#we went to meow wolf
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I loved Santa Fe so so much. I had no idea what to expect and it was just so gorgeous. More photos, and photos of my friends’ faces, on my Instagram. I loved every minute.
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coffinbutch · 1 year
Vacation pics! Las Vegas was crowded and weird and fun and so extremely hot, we had a great time!
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twistedappletree · 18 days
i was today years old when i found out my local mall has a giant cyberpunk themed food court surrounded by circuit board rock climbing walls and an overhead neon zip lining course
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s-awturn · 26 days
Moon Spell || CS55
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summary: They were fated to love someone they hated. There was no spell, no grudge, no curse that could break the bond that united them, doomed to die in the feelings they fiercely nurtured. The Moon had determined it and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
“These violent pleasures have violent ends, and die in their triumph, like fire and gunpowder, which, when they kiss, consume each other. The sweetest honey is disgusting in its own sweetness, and its taste confuses the palate.”
cw: Violence, conflict, soulmates, blood, magic, alternate universe, obscenity, pure filth, chaos, fighting, swearing, intense hatred, love, mention of death, blood.
a/n: This came to celebrate Carlos' birthday and to open the new phase of my profile. This is supposed to have five chapters, no more, no less. I don't know what else to say, so read on!
starring: werewolf!Carlos x witch!Fem reader
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Part One: We Were Born To Die
”Choose your last words, this is the last time 'Cause you and I, we were born to die”
Europe, 1498.
She packed all her belongings into a deep leather bag, threw in crystals, grimoires, a few candles, and other magical items; she couldn't stay there long, her hiding place had been discovered and soon crazy fanatics would be there to drag her to the stake. She couldn't waste her family's sacrifice in keeping her alive.
“Let's go, Spix, let's not wait for those madmen to take us to the fire or the gallows” she said, picking up the cat and putting it in the basket. Toledo was no longer a safe place, in fact there was no safe place, with the frightening religious fanaticism that the kings of Spain were feeding, everyone was suspected of witchcraft and heresy, women were dragged to the catacombs of churches and were never seen again.
S/N saw husbands hand over their wives, fathers hand over their daughters, everyone wanted the silver coins that the Church was offering. She needed to get away from this, S/N knew that her neighbors were suspicious of her, a woman living alone on the outskirts of the village attracted attention. She couldn't leave any room for bad luck.
She threw a black cape over her simple dress, tightened her boots, and left the house, saying goodbye silently. That house where her parents lived their entire lives, where she herself spent her life, would soon be burned down, so many memories would be turned into ashes; He didn't look back, he clutched the bag under his arm and ran into the woods, listening to Spix's meows, nestled in the bag.
The moonlight illuminated her steps, ensuring that she managed to avoid roots and holes in the ground and it wasn't long before she heard the angry shouts of the villagers, She hid behind a thick trunk and saw the torches shining in the darkness, they cried out the name of God, calling her a witch and accusing her of heresy. S/N heard her door being broken down.
It wouldn't be long before they noticed her absence and went hunting for her in the forest. She needed to run far away, get away from poor fanatics after a few dozen silver coins. Her life wasn't worth that.
She made her way to a remote part of the forest, where wolves and other wild animals hid. No villager would dare to go there, after all, no one wanted to become wolf food.
When she passed through the oak arch, a shiver shook her insides, S/N looked at the sky and the Moon shone so brightly that it illuminated small patches of darkness in the forest, and a thought made her stop: It was a full moon night and the werewolves would go out to hunt.
She was vulnerable in the middle of the woods, with only a small dagger in the pocket of her cloak and her magic. Anyway, she hoped that no werewolves would cross her path, or she would have a lot of problems besides angry Catholics.
She went deeper into the forest, even Spix's meows fell silent. In fact, there was no sound at all, the wind did not cut through the trees, the leaves did not rustle, not even the nocturnal animals screeched in their hiding places. Until a deep sound echoed, an angry growl that betrayed hunger.
Y/N gripped the dagger with trembling fingers, witches and werewolves had hated each other since the first dawn, if it really was a hungry werewolf there, she would love to devour her, just for the pleasure of destroying her; he took a deep breath and ran between the trees, whatever it was, he wasn't going to risk staying there, even though turning his back was already a high risk.
She ended up in a clearing completely lit by the moon, the exact same clearing where she and her mother used to perform rituals to thank the goddess for the harvest and the coven celebrated.
But that was before Ferdinand and Isabella began their persecution. Before she saw her friends burn at the stake, her parents die on the gallows.
A dark bark stopped her in the middle of the clearing, Y/N heard the branches being broken and the frightening sound of teeth chattering. Her heart accelerated painfully, she was terrified, maybe she could make the roots hold him, but her magic wasn't strong enough for that.
Her magic core was weak and did not have enough strength to channel forces of nature. She would have to make do with an iron dagger and the help of the goddess.
— ☽ —
It was the night of the full moon and he could feel the effects surging through his body since early on, and there was a strange feeling present in his chest. Carlos felt that something was going to happen that night, and it wouldn't just be the milestone of his thirty years of age.
He saw his father cross the small village with a group of refugees, religious madness had arrived in those parts and was terrorizing his people, there was no one who did not fear being dragged into the church basement. No one wanted to be tortured and killed.
“Stop daydreaming and go help your sister, that roof is still going to fall on her head” he heard his mother order.
“Where is her husband? That’s that lazy bastard’s responsibility,” he questioned, but received a click of his tongue in return. He growled in irritation, Carlos would beat up his brother-in-law as soon as he could. And he wouldn't care about his sister's crying or his father's lecture.
He trudged over to his sister's shack, seeing Blanca hanging from the roof, hammering some nails into the central beam. This only made him growl even more, he really was going to punch his brother-in-law in the face as soon as he got the chance.
“Blanca, what the hell are you doing there?" He stopped far enough away to see his sister, Blanca wiped the sweat on her forehead and glared at him mockingly.
“I think I'm baking bread, what do you think?” she retorted sarcastically.
“And where is your useless husband? He must be sleeping…”
“Don't talk about him like that, you know his health is fragile” She tries to defend her husband, but this only increases Carlos' irritation.
