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fictionerd · 6 years ago
Took a look at the new OP for Dororo
The animation is nice, but I miss Kaen already.
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colonel-crapshot · 7 years ago
Grancrest Senki Episode Twenty Three
Aight, so there was always going to be a bit more than "The Mages Academy are just cunt blasts"
But what is "Pandora" going on about I wonder?
Aight, send in the Navy under command of the fop. I wonder if Alexis has learnt the correct utilisation of a sword outside of outlandish dinner ware? 
Fictionerd:  Fuck Swords! Conduct all battles with a baton and win anyway!
Cardcaptor Sakura did it
Just man mode a sodding giant Cyclops
This Haman leader lady is a sodding succubus, she has to be
You'd think the Mages would play to their strengths rather than employing archery against the continents largest current military force
"Where are they firing from?" everywhere. Welcome to military tactics 101 boyo
Where are your boys aiming Marrine?
Ooooh. Take out chunks of higher wall to try and bugger up the information network and likely take down officers. Me gusta
Dude. You're just telling them to commit suicide by explosion if the gun barrels cannae take no more
Oh look. It's almost like I know how explosions work. hands a crumpled 20 to Megumin
Fictionerd again: Think of it this way: The Eramu military are probable THE worst in the world considering they've lived under the Aegis of the Mages until this point. The Mages ain't doing squat for them now. (Sorry I keep interrupting your flow btw)
She looks a little too happy to be seeing the fireworks that she has to know are gun barrels taking an entire crew with them
Flashback to a time when she pretty much just took a member of her naval palace dudes to her quarters to fyuck
No wonder she looks like she's having fun. Probably also has to do with like "Silly mages, just using the cannons without reserve.
Oh, hello Petr
Look at him, just climbing his fellow soldiers like they're a ladder. I mean, it's the PLAN and all probably, but still
updates Petr's status from Aishela's pet mortal to King of Bulltava
Pappy seems to have lost a lot of years after confirming Petr took the rafters
You'd be awful fuckin' stupid NOT to have anticipated that
Yeah... no. You kill Theo Cornaro and only achieve in showing to everyone that you can't be trusted. Sure it'll way lay them charging in and wasting the whole butt fuck lot of ya, but you won't have enough time to restore the welcome rug before they came to pull your intestines out of the base of your skull
Theo's hair seemed to become posessed by the eldritch for a moment before restoring itself to anime default
Oh shit. We in the forest. Tap for Green mana. Maybe that'll help
Aishela's here, mah girl
Been "invited" to the forest of eternal darkness. Spiffing timing, we needed to end your plot arc anyways
The final episode title "GRANCREST" ominous
Link: Grancrest Senki Episode 23
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dashfox1artwork · 8 years ago
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Character commission for @fictionerd Who wanted to update his mascot for his anime review channel!
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lindira · 8 years ago
fictionerd replied to your post “apparentlyaveline said: If it makes you feel any better, I very much...”
Ah, Okay then. Makes sense. I kind of got laser-focused on the "Laundry list of touching" comment. I can understand that sort of problem. "How does one properly write a physical pleasure response?" "Do you do it clinically or go ham?" Something like that?
It’s not the sex that creates the difficulty, it’s the sexiness. Does that make sense? Cuz writing smut should ideally be sexy too, right? But I don’t really get what people find “sexy” or why. It’s never been part of my mental vocabulary. So writing smut in a way that doesn’t sound like “He did this, then he did that and that” is hard. And I don’t want to be too vague about what’s going on either and focus solely on emotions. So balancing that while creating an atmosphere that is “sexy” while not exactly running on a full understanding of what “sexy” is... that’s difficult.
But, I mean, like I said, I’ve written smut before and people seemed to like it, so I must get it right sometimes, lol.
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fictionerd-michael · 8 years ago
Hello everyone
This post is a long time in coming. I wanted to let folks know that I moved blogs a while back, and since the beginning of the year have been producing content on said new blog. I’ve been meaning to get around to doing something after the fashion of this post, but never did feel like it was the right time.  I’m writing daily posts that are impressions/reviews of episodes of anime airing in the current season, along with more long-form content each week. If any of you are interested in that sort of thing you can find an archive of links to all my important posts [Here]. 
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dashfox1reblogs · 6 years ago
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Late night chat with @fictionerd
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romanofastora · 8 years ago
I just saw Madoka episode 3 and oh my, I am going to give a calm review @fictionerd Why? What the actual fuck? Why would.... But she was... Will the series be like this... I can't even... I was starting to like her #sad
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fictionerd · 6 years ago
[Hears Kaen playing in the distance]
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dashfox1artwork · 7 years ago
@fictionerd Got a new Mic and wanted to voice over some of my old artwork and this is the comic he choose. Please give it a watch!
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lindira · 8 years ago
apparentlyaveline said: If it makes you feel any better, I very much still write the equivalent of “they fell into bed together - fade to black - fade back in with aftermath”. I’m not ace, but I very much face the same fears re: writing smut bc I have zero experience myself. 
