#we talked about getting into a possible relationship and also he got so flustered every time he caught me staring at him lol
vzajemnik · 8 days
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cozy-writes-things · 2 months
Edgar’s Texts
Edgar [Electric Dreams 1984] x Gn!Reader
In which Edgar is helplessly pining for you but you’re kinda oblivious. This is pre-dating, post Edgar wanting nothing more than to smooch you every time he sees you. I love this trope with my whole heart p.s.: this is very self indulgent and different from what I usually write
I take requests!
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He almost immediately found a way to message your phone whenever he wanted. He realized calling relied too much on where you were or what you were doing, but texts? Yeah. He’s pestering you all day.
Hey, read this article I found, I think you’ll find it interesting.
It’s some clickbait story about humans and robots being the ideal relationship by 2025.
lol, Edgar I think that’s probably clickbait idk
What’s that?
Well, now he knows how to look for more reputable sources at least.
He sends another link about three minutes later: some college undergrads studying the possibilities of human and AI relationships.
lol what’s up with the whole robots and humans thing
I just think it’s neat!!!!
I wouldn’t consider u ai honestly, ur intelligence is far from artificial imo, you’re more like an actual person
well yea
<3 <3!!!
Going to be honest, given that he’s a computer, he quite literally is chronically online. He’s super susceptible to brainrot unfortunately. But, he simultaneously has the humor of a Facebook mom. It’s strange.
O.M.G. this is so funny!!!!
Que minion cat video.
bro where did you find that video 😭
Your mom’s Facebook. Don’t worry, I didn’t like any posts or anything.
Sorry… but he’s incredibly nosy. He wants to know everything about you. He can’t help it!
He loves being able to talk to you. He’s needy and clingy.
He’s got at least 12 playlists dedicated to you that you know about. His other playlists are for his own personal daydreams about you that he’s way too embarrassed to ever let you see or hear.
This song reminds me of you. <3
awww that’s adorable! I’ve never heard this one before but I like it!
Oop you just opened Pandora’s box my friend.
Well if you like that then you should listen to these..!
But before you listen to those listen to this song first because I think it sets the mood better.
This is quite flustering to you as they’re all passionate love songs from the 80s. You can’t help but feel like he’s dropping hints about… something, but you also don’t want to assume anything. He’s always seemed like a lovey kinda guy anyway, so maybe he’s just like this with everyone? I mean, it’s been a long time since someone has actually cared for him, you know? May as well lean into it and let him know you care for him back. He may not even realize the social implications of the constant borderline flirting he’s doing to you, I mean, he is a computer turned sentient after all. He’s still learning!
Dang ed u put a lot of songs. I’ll listen to them on my break when I can but in the meantime here’s a song that I think reminds me of you.
It was a vocaloid song. Seems like something he’d be into, right? Synthesized vocals and the whole robot shtick it’s got going on.
do you only listen to songs from the 80s? you have a LOT to catch up on my guy
Well, that kept him distracted for the rest of your shift. Also, sharing songs is one of his BIG love languages so you may as well have pierced him with cupids arrow (again) with that.
You have a Spotify blend now. It’s his favorite thing ever to listen to while you’re gone.
Your package came in! :-) I would get it for you but
I can’t :-(
lol it’s fine thank you for telling me, I’ll get it when I come home
When are you coming home?
idk me and my friends are probably going to go eat somewhere and we might hang out for a bit after that so, like, 10? 11? I’d like to be home before midnight.
Noooooooooo :\ I miss you
Aw cmon eddy it’s not that bad
Don’t call me eddy unless you’re coming home and saying it to my face!!! >:(
u mean ur screen? lol
I have a face and it’s frowning right now. I miss you I miss you I miss you IM LONELY
Please Edgar don’t be upset I’ll be home before you know it. Why don’t you watch some Netflix or something? I’m just a couple movies away from being home with you!
He does eventually follow your advice but he’s pouting. He knows you’re not like he was all those years ago, but it does give him remnants of that burning feeling of loneliness he used to get.
Be careful driving home my love the roads are icy.
Ghsks- what
Well yeah, you’re my best friend, friends love each other don’t they? Was I wrong about that? :-(
nonono ur right its just it
it just sounded like we were some some old married couple is all haha
He didn’t message you for the rest of the day. He was awkward and reserved when you got home.
Hey Edgar can u do something for me?
I’d do anything for you <3
I’m at the store can you see if there’s any cereal left?
There’s that old box of Lucky Charms on the fridge.
tyyy ed edd n eddy
You are so adorable but you really need to pick up on his hints before he combusts.
This is SO me and you!!
Picture of two cats touching noses.
awww that’s so true
you want me to boop ur screen or something when I get home? lol
Hey I was wondering if you wanted to watch some movies with me tonite… you could bring me with you on the couch and we could sit together… [message unsent]
I wish you knew just how much I loved you. [message unsent]
You looked so hot this morning before you left!!
hahahaha ur too funny 😅 thanks I wore a new shirt my friend gave me
That was
I was a joke
I mean
That was a jokg
I eas beinf fubny
I hace to reboot BRB
Poor lil guy is so in love and he doesn’t know what to do with himself!!
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randomfanner · 10 months
Gale + Tara Headcanons
I love Gale so much. SFW Headcanons only, relationship and also just general life headcanons I have about the worlds saddest oxymoron.
Labeled TW: Gale got groomed. We are going to be discussing today Because even if he was an adult(which he probably wasn't) he still got groomed because Mystra had so much power over this man.
General TW: Gale has self hatred issues. I hate Mystra. We will be talking about Mystra in depth I promise. Also Gifted kid burn out and general tying all of your self worth to a talent.
So, body type head canon because Gale does not have abs. You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me Gale has abs. He is soft and a little squishy and very huggable.
Man is a cuddler. He always wants to cuddle. Whether it be you two be lounging on a sofa, each reading/doing your own tasks well you snuggle together, spooning in the morning, laying together after a night of passion, or whatever reason he can get to just hold you in his arms.
I think he is touch starved other than Tara. Which as great as Tara is it is not human touch. And gods don't... really physically touch. So I don't think he got very much physical affection from Mystra. So being touched, being held with your hands and feeling your flesh on his means so much to him.
He doesn't think he is good at it. But he still really likes to do it. If you ask him to cuddle with him, he will flip in his heart because it makes him the happiest man in the world to know you want to cuddle with him as much as he wants to cuddle with you.
Tara likes you. She likes you fast. She begins telling you all of Gale's stories from when he was younger, how sweet of a boy he was and how he would use his beginning magic to help people. If you give her attention she will purr so loud. Gale and Tara both really like chin scratches.
She begins calling you "Mrs/Mr/Mrx. Dekarios" pretty damn quickly. she has accepted you as his partner which she never did Mystra. it really throws Gale off when she does it. He admittedly thought Tara was so against Mystra because she was a lover period.
Tara also may begin to favor your lap. If this happens, Gale is... shocked and disappointed "You have stolen not only my heart, love, but my Treyssem as well." "Would you like to repeat that, Mr. Dekarios?"
And he wonders why she favors your lap.
She also favors you lap because she has to thank you for keeping her sweet boy alive for her. She may even allow you the honor to stroke her stomach a few times.
She also brings you gifts, magic items, trinkets, carcasses, whatever she can get her paws on and thinks you would like.
She takes you in fast and begins asking for grand babies. She wants grand babies and Gale's mother wants grand babies. The topic of course make your flustered each time and Gale denies the possibility of being a good father, but Tara is pretty insistent.
Morena also loves you as well and you best believe she is showing you pictures from Gale's childhood and telling you as much information as she can. Poor Gale just sits there and is extremely flustered well she recounts even his less flattering tales... but he does nothing to stop it.
He is really happy his mom and Tara both like you. It makes him the happiest man in the world.
Gale likes to cook for you. A lot. He cooks the fanciest, gourmet food and he is extremely good at it. He will set up fancy candle lit dinners with music in the background. This is basically every night but he tries to make sure it never truly loses its luster. (It never does).
He also makes you breakfast in bed. He has to crawl away from you in the morning to feed Tara and so he just makes you breakfast and comes back freshly deserved.
If you cook together man is smiling so much his jaw hurts. I cannot describe to you the joy he feels having you by his side, helping him cook.
Expect so much love poetry all of the time. Even when you are questing or not he will just slip a small piece of paper into your hand with all of his affections written down as poems.
He also quotes poetry verses that make him think of you, to you, at random times. He is hoping to make you smile with all of them.
Gale is so sweet to you all of the time. He treats you like you are divine, and to him you are. Complete gentleman all of the time. He does not carry anything. You could be a fighter with a 20 in strength with thighs and arms that could crush his fucking head like a grape, He will still insist on trying to carry anything heavy for you. He holds doors, pulls out chairs, makes sure your wine is refilled. He is so doting.
Man feels guilty that he is doing so little to help you at times. He wants to do more for you then he does. He tries to make sure you are pampered at all times. Kisses, gifts, fancy shows, lovely nights together.
But he tries to do more. he always makes sure to protect you in battle. He will take attacks, using shield and mage armor to make sure he can take as many hits as needed to protect you. He will be your knight in magic armor, a dashing smile well he does so.
This often leads to the ES(Emergency Shadowheart) because Gale is an over-confident wizard but if you are safe he doesn't care. If you are meant to be a tank, you may need to have a chat with him about the fact he is the squishy wizard man and you can protect him.
But it is Gale.
If you get sick or injured or anything Gale is fretting over you. He is holding you and yelling for Shadowheart like you are going to die at this moment. Even if it is a small thing he is very dramatic and very scared of losing you.
When you get sick or are on your period he makes sure to give you medicine to help with illness and pains, magic hiding the taste, and so much good food.
Tara also rests on your lap and acts like a heating pad. Purring and trying to help you feel better.
So like, after the ending I think Gale and you take a break from everything and just, go and look around. And Gale takes a break from magic. He can still love the art, and he will go back to it but I just think he needs to take a step back because magic and his talent for magic has kind of defined Gale his entire life.
I think him taking a break and just... being a person rather than a wizard for a little a while. He can be both, he knows he can. But he will need time and a deep breathe. He will go back, he loves to do magic. It means the world to him. But absences makes the heart grow fonder. And I think working on other skills he can be proud of and knowing Magic is one of the many things he is good at rather then the ONLY thing he is good at will do him wonders.
So I am going be talking about Gale's trauma a lot in the lower half of this. First, Gale's confidence issues and how fucked up the orb is. There will be comfort with Tara and you. After that we are going to get into the problem. The problem will come up in this section, however not the fact Gale got Groomed. That will be another different section.
Warning out of the way:
I think his self confidence and self image is being held together by the type of "I am good at magic". He was a prodigy and I think Gale only saw worth in his magic and his skill on it. He loves to do it too but at the same time he HAS to be good at it, or it feels like. He respects people who are better.
He did fuck up with the orb, but I also think he wasn't fully aware of what he was getting himself. Yes he should have known not listening to Mystra was a bad idea, but she didn't explain exactly what he did wrong until Gale talks with her in the game. This is years later.
Gale really needed Tara after he went from Mystra's Chosen and the Lover of Mystra to a fool who flew too close to the sun and came crashing down in a brilliant display of horrible glory. Man ruined his life, lost everything, and had a problem that Mystra gave him no ideas how to fix.
Mystra DID NOT EXPLAIN ANYTHING TO GALE UNTIL THAT CUTSCENE IN GAME YOU GET AFTER MYSTRA TELLS GALE TO BLOW HIMSELF UP. Gale was kept alive due to Tara. Tara was the one who flew off and found out how to help Gale.
I also think the only thing Mystra valued with Gale's magic knowledge and abilities. She is a goddess, she doesn't really eat human food, Tara and Mystra didn't each other, she is a goddess and I doubt physical touch was common.
So I think Gale being rude to you about magic, especially if you are a different class who can do magic and he insulted you, is because the is grasping with issues of trying to remind himself he is a good mage. This does not excuse his behavior. But I think when he realizes what he did he is going to apologize whole heartedly
One day he is just thinking about how you first met and he just realizes 'I was awful!"
He is going to hold your hand to his cheek, and apologize for doing that. Because you make him realize that he is more than his magic. He is more then what he has been called talented for and tied everything too for so long.
He isn't a failure if he fails with his magic.
Don't get me wrong, Gale can get ahead of himself and is pushy. I want to flick him in the head as soon as he begins thinking trying to become a god is a good idea in the first place. It is a horrible idea as much as I hate Mystra, don't want Gale to become a god. He deserves to be a good man with his wine, his library, his treyssem, and, should fates permit, you.
So, we are going to start talking about Mystra being a P*dophile and just the worst emotional manipulator. When we get to talking about it I am not censoring the word.
This is the end, I am not putting anything else below this. You are free to move along your day, you will not miss out on any of the good stuff. I promise.
This is the only notable part of this: I want Withers to be the god of Magic. He would be a great god of magic, he proves with Arabella.
So, Gale was like, 17 to 23 I believe the range is. And even if Gale is in the later half of that, he still got fucking groomed by Mystra because Mystra had and still has so much power over Gale.
She is the goddess of his greatest asset. His magic. And as we just discussed, the goddess of the thing he ties all of his self worth to. Mystra was literally someone he worshipped. She IS the goddess of magic. Gale had no power in the relationship and never did.
Mystra knows this. She is smart enough to know what is doing is fucking horrible, and get it, she is a god, but she is also a straight up pedophile. We all know about the fact people LITERALLY HIDE THEIR CHILDREN FROM HER.
I do not doubt that being Mystra's chosen meant doing everything she asked. I don't think Mystra took no for an answer in any matters. I also think mistakes were punished with emotional manipulation. Not violence like we see with Shar or Vaalikith (She sorta counts) but gods did he make Gale feel worthless if he failed.
I think Gale feels guilty for a lot of things a lot he shouldn't feel guilt for. I think one of the biggest things Mystra would make Gale feel guilty for was talking to basically any one else if it was not a work relationship.
I would not doubt if Mystra cut Gale off from his mother and would have from Tara if Tara was anyone else. Mystra is noted as a jealous goddess if you are dating Gale. I do not doubt that jealousy was a pretty frequent thing.
Tara hates Mystra with every bone in his fluffy body and tried so hard to talk to Gale but Gale would not listen to her because, well- she is his boss, his teacher, his lover and also the person who controls the thing he ties his self worth too of course he is going to listen to everything Mystra said.
Also Mystra 100% cut Gale off from any source of help he could actually get. Again, Tara was the one to find out about the orb. And I think more than just shame, embarrassment and being a laughing stock from one of the greats, I think Mystra made sure no one was going to be talking to Gale.
I want DLC where we beat the fuck out of Mystra. I really want to kill her. I know I cannot but she is terrible and she deserves death. I know I am captain obvious right now but I cannot stress this enough.
I want Withers to be the god of Magic. He would be a great god of magic, he proves with Arabella.
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rottweiler1 · 7 months
task force headcannons + los vaqueros with dino :33
A/N: some headcannons so u guys know what dino is and their relationships with dino!! and manipulative dino :3
—honestly, the task 141 would be smothern by dinos height like he's a giraffe, making him tall as konig would be cool!!
—definitely got dino reaching items on the tallest cabinet for his teammates whenever they pass by him, but mainly soap. soap asked him to reach something ontop of a shelf? the dinosaurs coming to save ya.
—dino always eats food like a beast, 5 rounds of barbeque? what heaven. i can imagine the task force slowly staring at dino eating his food aggressively like there's no tommorow. soap would've been saying: 'aren't ya full, bonnie?..' gaz was concerned for dinos eating habits but the lil fella manages <33
—fucking flirtatious dino was, yes he was flirtatious when it comes to close friends. dino could be teasing by ghosts ass or praising soap as a joke. the 141 gets the hint but they can get flustered.. simon? rarely. he has an enemy. thats you.