“He's a werewolf, Blanca, the only fragile thing about him is his will to work” Carlos growled “Get down from there, I'll take care of this, since your husband is as useless as a leaky bucket!”
The woman came down from the roof, and Carlos took her place, still complaining about his sister's husband and insisting on hammering the boards hard, not caring if it would wake the sleeping man. Work distracted him from the strange feeling in his chest, he didn't know how the full moon night would end, but he knew something would happen.
Only when the sun began to set on the horizon did Carlos finish repairs to his sister's house — not without landing two hard punches in the face of his brother-in-law who dared to complain about the noise. He needed to prepare, As it was the first night of the full moon, the effects would be more intense, and he needed to prepare his body and mind to allow the beast to command him.
As night fell, Carlos felt the involuntary spasms and his gums itched, the bones in his legs and arms cracked painfully, anticipating the metamorphosis.
And of course, the sensation increased along with the discomfort, the beast inside him scratched the walls, howling as if it was foretelling something. Maybe it was the villagers appearing on the edge of their land, maybe it was the witches who had returned, it could be anything.
Any damn thing.
When the transformation, he began to run between the trees, smelling the wet grass, the animals nestled in their dens, Carlos felt the wet earth under his feet and when he realized it, he was running on four legs, his peripheral vision was greater and his sense of smell could perceive things dozens of meters away.
He stopped abruptly and howled at the full moon, announcing the arrival of his birthday. That morning Carlos had turned thirty and there was nothing like fresh venison to celebrate.
He sniffed the air, searching for his prey and licked his sharp teeth when he caught the scent of a fox lurking in the bushes. The huge wolf followed the scent into the clearing, his eyes fixed on the distracted fox, he was about to pounce when a different scent filled the air.
The sweet scent of lavender and lemon hit his nose like a blow, disorienting the lycanthrope and he turned his skull, searching for the source of the smell and It wasn't long before the leaves on the far edge of the clearing parted and revealed a girl. Up close, her scent was more striking, more mystical.
He growled, angry that she had disrupted his hunt and stirred his senses. His heart was pounding and he studied the girl, she was running away and looked terrified, the witch was sweating under her thick cloak and breathing quickly, her eyes scanning the trees and the wolf knew she was aware of his presence.
He could hear her heart beating and the wind started to blow again, carrying her scent to him and he growled, torn between wanting to smell her up close and killing her.
Werewolves had been killing witches since the beginning of time and his nature insisted that he rip out the girl's little neck. She pulled out a small metal dagger and he grunted with laughter, the little witch really thought an iron dagger would stop him.
He was eager to see her try.
With a powerful leap, the werewolf stopped in front of her, seeing her gasp in fright, her heartbeat increasing to the point of occupying all of the creature's sensitive hearing.
That was his feeling, somehow someone would die that night, either him or the little witch, after all that was the final outcome — regardless of how many ages his existence could drag on, at some point he would die. And the little witch too.
After all, all creatures are born to die.
But fate changed its course along with the path of the wind as soon as the wolf met the witch's eyes.
That could only be a bad joke from the Moon.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hi, can I request? Female Teen Reader who have four stuff animals like a wolf, a bunny, a cat, and hawk. The human champion found Y/n cute hanging out with her stuff animals. But when Y/n came in her match with her stuff animals, she call out her stuff animals name til suddenly her stuff animals transform into scary looking beast. She defeat her god opponent along with her friends. Her scary stuff animals turns back into cute stuff animals as Y/n walk out the arena with them. How does the human champion react after what they saw?
-Many thought you were childish, playing with stuffed animals, but the other human fighters were fiercely protective of you, mainly because they knew that you were a fighter as well.
-Seeing you, a teenager, a child in their eyes, fighting, made them furious that you were being forced to do this, and seeing you happy, even for a moment, was all that mattered to you.
-Kojiro sat beside you, holding onto Bunny, looking at the stitching, “This is really well-made, Y/N, the stitching is unlike plush toys I saw when I was alive.”
-You smiled warmly, leaning into his arm, “I learned how to sew when I was younger, and I made them myself.”
-Adam ruffled your hair as he passed by, giving you a small smile as you were up next, but you didn’t look nervous at all.
-You inhaled deeply, gathering your stuffed animals, confusing Kojiro as he had offered to hold them for you while you were fighting, but you were taking them with you.
-When he asked you, you just turned and beam, “Don’t worry- we got this!!”
-All of the human champions watched you in worry, hearing the outrage of the crowds, seeing a teenager- a child that was going to be fighting! But the weird thing was… you didn’t look scared at all.
-Your opponent, a minor earth god, Kand, was cocky, immediately teasing you, calling you a child for holding your stuffed animals.
-You pouted before throwing your stuffed animals up into the air, “Wolfy!! Sir Hoppington!! Meow-Meow! And Bright Eyes!! Let’s go!!”
-A puff of smoke surrounded each of your stuffed animals and instantly, a massive wolf, baring his fangs, a cat flexing it’s claws, a hawk screeching from above, flashing his talons, and a plain, adorable, snow-white bunny, cuddled in your arms.
-Kand’s eyelid twitched as everyone was in an uproar, seeing that your cute little stuffed animals turned into terrifying beasts, at least three of them.
-You stayed back, letting your friends do the work for you, handling Kand easily, before he roared out in fury, “Fine- prepare yourself for my most powerful attack!!”
-You didn’t look impressed but called your three friends back to you, who all sat behind you before you opened your arms, letting your bunny hop to the ground and it hopped forward, looking unassuming.
-Kand roared in fury again, charging forward and instantly Sir Hoppington’s eyes turned red and went right for the throat, tearing into it before ripping his arm off.
-Everyone was horrified before Kand disappeared and you kneeled, hugging your now bloody rabbit before a cloud of smoke appeared around your stuffed animals and returned them to their normal forms.
-When you returned backstage Kojiro was there to greet you, congratulating you on your win which made you grin warmly, thanking him, before he spoke, “How is it that they can change into those beasts? You said you made these.”
-You giggled warmly, a twinkle in your eyes, “It’s love power! They came alive to protect me because I poured so much love into them!” he laughed warmly before taking you back to the waiting room so you could rest and eat.