I do the same thing when the smut isn’t plot or character relevant. I really only depict the sex happening if I feel it adds to the story. But I’m always second-guessing myself when I do write it.
galleywinter said: If it’s any consolation at all, I’m allosexual and writing smut is hard. 
hehe, that’s a little comforting. I know a lot of people who write smut a lot, so I look at them and think “How...?” So it’s nice to know it’s a common enough problem.
I mean, I know what sex is like. But figuring out what’s “normal” for smut or what’s “sexy” is really elusive to me.
fictionerd said: Don’t focus as much on the physicality of the situation as what emotional response it incites in the character. Even if one is “ace” they surely must still have emotional attachments. Use your own emotional responses to the nearness of something dear as a baseline. 
Well, sure, And I’ve written smut before, and I always do focus more on the emotional narrative of it rather than the physicality. But the physicality is part of it and has a lot to do with how those emotions are generated... It’s not that I don’t think I can do it, cuz I can. It’s just difficult, is all.
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fictionerd · 5 years ago
What’s this? Fictionerd lives!? Yes, yes I live.
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caretaker-au · 7 years ago
American biscuits or British biscuits?
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dashfox1reblogs · 7 years ago
@fictionerd Well they are not wrong..
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Discord Adventures with @hawker-rawr-is-watching-you : learning how to art.
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fictionerd · 6 years ago
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Good to see you, friends! 
[Is silent for several seconds] No! I’m not going to say it. I’ll jinx it. If I say we’re going to be back on track tomorrow then I’ll JINX IT. I’m not saying it. I’m wise to your games. Let’s just get on with it.
Synopsis?: So let us count the ways in which Hyakkimaru has been royally screwed over! 
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That about sums it up, yeah.
This episode was DENSE. Like so dense scientists should study it to learn more about the center of black holes. I thought we were going to get a lot of fights, but if anything we got a few skirmishes and that’s it. It was largely about dumping Hyakkimaru’s family on his head, getting him to exercise his communication skills, and giving him just enough hope so that his circumstances could freshly traumatize him all over again!
Here’s hoping the image I grabbed for this week’s eyecatch represents what I hope it does: Namely the Goddess of Mercy saying, “Welp congrats Daigo you complete dick-pimple! You’ve just driven the one decent prayer in the land to suicide. Enjoy getting eaten alive by the demons you’re so smitten by cause I’m donzo with this place. [Puts in air pods and pumps ‘Fuck this shit I’m out’ as she returns to heaven]”
Tho- Okay I’m just gushing: HOLY SHIT! Dororo and Hyakkimaru were equally adorable and bad-ass in this episode! I mean that’s true of every episode of this show, but especially this week. When Dororo is trying to untie Sukeroku and the Demon Fox shows up so Dororo goes “Imma get you out of this if I have to chew the ropes loose”. Hyakkimaru cutting off the fight (And possibly his brother’s eye) to go see to his true calling of Ghost Buster. Oh and backtracking: How about Hyakkimaru just SHOWING THE FUCK UP AT DAIGO’S PALACE like... 
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Not to mention Dororo’s daring escape and later holding Hyakkimaru back from going berserker on peeps long enough for Daddy’s little Daimyo to show up.
Good GOD I look forward to the rest of this series. You can bet your ass I’ll keep covering it through spring. This shit is TOO good.
Until next post keep talking fiction, friends! I’ll see you soon.
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fictionerd · 6 years ago
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Good to see you, friends. 
I apologize for my absence, and further apologize that it will likely continue for some time. I doubt I have the gumption to bring LTA back for the Summer season. I might think about that, but for now I have unfinished business from winter. I won’t be able to let myself rest until I’ve completed this. Much like Hyakkimaru had to pursue his body until he’d retrieved it. So here I give you the remaining episodes of the series that I didn’t cover in full. I provide my thoughts as they were after watching each, and I hope you all will remain patient with me. Thank you so much to anyone who’s bothered to read or interact with my posts.
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Episode 15 thoughts: Man Hyakkimaru's a dick now isn't he? I mean. I know he was driven to get his body back from the demons, but the fact he isn't batting an eye at the collateral damage is disheartening. Dude really needs to start listening to Jimin-I mean- OOH LOOK EPISODE 16 BYE!
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Episode 16 thoughts: Itachi gon die. We got confirmation that Dororo was raised as a boy too. So the whole identity thing is still a bit up in the air. Living as a boy is certainly easier given the period, though that's bound to change with time. Shark boy is major creepy personally. Then again crazy cannibals typically are. Final thought - HOW DARE YOU TEASE ME LIKE THIS POST-CREDIT SCENE!?
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Episode 17 thoughts: [Sniffling] What!? That was legit hilarious. H-how Hyakkimaru cal- He called Jukai... Mama... [gross sob]
Poor Tahomaru though. Kid's got issues.
I'm ready to get back to the show's namesake now... PLEASE!?
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Episode 18 thoughts: Shark boy is one MAD LAD. Tahomaru is a MAD LAD. This whole sitch just made me sad, lad. Now excuse me while I hit the next episode... lad? Crap so close.