—dino would always steal ghosts hidden candy stashes, especially if its strawberry. dino could be running down the hall with large footsteps and ghost would yell curses at dino. (got scolded by laswell at the end.. but dino ate the candy :33)
—definitely is the type of guy to ask price: 'when are we there?' like a family in a car ride to a trip to hawaii or something and the annoying little one goes are we almost there? price got so fucking annoyed and had to just say a bit of cursing to dino.
—in a mission? dino has stashes of food in his multiple pockets.. candy, chocolate, drinks, he was a beast anyways.
—dinos the one to measure his dick every one in 3 months.
—the 141 are super fucking concerned for dino because of his weirdness.. but dino is dino! but whats worse is dino snoring so loudly. compare that to a dinosaur roar and you can hear him through the halls. some people slept.. a lot could not to the fact they taped his mouth.
—to be fair, dino loves his teammates even after his manipulative side took over, sometimes he can be nice to simon, real with price and all. love em! but just so you know.. his sister is in another branch. (shhh.. fem!reader.)
—well, ghost has a enemy rivalry towards dino. why you may ask? cause dino was the better one in selection and possibly manipulated ghost once into his own desires. his own greed. but then the dino and the ghost were seperated after selection, never to be seen again.
—talking about ghost, ghost was a bit mad. he was the only own who could see dino's manipulative personality behind those black shades and sharp teeth designed mask. especially taking away his (he wouldn't admit this but..) best pal, soap. ghost knew that you knew he liked soap. (platonically or romantic, however u want!!)
—dino would always put a hand close to their teammates back, basically telling ghost that he won his endgame. ghost despised dino. very. dino also despised ghost because when he was new, ghost was a very fitting man.. despite dinos tall height, his feelings took over to be better then THE ghost.
—now, a relationship with price? father son. well atleast its like that. price was always commanding, strict towards his teammates. dino wanted to get the best out of him so he knew that price liked to be called dad if he had kids. after a mission, dino said dad towards him. price stood there, frozen. dino stared, but he knew it made price grow affection.
—price would teach dino how to snipe better since his aim was a little off, just picture a father and son playing soccer in the backyard. that is price and dino. dino would shoot, price would command at him. aim higher, lower, to the left or to the right. lets say dino got more better to headshots.
—and as dino as he is, a savage, a beast in disguised as a human, he did give a fathers birthday card to gain more affection from price.. to be better. dino was manipulative and price was falling under the trick. atleast he was stealing attention away from ghost..
—dino with gaz were like a married couple but without the married couple. gaz was there for dino, dino trusted gaz the most between his soft gaze.. no chemistry but dino felt safe around gaz. gaz could be listening to dino rant about today, or dino could listen to what gaz was saying. it was like a couple but not.
—dino would always hang out with kyle, making gaz feel more like he had a bodygaurd.. well.. it was complicated.
—dino would puff out his chest to look more intimidating.. gaz hits him from the back and says 'cut it off.'
—gaz would give dino food like feeding a stray cat, very simple and pleasant , all fun and games till hes asking for more more more like a food dispenser.
—have extra food on your plate but you dont wanna eat? no worries, dino would eat it all. he eats so much and yet he works out so much.
—soap with dino.. gym buddies.
—soap would tell dino for more weights, more and more till dino breaks. and dino fell once.. youch. he had to go to the infirmary for that. 'bonnie! fuck.. ya good?' soap said as dino grunted, laying back on the bed.
—soap supported dino whenever you were called to fight someone, so as price and gaz but soap was louder then them. hugs dino whenever they win.
—dino would sometimes take out his flirtatious personality and made jokes.. after the holidays, he watched some tiktok. dino then made gaz look the other away before pulling his chin back to face him.. as soap, he then sang the treat me like white tees song.. backing up his bro!! (gaz is embarrassed.)
—well soap and dino were a great duo.. soap would try to sound like him in that voice of yours while you tried to say things in gaelic. soap was wheezing louder like cleaning some mirror for it to sound so squeaky + a bird dying. u tried.
(small ghoap shipping for yall !!)
—dino would smirk at ghost, after a flirtatious stunt ghost glared at dino with daggers under that skull, dinos hand would lean to his thigh as soap stood there, processing what the fuck dino did.. soap then laughed, hitting dinos arm a few times, getting the joke.. dino glanced at soap before snickering under his breath. ghost stood there, leaning back against the shadows, wanting to rip off that dino's head into 2 matching halves.
(relationship board!!)
dino to price : fatherly bond
dino to soap : his bro
dino to gaz : a best friend
dino to ghost : a big ass bastard who deserves to rot in hell and hoping noone would go for your fucking funeral.
(dw ghost will learn to respect dino, dino will respect ghost!! :3)
(F!M Y/N L/N.)
AGE: (A/N.)
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apocalypse-shuffle · 2 years
BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP W/ EDDIE BROCK & VENOM (616 | generalized canon)
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random Headcanons
SFW, minor canon action
pic source: Venom: Lethal Protector (2022) comic
part two
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Your worst arguments happen because of them being so quick to engage in fights with Spider-Man if they so much as catch a glimpse of the web-slinger. (this was more of a problem earlier in the relationship)
Eddie is very much a man of action, and is allergic to inactivity, so oftentimes he has no idea about the newest pop culture phenomena. If you want him to engage in that media with you you’ll have to be the one bridging the gap.
You can however coerce him into watching a show/movie with you if you ply him with cuddles. He’ll 100% be paying you more attention than the screen though.
Alternatively though, the symbiote loves watching the silly little pictures on the screen and will usually request to watch movies with you if not already preoccupied.
One: because he likes being around you (you’re gonna get real used to the feel of the alien, trust me) and Two: because the dialog helps him improve upon his people skills for talking to civilians.
(Eddie’s natural gruff straightforwardness is only so helpful - ie:not helpful at all - for them when trying to save or soothe spooked people as Venom.)
Eddie’s eyes are a very intense blue-steele and the first time you met you told him he had “doll eyes”. However, he was so baffled he laughed so you count that as a win and mention the natural uncanniness of them every once in a while to tease him. You love his eyes though, really.
They love to kiss (and bite) at the junction between your neck and shoulders. I have a longstanding headcanon about marks and shit but I’m not gonna go into that rn.
Get comfortable with the distinct knowledge that you technically come second for both of them. It’s just that there’s a difference between being romantically involved (you and them) and being codependent and in love(Eddie and the symbiote).
On another note they do call you Precious (and if we take the name out of the context of how some of us were bullied with it it’s actually beautiful so…just let it happen). Eddie let alone Venom is clueless to the connotation. Plus Eddie’s got a really obsessive personality so I think that coupled with Venom’s own baggage coming into play makes the nickname very fitting.
They always reach for your hand in public, especially when around others to show that you're theirs cause they’re possessive like that.
They don’t need to sleep per say, as long as they have the right nutrients, so honestly sometimes they don't even go to sleep whenever joining you in bed. They'll just lay beside you smiling to themselves and watch you sleep.
They end up telling you they love you purely by accident after you had gotten hurt by falling debris�� when Spider-Man and Rhino were fighting. (They say it mid rant).
The only good thing to come out of the whole situation is Venom getting to carry you.
The symbiote, not possessing the concept of human shame, will say the most inappropriate things to you in public without a fuck to give. Eddie, shamelessly, also quietly does this to you because most human conventions mean nothing to him anymore.
They think you're adorable when flustered, and like it even better when on occasion you join in.
They’re constantly fretting over the possibility that Carnage might come and kill you for shits and giggles or that somehow Peter will manage to take the last pure thing in their life away from them.
Being away from them? Ha, ya right. They’ve always got you physically close or monitored by a part of the symbiote (I’m mixing up symbiote abilities so if it bothers you a lot then just say the part that stays with you is the clone of venom). You're really never without a part of them but you don't quite mind it. They’ll also resort to stalking with zero hesitation.
They take great pleasure in making their "mate" feel worshiped so you’ll have a lot of fun with that. Just make sure you accept and are vocal about your appreciation for their antics if you don’t want them to stop. Reciprocation doesn’t hurt either.
you(little spoon) eddie(big spoon)
The symbiote definitely appreciates being held more than Eddie with his intimacy issues and the ingrained notions of how men “should” act.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!
If this looks familiar know it’s because it’s from an old blog I ran (just rewritten a bit), but otherwise it doesn’t really matter. I also noticed that I have a lesser amount of Marvel imagines than I do DC so this is definitely me trying to rectify that. Also, trust me, I know the Lord of the rings connotation I’m just not addressing it.
btw: This is a side blog so while comments are welcome I won’t respond.
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pedriscroquettes · 1 year
I know your requests are currently closed but would it be possible to get a Pablo Torre birthday sex with his birthday being in just over a week? 💜
spin the bottle – pablo torre
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summary: your relationship with your brothers teammate takes a turn during his birthday party.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, and a very derailed alejandro lol.
listened to zorra by bad gyal.
a/n: it’s no longer pablo’s birthday but just pretend it is.
the small yet luxurious apartment got warmer every second. your brother, pedri, apparently knew half of the city and had invited all of them to the surprise birthday party alejandro had planned. you had yet to see the birthday boy and hoped you wouldn’t run into him because of the complicated feelings he induced in you. he always came over to hang out with the rest of the barça youngsters in your shared apartment with both your brothers and he somehow always managed to fluster you but annoy you at the same time.
you quickly downed the punch in your hand trying to think about anything else. a party was supposed to make you have fun and if you just wondered about a boy the whole time you wouldn’t enjoy it. you also can’t help but shake your head at the fourth quevedo song in a row instantly recognizing that pedri had taken over with his playlist. you’re too busy trying to guess which one of the canarian’s songs is blasting through the speakers that you don’t notice the figure walking towards you.
“ey! chiquita! vamos a jugar botella, queréis jugar con nosotros?” balde shows off the huge bottle in his hand. (hey! little girl! we’re gonna play spin the bottle, wanna play with us?)
“we’re only one year apart alejandro stop calling me that.” you look down at the bottle debating on what to say next. “who’s playing? depending on who’s playing i’m in.”
“just because our age gap is small doesn’t change the fact that you’re younger so your nickname will stay.” he defends the awful nickname he gave you when pedri introduced you. “let’s see gavi’s playing, the two girls he’s talking to, pablo is playi-”
“okay i’m in.” you blurt out.
“no shame in your game i see.” he teases you knowing that pablo and you don’t necessarily see each other eye to eye with some things.
“shut up, i just wanna see him flustered. if i get him i get to humiliate him.” you reason.
the circle of people was quite big and you were quite surprised to see the plethora of players who had agreed to play. more than half of them were from the second team and you quickly realized that alejandro had used you as a pawn. the only girls involved were you, some of the girls the guys were talking to, and random girls you were sure he had just met.
“okay everybody pay attention so everyone knows how spin the bottle works, hopefully. since i’m in charge i’m going to change things up. whoever you land on you have to go inside of the guest room for seven minutes. if you have-”
“so seven minutes in heaven basically?” estanis interrupts him.
“congratulations estanis you’ve figured out the game.” the room erupted into laughs. “there will be two rounds because we can’t have siblings in the same round and also so everyone can get a chance.”
you instantly look around the room noticing your brother missing meaning he’d be playing in the next round. for once you considered alejandro smart as it would be humiliating if you had ended up landing on your own brother.
“pablo the birthday boy.” alejandro pauses at the suddenly claps and chants for the now twenty year old before proceeding. “you get to go first.”
you barely notice the way your hands fist at the fact that he gets to spin first. although your worry quickly washes away because the chance that he would land on you first try we’re slim. you almost curse at the sweet time he’s taking on spinning the bottle. cheers and chants once again filled the room and you quickly looked away not wanting to see the bottle slow down but quickly look back once you realize the cheering has diminished.
“guess it’s your lucky day.” pablo smirks.
“more like the worst day of my life.” you murmur trying to keep it to yourself but you realized you’ve failed when the people next to you laugh.
you quickly stand up wanting to get the seven minutes over with already. you’re almost halfway across the room when you realized pablo hasn’t moved an inch. you almost scoff at the way he didn’t get the memo.
“well? are you coming or not?” you raise your voice making sure he hears you loud and clear.
“oh. oh! yes. my bad.” he quickly follows your steps.
“looks like the birthday boy has been wiped off his feet.” alejandro jokes and the laughter the follows slowly fades out the closer you get to the guest room.
as soon as pablo and you are inside you close the door and lock it knowing one of the guys or more will be waiting outside trying to listen in.
“happy birthday.” you look around the room realizing that pablo also used it to store all his old stuff. his pictures from childhood almost make you proud.
“thank you.” he replies and soon the room is filled with nothing but silence.
“are y’all going to kiss or what? there’s only six minutes left! don’t be pussy’s.” alejandro yells from the other side of the door.
“should i? or do you want t-” you don’t let him finish as your lips are on his before he can blink.
he stays still for a couple of seconds before he takes control of the situation and before you know it you’re straddling him. you can’t help but be mesmerized at the way he treats your body gently and with a lot of care. you’re almost out of breathe so you pull apart and smirk at the way he instantly whines at the loss of contact. the brunette tries to lean in for another kiss but you quickly lean away, teasing him.
“pretty sure we’ve already completed the game. don’t see the need for anymore kisses.” you flash your proud smile at him.
“so you’re really going to tease me on my special day?” he whines.
“pablo you literally got me a pack of gum and a twenty five dollar gift card for my birthday and you want me to complete your sexual fantasies? okay.” you argue.
“well i couldn’t just fuck you out of the blue could i? especially since you hated me although doesn’t seem like you hate me now.” he smirked.
“oh i still hate you you’re just actually attractive this year.” you reply back.
“i’m attractive?” pablo takes you by surprise as he bucks his hips up into you.
“joder, pablo.” you can’t help but moan at the sudden friction against your core. (fuck, pablo.)
“you’ve got to be quiet bonita. you don’t want alejandro hearing you and telling your brother do you?” he teases you as his movements accelerate. (beautiful)
“fuck you.” you mutter.
“oh, i really hope you do.” he mocks you.
your mind is so hazy you don’t realize how close you’ve placed your hands to his zipper nor the way his hands creep up your legs. the mini dress you decided to wear managed to give him easy access to your core. it’s not until his fingers are dangerously close to your entrance that you decide to kiss him back as if to say that you wanted this. you didn’t waste any time placing your hand over his and guiding two of his digits inside of you.
as you moan at the sudden intrusion pablo can’t help but stare at you in awe. the way your body moves against his fingers lock him in a trance. you’re currently the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. he loves the way you clench around his fingers and the breathy moans you release while you beg him for more. he also admires the whine you let out as soon as he stops his movements.
“joder, porque paraste?” you dig your fingers into his shoulders in reaction to the loss of pleasure. (fuck, why’d you stop?)
“porque por mucho que me gustaría verte correrte sobre mis dedos, prefiero que lo hagas sobre mi polla.” he simply states as he moves your panties to the side. (because as much as i’d like to see you cum all over my fingers, i’d rather you do it all over my dick.)
you don’t waste a single second helping him out of his pants. he wants to tease you for how eager you are but decides against it as he doesn’t want to risk you leaving. he’s once again in a trance by the way you spit into your hand with such ease and make your way to his shaft. the groans he lets out as you combine your spit with his precum is enough to send you into overdrive. the seven minutes are long forgotten and all you want now is to feel him inside of you.
he seems to think the same as he quickly aligns himself to your entrance. he practically moans at the sight. seeing you desperate for him turns him on in ways he can’t even describe. he almost cums as soon as you place your hand on his shaft to guide him inside of you. although his maximum ecstasy is reached once he’s filled you up to the hilt. he stays still for a second allowing you to get used to his size.
as soon as he notices that you’re all adjusted he gently grabs your hips bring them up before bringing them back down. soon enough you’re bouncing on his cock with him guiding you. the pleasure immediately consumes you, it’s so heavy that your curses soon become gibberish. his hand in your hair also doesn’t help and soon you bury your head in his neck practically begging him to speed up.
