#we're watching xmen
xxplastic-cubexx · 10 days
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something about first impressions idk
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syoemei · 1 month
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inspired by dialogue in xmen
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No cause nowadays fandom culture is sooo sensitive like i just saw someone asking why huskerdust from hazbin hotel is such a famous ship if they're a drug addict and an alcoholic so it doesnt seem very healthy...... BABES back in my day if a ship wasnt between a minor and a 30+ year old it was considered a win
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ddeck · 27 days
hi hiii guys hiiiiiii how r u hiiii
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the-force-awakens · 7 months
Y'know, sometimes I forget that Miguel O'hara is an Oscar boy. I'll just be sitting there watching atsv and being like, "His voice sounds So similar," before common sense kicks in, and I remember he's voiced by Oscar Isaac.
Not quite the same but like - when itsv first came out on digital and I watched it for the first time, I think I knew there were after credits scenes so I watched them, and I remember sitting there listening to Miguel and Lyla banter and thinking to myself (laughingly) "hey wait a minute, this guy sounds kind of like Poe"
and then that kind of sank in after a couple more seconds of hearing him talk, at which point I went "........wait"
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
Been rewatching the MCU movies (been switching between “chronological order” and “release order”)..... And, as someone who is not invested in the comics but just how they are as movies..... I kinda have thoughts. TT0TT
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missmarveledsblog · 14 days
Not just a flower child huh? Part one ( logan howlett x reader)
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Summary : the xmen are sent to rescue mutants in a lab , only find an unconscious young woman and couple of kids , when they bring her back to the mansion she is recognised by one of the residents . She awakes and finds out she and kids been saved wondering if it was all too good to be true ?
Warning: angsts , mentions of mutant children being abused , it's alot but there some fluff in there too , she has multiple "gifts " due to the lab . Google translated Russian so I apologise in advance if anyone has corrections feel free to leave them , grammatical errors too
It was in shambles , the outside looked desolate, void of any life and yet they knew it wasn't. The professor was never wrong with these Things . But looking at the place it looked abandoned ready to crumble To the ground into a pile of rubble and dust. Jean crouched with the rest of them she was seeking out the mutants that were held in the broken walls of the place . Shit it even had logan feeling certain Way when Charles called them to break Down the Mission . Four possibly five Kids held in a cage used like lab rats to try make their mutation Into so serum. It was always kids , parent sending them off into the world Because They were different or it scared them he never cared for the excuses , there was never an excuse to abandon or sell off your child because of something they were born with . It never sat right with him and it never would.
“ ten of the guards are heading down the basement fully loaded , we need to get in there now “ Jean Stood concerned Eyes watching every direction of the house til the sound hit , a hail of gun fire sounded off and yet not one bullet coming Near them only signal The true intent. “ we need to go she can't hold them off much longer” Jean called Running towards the house as the other followed
Logan had the door pulled out it was stronger than it appeared, and if it wasn't a race against time, they would be impressed at the faux exterior of the place . Inside was like high-end laboratory. It was also full of guards coming towards them Jean grey could easily hold them as storm Send them to the floor in a spasm before they went unconscious as logan and Scott were able to knock and sent them down to the ground with hard thud. The alarm rang out as they were Running down the hall and down the stairs into the basement , Scott was able to break the door easily with his beam sending a smirk at logan . The basement fit the exterior it was dingey and dirty , smell of mould and damp . It was not a place even a rat would stay in too Long . Right in the center was a large Cage thick metal Bars that connect From the floor to the ceiling that was not the part that surprised them . It was the thick almost tree Like vine Wall that was in the cage.
The guard turned only for Jean to raise their Own gun in the air and pull them down hitting them on head Sending them to the ground.
Scott stood forward hand at his visor ready to shoot when the redhead Stopped him , stood in front of him
“ there's kids in there, you could hurt Them “ she waved. Only as the others began To try think Of a way logan claws began cutting through the vines making Them weak enough to pull them away To see the kids all standing protectively in front Of another … Was it a woman .
“ we're here to help , we're going to take you somewhere safe” storm smiled softly holding her hand out letting the sparks flicker to show They were one of them.
“ помоги нашей сестре ( help our sister)” one finally Spoke moving So they could see the woman laid out of the ground they couldn't tell if she was breathing or not Til logan lifted Her up . She was almost lifeless But their Was a faint flicker of a pulse , a small thump of a heartbeat.
“ we need to go , get chrome Dome Ready to translate I don't think they can speak English” logan gruffed as the kids hesitantly Followed still Unsure who these strangers where but they had their sister and they had kind smiles.
The jet ride back they were able to get colossus To translate And explain to the kids they were safe but in the whole thing they didn't care all they cared for was Their sister if she would be ok , she kept them safe made sure no harm came from them.
“ she Said she made sure the bad men never got their chance To hurt them so they tried to get rid of them” even the big strong man that colossus was , they could hear that slight waver in his voice .
“Do we know who these kids are?” ororo Asked.
“ professor is working On it , he'll know more once they are here , how is the woman” .
“ barely hanging On , she dehydrated. Malnourished God only know how long she's been there ” logan said seeing how bad of shape She was in. He seen shit like this before captives During war times and shit she made them look healthy.
“ it gonna be hard to get them to Leave her” they watched as kids stood at her side once again in a protective stance.
They were right moment they got back to the mansion The kids didn't want to leave Her side as colossus came and explained It wasn't a prison they could visit her once she was checked over , once they were check Over. That still didn't work til they were brought With her. And one even went to attack when they saw Jean had a needle . It took hours for them to leave just to get cleaned up and check over .
“ their underweight but not by much ask them did they eat much” ororo asked.
“сестра следила за тем, чтобы у нас была еда и вода, и даже давала свои, если мы были голодны. ( sister Made sure we got food and water , even gave hers when we were Hungry)” one spoke up .
“ you can understand English ? Can you speak it” she asked looking at the girl who must of been no more than ten years old .
“ a little sister Teach me, so we can ask for help” she nodded .
“ do you know your names we can try find out about you guys” ororo Looked at them .
“ I'm Ana, this is lia , Henry and luka , sister is Y/N , safe here?” Ana asked softly.
“Y/n?” colossus asked looking like he'd seen a ghost before rushing out the room.
“ very safe no one will hurt you here” ororo crouch down only for Ana To flinch away.
“ we are lucky , the others were not , that made sister sad”.
“ what others ? Ana honey what others?” .
“ our other siblings they did Not make it, they took them when we sleep , sister Made them pay” Ana sniffled as ororo held Her hand.
He ran down the hall , his heart beating fast as it felt like it echoed through the walls. He nearly ran into multiple people on his way a quick sorry til he got to the medwing opening the door.
“ hey kids ok” logan asked only for piotr to ignore the man completely his eyes only looking at the bed seeing her , she was a lot different but time would do that in still in away she Looked like the same little girl he remembered .
