#dead rising deluxe remaster
gagedraws · 22 days
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On one hand, My Birthday Month is gonna be awesome, on the other hand- RIP my wallet 😅
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jackkelso · 29 days
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Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
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scarymovies · 3 months
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Dead Rising (2006) + Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster (2024)
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ageless-aislynn · 1 month
Things I achieved today:
Wrote 203 words on "15 Minutes" chapter 11! Yeah, I'm absolutely celebrating those 203 little words because they're 203 words I was beginning to be afraid were never going to show up. 😬🤗
I think I figured out a way where I can go ahead and pre-order the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster! This is also HUGE because I really, really want this thing but thought I couldn't try it because of my concerns about how Georgette will be able to handle the Denuvo Anti-Cheat. However, I realized I do have a way to test that without paying full price for the game: Dead Rising 4 (which I own already) still has Denuvo on it. So... I'm going to do a full backup for Georgette, pray super duper hard, then install and see if I can play DR4. Don't have to play the whole game or anything, of course, but I figure a couple of hours of play should give me all the info I need. If Georgette handles that okay, then I'd say that's the green light for DRDR! It has soooooo many awesome things in it, friends, and I've been dying on the inside at not being able to play it when it becomes available! (If Georgette returns to dying every 10 seconds, then I'll cry quite hard for a while but at least I'll know.)
Frank stared wistfully into the survivor rooms in the original DR, wishing he had a friend. No, neigh, longing to have a friend! 🐎
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Cheryl is apparently doing *jazz hands* back at Frank. I'm not quite sure what that means... 🤔😂😉
Here's what she was seeing, though...
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I mean, who WOULDN'T want to be Frank's friend, right?
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Anyway! That was plenty for one day, lol! Hope you're doing well, friends, and having a nice weekend! Love to you all! 🤗💖
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kapkant7 · 3 months
I can't believe Capcom remembered us I legit teared up watching this.
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monarch-boo · 2 days
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It's really almost here, I can't wait to boot it up later tonight.
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killthesoundart · 1 month
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a kent i drew for my bf's birthday :)
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chrysalmor · 1 month
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remaster jessica is so fine
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j3styxphreaks · 4 days
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(his new voice is also so good AGHDJDJFJDJFJ)
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Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
Disclaimer-the pictures used belong to Capcom's Dead Rising series. I am using said images as examples to illustrate my opinions
I'm delighted to see one of my all time favourite games coming back! It looks like they did an excellent job! They seem to have fixed issues that frustrated me in the original like the survivors blocking each other from getting up onto that ledge near the safe room vent and screwing up my time for completing the other cases. If there is any time left in development before release (even post release) I hope they will change a few things.
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Firstly, I'd love the option to switch between the new voice actor for Frank and the original T.J. Rotolo. It will be exciting to see what the new voice actor will bring to the table; his take on the character should be given a chance. I can't form a full opinion on the new voice yet based off the few lines in the trailer. It seems to have a playful tone and great delivery from what I listened to. However, there should be the option to choose between the new and original in my opinion, and I don't mean the reuse of audio from the original, I mean bringing the original voice actor back to redo the lines for the remaster.
T.J. Rotolo's version of Frank West will never not scream badass to me. His voice is distinct; it's a key part of keeping the charm of the original character and game intact for this remaster since Frank is the main man. I would genuinely spend another 30 to 50 euro more on top of the games current pre order price if they would bring T.J. back to redo his lines. Once again, having the option to change between the new and the original Frank voice would be awesome. I say this as I fear this choice to replace the main character's original actors will carry over should they choose to remaster Dead rising 2. What if Peter Flemming will no longer voice Chuck Greene?
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As for the audio/soundtrack, I hope they include that most recent version of "Justified" By Sean Lacefield. Drea's incredible vocals wouldn't go astray either! I can't listen to it and not visualise the concept art of Isabella holding onto Frank amongst the horror. Badass. I rocked out to that tune during my teens. It's a gorgeous song and the series would not be the same without it.
No your honour, I didn't simultaneously rock out to "Justified" and write a whole assignment on why Frank is one of the best characters in all of gaming during my college days.😂
Am I a game design or voice acting expert? no, just someone that loves the games and the characters. That being said, others seem to share my opinion on including T.J.'s version of Frank's voice so I'm not alone in thinking this. It takes something away without him there. This is a beloved game; I'm allowed to be sentimental and worry about a repeat of mishandling of Frank's character like Hank East. This game and it's characters are iconic and should be handled carefully.
See below for Frank's reaction to my ranting ;-;
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My second point is more time should be devoted to Frank's design. Brad and Jessie are polished but faithful to their original designs. Frank's hair line should be brought down slightly. Just enough so that he mirrors the Frank we know from the original.