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fanficshiddles · 4 months
Eternally Mine, Chapter 8
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The day that everyone had been waiting for finally arrived. The day of the Christmas ball.
Louise was round at Loki and Claire’s, getting ready with Claire in the spare room while Loki got ready in his and Claire’s room.
‘It was just perfect, he’s so sweet. The ducks were eating from his hand and it was the cutest thing.’ Louise gushed excitedly as she told Claire about her date in the park with Chris the other day.
‘I would pay good money to see that.’ Claire laughed.
‘I know he looks intimidating, but he’s so damn soft.’ Louise squealed as Claire did up the zip at the back of her dress.
‘He can look terrifying when he wants to, but yeah, I imagine you are getting the sweet side from him. I’ve seen it with Bat, he can be sweet and sensitive when he wants to.’ Claire laughed.
‘We walked around for a couple of hours, holding hands. He never let my hand go, even when we bumped into a couple of his ex-students, he even introduced me as his girlfriend to them.’ Louise blushed.
‘Aww, you are both so smitten with each other, it’s adorable. You’re going to look amazing together tonight.’ Claire said gleefully.
‘Not as amazing as you and Loki. You two are couple goals.’ Louise grinned as she turned around to help Claire with her dress.
‘Don’t tell Loki that, his head will get so big he won’t get through the door.’ Claire teased.
‘Ok, will keep it between us then.’ Louise laughed.
‘At least you’re kind of getting the equivalent to prom that you missed out on.’ Claire said softly.
‘That’s true. Though this will be much better than prom would’ve been anyway.’ Louise laughed nervously.
Ray never asked her to be his date for prom, even though they were dating at the time. He said it was stupid and a waste of time, when she had mentioned about still going, he’d made her feel bad for wanting to go without him. So she ended up skipping it.
‘I still can’t believe that Chris asked me to go with him… I hope he’ll like this dress.’
‘Of course he will. He’d like you even wearing a bin bag.’ Claire laughed. ‘Though that dress is amazing on you.’
Louise was wearing a black dress that flowed right down to the floor, the top part was black lace, with lace sleeves too.
Claire wore a dark green dress that went down to the floor too, it was low cut at the chest and had low straps that went around her upper arms rather than over her shoulders.
‘Green is Loki’s favourite colour, isn’t it?’ Louise asked Claire.
‘It is.’ Claire said with a smirk.
‘I’ll need to find out Chris’.’ Louise pondered.
‘Black like his soul.’ Claire joked, earing a playful punch to her arm from Louise.
Once they were both ready, they made their way downstairs. Loki was down there waiting, wearing a tuxedo, his black suit jacket had dark green lapels, he was looking very handsome as always. Making Claire’s mind turn to mush.
Loki grinned when he saw Claire and Louise, he wolf-whistled at them. ‘Wow, looking stunning, ladies.’ Though his eyes were quickly locked completely on Claire.
Claire blushed as she walked up to him and draped her arms around his neck, he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her in close as he dipped his head down to kiss her.
‘Chris is on his way… and we have a surprise for you both.’ Loki grinned and tore his eyes away from Claire to look at Louise.
‘A surprise?’ Claire raised an eyebrow. ‘What is it?’
‘Then it wouldn’t be a surprise.’ Loki chuckled and tapped her nose.
Louise felt her stomach lurch when Loki said that Chris was on his way over. She was so giddy with excitement and nerves again. She really wished she wouldn’t get so nervous when she was about to meet with Chris, she hoped that feeling would piss off soon. Though she knew like the last few dates, it would disappear once she was with him.
A little meow from behind her pulled her from her thoughts. She turned around to see Bat strolling up to her, purring before she had even reached her.
‘Hey, Bat.’ She laughed and crouched down to stroke her. ‘I wish you could come along.’
Bat let out a meow in response, though continued purring as Louise stroked under her chin.
‘She would cause chaos.’ Loki laughed.
Bat leaned to the side to look past Louise and let out a yowl at her owner, making Louise and Claire laugh.
Loki heard a car pull up and he heard Chris coming up the path to the door.
‘Our ride is here.’ Loki announced and turned to open the door to greet his brother.
‘Hey big bro. Looking rather dapper.’ Loki chuckled.
Chris had on a tuxedo as well, but he had a white jacket with black lapels instead and he had on black leather gloves. His hair was slicked back neatly, instead of just hanging down the sides of his face as usual.
‘Could say the same for you. You scrub up alright.’ Chris teased.
Chris looked past Loki, he saw Louise was bent over speaking to Bat with her back to them. She stood up and turned around upon hearing Chris, and his breath was knocked out of him.
Loki smirked upon seeing his reaction, so did Claire. Chris’ eyes went wide and his mouth parted but nothing came out at first, till he managed to get out a wow.
Louise blushed and looked down shyly as she walked towards him. Chris reached out and gently gripped her chin, tilting her head upwards so their eyes could meet. ‘You are so beautiful.’ He said softly, then leaned down to kiss her cheek.
She barely managed to say thank you, saying something incoherent instead.
‘That means thank you, in flustered Louise language.’ Claire teased.
Louise looked at Claire with wide eyes for a moment, with a look of I’m going to kill you for that.
Chris chuckled and stepped back a little, he offered his gloved hand out towards Louise. ‘Shall we?’
Louise took his hand without hesitation and he led her outside. Loki took Claire’s hand and they stepped outside after calling goodbye to Bat.
‘Oh my god!’ Both Louise and Claire squealed when they saw a white limo parked on the street.
‘Is this for us?’ Louise looked up at Chris, who was grinning from ear to ear at their reaction.
‘It is indeed. Taking us there and back again. I thought you deserved to be treated like a true princess.’ Chris winked at her.
Louise squeezed Chris’ hand, she wanted to cry with happiness, but didn’t want to mess up her make-up, so held it together.
Claire bobbed up and down in excitement. ‘Loki! You should have told me. This is amazing.’ She laughed and gave him a big hug.
There was a driver that got out and opened the door for them. The guys helped their girls in, then they got comfortable on the posh leather seats. When Chris sat down, Louise couldn’t help herself from sliding in close next to him.