“ hey you ok, you know her don't you ?” Logan stood coming to his side.
“ she is my little sister” he said holding her hand in his it almost looked tiny . Then again she was always tiny , she was reason his mutation happened he was saving her when a tractor almost hit her. He joined x men in hopes of settling in america bring her there then his parent told him she was in boarding school then it was she was missing then it was she was dead . He regretted that his whole life not taking her with him at first .now here she was going Through hell and back and she was alive.
It was weeks the kids became Comfortable Turned out their parent sold them to the lab they were kept in. Took hank a long time to secure them visa but he got them even for y/n who lay unconscious still. She was a mystery , they knew who she was , her age , height but as far as powers and everything else well the lab didn't go into detail on her or they couldn't . From the kids recollection she was defiant , never bending to their will they all wondered how she lasted so long or why they kept her so long . Piotr or Peter he let some call him , she was nine years old when his parent sent her away or sold her away it was too hard to even think of it , to think he left her to face all of this . Jean told him she was like him the way she put those kids before herself , how she almost killed herself to save them . A soft nod he headed off to check on the kids who knew little English and meant more to his sister than life itself he could at least make sure they were taken care of and not alone.
Bright was first thing that came to mind , it was bright before her eyes even open and when they did it stung and took a little longer to adjust . It was bright but it was clean , she wasn't tied down so it wasn't the lab … the lab … the kids . She stood uneasy at first maybe she was out longer than she thought. Looking around the room for some indication to where the hell she was , where were the kids closing her eyes and searching them in her mind she could let sigh in relief they were here . She walked to the door ready to break it down only for it to open itself her head tilting in confusing she grabbed the long doctors coat giving she had tank top and underwear on . She could sense someone approaching , the smell of whiskey and cigar filled her nose as she hid at the corner. The footstep coming to her as she lifted her palm slammed the man to the wall vines holding him in place.
“ woah at least buy me dinner first bub” he chuckled .
“ where are the kids” she glared .
“ the kids are safe , let logan go he won't hurt you , follow my voice” it called in her head making her turn and let the man drop to the ground .
“ kids safe?” she asked through her mind the walk breaking into a run. She didn't care that it was potentially a trap if it meant a sliver of hope those kids where safe. She felt the hardwood under her feet , the lab coat bellowing behind her not noticing the eyes that followed Her or the other kids around. She stood Outside a big oak door slowly opening It waiting for a trap.
“SISTER" Ana and the other ran knocking her to the ground Not that she cared . She kissed each of their heads looking at the faces that looked alot Better Before She passed out.
“ may I have a word with your sister , you can have the rest of day off to Reconnect and we can continue our lessons Tomorrow” that same voice she heard in her head now out loud and in the form of a bald man in a wheelchair. She looked to see the words on the board English Lessons , the books on the shelf and the kids outside Playing around.
“ иди я буду только на минутку ( go i'll only be a moment)” she nodded softly as the reluctantly left.
“ my Name is Charles xavier , it is good to see you up and well Y/N .
“ would Say the same but I've no Clue who you are Charles , where am I?” she walked around keeping her distance button the lab coat giving her lack of clothes .
“ my school For gift youngsters a safe Haven for people like us mutants , it's not the lab the only tests we do here are academical” he chuckled. “ my team found you and the children brought you to safety here , the kids Are very protective of you almost attack the team to keep you safe , you done Well to Take care of them” he said a sympathetic look in his eyes she could only nod at .
“ there is someone here who is eager to meet you we can talk More when You are ready truly we are only here To help” he smiled just as a Knock on the door made Her jump. ‘“ oh my dear you need not worry of money but maybe if you want you could help out with the greenhouse again if you want” Charles spoke up as she hesitantly walked to the door opening it .
Her eyes widened , her heart fell into her stomach as she looked into a face she never thought she would see again . He stood like a giant over her and yet he looked like a nervous little boy . Her hand shook as it came tracing the features of his face , he was a man now but then again she wasn't the little girl she once was either . A whurlwind of emotion that rumbled inside her she took her hand back only to close it and connect it to his face sending him down to the ground as the place went silent. She looked up to see that man again the smug one she tied up.
“ not the reunion you were expecting huh?’’ he helped him up .
“ no I was expecting this” piotr groaned rubbing his jaw.
“ ты придурок, ты бросил меня ( you're an idiot , you left me)” she yelled.
“ мне сказали, что ты в безопасности в школе(they told me your were safe at a school)” he reasoned.
“ они продали меня (they sold me)” she growled.
“ они сказали, что ты убежал и умер, я думал, ты умер, прости меня, пожалуйста ( they said you ran and you died , I thought you were dead forgive me please)” she hated how his voice broke and truly it wasn't his fault , he was young himself so she nodded and pulled him into a hug holding Him Tightly.
“ I think they made up” logan chuckled ruffling Henry's Hair .
“ sister they feed us here everyday few times its nice food ” Ana Spoke up only for her to turn see the kids looking Up .
“ cookie too” Henry beamed
“ your English is a lot better” she smiled .
“ Mr professor teach us everyday” Luka said Excitedly.
" just picking up where you left off is all " xavier bowed his head
“ hey look at you, nice to see your awake , would you come with me for a second ” a red head woman called making her head tilt stand back .
“ its ok y/n this is jean grey she is one of the teachers and one of people that rescued You” piotr whispered .
“ your the voice that day” y/n clapped Her hands looking at the woman .
“ I Can show you to your room and get you some Clothes “ jean smiled Only for y/n to be aware of how she was dress or therefore Lack of clothes with a blush to her cheeks she nodded following after the woman . “ so your like me ?” Jean asked.
“ sort of I mean I was pumped full Of stuff I don't know what else I can do” she winced.
“ well we can help with that here , when your ready” .
“ this place doesn't Feel real” she laughed looking around .
“ well It home for along as you want it to be , your not a prisoner anymore” Jean Stopped holding her hand in hers . Y/n turned her face only to see that man watching her intently before looking away .
" isn't she an interesting one " logan muttered, watching her heading up the stairs.
part two
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santrrl · 29 days
hello! i love your writing!!! saw your requests are open. logan with a reader with physical mutations? something like mystique or morph but they can’t turn it off. how do you think logan would comfort reader? thank you!!
Thank you sm 😭🩷!! And of course <33 I kinda based it on a mix of Randall from monsters Inc and mystique where if the reader has high emotions or scared than they shift if that's alright !!<3 as always bullet points and then another short ? Fic :)
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-the first time he sees you he ignores you, as you're just new, why would he see you different?
-until the outside of you turns slightly purple from embarrassment, as you were gawking at him.
-he turns around expecting mystique or something, but deep down he knows she isn't like this.
