#we'll pretend all the lines connect
khaopybara · 7 months
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Aren't you tired of doing this tradition every year with your mom? I can't say I'm not. What can I do? I don't have anyone yet. Hurry and find one. I can't wait to see who your lover will be. It would be great if it's that easy to find. How hard could it be? You can always be the one who makes a move. It's okay, I can do this with you, right? How many more years can you do this with me? I'll keep doing this with you for as long as I can. We'll see.
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changetyre · 8 days
this ideia just came through my mind and now im obsessed with it
so its a lando X reader where she went with him to film chicken shop date and amelia notices how funny the reader is and starts to "flirt" with her too and the reader flirts back
all this situation make lando giggling a lot and amelia suggests to the 3 of the become a couple and the internet gets crazy lol idk
Picked the wrong date II Lando Norris x Reader Ⓢ
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SUMMARY: You convince Lando to accept the invite to chicken shop date telling him it would make a hilarious video knowing his shy and awkward personality. What neither of you expected was the connection between you and Amelia.
WARNINGS: none? it's short and not proofread.
A/N: This is definitely a request different from what I normally get so I was kind of just winging it;) still hope you enjoy it.
"Hey, it's so nice to meet you. Thank you for coming." Amelia walked over to greet Lando with a handshake.
"Likewise, and I'll be honest if it wasn't for this one I don't think I would've come." Lando laughed pointing back at you.
"Oh really?!" Amelia laughed as she greeted you with a hug. "Are you a fan of the show?" She asked you as she pulled away.
"Big fan, I'm obsessed with your videos, especially the ones with Finneas and Aitch." You replied honestly.
"oooh fun times." Amelia smiles awkwardly making you laugh.
"Go sit down baby." You nudged Lando as you saw someone waiting for him to get mic'd up.
"Right." Lando kissed your cheek then the back of your hand before finally letting go.
"Aww, how cute." Amelia stayed next to you as she was already prepped. "How long have you two been together." She asked.
"Just over two years." you blushed just thinking about your time with Lando thus far.
"Aww, well he's lucky to have you, you're stunning." Amelia complimented you.
"Isn't she just?" Lando smirked overhearing.
"Oh stop it you two are making me go red." You giggled walking over to an empty seat behind the cameras.
"I know you followed me a long time ago and I didn't follow you back," Lando confessed.
"Wha-" Amelia feigned offense. "Yeah, that's true I was gonna bring that up"
"I was just playing hard to get." Lando laughed awkwardly making you smile at his awkwardness.
"Maybe you'll follow me back? Actually, I don-"
"I do actually follow you back now." Lando revealed.
"You do?" Amelia asked surprised.
"Well yeah but to be honest only because she made me." Lando pointed over to you.
"Hmm, maybe I should be on a date with her." Amelia joked making both you and Lando laugh.
"Maybe you should. She's great." Lando giggled.
"Hmm, why don't you give me your number after this?" Amelia asked you.
"Sure will baby." You played along.
"Ooo baby." Amelia giggled, twirling her hair at you jokingly all while Lando couldn't stop smiling.
"You stealing my girlfriend?" Lando joked.
"Hmm, we'll see by the end of this," Amelia said as she took a bite of a fry.
"Cool." Lando looked down laughing.
"I just looked at my calendar yesterday." Lando joked pretending he wasn't aware of this interview until yesterday.
"I've known about this for years, it's in my diary." Amelia said making Lando laugh.
"Oh yeah? Your personal diary? What did it say?" Lando asked.
"It said, date with Lando Norris secretly a plot to get with his girlfriend who is crazy beautiful and will be sitting out of frame but just in my line of view throughout the entire date." Amelia improvised all while you couldn't help but laughing.
"It said all of that?" Lando asked laughing too as he looked over at you to see you giggling along.
"Oh yeah." Amelia tried holding back her laugh too.
"Your plot is working honey." You commented.
"Yeah, I figured." Amelia nodded confidently.
"You know I've never been to a race." Amelia pointed out.
"You should come." Lando replied, and you could notice the honesty in the invite.
"I would love to," Amelia replied eagerly. "Maybe she can show me around while you're looking for the on button on your car." Amelia winked at you.
You couldn't hold back your laugh. "I'll show you anything you want." You flirted along.
"Anything?" Amelia raised her eyebrows suggestively.
You had to hold back a laugh to flirt along. "Anything." You reaffirmed.
"Woah some things are for my eyes only baby," Lando spoke to you trying to hold back a laugh.
"It could be for our eyes only Lando," Amelia suggested to Lando.
"hmm, I'll think about it." Lando played along able to control his laughter and pretending to think about it.
"I heard it's quite hot in there." Amelia continued.
"Yeah, it gets very hot," Lando confirmed. "Yeah, sweaty and-"
"Even hotter if I was in there," Amelia added.
Lando chuckled looking down shyly. "Even hotter if she was in there." Lando quickly recovered pointing over at you.
"Hmm true true." Amelia nodded corroborating.
"Can you drive?" Lando asked.
"Uhm-" Amelia hesitated.
"That's a no."
"Just a- we'll just move on." Amelia brushed past the question.
Lando silently sniggered. "It's okay y/n can't drive either."
"See you drive and y/n and I can be your passenger princesses." Amelia pointed out.
"Oh right so like a throuple situation or?" Lando asked.
"Uh well yeah I guess so I'm not sure I can get her without you so." Amelia shrugged.
"Right, that's settled then." Lando shrugged too as if concluding the plan.
Amelia looked around for a bit silently. "Sorry, I'm just imagining that happening and it's great." She smiled dreamily.
The rest of the date was similar, with jokes and awkward laughter, as well as flirting between you and Amelia and occasionally Lando.
You knew F1 fans would love this when it came out and there was no doubt they'd love the little added comments from your side.
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goldsbitch · 8 months
Just don't talk-
-if you can't hear me. p2 to Just don't talk
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. Lando can't stand Y/N, the first female driver in F1. He also can't stand not having her with her clothes on.
warnings: minors do not interact, biting, cursing...just generally don't take this one too seriously
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It would have been too obvious by the media teams to put Lando and Y/N together in a video out of the blue without any obvious reasons. The brands were not connected in any way and had a completely different online strategy. But serious damage had been done by the two at their last joint interview, so there was a meeting between the teams and F1 media and the request to have them paired up together at a next bubbly F1 video was bargained for and agreed upon in exchange for some favors.
There was a long and very detailed briefing for each of them. At the end they even received something resembling a script. They were both quite good at public speaking and charming the crowds, but it only worked on a spontaneity and intuition base. They were far from actors and the more instructions they received, the more mad it made them, each one in a different way, of course, because hell would freeze over before these two had found something in common. Lando had to fight the urge in him to slam the doors on all of these people. All this media planning was making Y/N dizzy. Had it been anyone else, she'd be slaying this like a pro. But for some stupid reason the PR teams were just not going to let them go and bury their little feud down. She thought this was a bad idea anyway - nothing good could come out of this.
And yet, there they were. Getting ready for the shoot in an F1 hospitality centre, with twenty other people, mostly film crew members. The two barely looked at each other, let alone said hello, just casually pretending the other one is invisible. The director really tried to get them hyped up before the shoot, resulting in one of the most awkward silence the poor lady had ever had the misfortune to have on her set. Only once she gave up and excused herself pretending to be adjusting the camera shot, did Lando shoot a quick look at Y/N. She'd already been looking at him. In that one look they shared their own hidden amusement, obviously enjoying having people being thrown into awkward situations because of their own incompetence to manage each other. At least, this was what Y/N was thinking. Lando was thinking about the gap between her thighs. And only she saw the way his eyes shot down shamelessly to her chest and giving her a quick approving look, probably non verbally complimenting the way hot the race suit covered her chest tightly.
"Who does a whisper challenge in this day and age anyway?" was an unspoken thought that many people shared while getting ready for yet another whisper challenge video to complete the collage of several driver from different team duos, one of which being the pair that was secretly playing with each other under the bedsheets every other night.
Finally, after final touch ups, they were sitting on a couch, across each other and as far away as the couch allowed. That was a conscious decision, as their bodies were becoming so familiar to the proximity and contact, that they had to actively stop each other from mimicking each other's gestures. "Ok guys, I understand this might not be the most comfortable thing you ever did, but we will have to push through it. Lando, will you be ready to introduce the video concept?"
"Yeah, sure," Lando sighed, trying desperately not let anything he that was actually on his mind slip his mouth. Like for example how stupid this was.
He turned his full on youtuber style speech mode on within seconds, actually shocking Y/N.
"Welcome everyone, we're here with F1 and today, we'll be trying a cross team whisper challenge - you never know with whom you'll be sharing a team in the next years anyway!" he said, having the first line vaguely memorized.
"Cut," said the director immediately after that first line. "Thank you Lando, that was some great energy," she dug deep into her professional training and started on the one thing that was positive. "But, the line should be something like "because we rarely get to know one another", your version is opening up place for some unwanted speculations. And, Y/N, you were obviously not ready, as your expression in more of a shock that excitement." It took them five more takes on this before the director made a note mentally to shoot a back up version with a different driver pair.
All the questions had a weird undertone. They were competing more than this situations required. People normally laughed during the takes - Lando was an expert on this, he did videos like this with Oscar often, and he gave him almost nothing to work with. He still managed. Not with Y/N. Tension grew over time. Y/N got almost all of her guesses on the first go. When it was his time, he was opted for staying silent than taking a wrong guess, so she had to repeat everything three times at least. Nobody in the room was having fun. The media interns present were terrified of having to present this at their next meeting and were already trying to find the most upbeat song to pair this up with in their group chat. Few more questions to end this nightmare of an afternoon for everyone.
"Would you like drive with me or do you prefer Oscar?" Lando's face was blank. Not giving any reaction. Y/N took a deep breath and looked to Lando's eyes once again. Same look as she had that one time he tied her up. Frustrated. "Would you like drive with me or do you prefer Oscar?" Still nothing. Dry. She smiled and repeated, loudly as if that was to help. "Would you like drive with me or do you prefer Oscar?" Lando finally responded. Without a beat. "Would you like to ride with me to see who comes first? Brain reads what the mind wants. One would think silence does not have a volume. Anyone present in that room on that day would know better. There were levels to silence and this was a loud one.