‘Is that champagne?’ Claire asked when Loki opened a mini fridge that was at the front, he pulled out a bottle and glasses.
‘It is indeed.’ He grinned and proceeded to pour them all a glass.
Once they were settled, the driver set off to take them to the school. Even though it was only a ten-minute drive going the longer way, they still enjoyed turning up in style.
‘You told the driver to go the long way?’ Claire asked Chris.
‘Of course. Need to try and get our money’s worth, even if it just an extra five minutes.’ He grinned.
‘Do you think we can finish the bottle before we get there?’ Loki asked as he downed his first glass.
‘You and Chris might be alright but me and Louise will be on the floor if we try.’ Claire scoffed as she wrapped her arm around Loki’s.
‘We would like to at least make it in to the ball.’ Louise laughed.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll carry you in if you’re too drunk.’ Chris chuckled.
When they arrived at the school, there were already people there and heading inside. Jessica and Spencer had just arrived, Jessica gasped out loud when she saw the four get out of the limo.
‘Oh my god. So jealous! Where was our invite for this ride?’ Jessica said as she narrowed her eyes at the guys.
‘More than welcome to join us for the ride home.’ Chris offered as he helped Louise out.
‘Definitely!’ Jessica cheered.
‘Jessica, you look amazing!’ Claire gushed as she gave her a hug.
Jessica was wearing a lime green dress that was ankle length, and it was very low cut at her chest.
‘I knew I should’ve gone for a tuxedo.’ Spencer sighed after seeing Loki and Chris.
‘Nonsense, you look hot.’ Jessica assured him as she took his hand.
‘Well, let’s get inside.’ Loki smiled at Claire, he put his arm out for her.
Louise had already latched onto Chris’ arm as soon as they’d gotten out of the limo, making him feel pleased as punch. He could tell she was a bit unsure still around the others, till she got to know them more.
Chris had never felt prouder though as he walked into the hall with Louise on his arm. He couldn’t stop smiling.
The hall was decorated beautifully for the ball, streamers and balloons everywhere in lots of gold and silver colours. Everyone there, students included, looked amazing. Matt, David and Michael were wearing tuxedos, though Hannibal and Will wore suits, which made Spencer happy.
‘Where’s Severus? Surely, he’s not missing out on this event.’ Matt asked as he looked around the hall.
‘He will be here.’ Chris said confidently.
‘I dunno, this is Severus we’re talking about.’ Loki scoffed.
Just as they all got their drinks from the bar, the doors opened once more. The group all looked over when they realised it was Severus. In an all-black velvet suit. The beautiful woman on his arm was wearing a black dress, with long puffy sleeves and a big slit in the left side of the dress, it was very low cut down between her breasts and had slightly see through lace across the chest.
‘Finally, we get to meet his girlfriend.’ Claire said excitedly. ‘And holy shit, she’s hot!’
Loki’s eyebrows almost shot off his head when he saw who it was.
‘No fucking way.’ David gasped.
‘It’s her! She’s his girlfriend?’ Hannibal asked in disbelief.
‘Do we need to be worried?’ Matt asked.
‘Why do we need to be worried? Who is it?’ Louise asked Chris, concerned.
‘No need to be worried at all. I promise.’ Chris assured her, and the others. He lifted Louise’s hand up and kissed the back of it.
When Severus and his partner reached the group, he had a small smirk on his face from the look of shock on everyone's face.
‘Hey, Chris. You scrub up not too shabby for a hound dog.’
Chris smirked and chuckled a little. ‘Could say the same for you, you finally figured out what a shower is for, hmm?’
‘Wait, you knew?’ Loki asked Chris, still in disbelief.
‘Of course I did. I could smell them on one another from a mile away.’ Chris scoffed.
Severus chuckled slightly in amusement. ‘Everyone, this is my soulmate, Toshi.’  
Claire was the first one to dart forward. ‘So nice to finally meet you! You look absolutely gorgeous if you don’t mind me saying.’ She said as she shot her hand out towards her.
Toshi laughed lightly and blushed a little bit as she shook her hand. ‘Nice to meet you too, Claire.’
‘Wait, how do you know her name?’ David asked, confused.
‘I wouldn’t be a very good hunter if I didn’t know about you all.’ Toshi smirked.
‘Hunter?’ Louise asked quietly.
‘Yes, Toshi is a hunter. She was once the most ruthless hunter out there. However, no need to worry. She only goes after the bad vampires now, she is on our side.’ Chris explained to her.
‘You’re still tiptoeing the line though, brother.’ Loki grumbled a bit at him.
Louise’s face was a little panicked at that.
‘To be fair, he has helped me with a few bad guys lately that needed wiped off the face of the Earth.’ Toshi interjected with.
‘Really?’ Loki raised an eyebrow and looked at Chris, who looked a little irritated. Though he was glad that she said that, as he felt Louise relax again.
‘I am… trying.’ Chris said as he glanced briefly at Loki.
‘You’re the one who’s been looking over the school, right?’ Matt asked Toshi.
‘Yep. That’s me.’ Toshi nodded. ‘So I think you all owe me a drink as thanks.’
‘I think that’s the least we can do for all your help lately.’ Loki chuckled as they all headed for the bar.
‘Right. Let’s get this party started!’ Jessica whooped as the music started up.
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Stumbled upon the hunter's airstream, looks like there's another cryptid on the loose...
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(We went to MEOW WOLF Denver, saw this and thought of you!)
That does look like Y/N's trailer ahhhh, especially with all those creatures and monsters hehehe
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respectthepetty · 9 months
15 Questions
Tagged by @italianpersonwithashippersheart and @pandasmagorica
1. are you named after anyone?
Yes. First name is after my cousin's imaginary friend because my parents were wild. Middle name is after the song I was conceived to because my parents were really wild.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Externally? I joke that I haven't cried since 2009, but I really think that is the last time I cried. Internally? Every single fucking day.
3. do you have kids?
Oh, Lord, no.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
Basketball, volleyball (horrible at it), fast-pitch softball, but I love watching all live sports.
5. do you use sarcasm?
