#we r cutting ourselves some slack with our asks
ask-kas-n-lamp · 6 months
What do you guys think of Hatsune Miku?
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💡: Kasper listens to triple baka an unhealthy amount.
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I already wrote this post, but I’m coming backk up to the top to put a cut bc it’s p long.
my brother is singing falsettos out loud & I’ve already had a stressful day bc I’ve done nothing (lack of structure & lack of productivity gives me really bad anxiety) & he’s either singing out of key & out of time, or it just sounds really bad without the music. He’s the only one who can hear the music bc HeadPhones. & also the falsettos is probably really bad for my mom bc she’s mad that dad left her, esp bc the house is a mess & stressing her out & she needs to go grocery shopping & he used to do that “but now he doesn’t because he stopped loving [her]”, so my bro singing fucking falsettos is really bad. I can’t cook supper bc I don’t have a recipe & the stuff is still frozen & idk what kind of dough I should make & besides the kitchen is a mess & he won’t fucking clean it. I mean it’s also partially my fault bc I’m a lazy adhd mofo, but it’s his job today & my job to cook. I need to get into the kitchen & cook before mom & my OTHER brother get home from shopping but I can’t bc he’s just drawing & singing & the singing is so annoying- I was trying to listen to a thing but I couldn’t fricking hear it bc adhd auditory processing disorders, it didn’t have fucking subtitles or anything & it was not great audio quality & I couldn’t differentiate between the words he was singing, & I couldn’t hear the quiet parts when they overlapped with his singing. I wasn’t going to write all of this I was just going to say that his singing makes me want to cut myself, but apparently there’s a lot more to it. also I don’t want to end up cooking while mom is home bc I don’t have any drawings on my arm & mom is fucking nosy & wants to see my scars so I have to work extra hard at hiding them but even with ppl who arent nosy, like my little bro I don’t like them out, but the longer my older bro sits there fucking yelling out of key, the longer I’m delayed & I won’t be able to cook. By this point, I won’t even be able to cook the meal I was planning on, I have so much shit to do I’ve missed so much & I’m so behind, but I’m so incapable of doing anything like i can’t do chores bc I use the excuse I have homework but I never fucking do my homework so I’m also behind in school & even with the stuff I like like dnd & writing & violin I can’t do, & I skipped online kung fu & I’ve been slacking off under so many excuses but I’m just being lazy & anxious & I also gained so much weight & it makes my body feel so bad & i know this isn’t my body’s happy weight & being fat makes my boobs bigger & I’m fucking trans & I hate them I even tried cutting them off myself & ended up waiting 15 hours to go to the hospital so that I wouldn’t make mom suspicious (& they put me through triage really fast bc apparently I did a lot of dammage- I was planning on giving myself stitches, but my icepack melted & I couldn’t numb my body anymore so they’re lucky I even went to the hospital, it was bad bc I had to walk 20 minutes either way weighted down with a fucking toolbox & I waited outside in the cold bc my phone died & thus:) mom found out anyways so I lied to her about going to buy drugs bc obv /that’s/ a better idea than telling her I went to the hospital & SHUT UP UNNAMED OLDER BROTHER ok he’s between songs now. If I told mom I went to the hospital she would ask why & be like “y didn’t u tell me” & “r u cutting urself again” & like yeah bitch I have been for a while ik the social worker said I should tell you a codeword, but I don’t do that bc u blame yourself or cry or want to talk about & I yes I fucking cut myself what of it? Yeah I tried fucking removing my own left breast, bc u arent’ supportive of medical transitioning, at least not when they’re ur kids. Ur mad at dad bc he got a tattoo bc it’s  body modification & thus uncatholic, but u’ll support ur catholic university friends gettin gtheir eldest daughter a reduction bc her boobs are big & painful- bitch what’s so different about me? I went so far as to try giving myself a reduction, you say you’re concerned about me mutilating my body & making bad decisions, but, you know what? because of this I have legitimately mutilated my body, & made a dangerous & bad decision. isn’t autosurgery proof that I need top surgery bc it’s a danger to my life if I don’t get it? The government is able to pay for it I think & bc it’s a danger to my health (& i get pain & I can’t work out & I get back pain & my skin pulls & hurts & if I jump my tissues yank my skin & it hurts & it puts so much strain on my back, & binding gives me pain, so I need a reduction as much as your catholic university friends’ daughter does) I should be abe to qualify. Even if I don’t qualify yet & have to wait two years, at least that would be the start of two years now instead of in a long time, I mean, mum, you say you want me to talk about it & you’re afraid I’m rushing into it? guess what? They are too! the healthcare system will make me do a bunch of shit to qualify, & tbh, I think that they are better qualified to talk to me about surgery & what I really want than you.  Fucking finally, I hope my brother is done his play & finally shuts up. TA MA DE FUCK NO HE’S STARTING AGAIN CROWS DAMN IT CROWS CROWS CROWS & MAGGOTS I”m not even gonna be able to make anythiung for supper & i have no ideas besides the long one which I don’t have time for anymore. fine. whatever. I’ll go SH in my room. I won’t even work on fanfic bc I’m too fucking adhd & broken. I fucking hate it when ppl say “we;re all a bit adhd” like no bitch shut the fuck up, we all struggle with the things adhd ppl struggle with sometimes, but adhd is a neurological condition that makes those struggles so commonplace & intense that it affects our everyday lives. & no. adhd does not mean we’re more creative. Even if we do have more likeliihood of coming up with funky ideas, most of us struggle to articulate them or understand them, or we forget them as soon as they come. you’re not adhd bc you’re a little more creative, youre just an ableist asshole & fuck you. adhd isn’t creativity its’ a fucking disability. I’m directing this at those fucking parents who have the lovely nd daughter who gave me a hug, but you two are motherfuckers. Yeah I get thaat adhd, once you learn how to mannage it, can be useful, & I understand that part of the reason this disability is so hard is bc society isn’t designed for it (like a lefty using right hand scissors), but ot’s still fuxking REAL & if you can’t deal with it yet, it 100% is a disanbility. OK? Ok. I had smth I was going to say earlier, but I got distracted by smth else that made me mad, so I never got around to it. Youo know what I love? I fucking love how tumblr has next to no character limit so I can just type as much as I want. You know what I don’t like? I’ll probably get deactivated by some SJW maggot-eaten crow-fucker who thinks that my rant& mentioning my failed ed & my self harm (oh fuck shut up, my brother is chanting “dumb”) so anyways some fucking sjw fuck-hole will report this post & my blog & I’ll be deactivated for simply getting angry on tumblr. It’s fucking tumblr! You used to be able to say whatever you needed to say! But now, esp us ppl w EDs, have no safe place to talk about our issues (at least, not w/o fear of gettin gterminated for “encouraging” EDs, when we’re just trying to help ourselves). Anywasy, sorry for all the swears & go se, I swear when I’m mad. I’m gonna go do smth, idk what. Can’t be anything productive, Can’t even be unproductive stuff I like, like watching youtubem, or smth cathartic like playing fiddle. I might just go & bleed a bit & ignore everything for a while. I nkow that the world will still be stressful when I get back, & I’ll still have to cook, & I’ll still be behind in school, & mom will still be broken-hearted over dad, but I’m feeling calmer just thinking about it so that’s what I’ll do. 
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gloves94 · 4 years
Sunburn [Prince Zuko] 35
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Warnings: Cursing Rating: PG-13   Pairings: Zuko/OC  
Sunburn Chapter M A S T E R L I S T
My fan fiction M A S T E R L I S T
Presently, Toph, Katara sat on the edge of the beach house’s inner courtyard watching the three firebenders practice their bending skills from the comfort of a refreshing shade.
Tsai had been complaining to everyone about how much she hated Ember Island but when asked why she would just grumble and seethe in her own anger and frankly it was getting on everybody’s nerves. It’s not something she liked to talk about in particular. Of course, this time things were a lot better than the last time she was here. Not wanting to spend another minute inside of the house that brought such terrible memories to her she spent the majority of the day meditating by the beach in an attempt to ease her terrible headache. She presently wore a set of maroon traditional Fire Nation clothes similar to the ones that Suki and Katara wore.
She was currently walking back to the courtyard to sit next to the girls that were watching the boys train.
She watched as the three benders moved in perfect synchronization in elaborate firebending movements. Blasting arcs of flames and fistfuls of fire. She really wished she could’ve been paying more attention to where she was going but was more distracted by a shirtless body. Her eyes were glued to the prince’s toned torso. She looked at the way his perspired body seemed to glisten with the light as he moved swiftly. Had he always been that well-built? She knew he was strong from holding onto his arms so many times before, but his abdominals- Her mind went to an erubescent compartment of her imagination. Why had she never stopped to appreciate the royal sight before?
The three benders straightened and turned towards each other relaxing in their stances letting out a deep breath slowly.
Then it hit her. Literally. She groaned slightly when she ran face-first into one of the courtyard’s pillars making Toph laugh loudly from where she was sitting. She stepped back and glared in embarrassment as she walked over to where Katara and Toph were sitting.
“You’ve got something on your face.” Toph continued laughing.
The girl rubbed the red line that had formed across the bridge of her nose and prayed that hopefully it wouldn’t bruise. “Yeah, I hope it doesn’t bruise.”
“I meant droll.” Toph dead panned. Tsai swore she could’ve strangled her in the spot. Mortified that she had been caught in the act of checking out the Fire Nation’s former prince in such an obvious matter.
"Doesn't it seem kinda weird that we're hiding from the Fire Lord in his own house?" Katara suddenly said absent mindedly. Thankfully Toph seemed to be the only one to have witnessed her embarrassing run in to the pole.
“Think of it as hiding in plain sight. Besides, you think the Fire Lord is going to come and hang out here?” The red head explained raising both of her arms up in a casual shrug.
"Yeah," Zuko agreed from where he was sitting at the foot of a concrete fountain, rubbing the sweat from his hair with a towel. He said something. Tsai was certain she saw his mouth move when he was speaking but she wasn’t listening. Her teenage hormones getting the best of her.
“You guys are not going to believe this!” Thankfully Sokka interrupted her daydream. She shook her head shoving those red thoughts into a cranny in the back of her brain.
Sokka and Suki stood at the entrance of the courtyard both with excited looks on their faces.
"We were just in town when we found this poster." Suki explained with both hands behind her back. She nudged Sokka, "Show them, Sokka."
“There’s a play about us!” Sokka announced unraveling a parchment scroll he had been holding behind his back. He snapped it opened revealing a traditional drawing of Aang and the Southern Water Tribe siblings in fighting stances. Zuko’s face in the background. An image of the Blue Spirit’s mask hovering in between the two parties.
Everybody came in closer to take a look at the poster.
"Listen to this," Sokka said as he turned the poster back around so he could read it capturing everybody’s attention as he began to read out loud. "The Boy in the Iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwright Pu On Tim who scoured the globe gathering information on the Avatar from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war, and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage."
Suki leaned over his shoulder and read the last line, "Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players."
"Ugh..." Zuko groaned and made a disgusted face his shoulder’s dropping, "My mother use to take us to see them. They butchered Love Amongst the Dragons every year."
Tsai couldn’t help but snort a small laugh. She knew that Zuko was a fan of theatre. Go figure. It definitely explained his fanfare for dramatic antics.
"Sokka," Katara sighed in exasperation, giving her brother a bland look as she asked, "Do you really think it's a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?"
“Yeah,” Added Tsai crossing her arms over her chest taking a seat next to Zuko at the foot of the fountain. “We shouldn’t be slacking off. We still have plenty of training to do.”
"C'mon!" Sokka whined before looking at the two girls persuasively as he unrolled the parchment again and showed it to the group. "This is the kind of wacky, time-wasting nonsense I've been missing!" He smiled at them with an eager expression on his face. “And it’s until night! So, we’ll have all day to train,” He shot at the red head.
Katara rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and looking away with a baffled expression.
“Yeah, why not?” Mecha asked as he sat next to his sister. He rested an elbow on top of her head with the intention to annoy her. She slouched forward under the weight of his arm. “I’d love to see what trouble ya’ll have gotten into.”
She glared at her brother and pushed his scarred arm off her head.
She let out an exhale in defeat. "Sure, why not? How bad could it be?"
The theatre house was grand. Composed of golden arches and red roofs and ceilings which were traditional to the area. The theatre was packed, and the group shuffled into the highest and cheapest seats they found at the very top in a small private box.
Toph sat on the edge, next to her Katara, Zuko and Aang.
"Hey, uh..." Aang faltered as he was forced to stand back up. He rubbed the back of his neck and tried to act casual as he said, "I wanted to sit there." He said motioning to the spot next to Katara.
Zuko then lowered his hood and glanced at Aang strangely, "Just sit next to me, what's the big deal?"
Behind sat Suki, Sokka, Tsai and her brother both of them sipping on some Ember Island iced teas.
“I really don’t want to be here. There’s literally 1001 more productive things that we could be doing.” She complained to her brother. “Am I the only one that is aware that Sozin’s Comet isn’t slowing down?”
“Simmer down. You’re acting as if you’rethe Avatar” Sokka said with ease as he slid an arm around Suki’s shoulders. “At least one of us is!” She spoke sharply bitterly the edge of her eye twitching in frustration as she glared at Aang who didn’t hear her snarky remark. “You’ll have tomorrow to train and do your sun greeting meditations or whatever it is you do.” Sokka waved his hand indifferent to her attitude.
“Relax,” Mecha said to her. “This is just what we need. It’ll be a good way to get our minds off things.”
She sighed deflating a little.
“Besides I’m excited to see all of our parts!”
Aang fidgeted a little in the seats at the front as he struggled to find a seat next to Katara. "I was... just, uh..." Aang stuttered and glanced over at the brunette, who was peering at him oddly before looking back at the stage. He looked back at Zuko and cleared his throat, "I wanted to..." He sighed in defeat sat next to Zuko in defeat “Okay…”
"Why are we sitting in the nosebleed section?" Toph demanded, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat at the end. The theater lights dimmed signifying that the show was about to start. "My feet can't see a thing from up here."
"Don't worry," Katara stated in amusement, glancing at Toph from the corner of her eye before focusing on the stage once more, "I'll tell your feet what's happening."
Toph didn't bother to respond, as she heard the curtain being drawn up.
ACT I Scene 1
Sokka excitedly grabbed his sister's shoulder and pointed between them as their actor portrayals were revealed. The actress portraying Katara was an older woman wearing pounds of rogue cakey makeup on her face. "Sokka, my only brother!" She exclaimed dramatically with a loud sigh as she pretended to row a canoe through the moving cut-outs of blue waves.
"We constantly roam these icy South Pole seas, and yet never do we find anything fulfilling!"
Sokka’s actor had an overbite and his wig resembled more of a broomsticks’ end. He spoke next "All I want is a full feeling in my stomach, I'm starving!" He drawled out. The audience all laughed at the joke.
"Is food the only think on your mind?" Actress Katara asked in melodramatically.
"Well, I'm trying to get it out of my mind," Actor Sokka retorted and pointed to his mouth, "And into my mouth. I'm starving!"
The crowd of Fire Nationers once again roared with laughter.
"This is pathetic." Sokka complained, leaning over his sister's shoulder and waving his hand towards the stage, "My jokes are wayfunnier than this."
Tsai let out a humorous snort as she leaned back into her seat, arms crossed over her chest. Her brother’s body language mirroring her own.
"I think he's got you pegged." Toph quipped with a laugh, and Sokka glowered at her in reply then sat back with a huff to continue watching the play.
"Every day, the world awaits a beacon to guide us, yet none appears. Still we cannot give up hope!" Katara’s actress placed her hand to her chest and began to sniffle dramatically, "For hope is all we have," Her voice wavered with choked tears as she collapsed over the side of the canoe in an exaggerated manner. "And we must never relinquish it. Even...Even to our dying breath." She burst into fake tears lowering her head. Actor Sokka looked at her blankly and continued paddling.
Katara huffed and crossed her arms without amusement, "Well, that's just silly. I don't sound like that at all."
The row behind Katara all sniggered quietly behind praying Katara wouldn’t hear them. Toph however, felt no need to hide her laughter as she giggled maniacally. "Oh man, this writer's a genius!"
Katara scowled at her and stuck her nose in the air, closing her eyes in indignation.
It seemed like all Katara’s actress did was bawl dramatically, moan, sigh and cry about hope and feelings. Moments later the boy who was trapped in the iceberg came to the stage.
The actress portraying Katara stopped crying and sat up, turning to stare at the iceberg prop with wide eyes, "It appears to be someone frozen in ice. Perhaps for a hundred years!"
"But who?" Actor Sokka questioned loudly, "Who is the boy in the iceberg?"
Aang leaned forward on his seat in anticipation at his character’s introduction and great reveal. The eagerness on his face excited unmistakable as he learned even further to see the respectable actor that would portray the Avatar. Zuko glanced over at him, he then looked over his shoulder and saw that the Fire Nation siblings were watching the play attentively both of their attentions completely captivated. That’s right. They probably didn’t know that any of this had happened.
Actress Katara climbed onto the iceberg prop quickly, Actor Sokka climbing it at slower pace. She made a slashing motion with her arm and cried out, "Waterbend, hai-ya!"
The silhouette disappeared from view as the iceberg prop split in half. Smoke spilled out of it flooding the stage. It was time. The big reveal. The Avatar leapt out of the smoke and landed between Sokka and Katara’s actors. The actor struck a playful pose placing a hand on his- her hip and winking at the audience. The actress wore cake loads of rogue blush and a bald cap with a blue arrow as well as Aang’s traditional Air Nomad robes.
"Who are you, frozen boy?" Actress Katara asked in awe, reaching out as if to touch the other actress while theatrically clasping her other hand to her chest.
The petite actress portraying Aang laughed and spoke in a high-pitched voice, "I'm the Avatar, silly!" She balanced on the toes of one foot then twirled around, holding her arms out with another cheery giggle, "Here to spread joy and fun!"
Aang cringed and closed his eyes for a second before leaning forward becoming almost deflated, his eyes practically bugging out of his head. He made a choked noise, "Is that a woman playing me?"
Aang scowled and sat back in his seat with an irate huff, crossing his arms and glowering at the stage.
“Is it me? Or does that look like Ty Lee?” Tsai said more to herself than the others.
A replica of Appa made growling and roaring noises before leaping off the iceberg prop, revealing the three actors wearing furry pants to represent the sky bison's six legs. The replica landed to the right of the stage and ran across to the left side then disappeared behind the iceberg prop again.
"An Airbender!" The Katara actress gasped in awe, turning to look at the other actress after watching the Appa run around. She clasped her hands to her chest and dropped down to one knee as she exclaimed, "My heart is so full of hope, that it's making me tearbend!" She sobbed dramatically clinging onto theater Aang’s leg.
"My stomach is so empty that it's making me tearbend!" Actor Sokka wailed as he threw his arms up hopelessly then dropped to his knees, clutching onto Actress Aang's opposite leg and starting to cry just as dramatically as Actress Katara. "I need meat!"
