#we must rectify immediately
dropdafawkz · 2 years
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This will never not be funny
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geekgirles · 8 months
Even though we all saw it coming from a mile away, I really do think Vaggie being a fallen angel is the best direction for her character and the one that best explains it.
First of all, it explains how one of the most decent demons in Hell after Charlie would even be there in the first place. Because she never belonged there.
Then we have an immediate explanation for her hinted military background back in Scrambled Eggs. Of course she was a warrior, she went out to massacre demons each year!
It also sheds her attempts to protect Charlie in a more meaningful light. Because let's face it, admirable as it is, a mere sinner, and not even an Overlord, acting like the Princess of Hell's loyal guard dog and facing off against threats like Alastor seems extremely foolish; if she were a mere demon, she would definitely be biting more than she can chew. But she is not a demon, she's an angel, an exorcist; a species that isn't just far more powerful than demons, but that can even kill Overlords. And even if she lost her wings, given Lucifer's angelic nature is the reason he got to rule Hell in the first place, then clearly, Vaggie still is more powerful than most demons.
And finally, it explains her stance on Charlie's plan; that unyielding support coated in rightful doubt. On the one hand, her devotion comes from the fact that Charlie, Lucifer's daughter and a demon, showed her more compassion and care than her fellow angels, the supposed personification of everything good and perfect. Not only has she seen first hand how not all demons are that bad or deserving of death, but she stands out as the only angel so far to feel any mercy for them even before being exiled.
And what did that get her? Exactly. Exiled from Heaven and with both her eye and wings amputated. Again, Vaggie knows first hand how truly vile Heaven is. How, when it comes to demons, everything is a mistake that must be rectified through the most violent means possible. If Heaven, which is supposed to reward virtue, punished Vaggie, one of their own, for displaying a virtuous behaviour towards a demon, what chance do actual sinners have to ever be redeemed in their eyes and hence accepted in Heaven?
I guess this all comes to show how that just because a development is obvious, it doesn't make it any less good or fitting.
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laufire · 3 months
I listened to "Batman: The Lazarus Syndrome" for the second time; it's an audio drama from 1989 and here are some Jason mentions in it that make me want to chew glass:
Barbara: I could try to tap into his computer... it may still have my voice print on file, unless he trashed it when the Joker put me in this chair Gordon: Now Batman may seem a cold-hearted son of a gun, but I don't think he'd ever erase Batgirl from his files. Barbara (whispering): Yeah, I wonder... he's tried hard enough to forget Jason.
Dick: Jason's left him a hell of a legacy. First he throws himself into his work with a suicidal intensity, and now he's- he's planning to quit? Alfred: Um, Master Dick... Nobody knows that anything has happened to Robin. You know- I often think back to the sight of you both leaving to go on patrol- Dick: No! Never again! Alfred: He always seemed happier with you... Dick: Things are different now. I can't make this a fairy tale with a happy ending. Even if I came back, would that wipe away the pain of what happened to Jason? I can't change what's happened, and now that I've got my independence, I'm not sure I want to.
Bruce: Happiness isn't what I seek. Gotham city is where I belong! Where I'm needed! Maybe Jason was the only one who really understood that. Talia: Jason? The other boy who worked with you? The second Robin? Bruce: He knew Gotham city the way I do. He was a petty thief; he used to hang around here stealing the wheels off cars. On the day I met him, he was trying to boost the tires of mine. He'd been orphaned, like me. But whereas my parents' money shielded me from starvation, he had to live by his wits. I knew if I left him here I'd find myself running him in later on for something more serious... so I took him back with me, gave him a home, trained him the way I trained Dick Grayson... seemed logical. Nobody had guessed the original Batman-Robin team split up. Once Dick left to go to college, we drifted apart. Then Jason came along. He was young, fit, eager to learn... and apt student. For a while it was as if I'd never been without a Robin. But there were undercurrents; he had a dangerous amount of aggression to work off, he became moody, resentful, reckless! I began to realize I'd made a mistake. (flashback) Alfred: I've noticed some disquieting things about Master Jason myself. The lad never mentions his parents, yet I've come across him crying over his old photographs. Being your partner is hardly the best situation for a teenager still adjusting to such a loss. Bruce: Then I must try and rectify the situation. Jason's going off active duty immediately. Jason: And I don't have a word to say about it, huh? Bruce: How long have you been hiding there, Jason? Jason: You can't be serious about this! Bruce: I am. You've got a lot of anger and pain inside of you. Jason: I can handle it. Bruce: We can work this out. Jason: You want to talk? Talk to Alfred. (end flashback) Talia: The poor child... and both parents long dead... Bruce: So I thought. But then Jason discovered that his late father had remarried. His real mother was still alive. He used the computer to track her down, and set off after her, alone. He never thought she might be involved with the Joker; never guessed it might be a trap. By the time I got to him, I'd lost him. He was beaten half to death and then blown up trying to save his mother's life. Talia: You mustn't blame yourself. Bruce: He'd still be alive to day if I'd left him where I found him! In Crime Alley... Talia: How can you say that? You saved his life, my love. You delivered him. Bruce: I delivered him- right into the hands of the Joker. I've got to pay for that.
enjoy :)))
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zvaigzdelasas · 26 days
[TimesOfIsrael is Israeli Private Media]
The United States said Thursday that Israel must “immediately rectify” its conduct, claiming Israel had admitted it was behind Tuesday evening’s shooting toward a United Nations World Food Programme humanitarian aid convoy inside Gaza, which Jerusalem was said to have pinned on a communication error between army units
“Humanitarian workers are there to help innocent civilians, and Israel must ensure they are protected,” US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller wrote on X.
US Deputy Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood said Jerusalem had informed Washington that an initial review found the shots had been fired due to a miscommunication in the IDF.
“We have urged them to immediately rectify the issues within their system,” Wood told a Thursday UN Security Council meeting on Gaza.
And if they don't "immediately rectify" then what's gonna happen? Tell the media you added more frowny face sticky notes to the next unconditional weapons shipment? [30 Aug 24]
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grace-williams-xo · 4 months
Comment from @pluto-pepsi on this post of mine, re point 11.
I lowkey want Anthony to be mad in “Penelope has no male relatives so I guess the duty of beating the shit out of my brother for ruining her engagement falls to me” kind of way
“Why do I have it on good authority that Penelope Featherington was about to accept a proposal from Lord Debling, until you ruined it?” Anthony yelled, marching into Colin’s study angrily. Kate followed him, resigned.
“Anthony! Kate! When did you get back?” Colin asks, not put off by his brother’s attitude.