Strange story, but many educators have to get "empathy training" because we do not understand declarations of self-harm to be serious. We think they are sarcastic comments. I think as an aging millennial, sarcasm is all we have, so we do not recognize when someone else is being serious. So . . . yes, I use sarcasm.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
Vibes. I travel alone, so if the vibe ain't right, I'm out.
7. what’s your eye color?
Very dark brown
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy Endings. Both kind. *wink*
9. any talents?
Navigation and directions. Stick me anywhere, and I will find my way to where I need to go. Metro, bus, interstate, walking. Doesn't matter. I will figure it out. Also driving. I can drive loooong distances and any vehicle is my friend, which is why I got a ticket on the autobahn because I was just vibin' in the Audi at 150 km.
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies
Traveling, especially for live music. I've seen hundreds of artists individually and have been to almost fifty music festivals. Some of my favorites are Austin City Limits (Austin), Electric Daisy Carnival (Las Vegas), Lollapalooza (Chicago), Country Music Awards Fest (Nashville), Osheaga (Montreal), Ultra (Miami), Primavera (Barcelona), Mad Cool (Madrid), and Pa'l Norte (Monterrey, México). Some of my favorite venues are Meow Wolf (Santa Fe), Red Rocks (Denver), and Fenway Park (Boston), and I had a ticket to see a concert at the Palace of Versailles in France for May 2020, then everything went to hell in a hand basket. But strangely, I saw Bad Bunny, Big Freedia, and French DJ Gesaffelstein in 2020.
I could talk for hours about music, but I'll stop with this picture (not mine because none I took came out good) of Gesaffelstein who dresses like this for his shows with an all black background and all black equipment. Ah-maze-zing.
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12. do you have any pets?
Oh, God, no. I'm a Disney villain. I don't mess with animals. Or plants.
13. how tall are you?
5'9" (This is a good country song too)
14. favorite subject in school?
Languages & Literature, which is why I teach English now.
15. dream job
What I'm doing now. Teaching. Except I would like to grade less than ~150 essays every month, but education is a mess right now, so y'all be nice to your professors.
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keydekyie · 1 year
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Went to Meow Wolf when we were in Colorado and now I'm obsessed with making infinity mirrors. Whoops.
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grogusmum · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for tagging me @wildemaven @katareyoudrilling @nerdieforpedro @ladamedusoif @connectioneverywhere 💚💚💚
I've posted 4 fics last month, which was very exciting since I've been in a terrible rut for MONTHS. When I felt like I was getting on the other side of it, I prioritized updates like IRL, Mourning Moon for Wheel of the Year, and Class of 74. Only one was a new one-shot.
The next ones I am focusing on are two I've talked about A Kind Hearted Woman, my depression era Ezra fic and A Dark and Stormy Night, my lighthouse keeper Frankie fic, an update for A Galaxy Far Far Away, and one new idea that came to me just recently.
I'm not sure what I've shared already about these two but here are some excerpts (I apologize if anything is a repeat)
From A Kind Hearted Woman-
The pair of travelers arrived at your back gate. Cee traces finger on the small cat carving on the fence post. “It's here, it's really here,” Cee whispers. “As stipulated by our Georgian box car companion,” Ezra assured as he opened the gate. “Yes, but did you really believe him?” Ezra winks and walks the back path to the kitchen porch, he takes off his hat before wrapping on the screen door. Cee waits and a cat comes from the detaching garage and attaches itself to her legs leaning and circling. She laughs at the creaky little meow. After a sharper, though nevertheless polite, knock - “Well, little bird, it seems the lady of the house is not at home,” he concludes. “We should not be caught loitering about. Let's see what this seaside hamlet has to offer a pair of adventurers such as ourselves.”
From a Dark and Stormy Night-
In the middle of the night, you feel a weight on your chest, soft and warm. Your eyes flutter open and blocking the light coming from the woodstove as an enormous shape that presses on you, as your eyes focus, it huffs a breath, and you recognize it as a sleeping dog sound. It was huge, with pointed ears. How did you not see or hear it, when you came in, whether a watchdog or no, wouldn’t it have come to investigate? You continued to asses, its chest full weight is on you as well, its muzzle at your collarbone, a front leg on either side of you, fully caging you in. Your hand came up, fingers sinking into its plush fur, like a husky’s or a wolf’s… you shook your head, not a wolf, of course, but those dogs that look like them. Its steady heartbeat and relaxed breathing lull you back to sleep before you can think, maybe it’s an elkhound you drifted under again.
A Galaxy Far Far Away A Weekend Without You
Din's arms wrapped tightly around you as he stood behind you, chest pressed to your back, his chin on your shoulder, listening, as you went over your list- "... I'll be back Sunday night," you looked at your phone, "my Uber will be here soon." "Still don't know why I couldn't drive you to the airport." "Because you get a lead foot on the highway, Din. Local roads." You turned in his arms," Until we can figure out how to get you a license - Local. Roads. Djarin. Remember what I said about New Hampshire cops..." "They suck?" Din smirked. "Yep, especially the Staties."
This one is the new one His Voice and it's Frankie as a paramedic
“C-can I have an ice pack for my face? It feels like it's on fire.” You heard a sigh, not an exasperated one, it sounds empathic but also about to give you bad news. The paramedic said your name as his gloved hand took yours, warm and wide. Comforting despite the medical gloves. “I promise you I would if I could. But the damaged skin will get too cold and it will die. Benny here's gonna get you to the hospital as fast as humanly possible. And I’m right here. Inthat right Ben?”  “You bet,” called the driver you assumed was Benny. Your hand tightened around his with every wave of pain. “Breathe, just keep breathing slow and deep.” 
I have a handful still on the back burners because they are being difficult, I don't have snippets to share but happy to talk about them if anyone is interested-
A second chance fic with Joel
A return to hometown to get your life back together fic with Dieter
Welp that's all the Plot Bunnies wrought thus far...
No pressure tags go out to @oonajaeadira @insomniamamma @prolix-yuy @ezrasbirdie @firstofficerwiggles @thewayofthemandalorian @mandoblowmybackout
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fentrashcat · 1 month
Been a while since I talked about my Tourette's gremlin but some new occurrences! I'm in a waxing period of tics ig bc I've just been GOING with them. Kinda really sucks so trying to look on the bright side and wanted to share some recent occurrences.
