#we'll see how that goes though
ageless-aislynn · 1 month
Things I achieved today:
Wrote 203 words on "15 Minutes" chapter 11! Yeah, I'm absolutely celebrating those 203 little words because they're 203 words I was beginning to be afraid were never going to show up. 😬🤗
I think I figured out a way where I can go ahead and pre-order the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster! This is also HUGE because I really, really want this thing but thought I couldn't try it because of my concerns about how Georgette will be able to handle the Denuvo Anti-Cheat. However, I realized I do have a way to test that without paying full price for the game: Dead Rising 4 (which I own already) still has Denuvo on it. So... I'm going to do a full backup for Georgette, pray super duper hard, then install and see if I can play DR4. Don't have to play the whole game or anything, of course, but I figure a couple of hours of play should give me all the info I need. If Georgette handles that okay, then I'd say that's the green light for DRDR! It has soooooo many awesome things in it, friends, and I've been dying on the inside at not being able to play it when it becomes available! (If Georgette returns to dying every 10 seconds, then I'll cry quite hard for a while but at least I'll know.)
Frank stared wistfully into the survivor rooms in the original DR, wishing he had a friend. No, neigh, longing to have a friend! 🐎
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Cheryl is apparently doing *jazz hands* back at Frank. I'm not quite sure what that means... 🤔😂😉
Here's what she was seeing, though...
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I mean, who WOULDN'T want to be Frank's friend, right?
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Anyway! That was plenty for one day, lol! Hope you're doing well, friends, and having a nice weekend! Love to you all! 🤗💖
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
me when I have one more fic to write for a queue and then I'll have avoided procrastination COMPLETELY: okay. but what if. what if I just. didn't.
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ofpd · 2 years
assignment is scary i dont wanna look at it.
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
5 Times the JL Learned Batman was Married and the 1 Time They Met the Spouse.
One. Two.
J’onn floated down the hallway of the Watchtower, keeping pace with Batman. The mission had been without injury or death thanks only to the man that J’onn followed.
“May I ask a question?”
Batman gave a noise of soft agreement as they entered the room where the device would be kept for further study. They would need a way to disable such things if Batman and his skills were not there for future battles.
“The question is likely both cultural and personal,” J’onn clarified.
There was a pause from Batman as he settled the device and then a nod. “Go ahead.”
J’onn dipped his head in appreciation. Batman was often one that J’onn went to when he wished to better understand the humanity he found himself surrounded by. Of all the human members, of which there were not actually many, J’onn trusted Batman the most to give him a clear and honest answer.
“There was something that I noticed when you took off your gauntlet in aim to use the HUD to disable the device. On your forth finger, starting with the thumb, there was a black band embedded into your skin. What is the purpose of this?”
Batman’s lips twitched into what J’onn was coming to understand as Batman’s version of a smile.
“It is a mark made of ink that has been embedded into the skin with a needle. Mine was done with a machine, but the practice is thousands of years old. It is called a tattoo. Black is traditional, though the ink come in many colors. The finger it is on is called the ring finger. Thumb, index or pointer, middle, ring, pinkie,” Batman said, pointing to each finger as he spoke the word.
J’onn tilted his head curiously.
Batman gave him the time to think.
“Does the mark have any association to the rings of marriage that people wear? It is, after all, encircling your ring finger.”
“They’re called wedding rings and it does,” Batman admitted. “A ring would be dangerous for me to wear while acting as Batman. The wrong hit to my finger would risk breaking bone or tearing ligament. The tattoo is a way for me to have that physical reminder of the bond without the risk of an actual ring.”
“I see. Thank you for explaining,” J’onn said. As Batman turned to leave the room, J’onn asked, “Are the others aware of your marriage?”
Batman hesitated uncharacteristically. “Only one other in the League.”
“Then I will keep the matter to myself.”
“Thank you,” Batman said with a little nod before he swept out of the room.
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ennieasys · 5 months
im doing the notes thing
I doubt it'll work but I have also witnessed the power of Tumblr so...
100 notes: I'll paint my nails the trans flag colors
200: I'll buy a nonbinary pride moth bracelet (skyebluez.com)
250: I'll also buy a classic pride bracelet (I know it's not a lot but it's kinda all I can afford)
500: I'll find a way to go out in public wearing all three
900: I'll talk to a friend that I suspect is a system about our DID
1000: I've been wanting to stream on twitch but am insanely anxious about it so if we hit this I'll do it at least once
1500: I'll have y'all recommend stuff and I'll make a poll
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fluentisonus · 5 months
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dawnthefluffyduck · 17 days
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Sunday doodle, will likely clean this up later :3
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mangosaurus · 4 months
erm. big ben first encounter benrius fic be upon ye, i guess.
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katsigian · 2 months
𝘯𝘴𝘧𝘸 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵!
Hiii just putting this out there to see if any of my moots want to be added to a NSFW taglist - I have some raunchy OC lore/templates/writing that I'll try to be brave about and share, but I don't want to just use my usual taglist in case some people on it aren't interested in NSFW stuff
Also, just keep in mind, that my NSFW lore is centered around my supernatural OCs - there will be talk about vampires and lycans and that kind of non-human fooling around they do 😵‍💫
So just like this post if you'd like to be added! Thank you in advance ♡
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bouneilly · 11 months
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Why not post this ryuzaki doodle here as well !
