#we've all been given strength
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ivebeensetonfire · 3 months ago
Strength. Why is it, that I am at my strongest when it is in service of another? Why, when alone, do I struggle to bring my tenacity, my will, and my power to bear? Why is it so easy, when I know another can benefit? When I am exhausted, beaten down, fatigued, and broken, I know I have nothing left. But a single request, a hint that my little brothers may need my help, and a well is tapped deep within me. In a wink, my weakness flees, like a faint mist before the blazing sun. A flood of power, of strength, of vitality surges through my veins. I come to aid, a thunderous presence, bringing all my strength to them. Whatever opposes them, be it small, nigh insignificant, or large, seeming indomitable, I am behind them, and will do all I can to see them succeed. When it is over, the strength retreats, like a dragon taking flight back to its hoard. The exhaustion returns once more, sweeping over me as I seek my rest. Why when I need that strength to care for myself, is it inaccessible? Where does it go? And why is it only awoken by the plaintive cry of another? No greater joy have I had than this: to bring my full might to bear in service of another. So may we all, one day.
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ozzgin · 8 months ago
What if the Yandere school has some sort of event where they interact with students of the darling school and just like how our reader is a darling in the Yandere school they find a student of the darling school is a Yandere
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You're an oblivious Darling going to Yandere School, and now you're paired up with...a Yandere hiding among Darlings. The absurdity goes on. Content: gender neutral reader, yandere horde, parody
[Yandere School] | [Yandere School 2] | [More Yandere]
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He could immediately tell. You were a sheep among the wolves, and he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He followed your movements with a predatory gaze, planning his approach.
He'd applied to Darling Academy out of sheer greed, hoping to find his soulmate. He searched, and stalked, and hounded, all in vain. Hell, he even had to repeat a year; it took him an ungodly amount of willpower to pass the damn kidnapping course.
"You're not surprised to discover your captor", the teacher had shouted, exasperated. "Unless you show me genuine shock, I cannot give you a passing grade"
"You can see her from a damn mile", he argued angrily, pointing at his darling classmate. She was supposed to simulate an attack, and he was to play the role of a clueless, helpless victim. Ridiculous.
Who would've thought his one and only was hiding in a Yandere School, of all places? So unforeseen, so unexpected, that he could not believe it to be anything but a fateful encounter. He glanced one final time at the enormous banner hanging against the school building:
"Annual Study Partnership Event: Yandere School x Darling Academy"
"You must be (Y/N). We've been paired together for the week. I'm in your care!", he beams cheerfully.
Despite his annoyance with Darling Academy, it proved to be somewhat useful in the end. Not only did it guide him to you, but it also polished his acting skills to near perfection. The teacher's office was guarded viciously given the previous attempts of the yandere students to cheat the system and have you on their team. Who would ever suspect a Darling? He simply waltzed in, scribbled his name on the event sheet, and left.
"I wouldn't be too excited", you confess, a little dejected. "I'm not...uh...the best yandere out there."
He pretends to sneeze, hiding the grin spreading across his face. Sweet, innocent thing that you are. Oh, don't worry your pretty head. He'll take care of everything.
The annual event consists of a week-long competition. A yandere student is paired with a darling counterpart, and the teams compete against each other for various activities. It's a learning experience for everyone involved, meant to hone the skills of a yandere and prepare the darlings for their future encounters.
First activity: tying up your darling.
Your eyes light up. For once, it's something you're good at. You hurry back to your partner, carrying the box filled with bondage rope, and nod towards the young man.
"Leave this to me", you state solemnly.
The timer starts, and you begin tying the knots. The yandere observes your process, completely infatuated. Your focused expression is downright adorable. Now, he could let you have your moment of victory. On the other hand...can he really waste this chance?
His fingers discreetly mess with some of the rope lying around. A little nudge here, another loop here. You're too absorbed in your work to notice anything.
You hear the bell and huff, exhausted. You wipe your forehead. This is it, the final touch. You hold onto the rope, and pull with all your strength. Suddenly you're dragged forward by an unseen force, and your face slams into your teammate's broad chest. You've tied the two of you together, somehow.
The other yanderes watch the display with a grimace.
(Y/N) is good with rope. This shouldn't have happened, they all think in unison. They glare at the darling pressed against you. Something isn't right. Is that man truly a darling? He feels more like a fellow rival.
"I'm so sorry", you sniff, humiliated.
He strokes your hair affectionately, reassuring you. It happens. The rope must've been faulty. You did your best.
He feels a cold shiver and tilts his head towards the bystanders, then smiles. It seems he isn't the only one who has fallen for you. Though he didn't expect it to be the whole school. Alas, what's life without a little competition?
"Come on, (Y/N). Let's get ready for the next part. I have a feeling we'll win this one", he says, winking at you playfully.
This must be the best week of his life.
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kitkatscabinet · 9 months ago
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Summary: The boys try to get out of bed, their partner has other plans.
Pairing(s): Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, x reader
A/N: unedited
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Dick's always been a physically affectionate person, far more so than the rest of his family. It's why he'd been so ecstatic when he'd found you, a partner that was just as, if not more affectionate than him.
On more than one occasion his siblings had been given front-row seats to the snuggle show when they broke into his apartment, served them right really.
What Dick hadn't accounted for, was just how difficult it was to peel himself from your arms in the morning. Torture would hurt less he's sure.
"Ten more minutes," you whined childishly, burrowing your face into Dick's bare shoulder, tightening your arms around his torso.
"We've already said that three times." Your partner laughed, wriggling out of your hold but with far less strength than you knew he was capable of.
Both of you were fully aware just how quickly he could extracate himself from your arms should the neccessity rise. Technically speaking he did have to go to work, but surely it couldn't hurt to be a little late?
Though a quick glance at the hello kitty alarm clock on the bedside table confirmed he was already late.
"Dickie, can't you just call in? I wanna cuddle."
Fuck. How could he say no to that?
It wasn't like he really needed the money anyway.
His boss's ire is worth it to feel the way you smile into the skin of his neck, your warm breaths and little laughs as you lay tangled together.
So worth it.
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"You planning on letting me go anytime soon?" Jason grunted, though you know him well enough to hear the smile he's attempting to hide.
"Never," you mumble into the skin between his broad shoulder blades, the mattress slouching beneath the combined weight of you and your boyfriend.
Jason, undeterred by your attempts to drag him down, stands with a grunt. A cracking noise you know to be his knees rings out, and though you feel a little bad, you're unwilling to back down in your quest to get him back into bed.
Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend is built like a brick shithouse and is just as stubborn as you. Slowly, he manouevers around your small apartment all the while you hang off his back like a drunken Koala.
"Babyyyy," you whine petulantly into his ear, arms tightening around his neck in an attempt to only slightly choke him into submission.
Sighing, Jason starts to wander back into the bedroom. Just when you think you've won, he spins around, falling backwards onto the mattress and crushing you beneath his bulk.
In the minutes you spend winded, recovering, from being squished like an ant, Jason makes his escape. When you finally manage to come back to yourself you notice something incredibly distressing.
"Clothes! Why are you wearing clothes!" you wailed, sliding off the mattress and onto the floor in a pathetic slump.
Despite himself, Jason smiles at the sight, bundling you up in his arms before hopping back into bed with you. "Ok, you big dramatic baby."
Hey may have sounded put out, but the both of you knew he wanted to cuddle just as much. Besides, nothing was as important to him as you.
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He’d tried to be quiet. Truly, with years of training in the art of stealth Tim had intended to simply slip out of the bed and leave you to the sleep you needed.
He’d almost made it, both feet on the floor and the mattress no longer bearing most of his weight when all of a sudden a hand darted out, grasping his wrist.
Tim froze, slowly turning to look down at you with wide, guilty eyes. You're glaring up at him, sleep-addled face far more adorable than threatening, not that he'd ever tell you that, for fear of getting his ass beat.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" your voice is hoarse and gravelly from sleep but the threat is evident.
Mouth suddenly dry, Tim awkwardly chuckles, "Oh, babe, you're awake."
"Thanks to you," you grumbled sleepily, guilt and fear in equal measurements settling heavily in his chest.
"M'sorry, tried not to wake you but I gotta get to work on this case."
"No." You grunted, wrapping your arms around Tim's waist with freakish speed, nuzzling your face into his side.
He can't help the way his heart skips several beats at your casual affection. Tim's always been starved for touch, for the soft loving touch that you've always provided as if its as natural as breathing.
He should be used to it but despite the years worth of love and affection you've poured into Tim in the time you've spent together he still hasn't acclimated.
Tim knows, that you know, just how weak to your touch he is. It still doesn't prevent his resolve from crumbling when you refuse to let him budge, tugging him back down into your warm embrace.
"Good boy," you murmur against the skin of his neck, wrapping around his back like an octopus and trapping him against the expanse of your chest.
His skin runs hot at your words, mind numb to anything that's not your touch as he's eventually lulled back to sleep to the soothing sounds of your breathing.
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senanatheskenana · 10 months ago
Giyuu, Sanemi, and Rengoku With Baby Fever
TW: mentions of pregnancy, Sex, fem reader
Giyuu Tomioka
He hadn't put much thought into domestic life- after all, you were his first real relationship. However, when he lays eyes on your happy smile and the way you fussed over the three younger demon slayers, he can't help the feeling that pools in the pit of his stomach. A primal need for you, for a family. He's not particularly proud of the human weakness he currently experiences but each time he looks your way, his strength melts away, leaving only his desire to create life with you.
His smile is small but amused at how you motherly coddle Inosuke, attempting to wipe the mass of dirt off his face, despite his protests. Tanjirou seems almost as enamoured by your sweet behaviour as Giyuu is.
You can tell something is different with Giyuu- the way he holds your hand is just slightly tighter, the way he looks at you ever so slightly hungrier than you've seen. He stares off into space in contented silence, and you feel he is happiest in those moments. The idea made you curious as to what he was daydreaming about.
'Three children, maybe more' he thinks, pink tinging his cheeks at feeling so soft for you. He imagines what life outside of the corp- life with you- would be like. Blissful, peaceful, connecting but of course with moments of excitement and frustration that come from raising children. Maybe your children would have his hair and your eyes- or perhaps they will look the opposite, or exactly like you or him.
His cheeks once again flare up when another thought hits his head.
'And (y/n) would surely only become more beautiful over the years'
"Giyuu~." He is snapped out of his fantasy by your hand over his. "What are you thinking about?"
He gently squeezes your hand, looking deep into your eyes with humility as he thinks through the right words to say.
"We've been married for a year, and we haven't talked about it yet. I would completely understand if you object... but i have a request, that involves both of us." you listen eagerly to him.
"Sweetheart, i will always try my best to understand your wants, there's no reason to seem so nervous," you smile tenderly at him, hands coming up to cup his cheeks. The apples of his cheeks burst into flames at your touch, butterflies erupting underneath the skin of his shuddering chest.
"(Y/N) I love you. I will always love you... And if you will be so kind, I would like to start a family with you"
He sees your face break into a smile, which makes him smile. Before he knows it you're climbing into his lap and kissing him with a passion that fills him with a need he has never experienced.
Kyojurou Rengoku
Kyojurou was sure he wanted children at some point, and as your husband, he made you aware of this, in case it wasn't for you. For the most part, your husband had great self-control.
However, it always seems to slip away when his younger brother makes a comment, about how your baby would probably have bright hair like theirs. At first, it's just that thought, but soon he's thinking about baby names, daydreaming and kicking his legs behind him giggling. You easily notice your cheerful husband becoming even more giddy than usual- not to mention far more physically affectionate.
He finds every excuse under the sun to get you under him. He takes his time, forehead pressed against yours, enraptured in pleasure. Your legs are pressed to your chest; a new position for you. The sheer depth is enough to make you dizzy, even without moving.
Kyojurou looks deeply into your eyes before kissing you passionately, sensually, as if the world is ending.
"Honey, i think we should have a baby!" he huffs out in between languid thrusts. You thought he'd never ask.
"Me too, Kyo~"
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sanemi doesn't not want kids. He just feels he would be a bad father given all of his hangups. He worries he won't be emotionally available for a child, or might accidentally scare them when he is angry.
So this feeling is conflicted within him. On one hand, he's utterly in love with you and the way you care for Genya is heartwarming to the point of actually convincing him he might be ok if you were by his side. On the other, he was terrified of being a bad parent.
Sanemi swears you look so pretty holding your friend's new baby. You hold it like you're accustomed to it like it was yours. And you just look so fucking happy like that. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if he- no, he couldn't just rush into these things. But you look so pretty he's having a hard time rationalising anything.
He sits beside you, peering down at the baby that tries to grasp at his fingers. It's actually sort of cute, he thinks. Then you look up at him, and he's caught off guard by a vision of you and your own baby. Your friend has to physically bite back giggles while she watches the motions of Sanemi's thoughts. She knows what's happening better than he does.
She sparks up a conversation with you to see how flustered she can make the hashira on this topic. "You know, past the halfway mark I gave up putting on my own pants- it got too annoying when I couldn't see over the bump and boobs. My husband had to help me instead!"
It seems to work like a charm. Sanemi almost zones out, thinking about how you would look pregnant. Without realising it he is salivating at the thought of your swollen chest and round tummy. 'fuck,' he thinks, 'that sounds good'
Half an hour later he's rushing to leave, hastily pulling your coat over your shoulders and waving goodbye to the baby. He didn't dislike being there in any way- he'd just rather be somewhere else with you. He tugs you down the road, looking at you with a strange new fervour, eyes darting to your lips and tummy.
Your friend closes the door behind you with a mischievous grin. "I'll give it a week before she's pregnant<3"
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zorosangell · 3 months ago
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⛥゚・。 jug
synopsis: after going out to search for luffy, you and zoro stumble upon a bottle of pink sake. zoro drinks it without question, but lives to regret it, as you have to deal with the consequences... physically
cw: nsfw (nothing too crazy), fluff, angst if you really squint, aphrodisiacs, reader is down bad for zoro, and vice versa, whiny-ish zoro (he's in pain give him a break)
a/n: thought of the song heart of a woman while writing this
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"Luffyyy!" you called, hands raised to the sides of your mouth as you glanced around. "Luffyyy! Where are you?!"
The swordsman bristled, pinching the bridge of his nose with an annoyed look.
"C'mon, Luffy, it's freezing out here! Hurry up!" he groaned, breath disappearing into the cool air.
Of all the nights your captain chose to disappear, it had to be the coldest of the week...
"For all we know, he can't even hear us," you sighed, tucking your hands in your pockets. "We might have more luck tomorrow... y'know, when it's not twenty below freezing."
"We already came all this way, we might as well bring him back," he grumbled, sharply, pressing forward with a taut look. "Christ, why is it so fuckin' cold..."
His tone came as barely a shock, your eyes unable to stave off their eyes roll.
'Someone's cranky...'
The crew hat been docked on a fall island for a little under a week, waiting for the log pose to set, but it was clear that the crew was already starting to go a little stir crazy.
Some more than others...
But, after a day of exploring and forest shenanigans, Luffy had yet to come back, and both you and Zoro were sent as his search party—the swordsman having been woken up from his pre-night watch nap.
Which would explain why he was acting so grouchy.
Or... grouchier than usual.
"C'mon, Zoro, we've been searching for an hour... How about we give it a rest?" you suggested, sincerely. "From what I can tell, this place is inhabited by nothing but deer, rabbits, and squirrels. I'm sure Luffy can survive the night."
The swordsman kept his gaze forward, not slowing down at all.
"It's dark, and this island is full of frozen lakes," he stated, matter-of-factly. "If that idiot manages to find some way to fall into one, he's done for."
Slightly, you deflated, looking off to the side.
You hadn't thought of that...
Cheeks puffed, you hugged your arms a little closer to your body, attempting to close out the chill of embarrassment.
You knew Zoro didn't mean anything by it—seeing as he talked like that to everyone—but you couldn't help but suddenly feel annoying, your excuses probably the last thing he wanted to hear after being dragged out of bed.
'Dammit, (y/n)... always whining about something...'
This was an insecurity that plagued you constantly.
When you first joined the Strawhats, it was blindingly clear that you were nowhere near the strongest of the bunch.
You weren't fast like Brook.
Or powerful like Luffy
Or even smart like Robin.
You were just... (y/n).
Average, human (y/n).
The only thing particularly unique about you was your skill with a needle and thread.