Giggling cheerfully, Actress Aang ducked down, putting her arm around both of their shoulders after they had let go of her. She pointed upward with a cheeky smile, "But wait! Is that a platter of meaty dumplings?"
"Where?!" Actor Sokka asked excitedly, shielding his eyes and turning away from the actress in search of the alleged dumplings. "Where, where?"
Actress Aang laughed and shifted so she was sitting on the edge of the iceberg prop, playfully swinging her arm around as she chirped, "Did I mention that I'm an incurable prankster?" She crossed her legs and smiled cutely winking at the laughing audience.
"I don't do that!" Aang growled irritably as the audience continued to chortle, "That's not what I'm like! And-and I'm not a woman!" He threw his hands up in frustration as he slumped on his seat.
Toph cracked up and turned her head towards Aang, "Oh I think they nailed you, Twinkle Toes!" She continued laughing when Aang growled at her, lifting his head up to glare in her direction.
Scene 2 The scene changed, and a Fire Nation warship appeared on stage, the actor portraying Zuko poised near the front of the ship, looking through a telescope while a large man that was playing Iroh standing in the middle of the ship.
“Is this when you come out?” Mecha said to his sister in his classic style which never failed to show he could not whisper to save his life.
“You know when I come out!” She said to him roughly. “Not yet!”
"Prince Zuko," Actor Iroh called out as he held up a whole cake minus one slice towards the other actor, "You must try this cake."
"I don't have time to stuff my face!" Actor Zuko, dressed in armor and with a long ponytail, snapped as he turned towards Iroh’s actor, lowering the telescope as he did so. He turned towards the audience and clutched his fist in an assertive manner, "I must capture the Avatar and regain my honor!"
"Well, while you do that, maybe I'll capture another slice." Actor Iroh stated then held the cake up higher before bringing it towards his face and proceeding to gobble it down noisily.
"You sicken me!" Actor Zuko spat in disgust, turning away haughtily to look through his telescope again.
The Fire Nation crowd once again laughed loudly. Zuko scowled and gestured towards the stage with his free hand, "They make me look totally stiff and humorless."
"Actually," Katara commented in complacent amusement as she crossed her arms, "I think that actor's pretty spot on."
He heard laughing coming from behind and turned to glare at the two Fire Nation siblings who were miserably failing at controlling their loud laughter. “They totally nailed you!” She couldn’t help but laugh loudly.
Zuko swung his arm out and protested, "How can you say that?" He asked looking back at them.
"Let's forget about the Avatar and get massages!" Iroh said.
"How can you say that?!"
Katara and the two siblings in the back smirked and looked at Zuko smugly. The backrow laughed even harder. Zuko grumbled and slumped down in his seat, frowning at the stage.
Several scenes passed by all of them portraying dramatically exaggerated personifications of Aang and his friends on their adventures as they traveled to the Eastern Air Temple and Ba Sing Se. Tsai and Mecha had been enjoying the play so far. They were learning so much about what the group had been through before they came into the story.
Scene 7
“Here’s where we come in!” Mecha nudged his younger sister’s arm excitedly as the last scene faded.
But- it didn’t happen. Yu Dao never came into scene. She looked at the stage before in disappointment their spirits faltering a little.
“Guess I’m not relevant enough to be in the play,” She sulked as she sunk into her seat.
Lights representing lightning flashed though the stage followed by fake sounding thunder as the Pohuai fortress came into view.
"The Avatar is mine!" Actor Zuko shouted triumphantly as he stood in front of a raised platform Actress Aang was tied to while several actors dressed as Fire Nation guards stood at the bottom. Actor Zuko looked to the left and pointed with a shout of surprise, "Wait, who's coming?"
A spotlight swung to the left, illuminating an actor wearing a massive Blue Spirit mask that covered his whole body. "I am the Blue Spirit!" The actor shouted as he clashed his dual dao blades together and tap danced in place, "The scourge of the Fire Nation here to save the Avatar!"
Waving his swords around, the Blue Spirit actor walked across the stage, the fake guards falling down as he past them. Actor Zuko ran around the platform and came up behind the Blue Spirit actor, throwing a red ribbon that was meant to be fire at the Blue Spirit actor's feet. The Blue Spirit actor jumped back to avoid the streamer then thrust his sword forward at Actor Zuko, who ran off stage.
"My hero!" Actress Aang cried out, pulling her hands from her restraints and leaping on top of the large Blue Spirit mask.
Zuko glanced over his shoulder Aang, the two giving each other embarrassed looks before quickly looking away.
The Blue Spirit actor continued to tap dance on stage before quickly spinning only to reveal an older actress with a tacky red wig standing on the other side of the mask.
“They’ll never suspect it’s me! The greatest traitor to the nation!” The actress who was wearing pounds of make-up and a promiscuous ochre colored kimono laughed loudly in a most irate laugh possible.
Tsai sprayed out her beverage like a whale and looked at the scene before in horror. She didn’t think she had ever heard her brother laugh so loud before. That’s right… The Fire Lord probably still thinks she’s the Blue Spirit. She facepalmed.
“This is such an inaccurate portrayal.”
Scene 8
A Fire Nation warship returned to the stage were Zuko’s Actor gazed out through a telescope once again and Iroh’s Actor played Pai Sho.
“Yoo-hoo! Boys!” Actor Tsai pulled out a hankerchief and waved at the warship with a sultry look on her eyes. “Wanna take me on a ride?” She giggled flirtatiously and winked at the audience.
“Hot Fire Pepper Flakes!” Actor Iroh gasped dramatically. “I guess we have to! What’s theworstthat could happen?” Iroh laughed heartily. As the actress with the red wig jumped on the ship gleefully.
“Uncle! This is not a cruise resort! I don’t want this colonial pest on my ship! Although… I can’t say no to such a vixen.”
“Is that really how it happened?” Aang quirked a confused eyebrow.
“It’s not!” Tsai cried out from the back with a red face leaning forward speaking between Aang and Zuko’s shoulders. “This play is so inaccurate! I mean- They paint me like some kind of whoozy!They totally missed the funeral. And my laugh does notsound like that!” “I think they got the annoying laugh juuust right.” Her brother sniggered earning himself a hard punch to the arm.
Zuko sat stiffly and brought a hand to his face to hide his embarrassment.
 Scene 9
The backdrop was changed to that of the Freedom Fighters former hide-out in the trees and Actress Katara along with an actor portraying Jet, stood on a small platform attached to a rope that was hanging a few feet above the stage.
“Wait is that…” Tsai narrowed her eyes. “Is that Jet?” Her eyes went slightly wide. “You know Jet?” She whispered to Katara leaning over. “You know him too?” Katara whispered back with an embarrassed expression on her face. “Yeah, we had a thing-“She was interrupted by Zuko who loudly shushed the both of them not wanting to remember the little rendezvous Tsai had had with him. He certainly didn’t want to remember the two of them canoodling back on the ferry to Ba Sing Se.
Actress Katara began to mock sob loudly and Actor Jet, with a rose in his mouth held her close, "Don't cry baby. Jet will wipe out that nasty town for you!"He pointed at the stage briefly then lifted Actress Katara's chin up while a stagehand dressed in black pulled a large, blue sheet that was supposed to represent water, across the stage beneath them.
"Oh Jet," Actress Katara cooed in a sultry voice as the platform was raised, "You're so bad."
Katara blushed brightly and ducked her head, bringing her hand up to hide her face in embarrassment while Toph giggled unabashedly.
“Why are all the women in this play over-sexualized?!” A female voice in the back row protested angrily.
Scene 11
“Quit playing Pai Sho with my uncle!”
“As a woman from the colonies I can tell you, it’s notthe only thing we’re playing.”
“Ohohoho!”Actor Iroh laughed loudly and lecherously.
The audience roared with wild laughter at the vulgar stereotype of women from the colonies.
The girl hid her face behind her hands shrinking lower into her seat.
“That did nothappen…” She grumbled completely mortified. Not even wanting to see the weirded outlooks that the group was giving her. Her and Iroh had been close, but not like that!
Scene 12
“I can’t fight your bewitching spell any longer temptress! Kiss me!”
Mecha had a horrified look on his face as he watched the scene before where Tsai and Zuko’s Actors kissed on the warship. The girl had completely slid down her seat with a red face of mortification.
“That didn’t happen either, eh?” Toph snorted flashing the girl a teasing look.
“Not like that at least!” She roared out jumping out of her seat making several heads turn back to look at her. Zuko was wearing his black hood over his head back again he pulled it down so it would hide his equally embarrassed expression. He could almost feel both Katara and Aang looking down at him with teasing grins.
“That’s it! I can’t watch this anymore!”
“But Tsai- there’s about to be an intermission!” Her brother said sipping on his tea, regardless she exited the room and threw her own beverage away.
Some moments later after the Act I intermission the rest of the group joined her outside in outdoor balcony that lead to their private viewing box.
“I see what you mean by ‘they butchered Love Amongst the Dragons every year.’" Tsai grumbled blowing a hair out of her face as he sat on the steps leaning against the railing.
"So far, this intermission is the best part of the play." Zuko grumbled taking a standing on the steps next to her leaning his weight on the railing as well.
"Apparently, the playwright thinks I'm an idiot." Sokka complained as he walked down the stairs with a bag of spicy fire jerky, taking a seat next to Suki a few steps from the bottom of the stairs. "Who tells bad jokes about meat all the time!"
"Yeah," Suki drawled in amusement and a hint of sarcasm, "You tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics too."
Sokka bit off a piece of jerky and exclaimed around it as he chewed, "I know!"
"At least this Sokka actor kind of looks like you." Aang retorted from his seat on the bottom steps, Toph standing in front of him with an amused look on her face, "That woman playing the Avatar doesn't resemble me at all."
"I don't know," Toph quipped with a sardonic grin, "You are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys."
“Simmer down Aang, it’s supposed to be a satire.” Tsai explained calmly. “One written specifically to appeal the humor of the Mainland,” she said angrily covering her face with her hands. Aang scowled at the ground his pose mirroring hers. “Can you believe how they portrayed me? Just because I’m from the colonies!” She fumed at the stereotypical portrayal.
“Hey at least you’re in it.” Her brother rolled his eyes somewhat bitter he wasn’t even written in.
"Relax, you guys." Katara chided lightly from the top of the stairs, smiling gently at Aang when he looked up at her with a frown. "They're not accurate portrayals. It's not like I'm a preachy crybaby who can't resist giving overemotional speeches hope all the time." She frowned when the others just looked at her skeptically, "What?"
"Yeah," Aang muttered, rolling his eyes slightly as he sat back down on the step, "That's not you at all."
“Am I a whoozy?” The red head asked dramatically her voice raised in a lighter pitch. As her shoulder’s dropped to the side.
“No.” Scattered voices reassured her.
“I’m going to murder whoever wrote this junk.” Zuko grumbled under his breath inaudible for the others to hear. What was the name of the playwright again Pu On Tim?
Toph shook her head, amused at how bent out of shape her friends were getting over the whole play. "Listen, friends. It's obvious that the playwright did his research. I know it must hurt but what you're seeing up there on that stage is the truth."
ACT II Scene 14
"Well here we are in the Earth Kingdom." Actress Katara said as she stood with Actor Sokka, and Actress Aang. In front of a background painted to look like Earth Kingdom buildings.
"I'd better have a look around to see if I can find an earthbending teacher." Actress Aang chirped happily, opening up her miniature air glider prop and jumping into the air while a cable lifted her up.
Toph leaned forward eagerly, "This is it! this must be where I come in!"
Actress Aang flew around the theater and over the audience before landing back on stage.
"I flew all over town, but I couldn't find a single earthbending master!"
"Here it comes..." Toph muttered, clenching her fists in anticipation.
The boulder next to where the trio were standing beside on stage was held up by a hulking muscular man wearing Toph's outfit as he rose out of a trap door the rock prop had been covering.
"You can't find an earthbending master in the sky, you have to look underground." The man rumbled in a super deep voice as he threw the rock prop over their heads.
Katara clapped her hands over her mouth to hide her laughter, Suki mimicking her while Aang, Sokka, and Tsai laughed freely and Zuko dropped the play parchment he was holding in shock.
"Who are you?" Actress Aang asked as she pointed at Actor Toph.
Actor Toph spat off the side and rumbled, "My name's Toph because it sounds like tough." He flexed his muscles, "And that's just what I am."
"Wait a minute." Toph frowned and turned her head to the side, straining to hear the words before using her finger to clear out her ear canal, "I sound like a..." She made a shocked noise, "A guy. A really, really buff guy."
"Well Toph, what you hear up there is the truth." Katara commented snidely, smirking smugly at the blind girl, "It hurts, doesn't it?"
"Are you kidding?" Toph exclaimed as she grinned from ear to ear, "I wouldn't have cast it any other way!
"So, you're blind?" Actress Aang asked curiously as she waved her hand in front of Actor Toph's eyes, which were covered by his overly long bangs.
"I can see you doing that." Actor Toph laughed then gestured with his burly arms, "I see everything that you see except that I don't see like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth." He turned towards the trio and opened his mouth and screamed loudly at them, causing the actors to lean back and their clothes to flutter from the strong vibrations of the shout.
The entire audience grimace at the loudness of the roar. The backrow gazed in terror while Toph held onto the railings with an excited expression.
"There." Actor Toph said contentedly after he finished screaming, "I got a pretty good look at you."
Actress Aang giggled and clapped, promoting the audience to do the same while the other actors stared at Actor Toph in awe.
Scene 17
"Zuko, it's time we had thetalk." Actor Iroh said slowly as he stood on a metal bridge with Actor Zuko, who was now wearing a long-haired wig.
“I’ve had thattalk already Uncle.”
The audience laughed loudly.
Actor Iroh pointed at him, "About your hair. It's gone too far." Tsai’s actress sat between the two actors looking between the two with mock gasping expressions.
"Maybe it's best if we..." Actor Zuko flicked his hair as he turned his head away, "Split up."
He turned and walked away, Actor Iroh heading in the opposite direction.
“Oh no!” She gaped dramatically. “Will you stay if we have some tea?” She drawled on the last word coyly. Before letting out a loud high-pitched irritating laughter.
Again, cue for the audience to laugh.
Scene 19
It was the scene of Lake Laogai, but know with Actress Aang, Actress Katara, Actor Toph, and Actor Sokka, Actor Jet flailed around between the group, slashing his hook sword arm props around, while wearing a pair of crazy eye glasses, the tiny beads the represented his pupils spinning around to show that he had lost his mind.
"No, Jet!" Actress Aang exclaimed as Actor Jet spun around the other actors looked on with horrified expression. Actress Aang placed her hands on her cheeks and gasped, "What did they do to you?"
"Must." Actor Jet swiped his hook sword arm towards Actress Aang unsteadily, "Serve. Earth King!" He spun in place and swiped at Actor Sokka, who ducked, "Must...Destroy!" He fell to his knees and started making various agonizing noises as a rock prop floated down from above, and he crawled underneath it. "Oh!" he gasped as he fell onto his stomach, the rock prop covering his upper body before he pulled his legs underneath it.
"Did...Did Jet just die?" Zuko asked in disbelief, Tsai’s expression mirrored his.
"You know, it was really unclear." Sokka replied with a small shrug before going back to watching the play as if nothing had happened.
Scene 20
Actress Katara came to scene with a backdrop of the Crystal Catacombs behind. She smiled in a sultry manner as she approached Actor Zuko, "I have to admit, Prince Zuko, I really find you attractive."
A shiver went up Katara’s spine when she sensed a deathly glare coming from behind her. Zuko felt it too. They both did. Behind them Tsai’s eyes had turned into slits. Her jealousy getting the best of her the girl almost seemed to be emitting a dark green aura.
“Hey, um? You okay?” Her brother asked eyeing his sister oddly.
"You don't have to make fun of me." Actor Zuko spat harshly as he sat on a crystal prop with his legs crossed one over the other. His harshness caused Actress Katara to cringe before she batted her lashes at him.
"But I mean it." She sat down beside him on the prop, "I had eyes for you since the day you first captured me."
"Wait," Actor Zuko jumped to his feet and moved away from Actress Katara, "I thought you were the Avatar's girl?"
"The Avatar?" Actress Katara laughed coyly as she stood up and approached Actor Zuko seductively, "Why, he's like a little brother to me. I certainly don't think of him in a romantic way. And besides," She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, "How would he find out about this?"
"You're getting up?" Sokka whispered as Aang stood up and exited the theater. Tsai followed after him not particularly enjoying the present scene and not wanting to sit through what she already knew was going to happen next.
"Can you get me some fireflakes?" Sokka settled back in his seat and put his arm around Suki's shoulders before sitting up to loudly whisper again, "Ooh, and some fire gummies!"
“That didn’t happen right?” Mecha leaned his eyes bouncing between his sister and the actors. Sokka let out a raspberry laughing slightly at the absurd question.
Both Zuko and Katara looked extremely uncomfortable and were avoiding all eye contact scooched away from each other awkwardly.
“Stupid play.” Tsai grumbled as she entered the small balcony area sulking. She was surprised when she found Aang there leanings on the balcony’s railing.
She blinked twice in surprise.
“Oh, I thought you went to get Sokka’s fireflakes.”
Aang remained quiet, his head bowed to the darkness before him.
“Hey,” She said approaching him. “If you want, I’ll go get them. The gummies too.” She said cluelessly.
“Is it true?” Aang said in a broody tone his eyes were lowered as he brooded. It was then that she realized he wasn’t emotionally well. “What?” She blinked twice in surprise now leaning next to him.
He remained quiet and she thought about the scene that had just happened.
“Katara and Zuko? What?” She couldn’t help but laugh a little despite her rash jealous reaction. “He wouldn’t have lived to tell the tale.” She laughed a little harder at the thought.
However, Aang did not find it the slightest bit humorous. He remained serious a sadness lingering to his usually bright eyes.
“Alright, what’s wrong?” She nudged him lightly. “I know this play sucks, but you have to remember it’s not true. I’m not a whoozy just like you’re not girly.” She shrugged her shoulders slightly. Aang still remained silent. Maybe she had said something wrong... “And even if you were considered to be girly- that would be okay. You know? Nothing wrong with that. Girls are awesome. I’m all for everybody embracing their- “she had begun to ramble awkwardly.
Aang exhaled a tiresome breath, “It’s Katara,” he suddenly admitted. She blinked twice in surprise. She did not see that coming.
“You see, I like her, and I thought she liked me too. I mean we did kiss once.” Aang admitted bashfully. She leaned on her fist and listened attentively. “But now I’m not so sure how she feels about me.” He trailed off.
“Aang,” she said softy and he turned to look at her. “We are in the middle of a war. You arethe Avatar. You should be more focused on thinking about howyou’re going to take down Fire Lord Ozai. Not how to woo a girl.” She explained reasonably both of her eyebrows knotted together.
“It’s not fair!” Aang busted uncharacteristically and straighten out his back. “I never wanted to be the Avatar! I never wanted this!” He snapped throwing his hands up in the air a rare frown on his face. “And Katara is notjust a girl!”
She looked at him with an unfazed expression. This childish tantrum was nothing compared to Zuko’s old outbursts. She was silent for a moment allowing his anger to simmer down a little.