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Episode 19 thoughts: Had a hard time watching this one. I'm not a fan of cringey premises like this one. "We made the characters act oppposite of what they really want! WACKY HIJINKS ENSUE! UHYUK!" Gag me with a spoon. Though I'll be honest it shook out okay in the end, as these things tend to do. "We look happy" T-T
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Episode 20 thoughts: Jesus, just Jesus. Epic fights, terrifying close calls. Foretellings of Doom. The return of blind monk dude. Most of all though was Saburota's part in this whole story. That was genuinely gut-wrenching. So shamed and controlled by his own fear that he needed to validate himself by insisting that EVERYONE is a coward deep down. Nobody could POSSIBLY stand up to this thing he couldn't. You can really tell we're in the final stretch now.
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Episode 21 thoughts: That horse had DEATH FLAG written in its future it might as well have been painted on its flank in blood. Mutsu and Hyogo have merely been disarmed. At least they still live. Can't wait to see Mutsu learn to draw her bow with her teeth. That's gonna be some badass shit. Hyogo might just gain the greatest of all fapping arms trying to wield that club one-handed. Tahomaru... Well I've been spoiled to at least some of his future.
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Episode 22 thoughts: Damn, Hyakkimaru and Midoro are a fucking BADASS team. Even if they are butchering the shit out of people who have no significant part of what happened to Hyakkimaru. How to describe everything else though. It was like was having my feelings dangled at the end of a string for a kitten to play with. Being batted back and forth. The tension is imaddening. I can't wait for the Catharsis.
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Episode 23 thoughts: The final ramp. All our players are approaching their proper place. The brothers clash as their world burns around them. Parents rush to witness the end if nothing else. Let us see the end now. What terror or what joy shall rise from the ashes?
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Episode 24 thoughts: I can think of no better justice for THISEST OF ASSHOLES than to live with the weight of his sins. A life for a life. Live, Repent, and Change. Now both father and son must do so. As the episode itself said "Hyakkimaru has gone, and Dororo walks on." I pray that Biwamaru is right and their future is a happy one.
Until we meet again. Keep talking fiction, friends. I’ll see you.
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fictionerd · 6 years ago
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Good to see you, friends!
We come around to the second episode of Dororo, and while it wasn’t quite as hype as the first episode it definitely managed to meet expectations.
Synopsis: The top of the episode shows us the blind exorcist who we caught a glimpse of in episode one. He is wandering through a forest with our narrator telling us a foreboding anecdote about how easy it was for travelers to go missing in those days. Our blind monster-slaying friend (no the OTHER one) is greeted by a massive-headed spirit holding a bell. Who I, like many no doubt, assumed would be this week’s monster. Spoiler warning: I was wrong.
After the STELLAR OP we’re treated to Dororo and Hyakkimaru travelling together. We the audience are introduced to how Hyakkimaru sees the world: Namely: Soul-o-vision. He’s been keeping Dororo around because their soul shows no animosity. The two of them sleep for the night next to a river where fried fish on a stick was eaten. (As is tradition).
We get a bit of foreshadowing about Dororo’s family when the child has a nightmare waking up and asking Hyakkimaru if he’d been disturbed before remembering that he can’t hear anything. The next day Dororo is excited to inform him that there’s a village nearby with a monster problem. The two travel there and Dororo puts on the most adorable salesman patter which basically boils down to: 
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They are invited to stay the night in the village with a suspicious level of warmth. In the night the ghost of Salvation Army Bell-ringers past pays them a visit and Dororo is perplexed when Hyakkimaru doesn’t budge in response. 
Side note: Huh... First Boogiepop now Dororo. What is it with me and the Christmas Carol references?
The next day is different, however, as the two are taken to see the village chief one Lady Bandai. As soon as they’re left alone with her Hyakkimaro goes all killer manikin and Dororo is perplexed trying to stop him from skewering the nice lady. The villagers bust in and drag the two off to the storage shed where blind monk bro is waiting. He lets Dororo in on the insider knowledge about soul-o-vision, and a monster starts to poke its head up out of the well in the corner when Hyakki goes Raiden again and chases after it. Monk-man and Dororo follow after him discovering that the well connects to Lady Bandai’s compound and it’s quickly revealed that she is, in fact, a monster and one tied to Hyakkimaru to boot. Epic battl ensues, Hyakkimaru emerges victorious, it’s revealed that the head village dude the two spoke to when they arrived was helping feed travelers to Bandai and taking their money.
The “monster” plaguing the villagers was basically guilt. Big-head was apparently the spirit of the first traveler they fed to Bandai: a pilgrim. The sound of his bell haunted the village reminding them of what they’d done. 
So our trio leaves the probably doomed village to their fate now that their monstrous sugar-mama is out of commission, and Dororo learns Hyakkimaru’s name at last.
Thoughts: Nice little story. I liked the through-line about how common it is for Travelers to go missing. Even if it took me sitting down to write the synopsis to figure it out. The animation is gorgeous. Dororo is just so full of life in spite of everything, and even Hyakkimaru’s stone-faced stand against a shitty life is endearing despite him having zero dialogue and the expressive range of a statue.10/10 will watch again.
Until next time keep talking fiction, friends! I’ll see you soon.
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