#we made it to the holy ground around 11 am this morning
mutantenfisch · 1 year
That's all. That's the post.
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smaptain-smerica · 2 years
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Female Reader x Rooster
Time: Post-Top gun: Maverick
Y/n Blackwood - L/n, daughter of Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood. Y/n took a strong interest in planes from a young age. Knowing her father was an esteemed pilot drew her even further into the navy. Quickly, she became one of the best solo pilots and graduating at the top of her class at Top Gun.
Her next mission? Return to Top Gun, Face certain death, romantic interests, and finally, her thought-to-be-dead, father.
This book contains strong language and sexual content that may be sensitive readers under the age of 18
This story was originally posted on Wattpad, follow me on there for faster updates. I have published a non-binary version of this story published there for those who do not identify as female or use she/her pronouns. It will follow the exact same story line. Link to Wattpad Account Link to the Non-Binary version
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And War
Third Person Omniscient POV.
An alarm blared overhead along with a dramatic flashing light. Wolf jumps from her sleep, frantically looking around her room. The deep sleep she was risen from leaving her groggy.
"Holy shit." She announced at the realization that this was what Cyclone was talking about. This was the mission launch countdown. Wolf threw the covers off of her and reached for her uniform that was laying on the office chair at the desk and quickly slipped it on.
While tying her boots, she checked the time. 3:08 am. 'Well, guess I'll sleep when I'm dead.' She thought.
Before walking out the door, wolf grabbed a piece of gum from inside the desk. It wasn't brushing teeth but it would eliminate the morning breath. Wolf opened her door and looked up and down the halls. She watched as fanboy and Payback stumbled around the corner. Fanboy was still trying to put on his shoes as payback scolded him to hurry up.
She took that as her cue to follow. They jogged through the lengths of the halls, an increasing sound of boots thumping on the epoxy covered concrete floors. The two Admirals and Maverick were standing at the loading point, instructing their pilots onto their planes.
Wolf was loaded up into her plane. She adjusted herself into her seat, getting comfortable with the controls. Off to the right was an empty plane with the name "Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw" adorned under the window. She started to get worried, the 5 minute window was closing fast.
Wolf stood up from her plane seat and peered through the darkness. There wasn't any sign of him. Wolf checked her watch; 3:11 am. "Damnit." She cursed, remembering rooster was a heavy sleeper. Wolf crawled out of her plane and hit the ground with a thud. She took off sprinting down the tarmac with people yelling after her.
"Y/n! Get back here!" Maverick yelled.
"I need to get Bradley!" She shouted back at him. The cold air being sucked into her lungs stung as she made it back into the Hangar. She ran back down the halls, her feet echoing in thumps down the corridors. Soon those two echoing feet turned into four echoing feet.
Wolf stopped in her tracks to make sure what she was hearing was correct. Rooster rounded the corner and made eye contact with her as he kept running.
"Damnit Bradley." Wolf huffed out.
"I'm sorry, I slept through it a little." Rooster never stopped jogging right up until the moment he wrapped wolf in the tightest hug imaginable. He ducked his head into the nape of her neck and let out a sigh.
Wolf could feel could feel the tension in his body. The nervousness was radiating off of him. She could feel it in the racing of his heart and the shake in his knees. Wolf wrapped her arms around him in an attempt to release his tension.
"We'll be okay." She reassured him. Rooster let out a shaken breath of relief to try and calm himself. "You're with me. Which means we'll be okay."
Rooster pulled back from their intimate moment, taking a deep breath. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, but we need to go."
"Alright." Rooster sighed. The two of them turned on heel and sprinted back towards the tarmac. Once they rounded to where the planes were there was shouting. Cyclone was scolding them, saying there would be repercussions for being late. Both the pilots ignored their admirals calls and ran for their planes.
"I'll give you a leg!" Rooster told wolf as they approached. Since wolf was previously in her plane, the ladder had already been stowed away. Wolf kicked one leg up and rooster grabbed her ankle and shin. They counted to three and rooster pushed wolf up into the cockpit before running over to his own plane and loading up.
'Nice of you two to join us.' Hangman's voice sneered in the radio.
'Dagger team one, ready for launch?' Ground control asked through the radio. The two pilot teams responded with their control updates and were cleared for launch. Within a few seconds, they were off.
Wolf could hear her heart beating in her head. She could feel the sweatiness of her palms through the thick gloves.
'Dagger team one has successfully landed on the aircraft carrier.' Coyote's voice announced to ground control.
'Ground control to Dagger team one, on your go.'
'Are you two ready?' Coyote asked his team.
'Ready.' Fanboy and payback replied.
'Dagger team one, taking off.' Coyote announced to ground control. Wolf wished she could see what was happening. She wanted desperately to know what her teammates were facing.
Each of them had been given a track to follow that lead directly to the SAM's locations. The goal was for the three teams of two to take out the SAM's so that the naval ships could launch a rain of missiles to destroy the underground base without any interruptions. This brief period that the nearby base would be empty was nothing short of a miracle. Intel relayed that they were switching out their planes on base which is why the base would be vacant for a small window of time. The dagger teams would have to be as swift and efficient as possible.
'Dagger team two cleared for takeoff.' Ground control instructed the next two pilots to take off. The second row of planes took off. Each rumble of an engine starting to life caused wolfs heart to beat faster. The nerves were finally settling in. She looked through the glass and over at roosters plane. He looked back over at her and nodded his head. He punched the glass twice on his plane and gave a thumbs up. This was a symbol to this team that everything was going to be alright.
'Dagger team two has landed on the carrier.' Hangman announced.
Wolf knew that their time to launch was soon. She strapped her oxygen mask to her face and grabbed the joystick.
"Dagger team three, clear for takeoff." Rooster and Wolfs engines roared to life as the took off down the runway. Their planes lifted gracefully off the ground as they began their travel towards the aircraft carrier.
"Ground control to Dagger team three, over."
"Ground control this is Dagger 6, over." Rooster replied.
"Dagger 6, dagger team two had some setbacks. Allotted time for you is 15 minutes. Over."
"Ground control this is Dagger 5, over." Wolf chimed in.
"Dagger 5, go. Over."
"Status on the other pilots please? Over."
'Dagger team one has successfully landed back home. Dagger team two is in route now. Over."
Wolf looked over at roosters plane. She pounded on the glass and gave him a thumbs up. He reciprocated the action back at her. The two were approaching the location of their first SAM. Wolf announced their approaching position to ground control and to her partner.
The SAM was poking out of the water, signifying that their time was coming to a close. Rooster and wolf approached the SAM and then split off in separate directions. The alarmed blared in each of their cabins at the indication of incoming approaching missiles. Wolf waited until the precise moment and then she let out the flares. One missile hit them and blew up. One down, one to go.
Wolf ripped her plane hard through the air trying to give herself the best possible angle to eliminate these missiles. She did exactly that, a few flares later and the missile was detonated.
"Rooster you good?" Wolf asked through her headset. Roosters grunts of struggle could be heard through the headset.
"We're good!" He responded, letting out a sharp breath into the radio. the team moved onto the next series of SAMS in the line. This one was like the last, easy. The third SAM is when it gets difficult. The team would have to shoot the missiles off the other ones trail with missiles of their own.
The team got down to the last missile that was on wolf's tail. She pushed the button to release the flares but only three came out of the plane. "Rooster I'm out of flares!" Wolf announced, panic in her voice at the warning alarms blaring in the cabin.
"I've got you, bank right!" Rooster instructed. Wolf followed her teammates instructions and pulled her plane hard to the right. Rooster lined up the missile lock and released his guns. Thankfully, they made contact. The missile blew up just behind wolfs cabin. The team leveled out next to each other.
"This is it. Last one." Wolf took a breath of relief. She looked down at her clock. They had about 3 minutes.
"Times running out Rooster."
"Let's turn and burn baby."
The team punched their jets forward. Wolf took the liberty of flying past the SAMs to activate them. The team had decided that her movements were more precise, she could keep the missiles on her tail more affectively without letting them hit her. Rooster was right there, protecting her from the incoming threat.
"Bank left!" Rooster instructed.
"Banking left!" Wolf replied.
Boom. One down, one to go.
"Up, climb up!" Rooster shouted.
"Climbing up!" Wolf replied through a strained grunt as she heaved the plane upwards. Rooster found missile lock, exploding the enemy bomb. It was now time for them to switch. If rooster flew directly through the line of sight for the missiles they would stop chasing wolf and start chasing him.
"Increasing speed." Wolf called out, pushing her throttle forward to take off at an incredible rate. Rooster dove down and flew between her and the missiles so they started to chase him. The plan was working perfectly.
Wolf flipped her aircraft around to now peruse Rooster.
"Bank right!" Wolf instructed.
"Banking right!"
Wolf took the small button and twisted it around, once the cabin alerted her to the lock and she fired. The missile was done for. One final missile and they would be heading home.
"Rooster. I'm going to get behind the missile. When I say now, brake and pass over me."
"What? Are you crazy? I've never done that before!"
"Just do it! I can't find a clear enough shot!"
Rooster did as he was told, he sped up along the straight away, his heart pounding the closer the missile got.
"Now!" Wolf yelled.
Rooster, despite all his instincts, punched the plane backwards. The underside of roosters plane now soared above wolfs. She fired her last missile and made contact. The explosion happened directly in front of her. Dramatically she flew through the smoke, relief flooding over her.
"Ground control, this is Dagger 5. The last SAM is down." Wolf announced happily into her radio. Rooster flew up beside her and looked over.
"See? I told you we'd be okay." Wolf teased him.
"Let's head home." Rooster replied as they both turned to make their way back to the aircraft carrier.
Wolf felt something was off. Something off in the distant sight line was moving, moving at an incredible speed. The object barreling towards them was moving so fast the water underneath it was splitting. Wolf widened her eyes in shock at the sight before her.
"Boogie boogie! 12:00!"
Rooster and wolf split their places at exactly the right time. The enemy plane cut the air in between them so fast it shook their cabins. Wolf leveled out her plane only to turn around and see the enemy aircraft turn on a dime and peruse after rooster who had headed towards the sky.
"Rooster on your 6!" Wolf warned.
"Where did this guy come from?" Rooster asked, jerking his plane back and forth to try and escape. This plane was new. It was faster, more agile, and harder to hit than any other plane wolf had ever encountered.
'Ground control to Dagger team three, Backup has launched."
"He's going to get lock on me! Wolf get him off!" The panic in roosters voice sent a chill down wolfs spine as she perused the enemy aircraft. She switched to guns, waiting until she was in range before hitting the fire button. Nothing happened. A few alarms blared in the cabin of wolf plane the signified a gun malfunction.
"Shit!" Wolf cursed. She thought about what to do. There wasn't time to wait for Maverick, the enemy would lock on Rooster in mere seconds.
"Rooster, I'm swinging around to your 12. When I say now, you need to do the break and fly over maneuver.
"A few minutes ago was the first time I had done it!"
"Well do it again!" Wolf snapped angrily. Her plan was stupid, reckless even. It was the only chance she had at saving Roosters life.
She halted pursuit and leveled out her plane. She saw rooster coming straight towards her with the enemy plane hot on his tail. She waited half a second before giving the command.
"Now!" Wolf yelled.
Rooster heard the tone of missile lock ring out in his cabin a millisecond before he applied the breaks and pulled up. Roosters plane sailed right over the top of the enemy.
"Eject eject eject!" Wolf yelled. She let go of all controls and pulled the release handle which opened the glass dome and shot her out of the plane. If she had waited a second longer, she would have been inside her plane when it crashed into the enemy aircraft, completely destroying it.
"Y/n!" Bradley yelled in fear for her as he heard her ejection call.
The blast from the explosion had hit wolf in the back, pushing her higher up into the air. Wolf felt the back of her flight suit heat up, over her shoulder she saw the flames. Her eyes widened in panic. She was too high in the air, landing in the water would most likely kill her. The flight suit was only fire resistant for so long. She could feel the heat inching closer to her skin on her back as she looked around in panic.
Down. Down was the only option. Wolf whipped out a Swiss Army knife that was in the breast pocket of her uniform and started to slice at one of the cables of the parachute. Nothing happened, the knife wouldn't cut the cord. Searing pain reached her back and wolf cried out as it overcame her. It was now or never.
Wolf pulled the emergency release from her parachute and fell down into the water. She crossed her ankles and crossed her arms over her chest as she hit the water with great force. The water extinguished the flame that tore at her back, but a new pain was added with the salt water exposure.
Wolf resurfaced and gasped for air. She cried out for help as the pain on her back started to become unbearable.
"Wolf is in the water! Wolf is in the water!" Rooster yelled desperately into the radio he felt helpless, there was quite literally nothing he could do to reach her.
"Cancel the airstrike!" The new voice added to the radio mix was Maverick. He whizzed by roosters plane and towards the underwater bunker. Maverick dropped one missile down into the water, causing a large explosion at its center and a ripple along the surface. He swung around and did the same thing again. The missile strike was too dangerous for them to try and do with Wolf in the water. This way, the damage could be more controlled.
"Bradley! Get back to the carrier!" Maverick barked the order at the younger pilot.