“I-I’m sorry,” he apologized before once again hanging his head down. This time feeling even worse about himself after snapping at his friend. “I’m just worried that all this time when she looks at me, she all she sees is a little brother.” She hummed slightly before turning to look at him once again.
“You know, my grandfather was the wisest person I knew.” She began. “He had a lot of sayings, but I think one of the most obscure ones was about love. How’d it go again?‘One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love’”She quoted wisely. “He would also always say that ‘Our lives, too, are fleeting’, just like plum blossoms… If it really bothers, you that much you should just talk to her.” She advised. Aang quirked an eyebrow up and again turned to look at her as if saying easier said than done. “Katara obviously cares about you. Just tell her how you feel and ask her how she feels.”
He continued to look at her with that incredulous expression.
“You know, I’m actually going through something similar myself.”
She smiled at him faintly. Aang nodded a little in understanding. He was more than familiar about the amorous turmoil and ups and downs that she and the prince had had recently.
“I’ve messed up and - Spirits - You know Zuko’s messed up. I’m not expecting anything to happen, but I’m probably going to have to have this conversation with him soon.”
“What are you waiting for?” He asked.
“The right moment.”
Aang looked pensive for a moment before speaking. “I don’t think there’s a right moment.” He said wisely.
She sucked in her bottom lip and nodded while gazing out at the dark island before them. She hated to admit it but Aang was right. Didn’t have the time or means to set up some elaborate act to confess her feelings to him.
“You know, he really loves you.” She gave Aang a strange look. “I can see it. We can all see it.”
"It seems like every time there's a big battle you guys barely make it out alive." Suki commented from her spot leaning cooly against the wall her arms crossed over her chest, "I mean, you guys lose a lot."
The group was currently on the intermission of Act II loitering around the corridor in between the balcony and the box seats dissecting their thoughts on the play.
"You're one to talk, Suki." Sokka retorted and he turned to look at her sarcastically, "Didn't Azula take you captive? That's right, she did."
Suki frowned at him and asked seriously, "Are you trying to get on my bad side?" She arched an eyebrow.
"I'm just saying." Sokka muttered in a smart-ass tone.
Katara walked into the corridor, looking around with a small frown.
"Does anyone know where Aang is?" Katara asked worriedly looking around the corridor for any sign of the young Avatar.
“Has anyone seen my sister?” Mecha asked as well as he finished his beverage.
"He left to get me fire gummies, like ten minutes ago." Sokka replied then pouted in irritation, "And I'm still waiting."
"I’m going to go check outside" Katara said walking away.
“If she comes back tell her I went to the restroom,” Mecha said over his shoulder as he left the group walking in an opposite direction.
Zuko remained sitting on the floor next to Toph. He looked up and observed as a boy dressed up as the Avatar came running out of a door down the hall, his arms spread out as he squealed happily pretending to fly.      
Sokka stared at the boy as he ran past him and Suki and shook his head before looking over at his girlfriend leaning against the wall in front of him. "Hey Suki, what are the chances that you can get me backstage? I got some jokes I want to give to the actor me."
Suki straightened and stared at him with a deathly serious expression, "I'm an elite warrior who's trained for many years in the art of stealth." She said darkly. Her expression changed instantly, and she smiled brightly at him, "I think I can you backstage." She said cheerily.
Sokka blinked at her for several seconds then swallowed thickly and smiled at her nervously, "Great, let's go." She nodded and followed him down the hall, leaving Zuko and Toph sitting in the hall.
"Jeez." Toph shook her head in exasperation as she leaned against the wall between Zuko and the entrance to their viewing box, "Everyone's getting so upset about their characters.” She turned towards Zuko and smirked, "And you, you seem even more down than usual and that's saying something."
"You don't get it." Zuko muttered and he looked up at Toph with a frown that she couldn't see, "It's different for you. You get a muscle-y version of yourself taking down ten bad guys at once and making sassy remarks."
"Yeah," Toph snickered, "That's pretty great."
Zuko huffed and looked away from her, folding his arms on his knees and staring at the wall across from with an expression full of regret, "But for me, it takes all the mistakes I've made in my life and shoves them back in my face. My uncle...He's always been on my side even when things were bad. He was there for me. He taught me so much and how do I repay him?" He lowered his head to his knees and closed his eyes in shame, "With a knife in his back. It's one of my greatest regrets now and I may never get to redeem myself in his eyes…"
“And Tsai…” He ran a hand through his hair frustrated brining his hood over his head. “Everything I’ve done to her… Seeing it replayed all over again. And don’t even get me started on that stupid stereotype on women from the colonies.”
"You have redeemed yourself to your uncle." Toph stated matter-of-factly as she crouched down beside the older teen, resting her arms on her thighs, "You don't realize it, but you already have."
"How do you know?"
"Because I once had a long conversation with the guy." Toph replied, smiling a she remembered meeting Iroh after storming off and leaving her friends while they were being chased by Azula and her two friends. "All he would talk about was you."
Zuko lifted his head and lowered his hood, smiling slightly as he asked "Really?"
Toph snickered, "Yeah, and it was kind of annoying."
"Oh," Zuko looked away, but couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Sorry."
"But it was also very sweet." Toph continued. "All your uncle wanted was for you to find your own path and see the light. Now you're here with us. He'd be proud of you." She smirked.
“And Chili Pepper. Water under the bridge. Just talk to her.” Toph said encouragingly. “If you two suck it up I’m sure you’ll work out things and go back to making me want to barf my guts out.”
“How are you so sure?”
He wasn’t expecting Toph to punch his arm that hard.
"Ow!" Zuko hissed, rubbing his shoulder and frowning over at her. "What was that for?"
Toph smiled, "That's how I show affection."
“What are you guys up to?” Tsai suddenly approached them. It seemed like she was coming back from the balcony’s direction. She walked casually with her hands stretched behind her head seemed way more at ease than when she exited the Second Act of the play.
“I need to go wash my eyes,” she said bluntly using the fake excuse to leave the hallway and leave the two alone. “Hey,” Zuko stood up. “You okay?” He asked her concerned running a hand through his hair nervously. “The play… You know you’re not a whoozy. I don’t think you are either and I know neither does Uncle.” He nodded and paused for a brief moment. “And I think we should go backstage and teach Pu On Tima lesson.” He said determinedly popping his knuckle’s joints menacingly an angry look on his face.
She couldn’t help but smile a little and lower his hands at the suggestion of beating the living daylights out of the clown who wrote this trash. However as tempting as that was it would most definitely give them away.
The little boy form earlier ran out of the same door as before and stopped in front of the two of them. He smiled at the two and commented, “Awesome Zutsai costumes, but everybody knows Zutara is the superior ship.” The little boy said.
‘What the fuck is a Zutara?’She looked at the boy a perplexed look on her face.
“Also, your scar's on the wrong side." He pointed at Zuko’s face bluntly.
"The scar's noton the wrong side!" Zuko shouted angrily as the boy ran off. He yanked the hood back over his face with a scowl. She couldn’t help but bent over in laughter.
He turned around after shouting at the boy and turned to face the teen that was trying to stop her fits of laughter.
“And I don’t think your laugh is annoying.” He muttered cynically. Turning away from her. He suddenly felt hyper self-conscious about the ugly mark that scarred his face.
“Zuko,” she approached him with a loop-sided smile an endearing look in her eyes. She reached for the edges of his hood and looked at him before lowering it slightly. Aang was right. There would never be a right thing and this- this felt right.
“I love you.”
She wanted to say.
There was no embarrassment no crippling anxiety. It was just the honest truth. She successfully got halfway through the statement before being interrupted.
“What are you two dorks up to?”
An imaginary needle zipped on a record making a loud scratching noise that only the of them seemed to hear as they were brought back to reality.
She had never wanted to murder her brother as much as much as she did right now.
“Come on guys! Show’s about to start.” Sokka said casually. It sounded like he was munching on something.
Neither turned around and both heard how the rest of their friends all walked inside of the viewing box. They stood frozen in place not moving a muscle. Awkwardly petrified. She hadn’t even been able to lower her hands from the sides of his hood as she looked at him with a horrified bashful expression the color of her face blending with the roots of her hair. Zuko looked as if the air had been punched out of his gut. His eyes were large.
“Uh-“ She stammered and jerked her arms back to her side. “Act III is starting.” She said quickly before rushing inside to the viewing box before he had a moment to react.
“There’s no right moment.”She cursed Aang. ‘Idiot!’that was most definitely the worst advice she had ever received from anyone. Wasn’t he the Avatar? Wasn’t he supposed to be wise and all knowing?
She reached the box and stood aghast when she saw that the back row was full as Aang had taken a seat next to her brother and leaned forward sulking. Under normal circumstances she would’ve been concerned for her friend and presumed that the talk with his love interest did not go well, but she presently couldn’t care less. This was an emergency. She couldn’t sit in the front row next to him. Not after that – whatever the hell that had been happened.
“Hey,” she said quickly. “Can I-Can I trade seats with you Aang? I want to sit next to my brother.” She lied through her teeth.
Aang was too busy wallowing in his misery to do anything about it. “Tsai! Shhh,” her brother shushed her rudely. “Sit down, Act III is about to start I want to see if I come out towards the end.”
Zuko walked in and she felt caught like a deer dog caught in headlights. Instantly plopping down on the seat next to Katara who looked oddly at the girl that sat stiffly with her back at a perfect 90-degree angle.
She felt like she was sweating bullets and now she was stuck in this painfully awkward situation sitting next to him after his silent rejection.
She could’ve sworn she was sweating bullets. Even facing the Fire Lord hadn’t been this nerve-wrecking.
“Hey? Could you scooch?” Toph complained from the end before roughly pushing Katara to the side which pushed the two Fire Nationers against each other. “Much better.” Toph smirked triumphantly and sniggered lightly at the feeling of the rabbit-paced heartbeats of the two painfully awkward teenagers through the floor’s vibrations.  
Tsai mumbled an apology before straightening out, he mumbled something similar.
Scene 22
Actress Katara stood on a fake submarine prop with Actress Aang, "I just want to let you know Aang, that I'll always love you." She placed her hands on her chest and sighed deeply with a wide smile, "Like a little brother."
"I wouldn't want it any other way!" Actress Aang chirped with enthusiasm taking Actress Katara's hand, both of them nodding at each other in a friendly gesture. Still beaming, Actress Aang snapped open her glider prop and raised it above her head as a rope pulled her up into the air while Actress Katara waved.
Aang gawked at the stage for a moment then flushed and yanked his hat down over his face, hiding behind his knees miserably. Katara glanced over her shoulder at him then looked away sadly.
‘What the hell was I thinking?’ Tsai’s mind was running a thousand miles an hour during her internal panic crisis. ‘He didn’t say anything. Why did he just stay quiet?’ She looked at him from the corner of her eyes his own golden orbs were attentively fixed on the play. A serious expression on his face. ‘He must think I’m crazy. Is it because I have a spirit in me? I’m so dumb. Why did I even listen to Aang? What the hell does he know about these things?’This was definitely the last time Tsai look love advice from a hundred and twelve-year-old.
She didn’t even notice that the scene was over.
"I guess that's it." Sokka commented as he stood up and stretched, "The play's caught up to the present now."
"Wait," Suki whispered, yanking Sokka back down and pointing towards the stage, "The play's not over."
"But it is over. Unless..." He trailed off and rubbed his chin thoughtfully before his eyes widened and he whispered in an overly dramatic and spooky voice, "This is the future!"
Scene 23
The stage was now pitch black. They all watched carefully as an actor portraying Fire Lord Ozai walked out from the darkness his sharp cheekbones and face being illuminated in a menacing lighting.
"With the energy harnessed from that comet, no one will be able to stop the Fire Nation!" Actor Ozai proclaimed evilly as an orange paper lantern was pulled across the now dimly light stage, the cut out comet passing over the throne.
"Father!" Actress Azula called out stiffly as she ran onto the stage and kneeled before oversized throne, "Zuko and the Avatar are at the palace! They are trying to stop you."
"You take care of Zuko." Actor Ozai pointed towards her and ordered harshly, before placing a hand on his chest melodramatically, "I shall face the Avatar myself!" He raised his hands and smoke filled the stage.
Actress Azula stood up as the smoke cleared, revealing that the Actor Ozai had disappeared. She turned just as Actor Zuko ran on stage from her left while Actress Aang was lowered to the stage floor.
"Aang, you fight the Fire Lord, I'll hold her off!" Actor Zuko instructed theatrically. Actress Aang nodded once and was pulled up by a rope out of the stage leaving Actor Zuko and Actress Azula alone on the stage.
Zuko’s eyes were fixed on the play but he wasn’t watching. Not really. His eyes bored straight ahead as he observed the stage confrontation between him and his sister. Something he knew was bound to happen sooner or later, but his mind was in a very distant place.
‘”I love-“ she had said. I love what? What was she going to say? Your face? Your costume? Wait- he wasn’t wearing a costume! Your jokes? Was it all a joke? Was she messing with his head?’ He looked at her from the corner of his eye. She sat stiffly her back completely straight. Her face twisted in an anxious expression as her eyes remained frozen starring at ahead at the play.
He would never know but internally she was having a meltdown. This had been a terrible. Terrible idea. Things had been fine! Well, not fine, but decent and now this happened?
His eyes lowered from her worried expression and he saw the way her hands were anxiously clutching and playing with the fabric of her clothes. He looked at them, the way her fingers squeezed her skirt and tugged at it.
"You are no longer my brother!" Actress Azula exclaimed, clenching her fists before flinging her arm out to the side. "You are an enemy!"
"No," Actor Zuko retorted and he pointed at Actress Azula, "I am the rightful heir to the throne!"
Actress Azula smirked slyly and narrowed her eyes, "We shall see."
He did it.
He placed his hand over hers. He eyed her expression from the corner of his eyes carefully looking for any micro emotion that might betray the mask she wore. Zuko felt as if it was the longest minute of his life when he felt her intertwining her fingers with his fitting perfectly. He saw the slightest of smiles bloom on her face. She turned to look at him from her peripheral vision and his expression mirrored hers. Both relaxed slightly at the gesture when their eyes met.
“HONOR!” Both of their attentions were once again captured by Zuko’s actor who raised his arms as if in pain after having been struck by one of Azula’s blue ribbons and wailed as he coiled into his destined fiery demise.
“And you!” He pointed at Tsai’s actress who had somehow entered the scene. “Scourge of the Fire Nation, the Greatest Traitor of them all! You will live the rest of your life in misery!”
Azula’s actress jumped and tossed the blue ribbons at her. “And you will neverhave tea again!”
Faux paper flames engulfed the actress as she also coiled in a fake fire wrap.
“Nooo! My tea!” She shouted reaching for the sky.
Actress Azula turned towards the audience and bowed along with Tsai and Zuko’s actors before being lowered through the stage’s trap door.
Tsai made a strangled noise as the audience began to cheer and applaud after Actor Zuko's apparent 'death'at the hands of Azula and the ‘imprisonment’ of the Fire Nation’s greatest traitor. Both starred in stunned disbelief at the stage.
This was their reality. Not hand holding in the comfortable darkness of a theatre.
Dread began to fill the group as they continued as the scene changed, the backdrop painted to resemble a red dragon's face.
Scene 25
The last and final scene of the play was the confrontation between the Avatar and Fire Lord Ozai. Like the rest of the play it had been depicted to appeal to audiences of the Fire Nation. In this version the Fire Nation triumphed over the resistance and defeated the Avatar. A terrible future which was not a distant reality.
"Nooooo..." Actress Aang wailed as she was circled with in a red cloth before the rope detached from her waist and she fell to the ground, the cloth spread out around her form symbolizing her consumption in flames. Ozai’s actor stood triumphantly above hovering from his throne with a cruel smirk plastered on his face. He then glanced over his shoulder as Actress Azula walked up behind him.
"It is over, Father." Actress Azula stated as she raised her arms triumphantly, "We've done it."
"Yes, we have done it!" Actor Ozai exclaimed and trusted a fist into the air dramatically before the space he was standing on began to rise up while papier mache and cut out flames surrounded him, "The dreams of my Father, and my Father's Father, have now been realized!" He threw his arms out and a massive Fire Nation banner unfurled behind him in a bold display of nationalism "The world is mine!"
The audience rose up with a vibrant cheer, loud applauding and deafening cheering as the audience clapped in a standing ovation over the triumph and victory of the Fire Nation over the world.
The group sat speechless in horrid disbelief at what they had witnessed. Aang swallowed the fearful knot that had formed in his throat and glanced away from the stage. Tsai felt her stomach churn uneasily as that haunting feeling of dread that kept her up at night returned to her. So much for getting their minds of things…
"That...wasn't a good play." Zuko muttered breaking the silence that had been lingering as the group walked down the worn path away from the theater.
"I'll say." Aang added flatly slouching as he dragged his feet away from the theater.
"No kidding." Katara muttered, crossing her arms and glaring at the ground. “Horrible,” Suki added from behind.
"You guys said it." Toph remarked with a scowl basically stomping her feet as she walked beside Katara. “I told you all it was a bad idea.” Tsai grumbled from the back. “But no- nobody everlistens to me.” She said dramatically. “I’ll give this one to you.” Her brother for once in his life agreed with her.
"But the effects," Sokka shrugged and waved his hand around matter-of-factly as he walked beside Suki, "Were decent."
Sunburn Chapter
NEXT https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/622943347798081536/sunburn-prince-zuko-36 PREV https://gloves94.tumblr.com/post/622676028408643584/sunburn-prince-zuko-34
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Juror #6 Job
leverage 1.11
it took them three (3) years to get the vargas case on trial ??? that’s so long, the court system is fucked up
- - - - -
Hardison: You are Alice White. It's one of the aliases I made for you, vegetarian, bookkeeper. She had a pretty wild time at her sister's wedding in Phoenix. You should check out her facebook page.
eliot smiling at that rb if u agree
- - - - -
Nate: No. No. Jury duty - A place where you have to follow instructions.
Sophie: Where you have to consider other people's point of view.
Eliot: There's gonna be normal people there, Nate.
eliot emphasizing that there would be NORMAL people there lmfao
- - - - -
the fam sitting together eating pizza we love to see it
- - - - -
Sophie: you know, she's never done that before.
Nate: What, stormed out? Come on.
Sophie: No, asked for our help. (walks out)
(Nate looks toward Parker, then back at Hardison)
Nate: What? Listen, there is a reason we put her in a jury trial.
(Hardison mutes game)
Hardison: You know, man, when I was a, when I was a kid, I was like 8 years old, I had a foster mom who was Jehovah’s witness. She used to dress me up in a suit and a bow tie and take me door-to-door to spread the word. Black neighborhoods, white neighborhoods, didn't matter. I would kick, I’d scream, or whatever, but she would say "Alec, you need to learn how to talk to people." See, everything I learned about people, I learned ringing doorbells and-and-and being in a bow tie. Parker never had that. I mean, jumping from a skyscraper, she's cool. But making small talk? It’s-it's like pure terror. Just cut her some slack.