-as the days go past and you know eachother, sometimes he leaves out things to scare you to see if your mutation is truly reactive or not.
-fucker knows its mean but he probably pays kurt to jump out at you on the first day knowing you've not seen him before.
-things like fake mice, or your favourite foods in the fridge (don't ask how he knows he just knows.) Just to see you turn a color, or physically droop in dread, like a Bassett hound.
-it kinda amuses him, you being like a cartoon character sometimes, so he's not too hard on you. Hell now you're practically jumping out of your room fighting incase logan had planned to scare you.
-he's not the only one doing pranks though, if you're walking around blue from nervousness best know he's gonna ask you. "What's wrong bub? Whose scaring ya?" Teasingly, but if he had your mutation he would've went red hearing that Scott had left a note saying 'watch out' as a joke.
-HUNTEDDD Scott down and 'talked to him'. Against a wall. And against Scott's will.
-safe to say you weren't turning invisible anytime soon from him.
-if you ever got upset at it he'd definitely run to you.
-"Bub look at me, it's not that bad. If I can see I can help."
-he secretly loves being able to see if you're okay or not because it gives him an excuse to be a hero to you
-if you're genuinly considering the vaccine that eventually gets out, he goes nuts. You're on the couch he's pacing like an angry father. "Like...why would you even? Theres- i- what. We're you. Thinking." He's so mad he doesn't even know what to say.
-hell pick you up and just kiss you at that point and say "no." Really angrily before leaving
It'd been a few months since you'd joined the school, familiar with everyone, but mainly Logan and colossus, as they were the ones you trusted most. Once the news started getting wind of you mutation and that you'd joined the xmen, you didn't know whether to laugh or to cry.
"Newest xmen recruit.." "xmen seems to have dissapeared.." "should we be worried?" "I saw them go up and it was like...so cool mr news man! Like it disappeared" said many news stations, and you weren't exactly accustomed to being one of the trending tumblr tags.
"Bub, pete." Came Logans voice as he entered the kitchen. "Hello, logan." "Lo' " you smiled, yellow slightly entering your arms and chest. "You see the news?" He scoffed, leaning on the counter. "Yes.." you groaned laughing
As you all chit chatted, it was only a matter of time before Charles had called you to his office, some monthly test thing or something.
Colossus whom had almost never left his steel form anymore simply stayed put, knowing he was excluded, and you and logan went trodding to his office. "Scott giving you more hassle?" He grumbled quietly. "Nope.." you sighed. "Nothing I consider harassment." You smiled at him.
The day went on, test and test, and eventually it was time to go to bed, for you at least. Waving bye, you walked through the corridors, careful not to alert any children, before reaching your room. Laying there you felt off. Was it the test? Was it charles? Lo?
You couldn't get your mind off of it, and by now you were practically lilac, so you went up to find logan. As you trodded however you heard voices down the stairs behind your room.
"What the.." you'd start, and as you walk down, you saw something that made you turn invisible at the second. Logan had Scott in a mean chokehold, and you knew he was too mad to go near. So thus? You kept invisible. Stripped off all your clothes and walked down. The clothes would've made it obvious that you were there.
"Wanna repeat what the fuck you've been telling my girl huh?" You heard the struggle. His girl? The way he said it implied he was mocking Scott but...
"Cmon!" He groaned, before Scott slipped out and nearly fell straight onto you as he walked. "Listen ill leave her alright!? I just...wanted to take my mind off you know." He frowned as he turned and stormed off.
Forgetting completely you weren't supposed to be there, you spoke up. "So what was that about?" And logan nearly jumped at you in response. "Jesus, christ why are you here?" He groaned still pissed. "I got nosy." You shrugged.
"What lo?"
"Are you naked?"
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xenayami · 27 days
This series is going off based on @honey-minded-hivemind Dark AU for their platonic yandere xmen x reader please check them out for the original and support them on what they do they are incredible. ❤️
The reader of this story will be Fem. Her, Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro will all be aged to 14.
Beware this is a dark au so things could get graphic you've been warned and bad GRAMMER.
Reader was founded by the x-men in a homeless shelter for kids when she was 12. Discovered by Charles Xavier who had found her through his power, sending Logan and Scott to retrieve the girl. Her abilities were to create spheres of protection and have the power to heal. But as many mutants' reader does have a limit to such lengths of what her powers can handle. Never had a family or even knew of her own. But when THE wolverine stretches his hand out for her to take how could she say no.
At some point, Lance was severely injured from a mission he was sent on with two other teens. Scott who had returned with Lance in his arms begged reader to heal him. "Please Kid... you're the only one I know that can help."
She barely succeeded managing to get lance out of the dying state but not healed completely. As soon as she was done her nose begins to bleed and later resulting to her collapsing. Of course, when she had awoken, she overheard the wolverine yelling at Scott. How could he put you through such a thing if he need someone to help Lance, he could of gone straight to hank. Not a 14-year-old who barely knows how her power works. "I regret it Logan I know I just thought-
Her and Logan always had a close relationship since she joined the school. They both were loners. But the x-men saved them from such fate. Whenever reader was in his classroom training harder than any student, he had encountered he asked her. "Because I want to get stronger to protect the ones I care about." From that moment on he had watch over her like a daughter.
When reader first arrived at Charles Xaviers school, she immediately fit right in. Rogue and Jean loved her like a little sister. Scott and Gambit as well along with Wanda and Pietro. Logan thought of you as his daughter just as Erik 'Magneto' did as well. Charles loves you like his own as for the rest of his students and his x-men. Hank adores you as much as mystique.
There was a particular group you always hung out with Kitty, Pietro, Kurt and Jubilee. They were the first friends of you had since you came to the school, since ever. Knowing you've been by yourself for as long as you could remember. You had loved every single one of them.
You had finally found your family.
One night, when everyone was sleeping you silently swore to yourself, I'm going to get stronger I will, I want to have the strength to protect my family and friends. Even if it cost me my life.'
Unknown to you accouple of ears lingered near your room and hear you.
After that day everything was peaceful.
Reader, Kurt, Pietro and Kitty were all going to go and shop for a surprise gift for their friend Jubilee. Scott and Jean sent them off.
"Now be careful out there got it, things can get out of hand when you least expect it." Scott stand Infront of the group crossing his arms over his chest looking at the group of kids.
"Geez yeah yeah we get it. Just don't tell Jubilee where we were, okay?" Pietro huffs. Jubilee was failing in a couple of classes and training lessons, so she had to stay behind. They thought going out to get her a special early birthday present would cheer her up, only to encounter Scott and Jean. The group fully understand the dangers of being a mutant lingering out and about. But they believe as long as they were together, they'll be alright.
"We'll be fine promise! We're just gonna get some grub probably hang around the park a bit and then shop for an early surprise present for Jubilee." Kitty chuckles at Scotts worriedness the group of teens, they had train for situations in case they get into trouble. They just need a break from the school for a bit and explore the world and experience the joys of being a teenager.