“That is hardly relevant,” Anthony snaps.
“The ship arrived yesterday, but we stayed at an inn. We have only returned to Mayfair today,” Kate explains, moving to sit on an armchair. She has mostly given up trying to calm down her husband.
“Lord Debling is not important anymore brother, Penelope and I are betrothed,” Colin sighs, a small smile between smug and fond settling on his features.
“You are what?! Since when?!”
“In fact, I am surprised that whatever informed you of her ill fate with Lord Debling did not also tell you of our engagement,” Colin shrugs.
“You cannot propose marriage without my approval, Colin. I know the Featherington estate has been unfortunate lately. Does she even have a dowry?” Anthony seethes, nostrils flaring.
“A dowry should not matter—“
“Anthony,” Kate interrupts their squabble, her voice gentle but exhausted. His neck immediately snaps to look at her. “Colin has been fond of Miss Penelope for some time now. You should consider this while we rest from our journey.”
“You are right.” Anthony huffs, always obedient of his wife, and walks out of the room with a sigh. Colin sends Kate a grateful look as they exit. “BENEDICT!”
“Anthony,” Kate all but groans. This is not what she meant when she said they should rest.
“Brother! You have returned!” Benedict grins, bounding up the stairs.
“How could you let our brother propose marriage to a woman who was for all intents and purposes engaged to someone else?” Anthony asks sharply.
“I do not think she was,” Benedict says confusedly.
“I have heard otherwise. It is my duty to rectify this.”
“Rectify it how? They are already engaged to be married, and you are not the guardian of either of them,” Benedict points out in disbelief.
“Miss Penelope is without a male guardian, so I must do what I can and must to control the Colin of it all,” Anthony replies matter-of-factly
“Anthony,” Kate says, voice sterner than before, “I said we should rest.”
“This is not over,” Anthony scowls.
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vesora · 2 years
3D Unfavourable Circumstances: Experience Ramble + Reminder
We have all heard that the 4D is the source reality which the 3D then projects.
What happens when undesirable circumstances occur in your reality?
The past few days I have been feeling incredibly shit because of some circumstances and I fell down a spiral of self-loathing, wanting to hide from the world and just leaving life. When something bad happened, I said to myself omg sora youre so unlucky, your life is so shit all the time, no one likes you sora, sora you will die alone and I revelled in that. I immersed myself in that feeling because it was so comfortable to me because pain was what I felt for a long period of time so I actually started chastising me for it. I didn't understand how I manifested these bad things to happen and I felt like a failure in manifestation because why weren't they going away? The thing about me though is I always had both a good view and a bad view of myself so my mind was in a constant fight with each other. With LOA, I now learn that I can choose to give power to only the good side until the bad side dissipates away.
As one of the unfavourable circumstances happened, I let myself feel anxious but in my head I also affirmed against it. "Wow I am so lucky. I am having such a beautiful day. I love life so much." Usually I wouldn't let myself revise because I felt that was important in my development but now I just let go and choose my happiness FIRST. I can learn lessons and still be able to revise any desired events.
when any circumstance happens,
the 3d looks to YOU for validation.
A misconception we have even if we know the law is that the 3d is indicative of our success or not when in reality its only job is to reflect what you believe. When you're in any circumstance, the 3d looks at you and sees your reactions whether you accept it or not and then reacts accordingly. If things don't rectify immediately, do not worry, KEEP PERSISTING. Its only job is to fulfill your beliefs, right or wrong.
What if you react to the 3d?
It's really okay if you do. Your manifestations are not going anywhere. If you can in the moment though, affirm against it. It's not easy, it can be hard even for me but you must only focus on the new story primarily. Dont worry if you think ab the old story don't worry at all, you're still manifesting everything!
When I went through a self loathing spiral, I realised people around me were more prone to picking fights with me because I was unable to let that shit go. I kept focusing on how people are mean to me and how people don't understand me, forgetting I am the cause AND the solution.
I opened a healing meditation and my body was rejecting it at first but I finally let myself relax. Once I got into a calmer state, I started affirming good things and things were back to normal again. Progress might not be linear so do not give up.
Tldr; the 3d looks to you for validation. you are the only influence for your reality, use this power to be happy. it's ok to react to the 3d, remember to revise later. Do something that calms your body. Remember not all thoughts are true, only accept the thoughts you want because you choose which thoughts are true so choose the good ones. Youre not a failure, your body and mind might be going crazy sometimes but that doesn't mean you're a failure. Just affirm against it, whether its at that moment or later.
Don't overthink things. If bad things happen, stop asking yourself why, just focus on the 4D and leave the 3D alone or know that it must change and your pain is temporary sweetheart. It will go away, it must. Life was not made for suffering. Life is supposed to be easy. I love you and hang in there.
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
hi, ive been reading your jc takes and i found i p much agree with everything, but i wanted to ask, how do you square the moment jc sacrifices himself for wwx by distracting the wen guards with... everything else he does
also the moment he brings wwx his flute, if he only feels hate for wwx why would he do that?
As I’ve said, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were friends, and I 100% believe that the fall of Lotus Pier and the emergence of the Sunshot Campaign is why they remained friends for so long, especially in the direct aftermath of the fall which saw Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian having to rely solely on each other for survival. So I believe without a doubt that Jiang Cheng distracted the Wen cultivators to protect Wei Wuxian… without considering the full consequences of getting caught. I believe that had Jiang Cheng considered losing his golden core a real possibility, he would not have used himself as a distraction. But he did use himself as a distraction, and he did lose his golden core, and despite the fact that Wei Wuxian rectified that with his “miracle connections,” he spends close to twenty years taking that out on Wei Wuxian, lest we forget that upon waking after being rescued, he tries to go for Wei Wuxian’s throat again.
As for Jiang Cheng returning Chenqing, it’s a symbol of the one moment of character growth he has in the entire novel: fully letting Wei Wuxian go. Jiang Cheng held onto that flute because he just “knew” that if Wei Wuxian came back to life, he would immediately search for his most fearsome weapon, because Wei Wuxian “must” be a showoff obsessed with power (because Jiang Cheng would be, in his position). He was keeping it in hopes of successfully luring Wei Wuxian in for a slaughter. But what he failed to realize before and finally understood at the end was that Wei Wuxian never was and never would be like Jiang Cheng. He did not seek power or fame or vengeance over perma-grudges; he didn’t need Chenqing. So Jiang Cheng gives it back, thereby thematically releasing his last standing preconceived notions on his former shixiong and his need to hunt him down in a one-sided competition. (Now if only he’d done the same for Wen Ning… 😒)
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askthestans · 11 months
Ford, are you aware your brother has 10 guns hidden around the shack?