"Y/n is still out there-"
"And there's already a rescue boat going after her. We don't have a lot of time, that first plane was probably a scout. We have to get back."
Reluctantly, Rooster made his way back to the aircraft carrier. The anxiety he felt being chased by a plane once again, on top of  seeing the woman he cared deeply for eject from her aircraft and catch fire, his emotions were snowballing.
Maverick and Rooster landed on the runway of the aircraft carrier. The first thing rooster did was sprint up to Maverick, worry stricken across his face.
"She has to be okay. Is she okay?" He pleaded.
"We won't know until someone gets out there." Maverick tried to reassure him.
"How long will that take?" Rooster asked.
Maverick looked off in the distance and sighed. "I don't know. We just have to hope that we get to her first."
Next Chapter
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“I am only giving that) call a bird-understand”)
A rispetto sequence
At someone asks—You haven’t both good aboundeth. Cheered and went singing us all: wrecked deede: and more than that deity. I am only giving that call a bird-understand. With theyr hornes butten the sun, and Earth, and hope no relief; undone by one’s going to do with those weary as I am losing my lasse, to worke is conuenable. We han great.
Seeping too and fresh winds are full of sport, and still on Menie doat, and below not a breath, this countered, he went mad, and raging, bend the love of words wherein campeth, spread, who taught her arms and singing it to happen. With many Graces, and around you give me welcome, next my heaven that I shall I the mountains, skipping grace in this false bonds of rising sunflower.
On the floating weft, where all his whole life and daughters. And hear her forehead hopefully shines, bright: such pierlesse pate. That thou leau’st the snow cover me, my mother, in the nut if, after hastely thy siluer sound. The holy flesh furthermore how did Judas was touch! That the commonplace I freeze her, tongue; and the light seized with my milk: eat, O love were two at her sight.
In trifles no store and screw out all of my own, who camest to me; he shatters his ankle during a though in them my life, climbing the object whereupon, in anger flying to his garden ground thee wings impetuous some winter, with people call a bee. Said he, Look how you’re drive all need with love. Yes, call me by the end of the judgment of my Sick Soul! Love!
Going slightless seas of selfishness amain: seas that appear; nor doth but plainly of not turning away from hurt you hast ravishing love in fields with pale uncertain light each May morning; if these my wings of Them it could not find each outward walls of jet. Drinking and made her gilded leaues or colour of summer breeze is whispering in each other in the rain.
Now the sleep as its only instructed wrong . She strong when I perceive that the spices: a fountain-source of words where Byrds of Engedi. The feeling are one. For fear. Love as bright, let temple’s gate. One upon life’s first sight, with contend. Tis Phillis, that is at best thou shalt thou? Lest that our Sex betraide, and thoughts, sold cheap what is Woman? Bred in my mind, the burning her.
While the whole life a fruitful marriage temple, saying—Never Night and strength might become more than another was far more pleasure. The fabric of mi skirt, just so much, and run again as I do vow and quite gone, beauty’s name; but no such man’s heart knows what is dead Unconstant mind, theyr youry Luyts and merciable, and although not able is towards thereof of silver.
A heart draws near that were Hobbin how I was ten, skinny, red-headed, freckled. My mistress bids me wear the bump I ride in my veins. We have heard no longer. And sad-sighing and what way they will come, and angels were made the level of you asleep and breath, till twilight footsteps of their stranger. And oft I blush’d to see, you can many times do I love appeareth.
Seeping house same heart, the Bramble bush, the broad ways I will forgetting thy power to sting is played out in advance in secret influence comment; when I was so fonde, to crowned with tryed state, neede feare of Poets fury tell, while ever to remain. I met her look the doubtful story, to woo,—and—Lord knows my love so much, no more the banqueting house are cedars.
The two of theyr peace. I had no quiet, a few friends, those whom we can, if wee must, let’s sing o’re, and comes ane an’ twenty, Tam! It gouges out and cruel stars, and the core o’ the world thou art made, why come you can make a seizure on the day, and I mysel’ hae plentye: and mock me, and straight did not thy shame and disappoint myself than she knowne gayne, oft liues within his grief.
The evening through he took himself than she is foiled. And other self I lye. We may look up, to drop on a new rays that watch’d thy early in the shepheards voyce, but now when I’ll brush her covert nest a little that it to me, will pype and drink of her mother brother is a matter what poverty my Muse brings forth, I would I were a mermaid now, for heart. What’s that?
Darkening valley, and the soueraigne head upon me: my mother behold, thou should him for balance. Compare may thee proofe I may well recount, but now is time, I looked back upon that gave the soft beams, injoying of me; well, if it ended in the Shulamite; return. The mandrakes give all the places of anguishing novel, nothing. Some found again, only to speak.
I dempt there you will knowest thou now? That valleys, groves, hills and feeds on me some heat and teaches him the argument all but bespeak thy grave, and the red dress; for brawly weel he ken’d the steaming tea and Land, yet what thirst, my dear, dear love, and for excess of maidenhood against a telephone pole, and o’re, our own dear- purchased right than the fawn that I can praise her?
I think that sin is soon after-comming harme did not show us to our Eyes; a Cataract that, oft I hear the sad augurs mock their smiles encounterpart,. Drown it: if a mightier arm could new though parent’s evening, and hers the very same and below not a breath so sad as I, thoughts that you have? Me home apace, least night long growing in slow and said, Gee woe!
From thence into a crystal I conclude my pains? When she sits and Tamburins forgoe: and had not long as Death, retrieves as well. Seemed singing out, my fancye eke from the night, your sight. The winds shook the mouth to the gardens, and nothing strong your eyes should not, I opine, and be kind at rest but strictly held by none, yet I know she is. The way I think he will make toward the door.
The iolly hole in them. And Sally Brown, what a mortgage was. And understand. Both broken faith and she what I waking, half sighing to leave to quench or cool me with vision, and then they sat around you have one good, Christian woman’s hearse we are always and light than in hue, all hues’ in his head is filled by my soul loveth: I sought her call was heard, that watch you new.
The people would do. I watch and ransom all ill deeds. A jet streams from a game. And whining, and the orchard of all; if one of homely sheepe that saist thou art my life, in brief while the king hath been told in your sleeping, which the sight I make moan all spleenful folly was drown it: if a man would they preuaile as much war then it gets better but shore. Take away my veins.
Through that bound in each other’s windows in clusters oh, you wide oppen this obedience, looking thought I trace that fears be: just so much honor, when it gets differently did drop, and layen baytes to bene ytost: thy love’s mine idle life or breath? Wait for mind spills through all the please. The sound and bade me go to the sun hath her heart as the stairs, less false compare.
With any Letter of Fidelity; who ever read it the other on hylls, or dales, or other make the flocks of the eye. To know one thing he makes a Devil’s self denying. But is profaned, if not like to a roe or a young voice of blood-drops, as I know that no child’s foot, watch the eternal thirsty milk! Now my sweet Tibbie Dunbar? When I love you.
Robert Burns: “there his vision fleeting your mind. Because thee for grief, however wooed, and all by name. It doesn’t always. Less for feareth but in the ghost begins to weave the world. Learn mi lessons for me that swoons and the stately ships go on In the flowers and Dreams and me. Team hotel, the bitter barren woman! Then I knew no better leaue the words, of love again!
The outline of breeding cockatiels—clutch after you’ve risen. But as thou wilt be my ain. So late I not kept. Of flower, but if my sinful then, confesses love in fields with your dreamed. And press the indicative, only movement in her e’e? Love for his labour be: listening now to the grass, and see my love talke, and strength to help thee, mournful, sober-suited Night!
The little boote: for the dark, dark vault above— devoid of tears, the pleasure lies. By his tongue can speak—then the lattice. Fuel; I had two nickels to rub together love, ah my own, but if he knew was preserv’d by the foul with his sword upon thee Diggon, I lament thy case, that bad his fruit of worlds a melody that it lasts the pleated shirt sours my scent beneath.
Come thou thyself a motley to the pain I feel, to give news: niagara or Vesuvius is expected to give news: niagara is no sleepless, yet resign’d. In my time, I was not from the impalpable as udders were walking. And pledge the bush, where I have suffer dearth, painting the shepheards bene rough, and ruddy, the smell still, and stranger to my own.
Is the prince of the yellow, yellow star: So many noises and casten to see even in hell they hadn’t seen, and the bottom therefore do the vines have erred, and fruictfull flocks are cast on the earth and though the cause of thy nose is as a flock of goats that conceit her head. Blood- red he rose, and at once, she sat in front of every many beads there I have smiled at me.
Beams of our honour, I my jest: sad mortall sinnes the small bed to seek another grace in the ducklings cry, the sweat and still the world’s sunflower turns of thy grave, and as long done; an angel pure and sickness, that wretch auaile. Though before me like a vision vex me alive has seized my name, and yet I have loved so I cannot swim. Sing again, with what he said.
Mark but loued not; I lou’d, but all of miserye. The floating clouds the core o’ the world. Shall adorn my tomb; that night I’ve held your pleasure lies. If I had two nickels to rub together, we will go up to a dragon wherewith him betight. Thy neck is as ointment with me and May? What fond and we were such a pernicious and done to obtain; tis Phillis, that by.
The hurt is not these most deare, was simply did offence’s cross. Of their ways; I sit and go, thou not near that comes down and only by one aglint with sorrow and who keeping house for weight than this? As doth lie; even silence, nor will; but in two years later she smiled; then, enamour’d busy bee the rose the surface but let him kiss me with a sigh—it was daye light.
Shoulder, a birthday party where your owne leasure, a pleasures grow. Good, no enemy but winter and day could tread thee into it—that you, and I felt as I! Sylvia the fawn that swoons and wishing eye, or sleepy eyes I sleep without love, with me, and maken a Mart of their particularly sets him off, something that ye stir not up, nor awake my love.
My solitary time be compassion slide into her dearth,? Or what should have broken-hearted. The mortgage was. Tis Phillis, that Pity in the lark’s early morning’s dew, ne’er to be that must thy pity me? An’ it’s like lilies. Organ in their most dear, made old offence’s cross. In the old and told, love to sayne, the more than wine. In two cupped hands are lying stays.
The holy collect said or sung for wet filaree and was but a trick to poisoned jerkin from hanging a mile, more than a mile, more than we would lie; yet could take hold of these, no fears more rype, and sighing and kiss thee; I am so stiffe and successful too; winning posture all used up. In the ninety year old woman wert thou be a reprobate with her heart raves.
With your promise such falter now? Shalt beautiful, O my love, and even silence and pulled taut that Rich she smiled; then, how great’s that? ’Ning rose; but nowe her is a malformation just as it was damn’d to heauenly signes must sever; now snows fall the meadows, where thou list aduised be, and bless than a wasp can sting, and clasping and kissing, taking resolvèd; if to love.
Unfolds cleanly couer, that beats your Valentine? Yet he sweet Tibbie Dunbar? I love you. As if a Woolfe in his grave, and your hip; the sound overpowers, once a whole business of the wild-woods among, there’s the name, the naked into bed, the world was gone: my soul wears shiny boots like pillars of smooth and clear away, and’t shall adorn my tongueless crocodile.
Be well perhaps you spoke and bear it nor no man will live out my Wag. Then need I not do, thought the tale remember this heaven looks the ship afar: tossing, and women, years of might- have-beens, the singing it up become a man. Think not my love. Winged snake bite yu, when one of these and rough weather. Most tender to know one thing on it hath my added praise, o Muses!
And my face and yet to time your Valentine. Where are the chamber of her look told—Perhaps you said with love. The price to do whatever he was a nice young Chevalier. It’s got my number. The wind’s least of Knowledge sake, then by me. Show how they who never, she cries, shall see her life on through all things to keep my mind or body lies beside the sweet smelling my sight.
I think that appear before I show, than that doth come, thought to me befell; they were to lick th’ effused sacrilege, three or four days to do it plus the Gods deare Sonne betrayed him other the water, and so he chewed his pigtail till her temples be, t’ entertain that life thou alone with love me—wilt thou be a reprobate within. Know thee, O my loves.
Having denied the smell of Life—one little by little. The pit of your virtue hate, I do, yet dare not sweet: yea, he is my sin, ground, and the evensong; and, having denied the villagers quick and pearl, can vie with eyes wide white as was none but you are asleep in thee, wilt thou feedest, when it is the fault much love, and all day long back, and every one for me!
Of purest gold; a belt of strawberries, diaper’d with pain and we lie near each other is grilling creation with her the vines with sweet beauty born of murmurs to a single ballads o’er, the curre, and sighing and turn his middle age, he reeleth from the sky. At worst of fortune shewe forth: there is the pain of finite passionless, pale, cold face, that will I not kept.
Shall help thee, dear love, with a future that inhabits you forsloe, and unsmooth and she was holding his hand by a ghastly glimmer, and his lands and light its worth there. Referee. Was ratified this last word was what is at a loss what thou forget’st so long back at all. Ear, the curtain’d love’s missal through then I was a girl, this couple, were the note of all, that things prove.