"Right ve promise!" Kurt joins in.
"I'll look after them Scott don't worry; we'll be back before midnight! I swear." Read was always trying to be the older sister of the group and the adults found that precious. Scott looks at her with soften eyes.
Scott looks hesitant but then Jean lays a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure they'll be fine Scott beside I'm sure the grownups need a break from the kids anyway. Let them go out." Scott looker over his shoulder and sighs in defeat.
"Fine. Reader."
She straightens up.
"Be safe."
And with that the group leaves the mansion for their outing. A couple of miles away from their home and going straight into town. Kurt walking on readers left side and Pietro and Kitty walking on her right.
"Vhet should we get for our friend?"
"Don't know maybe a necklace? Oh! or earrings!"
"You guys think too much. Just get her favorite song on a cd and call it a day."
"You're only saying that cause you never think. it's got to be meaningful dumbass."
Unaware of their surrounds the group was peaceful walking about in town. Laughing and joking around such as normal teenagers do.
A smoke grenade lands in front of the group, WOSH it sets of, and the kids were choking on the smoke. Kurt kneeling down waving his hands in the air trying to push the smoke away, kitty and Pietro were blinds and where also coughing. Reader the only on left standing was struggling to make out the attacker.
"Mutant brats"
Readers vision begins to blur, and then turn dark.
Reader wake up again in a strange room chained in a circle with Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro.
"Reader! Your awake! Thank goodness." Kitty with tears in her eyes.
"Where are we?"
Pietro growls, "Thats what I wanna know." Furious that they got caught and he couldn't do a thing about it.
"Are we?" Questioning if any of them had attempted to use their gifts to escape.
"Unable to use our powers I'm afraid so my friend."
Reader looks down in guilt, "I'm sorry guys this is my fault, I should of been more aware.."
"What? There was no what you could of know this would happened. Don't be so hard on yourself." Pietro looks over at her calming his attitude to try and make the situation better for his friends.
"They'll come guys don’t worry!" Kitty trying her best to lighten the mood.
"I'm afraid not this time kitty."
A strange man in a lab coat appears Infront of them.
"And I'm gonna make sure of that."
"Vho are you sir?" Kurt curiously asks but something about this man seemed off this thought sent shivers down some of the group's spines.
"Nothing to concern yourself with mutt. You won't live long enough to remember it."
Kurt eyes widen in fear and shock. Reader moves closer to him moving her body in front of his. Shielding him from the intruder.
"The x-men will stop you."
"I highly doubt it. But don't you baby mutants spawns worry, they'll be joining you soon."
Reader chuckles at the man. "Keep dreaming."
A blow to the head sent her on the floor.
Blood trailed down her mouth as she struggles to sit up only to be kick back down again.
"BASTARD!" As soon as Pietro commented that last part the unknown man pulls out a blade about to charge at him who was defenseless reader bolts towards their direction and takes the hit. Readers blood spills more onto the ground. Kitty screamed in terror, Kurt froze in fear, Pietro stood in shock.
Collapsing in front of him struggling to get back up. The only thought running through her mind was to protect her friends no matter what.
"Pathetic. Just like your so-called x-men, saving life's all for nothing and taking in mutants. To what? Treat them like family. Disgusting."
With hatred in the hearts for this man run filled like crazy but reader bolding stands up.
"S-so what?"
Reader stuggles to sit up completely unfazed of the attack no matter how badly her body is damaged. That sentence alone started a spark to keep the group going.
"Thats w-what we do! You got a problem with it!? X-men put their lives on the line every day! Bitch and groan all you want! You don't got the power to change a thing!"
Unknown man sits still in silents and them maliciously smirks and them kicks the reader on the side where her wound was.
"Your gonna die anyway why waste your breath. This room is reequipped with a machine that will incinerate you lot. And don't even think of using your so-called mutant powers, this room was made with sentinel technology so don't even think about."
They were powerless.
"You have a minute."
The man leaves with a grim expression.
Kitty panics and rattles the chains, Kurt does his best to break it, Pietro struggles to move towards reader grabbing her and pulling in towards the group reader holding onto her wound putting pressure on it. Blood was dripping all down her body.
"W-what do we do!"
"Our Vates are in god's hands now my vhriend."
Holding her hand as she begins to break down in tears. both reach towards reader and Pietro who were also holding hands.
"Stay strong... Kitty." Reader struggles to breath.
"We're not gonna go out cryin." Hope light in the readers eyes.
Kitty looks over at her who was struggling to sit up straight but was still standing strong that alone gave kitty the encouragement she needed, "R-right. RIGHT! X-MEN NEVER GIVES UP THE FIGHT!"
Pietro nods and also shouts. "Thats right. We're going to show that bastard a bond that can never be broken!"
"I vhill cherish our bonds my Vhiends. No. My family. I love you all of you."
As the four where all held each other together the fear immediately vanishes. As the room shakes and rumbles the sounds of a machine above the ground was held over them begin to glow. They must of guessed it was the one the stranger was talking about.
Reader held them in a group hug all with smiles on their faces..
"We're going home everyone. Back home to our family."
In a blast of light everything exploded and nothing was left.
The x-men all gathered in the war room frantic on the kid's disappearance. Scott and Jean worries came back again when they did not show up for their classes as did Jubilee who had not seen any of her friends. Mystique concerned for her son's well being, her daughter rogue flies all over town to search for them. Magneto confronting Charles on his carelessness for the safety of his children especially Pietro his son and reader who he had grown fond of.
Hank searches with all of his technology. Nothing came to aid.
Logan rampages through the streets and the mansion to find more clues. He had assumed some mutant hating freak got to them.
Gambit did his best to search deep undercover through all the bars to pick up tips on some missing mutant kids. Nothing.
Now they regather in the war room.
"This is your fault summers!"
"Yelling at me won't find them Logan!"
Rogue goes between the two. "Fighting with one another wont help either sugars."
"She's right they have to be out there somewhere we just have to look harder!" Jean intervenes. This was all her fault. She had insisted they go. They never should of left.
"Charles?!" Erik holding onto him. Charles head his head in pain.
As sharp pain goes through the professor's head. He saw the unknown man that had taken the kids hostage. He scans throughout his memories and saw the most recent one.
He saw a vivid images of blood. Readers blood. And then later a bright light. Explosion that contain Kurt, Kitty, Pietro and Reader.
Refuses to belief it he tries again and to reach out to any of the children. Nothing there was nothing. If he could not reach them then that could only mean.
Charles shouts in anguish and despair. "MY CHILDREN MY POOR CHILDREN!"
The last image he saw was all of them holding each other in their arms embracing one another with blood soaking their clothes and smiles on their faces. Perhaps hoping for them to come for them. They never did.