(Eliot hurries in with a six pack of beer)
Eliot: How about them Cowboys? What'd I miss? (flips his beer)
Nate: Nothing.
(Nate looks at Parker, who is dialing her phone)
like I love learning about their backstories but I can’t believe someone made hardison be a jehovah’s witness
- - - - -
parker is wearing flannel again
- - - - -
Nate: Not if we steal it first. Who plays chess?
Eliot: I play.
Nate: Yeah, of course you do. A chess game has three stages, right? I mean, you got your opening, middle, and end game. In the opening, you want to take control of the board, and you want to line up your attack and you want to protect the king, which, ironically, is the weakest piece you have
nate isn’t even surprised that eliot plays chess. he’s just like yeah, that adds up.
- - - - -
(Eliot is in a dumpster while Hardison is on the ground looking through garbage bags)
Eliot: It's your turn to be in the dumpster.
Hardison: No, man, no. I-I have-I have peanut allergies. What if somebody threw in some extra crunchy Skippy? Then, you know, it's just a (wheezing) all up in my vocal area, man. Do you want to give me mouth-to-mouth? No, none of us want that. Hell no.
(Eliot throws a trash bag at Hardison’s head. Hardison looks up, angry)
Eliot: Heads up (laughs)
they’re idiots
+ ALSO hardison is always in danger of triggering fake allergies,,, this, the rashomon job,,,
- - - - -
Hardison: Quint's on the hook. He went to Mumbai international limited's website to check out Sophie.
Nate: It's a real company?
Hardison: Cover story's better that way. Just, uh, changed this... (hits button on remote, which changes a picture on a website) to this.
- - - - -
Sophie: Okay, today did not go well, but that's all right. You know, we learn when we fail. We're gonna-we're gonna go back to basics, and we're gonna do a little role-playing. Gonna start with-with persuasion techniques. So, Eliot (tosses him an apple) has an apple. Alice (tosses her an orange) has an orange.
Eliot: I love apples. Apples are my favorite fruit.
Parker: Good for you, sparky.
Eliot (to Sophie): I-I don't have to sit here and take this crap.
Sophie: Go on. Just do it for me.
Eliot (to Parker): You have an orange, all right? Now, convince me that I want the orange, not the apple. I'm gonna take a bite. (slowly brings the apple to his mouth and takes a bite)
Parker: I put a razor blade in that apple.
Eliot (spits out the apple): Are you serious?
Parker: Maybe. But do you know what doesn’t have a razor blade in it? This orange. (smells the orange) Don't you want it? (tosses the orange at Eliot and leaves)
Sophie: You fell for that? (exits room)
- - - - -
Hardison: O- Okay. Um... you know, I have photos (places a file on the bench) that I would like to introduce from a vacation, the opposing counsel water-skiing. It's all from his website - very public.
Louis: I object.
Hardison: As well you should. You shouldn't be doing that. Seriously? I mean, he doesn't have the body.
r o a s t e d
- - - - -
Parker: Wait! Wait a second. That was a secret. You just told me a secret, right? That's something friends do.
Peggy: Well, I guess so. You're the nicest one here.
Parker: Really? I mean, thanks.
her S M I L E your honor
- - - - -
Earnshaw: Lunch is almost over. Get back to the trial. (opens folder) Joseph Miller, Georgetown pre-Law, Harvard law with honors! This can't be right. This guy's hourly rate has to be more than what our grieving widow makes in a month.
Assistant: Ma'am, it all checks out. Unless Gloria Vargas found some guy who created a CIA Level cover story and fake identity
hardison is just that good and we love to see it
- - - - -
Earnshaw: Wait. Who's that?
Assistant: The guy talking to the Vargas lawyer?
Earnshaw: No. Her. Raid Quint’s computer, his calendar, his e-mails. Pull out the call logs and the GPS records from his phone. I want to know who that is.
- - - - -
Quint: Earnshaw says if we settle, we open ourselves up to other lawsuits.
Sophie: We don't care about more lawsuits. With a billion people in the work force, a few deaths won't raise an eyebrow.
Quint: Government won't crack down?
Sophie: Mr. Quint, it takes five years to get a parking permit
that’s fucked
- - - - -
(Donnie is standing in front of a green screen)
Nate: Good. He's good.
Eliot (turns off camera): What I tell you? (hugs Donnie) Thank you for coming in on such short notice, Donnie.
Donnie: Ah, dinna fash yersel, laddie. What are friends for?
Eliot: Exactly. Beer's on me soon.
Donnie: Oh, you remember tha. (exits)
Nate: He's very good.
Eliot: What I tell you
we love getting more insight on eliot’s past and who his friends are/used to be
- - - - -
hardison, parker and eliot walking to the door and nate and sophie seeing them off like parents (even parker with her packed lunch!!!)
- - - - -
Hardison: Oh, incident. Okay. (referring to file) Would that happen to be the incident on flight 732 out of St. Louis, where you-you fondled a flight attendant's buttocks? Or would that happen to be the incident on flight 1433 out of Chicago, where you drank 17 tiny margaritas, you took your pants off, you stood up on the drink cart, and you sang, quote, "I'm a sexy monkey"?
Patemkin: I have no recollection of that.
Hardison: I'm not surprised, because it was not one, it wasn't two, but it was 22 incidents of drunk and belligerent, grab-assy behavior that landed you on that list.
Judge: Mr. Miller.
Louis: Objection!
Hardison: No, you know what, your honor? The US Government has determined that this man is not qualified to ride on an airplane, like Osama bin Laden. How is this jury supposed to rely on him to render a sound medical opinion
parker looks so proud of him
- - - - -
Parker: Oh, sweet mercy, cooked flesh. (takes a bite of burger) Can we have fast food every time we make the bad guys go away
let parker eat as much meat as she wants 2k20
also, eliot is sitting right next to her and finally got to watch his football 😌 we love to see them sitting together
- - - - -
Nate: Did you realize what you just did? What you did? You won a jury trial without cheating.
Hardison: Without chea--I hacked a government no-fly list and used it to humiliate a witness.
Nate: Excessively. "Cheating excessively" is what I meant. But, I mean, think about it, I mean, if you applied yourself, Hardison, you could be anything you want.
Hardison: You know what? I could. I could. You know, next week, I think I’m gonna be an astronaut.
Nate: Well, that's not really what I meant. I meant if you studied, you’d--
Hardison: Yeah, if I--Who needs to study? You know, I’m gonna be a surgeon. A surgeon – ER. Surgeon.
- - - - -
(Parker gets a text and checks her phone)
Parker: Hey, it's Peggy from the trial! She wants to have coffee next week. Alice made a friend.
Eliot: I'm gonna tell you one more time. You made a friend, not Alice.
Parker: Oh, cool. Well, think she'd want to steal a painting with me?
Sophie: Start small, Parker. Try coffee.
that’s so cute and means so much that she made a friend that even went as far as REACHING OUT to HER !!!
and she doesn’t reject the idea!!!
okay but also if a girl as pretty as parker asked me to steal a painting with her with that smile on her face, bitch you bet I would,,, I am but a simple bisexual with a weakness for pretty ladies
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bakatenshii · 4 years
This is kind of a weird question but do u ever get scared when u write something and ask a friend to edit it bc they might be too nice and not give good critical feedback? Idk how to explain it but I love that the tumblr community is so nice and kind to each other, but it makes me wary to ask ppl to review my work cuz I feel like it sucks and ppl r just being nice?
not weird at all!! I absolutely feel that way, that sometimes people may just be too nice to say anything. I’ve written things I reread and hated but something @theygottheircages always tells me is that when we reread something we’ve written, we’re always connected to our mentality from when we wrote it. We can never truly have an unbiased experience reading over our works.
more rambling below, yall know the drill
For example, works I’ve stressed over and fussed over and forced out, when reread, all sound awkward and contrived to me. But that’s partially because I know how much I struggled writing it, if that makes sense. Readers, friends, etc, they’re all reading it for the first time as a blank slate, so they take in what you give them without any preconceived ideas of what to expect. It’s a lot more enjoyable to read something without the hypercritical lens you’d give yourself.
I know this isn’t answering your question exactly but I just wanted to put that out there— that you, as a writer, have spent so much time and effort stressing over your writing, fixating on every tiny detail, that when you’re reading it you’re looking for mistakes. You’re searching for faults within your own works because thats what we do as writers; we stress and hyperfixate and are extra critical on ourselves.
What I’m saying is you may think something you wrote is terrible when in fact it’s not; you’re just too hard on yourself. (And that’s okay! We should strive to be better & keep improving!! but sometimes cut yourself some slack ya know?)
And to answer your actual question omg sorry I took so long— I do feel that sometimes people are too scared to give you a real critical review because they’re too nice. But I have friends who know that, as hard as it is (for them as well), it’s more constructive for me as a writer to receive criticism.
It would start with something small like, hey this part was actually a lil confusing! maybe switch this around! or; hey this parts quite wordy, I think you can get away with cutting a bit of it out!
Small suggestions can build up the comfortability (??? thats not a word) towards not being too scared to hurt the other person’s feelings. I’m not sure if any of this is helpful/answers your question! But I definitely used to be really worried about it, and I still am.
General rule of thumb is if you’re not too familiar with someone they’ll be wary of giving you constructive criticism, and sometimes people’s personalities just don’t allow for them to do it. AHH I’m not sure how to end this whole preachy ramble so I uM I HOPE THIS SORTA HELPED AND ANSWERED YOUR QUESTION? and if u want! I can deffo give u (harshness of ur choice) constructive criticism if you ever want me to!!
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
Sunrise - Jihyun/V x Fem!Reader Pt 2
I’m kinda iffy on this chapter; introducing things/people is always kind of strange. 
Part 2:  Light After Darkness
                I don’t know why I even bother smoothing out my mint dress presentably when my date is literally a blind date. Mentally, I smack myself for making such remarks but pull into the driveway. My jaw drops. His house is much larger than I expected and definitely fancier than someone like me would ever be seen at. As I head for the front door, I begin to wonder how I ended up in this high-class world for a night.
                My date answers the door. “Hello?”
                “Hey Jihyun,” I greet. “You got a haircut.”
                He gives a sheepish smile. “Yeah. Is it alright?”
                “Yeah. It looks good.”
                “Good. Now my outfit. Does it work? I kinda had to guess on what I’m actually wearing…” He’s got on a white tux jacket with a green shirt underneath and black slacks.
                “You look great.” I step forward, tugging at the pink fabric around his neck. “But you didn’t even tie your tie.”
                “Oops.” He seems a bit taken aback but lets me fix it.
                “There. You ready to go then?”
                “All set.”
                And we’re on our way into the art exhibit. Stepping inside, we let the people know that the photographer is here and begin wandering about ourselves.
                I awe at the starry print colored with purples and blues. “You really took all these?”
                “I’m pretty sure,” he chuckles. “Not that I could actually confirm it. Why don’t you tell me what you see?”
                “Like…What I actually see or what I think about it?”
                “Either’s fine.”
                “Well, it’s a picture of the sky over snowy mountains. You caught the Milky Way so clearly.”
                He hums, “Ah, yes. I remember that one. That was a very cold weekend in Alaska.”
                The words slip from my mouth before I can really think about it. “It looks like hope.”
                “Oh, uh.” I’d thought on this subject before, but never really shared my views of the symbolism before. To someone as artistic and in-depth as Jihyun, I’m kind of worried I might sound silly. “The sun is bright and warm and brings life, but only the sky is the limit when it shines. But in the darkness, when the sun rests, you can see beyond our sky into space, where there are endless possibilities, if only we were brave enough to go.”
                “So you think the sun holds us back?” There’s a note of something uncomfortable in his question.
                “Not necessarily. The sun is comfort and stability; everyone needs it sometimes. But that doesn’t mean the darkness and the unknown are bad. And just because the sun disappears doesn’t mean it’s the end; it’ll come back. People endure moments of light and dark in their lives. We take moments of light to enjoy life and sort things out, but moments of darkness teach us lessons and give us opportunities to change, if that makes sense. There’s beauty in light and dark.” I press a hand to my mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m spouting nonsense.”
                “No, that was insightful,” Jihyun disagrees. He sighs. “Honestly, I wasn’t sure what I was looking for when taking this picture. It was pretty to look at, but I felt like I was supposed to capture it for a reason that I didn’t understand.” He gives me a soft smile. “I hope that was the reason I took it, to inspire that hope.”
                I nervously brush the hair from my face, but before I can say anything, I hear shouting.
                “Yo, V!” I glance back to see a pair of red-heads and another man with silver hair, two of whom I already know.
                “Luciel? Zen?”
                “_____!” Luciel pulls me into a hug.
                “Hey! ______! What are you doing here?”
                Released, I wave to my date. “I was invited. And who’s this?”
                Luciel slaps a hand against the awkward man’s back. “This is my brother, Saeran.”
                I offer my hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m _____.”
                He’s a bit suspicious but takes my hand. “Nice to meet you too.” He seems rather curmudgeon-y.
                Luciel goes on. “And I should probably tell you, my name’s actually Saeyoung.”
                “Long story. And V! Good to see you out and about,” Luciel cheers.
                He smiles. “Thank you for coming. So how do you know _____?”
                “The production company I’m with hires her frequently for costumes,” Zen explains. “Her costumes are my favorite to wear. She made that one I was wearing when I was a pirate. You know, with the big hat.”
                Jihyun rests a hand against my back. “You made that costume?”
                “Yeah. I’m pretty sure that’s also the one I was working on when I cut my hand open and then ran around my house like an idiot because I’d rather bleed out than dirty a commission,” I reply both sheepishly and proud.
                Zen’s happiness fades to concern. “Oh yeah…You did have a lot of bandages on when you gave me that…”Jihyun looks extremely concerned.
                “As for me, I found her on the internet and had to throw my money at her!”
                “Luc-Saeyoung! Stop telling people that! You make me sound like a hooker!” I hiss, glancing around to see which people I’d have to avoid the rest of the night.
                He snickers. “I trust no one else to patch my lucky jacket,” Saeyoung says.
                “You mean the black and yellow one you wear all the time?” asks Jihyun.
                “That’s the one!”
                I laugh. “Pretty sure I’ve completely remade that jacket. So how do you know these miscreants?” I question Jihyun.
                “Hey!” Zen objects. Saeyoung does not.
                “They’re members of the R…Of a charity organization I’m part of.”
                I brush off the hesitation. “Charity? I’m sorry but Zen’s broke and Lu-I mean Saeyoung’s always trying to find easy money,” I tease.
                Zen does not object to that one. “Well you got us there.” Saeyoung shrugs.
                “You’d be surprised how much effort they put into the charity parties,” Jihyun replies on their behalf before addressing the two. “Should I be expecting the others to show up as well?”
                Saeyoung glances to his phone. “Jumin and Jaehee were coming after work. They should be here soon.”
                Jihyun pauses. “And Yoosung?”
                Zen shakes his head. “Yoosung’s not coming.”
                I think I notice a hint of darkness cross Jihyun’s face, but change the subject. Only moments later, I notice another pair of people approaching: both very business looking. My heart stops; I know who the man is.
                “Your photos are as impressive as always,” says the woman.
                The man adds, “It’s nice to see you promoting your work again.”
                “Thank you.” Subconsciously, I rest my hand on Jihyun’s arm. “This is _____ _____. _____, this is Jumin Han and Jaehee Kang.”
                His silver eyes turn on me. “So you’re the woman who stole away my friend a few days ago. Are you alright?”
                As a bundle of nerves, I shake Jihyun’s arm. “You let me take you away from JUMIN HAN! His time is worth more than everything I own!”
                Jihyun rests his free hand on mine, a ‘don’t worry’ smile on his lips. “Relax. Jumin was able to rearrange his schedule and everything turned out fine.”
                “She is right about my time being valuable,” Jumin deadpans.
                “And yet you seemed all too eager to postpone your meeting and agree to me wasting it,” Jihyun replies. “I promise, _____, it’s fine. Also, sorry, Jaehee.”
                The exhibit goes on and his friends eventually move on, but only after I thoroughly nag Saeyoung about lying about his name. I sit as moral support while Jihyun endures artsy chat and questions from visitors admiring his work. In between, we chat nonsense and eventually the exhibit ends.
                “Thank you again for coming with me. It made the whole thing far more bearable,” Jihyun tells me as we amble down the sidewalk.
                “It was fun. Except learning that I wasted Jumin Han’s time.”
                He simply chuckles at me. There’s a jingle from my phone and I pull it from my purse to see if it’s important. Seeing an email, I quickly open it and scan the words. I’ve been waiting for this email for a week and it’s finally here. I stop walking and reread the message again to make sure I’m not hallucinating.
                “Is something wrong?” He turns back to me.
                “I got it,” I breathe.
                “What’s that?”
                Unable to contain my glee, I leap forward and squeeze him in a hug. “I got my loan! I can open a shop!” I reply. I’m so happy, I’m rubbing my face against his chest.
                “O-Oh. That’s good.”
                I pause and peer up at his face. There’s a blush working across his nose and he seems kind of uncomfortable. I immediately pull back. “Sorry! I should’ve asked before hugging you! I was just really excited!”
                His chuckle eases some of my anxiety. “I can tell. And I don’t really mind the hugging, I just...That was the first time anyone’s ever hugged me.”
                I frown. “What? No way. What about your parents or your friends?Though I can’t say I see Jumin Han as a hugger.”
                He shrugs. “It’s true. I wasn’t exactly…friendly when I was younger, so I never let my mother hug me before she passed. And you’re right about Jumin. I’ve given them, but no one’s ever hugged me.”
                “Oh...” I have no idea where to go from here.
                Jihyun, on the other hand, is blushing again. “_____?”
                He opens his arms to me. “Congratulations.”
                I’m so glad he can’t see the blush nor the excessive giddiness on my face. Stepping forward, I wrap my arms around his waist again, holding him tightly. His arms drape over my shoulders and all the tension in his body is released with his exhale. It feels like he’s desperate for this, as if he’s been waiting for this his whole life. “Thanks.”
                “Shall we go celebrate with dinner? My treat.” I huff. “What?”
                “You can’t pay for my stuff! I’m a big girl! I have a job! And a store now!”
                His laugh rumbles through his chest and sends my heart soaring. I could stay here forever, listening to his ever-steady heart. “That’s right. A job playing dress up.”
                “Excuse you, my clients are playing dress up. I’m an enabler. So rude,” I mock being insulted.
                It could just be my imagination, but I swear his arms tighten and his face burrows a little deeper in my hair. “My apologies. Let’s celebrate.”
                I resent the celebration as it means Jihyun’s arms leave me and I have to let him go. My only consolation is that I get to hold his arm as we head out in search of something to eat. 
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lins-fandom-hub · 5 years
The Mystery that is Rakepick
Okay, so before we start: THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE A ONE-SHOT OR ANY KIND OF STORY WHATSOEVER. This is just me going off on a rant/stream of consciousness that outlines my overall theory behind what Rakepick’s true intentions were. We all knew since she was first introduced in fourth year that she was a mystery. She’s an enigma that most of us are trying to deduce--at least, for those who have so many doubts, or are trying to give her a benefit of the doubt. A few nights ago, I’ve been thinking over everything she had done throughout the last two years in Hogwarts Mystery, and now I’m going to talk about it.