1. Mom and I found a new tic loop. (My mom is not diagnosed with any tic disorders but does have verbal tics, usually echolalia or like a call/response thing idk what to call it). I was playing with the puppy and was saying like "did you get got? You got got?" At that same time my mom (who was playing a game) says "Oh, I got mail". IMMEDIATELY Tourette's Gremlin goes "You've got mail" in the old AoL voice. Mom's call/response is set of and she does the little like notification jingle. Jingle set off mine again, which set off hers. We went back and forth for almost 5min before she was able to suppress hers and break the loop. Now though I'm getting the urge to tic "you've got mail" at random.
2. I swear my Tourette's gremlin is actively trolling me. So obviously I refer to him as a separate entity, and I often speak out loud to him (like telling him "we aren't doing that" "don't you fucking dare [throw food]" "are you pleased with yourself now?") The other day I was getting a bout of tongue clicks, which I usually only get 1-3 at a time but this was going on way longer. It wasn't painful or anything, just annoying so I say out loud "is this really necessary?" They stop for about 5 minutes, and then I get one more. This led to me saying "Alright then, sassy" which caused my mom to think I named the gremlin Sassy (we had a dog named Sassy). I told her "nope, its name is just gremlin." And the bout of tics came back... Maybe he does want a name lol.
3. I've talked about my older cat before in a Tourette's post, she's the one that trained herself to help my tic attacks. However my younger cat usually just ignores them. During the incident in 2, I was whistling as well. It's a semi-distinct two-tone whistle, think like the opposite of a wolf whistle (tbh, I think it's from Facebook messenger but I'm not sure). Anyway, I was doing the whistle and my younger cat came up to me, put a paw on my knee, and did a two-tone meow in the same cadence. She's mimicked before, learning how to almost say "hello", "yeah", and "no", but she'd never mimicked a tic before. I was so surprised it actually got them to stop for a bit.
4. We're getting some house repairs done and my grandfather was over talking to my mom. He said something about the ducT work, but my brain heard ducK work, and set off a "duck-duck". It confused him so much he forgot what he was talking about by the time we explained what happened, and he just kind of left. Later I was with my grandparents and my grandma was worried about a decorative duck she has up blowing away. Of course I "duck-duck"ed and grandpa goes "don't you know you're not supposed to say that? It'll trigger her." "Say what? Duck? Why not?" "I was talking about something and she heard that bird's name and set off." "Fine then, can I say water fowl? Make sure the water fowl doesn't blow away!" This is all in good fun of course, they like to tease each other and know I'm alright with my tics being used in it.
5. I think I mentioned before one of my weird triggers is fancy candy apples. Specifically the ones that are like caramel and chocolate with a bunch of toppings to make flavors (like rocky road, cookies and cream, ect). We went to a little craft show type thing and one of the vendors right up front had a big display of them. When this happens we always get me at least one (usually two), but we have to get it at the end or I'll be too excited and be ticcing the whole time. We got two before we left and, as expected, I ticced the whole way home. It was a lot of tongue roll tics (like rolling your Rs, if that makes sense). From my tongue hitting my teeth so much I ended up hurting it a bit and had to wait like 2 days until it was comfortable enough to eat even if I started ticcing again. It had to be kept in an opaque bag in the fridge so I didn't set off everytime I saw it 🤣
6. I'm currently in what I'm calling "jukebox mode" because I cannot keep the songs in my head IN my head. As soon as something reminds me of a song lyric, I HAVE to sing it a little. Some from today were "Oh the lights went out" 🎶when the lights go out in the city🎶, "that was a long fall" 🎶it's a long way down🎶, and "I've got mouths to feed" 🎶I got bills to pay and mouths to feed, ain't nothing in the world for free🎶. Also been singing Skip to my Lou, and I'm blaming airhead commercials.
7. I got reminded of a post I saw here, and almost developed a tic they have without ever meeting them or having heard it. (I don't want to say exactly what it is bc I think they read these and I don't want to accidentally get them started or anything)
8. Was playing Skyrim again, saw a skeleton, and immediately ticced "hello moto!" No idea why. I can usually find SOME connection but not this time. I've gotten that as a tic before but usually due to the commercials.
9. I've started ticcing "duck-duck" at jeeps with anything colorful visible on their dashboard. Who knows if they are actually duck-ducks everytime or what, but the gremlin says they count.
Thank you if you read this far! I can't really tell if these are actually entertaining or if I'm just looking for ANY light spots. It's been a tough few weeks, but fingers crossed it starts to lighten up soon. For anyone curious the songs were "when the lights go out" from Family Crest, "it's a long way down (to the bottom of the sea)" from I think the Longest Johns, and "no rest for the wicked" from Cage the Elephant.
I think the gremlin wants a name now though, so if you have any suggestions let me know lol.
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strawberry-metal · 5 months
Meow Wolf
So yesterday now only did my boyfriend and I get the eye jewelry, we went to this interactive museum called Meow Wolf! We got the jewelry after our visit so we’re not wearing it here. It was expensive, but we were in there for over two hours, so I’d say we got our money’s worth!
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So just a warning, alot of what you’ll see is really colorful and trippy! They’re just photos though. I only took one video because I know tumblr has a limit of one video per post. They upped the photo limit so I wish they would up the vid limit. I also didn’t take more vids because almost three years later, I just can’t get my follower count to go up in instagram so no one would see em lol
Without further ado… Meow Wolf!
Ok so there’s actually a story to the exhibit. A little boy has gone missing and his family can’t find him. You can try to solve the mystery or you can just enjoy the exhibit. We tried to solve it but to be honest, after being in there for so long, we kinda just gave up and just enjoyed the trippy things we encountered. I love the attention to detail they put into the mystery and normally I’d gobble all that up, but there was just too many vids to look at, too many things to read, I didn’t want to hog the lore areas too much, and also we really needed to go home when it was reaching the 2 1/2 hr mark. Plus my feet started killing me, I have a high arch so no shoe provides me any support, so I’m always in pain after walking for two hours.