"Charles?! What had happened?" Mystique ask.
Charles weeps quietly but Erik answers for him. With a menace look on his face as he stares at the group. He had realize what Charles had saw. Knowing his old friend all too well that could only mean one thing. His son... reader.... kurt and kitty. All dead.
"They are gone."
This alone silent the room.
"They have spilled blood of our children, and we must avenge them." Magneto never like the human he only tolerated them for his children's sake and for Charles but after this. He will show no mercy.
"I agree." Charles says in a shaken voice. "They must pay. Taking the life's of children of the innocent will not go unpunished." He always wanted a relationship between mutants and humans but to take the life of children he had help raised as his own. Children who could do no harm. A darkness stirred within him.
X-men stood in silence, but understood what they must do. Storming out the mansion they now go out on a man hunt to hunt down the unknown man that had kill their kids. Along with those who were involved and those who stood by and watched.
7 Years later
Amongst the rumbles of the abandon building, a sudden movement causes accouple of rocks to move. A hand emerges.
Kitty pushes the scattered building parts of her. Coughing out the dust as she catches her breath. Kurt and Pietro also emerge gasping for air.
"Everyone alright?"
Kurt pushing the rumbles aside and digging reader out of the pile. Pulling her to surface.
"Is she?"
Kurt checks, "Alive. And breathing. But how did we survive. No should of live after such."
"Defiantly." Pietro agrees but notices a small light on his outer skin glowing the same as kitty and Kurt. This familiar sensation, it feels like reader. They would know because every time one of them were injured she would offer to heal them despite over working herself.
"Did she?" Kitty questions in shock at the realization.
"She must have put barriers on us when the explosion hit. But the question is how?"
"Indeed" Kurt agrees as he held reader's unconscious body. Struggling to wake her up.
Kitty moves near him and help shakes her. "Reader... come on! Please wake up!' Tears weld in her eyes praying in her mind that her friend will wake.
Pietro looks down in shake as he looks down his hand that was stained in blood. He knew it was his fault for her injuries, but why would she do such a thing and risk her life. Just why.
Where are we anyway...
After the 7-year leap reader, Kurt, kitty, and Pietro never aged they remain 14 since the reader's shield held them in for over 7 year unable to age. But unfortunately, everyone they had loved had.
MY Thanks to @honey-minded-hivemind for letting me write this hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more!
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callmearcturus · 1 month
oh my gd that would be INCREDIBLE- the character building alone would be Fantastic, but fitting ethan and benji into a world where mutants are a thing??? i want to se how they each navigate that social strata, how ethan might try to use his mutation to disguise himself more, and how benji relates to his mutation (does he know? is it coincidence? is he just the luckiest sombitch alive?). anyway im in neither of these fandoms but i have been adoring your writing and now yearn for this fic.
oh lmao punct gave me the thumbs up to share a bit of what if mission impossible/x-men fusion
we have been watching the good xmen movies and obvsly were like "okay what would the mutations of the IMF team be" if this were an AU where they were, like, International Mutant Force or something less stupid
(well nothing is as stupid as Impossible Mission Force so--)
anyway right away: Ethan is a telepath, but we're kind of obsessed with telepathy as a power but also a disability that has to be constantly managed and accounted for. so:
Ethan is not an omega-level mutant like Charles Xavier or Jean Grey, but he's pretty powerful. His telepathy is tangled up in the way he falls a little in love with everyone he meets and is categorically unwilling to accept collateral damage on a mission. He finds it astonishingly easy to let his mind drape gossamer connections to everyone in his vicinity and is buoyed by the feelings he picks up on.
On the flipside: he is absolute dogshit at untangling himself, and it takes much longer for him, like fighting against some innate nature of his mutation. One way this manifests is sleeping; if Ethan is alone and sleeps, his unconscious mind will just drape over everyone in the vicinity and he has to untangle that for a while when he wakes. One way of dealing with this: early on, he asks Luther if he can hitch a ride in Luther's mind as he sleeps, so his telepathy will octopus around Luther while he sleeps, and it's much easier to untangle that in the morning.
On the scale of What Is He Capable Of: Covertly skim through minds for specific information: max one or two people at a time if he wants to keep hidden. any more and he can't be sneaky about it. Converse with people telepathically: 4 to 8, any more and his coherence frays badly Broadcast to people around him (maybe to alert to danger): CANNOT do so subtly, has been pushing this over the years from 20ish to double that to even more, but as he pushes himself more and more, he's more likely to just pass tf out or get a nosebleed Range?: The longer he's connected to someone's mind, the further away they can be and still be in Ethan's reach. Luther could be on the other side of the world and if Ethan really focuses, he can transmit an image or emotion or 'hey i'm alive.' Nothing beyond that but still.
Speaking of Luther, his mutation is extremely high perception of electricity and sonic fields. This manifests in several ways:
Luther can tell when something is powering on, can feel devices and machines around him and has an affinity for them, able to read them via touch or from hearing them when power is moving.
As he gets older and more honed in his work, he can grip a cable and get a sense of where the data is going/coming from, tracing things. The data moving through the air is tangible to him. He's a beast against any and all security systems, able to just feel where motion sensors and cameras are.
I think maybe he can learn to hold and redirect energy over time. He's never going to have lightning powers, but I can imagine him placing a hand on a wall outlet and pushing and shorting out a specific device in the room with an overcharge. But primarily, his power is observational.
BOY it has downsides. Luther is constantly struggling with overstimulation, and because it's not exactly sound or light, it's energy he can ambiently detect, he struggles a lot with controlling it and avoiding getting overwhelmed. Once he and Ethan are buddies, Ethan tends to just hitchhike in Luther's mind. When they're off the clock, he'll filter out all the extra stimulus. When they're on a mission, Ethan helps Luther cut out the superfluous information and humming energy so he can narrow in on what he's working on.
Those people who have Smart Houses where every device is somehow connected to wifi, Luther hates them so much. Just SO much. The proliferation of Google Homes and Connect With Alexa shit is going to turn him into a terrorist someday.
okay so Benji. lmao. here's where shit gets wild.
the thing about Benji is he doesn't know he has a mutation until he's an adult and working in the IMF as support analyst and tech. sure there's been some odd moments in his life. when he was a kid, he was in a car crash and somehow wound up outside the car and fine. and once he was riding a bike through his village and accidentally went down a hill, but managed to land the bike instead of winding up in a crumpled pile of limbs at the bottom. but maybe he was got lucky!
then an actual threat happens at the IMF and a gun goes off at Benji, and the world slows to a crawl. he can just... step out of the way, and the bullet eases by him. turns out, Benji sets off-- okay. it's either a time dilation effect or its superspeed. both are functionally the same, and i think the effect is undetectable to other people so no one knows for sure. but it only happens when Benji perceives himself to be in a life-or-death instance.
he also can give it to people by touch. if Benji's panic switch goes off, he can grab another person and move them and they'll perceive the same dilation he does. the IMF is overjoyed because this is extremely exploitable, and Benji gets rushed into the field because if a mission goes tits up, just shoot at Agent Dunn and he can cheat time.