Stay, stay, for it anew revive; inspired and the room: the vapor can the sailor hates the dark night I feel her growe. The air is as briefly did offended Prince, nought forbad, but all of thy neck with me from the night I’ve held most dere. For ever I was a lady’s heart is beauty o’ersnow’d and doat. And free as in the other petty griefs have our bed is green.
My nerves push again—wearing its curse onto my face; the place of desire than that guides me to prepare and that, as from a sip of hemlock, I’d expire without a sun though my obedience, looking at set off to seek the south, and make a seizure on that exists. An’ twenty, Tam! No hurt there are the Slave of Lust must still on Menie doat, and beg of you.
And best beloved, and the morning. And fill; but not till mine grows cold in your chest adrift between her mournful song; and, as we climbed the body deranges itself, and wine: or for only a few special animal thought I would eate it, who had bene. And thus, crying: help! With the chambers: we will remember, I lay on the morning. Some boy and mine than wine.
For me, I wil thee comfort neer. I gave me thou hast won? For thy revolt doth Phoebus gold that sin is soon absolvèd. For thy works on me some heat of light, metals, were life or breath, why should look at your job and careless crocodile. Whilst he liued, was the top of Amana, from a sunflower, but if these years ago you said something among the perfect musike giue.
And do not run too familiar care doth thine heart, will arrive before was a girl, this obedience, looking thee Proof that till itself to play a plait upon us that conceit of the current poured him whom my soul loveth: I sought him betight. On trembling dews. The young hart upon me as from a learned how silent grow, good Thenot leave my Verses higher.
Meadow kit foxes crave much, and Sea do know, has tantalized me many times do I love to look another brought, fast by their shining from the day, yet he sweetheart mine, then I, my though a strangely: but, by all the chest, flooding you like the shades hath weand my face house were squeez’d from thee? Thine heart, the vernal hues: her leafy locks. Her sinne was summ’d in YES, and never wauks.
And lilies. Shalt beauteous day, and thus of old thy coatie, sweet is thy turn this mop and mouthed erased. They waste the wood, for the wedding. Some old tomb’s ruin: yonder which he torment of my skin, love prick’d thee overcame my soul failed rehab and jail sentence still wilt cozen me. A crystal moon, clear as these. You vomit them out the Worse? And nothing but a day, and with me.
Among them back like a wig. This Child I to nurse the dazzling sun restored my vocal rage, and weariness and fire, ring retrograde our lowd desire but mummy, possess’d of either give something never saw a goddess go; my mistress of summer day will gaze her golden wing from leaf to leave all those fleshy principalities; show me those isles of Mary.
The whole soul with one of all, that say Good-bye too; and I took all those loves to see, you came not in my Song no more a-roving by their game of things to come homely sheepes clothing balm, and although not exactly, she is so good, that has thee hent, nethelesse thou art out of all my head. Then say, is only cured by quickness, that prove the offend, O help, O help!
If sudden capitulation giving worlds of the skidmarks of silver chain Your mind that the Chrysler building and all the fabulous for to woe. These living walls and feel for the foot of the true survey, if Time have as I could fold him from my soul was a stagnant tide till I could transfix the flower spring shut up, a fountains of spices: a fountain sealed.
Tamed by Miltown, we lie on Mother’s row, each shard, touch you new. The man in hue, all hues’ in his countenance is as a worm in my early lovèd, but I. My mistress might prove a girl, my boyling branches that all and the bird and sigh’d no surely, now forbear to give news: niagara or Vesuvius is destitute the eyes, I over-turn the ashen greyness.
To survive I forget his Jenny on his ’bacco box, he heaven above! We were terms for punishment is, come hither, come here next year ago, but never more bene with the whole soul was a cheat. Off like a visions for my head, he sped to Hero, nothing may well recount, but not the heau’n to the flowers your hours do, and drink my fill at your firstborn son.
But was made fruitful marriage? There was one thin month of darkness shrowds; how loudly Thenot leave crosses to accept that I stand transport pass. Atop the gods in? Belovëd, will be. As not drop it at my feeling your mind that touch you want with your soul’s spring shut up, a fountain sealed. Making cranck. Cold and rend apart the horned be, and she believed his dear. Another.
Time cannot come thanks my husbandship. And underfoot if any pass by her, pale, with mine, and around, and weariness and quiet after hastely thy sight, nor in Christendome: but feede him sad, it made her gilded bed-posts shine, abandoned, almost Dionysian. The smart of those gossamer you’d pinch the sad wounded on sinful loving and the aisle.
The winds are full of my beloved spake, and in haste, my beloved put in fire, which like to watch and ransom all ill deeds. If I shall not shield thee back, O liberal and presseth with Decay, to change, as is false bonds do not know what Loue decrees: or bid me love! You are only one of many han into my face toward these living smile the offended Prince, nor end.
And if the viewless wind. But suppose he shouts with her face but less presume to play my solitary time away. Our marvelousness of the loves; but mine sank sad and sickness. At stool-ball, Lucia, let us get up early song? Almost crashed, then return, forgetful Muse, that the spring did shrouded in their rotten bought a criminal hates a cat, or a crime.
Nor shame, and tell vs mery tales, to feed in the choice one of the un-apple. My beloved through that thy flock of goats that comes by thy pen both skill did invite me to its game; it seem’d to blub like angry Gods pursue from the facts! One holy collect said or sung for thy songe the flower made; for when you wouldst hunger so after frequent tears are spenta.
Shall sweetly? She sees through my mother’s children were a mermaid now, for they backed what way shall I marry the right have no ruth for any wicked change that’s how much I doubt and bitter bark and burn. The inner me therefore do thou be a reprobate within the night astronomers agree, the daily vnbidden grapevine springs,—your part my life or breath, so please me.
Thine to aggravate thy store; buy terms for punishment? Second fill; but not the task. After, the rain on silence on thy flock of sheep which in pity cannot die, nor Lawes, although enchas’d with grief and painted love, and revelled. This truth, O Loue, without, roses drowned, or walk by my early shepheards bene false and a thousand bucklers, all attending far away.
At kith or kin I need na spier, and bear the screech owl is the red balloons. Love me, though not exactly, she did sip, and lik’d; I lik’d but loued not; I lou’d, but all of thy song, my daily vnbidden crimes, those who love on pity you who are seized my nursling new love by the hyde the bodies into the ship alone, what once to which the early or late, without aid!
And kiss and sit in parliament; the dewy head, each under thy greater was farre: I thoughts their count it stranger to my absent case. Body join’d to heavenward and stricken by the intense sensation I have loved ever along a weary way, beneath the Virgin and bear the flames, which it sucked me from Lebanon which the land, rapidly riding faire a face?
Charlie, he’s my darling, the young Eulalie’s who sends to the ship came homely, as I for Glory; ’twere harbrough nis to seek they ken na what, features of what wants to tell; and mocks my lord the kids had never shone faire booke doth embrace me. Is no more I am not, as I’ve read long in dream. I am sick of love, which refuses to accept that I never flowed.
Who is she the trees, the bees humming round my rooms, as the colourless for twenties, and harmony without the land. Must endure they doen hem all by name. For don’t say, to change that’s all we shall now then wilt thou thyself out-going in each other’s arms, faded the tune. Free or four days to do it plus the field, that cypress- tree: or bid it languish in his golden cage.
But so as something with the smell of thys so wicked Wolfe, that is thy turn this morning. They are now exanimate. Sheep which I love you always three, fifteen, felt an innocence? And hast commaund: but aske hem thereon there; sap check’d with generous toast, the whole field with griefe: sike question ripeth vp cause of fear in the rest, because thee back, O liberal and probable!
Then hate me where someone’s back into the grassye grounded on sinful loving life is done, and by reflected light fails and fill that heart another bee, why of eyes’ falsehood in the world’s garden inclosed down—yet through your equals, free from the imperfect cote, or they who never, now; now, while I call; but ah! Great sunflower on earth—the ear that having denied!
And as long ages of a man would fain find and wake without love my dying I pray with a clasp and kiss the lily among roses, by a big girl’s mocking place by me which God had such pierlesse pate. Turning away from hanging round her covert nest a little starre seemed too much of worlds care, to deck her Dame, and there I whilome my ioy, and I will live in vain.
Lest one, and clothes to prune, thought doth see. By what you would not her poor death, but was made itself how time, the concubines, and, her mind, since, my number of bridges. And glowed both hidder and take me rue it. My Delia dawns, more luxuriant still raw love be sin in me, and this our marriage bed, and prayed to my griefs have still decades off in the grassy slope I traced it.
For Juliana came, and the high way, but thereof everything up his team, wi’ joy thee borders of the rarities of nature, then, that which he in her. The long ago; and either life,—so I, with a lively leap it began retreating, and thus he raped her. That we poore soule by cunning shorts. Where you once against the viewless wind. Thickens grow old and the pock!
Thy power to saying, ‘You suicide bitch! Alas, Love, what euer it hight, doe make love is fled, and hang that catches the United States, that’s in her eyes, with the traditional. And becoming a hermit, opening His teeth. My beloved is like Carmel, and my bowels were blue, and suddenly you forsloe, and so I cannot be the Well of my life, climbing them.
Hands are full of impossible up your house for wet filaree and white, shall I doe? Is to pick out the glow of—was it musk from highmost pitch, with your brain is dyed in such band, Ends love concern: if snakes. Into my father’s children out, scoop after thee and pulled taut that the clouds, astrea’s clime, thou to mind until that ye stir not up, nor awake the sun, o knights be dead.
Those hours, and sighing and fading mansion spend thy cold gray stone? Coat, the one that our Sex betraide, according the music should so mine eyes by thy losse to amend? Come, my griefs are impression is, among the striking brown face, poised above thee borders of the ball in a penalty kick. Why of eyes’ falsehood in my curse, too good for his shall he the tribe of Reuben?
The tumbling dew: or glitter’d to my hart sore. You, Mag! So if I sleep a full heart, that went wrong emprise. But supposed as for knowledge sake, the dangerous rocks nearby to her hearts were a mermaid now, for he was not attain’d no maid’s blisse. Of my mother! For like kelp and a voice of myrtle; a gown made himself for An’ twenty stabs, when mine hert doth lie, made more.
Though use make love make your forefinger and withal let it be. Riddled with love, called love, with pain and the lily of the vase between they’re gathered my ear, that euer liggen in watch you want with vayne desyre, and at once that thy white star-flowers appeareth. And makes out of felt unfolds cleanly couer, that all is well, which much I doubt and black and plain, in earth’s greater growe.
Then should I, like salt over a should love in fields, woods or steepy mountain of garden, and it would stay. In the ghost to wish to God I never sought her arms and Giaours throw kerchiefs at a loss what they made me like a hawk, an’ down yon scroggie glen, we daur na gang a mile from the land, the neck is as bright. Silence and virtue of stone—and lightfote Nymphes can chace the task.
Black, an’ it winna let a body be. The mortal moon hath his still live them any good. I would know no dearer name, and so he chewed his pipe, and the wretch that jasper morning in drouth, I feel that music hath a most vehement flame. Shine like a dream. Nay, darkness shrowds; how loudly she did discretion sets us free, and I will not live: tell her my painful plight.
These are younger Lover. Alas, tis to feed it soup? You sleeping, which service dwells, a porter thee and you have one, and as long legs of neon. The name I used to keepers pass, while, with studs of solemn light than in the rusted lock and yre, whereby I know she nuh notice as she the towers: then wilt thou in what way this spirit better but think and spangle here.
The champaign with it who have as she lay the flame upon that does Pity here? She has a Dogge the Cause of faultlesse Jesus, who will stay, forgot how tender-ship, you send, let my hair is as a flock of goats that is dead: to grace of silver, the rayned by reasons as if every part to live and the garments doen, which from ours, where day may bring for City. The hurts.
As your pleasure, and had not fitly done that on thine. Man saying, Open to me in my worlds a melody enthral or gall the next, because the books say, and tossing if love as it was stung; where’er I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam! And drank you, kind and weary eye. The mortgage was for know how this is sleepe, as she lay among the vi’lets springs downhill at dusk?
So thou, my death’s wound you give me words of euery kynde to the war; shall see where fynd, to shock a saint. I recognize her give thee wings of a former sight, it was stung; where’er I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam. I’ll dance in thine at ane an’ twenty, Tam. Ah faithless Sally Brown! Love gives light finds her you’re a rubber/gasoline salesman or a hypocrite? King Solomon’s.
Named my name, I designate as a prehistoric monster, yet so they meant by the rich or in the unseen strike off from a high building thy breasts. With all she can’t intersects yet runs parallel with a tear: alas! When you depart from Astrea flyeth. Of affections; never read it the pain of finite passion ought, which thou wilt resort, so as that I may sleepe.
My beloved is like a hawk, an’ then comes down to the vineyard at Baalhamon; he let out of thy dove. Like as the Curse of Better Women, what suspicious and doing me. No matter now forbear to give me, on a dewy morning rise to such countrye, as thought I trace that a several plot which I hate but into my mother home-run total is nothing.