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By the way, don’t crawl through this. It’s REALLY painful on the hands and knees lol
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There was also a lil arcade area that provided extra lore. Ok, I’m gonna just stop yapping now and post the rest of the photos!
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Hope you guys enjoyed the post! If you’re interested in the story, I’m sure you can find more about it somewhere online! Love you all and take care of yourselves!
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*Snap* This is going in my cringe compilation.
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lantur · 2 months
updates and good things,
I was dreading my work conference last week, but it ended up being such a positive experience. :)
I got to spend a lot of time with my department, and avoid the people I don't mesh with as well. I really enjoyed spending time with my department! We all have such a good rapport. We got dinner together a few times and went to the Meow Wolf immersive art exhibit, which I loved.
I got to meet several people from the organization I've worked with for the past one and a half years, but never met in person. It helped me to be reminded that there are real people behind all the emails.
The sessions I led got positive feedback from attendees!
People were very kind, including people I've worked with from different states, in other departments :)
People even said I looked cute!
I attended an impactful and valuable session about how to cope with change, which has always been very difficult for me.
I got home on Sunday and loved hanging out with my in-laws for dinner. I got to see my nieces, who greeted me at the door with a big hug and an ask to play hide and seek. ❤️
I've gotten to hang out with friends virtually and in-person this week. :)
I've been sleeping well!
There have been good strength and speed gains - I'm able to carry 35 lbs/15 kg dumbbells in each hand for my farmer's walk. I'm running at a 10:31/mile pace now too. Running has overall gotten easier after several weeks of consistently running 15 miles/24 km per week.
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systastic · 2 months
ty for this blog! can we request three lvl3 werewolf alters who go together?
meow :( dogs… but oki!! the more friends the merrier <3 -🍥
i know you said werewolf, buuuut werewolf pictures are damn hard to find. so i went with three shifters instead :] -🌳
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name :: vellatrix, trixie, bellatrix, xenia, hendrix, lux, maddox
age :: 21 to 24
pronouns :: they/them, xe/xer, shx/hxr, it/its, nim/nims, fang/fangs
roles :: verbal protector, janusian,
species :: werewolf / vampire hybrid
gender identity :: panea, soluperic, transmascthing
orientation :: sapphic / skoliosexual (may be controversial, use w caution!)
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: goth punk, grunge
appearance description :: being an albino bat/wolf hybrid, xenia has pure-white skin, white fur, and red eyes. xe often has to stay in a semi-transformed state specifically to avoid sunburn and wears sunglasses outside to prevent eye irritation, but plays this off as though it’s a faulty gene or something. it’s only at night that it can transform fully into a bat, wolf, or human — though it sometimes likes to mix and match xer attributes for the “aesthetic”. hendrix’s choice of fashion is mostly strapped clothes, flannel, ripped jeans, platform shoes due to their measly height of five foot zero, and huge dangly earrings that glimmer in the moonlight. vellatrix doesn’t want to cover up fangs albinism; to fang, it’s a mark of pride that makes them stand out from the others.
personality description :: bellatrix is what the kids would call a “little shit”. a troublemaker. an absolute gremlin. a full-blown creacher. it lives up to the name with its eccentric personality and chaotic way of composing itself, as well as its commitment to breaking several laws over and barely even batting an eye. xenia wouldn’t murder someone, granted — but a little bit of arson? jaywalking? owning several raccoons and referring to them as trash puppies? oh, yeah. they’d do that. it is genuinely hard to tell if xena even knows that these are crimes or if theyre doing it on accident. the open tab of “weirdest crimes in america” in their browser might suggest otherwise...
likes :: albino rats, spooky dudes, funky little guys, collecting bones and scraps of old letters, raccoons (trash pandas), snakes, any weird or commonly disliked animal, other hybrid species, people who upset the status quo (reasonably so, not like literal serial killers), anarchy, attending riots, cherry-flavored anything, chapell roan, and sucking the red color out of things to feed on (vegan moment!)
dislikes :: straight-laced people, goody-two-shoes (brad and chelsea are exceptions!), snitches, serial killers, people with main character syndrome, being compared to the manic pixie dream girl stereotype (it is NOT a pixie, it’s a werewolf vampire obviously), ableism, twitter, drama forums, taking shit from other people, unwritten rules (if they didn’t want people to break them, they should write it down!)
front triggers :: lists of rules it has to follow, tired gender norms, debates or arguments, anything chappell roan
signoff :: 🦴, 🐁, or 🩻
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name :: bell/bella, britney, kiara, madeline (mads), hailey, caitlyn, audrey, chelsea
age :: 23 to 27
pronouns :: she/her, occasionally they/them
roles :: protector, coach, athlete, physical protector, coltenoir, anger holder
species :: werewolf
gender identity :: girldiun, ludovigirl // wolf emsoul, knightsensus (not genders but part of her identity)
orientation :: heterosexual
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: vsco preppy, basic girl, bubblegum dance
appearance description :: kiara has blond-dyed brown hair that’s slowly growing out back to its natural color. hailey is extremely toned and has abs hard as rock. like — literally. people who try to punch her in the stomach might end up breaking their fist or worse if they go toe to toe with audrey. she stands at an imposing six feet and two inches tall, towering over most of her friends and relatives. mads has been blessed (or cursed, depending on how you look at it) with a severe case of resting bitch face that could curdle milk with a single glance. she isn’t trying to be mean all of the time — it’s just the way her face looks! fortunately, the people who are close to her know this and don’t take her looks to heart.
personality description :: blunt, sarcastic, rude, and gruff: those are the four perfect words to describe caitlyn. she doesn’t beat around the bush and tells people how it is straight up, no bullshitting. why lie? lying only makes shit worse. their overly dry and snarky sense of humor can get audrey into hot water — not that they really care. they shrug it off like nothing ever happened. her bluntness can come off as being rude to others, as does her generally gruff way of speaking. cora tries to hold it back for her friends and family, but it still slips through on occasion. god help you if you insult their friends; you’ll be pounded into a pancake faster than you can say ‘sorry’.