You were the ship's seamstress, and the clothes you created for the crew were all exquisitely crafted and perfectly tailored to their needs.
It didn't matter how much thread you had, how much fabric you were given, or even how bad the damage was.
You could easily turn it into something both stylish and practical, your craftsmanship that of a seasoned pro, someone who had been honing their trade for decades upon decades.
But you were only twenty.
And while the rest of the crew saw this incredible talent, and often sang your praises for it, you couldn't help but feel useless.
How the hell was sewing supposed to help you win a fight?
You couldn't feather stitch an enemy into submission.
Day in and day out, you trained, hoping to build your strength enough to run with the big dogs.
Even during the crew's two year break, you hadn't laid a finger on your sewing machine, focusing solely on your fighting prowess.
But when you came back, utterly elated by your newfound brawn, you were quick to realize that the monsters had gotten stronger, too.
And you were right back where you started.
Your little, mental pity party was interrupted as you tripped over a tree root, feet stuck and body flying forward toward the ground.
Luckily, a pair of strong arms caught you with a death grip, forcing a gasp out your lips as your hands shot up to cling to his broad shoulders, your face smashing into his muscular chest.
'I think I'll go die now...'
Deathly embarrassed, you quickly pulled your head up, stomach lurching and heart stuttering as you caught sight of his face.
"I'm sorry..." you muttered, meekly, eyes slightly wide and completely entranced.
He had a hardened face, with dark eyes and a dark aura—not at all like the men that typically hit on you (not that you thought he was hitting on you now)—and surprisingly soft looking lips.
It was common knowledge that Zoro was anything but ugly, but just seeing his features up close...
He was such a pretty man.
"You good?" Zoro asked, raising a brow.
Clearing your throat, you nodded, allowing him to stand you back upright, and allowing yourself the chance to reign yourself back in.
Your "little" crush on the swordsman was something that plagued you from the moment you joined the crew... and if we're being honest, who could blame you?
Not only was he incredibly attractive, but he had morals; honor; and most importantly, chivalry.
Which, in your private opinion, far surpassed Sanji's.
But, it was beyond obvious that the man was completely out of your league, and you preferred keeping your feelings bottled up and saving yourself the embarrassment rather than getting rejected by a crewmate.
You'd seen the caliber of women that had come onto him in the past.
Powerful, female enemies...
High ranking Navy officials...
A fucking princess...
How could you hold a candle to that?
Though, little did you know, he thought the exact opposite.
While Zoro was a man who prided himself of self-restraint and respect, he couldn't help but let his eyes rake over you as your arms came up to cross over your chest.
Smooth, tanned skin accentuated under the complementary white of your cropped parka, your jeans just loose enough to run, and just tight enough to make your ass look fantastic.
Your lipgloss made your plump lips look so soft and inviting, and your eyes were so warm he felt like they heated him from the inside out.
And don't get him started on your sexy-ass voice—
"What did you trip over?" he quickly blurted out, glancing down at the ground to fight off the impure thoughts.
"It looks like a handle," you remarked, squatting down to take a closer look. "And I think there's a square outline in the ground."
Slowly, you looped your manicured fingers around the tree root, getting ready to pull.
"Careful..." Zoro warned, swords at the ready.
You nodded, and with a harsh tug, the door lifted, revealing a small compartment with a large jug inside.
Grabbing it by the neck, you pulled it out, dusting off its label to see what it was.
"It's sake... from over twenty years ago."
Instantly, a grin stretched across Zoro's face, the man gratefully taking the bottle as you handed it to him.
"Now we're talkin'," he smirked, popping the cork with his teeth and swiping the bits of dirt off the mouth. "Just what I needed."
"Are you sure you wanna drink that?" you asked, warily, as you stared at the bottle's contents. "I've never seen pink sake before..."
The man shrugged, his good eye taking a quick glance at it before he tossed back a large gulp, licking the remnants off his lips when he was finished.
"Eh, it's probably native to this island or somethin'," he waved off, turning around to continue the search. "It's strong... tastes like strawberries."
With a sigh, you stood to follow him, brows flattening as you watched him pound back another huge swig.
'I'll have Chopper check him out when we get back...'
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It wasn't long after that you guys found Luffy.
He had been napping in a tree the whole time, and after you and Zoro gave him a serious scolding for worrying everyone, you dragged him back to the ship, you practically slumping against your door once you made it back into your work room.
Your day had been a whirlwind, to say the least, and your body wanted absolutely nothing more than to sprawl out on bed and catch some Zs.
But, even with the late, or rather, early hour—two to be exact—you didn't allow it.
First, you changed into some more comfortable clothes—some pajama shorts and a flimsy tank top—before straightening up the mess you had made in an attempt to make everyone new winter coats.
Once all that was done, you finally sat down at your desk, opening up your sketchbook and pulling out a pen to draw with.
'Alright, Nami said she wanted a new party dress...'
But before you could even draw the first line, someone frantically knocked on your door.
"For fuck's sake..." you sighed, throwing your head back in anguish.
You had half the mind to ignore it.
And, honestly, you did, returning to your book and pretending to be asleep.
But it wasn't long before the frantic rap turned into a distressed bang, completely disrupting your flow.
"Fine! I'm coming!" you caved, roughly pushing your chair back and storming toward the door.
If Kaido himself wasn't burning down the ship, heads were going to roll.
"Usopp, I swear to God, if this is some kind of jo—"
Swinging the door open, you never in a million years would have expected to see Roronoa Zoro on the other side.
Especially not looking like that.
"Shit," he panted, breathless, as he clutched his stomach, leaning against the door frame for support.
Of course it led him to you...
"Can I... mph! ...Can I come in?"
In front of you stood the first mate of Luffy's crew, his most trusted companion, his most loyal friend.
And the hands-down hottest man you had ever seen.
He was in nothing but some black sweats, his muscular arms and abs on perfect display.
His face was flushed, cheeks puffed with his hair tousled, and chest heaving like he'd just run a marathon.
Without thinking, you stepped to the side, allowing him in, now incredibly thankful that you'd tidied up beforehand.
Can't have the place looking like a pig sty...
Feeling something burning into the side of your head, you shut the door, turning around to see that he was staring at you intensely.
His eyes, once a beautiful steel gray, mimicking that of the swords he cherished so dearly, now resembled that of storm clouds, dark with something you couldn't place your finger on.
Yet something that worried you nonetheless.
"Are you okay?" you asked, raising a brow, not daring to touch him as he leaned against the wall, his legs having a slight tremble.
"No," he replied, his voice a half-whine, half-growl, the sound sending shivers down your spine. "Something's... something's wrong... and... fuck! Everything hurts!"
"Hurts?" you parroted, now even more confused.
If he was in pain, why would he come to you?
You were just the seamstress, someone with little to no medical knowledge.
Why not go to Chopper?
Hell, why not go to Robin?
He let out another pained groan, sending a small, sharp pang to your heart.
'Questions are for later.'
Swiftly, you approached, only stopping when you were about a foot in front of him.
Leaning forward, your eyes scanned over his body, checking to see what you could deduce off looks alone.
"What hurts?"
Before he could answer, his eyes trailed down to your chest, the cut of your tank top and the angle you were leaning giving him a perfect view of your tits.
'Fuck me...'
Embarrassed, he avoided eye contact with you, his gaze flicking down to his crotch before zooming off to a far away window.
Still thoroughly confused, your eyes followed his path, only to find that he was hard, and it looked almost painfully so.
'Oh, shit...'
Your face burned, and you quickly snatched your eyes away from the sight.
"What happened?" you squeaked.
"I don't know," Zoro rasped, his entire body shuddering with arousal, heat pulsing through his body so intensely it hurt. "I woke up in my room an hour ago, and... well."
He gestured to his hard-on, the message clear.
"I tried to rub one off but... fuck... nothing worked. And then it got worse... and then—"
Red-faced, he glanced away from you, nostrils flaring.
Why couldn't shit like this happen to the damn cook?
"I...fuck...I smelled something...shit...something that just made it even worse, so I went to find it..." Zoro swallowed thickly, "and it lead me here."
Why would, what was obviously some sort of lust sickness, lead him to you?
And why would your scent make it even worse?
Sure, you thought the man was stunningly handsome, and the mysterious, stone-cold air about him intrigued you to no end... but this was too much.
It had to be a dream.
Suddenly, Zoro crumpled to the floor, breathing heavily in short pants, eyes glassy and cheeks flushed.
"Zoro!" you gasped, worried, rushing over to him.
"Look... I don't know how or why this... whatever it is...led me to you by your fuckin' scent or somethin'," he shuddered, the room somehow filled with your damn smell.
The shampoo you used.
The body wash.
The perfume.
Hell, the goddamn candles.
Everything just set something off inside of him—something that wanted to ravish you until you couldn't speak, trapped under his body helpless and needy.
Just like he was for you.
God, you were his fucking crewmate.
"Look, I wouldn't ask this of you, (y/n), if there was any other choice..." he rasped, your name on his tongue sending another shiver down your spine.
'Get a hold of yourself...'
"But you're the only one that caught this thing's attention. I don't think think this'll go away normalLY!"
His word extended as pain thrummed through his body, starting at his pelvis and sparking up his back.
God, it hurt so fucking bad.
But as the body cramp passed, he looked up at you with glassy eyes.
"(y/n), please. I'll...fuck! ...I'll fuckin' get you something nice at the next island..." he shuddered again. "Just help me..."
You stared at him for a long moment, struggling to process what was happening.
This had to be some sort of freaky dream.
You'd probably passed out from exhaustion at your desk, and were now face first in your sketchbook.
But looking down at him, so helpless, trembling like an injured deer, it felt oddly real.
With a heavy sigh, you moved closer, until you stood over him, his breathing becoming rapid and uneven.
You smelled so fucking good.
He just wanted to have you, to keep you.
To devour you.
You knelt in front of him, tilting your head and lifting him just enough, giving him a warm nod of approval.
That was all he needed.
In an instant, Zoro surged forward, his impossibly soft lips capturing yours in a breath-stealing kiss, granting him a faint pang of relief.
If this was a dream, then it was the most vivid one you'd ever hand.
His lips felt so real, pressing a searing kiss into yours, all the pain and arousal he had been feeling clear as day.
Smoothly, his nimble hand curled around your waist, the other cupping the back of your head.
"Fuck, you're so soft... You smell so good," he muttered into your mouth, his hands wandering all over your body.
You took in a shuddering breath when Zoro pulled away, giving you a small chance to regain your senses as his lips traveled down your jaw and to your neck, his teeth scraping your sensitive skin.
You sighed, the feeling alien.
Sure, you weren't a prude—you'd frenched a guy or two from your village in your teen years—but never had you done something so... intense.
"Zoro!" you gasped as he suddenly shoved you to the floor, his pupils dilated beyond relief.
"I'm givin' you an out right now," he warned, leaning down so close to you, you could count his eyelashes. "One word... and I'll leave.
God, his eyes were so pretty.
You could stare into them for hours, getting lost in their cloudy grey.
'Wait... what did he say?'
Zoro pressed his forehead against yours, his breath ghosting across your lips, "Last chance."
He almost sounded nervous.
He wasn't at all experienced in the world of sex.
And, yes, he was a pirate who often cared little about the feelings of others.
But he wasn't a monster.
Nothing further was going to happen without your say so.
With a shy smile, you leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss on his lips.
'Thank God.'
With that out the way, his hips pressed into yours, and you let out a shocked moan into his lips, feeling his hardened dick throb with each throb of his heart.
God, he felt big.
A small pit of nervousness settled in your stomach, but you pushed it away, following instinct by lifting your hips, helping Zoro get some relief from the pain as you carefully rubbed your pulsing core against him.
And it felt fantastic.
Zoro let out a shuddering sigh, pulling away from the kiss and looking down between you both, his hips already meeting yours in a rhythm.
"Fuck—" he groaned, almost flopping completely on top of you, his large arms enveloping your body as he ground against you.
"Fuck fuck fuck, dammit, you already feel too fuckin' good," he kissed your neck, scraping his teeth against your skin as he dry humped you. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou."
You let out mousy responses to his thanks, rutting back into his hips until it wasn't enough for him anymore.
He sat up abruptly, scooping you up as if you weighed nothing and standing up on wobbly legs, walking over to your bed and setting you down less than gently.
(Franky had installed a bed in your workshop after the fiftieth time you'd fallen asleep at your desk. Yes, he counted)
You bounced as you landed, almost squeaking as Zoro's rough hands explored your body once again, tugging off your sleep clothes in a fumbling, desperate manner.
You sat up to help him slide off your shirt, his eyes catching on the soft curves of your shoulders and waist, studying the way your stomach smoothed out into your hips and thighs, your skin so soft under his touch.
He leaned down, trailing his lips against your hips and stomach, his tongue licking up your waist until it reached your breast, his mouth latching onto your hardened nipple as you shivered at the pleasurable feeling.
He whispered your name against your skin like a prayer to the gods, and you took in a sudden, deep breath.
You'd never imagined your name sounding so sexy.
'This has to be a fucking dream, it has to be...'
Something like this would never actually happen to you—so you decided to just enjoy it.
Soon, your pants followed your shirt, landing on the floor behind Zoro.
He stood, staring down at you with dark eyes, his chest heaving, you almost matching him with how hard you were breathing.
Suddenly, he pulled your underwear off, exposing your soaked core to the freezing air of your workshop.
"Wait, Zoro, I've never—"
You couldn't even finish your sentence, his mouth already meeting your core, his tongue driving into you while his thumb circled your clit.
"Zoro!" you cried out, your hand reaching down to grab his soft hair, bucking your hips against his mouth.
It felt better than anything you could've ever imagined.
But just as quick as it came, his tongue left you, your whine not even making it halfway before your back was arching, all three of his fingers shoved into you.
The mix of pain and pleasure was delicious, and you almost instantly understood why some peple were addicted to it.
His mouth replaced his thumb on your clit, his diits unraveling you so easy.
You moaned his name like a broken record, the heat in your face reaching down your entire body, sighing as he pulled his fingers out.
You watched, intently, as Zoro tugged off his pants, his boxers going with his clothes, landing right next to yours.
He was gorgeous.
Years of hard, grueling training left him toned, every bit of him defined and carved by the gods.
He stroked his cock, and something churned in your stomah at the sight of it.
It as really big—if this was real, then you'd be sore beyond belief.
You swallowed, letting Zoro maneuver your body and legs as he lined himself up, rubbing the pink-tipped head of his dick against your folds.
He looked into your eyes, and smirked, before pushing in with one motion, his eyes snapping shut at the feeling of your hot, soft walls.
In an instant, his body cooled down, allowing a moment of relief before it came back twice as painful.
Meanwhile, you had breathed yourself through it quite well, the painful sting already beginning to disappear.
Suddenly, he let out a pained, lustful moan, slowly pulling out before thrusting back in.
It as simple at first, a novice pace, the sound of your wet cunt suctioning around him echoing throughout the room.
Your breath was suddenly stolen as Zoro pressed down into you, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist as his hands pinned your wrists to the bed.
"Fuck fuck fuck," he growled.
He sounded like an animal in heat, his hips hammering into yours, the sound of your cunt being abused growing louder.
"Ah...ah...aah!" you panted, drool leaking down the side of your mouth as Zoro fucked you hard, his hips slapping against your thighs and ass, the sound only turning you on even more.
And it seemed to be doing the same to Zoro.
He bit your shoulder, moaning so loud you were sure the entire ship would've had complaints.
If this wasn't a dream, of course—which you were positive it was.
Your first orgasm came fast and hard, fireworks exploding in your vision as the coil wound in your gut snapped.
Zoro let out a tutered groan, frantically pulling his dick out and coming all over your stomach, the amount a concerning one.
But he was still unsatisfied.
With a grunt, he clutched his side, another cramp rushing through his body and forcing him to flip you over, pulling up your hips.
Your face burned as he ignored your sputtering words, sliding back into you, his breath hitching as you clenched down on him yet again.
Using his strength, he practically overtook you with his body, arms wrapped around your waist and hips pistoning as he hammered you like there was no tomorrow.
You couldn't even breath, each thrust knocking the wind out of you.
Fixing his position, Zoro shifted his hips ever so slightly, sitting up on his knees, forcing you to see stars.
Ecstasy flooded through your body as your front half went completely limp, panting moans pushing from your chest with each slap of Zoro's hips against your ass.
It wasn't long before your second orgasm came crashing through you—not as intense as the first but ust as hard.