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Stanley: Shh, don't let Poindexter overhear ya! He's gonna kill me if he finds out-
Stanford: *Walking into the room, preoccupied with a demonic owl chick of some sort that's currently sleeping in his hair.* Ah, Stan, I see you're answering another ask from our blog. What's this one about?
Stanley: N-nothin'! *Switches to another internet tab quick.* Nothin' at all, don't worry about it, it's a question for me. Totally boring.
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Stanford: Oh, really? *Raises brow.* Then why did the question start with 'Ford'? You know, my name?
Stanley: Uh...
*Stan glances around and starts to sweat bullets. How best to distract Ford? Then Stan grins. He knows just the trick.*
Stanley: Ya know... a more important question to ask, is... is the Patterson-Gimlin film legit?
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Stanford: *A very intense, serious expression carves through his face. It's the face of a man with a strong opinion and just the right amount of ire to defend it, perhaps fueled by years of arguments over this very same exact question; a look akin to what someone on Twitter pulls right before they decide compassion and humanity is overrated, and being right is more important as they begin to rage-smash their keyboard.* Stan, I'm glad you asked. Because I think you're smart enough - and spent enough years as a conman - to know the difference between something real and something faked. The Patterson film is real, and I, Dr. Stanford Filbrick Pines, the world's greatest paranormal scientist and cryptozoologist, will die on this hill.
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Stanley: Yes, exactly! *Stan looks relieved that the distraction worked.* Of course I agree. I mean, why wouldn't I? You tell 'em, Ford! Tell the world how legit the Patterson film is. Preferably in a different room than this one with your, uh... *Stan looks at the demonic owl chick sleeping in Ford's hair.* Whatever that is.
Stanford: *Smugly petting said demonic owl chick.* Hm, a better idea would be to utilize our ask blog to educate the populace on supernatural concepts such as this. I always wanted a platform to extend my knowledge to the world. I mean, teaching math to a whale was impressive enough, but imagine the paranormal knowledge I could spread with the power of the internet! *He chuckles.* Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson better watch out, because a new popular scientist in media is in town. Stan, for the sake of knowledge, I'm going to need you to let me borrow our blog laptop for the afternoon.
Stanley: *Sweating bullets again.* W-what!? Not right now, Ford! You can have it later when I'm done with this one question. Just... gimme a little bit longer-
Stanford: Science cannot wait, Stanley. Hand it over.
Stanley: Alright, fine! Just lemme type somethin' quick and- h-hey!
Stanford: *Ford takes the laptop away from Stan and starts walking off with it.* Great, you already have the ask blog up. Time to...
*Ford sees the question about the ten guns in the Shack. He pauses.*
Stanley: Ford! Ford, I can explain... just let me... just hand the laptop back over and we can forget-
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Stanford: *His voice cold.* Ten guns, Stan? Ten of them?
Stanley: It's... it's not what you think!
Stanford: Stan, you do know Dipper and Mabel live here in the summers, right? And you're telling me that you have ten guns around the Shack?
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Stanley: Ford, just... *His expression turns defiant and mad.* Yeah, you know what? I've got ten guns! What of it!? Go ahead and judge me, Poindexter! You've always been good at that, haven't ya!?
Stanford: *Eyes narrowing.* Oh, I'm judging you, all right. Stan, I'm sorry, but I have no choice other than to host an emergency family meeting. We need to discuss this with Dipper and Mabel immediately. They must know about this. And then we can rectify this dangerous matter.
Stanley: Ford, really, it's fine, we don't need-
Stanford: *His voice ringing through the whole Shack.* Family meeting! Family meeting!
Three hours later...
*Stan, Ford, Dipper, Mabel are in the living room of the Shack at the dining table, where they usually host their family meetings. Stan looks more pissed than he has all day, Dipper looks nervous and confused, Mabel looks excited, and Ford is standing up by a chalkboard on wheels, multiple rules written on it, and he looks quite pleased.*
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Stanford: Now, one final time, let's repeat the Pines family gun rules before this meeting comes to an end.
Stanley: Sweet Moses, Ford, isn't this overkill?
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Mabel: Don't listen to Grunkle Stan! I am 1000% on board with all of these rules. *She pets the demonic owl chick that was sleeping in Ford's hair earlier and gives it a cheese flavored chip to eat.* Nice job, Grunkle Ford!
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Dipper: I think Grunkle Stan has a point, though. Grunkle Ford, no offense, but-
Stanford: No buts! Now, repeat the rules, everyone!
Dipper, Mabel, and Stanley: *Stan and Dipper looking both annoyed, and Mabel looking very amused, they repeat the rules aloud in unison.*
Rule one, whenever a cryptid, government agent, evil being, or any kind of potential enemy of the Pines family comes to the door, carry a gun.
Rule two, everyone living in the Shack shall keep a gun or similar weapon by their bed at night in the case of a nighttime supernatural emergency.
Rule three, do not be afraid to brandish a gun whenever anyone asks too many questions about Stan's criminal past, Ford's research and/or interdimensional criminal past, or threatens to hurt Dipper or Mabel, either their feelings or physically.
Rule four, all members of the Pines family and their employees must be trained to use at least three different kinds of weapons.
Rule five, there must never be less than thirty guns hidden in the Shack at all times, preferably two per room and three per bedroom. Ten is not enough, no matter what Stan claims.
Rule six, when in doubt, Ford has the last say on anything related to weaponry and defense related matters in the Shack. Or else.
Stanford: Very good. Does anyone have any objections? Wait. *He chuckles deeply.* No, of course you don't, because these rules are forged from hard-earned lessons from the three decades I spent in the Multiverse, and they make perfect logical, ethical sense and are foolproof from accidents. Don't worry, I'll make sure all of these guns are kept in protective, cheap plastic cases.
Dipper: And here I thought living in the Shack every summer was crazy enough already. *He sighs and lets his head drop to the table.* Seriously, this is dumb.
Mabel: Grunkle Ford, why are you so badass and cool!? Grunkle Stan never let us use any guns last summer!
Stanley: Gee, I wonder why? *He sighs, then goes back to typing on Stan and Ford's shared laptop they use to answer blog questions.* Thanks, asker, for askin' about the ten guns I had around the Shack. I'll have you know that all of this is your fault.