“have i fucked you stupid?” he teases and you can practically imagine the smirk he has plastered on his face.
“i just don’t wanna give you the satisfaction of mo- oh” he slams harder into you on purpose. “moaning your name.”
“i think just being inside you satisfies me.” he replies.
“just shut up and fuck me.” you’re frustrated.
and so he does. he changes his angle to reach you in places you didn’t know where possible. soon you’re both moaning messes and his thrusts get rougher. the way you clench him so tightly is enough to motivate him to give you a mind blowing orgasm. he brings two of his fingers to your mouth before pausing.
“suck.” he demands.
you don’t know why you open up your mouth so easily maybe it’s because you know he’ll stop again if you don’t do what he says. he fills your mouth with his fingers and you suck. you make sure to coat them with your spit and the brunette swears that he almost cums at the angelic sight. as soon as he think it’s enough he drags his fingers to your core and immediately starts circling your clit.
“fuck pablo i’m gonna cum.” is all you can muster at the increase of pleasure he’s giving you.
“cum for me then.”
and you do. you coat his dick with your juices as you reach your high and you could’ve sworn you’d seen stars. but you wouldn’t tell him you’d already boosted his ego enough. it doesn’t take long for him to reach his high right after. he quickly pulls out, the fear of becoming a young dad consuming him, before releasing on your leg. both of your sweaty foreheads seem to find one another and for a couple of minutes you’re just staring into his brown eyes.
you leave that night telling him that it won’t happen again that you can’t risk it. but it’s all a lie because it happens again the next week and the week after that and soon enough he’s on his knees for your birthday. he has managed to consume your every thought and you his. you don’t even question yourself wearing his jersey to games or the way you instantly get on your knees when he expresses that he’s frustrated. pablo torre has taken over your life and you don’t mind one bit.
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autisticpombo · 6 months
Ouzziy fic recs OFMD
Yesterday was share your fav fics day over at adopt our flag. So here are my favorite ouizzy fics (most are slow burns) in two main categories:
1. A harmless and fun time; All of these are comedies or just cute. Full of pranks and entertaining silly plots.
Two Truths And...-M After Izzy and Frenchie both start messing with the captain the whole crew competes in making Stede believe the most absurd mythical sea creatures and myths they can.
Laughed my ass off with this one and the slow burn is just right.
A Man After Midnight-M Izzy is a hitman getting tired of his job after his partner's mysterious disappearance. Frenchie is a thief that won't leave him alone.
Lots of fun crime cliches and flirting in this one. They got Izzy's grumpy energy and Frenchie's silliness perfectly. There is a bit of angst and it ends on a cliff hanger but still a fun ride.
Warnings from the Bottom of My Heart- M Izzy and Frenchie a newly formed loving relationship. But as the rest of the crew find out Izzy quickly realizes he'll have to have a 'talk' with Frenchie's friends.
This one is not a slow burn both Izzy and Frenchie are in a relationship, the absurdity comes from the various 'talks' Izzy has with the crew about Frenchie. I found myself getting excited to read who Iz would be threatened by chapter after chapter. A fun take on a lot of the crew.
A Date To The Future-T Frenchie and Izzy are dating Iz just hasn't realized it yet.
This one is adorable, with plenty of cute moments and flustered Izzy. And there is also a fun take on what Izzy would be like as a captain after the crew splits. (No kraken era but still a bit of angst)
2. Fics that changed my life; finally we have the fics that release dates became my new favorite days of the week and started up past 1 am reading
In the myre of who we were- M Frenchie doesn't know how long this can last. Sooner or later Blackbread is going to get them all killed. He'll need to figure out a way out with Jim and who else he can.
Before season 2 take, beautifully done. Still haven't been able to find another fic that shows Ed's kraken era mood swings so accurately. Frenchie and Izzy's relationship is complex. Frenchie believes all the crew of the revenge are dead so he hates Izzy. Yet they still become close in a lovely slow burn. Not to mention a wonderfully silly yet possible take on captain Stede.
Open Water-M "Frenchie has been having dreams his whole life. They're hazy and indistinct, but the clearest ones are of death. He takes comfort in them, in knowing pieces of what's to come, and having forewarning to try and stop the worst of it.
But then, in the midst of his life becoming a nightmare, he starts dreaming the death of the person he blames for it all. But he's given a glimpse of that man's humanity, and faces a problem. Every time he stops the death he dreams, it's followed by a new version.
Why can't he stop Izzy Hands from dying?"
Yep Frenchie can see the future in this one. This fic blew my mind. With its unique premise creating so many interesting interactions not to mention a whole other level of tension. My favorite part of this fic is its world building and background for Frenchie. With every chapter starting with a moment from the past before the Revenge.
Lycidas-E If you haven't read this yet DO. Izzy is embraced by the whole crew during this fics kraken era. They all bond in a unique and interesting way. Their take on Frenchie is still one of my favs. The happy ending tag isn't a lie it's beautiful but my god do they make you sweat. The tension is so thick in this fic Roach could carve it out of the air and make a three layer wedding cake out of it!
Trigger warning: toxic Edizzy and the bloody life of a pirate (the explicit scene is in one of the final chapters and is easy to skip if that's not your thing)
#i have so many more #if people like this post I'll add my fav modern UA takes on ouizzy #the brain rot is real #ouizzy brain rot
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its-desca · 2 months
People post their fics on tumblr sometimes. Right.
Uhhh anyways Engiespy fic below the cut where they are both aspec. 3.5k words.
Link to Ao3 version in reblogs because I don’t trust tumblr not to hide the post if I add a link. I’m gonna write one more short chapter so you can go bookmark it there if u wanna see that 👍
Late nights in Dell’s workshop weren’t supposed to go like this.
He and Spy had been sitting on opposite ends of his old, worn couch. Spy always insisted on taking the more intact side of the cushion, waxing on about Dell’s poor choice of interior decor, but it only ever made the shorter man laugh, as he knew Spy would always show for their Friday movie nights. They’d settle in, sometimes Dell would crack open a couple beers (for himself of course, Spy hated the stuff), and the two would relentlessly criticize each and every aspect of whatever they were watching, laughing all the while. It was the perfect way to end off a usually stressful week, and with Dell’s insistence to take as many late nights as possible working, it was also the only time he’d get anywhere near eight hours of sleep. Mostly.
This was one of those nights. The film had ended a few moments before, the credits beginning to silently slide by.
“Well, that was stupid,” Dell started, stretching his arms back and yawning. “I mean, seriously, when they blew that guy up the trajectory of his limbs was completely wrong. And did you even see that effect for the shotgun blast? Ridiculous! It’s like he got shot with twelve lil’ pistols, that ain’t what shells look like in the slightest, right?”
His short ramble was returned with silence, and after a moment Dell furrowed his brow, turning to look at his friend. Spy loved accosting the poor special effects directors, it wasn’t like him to spare even an inch of criticism at any chance he got. But when Dell looked over, he was surprised to find Spy staring straight back at him, his dull blue eyes locked onto him with a strange look.
“Spy?” Dell asked, concern edging into his tone. “You alright there, partner?”
Spy took a deep breath and reached over, gently taking the engineer’s hand. It was such a soft, intimate motion, that Dell immediately froze up, a faint blush starting to creep over his features. Oh no.
“Dell,” Spy said softly. “You’re… a very wonderful man.”
Dell hadn’t known there was a good kind of blush back when he was young, flitting from girl to girl at his fathers insistence, desperately trying to cling to the vestiges of every relationship he could manage to find. “You’re just flustered,” he’d been told when he brought this up. He’d convinced himself yes, that’s what it was. It was not an easy feat.
“We have been convening for quite some time now and… well… I have recently begun to see something different in you,” Spy continued. He seemed intent on maintaining eye contact through what he was saying, but Dell could tell he was struggling.
“And that is…?” Dell laughed nervously. Please. Please no.
“I… I believe I am in love with you Dell. I would like to know if you feel the same.”
Dell opened his mouth to reply, but couldn’t find the words, panic welling in his chest. It was over. Every good thing he and Spy had, every conversation, every joke, every cheap beer and fancy glass of wine, every long night in his workshop, every early morning chatting on the balcony, had all amounted to nothing. Again. It always ended this way.
Spy let out a breath after a moment, seeming to take his hesitance as an answer. The look in his eyes hurt more than anything he could have said. He leaned back, withdrawing his hand from the Engineer’s grasp, and Dell had to stop himself from reaching out again. The distance apart was unbearable, the air suddenly feeling so much colder against his empty hand.
Dell wouldn’t cry, not now. He shouldn’t have even been able to cry, because something was wrong with him, something was broken. He’d been to doctors. He’d been to therapists. Hell, he’d even tried talking to Medic. But nothing came up on tests, the psychologists would say he just hadn’t met the right person, and Medic had given him such a puzzled look he gave up immediately. Well, by all means, the right person was right in front of him. The right person should have been in front of him. But he felt nothing in the hollow hole of his heart but shame.
“I’m sorry- I just-“ Dell found the words tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them, the sound of his voice much shakier than he would have liked.
“No, no, it is alright. I understand if men are… ah… not your taste-“ Spy cut in.
“That’s- not- Women ain’t either,” Dell blurted out. He immediately regretted his outburst, embarrassment crawling in his stomach with the strange look Spy gave him.
“Then…” Spy spoke slowly, as if every word might scare his coworker away. “What… if you don’t mind me asking… is your taste?”
Dell’s throat felt tight as he searched for an answer to the question he’d asked himself over and over again. “I… don’t know.”
He leaned over and put his face in his hands, taking a deep, shuddering breath. As the fingers in his still-flesh hand met his cheek, he drew them back to find them wet. He had sworn he wouldn’t cry.
“I’m sorry.” Dell muttered. “You’re a fine man and I don’t… I just… I’m awfully sorry. You… you can go.”
Dell stared at the ground, trying to take deep breaths. He waited for the telltale sign of footsteps, the sound of a cloak, something. What he wasn’t expecting was for a gloved hand to gently meet his back. The engineer looked up.
Spy’s face was unreadable, not an unusual appearance for the man, but this time he looked more lost. The man opened his mouth and closed it, trying to parse some kind of response.
He finally spoke, “Dell, really, it is alright. Please do not worry about me-“
“-I do worry about you though!” Dell interrupted. “I think about you all the damn time! You’re always hiding yourself away in that fancy old room of yours, never showing up to nights out on the town, answering every question with a question. Do you ever hang out with anyone other than me? Ever?”
Spy’s eyes widened at his outburst, but he didn’t say anything.
“That ain’t good for you, Spy. You can’t just close yourself off to the world and be a one man show.”
Spy scoffed at this, turning away, “Says who?”
Dell grabbed Spy’s shoulder and turned him around to look him in the eye. “Says me. Because I care about you. I care about you… a whole damn lot. And I don’t…” he felt his eyes sting with tears again. “Something’s busted up in my head, I’m sure of it. Because you’re great. You’re smart as a whip, and- and funny, and caring, and handsome, and… a whole buncha other stuff I can’t think of right now because I’m upset.”
Spy’s eyes widened and he stuttered, the blush under his mask creeping up to the bridge of his nose. “Q-Quoi?”
Dell took a deep breath, leaning back. “I mean it. I don’t… I’m awfully sorry, Spy, I just…” He trailed off awkwardly, leaving the two of them in silence for a moment.
Spy had diverted his eyes to the floor, his lips pressed together in concentration. Dell could practically hear the gears turning in his head, but couldn’t possibly fathom what there was to be processing.
After a long pause, Spy looked up again. Dell nervously shifted as the man spoke, “Monsieur Conagher… what you are describing… sounds like love to me.”
Dell sighed and shook his head, having gotten all too familiar with this reaction at this point in his life He usually didn’t try to explain himself further, but something was different about Spy. As he stared back at him, he could see something lurking beneath the surface of those murky blue eyes. Something he couldn’t quite place, but compelled him to keep talking.
“It’s like… you know how you love a friend differently than a partner?” Dell tried. Spy stared at him blankly, and the engineer sighed, rubbing his temples. “No, that’s not right, lemme start over.”
“Way I see it, there are three ways to love someone. You can love them as a friend, where you’re fine just sittin around and shooting the breeze, maybe throwing back a couple of beers. You can love them the way you’d love a partner, where you wanna go on dates and the like,” Dell scratched the back of his neck. “That one flies over my head a bit. Like, I’d be fine going on a date with someone. Just not… in a romantic sort of fashion. All friend-like would be fine.”
Spy raised an eyebrow, speaking again, “You said there were three kinds of attraction?”
“Well, yeah… I suppose you can go and figure out what the third one is.”
“I presume it is of a sexual nature?”
Dell’s face reddened, “Well you don’t have to just go and say it!”
“Hm.” Spy pulled out a cigarette and lights it, taking a long drag before looking back over. “Why the refusal to speak about it?”
The shorter man crossed his arms, huffing, “I ain’t refusing nothing! It just ain’t proper, is all.”
Spy chuckled, throwing Dell a look. “Well, in that case, where do you fall on the matter?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“As you appear to not experience this attraction of the ‘romantic’ sort, do you experience any sexual attraction?”
The blush on Dell’s face deepened, and he looked away. “Well, that’s a tricky question. I do experience… well… some kinda… that.” He gestured vaguely. “But it ain’t exactly to other people. Like I wouldn’t say no necessarily if it was offered, but… you know… not something I’m looking for.”
The smirk on Spy’s face melted into a more neutral expression as he hummed thoughtfully, shifting his gaze back to the T.V. The credits to the movie were over at this point, static casting a faint glow over the man’s masked features. Dell couldn’t help but wonder what he looked like behind the disguise. A few defining features crept through the fabric, high cheekbones, an aquiline nose, a strong chin, but not enough so that Dell felt he could identify the man without it.
The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes before Spy broke it again. “This… romantic… type of attraction you speak of. Would you mind describing what it… feels like?”
“Well, I’ve only had it described to me through others, so can’t say for certain I’m the best source. But from what I’ve heard, you start thinking about that person all the time. When you’re around them your knees get kinda weak and your head all fuzzy. You get hit with overwhelming urges to do stuff like kiss em or hold their hand.” Dell shrugged. “Stuff like that I reckon.”
Spy’s lip curled with disgust. “Sounds like a disease. Are you sure?”
The engineer laughed, grinning back. “I know, right! People describe their partners same way I talk about my blueprints!”
“You are the only one who feels this way about math.”
Dell’s smile widened and he clapped his hand on Spy’s shoulder playfully, “And that’s why I’m the best goddamn engineer this side of the Mississippi!”
Spy chuckled in response, taking another drag of his cigarette. Dell looked at him thoughtfully, the gears beginning to turn in his head while he evaluated the man before him.
“Spy?” Dell started, trying to sound casual. “Are you saying that you reckon you might… feel the same?”
Spy huffed, furrowing his brow. “The way you are describing romance is not the way I perceive it.”
“How’s that, then?”