Feeling himself right on the edge, he quickly pulled away, letting out a brathy whisperof your name as he pumped himself, releasing all over your back.
It continued like this for a while, the pain only disappearing after two more rounds.
And once it did, he carefully let go of your hips, them dropping like dead weight as all of your strength was completely sapped away.
Zoro was utterly exhausted, panting and aching everywhere, but he could only imagine how you felt.
He himself had never made it past first base with a woman before—he'd never had time for relationships, sexual or romantic—but he wasn't stupid.
He'd heard many a tale about the soreness that exists after sex for women.
And you had done him a serious solid.
So he forced himself to stand up, pulling on some pants before walking to the bathroom on tired legs and grabbing a few wash rags.
He got you cleaned up with the warm, damp ones, before using a cold one to cool the rest of your body.
But once that was done, he had no energy to do anything else, allowing himself to fall back against the pillows, breathing heavily.
Though, he didn't waste any time in wrapping his arms around you, pulling your back flush against his chest.
He couldn't just leave you after what he did...and if he was being honest, he didn't want to.
Watching your sleeping form, snoring softly and snuggled under the sheets, brought a certain warmness to his heart he had never felt before.
He didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but the least he could do was hold you in his arms while he had the chance.
Maybe, one day, this could be real.
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The shouts of your captain snatched you from your death-like sleep, waking you with a groan as your eyes fluttered open, only to be blinded by the golden rays of morning light seeping through the window.
You let out a tired whine, covering your head with your pillow.
'I knew I should've got those curtains...'
Sitting up, sluggishly, you almost immediately regretted it when a jolt of pain shot through your core, the following soreness and aching rippling throughout the rest of your body.
"The hell?" you winced at the pulse between your legs.
It practically hurt to breathe.
And you had no idea why.
Confused, you lifted the blanket to check what was wrong, only to find that you were completely naked.
'Oh, shit... oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT!'
You whipped your head around, looking for any sign of the handsome pirate, only to find him snoring soundly right next to you, one of his arms haphazardly strewn around your waist.
Going off his positioning, it looked like you two were tangled in the sheets, his arms holding you protectively for most of the night.
"Last night was real..." you muttered, wincing again, your voice nearly gone.
A raspy tone only acquired after screaming nearly all night long
'Oh, shit! Fuck! The others! I was so loud!'
Frantic, you didn't realize how close you were to the edge, your lips letting a yelp slip as you fell over.
Instantly, you hit the floor with a harsh thud, letting out a string of curses as another jolt of pain coursed through your legs and hips.
"Fuck..." Zoro groaned as he patted the space next to him, attempting to feel for you as he stirred awake from the noise. "Where the hell did she—oh, shit, (y/n)!"
Realizing you were on the ground, his eye shot wide, and he quickly scrambled to the edge of the bed, wrapping his arm around your waist and effortlessly hoisting you into his lap.
"Crap, (y/n), are you alright?! Are you hurt?!" he asked, frazzled, and still trying to wake up. "Shit, (y/n), I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for all this to happen. I shoulda listened to you and left the damn sake alone."
To say he felt ashamed was an understatement.
He was absolutely mortified.
The events of last night began coming back to him in flashes, the pit of guilt in his stomach sinking deeper with each one.
Where he dragged his tongue against your skin...
Every hickey and bite mark he left behind...
The feeling of your gummy walls squeezing against him...
That's not how he wanted your first time together to be.
He wanted it to be something slow and special, something a woman like you deserved.
But instead it was fast and in the spur of the moment, all because he was stupid enough to guzzle some mystery drink and fall under the effects of a lust spell.
Raising your finger to his lips, you silenced him, eyes suddenly lidded as you leaned forward, forcing the two of you to lay back down, much to his confusion.
"Talk later," you mumbled, sleepily, nuzzling into his side as you pulled up the covers. "Sleep now."
Allowing your eyes to flutter shut, you let out a smooth, content sigh, slowly drifting back into slumber.
Incredulous, Zoro let out a small chuckle, but complied anyway, his arms snaking around your waist once more, pulling you further into him with a slight smirk.
Maybe he had that jug to thank after all...
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crustyfloor · 6 months ago
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A new pop-up store dropped for ALIEN STAGE's 2nd anniversary and wow. It's so sick.
It's Interesting what exactly these experiments are focusing on and monitoring.
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Instrument practice
I found it interesting earlier that Till was so tame, more so than he usually is when he's going through experiments, but music, and making music is what he loves doing, So he was fully in his element here. This was probably the only thing he was made to do by the aliens that he at least tolerated.
(Additionally, judging by his collar (orange), he was at least calm. maybe he just isn't fazed anymore.)
//Side note, that head contraption looks familiar BUT this most likely isn't related at least i hope
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(It puts me at ease, at least..)
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Dance practice
This surprised me, but I suppose Mizi needed more skills.
She looks very startled here, and nervous(?) +It looks like she's doing this while singing. And with that face covering I assume this was a test monitoring her dance balance, precision, etc. At first, I did think it was odd, "Why would Shine put her through that" But alas I was reminded that even though Mizi is the flower of the group she was never untouchable, to Shine, this was the equivalent of teaching your dog to sit and stay.
(seeing this it reminded me of those scenes in movies where the people are dancing, and the music gets faster and faster until they fall. I wonder if she was doing through something similar to that)
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Singing practice (?)
Similar to Till she also looks quite calm outwardly, if the machine around her neck is an iteration of the collars they have, then this process wasn't something she liked, or given how intense this experiment looks, this was a test of high-pressure to ensure she always stayed calm during performances (?). Then again this could also be a posture practice given all the structure focused on maintaining her position.
(What I believe was another form of this test was shown before so I think so)
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(With her hands in a praying stance I wonder if she was praying to herself or singing a religious song (sweet dream?) It's also interesting that the machinery around her looks like a halo, and she looks so...angelic? holy?)
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Image making practice
By image making, I think they made Ivan replicate expressions with his face. Whether this process was painful for him or not...I'm not sure. But it looked visibly uncomfortable, maybe that was the point. (His expression, even in this circumstance is so dubious..)
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Ivan, among other things, needed to have a spotless appearance to be successful, his image was a priority given his skills were certainly guaranteed.
I assume the aliens eventually took note of his lack of expression, in the real world this can be a detriment to one's career, so the Aliens had to ensure quality was perfect. (To a more...dedicated level)
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Superiority test
'Superiority test' Is very vague.
HyunA is very calm here too, likely sedated in that water with all the tablets on her. I guess this was a test to get an idea of a pet human's strengths and weaknesses, endurance, and temperament to compare and contrast them with others, testing who is more viable for Alien stage?
Another interesting, and sad part about this is that HyunWoo was there, watching his sister through her experiments.
(Also, it looks like both of her legs are normal, no alien leg yet.)
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Heart rate variability
And finally, the most visceral of them all. The wording 'variability' makes this all the more sickening, the Aliens were testing his heart hours, testing it at different rates, speeds, and states. And he was in agony the entire time. Even the way he's clutching his chest, it gives me chills. This would've been a completely harmless test in a normal setting, as something quite similar to this can be performed efficiently in real life. But he's being tortured in the process.
This is one of the first times we've ever seen Luka's face so truly clear and unprotected, (understandably so.) He's even crying.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 10 months ago
Precious Truths: Part 2
Fandom: Bridgerton
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!Reader
Summary: After your father finds out you’ve been writing under a male pseudonym, he threatens to marry you off to an atrocious man unless you find yourself a husband within a month’s time.
Warning: physical assault - reader gets slaped on the face
Series Masterlist
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Your gaze reveals the precious truths
The beauty that you see within
The bravery that I once never possessed
Your love is strength
Your love is pure
Your love is everything
-Arthur Talbot
You set your quill back into the ink jar and lean back in your chair, letting the ink dry. It's well into the night. Your father and aunt now sound asleep in their respective bedrooms. You find that late nights like these are the best times to write. It's when the world is quiet and you can indulge in your guilty pleasure of writing poetry. You're sure that if your father were to ever find out about this, he'd cast you out.
So your secret remains. Some parts of you felt like you should at least tell Benedict, for he's your closest, and dearest friend. However, you thought best not to. If the ton were to find out, it would be the end of you and you could never be one to drag Benedict down with you.
You can never do that to the man you love.
You're in the sitting room watching as stands at Benedict at his easel, Colin and Greggory play chess, and Daphne coos over Auggie. Benedict works on his still life as you sit close by.
He frowns, taking a step back from his painting, "This is wrong. It's-Something's missing."
You lean closer to get a glance at his work, "Benedict, it looks beautiful."
"Are you sure?" he asks with an unsure look on his face.
You stand up and take a better look at the canvas, "Don't you artists always say beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" you look at Benedict with a smirk and then back at the canvas, "What you may find as unattractive, Benedict, someone else might find alluring and lovely."
You pat his arm and then plop yourself back into the chair you previously occupied. You go back to your reading completely unaware that Benedict is looking at you with absolute love in his eyes.
He hears someone clear their throat and he looks away to see Anthony staring at him expectantly, "I'm sorry, brother. Did you say something?"
"We're all going for a promenade. I believe we've all been inside for long enough."
You stand up, "I shall take my leave then, Bridgertons."
"Or you can join us?" Benedict immediately asks with hopeful grin.
You softly shake your head, "I don't want to intrude."
"Nonsense," Kate says as she enters the room, "We're always happy to have you, Y/N," she joins her husband's side.
"Well, I can't reject you, Viscountess Bridgerton," you give Kate a smile and Benedict is confused, "So you have no problem rejecting me?"
You laugh, "I'm only jesting, Benedict. I'd love to accompany you and your family for a promenade."
"Wonderful, let's get to it then," Anthony says, trying to gather his siblings together.
You're following Benedict's younger siblings whilst said man was walking beside you. You're walking in silence, but it isn't awkward. Silence in Benedict's presence is never awkward, but rather comforting.
"I've realized something, Y/N."
Benedict keeps his eyes on you as you two continue to follow his younger siblings, "You've always been very supportive of my artistic prospects, but I don't believe I've given the same curtesy to you and your poetic writings. I recall you enjoyed writing them when we were younger."
It warms your heart knowing that Benedict remembers of the times you'd write whilst he'd paint or draw. You let out long and deep sigh. Looking ahead, you reply, "Yes, well, I've given up those dreams, I'm afraid. You know how my father is about my indulgence with poetry. I have to be very careful. Even reading it and reciting it to the ton is risky. Luckily, my father is inebriated a majority of the time he's out and about."
"Well if you ever decide to return to writing poetry, you have my full support."
You nod, "Thank you, Ben. I really appreciate it."
"Y/N," you turn to your right to see Daphne now walking beside you, pushing Auggie in his pram.
"Yes, Your Grace?" you stop and answer her with a teasing smirk. You're older than Daphne by a few years, but just two years younger than Benedict. You've always seen Daphne as a younger sister, being that you are an only child. Occasionally the teasing will produce itself between you two.
"Would you like to join us for dinner?"
You can't help but laugh, "Of course, but I've been spending my entire day with you already. Won't you all get tired of me?"
"We'd never tire of you, Y/N," Benedict replies with earnest and it brings a warm smile to your place.
"Be that as it may, I believe the Viscount should have the final word?"
Anthony, Kate, and Violet catch up to you as you're all looking at Anthony. He looks at you all in confusion, "Something the matter?"
Daphne speaks up, "I invited Y/N to stay for dinner if that's alright, brother?"
He shoots you a grin, "Of course. Miss L/N is always welcome. You're practically family, yes?" he shoots Benedict a wink and you're not sure why.
"Well thank you for the invitation," you look down at your dress, "But perhaps, I should at least change. This dress isn't particularly dinner attire."
"What do you mean? You look beautiful as always," Benedict states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
The Bridgertons all give each other knowing looks. That's when the Dowager Viscountess speaks up, "Benedict, darling, Y/N is right. After the promenade, we should allow her to freshen up before dinner."
Kate removes herself from Anthony and loops arms with you, "Let us continue our promenade, Y/N."
"Of course!" you giggle with your friend as you continue on the trail.
Benedict moves to follow, but Anthony pats his brother on the shoulder, "You've spent hours with her, brother. Let her take a break from you clinging to her all the time."
Benedict looks at his older brother in offense, "I don't cling to her...do I?"
"A bit, darling," Violet says and Daphne nods in agreement.
He runs his hand through his hair and sighs, "I'm too obvious, aren't I?"
Daphne shakes her head, "No, I don't think so. If you were, she'd have said something, yes? Or maybe would have run for the hills?" she asks with a smirk to her elder brothers, before continuing to push Augie down the path.
When you arrive back home to change, you ask the housekeeper, Mrs. Burnett, if your aunt is home.
"No, Miss, she's gone to meet with Lady Danbury," the older woman replies.
You nod, "Thank you, Mrs. Burnett," you gather your dress and make your way to your room upstairs.
You freeze when you see the door ajar and you know for a fact you closed it before leaving earlier.
You slowly push the door open and your heart drops when you see your father surrounded by pages and pages of poems. Poems that are supposed to be written by a man.
You gulp and slowly approach him as he sits at your writing desk, "Papa?"
His eyes meet yours in a cold and intimidating stare, "Not only have you still been indulging in poetry, but you're writing it? Under a man's name?"
"What were you doing in my room?"
You take some cautionary steps towards him, "Papa, you've had too much to drink."
"No!" he abruptly stands at your desk, causing you to jump ack in surprise. His chest is heaving as he tightly grips pages of your work, "If anyone finds out about this-"
"They won't! I've hid this from everyone for months!"
"You need to marry," he says with definitive authority.
You look at him with a confused expression, "What do you mean?"
"I can't take your defiance any longer!"
Your father walks around your desk so it's no longer a wall between you and he. He points a warning finger at you, "If you don't find a husband within a month's time, I'm marrying you off to your cousin, Albert."
Your jaw drops, "Cousin Albert?! He's absolutely horrendous! He's a rake and a gambler-"
"And looking for a wife!" he exclaims as he cuts you off, "When you were younger, your Uncle Wallace tried to convince me to have you two promised to each other once you came out to society. I regret not taking the opportunity now seeing how you've grown up."
You clench your fists in anger, "Mama wouldn't stand for this! She-
Your words are stuck in your throat, your cheek stinging after your father slaps you. His eyes are red and wild as he spits out, "Mama is dead! She is not here anymore! This is my house! You are to find a husband in a month or you are to marry Albert. Be grateful I'm not sending you away right this moment."
You're holding your cheek now, trying to soothe the pain. Your heart hurts for yourself and your mama. You know she'd hate the man your papa has become.
Without another word, you're rushing out of your room and bounding down the stairs.
Your aunt had just arrived back and you rush past her without a glance. She follows you in concern, "Y/N? What happened?! What's wrong? Y/N!" she yells after you as you run down the street back towards the Bridgerton household.
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justauthoring · 10 months ago
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-> because gojo and geto have been in love with you since they first laid eyes on you, and marrying you was the least of their worries.
a/n -> i started this with no plan in mind so here ya go :) (i just wanted to write for my boys <3)
pairing -> satosugu x f!reader
tw. mention of (attempted) forced arranged marriage, implied physical abuse
"there you are."
eyes peeling open, you glance up at the two shadows with a dazed expression.
geto shakes his head at you. "we've been looking for you everywhere."
"you're a pain in the ass to find when you wanna be," gojo grumbles, looking decidely less amused than geto does as he crouches down, raising his head to lightly flick your forehead. "you know that?"
you let out a giggle, it light and airy as you roll your eyes at the both of them. gojo and geto glance at each other at that, raising a brow before their eyes fall back on you, laid back on the floor, head tilted back as you peer up at them through the top of your lashes.
there's a light flush across your cheeks, skin dusted with a pretty pink, and your gaze is unfocused.
oh, they realize, you're drunk.
geto's eyes flicker to the table your lower half was concealed by, only then noticing the many empty sake bottles thrown about half-hazardly.
gojo notices it at the same time and with a sigh, he presses his hand to his forehead.
"what happened?"
the smile on your face fades at that, falling with a twitch as the two of them stare down at you this time with concern clear in their gazes. an uncomfortable feeling twists deep in your chest and in your inebriated state, all you can focus on is that you really really don't want to talk about it.
any of it.
so, with a blink, you push yourself up, flipping yourself around so you're on your knees before them, grin back on your lips as you smile cheekily at them.