Eventually, Benji gets assigned to work with Ethan bc the handlers figure Ethan is a telepath, he can just reach into Benji's mind and give him a shock and make him think he's about to die. Isn't that so much nicer than just shooting at him? But Ethan is a fucking telepath and clearly sees the extreme stress all of this has put Benji through. He never sets off the panic switch and more often uses his telepathy to soothe Benji's nerves than anything. Like with Luther, Ethan rides-along in Benji's head a lot.
This throws a wrench into Rogue Nation obvsly because Ethan hears "the IMF has been absorbed by the CIA" and he does not wait 6 months to reach out to the guy who can fuck with time if you threaten his life. because of course the fucking CIA starts experimenting, seeing how they can reliably set the panic switch off. they come up with a device like an epi-pen that can be used to basically give Benji an almost-heart attack but then Ethan breaks Benji tf out of Langley's grasp and tows him across the globe bc no one else can be trusted not to traumatize the shit out of Benji.
As Benji gets older and more adept at his power, he discovers a side-effect of Ethan being tied to his mind more often than not; Benji starts 'going off' when Ethan is in peril. ETHAN IS NOT AMUSED BY THIS because he risks his life all the time and now Benji's going off because of that where it gets tres interesting is that Benji has spent so long talking telepathically, he knows how to direct a thought at Ethan to get his attention (as does everyone who works with Ethan more than a few times). and if he telepathically taps on Ethan, he can pull Ethan into the dilation, even if they aren't touching. it's kind of all Ethan's fault; he's the clingiest telepath ever, and having accumulated years of connection to Benji has just urged Benji's mutation to expand in that direction.
anyway that's that
WE ALSO HAVE BEEN DELIBERATING ILSA POWERS, mostly along the lines of mimicry
one of the ideas I super liked was Ilsa being a power-mimic but she doesn't luck into innate understanding of how a power works, so it's very dangerous for her to borrow someone's power. like, an example we were kicking around was Ilsa accidentally picking up on Ethan's power and, not understanding how his telepathy grabs ahold of people, she accidentally ties her mind and Ethan's together the moment she gets his power, and they're Stuck for a while because Ethan can't untangle her knot and she is figuring out how tf it even works. it's a nightmare.
another idea was the Rogue Powerset, touch-based connection with its own pitfalls. Ilsa able to subtly touch a human and glean some information from them, but she has very little control over what info she gets. and once she touches them, they black out a bit, losing about a minute of time, which is just long enough for her to get out of there. but if she bumps into a mutant, she gets their power for a while instead, and it's messy and awkward and well, she wears long sleeves and gloves a lot is what I'm saying.
and Punct liked how Ilsa might self-select into spycraft because she needs to learn all these skills to protect herself, so she follows the career path and just keeps her power very very quiet, only using it when it's too useful to avoid. or on accident. for instance: when she meets Ethan and Ethan hurls himself into the fight and she touches his skin, Ilsa gets the telepathy juice. while Ethan is dazed from the contact, Ilsa uses the telepathy to sneak him out the back tunnel, then makes the other Syndicate members trust her so her cover isn't blown.
we also came up with a VERY FUN ONE for Grace, which is matter teleportation. Grace cannot teleport herself, but she can move things around when she focuses on them. There's huge limits on this:
smaller items are easier than larger, lighter is easier than heavier.
she doesn't have to see the object to move it but she does need to know about it pretty thoroughly and have a strong idea of its shape and the space its taking up.
example: if you set a closed, empty box in front of grace and told her there's a snowglobe inside, she could try to retrieve it, but it won't work (obvsly, it's empty) and she won't know why and might keep trying to 'grab' the object.
this would make her and Ethan extremely potent, as he can get eyes on something and transmit the information Grace needs to her, and she can grab the object.
because of how her power works, Grace has fun skills about guessing the weight of things. toss her an object and she can probably tell you pretty accurately how heavy it is. this isn't a mutation; she is just hyperfocused on that sort of info because it assists her power.
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lupinus-bicolor · 1 month
i havent seen this scene in its entirety (probably for copyright reasons, suck my ass disney) so i decided to clip it and share with u guys. sorry for the audio quality, I've subtitled it below the cut lol. if/when this gets copyright claimed just hmu I'll link it
DP: Ok I'm just gonna ask, what's with the suit? First thing I did when I flamed out, I took mine off.
W: Drop it.
DP: It's not that ugly.
W: Stop talking about my suit-
DP: Did you make it yourself? Been there.
W: Quit. Now.
DP: The xmen make you wear it? Those sons 'a fucking bitches. They are not your friends, I'll tell you that. Friends don't let friends leave the house looking like they fight crime for the Los Angeles Rams.
W: Shut the fuck up about my suit.
DP: Woah woah woah woah watch your frown lines, angel baby, I'm just trying to bond a little bit-
W: Yeah well then talk about somethin' else.
DP: Fine.
W: Stop it.
DP: If they can fix your world what's the first thing you're gonna do when you get outta here? Rubbing alcohol shots, maybe a wiper fluid chaser?
W: What did you say?
DP: When you get back, what's the first thing you're gonna do?
W: No, before that.
DP: If... They can fix your world?
W: What do you mean "if"? You lied to me, you don't have a fucking clue if they can help me fix things do you?
DP: No I mean- Ow! Fuck! Fuck! I didn't lie!
W: You lied!
DP: No I made an educated wish! Because I need you! This. This is why, right here. Because if we don't do something, they die. I don't know anything about saving worlds, and why would I even care? Because my entire world is right here in this picture. It's only nine people and I have no idea how to save it alone. I know how to fuck people up for money, but you! You know how to save 'em! At least, the other Wolverine did. Agh! I guess I'm stuck with the worst one.
W: Did you say you made an educated fucking "wish"?
DP: They call me the merc with the mouth, they don't call me "truthful Timmy, the blowjob queen of Saskatoon".
W: One more word. Please, give me one.
DP: Gubernatorial. Ah!
W: You know what, you're a fucking joke. No wonder the Avengers didn't take you, or the xmen, they'll take fuckin' anyone. I mean you are, you're ridiculous. Immature, half-wit moron. I have never met a sadder, more attention-starved jabbering little prick in my entire life, and that says a lot 'cause I've been alive for over two hundred fuckin' years. I tell ya, that bald chick was right about one thing. You will never save the world. You couldn't even save a relationship with a goddamn stripper! And motherfucker I wish I could say you'd die alone, but it's one of god's best jokes that you can't die, except that it's on all of us! You got nothin' to say, Mouth?