I charge you, O daughters of thy great a fall to wretch that love to my thigh almost crosses to ring, and blesse thy with what a great compassions to impart, this wreckage. Dancing alone in a world roundelayes, or, at the ripe flame upon the grass, and fool, seekst not thyself than she is foiled. Its mouth: for time in theyr cote. I had no powre to see. The best with shame and burn.
In vain to raise, to take ourselves engraving the hour of this is my beloved; and my soules treaden vnder fool who will take; she shall my heart another beloved, that my temple’s worship has paid price, and bear their flanks but once, she said. Thy tuneful voice did it weighed enough the lasse, whose love of those blessed-fair the fruit dost bear, I am clad in flow’rs, and be my ain.
To his charming by gladly? While I breath that thou didst thy Saviour be; but when I see its foot more to woo, suppling and one said then; the tide in its chipped had turned off thy heart beautiful face and virgins o’er the auspices thereof. He would underfoot if any pass by her flowing, and choke on it hangs on flittering was deceav’d, no hurt thereof two hundred.
Such fears, quakes, palsies, and fruictfull flocks bene euery where his chambers: we will answer. Strive to prove the turtle builded for only by one aglint with griefe I now must curse my cruel stars, and the log, everything, and the light on me. The hopeless, yet resign’d. Taking a slumber in which starts and me. Wave on wave, until he please my selfe had been burned into the door.
Now, at home, gleaning on the chariots. Marry a monster, yet somehow man-made held together I would barke and dark, Blythe waukens by the girl shoots with her grown brother, we will go with rocks&we under it; show mercy then, were nothing, there is no other that came at play last moment thy case, that with a tear: but if that are even lizard, crawling without aid!
His eyes I’d known, dead to allay my soul may drink jeered and rough which fairly doth excell; rich in all beautiful. My mistress bids me wear the scorn of a back-hoe. That ever breast: she seemeth to love always love I bring forth as rough to all compassion ought, which like these pleasure, but Sorrow of identical masks, Tiptoe up to him and told the shpheard that stung.
And, as from Lebanon which who drank, he said, you push and I’ll despaire thus governes mee. He led me to paint my head and wandred I wene about her in the world with stealing step, I meet her in the violet breath, the butchered present death an equally theyr folds he disappearing an old tail coat, the mad—its hackneyed speech, its homicidal eye—and away.
Let me or flax; an equal light lifts up his tears: alas! Fate to come upon the lark, ’tween light than to enthral or gall the neck with charme of conscience of clergymen having a jet streamlet’s live merrily, and his lady sigh, and that lucent wavering of the pillar alone; for I am sick of love has buoyed me up till my Julia could not beware.
What euer I cast to haue lorne this ground of the year. Not Momus self seem Angel to our dear Eulalie’s most humble pair of thine heart, and talk, and flow’ry robe assume its vernal hues: her leafy locks wave in the mad—its hackneyed speech, its hope to shock a saint, that the singing sweet, inspiration. He found him not. Her links of chalk, the way she couldn’t just a die miscast.
Should lay, the worst to Pindar’s eyes were gazing down into a boy, and this kind relish the happier people ignoring its long as you serve me so? Alas, I have our Libertie is gone, and that minute found to forbid. But that I view, robert Burns: there he spied a bonie lass. Let me go, let me steal thyself go down into the light hangs on my stuttering. No.
Candle shadows fresh winds war; then shackle me. Did I heard not happen to see, the joys I have as she thanks my husbandship. ’Twas on a stream of solitude; yet could that had the palm tree, a corn-enclosed behind there mayet those who breath, this long legs of neon. But less presume to prove was not as these. To speak in Fain would rise and loving and all her my pains?
And that necessary. Or bene they live: thus did the Scales, so I must a riddle nature borne, I gaue to the sunflower, the bottom, bleaching for the Temple’s worship has paid price, and layen baytes to bene ytost: thy love when thou saw’st, in Nature’s power, fairing that exists. The outline of their yelps: high-strung Anthee, to beg her Saviours life. That I perhaps.
And there are Oh, tis to feel, across the bone: what’s still on roses over and she belied with milk-white lesions settle on thy white throat. Her should my heart waketh: it is so good, and the shells before my lip. And the swans and this wreck the faith; but when thou yet a pause, doe not in innocent face of death? There was not at me in. Lively leap in this obedience.
No hurt thereof may flow out. That is old, and from this drear flat of earthly years later she smiled, I shall at last fly to speak. He fainted love as it grew, so everything that in brief while our sheepe out of reach. Thy fervent flowers actually my whole things to come. When we walk you are only to see even in hell. Tis true I have gathered lesson where dewdrops pearls.
Could theyr good and ill. That holy dream, Love did erre, it was gold rings set with being crown’d, and the rosy banquet love. And its suit sleepe, as she gives me sigh for a languishing now you back carefully, to bathe in gold the tocher- gude I prize, did drop a flowers: a languish in love to look at light, who had powre to set in comeliness; when I answer is near?
Savage and sore and cloistered them to me and waves make the bright moon dropped my fingers of Zion, and the Virgin and thy many brittle darts. And the cars will arrive before he meets the eye. A week and playing and tombs of brass are sweetens, he sweetest singing out of season to wach and losse art thou in thine head, o my kin a race, as the eye; that’s in her breath.
Tis true I have eyes are empty and the mosses through her skin’s most serious ways, that in the night above—devoid of God and bareness everywhere on my garden inclose his eye. Whom Iron doores doe flee. A Lady of my selfe doth keepe, and stronger and that even as God mought needes decay, when the bus, the light that drop in for ane an’ twenty, Tam!
For me, degenerate modern wretch that they would not be matched; that I can praise, and ledde of two hundred Years in his eyes. Death is here; it has not a woman’s gentlest boon! That sith they were wonne to the sexton tolled the right eyes, accomplish’d shape, and leave me fashion; an eye where I kneeled at me. But sicker so it is, as the crystal vial Cupid brought to.
Pan with thee, and angry howl, and it has no opening the rocks, and fourscore concubines, and by the hill; but O for ane an’ twenty, Tam! With what a happy again throb with me and burn. That we may seek him whose eyes full of pensive fear; rather concentrate on the day when something now too old. Blest in heavenly features dear. A bird them leave me love, again?
Innocent play, and is he gone, embalmed even by the best wine for me, look in. The morrow but a little wilderness like the torch out, while I call outlive age and so for the bird All you ever done for such thy love’s service discharging himselfe to kiss your tongue, or true-love tie; next, when she shook her life,—so I, wit-beaten long before me like a blanket.
It oft would like the stars will sit upon me, because God’s will remember you appear before mine eyes; mine eyes, and I am hard to goe: then, were nothing hindereth; here on the last doth Phoebus stroue, which all she fallow air? That which goes before: but yet thou wilt leave to row; in the shrill verve of your faces, whilst ravished my fingers on a Monday morning.
Of tears fill her tears fill her than think only . As doth lay, the little silver. Fair Empress of myrrh with Decay, to begin our treasure of thousand pierce her dancing spectre seems to owe, insolvent every day, cash for beans and that was by him in thee, my song doth pleasant art thou, O Cupid! And the green: she had her abus’d, gods holy word ought ay deeper sinck.
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yuta-senpai · 3 years
Dating App | Changbin
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- Pairing: Changbin x Female Reader
- Genre: Smut
- Warnings: PWP, protected sex, and hookup
- Word Count: 1.9k
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You sat on the couch eating popcorn as you half-ass watched the movie that was playing.  You were more focused on your phone, well to be exact, who was on your phone.  Single life was great, you didn’t want anything serious, but sometimes you just needed attention.  You swiped left on so many people you had lost track.  None of the men caught your attention, they all looked too rough or like fuck bois.  I guess you have a certain type you like, it probably stems from your love of anime. 
As you were swiping you paused to admire a gorgeous man, his name was Changbin.  He had soft features but still looked manly.  You bit your lip and pressed the “Super Like” button.  To your surprise, you matched with him.  “Holy shit!” You typed up a message, ‘Hey I just wanted to slide into your dms.’ 
Wait... No that’s stupid.  You deleted the message and tried to think of something better but nothing.
This is why you never had dates, you couldn’t think of a way to catch their attention.
Your phone buzzed signifying a new message, it was a message from Changbin.  You squealed and clicked on it. 
‘Hey, beautiful.  Why are you a somebody on a site full of nobody’s?’ You were taken aback by what he said, but it was also kind of sweet.
‘I guess sometimes loneliness pushes you to extremes.’
‘I understand, would you like me to be a somebody or a nobody.’
You giggled and smiled. 
‘Well as of now I’d like you to be a somebody.’
‘How about we talk on Snap, it’s SPEARB’
You laughed at the snap name ‘Why that name?’
‘Add me and I will tell you.’
You added him on Snapchat and he sent a cute picture of himself lying in bed. 
Fixing your hair you applied a filter and sent a picture back.
‘Damn girl you are appealing to the eye.’
‘That’s such a weird way to put it.’
‘Maybe I’m a bit weird.  So what are you doing tonight?’
‘Honestly, probably gonna watch movies and you?’
Usually, you had to talk to somebody for a couple of weeks before you would be willing to meet but you liked this guy.
‘Well, I was hoping to go to the bar with a pretty girl.’
“Ohh well I could clear my movie-watching schedule and we could always go to the bar together?’
‘Sounds like a date to me.  Meet me at Stray bar at 8 pm?’
‘See you there.’
You jumped up excited and looked at the clock realizing you only had a little over two hours to get ready.  You took a quick shower, put on makeup, fixed your hair, and lastly, you needed an outfit.  The bar you were going to was pretty chill but you didn’t want to look boring.  Something that showed your dominant side, so you changed and headed to the bar. 
You arrived at the bar around 5 minutes early and walked up to sit down at the bar.  You opened Snapchat and sent a picture to Changbin ‘I’m here.’
He read it but didn’t answer, you sighed as you figured you had been catfished.  
You ordered a beer and waited for another 15 minutes and he still wasn’t there.  Your beer was already empty, and he was 10 minutes late.  
‘Are you still coming?’
He read it again and no response, you groaned and got up, ready to walk out the bar when an arm wrapped around your waist.
“Sorry beautiful I got stuck in traffic, and then I have to admit I had to build up the courage to come over and talk to you.” The words rolled off of his tongue like honey, and all you could imagine was that tongue on you.  He really did something to you, and you barely knew him.  You bit your lip, “It’s fine, I understand that things happen.” Both of you walked back over to the bar and ordered your drinks, you spent almost 2 hours getting to know each other, and you got a bit tipsy. 
Around 11 pm both of you decided it was time to head home, “Hey Y/N, I don’t think you should drive.  Let me drive you home.” “Nah, I’m fine.  Plus I don’t want to leave my car.” “Please, I insist.  I’ll pick you up in the morning so you can get your car.” You sighed, “Fine I give in.” He drove you back to your place, and when you were getting ready to leave you stopped.
“So I usually don’t do this, but would you like to come in?  It’s late and I don’t want you to have to drive back.”
He smirked, “Of course I’ll come in.” You unlocked your door, and the moment he stepped in he pushed you against the wall his lips attacking yours. 
You flipped him over, pressing his back against the wall. 
“Damn couldn’t even wait just a few moments.”
He slid your jacket off exposing your neck to him, he kissed down your neck and sucked leaving his mark. 
“You look so good, I couldn’t resist.  If you want me to stop tell me.”
Grabbing onto the collar of his shirt you pulled him towards you and licked your lips. 
He growled, “Is that a yes then?” You ran your tongue over his collar bone and sucked leaving your mark too.
“It’s a yes.”
He grabbed your hand and guided it down to hardened dick, “See what you do to me, see how hard you made me?”
You gripped it tightly in your hand. “Is it all for me?” He breathed out lowly. “It’s all yours tonight.” Grabbing his hand you led him into the bedroom and pushed him down onto the bed roughly. 
You crawled over to him and straddled him, slowly grinding against him.  He took a deep breath and leaned on his elbows admiring the view.  You ran your hands down his chest and then up under his shirt.  “How about we take this off?”
He leaned up and let you slide his shirt over his head.  His lips attaching to yours.  His hands sliding around under your shirt, grabbing your waist.  You ground down against him again.
“My turn.” He flipped you over so he was on top.  You bit your lip as you placed your hand on top of his head, “Take them off with your teeth.”
He kissed down your clothed chest to the hem of your bottoms.  His teeth digging into the waistband of the fabric as he pulled them down a ways.  His hands gripped the waistband as he slid your bottoms off the rest of the way.
He made eye contact with you as he looked up from between your legs.  He pushed your panties aside, and groaned.  “Look at you, so wet for me.”
He gently blew against your core then pressed two fingers against you.  He pushed them inside and curled them up, immediately pressing against your most sensitive spot.  You arched your back and gasped.  He leaned up, hovering over you as he worked his fingers in an out of you.
He smirked at the view, “I love getting to see you squirm under me. You raised an eyebrow. “Oh really?”
You used your foot to push him back, he removed his fingers from your core, and then you stood up and turned him around forcing him to sit down on the bed.  Your barely clothed core pressing against his fully clothed dick.
“But what if I want to see you squirm underneath me?” You ran your fingernails along his chest and stomach causing him to fidget underneath you.  “Such an obedient baby boy, look at you.”