"nothing," you brush off, even though it's obvious it's not nothing. "let's do something fun."
gojo huffs and geto's face twists with hesitation; "y/n, i dunno if—"
geto is promptly cut off by the feeling of your weight falling against him, and he sputters for a second, confused, as he feels you crawl into his lap; something you certainly would not do if sober. your hands grab his shoulders, using them to steady yourself as you slip your legs around his waist, knocking him on his ass, instead of crouched like he'd been a second ago.
inhaling sharply the second you press your ass right against his nether regions, geto's hands are moving to your waist, hands tightening as he halts your wiggling.
"what are you—"
you just wink at him, head turning to rest on his shoulder as you turn your attention to gojo who watches on with barely concealed jealousy.
"satoru~" you call out, dragging his name out sweetly on your tongue as you stretch your hands out towards him, fingers wiggling. "come 'ere."
to his credit, gojo realizes he shouldn't given the fact that it was clear you were drunk and not in the right state of mind. but seeing you jump onto geto's lap like that had him burning with want and jealousy and he really isn't in the right state of mind himself as he submits himself to your call and crawls towards you.
you cup his cheek and gojo leans into the touch, mewling.
"pretty boy," you smile, blinking lazily.
gojo practically twinkles at the praise.
geto, still trying to ignore the feeling of you on him, maneuvers his hands, using his strength to push you back, albeit gently. you frown at his actions, attention turned away from gojo as you glare over at him, pouting.
"what's your problem?" you grumble.
geto just shakes his head, sharp eyes turning to gojo. "satoru," he calls, and gojo meets his gaze, ready to argue, before he sees the look being sent his way and is reminded of what's right (blegh) so he pulls his face out of your hand and grabs it instead to push it down, not letting it wander.
"y/n," geto calls again, and you turn to him, shoulders slumped, annoyed at your affections being ignored. "if this was any other time, we'd be all over you given that that's what we've been wanting for months and you know that. but you're drunk."
turning your face away, still perched on his lap, you cross your arms over your chest. "so?"
gojo coughs; "so... it wouldn't be right."
you snort. "as if the two of you care about right versus wrong."
"we do." geto pushes, thumbs stroking your hips. "when it comes to you."
you blink at that, eyes falling back on him with parted lips, before you turn to gojo; he wears a similar expression to geto. sincerity.
leaning forward, gojo brushes a strand of hair from your face, movements soft and gentle as he tucks it behind your ear. "what's the matter, baby? why'd you get drunk?"
feeling cornered and knowing they won't leave it until you answer, you lower your gaze. "it's stupid." you mumble, voice low, barely a whisper.
geto squeezes your hips, shaking his head. "nothing about you is stupid."
you hate them and their sweet, flattering words. you hate even more that it gives it's intended effect in the way that you're unable to resist either of them when they treat you like this.
"my father," you start, feeling that tight feeling your chest well all over again. the alcohol isn't much good for anything other than making you more emotional when forced to confront the emotions you'd desperately tried to forget in your drunken stupor.
"what'd your father do?" gojo sks.
"wants me to get married."
you feel geto tense underneath you and gojo's hand still against your cheek, there soothing movements on your skin stilling as your words hang in the air for a second.
"of course, it'll all be arranged according to him," you continue. now that the words were out, you found you couldn't stop yourself. you were angry and hurt and embarrassed and betrayed and it felt good to get all of your chest. "said i had no choice. i'm supposed to meet my fiance tomorrow... the wedding is supposedly next month."
you feel your eyes water, your emotions spilling over as your lips start to tremble. you can't look at their faces, ashamed even if you shouldn't be. it was your stupid father's fault and yet, you were the one being punished.
it was simply cruel.
your voice starts to tremble before you can stop it; "i haven't met the guy yet and when i tried to explain to my father that i wasn't ready, he... well..." you can't finish your words, the pain on your side that you'd been decidely ignoring, aching more than it had all night in that moment.
but geto and gojo aren't ready to let it go.
"he..." and geto's words are slow, calculated. "what?"
you just turn your head away.
"y/n," gojo calls, voice sharp, anger thinly veiled in his tone; but not at you. "what did your father do?"
"he..." still, the words won't come out. with a huff, you raise your shirt, showing off the bruise that had formed on your hip. your eyes fall shut when the both of them lean forward, geto's hand shifting to press above the bruise, holding his shirt up as gojo lets out a low, guttural growl.
"i'll kill him," gojo hisses, his voice the angriest you've ever heard it.
turning to geto, gojo emphasizes; "i'm going to kill him."
geto wants to agree but one glance at your red and teary-eyed face and he's nudging you to glance at them once again. you oblidge without much fight, turning to face them with wobbly lips and watery eyes, sniffling.
"y/n," geto calls, wanting your attention on him. "it'll be okay."
you just shake your head. "you guys don't get it. i don't have a choice—"
"marry us."
gojo's words cut in before you can finish and everything seems to freeze the second he says them. you pause, stilling in geto's grasp, eyes falling on the white-haired boy with disbelief, confused and bafflement all mixed into one.
for a second you think it's joking and you're about to curse him out for being so insenstive, but his face doesn't change and when you turn to geto, he seems just as serious.
"you're crazy," you breathe, mind spinning. "how... how would that—my father and..."
"the gojo clan is one of the big three clans, y/n. i have sway over these sort of things." gojo explains, face still serious, unwavering. "one word and anything your father says wouldn't matter a damn thing. and besides, i've been planning on asking you to marry me since the moment i layed eyes on you. suguru too."
lips parting, you turn to geto, only to see him smiling softly, nodding.
by the lack of geto's suprise to gojo's offer, you have the sneaking suspicion this is something they've talked about before.
"it can just be a formality," geto offers, sensing your apprehension. "nothing more than writing. i don't even have to be apart of it if you don't want. you just need the gojo name and then that would be that and you can continue on."
"or," gojo continues, "you can still continue on but... but it'd be real. not just a formality and not just in writing. we'd be your husbands and you'd be our wife. nothing would change other than our relationship to each other."
they stop at that, words left in the air as they both stare at you, waiting. your eyes flicker between the both of the, stunned, processing their words.
then, you speak up; "i could... i could still be a sorcerer?"
"of course," geto nods, not hesitating.
"either way," gojo agrees. "i would never take away your right to make a living for yourself."
"and... i'd be married to the both of you?" you whisper.
"if you want."
"only if you want."
you take the both of them in. seriously take them in. even with your mascara running and with a puffy red nose, they look at you like you're their whole world. this is how they always look at you, but it seems to really click in that moment.
their touches are gentle and reassuring and they don't pressure you. they wait for your answer and wait until you're ready to give it. gazes reassuring and smiles on their faces. there's apprehension and it's clear what they want, but they refuse to sway you either way.
they love you. they've told you before, many times but you'd always brushed it off.
you don't this time.
the two of them glance at each other. "okay?"
"i'll marry the both of you," you whisper and the two of them straighten, eyes hopeful. "and not just a formality. but... but even if we're married in writing, i'd... i'd still like us to take things slow."
"of course," geto agrees instantly and you blink at how quick he is to oblidge.
"we don't have to have a wedding," gojo explains, then backpeddles. "not at first. it can just be in writing, to get your father off of you. then... in a couple months, maybe..."
"we can make a whole show of it," geto grins.
you snort at that, their excitement lightening your mood. "you're getting ahead of yourselves."
"can't help it," gojo breathes, leaning forward to press his face into the crook of your neck. "we've been dreaming of this."
the admission stuns you.
"don't look so shocked, baby," geto coos, squeezing you so you fall against him. "we've been in love with you for months."
you lean into their touch, basking in it. basking in how... full of love it is.
letting your head fall against geto's shoulders, you close your eyes. "thank you," you whisper into the silence. "both of you. for everything."
geto's grip around you tightens and gojo presses a kiss at the crook of your neck.
"anything for you."
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stardust-moth · 4 months ago
In order to fully understand why it was so hard for Mike to express how deeply he loves El, and why his speech at the end of season 4 was one of the biggest, most important moments for his entire character, we need to look at not just who Mike is as a person, but also everything that has happened since he met her.
Every single time he opens up his heart to her, something horrible happens to her or she's taken away from him almost immediately afterwards.
1x08; he's an awkward little ball of feelings that are way too big for a boy so young. He makes a nervous attempt at confessing and asking her out on a date; when he can't find words that she'll understand, swoops in for a kiss instead. She lights up immediately and smiles. It's a brief moment of hope and pure happiness. Maybe they can have some semblance of a normal life and be normal kids after this is all over.
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Minutes later, all hell breaks loose-- they're almost shot, El pushes herself too far until she can barely move, she's almost taken away by the Bad Men, the Demogorgon appears, and she uses the very last of her strength to sacrifice herself to save him and their friends.
He has to watch helplessly as she disappears.
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He spends a year caught between believing she's dead and hoping she's still out there somewhere (but if she is alive then why won't she talk to him anymore...?). Kept silent under threat by the lab, he can't confide in anyone or even acknowledge her existence, not with anyone except those involved... but everyone else is keen on moving on and pretending it never happened. He can find some solidarity in Will, at least, who is in a similar kind of emotional turmoil... but it's not the same and it's not enough.
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2x9; he is finally reunited with El, and she runs into his arms like she missed him too. She tells him that all those nights he called out to her, she heard him; she was there reciprocating his feelings the whole time.
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In a burst of emotions that he's been forced to suppress for an entire year, he lashes out at the reason they've been kept apart (Hopper), screaming and sobbing. It's a massive catharsis for him, and for once an adult is understanding enough to hold him and not punish him for it.
Minutes later, she is going to go headfirst into a pit of monsters, the place where Mike had just firsthand witnessed dozens of people (if not more) get ripped to shreds only hours earlier, and she is going to attempt to close the Gate-- a feat that he knows may take every ounce of her power, just like last time. He cries. He can't lose her again. She promises he won't, and before she can seal that promise with a kiss, they're pulled apart again.
He has to watch helplessly as she drives away.
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3x1; all seems to be okay now. He and El are happily together, and he feels comfortable enough to be playful, romantic, and intimate with her. It's the most emotionally open we've ever seen Mike thus far.
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For reasons he can't understand (bc there's no way Hopper explained himself beyond "I'm in charge so do as I say or else"), Hopper is angry about it and threatens to never allow him to see her again: the one thing he fears most.
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He panics big time and fucks it up in the process by lying to her. During a frantic attempt to apologize while also abiding by Hopper's rules, he runs into her at the mall. He panics again-- if anyone finds her here, and knows that he was here too, it's all over, and Hopper surely won't hear reason. El dumps him cold on the spot, spurred on by Max and her rebellious attitude (and without any context of course). He isn't given much opportunity to respond. He knows he's in the wrong for lying to her, so what could he even say...?
He has to watch helplessly as she drives away.
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It's a hard blow, and he retreats back into himself, unable to get any joy out of playing D&D (which he clearly hasn't lost interest in), back to the deadpan sarcasm and accidentally snapping a little too harshly at anyone whom he feels would take El's place.
3x6; no one seems to understand the danger El is putting herself in. Everyone is berating him for worrying about her safety. He's seen firsthand what these monsters do to people, he's seen firsthand how El pushes her abilities too far. No one is listening.
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The words "I love her and I can't lose her again" burst out in his desperation, perhaps before he's even had a chance to realize how deep those feelings run, despite whatever protective walls he's tried to build around his heart to keep it from getting broken again.
Soon after, all hell breaks loose. El is nearly killed several times over, her leg is ripped open, she pushes herself so hard that she breaks herself and loses her powers completely. Her father is taken from her. She's shattered by all of this, and there's absolutely nothing he could do or say to make it better.
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She tells him that when he admitted he loves her, she heard him, and indeed she loves him, too... But now she's leaving.
He has to watch helplessly as she drives away.
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4x1; they've been apart for a few months, and write letters back and forth to each other. El's letters paint a picture of an ideal new life: she and the Byers family are doing well; she's starting school and it's going well; she's made new friends, she likes her new home, everything is going well. She seems to be thriving. She sounds happy, maybe even happier than she had been living in Hawkins. Maybe Max was right, maybe she's better off being her own person without him, and maybe the respectful thing to do is step back... It's a small insecurity that creeps up subconsciously. In his replies he holds back, afraid of clinging too hard.
Though there's little logic in it, he's afraid that if he tells her he loves her again, another disaster might strike and this lovely happy life she's finally found might get taken from her. After all, that's what always seems to happen when he does.
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4x2; after months of waiting, they can finally see each other again. He wears her favorite colors, picks a handful of flowers for her, and falls happily back into step with how they used to be. Soon that same day, however, reality becomes clear and the facade crumbles. People he was told were her friends show up to torment and publicly humiliate her. She had been lying. She isn't happy here, she hasn't healed, she is right at the edge of a breaking point that he doesn't see coming at all. He can't believe she would lie to him, she's not the kind of person to lie... especially not about something like bullying, something that she was always so understanding about with him.
On that logicless subconscious level, he wonders if it's all his fault-- he should have known somehow, he should have been there for her. She protected him from his bullies, he should have protected her from hers. He tries to come to her rescue. She runs away from him.
He's helpless to save her, again.
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4x3; after a night to process everything that happened-- and deciding that the betrayal he feels from her lying to him is nothing compared to the turmoil she must be going through right now-- Mike approaches her in the gentlest way possible, wanting to listen and trying to understand. El, however, isn't receptive at all to his attempts at reassurance. She is at an all-time low, she's given up. She believes she is unlovable, irredeemable, a monster, just a thing that doesn't even have those superhuman abilities to compensate anymore. Mike can't believe what he's hearing-- doesn't she know that she's always been so much more than her powers? She's always been so much more than what she lacks in quote-unquote "normalcy"... None of those things matter, they have absolutely no bearing on whether she's worthy of being loved, because he loves her, completely regardless of any of these things. He always has...
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El starts flinging his restrained words back at him, the products of his insecurity and trauma-induced fear. That fear takes hold yet again, and he stumbles, afraid of saying too much or not enough, because surely both could result in pushing her away-- she's retreating, hearing none of it; nothing he tries to say consoles her.
Moments later, local police come knocking. She's taken away in cuffs, and she's so broken inside that she won't even look at him when he chases the police car down the street and promises he'll get her out somehow...
Once again, he has to watch helplessly as she drives away.
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4x8/4x9; after days of driving through the heat and dryness of southwest desert, having narrowly escaped being shot at with military-grade assault rifles, witnessing the death of and burying a man whose last words were that El is in danger... After watching dozens of people get mowed down by a sniper in a helicopter, and watching that same helicopter be smashed into the ground in a ball of flames...
There she is. Just as powerful and beautiful and alive as she's ever been. When he runs to her and embraces her, she looks at him like she can't believe he's real. She's beaming a smile right from her soul and it's like all the insecurity and self-doubt that have plagued them both just vanish from existence now that they're in each other's arms again.
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Like always, however, the universe comes crashing down soon after. Max is marked for a gruesome death and all of Hawkins is in danger. They're miles away and helpless, and the only possible way for El to save everyone is if she goes in alone. She's stronger than ever, but so is her foe. Once again, she descends to face all the demons of hell on her own, and Mike can't do anything.
She's losing. She's choking. She's dying. He's helpless.
He must be cursed. He must be. Being with her, loving her, allowing himself to admit he loves her, it always brings only pain and suffering and loss. His heart is so full that it's aching, it's bursting out of his chest, and he can't contain it any longer.
She's going to die and it's going to be all his fault, because he fell in love, and it's cursed her.
Just before it all crumbles into utter despair, the earnest support from his oldest and dearest friend-- one who's always shared and understood his feelings of helplessness-- sparks a light of hope in him: "You're the Heart." You're not helpless. You can save her.
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The words that come spilling out of Mike's mouth are truer than any he's ever dared to speak before, and it's the most terrified he's ever been, but he has enough courage for this moment. Despite all of the fears that have been building, stifling, choking him to death for years-- fears that the light of his life will inevitably disappear again, and there's nothing he can do to stop it-- despite it all, he pours out his heart to her.
He loves her. He's always loved her. He loves everything she ever was, is, and could be. He can't imagine a world without her in it. She saved him, in every way a person can be saved. And he needs her to live. He believes in her.
And it works. It's music to her ears.