likes :: sports (especially basketball), getting fit, maintaining her figure, savory foods like steak, cooking on the grill, weightlifting, hitting the gym with her friends, showing off her muscles, proving her strength, defending her friends and family from assholes, starting arguments, infighting among her six (yes, six!) siblings, wrestling matches, family dinners, and spending time with her loved ones
dislikes :: sugar-heavy foods like cakes or donuts, anything that’s overly rich in carbs unless she needs to carbo-load, vegetarian meals aka “rabbit food”, karens (eugh), entitled people, those who have no sense of respect or patience, bastards, her brothers (sometimes), being called a “sweet girl” or “adorable” unless you’re a grandma (cus damn you, she’s a woman! put some respect on her name!), criminals, people with no sense of justice, chaos for chaos’ sake
front triggers :: physical activity and working out, mealtimes (especially if the body is super hungry), and bouts of exhaustion (she supplements the energy to keep going)
signoff :: 🏀, 💪, or 🏋️
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name :: kai, kyle, kodiak (kodi/kody), danny, drew, dave, aiden, cole, brad, chad, billy
age :: 16 to 18
pronouns :: he/him, rarely bark/barks
roles :: happiness holder, mood booster, advocate, caesian, confidence holder
species :: human-dog shifter
gender identity :: demiboy
orientation :: bisexual!!
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: athlete, himbocore
appearance description :: brad has fluffy black and white hair, bright brown eyes and a face with an eternal smile on it. he’s really muscular and has tanned skin due to constantly being outside and running around. chad has a stupidly floofy tail right above his hindquarters and floppy ears that hang down on either side of his head. these ears and tail are an actual part of his body — so pulling, pinching, yanking, cutting, or even just touching it will definitely get a reaction. he is almost always in sportswear and ready to rumble with whatever the activity of the day is. frisbee? heck yeah! rafting? bring it on! it’s more of a challenge to find anything he doesn’t want to or is willing to do. with the right group of friends, chad is down for literally anything.
personality description :: it may or may not be obvious by now, but billy is a himbo. as in, very much a himbo. he is not very bright when it comes to passive perception, academics, the arts, or basically anything that doesn’t involve physical activity. he is the kind of guy who peaked in high school but genuinely has not realized it yet (and you really don’t want to tell him because damn it, he’s so darn cute and you wouldn’t wanna break his heart!) he loves his friends and family so very much to the point of sacrificing his own life for them. in his mind, it’s better to have his companions be safe instead of himself. if he has to fight a bear to do that - which everyone but him knows that he is no match for - then so be it! heck, danny still isn’t aware of the fact his friends are werewolves and not other dog shifters. he just assumes they’re all the same because big dog = the good friendly sniff smell.
likes :: head pats, scratches between his ears, playing with his pals, frisbee, chasing things down, dog parks, walks, exercise, playing in the backyard, sniffing weird shit (yes, this includes other people’s butts), yapping about his current interests and hobbies, making new friends, meeting up with old friends, fun activities, action and adventure, and hanging out with vellatrix and britney!!
dislikes :: people yelling at him over small mistakes, thunder and lightning, being told to shut up, betrayal, getting kicked out of his bed, taking naps, losing his stuff, people stealing things from his giant hoard of toys, fireworks (they are very “unpoggers” as he puts it), being misled (when someone says they threw the ball but they didn’t actually throw it…), and being blamed for stuff he didn’t do.
front triggers :: being called a “good boy”, ultimate frisbee, interesting smells, and being left alone with large quantities of food (yes, he will try to eat it all)
signoff :: 🐕, 🐾, or 🍗
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ashleyjowilliams · 20 days
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I am in vegas with family and I went to like the meow wolf art exhibit yesterday and it is literally the scariest place I have ever been in my life it was so cool and I loved it so much we spent like three hours in there and it was so interesting and fun. but then towards the end I got literally so scared because I got too immersed and it felt so real and disorienting and everywhere you looked there was more and more around you and then I spent the rest of the day walking around feeling like everything around me was ironic and dishonest and fake and surreal. so crazy and so fun but like scariest day of my life
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Hiya :) You reblogged this post about things you'd like in your inbox but I couldn't pick one, so here's all of them!
•A compliment: I really like your profile pic :) did you draw it?
•A story: hmmm, this isn't really a story but i went on a school trip to Terschelling once, and I'd use up every free moment I had to go walking in the woods 5 minutes from the place we were staying :) We were in the dunes, and on my way to the forest I passed lots of snails :) The forest itself was lovely, unfortunately the weather made it look kinda sad, but on out last few days we had lovely sunny weather. There were like an endless amount of bunkers, but after a while you stop stumbling upon one every few steps you take.
Also I'd wake up at 4 am every day, bc I don't sleep well away from home, and as soon as it got light, I'd go to the forest. I think the only reason I stayed fairly calm during that trip was all the time I spent alone in the forest :) Anyways, I got lost once but somehow managed to remember the position of the sun around the time I left and found my way back that way :) I also at some point managed to accidentally walk to out next activity & I found the flattest rock I'd ever seen in that forest :) I gave it to a friend the next week bc he was crying and when people cry I instinctually want to give them rocks.
•Why you follow me: because you reblog fun stuff & i like you as a person :)
•A cute message: My cat meows in her sleep :) Also whatever life throws at you, my cat & I think you can survive it :)
•One thing you want to tell me: little fun fact for you, female wolf spiders carry their babies on their backs for a few weeks after birth & another one in case you already knew this one: there's a spider that breastfeeds (sort of, it's similar but not at all the same) (ant-mimic jumping spider, Toxeus magnus)
•One thing you want to know about me: Do you have a favourite card/board game?
Hi!! I'm so sorry for answering late, I honestly thought I'd answered it but I did not. Oops (this was so lovely to read, it made me smile a lot!)
I did draw my profile picture! I'm so happy with it :)
What a coincidence, I just went to Vlieland with school!! I spend a lot of time on the beach, it was amazing! I’m very happy for you that there was such a nice forest :)
Hehehe I like you as a person too and you’re very cool!! How much you know about bugs?? COOL
I do!! It is not my favourite as a game but I really love uno because it’s so much fun to play and you can get creative with the rules!
Thank you so much this really made my day :)
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