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anonymousdisco · 28 days
How’d I get Isikiad into Yandere Obey Me Chapter Seven-The Meeting
Why in the Devildom had Lord Diavolo called me to the castle so late at night? He knows I’m usually busy with paperwork at this time. I approached the castle gates via flying since Lord Diavolo had told me it was urgent. I stopped just before them and landed carefully where Barbatos was waiting for me. He had a scowl on his face as he looked at me.
“The Young Master has been waiting inside his throne room.” He escorted me inside showing me the way even though I knew the castle like the back of my hand by now.
“What’s wrong, Barbatos? Usually you don’t look so… disturbed. Has something happened?” Despite my worry I managed to keep a professional tone. Clearly this wasn’t a friendly meeting. One of my brothers must have displeased Lord Diavolo since clearly I couldn’t have done anything wrong.
“You’ll find out momentarily.” He knocked on the throne rooms grand doors and they opened. “Young Master, I have escorted Lucifer as requested.”
“Enter.” Diavolo’s voiced echoed throughout the throne room as he sat there flaring at me from his throne. Anger seethed clearly in his expression. “What are you waiting for, Lucifer. Kneel.”
What in the Devildom was happening?! He hadn’t asked me to kneel since Infirst pleaded loyalty to him. Just what did my brother do?! Despite my pride disliking it I kneeled carefully gazing at him. “You requested my presence My Lord?”
“You dare look me in my eyes after I found out what you’ve done, Lucifer. There’s a difference between pride, and a death wish.” His golden eyes glowered at me as a knelt there shocked at his words and tone. I had done something wrong?
I dropped my gaze immediately as worry and panick filled me. I struggled to remain composed as I replied. “My apologies My Lord. That was careless of me.”
“Careless? Was it as careless as your duties as an older brother? Do you even know what goes on in your own home? The home I gifted to you in a time of need. Yet you sully it with you and your brothers actions!” His grip tightened on the thrones armrests as he bit out his words. I had never seen him so openly enraged before.
“May I ask what we have done? It will be rectified immediately, My Lord. I apologize for our transgressions.” I lowered my head further to show remorse to him. I could feel it in my bones that one misstep and the brother I secretly held dear would be harmed. After all they had been through I couldn’t lead them to misery yet again.
Lord Diavolo became still. I could feel the heat of his gaze burn harder. “Your asking me… what. You’ve. Done. As if you don’t know…?” His voice came out quiet and deadly like a predator stalking its prey. I felt a shiver go down my spine. Never in my years of friendship with him had he made me so scared.
The room darkened as the castle responded to his mood. Clearly even the castle was angered by my words. I had never regretted the sentience of the castle more than I did now. I answered hesitantly. “Yes, My Lord.”
A laugh rang out. One that sounded cold and sarcastic. “Look me in my eyes and tell me something Lucifer. Tell me honestly that you care properly for all of your younger siblings. And that none have been neglected by you.”
I felt confused and scared but I looked up anyways from where I knelt and spoke slowly. “I care properly for all my younger siblings, and none of them have been neglected by me.”
“Your telling the truth. You actually believe what you're saying. I can’t imagine how you can truelly believe such a thing given all I’ve come to realize.” He snapped his fingers and papers landed before me accompanied by pictures. “Read it. Now.”
I picked up the first paper. It was a personally written schedule for somebody.
To do Today:
4:00 am- wake up and make sure the kitchen has enough ingredients fpr breakfast
4:20 am- get ready for the day and eat before anyone else in the house wakes up
5:00 am-stay in room and study till it’s time to leave so none of your brothers are made upset by your appearance 
5:30 am- leave for the school
6:00 am- sort documents for the student council and put any ideas into the anonymous box so that they actually get heard later
6:45 am- straighten library in the school so brother Satan can enjoy it without anger later
7:20 am- study till class is going to start
8:30 am- attend first half of school diligently Lucifer has enough to deal with without you having a teacher call him about misbehaving 
11:45 am- lunch and study don’t go home for lunch eat under the bleachers what you packed instead since Beel loses his appetite around you and it isn’t fair to make everyone uncomfortable 
12:15 pm- back to class
4:30 pm- wait an hour amd study before going home so none of your brothers are inconvenienced by your presence on the walk home
5:45 pm- sneak into the kitchen and grab some dinner before the person cooking for the night can notice and get angry that your there
6:10 pm- get ready for the night and ignore the sounds of everyone having dinner there’s no use crying or being sad about it
6:45 pm- study till bed no staying awake to study after dawn again you might end up passing out in school like last time
Whoever this belonged to clearly was one of my sibling. But who held such a awfully packed schedule…? Wait… the only one that never eats with everyone else is… (Y/N). She’s… passed out in school!? And she stays up so late? This isn’t okay at all. As the youngest she should be relaxing and being a kid. Wait, is she still a child? How old even is she?
I grabbed at every paper of information I could find. All this information of her daily struggles that I ignored. My pride fell as tears pricked my eyes. “What have… we all done to her?” Disbelief was in my tone as I whispered that. I felt Lord Diavolo’s hand on my shoulder as he look at me with comfort.
“I didn’t want to be so stern with you. But I had to make you realize this is not okay. She’ll be an adult soon. She can’t even take care of herself properly yet, and she’s already desperately searching for a way to work and move out to avoid inconveniencing you.” His hand gripped mine as he helped me up. “Help me help her. She’s too delicate of a flower to be left to take care of herself.”
“Your right as always, Lord Diavolo. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.” I swallowed my pride knowing that my family was more important than my pride was. “I would be grateful for your help.”
“Always old friend.” He nodded at Barbatos who opened a door leading into my office at the House of Lamination.” I exited the castle through it and stared at my desk covered in work. I knew I should be getting back to it but instead I exited my office and paused in the hall. Where should I even go to get there?
I wondered aimlessly throughout the house opening doors at random quietly till I found what I was looking for. Unlike the rest of the house this area was quiet and looked uninhabited. But inside the room it was cozy even though it was a bit too small for my liking. 
There were fairy lights strung up along the wall in a pale silver color. There was also a small desk and chair tucked off to the side that had school work on it. There was also a dresser next to it. And in the back corner was a bed. I walked quietly to it and there she was.
It stung to look at her and be reminded of our loss. But she lost a sister too. Not just us, but we made her pay for it by ignoring her. She used to be so young and small following us around like a little duck. I used to call her that until the fall. All of us did. Lilith was the one who started it. When was the last time I tucked her in, and read her a story?
I gently took the textbook out of her sleeping hands and set it on her desk. I also took off her glasses gently before brushing some hair out of her face. She shifted in her sleep for a moment as I held my breath hoping she wouldn’t wake up. She sleeps so little as it is already. Even less than Levi does.