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linda-with-an-i · 5 months ago
Now that it's been some time since the end of season 2 of the rings of power and we've had some time to digest the good and the bad stuff, I wanted to spend my two cents on what has been hands down the highlight of the show, which is the Annatar/Celebrimbor storyline, but especially Celebrimbor's. The two Charlies have been consistently acting their hearts out, but Charles Edwards performance in particular took me by surprise and totally blew me away (give the man all the awards goddamnit!).
Celebrimbor has always been one of my favourite characters from the books, and one I thought had a lot of potential given how little we know about him, so I was really curious to see what they wanted to do with the finer details of his story and character, and I think that they delivered on every front and then some. Some people say he should have been a warrior (totally valid interpretation) but his characterization was done flawlessly and went even beyond my expectations, and in my humble opinion Charles Edwards casting was perfect for the story they told.
His performance as celebrimbor moved me as few others managed to do, his portrayal deeply resonated with me. I became so attached to this character that I knew I would have grieved his character death when the moment came (which in fact I did), but something else happened that I didn't expect: to watch someone as broken and tortured as he was slowly but surely reclaim his strength and freedom of spirit, to watch him fully take responsibility and embrace his mistakes even in the face of certain death, because the point was to choose light instead of power/strength, and finally to watch him challenge and rise above his abuser was nothing short of inspiring and one on the most powerful, beautiful and tolkenian moments I've seen. Thank you Mr. Edwards for all the work and passion you put in every scene, your performance will go down as one of the best of 2024, and arguably one of the best of Tolkien's world. Namárië.
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thebroccolination · 2 months ago
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Back when the teaser (made as an appeal to sponsors) aired in part two of GMMTV's 2024 showcase, and especially after the trailer (cut from the actual series) aired, I thought ThamePo looked like it would become one of the strongest series GMMTV has ever made.
So far, even though we're only four episodes in, it's well surpassing my expectations. Apparently, it's a passion project that the director had in the making for five years, waiting for the right casting to come along, so based on that alone, it's a series made with love. And I have a soft spot for passion projects. <3
Still, the top criterion I judge all series by is the quality of the writing, and since ThamePo's director is also a seasoned screenwriter who developed the script, this is one of the strongest aspects of the series so far.
Over the past four episodes, we've seen our protagonist's flaws (people-pleasing, projecting, temper) and strengths (resourcefulness, observational skill, cleverness), what he wanted (to return to the creative working world) and how it's changing (to reunite MARS). We've met the public version of Thame, the shallow version of Thame that Po misread, and the private version of Thame trying to make amends with his friends. We've met three of those friends (Jun, Dylan, and Pepper) and have hints about the fourth (Nano), and each friend we've met has given us more insight into the kind of person Thame is and what he's done to try and protect his group as the leader.
Since the main conflict of the story appears to be Thame being forced to choose between his band or his new boyfriend—
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—Thame's relationship with Po has to move at quite a quick clip so he's emotionally invested enough in their relationship that it's a difficult choice. He's already extremely attached to his friends, so I'd argue one of the biggest challenges in the writing was having him fall in love with Po convincingly fast without it feeling forced by the hand of the screenwriter.
And daaamn has that been well-accomplished, in my opinion.
First, Po gets his Y/N moment.
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It's established in the first episode that Thame saw Po at a fanmeeting once and remembered him because Po did something kind for someone when he didn't have to. Presumably because Thame's in a fairly cutthroat industry where people are constantly vying for his attention, maneuvering him like a chess piece, or flat-out ignoring him, that small act of kindness was probably one of the bright points of his day, week, or even month. Especially as things started falling apart with the other members.
In that same episode, we see Po projecting the heartbreak from his previous relationship onto Thame.
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And in return, Thame—who spends most of the next episode docilely doing whatever he's told to do by the company—allows some of what he's hidden to show out of frustration presumably brought on by being so thoroughly misunderstood and chastised by a stranger he used to think well of and now suspects of being a sasaeng.
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Because both characters are in such vulnerable places emotionally, it translates well to the narrative when they start to depend on one another.
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On Po's end, his recent breakup has left him feeling foolish and exposed, taken advantage of by a man who refused to acknowledge Po's sacrifices or show any true appreciation for all the work Po did to see him succeed.
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Meanwhile, Thame is alone in every way that matters.
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His parents are neglectful,
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his friends abandoned him,
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and his boss is manipulating him.
At the start, Po is quite literally the only ally he has.
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It's because Po kept at him to be honest, to be sincere, that Thame woke up and decided to fight for himself.
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And because Thame is doing something for himself for a change, that's what wins back his closest friend Jun.
What I love about this whole narrative is that it's already established from Po's previous relationship that he's the kind of person to give himself entirely to a cause for someone else's benefit. He helped Earn to his own detriment, he picked up a small child so she could see, and he's risking his job to help Thame find happiness and peace.
So it's entirely in-character for him to, say, go through a whole room filled with boxes of rejected song lyrics trying to find one piece of paper that he had to tape back together. Only for it not to matter, because Thame mended fences with Dylan on his own.
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I'd argue this is what makes Po think, Maybe I'm too emotionally involved in this. Especially after Jun has point-blank told him that Thame would never be interested in him that way.
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We see the moment Po doubts his enthusiastic support of this whole project.
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And it's clear that this could have been where it ended for Po.
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Until Thame, observant and kind and the polar opposite of Earn, says exactly the right thing to him.
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Because that was the major breaking point for Po in his relationship with Earn. He was made to feel disposable. Extraneous. Unnecessary. But Thame recognizes the work he's done, the effort he's put in. He may be reuniting the group for his own satisfaction, but he's not so selfish that he can let Po's contributions go unobserved and unappreciated.
Then, y'know. Thame talks to Po until he falls asleep—
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—and serenades him in the morning.
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And the thing is! Knowing all we know about Thame—that his parents don't seem to care about him, that he's been isolated from his friends, that he's been made helpless in his own career for so long after being manipulated into signing contracts that restrict his freedom—it makes sense for him to be the one pursuing Po this hard. Just as much as it makes sense for recently heartbroken Po to be interested and yet hesitant.
Setting all of this up in four episodes while covering the entire backstory of MARS and their gradual reunion is a feat of excellent writing. We have a reason to care about Thame and Po's relationship, because it's been clearly shown to us that they bring out the best in each other and that they're willing, even at this early stage, to take risks for each other. We've also got reason to care about MARS, because they seem to be more family to Thame than his own, and they're his current priority.
I'm genuinely thrilled to see such solid writing come from a GMMTV series because as I've said before, they seem more and more recently to chuck first drafts on an assembly line and just assume the fandom will watch anything regardless of the quality as long as certain khuujin are cast as the leads (which, y'know, isn't untrue).
While I enjoy some GMMTV QL series as mindless fluff to watch with friends, there are very few I'd say are written well. Apart from ThamePo, only five other series I've seen have what I'd consider well-executed scripts: Pluto (2024), Be My Favorite (2023), Dark Blue Kiss (2019), SOTUS S (2017), and SOTUS (2016). Sadly, I think Not Me (2022) was on track to be one of the best with its first half, but the production was infamously neglected with episodes cut by GMMTV at the last minute and the script deprived of major edits that left the second half almost shallow by comparison. (Of course, Not Me had a host of censorship issues as well, so we may never know how much that interfered with the quality. It's still an incredible series for its ambition and for Nuchy's directing, and I'll be mad every day of my reincarnation cycle that it didn't get the writing support it deserved.)
Otherwise, nearly every GMMTV series I've seen has at least one major basic storytelling flaw (no character arc, a sloppy resolution, unconvincing setup, weak characterization, excess filler, etc.), and they seem to be first drafts with very little depth. With that in mind, I hope to see ThamePo do well enough that it sends a message to GMMTV that they should focus more on the writing of their series. I think based on what we've seen in the first four episodes and in the trailer, the script quality is reliable, and ThamePo's relationship may be one of the best-written we've seen yet. <3
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ace-and-the-rpg-horrors · 8 months ago
i doubt that Arata's going to make any major appearances now, but i think it would be so funny if VBS starts travelling and he is made to supervise them, because Ken is busy and tells the kids, "sorry, i am not trusting you guys by yourselves abroad in a million years." so he calls up Arata, since he's travelled before (to America)
Arata is like "yeah, sure. how hard could it be?"
about everything that could go wrong goes wrong.
in the middle of the night, they were all meant to meet at WEG, from where Ken would drive them to the airport. all of them except Toya forgot at least one thing at home and had to go all the way back to retrieve it.
Arata ordered a cup of strong coffee while they all waited for An to come back after running up to her room for the sixteenth time.
at security, An, Akito and Arata seem to accidentally create a "whose jewellery can set off the metal detector more" competition. Toya is highly disappointed in Akito. and just before the trip, Emu had given Kohane a tiny little robot that has recorded messages from all of W x S, to remember them by while she's away!! so cute!!
it gets Kohane pulled away to be searched.
not even anything dodgy in it, it's just as if the machines could detect the Made In Rui Kamishiro's Room essence. Kohane was terrified. it took Arata, Akito and Toya to hold An back from fighting security and getting them all arrested. Rui woke up at home a few hours later to fifty missed calls from Akito, An and the airline.
Arata bought another coffee at duty free afterwards.
oh, and since i'm silly about my headcanon of Iori and Arata being twins, STANDOUT happens to be doing a world tour at the same time. Arata prayed he would not see his sister at the airport. he is not God's favourite. she sees him struggling with the kids and immediately takes the piss. he retorts that he hopes her plane crashes. nearly gets jumped by the other band members (minus Mio)
he needed two coffees to recover from that.
Kohane is super excited about taking as many photos as she can while in the airport, wanting to capture everything. Arata sees her struggling with holding the camera while dragging her suitcase and decides to be nice, offering to hold it. she accidentally calls him nii-san and he feels joy for the first time, thinking that maybe it's all worth it. which is very quickly dissolved when An takes him holding Kohane's bag as an invitation to drop her bag on him ("cheers, Arata!!"), followed by Akito. Toya tries to scold them and help carry all the things, though sheepishly finds that he does not have the strength to.
"why the fuck do i bother." ~ Arata Tono, 2024, on his fifth coffee.
Arata gets a call from Souma checking up on him and is so relieved that he's positively beaming (and maybe even tearing up) while he walks away to answer.
"ehhh, he hasn't smiled at us like that all night, even though we've been so good!!" ~ An. she and Akito tease the hell out of his relationship with Souma when he returns.
while waiting to board the plane, he has to deal with standing next to a bickering An and Akito, the sleepiness starting to really get to the both of them, making them more snappy. Toya is starting to really realise that flights involve... heights. and is staring into space while having a silent panic attack. Kohane unintentionally wanders off to go take more photos, nearly giving Arata a heart attack when he thinks he's lost her. or that might've just been the caffeine.
he is unable to buy another cup of coffee at this time.
the second Arata gets into his plane seat, he goes "do not talk to me" to all of them and immediately falls asleep. some poor flight attendant has to shake him awake to ask him to put his belt on because he'd forgotten. he starts sobbing right then and there.
he gets to order his now hourly coffee from that same flight attendant a bit later.
he tries to drift off once more, though is awoken again, this time by poor Toya in the middle seat digging his fingernails into both his and Akito's arms from fear, like a cat, while the plane takes off.
Arata downs some more coffee and reflects every one of his life's decisions while his arm is taken hostage.
An, who is much too peppy at this sort of hour, in Arata's opinion, reaches across the aisle every ten minutes to shake his free arm and ask "are we there yet??" so he makes Toya keep an eye on how many exact miles away they are and regularly report it to her, to both distract him from the height and satisfy An's curiosity.
when they arrive at their destination, VBS is ecstatic. Arata promptly goes to his room in the hotel and passes out for about twelve hours.
he gets offered coffee during breakfast and feels sick at the thought... before remembering that he's with this lot for a good few days and quickly accepts.
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peachsukii · 6 months ago
— 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭: 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱 | 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐭
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Devastating news is dropped in your lap about your future career as a pro hero. A few days in the hospital leaves you listless about life in general before being sent back home to reality. Even though your environment hasn't changed, your world has been rocked and coming back down to earth feels impossible. Thankfully, Bakugo's more than patient with you and willing to walk you back into normalcy, one day at a time.
✮ content. mentions of blood/violence. kidnapping/abduction. experimentation. physical & psychological torture. PTSD. implied self harm. talks of trauma. angst with happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort. regret. mutual pining. friends to lovers. insomnia. eventual romance. (very) mild smut, talks of recovery. ✮ word count: 8.1k.
✧. ┊ hollow heart masterlist ⨯ crossposted to ao3
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~ TIME: 7:15AM - Hospital (One Hour Earlier)
"I'll help you back into bed and then we can go over your test results." Saki carefully assists you out of the wheelchair and lifts you into the hospital bed, gracefully tucking you into the sheets. "We received the toxicology report and bloodwork results while we performed the MRI. We were unable to decipher what drugs were administered during your time in the compound, but it affected your quirk factor tremendously."
"What does that mean?" you question. Before all of this, you had no idea a quirk factor could even be manipulated, let alone damaged. 
"In plain terms, your quirk being forced to activate caused it to weaken in strength. Your bloodwork thankfully confirmed you do not have any bacterial infections from the injections you were given, however," Saki pauses to grab her clipboard from the countertop. "The EKG results showed signs of an arrhythmia, which is common among drug related issues."
You don't say anything, too weary to form a cognitive thought about everything she's telling you. 
"I know this is a lot to process, we don't expect you to make heads or tails of it today. We'll be keeping you for one more day for observation while we create a treatment plan for your recovery. This means you may not be able to return to pro hero work for sometime." Saki takes your hand in hers. "Get some rest for now. I'll be back in a bit to check on you."
All you can do is nod while settling into the bed, trying to get comfortable enough to sleep. The thoughts swirling in your head are making you dizzy alongside the pain killers they've hooked you up to. It doesn't take long for your eyes to feel too heavy to hold open, drifting off to sleep, avoiding the weight of your reality for a little while longer.  
A familiar figure approaches you in an empty room, a shadow standing in front of you.
"Hey," a familiar voice greets ⎯ your voice. "Didn't think I'd see you again."
"I don't know who you are."
Yes, in fact, you do. You're too afraid to face the truth. Demons don't vanish overnight, they become apart of you.
"What do you want?"
She moves closer, extending her hand out to you. "Come with me."
Calm down, it's only a dream...right?
You take her hand, walking with her into the nothingness of your mind. She halts, staring forward before turning her gaze toward you. It's the same reflection you saw in the compound that one night, but she looks...sad, not wicked. 
"We're in this together now."
There's no way she's comforting you right now.
"Don't believe me? Think about what I am."
That's when it hits you all at once; she's the manifestation of your trauma. She’s gotta be, there’s no other explanation. Or is she a leftover hallucination from the drugs?
"You can't erase me, I'm part of you now."
You begin to speak as she's fading away into the ether, hiding in your thoughts as you fall into too deep of a sleep to continue dreaming. 
~ TIME: 8:40AM - Hospital (Current Time)
Bakugo's hesitant to ask for clarity. "What...does that mean?"
Saki continues. "The narcotics she was forced to take are unlike anything we've seen in recent years, which is, unfortunately, to be expected from an underground experimental drug ring. It's all homemade and untraceable, but what we can conclude is that it did do detrimental damage to her quirk factor by forcing it to activate against her will for long periods of time. It also explains the mild heart arrhythmia we found during her EKG."
Silence cuts through the hallway, the world going quiet as Bakugo ruminates on her words. If only he was faster that night, none of this would have happened. You'd be safe and sound, lying on the couch together without a care in the world.
That day feels so long ago.
"I know this is tough to swallow," Saki says quietly. "But it's not impossible for her to regain strength. We have a specialized rehab program for quirk degeneration that would benefit her recovery, it'll be awhile until she's back to full strength. The hospital offers a wonderful PTSD therapy program as well." 
"How long's awhile?" Bakugo presses. 
"It's hard to say for certain as it depends on her recovery speed. Some see results in a few months, but it could be a year or more."
A whole fucking year? All because...no, he can't keep blaming himself. But goddammit, he's furious about the whole situation.
"I have a few other patients to get through this morning, but I'll be back soon to check on her and let you know any further updates," Saki adds as she's hurrying down the hall and into another room. Bakugo exhales the breath he was unconsciously holding as he returns to your room and sits in the chair by the window, picking up his book to pass the time. 
He may as well be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders knowing his intuition was right.