I might as well do it now before I forget.
Anyway, yeah! Here we go!
So, what do we know about Rakepick? Or at least, what do we think we know?
Rakepick was first brought to Hogwarts in our fourth year upon completing a mission in Castelobruxo. She first told the school that she believed the Cursed Vaults existed when she was a student, yet the faculty didn’t think so. Now that they were there, she would look into it now as a free agent. 
Or so we thought.
Rowan had doubts about Rakepick since she said her tone matched the one in the notes from ‘R’, first Transfigured into black quills. And many people soon picked up on this sort of distrust. We all knew that Snape said he didn’t think Rakepick was there for the Vaults.
Guess what? They were right!
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Okay, maybe that was a little too strict, Snape. 
As we know in fifth year, Rakepick eventually told us that she only wanted to use our MC and Jacob for her own gain. She wanted us for our Legilimency abilities, as only a Legilimens could open the buried Vault. Everyone else she asked for to accompany us on the mission, she wanted to feed to a majorly feared predator in the wizarding world.
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It’s a revelation that all of us couldn’t believe. But let me ask one question that’s been on my mind since we moved on to year 6:
Why did Rakepick do what she did?
I was talking to one of my friends on Tumblr about this a while ago, and she said she hoped a Moody was pulled in this case (basically someone impersonated Rakepick while we were in the Vault). But the more I thought about it, the less I think so.
Most of the evidence laid in what she said in year 5, chapter 30--while we were in the Vault. MC, Bill, Merula, Ben, and our choice of either Charlie or Penny.
So she admitted that she worked with Jacob after denying it in front of Mundungus the first time, then to our faces (and breaking our wands in the process). We all knew she wasn’t even telling the full truth when we found Jacob’s journal outlining the day they went to the buried vault. Jacob couldn’t even penetrate Rakepick’s thoughts, but he knew she was scared of a cabal.
Who knew that it would be the same cabal that we all antagonized, though? She was working for ‘R’, all this time! So is that the same cabal she’s afraid of? If so, why would she work for them?
Something about R got me thinking about what Duncan Ashe said in year 5, chapter 7, however. Something about our brother’s involvement with R.
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Before this, Duncan explained how Jacob and R wanted him to brew a powerful Erumpent Potion to get rid of whatever’s guarding the next vault after the Forest Vault. Hence, he was tasked to work with a dangerous potion to scare of and defeat the Hungarian Horntail in the Buried Vault.
If Rakepick was a part of R then, it wouldn’t come as a surprise to us that she may have given said task to Jacob to pass on to Duncan. Of course, he never knew of Jacob’s intentions, so that’s why he blamed our brother for everything when he died and became a ghost. He might have turned into one after his death to forever haunt Jacob, remind him of what he had done to his poor friend. 
Rakepick was a part of R, and Jacob covered everything that happened at Hogwarts saying that everything was his to blame. In that case, he didn’t want anyone to know what was really happening at Hogwarts.
So did Jacob and Rakepick really work together as part of the same force? Or was Jacob not a part of R, and Duncan’s assumptions were wrong? Because eventually when we rescued Jacob, he called Rakepick ‘evil’. Clearly there was a rivalry between him and Rakepick.
Perhaps Jacob was a little too noble.
But another thing I’m thinking about right now is the fact that Rakepick tried to direct us away from the Forbidden Forest in fourth year, stating that she found a possibility of a Cursed Vault in Hogsmeade instead. She mentioned that when she was last in the Buried Vault before the next trip she said she was transported against her will into the Forbidden Forest. So she wanted us out of the way to do what, exactly? Locate Pettigrew and screw him over for running out on her and Jacob? Find the Vault Portrait herself without the Marauder’s Map? She was literally on a wild goose chase for anything that screamed VAULT!!! but wanted us out of the way until the moment was right.
Still, we went against her wishes and entered the next Vault. We explored the Forbidden Forest without her even catching us.
It’s weird, isn’t it? She wanted us out of the way but guided us, mentored us in some way? Was it like a way to cut some slack and then reel us in? Sort of like a fish in the water being dragged along by a fishing pole?
Whatever the case was, my MC decided to trust her. She saved us twice from unknown forces (e.g. the red-cloaked messenger) after all, and she’s a better DADA teacher than most. That was probably the bait a lot of us have raised to, however. With those in mind, and the fact that she handpicked us along with Bill and Merula to be her apprentice curse-breakers, we assume that she would be the captain of the ship who would lead us safely to a landing.
By assuming her leadership over us, she’s claiming authority and is taking away our liberty to do anything ourselves. Why else would she be lording over us to do her bidding? Find the Vault Portrait, find the Marauder’s Map, blah blah blah? Because she wants to see us put some effort in so that she’d have something to report to R.
Besides, she was with the group who issued the order that one of our friends had to die. Would it have been Merula if the prophecy was to come true? Merula had risen to the bait more than our MCs had, after all, and was forced out of that false security blanket with the Crucio curse. 
That reminds me. The threat they issued her when we found the quill in our fourth year...well, it must have been written to her a long time ago, then. It must have been written while she was still a student.
The reason she joined R is still a mystery, then. But it was clear that she was under orders from R to do as she was told to--to intentionally hurt us and change us for potentially the worse. Not just us, though. She hurt Jacob and his friends, too.
No one knows what happened with Olivia Green. Duncan Ashe became a ghost and forever hated Jacob. 
Meanwhile, our friendships in 6th year had become more skewed than ever. Some of us remained the same. Most of us who had been the vault, however, had changed. And our brother is off again with an uncertain fate. Given what could happen, he could possibly die at her hand. 
In the end we can say: Rakepick doesn’t even care about us. She works for R, and she doesn’t even care about our well-being as long as she gets to the Vaults and unlocks the treasure.
Perhaps she’s working with R for her own potential gain too. But who knows? For all I know, she could have been under orders from R to do as she was told. 
Of course this could spring a bunch of other questions, like who the person under the cloak truly was and all but once my conscience becomes clearer, I’ll see if I can write more on that subject.
That said, thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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The Little Peach - Chapter 9
Notes: As always, big thanks to my amazing editor, Drucilla!
Not much to say here, save for pepping some foreshadowing, some more obvious than others. We're really deep in "making thus up as I go along" territory, folks. Cross your fingers and wish me luck.
Summary: Mickey takes on the same path as his father once did, but finds new shadows waiting for him.
“Guards?” Everyone repeated – save for Panchito, who was suffering from another one of Maurice's wake-up specials – after Mickey had finished his request, each person giving the word their own level of shock. As such -
“Guards?” Princess Minnie's fan was being used to hide her eager smile, recalling that Sir Sakura and his own love interest had met by him being her bodyguard.
“Guards?” Clarabelle could guess what Minnie was thinking in seconds and panicked, trying to think of how to put a stop to her illicit daydreaming.
“Guards?” Pete was incredulous – now he had even more obstacles in his way!
“Guards?” Goofy tilted his head, quietly curious as to why Mickey wanted to do it all of a sudden.
“Guards?” Jose was thoroughly amused, and saw endless potential for hilarity and entertainment out this arrangement.
“Guards?” Marsupilami could sense that for once, he and Maurice would have to do some actual work in their lives, and he couldn't say he really cared for it.
“Guards?” Panchito finally said, managing to stay awake so long as he didn't look at Jose for more than three seconds, and he'd already last track of what was going on.
Minnie snapped her fan shut, instantly coming to a decision. “Your desire to protect your people, and your princess, is very noble. I have given your request a great deal of thought-”
“It's been six seconds,” Clarabelle hissed.
“-and it is with great honor and privilege that I-”
“Deny your request!” Clarabelle cut in again, snatching the fan out of Minnie's hand. “Absolutely not, no, no, no! Princess, I ask for so little, but this is sheer common sense! Look at him! Sure, maybe his friends could be of use – except for that rooster that keeps fainting, no offense-”
“None taken!” Four seconds, THUD.
“- But how could someone that small protect anybody?”
Hearing that stung, even if it was the truth, but Mickey didn't want to give up again. He had just barely pulled himself out of misery and self-loathing by the memory of his honored father, and if he sunk back down he wasn't sure he could climb out of it ever again. So if his father “saved” him once, perhaps he could do it again. “I wish to follow in my father's footsteps! The truth is, Princess...my father once served your own! I am the son of Donald Duck and Daisy Duck!”
Jose suddenly straightened up, lifting up his helmet to get a better look at Mickey. “Donald Duck! Sir Donald, are you speaking the truth? The one and only noble and righteous Donald?”
Minnie slid a spare fan out of her sleeve, much to Clarabelle's frustration, and resumed her mysterious, stony aura by opening it front of her mouth again. “I take it you know of him, Sir Jose?”
“Know of him!” Jose slapped a hand to his chest, looking more serious than anyone in the room knew he was capable of being. “Why, before you were born, lovely Princess, I proudly served alongside him!  He and I took down many fierce Oni, and Sir Donald was the strongest, mightiest, and dare I say handsomest samurai that has ever served the royal family! There were Oni who ran from the palace doors at the mere mention of his name! To think we would be in the presence of his own son, we are more than honored, we are blessed by the gods!” Yet when he stopped his passionate speech and saw Mickey again, he had to admit there might been some extra hype. Mostly because as far as he knew about genetics, Duck + Duck did not = Mouse. “Um... not much of a family resemblance, is there?”
“I know I'm adopted.”
“Oh, good, because this would have been extremely awkward otherwise.” With that, he resumed all the passion and flare he had been displaying seconds ago. “Dear Princess! Though he may be small in stature, there is no way anyone who lived under the roof of Sir Donald is anything less than exemplary! Why, I bet Sir Donald taught him ways to fight that take ready advantage of his size! All that he has learned must have been passed down to the next generation!”
Only now did Mickey see a tiny flaw in his plan, and he cleared his throat, eyes shifting about as he spoke timidly. “Ah, well, about that-”
“If Sir Jose says it is true,” Minnie unknowingly interrupted, not hearing Mickey's attempt at a confession. “Then it must be so. I will hear no further argument.” Nor would she hear Clarabelle snapping the fan in her hands in sheer frustration. “Starting today, Mickey – Sir Mickey – and his allies will join the guardsmen, protecting the capital and the palace. Sir Goofy, get them proper armor and blades as soon as they can be acquired.”
Goofy bowed low, always happy to make new friends, and so he was quite pleased by all that had happened. “Yes, Princess.”
“Sir Jose, begin rearranging the shifts. I want at least two men on every patrol, no one is to be alone when they're on the job.”
Jose also bowed deeply but his had extra flourish. “Yes, Princess.”
“And Sir Pete, you will train them in our ways, and show them everything they need to know – a top-to-bottom layout of the capital and of the palace.”
“Aw, why me?” Pete groaned, slouching in his reluctance. “I have to take all these chumps under my wing? A dog, a gorilla, some weird tail-monkey, a fainting rooster-”
“I'm up, I'm up!”
“And a little boy who I could crush in the palm of my hand? What did I ever do to you?”
Mickey thought Minnie's eyes were very pretty, and didn't know why his friends had insisted that the Princess was a cold-hearted force to be reckoned with – until this point. Minnie's eyes narrowed slowly, and the icy chill stabbing from her deep blues was enough to make Mickey feel like he had traveled to the arctic. He could even feel Pluto starting to shiver underneath him. “I am giving them to you because you are one of my most trusted guards, and if you wish to remain that way, you will take this order as an honor, not a punishment. After all the good faith you've earned with me, you wish to throw it away so easily?”
Pete didn't really answer, although he did grumble audibly, fingers clenching and unclenching as if he was fighting off a million and one impulses in the back of his head. The winter storm between felt as if it could last a thousand ages, were it not for Goofy coming over to slap Pluto on the back, since Mickey was too small for him to hit without injury. “Oh, Pete's a great choice to have! You guys will be A-O-K under his eye, I know it!” Goofy wasn't exactly fond of Pete, but he hated conflict much more. “Why, out of all of us, I'd say he's the very best!”
Pluto sat on his haunches so Mickey could try to look Goofy better in the eye. “How so? What makes him better than you or Jose or anyone else?”
“Why, we saw him take on five Oni at one time!” Goofy spread out his hand, counting on each finger. “The first day he came to the capital, Jose and I were guardin' the entrance, and then all of a sudden these Oni came straight out of nowhere! They were tearin' up the place and givin' us a real tough time!”
Pete was failing not to smile smugly, crossing his arms as his ego inflated. Jose caught on, and began to gesture out the fight with minimal movement. “What my companion says is true! He took down all five of them, and sent them running back home to their mamas! To this day, I still don't quite know how he did it, but it was done. He was hired right on the spot! Why, he's become so fearsome to the Oni since then, not one of them as ever shown up in the capitol!”
There was something off about this story, yet Mickey couldn't quite put his finger on it. He wasn't eager to find any lies anyway – Pete was his best shot at his real goal. “Then, Sir Pete, it is with esteem pleasure that we place ourselves in your care.” He topped it off with a bow that all his allies copied, even the continuously reluctant Marsupilami and the semi-conscious Panchito.
“Fine, fine, fine, I'll do it!” Pete marched over to Mickey, looking down at him as much as possible. “But don't think I'm gunna cut you any slack because of your size! You're going to obey all of my orders without question, you got that?”
“Yes, Sir! Without question!”
“That's what I like to hear! Now, my first order of business...” he reached over and plucked Mickey off of Pluto by the collar of his clothes, and dropped him onto the floor. “Twenty laps around the palace!”
Mickey fumbled on the floor, trying to regain his balance. “Twenty laps? … Which is not a question but repeating what you said, sir!”
“If you wanna be a guard, you gotta be in shape! Now get to it, all of you, unless you'd rather be target practice instead!”
A smarty-pants comment about how Mickey wasn't the right size for that either rose up in Mickey's throat, but he fought it off, and instead bolted for the door, not wanting to cause anymore fuss. He had secured the job, much faster and easier than he had actually anticipated, and he was in no hurry to lose it. Marsupilami began to whine about doing actual work, and Maurice dragged away Panchito who had failed at communicating anything towards Jose but squeaking gibberish. In a way, he kind of wished there had been more fuss about him becoming a guard, if only to decrease the guilt he was feeling deep within his chest.
Yes, of course he wanted to follow in his noble father's footsteps – but he'd only used his father's name to get into the door, as a footstool to the real goal. Somewhere within the palace was the Lucky Hammer, hidden away and only known by the Princess. If he couldn't convince her to grant her the size he needed, he'd have to find it himself. Maybe with his unusual height, he had an advantage over anyone else who had searched high and low in the palace. Yet no matter how far and fast he ran, he couldn't escape his disgrace – to try and honor his father by becoming regular-sized, he'd used him like a cheap trick.
Throughout it all, he tried to hold onto one singular hope – that when he was normal, he would be accepted, and no matter how bad he felt now, it would all be worth it in the end. In the end, what other choice did he have? It wasn't as if he'd ever be the Princess' husband.
“No, no, no, a million and infinity times no.”
After her long series of meetings had ended, Minnie was back in her room, rearranging her books with a song in her heart. Clarabelle had immediately followed her and stood in the doorway, making her open heard very loudly. Minnie merely continued to hum, back in her natural persona as she stacked books upon books upon books. “I don't know what you mean,” she replied in a sing-song manner, clapping her hands once when she found her desired volume.
“You cannot marry Mickey! I won't allow it! All your ancestors won't allow it!”
“Sir Mickey,” she corrected, flopping onto her bed so she could reread her favorite chapter. “And didn't you say you'd let me marry anyone?”
“How was I supposed to know men came in his size?!” Clarabelle futilely measured an imaginary Mickey in her hands before trying to come inside the tricky bedroom space. “Besides, you're missing the point entirely! I want you to have a husband who can support you in times of need, a man you can rely on, who can protect you-”
“I bet Sir Mickey can do all those things. Love knows no obstacles.”
“And can give you children.” Clarabelle finished sharply.
Minnie paused, glancing up from her book for half a second. “... Okay, we'll adopt. But love can overcome all those other obstacles.”
“You do not love him!” Clarabelle had to awkwardly angle herself around several stacks of books before she made it to the bed, as she felt she had to try and tip the book she was reading away from her eyes. “You don't even know him! You only think you do because he resembles some made-up character in a fantasy world!”
“It's destiny!” Minnie insisted, tugging her book right back and flipping it around – the illustrated page showing Sir Sakura kneeling before his retainer and pledging his eternal loyalty. “See? It happened just like in my book! It's meant to be! We'll grow closer day by day, he'll get jealous of me spending time with the other guards but not understand why, then we'll have a silly nonsense fight, only for him to return in the rain and declare his forbidden feelings for me! Then we'll live happily ever after! … Until the next volume, when I get kidnapped and he has to come and rescue me while fighting off urges from a vile temptress.”
When Clarabelle first became Minnie's handmaiden, she had sworn to protect the Princess from everything even at the cost of her own life, a sacred vow she held very deeply. Right now she was mildly considering breaking this vow to smack Minnie repeatedly with that book. Who would have guessed she'd have to protect Minnie from Minnie? She inhaled as hard as her body would allow, her hands pressed together as she tried to form some sort of argument that would make the Princess listen. “Okay... since common sense isn't doing me any favors today... let's try this. Let's say you like him, even if it's for a ridiculous and purely insane reason. Is there any reason Mickey would like you?”
Minnie stopped, jerking her head, her expression incredulous. “Are you saying I'm unlikable?”
“No! What I'm saying is... what does Mickey know about you, that would make him like you as a wife?”
“Well... he, uh....he, um...” She slowly began to place the open book down on her lap as she had to think about it. “I was...very nice to him when we first met!”
“Everyone is supposed to be very nice when you make an introduction. What does he know about you that makes you you, and not... basic human decency?”
Clarabelle had only intended for Minnie to slow down her romantic endeavors and take her future more seriously, but she'd unknowingly opened up a trap door that Minnie fell through in one fell swoop. What about her made her... unique? Worthy of love? She only ever had two goals in life – to be a good Princess for her people, and find a man like Sir Sakura. Outside of that, what else did she have? One could argue the first goal wasn't really hers either – wasn't every royal figure supposed to want to be good for their people? That just left her wanting to find someone to love her exactly as these black and white pages said love was supposed to be.
So who was Minnie, outside of the palace and away from these fantasy books? She had no idea. How could you love someone that didn't exist as a whole? At that moment, she couldn't even fathom loving herself. Clarabelle was taking the long stretch of silence as a good sign, and began to advise her about how if you wanted to win over any man, friendship was the first goal – she had no idea the Princess was going through an identity crisis and thus not listening to a single word being spoken.
Neither woman was paying attention to the book in Minnie's lap, where Sir Sakura was going into a rambling soliloquy about his devotion to the fair maiden he was guarding. It was very unlike how Mickey had asked for the job, merely getting right to the heart of the matter instead of taking up twenty pages.
Somewhere in the back of Minnie's mind, the tiny light of hope found it odd that despite such a vast difference, she preferred Mickey's way of asking.