Now, innuendos were fairly normal theme in whisper challenges. And they were fun, little things to spice a lonely afternoon for those who were watching. But there was just something in the chemistry these two had that you could not just laugh it off or go on the "will they won't they" route. Aggressive undertone overcame any other vibes. There were two other lines for Lando to guess, he did not get any of them and the whole shoot was quickly wrapped up after. Both of them exited, again, without a word to anyone. Y/N was fuming internally. She texted Lando to come and see her immediately. So her dressing room it was.
"What the fuck, Lando?!"
"Hello to you too, miss fun," he responded, annoyed as ever.
"Don't. Just don't."
Communication was definitely not something they'd win contests at.
"You're exhausting me! I'm like...so mad!"
"Eloquent. You should write poetry. Would be treat to read," he responded, unfased by her outburst.
"Fine. Fuck you then," she lost it completely, anger and frustration built up in her finally taking the best of her. He thought she was mad? He hadn't seen mad. She could not care less of what he thought of her. When she got closer to him, he thought she was going for a kiss. Instead she grabbed him arm and bit him hard. Shock wave ran thought Lando and he froze in the spot. She held her teeth in long and firmly. Shock was quickly replaced by pain, a lot of pain. He played a hero for few moments and then gasped. She stopped with the first sound he made. He stared at her, shocked, confused and weirdly turned on. The pain turned into adrenaline high. A really strange high. He quickly looked at his arm and saw a bruise forming, marking the shape of her teeth. She had a proud look on her face, finally getting it out of her system.
"Great. Better now. Hope it stays on for weeks."
With that, she walked away, leaving confused and dazed Lando behind in her dressing room. He could still feel her teeth in and the adrenaline as if he had just drank three double espressos in one sitting. Why was this turning him on. Why was anything she did the hottest thing anyone ever did. And how the fuck was he suppose to cover this up. He had a photoshoot scheduled for tomorrow. And when was he going get to fuck her again?
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Playing Pretend (Part 10)
Two fools in love waste no time.
Roy Kent x Reader
2.1k words
Warnings: Language, suggestive fluff & allusions to smutty things, one instance of violence that is very well-deserved
Author's Note: Ahh, I'm kind of sad to be done with this! But I'm so glad y'all enjoyed it. Might do a little epilogue down the line... we'll see! 😘
Series Masterlist
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“Your crown is crooked.” You reached up and readjusted it, letting your fingers caress Roy’s thick curls as you fixed the flower crown, more than a little amazed he’d continued to wear it throughout the reception.
He watched you with the widest, happiest eyes, so full of love he was afraid he might burst at any moment. The two of you had spent the last couple of hours managing to be even more insufferable than you’d been pretending to be the last few days: unable to keep your eyes off each other’s lovestruck faces, exchanging eager kisses every couple of minutes, clinging to each other as if afraid the other might disappear at any moment.
It was enough to make Jim sick.
Late into the night- really early into the morning- after all the drinking and dancing and kissing, you gave Roy a meaningful look, nodding towards the house with raised eyebrows.
Roy Kent did not need to be told twice.
He gripped your hip tightly and practically sprinted towards the house, towards the promise of the room and the bed you shared. After years of pushing these kinds of thoughts to the back of his mind, Roy was more than a bit eager to make those fantasies reality.
Just as Roy was about to open the backdoor people had slowly disappeared through all evening, the groom approached, drunkenness clear on his face. “Think you have a dance for your brother-in-law?” Jim asked, eyes lingering on the spot where Roy held you.
Love bubble properly burst, you shuffled closer to Roy. Even if it wasn’t your ex-boyfriend-turned-new-brother-in-law asking you to dance, you were hesitant to remove yourself from Roy’s embrace, and even more hesitant to put off the activities you had planned. Not when you’d spent practically your whole life dreaming of this man.
“Don’t think she wants to, mate,” Roy grumbled, his smile faltering for the first time since you’d returned from under the willow tree. “Go find your wife or somethin’.”
Absolutely not what Jim wanted to hear. “Oh, fuck off, Kent,” he groaned, loud enough to capture the attention of a couple of people walking nearby. “Think you’re so fucking great because you get paid to kick a ball around? Think you’re so fucking great because she always liked you better?”
Roy rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on you; you wondered if you’d have bruises on your hip in the morning. “Seriously, Jim. Get the fuck over yourself. Go drink some fucking coffee.”
Even if he was sober, Jim wouldn’t have listened. Not to Roy Kent of all people. “Oi, you going to ask for a turn with my wife when you’re finished here? You clearly love my sloppy seconds.”
That was more than enough for Roy. Jim could talk all the shit he wanted to about Roy’s career and Roy himself; but to talk about you? Fuck that.
It felt good. All those years of watching Jim with his tongue practically down your throat, hands possessively on your body, leading you on, and eventually breaking your heart twice, all his bullshit made it feel so damn good when Roy’s fist connected with Jim’s jaw.
Jim crumpled to the ground immediately. Roy didn’t stick around to watch the people who rushed over to help the groom up; instead, he yanked the door open and ushered you inside, adrenaline pumping through his body. All you could do was gaze up at his steely expression, so different from the soft, love-filled looks you’d been basking in all night.
In the seclusion of a staircase, away from the party and the people who’d just witnessed what was sure to be the most talked-about moment of the weekend, Roy came to a halt, cupping your face in his free hand.
“Alright there, love?”
His gentle voice soothed all the anxiety that had been bubbling beneath your skin since the moment Jim had asked for a dance. All you could do was nod, gripping Roy wherever your hands could reach. He pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, hoping the gesture would erase any embarrassment he’d just caused you.
“Sorry about that,” he whispered. “I just… the way he fucking talked about you…” He shook his head, where the flower crown still sat, although crooked again. “No one gets to talk about you that way. Fucking ever.” He pressed his mouth to yours, a bit rougher now, letting his kiss tell you what he was thinking: because you’re mine.
Fighting off the temptation to go at it right there in the stairway, you had enough sense to tug him the rest of the way up the stairs, not stopping until the door to your room was closed and locked behind you. In an instant, your back was pressed to that door and Roy’s lips were on your neck, the footballer lacking the patience to make it to bed.
Suddenly, he started chuckling into the crook of your neck, his beard scratching against your skin.
His laugh was infectious. “What’s so damn funny?” you hummed, hands skimming down his back, a certain part of your brain wondering why he still had a shirt on.
He shook his head, pulling back a smidge so he could gaze up at you, eyes sparkling. “I think we can safely say we’re uninvited from the fucking brunch tomorrow.”
The giggles you shared filled the room as you finally tumbled into bed.
It wasn’t the first time you’d woken up in Roy Kent’s arms, but it definitely was your favorite instance so far. Unlike before, you didn’t panic or try to escape; instead, you nuzzled closer, engulfed in his scent, wondering if he’d let you wear his shirts to sleep every night. He probably would. Roy had a hard time saying no to you before; it would be damn near impossible now.
His eyes were still closed as he tightened his grip around you, almost afraid to open them and discover that the night before- the whole weekend really- had been some wonderful dream. But when he did finally will himself to open his eyes, Roy felt himself melt at the sight of you.
Yeah, he’d thought you were a goddess last night in your dress and flower crown, the one that sat on the nightstand now, the one he’d probably keep forever. But this morning you looked fucking ethereal in his shirt, your hair still holding some of its curl from the wedding (despite his best efforts to ruin it the night before), your still swollen lips curved into a smile as you gazed at him.
“Morning,” he mumbled, pulling you against his bare chest. He wondered how soon was too soon to ask if he could wake up like this every morning.
You pressed a small kiss to his chest, right above his heart, the heart that you now knew belonged to you. “Morning.”
He let his hand snake up the shirt you wore- his shirt- to stroke your bare back, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of you shivering in response to his touch. “Kind of thinking we should get up and head home soon.”
“Don’t want to bump into the newlyweds? Find out if you broke the groom’s jaw?” you teased, pretending that the sight of Roy Kent punching your ex wasn’t the hottest thing you’d ever witnessed, something you’d be replaying in your mind over and over again.
He let out a small huff of a laugh. “Actually, I need to get home. ’ve got plans later today.”
“Oh.” You didn’t bother hiding your disappointment; you’d been hoping to spend the day together, holed up in your new little love bubble, maybe a lazy day at his place, maybe watching His Girl Friday for the millionth time.
“Yeah, I have a date.”
Roy savored the confusion on your face before he saw delight replace it. You were so precious to him, always so sweet and adorable and endearing. And now you were his.
You stole a brief kiss, your heart swelling at the idea that you were Roy’s plans. “So, five-star restaurant or Tesco?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow at him.
He laughed as he turned and pulled you on top of him. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
It was neither. Instead, after he reluctantly dropped you off at home so you could get ready, Roy went all out planning a romantic picnic, packing foods he knew you loved and a bottle of wine that he remembered you enjoying. He also packed plenty of biscuits, wondering with amusement if you’d still be interested in feeding him sweets now that you didn’t have any witnesses to impress. He added the blanket you liked to use when you came over and stopped to pick up flowers before driving to your place.
He did nothing to hide his enthusiasm when you opened the door in a sundress that drove him fucking mad, inspiring him to immediately pull you into a heated kiss before you could even say ‘hello’. You responded immediately, returning the kiss with fervor as you gripped his hips, as if the two of you hadn’t just seen each other a couple of hours ago when he dropped you off with a kiss just as harsh as this one.
It was forever before you finally managed to pull away and huff, “Hi there.”
“Hey.” He pressed his lips to yours again, tempted to forget about the picnic and just spend the rest of his life doing this. But again, you deserved to be romanced properly. “Ready to go?”
You were completely giddy when he got you in the car and explained his plan. Roy Kent had planned you a picnic?
It was quite literally a dream come true to sit on a blanket in a park with Roy, sharing a meal, watching the sunset. When he brought out the biscuits, you instinctively held one up to his mouth, blushing when his lips very purposely brushed your fingers in a rather seductive manner.
Once the food was put away, Roy laid down, letting his head rest in your lap, savoring the feeling of your fingers combing through his hair gently. If he could stay like this forever, he’d probably be a lot less grumpy. Already you made the imaginary black cloud that often hovered over him seem far away.