~ TIME: 9:17AM - Hospital
It wasn't long until Midoriya showed up to the hospital with your mother in tow, quietly peaking into the room to see if you were awake. Bakugo looks up from his book, giving them a silent nod of acknowledgement. He gets up from his seat and ushers them out into the hallway to avoid disturbing your much needed sleep. Your mother locks her arms around Bakugo before he can reciprocate, squeezing until she couldn't anymore. 
"Thank you, Katsuki," she mumbles into his chest. She lets go of him, taking a step back to compose herself. "Do you know when she'll wake up?"
"She's not in a coma," Bakugo explains. "Just restin' up. Nurse told me the painkillers make her sleepy."
The immediate look of worry drops from your mother's face. 
"Oh, okay. Do you know anything else?"
Midoriya glances at Bakugo ⎯ his expression doesn't give Midoriya confidence on your condition. 
"Her quirk factor's been damaged. Otherwise, she's fine." Bakugo tries to keep it together while giving a minimal explanation. He knew the more information he'd pile on to your mom, the more she'd spiral and endlessly worry about your condition. "Said there's a program to help her strengthen it again. I'll let her fill in the blanks for ya when she wakes up since I haven't gotten a chance'ta talk to her today."
"That's great news!" Midoriya chirps, trying to lighten the mood. A brief pause falls upon the three of them when a noise comes from your room, a groan and the sound of rustling sheets. Your mother takes a step back and peeks inside to see you moving around, signaling that you're awake - alive. 
"Honey!" she cries, running to your side to scoop you up into an awkward hug. "My sweet girl, I am so glad you're alright."
You're barely awake enough to register who's speaking, let alone touching you. Your eyes flicker open to see the boys at the foot of your bed while your mother's face is burrowing into your shoulder. 
"M-mom?" you question. "Not...not so tight. Everything still hurts."
She lets you go, apologizing under her breath and moving to cradle your face in her hands. "I'm sorry sweetie, I'm happy that you're safe."
"It's okay," you murmur, groggy from all the medicine flowing through your system. 
Midoriya walks to the opposite side of the bed to place a hand on your shoulder and offers you a bright smile. "How are you feeling?"
You know Midoriya means well, but that question may as well be an invisible gun, locked and loaded with all your traumatic memories ready to fire at any time. It's only a fraction of a second, but one glance in Bakugo's direction tells him all he needs to know. Your eyes hold a certain type of despondence to them - not rage or fear, but grief. 
"I'm alright!" you affirm, a fake smile plastered on your face. "Dizzy, but okay."
Bakugo's heart sinks. 
He knows you're lying through your teeth.
"Tell me everything," your mother pleads as she takes one of your hands in hers, carefully running her fingers over your palm like she used to when you were a kid. She winces at all the bruises littering your arms, tears pricking the corners of her eyes from seeing her little girl in such a weakened state. As if she was summoned, Saki appears in the doorway once more, returning from her round of checkups.
"Oh! You've got a full house," she jokes as she treads over to your mother. "Hi, I'm Saki, Y/N's nurse. You must be mom, pleased to meet you. The boys have been very kind and understanding while your daughter's been in our care."
"What can I say, they're both one of a kind." She wavers, thinking of how to phrase the dreaded question rattling in her head. "Can you go over all of the test results with us, please?"
Saki takes a minute to rummage through her stack of files and flips one open. 
"Of course, have a seat."
Medical Chart Patient: Y/N Age: 23 Gender: Female Hero Alias: Y/H/N Admitted @ 11:30PM - BP 132/81 (Hypertension) - Upper thigh wound - Patient conscious but severely dehydrated & dazed - Victim of a drug experimentation ring, unknown substances consumed for 30+ calendar days - Started IV of nicardipine/vitamin c/saline to lower BP & re-hydrate - Dissolvable stitches & adhesive for thigh wound - Administered 5mg of morphine IV for pain relief 2:40AM - EKG, MRI & Bloodwork/Toxicology performed - BP 121/62 (Elevated) - Administered additional 5mg of morphine IV for pain relief - Started second round of saline solution via IV to flush leftover substances 7:00AM - BP 114/58 (Normal) - EKG Results: Irregular heart rate - mild heart arrhythmia detected - MRI Results: No abnormalities or long-term internal damage Bloodwork Results: CBC (WBC: 3,200 RBC: 2.9, HGB: 10.1) Metabolic Panel (Glucose - 45mg) Unknown substance found in sample, potentially causing health degeneration  Diagnosis: Patient is clear of any long standing terminal illness, no internal injury found during testing. Return for a follow up EKG and determine if beta blockers are needed for arrhythmia. Unknown substance found in toxicology report - appears to be non-lethal but has acted as a poison to the patient’s body, causing an infection. Bloodwork revealed low levels of Glucose as well as lowered red & white blood cell counts. Quirk factor has been affected, rehab is needed to regain strength. Patient recommended to finish a round of antibiotics during detox. Patient should refrain from working until further notice. Follow up with a psychological evaluation for further treatment regarding potential withdraw and PTSD. 
"Do you have any questions?" Saki queries, eyes trailing back and forth between you and your mother.
"So..." Her words start sinking in as you struggle to find your own. "My quirk regressed due to the drugs, gave me a blood infection and a potential heart problem. And I can't continue to be a hero?"
The room stills, your question anxiously hanging in limbo. Saki's response cuts through the dead air like a knife. "That is correct."
Everyone around you begins to press further, but it all becomes TV static to your ears as your vision tunnels on the tiniest specks in the linoleum flooring, finding anything else to think about. The weight of your current reality is catching up to you and the only response you can muster is to shut everything out. 
Seems like you're fresh out of miracles.
~ TIME: 9:49AM - Hospital
After the nuclear news about your health, your mother decided it was best to head back home, leaving you in the loving care of the boys. 
"If you need anything, please call me, honey," she sighs over your shoulder in an embrace. "I'm happy you're back, safe and sound. Don't worry, you're a strong woman, sweetie. You'll get back on your feet in no time."
What if you didn't want to be strong? What if you want to fall apart and let it all go?
"I love you. Please call me when you get released and let me know what's going on. If you don't," she shifts her focus to Bakugo. "I'll call Katsuki, he doesn't sugar coat anything."
"Mom!" you whine, shaking your head in embarrassment. "I'll call you, promise."
She nods while walking to the doorway, Midoriya tailing behind her to drive her back to Musutafu. He gives you a nod as he disappears into the hallway. A few seconds pass until you have the guts to look in Bakugo's direction at the end of the hospital bed. His eyes are cautiously studying your body language, trying to decode how you're truly feeling, but goddammit, he's terrified to ask. 
"Kat?" Your voice is meek, barely above a whisper. 
He can practically hear his heart begin to fracture at the crack in your voice. He knows what's coming. And honestly? He's not sure if he can handle seeing you in such a broken state. Your dream was shattered in front of everyone you love.
You can feel your lower lip start to wobble as you hold the words on your tongue, eyes screwed shut and the sheets tightly balled in your fists. 
"Can you...hold me?"
Bakugo reaches for the collar of his shirt and pulls on it timidly. He can't be gutless right now, you need him, now more than ever. You hear the shuffle of his feet approach the side of the bed, followed by the sheets being gently lifted to make room for him to sit down. When you finally look up with glassy eyes, his head is tilted with one arm extended in your direction, welcoming you without any further uncertainty. You blink a few times, tucking your legs inward and carefully stretching them over his lap, scooting closer until you're curling up into his chest. Strong arms make their way around your body, encasing you with a comfort you've hopelessly missed. The embrace he wraps you in feels like a homecoming and  stronger than any armor you could wear.
"S'only you and me," Bakugo whispers, cradling your head against him. "I got ya."
It hits you like a hurricane, the storm of emotions surging through you with an intensity you've never felt before. There's no use in holding it in anymore. And so, you let the rain fall, sobbing, snotty and sniveling, shrinking into a scared little girl in his arms.
He's always despised the rain, but in this moment? Bakugo's found a new hatred for it.
~ The Following Day: Discharge - Hospital @ 5:53PM
Two days in the hospital and its felt like an eternity. A handful of antibiotics and withdrawal medication, a recommendation to a psychiatrist and quirk rehabilitation treatment plan later, they're ready to send you on your merry way. The boys have been a blessing in the last two days with Midoriya taking care of your mom while Bakugo's been by your side for whatever you need, no matter how big or small. Bringing you comfy clothes, sneaking in snacks, and reading a book out loud until you fell asleep being the short list of niceties.
How the hell are you ever going to being able to pay him back for all these selfless sweet nothings?
"Ready to go, Lite-brite?" Bakugo double-checks while taking a second glance around the room, a backpack thrown over his shoulder. "Izuku's at the checkout desk to get all your paperwork for the agency."
You nod. "More than ready. Let's get the hell outta here." 
Bakugo holds out his hand for you to take. Without meaning to, you pause. 
"What?" He pouts, taking a half-step back to give you space. "Don't wanna hold my hand?"
"Of course I do." You take his hand and intertwine your fingers with his. "Didn't mean to make you think otherwise."
He hopes you don't notice the obnoxious amount of sweat coating his palm under yours, or the intense thumping of his heartbeat through his fingers. Thank goodness you two are still in the hospital ⎯ he might actually faint over holding your goddamn hand. As you two approach the lobby, Midoriya waves at you from the checkout area, signaling for you to come over to the desk. 
"I ran copies of your paperwork over to the agency earlier, so you are free to head home. They told me they'd call you later to review everything and want you to get some rest," Midoriya informs. "I called your mom as well to let her know you're heading home. The agency did recommend that you shouldn't stay at home since the kidnappers have your address. They're in custody, but better safe than sorry."
"Then she's stayin' with me," Bakugo declares, tapping his fingers along the back of your hand for assurance. "I'll look after her."
"That's for the best. Oh, right!" Midoriya exclaims as he reaches into his bag and hands you...a new phone?! "Here. We were able to take all of the stuff from your old one and transfer it, too."
You're staring at it in disbelief as the lock screen flashes a picture of the three of you.  
"I'll pay you back," you say with a bittersweet smile. "Thank you, Izuku. You didn't have to do that."
"Don't worry about it! Kacchan and I split the cost."
Bakugo rolls his eyes and turns his head away from you. "S'no biggie, y'dont owe us shit. C'mon, let's go home."
~ Bakugo's Apartment: 6:45PM
Walking into Bakugo's apartment for the first time in over a month fills you with tranquility, the aura of his home welcoming you with open arms. Would you have loved to go back to your own place? Of course, but you have no idea if anyone from the drug ring knows where you live, like Midoriya said. It's one more stressor you don't want to think about until you need to. 
"Are ya hungry?" Bakugo questions with a hand on your upper back. "I can make you somethin'."
You flash him a smile, but it fades away as fast as it appears. "Not right now, I desperately want a hot shower."
"Knock yourself out, y'know where everythin' is. Grab whatever clothes you need from my room. Leave yours in the bathroom and I'll wash'em."
Oh...right. You didn't bring anything with you except the clothes on your back. 
It's not like you haven't worn Bakugo's clothes in the past, but it feels way more intimate than ever. Imagining him doing your laundry makes you blush something fierce, suddenly self-conscious about it. You have to force yourself to shake the thought away. He's folded your underwear for years and vice versa. You’ve showered here plenty of times. Hell, you’ve slept in his bed numerous times. 
What's the big deal?
"I know that face," Bakugo comments. He caught on to the anxiety emanating from you the second you walked through the door. Being apart for a month didn't seem to weaken his ability to perceive your true emotions. "Quit your worryin', wouldn't offer if I didn't wanna do it."
"Alright," you mutter lowly. "Sorry, still feeling a little out of it."
Bakugo pats you on the head. "Don't be sorry. Go shower, I'll make some dinner for us. You're gonna be starvin' afterward, and y'should eat before takin' any more meds."
You might not be hungry, but can't deny he's right.
“Alright. Thanks, Kat. Mind if I leave the bathroom door cracked?” 
A brief wave of sadness crashes through him at your tone. What did they do to you to make you so paranoid? He knows it’s gonna take time for you to acclimate back to a daily routine, but it doesn’t make it any easier to watch you walk around with a cloud over your head. 
“‘Course not. Yell if ya need me.” 
You slink back into Bakugo’s bedroom, waltzing over to his dresser to pick out a set of clothes to wear. It takes an embarrassing amount of convincing to open his underwear drawer, barely looking and blindly grabbing a pair for yourself to change into. You pick out an old All Might t-shirt as well and head off to the bathroom before you change your mind and make things even weirder than they needed to be. You pause at the sink to stare into the mirror, unable to stop yourself from making a mental checklist at every little detail that’s changed in your appearance. The lifelessness in your stare makes your stomach sour, unable to keep eye contact with yourself longer than a few seconds. It reminds you of the last time you looked in a mirror for too long, that shadow-self taunting you to set her free. You can't risk encountering her again ⎯ not today.
Bakugo waits for the shower to turn on, only continuing to shuffle around the kitchen in search of ingredients when he hears the water running. He hasn’t gone shopping in a few weeks, living off of protein bars and shakes instead of his usual prepared meals. His appetite waned while you were gone, unable to bring himself to eat consistently like he used to. He’s about to turn the stove on when he hears your voice echo faintly down the hallway, dropping what he’s doing and hurrying to the bathroom door. 
“Need somethin’?” Bakugo calls out, loud enough to be sure you hear him over the sounds of the water and ventilation fan. 
“This is gonna sound so needy,” you whine, feeling ashamed to keep asking him for help after all the trouble him and Midoriya have gone through. “Can you…stay in here and talk to me? Being alone is giving me stupid anxiety.”
He sighs, slipping through the door and perching himself on the vanity. "You're not needy, don't say shit like that. What do y'wanna talk about?"
What the hell do you talk about? What he did while you were gone? The weather or the news?
"Uhh...what's for dinner?"
Good enough.
"Was thinkin' something basic like chicken and rice. Don't wanna make you sick by eating somethin' too rich off the bat."
The pause in conversation is gnawing on your nerves. Bakugo clears his throat. "That sound okay to you?"
Popping open the bottle of shampoo, the familiar scent invades your senses and forces nostalgia upon you that you didn't even know you had tucked away. A handful of memories come back in flashes; movie nights, late night dinners, 3AM phone calls, early morning workouts, afternoon coffee runs during patrol breaks...it hits you like a train, crushing you mentally to know you're using everything that's his, consuming pieces of him that you've craved after being apart for so long. Something as simple as goddamn 'Pine Trees & Campfire' shampoo is destroying you all over again. You try to stop the hiccup in your throat from being heard, but it's too late.
"You alright in there?" Bakugo asks when he hears it, worried he upset you. "I can make whatever y'want, I'll run to⎯"
"That's not it," you interject awkwardly. You can't tell him that you're distraught over a stupid fragrance, no way in hell.
"Do you...want me to help you?" He stumbles through the words, embarrassed to be thinking about your bare skin and the potential of seeing you in such a vulnerable light, the only thing keeping you hidden from his sight being a thin layer of steam and suds.
"I..." you start while continuing to rush through the rest of the shower routine as a distraction, but it doesn't work. Of course it doesn't ⎯ there's no shoving this down anymore. What good would it do now to lie to him about how you feel? You might as well tell him the truth. 
"I realized how much I missed you."
Bakugo's head falls into his hands, heat radiating from his face and warming his palms. There's so much you two need to talk about. You've both gotten through the confession portion, but the weight of it all is becoming too much to bear. He's, for lack of a better word, dying to hold you, kiss you, to bask in your presence like old times. 
"Yeah, missed bein' able to call you to talk about stupid shit and hear your voice. Did a few times the first week. Old habits die hard."
The bathroom falls quiet when you turn off the shower, the subtle squeak of the metal rack as you pull the fresh towel behind the curtain being the only sound filling the room. It sends Bakugo into an unexpected cold sweat. You're about to walk out in nothing but...that. 
Should he leave? Do you want him to leave? Is he...allowed to see you in only a towel?
His eyes shoot to the floor the second he hears the curtain rings clink together, white-knuckling the edge of the vanity like his life depended on it. 
"Katsuki," you laugh, gripping the top of the towel draped over your body. "Don't be such a nerd about this."
Bakugo's eyes whip back to you, eyebrows scrunched together with his cheeks slightly puffed. He's adorable like this, a strawberry hue spreading like wildfire across his features. 
"I-I'm not!" he argues. "You wanna walk around in nothin'? Be my damn guest."