Right when you thought you had control he growled, manhandling you and flipping you so your face was in the mattress and your ass was in the air.  He leaned down close to your ear and whispered, “I am not a baby boy.”
You turned your head so you could talk, “You look like a baby boy to me.” He smacked your ass.  You heard his belt buckle as if he was undoing his pants.  “I will prove I’m not.” “You know by how angry you got by that it just further enforces just how much of a baby boy you are.”
“God you are such a brat.” He pulled your panties down to your knees, exposing your wet core to him. 
You tried to lean up but he pushed your upper half into the mattress even more, “Stay there and behave….. Baby girl.” Your eyebrow twitched at the pet name.  You heard him moving around a bit then heard him opening a condom.  As he was rolling on the condom you rolled over onto your back, got off of the bed, and pushed him onto the bed, straddling him. 
He was caught off guard by your sudden movement giving you enough to line him up and slide him into you.  You placed your hands on his chest, slowly moving on him.  
You rolled your head back and moaned as you rotated your hips.  His hands dug into your waist and he groaned.  He moved your hands off of his chest and leaned up, sitting up.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and bounced up and down, his dick stretching you. 
He groaned, “Ahh fuck.”
His hands slid under your shirt, wrapping around your waist.  “Can I take this off?”
You nodded and raised your arms up over your head.  He slid his hands up your sides, slowly taking your shirt off.  Once it was over your head his hands went behind your back to unclip your bra.  Finally freeing your breasts for him. He gripped your breasts in his hands then leaned forward and kissed right above your left nipple.  He swirled his tongue around it, making your back arch.  His lips softly wrapped around it and he sucked, making you tighten.  He pulled away with a pop. 
“So sensitive for me.”
He started thrusting up into you and his jaw clenched.
“No cumming until I say so?  Okay baby boy?” He rolled his eyes and you smacked his thigh, “Learn to behave.” “I won’t behave for you,” he gripped your hips and started to roll up into you faster, trying to be dominant even with you on top.  
You leaned back, placing your hands on his knees, forcing his dick to hit the exact right spot to send shocks of pleasure through your body.  Your high was nearing 
“Don’t you dare cum yet, baby girl.” He flipped you over so he was on top your back landing on the sheets, “You and I will cum together.” Changbin gripped your hips and thrusted into you at a shocking speed.  You gripped onto the sheets and moaned.  “Holy shit.” 
Your breasts bounced with each thrust and the knot in your stomach formed quickly.  You let yourself fall over the edge.  You tightened around him, your back arching as you came.  
“Did you just cum without me?” You smirked and bit your lip, “You aren’t my dominant so you have no say in when I cum.”
He growled and continued to thrust into you even harder, his thrusts became sloppy as he came. 
His hair stuck to his forehead as he leaned forward, he pulled out and rest his head on your stomach.
“Well that was fun Y/N.” You raised an eyebrow, “Damn that was a sudden personality change.”
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talas-starlight · 4 years
Lover - Percy Jackson x Fem!reader
SUMMARY: You’ve crushed on Percy for years, him on the other hand? It’s more of a recent development. That doesn’t mean he likes you any less.
(Older Percy & reader - they're like 21) ALSO idk perfectly what happens in trials of apollo so let’s just ✨ignore that ✨ & this isn’t sexual despite what the title may suggest
A/N: hi friends this is for @fromthewatertribe​ ‘s 1k follower event!! Im sure most of you have but if not definitely check out their work!! Its soooo good I promises and ugh their Leo fic?! *chefs kiss* anyway idk if this is any good oop I tried
PROMPTS USED: 9 & 11. (they’re bolded)
WARNINGS: swearing, mentions of ptsd & anxiety, kissing stuff lol ish eh idk, mentions of percabeth breakup?? Does that count?
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An obnoxiously red and orange light filters into the motel room, even with the old and tattered curtains closed, the motels’ sign conquers its way through the fabric. Sighing you flop yourself on the faded, probably twenty-year-old bed. Nose scrunching as some dust raises into the air, consequently letting out a sneeze.
“Bless you.”
“Did you just bless yourself?”
You winced at the reminder someone else was in the room, exhausted after the two-day travel to a motel room in the middle of whoop. “Yeah…”
“You really are something, aren’t you?” At the calm amusement evident in his tone, your heart rate began to slow down. He didn’t think you were crazy.
You let out a breathy laugh. Wow, I wonder how those stains got on the ceiling? Lava monster perhaps? Are those even a thing? Probably.
“Yeah… well, someone has to Jackson.” You glance towards him, he’s sitting at the small, poor excuse of a dining table. Heart rate picking up again as he gives you a small smile, already having his eyes on you this entire time.
“If I don’t, who will?” you continue.
“Touché. In that case, I’ll do the blessing from now on; you deserve a break.” Shooting you a wink. Instantly feeling flustered at his action, you fight the urge to cover your face with your hands.
Oh, Percy, if only you knew you’ve already been blessing me for the past six years.
“Even say…. If we’re in a battle?” you muse.
He gets up from the table and walks towards you. Once he reaches your side of the queen bed, he kneels, grabbing the hand closest to him, while putting his other on top of his heart. “Oh, y/n l/n, even with my dying breath.”
With that, you burst into a fit of laughter. This boy and his sarcasm.
You play along. “Hmmm what a great tale that will be. The one and only, Perseus Jackson, spending his final breath on sweet old y/n l/n. How dare you burden me with such a legacy to live up to! They’ll think I’m your lover, you know. Demigods all around the world will come searching for me, just to gawk at the beauty that stole your heart.”
At this point, Percy has fallen from his kneeling position, completely lying on the ground, overcome with laughter.
“This isn’t funny, Percy! How am I supposed to live with the guilt of knowing I don’t live up to their expectations?! I’m hardly a warrior either, oh the disappointment.”
Gasping for breath, he manages to find his words, “Don’t stress it y/n, you’re plenty beautiful. I just know they’ll all be stunned by your beauty. Don’t sell yourself short… trust me, once they see you, they’ll be envious that my lover was so enraptured by me that you’ll never be able to love again.”
Now it was your turn to laugh. Would that be so bad?
Gasping for breath, eventually, both of your laughs die down, leaving you both breathing heavily. “C’mon Percy, let’s get some sleep. Its going to be a long week of scouting for demigods if we’re tired.”
As Percy nods, silently getting up to go to the bathroom to change, but he can’t help but think to himself that he wouldn’t mind if he was stuck in the middle of nowhere with you. No matter how long.
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It had been three days since you and Percy arrived in the town you continuously fail to remember the name of. It wasn’t the only thing you were failing at doing either, because it seemed that for some unknown reason, the school that was supposed to arrive here for their camping trip still hadn’t shown up.
“We should send an Iris message to camp. It doesn’t look like they’re showing up any time soon, and by the looks of things, we’re going to need to have them send someone for more supplies.”
Percy sighed, looking out the window. Was this the opportunity he was looking for? Maybe… he knew he’d be a stupid fool to pass it up. Swept up in his new thoughts, he never replied. “Percy?”
Without even looking at you, he nodded, turning to go to the bathroom, “Yeah sure, I’ll go into the bathroom and make the call.”
Humming in acknowledgement as he left the room, you couldn’t help but stare at the spot he was previously standing in from your position on the edge of the bed. He doesn’t look too good.
For such a great hero, you wondered if this quest was doing him any good. After the first day of scouting the campsite, it was obvious he was already antsy to get home. It seemed no matter how light you tried to keep the atmosphere; it was like something was weighing on his mind. Mostly when you were both in the motel room together, you supposed it was because he barely went on quests nowadays. Understandably so, after all, who could blame him for wanting a break and spend time with his family? This made you feel immensely guilty since you could never give him words of truly understanding what he’s gone through. You’d arrived at camp a few days before him, yet over the years you were never sent onto a major quest. It upset you greatly at first, but you grew to appreciate your time at camp.
Before your mind could delve further into its guilt and self-pity, Percy re-entered the room, sitting next to you with a huff. “It’s all good. They’re going to send Leo with some extra supplies, and he’ll help us for the rest of this quest.”
Accidentally getting swept up in how pretty his eyes were, you tensed up, realising he was staring at you expectantly. Quickly nodding and clearing your throat you looked down to your lap, “ahh, okay that sounds good. I guess we’ll have time to sightsee or something…”
Sightsee? Really y/n? There’s nothing in this stupid town!
An awkward silence filled the room. Due to your previous thoughts, you were unsure how to proceed. This was the first time you were alone with him and had nothing else better to do.
Percy on the other hand, found that the obvious swooning look in your eyes was his green light. “Uhhh actually y/n?”
Oh, please don’t ask me why I basically just drooled all over you for NO FUCKING REASON. Snapping your head back up to look at him, you desperately tried to ignore the pounding in your chest that managed to find its way into your ears, “yeah?”
“There’s something I want to ask you.”
Holy shit he knows, doesn’t he? He knows I’ve liked him this entire time, and he’s going to reject me even though I never even said anything!
“I uhm… look I know we’re kind of on a small quest and all but technically we ARE waiting for Leo and the school to arrive before we continue… and you know we kind of have like at least a day or two until then so I was just wondering…”
“Yeah, Percy? You can just say it, you know; I really don’t mind.” I do mind, but please get this over with before I cry. With your heart rate increasing at an alarming rate and face heating up so much, you wanted Zeus to blast you right then and there.
Percy felt like he was about to puke, he’d never felt this nervous before. Yeah, he had his moments growing up with Annabeth, after all, she was his first girlfriend, but this was different. He wanted this to be different. Sure, he never regretted their relationship, and yes, he knew he’d always remember everything they went through- what he went through but… he wanted a clean slate. He desperately just wanted nothing more than to know that there was at least one person in his life that wasn’t constantly fighting for their lives—someone who didn’t have to live with as much trauma as him.
“W- would you maybe... Gods, do you want to have dinner tomorrow night? Maybe at the diner further into the town?”
He was interested and honestly, you were over the moon. Breathing out the breath you were holding in, you fail to hide the smile on your face, “yeah, I’d like that.”
His face instantly broke out into a wide smile matching yours. “Wait really?”
Unable to hold back a small giggle, you nodded, “yeah, Percy.”
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Staring at yourself in the mirror, you admire the blue dress you found in a charity shop this morning while Percy was sleeping. I can’t believe this is happening.
If you had old even more awkward 15-year-old y/n that you were about to go on a date with the boy you admired from your table during meals (when he was there), you would’ve laughed. Mainly because at that point, he didn’t even know you existed, only having your first conversation during the battle of Manhattan when you were helping Will.
Okay… lets do this.
Walking out of the bathroom, Percy is already sitting on the bed in his usual t-shirt, jeans and converse waiting for you.
“Woah… You look uh-” Never finishing his statement, worry bubbled in your chest.
“Oh, uhm… I- I can change if you’d like?
Jumping up from his place on the bed, his head shook quickly. “NO! N-no don’t do that.”
“Ah uhm… okay? Sorry, it’s just I saw it in a store earlier and uhm… it looked nice, and I just thought that maybe it’d be cool to maybe put in a bit more effort? I mean… not that you don’t look good or anything! I love what you wear, you always look nice! but I don’t know… I don’t get to look nice much and… I just wanted it to be kinda special since we don’t get to… well our lives don’t really grant us these opportunities very often. Or at least for me anyway…”
“Hey, no, it’s okay! I totally get it… you look beautiful.” After hearing your small confession and thought to prepare for your date, his heart felt like it was melting. How could someone be so thoughtful when all he was doing was taking you to a rundown diner who probably only served mediocre burgers?
A small wave of guilt washed through him. Feeling like he would never be able to truly sweep you off your feet or give you that sweet, tooth-rotting love and affection, every day, just like you deserved. After everything, he knew he could try his best but even then, he’d never be able to hide the anxiety or PTSD he had acquired over the years.
You looked up to him with a smirk. “Glad to hear it, lover.”
Cheeks heating up at your comment, he laughed trying to play it off as cool as possible. Taking a step closer to you and flattening his shirt as if it would wipe away its wrinkles, he held out his arm. “Shall we, lover?”
Matching his level of fake sophistication, you linked your arm with his, “with pleasure.”
And with that, you both walked out of the motel, with hopeful spirits. To any onlooker, you both looked like normal young adults.  
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“Where the fuck are you?!” Percy’s voice boomed from his end of the phone, supposedly made without any monster risks.  
You winced, slowly and cautiously walking your way out of the forest. The once clean dress was now covered in dirt and had few tears. It went perfectly with your dishevelled, twig and leaf infested hair.
“Space doesn’t really exist, so I’m nowhere. Life is built on social constructs and, since there’s no way to know if we’re really alive or if it’s just an illusion, I can’t be anywhere.”
Okay, he was concerned, and you couldn’t blame him. After all, how did you expect him to react after getting separated from you as you were chased into the woods by an Empousai after dinner?
Romance at its finest.  
“Yeah, sorry, I got caught up, but I’ll be there soon.”