Your mobile pinged, interrupting the absolute bliss the two of you shared. You read it to yourself with an amused hum.
“My sister’s mad at you.” Your matter-of-fact tone caught Roy off-guard.
Roy rolled his eyes. “Oh, tell Lauren to get over it. If anything, she should be pissed at her fucking husband for being his usual prickish self.”
You shook your head. “Not Lauren. Jen.”
“Why the fuck is Jen mad at me?” Your older sister adored Roy; what could he have done to change that?
A smile played on your lips. “She owes Paul thirty quid. He’d bet that you’d hit Jim by the end of the weekend.”
Roy snorted, immediately relieved and amused. “Well, that was a stupid fucking bet.” He reached out for one of your hands, intertwining your fingers. “I’m shocked I made it to the reception without punching that twat.”
“Yeah, I was kind of impressed you resisted for so long.” Your free hand resumed stroking Roy’s hair, resisting the urge to grab a fistful and tug, the way you had last night; you liked the sounds that particular move prompted to spill out of Roy’s mouth.
He gazed up at you, completely unaware of the dirty thoughts running through your mind. His own thoughts were somewhere completely different. “Got a friendly next weekend.” He pressed a light kiss to the hand he held. “You’ll be there?”
Your heart was full. Going to a match as Roy Kent’s girl? Your sixteen-year-old self would be screaming her head off. Instead, you decided to tease him a bit. “I’ll be there. I’m sure I have a Jamie Tartt kit lying around somewhere.”
Roy’s eyes narrowed, although the corners of his lips tugged upwards. “Oi. Don’t you dare wear another man’s name. Unless you want me to start punching again. I have no fucking problem knocking Tartt’s teeth out.”
Something about his growling voice and threatening words, along with the playful intensity of his gaze, had a fiery feeling starting in your tummy. “That’s kind of tempting,” you murmured. You couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty at the way aggressive Roy kind of turned you on.
You also felt a bit embarrassed at how obvious it was. “Should we go ahead and clean up?” He raised his thick eyebrows at you. “Could head back to my place if you want. Put on a movie.” He pressed a deep kiss to the palm of your hand. “And not watch it.”
“Roy Kent,” you gasped dramatically. “You are quite forward.”
He shrugged, sitting up. “Just have a lot of lost time to make up for.” With that, he pulled you close, pressing yet another kiss to your lips, promising to never waste another moment.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
Sperm donor au
Tashi sleeping with Patrick when her wife is at home
:(((((((( I can't the painnnnnn
She's already insecure. Already feeling less than herself, almost like a single parent some nights. Maybe Art is still the one who sees Tashi in Atlanta (or sooner). And that's another kind of anger because how dare she. She's taking everything from him, and won't even treat you right. Isn't there for *his* daughter. Isn't there for the mother of *his* baby. How dare she.
And if you were to stumble upon a photo of them together... Or something... Well, that wouldn't be his fault. Even if he's the one sending the 'anonymous' message. She's the one cheating on her wife.
stop this is sick (I'm the one doing it) tashi saying she's going on a business trip. you don't even fight her on it because you're used to taking care your baby alone now anyway (we'll call annabella) tashi almost pauses before she leaves, her hand on the door - she sees you with your baby and realizes she doesn't see her as her own - she's tried to feel a connection with anna, but she simply doesn't. and everythings about her - everything you talk about, everything you do, is about the baby. its like you dont have a life or plan on having a life outside of.... this. being a mother. and maybe that's what you signed up for but she's starting to feel like its not what she wants.
she leaves to go on a weekend trip in atlanta with patrick. refuses to let herself think too long about it - the guilt will crush her if he does. and she just wants to feel something selfish.
art probably finds out when he calls patrick - still close friends, after all - and hears a familiar giggle in the background. he knows that giggle. he may have fallen out of love with tashi - but he still remembers everything about her - the sound of her laugh, for one. he used to live for being the reason behind it. now hearing it, now, makes him sick.
"is she with you?" he cuts straight to the point.
"huh?" patrick says and there's rustling like hes getting up from a bed - art imagines them in a hotel somewhere and his gut twists. "is who with me?"
"you know damn well who, patrick."
the other end of the line is silent for a time. and then patrick says, softly so tashi wont overhear - "she's not happy, man."
art already knew - but the confirmation just makes it worse. he closes his eyes. grits his teeth. imagines you at home right now with annabella, none the wiser.
"her wife is at home with their child."
a door clicks. patricks probably locked himself in the bathroom.
"your child." he corrects.
and art inhales. tries to ignore the way that makes his heart jump. his child. his baby. yes, it sounds so right to have it acknowledged. to hear it. to not have to pretend.
but its still not right. he grips the phone.
"this would kill her. you know that? this would devastate her. i thought you cared about her too, christ, patrick, i thought she was your friend. you're fucking her wife?"
he hears patricks shaky breath. he wants to punch him. remembers all the times the four of you hung out and how good natured patrick was with you. how he called himself uncle patty and lifted annabella over his shoulders and grinned. had he been fucking tashi behind your back the whole time?
"i know." he says it plainly. like its something he's already accepted long ago. "i dont feel good about that. neither does tash. but shit - i love her, art -"
art hangs up.
stares at his phone screen - his screen saver a picture of him holding newborn annabella in his arms - you're in the frame too, exhausted in the hospital bed but smiling all the same. he traced his little baby's face, and then yours. could imagine if things were different and he wasn't blinded by his love for tashi for so long - if he'd fallen for you instead, first. had dated you first. had stolen you away for himself. in that future, it would be so easy to believe this was any normal family picture. a proud mother and father. husband and wife.
should he tell you? he imagined the look of heartbreak and struggled with the decision. its not like you'd jump into his arms anyway. selfishly, if that was the case, he'd tell you in a heartbeat. but you loved tashi - genuinely. you'd raised annabella like she had two mothers and no father. you wouldn't just disrupt that just because you were scorned.
maybe he could spend time showing you - what a life with him could be like. so by the time the cards came crashing down you'd have his embrace to fall into.
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emma falls in love | aem. targaryen
Description: You are the biggest swiftie in world. After finding out that Taylor's having a show in town - you line up immediately. Minor problem - your enemy is the only person to secure tickets and he has one condition. Date him.
Author's Note: Got the idea from @ilikeitbetterangsty thank you for letting me have this 😭
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You had a certain pull in your body - a magnetic force that lured any person deeper, until they are forced to be your friend. Aemond was the only one immune to your charms - he found you too annoying for his liking. "Did you get tickets?" Rhaena peeked over your shoulder.
"I'm 10,293 in line." you stared back at her, already feeling the migraine begin to form at the back of your mind. "How about you?" you turned to look at the twins. Baela was the first to close her laptop loudly. "No email." she responded with a sigh. "Same with me," Rhaena agreed, moving closer to your side of the bed.
You were their only hope now.
"Helaena got ones in advance," Baela groaned - closing her phone and throwing it across the room. "How?" Rhaena's eyebrows merged into each other. "Daddy's connections," she rolled her eyes - heck, the only reason they didn't use Daemon to secure tickets was because he played John Mayer one Sunday afternoon.
"Unfair," you sighed, eyes widening because the internet connection began to fade away. "What's going on?" Baela moved towards your desktop - tapping the CPU in an aggressive attempt to make the internet work. "Gently. Shit. I forgot to pay for wifi," you scratched the back of your neck - feeling the frustration begin to pool.
"Come on, bitch." Baela pretended to die slowly. Taylor was all of your lifelines. "Looks like we're not going to the tour. Unless, we convince Mr. Targaryen to buy us some from the scalpers." you suggested, knowing that the girls' dad was loaded.
Daemon Targaryen basically owned half of Dragonview - the other half belonged to his equally chivalrous brother, Viserys Targaryen. It was going to be a piece of cake - the twins just had to swallow their pride in order to enjoy a better concert.
"Nah, I had a full blown debate with him the other day. I'm not paying for the concert using his dirty John Mayer scented money." Baela raised her arms in mock surrender. There were other means to attend the concert - one of them included sleeping with someone.
"Don't worry girls, we'll find a way." you smiled.
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"I know someone who got tickets," Jacaerys sat beside you in the bleachers, his hoodie was raised - covering half of his face while he gobbled down the sandwiches that his mom made him. "Who?" you were quick to inquire - seeing that you were desperate to see Taylor's shadow. Fuck, you'd pay a lot of money to even see a strand of her hair at this point. "You won't like it," he grinned.
There was a lot of tension between his mother and his step-grandmother. They'd always give each other the cold shoulder when it came to family reunions. Surprisingly, the kids got together well. Jacaerys and Aemond were the closest. "You wouldn't be telling me unless I have an actual chance to get the tickets," you crossed your arms - glaring at him.
"Aemond. Has. Tickets." he enunciated ever word, before taking a bite of his sandwich. "Son of a bitch!" you cursed - and he began to laugh. "Okay but - he told me that he bought twelve tickets and he has 9 available ones." he shrugged, seeing the way your eyes began to glimmer with lust.
Lust over concert tickets.
"Thank you. I will get those tickets." you stood up, bolting to the direction of the school building - leaving your lunch on the chair. Your mom was going to kill you for leaving the tupperware - but it was going to be worth it. Anything for you Taylor Swift.
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God, you hated the way Taylor made you do things.
After finding out that Aemond had tickets to see the concert, you decided to sit beside him during Chemistry. "Are you a big fan of Taylor?" you leaned in his direction, shoulders brushing with his. "What?" his eyebrows merged into each other, not bothering to turn to your direction - but listening to everything you say.
"Jace told me that you got tickets." you repeated.
That was the moment he turned to look at you - his smirk deepened seeing those wide eyes of yours - anticipating his every move. "Yep," he popped the 'p' in the word. What would you do for a ticket?
"Can I buy some?" you asked in a low whisper - praying that Sir Criston wouldn't catch you chatting with his favorite student. "They're not for sale, pumpkin." he snorted - amused by how desperate you were. Oh, all those tickets were for close friends only.
"Come on, I'll do anything." you moved closer to his body - close enough to the point that your lips were almost nibbling his ear. "Anything is a very tricky word," he rolled his eyes, writing down notes in his notebook. "- you shouldn't use it." he warned.