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My main argument for this is because he looks like his older self from later in the timeline, that being off the record and or case west and he's not that age yet. The receded hairline and wrinkles shows time has passed and creates a sense of progression for Frank's character -older and battle hardened. Case west era Frank's still kicking it and fighting for survival with the parasite/infection in him daily all these years later. Dead rising one's Frank just isn't there yet. So to reiterate, it's too soon in the timeline to age him up. I think Frank is slightly cartoonish in relation to the other main characters e.g Brad, Jessie etc. Frank's remaster model has intricate detail and looks amazing, no doubt about that. The design just needs to be tweaked a little as it strays a bit too much from the original in my opinion. I just don't feel he looks like THE Frank West. If you compare Frank face to that of the other characters, he feels a little out of place with the overly exaggerated hairline. One thing I love about Frank is that he's not your typical poster boy, not toned, idealistic, young etc. The original Frank was that nice balance between the two and looked like your average guy.
am I discrediting the amazing work they have done on this remaster? absolutely not, I'm just keen on Frank feeling like he's actually Frank West in this remaster of the game.
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gebo4482 · 3 months
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Teaser Trailer
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scarymovies · 3 months
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Confirmed Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster costumes & BGM:
Ashley Graham
Chainsaw Village
Chris Redfield
Creepy Rabbit
Lan Hikari
Leon S. Kennedy
Mega Man
Tron Bonne
War Photographer
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ageless-aislynn · 1 month
The initial previews of the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster are out and I just had to take some screencaps from Ruba's playthrough of the first 30 minutes!
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Frank did get aged up a bit for some reason but at least my man is still thicker than a Snickers! Look at those brawny shoulders! 🥰
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2006!Frank is one of the pre-order bonus looks if you want him aged more appropriately. I don't even care, though. I don't mind him looking a little seasoned, lol! *chef's kiss* (I can even get used to him not being voiced by TJ Rotolo but I still really wish they'd cast him again. His voice is so iconic as Frank to me, what can I say?)
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Did we NEED a close up shot of Carlito's hairy chest as he walked towards the camera? Yes. Yes, we did. *nodnods* 😜
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The remaster was kind to both of the Keyes siblings, lol! Carlito and Isabela are both looking pretty darn beautiful! 💖💖
And speaking of beautiful...
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Jessie, my beloved, is looking gorgeous! 😍😍😍
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Zombie hugs, lol! Seriously, though, the fact that your options when you're grabbed are now buttons instead of "every move is the same two buttons but it depends on which direction you move the stick, which order you do them in AND which direction the zombie is facing to decide which move you actually DO" is just... Oh man, if nothing else, I'd love to play this game just for this improvement! 😎😎😎
But you know what I'm here for, of course...
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Leah, my sweet angel! Only one quick shot of her in this video but I'm really hoping to find somebody else who shows the full scene where we meet her because I'm BEYOND excited now that all of the NPCs are voiced instead of their dialogue just being text! In the 2006 version, the couple of things that Leah says aloud are the exact same thing that about 4 other female survivors all say (and they all share the same voice actor), so it's going to be fantastic for Leah to finally have her own voice! 😇😇😇
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Mannn, I have to say, as much as I'm too scared to try the Denuvo Anti-tamper on Georgette (it might be fine or it might irrevocably wreck her and I couldn't get her back to how she's blessedly not crashing anymore), I'm so super sad at missing all of the pre-order and digital deluxe bonus stuff. 😭😭😭
I'm trying to be chill about it but, man, I hope they'll offer at least the 2006!Frank and Frank in Chuck Greene's outfit for purchase down the line. 🤞😖🤞The 17 other costumes say they'll be sold individually, but the 3 pre-order bonuses only say they "may" eventually be available for purchase. OHHHHH, I WANT THEM, FRIENDS. I WANT THEM SO MUCH, I CAN'T EVEN.
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Anyway, just had to share my excitement at seeing some of the actual gameplay, cutscenes and the like!
*shakes fist at Denuvo* WHYYYYYYYYY MUST YOU SCARE ME AWAY? I had this in my cart to pre-order, you meanie, then I start seeing all of these horror stories about BSoD and system instabilities and now I can't trust that you won't wreck Georgette! 🤬🤬🤬
(I should mention that many, many people have reported that Denuvo works fine on their computers. But, if you've been reading my blog since last December, you'll know that, sadly, Georgette is not normal. She spent the first 5 months of her life in endless Blue Screens of Death, freezing, crashing up to 8 times an hours, etc. She has finally stabilized and is working correctly but if Denuvo DID cause a problem and I had to reset her, I don't know that I can replicate all of the things that caused her to stop crashing/freezing/etc. That's a BIG, MONSTER WORRY, friends. I don't want to go back to having a barely functioning, unfixable computer again. Ugh. 😭😭😭)
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satoshi-mochida · 1 day
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster releases today digitally for the PS5, Xbox Series, and Steam. Physical Editions release on November 8th.
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monarch-boo · 4 days
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Look in my eyes... Look in my past.
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