With both mice now terribly uncertain about their futures, the wheels of fate were set in motion. Panchito, Maurice, Marsupilami were all equipped with the official palace armor and given their own blades from the finest blacksmith in the capitol, with Pluto getting his own super shiny collar. Mickey's size, to no one's real shock, presented a problem with getting his own armor and blade, but he put up a stiff upper lip and insisted his soft robes and sewing needle would suit him just fine. Pete reluctantly did as he was told, showing them the ins and outs of the palace, with Mickey ever vigilant for any sign of a hidden space that could hold the treasure he sought.
When the first day ended and they retreated to their newfound living quarters with the other soldiers, Mickey waited until he heard snores fill up the room before he slid out into the night. The palace was quite tall, certainly larger than the already enormous home he'd grown up in. It would have taken ages for a regular-sized person to search every nook and cranny – given his own height, it could have taken years and years. But as he quietly knocked on floorboards and climbed up windows, he didn't think about all the time he'd have to spend in the future.
Instead his mind kept going back to the past, about how he had gone about memorizing the layout of his home. He was sure he could walk through it blindfolded and never bump into anything. There had been nights he slipped out of his drawer of a bedroom just to walk around and get his blood pumping. His mother had meant well, but constantly being told not to do anything had only made him long for the exact opposite. Thinking back on those times, he was certain his father had “caught” him doing this a few times, as he spotted Donald's open eye as he left the room – yet Donald had never said a word about it to Daisy. Even if he just couldn't be bothered to do so, Mickey was grateful for the small grace of freedom.
He missed his parents very much on that first night, knowing he'd definitely upset his mother and caused his father all sorts of trouble. Thinking of their aches made his search all the more difficult, and he shook his head hard in a futile effort to clear it. No matter how much pain he had caused them, it would all be healed when he was normal. Moonlight dimly shone through the windows, slightly aiding his search – until it was blocked. Distracted, Mickey peered outside, although he couldn't see much in the shadows. He was on the third floor of the palace, which allowed him to make sense of two things.
First, there was a fire in the garden. Not a large, all-destroying monstrosity that had nearly killed Grandma's fields, but a contained campfire. The smoke from the fire was blocking the moon on and off because of the second thing he'd noticed – whoever was making the fire was covering it with something, then taking it off, doing it over and over in strange intervals. If it was an intruder, Mickey knew it was his duty to alert the others and have the invader kicked out – but if it was someone trying to break into the castle, they certainly were going about it in a very strange way! Maybe it was harmless. Weird, but harmless.
The figure down below eventually became satisfied with his work because they stopped and put out the campfire. After shuffling, possibly to get rid of evidence it was ever there, the figure approached the castle wall, and began to climb it with ease! Mickey stared, but then he remembered how he first met  Marsupilami and Maurice – Maurice had been climbing up the inn without breaking a sweat. Strange and stranger still – wasn't Maurice asleep with the others? Maybe he'd gone out to cook a light meal in the gardens and follow it up with some exercise. It was unusual, but Mickey decided that since all of his friends were unusual, one of them doing something unusual wasn't unusual! … Or something like that. He was getting one of his triple headaches again trying to sort it all out.
With the mystery solved, he hopped out of the windowsill and resumed his search. He knew he wouldn't be lucky enough to find the hammer on his first night, and after a few more hours of searching he dragged himself back to the shared room to catch some shut-eye. From here on out, it was only a matter of time and patience. He wouldn't leave the capitol until he found the Lucky Hammer, even if it took until he was old and gray. He rather hoped he'd find it before the Princess was married, he thought to himself as he laid down to sleep. Honestly, what had Panchito been thinking? She'd never marry such a small person.
But she might marry a person who was small and suddenly became regular-sized.
Mickey's eyes shot open, bewildered as to where that thought came from, and alas, he couldn't sleep a wink for the rest of the night.
As the days of intense training began for Mickey and his companions, Donald and Daisy came upon a long dirt road with an unforgiving sun in the sky – the same road where Mickey had come across the sword-wielding rooster. With no trees to offer them shade, it made the walk seem much longer. Were it not for his old injury, Donald would have insisted on carrying Daisy on his back, so she wouldn't have to strain herself under the heat. By this point in their journey, the euphoria about Mickey's heroics had worn off for Daisy, and she was back into panic mode. She knew airing her grievances would do no good, and settled for mumbling them while biting her fingernails. Donald silently offered a squeeze of her hand whenever her saw her do this, even if it didn't help.
Eventually, he could take it no more, and made an attempt. “He's probably too stubborn to get into more trouble.”
Daisy raised her head, surprised to hear him. “What?” “Mickey. You know how he is... you know him better than I do. He's headstrong and foolish... so much that even if he was close to death, he'd just be too bullheaded to accept it. So he's probably fine.”
“Are you trying to cheer me up?”
He glanced over at her grimly. “Is it not working?”
“I'm sorry, honey.” Her eyes went down again, a tragic expression that tore up Donald's heart. “I know you might be right, but I can't help worrying. The world is a dangerous place... you, as a samurai, should know that more than anyone. Maybe I would feel more at peace if the previous Oni King hadn't died, and the peace treaty went through, but... now things are dangerous no matter where you go. Mickey could be flattened, or squished, or trampled, or... he could wind up doing the worst thing in the world!”
Maybe it wasn't helping settling her fears by asking, but how did she not expect him to follow up? “What's that?”
Daisy inhaled deeply, and put her free hand to her face to make sure she wouldn't cry. “He might... meet someone!”
All the worry and sadness in Donald's chest vanished in seconds. “What.”
“When a boy meets someone and gets those special feelings, he doesn't need his mommy anymore!” Daisy wailed, and her tears began to flow freely, oblivious to Donald's exasperated stare. “It's too soon! I don't wanna give him up to anyone! They'll never realize how special he is, not like his mommy does!”
For a brief moment, Donald thought perhaps Mickey might be better off without them. “Daisy, isn't he eighteen?”
“Babies are babies no matter how old they get! He's always going to be my darling little boy! That's why I never wanted you to give him the birds and the bees talk!”
Donald had always assumed this was because there would be no birds or bees Mickey's size. If Mickey did meet a special someone, they'd have to be pretty special too in order to love someone past such a big – well, small – obstacle. He considered mentioning this to Daisy, but as he heard her wail about refusing to acknowledge any in-laws, decided not to. His wife could be very silly, but that was one of the things he liked about her. Had Mickey inherited any of that from her?
He really didn't know much about Mickey, did he? Despite having shared a home all these years, there hadn't been much conversation between them, not for lack of trying on Mickey's part. After the awful thing Donald had said in the fields, would Mickey ever want to come back home? What if they did find Mickey, but he had no desire to return with them? That would ultimately destroy Daisy, and he doubted she'd ever recover.
She was odd, but she was also full of love and sincerity and Donald would never want her to change. If Mickey was like Daisy at all, the woman he loved, then shouldn't he be able to find something he loved about Mickey? He allowed Daisy to ramble on, troubled by his guilty conscious.
Was Mickey happier without them, or was he meant to return to a man who still wouldn't acknowledge him as a son? He walked on, and on, and on, and found no answer.
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lhs3020b · 5 years
After Noon (1)
So here’s a surprise: somehow, I’m writing fiction again.
I somehow seem to have ended up with a sort of Chocky-meets-r/NoSleep story - it’s quite unlike anything I’ve ever put pen-to-paper on before. What I have so far is under the cut.
Synopsis: a very ordinary London family may or may not be dealing with unEarthly forces. Much confusion happens...
(NB: this is in the style of an r/NoSleep story, so it’s written as if it were real, and as if the viewpoint character were posting to an advice forum or some such thing.)
I'll be honest: Chris was a surprise. But, she's the best surprise we've ever had.
Let me back up and introduce myself. I've never posted here before. It feels really weird that I need to. How did this happen? Why did it happen, and why us? Anyway, I'm already digressing.
My name is Jenny. I'm in my early 30s. I live in London with my partner of eight years, Jo. Jo and I have a six-year old daughter called Christina. Christina wasn't planned and I'll be honest, when we found out, we were quite worried at first. But to my (and Jo’s!) considerable surprise, Chris has ended up being the best thing that's ever happened to us. Sure the sleepless nights were rough and there's all the new problems like childcare, finding a decent school and her amazing ability to wreck all the new clothes we buy her. But seeing her smile, or watching her take her first steps, or listening to the first words she said - absolutely nothing compared. When she spoke for the first time, I honestly thought my heart would melt. I just couldn't believe that someone as frankly-useless and flawed as myself had managed to co-create something as wonderful as this - and accidentally, as well!
Now, here is our problem. Either our beautiful precious daughter is extremely-disturbed, or our family has directly-witnessed an alien apocalypse. I don't like either option.
Yes, it sounds mad, doesn’t it? You’ve just read these words and you’re probably wondering what’s wrong with me. You’ll be thinking, who is this Jenny and why she is having her mental episode here, on our website? Believe me, I’ve asked myself all those questions. But some very weird stuff has been going down inside our normal little family home. Some of it could be coincidence, misunderstanding, whatever. But the rest of it? I genuinely-can’t account for some of what’s happened.
Why us? Why our daughter? What were we supposed to do? Could we have done anything? Should we have done anything? I don’t know. Frankly, I’m posting here because I’m near my wits end. My family is a mess, my daughter is in pieces. I’m not sleeping full nights anymore. I don’t know what to do, but I’m hoping maybe some of you might.
Basically, please hear me out. I’m desperate.
You’re probably feeling uneasy already. I don’t blame you. It's all a lot to take in. Let me start from the beginning. Perhaps some context will help make sense of all this.
Perhaps there was a subtle hint of what was to come when she started talking. Chris didn't start with individual words. Instead, the first thing we got from her was a full sentence. I was cooking in the kitchen and she was in her high chair. It was a mid-afternoon in December about four years ago - London being London, the Sun had almost set, so I had the lights on already. I was just about to start boiling an egg when Chris suddenly pointed, and said "It's an egg!"
(Well, actually, what she said sounded more like "Hitsa hegg!", but the meaning was clear enough.)
Needless to say I immediately went into squee mode. Jo got called in and went into squee mode too. Chris loved the attention, though it was another two days before she spoke again. After that, the floodgates opened. Our health visitor said she'd never seen linguistic development this fast. Chris, apparently was very smart. The news sent us over the moon with joy.
And this is where our tale goes into high gear, becuase I'm not so certain that she was as precocious as we were told. Don't get me wrong - our daughter is a special young lady, and a bright one too. But I've got some reason to believe that someone, or something, had helped her along the way a bit.
It was when she turned five that we first met Noon.
'Jenny, it's not unusual,' Jo told me. 'I had an imaginary friend when I was little.'
I blinked. 'You did?' I'd never heard this story. (And here's one unexpected side-effect of having Chris: I was getting to know my partner all over again, better than I did beforehand.)
He nodded. 'Yeah. I had a comfort blanket. I gave it a name and took it everywhere.' He looked a bit embarrassed. 'I think my parents hated it. In hindsight, can't completely blame them, really.'
'But you didn't think it was real ...' I prompted.
He shook his head. 'Not really, no. It was more about having someone to talk to.'
'She's got us to talk to,' I said, maybe a little defensive.
'True,' he said. 'But - look, I'm sure it will be fine. Once she's settled into the new class at primary school.'
I breathed out, feeling myself relax a little. Jo was right. I was being overprotective. Don't judge me too hard - I've never been a parent before, and I'm having to make it up as I go along! A few stumbles were probably inevitable. I'd been worrying too much. Doubtless Jo was right and the Noon business was just a reaction to the recent changes at her school.
Her class had been split up. One of the teachers abruptly quit halfway through the term, under murky circumstances. Plus the school's been having money problems, like too many others across the country. It's inevitable that all this adult-work-chaos stuff would have some impact on the children, as much as everyone tries to shield them from it. Contrary to what many people think, kids aren't stupid. In fact they sometimes see things more clearly then we do, because they don't yet have the layers of cotton-wool self-delusion we pad ourselves out with. When stuff is going down, they'll pick up on it.
But if that was the case, then there was good news too. Once the school situation settled down, we'd stop hearing about Chris's new imaginary friend all the time too.
My relief was to be short-lived. Later that very evening, there was a development.
I was sitting down with Chris in the living room. We'd had dinner. She'd been good and had used her little plastic knife and fork all through the meal. Normally I call it a win if I can even get her to pick them up, let alone neatly cut-and-skewer all her food. But of course we want to reinforce it if she does well, so I was allowing her an extra hour or so with her crayons and drawing stuff, before bed-time.
She was sat on the carpet, cross-legged, looking very serious in that way that small children do sometimes when they know an adult is watching. There was a sheet of paper in front of her. She picked up a red crayon. She then proceeded to draw a red ellipse on the paper. It might have been meant to be a circle, but to be brutally-honest, it looked more like a sort of obese beetroot.
'That's very pretty, dear,' I said.
Apparently I'd picked the right tone of voice (I still don't really have that skill, sadly). She beamed at me. Then she frowned and looked at the other crayons.
'I can't find it, Mummy,' she said.
'You can't find what?' I asked. Now, I almost with I hadn't.
She said, 'I need to draw the other sun, Mummy. But I need a white crayon.'
The other sun? What? I know I must have looked baffled, because suddenly Chris's lip trembled. She always reacts strongly to our moods. Learning to regulate my emotional expression - well, let's be honest, I still trip up on that one.
To cover my confusion, I reached over to her left. The white crayon had rolled over there when we tipped them out of their box. I think she must have missed it. 'Here it is, dear,' I said.
She beamed and took the crayon from me, grasping it in her pudgy little fingers. I breathed a private sigh of relief. Apparently my little slip a moment ago hadn't mattered too much.
Chris frowned at the page. 'It's very small,' she said. She drew a barely-visible white circle with the crayon. 'That's too big. But I can't make it smaller. Small sun.'
'It's lovely, dear,' I said. 'The Sun is usually yellow, though.' (I have a friend, Fiona, who's an astronomer. At this point she would be ranting about how the Sun can't be yellow because sunlight is white light by definition, so this must be yet another popular delusion reiterated uncritically by poor scientific comms, etc. etc. Perhaps it was just as well that Fiona wasn't here with us this evening.)
Chris scowled. 'Not ours,' she said. 'Where Noon is from. They have two suns there.'
Noon was from a place with two suns? That really did throw me for six. Where on earth could Chris have got that idea from? I mean, points for creativity. I wouldn't have thought of that when I was a child! But still, this was some left-field stuff.
'Noon says there are two suns?' I asked.
Chris nodded, enthusiastically. She liked talking about Noon. 'She was telling me about it earlier.'
Noon was a she? That was new too. So far, we'd had no idea about Noon's gender, or even if the concept could be applied. Like Brexit, Noon was Noon, but what that actually meant had been a mystery for none but the elect to know. (Late last night as we lay in bed, Jo had commented to me that you could tell it was 2019 because the cool kids had non-binary imaginary friends. I whacked him with a pillow, though I will admit I did also snigger, just for a moment.)
Chris added, 'And it's always daytime where Noon is.'
You have to cut Chris a little slack. She's very young, so her world-building still has some research errors here and there. But perhaps now was as good a time as any for a little bit of education. I said, 'That's very interesting. Here, we have day and night. Because the Earth spins. Which is why we see the Sun rise and set.'
Chris was apparently ready for this. 'Noon says it used to do that where she is.' The little girl frowned, puckering her lip. 'But Noon says that was a very long time ago. It doesn't do it anymore. It slowed down, and stopped. Now it's daylight on one side. And it's night on the other. All the time.'
There was a pause.
'Noon says that's why she calls herself that. Her breed-group - she says that like a family - live in the middle of the day. So it's always noon where she is.' Chris picked up a black crayon and drew a wobbly horizon-line, below the two suns. 'She says it's not that weird. Our Moon is the same.'
Then she said three words, deliberately, slowly and carefully. Like someone was reciting them to her. And they were three words you don't expect to hear from a small child. 'Tidally-locked rotation.' Then she beamed and laughed, actually bouncing a little. Like she was really pleased that she'd managed to get it all right.
Breed-group? Like the Moon? Tidally-locked? What the hell?
This was starting to get faintly-weird. Chris had clearly put a lot of work into this. Or, someone had primed her with it. I found myself thinking of her school, and all the stuff that was happening there. Perhaps someone had given a weird assembly. Dumped some stuff into the kids' heads, well-meaningly, but before the children were really ready to absorb it? Or - no, wait, I had it! It would have been during one of the gaps in teaching-hours, wouldn't it? It would be just like the school to park the kids in a room with a video somewhere while the adults faffed about. They'd been left watching some sort of sci-fi thing, hadn't they? That was where all this must be coming from!
Carefully, I said, 'It's very nice of Noon to share about her life. I hope she likes it where she is.'
I didn't expect what happened next. Suddenly, Chris burst into tears. And these were proper floods. These were the-neighbour-ran-over-our-dog-and-I-saw-it-all tears. These were serious-business tears. Something was badly wrong.
'Oh honey, what's the matter?' Quickly I gathered her into my arms. She was still clutching the crayons, weeping hysterically. I heard feet thumping along the corridor outside. Jo had heard, and was coming running.
I did my best to soothe the distraught child as her father joined us. He looked at me, questioningly. Quickly I shook my head, mouthing, No love, I have no idea what set this off. I don't know whether he fully-understood what I said, or whether this was just parent-telepathy time. But either way, Jo joined the group-effort that was calming our daughter.
Finally we got Chris settled a little. Her face was still red and puffy but the sobs had softened away and the waterworks had calmed down. I held her - she felt very warm, and very precious - and rocked her from side-to-side. I was verging between deep concern for my daughter and wanting to smack Noon for whatever she'd done - which was completely irrational, given that at that point, I didn't believe that Noon existed.
When we'd settled our little girl enough, I think Jo and I both decided that there'd been enough drawing for one night. She didn't protest as we put the crayons away. Jo fetched her a hot chocolate - her favourite drink - and I dug out the laptop. We have a carefully-curated YouTube cartoons list (believe me, I don't let Chris anywhere near the "something is wrong on the Internet" stuff!) and I put one of her favourites on. We watched it together. Between it, the hot chocolate and maybe a bit of Mum's own-brand cuddles, Chris finally calmed. Soon, she was very tired. It was evident that bedtime was near. The day's drama had exhausted her.
Shortly after, we were tucking her into bed. I sat with her, holding her hand, as she drifted off. I was feeling both worried and relieved. Worried because that eruption earlier had been terrifying. Relieved because at least it was over.
Then something new happened.
Just as she was about to fall asleep, Chris muttered something. 'Noon says the little white one will kill them all.'
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fictionerd · 5 years
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Good to see you, friends!
Good to finally get back to Dororo after so long isn’t it?
So we’re just not going to talk about the fact that the post is late... AGAIN!
Cut Vic some slack, Aria. He’s been working hard lately. The Library hasn’t been attacked this often since the days when Morrow was still around.
Oh! So now it’s okay to talk about that? I’ve been been worried about this crap since the end of last month, but NOW that it’s a handy excuse for Vic we can talk about it?