Shit, that's not what he meant to say.
You start to snicker, devolving into a cackle that has you in tears, holding your side and wiping at your eyes. 
"Stop laughin' ya brat!" he shouts, not able to keep a straight face himself once he sees the real you come to light, the radiant girl he loves. It brings him comfort knowing he can still make you laugh until you cry happy tears after the hell you've been through. Your giggles are music to his ears - an angelic choir. He launches himself off the vanity and heads for the door, mumuring "Get your ass dressed already" as he's shutting it behind him. 
After staring at the pile of clothes for too long, you throw on the chosen shirt and pair of boxers, savoring the warmth it fills you with as the fabric lays atop your damp skin. Maybe things will be easier than you think and you won't turn into a phantom that listlessly wanders through life. Maybe, just maybe, Bakugo's the key to finding your old self and stepping back into her shoes. Exiting the bathroom, you're about to head into the kitchen when you overhear Bakugo fidgeting with something in his bedroom. You patter down the hall and peer into the room, curious with whatever he's messing with. He catches your silhouette out of the corner of his eye and nearly jumps out of his skin.
"God, you're like a fuckin' mouse!" Bakugo yells, dropping the box in his hands. "Thought y'were still in the bathroom, scared the shit outta me."
"Sorry," you apologize with your hand over your mouth, holding in a laugh and covering up the sneer tugging at your lips. There's a small box on his dresser, a coral colored jewelry case of some kind. "What's that?"
Bakugo groans dramatically and slumps his shoulders. You've caught him red handed.
"Dammit. It's somethin' I bought a long ass time ago." 
His fingers graze over the cotton material delicately, reminiscing about that day from years prior. The two of you had gotten the approvals for your apartments in Tokyo, ecstatic that you were able to find places within a mile walking distance of one another - Midoriya, too. After meeting with the realtor in the city, you two were free to wander around for the day. Bakugo remembers how adorably ecstatic you were, tugging him toward the train station to go to Shibuya and celebrate, a.k.a window shop through the square, play arcade games until he berated you for wasting money, and bar hop to indulge in the best food and drinks for hours.
Who was he to say no to you?
While roaming through the shopping district, you'd stopped to fawn over a piece of jewelry in a window display, your wonderstruck stare that had him melting as you squealed with delight. "Wow, look how pretty that is!"
Bakugo's too spellbound on how gorgeous you appear in the golden hour sunlight to focus on the words you're saying. He's transfixed by the luminous glow reflecting on your skin, convinced this sunset was handcrafted to your intensify beauty. He finally tears his gaze away from you to see the necklace shining back at him in the window. 
"Lockets are so sweet, I love their sentiment," you swoon mindlessly. "And this one has a teeny carnelian in the middle. They're meant to keep you driven and motivated."
He couldn't deny it looked nice, a small rose gold heart locket with the stone nestled in the middle. Bakugo looks at the price tag and winces ⎯ $300 for something so...dainty. 
"Damn, did they dig this outta the dirt themselves for that price?"
"It's how you know it's real and won't leave a green ring around your neck. Carnelian actually reminds me of you, Kat. Nothing gets in the your way of your dreams, your ambition is truly unmatched."
Bakugo's body heats up, such a casual compliment enough to have him bursting into invisible flames. 
"S'there a rock for nerds like you, too?" he grins, playfully poking at your side.
"Ha-ha," you huff sarcastically. "C'mon, I'm starving. Let's go to that bar around the corner."
He takes a mental note of the store name, the street you're on, and the name of the locket on display. He'll come back for it in a few days, hiding it away for the right time to give to you. Maybe at your birthday, or whenever your hero ranking jumps into the top 40. Or he'll keep his feelings locked away with it, letting it waste away in the back of a drawer somewhere with no intention of it ever seeing the light of day.
"Are you gonna tell me, or should I act like I didn't see it?" 
Your voice shakes Bakugo out of his daydream, realizing he's been standing there staring at the box for god knows how long. You two have somewhat confessed to one another, what's he got to lose? 
"C'mere," he instructs, motioning for you to sit with him on the bed. You blink at him curiously as you follow his lead, plopping down on the mattress next to him. His mouth forms a tense line before exhaling heavily. "Turn around."
And you do, albeit puzzled, but compliant. Bakugo opens the box and fumbles with the necklace, untangling the chain from where it laid on the satin pillow inside. He leans into your back, hands coming into view from behind and the weight of something resting on your chest. After a few tries with shaky fingers and mumbled 'fuck's, he gets the clasp to successfully close, pulling your dampened hair out of the way and letting the chain lay across your nape. 
"Bought this after that trip to Shibuya with my first check. I went back'ta get it after you wouldn't stop lookin' at it. And..." he pauses. "Ya said it reminded you of me, so it felt special."
He's had this locket hidden away for years?!
"I didn't put anythin' in it, figured we could find somethin' together."
No one's ever loved you this deeply, so blisteringly profound as Bakugo. How could you be so blind to it all this time? His pining for you is clear as day. All those times you questioned it and how you could've been together this whole time.
You swing around and collide with Bakugo, sore arms wrapping securely around his shoulders. His arms instantly encircle your frame as the two of you topple sideways onto the bed, entangled in one another. You stare up at him through your lashes with a soft pout stretched over your lips.
"You really are force to be reckoned with, huh?" you tease. "Thank you, Katsuki. I love it."
You move up to comfortably lay your head next to his on the pillow, noses practically touching as you navigate the stars in each other's eyes. You can hear Bakugo swallow roughly ⎯ he’s nervous. He goes to say something, but you place a finger to his lips, shaking your head nimbly to cut him off. 
"And you."
Your hand moves to caress his cheek as you inhale a trembling breath, taking in all of his gorgeous features. He melts into your touch. The usual flames in his eyes have dimmed into embers, ruby irises flickering under the bedroom lighting. Every ounce of your body feels like an inferno, the equivalent of Icarus flying too close to the sun. The only difference? You don’t mind the burn, you welcome it this time. 
The final piece of the puzzle clicks into place as your lips connect with Bakugo's, the world fading away around you two and transporting you into a luscious dreamscape full of stars. Everything from the last month begins to dissipate into nothingness, his kiss draining the negativity from your soul and replacing it with sickly sweet love. The two of you have waited for what feels like an eternity for a chance like this, and despite the circumstances, it has brought you two together in a way that you've only fantasized about. The fact that it's actually happening? You may explode, overwhelmed by the emotions traversing the avenues of your heart. 
Bakugo pulls away to catch his breath, unable to fathom the reality unfolding in front of him. You're here, in his bed, wearing his clothes and the locket he thought would never be seen hanging from your neck, snuggled up and kissing him like he's the last person on earth. His head is in the clouds, way beyond the stratosphere and floating through deep space. He's convinced this is nirvana, the perfect slice of heaven. But one thing is missing, three little words he's dying for you to hear, straight from his heart. 
He snakes an arm around your waist and tugs your body to be impossibly close to his. Bakugo pecks your forehead, nose and cheek and hovers over your lips. You can feel the infatuation exuding from him, comforted by the way his chest rises and falls with yours in quick successions.
He feels like home.
"I love you," he finally confesses, his throat tightening as the phrase spills out of him. It's no longer out of fear, it's the enthusiasm of finally being able to say it with confidence. 
You can't help but chuckle while remembering his text, leaning forward to kiss him before answering. "Why don't you remind me how much?"
The way Bakugo's cheeks glow scarlet at your question makes your heart swell. His sudden bashfulness is exhilarating. He takes a deep breath as his fingers rub circles on your lower back absentmindedly, staring at your lips until he has the strength to make eye contact again. 
"I should'a told ya ages ago how I felt. And from now on, I won't let a day go by without tellin' you."
Even though you knew how he felt about you, hearing Bakugo say it aloud makes the swarm of butterflies in your stomach flutter violently. The feeling is almost uncontainable, overflowing in ways you didn't think was possible.
"I love you too, Katsuki. Like a stupid fucking amount," you smirk, relishing in the way his irises gleam when you quote his original confession. He tilts your chin upward to slot his lips onto yours once more, eager to consume every drop of adoration pouring out of you. It's innocent, tender, the spell he's been dying to put you under for years. The mood shifts into something more sensual when your hand roams to the hem of Bakugo's shirt, slipping underneath to run your hand up his back, desperate for skin contact and sinking into a deeper kiss. You're tingling, a new sensation beginning to build in your belly when he experimentally sucks on your bottom lip, opening your mouth for him to swipe his tongue along yours. You squeak in surprise at his advance, but melt into him all the same, a groan rumbling in his chest at your pliancy. His hand starts to wander down your figure and sneaks under the oversized t-shirt, mimicking your touch and tracing your spine with his finger tips. 
Oh my god. 
This is real. 
This isn't a dream. 
He feels so fucking good pressed up against you, intoxicated by the way his fingers ghost over your skin, sending sparks of electricity rushing through your veins. You want him viscerally, no, need him. Maybe it's the touch starvation talking, but you could consume him whole and it wouldn't be enough right now. He's everything you've ever wanted, and even thought you literally have him in the palm of your hand, something about this continues to feel illusive. 
You're lost in him. Everything fiber of your being is screaming Katsuki, Katsuki, Katsuki. 
In the heat of the moment, you pull away from the kiss and press your lips to the underside of his jaw, slowly leaving a trail of featherlight pecks down to his collarbone. You can feel Bakugo shiver under your touch, his fingers applying firmer pressure on your back. His reaction gives you the courage to push further, delicately sucking on the pulse point in his neck. The noise that floods out of him makes your thighs clench, one that you've never heard him make. His whole body twitches, fingers moving to squeeze your side in an attempt to keep himself together. 
"Fuck," he sighs harshly above you, breathing heavily and immediately biting his lip to prevent any other flustered sounds from spilling out as your lips continue their plush assault. When your hand inches slowly down his back and to his hip to graze the waistband of his sweats, Bakugo freezes. His hand rockets to your wrist to stop you. He breaks away from your embrace and the sight of him is enough to knock you out; eyes half-lidded, out of breath, lips swollen and face flushed cherry red. 
God, he's so beautiful. 
"W-wait," he stutters, removing his grip from your wrist and sliding his fingers to tangle with yours. "I...I don't wanna rush this."
"N-not...shit. Not that I don't want to," Bakugo continues while biting the inside of his cheek to calm himself down. "I wanna earn you, every part of you."
That might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to you.
He notices your eyes beginning to well up with tears and panics, thinking that you're taking this as a rejection rather than his true intentions. "Hey, I didn't mean⎯"
You interrupt him with another sweet peck to his lips. "I know. You're right, and I'm sorry for smothering you."
Bakugo didn't mind that one fucking bit, he's waited years for the chance to kiss you. Shit, he wants you to touch him, to explore every scar and muscle that adorn his figure. He wants to memorize the way your delicate fingers set him ablaze as you roam his body with your touch. And he can't dare to think about the seductive journey of mapping out every inch of your skin, worshiping you from head to toe for hours. He screws his eyes shut momentarily to collect himself for a third time, shoving that thought into the back of his mind to save for a rainy day.
"Nothin' to be sorry about, sweetheart." Bakugo pulls you into him, cushioning your cheek with his chest. "M'happy like this for now. Don't wanna spoil all the surprises right away."
Your heart pitter-patters in your chest at the new pet name, loving how it sounds falling from his lips. 
"But if ya ask me with those puppy dog eyes'a yours, I might turn into a kid on Christmas morning and unwrap everything in one night." He snickers, the vibrations mixing into the strong bass of his heartbeat in your ear. The pulse becomes a comforting lullaby of sorts, blanketing a sense of calm over you and letting you drift into a blissful daze. 
The trance is broken by the rumble of your phone incessantly buzzing against Bakugo's dresser. Reluctantly, you push yourself out of his grasp and lurch to grab it from across the room, the caller ID making your stomach plummet. 
The time has come. It's now or never to hear what they have to say. You click the "Accept" button and raise the phone to your ear. 
"Hello, this message is for Y/H/N. If this is correct, please press 1."
They couldn't even bother to call you themselves, but sent a recording instead?
"What is it?" Bakugo asks as he sits up in the bed. 
"Bastards at the agency sent a recording, it's not even the board members themselves."
He gives you a look of disgust, appalled they'd treat one of their fellow heroes like a number in their system. Well, maybe he shouldn't be surprised, all things considered. Those suits only care about appearances at the end of the day. 
"Throw it on speaker," he insists, patting the bed for you to sit next to him. You plop down on the mattress, press 1 on the screen and click the speaker icon. 
"Y/H/N, we are pleased to know you've returned safe and sound. Deku and the others went a bit rogue to rescue you, but we are willing to excuse it this one time due to the success of their tribulations. Thank you for sending over your paperwork from the hospital. We've contacted Deku, as he's one of your emergency contacts, for further information to allow you to properly rest. He informed us you'll be under Dynamight's care until we can confirm your home is safe to stay return to. We will be reaching out to him momentarily in regards of this matter and how to proceed in the coming weeks. As of now, your status in the hero database has been changed from "Missing in Action" to "Leave of Absence." You will be paid 75% of your normal salary during this time and your ranking will be reset. In order to return to physical hero work, we require a written recommendation letter from your doctor and therapists, including progress reports and evaluations regarding your quirk's strength. You will, unfortunately, need to re-apply for a position and re-take the agency's entrance exam. In the interim, you may complete office work at your leisure after three months of leave. We will be following up in a week for updates on your health and then monthly going forward. If you have any questions, please reach out to the agency's HR department. Thank you, and we wish you luck in your recovery." 
A few seconds of static linger in the air before the line ends. The phone feels heavy in your hands, a weight you can't hold on to for much longer. 
Shh...stop thinking. Push it down. Lock it up. Keep that dread buried six feet under. 
As much as you don't want to listen to your inner critic, she's right. For now, you've gotta suffocate that existentialism and shelve it for another day, preferably one when Bakugo's not around to witness another breakdown. You notice him staring at you with the similar face he made in the compound, one filled with worry about the impending doom and gloom. It's obvious he searching for something to say, anything to get your mind away from being told you're potentially losing your job. 
"It's okay, Katsuki. You don't need to say anything," you assure as you take a deep breath. "Are you still offering to make dinner, or should we order something?"
Is that a good sign? He can't determine whether or not you're upset or accepting the inevitable. Bad news be damned, Bakugo's confident he can take your mind off of things, even if it's for a few hours at a time.  
"Whatever you want, I'll let you pick."
As much as you'd kill for some fast food to mask the panic building in your chest, a home cooked meal, specifically a Katsuki Bakugo home cooked meal, sounds incredible right about now.
"Cook me the best dish you've got in your arsenal, that's what I want."
Bakugo's lips upturn into a grin, fired up for the challenge to impress his best...no, girlfriend. 
"Lemme go to the store on the corner an' pick up a few things. Go get comfy on the couch in the meantime." He takes your cheeks in his hands, squishing them together playfully to leave another kiss on your lips. "Dinner and a movie, right where we left off."
"Where we left off and then some," you joke, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you, Kat. For everything."
"Don't mention it," he waves you off, a dusting of pink crossing the bridge of his nose and coloring the tips of his ears. "Be back in twenty. Try not to miss me too much.”
With a nod, you let him go. He stops at the door of his bedroom, turning to face you. 
“I love you,” Bakugo repeats. "Wanted to remind ya, in case you forgot."
“You’re so cute, I love you too. Don’t trip and fall off the face of the earth on your way there.” 
“I'm not cute!” reverbs through Bakugo’s apartment as he shuts the front door. You lay back in his bed, twirling the sheets in your fingers as his scent lingers in your space. You could get used to this, a life full of sweet nothings with him by your side. Dreams can begin to replace your nightmares, and hope seems fathomable once more. It won’t be an easy journey, you’ve got multiple glass ceilings to break through before returning to normalcy. And she’s here to remind you of every hurdle along the way. It’s only been a few hours since your release from the hospital, but this is the best you’ve felt in a long ass time. 
Until your reality comes crashing down around you. You've really gotta stop asking for trouble.
Everything contrasts, your throat constricting and limiting the breath reaching your lungs. The doctor warned you about the potential side effects of drug withdraw, but couldn’t pinpoint exactly how these symptoms would appear. How could they know if they couldn’t identify the drug itself? You try to grab your phone, but you can’t find the damn thing in your hazy vision, frantically patting around on the bed in search of it to call Bakugo for help.