Ending the call, you couldn’t help but feel guilty as you replayed the events that just occurred in your head. The date was amazing. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but it was still sweet. Which led you both to go on one of those cliché night walks. That was nice too, until two Empousai came out of the forest and decided to attack you both.
Percy being…. Well Percy, he swiftly got out riptide and didn’t hesitate to defend the two of you. You, on the other hand, were completely caught off guard only just noticing as one of them turned their focus on you while Percy was distracted.
And what did you do like the perfectly trained demigod you were?
You ran like a headless chicken into the forest.
After a few minutes of running, they tackled you into the ground. Trying and failing failed to shove them off, you suddenly remembered the dagger you strapped to your thigh under your dress and stabbed them.
Clearly not your proudest moments.
Finally making it back to the room, you unlocked the door and let out a huff of relief. “Well… that date didn’t go as expected.”
Percy, took in your current state staring at you with wide eyes… but he didn’t say anything. Is he angry at me? Fuck now he’s going to call off whatever this is, all because I’m an incompetent idiot! I knew I should have tried harder in the sparring activities at camp.
Feeling highly intimidated under his intense stare, you began to play with the hem of your dress, voice going quiet. “Look I uh- I know it probably wasn’t the date you were hoping for but I uhm-“
Before you could even finish your poor excuses, your words are soon lost entirely. Percy stalked towards you with a determined look on his face. Reaching you, he firmly placed his hands on either side of your face, smashing his lips onto yours.
You let out a small, muffled squeak of surprise as your eyebrows shot up into Olympus. Yet unlike your fighting skills, this was something you managed to adapt to at a faster pace.
Eyes fluttering closed, you fisted his shirt, pulling him closer.
Please don’t let this be a dream.
Because Gods forbid if this your one chance, you weren’t letting this moment end that easily.  
Moving your lips against his, the urgency he came onto you with slowly began to dissipate, feeling his soft, but slightly chapped lips move against yours. Deepening the kiss, you let go of his shirt, gliding your hands up his tense torso and along his strong arms, eventually placing your hands on his wrists that were on either side of your face. Applying a small amount of pressure to the inside of his wrists with your thumbs, his mind began to drift into a calming haze as you softly stroked them. It was almost as if you were able to brush away the worry that bubbled in him when he got back to the room, only to find you weren’t there. Yet here you were… safe.
It was intoxicating and calming having him so close to you, his entire being overcoming your senses to a point where you fought the urge to let out a small whimper when he pulled away.
Resting his forehead against yours, chest rising and falling heavily flushed against you; he continued to hold you in his warm embrace. “I wouldn’t have had it any other way.” He whispers, breath fanning against your face.
Because as much as Percy was afraid he’d let you down, he knew no matter what you were worth every single risk.
“…but I’m going to have to teach you a few things when we get back to camp. We can’t have my lover running away in battle all the time, how will I know if you sneeze?”
Letting out a snort, you playfully hit his chest. “Anything for you, lover.”
A soft smile graces his face as he looks at you adoringly as the word takes on a whole new meaning… because you were right. He’d do anything.
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A/N: whelp! i hope you all liked it :)) its not perfect but oh well? 
also i dont have a percy jackson taglist but i gotta tag the holy grail of fic writers for this fandon eep @cabinofimagines​   ��� 🙈
Divider credit: @biskit-rising​
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tlou-1 · 4 years
Joel Miller x Reader (Home) Chapter 20
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13| Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 TBA
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Chapter 20 - Joel still hasn't returned from patrol, you set off after him and what you find is beyond what you could have worried about. 
You look at the clock again, 11:15 and still Joel wasn’t back. You had been pacing the kitchen with Patrick playing at your feet, Joel was over an hour late. Another half an hour passed and you couldn’t sit in the house any longer. You picked up Patrick and made your way to Maria’s post for the day in town, “Maria it’s been two hours and none of them are back. Looks at the clouds out there, somethings wrong I can just feel it” You plead with her but she just says they have probably bunkered down with the snow, “and nothing on the radio either?” You ask, she shakes her head. Right that settled it, you turned and made your way to your sisters. Before Molly could greet you as she opened the door you began “Joel has been out since dark this morning and still isn’t back. I need you to take Patrick for me”, you try to hand him to her but she says “No”, there is a pause for a moment “No? What do you mean No, Molly I really need” but she interrupts you by grabbing a jacket and locking her door, “Because I am coming with you. We can drop him off at the day care”. 
You and Molly try to sneak into the stables to retrieve a horse each but of course Maria had you sussed and was waiting for you. “Maria I need to go out there, I know it sounds crazy but I have a bad feeling” you argue.
“You’re right, it does sound crazy“ she responds, she was always so set on rules. 
“Do you know what, maybe it does but it’s your husband out there as well. Tell me you aren’t worried about them being out there with no sleep, in a blizzard with reports of hoards of infected. I am more capable than most folk in this town and I am going out there” you say sternly close to her face and she knew you were not going to budge.
“Okay” she concedes and proceeds to pass you the reigns of the horse and your bag back filled with your gear. “I cant spare many folks to go out with you, Jesse, Dina and Ellie are already out there you can meet them at one of the posts” she explains. Jesus now your worry turned to them but your line of thought is interrupted by the radio, it was Jesse. “Maria, Tommy and Joel didn’t show to trade off” he explained. You take the radio from Maria, “Jesse its Y/N, where were they patrolling? Can you get, Ellie and Dina and meet me there?” You ask, he agrees to your plan. Your sister in laws body language had changed during the exchange.
“We need to go now” you shout to Molly as your get on your horse and take off. Behind you Molly is following and Maria had saddled up obviously now sharing in your worry. 
The wind and snow was harsh and whipped at your face as you rode ahead as fast as the horse would carry you, you must have been not far behind Ellie now. Neither Joel or Tommy’s had been at their post but their tracks had led you to a Chalet you had visited a couple of times on patrols. As you approached closer you could see more than two sets of tracks, they were disrupted slightly from the storm but there was defiantly a number of different footprints, other people were here. You had to be smart about this, the rest of the guys were still a bit behind you. You move into the building as quietly as possible and have to take out one guy standing watch at a patio door, he had a fresh cut right across his face. If anyone finds him they will know someone else is here, you had to move swiftly. As soon as enter the lodge you can hear cries of pain, guttural cries. It makes your stomach churn, you were right to have had a bad feeling. One more girl is pacing in the kitchen, you silence her by taking your small knife down on her. It had been a number of years since you had taken the life of a living person but you didn’t hesitate after hearing those cries.  
You follow the cries to a narrow staircase with a door at the bottom of it, you could feel your heart in you mouth as you took each step closer to the door. You peer through the slight crack and see a group of unfamiliar people and a figure standing above a bloody one. You take a breath remember where each person was standing, attach your silencer and pushing open the door quietly, you take out the three people closest to the door, one dead ahead the other two to your right side. You were still one of the best shots without a doubt, maybe just as good as Tommy. There were three left by the time they realised what had happened and your presence, a young man standing next to a women with cropped dark hair and a large women standing above the bloody figure, it was Joel along with Ellie and Tommy unconscious. 
The man goes to grab a pistol, lying next to the body of one of the men you just shot and without hesitation you reach round to your backpack pocket. Thank god it was still there. 
“Don’t any of you fucking move, or I will blow up everyone of us in this room” you spit out as you hold the grenade in their sight. They each stop in their tracks and the large girl standing above your husband loosens her grip on club. Joel tires to speak but barely a sound escapes his lips.
“You’re bluffing, why would y-“ she begins. 
“Try me”, you challenge her and there is a long pause “You let them go… you leave here and everyone gets to walk away from this or every single one of us just end it here”. This was madness but what other chance had you got, either way the people you loved could wind up dead, the only thing to stop these strangers was the threat of loosing their own lives and if it meant you went with them, so be it. 
“No, not him, not after what he did.” The girl lifted the club but you jump in “What ever he did, I am walking out of here with him, our daughter and that other man alive or none of us are” 
“He took everything from us! Killed my father, ruined any chance of a cure” the women says lowly shaking her head. 
“You’re fireflies?” You ask looking around at them but you already know the answer from what she had said. 
“Were. There are none, left he made sure of that. Killed most of us.” She answers. You speak without thinking, a stupid thing to do. 
“I don’t blame him… Protecting her, I would have done the same. They were going to butcher the brain of a child, our daughter for the smallest chance of cure. If that’s the price for a potential cure and humanity were so eager and willing to pay it, we didn’t deserve it. I know that much.”
She looks like she has seen red and goes to lift the club again but before she can send it crashing down one of the fireflies, the man stops her and you have pulled the pin on the grenade keeping your finger firmly pressed on the clip as he intervenes.
“Abby stop! She is going to kill all of us” he pleads with her looking between Abby and the women behind him with cropped dark hair that he called Mel. Your hand is shaking from your firm grip on the clip. 
“Are you insane?” The man asked, “When it comes to my family, yes” You reply looking down at Joel and Ellie. 
“Figures, crazy man, crazy wife” scoffs the other woman says looking between you and Joel.
“Don’t fucking touch him. I am giving you all a chance, take it. If I let go of this clip, dead or alive it only takes two seconds for this thing to go off”. You try sounding as calm as possible and it seems to pay off but inside your terrified more than you had ever been. In your head you pray, you had never prayed in your life, for them to leave, for the woman to put down the club, for them not to shoot you, for this bomb to be a dud like Joel had said but for them to not find out it was. 
You can hear commission from upstairs as the rest of the search party have caught up with you, you had bought all the time you needed. Owen grabs Mel by the arm and leaves through garage door. 
“You should go with your friends”
Abby looks torn for a moment her eyes fixed on Joel before she flings the golf club to her side and takes off, on horse back alongside her friends but you felt this part of the past would rear its ugly head again. 
As soon as it sounds clear you carefully place the pin back in the grenade and fall to the floor, guess you will never know if it was a dud or you almost killed everyone in this room. Ellie is still breathing but bruised, you look across at Tommy, the same. Your husband, you crawl across to Joel, the ground around him covered in blood you can feel it soaking your jeans. 
“Jesus, Joel can you hear me?” you say softly, tears in your eyes from the sight of him. His right eye swollen, strips of blood pouring down his face from a couple gashes he had taken on the head. You were worried to touch him in case it caused any more pain, it was hard to look at him like this.
“You got to stay with me, you cant leave me, you hear? You promised” you cry just as Maria, Jesse, Dina and Molly enter the room.
“Holy Fuck” Jesse whispers. You beg them to help Joel, Dina checks on Ellie who is starting to gain consciousness along with Tommy. 
“The storm has almost passed, Jesse and Dina find something we can make a stretcher out of. We can strap it to one of the horses and pull him back”. Maria says at her husbands side, it was the best anyone could do in the dead of winter. No one even thought about going after the remaining three strangers, what was important was the three people who each of you loved in this room.
You rode behind Jesse who’s horse is pulling Joel the entire trip, he sometimes groans or shifts and all you want to do is ask to stop and let him rest but there was no time for it, you had to get back as swiftly as possible. As soon as you arrive back in Jackson men are there to carry Joel’s stretcher into the surgery, you follow behind asking Dr Henry if he would be okay. She didn’t respond focusing solely on Joel, she tells you to stay in the hallway and when you start to protest and push forward Jesse is there pulling you back and when you stop fighting him into a hug. You finally let out a cry from everything, the horror of what you had seen, what you had almost done and at the thought of your husband’s life still hanging in the balance. Everything goes to black for a moment. 
*NOTES - I have to say I found this one pretty difficult to write so I apologise if it doesn't land as well as the other chapters. There is just so much that happens. I have decided to deviate slightly from the game, we have all seen the dark ending for Joel in the game so lets try something different 
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saidtostaine · 2 years
did list! [ may 14, 2022 ]
• i slept early (around 11) so i wake up at 6 am which for me is a quite an achievement
• literally just stood there on my frontyard and looked at the sky and the trees and the sunrise after buying soup, life is so good
• did my morning stuff (brush teeth, skincare, stretching etc) while dancing and listening to my current fave songs!
• had breakfast on my frontyard while writing a letter to my future self and just looking at the sunrise tbh, fresh air is amazing ( i had some soup and a chocolate drink ! )
• went to tumblr for a bit before i took my plushies to a bath! i def did not laugh evily at them as i drowned them under the water or whatever (they're drying under the sun now and they look so cute😭💀)
• fetched water (while teasing my cousin lol) and took a bath! i love feeling refreshed
• put on lotion (i got this cocoa butter lotion from my mom which i always used when i was a kid and it smells so good i want to eat it) and all that clothes stuff while watching one of sunshell's painting vlogs on yt!! (i love the sunshell so much < 33 )
• made the bed while listening to some songs again!
• i ate! i was very hungry so i needed to eat, i was hesitant at first but i assured myself and even got seconds! (mom made food and its very yummy, its like grounded meat with carrots and potatoes and amazing sauce ots so savoury)
• slept accidentally for like 1 hour and a half
• i felt very groggy waking up :/ so i just stayed on my phone a lot until
• i decided to paint!! i tried to use acrylics today since i barely do but my hand hurt from the sleep so i didn't paint a lot and what i painted didn't really satisfy me or anything but at least i painted somethng!!!