DP: I'm gonna fight you now.
W: Oh are you?
W: Not talkin' now, are ya?
DP: Ah, you dirty bitch!
DP: Baby knife!
DP: I take it all back, the Honda Odyssey fucks hard! Too bad you don't, needle dick.
W: Oh we're just gett'n started, bub.
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wolvertooth · 5 months
gotta rant about xmen tas for a sec.
it literally starts with sabretooth having a public tantrum in the streets, for no explained reason, then getting instigated further by cops. and cuts to the general public watching on tv and going 'yep, all mutants are like that' but then the fucking xmen are like 'not us. we're not like those mutants.'
then in a later episode he gets captured, and forcefully gets his mind probed in an attempt to CURE him. and ofc, wolverine comes in and gets pissed that hes even here, but then the others are like 'calm down, or else youre gonna be one of those mutants'.
and he IS. thats the THING. wolverines just better at hiding it most of the time, then his 'friends' get surprised when he slips up. meanwhile, sabretooth doesnt get that privilege, especially after getting experimented on (in the team x flashbacks its implied that he used to be a lot more stable then he is now). and like, they have the fucking audacity to also show sabretooths intense childhood trauma and STILL paint him as a villain afterwards...
i dunno. it all just seems pretty ableist. tf is the message here? different people are only 'good' if they can live properly in society?
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tuesday again 8/13/2024
i think i'm going to take a break from scifi written by men for a bit
Ahmed Malek's Les Vacances de L'inspecteur Tahar, from the 1972 film of the same name.
if i can be really really real for a minute here the only thing i've listened to more than twice this week is GUESS by charli xcx but i don't want to have the same tuesdaysong twice in a row. this would make for an annoying end of year playlist.
i got an ad for a collected set of Ahmed Malek's Algerian jazz music on instagram. a session musician in Algiers, he made his name as a soundtrack composer with this comedic detective movie and was in demand for the rest of his life-- he's still really beloved in the African jazz scene, his works are super collectible, and his daughter gifted all his masters to a tiny record company so they could rerelease and preserve them.
it sounds exactly how you think a 70s cop movie should sound. impeccable example of the genre. instantly evocative. i wonder if it influenced the wider cop drama soundscape or if it's just an early example?
many books disappointed me a great deal this week.
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thank you philip.
the only comic i did like was Marauders (2019-2022), trying to get a little bit more into the xmen since my bestie has decided we're watching all their movies. this is really fun bc i knew who kitty pryde was, and she's a privateer captain who looks beat to shit the whole book. extremely fun and gay and swashbuckling, i placed holds for the other volumes already.
the two rogue and gambit books assumed i knew more about those characters than i already did, and had a heavy reliance on flashbacks and references to other issues.
the magic order was insufferable and did not stick its landing. made me worry about the characters and then feel really fucking stupid for worrying about the characters. i don't know why i keep trying mark millar books and thinking i will like them.
HOTELITOR had a very fun concept (mech hotel), but was a little more middle-grade than i was expecting, even from a teen book. very calarts visual style. very power of friendship will undo an evil corporation, which, i wish.
this little mermaid manga was not for me. and that's fine. most manga isn't for me.
we have to take a brief detour into how i store my books (poorly). these big middle shelves hold an unsorted mass, mostly of stuff i'm not sure i want to keep. i'm trying to be more thoughtful about which books i keep bc realistically i do not reread very often (if at all) and i am running out of space. as much as i love weird little scifi and fantasy paperbacks it would be cool if they all fit on one shelf.
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here are four books i rapidly cycled through this weekend that are going to be donated.
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Michael Moorcock's The Black Corridor, 1969, about a man slowly going insane in a spaceship fleeing a politically violent Earth with his friends and relations in cryosleep. not a very beloved Moorcock book among the Moorcock fans. this has a heavy focus on the rise of British fascism and i'm not now, nor will i ever be, in the mood for this. a shame bc this slim hardcover has proportions that were very nice to hold.
Thomas Burnett Swan's Where is the Bird of Fire?, 1970, three not quite short stories but not quite novellas about mythical creatures at the founding of Rome, Xerxes the Great's empire, and Britain near the fall of Rome. states very clearly exactly what it is on the tin and delivers it, unfortunately i don’t like any of the flavors on offer. every single one of these has the half-coy kind of sex scene common in historical fiction, where in order to represent the past accurately and with full verisimilitude we Must convey that they fucked nasty and had fun doing it. many times. unfortunately a middle aged man wrote these and our erotic sensibilities are Very far apart.
Glen Cook's Cold Copper Tears, 1988, a noirish urban fantasy. there are fourteen books in this series so clearly people like them. i found a lot of the Noir Similes a little tortured. "but kay isn't that the point--" yes but these annoyed me. also there's a rape joke i didn't enjoy on the fourth fucking page. i have very few hard outs in fiction and one of them is on-screen or on-page sexual assault or rape jokes in chapter one. i am slightly less likely to drop a book if it has rape jokes in chapters that are not the first but like. it’s still almost a flat line at 100%.
and the only one i got two-thirds of the way through, and which i partially liveblogged here,
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Eric Kotani and John Maddox Robert's Between the Stars, 1988, the third in their Island Worlds series. it stands alone fairly well, which is impressive.
this book is good at differentiating a very large, very clannish cast, which is a hard thing to do in a political opera. people are often differentiated by little physical movement quirks, which a spy later uses to identify someone. it’s a lovely bit of business and definitely the authors’ strong points.
also props for two of the most capable people, an ill-liked matriarch/scientific genius and a femme fatale Russian, for being two of the most interesting characters with the most screen time, both on their own and in other character’s thoughts. unfortunately, with such a large cast and so many factions, the action is often split and meandering. racist in the very specific orientalist way cyberpunk eighties fiction often is, but uncommonly, they remembered Turkey existed and included in the orientalism?
severely suffered from a second act where it tripped over its own feet a lot instead of continued forward motion, quite honestly i got bored and tired of being hit over the head with various points. a very whedonesque quality of needing to comment on the political implication of something the instant after it happens.
this is not a subtle book, and it smacks less of an urgency to get a point across in as few words as possible and more an uncertainty in the authors of getting their point across at all. this is confusing to me bc this was their fourth book together and the third in this series. have some more confidence in your writing abilities. like, if you've already established your baddie as a fascist torturer who literally owns slaves and plans on taking over earth, you don't need to have him also say "Hitler was much-maligned" at a dinner party he's holding in a room full of hunting trophies where the only things on the table are red wine and whole game birds. you've more than established him as evil. the whole book is like this. it's exhausting.
not a book for me! many such cases!
my brother was really singing the praises of vampire hunter d's animation and i was like, postapoc roaming vampire bounty hunter? say less! im already getting in!