Don’t panic, breathe. 
"I can't!" you pant between shallow breaths.
Yes, you can. Don't let it take you back into that cell. 
Is this the psychosis they warned you about? It's terrifying, but therapeutic in the same breath. You’ve gotta trust that intuition ⎯ it may not be malicious in nature anymore.
Lay on your back, hands and feet against the bed. Let me pass through and you’ll be safe, don't be afraid of me. 
You ground yourself to the bed and breathe deeply. In and out. In...out. In. Out. After a minute, your breathing stabilizes, eyes opening cautiously to surprisingly clear vision. 
See? We don't need to be enemies.
What the fuck was that, a panic attack? It felt too quick to be one. The creak of the front door opening and rustling of bags distracts you from spiraling further about it, Bakugo's voice carrying down the hall. "Lite-brite, I'm back. Grabbed ya a few treats, too."
Are you able to move? You flex your fingers, your toes, and then roll your shoulders back as a test. Everything seems to be back to normal. No use in worrying him further, the episode's passed and you're okay, that's what matters. You'll tell him after dinner when the night winds down. You can't ruin the mood he's crafting for you two after everything he's done. You can unload that another time, and pray it doesn't happen again anytime soon.
"Everythin' okay while I was gone?" Bakugo presses while tossing the bags on the counter.
One more white lie won't hurt.
"Yeah, all good," you yell down the hall as you make your way into the kitchen. "Can I help with anything?"
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⇢ HH tags; @bakugouswaif @k1tk4tkatsuki @bells2319 @st0nedbitch @deftonianfr @musicbecky @bakubae-by @berryvioo @tragedyofabrokensoul @queenpiranhadon @simp-plague @jenn-majima @dienamights @curiositykilledthecatx3 ⇢ bkg tags; @slayfics @maddietries @starieqq  @liluvtojineteyam @jays-adventure3 @napbatata @Yoyolovesdaiki ⇢ all tags; @kirishimaeijiromyman @strwbrrykthv
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wtslpod · 5 months ago
some lesbian thoughts on elrond & galadriel
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The dynamic between Elrond and Galadriel, despite being central to the show, sometimes feels under-appreciated in the fandom. Like many relationships in TROP, it doesn’t easily slot into a single category. It’s not merely one of friendship or kinship or mentorship
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It’s not romantic, but it is emotionally intimate—and that seems to trip a lot of people up, even before 2x07. We’ve always appreciated how emotionally open Galadriel and Elrond are with each other, particularly given how guarded Galadriel is with most other characters.
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She and Elrond have a long history prior to their reunion in the first episode, and during the course of the show they rely on each other as they navigate disappointment and loss, both personal and as relates to elven-kind.
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They don’t always see eye to eye, but even when Elrond feels hugely betrayed by Galadriel’s choices, it doesn’t erode the love between them.
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They’ve been separated during their respective darkest moments, but find solace and healing in each other’s presence. They bring light into each other’s lives, and together will be instrumental in banishing the rising darkness.
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One of the strengths of Tolkien's work, and one of the reasons fans (including queer fans like us) return to these stories time and again, is the focus on platonic bonds that defy societal norms through the strength of their intimacy and commitment.
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Of all the relationships we've seen on the show so far, Galadriel and Elrond embody this wonderful category-defying emotional intimacy most of all.
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earthnashes · 8 months ago
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Melon didn't stand a chance.
One moment he's staring the end of their journey over the horizon, and the next he's sent plummeting into the awaiting maw of the trench he stood over by a hearty smack of a claw.
He yelps as he tumbles, twisting in the air for a heartstopping moment before his back meets a crag. Mario's cries are muted by rushing wind as he slips again, falling falling falling--
A heavy thud echoes as he collides--bounces-- off another rock face. His ears rings with the rattling in his skull---
A sharp thwack of his head hitting a jutting ledge, and suddenly Melon doesn't hear-- or feel-- much of anything the rest of the way down.
A metal tang coats his tongue red, and the sting of the air bites against his bruises.
 No weight on his back anymore-- 
Everything hurts. 
--the boy...Mario. Where's Mario? D-did he fall too--
Can't move.
--he needs to get up. His human cub, he could be hurt o-or--- get up--
Stay down.
--get up get up GET UP-- 
Melon stays down, can't muster the strength to listen to the mantra in his head. Instead, all he hears is the desperate wails of Mario, and it's enough to force his eyes open just a sliver. He blearily looks up.
At the edge of the cliff he tumbled from stands the silhouettes he can only barely make out; three huge, three smaller, all laughing and pointing and grinning toothily at the heap of him. The leader- and he must be, with how he leers cockily over the ledge-- sneers down at him.
"Thank ye for the delivery, lad! We've been lookin' all over for this little bastard," he says, and without a care he swings a hollering Mario over the ledge by the scruff. The boy twists precariously in his grip --one slip from falling-- and reaches out for Melon with terrified tears in his eyes. He wails some semblance of his name, and Melon feels his gut twist.
"Come now, lad, I see that long face from here; ye nothin' to worry about! Brat may've been a pain in the arse to get, but it'll be worth it in the end. Pirate's Honor: we'll take real good care of 'em," The leader gloats, ugly grin stretching wider as he flicks the boy's nose with a sharp claw. "Just like we have his snivellin' flake of a brother. They'll fetch a fine cut yet."
No no no give him back
"I reckon ye wanna say g'bye at least, aye? I could grant that much, bein' a frog of honor and wot-not." The captain holds Mario high above his head, like an angler would his prized catch, and grins down at Melon from his spot above.
"Go on then. Tell 'em 'afore I change me mind."
Something twisted and ugly clogs Melon's throat with bile and copper. He bares his teeth and tries tries tries to bark, to roar, anything to demand his human cub back to him.
GIVE HIM BACK, his mind screetches. But all that crawls out of his mouth is a rattling, broken whimper. It drags his strength with it by the scruff, spilling in a tiny puddle of spittle and grime and blood as his vision begins to waver. His eyes glaze over and fall closed against his will.
And within the canopy of booming laughs and grating cackles, the last thing Melon hear is Mario's cries.
Part 10 of Melon's Adventure, FINALLY COMPLETE, and with it Arc 1 of this story has come to a close!
I'm glad I managed to finish this arc even with it being forced into a hiatus alongside my burnout months back; I had an absolute blast revisiting my childhood and telling the story in a way I've always imagined it as a kid.
Now, given that it's been a while since the last part, I've taken the liberty to compile all of Melon's Adventure into the #melon's adventure tag for ease of access if you'd like to read it back from the beginning!
Despite this marking the end of Arc 1, I'm hoping to make this the start of me delving back into my Super Mario AU, albeit in a slightly different way. There's still plenty of stories there I'd love to share with ya'll. :>
In fact, in related news: I'm actually planning on opening an online store, and my first planned launch will be themed on Melon's Adventure! More information to come on that relatively soon as more work is done.
At any rate, I hope ya'll enjoyed this story! More to come soon! owo
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enkays-den · 2 months ago
Enkay watches the Imp and Skizz Podcast #128 (feat..... Imp and Skizz?????)
This week the boys took questions from the community and answered them! It's been a long time coming, since the last time they did this was over two years ago!
NOTE: none of these are direct quotes unless they are in quotation marks! I paraphrased a LOT to make this post decently short! This podcast is an hour forty minutes long, you GOTTA watch the full thing! x
"thanks for having me. big fan." i love skizz
Skizzleman name origin! He wanted to make a username for a poker website and the original slant on his last name was taken; a rap stereotype at the time was to slap 'izzle' on the end of it, Skizzleman was born
Impulse name origin! Impulse played marching snare for a drum corp called Impulse! His initials are SV so he smacked that on the end.
Question #1 from Marihl1354: What advice would you give to the other 10 years in the past?
Impulse: Join me. If you have the time, make it because you WILL be successful.
Skizz: Care less about what others think, because you can fly so far if you stop trying to please everyone and follow your instincts.
Question #2 from Hunter-7115: Who's the Better Host?
Both! It wouldn't be the podcast you know and love if it wasn't both of us!
"I complete you" SHUT UPPPPP
Question #3 from nicholashalom1632: Biggest moment that put your friendship to the test?
This story from the first Q&A We were both being you and stupid and drunk and thankfully we've never been that bad since.
Question #4 from IdiotSandwich2087: How exactly would you define your worst day in content creation?
Impulse: Any time where I have my day planned and I'm excited for it, and then something gets in the way and messes up my plan. It's mainly just frustrating and it's something I specifically have issues about.
Skizz: My first Twitch Rivals event, my internet cut out several times, and it was frustrating and demoralizing, but I didn't lose my cool.
Question #5 from iceybruhyt2178: What did you think initially when Grian originally pitched Third Life?
Skizz: I knew it would be a hit. I didn't know the longevity, but I knew it was going to be a success because it had the potential to have story elements that the audience would enjoy. I'm honored that I was picked since my channel was so small at the time.
Impulse: I knew it would work, but I didn't know how well us together would make this perfect ensemble. And it's still an amazing group that gels so well together on and off screen after almost 4 years. Each person wants everyone to have a good time and make great videos.
Question #6 from opalwhisker: What do you do with all the gifts you receive? What's the weirdest/funniest gift you've been given? What's your favorite stuff?
Impulse: Pretty much everything is special, because they all have heart and meaning to the person that gave it to me, and it makes me very grateful for my fans and for what I do.
Skizz: The drawings really impress me because it's such a show of skill and talent and everything is so touching because it's personal.
Question #7 from AgnesBooth-zu7tw: What would you do for content creation if you can't do Hermitcraft?
Skizz: Streaming. I like doing variety game streaming as well as Hermitcraft, the cooking stream with my wife was a lot of fun. Also voice acting (enkay personal note: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)
Impulse: Anything that shows off my authentic self. I also really enjoy the video production end of things because it makes a great product and it plays to my strengths, I want to persue that more.
Also the Podcast!
Questions #8 and #9 from TrueCDC
Question #8: What video are you most proud of?
Impulse: The Storm the Castle video! I worked so hard on it, I learned a ton of new things, and it was really fulfilling for me to build something that was an experience everyone enjoyed.
Skizz: The Guess the Build series! I pitched the original idea based off of Telestrations and Grian took my idea and really polished it in terms of rules and getting the server mechanics organized so it's sleek. They're so much fun to make, everyone has a great time, the videos are amazing. I love the laughs we get out of it.
Question #9: What would you do differently about the podcast if you started again tomorrow?
The name. It doesn't telegraph a lot of information if you don't know who we are, and it doesn't really say anything about what sort of stuff we make.
The thing we DON'T regret is making our podcast NOT centered around a particular topic. It keeps things interesting for us and that's the most important element to keep the podcast going for as long as we want.
Questions #10 and #11 from Ranger12_
Question #10: What have you learned from each other?
Skizz: The importance of planning when it's needed. I tend to be more loose and free but it has it downfalls. I can still plan but have the freedom I need.
Impulse: A bit of parenting advice from Skizz. "If your kid is asking you to spend time with them to make a memory, You Take It."
Question #11: How did marching band change you?
Impulse: It kind of helped expose us to the multitasking that we would see later in adulthood, between school, having to have a job, and practicing. It taught me a lot of discipline and I got to experience the rush of REALLY hard work actually paying off.
Skizz: It really had a LOT of gravity and importance because of how intense and highly respected DCI is. It's a lot of pressure and we all had to pitch in to execute routines PERFECTLY.
Question #12 from LoSDockForBoats: Skizz, when you realize there was never a time limit on living your life to its fullest?
Skizz: A combination of my MS diagnosis in my mid-20s and any time when someone close to me passes away is always a wake-up call.
Question #13 from catfan0_0: Who are your favorite non-Minecraft content creators?
Skizz: For drumming, Estepario simply because he's the best, Brad Owen makes really good poker content and his videos are interesting, insightful, and funny! Sam The Cooking Guy is an amazing chef and host, and the post production is great, and the recipes he makes are AMAZING! (special shoutout to theOdd1sOut and Mark Rober)
Impulse: Harris Heller, he's a tech guy that I get most of my gear recommendations from, and I enjoy his videos.
Questions #14 and #15 from @skizzpulsee (AHHHHHHHH)
Question #14: What's your Roman Empire? (they didn't understand what that meant)
Impulse: Expanding my content to a wider scope.
Skizz: I don't think I have one (Enkay grabs the mic: IT'S SITCOMS)
Question #15 for Skizz: What's the best prank of all time?
Skizz: It was ages ago when I was working at Costco. There was a woman named K would nick little paper/cardboard signs that no one would miss from fast food places and stuff to decorate her room. We went to a Subway for lunch break and she said she wanted a sign that had LED lights in it. I grabbed it as we left and head back to work. She took it and later on I see there's a couple cop cars in the mall plaza and he told his boss to say that the cops were there for K because of the sign. He SOLD it and K is freaking out. I come back and pretend the cops talked to me. I grab the sign again and go outside to "talk to the cops". I put the sign in her car (I stole the keys from her locker) and return and pretend I got a stern talking to from the cops and they have my photo and information.
She got SO anxious about it that my boss felt bad and let her take the day off. She sees the sign in her car and flinches (I have snuck into the parking lot and have followed her). I yell at her to not get too mad, she yells at me good-naturedly, and she takes a well deserved afternoon off. (Kids, don't steal things)
Question #16 from Kiwimarauder: Which guest inspired you?
Impulse: Claire. She motivated me to pull the trigger on lifestyle changes that I'd been wanting to make for a few years now and it's recently been a big impact on me (but also I can't choose, they're all inspirational)
Skizz: My two main ones are Mumbo and Bdubs. Mumbo was such a big inspiration in terms of creativity and not questioning if my ideas are "good enough" and Bdubs because he helped me embrace "I'm happy and healthy and my important people are too, and sometimes that's all the ambition I need"
Question #17 from mariashaw980: Do you ever join the Hermitcraft server to find yourselves enamored by the utter creativity, complexity, and strength of your peers?
Impulse: Yeah, I was a big hermitcraft fan from season 2, and I was watching Etho from before I made a youtube channel. To be in the same space with these people hit me every time I'm with them. They're all inspiring and amazing and it's humbling.
Skizz: ditto to the above, I'm constantly amazed with literally everything
Question #18 from ronaldfelix1850: What other hobbies do you guys have besides gaming?
Skizz: Poker, but it's not a BIG hobby because poker is the fun thing and not gambling. I learned it from my older brothers and I loved the psychological angle of it.
Impulse: Computers and tech stuff, also renovating (probably because of my interior decorator wife). I love working on house projects.
Question #19 from Savannah_831: What's your favorite moment you've had together playing minecraft?
There's so many, but a recent highlight is our prank on Joel early in the season. It was a collaborative moment for us and it's so much fun to get one over on Joel because he has such great reactions and it was a matter of pride
Question #20 from TzainDoesMusic: Who's the one person you want to meet, dead or alive?
Impulse: Matthew McConaughey or Matthew Perry
Skizz: Matthew Perry is also high up there, but also Jesus would be cool. I would ask QUESTIONS. "I bet I could make him laugh"
Questions #21 and #22 from Alchamyx:
Question #21: To Skizz: How in the world do you stay so positive?
Skizz: It's more that I don't show too much real negativity on stream or in videos. It's not really what I want to give as a content creator for you guys, and everyone has bad days, nothing to be ashamed of.
Question #22: To Impulse: How do you see your creative projects come to life?
Impulse: Honestly they're usually spur-of-the-moment ideas, usually inspired by stuff that I surround myself with at the time. My candy factory was inspired by my daughter getting REALLY into all the Willy Wonka stuff. The cyberpunk city and all the lore wasn't inspired by ANYTHING topical. It just came to me, and I knew myself and Bdubs would have fun with the building style.
Questions #23 and #24 from angiesteuck:
Question #23: Skizz, how do you like playing on Hermitcraft?
Skizz: I LOVE it. It's fun being a guy that helps facilitate funny moments. It makes me want to be a better builder and do more for the Hermits, like Tango does with his amazing games
Question #24: Do you ever get recognized when you are out and about?
Impulse: Very rarely. We were once recognized together in the middle of nowhere and it was a really sweet family. But my last vacation I was on a cruise and I was recognized several times! If you see either of us, absolutely say hi when it's an appropriate time!
Skizz: I had a dinner where my waiter recognized me and he was very polite about it, it was such a nice moment.
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