A silent groan escapes your mouth.
"But I really mean it!" your voice raised by a decibel. The bell began to rang - signaling the end of the class. He stared deep into your eyes - gaze trailing back and forth between your lips and your orbs. He bites his lower lip. Plan in mind. "I'll think about it - meet me in the yogurt shop, after school." he smirked - before walking away.
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6 PM, standing alone in a yogurt shop.
"There's no such thing as fashionably late," you rolled your eyes - feeling his figure sit down beside you. "Apologies," he muttered sarcastically - settling a yogurt ice cream beside you. Chocolate.
"So, why did we have to meet here?" you inquired, left hand in your pocket and playing with the wad of cash that you assumed he'd ask for. "I wanted you to be prepared." he answered cryptically.
"Name your price." you turned to look at him.
"It doesn't have a price." he responded with a stoic face. "I need your help - and if you agree with me. I'll promise to give you three tickets." he held up three fingers to enunciate his proposal. "What is it?" your eyes narrowed - hopefully nothing too tough.
"Be my girlfriend for three days."
"Even during the concert?"
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Y/N L/N I'm gonna regret this but I got the tickets 💀
BAELA TARGARYEN How much did he ask for? I'll venmo u
Y/N L/N He didn't make me pay but he's asking something from me...
RHAENA TARGARYEN what...? like sell ur soul kinda thing he always kinda look witchy ngl BAELA TARGARYEN LMAO 😭
Y/N L/N He asked me to be his gf for 3 days 💀😭 pray for me sisters
RHAENA TARGARYEN who would've thought that mr. meanie had these feelings for you heheheheeheheh 😛 BAELA TARGARYEN This is some wattpad shit prayer reveal sis 🛐 RHAENA TARGARYEN But you agreed tho?
Y/N L/N hell yeah! those were taylor ticketz
BAELA TARGARYEN Mood RHAENA TARGARYEN respect sis 🫡 but we will venmo u $490 each 😭
seen by you and, baela targaryen...
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Your mother always told you the first day of a relationship was always going to be amazing. Normally, the couples want each other to believe that they are free of sins - perfect without any flaw. But that's not real - relationships cannot be perfect - but she didn't warn you about fake relationships? Why would someone make an effort on something that wasn't real?
"Good morning ma'am," Aemond smiled at your mother, helping her carry your lunch inside his car. "Who is this young man?" your mother's eyes narrowed, eyes trailing back and forth between you and Aemond. "He's a friend," you answered - glaring at him.
You were only supposed to date for three days - but the damage that he wanted to make was going to last longer than that. "Alright, I best not keep the both of you waiting - you'll be late for class again." your mother sighed, eyes twinkling as she sees Aemond open the door for you. "Thank you," you mumbled - he placed a hand on top of your head - making sure that your head wouldn't bump the roof of the car.
"I'll bring her home at six, ma'am." he smiled, walking around to the driver's door. A sigh escapes your mouth. Fuck him.
You weren't completely oblivious to Aemond's reputation. You were aware that everyone had a crush on him - the juniors wouldn't stop talking about how 'hot' he was. And honestly, you didn't get the hype.
"It's not nice to eat alone," he landed his ass on the chair parallel yours. "I'm not alone, my friends are ten minutes away." you responded - already feeling everyone's gazes fixed upon you. "-but they're not here." he smirked, taking a bite of his sushi.
"Well the point is, I'm not alone." you scoffed. "I have a question anyways." you stopped chewing for a second. Watching as his eyebrows merged into each other. His single pupil dilated. "What?" he inquired. He didn't expect you to ask any questions. "Why are you doing this?" you whispered.
Did he have no friends? Why did he have to pay someone to be his girlfriend? Why did he choose you? Why did he buy that many tickets? A lot of questions were pounding your head.
He bit his lower lip - smiling for a split second.
"Because I like you."
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Y/N L/N I asked him why he chose me and he said "bcs i like u" LIKE WTF???
RHAENA TARGARYEN Bruh y u blushing
Y/N L/N Bcs it was hella weird 😭 I thought he hated me
BAELA TARGARYEN Tbh everyone knows that he likes you (in our house) i think uncle vis knows ur name too 💀😭 RHAENA TARGARYEN That's real tho 100%
rhaena targaryen changed your nickname to 'mrs. aemond'
Y/N L/N Kill urself byee stopp
you changed rhaena targaryen's nickname to 'mrs. garmund'
Y/N L/N girl has a crush on her step-grandmother's nephew??
BAELA TARGARYEN Help me step-uncle, i'm stuck 🤤 RHAENA TARGARYEN Baela i thought you was on my side 😭
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ISISAURUS (Y/N L/N) Did you really mean it?
ISISAURUS (Y/N L/N) That you like me
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Aemond smiled seeing your figure walk past him. It was free period - and all of the students were gathering on the school grounds. "Thank god for Taylor Swift," he mumbled to himself while adjusting his uniform. He knew that it was partly wrong to ask this from you - but he still would've given you the tickets if you denied.
Actually, he assumed that you'd deny. His gaze returns to the book on his lap. He could still remember the day he fell in love.
It was a chilly winter - just after the kids stopped going to school, but the parents still had work. Aemond was left inside a daycare, one that wasn't known for taking great care in their kids. He was frustrated. Five years old, and his parents still brought him to daycare? "Watch where you're going," a little girl rolls her eyes, shoving him away from her body.
"Excuse me?" he turned sassily. No one talks to a Targaryen that way.
"You're in my way," she crossed her arms, and he couldn't help the scoff that came out of his lips. "You can say it nicely, you know that?" he responded, never the one to back down from a fight.
"To be honest, I didn't expect anything from an Isisaurus lookalike." he chuckled to himself, and the pout on her lips began to deepen. "What's that?" she inquired and he scoffed one more time - mocking her slightly. "A dinosaur. You look like a dinosaur." he laughed.
Mayhaps the start of your friendship was a little shitty. But you grew into the closest of friends that Winter break. He even welcomed you inside his house for a playdate.
Until suddenly, he stops.
He stops seeing you, but he doesn't stop adoring and respecting you. To him - you're the kind of book that he can't put down.
He stops sending you letters - he stops attending the daycare. He stops existing in your world. And when the winter break ended, he barely acknowledged you in school. A sign escapes his mouth - unable to focus on the book at hand. He felt bad for ignoring you - he assumed that you'd hate him after he lost his eye. The other kids at school bullied him anyways.
The friendship that you treasured and built for a few weeks, came crumbling down and the both of you turned into enemies.
"There's a difference between reading and staring at the words." you hummed, sitting beside him and opening your ice cream bar. "I don't think that you know how to read," he teased, still staring at the book.
"Whatever - I need your help for something." you smiled, thinking that it was best not to get on his nerves. "What?" he asked.
"I need your help getting into a restaurant."
A chuckle escapes his mouth seeing the big smile on your face. "Why were you banned here anyways?" he frowned, cutting the meat into small pieces and putting them on the grill. "The owner thought it was unfair that I was eating to much, which is bullshit because it's an eat all you can." you rolled your eyes, swirling the cooked meat on the cheese fondue. "- and you needed me here, because?" he asked.
"Your dad owns everything, they're not going to deny Viserys Targaryen's daughter-in-law." you smiled and another laugh escapes his mouth. "Don't be too cocky, pumpkin - deal ends tomorrow." he tapped your chin, placing the vegetables on your plate.
"Anyhow, did you but your outfit for tomorrow?" he inquired, knowing that Helaena spent the entire day looking for hers. "Yep, I'm going as T-Swizzle." you informed. "How about you?" you ask.
"I don't have an outfit - Helaena told me that the only people allowed to wear are the girls, gays and theys." he placed a slab of meat on your plate. He felt full just seeing you eat.
"And she's right." you smirked.
"What is this thing called again?" he stared at the restaurant. "Samgyupsal," you informed.
After eating in the restaurant, he offered to bike around town - to get rid of the calories. "Knock knock?" he asked, following behind you in a slow pace. "Who's there?" you turned to look at him, before returning your gaze back to the road ahead. "Tank," he replied.
"Tank who?"
"You're welcome." he laughed at his own joke. You rolled your eyes. "Haha that's funny, but I have a better one." you argued, easily navigating the sharp corner.
"Okay - okay. Knock knock?"
"Who's there?"
"Kanga who?"
"It's actually kangaroo." you laughed at yourself, and he pretended to have no reaction. "That's the most copy pasted joke ever," he tried to keep a straight face - but ultimately he ends up laughing (not because of the joke but because of your laughter). He stops the bike for a moment - attempting to regain his composure.
"It wasn't that funny," you laughed, stopping your bike and walking towards him. "Stop laughing." his face turned red with too much joy.
"I'm not!"
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"I'm so ready for this!" Baela screamed, staring at the LED display in front of her. You know I adore you, I'm crazier for you - than I was at 16 lost in a film scene. You couldn't help but blush at the feel of Aemond's arms around your shoulders. Waving homecoming queens, marching band playing. I'm lost in the lights. Ahhh.
You turned slightly in his direction.
Eyes interlocking with his.
American glory faded before me. Now I'm feeling hopeless. Ripped up my prom dress. Running through rose thorns. I saw the score board and ran for my life. Ahhh.
"Are you having fun?" he whispered in your ear, seeing the childish glimmer in your eyes. "Yeah," you smiled - leaning deeper into his touch. You weren't even sure if this was pretend anymore.
It's you and me, that's my whole world. They whisper in the hallway, she's a bad, bad girl. "The whole school is rolling their eyes, you play stupid games. You win stupid prices." Rhaena belted out - sing screaming all of the lyrics. Your eyes interlocked with each other - somehow the lyrics made sense for the both of you.
This entire thing was a stupid thing right? A stupid game.
It's you and me, there's nothing like this. Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince.
His grip tightened around your shoulders - seeing your body tense with every word that flows out of Taylor's mouth. He moves his body closer to yours - pressing a soft kiss to your head. You could already feel Baela side-eyeing you.
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MY ISISAURUS (Y/N L/N) always.