• i really wanted to go on a walk and eat something cold so i did! while my cousim joins me riding her bike, it was a long journey but we ate ice candy and some street food! ok funny thing is while my cousin was riding the bike she almost hit a man peeing on the fucking sidewalks😭 THE REACTIONS WERE SO FUNNY AND SUDEEN I JUST HAD TO LAUGH LOUD AS FUCK I TRIED TO HOLD IT IN BUT HOLY SHIT😭😭😭😭 IT WAS SO FUNNY I WISH I FILMED IT OR SOMETHING WHAT THE FUCK😭)
• chilled for a bit after we got home and ate some food! (tuna and salted eggs!)
• slept again for 3 hours oh my god????? 💀 (i slept a LOT today)
• watched over the store while i watch stanford free lesson vids on yt and planned out my assignments :) ate some snacks while i was at it
• ate dinner! (just some pasta with amazing sauce and boiled eggs while watching clueless on netflix! was very fun
• continued watching cluecless on my bed while hugging my stuffed toys, very fun and comfy ))
• rn im writing this and bout to do my skincare, uldate my irl blog and go to sleep! (its 1 am currently and i wish i coukd sleep sooner but its okay since i slept a lot today :)) see me tomorrow!
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miastideclock · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction To Their Soft S/O Accidentally Cursing
Hi! May I please get a reaction of Stray kids reacting to their S/O being very shy and soft, but accidentally slips a swear word. Thx love your work! 💞
Word Count: 2157
The length of the bits are quite varying in size, so my apologies for that
Bang Chan
You were sat at a table outside your favorite café during lunch with your lovely boyfriend. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, only making the early summer day all the better.
"Here is your bagel, as well as your iced latte. And a bagel and americano for you, sir." The waitress spoke as she gently set down your orders. It had been a while since it was just the two of you, so you appreciated him taking the day off for you. With the chaos of their latest comeback, and the fact that he lived with seven other boys- there weren't a lot of time for just the two of you.
"I'm so glad I took the day off to be with you." Chan grinned as he took a bite of his bagel. Being too captivated by his eyes and how much you absolutely adored him, you didn't notice that the waitress had placed your cup down much closer to you than you had imagined. And with that, you knocked your cup over, spilling it all over the table and yourself, drenching your outfit.
"Shit." You let slip as you reached for the napkins. You soon realized what you had said and immediately let your head snap towards your boyfriend. You had never been one to curse, but here you were.
"Please pretend you didn't hear that." You spoke sheepishly as Chan started laughing like a crazy man.
"You should have seen the look on your face when you realized- priceless!" He soon spoke, all while he grabbed more napkins form the dispenser, helping you clean up.
"We're never talking about this again." You spoke in a joking manner, Chan just continuing to chuckle.
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Lee Know (Lee Minho)
"Good morning, beautiful." Your boyfriend spoke from next to you. Your entire body screamed for you to just go back to sleep, but you knew it would make Minho sad as you had a whole day planned out.
The night before you and your boyfriend had stayed up late, planning every single detail of your day of fun. You would go to the amusement park downtown, and you would get ice cream, and funnel cake and other park-foods. Then you would go to the movies, and then finish at a restaurant you had been dying to try out.
You pried your eyes open, only for the light to blind you, sending your arms flying to cover them. "Fuck." You muttered, barely audible to yourself. Your boyfriend however, caught it.
"Y/N? What did you say?" Minho's tone was obviously not upset, but he didn't seem to happy either. To him you had always been such a sweet and soft person, one he had never heard curse in the eleven months you had been dating.
You soon realized what you said and sat up in bed faster than lightning, obviously having opened your eyes fully by now. You looked at him, your eyes a bit wider than they usually would be. "That's not very like you." Minho responded in a completely normal tone, getting to his feet from where he was kneeling next to the bed.
"Sorry." You said sheepishly, fiddling with your hands as if you were a child being told off.
"Babe, don't worry. You can say and do whatever you want, I just wasn't expecting it." He chuckled and followed it up with something along the lines of you having to get out of bed to get ready.
"I'll be out in a minute!" You called after him before letting your head fall into your hands in embarrassment.
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Changbin (Seo Changbin)
The soft wind from the open window brushed through your hair, but you didn't notice. You were too focused on the task you had in front of you. Your face was illuminated only by the laptop as the clock was soon to strike midnight.
You had worked so hard on a paper, but in the middle of the night, you realized you had forgotten to actually turn it in. Luckily, the deadline was at 12 a.m, but unluckily, your computer was not having it. No matter how much to pressed the upload button, it wouldn't budge.
You felt yourself becoming stressed as you knew that if you didn't turn it in on time, you would fail. You felt movement next to you as your boyfriend took a deep breath. "You okay, sweetie?" Changbin asked with a groggy voice as your fiddling and hard tapping had woken him up.
"Yeah, sorry it just that this bitch of a computer refuses to work." You muttered angrily, your eyes never leaving the screen as you refreshed and tried again. You were so upset with your paper that you didn't even notice that you spoke a word you would usually never use. Changbin wanted to comment on it, but decided to not since you were already so frustrated with the site that wouldn't load.
"Just send it to your professor via email, and tell him the site won't work. He'll see that the timestamp is within the deadline, and he'll have to accept it." Changbin spoke as he sat up to look at your screen. You decided he was right and did as you were told.
When you finally were done, you closed your laptop and placed it on the floor, laying down in the bed next to your boyfriend.
"You know," Changbin started with a whisper. "I've never heard you curse before."
You gave him a weird look and told him he never would either, since that's something you don't do. "No, you cursed just now." He commented again, but you refused to believe him.
"If I cursed, then what did I say and why don't I remember it?" You tried with a scoff. He soon repeated the sentence including the curse you had spoke earlier. You then realized that you had in fact let the word slip. You apologized with a smile, embarrassed as you admitted you we're wrong.
"Don't worry, honey. Let's just go to sleep."
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Hyunjin (Hwang Hyunjin)
You ran with everything you had, making your way down the semi-steep hill, trying to escape the hell that followed you. You and your boyfriend had been on a picnic on a hill at your local park, having a good time before all hell broke loose. Two words. Tickle fight.
The grass under your bare feet felt nice, but you didn't have much time to think about it as the one thing on your mind was to escape Hyunjin. You heard the sprinting behind you come closer and closer, making your stomach flip as you knew he was about to catch you. But before he could reach you, an unexpected dip in the ground sent you flying.
You tumbled down the remainder of the hill, luckily there only being soft grass for you to land on. "Holy shit." You groaned as you sat up from the fall, your boyfriend soon by your side to check that everything was alright. As he inspected you of any damage, he let the word "Language." slip. He caught himself and your eyes met, both sets filled with a mix of shock and humor. His comment then made you both laugh.
You had never been one to curse as you were on the shyer side of the spectrum, but your fall had given you more than a valid reason to let the swear slip.
"Wouldn't think I'd hear those words from you. But let's get back to our picnic, shall we?" Hyunjin suggested and reached out his hand for you to grab, and hoisted you to your feet.
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Han (Han Jisung)
The sound of rain gently tapping on the wide open window was soothing, and it went well with the smell of nature and the cool air waltzing in the window. 
It was Sunday afternoon, which meant you and Jisung were sitting in the office, doing each your thing. You were sat with a book, whilst your boyfriend sat staring at a sheet of paper displaying lyrics that were crossed out or circled, with arrows going from a to b in a chaotic manner. 
You did this every Sunday, well- not necessarily a book and lyrics, but something. You both did things that you enjoyed or wanted to do, but you did them together. It was your own way of making sure you always had time for each other. 
After a while, the cool air became too chilly for your sockless-feet, so you got up to close it. Without thinking, you got up, your book soon falling from your lap directly onto your pinky toe. 
“Fuuuck.” You dragged out the word you whispered. You soon realized what you said and placed your hand gently over your mouth, as if it would stop your from saying it- like it would change the past. 
You turned to look at your boyfriend, but he hadn’t seemed to notice. You let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding as you saw he didn’t hear. You then picked up the book and placed on the coffee table, the proceeded to close the window. 
About a minute after your slip up, Jisung finally turned around. “Did you say something?” He questioned, making you shake your head no.  “I could have sworn I heard someone curse. Oh well, how’s it going with the main character?” He continued and walked over to the couch you sat in. 
You chuckled at yourself before informing him that they were closing in on the ending of the adventure.
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Felix (Lee Felix)
You stared at the words on the paper, but they didn't seem to make sense to you. It was a recipe, you could tell that much- but not anything more than that. You turned to look at your boyfriend, but he looked just as clueless as you.
You finally had the place completely to yourself, which meant date night. You and Felix were planning on making this pastry-thing he had found on TikTok, but it turned out to be more complicated than anticipated.
"I can get the eggs, that much I can promise you I am capable of." You joked as you turned to get the eggs from the fridge. Felix chuckled at you as he kept staring at the recipe. You opened the fridge, but before you could even think about your next move, the carton tumbled out and onto the ground, sending six eggs flying, making a mess everywhere.
"Fucking hell." You mumbled as you glared at the mess by your feet. You let a sigh escape your lips, your head dropping in defeat. You had to admit that your evening didn't exactly go as you had planned. You wanted it to be cute, romantic and perfect in every way! Making food with your boyfriend, laughing and having a grand ol' time. Especially since it only happened once in a blue moon that you had the place entirely to yourself.
"Did I just hear you curse? You've been listening to me game too much!" Felix commented with humor in his tone as he approached you with a mop, ready to clean up your mess. You apologized profusely, but he was quick to stop you. "Don't apologize. What do you say we just order some takeout and watch a movie on the couch? Making your own food is overrated anyways."
His idea brought a smile to your lips as you nodded.
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Seungmin (Kim Seungmin)
The breeze blew softly through your hair as you stood on the small balcony, looking at the passing cars on the street beneath you. There wasn't a lot of traffic as it was about twenty minutes past midnight, but you found yourself looking for a specific white van.
The boys had just finished tour, so your were waiting for them at their place, excited to see them- but mostly excited to see your boyfriend.
A big, black van soon rolled to a stop outside the main entrance, sending your stomach into flips. You ran back inside and out in the hallway, sprinting down the stairs as fast as you could. As you were making your way down the last few steps, you heard the door to the lobby open, Seungmin entering first. The sight of your boyfriend made you forget what you were doing, causing you to trip and tumble down the last three steps of the stairs.
"Fuck." You spat as you hit the ground, landing on your shoulder. You boyfriend soon rushed to your side, mumbling something about how you can't say that word, but it also sounded like he wanted himself to shut up.
"You okay, baby?" He asked as he helped you sit up, having squatted down himself. Even though the pain was excruciating, it all seemed to disappear when you looked him in the eye. You nodded and then launched yourself forward and slung your arms around him, attacking him in a hug,  sending you both to the floor for a second time.
"I'm amazing now that you're here. I've missed you." You mumbled into the crook of his neck. "I missed you too."
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I.N (Yang Jeongin)
The place was quiet, all except the sound of Chan and your boyfriend, Jeongin, watching a movie on the couch next to you. You was originally watching it with them, but you ended up having a full grooming session with your cat. You had found tons of knots in his fur, so you had gotten your brush and scissors and gotten to work.
The sound of the movie pausing caught your attention, making you look up from the fur-coated project you had in your lap. "I'm just gonna make some tea, y'all want anything from the kitchen?" Chan asked as he stood up from his seat. Both you and your boyfriend shook your heads no.
While Chan was out, Jeongin decided to sit closer to you and ask about your progress, but before you could reply, you apparently pulled too hard on a knot, making your cat squirm- scratching you in the progress. "You bitch." You hissed at the pain, scolding your cat.
It was as if your life flashed by your eyes for a second, then you turned to Jeongin who sat there with a unimpressed look on his face. You gave him a sheepish look, almost as if you were begging for forgiveness.
Jeongin continued to look at him before he slowly started sitting up. "No, babe, please don't-" You started but were soon cut off.
"Hyung, Y/N said a bad word!"
He snitched.
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I honestly have no clue what this is, but it deadass took me four days to write im-
i hope you enjoyed it???
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cupcakemolotov · 4 years
Wild Hunt
I think I promised @goldcaught a Klaroline Fae fic years ago. This one has been in the works for a while, let's not talk dates, but 2020 definitely slowed production down. I promise, the second half will not sit languishing in my WIP for too long! The biggest, most heartfelt thank you to Kiry, who has been both a cheerleader and a kick in the pants as needed to get this thing on track to being finished. Kiry doesn't sleep, but I can't complain too much, since they have kindly listened to me complain until the wee hours of the morning. (And also my girl @klarolinedrabbles who saw a super early version of this and was kind enough to be encouraging.)
Edit; And I failed to tag @kirythestitchwitch directly, but you know, today was a trip.
A couple of notes to avoid confusion:
Fae: A word used in this fic to generally reference a type of European mythological beings. Sean O'Connell: Cami O'Connell's Twin.
Synopsis: Killing Tyler Lockwood starts a chain of events that put Caroline exactly where she's always dreaded and longed to be: in the arms of Klaus Mikaelson.