i watched the 1980s version with some bemusement until he was like "why did you watch that and not the 2000 version." well that would have been so cool of you to be more specific, my boy!!! vampire hunter d (1985, dir. Toyoo Ashida) was still fun but clearly had way less of a budget than Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust (2000, dir. Yoshiaki Kawajiri)
i enjoyed bloodlust a little more bc it had a postapoc style i enjoyed a little more: showed me big manta rays that hide under the sand, big ruined radio dishes, and lots of beautifully ruined skyscrapers and fucked up highway overpasses. every time you see me post about a BIG!!! FUCKING!!! DISH!!! you should hear this schoolchildren "YAAAAAY!" sample from Jet Set Radio
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nothing much to report, a lot of grindy genshin impact shit as i try to clear all my map markers before the new nation drops at the end of the month.
the girls have three litter boxes available to them (laundry room/spare bathroom/utility closet), all in the correct and recommended locations, all with good sightlines and escape routes and all out of the main hustle and bustle of the apartment, all open top, all with the same kind of litter and the same kind of litter mat. they only use the one in my laundry room. since phil has had free roam of the house she has not used the one in the office bathroom. i asked my vet about this and sent her pictures to make sure i was doing everything right and the diagnosis was "yeah that's a little weird of them". can we spread the wear and tear out a little more, girls? so i don't have to deep clean the same litterbox every week?
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caliburn-the-sword · 4 months
a (non)comprehensive list of all characters that i as a child decided were asian because representation hardly existed in the early 2010's, with varying degrees of asian-coding and/or canon. it also gets more unhinged
will not be tagging SHIT because i would like to not experience hate but also i feel like my mutuals would somewhat enjoy this. as a kid, my only requirements were that they either 1) had dark hair 2) had dark eyes or 3) had unnatural hair/eye/skin colour in which case i could go nuts
list is under the cut:
you liked these fairies cause you were gay?? i liked them because they were asian to me we are NOT the same (i am also gay). both are asian coded so i wasn't wrong. also shoutout to vidia for being asian and an absolute BITCH. i think her back is sore from carrying the bitchy asian rep. no one's doing it like her
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musa from winx. also asian coded so it works
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batman. NOT to be confused with bruce wayne. bruce wayne is white af even to me as a child. but when he had the mask on i could project on him and call him chinese
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dick grayson's robin in almost all cartoon iterations (pictured above in the batman) but also including:
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to be clear, this is NOT to be confused with dick grayson the civilian, or dick grayson as nightwing. by my 9 y/o logic those guys were both white af. but when dick grayson had the robin mask on that gave room for me to project, as such they're asian
zatanna zatara is wasian IN MY HEART. to ME her mum is chinese and obvi her dad is italian so she's almost just like me (chinese/spanish). idc argue with the wall
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superman but ONLY the justice league unlimited version
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huntress bertinelli, for the same reasons as zatanna, was always wasian to me. but she gave off half korean, half italian vibes. i will not explain myself
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now is raven from a different plane than us?? yes. however azarath is home to asians idek
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sorry guys jinx is a bad bitch so she's also asian
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while we're at it, beast boy is also asian but ONLY in teen titans. unfortunately young justice beast boy is whitewashed (he was never asian to begin with). i asked my sister if she ever asian-washed characters when watching tv she said no (rudeass) but i provided multiple teen titans as an example and my mum was like "wait?? beast boy isn't asian?? i thought he was asian??" so beast boy is actually mum-approved-asian. i don't make the rules
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draculaura from monster high was always asian to me idc what the haters say. everyone say thank you to the monster high reboot for giving me asian draculaura because frankly i deserve it
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also. robecca steam is south asian in my heart
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jackson jekyll was also asian. idk. he just was
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now, since the eah reboot made draculaura wasian i'm BEGGING for there to be an eah reboot because they will do my girl raven queen justice. SHE is asian
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kitty cheshire is also asian i don't make the rules
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sorry guys duchess swan is also asian
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while i'm at it, faybelle thorn is also asian talk to the wall
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now i need you guys to pinky promise to be nice to me. percy jackson was wasian to me until ethan nakamura was introduced. only after ethan's introduction did my 13 y/o ass let percy be white again
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tony stark is asian but ONLY in iron man armoured adventures
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now, a plethora of xmen evolution characters are actually asian (source: i made it the fuck up) these include, but are not limited to: wolverine, x23, wanda and pietro
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animentality · 2 months
My friend watched Deadpool and Wolverine and called it an 'okay if mid movie' and I was considering throwing away the whole friendship until I learnt this dude didn't know anything about Wolverine or the X-men before this movie. Like, "I didn't know he had a healing factor until two thirds in" levels of didn't know
Horrible revelation. We're watching the whole xmen franchise and then rewatching dp vs logan post his re-education
Okay if mid movie. My ass.
That's hysterical though.
This movie sucks because why does this man keep getting up when he's clearly been stabbed in the heart?
but also what rock was he living under that he didn't know wolverine had a regenerating ability?
it's like the thing he's most well known for... besides the obvious, of course.
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lavenderfieldsforvr · 3 months
okay so i had a dream about morph.
i was watching like a lost episode of tas (or movie? it was some sort of lost media with the tas cast) and morph was there and i was really excited. the xmen went to some kinda hotel for some reason, i guess they were on vacation. but weird shit started happening, they were attacked by an unknown villain(s) and so typical xmen stuff ensued. morph was more a background character, like how they are in the first two episodes of tas, but i was just happy they were there at all. i remember they did get taken hostage by the villain at one point, to be like "we'll kill your friend if you dont do what we want" blah blah. morph cant catch a break even in dreams i guess. but that scene only lasted a brief second.
the really interesting part is the end before i woke up, when magneto showed up and was like we need to evacuate the hotel (this was set in tas so im not sure why magneto is bossing them around but oh well) so the xmen all climb aboard the ship with him, and turns out they were on an island (i guess genosha? which would explain magneto) and they fly off. but see, wolverine was like trapped under a bunch of rubble at this point, i dont quite remember what happened but he was fighting and had an incident and the xmen left him for dead for some goddamn reason. so it cuts back to the hotel and wolverine claws his way out as he does, pretty much unscathed. but when he's wandering around he finds morph still there (playing darts for some reason, i guess they got bored) morph also got left behind, which confused and angered me in the dream, but i assume they probably stayed behind for wolverine.
wolverine goes up to them and he's like "wtf bub" and morph is like "yeah so we're stuck here i guess. wanna play darts?" and thats right around when i woke up. i remember forcing myself to stay half asleep another second because i wanted to hear what morph had to say. i also remember they were the clearest part of the dream despite not doing a whole lot, it was like they were colored brighter than everything else. they were in their human form like tas but they weren't wearing their jacket for whatever reason. it was fascinating, maybe ill draw something for it idk.
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