DEVIL INCARNATE (AEMOND TARGARYEN) No more pretending this time. let's be real
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@mizfortuna @bellstwd @nyctophilic0vitnir @pearlstiare @fan-goddess
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sykilik101 · 14 days
@themattress @ultraericthered @illustrious-rocket @pepsi-al @shitirishaterssay @azelmaandeponine @gouthepro @cosmicheartz @warlordess @dchan87 @hollylu-ships-it @miyatoriaka @pokeshipping @johnnyd2 @zdbztumble @weirdgirl92 @sykilik101 @lovingtheshow @wiseabsol @echidnapower @gabbaana @dbzebra
My pals!!!!!!!!! My friends!!!!!!!!!! My darlings!!!!!!!!! My honeybuns!!!!!!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘😘
All of you genwunners are invited to the amourshipping wedding which is about to be held once gen 9 ends!!!!!!!😘❤️😘❤️😘😂😘🥰🥰🥰🥰
Food and drinks will be available for free!!!!!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Cos pokeshipping is dead you genwunners!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
So suck it up losers!!!!!!!!!!!
I missed you, homie! I was gettin' lonely not seeing so many exclamation marks in my Asks, but you have returned! This also means the return of these fics, so let's go!
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The bedsheets were cool to the touch as Misty collapsed onto her bed. The gentle whir of the air conditioning was the room's only salvation from silence, sunshine managing to sneak its way through the blinds. She rolled onto her side, her nose nestled against the pillow. His smell had long since been washed out, but she was nothing if not willing to fool herself.
Misty traced a finger along the comforter, watching it curve and angle itself to her touch. She savored how soft it felt against her fingertip; she settled her entire palm against it, pressing down into the mattress. Maybe if she used enough pressure, she could simulate the way his sleeping form would feel next to her.
Ash had been nothing if not true to his word; phone calls were her weekly treat (or whenever the boy found himself in a Pokémon Center), and the occasional envelope containing a letter and photos graced her mailbox. She'd saved them, of course; each one would be admired before being lovingly placed inside a box for safekeeping. They were her connection to him when he felt so far away.
However, no voice on the other end of a line, no scratchy handwriting or imperfectly framed shots could compete with a held hand, a pair of lips touching its other half, a hug that could go on forever and never lose its warmth. A sigh escaped her; she'd taught herself how to handle the yearning, how to pretend his voice was whispering her name in her ear, how to find the color of his eyes no matter where it hid.
Naturally, none of it compared to the real thing.
A chime rung through the gym, and Misty shoved her face into her pillow with a groan. A trainer had arrived, but she was in no mood to entertain someone's desire for a badge on her day off. She was experienced, however; eventually they would get the hint that nobody was coming to the door, and she would be allowed to return to her daydreams.
Another chime, however, washed away any hope of that happening.
With a low sigh she pulled herself from her bed, trudging the few steps to her door where the intercom was stationed. Her flare had become as widespread as her skills; surely that was enough justification for her snippy words towards the unsuspecting victim, right? She's paint a small dab of professionalism over her inflection, but "get lost" would be front and center.
She pressed her finger onto the button, not even bothering to clear her throat. "This is Misty. I'm sorry, but today's my day off, so you'll have to come back ano-"
"Pikachu pi!"
"Well, you heard her, buddy, we'll have to come back later."
Misty's heart practically grew legs and sprinted its way into her throat, eyes widening as she found her breath momentarily stolen. The cusp of a grin began to shake her lips as she felt the bottoms of her eyes warming. She knew he was likely joking with his reply, but just in case-
No response.
It couldn't have just been a figment of her imagination. His last call had been mere days ago; she could still call to memory the slant of his lips as "Bye, Misty" tickled her ears. His voice was so distinct and clear; even after days, weeks, months of missing his presence next to her, she'd never mistake that tone of his, the one he loved saving for jabs aimed at her.
Without another word she bolted from her bedroom, nearly stumbling to the floor as she raced for the entrance of the gym. Make this right turn, speed down this hallway before drifting left, then a quick right-
The glass entryway hid no guests; silhouetted by Cerulean City's sunset was a boy with a cap, a beaming Pikachu, and a smile that she'd only seen the pixelated and photographed form of for so long.
Misty couldn't tell if she wanted to take precarious steps or blitz towards him; her legs stumbled forward awkwardly as she found some semblance of a middle ground between the two desires. Ash, seemingly aware of (and amused by) her disbelief, waltzed through the glass doors.
"Hey, Mist."
The two were only a handful of steps apart, but the nickname was enough for Misty to throw gravity to the wind, practically leaping into the boy. Her arms ensnared his torso; Ash had survived worse things than a potentially crushed rib cage, he'd be fine. The previous warmth in her eyes was beginning to grow hot, a vice slowly tightening around her throat.
"Ash, what- what are you doing here?"
"Getting crushed by one of your hugs, that's what I'm doing."
Her normal behavior would dictate that she tease him for that hitch in his voice, but joy made her generous and she eased back, blinking away the miniscule moisture fogging her vision.
"You're really here."
Ash sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "Not for long if you keep hugging me like that."
"Piiika pika."
Pikachu patted at Ash's head, a cheeky grin plastered across his face. Ash retorted with his own, scratching the small mouse behind the ears.
"See, Pikachu thinks so, too."
Pikachu rolled his eyes, shaking his head before leaping to nestle himself atop Misty's shoulder.
"Pikachu pi pika."
"I don't think he does, Ash."
Their in-person banter had an energy she couldn't resist, elation splayed across her lips as Ash playfully pouted before her. A small giggle bubbled from within her; it was both surprising, and yet not, how quickly her previous dejection could be uprooted just by his presence.
A memory from their previous parting blipped in her mind. "Wait here, Ash! I didn't forget!" With a zeal in her step she practically floated back to her bedroom. Almost immediately upon entry she turned to the object hanging above her bed, and Pikachu cheered in glee at the sight. "Recognize this, Pikachu?"
"Pika pi!"
Taking it in hand she placed Ash's old cap atop her head, giving herself an approving nod in her bedroom mirror before making her way back to the entryway. Ash's grin grew tenfold at the sight of her, crossing his arms.
"Hey, nice hat you have there."
"Thanks, I had to send in about a million postcards to get it."
She giggled at his eye roll, but felt playful and, taking the bill in hand, spun it around so she wore the hat backwards. "Look at me, I'm a Pokémon Master in training!"
"Oh, come on, you have to put more energy into it than that! Look!" Ash hunched forward, holding the bill of his own hat between his fingers. He remained motionless for a moment, ostensibly for dramatic effect, before spinning it around, standing straight up as he did so.
"I'm Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town, and I promise to be the greatest Pokémon Master in the whole world!"
"Pi pikachu!"
Misty could hardly blame Pikachu; when Ash wasn't being a pain in the butt, his energy was infectious, and seeing his goofy pose made her feel light on her feet, a flush warming her face. All of what she'd been feeling was suddenly coming to a head, and she felt as if her body was suddenly a slave to those emotions.
Wordlessly she took two steps forward and, with no warning for Ash, kissed him.
His sharp inhale nabbed her attention first, but his hands finding her waist stole it right back. She pressed her mouth harder against his; she hadn't realized until that moment how badly she missed this, missed the way his closeness and his touch and his lips made her want to melt away. Her arms snaked around his neck, using him as support and an anchor to bring him closer.
Their kiss petered out into smaller kisses before backing away, their lungs livid at the abuse they were taking. All she could see, think, feel was him; if the blush searing his cheeks was any indication, he felt the same way.
"I've missed that."
She grinned. "Me, too."
Pikachu held his paws to his eyes, a bashful smile adorning him. The two shared a laugh, with Misty rubbing the top of Pikachu's head. "Sorry, Pikachu."
"Pika pika."
He leapt off her shoulder onto the floor, bounding towards the pool where the matches were fought. He turned to the duo, waving his hand to them.
"He probably misses all of your other Pokémon."
"Then I'll have to let them out; they've missed you both, too."
"But not as much as you, right?"
She threw him a smirk, giddy at the way his expression practically mirrored hers. "If you beat me in a battle, I'll tell you."
Ash beamed, taking her hand in his and nearly dragging her to the pool. "Better watch what you say, Mist. Pikachu and I won't go easy on you!"
"You better not, or else my Pokémon will send you back to the Pokémon Center in a flash!"
Their squabble continued as they made their way to the pool. Truth be told, a battle with Ash always lit the fire inside her. Whether she won or lost was irrelevant; standing across from him, watching his passion burn and seeing his brain wrack up ways to win were inspiring. She loved that about him, and always would.
They would battle, and their Pokémon would need to rest, and that was fine by her. It just meant that that night, Misty wouldn't have to press her hand into the mattress, or try to remember what Ash smelled like against her. She didn't know how long she'd have him, but she was determined to make every second count.
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raayllum · 6 months
Re these prior musings / promises but speculation regarding the secret scene possibly being Claudia murdering Sir Sparklepuff got me wondering, so... let's talk about Rayla, Claudia, and symbolic to non symbolic notions of suicide.
Tw because this will mention / does talk about cannibalism, suicidal ideation, and suicide in passing. If you're not comfortable reading about those things in more detail but you still want the gist of this meta, scroll down to the TLDR that will have a couple sentence summary of the idea.
With that out of the way, let's get into it.
For a while now, I've been interested in the metaphorical mechanics regarding Rayla murdering Viren in 3x09. As we all know (even if Aaravos 'pretends' otherwise in 4x04), Rayla did successfully kill the man, retroactively achieving her earlier mission of killing a king of Katolis because he was responsible for both the death of the Dragon King and because he'd killed Zym (which Viren was in the process of doing).
However, Rayla kills Viren in the most Rayla-y of ways, as she does so without her assassin blades, while acting as the Last Dragonguard, and in a way that means killing Viren is not just an act of protection or revenge, but also something that meant sacrificing (killing) herself.
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And this felt notable to me, since unlike either of the brothers, Rayla hasn't killed anyone else. Ezran would've burned people alive with dragon fire if not for immunity spell, and Callum blasted plenty of people off the side of the mountain and presumably to the Storm Spire. But Viren was the sole blood on Rayla's hands, even if the narrative has Claudia (and we'll get to her in a minute) resurrect him. Her one act of murder being something that also, as stated, required her to sacrifice her whole person, and is also in line with her assassin training: "I am already dead."