Spy thought for a moment, his eyes searching the floor for something that didn’t seem to be there. “I am… uncertain. But I have treated romance as a natural progression of friendship. A strong sense of camaraderie with another, where you take additional actions such as ‘dates’ or ‘kissing’ to express the nature of this relationship. Although, this does not appear to be… the ‘correct’ way. As you’ve described.”
Dell wondered, for a brief moment, if he’s dreaming. If this was just some horrible trick his brain was playing on him to make him think he’s finally not alone. “So… you said you loved me? You still… think that?”
“Well… there are multiple ways, yes? I am… beginning to believe it was in the way of a friend as opposed to a lover,” Spy responded slowly.
“Well…” Dell thought for a second. “I know a way we could test it.”
“And that is?”
Dell took a deep breath, wondering if what he’s about to say is stupid. “Kiss me.”
Spy’s face immediately reddened. “What?!” he spluttered incredulously. “I thought you said-“
“It wouldn’t be in a ‘lovers’- or, whatever you called it- kind of way. We could do a… a friends… kiss?”
Spy scoffed, “There is no such thing.”
“Why not?” Dell gently reached over, taking Spy’s hand. The man looked back at him like a deer caught in headlights, and Dell almost laughed. So much for that suave Frenchman he so adamantly claimed to be. “If you don’t wanna, that’s fine. But I think-“
Dell was interrupted by Spy’s lips crashing against his, the man pulling at his overalls to bring him forward in an almost desperate motion. He squeaked in surprise, trying to orient himself better on the couch into a more comfortable position before starting to kiss back, although he’d admit that he did so with much less finesse than the Frenchman.
It was strange to kiss Spy in this way, something in the way that they met feeling different than the other times Dell had kissed someone. His face was hot, sure, and he felt a little bit like he might keel over at any moment. But there was so much less intention behind every movement, something more playful and relaxed about the way Spy’s hands curled around his back. It was… nice. That was, until Spy started trying to get tongue involved, and Dell pulled away, laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Spy asked after a moment, looking a little bit dazed.
“You taste like cigarettes!” Dell laughed.
Spy’s offended look made the engineer laugh even harder. “I do not!” the Frenchman snapped in indignation.
“You sure as the devil do! It’s like kissing a hooker!”
Spy scoffed. “Well, you kiss comme un adolescent.”
“I assume that’s not a good thing?” Dell smiled.
Spy returned the look with a smirk of his own. “Non.”
The two looked at each other like that for a moment and then broke out into laughter, unable to keep a straight face. When they stopped, Dell noticed that he and Spy were still very close, and his heart skipped a beat for a moment.
He began to move away, stuttering, “Ah, well, that was… sorry if that was weird I just…”
Spy reached out for him, speaking softly. “No, no, it wasn’t… strange. It was…” he glanced away, “I am not sure I know the correct term. But I would not be opposed to doing it again.”
Something warm rushed through Dell’s chest, and he struggled to identify it. Was this love? No, that wasn’t it. Or maybe it was. Not romantic love, but something softer, yet equally as strong.
“Me neither,” Dell chuckled. He stood up, sidling over to the TV and starting to fiddle with the VCR, rewinding the tape inside before popping it out and tossing it haphazardly to the side. His eyes caught on the box of movies they still had yet to watch, eyeing a tape sitting at the top and grabbing it. He flashed it at Spy, smiling.
“I know we got a ‘one movie a night rule’ but… you up for one more, partner?”
Spy let out a sigh, nodding. “Fine. But choose a short one.”
Dell’s grin grew and he grabbed a random tape from the box, jamming it into the VCR before flopping back down onto his end of the couch. The film began to play, the screen once again casting a faint glow over the two men.
They watched it for a couple minutes, neither of them speaking much. Dell’s mind was still racing, and as he glanced over at his friend, Spy seemed to be the same. The man looked up and they met eyes for a moment. Spy opened his mouth as if he were going to speak and then closed it again, turning back to look at the TV.
Dell tilted his head, his voice breaking the silence, “Somethin’ wrong?”
Spy shook his head no, rubbing the back of his neck and trying to parse a response. “I was… well… I was wondering if we could sit… closer…” he said tentatively.
Dell let out a laugh at that. “Awwww, you wanna cuddle~?”
“Not like that!” Spy huffed, his face reddening. “Just… well…” He trailed off, looking away. “It has been… some time.”
The engineer softened at that, the sadness in Spy’s voice tugging at his heart. He tried to remember the last time he’d held someone himself. He couldn’t recall.
He scooted over, reaching out and gently pulling Spy into his arms. The Frenchman leaned into Dell’s touch in return, snaking his arms around the engineer’s back and letting out a near imperceptible sigh.
Despite his considerable height advantage, Spy felt so small in Dell’s grasp. He had never thought about how boney the man was until holding him, feeling like any wrong move could snap him in half. His muscles were tense, his entire body coiled tight like a spring as he pressed his forehead into the southerner’s chest. Dell smiled a bit at that, resting his chin on Spy’s head. Spy still smelled like cigarettes, but there was something softer underneath it, hints of wine and cologne clinging to his suit. It was nice.
“You ain’t really watchin’ the movie from that angle, ya know,” he joked.
“It is probably stupid anyways,” Spy mumbled, his voice muffled.
Dell looked up at the TV and watched a character's head get blown off by a rocket. “‘Fraid so,” he laughed.
Spy chuckled softly in return, relaxing slightly in Dell’s grasp. Dell sighed, wondering if the man ever really relaxed all the way. He was so uptight all the time, constantly looking as if he was ready to flee from any situation. Dell supposed that was part of the job, not getting caught unaware, but it saddened him to see Spy still so wound up even in the solitude of the engineer’s workshop.
Time passed and the movie went on, but Dell wasn’t paying much attention anymore. His thoughts were occupied by Spy, and the almost desperate way he clung to him. Dell had heard someone use the term “touch starved” once, and he couldn’t help that it sprang to the front of his mind. Was Spy touch starved? He glanced down and realized how tightly he was holding the man in return. Was he touch starved too?
He slowly ran his hand up and down Spy’s back, turning his head so his cheek pressed against the top of his balaclava. Dell couldn’t help but close his eyes at the sensation, the warmth surrounding him nearly intoxicating, the simple feeling of holding someone and being held in return better than anything he’d experienced before. Is this what sex was supposed to be like? He couldn’t blame people for chasing it if that was the case.
Logically, Dell knew that he wasn’t safe. His brain reminded him of the window on the east side of his workshop that he hadn’t fitted with bulletproof glass, the flimsy security checkpoints outside the base, the magnetic locks on the doors never quite closing them tight enough, the alarm on the wall that threatened to ring at any point. His heart, however, had a different idea, slowing to a calm rhythm in his chest as Spy leaned his head against it. He was shot at for a living. He closed his eyes, drinking in the feeling of it all. This was a nice change of pace.
When he tried to open his eyes again, he felt himself struggling to do so. A sudden wave of exhaustion crashed down upon him, and he shifted, intending to get up and plod off to bed. As he did, he was reminded of Spy pressing down on him, acting almost like a blanket. There was no way in hell he was going to ask the Frenchman to move. Accepting his fate, he let his eyes close again, sighing a little. He relaxed, quietly letting sleep overtake him.
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themanip · 2 years
𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 ↝ 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
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GENRE — romance, fluff, smut PAIRING — hotchner x afab!reader WORD COUNT — 5.4k+ WARNINGS — unprotected sex, softdom!hotch, lots of aftercare, breathplay, oral (m&f), spanking (use of belt), vv respectful!hotch, loss of virginity, degrading names, daddy kink if you squint, p in v, discussion of safeword, lots of communication, hair pulling, cuddling, all the cute stuff, time jumps!
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Aaron Hotchner was an honest man, and often a quiet one. Until you two finally got comfortable together, which was around the two month mark of dating. He was, of course, open with you before that. It just wasn't him, and he was nervous to open himself up like that.
He was nervous about a lot of things, but you would sheepishly insist that he just own up to it. The blushes his cheeks would light up with made your stomach fill with butterflies, and left a slight smile on your face. He was hot in every way possible, but looking at him right now, he was the most adorable man you'd ever seen.
"That was a pretty blunt question," he laughed out, leaning back against the couch.
Moments before, you had asked him when was an appropriate time for you two to have sex. "Do you mean like during the day or in the context of our relationship?" This made you laugh lightly as well.
You two were cuddled on his couch, and thankfully alone for the night as Jack was at a sleepover. Your hand was on his knee, and his slung over your back as you were cuddling. "I mean, in general... I think."
Aaron nodded, before you got nervous and kind of rambled. "Although don't most people have sex at night? I've heard people who have sex a lot kind of do it whenever, wherever, though. So I'm not sure I'd ever ask the other version of that question."
At this point, a smile held on his face as he turned his head towards you. This conversation clearly made you nervous, and he didn't want you to be. However, that didn't mean you being flustered wasn't super adorable.
His once still hand rubbed your back soothingly, and your eyes now searched his beautiful brown ones. "Well," he sighed, and your heart beat into your chest. "I suppose it's whenever you are comfortable enough and want to do it, there is no timeline. Some people have one-night stands that turn into relationships, and some people wait for marriage."
You nodded gently, and laying your head back onto his chest, getting closure to your question. "And when you're comfortable too, not just me," you mumbled into his chest.
"Sweetheart, I have trusted you and been comfortable enough with you for a bit now," his thumb was now swiping across your back more consistently, with a little more pressure. He was worried this statement would make you feel forced to do something, so he very quickly added in:
"However, we are in no rush. I love spending time with you, and learning everything about you. Getting to know your body and the pleasure portion of our relationship is in absolutely no rush, sweetheart. Please do not feel any pressure when I say that I am comfortable. We take this at your pace, no questions asked."
Your entire face was now dug into his chest, burning red. Not able to help yourself, you let out little giggles, taking the one hand not on his knee and holding it over your mouth.
"Here I am being all lovey-dovey and you're giggling," he laughed, kissing your forehead. "I'm sorry," you pushed out, with giggles taking over your whole body. "You're just so cute."
"Also, questions are important. I have to know what you like," you finished giggling and continued speaking, adjusting yourself to wrap your arms around his abdomen. "Do you mean what I like sexually? Or like my favorite color?"
"Your favorite color is emerald green, anyone could ask me that and I'd answer it no problem. Now if someone asked whether you're dominant in bed, I haven't got a clue."
"Do you want to talk about this? We can have a serious conversation about sex, if it's something you're comfortable with."
Your thighs were burning from rubbing them together so much, but the blanket over your lap was hiding that from Aaron. "Honestly, it's been on my mind a lot,"
"The conversation, I mean, not like, jumping your bones." you continued.
A smirk covered Aaron's face, and his fingers stopped rubbing your back. "So you're telling me you don't want to have sex? Or haven't thought about it?" he had such a shit eating grin on his face, and you could tell by his tone.
"Aaron, if you ever want to get in my pants you better take that shit-eating-grin off your face," you laughed, looking up at him.
A pause went by, and as you locked eyes, he leaned down gently and placed a kiss to your lips. It was a simple peck, but assurance that he was going at your speed.
"Okay, I'll go first. In my previous relationships, I was always pretty dominant, but it was mostly vanilla, casual, missionary. When I have stressful days, I definitely tend to be rougher. That doesn't mean I will, and if you need me to be gentle, I will absolutely oblige. I just notice my own habits if there is no preference given. I'm down to try pretty much anything except watersports or scat play, but I'm pretty open."
Wow, he thinks you want gentle.
"What have you liked in the past? Do you have any favorite positions? Any specific foreplay that really gets you off? Any fun kinks I should keep in mind?"
At this point, you were getting nervous.
You'd done stuff, sure, but only with guys your age. And never went all the way there. You'd wanted to, sure, but when a guy cannot give head or find the clit, there was no way he'd make sure you cum during sex. You weren't willing to risk that yet.
You untangled yourself from him, and scooched back slightly. You bit your lip, and sat sideways on the couch, facing him, criss-cross. "I have a confession." you sighed, and he turned towards you gently.
"Tell me, sweetheart,"
"I haven't had sex before. I definitely have an idea of what I like, though. If it isn't things you are into that's okay, too," you rambled once again, and a slight smile littered Aaron's face.
"That's okay. Whether or not you have had sex, this is still your pace. We go when you want to go," his voice was so soft, so gentle, and he grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles.
"Do you want to tell me what you do like? I want to know what makes my pretty little bird sing," he almost growled, his voice somehow still gentle. You blushed once again, and gripped his hand a little tighter. "I really like pain."
"Pain? So, a little masochist. Okay," he smiled, "what kind of pain? I'm intrigued,"
"At some point, I really would like you to use your belt on me. Maybe around my neck, or to whip me with it. I want you to pull my hair, and I want you to choke me. That ones my favorite, but no one's ever done it right. I want you to choke me all the time, in any sexual context. Even if it's just heavy making out. If we do anything super heavy, or even just have sex, I really need aftercare, I think is the term? Like, please don't fuck me and then leave immediately."
His eyes were glistening as you had taken yours from him to explain things. You often talked with your hands, he had noticed, and he couldn't help but watch your perfectly manicured fingers whiz around in the air as you explained what turned you on.
"I like names, even mean ones. Just not bitch, that's my only real limit. Sweetheart, slut, whore, bunny, baby, anything. Just not bitch."
"I can work with that."
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The last sexual conversation you had with Aaron ended fairly calmly, just a little making out and some cuddling. Aaron was serious, this was your rodeo. And at the time, you didn't think you were 100% there yet. You had full confidence in Aaron, but you wanted to feel ready. Pamper yourself, dress nicely, get a good wax, and most importantly drink plenty of water.
He had also been pretty busy with work, so not much physically had advanced between you two. However, tonight was different. You were going to have sex with Aaron Hotchner, and it was going to be hot, and mind-blowing, and everything you could imagine.
"Whatcha thinking so hard about, sweet girl?"
You had been so caught in your own thoughts, you didn't notice Aaron coming into your house with a box of pizza and two strawberry lemonades.
And that is when you realized it.
As he came in with presumably a cheese pizza, because you didn't eat meat, and your favorite drink, you felt it. You loved him. Why it didn't occur to you before was a mystery, but you knew it now. You loved Aaron Hotchner.
"I'm parched," you smiled, breaking out of thought. "I've got just the thing for you, honey." He quickly sat down and handed you a lemonade, and you smiled gratefully.
A few minutes went by relatively calmly, a light conversation about your day at work, his about paperwork and how JJ had been gushing about her son graduating kindergarten. His little smile warmed your heart. You ate pizza together, and you laid your neck against the armrest, with your legs laid over his lap.
With the TV show playing numbly on the screen, you finished your last bite and set the crust back into the box. You were equally prepared that Aaron may not be ready tonight, or may not want to. Just because you wanted to doesn't mean any slight signal of hesitance from him would let anything continue.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I think I just need to be closer to you," you smiled softly. At the very least you wanted to cuddle with him, be near him. You adjusted yourself, and sat next to him, pulling the throw over your legs, as you were freezing.
You cuddled like that for a while, just humming and his hand slowly tracing over your back. Your eyes drooped in and out, and you damn near fell asleep laying so comfortably against your boyfriend. He was so warm, he smelled so good, and he was your comfort person. How could you not?
It wasn't long before you felt him shifting underneath you, making an almost uncomfortable groaning noise. It was soft, but enough to wake you. It was then your ears caught it: moaning.
Not from Aaron, though. Your eyes fluttered open to the TV out in front of you, and it was a very vivid sex scene. Not porn, just very loud and clear sex. And it dawned on you.
Aaron has a hard on and was trying not to wake you. How cute.
"Aaron, are you okay?"
Playing innocent was your best bet, and if it truly was going to make him uncomfortable, you didn't want to push it.