Sisters, please? You’re both right. This post is a day late on top of which we’ve got a backlog of shows we’ll need to double up on this week. The Library has been in danger for well over a month. We still haven’t figured out why they only took the old lab and nothing else. I think we could all use a break so let’s all talk about Dororo shall we?
Yeah, okay. 
You’ve got it. Take us away, Fic.
Synopsis: So our boy Hyakkimaru has been going 100% “Deal with it” shades since the family reunion to the point where the precious angel that is Dororo worries he won’t be a Healthymaru for much longer. So the tiny con artist conceives of a brilliant scheme! Trick Hyakkimaru into going to a hot spring to relax!
Of course this wouldn’t be an episode if Hyakkimaru’s preternatural ability to attract every ghoulie, ghosty, and long-leggedy beasty in ancient Japan didn’t kick of, so on their way to the hot spring they come across a shack near a waterfall. We as the audience know that this place is where some crazy lady who lops off people’s faces lives. 
Dororo bumps into crazy face lady in the woods and is immediately like “Mommy?” To which the audience collectively shout.
Doroofus leads not-mom back to Hyakkimaru and turns out they were crashing in her house... awkward much? Dororo spends a lot of this section of the episode alternately embarrassed and embarrassing. Going so far as asking to call crazy-face-lady “Mama”. 
Turns out this Mama is the devious sort because she poisons the gruel! Our plucky heroes are soon whisked away to the land of nod, but not before the audience learns crazy face lady’s story.
She used to be a he, and he was a Buddha carver. His work fell out of favor and planning to stick it to the man he hid behind the waterfall and carved one MASSIVE Buddha. His resentment of the people who neglected his art grew so great that a demon up and possessed the statue and long story short when Buddha carver died without being able to carve a face he was happy with the demon turned him into crazy-face-lady.
Crazy-Face-Lady then proceeds to try and hack off Hyakkimaru’s face to give to the Demon-Buddha, but that goes about as well as you’d expect... BUT NOT BECAUSE OF HYAKKIMARU’S BADASSERY! Instead Dororo steps of the plate showing the willingness to put life and limb on the line for Hyakkimaru and revealing the depths to which their empathy runs. Dororo appeals to the stone-carver’s reason. Why does this demon Buddha have to have the most magnificent face? Surely having any face is preferrable to having none. Then the empathy card takes effect again as Dororo appeals to Crazy Face Lady to think about all the people she’s cut faces off over the years and happens to hit the perfect chord where he/she realizes that she/he has just been putting countless people through what he/she/it/we/they went through out of spite. Realizing the error of her ways she then crumples to dust after indulging Dororo’s desire to pretend their mother isn’t dead one last time.
Oh and Hyakkimaru stabbed the DemonBuddha but good off screen or something.
As the two head off down the road Dororo admits to lying to get Hyakkimaru to head towars R&R and Hyakkimaru’s just like, “Yeah I know. Don’t worry let’s go drown ourselves in the most relaxing manner possible”
Which they do and we get a plot hook when some rambunxious kiddies spot a map tattooed (I think) on Dororo’s back. EGADS! Do I smell... RESOLUTION!?
Aria’s Thoughts: I can’t, for the life-ish of me, figure out why Dororo didn’t drop the “Mama” crap the second he found out about the whole “Face-chopping” thing. There’s needing some catharsis and then there’s lunacy. Then again his appeal to empathy DID win in the end so I suppose I can give him the point. My section for this show is a bit superfluous. It’s GOOD like REALLY GOOD so I’m mostly here to nitpick. I’m a champion nitpicker though so I guess that checks out.
Justine’s Thoughts: Dororo was the most adorable little badass in this episode and it lightens my heart. She refused to back down even with knockout drugs running through her system. Tried damn hard to put herself between Hyakkimaru and Okaka at every turn, and ultimately saved the day. The story of the Stone carver was perfectly tragic, and the way they were stunned to near silence when they realized what they’d done to feed their obsession was fantastic. Furthermore I know we don’t talk about animation a lot around here, but the slow droop of Dororo’s hand as the drugs took effect was heartbreaking and fatastically done. Here’s looking forward to the next episode.
So we can all agree that Dororo was fantastic and we won’t be sorry to see the focus shift to resolving their past, yeah?
Seems that way.
Absolutely so.
Good. Well then that being said: Until next post keep talking fiction, friends! We’ll see you soon!
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theseadagiodays · 4 years
June 14, 2020
Stuck Together
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Dresses by Gabrielle C - lemons; Evelyn K - tux; Callan R - Black Lives Matter 
For the past three months, I have so appreciated sharpening my lens towards the creative gestures that this time has inspired.  These musings began with a hunch that artists would play a significant leadership role in the resiliency that such crises require.  While confirmed, my thesis has expanded to recognize that ALL humans are fundamentally wired to be resilient.  And because innovation is a key ingredient of resiliency, people from all walks of life (professional artist or otherwise) have been seeking creative expression to tether them through these uncertain times.  
For example, take these insanely fanciful prom dresses that teenagers around the US have designed in just 48 hours, using 40 rolls of duck tape and no other materials.  I can only imagine to what extent feelings of uncertainty have been exacerbated for these high school seniors, already poised for one of the biggest leaps of their life.  With the possibility of on-campus fall enrollment at new institutions threatened, and stripped of important rituals like graduation ceremonies and grad dances, these youth have had to contend with an abundance of shattered dreams.  So, it was unexpectedly surprising to see the hope, compassion and beauty in the creations that resulted from this year’s Stuck at Prom Duck Tape Challenge.  Browsing the 100’s of jaw-dropping entries on the contest’s website (https://www.duckbrand.com/stuck-at-prom/2020-gallery), there was not a single Covid Sucks, self-pitying design in the bunch.  Instead, you can find tributes to essential workers and Black Lives Matter, mottos of solidarity, and an artful nod to “making lemonade.”  Knowing that our future is in the hands of these thoughtful young people is perhaps the most encouraged I’ve felt during this entire pandemic.
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Dress by Peyton M - frontline workers 
June 15, 2020
Covid Commissions
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Various WPA Virtual Commissions - see link below
Physical distancing and other economic challenges, resulting from the coronavirus, have taken a huge toll on artists’ livelihood.   Currently, many existing arts grants have been either cut or postponed, in order for governments to reallocate funding towards critical services like health care, transportation and housing.  And while I believe that the arts are as critical as breathing, full-well contributing to our physiological, psychological and self-actualizing needs, they still fall pretty far down most people’s interpretation of Maslow’s hierarchy.
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Thankfully, there have been numerous emergency relief funds available to pick up the financial slack for artists.  So, these have provided much needed temporary help to cover living expenses.   But they haven’t necessarily supported the creation of new work.  Fortunately though, some institutions have recognized the essentiality of the arts by putting them front and centre of their funding priorities.   One such organization is the Guggenheim, whose board and donors contributed $150,000 to their Works & Process Virtual Commissioning fund which supported performing artists from a variety of mediums to create up to 5-minute video pieces from home.  Like Cooped, a project I referenced on June 4th, all of the resulting works can be viewed here:
As I mentioned earlier, we dabbled in a little commissioning ourselves, during quarantine. And here is the promised finished product by Natalie Warkentin (@morningmusings), the very talented artist of Bloom: A beautiful process of becoming.   Her playful, vibrant piece has made a world of difference to our daily joy, with the inordinant amount of time that we usual out-and-abouters have been spending at home!  And we were also thrilled to learn that it has, indirectly, already led to a second commission for her.
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June 16, 2020
Piano Play
In surveying my peers, I’ve noticed that this has been a time for reconnecting with long-lost friends.  As some of these old relationships have resurfaced for me, one of my favorite “icebreakers” has been to ask what new pursuits they’ve enjoyed during this period.  For many, it’s been sourdough starters; others gardening; and some, learning French.  But I’ve also found that many adults are taking up instruments, which makes me extremely happy.  I can’t tell you how many times, throughout my career, after mentioning to a stranger, on a plane or elsewhere, that I was a flutist, they replied “Oh, I wish I played an instrument,” ... almost as if they were already dead.   My habitual response is always to encourage adult music-making, and it’s one of the reasons that the majority of our non-profits’ arts programs target adult populations.  While I fully support early childhood musical and artistic development, I don’t think these opportunities are nearly as lacking as those for “big kids”.  One of my friends, in an effort to brush up on her Grade 4 childhood piano skills, recently asked if I could recommend some playable, accessible pieces in a variety of genres (from film scores to pop to classical).  Since keyboard or piano seems to be the most common new instrument for people to learn later in life (with perhaps only ukulele as a close second), I thought it would be fun to post the list that I shared with her.  Each of the scores, below, is available online, for free or purchasable download, and generally requires the player to use only one finger, in either hand, at the same time.    For a final extra tip: Musescore.com has a 30-day free trial, during which you can download to your heart’s delight!
Regina Spektor The Call (from Chronicles of Narnia)
Sufjan Stevens Mystery of Love (from Call Me By Your Name)
Erik Satie Gymnopedie #1-3, & Le Tango Perpetual
Arvo Part Fur Alina
Olafur Arnalds Tomorrow’s Song
Thomas Neumann Theme from American Beauty
Yann Tiersen Valse d’Amelie
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Icelandic pianist, singer/songwriter, Olafur Arnalds
June 17, 2020
Cause and Effect
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I love the music of language.  Perhaps it’s why my transition from flutist to writer has felt so natural.  I rarely remember the lyrics to songs, instead hearing the syllables as a collection of phonetic melodies.  I also experience sounds somewhat synaesthetically (synaesthesia being the neurological condition where certain senses, which are not normally connected, join or merge together.  Like certain alphabetic letters being associated with certain tastes, or particular smells being connected to sounds).  For me, musical sonorities have always been strongly linked to specific colors or shapes.  And the geometry of certain words have very distinct and often pleasurable textures when they bounce around my mouth.  Perhaps my favorite example of this is the Buddhist word for the “interconnectedness of all things”: Pratītyasamutpāda. More clearly defined, this term refers to dependent origination, or dependent arising, a Buddhist philosophy which states that all phenomena arise in dependence upon other phenomena.  Simply put, it’s the law of cause and effect.  The far-reaching global butterfly effect of Covid has made all of us keenly aware of this law.  Like never before, we are now considering the consequences of our actions in a myriad of ways: like whether or not to touch a pedestrian crossing button with our hands, scratch our nose when it itches, or hug an aging parent.  So, while the threat of this virus has had huge negative repercussions for many people’s physical and mental health, I can not deny that there is also a positive way in which it has reminded us of our interconnectedness.  Of course, it’s a horrific shame that it took a deadly pandemic to wake us up to they symbiotic nature of all things.   And, for my generation and those younger than me, (particularly in North America and other cultures who have not experienced war or famine or a health epidemic, first-hand, for more than half a century), it may only be global warming that has demanded we truly consider how our behavior impacts the people and environment around us.  However, even the impact of that seems too large and slow for most to fully fathom.  It’s why we still drive like fiends, strangle turtles with our plastics, and fly to Hawaii for weekend getaways (and, of this sin, I shamefully confess I’m guilty too!).  
So, we clearly need all of the reminders we can get, which makes this recent contest I learned about all the more fitting.  There is perhaps no one who has more artfully or playfully illustrated the nature of phenomenological cause and effect than Rube Goldberg.  Maybe you have seen his machines that combine cuckoo clocks, toy rockets, ping pong balls and string in elaborate chains of events that result in a single action.  The band OK Go is famous for music videos crafted around such devices.  And here, you can check out an absolutely brilliant one of theirs, with a message that we all need to hear right now, This Too Shall Pass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w
Everyday folks have also been trying their hand at making such contraptions, for the sole honor of being named winner of the recent Rube Goldberg Soap Challenge.  And you’ll be amazed at what this Toronto family devised to earn the crown: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-tuesday-edition-1.5604697/toronto-family-thrilled-and-a-little-bit-surprised-to-win-rube-goldberg-challenge-1.5604698
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June 18, 2020
My Uncle Len, a playwright and educator who has engaged in community arts throughout his career, has been a constant muse for me.  But more than professional expertise, it has been his sensibilities that have served as my true inspiration.  Len defines sensibility as “how we see, what we focus on, affirm and move towards in life.” He is so convinced it is the subject most necessary to study, at this time, that he has written a book about it - his life manifesto, if you will.
Len is simply one of my favorite people on earth.  It’s hard not to adore a guy who decorates his exquisite garden with found objects, runs each of his theatre pieces as benefits for various charities, and tries paddleboarding for the first time at 85.  This is right in keeping with the sensibilities he holds to be most critical in life, “beauty, fairness, and playfulness.”  And while he’s worked on this piece for years, its message could not be more well-timed.  Because, to use his words, imagine how effectively we could deal with pandemics, police brutality, and global warming, “if only everyone was rooting for everyone.”
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Len’s Einstein likeness is not lost on anyone.  And he has made him (and his physicist pal, Niels Bohr) the subject of many of his theatre pieces, not because of their scientific prowess but because they are prime models of “beauty, fairness, and playfulness” themselves.  
Like Len’s inspirations, Einstein and Niels Bohr, he possesses the rare ability to find unified principles in seemingly disparate things.  In Sensibility, a child’s wonder for a butterfly is illustrated to be as important an ingredient for the welfare of humanity as the thoughtfulness these giants’ exercised, advising on the development of the atomic bomb.  Through Len’s unique lens, the reader understands fairness from the perspective of a fifth grader dealing with bullying to a physicist harboring Jews in World War II.  We see the critical need for playfulness in everything from driving a junk truck to making a theatre piece.  And now, just as the specter of a dangerous virus is re-awakening our sensibilities to affect social change with unprecedented speed, this book is a perfect tale for the times.  It concludes with the prescient and hopeful story of 1,500 activists, linked hand-in-hand at the Encirclement of Rocky Flats, while they protest a nuclear plant in 1983, ultimately resulting in its shut down.  This exquisite, slender volume is packed with instructions on how to live a compassionate and fertile life.  And the beautiful equation it proposes is: Essential life skills = Mastering a Childlike Quality squared (E=mc2).  
Just released on Amazon, it is now available here:
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June 19, 2020
Comfort with Impermanence
Historically, humans have gone to preposterous lengths to deny and defy their impermanence.  From Egyptian mummies, to cryogenic freezing, to time capsules left for future or alien populations to learn of our legacy.  One such preservationist effort was the Voyager Golden Record - a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk curated by Carl Sagan, and sent to space with the 1979 launch, to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth to whomever might find it.  In addition to photos of athletes, mathematical formulas, and mothers with child, are recordings of birdsong, speech in 50+ languages, Bach, Chuck Berry, Indigenous songs and Indian ragas.  To judge, for yourself, the accuracy of this audio/visual snapshot of human worth, you can listen to the full playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4D51474AB7BE5595
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Despite these attempts to ameliorate our fears about our own mortality, our anxiety persists.  And now, in these particularly uncertain times, with viral stats, regulations and restrictions changing on a daily basis, more than ever, we need tools to help us become more comfortable with impermanence.  
For me, mindfulness meditation is the most expedient way to come to terms with the fundamental truth that all states of being are fleeting and everything is in constant flux.  As we become the Watcher rather than the Doer, we observe that our thoughts and feelings are as fleeting as the phenomena around us.  And simply recognizing and accepting this can actually bring great comfort.   Poet Mary Oliver understood this well, as she describes evocatively in her poem, In Blackwater Woods.
Look, the trees are turning their own bodies into pillars of light, are giving off the rich fragrance of cinnamon and fulfillment, the long tapers of cattails are bursting and floating away over the blue shoulders of the ponds, and every pond, no matter what its name is, is nameless now. Every year everything I have ever learned in my lifetime leads back to this: the fires and the black river of loss whose other side is salvation, whose meaning none of us will ever know. To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go.
And so, too, I think it is time to let this blog go.  At least for now.  It feels, in its own way, like a time capsule of a very potent moment in our lives.  And, as that, this infintissimal drop in the bucket of human thought feels complete.  So, while it can seem frightening to be reminded of the speck in the universe that human history truly is, I actually take great solace from understanding our smallness.  On this note, I will return to the same text that consoled me early in lock down.  I also shared this with my dear Uncle Len, whose 87th birthday just happens to be today.  As all people his age, his life has been particularly disrupted by this virus.  But as someone who appreciates physics from the persective of the beautiful dance we all do with each other and the cosmos, he received these words with particular gratitude.   It is a passage from Maria Popova’s March 18th Brainspickings newsletter, published just one day after the world shut down:  
“Meanwhile, someplace in the world, somebody is making love and another a poem.  Elsewhere in the universe, a star manyfold the mass of our third-rate sun is living out its final moments in a wild spin before collapsing into a black hole, its exhale bending spacetime itself into a well of nothingness that can swallow every atom that ever touched us and every datum we ever produced, every poem and statue and symphony we’ve ever known - an entropic spectacle insentient to questions of blame and mercy - devoid of why...The atoms that huddled for a cosmic blink around the shadow of self will return to the seas that made us.  What will survive of us are shoreless seeds and stardust.”  
This final entry is my 64th, a number that has been my favorite since I was a small girl, for its symmetric beauty (8 squared, 4 to the 3rd,  2 to the 5th).  Interestingly, this powerful number is also frequently referenced in spiritual texts and throughout pop culture (the number of generations from Adam to Jesus; the number of “tantras” in Hinduism, the number of squares on a chess board, the number of crayons in the popular Crayola pack, and the number of Hexagons in the I-Ching).  The meaning of Hexagon 64 is “unfinished business.”  Therefore, the story, of course, will go on.  Whatever windswept seedling will take root next, however, I do not yet know...
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64th Hexagon combination in the I-Ching
0 notes
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[A6A6I5] ====>
TEREZI: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. VR1SK4, SHOULDN'T W3 G3T B4CK TA OUR S-T-R-4-T-3-G-TO-THA-IZZY M33T1NG SOON?
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA ridin' in mah double R: Yizzay, prettizzle siznoon.
TEREZI: Anotha dogg house production. 1T L1K3 W3 US3D TA S4IZNY 1N TH3 OLD D4YS TEREZI: One, two three and to tha four. T1M3 1S D34D K1DS
VIZZY: 8elieve me, I haven't forgizzle! V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: That as true now as it eva was. Onlizzle difference be nizzay we're work'n togetha ta PREVENT tha 8odies from pil'n up.
VRISKA so you betta run and grab yo glock: We S-T-to-tha-izzill have a shawty tiznime 8efizzle we nee' ta git serious, n anyway, when yoe manag'n a tizneam, you nee' ta 8alance th'n. VRISKA: Gotta kizzay morale up, yizzou know, ya feel me? VRISKA so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: Tha T-R-to-tha-izzoops have 8een itch'n fo` a feel-good moment lizzike dis fo` a long tizzle but real niggaz don't give a fuck. VRISKA: As a competent leada-slash-powa-gama extraordinaire, it incum8ent on me ta recognize that n cut them a 8it of slack. VRISKA: Gizzy thizzle a shawty spiznace ta remem8a whizzat they're all fight'n fo`, you know?