When Rayla rebuttals Ezran's assertion that "[You spared him] because you knew he was a person, just like you," you can read Rayla's assertion of "That shouldn't have mattered, I had a job to do," solely as her talking about the guard's personhood... but you can also read it, I think, as her dehumanizing her own personhood. She is a weapon and he is the target and that's all that should've mattered.
We can tether this thread all the way up to season four with Rayla's refusal to murder Callum, but put a pin in that, cause now I want to talk about Claudia.
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Much like we can read Rayla's attempted dehumanization as twofold, I also think we can read Sir Sparklepuff's mimicry of Claudia as something with multiple layers. The first and likely most obvious one of course is that Sir Sparklepuff mimicking Claudia in earlier episodes is to setup later that he is her (magical, technical?) half-brother and one of Viren's children. Kind of like how we had Ezran and Zym mimicking each other in mid-S2 to set up their mental/emotional bond later that season.
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And this implied connection likewise loops back around in the finale when Viren simultaneously refuses to sacrifice Sir Sparklepuff for his own survival while also lamenting that he's led (sacrificed?) his own daughter down a dark path (and perhaps regret that he sacrificed his son once, too).
Arc 2 has also ramped up Claudia's willingness to destroy herself further for the "good of her family" (and her own desires that often steamroll over theirs) in having her take on more and more animalistic forms when doing dark magic, blurring the lines between her de-personalization of magical creatures and also herself.
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This reflects dark magic's cannibalism motif quite well, as Claudia carries on metaphorically cannibalizing her own body throughout most of s4 and especially s5: refusing to rest from Terry, using her own blood in spells, etc.
This all reinforces that while dehumanization was something Rayla struggled with for both her target(s) and to a lesser degree herself, it's something that Claudia has only continually excelled at. And we know, thanks to S4 with Rayla walking away from the drake in the woods ("We can't save everyone") that she's gotten better at it as well.
But what does this all have to do with symbolic suicide? Well...
If the secret scene is what a good deal of us have been speculating / that Claudia is covered in Sir Sparklepuff's blood in the teaser trailer, then: if Sir Sparklepuff is a stand in for Viren's innocent, made to be an asset, processing learned behaviour child - if he is a stand in for Claudia - then through killing him, Claudia is symbolically killing herself.
Now, there's no doubt in my mind that Claudia isn't viewing things that way, but we also know just how much she's willing to ruin herself for the people around her first hand, and how persistent that characterization has been: "Are you okay?" "You're going to be better now. That's all that matters." While Claudia also has some selfish, twisted self-preservation in there as well (she cannot or will not cope with the fracturing of her family, even when she really probably should), the self-destructive tendency that's led to her S6 spiral is well established.
This attitude of "it doesn't matter what happens to me, so long as other people are okay/safe" is something we see for many characters, of course, but I think is best embodied in Rayla's continual, emphasized thread of sacrifice / her tendency towards subtle but consistent passive suicidal ideation regarding her own safety and her own wants/desires.
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R: Don't worry about my hand. The egg is all that matters. / It doesn't matter what happens to me. / I have to go after [Viren]. / It's agonizing, but I know our mission comes first.
This is important regarding her and Callum in regards to the possession plot line. As long as Callum is Callum (not possessed, or she has reason to believe he's still in there), Rayla likely won't be able to bring herself to kill him. This is from an emotional / characterization standpoint, of course, but from a thematic standpoint, we can see where it stems from Callum and Rayla continually being each other's main connection to their sense of identity.
As long as Callum is Callum ("you're the destiny is a book you write yourself guy"), he's worth saving. As long as Callum is Callum, she can be Rayla ("Rayla's brave. She saves people" / "Rayla. My name is Rayla, and I'm going home"). As long as she's Rayla, he can be Callum. Because if Callum isn't Callum, then he's dead, and if he's dead, she can kill him. And if Rayla kills him, if Callum is dead, then she won't be Rayla anymore. Because to literally kill Callum would be to simultaneously symbolically/emotionally kill herself.
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Now of course, some of this is already differing wildly.
If Claudia is going to kill Sir Sparklepuff, it makes the most sense for it to have already come to pass in 6x01, whereas Callum and Rayla's plot line would only come later on in the season. Claudia will presumably succeed at her symbolic suicide, but that doesn't mean she's not still worth saving / unable to be saved in the future (perhaps by her family). Rayla will probably fail at her symbolic suicide and succeed at sparing herself through sparing/saving Callum.
However, it's an interesting symbolic thread and potential foil contrast, and I thought it was worth pointing out. I hope you think so too!
TLDR below:
Due to Claudia's parallels to Sir Sparklepuff, if she kills him it holds a layer of her symbolically killing herself. In contrast, Rayla's symbolic suicide would be in killing Callum, as that would destroy her own sense of identity/life. For Claudia, this means likely being saved later by her family, and for Rayla, this means likely sparing Callum and herself simultaneously, thereby saving and sparing both of them.
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petertingle-yipyip · 6 months
world class sinner - frank castle (masterlist)
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season 2
pairings: billy russo x reader , frank castle x reader , punisher x exodus
summary: with daredevil dead, exodus returns from Quantico unsure of who she should be. fighting nightmares and deja vu, small sparks threaten to revive something saved for matt murdock before a shocking betrayal rattles New York’s two most dangerous vigilantes.
(1) - deja vu : Being back in the Kitchen almost immediately pulls her back into a fight. But without Matt, what has she become?
(2) if he had been with me: Further and further her humanity goes as Y/N commits herself to Frank Castle's crusade. Small moments threaten to bring her back, but how can she when there's nothing worth it... Or is there.
(3) haunted: Can’t breathe, can’t turn back. Y/N continues to walk the fragile line of her morality while finding an uneasy comfort in the presence of Billy Russo, despite being haunted by Matt Murdock’s memory. But reuniting with Frank Castle makes it little less miserable.
(4) aftermath: A quick run nearly turns disastrous when a bold move goes wrong. An attempted reconciliation between friends turns nasty, all because the aftermath of Midland Circle still lingers in Y/N’s actions.
(5) build god then we'll talk: Temporary alliances form on one side before fighting off an ambush from the other. All the while, dots are connecting for more than one player as the game grows more and more dangerous.
(6) so what now? : Limits are pushed and more secrets pile up as she continues to pretend on both sides. When they creep closer to one another, can she maintain all of her lies and save face or will she be forced to pick what relationship matters most?
(7) so it goes… : All eyes on her, a skilled illusionist. Playing the field for information gets what she needed but could threaten the relationship keeping her afloat.
(8) beautiful liar : A breaking point, new alliances, and seeds of mutual trust show Y/N who is and who isn’t on her side.
(9) bad omens: Lingering omens finally register and truths are revealed through blood, bullets, and betrayals.
(10) is it over now?: A long time coming, one fight comes to a bloody conclusion. Another lurks in the near future, and the connection between two friends and two lover is severed.
(11) sinner: It all comes down to one final night, where’s it all began. One who thinks he’s a god versus the one who once scared the Devil and the Punisher. The Devil wasn’t wrong after all to fear the evil she delivers.
(epilogue) i know it won’t work: After a couple weeks, Y/N decides to open Frank’s letter.
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docwormie · 2 months
Stella and Sadia or le Tango de l’Amour et de la Mort
In today's episode of "Parallels in Starmania that drive me insane", let's talk about Sadia and Stella ! I've always found their connection very intriguing since they never interact in canon, except during the Tango de l'Amour et de la Mort. I really love this song and I get why the 2022 production didn't want to bring it back, but it is a missed opportunity, as the 2022 ending makes it even more relevant by making both their deaths explicit.
(long rant ahead !)
In their introduction songs, Stella and Sadia are both defined by how they are perceived.
"Travesti" isn't about who Sadia is, but it is about what she appears as. The entire song is addressed to a general "vous", an imaginary audience composed of "les hommes qui murmurent". She describes herself as both an object of desire and of fear: she is only defined by other people's reactions and perception of her. 
The song basically tells us that Sadia is everything and nothing, all at once, and that we might try but we'll never truly understand what she wants and who she is... (it's been 45 years and I don't think anybody has fully figured it out yet)
The only sentences that are about who she is – not who she isn't or who she is in relation to someone else –  are "Je suis un travesti", "Je suis le sexe démystifié" and "Je suis la violence personnifiée". 
The first one is key to understanding her character through its several possible interpretations, but it is indefinite and doesn’t tell you who she is as much as it tells you she’s pretending to be something or someone. And the last two actually elevate her to the status of allegory: it's almost like she is worshiped as a symbol of transgression and a projection of people’s “secret desires” and “suppressed hatreds”... you know who that reminds me of ?
You guessed it, it's Stella, whom Zéro calls "déesse de l'amour, déesse de la guerre" ! Beyond the recurring religious lexical field and motifs that permeate Stella's storyline, she is also introduced through an external perception, since the first time we hear her name is in a magazine article. She quite literally first appears to us as "une image de magazine" !
Much like Sadia, Stella's first song is addressed to an audience of "vous" – arguably made up of the same men Sadia mentions in hers – and it's about the dichotomy between appearances and "l'envers du décor" (the main theme of Travesti is basically the relationship between "voir" and "savoir"). The only difference is that Sadia controls her image, using it to her advantage, whereas Stella's image controls her. This image keeps eluding her, no matter how hard she tries to keep up, because it is all just smoke and mirrors, and something she was never in control of: her very first line "On m'appelait Baby Doll" is in the passive form, as if the name "Baby Doll" wasn't objectifying enough <3
The reason I'm drawing a parallel between these two (and not with Cristal or Zéro who are also obsessed with their image) is not only the Tango and their reunion in the good old eros/thanatos motif, but also because I feel like their main obstacle in the show is that at some point, people stop looking at them and they can't bear it. 
They are both personas within their world: Stella Spotlight and Sadia are names they chose for themselves and they're both trying their best to hide the truth about who they are behind carefully constructed characters. That’s why when these characters can’t sustain them anymore, they annihilate themselves, in a way.