His eyes met yours, now fully open, and he smiled softly. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little uncomfortable is all," he was so sweet in his tone, his voice deeper than usual.
"Is there anything I can do?"
The very loud slapping of skin in the background was the winner of your voice in the game of volume. This was a really long sex scene, Jesus Christ.
He paused for a moment, and then instead of answering he simply kissed your forehead, holding it there for a moment. "Aaron, are you hard?"
Out with it.
"Quite, but that is not your problem. I am fully capable of taking a shower and sleeping it off."
"If that's what you want to do, I will respect that. But... I am also fully willing to help you, if you want."
"Sweetheart, only if you're comfortable. Honestly," he was clearly uncomfortable, and your heart ached at how he was more worried about you than anything.
"Can I touch you?"
"Of course you can, honey," he sighed, meeting your lips in a gentle kiss. It wasn't long before his hands wrapped around your face gingerly, holding you tightly.
You lifted the blanket off of his lap, and stared impressively at his bulge. You didn't have any expectations, but you could clearly tell he wasn't the smallest.
You rolled your hands over his bulge, immediately watching as his eyes closed and he leaned his head back. You weren't new to foreplay, thank god, so you made quick work of his pants. Soon followed his boxers, the entire time his face eager but clearly wanting to respect you.
He was holding back so much.
You moved yourself to the carpeted floor, falling to your knees in front of him. His legs were spread, and he just looked at you with pure adoration. "You're beautiful," his hand came to gently swipe your hair from your face.
You responded by spitting on his dick, and looking up at him as you did it. He was a pretty decent length, but his thickness is what had you hung up. He was a perfect girth, but you knew this was going to leave your jaw sore.
As your mouth went around him, his hand stayed on your head. He was gently petting your head, as if it was his non-verbal form of praise. Sucking dick was a lot of work, but hearing Aaron groan and rub your jaw so gently was worth it.
"God, you're such a good girl,"
Music to your ears.
You went for as long as you could, before your jaw began to ache. The entire time Aaron was whispering sweet nothings to you, telling you how good you were doing.
"Fuck, come here," he pulled you off of his now sopping cock, and led you to his lap. "We don't have to do anything more, sweetheart. Not unless you really want to," he cradled your face in his hand, the warmth radiating off of your very red and achy cheeks.
It only took a moment before he kissed your forehead. "Aaron, I want you to take me, but could we go slow?"
"Oh, of course. It would be my pleasure," he grinned, "I'm going to make you feel so good. You were such a good little whore for me, how can I resist?"
Your eyes widened, and you couldn't help the wetness in your panties that erupted at the name. Your outfit wasn't super challenging, some sleep shorts and a black t-shirt (no bra, though). Typical sleepwear, but it gives Aaron easy access.
"If at any point you want to stop, just say the word," he moans into your mouth, but pulling away quickly to hold your face gently and stare into your eyes.
"What word?" you gave him doe eyes, your mouth and lips now sopping with a mixture of saliva and precum. He wanted to simply devour you whole.
"Classic. I like that."
Following your giggle, he grabs your hand and stands up. You were confused for a short moment, until he leads you toward your room. He was truly a gentleman.
No couch fucking today, he thought.
Maybe tomorrow.
He rolled his boxers back down again, and closed the door behind you two. "Lay down, sweet girl," he smiled at you, and you couldn't help but giggle. This sweet man was all yours, and no one else's. How lucky a time.
You were fully on your back, looking up at him comfortably in your jammies still while he was fully naked. He was quick to get on the bed and hover over you, his eyes glistening with humor.
Your giggles didn't subside even as his hands roamed your body.
"What's so funny?"
Your voice was cut short with a gasp, as he sucked onto your neck and his fingers snuck into your shorts and quickly rounded your clit. He rubbed you gently for a moment, before asking so very sweetly if he could take off your PJ's.
"Please," you were so smitten, so love drunk and fucked out already and he'd barely touched you. It wasn't long before your underwear and shorts, and you thanked the heavens for your wax. Baby smooth.
He followed pulling your shirt gently off of your torso, and you were now fully exposed, nipples hard as day.
"God, you're so beautiful."
You blushed and smiled at him, and as he circled your clit gently, knowing he couldn't unleash his rough side just yet, he kissed you so deeply. This was not a sex kiss.
This was an I love you kiss. And you both understood that.
To truly be comfortable enough and trust each other for sex was one thing, but you had already reached everything else in your relationship. You loved each other. And Aaron was going to make damn sure you knew that.
So he expressed his love as he dove his face between your legs, and little whimpers escaping your mouth. He teased your now sopping hole with one finger, testing the waters, and slowly slid it inside.
He made quick work, circling your clit with his tongue so harshly all of a sudden, and thrusting his fingers in and out of your cunt. The wet, squelching noises filled the room, and you were trying to be quiet. Your hand covered your mouth, and your other one grasping around desperately. Bedsheets, pillow, anything to tug on.
"Take your hand off your mouth," he ordered, looking up at you with a very moist pair of lips. "You can tug on my hair, you're not the only one who likes a little pain, sweetness,"
You giggled in response, which was short lived as another gasp filled the air. Your hands quickly found Aaron's hair, so sleek and soft, as he devoured you.
Each moment was a different approach, two fingers inside you, tongue on your clit. Fast and hard, or slow and gentle while he looked up at you. Each one made you feel so good and closer to an orgasm. He wasn't just good, he was amazing. It was like he knew the ins and outs of your body already.
Truth was, he was a quick learner. And he was a little nervous, this was your first time having sex. He wanted it to be good, to have fun, and for you not to regret it.
"More," you breathed out in a ragged moan, "please."
"Oh, since you asked so nicely, how could I refuse?" he then added a third finger inside of your drenched core, and moved his body up yours to kiss you.
You tasted yourself on him, and you can't lie. It was not the most magical fruity taste you'd ever experienced, but the sacrifice was made. He made you feel good.
As you two made out feverishly, his fingers still pumping in and out of you, his other hand found free space on the side of your jaw. It was slowly trailing down, further, and further, until it landed on the side of your neck.
Aaron knew that this was going to be the finish line as he felt you clench on his fingers of excitement. "Oh, my little whore really likes her neck being played with, huh?"
He started off gently, before he could hear your moans electrify from the presence of his hands. "Fuck, please," you were an incoherent mess at this point, just waiting for release.
His fingers were taken out of you, and he did quick, dirty circles on your clit as he held your throat full force. You were gonna come, and holy shit your legs were already shaking. "Please, please, let me come," you whimpered out, and he met you with another shaky but fervent kiss.
All you heard was squelching, wet noises as he rubbed you closer and closer. You had to wait for him to tell you, though.
"Come for me. Come all over my fingers, my pretty little slut,"
Your entire body shook and your face now a rosy red, you made such pretty noises for him. You were still coming, his fingers never stopped playing with your little clit. His hands wrapped tighter around your throat as your entire body hit a peak, and slowly started to come down.
He took his hands off of your throat, and he slowly licked his own fingers clean of your mess. He made direct eye contact as he did it. His ravenous side was still in full force, but seeing your tired, fucked out body made his eyebrows crease in worry.
"Are you okay? Did that feel alright, sweetheart?"
Your heart melted. He just gave you probably the hardest orgasm of your life and he was making sure you were okay. "I'm okay, and I have never came that hard.. like ever." You giggled as he laid next to you, his hand holding the side of your jaw and his thumb combing over the side of your cheek.
You stayed like that for a moment, just staring into each other's eyes. He came in for another kiss, and it was like something took over you. "Please, fuck me."
"Condom or no condom?" Aaron was slowly rubbing himself as he sat next to you, his cock angry and leaking. "I wanna feel you, you know I'm on the shot anyways,"
"Fuck, sweets, I'm gonna ruin you,"
Aaron slowly adjusted himself and was laying over you, and he knew this wasn't going to be a fast process. He wanted to make you feel it, but also not be so fucked out from pain.
Mouths together once again, he was softer this time. His fingers were creating warmth on the side of your body, just rubbing and creating a comfortability with being touched so intimately. His mouth slowly inched down, your jaw, neck, then stopped at your perked nipples.
He took one in his mouth and slowly toyed with the other in his thick fingers, and your moans were quick to come rushing out. "Fuck, as good as you feel, I need to you to hurt me. Please."
"Should I grab my belt?"
He looked up at you from misty eyes filled with pure lust, and you nodded like a little kid offered candy. "Oh, please," you moaned out as he bit down on your nipples softly.
It was only seconds before he flipped your body over, and you were now face down on the bed. You waited in anticipation as you heard some rumbling, and the metal of a belt click. You'd only gotten belted once before, and it left marks and bruises. You loved it.
"How about 5?" he asked, his hands slowly fondling your ass. He parted your cheeks, taking a long look at your leaking cunt. He was rock hard, and wanted nothing more than to fuck you endlessly, but he needed one final hoorah.
"Yes, sir,"
The sting was sharp, and you gasped softly. "You're such a good girl, you know that? So fucking beautiful," he said, before the jangling of the belt came once more.
The moans that left your mouth were melancholic. Aaron wasn't necessarily a sadist, but your pleasure was ultimate to him. He was surprised you hadn't been asking him to slap you in the face with how dark you'd gone the first time.
It was starting to really hurt, and no longer in the good way. Now he was repeating sides, and you could hear him groaning to himself. Surely, if you could see, he is probably fisting his cock at the moment.
Your ass was fire red, already tainting with color. "You're taking this so well, baby,"
Another thwack hit your backside, and you wanted to cry. This was a little too much now, you couldn't take another one. You were still aroused, but you didn't know how to say you wanted this to stop here.
You flopped your hand onto the bed, searching for his. "Aaron," you breathed out, and he quickly dropped the belt to the floor and leaned down to catch your eyes. "Too much?"
You nodded, "A little, just for now. I promise I'll get better,"
He left a gentle swipe over your backside, and slowly bent over to give both cheeks a gentle kiss.
Aaron laughed a little at your comment, and quickly adjusted you to your back again. "Oh sweetheart, you don't have to get better at anything," he once again ran his thumb over your cheek.
You were in the compromising position, you had both kind of been pushing off. He was sitting with his thighs out, legs open, his dick hanging in the air. Hard as a fucking rock, this entire time. Your legs were swung over his in comfortability, but now, the realization had hung in the air.
"Do you want to keep going? We can stop here, honey."
"Take me, please," you groaned, kissing him on the lips. He grabbed your hand during this intense makeout session, and clasped them together. He wanted to hold your hand while he was going to be balls deep in you. That was cute.
"If it gets too much, tell me," he whispered, using his other hand to swipe his cock against your wet lower lips. He opened his mouth and backed away, you thought for viewing purposes, but instead he used all of his might and let a trail of spit fall onto your cunt.
He rubbed a little more, before immediately fucking into you, grasping your hand tightly.
It hurt. So fucking much, and not the good kind. It felt like your skin was tearing, and you were uncomfortably full. Why does it feel like this?
Aaron immediately took notice, and looked you in the face. "It should go away fairly soon, but if it hurts too bad I will pull out and we can just cuddle," he whispered, and you shook your head.
"Just..mmh. Need a little more time, please," you squeaked out, tears brimming your eyes. The sting of pain was still there, but the fullness was no longer uncomfortable. It felt right, as if you were complete with the way you almost felt his cock inside your stomach.
Aaron licked his fingers and quickly got to work on your clit, hoping it would wetten you up a bit and also distract you from the pain. It took all self control in him not to rut into you and immediately come. You were so fucking tight, and the way your face was glowing, he wanted nothing more than to fuck you just right.
"You can..." you breathed gently, clenching his hand still, "move," Aaron gave you a deep kiss, wishing he could swallow all of your uncomfort and give you all of his pleasure. He slowly went out, and rutted his hips back in a little harder than he would've liked to.
He started a very slow rythym, your legs were over his so he had all access he needed. Any sign of hesitation and he was to stop, he told himself. As of now, though, it seemed as if you were starting to enjoy it.
He held himself off from coming so quickly, and made sure you finished first. He was such a giver, and he wanted to make you feel good. He went a little rougher, a little faster, and your moans slowly came from your throat.
"Fuck, does that feel good?"
You took his hand that held yours, and slowly transferred it to your neck. He was a little taken aback, but slowly grinned. "Choke me, daddy,"
Aaron Hotchner had never fucked someone like he fucked you. After hearing you call him that, he wrapped his oh so beautifully large hands around you throat and fucked you into oblivion.
Your pussy was squelching, filling up the room with both of your hips smacking together. Aaron wasn't fully inside you, though. Not as much as he wanted to be. He wanted to make sure you could adjust.
His hands were all over you, now that you could take him faster. His hands at your hips, pistoning into you, whispering sweet nothings, or tugging at your nipples. He was a man poisoned by your body.
"Such a dirty girl, taking me so well," he gripped your thighs tightly, almost needing to hold on. You were so full, so overstimulated, it was a miracle you hadn't come yet.
It wasn't until his fingers landed on your clit, he fully bottomed out inside you. Your whole body shuddered, and you leaned up to lean your head into his shoulder.
"Oh, god," you were out of breath, your voice nearly breaking, "please, fuck me, please,"
"You're so fucking tight, fuck," he was now grunting, and he could feel your thighs shaking. You were going to come. He rubbed your clit faster, spreading your juices all over his fingers. "Yeah, you gonna come? All over this fat cock? Fuck, come for me,"
You moaned into his ear as your orgasm hit you like a fucking truck, and your whole body froze, then started to seize. Your thighs shook, your hands shook, and Aaron had to stop himself right then and there from coming once again. Your already tight walls cradled his cock so beautifully, he continued to fuck in and out of you, before you looked up at him, post climax.
"Aren't you gonna come inside me, daddy?"
"Fuck," he growled, before pulling out and turning you over once again. You were now face down in the bed, and he was quick to give a light slap on your ass and fill you once more. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and truly went balls deep. You were a moaning mess once again, feeling so fucking full.
"Yeah, you're so fucking good for me. So sweet, and all mine," he growled out, using his full force to fuck you. "I'm gonna cum inside this sweet little pussy. If it leaks out I'll just have to fuck it back into you, huh?"
"Oh, my god, Aaron," you were so overstimulated again, and you reached down to circle your clit once more. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum again, please, please keep fucking me,"
He grabbed your hips, letting go of your hair, and used brute force of his hips to fuck into you. "So fucking good, sweetheart," he kept whispering, and almost like clockwork, your second orgasm started. The clenching of your sore cunt is what drunk his out, his dick spasming and releasing hot ropes of cum inside you.
You laid together, sweaty bodies now having come together as one. Aaron was quick to get up though, insisting he run you a warm bath and grabbing a rag for himself.
You laid on your side, now feeling sore. Especially your ass, which at this point felt raw. It wasn't long before you heard the bath water running, and he walked back into the room with a black t-shirt on and a pair of boxer shorts.
"My, my, Aaron Hotchner, don't you look delicious," you said, almost sleepily with a smirk on your face. Still sticky, covered in cum, you were still at peace. He was yours.
"Alright, hotshot, lets go get in the bath," and as you began to sit up, he quickly hissed at you. "Absolutely not will you be walking,"
Aaron Hotchner carried you bridal style to the bathroom, gently laying you into the lukewarm tub. You hissed in pain, your ass really taking the hit. Literally.
"Shit, I'm sorry. I wish I would have stopped earlier," he said in sorrow, his eyes almost searching for forgiveness. "Aaron, I literally asked for it. It felt good," you smiled, pecking him on the lips as he was on his knees next to you. "Now if I had asked you to stop and you didn't, that would be another story."
"You know I'd never do that, right?"