When she settled I looked at her carefully. Taking in how her features had change over the years. I squinted slightly in the darkness and noticed something dark under her nose. I touched it carefully with my finger and realized it was blood. Worry filled me as I grabbed my handkerchief and dabbed it away carefully. She clearly had a nosebleed at some point and didn’t take care of it properly. I would have to scold her later when she wakes up to make sure she comes to me next time.
I stroked her hair and noticed that she looked as though she had been crying. Guilt filled my heart again for not doing this sooner.
She was clearly too delicate to handle things on her own. From now on I would do what I should have from the start. As I got up to leave her hand clinched to my sleeve in her sleep as her face grew worried. She mumble incoherently so I leaned closer to her her. “Don’t leave me again Big Brother. Please…” She mumbled out in her sleep. She was having a nightmare of being left alone by us.
My face fell as I removed my sleeve from her grip making her whimper in her sleep. I removed my jacket and shoes before carefully climbing in her bed without waking her and holding her soothingly like I used to hold all my siblings when they had a nightmare back in the Celestial Realm.
Soon as I was settled she snuggled close in her sleep till she was comfortable in my arms. I shifted into my demon form so my wings could keep her warm while she slept. I use them to cover her carefully since her blanket was too thin for my liking. I’d get her something better tomorrow morning. I should take her with me for some bonding. Maybe get her to trust me again but by bit as her caregiver and older brother. Would she call me her Big Bubba again like she used to when she was little? Pride filled my heart at the idea and I puffed up my feathers due to it. Of course she would as soon as she trusts me again. No one can be a better big brother than me since I’m the best there is.
I fell asleep just like that holding my little sister tightly in comfort.
Diavolo’s Pov:
“I’m still pissed but atleast he came to his senses. What does the future look like Barbatos?” I asked as I swirled my demonous in my office now.
He responded carefully in his reply. “It appears there errands together tomorrow will arise some issues that he’ll handle accordingly. Of course he’ll be in need a pardon for his actions. As will some of his brothers. But I do believe it will work out perfectly and that this is needed. Two birds, one stone.”
“Good. Keep an eye on tomorrow and make sure everything is perfect. She’s too sweet to deal with such things on her own. Although she is quite smart. Just look at her student council suggestion.” I gestured at the envelope from this morning on the desk.
Barbatos read it carefully eyebrows rising in shock. “Young Master, were you not entertaining such an idea already? After all it’s almost finished and just needs announcing.”
“Yes, but great minds think alike. She even had a written request to the celestial realm ready that was even better than the one we wrote. I sent that one instead with my signature added after hers.” I laughed quietly. “For once she’ll get credit for her work.”
Barbatos smiled at that calmly. “That is most excellent Young Master. Shall I ready your chambers for the night?”
“Yes it’s time I retire for the night. The rest of my work can wait until morning. Remind me tomorrow to draft a invitation letter the the Lords meeting as well as a tittle bestowing certificate.”
Barbatos bowed and left a I finished my demonous. What a busy day it had been.
~Affection: 35% he loves all his younger siblings and is very protective so it’s no surprise if his affection for you rises rapidly. Who knows if mammon will stay his favorite for long…?
“Lilith Ms have been a dear younger sister to us but we had no right to take out her loss on our other younger sister. To do such a thing to a child is horrible. What would Lilith think of such behavior?
~Relation- Protective Older Brother Senses Activated
~Danger Level- Yellow (HeY DoN’t YOu tHinK yOu ShOuLD SLoW DoWn aNd Be MoRE cArFUll…?)
~Affection: 33% you so much as breathe and he thinks it’s adorable probably gonna end up with cuteness aggression not gonna lie
“How in the Devildom did she manage to come up with such a well thought out proposal on her own good enough to send to the celestial realm? Tomorrow will be interesting to watch. I can’t wait to step in. Maybe she’ll develop a silly little crush on me. That’d be so cute!”
~Relation: In denial about his feelings being more than kinship basically the boyfriend you both don’t know you have yet
~Danger Level: Yellow (YoU REalLy ShOUldnT MesS ARoUnD wItH tHis OnE. I’d aDvIsE yOU to EscApe thE OmNiPreSenT BeInG’s lItTle WaGEr wHilE YoU STill CAn.)
~Affection: 30% almost a parental feeling is starting to develop now are you getting adopted before Luke does lol Barbatos can’t escape adopting other peoples children left and right
“What I saw for tomorrow shall be useful. And it seems the young master is developing a little crush. I should nurture that feeling in him. After all she seems smart enough to become queen, and then I can serve her forever.”
Relation: Considering Adoption, you should probably run
~Danger Level: Yellow (YoU ShOUld havE liStEneD tO ME SoOnEr. It’S pRoBAblE tOo LAte NOw tHat He’S iNtErEStEd. JUSt RemEmBEr I trIEd to HElP YoU.)
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
(angst prompts) ❛ i’m sorry, have we met? ❜
TJ I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR THIS. I decided to continue the prompt from @valeriianz [Part 1 Here] to make it more angsty. But also kind of hopeful? Maybe???????
cw: major character death, memory loss
“Will you give me a sweet dream before I go, old friend?” Hob asks.
Dream’s eyes widen, and he is sure the shock in them must be clear, because Hob startles a laugh.
“Yeah,” Hob coughs, and new blood spurts forth from his lips. “Been here long enough to figure out who you were. Why they wanted,” he hacks again, “you or your sister. I was never going to give you up.”
“I know,” Dream says. “But you must not - “
“I’ve lived a good life,” Hob interrupts him. “But I think it’s time. I’m just happy it was you who came for me, Dream of the Endless.”
“No,” Dream replies, voice trembling. “For you, you may simply call me Dream.”
“Dream,” Hob sighs, awash with a new wave of contentment. “I like that. Lovely name.”
“Thank you, my friend,” Dream says, before he steels himself for what he must do.
“I will give you the sweetest of dreams,” Dream says, trying and failing miserably to keep his voice steady. “Once you are there, you may call upon my sister, and…she will give you her gift.” 
“Sounds,” Hob stutters, “sounds good to me.”
It is little effort for Dream to call forth his sand and place Hob into a deep sleep. In the Dream, he recreates what might have been, in 1989, were Hob not captured, and Dream were a better friend. 
It is not long before he feels the presence of his sister.
“Dream,” Death says, her tone soft and kind. “You must let him go now.”
Dream clutches Hob’s body even tighter. 
“Please sister,” Dream pleads. “Do not take him from me yet.”
“You know that is not my choice to make,” Death replies. “It is his time, and he has made his choice.”
