfunctions. In 1987, Joanie Bronfman, then a Brandeis philosophy doctoral candidate and the daughter of Edgar Bronfman Sr.’s cousin Gerald, investigated the peculiar psychoses of the idle rich in her 429-page dissertation The Experience of Inherited Wealth: A Social-Psychological Perspective. In the course of her research, she attended 50 “wealth conferences” and interviewed 100 heirs and heiresses. 
Drawing from her own experience of growing up “visibly wealthy” and full of “shame” as a result of it, Ms. Bronfman argued that inheritors of massive wealth tend to be emotionally stunted. They adopt paranoid worldviews and come to see humans as radically selfish. They perceive relationships to be transactional. Their misanthropy derives from the attempts of absentee parents to buy their affections as compensation for outsourcing their rearing to hired professionals. These feelings are reinforced when they interact with the world outside their class and are alternately solicited for donations or mocked as dilettantes by the media. It was that last many-tentacled villain she accused of promulgating a destructive bias toward inheritors, one that she termed “wealthism.”
Ok I refuse to call it “wealthism” (and equate it with other forms of oppression), but this does put everything into perspective, regarding cults such as NXIVM and Scientology.
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drwatrugudat · 5 years ago
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drwatrugudat · 5 years ago
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drwatrugudat · 5 years ago
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#Eliteofelite #wealth #wealthism #whealthism #wealthist #whealthist #whealthhackerz #whealthhackers #dope #do #doyourwork #now #moor #noexcuses #nodaysoff #beast #beastmode #beastblud #rap #music #art #artist #go #god #good #dog #goodvibes #goodmorning #happy #IEATDABEAST https://www.instagram.com/p/BZXLRJ9gE_E/?igshid=1samyg8uqwaq8
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drwatrugudat · 5 years ago
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drwatrugudat · 5 years ago
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#wealth #whealth #wealthism #whealthism #wealthist #whealthist #worldwide #watrugudat #moor #Now #noexcuses #nodaysoff #beast #beastmode #beastblud #art #artist #music #do #doyourwork #go #god #good #goodvibes #goodmorning #buyGREENTEKNOLOGYalbumonAMAZON #buygreenteknologyalbumoncdbaby #happy #happybirthday #IEATDABEAST https://www.instagram.com/p/Bap1FwEAiBo/?igshid=li5036a6t2ed
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drwatrugudat · 5 years ago
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#wealth #whealth #wealthism.#whealthism #whealthist #wealthist #whealthhackerz #worldwide #watrugudat #now #moor #science #happy #noexcuses #nodaysoff #art #artist #music #go #do #doyourwork #god #good #goodvibes #goodmorning #beast #beastmode #beastblud #happybirthday #IEATDABEAST https://www.instagram.com/p/BaJSLPlAp12/?igshid=1wtzgogtjeuz4
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drwatrugudat · 5 years ago
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drwatrugudat · 5 years ago
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#wealth #whealth #wealthist #whealthist #whealthism #wealthism #whealthhackers #whealthhackerz #moor #now #nodaysoff #do #doyourwork #dope #go #god #good #goodvibes #goodmorning #art #artist #poet #music #beast #beastmode #beastblud #watrugudat #worldwide #happy #IEATDABEAST https://www.instagram.com/p/BZ0qV_LAYW2/?igshid=1mycifud38324
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drwatrugudat · 6 years ago
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