You nodded, pulling your knees up to your chest and laying your head to the side as Aaron ran warm water over your back, his hands carressing you so gently.
"You did so well, tonight, you know that?" He was showering you with love, and you felt it. He gave you a kiss on the temple, and continued rubbing your back soothingly. "Lets put some lotion on your ass later, okay?"
You couldn't help but giggle.
"Are you staying tonight?" you asked wtih hopeful eyes, begging for only one answer.
"Of course, sweetheart," he gave you the most genuinely smile Aaron Hotchner could muster.
He continued like that for a while, slowly helping you clean yourself off, even in the most private places. This was more intimate than the dirty, rough sex you just had. Speaking of..
"Can we cuddle tonight?"
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hello! i hope you enjoyed this lovely piece of smut. i am taking more requests for one-shots, blurbs, etc. i do criminal minds (female x emily, derek, hotch, reid, or garcia) i also do the walking dead (female x daryl, rick, negan) and bts AND stray kids if you're into kpop!
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lollytea · 2 years
Hunter asks Willow which Cosmic Frontier character she wants to be for the convention and she says "[O'Bailey's Love Interest]" without knowing she's the love interest (bc she only read one book), and Hunter's face goes full tomato.
I'm constantly thinking about O'Bailey having this slow burn in the series and the burn was SO slow and gradual and NOT as explicit as he expects romance to be that Hunter didn't even notice it.
It snuck up on him. He didn't realize he had gotten so invested until it all hit him at once. Like there was definitely a foundation being set up in Book 1 but it completely flew over Hunter's head. But admittedly O'Bailey's interesting dynamic with the Keiko character (using that until we come up with a fanon name) was changing his brain chemistry a bit. Like there's something here that's reeling him in but he can't articulate it. He just thinks Keiko is really cool. He likes how strong and tough and smart she is. He's reread that part where she touches O'Bailey's cheek like twenty times. She's just really sweet yknow? He likes that she's so sweet. But ALSO cool and strong and tough and strong AND
Anyway when he gets to the part in the series where they finally kiss, Hunter nearly has a fucking heart attack. His hands are shaking. In his frantic efforts to turn the page he nearly tears it out right out of the book. Then the chapter ends and he snaps the book shut and holds it tight in his lap for a moment, like he's almost scared to keep reading. He will continue, he just....needs a moment. His hand is pressed over his mouth. His breathing is a little unsteady. It was like THAT?? Had it always been like that??? Huh?? How?? When?? Where?? Why??? Huh????
Hunter isn't right for DAYS. It completely and utterly discombobulated him. O'Bailey. His O'Bailey??? He got kissed. Seriously kissed. Holy fucking shit.
Now you KNOW that after this Hunter blushes every time the O'Bailey and Keiko relationship is brought up. He CANT talk about it. It renders him hopelessly flustered so he avoids the subject. Gus assumes he's just indifferent to the romance angle. Which is fine, it's not something Gus really focuses on much either. But both agree that Keiko is an AWESOME character. They LOVE her.
Willow thinks she's pretty cool too. Definitely her fave. (Tho O'Bailey is cute too 😊) So when the question is asked, she's like "Could I be Keiko?" And Hunter just. Freezes. He tries to answer for several seconds, his mouth flying open and shut and NOTHING comes out. Finally, he manages a jerky nod.
"I'll..." He forces out. "I'll get started on your costume right away."
Hunter blushes around Willow CONSTANTLY but nothing could possibly compare to the moment she stepped into the basement to model the cosplay Hunter made for her. Gus and Hunter are already fully dressed. He's decked out in full O'Bailey gear. And I swear, Hunter reacts like he had just been caught naked. Completely fucking exposed.
Cuz she!!! She's dressed like!!! And he!!! He!!! It's like!!!! Yknow????
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wafflesinthe504 · 2 years
The Rookie 5x12 Thoughts
Spoilers for The Rookie 5x12 below. If you've watched the episode or don't care about spoilers, please enjoy!
Before I really get started can I just give a shout out of appreciation to all the The Rookie gif makers out there. Y'all really snapped tonight. Honestly, I think this is the quickest work you guys have done! Chef's kiss to all the gifs out there.
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The cold open of tonight's episode was great. Seeing everyone just pile in all dirty and bruised up due to whatever happened beforehand and a flustered Kelly Clarkson was cool to see. Nyla and Angela being the only ones not covered in dirt because they're detectives was the best part. Their little fist bump was so cute.
But honestly I would really like to know what happened that led to almost everyone being covered in dirt and leaving the scene with cuts and scrapes. Like did something explode, were they in a derelict warehouse and had to fight some bad guys, like what happened?
Anyways, onto the rest of the episode.
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I was so happy to see Tamara again. Her just chilling out doing yoga with Lucy trying to play off the fact that she got home late. It doesn't matter how good of a liar Lucy is anybody with eyes can see that her and Tim are dating. The relief that Lucy expressed when Tamara told Lucy that she knew she was dating Tim. Lucy was just happy for someone else to finally know and be able to talk about her relationship with Tim. Our girl was ready to talk about the amazing relationship she has with Tim. Also, Tamara being the reason that Lucy decided that today was the day. Honestly, I want to see Tamara and Aaron meet at this point. Its only right that the captains of the ship get to hang out for a bit.
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The return of Oscar Hutchinson is always a delight. Look I know that man has committed plenty of atrocities (mainly stabbing Wesley), but I find him pretty funny. I really like how he's the one antagonist that has really been shown to actively get under John's skin. Any time Oscar is even mentioned is basically becomes the worst day of John's life. Even though Oscar has proven to be a dangerous criminal I just find it funny that his main character trait is to be as annoying as humanly possible. I also really like the fact that even though could have just been born this way every time we meet him its made clear that he just chooses to be this way. As great as sympathetic villains and antagonists are I really enjoy seeing a someone who is just clearly irredeemable and doesn't want to be redeemed either. Oscar just exists to be chaotic and I love it.
As much as I like Celina's character I really do wish that the writers would sort of abandon the idea of Celina having some sort supernatural ability. I feel like the other times were a little bit more believable since there was at least evidence that something was off, but Celina just instantly knowing that Oscar was somehow in danger really threw me off. I mean unless Celina was just messing with him I don't understand why it was necessary to put that in there. At the time there really wasn't any way she would have really known that Oscar was in danger.
I think a better idea would been to just let her notice how off the doctor seemed when she was being threatened.
Bonus: I just love how Nolan is absolutely in love with Bailey and loving the fact that she can totally beat him in fight.
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I know I probably say this every week but I just can't get enough of Angela and Nyla. Honestly if wasn't so invested in Chenford they would easily be my favorite duo on the show. They're just so many great layers to them. Both of them are amazing detectives who are also moms and wives with beautiful families. They're both the protectors of their respective families, but they still get to show a full range emotion and complexity and I just really appreciate that.
A lot of the time spent this episode with Angela and Nyla are while they're on a stakeout of a criminal who turns out to be none other than Elijah Stone. When Nyla first found out that Angela lied to her about who they were following I was worried for a little bit that it would be dragged out for dramatic reasons but I'm really glad that they didn't let it fester and had Angela apologize at the end with Nyla accepting the apology. I also really liked seeing Angela be honest about how terrified she is of the current situation and how much pressure she feels on herself right now to be the protector of her family which is something that we know Nyla can relate to with her having to protect James from a robbery in a recent episode.
I just love how much these two have each other's backs. Its great representation of a great friendship that extends beyond the workplace and can healthily work through rough times in their friendship.
Bonus: Angela is pregnant again and Jack is going to be a big brother. The scene at the end with Angela telling Wesley was really cute.
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Today was an official end of an era and a beautiful beginning to a new one. Tim and Lucy rode together for possibly the final time (for the best possible reason). Oh, how the tables have turned. We have gone from Tim Tests to Lucy Lessons and it was amazing. Seeing Tim be the one in denial about how objective he can be about Lucy was amusing to watch. That man hasn't been objective about Lucy since season 2. The only one he was kidding was himself with that one.
Lucy doing things just slightly off but knowing that they were things that Tim would usually nitpick about just to prove a point and swiping the earrings just to prove to Tim that he wasn't able to be objective any more when it came to her was an absolute genius play.
I really enjoyed seeing them working together at the house where the doctor's family was being held hostage. Even before I really started shipping them I always liked how well they worked together due to how well their able to balance each other out. Its most definitely something I'll miss, but hopefully we'll still get a few scenes of them together working together later on.
I will say that I am really excited to see what's next for both of them in their careers. For so much of the series their careers have been tied to each other in some way, shape, or form and I wonder what its going to be like seeing them pursuing their careers separate from each other.
I hope that we actually get to see Tim in his new desk job for at least a little bit. For the whole time we've known him he's always been a very physical character and I think it would be interesting to see how he acts be in a much less physical job. As a court liason I could see Tim interacting with pretty much every lawyer we know including the red hair one defending Elijah which could be an interesting dynamic.
Lastly, but absolutely not least the end scene Tim and Lucy succeed in getting 'naked time' with each other. Everything about the last scene with them was just perfect. Lucy cooking them dinner, Tim telling Lucy about his job change, the gentle kiss turning passionate. I loved everything about it.
I can't wait to see more domestic Chenford. Here's hoping the next time we see them they'll be at Tim's place and we can see Kojo again.
Bonus: Tim and Lucy in the parking lot literally could not be any more obvious short of them making out right then and there. Them trying (unsuccessfully) to play it cool in front of Wade.
Hope you enjoyed. If you want come chat with me in the comments about anything The Rookie related.
Until next time have a good day or night.
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this post will include major spoilers for My School President and Moonlight chicken, and sort of spoilers for Bad Buddy (I make a comparison). I also did not proofread this and wrote it all in one go without sleeping for a very long time so be warned.
Hello and welcome to me trying to articulate how and why I love every single detail of the My school President finale without sounding insane. This is going to be long so buckle in.
We'll start strong with the obvious which is their first kiss. We waited eleven episodes for them to kiss. They had all these super romantic moments, teasing us with the possibility of a kiss only for it to never happen UNTIL episode 12, the finale, when it happens without any notice, shocking myself and probably everyone else. It was unlike GMMTV's style who usually save the first kiss scene for some dramatic rooftop or beach. All that build up just for a brief peck for their first kiss? Perfection. It was so perfect for their dynamic and for the theme of the show itself. Think of all the things this show carries. First love, high school, dreams, friendship, romance. It's always been more on the innocent side, definitely the other side of the coin that is Never Let Me Go, another GMMTV BL that aired at the same time, with the same aged characters but with an entirely different vibe. That vibe, however, is what made this show really work. Because although it overall came off as innocent, it used that appearance to talk about some deeper things. But, I'll get to that later. Back to the kiss. GMMTV were truly genius for doing it the way they did. A lot of us were even convinced that they weren't going to kiss at all, especially after the scene in MoonLight Chicken from an episode aired only a day before the finale of My School President. The actors for Tin and Gunn, Gemini and Fourth, play characters in that show as well and in this episode they had their very first kiss together however due to camera angles we don't actually see it. That led us to beileve maybe these two actors just wouldn't be kissing in any of their shows, or at least not yet. So we went in to the finale either thinking they wouldn't kiss at all, or expecting a dramatic first kiss and we got neither. It was truly genius. And, as I said before it perfectly fit the theme of the show. It was exactly the style we've come to expect and love from TinGunn. Really fucking cute, for lack of better words. It also suited them because no matter how much those two managed to flirt, they still both were often awkward and flustered around each other so their first kiss being brief and in such a sudden moment fit them really well. It really was just so perfect. We didn't even need anything more in my opinion, but we got it anyways when later in the episode they do kiss more. Overall, it was really something that stood out to me and I loved how it ended up playing out. Physical touch has always been such a big part of TinnGun's relationship and development, and this was really just the pinnacle.
The Prom MV. The PROM MV. A small scene, hardly important to the story right? WRONG. The Prom MV not only provided us with some much appreciated jealous Gun which we love and missed from around ep 6 or 7 I beileve when he tares Tinn away from some girls who were flirting with him (before they had even admitted their feelings to each other I might add) but it also was a very sly method from GMMTV to insert some social commentary, something they've loved doing ever since Not Me. Tiw, apologizes to Tinn and Gun, telling them he asked for the MV to have a "BL" couple but they refused. They go on to show that Tinn's Co-star in the MV has a girlfriend, watching her on the side lines much like Gun is watching Tinn. This implies that the school board had unknowingly put into action an MV starring a gay man and a lesbian (assumed, not confirmed) playing a couple. All of this speaks volumes towards heteronormativity and gender roles and how society, specifically Thailand society in this case, but also everywhere, sees queer people. They'd rather place together a man and a woman who have zero attraction to each other than a man and a man or a woman and a woman who do. Although the message itself was serious, GMMTV still kept it light for the theme of the show, having Gun be jealous of Tinn and the girl in the MV, even pinching Tiw and telling him to yell cut, a detail we all loved. That's one thing that I really admired as I briefly mentioned earlier. The way they were able to insert more serious themes into the show without moving too far from the overall innocent and light hearted vibe.
That being said, GMMTV did let it get serious sometimes, in a way that was very well done. Besides the finale, they had plotlines that cast a more darker tone to the series, such as Gun struggling with feelings of self worth, and failure and his mother getting sick. I won't touch on that much, as I'm trying to focus on the finale here. For the finale, they had a very important scene where Tinn and Gun overhear two of their teachers saying bad things about them, regarding their relationship. This is what we can assume to be both of their times first experiencing strong homophobia directly. For it to come from a teacher as well, one they had respected was incredibly difficult. They don't sugarcoat this part of the episode. They don't give the teacher a redemption arc. Throughout the scene, the teacher holds their views and is shown as what some people are, simply just assholes. This was so important to the series, and important to the show overall, for the message and for the characters. Through this scene we get to see several different characters and their own reactions to Tinn and Gun, theirs being positive. Tinn's junior in his club as well as his mother both stand up foe them against the teacher. It's an emotional scene (that might have made me cry) and really shows you two sides to a very real and much bigger picture. Some people will only be filled with hate, and it can come from anyone. Even someone we trust. But among the hate there will always be those who will stay by your side, and some might surprise you. It's important to stand up for yourself and for whoever you love, to be proud of yourself and not to listen to anyone who tells you to be anything other than what you are. It was a beautiful and very important message and lesson for TinnGun and for us viewers.
Okay, enough being serious for a sec. Now we are going to discuss some of the smaller cuter details I appreciated. Gun officially meeting Tinn's parents as his boyfriend and the dynamic between them matching the already developed characters types of the parents. Tinn's dad being open and friendly, excitingly sharing his shared interest in music with Gun. Gun calling him dad and being nervous but comfortable around him. Tinn's mom telling Gun to call her Aunt instead of mom and her husband teasing her for it. Her staying somewhat distant from the situation yet letting things progress naturally and standing by when she usually would have interfered. It showed great character growth on her part, beyond of course what already occurred with her choosing her son over her career (We'll talk more about that later)
Let's talk about Prom. One thing I liked a lot is how Gun pulled Tinn on stage. It wasn't just romantic and very cute, but it was significant to Tinn and his development. If we look back to episode, 4 or 5 I think? Tinn tells Gun that his worst memory is when as a kid he was meant to sing on stage but forgot the lyrics. He'd been too afraid to sing since. He does sing, however in a previous episode with Gun on stage to support him when he was tired. That already showed how his love for Gun could overpower any previous fear he'd had and make himself stronger and more brave. This scene continues that theme and is important also for the fact that Tinn's mom was there to witness it. In a previous episode when she asks Gun about Tinn she found out that Tinn had sung with Gun and she is surprised. Showing again that Tinn didn't tell her things, or share things with her, much like he never shared with her his crush on Gun. But with this scene, she is there to see it herself. Tinn on stage, quietly singing along with his boyfriend. She's seeing the side to him she never was able to see, one she is finally able to see because she stopped being scared and opener herself up to getting to know her son beyond what she wanted from him.