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istudyjapaneseorsmth · 2 months
Random thing that's super endearing to me: the fact that the kanji for "essay" or "writing composition" is 作文...like yeah man you sure are making a writing!
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not-poignant · 2 months
August 2024 - Update Schedule
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August chapter update schedule:
(Tier+ = This tier or any higher, as every higher tier accesses all rewards in lower cost tiers)
Thursday 1st - Underline the Black 93
Sunday 4th - Constellations 9/12 (AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Gary+Efnisien Tier+)
Tuesday 6th - Underline the Blue 18/20 (AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Augus+Gwyn Tier+)
Sunday 11th - A Stain that Won't Dissolve 41
Thursday 15th - Underline the Black 94
Tuesday 20th - Underline the Blue 19/21 (AO3 & Patreon + Ream - Augus+Gwyn Tier+)
Sunday 25th - A Stain that Won't Dissolve 42
Thursday 29th - Underline the Black 95
Stories with bonus updates as yet undetermined: Palmarosa
Most chapters go up between 6-7pm GMT+8 (or the time that you’re already used to me putting chapters up, lol).
As always, you can support the stories you love by subscribing over at Patreon and Ream! In exchange you can get early access to a whole bunch of chapters (9 extra chapters currently!) that aren’t currently on AO3, chapter commentaries which often include small spoilers, and even merch!
You can also follow over there for free, and just get email notifications of news and other things that I release to everyone - and get the schedule and round-up in your email inbox so you don’t need to look for them later. :D
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angelogistics · 9 months
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do you make original art? have you ever submitted to zines/galleries and been rejected? feel like there's no place for your cool weird stuff on the internet? well, fret no more.
under the floorboards seeks to highlight artists that go unnoticed on the internet and uplift non-fanart pieces that don't get as much traction. UTF will be free to read & submit to forever and published online for the forseeable future.
officially opening submissions for under the floorboards vol 1! there's zero timeline and also i dunno how long a volume will be. each artist spotlight/ article will be posted somewhere, probably on a neocities site i'll host (or maybe mine until i get off my ass and make a second acct).
pls be open to communication either thru email or discord, as i'd love to have a casual interview component as well! shoot me a tumblr dm or email (in tags) if you're interested in being featured.
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Something I've seen a couple people saying is that they want to make sure that Laudna understands that she's not the only one who has been through trauma. But like. Laudna is not the only one who needs to learn that lesson. Actually, it's not even that Laudna needs to learn that she's not the only one that's been through trauma at all, because they're all very aware of what they've all been through. This became an inevitable confrontation when Laudna decided to let Delilah back in, though, and after rewatching the scene, I actually think the only people who managed this situation correctly were Imogen* and Ashton.
Orym and Laudna are both more focused on their own pasts with the sword and not thinking about each other. Orym should have talked to the group and come to a decision with them about using the sword and Laudna should have talked to him about it instead of trying to steal it.
*my feelings about this are still up in the air don't read into this too much
#our faves aren't exempt from having to learn these lessons and orym has also not learned this lesson i'm sorry but it's true#ashton and chet are the only ones who have even tried to deal with their personal shit in a semi-productive way tbh#i could elaborate on the imogen handling this correctly but i'm not delving into interpreting that ship so i'm not going to lol#that's another post people wouldn't actually like and it's because i definitely don't mean this in the way you think i mean it#i'm not saying laudna was RIGHT#honestly i'm not getting my hopes up about how this going to be dealt with because i've done that before#and it hasn't panned out in a way that i enjoyed#so we'll see how this goes#also tbh orym walking in wielding that sword was a ballsy move to begin with#props to marisha for instigating tough rp over it#literally laudna going 'i was felled by this blade' and orym going 'so was i' LIKE SHE WASN'T PERMANENTLY DEAD THOUGH#for a long fucking time#and chet saying that orym's lost more like laudna didn't lose her entire family and her entire life lmao#if ANYONE in this group might be able to understand orym's loss it's HER#i know people are going to interpret this as me saying there's a right or wrong to this and i'm not saying that#people acting like one of them had more of a right to the sword than the other is bugging me though#although my vote would definitely be throw that thing in the lucidean ocean#(i mean really i'm like USE IT IT'S PROBABLY COOL) but like if i were IN the situation it would be to toss that thing so far away from me#cr spoilers
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themeeplord · 3 months
Today was the last day of my internship at a game studio as a 3D animator. It's been such an eye opening and fun experience! I'm so sad that I have to leave, it feels like I only just started..
Now it's on to job searching and hoping my gained experience and knowledge will help me along the way✨
...But first I'd like a little break, I'm very tired :'p
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deoidesign · 5 months
So I know you said you aren't allowed to promote your merch store or patron on your webtoon but would it be okay for people in the comments to remind others that they exist?
I have no control over what anyone posts in my comments... (eyes emoji)
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