“Will you tell me what his choice it is?”
Death smiles sadly. “You know I cannot.”
Hob is running through a field of poppies, his beloved dog at his side. He has been running for some time, he thinks, and yet he is neither tired nor hungry. 
He stops when he feels himself being watched, and when he looks over his shoulder, his dog has padded over to a pale man dressed all in back. 
“Hello,” the man says, first to the dog, and then to Hob himself. 
“Hello!” Hob greets the stranger enthusiastically. “I - I’m sorry, have we met before? You look awfully familiar.”
“No,” the man answers, and Hob thinks he sounds a bit sad about that. Something lurches in Hob’s chest, and he thinks he should rectify the man’s sadness immediately.
“Well, you seem like a kind person, so I’d like to get to know you, if that’s all right,” Hob says, offering his hand out.
The man nods, and grasps Hob’s outstretched hand firmly.
“I am Dream,” the stranger says. “I am lord of all that inhabits the Dreaming. You…you passed in your sleep, Hob Gadling.”
 “You were offered a place to stay here, which you,” the man pauses, “which you accepted.”
Hobs’ eyes widen, and he lets go of Dream’s hand then falls to his knees. “My lord, forgive my impudence, my memories from when I was alive have fled me it seems.” He hopes he has not offended Dream. He does not want to be banished. He wants to stay, he wants-
“Rise, Hob," Dream says. "You may be subject to my realm but I - I was hoping that we…we may become friends.”
Hob scrambles up off his knees immediately, and before he can think any better of it, he tugs Dream into a bone crushing hug. He feels the dreamlord stiffen for just a moment, before his arms rise slowly to return the hug.
“I would like that very much, my lord,” Hob says when he withdraws from Dream.
“Please,” Dream replies. “You may just address me as Dream.”
“Dream,” Hob says. “That’s a lovely name.” Something complicated flashes across Dream’s expression, but it’s gone before Hob can examine it further.
“Thank you,” Dream answers, just the barest hint of a smile crossing his face. “Would you like a drink?”
A table with wine and cheese materializes itself next to where they’re standing, and Hob sits down eagerly. Dream follows shortly after, pouring out a glass for each of them. 
They sit, and then begin to talk.

Send me an Angst Prompt!
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kimbureh · 1 year
TBB S2E12 The Outpost, Crosshair & Agency In Suicide
I haven't seen anybody talk about this specific aspect yet, but in truth I avoid reading TBB meta because I haven't finished watching season 2 and don't want to read spoilers.
"The Outpost" is an episode about being trapped in your position, even if you're ready to move on from your role. I've seen it pointed out by others, and indeed it was my first thought also: Mayday talks like Rex. Behaves like Rex. Is capable to adapt to adversary circumstances like Rex. But unlike Rex, Mayday is not given the chance to reform his life. He dies on Barton-4 without fulfilling his true potential. (But Rex has been gifted this chance, while he is acutely aware most clones haven't, and chooses to rectify that as much as he can.) The Outpost of Barton-4 is the epitome of being abandoned and trapped by circumstances. This will be important again in a minute.
Regs symbolize everything Crosshair feels ashamed for. I have talked about this before, but I don't want to pull a Tech and assume that's obvious. So. Crosshair is as grating towards regs as he is (especially in TCW) because of his projected self-hatred. He's a clone too, but at least he is enhanced. "Superior", as he says to Hunter. Showing kindness to Mayday, a reg, is the first step for Crosshair to come to terms with his Clone identity. I interpret Crosshair's arc as one of developing self-acceptance, and treating a reg with kindness is the first step to treating himself with kindness. And it speaks to Crosshair's developing sense of self-acceptance when he pleads (!) with Nolan to please help Mayday (the name here is telling!).
In another meta post of mine I outlined the two possible paths of Crosshair's arc: he either manages to develop self-acceptance and leaves the Empire, or he stays and self-destructs.
In his interactions with Mayday, Crosshair clearly veers into the direction of self-acceptance via Mayday as proxy. But the circumstances don't allow for the second step: leaving the Empire. Think of that tiny backroom in which we meet Mayday and his skeleton crew for the first time. Barton-4 is not a place you leave alive. This place is a frosty tomb, the rows of trooper helmets and the raider left behind in the tunnel are grim witness to that truth. And Crosshair knows this, knows he is trapped in a very real sense on this planet, at the mercy of a cruel superior who sees him as a piece of "used equipment". And so Crosshair picks the other option left to him: self-destruction. He knows he cannot get away with shooting a superior, not when he's weak, without his helmet, trapped on an icy planet with dozens of TK troopers to hold him accountable.
Crosshair's decision is not naive, not entirely hopeless either, it's coming from a place of self-empowerment despite the dreadful desperation. There are a few excruciating moments before Crosshair draws his blaster, moments in which he does the calculations in his mind and realizes there is no way for him to survive this. But he has the freedom to make one last decision: and that is bringing down Nolan with him.
This is Crosshair's tipping point. Through the interactions with Mayday he allowed himself to care for someone again, only for the Empire to immediately take that from him. They took his agency, but in what Crosshair must believe to be his last action, he regains some of his agency and avenges Mayday. In the face of death, Crosshair defends his decision to choose self-acceptance.
A more tragic story could end here; but Crosshair has more homework to do, and it still hasn't been revealed if he really doesn't have his inhibitor chip anymore, or whether he was implanted something else in its stead, and where those searing head pains are really coming from if not from the effects of the (a?) chip. I have a few theories, but we'll see (or maybe we won't).
(pls no season 2 spoilers, I haven't fully watched it yet)
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badbirdnews · 6 months
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Voting Rights Corrupted from Inclusion of Noncitizens in our Census!
It is a travesty that noncitizens hold the power to determine the composition of Congress and the presidency. The very essence of our electoral system is under threat as the Census includes illegal aliens and other noncitizens as residents. This egregious error must be rectified immediately if we are to salvage the integrity of our democracy.
The principle behind Congressional and Electoral College apportionment is simple: it should be based on the number of American citizens residing within each state. Yet, we find ourselves in a situation where noncitizens, who lack the legal right to vote, are being counted as equals in determining our nation’s leaders. This is an affront to every American citizen who believes in the power of their vote.
If we continue down this treacherous path, we risk diluting the voices of American citizens and compromising the very foundation upon which our democracy stands. By allowing noncitizens to play a role in apportionment, we diminish the influence of those who have earned the right to participate in our electoral process. It is time to take a stand and demand that our elected officials put an end to this injustice.