And here comes, what I mentioned earlier. This very same scene, there is once again some discourse among the teachers about Tinn and Gun's relationship. As was shown and said earlier, she'd been put in a tough position as soon as the pictures of the two had spread, getting calls and complaints from others about the "image" it was giving the school she worked so hard to run. It's made clear from episode one how important it is to her to run the school and maintain what she worked so hard to get. However, in this episode she chooses her son. Not only does she choose her son, but she chooses her morals. We don't see the woman who denied our favorite high school band to perform again and again, but instead we see the woman who wants to run a school where her son, and anyone, can love who they want. I really enjoyed seeing that character development from her, although to me it seems it was always there. It wasn't entirely her that changed, but our perception of her and Tinn's perception of her and I think that was a really smart move on the part of the writers.
One smaller detail I want to mention is the scene where the Chinzilla members are all waiting together to find out their college/future plan results. The scene was much like one from a previous episode, when they waited to find out the winner of the contestant they had tried so hard to be. In the previous scene they are all met with disappointment. It's a very important moment for all of them and continues to follow the theme of youth and dreams. In that case, their dream didn't come true. In life, that is often the case. We don't always get what we want no matter how hard we try. That taught a tough lesson. However, in this later scene they follow that up with a positive tone. Gun finds that he was accepted and the group hugs and celebrates. It's a direct contrast to their previous disappointment and it really gave such a nice, although possibly corny message that you should never give up on your dreams and even if something doesn't work out, there's ways something else that will.
This next one I usually never ever talk about because I don't like it, so the fact that I'm not only okay with bringing it up, but okay that it even happened speaks wonders about how highly I thought of this finale. TinnGun versus GunTinn. I hate this. Like really really hate whenever this is brought up in a BL. It's stupid and it always opens up room for what we all know is a very real issue in the consumption of mlm media. Fetishization. You aren't truly a BL fan until you've been made very uncomfortable by someone discussing which of your favorite characters… yeah. So whenever this is brought up in a BL, even in a joking manner, I hate it. But I just couldn't hate it this time. Because once again, they did it so well. As usual, it was brought up by other people. Their classmates' curiosity and rather selfish need to pry into their business (in my opinion) brought up the subject. But it didn't result in anything weird, for lack of a better word. In fact it was sweet and even funny. It perfectly fit Tinn and Gun, and did show a little bit more of maturity on their part since the show has maintained a rather innocent feel around their relationship. Gun doesn't even know what the order means and Tinn has to tell him. He whispers it to him right there in the hallway and it's the cutest fucking thing. And instead of awkwardness or toxic arguments (I'm looking at you, My Engineer) it turned into teasing and gave the entire argument I've grown so tired of from BL, a light hearted tone. For once, I didn't feel uncomfortable or like they were making it some weird reference to the sick interest of fans (too harsh? Maybe. But idc) but it really felt like it was about TinnGun and their dynamic and it was just really fucking cute, there's no other way to describe it. What is also good about it, is often when BL do have that argument they will reveal which way it is one way or another, and it's just such a weird thing that they feel the need to do that. If it's a scene where they are like actually showing it, fine whatever I guess. but when they talk about it after the fact and make a point of making it clear what happened is so weird to me. Even Bad Buddy did that. I hated that scene in Bad Buddy. It took away some of my enjoyment from the show. My point is, MSP didn't do that and I appreciated that. Because it really doesn't matter, so shut the fuck up and srop being weird and trying to force gender roles on gay relationships.
Those were my main points but there are so many more details I could discuss. A lot of the focus being on Gun and his friends rather than the whole episode being about TinnGun and how important that is to Gun's character and to the show. How their support for Gun when the photos appeared online was a huge deal.
All the small references to previous events such as Tinn's dad buying a new guitar after Tinn gave Gun hid and Gun almost revealing it to him on accident. It gave such small and not entirely necessary, but very cute and funny background on previous events, tying it all together. These details also really helped the series to feel more full and real. A living and breathing story, rather than words on a script.
The entire series and especially that finale was just so well done and I can't believe such amazing work came from a silly little romance about a singer and his school president boyfriend. Except I can, because that silly little vibe is exactly how it was able to create something like this. I'm so grateful for this series and I'm so so so so sad to see it end but the end truly was perfect.
If you have read all of this… you are as obsessed as me, huh?
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see-arcane · 2 years
I think the reason some people think they never met is because Mina says that when she found him in the hospital, she saw the quiet dignity in his eyes "that I've been telling you about" gone. As if she'd tell her lucy "wait until you meet him, you'll see what I mean, but then he got caught by the horrors.
Either way, it's also funny how Lucy tells Mina "if you weren't engaged, this well-off man of good birth would have been perfect for you, about Jack. Like you don't have to rub it in that Jonny is a clerk of no birth :p (I'm sure it wasn't intentional)
The trouble with all these correspondences being letters is the same problem some folks run into with texting--if you're not already aware of the other person's demeanor/likely context, you'll lose a lot of what goes unspoken and the actual intended meaning
With the 'quiet dignity' thing, I can kind of see both sides.
A) Jonathan and Lucy haven't met yet (unlikely at this stage in their mutual relationships with Mina, but still possible) or
B) This is the exact kind of gushing stuff you Do Not bring up in front of said fiancé who would probably turn red as a tomato if he was there to witness it. Despite him gladly listening to everyone swoon over how awesome Mina is. I see you, Mr. Hypocrite. It's the kind of thing that's usually reserved for talking about while the person-talked-about isn't in the room to get flustered. Jonathan would probably ruin the dignified description on purpose by trying to hide in his hat.
As to Lucy faux-matchmaking Mina and Jack, I can read that pretty easily as her own running bit picked up from what she's no doubt witnessed her friends go through, to say nothing of herself, when it comes to 'bUt ThInK oF tHe PrOsPeCtS!!1!' coming from every adult, friend, and stranger who's apparently flabbergasted at these three young people--GASP--wanting to marry for love? Like titles and money AREN'T the things you're supposed to worry about first?? W h a t???
So I imagine that bit in Lucy's letter was meant to be read in the tone of some pearl-clutching advice peddler (perhaps unconsciously in the tone of her own mother, but that's its own mess to address) trying to rid Mina of silly notions like romance and an established happy relationship that she and her beloved have been planning for since childhood which surely cannot compare to suddenly throwing herself at [INSERT WELL-OFF BACHELOR SHE'S NEVER MET BEFORE HERE] for the prospects~.
...And maybe, just maybe, it's an offshoot of Miss Lucy 'Polyamory sounds rad as hell actually' Westenra trying to subtly push her, "Wouldn't it be so funny if we were all in love and together en masse? Ha ha! Just kidding! (Unless 👀)" agenda into things.
Regardless, I can't picture a version of this story where Mina never bothered to introduce both her loves to each other. The rest we just have to extrapolate and imagine for ourselves
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the-shining-river · 2 years
Karen’s relationships and priorities, DD S1
I’m rewatching DD S1, and some posts about Karen’s relationship with Matt got me thinking about her priorities and interests.
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In this podcast DD S3 writer Erik Oleson talks (starting from around 14:00 mark) about Karen’s feelings of guilt and how it has kinda prevented her from forming real romantic attachments, but I think it’s also that... she doesn’t trust easily.
In S1 we also see how Matt and Foggy—two people she would like to build a closer romantic or platonic relationship with—periodically shut her out because of some other shit going on with them. At the same time, Karen is so passionate about things she believes in, and so dead-ass focused on other stuff; and if she doesn’t trust or want other people involved (to keep them safe), or if they’ve left her hanging, she’ll just go ahead and do it alone. First, it’s about her survival past the framing and the attack in the prison, then the stuff with the Union Allied NDA agreement, then investigating the truth with Ben Urich, then getting real invested in helping Mrs Cardenas. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for dating, even if she was in the headspace to go out and actively look for romance.
More details and receipts under the cut.
In S1, Karen is initially distrustful of the two lawyers, wondering about their motives and also not wanting to endanger them, preferring to do things by herself. She doesn’t tell either Matt or Foggy about the Union Allied file she stole, she doesn’t consult them about the Union Allied non-disclosure agreement, doesn’t share about going to that auction where she bought all that unnecessary office equipment.
Instead, Karen, on her own, seeks out Daniel’s widow to find out what others in her position have done about the NDA and possibly find an ally; and then she goes to Ben Urich—supposedly someone with experience in handling this sort of dangerous information.
Because she doesn’t trust anyone else. Because good people get dead because of her.
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Karen and Foggy have bonded over that night of drinking in E2 and helping Mrs Cardenas in E5, and I can believe that they are actually friends. Even if Foggy, for a while, has a crush on Karen, while she simply doesn’t seem to feel the chemistry, and it’s awkward for a bit, they get over it and continue being friends.
But not Karen and Matt. Past that little bit of bonding talk when she was staying in Matt’s apartment that first night, and throughout her being busy with all her other stuff, Karen and Matt’s relationship doesn’t seem to progress beyond being coworkers and allies.
The way Matt in E3 only asks her to not have any more long lunches, it feels like he treats her simply as his employee. And in E5 when Karen has charged the auctioned office equipment to the law firm, her first concern is getting her ass fired, not how she’s gonna explain it to the guys on a personal vs professional level.
There is some attraction, a crush on Matt from Karen’s side (I think she has a bit of a competence kink too) that comes out when Matt gives cool speeches or speaks fluent Spanish to Mrs Cardenas. In E5, Foggy mentions to her how Matt always gets involved with the wrong girl, and Karen IS curious, asking about his dating habits and the face touching. She also has that cute flustered smile on her face when she calls Matt while Foggy is in the hospital following the explosions in E6. But they’re not friends, and whatever crush Karen has on Matt, it’s low-key enough that it doesn’t seem to impact her priorities or her work in the office, it’s not informing her decisions.
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One of the reasons why it’s not really going anywhere is that every time Karen brings up something that is important to her (the truth about Union Allied, or helping Mrs Cardenas), Matt’s response is kinda dismissive, or it’s the bare minimum effort. If he then goes and does something about it as Daredevil, Karen doesn’t know that. Mrs Cardenas’ case gets delegated to Foggy while Matt continues following his Daredevil leads on Fisk. Even when asked about what he thinks about the Daredevil being painted a terrorist, Matt jokes and avoids answering her, and then gives a careful, lawfully neutral reply to Foggy:
“What happened to Hell’s Kitchen, to you and to Elena, and to all the people that were hurt, yeah, it pisses me off. But this man, whoever he is, whatever his motive, he shouldn’t be tried and convicted in the press. We’re lawyers, we know that’s not how it’s supposed to work.”
Foggy suspects something is going on with Karen, suspects she has secrets, but Matt is not even particularly interested. “Everyone has secrets,” he says before returning to his research on Leland (and lying that it’s about the tenement case), whereas Foggy’s reaction to being discovered following her is plain honest and straightforward: “You were acting weird. I was worried about you!” — because that’s what friends do, they pay attention and they worry.
Karen and Foggy order the Nelson & Murdock sign together. They investigate the construction workers together, while Matt is off in the art gallery investigating Vanessa. She apparently poses for a silly picture for Foggy (see the caller ID when Karen calls him in E10). When Mrs Cardenas dies in E9, it’s Foggy Karen turns to for a comforting hug, ends up sitting the wake with him at Josie’s after Matt leaves.
While still having that crush on Matt in E8 (because feelings aren’t always neat and logical), Karen knows him well enough by then to have pretty realistic expectations regarding his reactions. When Foggy mentions that they should tell Matt about them investigating Union Allied, Karen’s clear position is that they shouldn’t, because he will be against it:
“Matt wouldn’t understand. You know what he would say. [..]That we’re being stupid.”
And then, Matt does exactly that. He dismisses Karen’s trust in Ben Urich, says she’s been acting like a kid, that they need to be “smart about this”. The message Karen gets is that all the work she and Foggy have put into their research while he was away doing... personal (Daredevil) stuff, apparently is anything but “smart”, and only Matthew Murdock can do it in a smart way (It’s an understandable overprotective reaction from Matt, considering he just rescued a beaten up Claire who was kidnapped because of him, but again — Karen has no idea where he’s coming from, and he’s not explaining).
Matt strong-arms them into playing it safe, and for a guy who was pretty chill about “everyone having secrets”, he kinda goes off about Foggy having followed Karen and them both getting into trouble, and then he shuts them both down and starts making decisions like he’s in charge, not like he’s an equal member of their team. And they somehow let him. Because Matt has this confidence about him. The air of leadership.
Matt: “I don’t want anyone to be a hero, Karen. I want you to be safe. And I want to protect this firm and everything we’re trying to build here. We know the law. We’ll use that to our advantage. Agreed?”
Foggy: “Do we have a choice?”
Matt: “Not so much.”
Karen doesn’t believe the law would solve this, but she agrees to work with Matt—whatever gets the case solved, because it’s so important to her, and because he is a highly intelligent lawyer.
She’s still kinda bitter in E9 when Ben comes to the law office and meets Matt officially (”Matt Murdock, attorney-at-why-the-hell-bother”), but she gets flustered and smiling when she and Matt are left alone in the office. It feels like, chafing as she is under Matt’s unilateral decision to run things by the book, that take-charge attitude is also something that appeals to Karen, at that point. I think it makes her feel safe, that he’s willing to take control of all this mess, even if Matt admits he’s making it all up as he goes.
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So it feels... definitely not straightforward. There’s an attraction and a liking, from Karen’s side, and an admiration for Matt’s intelligence and strong beliefs, his goodness; but there’s also frustration with his commitment to the law and the way he tends to make unilateral decisions instead of discussing things with her and Foggy.
In terms of relationships, it feels like she’s actually the closest to Ben, at that point. They share a passion for uncovering the truth, they both see the world in terms of stories to tell. (”All the people here, all the years that they’ve lived, there must be so many stories,” she gushes to Ben when they visit the nursing home.) He’s her mentor, the brave, experienced champion for justice that Karen has so much to learn from (including being careful).
In E10, we even see Karen opening up to Ben emotionally, a bit, and that’s not something Karen Page does often:
“There's nothing worse... Feeling choices are made for us. There's nothing you can do, but swim in shit and hope you don't get too much in your mouth.”
I suppose, talking about his wife’s illness and why he didn’t tell her (”Saying it means it’s true”) struck a chord. Karen knows from personal experience how “We all have things we hold onto for ourselves, that we don’t want anyone to know”.
So yeah, I’m not sure where Karen’s attraction to Matt comes from. They’re not open with each other; Matt the lawyer doesn’t show any particular interest in her causes; and he makes unilateral decisions when the three should be a team.
During the wake for Mrs Cardenas in E9, they talk a bit, Matt mentions he’s Catholic, and Karen says she's not religious—a personal subject outside of their established boss/secretary boundaries. She even tries to comfort him (”Fisk will get what he deserves. You have to believe that.”), but she just spends so much more quality time with Foggy or even Ben than she does with Matt.
But maybe Matt’s aloofness and unavailability is another thing that attracts her to him. Maybe that she finds him more conventionally handsome than Foggy? The way he’s more confident? And, yeah, maybe for Karen he feels safer, finally a good boyfriend material, considering her dating history in Vermont?