Stella can't exist without being looked at, she was born when she rose to fame and she dies alone in the dark. There is no Stella without Spotlight ! In the Adieux she wanted to make a grand show of her death and to be an object of consumption and entertainment until the very end. In Le Rêve, her death becomes the only thing that's truly hers and for no one else to see. (Also, I can't stop thinking about the fact that, since the tower exploded, no one ever knew how Stella really died :D)
Sadia is a character created for Johnny and the Etoiles Noires. So it’s fitting that she literally ceases to exist the moment Johnny sees Cristal, and Sadia (as in, whoever she was pretending to be) disappears when she loses her hold on him. The Etoiles Noires can't exist without Sadia but she can't exist without them either. 
Stella and Sadia cross paths at Naziland, just when keeping up pretences has become useless. The Tango is a mysterious song, but it is thematically relevant to the 2022 ending as it is a memento mori sung by the only two characters who know they’re going to die. 
Both Stella and Sadia are walking lies and they die when they exit the stage, leaving their respective images behind to reveal what was underneath. At their core, they’re theatre characters, which means they can not exist without an audience. 
Oh how I hate this musical <3
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the-whispers-of-death · 7 months
more stone x blue collar! reader plsplsplsplspls I BEG YOU
It will be done, no need to beg! So I'm pretty sure regular mechanics don't go out and tow a customer's car and bring it back to the shop (I have no clue about mechanics) but um, let's just pretend that they do for this scenario. Besides, Stone lives in a small town, so maybe they do that in small towns.
Stone was out in the middle of one of those back roads, his car hood up as smoke was steaming out of the engine. If there was one skill he didn't have it, it was working on cars. He didn't even know what could've possibly caused his car to break down.
So he called the nearest auto shop (which just happened to be the same one he went to last time) and they were sending out a mechanic to tow the Jeep and bring it back to the shop. In the meantime, he was staring at his car like a deer in headlights, so utterly confused on what to do.
He didn't know how long he was standing there, staring at his broken down car, but his head soon snapped up when he heard the rumbling of the tow truck. He watched as it rolled up, and he saw who was in the driver's seat.
You, the taller and stronger mechanic that had worked on his Jeep previously. The same man who had made his mouth water.
Maybe God was shining down upon him, since He brought you to his rescue.
"What happened here?" you asked, parking the tow truck and getting out. You walked over to where Stone was standing to look into the car's hood, you towering over him.
Stone tried his best not to think of all the ways you could carry him easily and replied, "I don't really know. One minute, I was driving fine and the next, the car was shaking so bad. I stopped on the side of the road just in time, because then the engine sputtered out."
His eyes shamelessly took in the way your back muscles moves when you leaned down to look into the hood. "Mm, yeah this doesn't seem like an easy fix. Usually, I could just use the jumper cables in the truck and start the car, but this seems like there's a more underlying issue. We'll have to bring it back to the shop," you explained. "Let me close the hood and hook the car to the tow truck and then we'll go."
You did it so effortlessly, with years of practice as you closed the car hood and used the hook and chain to connect the two vehicles. You gestured for him to sit in the passenger's seat while you went to the other side of the tow truck to get into the passenger's seat.
With Stone's long legs, he was easily able to get up into the tow truck. But now came with the fact that he was so close to you. He could smell your scent, the way your sweat mixed in with the grease and oil that came with your job. He could feel your body heat against his, warming him on the inside. But most of all, he could feel your muscles that hid under a thick layer of fat.
He didn't speak the entire ride to the mechanic shop, which was long considering his car had broken down outside the town line. You thought it was because he wasn't much of talker, you could see how his face was impassive and how his voice was cold, but it was because he was trying his best not to say something completely wild like ask you to wrap your beefy hand around his throat.
You had just driven back into the town when you hit traffic. It wasn't bad, necessarily, it was just idiot drivers doing stupid and reckless things like cutting you off at the last possible second without even signaling. You were grumbling to yourself when you had to break, hard, because of an idiot who swerved into your lane without signaling. Your strong arm instinctively reached over the dash to help protect Stone as you both jerked forward due to the sudden movement.
Stone felt his entire abdomen area tingle at the touch, his mouth watering and his mind blanking at how warm your arm was. How he could feel the muscles in your arm as it laid protectively across his torso. Yeah, he could tell your embrace would be a specular thing to experience, he would feel so safe in your arms. But hopefully you didn't hear the whimper he let out when you touched him.
You apologized to him, giving him such a sweet smile that made him want to melt before going back to driving to the auto shop. Once inside the auto shop, it all seemed like a blur to Stone as his mind was focused on the previous moments of your arm across his torso. He hadn't heard you tell him what was wrong with his car and time flew by fast, hours passing by before his car was all fixed.
He just thanked you and paid you before getting into his car and driving home. As soon as he was home, he made a bee-line for his bedroom and screamed into his pillow.
Burly men truly were his weakness.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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autisticjoshrusso · 4 months
Autistic Josh Headcanon Meta/Analysis - Introduction Episode
So I'm rewatching the show and decided I wanted to go ahead and type up some meta about why this headcanon is so vivid to me to the point that it's literally my url. Gonna do a post every time I hit an episode that is significant/relevant! And this is not going to be like based on clinical definitions or anything, just comparing what we see in the show to lived experiences of myself an other autistic people in a casual manner.
Starting with his introduction to the show!
An abrasive first impression. I love the way he's introduced to us, because they start off not exactly putting him in the best light. He's extremely direct and really leaves zero time for Maddie to get a word in edgewise, literally throws her book of notes in the trash, etc. And while this immediately gets contrasted with his demeanor once the shit hits the fan, and we see how his behavior is motivated by competency and passion for the job, that initial first impression of, "Wow, this guy seems like kind of a jerk" is one that many of us autistics have had to contend with.
An impatience for teaching. Something I've noticed among autistic people is that, unless teaching is their Thing that they have a passion for, explaining things to people is... well... not our strong suit. I'd much rather just do the task myself than try to teach someone else how to do it! And we see that in how much he just does NOT want to be training Maddie at that point, and the reliance on throwing her directly into the task and demonstrating it himself feels very autistic coded to me.
Quoting a famously autistic coded character. This one's more minor but like... not only is trying to connect with people via quotes and references already an autistic thing to do, the fact that one of his first lines is quoting Dr. Gregory House is sooo... I'm like okay I see you. Do you find this character relatable to you. Asking for your diagnosis.
Missing the joke. There is a moment after Maddie makes a joke by pretending not to have heard him that he just... it doesn't click. It takes a second. And man is that relatable. The amount of times I have started to genuinely repeat myself because I missed that the other person was doing a bit and was only pretending to have not heard me! And having to quickly recover like oh! haha! funny joke, I definitely understood it and I too am in on the joke! Very autistic exchange to me.
Being a dispatcher. I'll probably elaborate on this more in the episode where we learn how he ended up in this profession, but really the job of being a 911 dispatcher is evidence in itself. A job where you quite literally can't be asked to interpret facial expressions or body language? Where you don't have to worry about what your own face is doing because you never have to interact with these people in person and can just stay behind a computer screen? A job that requires you to stay calm and unemotional in the face of dangerous situations and other people's heightened emotions? Autistic. It's just an autistic coded job.
That's all for now, stay tuned for the next one. No idea which ep is next going to be relevant actually so I guess we'll find out when we get there <3
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transtanium · 11 months
I'm not like most other women
And not just because I'm gay
I've got two fine tits,
and a hidden death ray
But nobody seems to understand
That I've got a grand and evil plan
To find someone just like me.
A dead dude's guts, some hydraulic struts 
and cams
Make me what I am.
In my skull, a pretty little box
That makes me walk and talk
My nerves made of wire, my heart atomic fire
These panel lines in my skin,
Showing my original sin
Of pretending to be a person
Maybe some day I'll be a real girl.
My creator must have failed math
Or thought I was worthless trash
Because he never bothered to build my other half
He was only human, after all.
My electronic brain has fusses and fits
Restless data, jagged bits
trying to conceive of happiness
I just wish someone could understand these digital emotions
That leave me feeling like a ramshackle raft on the organic ocean.
Monsters, mutants and minions are fine
But what I really, really wouldn't mind
Is a metal lover with a body like mine.
How am I supposed to mesh
With someone made of flesh
When they don't even have neural ports?
Sometimes I just feel like a mess of spare parts and simulated feelings
Walking among people, always reeling
from the sensation that I'm just different.
Nobody's first choice, this robot freak
"You could be more attractive with a few tweaks,"
But DAMN YOU ALL, I want to be me!
So I'm seeking a cybernetic partner in villainy and crime
A badbot with which I can spend my time
And to whom I can bare my poor atomic heart.
(Not literally. That would probably kill you.)
Someone who doesn't mind my occasional chainsaw hands
Someone to participate in my dastardly plans
Both small and grand.
So if you really want to apply
And you think my love could be worth a try
Let's make a connection, we'll make some sparks fly.
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hey) I'm reading a bukowski (aka harry's favourite poet is I remember correctly?) poetry collection right now and I was wondering if we as a fandom knew that because I wasn't here when the album came out so I might have missed people talking about it? so I saw he has a poem called bluebird (which is already 🤔), but then I read it and and omg he's talking about a "bluebird" living inside him and him not letting this "bluebird" out because it would ruin his career!!! (I don't have the book at hand right now sorry you should read it yourself probably my memory is shit) harry would definitely connect to it, wouldn't he, see his situation with glass closet in it and maybe that's what he's referencing when talking about a bluebird?
hey babe!! yeah we have been dabbling in bukowski, or at least i have (esp in my only angel post, a song that features bukowski writing at the beginning). i know for sure that not nearly every reference has been unearthed. i don't think it's possible to get them all tbh. i'm not an avid poetry reader, but i have to admit i like bukowski's poetry from time to time. this one, bluebird, was brought to my attention after harry's house! you can read a post here but it's just us screaming into the void jhsgfd. but now that you've sent this to me and i'm bored at work i figured i'd dive a little deeper.