The Census must be barred from including noncitizens in apportionment. We must prioritize the voices of American citizens—the only population who can and should vote in U.S. elections. It is our duty as patriotic Americans to fight for a system that upholds the principles of fairness and ensures that those who have earned the right to vote are the ones picking America’s leaders. Let us rise together and reclaim our democracy from the grasp of noncitizens.
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elizabethshaw · 3 months
hm. thinking thoughts
under the cut for spoiler reasons:
this is literally just me writing stuff up in no real order so there is probably not all that much coherence to it. ah well
loved how unsettling it was having something wrong with the tardis! the tardis (in the tv show at least) is usually the one guaranteed safe place in any given dr who episode and so to have it suddenly a threat like that felt genuinely unnerving
the time window sequence was cool. really liked the fuzzy, there-but-not-quite-there visual effects
i also loved the monologue/prophecy/whatever, built things up very nicely and idk. i just vibed with it. i have more to say but the words are not coming to me right now
"and standing on high is the Mother and Father and Other of them all" i haven't even read lungbarrow but them saying "other" here immediately got my attention lmao
for an episode called "the legend of ruby sunday", it felt like (particularly in the last third of the story), there was remarkably little actual focus on ruby. while i do genuinely like her as a companion, i do feel like she's been one of the biggest casualties of the shift to a shorter series length with less time for "filler" episodes - we simply haven't had the time to get to know her on a deeper level, and i was hoping, given the title, that this story would do something to rectify that a bit. and then it didn't.
saying that, i did appreciate them giving her some more scenes with her mum this episode, i think she has a really nice dynamic with her family and we haven't seen enough of it since the christmas special imo
no trickster :( he got a mention at least but i was hoping he'd be the villain ngl
i have watched pyramids of mars once, four years ago, and barely remember the plot (my main memories of that episode are sarah with a gun ngl), probably going to have to rewatch it before next week. dailymotion you may have to be my saviour once again
not entirely sure how i feel about sutekh as the main villain. this is at least in part because my memories of pyramids of mars are hazy as anything, but i'm just... undecided. to its credit, the episode itself actually did a good job of getting me very excited about the reveal while i was watching, but as an overall thing? i don't know yet. i think i'm going to have to wait until i've watched the finale next week to form a full opinion
i reckon he must have hitched himself onto the tardis around/during "wild blue yonder" though - this is the first time where the tardis starts making The Noises, and is also the first time susan twist turns up, and that can't be a coincidence, especially given that, as previously established, it was likely fourteen's salt trick in this episode that let the toymaker back into the universe
i rewatched "the church on ruby road" earlier this week bc i figured it'd be a good shout and i hadn't watched it since broadcast, and during that i felt like mrs flood was maybe a "retired" companion, possibly a future companion (maybe of a future doctor) that we haven't met yet. after this ep though, i'm not so sure. she seems at least aware of sutekh in some way, and also seems potentially antagonistic, but i'm not sure she's actually directly linked to him. i'm fairly sure as well rtd said at some point she's more of a mystery for later series so. hm. it'll be interesting to see what more we get of her in part two
i can't shake the feeling that they are going to do something with susan further down the line. there have been more mentions of her in this series than in basically the rest of new who put together and i can't help but think that this must be for a reason even if susan twist wasn't her
anyway the real mystery for me: what is the vlinx. i have been thinking about this on and off since december. what is it. how did it get into unit to begin with. i need answers
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moistvonlipwig · 4 months
9 10 16 please? :D (cwsg, i’m sorry)
aye aye cap'n 🫡 under the cut for length
9. worst part of canon
I think it has to be Mon-El, who is so very terrible that even now he is stealing my ability to kvetch about other things. ...Luckily, this is my blog, so I can do what I want. So the other worst part of canon was the demonization and eventual murder of Manchester Black at J'onn's hands in the same season that saw James cozying up to the Children of Liberty (WHY) and the Superfriends insisting that killing them (the neo-Nazi analogues), even to prevent them from killing their marginalized alien targets, was Wrong and Bad.
(Crisis on Earth-X was pretty bad, too. Not sure how it didn't occur to any of the higher-ups that putting their heroes in Nazi uniforms in order to make them ~Cool Villains~ was maybe kind of a super fucking antisemitic thing to do.)
10. worst part of fanon
I was sorely tempted to just answer this with "el problema es el racismo," but thinking on it further that is technically the worst part of fandom, whereas fanon is generally understood to mean (a) post-colonial Marxist philosopher Frantz Fanon or (b) fan-constructed canon, i.e. headcanons that have become popular and widely accepted by many people in a fandom (sometimes to the point where people mistakenly believe that these headcanons are canon). I've already talked about my problems with the "Kara is a genius"/"Krypton is Advanced™ and Earth is Primitive™" take, as well as the "Lena never really cared about James" take; other popular fanon ideas I can't stand include "Clark is an asshole" (no >:( I like Clark), "J'onn is Alex and Kara's space dad" (citation needed), and "Eliza Danvers is the best mom ever" (when, lest we forget, Alex's whole Deal is a direct result of her Not being the best mom ever lol). Um...there's probably more but to be honest I'm blanking on what they would be.
16. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Hm, well, I could talk about general fanfic tropes I don't get but I prefer to stay fandom-specific in order to maximize damage from my biting and maiming. So I'll just expand on what I commented on your earlier post: I don't understand the appeal of the trope where Kara shows Lena Disney movies or imparts upon her the True Meaning of Christmas and thus transforms her life from one of forever sadness to one of joyful bliss. I'm not saying I don't like fics where Kara's presence in Lena's life improves her life -- ideally, I would imagine that both of them improve each other's lives. But the specific trope of "OMG, Lena had an abnormally wealthy and abusive childhood and thus has never done [normative thing for American (Christian) children to do that there is no canon evidence she hasn't done and also that is not necessary for healthy childhood psychological development], we must rectify this immediately!!!" baffles me.
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
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Humans are weird: Missing your mark: A Yuri story.
Civil wars are nasty things.
They’re violent, disruptive, and more or less create an animosity amongst the general population regardless of which side wins. There was no better definition for that of a failed state and no worse situation for a ruling body to find itself in; which made the situation before Yuri all the more stressful.
“When my employers asked you to handle this situation months ago,” Yuri spoke to the delegation sitting across from him, “there was an implied understanding that it was to be rectified immediately.”
The Yagraz delegation looked amongst themselves but said nothing.