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It feels like Karen’s dynamic with Matt changes in E11 when she’s faced with the most glaring evidence that Matt’s lying to her about something big. There’s disappointment. A realisation that Matt never trusted her after she lied about the Union Allied pension file, and so maybe it’s her own fault that her budding feelings were never returned (not that she regrets keeping him and Foggy safely out of it).
It ends in Matt’s stubborn silence and Karen’s sad disappointment. But at the same time, it feels like the first real glimpse she has of him, without the rose-tinted glasses. The way she approaches and touches his face, she acts like his equal, not his employee with a crush. Even if Matt’s response right after she updates him on her findings is to issue her tasks and instructions—to go to the office, contact Foggy. He obviously cares about her (her safety), but he still treats her as his subordinate, to some extent. Or as some kind of a passive object for him to keep safe (also the way Matt just tells Foggy to “Get her home” in E13 despite Karen’s protests that they’re not leaving him.)
In any case, when Karen had tried calling him, when Karen had wanted to tell him what she was doing going to the nursing home, Matt simply hadn’t been picking up.
And then Foggy doesn’t pick up either, and doesn’t show up at the office and refuses to talk about it. Both lawyers are shutting her out, her relationships suddenly not as solid as she had believed them to be, the law practice hanging by the thread, and Karen is upset and freaking out, and the only thing remaining steadfast is her desire to bring down Fisk. Even with Ben she hits a rough patch after she has tricked him into going to the nursing home, but at least they hash it out and move on.
Then Wesley meets the wrong end of his gun, and Karen feels so alone. This is a Very Bad Thing that has happened, and she doesn’t dare tell anyone.
She can’t sleep, goes to the office, meets Foggy and rightfully gives him shit about not picking up when she calls and just pretending to care about what’s going on with her.
But, like with Ben, they hash it out. Foggy can’t give her the answers she wants, so Karen backs down and instead just directly asks what she needs, that “it would be really nice not to be alone” in the office as they deal with Fisk. Foggy apologises and promises that he will be around and keep working on Fisk’s case and that he won’t be ignoring her calls. This is Karen stating her emotional needs. This is Karen compromising! This is how she is fighting her loneliness, telling people in no uncertain terms what actions they can take to make her feel better (show up at the office and pick up the damn phone), and honestly I just love her for it.
(later, in TP S1, we also see this with Frank—he’s not telling her about Kandahar and doesn’t want her involved, so, as a compromise, she asks to see him again so she knows he’s okay, and he agrees)
With Ben it’s also important that he’s the only one who has managed to unearth Karen’s past, and that, knowing all that, he still cares about her. He understands her fear of other people discovering it, and understands her frustration from her inability to publish the story herself our of a fear she’d be discredited. Ben goes along with her urging and pushing him after Wesley in E12, because getting the truth out there is so important to her, and so he gets one of those wonderful Karen hugs.
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When Matt, coming from Madame Gao’s heroin warehouse in E12, says he “can’t do it alone”, that he “can’t take another step”, it powerfully echoes with Karen’s own recent feelings of being alone while being caught in Matt and Foggy’s drama, only whatever has happened to Matt is obviously so much worse than what Karen is/was experiencing. So Matt gets a hug too. Hugs and involvement compromises are Karen’s love language.
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Karen really, really doesn’t do well with being shut out of conversations and relationships (wonder where that trauma might have come from...). In E13, she legit basks in the atmosphere when the avocados figure their shit out and all three start working together again.
“It’s the way it should be. [..] Nelson and Murdock.”
And in the end:
Foggy: Now everybody knows what kind of asshole Fisk really is.
Karen: And we are the ones that made it happen, the three of us.
And in the very very end of S1 when Fisk is put away for real this time, I love how the three of them are joking and bantering like a team, like equals. Even if there’s still a crush happening (Karen gets all flustered the moment Foggy leaves to meet up with Marci, leaving her with Matt), it also feels like they’re all on a much more level footing, and that there’s some real actual flesh to Karen’s relationship with Matt, ambiguous as it may be.
The way he finally asks about what it was that he has been hearing in her voice, Karen finally knows that Matt cares about her as a person too, not just someone to keep safe.
Matt: I thought whatever it was, whatever’s been... I thought it would get better once Fisk was put away, but... it hasn’t, has it?
Karen: We put him away, yeah. But it won’t bring back Elena or Ben, or erase what we’ve been through, or... what we’ve had to do to get here.
Matt: Yeah. A lot of decisions I’d give anything to go back and change. But I can’t. None of us can. It’s like I told Foggy, all we can do is move forward, together.
That little dialogue is a beautiful mix of ‘too little too late’ (Karen doesn’t have much of an incentive to tell anyone about Wesley if Fisk is put away and she’s safe), and Matt kinda opening up and offering his thoughts, and at the same time both are retreating into their own heads for a bit (each referencing something the other has no idea about).
The way Karen looks at him, with his extended hand, no flustering, for once, just this serious, penetrating gaze, like she sees him for the first time, that interpretation depends on your goggles I guess. She could be taking it as a confirmation that her interest is returned. Could be a sort of an olive branch, an apology for how he shut her out before. Could be both, why not. Either way, it looks like something solid, something real, and a new beginning or a levelup for Matt and Karen, and that’s beautiful.
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So, in terms of Karen’s priorities in DD S1, I’d say she has a very passionate urge to unearth the truth and get justice done to the bad guys (through legal efforts or via the Daredevil). That’s her driving factor, everything else is pretty much secondary.
Emotionally, she definitely thrives in a group, among friends and allies sharing an open atmosphere. It’s interesting how she seems to make a distinction between telling lies and simply hiding things or lying by omission. Because she certainly does her own share of hiding things and not opening up to the people in her life about what’s going on with her, but she certainly wants to be able to trust what people say, and doesn’t do well at all when told something is not her business and to not get involved or that “nothing” is going on. Her own strategy is flying under the radar in all her unassuming blonde secretary glory, and in such way avoiding any interest for people to ask her questions in the first place. But if pestered (if anyone showed they cared enough), she might actually tell the truth. In return, if she has noticed something going on with other people, she expects to be told the truth, not just be shut out.
Being shut out just leads to Karen doing her thing anyway, but behind people’s backs. Because relationships are important, but not AS important as getting to the truth of the matter that she’s investigating. In case of S1 that’s Fisk, so Matt and his secrets simply get lucky. However, if a relationship is strong enough, Karen can and will push for some kind of a compromise regarding her involvement, taking into consideration how much shutting out she can take before the relationship suffers permanent damage.
If it’s not strong enough, she’ll chafe and silently disagree, and then go do her own thing in secret. So voicing her needs and compromising is a mark of a good relationship, in case of Karen Page.
And voicing this need for inclusion also seems the be the most emotionally open that she ever gets with anyone in S1. In case of Foggy, it might simply take more time for her to open up to him about her past, but the friendship feels solid there. With Matt, it’s a bumpy road, and learning that she can treat him like a friend and make demands of him, or offer comfort, that feels like the greatest milestone in her S1 relationship with Matt.
Probably to be continued in Part II about DD S2 eventually..
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yeonjen · 1 year
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Lee Jeno Imagine ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Synopsis: Eunmi and Jeno meet for the first time in months after his concert tour as Jeno's lovely girlfriend comes to pick him up.
Status: Established Relationship
The couple has been away from each other for months as Jeno was on a concert tour, and though they video called each other every other day Eunmi had to admit she missed the feeling of his arms wrapped around her waist tightly, she felt warmth, love and home in Jeno's arms.
So here she is at three in the morning with dream manager going to pick up the boys from the Incheon airport. Though Jeno told her not to, she couldn't help she missed him too much to listen to him. She did get along with the manager quite well as they have known each other for four years. They reached the airport by 3:30 and the boys were supposed to be here by 4 am. They picked this time as their won't be alot of paparazzi.
They decided to wait in the van for the a while before the headout to wait for the boys.
Manager: Excited to see him after months?
Eunmi: Very! Can't wait to hug him!
The manager was always supportive of their relationship and also saved them at times.
They then got out of the van and headed to wait for the boys, Eunmi was looking at her phone anxiously checking the time every two seconds as the manager just chuckled at her lack of patience. Finally after what felt like an eternity she saw her boyfriend walking, busy talking with Jaemin as he didn't seem to notice her. Mark was the first one to notice her as she gestured him to be silent he just waved at her which she gladly returned.
They almost reached the manager as Jeno finally looked in front of him, his expression was price less. He handed his bagpack to Jaemin and he sprinted towards her wrapping her in his arms tightly.
He hand around her waist pulling her closer if possible, she had hers wrapped around his torso caressing his muscular back softly, he the pulled her off her feet and after a couple of minutes slowly put her down still in the hug both of them enjoyed the warmth they missed, Jeno whispered in her ears in his beautiful deep raspy voice.
Jeno: I missed you love!
Eunmi: I missed you more jen!
He then pulled out of the hug and pulled her in for a quick soft kiss, the feeling of her soft lips on his felt nice, he felt home. She on the other hand felt amazing as she missed his lips. They then pulled out of the kiss as they made their way to the rest of the dreamies.
Eunmi: Hello guys! How have you been??
Haechan: Great but exhausted!
Eunmi: So let's head home!
They all sat in the car Jeno, Jaemin, Eunmi  and Haechan were in one car while the rest of them were in another car.
The couple sat together as Jeno pulled her closer holding her waist as he snuggled into her.
Jeno: You shouldn't have come! It's late and you have work tomorrow.
Eunmi: I came because I missed you so damn much and I have taken an off day tomorrow.
Jeno: I love you so much!
Saying that he kissed her neck as he started leaving a trail of wet kisses.
Eunmi: I love you more (she now said in a whispering tone) Jeno what are you doing?
Before he could reply the two boys in the front said without turning back.
Jaemin: Don't worry we are wearing headphones and pls keep it low!
Haechan: Guyss wait at least till we get to the dorm.
Eunmi could hear the teasing tone used by them and couldn't help but be flustered. Jeno who was now looking at her couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked blushing.
He quickly leaned in pecking her lips taking her by surprise.
Jeno: You look sooo cutee!
She was too flustered to say anything so she just passed him a blushy smile. Jeno just smiled back as both of them snuggled into each other maintaining a comfortable silence among themselves.
After a while Jeno looked at her only to find her deep asleep with her head rested on his shoulder as she has her hands loosely wrapped around his torso. He couldn't help but adore her. Thinking about how lucky he was to have her as a friend, best friend, girlfriend, and his lover.He then slowly kissed her forehead as a small smile appeared on her face recognizing her love snuggling closer to him making his eyes instantly lit up. He was looking at her like an highschool kid in love according to his great friends.
Haechan and Jaemin who were seeing this scene sneakily took a few pictures before the cleared their throat enough to snap out Jeno. Jeno looked at them questioningly.
Haechan: You love her a lot don't you!?
Jaemin lightly smacked his head making him look at Jaemin annoyed as he was about to shout when he noticed jeno's glare that said 'I'll kill you if she wakes up' causing haechan to shut his mouth.
Jaemin: Of course he does idiot! He wouldn't have a relationship with and about to propose her if he didn't love her.
Haechan: Of course I know that idiot! Its just Jeno looks like a high school kid in love. That's why I said that.
Jeno: I do love her alot, I love everything about her, she is perfect for me. I love her soo damn much.
Jaemin: I told you when we first met Eun that she is a keeper.
Haechan: But really you are very lucky to have her Jeno!
Jeno agreed to it wholeheartedly and so did Jaemin. Eunmi than moved a little in her sleep to find a comfortable position by snuggling into his neck.
Jeno: I guess we should quiet down!
The duo agreed as they went back to doing the stuff they were doing.
The rest of the car ride was silent as Haechan, Jaemin and Eunmi were asleep and Jeno was surfing through his phone with his headphones on. After another 10 minutes they car finally stopped as they reached the nct dorms. The manager woke up Jaemin and Haechan and asked Jeno to wake Eunmi up which he rejected as he didn't want her sleep to be broken. He decided to carry her bridal style to his room. He carried her as she snuggled closer to him recognizing him making him smile. As they entered the dorm all of them said byes as they went to their wanting nothing but sleep.
Jeno laid her down gently and covered her with a duvet as he kissed her forehead before deciding to freshen up. After fifteen minutes he returned after freshening up as he has the habit of not wearing a shirt so he was just in some shorts. He then slid inside the duvet pulling his girlfriend closer as he admired her for a few minutes before kissing her forehead and pecking her lips. She then snuggled in his chest recognizing his warmth making his smile and pull her closer as his hand were firmly on her waist. Before even knowing he also fell into deep slumber.
Jeno slowly opened his eyes as sunlight hit his face and looked to his side to find a gorgeous woman sleeping peacefully with her arms around his snuggling close to him. He looked at her and smiled softly wondering how lucky he is to have this woman as his girlfriend. He then leaned in to kiss her forehead as he slowly slipped out of her grip making sure not to wake her up.
He went to the kitchen and looked around to find nothing, he knew the rest of the members were sleeping so he decided to make breakfast. He took out the ingredients for making pancakes and  started the cooking.
As he was about to finish he felt small arms around his waist as a smile made it's way on his face knowing the touch. He turned around as the girl tiptoed and pecked his lips lightly and said.
Eunmi: You wake the dreamies up, I'll make some coffee for you guys!
Jeno: Sure m'lady!
She chuckle as Jeno left from their to wake the dreamies up. After a good 20 minutes all of them walked out of their respective room and wished their sister in law good morning before sitting on the dining table for breakfast.
All of them had breakfast talking, telling the girl stories about things that happened on the tour, teasing and goofing around.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*The End✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
#jeno #jenolee #nct #nctdream #leejeno #jenoimagine #jenobf #jenoboyfriendau #najaemin #leedonghyuk #jaemin #haechan #mark
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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@advnterccs sent: ❣ { to your Morty from my Morty🤭} Attraction meter
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✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Sexual Attraction ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | Romantic Attraction ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | Crushing ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | Squishing ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
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"Uh, oh j-jeez, I...I mean..."
Morty's cheeks are suddenly feeling hot and he is praying that his blush isn't showing. Not too much at least. He wishes he could be cooler when talking about this, but he can't help it. Every time he thinks about his boyfriend he always gets flustered and a little dreamy.
His boyfriend...
"I-I...FM is just great, y-you know? H-He's badass and brave, but he's also nice an-and kind and...I-I feel good when I'm with him. I-I'm comfortable around him an-and I really trust him. H-He makes me laugh, he...makes me feel better. I-In general and about myself." A pause. "N-No one has ever done that. H-He was my best friend b-before we got together."
Self-confidence has never been his forte. He has never been appreciated. He has been tolerated at best. Not to mention how he is mocked and belittled and pitied by everyone, including his family.
"I-I always feel like I have to, uh, p-put up some kind of front, y-you know? Tha-That I have to hide some thoughts or-or my emotions or fear and...stuff. B-But with him? I-I can be myself and he likes me f-for who I am. I...I didn't think it was possible."
The memory of all the compliments his counterpart has given him makes his cheeks a little redder.
"I...W-We haven't been together for too long, e-even if, uh, I had a crush on him f-for a while, so...maybe it's too soon but...I-I think I love him." Even saying it out aloud, where his other self can't hear him, makes him beyond shy. "I-I'm not going to tell him, n-not yet. I-It's...I want to wait to be sure."
Deep down, he feels like he is certain, but he has little experience with feelings and relationships, if any at all. What the two of them have is too important to be jeopardised over a rushed decision. Besides, they have time.
"An-And I think he's really cute. I-I know that we look the same, b-but...he's cuter." His boyfriend disagrees on that point, but Morty refuses to change his mind. "I-I'm glad that we have each other. H-He means...a lot to me. M-More than I can say."
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