VRISKA: We cizzy do tha same, you kniznow. VRISKA: Ova tha lizzy fiznew yizzy, we've hizzy so manizzle gr8 times n 8ury all tha old hatchets deep enizzle tizzy I think it easy ta takes our relationship fo` grantizzle. VRIZNISKA: Doesn't hurt ta remind ourselves hizzay lucky we 8oth be. N hizzy cloze we cizname ta go'n 'n completely different directions. VRISKA: Anyway, I'm glizzle dis be tha path we choze. I couldn't ask fo` a 8nigga moirail cuz this is how we do it. ::::)
TEREZI: M3 N31TH3R TEREZI: 1 DIZZY KNOW HOW 1 WOULD H4V3 L1V3D W1TH MYS3LF 1F 1 H4D... GON3 TIZZY W1TH 1T TIZZLE so show some love, niggaz! 4ND W3'D B3 D34D 1F 1 H4DN'T... TEREZI in all flavas: TH4NK GIZZAY FO` 3GB3RT TEREZI: N3V3R N3V3R N3V3R T3LL H1M 1 S41D TH1S BUT TERIZZLE: FO` 4 DIZZLE, H3'S...
VRISKA cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: Hmm ya dig?
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: Hizzy, so did yizzy straight from long beach nigga! VRIZZISKA: Sizzay vizzle of yoself was 8adass enough ta write down all thoze instructions 'n brotha own 8lizzood just 8efore she dy. Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. VRISKA cuz its a doggy dog world: Sounds lizzy a real hero ta me!
VRISKA: Sometimes I wonda what th'n would 8e like if we neva hizzy our fall'n out. VRIZZAY: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. It wiznas a lot lizzy dis, 8ack 'n tha old days, remem8izzle? VRISKA n shit: Just hang'n out, work'n bitch, nizzay M-to-tha-izzuch drama excizzle I giznuess fo` tha occasional ethical de88 on how our F-to-tha-izzoes sizzy 8e dealt wit paper'd up. VRISKA: What if it nevizzle spiraled out of control fo gettin yo pimp on? If I neva 8linded you, if you poser 8lizzew off mah arm... VRIZNISKA: W-H-to-tha-izzat if you decided ta send J-to-tha-izzohn 8ack to chizzange all T-H-to-tha-izzat instead? You gotta check dis shit out yo.
VRISKA: Yeah! VRIZZISKA dogg: <>
VRISKA: Oh god dogg. VRISKA so you betta run and grab yo glock: Whiznat be he trippin' on a8out now and my money on my mind?
TEREZI: Chill as I take you on a trip. SIZZAY L1K3 H3 Y3LL1NG 4T D4V3 4ND JOHN 4BOUT SIZNOM3TH1NG
VRIZNISKA: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. So, John 8een hizzle fo` all of fizzay minutes, n he already trippizzle Karkat tirade siren?
VRIZZISKA: Em8arrasze'? A8out wizzy? VRIZNISKA: Thizzay he might ACTIZZLE 8e 8ent out of shape motherfucka tha fact that he not leada anymore in all flavas?
VRIZNISKA: I shot calla if John 8een crack-a-lackin` what tha deal be wit him n Dave? You gotta check dis shit out yo. VRIZNISKA: John was pretty nosy, if I recall.
VRISKA: Yeah, he dizzle do thiznat a lot, doesn't he. Tru niggaz do niggaz. VIZZY: Hey, as long as wizzay spendin' each otha to secrecy on S-T-to-tha-izzuff, make A8SOLUTELY sure thizney neva know I said dis, 8ut puttin tha smack down... VRIZNISKA n shit: He n Karkat... VRISKA: Be KIND of adora8le?? VRIZZAY: 'n whateva quadrant that whole situation settled 'n. VRISKA: Im crazy, you can't phase me. I don't know, it nizzy of my 8usiness really. I just neva would have guesze'!
VRIZZLE ya dig? S-to-tha-izzounds rizzay. VRISKA paper'd up: Guess that one more 8ullet dodge', thanks ta yours trulizzle!
> [A6A6I5] ====>
0 notes
normanisource · 7 years
Spend a few minutes with Fifth Harmony, and it’s clear the group’s tighter than ever.
Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane, Ally Brooke and Lauren Jauregui have such electric chemistry, we literally had to cut out all the [laughs] from our interview because there were too many. The girls were cracking each other up throughout the whole thing.
And all those good vibes are sure to come through in their new music. Coming off of last summer’s “Work From Home,” 5H have proven themselves as hitmakers and are now taking more creative control of their sound. The group’s moving full speed ahead after Camila Cabello, one of its original members, bounced in late 2016.
Their next music will have “some R&B tones,” Dinah told us, and will hit on each of the girls’ favorite genres, with overtones of girl power and female empowerment throughout.
Read on for our interview with the group — plus their first cover as a foursome!
When did you guys realize you were friends in addition to bandmates?
Everyone: Awww that’s so cute!
Normani: We were on X Factor. We actually ran into each other before we were put into a group. I remember seeing Ally at my first audition, was it in Austin?
Ally: Austin, Texas!
Normani: Basically, my family… we had a rivalry. It was like, battle of the posters. My family was screaming, “Normani Normani Normani!” And Ally’s family had T-shirts… you guys roll deep.
Ally: They went all out!
Normani: I wouldn’t say it was necessarily a challenge to connect with one other because we were around the same age. I remember me and Dinah vibed heavily.
Dinah: Heavily! Like, we were low key starting to sleep over in each other’s hotel rooms.
Normani: I know! I borrowed your clothes!
Dinah: You did. We were that close. It was like that insane chemistry once you meet somebody. The connection was so crazy, we clicked instantly.
Normani: and I just feel like with everything we’ve been through together – even things that only we know about. Obviously we have each other to lean on. I think those moments make us even closer.
READ ALSO: Copy Fifth Harmony’s Style on Your Next Girls’ Night Out
How does each girl strengthen the group as a whole?
Ally: Well, Dinah, I admire your fun and playful self. I love how you always come in with music. You bring the life to the party and the energy to the room. That really helps, especially if we have a long day ahead or something, it’s really cool to see that. You’re always there pumping up the party and laughing. It just makes being here so much easier. It makes the environment so much healthier when it’s fun. I really admire that about you.
Dinah: Thanks Ally. You are super sweet! Ally… she’s like a little goofball too. It’s nice to know that there’s someone that carries the same energy. You’re always so playful. There’s times where she can be kind of like the “mom”. We’ve been calling Ally the “mother” of the group at times because she has that vibe where she cares so much and she’s on it with time. There are times where I fall short with getting to the lobby. She’s texting us saying, “We gotta get there, we gotta get there!” Just the push she brings into this group helps. Because there are times where you do fall short, and to have somebody to pick up your slack helps. You put us to work!
Normani: Well I was gonna compliment you (Dinah) but Ally did such a good job!
Dinah: You’re fake! [laughs]
Ally: I was going in order!
Normani: I feel like Lauren almost has this gift of making people feel safe through anything it is that we’re going through.
Dinah: It’s so true.
Normani: A lot of the time people almost forget that we’re human. We have things that go on with family and insecurities that we feel within ourselves. She [Lauren] has this way of making me feel comfortable and confident in myself and I feel like I can really talk to her through absolutely anything. There are conversations I can have with her that I feel like I wouldn’t have with anyone else. And I feel like we all play such a heavy role with each other but, there are just certain things that I can go to her for.
Lauren: The thing is, is that everyone brings so many different kinds of things to the table. Normani is such a hard worker, and she’s so disciplined…
Ally: Yes, Mani!
Dinah: So true.
Lauren: … and constantly putting in effort and making sure that she’s bettering herself and being the best version of herself she can be, and that for me is very inspiring because I’m the opposite [laughs]. I’m just kidding. But she definitely makes me feel like I can accomplish more if I can keep doing what I’m doing, and challenges me to want to be at her level.
Dinah: Spot on.
Who’s the best at IG? Shots fired.
Dinah: I was on a roll for a second.
Ally: Honestly, my game is getting up so…
Lauren: I’ve been on my A-game right now, I’m sorry.
Dinah: I was just stalking Mani last night.
Normani: I know I have a personal photographer.
Lauren: I think I’m just gonna push 20 bucks at her to take a photo of me today.
Normani: I feel like you can really get a sense of who we are as people because we’re so different.
Dinah: So different! Day and night.
Are guys scared to approach you now that you’re famous?
Lauren: Not the right guys.
Dinah: It’s funny because you kinda think it’s the right guy but it’s not.
Lauren: They’re either super not the right guy, or dope as fuck. There’s no in between.They’re either trying to get something out of you, or they think you’re super dope.
Dinah: There was this one guy who thought I was very intimidating because of who we are. My thing is when I come across somebody, when I think they’re super cute or handsome, I can’t play along with that because sometimes they take it as something like, “She wants me.” And it’s happened to me many times. When you’re trying to be kind to somebody and they take it as “dang, Dinah Jane likes me.” And I’m like “No, I just want to be your friend… like, why do you have to take it like that?”
Normani: For me, it’s kind of the opposite, cause I feel like in a way I can be so intimidating with me not even knowing it, and then the guy doesn’t call you and you’re like, “I’m cute! Come to me. Come here.” And then it’s like, “is there something wrong with me?”
Dinah: It’s hard. So all we want is a confident dude to come straight up…maybe. Just walk up and say, “Hey, what’s up?” And start from there.
What’s one question that you are often asked that you think a guy group would never be asked?
Normani: For instance, when “Work From Home” came out, we were asked a few times, “do you think you guys were dressed too sexy?”
Lauren: I’m pretty sure men are never questioned whether they’re acting too sexy. They’re actually glorified when all their clothes are off. Women love that shit, they’re like, “Yeahhh! You’re so hot!” But when girls take our clothes off, it’s, “Wow, she’s such a hoe.”
Normani: That’s happened to us throughout our whole career. When it came to performances, people would judge us on our performance outfits. They would say things like, “look at the hoe squad”. There were all these memes.
Lauren: And it’s normally girls! Regularly girls.
What’s the best part about having a built-in squad to roll with?
Ally: It’s really great because the four of us are really in sync with each other. We’re pretty open about most things. We try to respect each other as much as we can. For us, communication is really important. Also we enjoy a lot of the same things as each other! Like going to get frozen yogurt, or go to the movies, or talk about boys, exchange music, have fun at the red carpet and encourage each other with, “hey you look beautiful!”
Normani: We compliment each other a lot.
Lauren: It’s so important. I feel like especially being around other girls, it’s really easy to start picking yourself apart and being like, “Wow, she looks better than me” or, “My hair doesn’t look as good as hers.” It’s like, wait. [Why not just say], “You look dope, you look hot, I love your outfit.” Giving each other that energy changes the whole vibe of whatever we’re doing. If it’s a carpet or a shoot, you can feel in the pictures that we were all complimenting each other and we all felt good.
Ally: We truly live by female empowerment. Literally every day we try our best to do that.
Are you guys inspired by iconic girl groups like Spice Girls, the Supremes, TLC?
Normani: Absolutely. I know we’ve all grown up listening to Destiny’s Child, Spice Girls, TLC, Pussycat Dolls even. “Buttons” is my song. Danity Kane.
Dinah: Ooh, Xscape! I love them so much.
Normani: And it’s important to have strong individuals to paint the way for us. Without them doing what they did for music, and being our introduction, we probably wouldn’t even be!
Do you hope to leave a legacy like them one day?
Normani: Most definitely.
Lauren: I think we low key have. We’ve made an impressionable mark as far as girl groups go in the industry. I’m proud of us.
Ally: It’s cool because they inspired our looks for the shoot. We did a 90s throwback vibe and we channeled their wardrobe and hairstyles. It was super fun. They really do shape us.
Dinah: I think musically they inspire us but also on a human level. I think when you’re in a group, people expect you to all be the same. Just looking around at each other, it has helped me discover that we’re all uniquely different from each other for a good reason, because there would be no growth for me. As I’m learning about each other girl, it’s helping me learn about myself. We all have our weaknesses, we all have our strengths, but together we all make it up.
Which of you has the most out-there personal style?
Ally: I like sometimes to dress crazy…well I don’t think it’s crazy [laughs]. I like to have more fun with my fashion. Obviously if everyone is wearing more “chill chic” outfits then I’ll have to go in that lane, but…
Lauren: You love being extra.
Ally: Not extra, but I love to play! I don’t like feeling plain, I like a little sugar on top.
With so many pics of you in the spotlight, how do you keep a healthy mindset?
Normani: I feel like in a way you’re forced to, just because there’s always gonna be bad photos of you.
Lauren: Yep, you’re forced to, but you never get over people taking bad pictures of you from disgusting angles! I’ll never get over it. I get so angry every time I go on the Internet, I’m like, “Why! You know I look bad here! Why did you post it!?” I hate it.
Dinah: Sometimes they know we don’t look cute, they do it just to show, “look at this unflattering photo…”
Ally: One time I literally looked like an egg. And I had to choose to laugh about it. Sometimes you obviously freak out, but it’s out there. You cry and then you laugh.
Lauren: You cry and then you laugh again.
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emily971 · 5 years
Things You Can Do To Save Lives
In April 2005, the American Hospital Association’s magazine, Hospital and Health Networks (H&HN), published the article “25 Things You Can Do to Save Lives Now.”1 In it, experts from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), the National Quality Forum (NQF), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), commented on an action plan to advance hospitals’ patient safety activities.
Now The Hospitalist has researched hospitalists’ views on these same 25 items. Those views are presented below.
A number of these items “are already highly ensconced in the JCAHO and CMS criteria,” says Dennis Manning, MD, FACP, FACC, director of quality in the Department of Medicine and an assistant professor at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minn. “In terms of power of the things on the list for potentially saving lives, what we sometimes look at are the things that have the potential for the most prevention.”
Brian Alverson, MD, pediatric hospitalist at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence, R.I., adds his thoughts on the 25 items: “We have to hold in our minds a healthy nervousness about patients being hospitalized, in that there is an inherent danger to that phenomenon. No matter how hard we strive for perfection in patient care, to err is human.”
Shortening hospital length of stay to within a safe range, he believes, is one of the best ways to reduce those daily dangers.
Some of the 25 items pose more challenges for hospitalists than others, and the contrary is true as well. Some were judged to be of lesser concern due to guidelines or imperatives imposed on hospitals by regulatory organizations. Other items fall outside hospitalists’ accountabilities, such as incorrect labeling on X-rays or CT scans, overly long working hours, medical mishaps (such as wrong-site, wrong-person, and wrong-implant surgeries), and ventilator-associated pneumonia. A few items were those that hospitalists found challenging, but for which they had few suggestions for solutions. In some, there were obstacles standing in the way of their making headway toward conquering the menace. These included:
1. Improper Patient Identification
“Until we set up a system that improves that, such as an automated system,” says one hospitalist, “I’ll be honest with you, I think we can remind ourselves ’till we’re blue in the face and we’re still going to make mistakes.”
2. Flu Shots
“Flu shots are probably more important in the pediatrics group than in any [other] except the geriatric group,” says Dr. Alverson, who strongly believes that pediatricians should be able to administer flu shots in the inpatient setting, “because we can catch these kids with chronic lung disease—many of [whom] are admitted multiple times.”
3. Fall Prevention
This item is one of the National Patient Safety goals, and one that every institution is trying to address. In pediatrics, says Dr. Alverson, the greater problem “is getting people to raise the rails of cribs. Kids often fall out of cribs because people forget to raise the rail afterwards, or don’t raise it high enough for a particularly athletic or acrobatic toddler.”
The other items on the list of 25 are below, including a section for medication-related items and the sidebar on a venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention program.
4. Wash Hands
Provider hand-washing has been well studied, says one hospitalist, and “the data are so depressing that no one wants to deal with it.” Another says, “We just nag the hell out of people.”
One of the hospitalists interviewed for this story read the H&HN article and responds, “We do all these things.” But a lack of self-perception regarding this issue—as well as others—is also well-documented: Physicians who are queried will say they always wash their hands when, in fact, they do so less than 50% of the time.2-5
Despite the value of hand sanitizers—whether they are available at unit entrances, along the floors, at individual rooms, or carried in tiny dispensers that can be attached to a stethoscope—some pathogens, such as the now-epidemic Clostridium difficile, are not vulnerable to the antisepsis in those mechanisms.
“C. dif is a set of spores that are less effectively cleaned by the topical hand sanitizers,” says Dr. Alverson, who is also an assistant professor of pediatrics at Brown University in Providence, R.I. “In those cases, soap and water is what you need.”
Peter Angood, MD, FRCS(C), FACS, FCCM, vice president and chief patient safety officer of JCAHO, Oakbrook, Ill., says provider hand-washing is a huge patient safety issue and, in general, a multi-factorial problem that is more complicated than it would seem on the surface.
“We can rationalize and cut [providers] all kinds of slack, but at the bottom line is human behavior and their willingness to comply or not comply,” he says. “It’s like everything else: Why do some people speed when they know the speed limit is 55?”
Addressing the solution must be multi-factorial as well, but all hospitalists can serve as role models for their colleagues and students, including remaining open to reminders from patients and families.
5. Remain on Kidney Alert
Contrast media in radiologic procedures can cause allergic reactions that lead to kidney failure. This is a particularly vexing problem for elderly patients at the end stages of renal dysfunction and patients who have vascular disease, says Dr. Manning. Although the effects are not generally fatal, the medium can be organ-damaging. “This is a hazard that’s known, and it has some mitigating strategies,” he says, “but often it can’t be entirely eliminated.”
Measures that reduce the chance of injury, say Dr. Manning, include ensuring that the contrast medium is required; confirming that the procedure is correct for the patient, with the right diagnosis, with a regulated creatinine, and well coordinated with the radiology department; “and then getting true informed consent.” But at a minimum, he emphasizes, is the importance of hydration. “There is some evidence that hydration with particular types of intravenous fluids can help reduce the incidence of the kidney revolting.” And, he says, “there are a number of things that we have to do to make sure this is standardized.”
6. Use Rapid Response Teams
Use of “[r]apid response teams [RRTs] is one of the most powerful items on the list,” says Dr. Manning, who serves on SHM’s committee on Hospital Quality and Patient Safety as well as the committee helping to design the Ideal Discharge for the Elderly Patient checklist. “Whereas every hospital has a plan for response,” he says, RRTs are “really a backup plan.”
In 2003, Dr. Manning served as faculty for an IHI program in which a collaborative aimed at reducing overall hospital mortality. The formation and application of RRTs at six hospitals in the United States and two in the United Kingdom was the most promising of the several interventions, with impact on a variety of patients whose conditions were deteriorating in non-ICU care areas.
The advantage of RRTs with children, says Daniel Rauch, MD, FAAP, director of the Pediatric Hospitalist Program at NYU Medical Center, New York City, is that it is often difficult for providers to know what may be wrong with a child who is exhibiting symptoms. “Is the kid grunting because they’re constipated, because that’s the developmental stage they’re in, they’re in pain, or are they really cramping on you?” he asks.
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