Even with the multitude of species Yuri had interacted with during his employment the Yagraz were one of the most frustrating. They had a tendency to believe themselves superior to the rest of the galaxy, but often found their best laid plans undone with the simplest of tugs. They would never admit to this and would all too often find some reason to place the blame somewhere else. The five before him had made those excuses abundantly when he had requested a meeting with them.
“This situation was well in control when last we spoke.” The leader of the Yagraz contingent spoke. Their mouth split vertical when they spoke making focusing on them uncomfortable for those with weak stomachs. His name was Quar, and from what little Yuri remembered of him was that he was a minor member of the governing nobility. He spoke with assurance; at least when others were within earshot.
Yuri shook his head. “When last I was here you I told you to take the man-“
“They are not human.” One of the other Yagraz interrupted.
Yuri looked at them in bafflement before calmly reaching into his coat and pulling out a loaded weapon. He set it down on the table for all the silent Yagraz to see clearly.
“The next time I am spoken over will be the last time the speaker shall ever speak again.”
None of them said anything and so Yuri continued.
“I remember that you all asked me for advice on handling the dissident movement and pacifying their charismatic leader.”
Yuri reached into his coat and pulled out a lighter and cigarette; placing it in his mouth and lighting it with one smooth motion before flicking the lighter closed.
“I told you not to allow that…man, to speak. I told you to not allow him on your networks, to not allow him to speak with anyone of importance, and to not give him any chance to become credible in the eyes of your people.”
“I told you all that you must hound them like dogs on the hunt. That every aspect of society must shun and chastise that man from every avenue so that every day they know the entire world is their enemy.”
“But most of all I told you what you truly needed to do even though many of you were unwilling to do it.”
He took a deep drag and blew a smoke cloud into the faces of the Yagraz delegation.  He wasn’t sure if it would offend them or anger them but honestly he did not care at this point so long as they listened.
“I said that you must walk into a room with them and put a bullet in their head.”
“And I will tell you as I did then,” Quar spoke up, “that such drastic measures were not needed; that killing them would have only made them a martyr.”
“Killing him then would have made him a statistic.” Yuri laughed. “He had a dozen followers then whereas now he has thousands who have an ax to grind.”
“Even so, we are above such barbaric methods to ensure our rule.”
The other Yagraz nodded and murmured their acknowledgement. Yuri shook his head and this endless repetition of the conversation was getting them nowhere. He took one last drag before putting out his cigarette on the table leaving a smear of ash.
“And yet here I am again, with you once more asking me on how to ensure your continued rei-“
“You would do well to-“
In one smooth motion Yuri picked up the weapon on the table and put several rounds through the head and chest of the Yagraz who had interrupted him. The body of the delegate fell backwards over his chair and landed with a wet thud against the floor as the remaining delegates watched in silent horror.
Yuri held the smoking weapon over the table as the dying delegate gasped and coughed globs of purple blood from their mouth. His amusement with this conversation and task was exhausted now and he was quite done with the standard Yagraz bluster.
“I did warn him.” Yuri remarked coldly as he rose to his feet and returned the weapon to its holster within his coat. “As I did all of you all those months ago; but now it is too late.”
“What do you mean?” Quar asked unsteadily.
“My employers sent me here to see if this situation could be salvaged and our investment in your rule secured.”
Yuri looked down at a small droplet of purple blood that had splatter on the sleeve of his coat and tried to rub it off with his fingers, only to further spread the stain and add to his frustrated mood.
“As of this moment all support from my employers will be cut off and you shall be left to your own devices.” He remarked dryly as he gave up trying to clean his coat. “Contrary to the popular notion civil wars are not good for all businesses and my employers require a certain degree of stability which I find sourly lacking here.”
“Please do not be hasty.” Quar spoke as he realized the implications of Yuri’s unseen benefactors withdrawing support could mean for his government. “We can still handle this agitator.”
“Maybe,” Yuri admitted, “but I have seen the path such men have led their people down and I know of the horrors that will follow.”
He looked at them all one last time before turning around and leaving them to their fate.
“You should have killed them when you had the chance” he said over his shoulder.
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cherryshh · 3 months
CANCEL POST ON ( @frillara ) TRIGGER WARNING -- gojo satoru fondness, oil up comments towards screech, threats, abandonment, bowl cut phobia, among others. I do not to send any hate to iris , but this behavior cannot go unnoticed.
"bread" is iris.
GOJO SATORU .. whatever thisshit is
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<- Among the digital evidence. I find it highly disrespectful to make such comments about a fictional character. Trying to cover it up with "wrong chat" without proper atonement makes it worse. I expect a three-page apology with tears sewn onto it. This likely distracted Iris, causing our repeated virtual demises. Iris's fixation on Gojo disrupted our gameplay, which is against the TOS. Such behavior is unacceptable and must be rectified immediately.
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GC Iris made.... I can't even begin to explain how wrong this is.
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<- I regret to inform you that I could only procure these two screenshots. Despite Pufferfish's heartfelt confession and apology, Iris persists in the misguided belief that one can evade repercussions for jeopardizing the safety of our esteemed comrades. I extend my most sincere apologies to the affected parties. (Being a victim of one of these myself).
During our session of playing Doors, Iris and our friend proceeded ahead, resulting in Puffy and me losing health. However, we have reason to believe this was part of Iris's nefarious scheme to dethrone Puffy and me from our Skibidi Sigma Club ranking. Iris took the lead in opening doors, and we suspect that Kiana innocently followed Iris, unaware of the sinister intentions behind it.
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<- When we endeavored to enlighten Iris on this matter, she responded aggressively, demanding that we cease our efforts—an unmistakable indication that she holds no regard for the power of friendship.
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<- Even after being fully aware that Pufferfish had a mere 20% health remaining, Iris heartlessly took the band-aid that could have saved Kiowinnie. She attempted to mask her malevolent plot by claiming it was an accidental click, but we know that is far from the truth.
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<- Isn't it amusing? How, when Iris entered the room, Kiowinnie perished just moments later. Iris then blamed it on some nonexistent monster. We are all acquainted with tales of dark magic, aren't we? I believe this serves as compelling evidence that Iris possesses such dark magic, resurfacing after centuries of obscurity.
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This is a hate crime. To my comrades with bowl cuts out there—don't let anyone discourage you. Some people simply cannot appreciate the artistic brilliance of such a distinctive hairstyle.
Overall, I am utterly appalled by Iris's behavior and firmly believe we must put an end to this—no more people should fall victim! It was difficult for me to speak up as a victim myself, but now that I have, I think we should all reflect on this and at least try to understand.
tags for reach ! @kiochisato @starhrtz @pinkmiku @eskeys @maidetta ( plz lmk if the tag annoys u )
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