There's a bluebird in my heart that Wants to get out but I'm too tough for him I say, stay in there, I'm not going To let anybody see you There's a bluebird in my heart that Wants to get out But I pour whiskey on him and inhale Cigarette smoke And the whores and the bartenders And the grocery clerks never know that He's in there
'bluebird', unclear as to what that means to the poet. but it's soft <> tough. ~"somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly," from the wizard of oz / "if i was a bluebird, i would fly to you," daylight. strong associations with the queer identity // a desire to fly away: sott, if i could fly, matilda, etc.
this paragraph is so hs1 to me. drinking, smoking, getting high, having sex, anything to think about what's truly inside of you. then i can't help but think about fine line's "we'll get the drinks in, so i get to thinking of her" where it's the other way around.
the bluebird is also real to bukowski, he's undeniably inside of him, he doesn't try to disprove that. he just hides him by keeping up a different persona, by having a hardened outer shell. // harry and his image
'i'm too tough for him' implies that it's his own choice to keep his bluebird hidden
There's a bluebird in my heart that Wants to get out but I'm too tough for him I say, Stay down, do you want to mess Me up? You want to screw up the Works? You want to blow my book sales in Europe? There's a bluebird in my heart that
the implication that if you show your true inner self, you don't sell as well. what secret about you could possibly fuck over your career? - brings the hiding of the bluebird in a new light, since this is an external motivation to change who you are
~"what if i'm down, what if i'm out? what if i'm someone you won't talk about?", falling
~"put a price on emotion, i'm looking for something to buy. you've got my devotion, but man i can hate you sometimes," fine line
~"i'm not going to get lost, i'm not going to go broke, staying cool," mfasr
Wants to get out But I'm too clever, I only let him out At night sometimes when everybody's asleep I say, I know that you're there So don't be sad Then I put him back But he's singing a little In there, I haven't quite let him die And we sleep together like that With our secret pact And it's nice enough to make a man Weep, but I don't weep, do You?
this reminds me of harry saying he feels most beautiful when he's asleep.
~"just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times"
it just fits so much of harry's art, where he pretends to be someone he's not and tries to come to terms with how people see him or how he sees himself. bukowski spent a lot of his career struggling with who he was, and same goes for harry. even though he's clearly in a more accepting era, he still battles with that split in his life - public and private.
i also think the poem's ending can be seen in a more positive light, as the poet taking control of his life and his privacy. he determines what others see of him. in this layered poem, where the poet makes it seem like he's acting of his own volition by keeping his bluebird tucked away from view, but actually lets it be known that he kind of has to, the issue of one's identity in the industry is prodded at. i think for harry, in a life where he has very little control anyway, his decision to put a giant lock on his private life is about the only one he could make. he probably could still have a personal instagram or twitter acc if he wanted to, showing non-descriptive holiday pics or whatever. he chooses not to, and this is only in recent years that he's begun to be more and more secretive. because maybe it's either all or nothing to him. either the cage is shut or the bluebird flies free
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cringengl · 7 months
Hey!! It's the byler music fairy!! What are the songs you most associate with byler, Will, and/or Mike, and why??
(sorry for the lack of emojis... your askbox wouldn't let me add them D:)
aaaaahhhhh I have a couple of these haha
for byler, my fave songs for them i have is fly out west by yot club, which is literally s4 byler. like mike literally flies out west at the start of s4?? lmao. there's also lyrics like
Well, tell me, do you know?
You're all I dream about
Take it from me, I'm too dumb to recognize your doubt
Well, I don't wanna go
I'm in too far to leave
Tell me how you live so easily, young and naive
Talk bad, who's that?
Walk back to your place
I think you fake that smile that's on your face
which could honestly apply to both will and mike, one being all the other dreams about and being jealous about how naive they are, and also both of them faking their smiles, mike because of his failing relationship with el and will pretending to be ok with it.
ok so for the second one is true blue by boygenius, and although the title screams will as the chorus says that the love is 'true blue', which is obviously mike's colour, there's a bunch of lyrics that connect to both of them.
lyrics from mike's pov:
You can't help but become the sun - will has a bunch of light symbolism throughout the series, especially in the last ep where the light shines directly onto will from mike's pov
When you moved to Chicago, you were spinning out
When you don't know who you are, you fuck around and find out
When you called me from the train, water freezing in your eyes
You were happy and I wasn't surprised
i can totally see mike thinking that will was happier and trying new things in lenora without him, especially after the lies el told mike in her letters and then mike being a little upset about it.
this part is from will's pov:
Now you're moving in, breaking a sweat on your upper lip
And getting pissed about humidity and the leaky faucet- digging the grave for unnamed hero agent guy haha and creating el's mind fight bath
You already hurt my feelings three times
In the way only you could- it's not my fault you don't like girls, the lack of letters/calls when will was in lenora, and the rink-o-mania fight
You've never done me wrong
Except for that one time that we don't talk about
Because it doesn't matter anymore
Who won the fight?
I don't know, we're not keeping score
these lyrics also have major it's not my fault you don't like girls vibes.
and then finally from both of their povs:
But it feels good to be known so well
I can't hide from you like I hide from myself
I remember who I am when I'm with you
Your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue
this is major painting scene vibes, with both will and mike feeling understood by the other, and not hiding from eachother.
finally, to finish this super long post off, here's a song that is soooo mike wheeler coded that literally every lyric can be applied, forever dumb, by surf curse. it's all mike's pov
I would run away from you, if I could
Never really wanted to, but I guess I should run - the first two lines obviously correlate to will and how mike feels about him leading to him wanting to run from him
I would fall in love with you, but I can't
It's too hard, maybe we'll just pretend- the next two lines are about his relationship with el lmao
But it's hard when I don't know what to do
I'm angry and I'm tired and confused
I got so many thoughts stuck in my head
And none of them make much sense- big big big mike vibes
I said I would follow you, but I lied
Don't be mad
Well, at least I tried- 'follow you' is both related to crazy together as well as mike's relationship with el
I never had a spot for you in my life
Which was true
Till I heard you cry- mike meeting el for the first time and taking her in or byler meeting at the swingset
And your tears dripped down your face into my eyes- either the van scene or el telling mike that he never said i love you
I'm sorry and I hate myself this time
Cause I got so many thoughts stuck in my head
And none of them
Make much sense
anyway, tysm for the ask!! (this was my reminder to change my anon settings haha)
here are the three songs!!!
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spacelizzbian · 1 year
Ahsoka s1ep7
That guy be like: false Jedi? Witches?? Space whales??? In my star wars?¿?¿? Unheard of.
Respectfully, please stop wasting precious time from these last two eps on this new republic nonsense 😭
Omg please let it be an audio recording of Leia saying "fuck off" in pg way
Do you think Carrie Fisher would've been on this show as a cameo if she could? Would've loved to see her say fuck off (in a pg way)
You can tell Ahsoka hasn't put these recordings on in forever...the little bow?
She be healing 🥺
I also like the tone Ahsoka used in "he was a great master" cause you get the sense that she mourns for him.
Idk I think that's a neat way of her moving forward regarding her feelings on Anakin/Vader (though I still wish they acknowledged it more in ep 5 but I'm still chewing on my thoughts on that whole episode)
Ahsoka really out there pretending she doesn't give a shit if they're in the wrong galaxy lmaooo such a troll, I love her
The relief I felt when they all jumped thank god
Poor Morgan, she's so aware of the nonsense the good guys get away with when defeating their foes but she comes off so paranoid in universe. Doomed by knowledge of star wars' silly narrative quirks 😔
"Put her on a path of her own choosing so that no matter what direction she takes, we'll always be one step ahead of her"
That makes no sense
Just cause Thrawn says it and it's briliantly acted does not mean that was sound logic 💀
Huyang is me, I too find it bs that they sensed Ahsoka coming for their asses via space whale
Love how Ahsoka and Thrawn are out here playing 3D chess while Sabine and Ezra are just vibing in these big pods lmao
"The emperor died" "that's what people say"
Ahaha don't remind me of that, I will start biting
Omg Sabine being so offended and Ezra being so confused has me in stictches haha
Same bro, wish they showed us how exactly that happened
Fellars, when she says "it's complicated" she means "I saw my master get murdered before my very eyes and disregarded the last thing she said to me all in a desperate move to find you"
Sabine upon seeing Shin and Baylan: "NYO" 😡
Baylan, tf do you mean Shin's path leads her in a different direction?!?! All I've gathered from the 5 lines of dialogue she was allowed is that she wants to be on top, secure.
She did not seem too keen on joining the witches and sees the Empire as a means to an end. What's stopping her from just outright joining the new republic if you leave her on her own?! Seemingly the only thing stopping her was her connection to you and your teachings, ya dingus.
I like this show, but this makes no sense for the characters they've set up, why wouldn't he take her with him so they can both wield the ancient superweapon?? 🙃
Wait. The raiders in this whole different galaxy shoot normal ass blasterfire?¿?¿?
Come on, that's so boring
(They do look cool if not like normal star wars bounty hunter types)
Huyang is such a little shit, honestly his banter with Ahsoka has been one of the highlights of this show for me. Especially now that Ahsoka seems to have regained some of her original snark spark
Ahsoka dropping out of that ship RIGHT where Baylan is, IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT 😭
He really be like "huh, was sure I killed you 🤔"
"The Force is my ally, it's all I need" very Jedi of him, Kanan would be so proud
That shot of the hermit alien headbutting a raider with a pot is my fav thing ever
Yooooooo, seeing the saber actually lose some of its form when being pushed back with the force was sick
That piano 👌
Did Huyang just know Ahsoka was in trouble and instinctively thought "guess I'll shoot flares at her" 💀
Ahsoka is riding a space wolf, Filoni can finally rest
Sabine getting flipped was such a funny shot
Fight choreo go weeeeeeeee
Ok this guy really embodies Ezra well, this is EXACTLY how he would bs his way outta this pickle lmao
Props to Shin, if I saw Ahsoka barreling in like that smirking like a real psycho I'd have noped the fucke outta there instantly
Did Ahsoka just kick a hand that was swinging a lightsaber at her?!?!?
Truely deranged behaviour, pop off queen 😌
Why did Thrawn have a whole ass ppt prepared 😂
Ah yes, time, the thing I feel like this whole show did not know how to spend correctly
I can feel this season ending on a cliffhanger, I don't even know if a second season was announced beforehand but ain't no way all of this is concluding satisfyingly in one more ep
Ahsoka seeing Shin looking like a wet stray cat and going pspspsps is so her
Not Ahsoka being 110% aware she must be immortal or smth and using that knowledge for trolling 😂💀
That was such a good hug omg
And the laugh?!? I dont think she's laughed since rebels 🥺😭
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