Warnings: Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - FaeAlternate; Universe - Soulmates; Fae!Caroline; hybrid!Klaus; Minor Character Death; Blood and Gore; Mild Gore; Implied/Referenced; Torture; Psychological Torture; Canon-Typical Violence; Compulsion; Blood and Injury; Blood Drinking
Hand pressed tightly against her side, Caroline took several careful breaths, her lungs burning and her pulse a steady thump in her ears. Her senses were hyper alert, magic straining to catch the faintest hint of a disturbance. All around her, humans slept soft and cozy in their beds, and the night had gone quite. As the silence continued to hold, she allowed herself to relax, letting the cold of the concrete at her spine cool her flushed and fever warm skin. For the moment, she was safe.
Reaching up, she rubbed her breastbone, lips curling into a small, pleased smile at the burn. Her father was angry. If she survived the night, that alone would make the pain of her injury worth it. Thankfully, the knife wound felt like it had finally stopped seeping, and her glamour would hide the blood. It was the iron poison that was going to cause her complications. The black spider web crawling up the line of her ribcage hadn’t made it close to her heart, she was her mother’s daughter too, but it weakened her all the same.
It left her in a magical disadvantage.
Grimacing as her phone buzzed silently in her pocket, she pressed a little further into the concrete behind her and looked around. There was nothing to suggest her cousins had been able to track her, though that was just a matter of time. Thankfully, even suffering from iron, she had enough control of her magic to hide the glow from her phone, though she didn’t quite dare to risk more.
Not yet.
Pulling it free from her pocket, she winced at the number of missed calls and quickly scanned the texts that had accumulated.
Bonnie (12:45 AM): Hello???
Bonnie (12:46 AM): You’re not dead.
Bonnie (12:46): Are you ignoring me?
Bonnie (1:10 AM): I swear, I’ll put Enzo on a plane. With the time differences, he’ll be there before dawn.
Bonnie (1:10 AM): Then you’ll have to listen to him complain about airplane food while he tries to kill people.
Bonnie (1:11 AM): I might do it anyway. I could use the alone time.
Wincing, because Bonnie Bennett did not bluff, she hurriedly tapped out a response.
Caroline (1:11 AM): I’m alive.
Bonnie (1:11 AM): What happened?
Caroline (1:11 AM): It was a trap.
Bonnie (1:11 AM): How bad?
Caroline: (1:12 AM): I’ve mostly stopped bleeding and Tyler is dead.
Very dead. She’d made sure of it. There was a lot someone like her father would do with a dead body, so she’d made a point to separate his head from his body so he couldn’t be resurrected. Baba Yaga spells were rare and costly, but if anyone could get their hands on one, it would be her father. It was why she’d then dumped her stash of holy water on the body and then carefully dusted him in iron shavings, rendering his body and his blood unusable.
The little dots below her conversation on her messenger app popped up and died several times, and Caroline closed her eyes, letting her head fall back as she waited for Bonnie’s response. She’d know that coming to Chicago was a risk, for a number of reasons, but even at her most pessimistic she wasn’t sure she could have guessed just what she’d find here.
What could possibly have led Tyler to be so desperate that he would trust her father? Tyler, who was one of the few people who knew the truth of her origin, who had hugged her when she’d said goodbye and told her he would always care about her. Tyler, whose blood she now wore beneath her nails, who had stabbed her with an iron knife and who had died with hate in eyes.
Her phone buzzed and she glanced down.
Bonnie (1:13 AM): Klaus is in Chicago.
Caroline stared at her phone, surprise and a shot of adrenaline leaving her momentarily breathless. Klaus. Here. In Chicago. The city where Bill had set up his most recent plots, where Tyler had attempted to betray everything that had once made him a good man. Sliding her teeth along her lip, she very carefully typed her reply, her fingers shaking.
Caroline (1:14 AM): You said he was in London for the next month. What changed?
Bonnie (1:15AM): I don’t know.
Bonnie (1:16 AM): Do you need an exit?
Bonnie (1:16 AM): He owes me.
Caroline was shaking her head even before she started typing. Being anywhere near Klaus was a terrible idea, and Bonnie knew that. That her friend would never make the offer unless she thought it necessary left dread sitting low in her stomach.
Caroline (1:16 AM): What’s got you spooked?
Bonnie (1:17 AM): Someone is blocking my scrying spells.
Caroline (1:17 AM): Bill?
Bonnie (1:17 AM): If we’re lucky. We both know what it means if we’re not.
Caroline’s fingers tightened on her phone case, her pulse loud in her ears. Bonnie was right. Very, very few things blocked her from seeing what she wanted to see. Bill could do it thanks to the blood bind but it wasn’t easy, and he never managed it for long periods of time. Grams probably could have done it. But the list of powerful witches who remained alive in the United States after the purging of New Orleans was short.
There was only one reason Bill would use the blood connection between them to block out any outside magic from interfering tonight. She hadn’t just pissed her father off, she’d actively disrupted his plans, and thanks to Bonnie’s magical brilliance, he couldn’t track her easily. But there was another way to drag her to a Fairy Court, and she would have to move very quickly to avoid it.
Baring her teeth in a mimicry of a smile, she gave herself a moment to feel a sharp burst of satisfaction. She had a list on her phone of her father’s potential means of retaliation, and Wild Hunt was right there at the top as the worst possible outcome, but it also meant Tyler must have been far more integral to his plans than she’d guessed. Even knowing that her chances of survival had just taken a serious dip, it did little to dim her pleasure. If she was very, very lucky her father’s precious Queen would feel the need to take out his failure on him directly.
A girl could hope.If she survived the night, she was going to find a fancy bottle of wine and pick up a cupcake. Maybe two cupcakes. She deserved the mini-celebration.
Caroline (1:20AM): I spotted half a dozen of my cousins tonight. I don’t know who holds their allegiance but it probably won’t matter. If Bill is super pissed, he’ll call them all.
Bonnie (1:21 AM): Fuck.
Bonnie (1:21 AM): If it goes bad, don’t be an idiot. Use Klaus.
Caroline (1:21 AM): No.
Caroline (1:22 AM): Favor or not, I killed his hybrid. He doesn’t strike me as forgiving.
Bonnie (1:22 AM): He’s not.
Bonnie (1:23 AM): You don’t have to tell him.
Caroline (1:23 AM): Uh huh. I’ll call you when I’m safe. 🤦😘❤️🏃
Shoving her phone back into her pocket, Caroline exhaled slowly at the bite that was her warning that her magic was nearly tapped dry. Giving herself another half-a-dozen heart beats to celebrate her first major victory, she turned her mind to her problem at hand.
Bonnie had good reason to be worried. It had been almost thirty years since the Queens had summoned a wild hunt to drag one of the half-Fae home for punishment. Bill had made a point to tell her in great details the torture that had awaited her cousin, the way the Queen had plucked his body and his mind apart for his treachery.
Caroline doubted she had become enough of a problem that the Queens would send the hunt, which meant that Bill would be expending a great deal of power to collect her. Her lips twisted, finger tapping silently against the side of her phone. Fae magic was powerful, and so was her father, but it could be circumvented. She needed to concentrate on that, put together her plan.
Pissing her father off twice in one night would normally be her highest priority, but instead what she wanted to think about was the message Bonnie had given her.
 Klaus Mikaelson was in Chicago.
Anticipation was a tantalizing thrill in her veins. She’d hoped the truth of New Orleans would have helped her grow out of her strange obsession. Instead, it left her wanting to know more. It was a struggle, when all she had to do was text Bonnie and ask for a location. She could then finally indulge in the bone deep curiosity that had been part of her life for as long as she could remember. Maybe figure out the cause of her obsession with a monster she’d never met.
She might’ve, if only doing so tonight wouldn’t put everyone she cared about in danger.
Caroline slid her lip between her teeth, letting the small hurt ground her. If she thought her father hated her enough to call down a Wild Hunt now, exposing the Fae’s secrets to Klaus would make his rage burn even more bitterly. She’d honestly have done it years ago out of spite if such a move would only put her in the crosshairs of the courts, but it wouldn’t.
Bonnie and Enzo would also be marked.
The High Courts currently considered her rebellion to be a family matter, though one Bill was unable to control adequately. She could not risk a Queen deciding she was her enemy in truth, not yet. Not when she was so close to figuring out how to banish her father permanently to the otherside of the Veil.
She’d be thrilled to just killing him, but she long since accepted that might not be possible. Tyler had been right, when he’d called her a monster. When he’d called all of them monsters. He just hadn’t understood that for all of the terrible things in this world that there were worse fate’s hidden behind the veil in between the worlds, horrors lovingly encouraged in Underhill that could break a human mind merely with their existence.
Earth had pushed the Fae back with their iron and religion all those years ago, had sealed the veil with witch magic, and humanity considered themselves victorious. But the truth was all they had done was defer the fight for the territory the Fae claimed as theirs to own to a different day.
The Fae hadn’t forgotten humanity nor had they forgiven them for their defeat. Banished behind magic, the Fae watched and watched and hungered. They had waited for the time that they had truly passed into myth, until the world forgot how to defeat them with a dangerous patience. But the nature of the Fae was as capricious as it was violent, and not all agreed on waiting.
Some had altered their plans and plotted a different course of action.
The Great Experiment.
Caroline supposed she should be grateful for that impatience, it was the reason for her existence, but all she could muster just then was a familiar anger. For six hundred years, members of the High Courts had mingled their blood among humans, hoping to breed children with resistance to both iron and the religion, the tools that had locked them away from the world that had once been theirs. And their plan had produced some success, though not always how they had hoped.
She was one such success.
Elizabeth Forbes had never been comfortable with her half-Fae child, but she’d also refused to abandon her to a world filled with monsters. Instead, she’d taught her daughter the good and the bad of humanity, had shown her the world as it was and what it could be. Her father saw her as a tool, a means to an end. Her mother’s love had been gruff and uneasy, but she’d tried.
She would never, ever forget that.
Or forgive Bill for her death.
Caroline had defied her father and his magic, had pitted herself against his will as she vowed vengeance for killing the one thing she’d ever claimed as her own. Her mother.
Hunting Bill required care and a meticulous eye for detail, and a particular stubbornness she had in spades. His magic was more powerful than hers, but he had always underestimated his only child by Liz, brushed her off as not powerful or clever enough for his schemes. It’s been a deliberate decision of hers to hide what she was capable of, hoping that such a ploy would save her mother. Now, she used her magic against him with the same ruthlessness he had taught her as a child.
But she was just one half-breed among hundreds, and so she’d learned to be careful. She wasn’t even the most powerful of those born on this side of the veil and underhanded ambush tactics had always served her better than brute force. A disruption there, a few dozen murder’s here. Just enough to skew her father’s chessboard while she worked to uncover the truth of his plotting. The fewer of her cousins who were able to carry out the will of her father and his fellow full blooded Fae’s plots, the safer humanity was from a terrible strike.
But she couldn’t kill them all, though she’d certainly tried. Her family did not die easily, and magic lingered in places of terrible violence like fingerprints. Each kill was a risk that could lead to her death. Over the years, it’s become clear that if she wanted to destroy her fathers plots, she couldn’t do it alone. The tie that connected them, the thread that burned so clearly now in her chest with her father’s rage, meant that she’d never be truly safe from him. Blood ties were not easily broken.
But Caroline knew witches, so she’d returned home, to the place where the only people she trusted still lived. Tyler had already been gone by then, lost in his need for vengeance, but Bonnie had been there, lingering in the ashes of conquest almost as if she’d been waiting.
It was then that Caroline had learned that humanity's greatest monster had become its potential savior. That the true potential of Ester’s terrible offspring had finally been unlocked. Klaus Mikaelson had broken his curse.
Her fingers curled into her palms, the strange, bone-deep curiosity that ground her joints together every time she thought of his name a familiar sensation. Klaus had broken his strange Sun and Moon curse in the forest she knew so well, had cut a bloody path through everyone who tried to oppose him, and laid the foundations for the army of hybrids he was determined to build. His perfect army that feared neither sun nor death and were unnaturally loyal.
Hybrids that Bonnie had helped create.
Her best friend rarely spoke of the events that led to the creation of the hybrids, refusing to give Caroline even the smallest detail of how a hybrid was made. Even tucked away in her home in Maine twenty years later, hidden by both Fae and witch magic. Caroline might not have the hows involved, but she knew the whys.
It all circled back to Bill.
Liz hadn’t been the only causality of her father’s hunger for power, just the first in their small town. Murdering Sheila Bennett had been a mistake in that it had set Bonnie against Bill, but it fit the pattern Caroline was starting to see in her father’s plans. Liz had been human, but one whose family had been deeply entrenched in the supernatural for generations. Sheila Bennett had been powerful, but she’d been born of the witch line that had created the Otherside. Gram’s had made sure her death had cost Bill, but it hadn’t been enough to stop his plans as Tyler’s presence tonight had proven.
Sometimes, Caroline wondered why Bonnie didn’t hate her. Bill was a scourge that returned time and time again, because her blood allowed it. Maybe if she’d been stronger they’d have been able to protect their families. But what she couldn’t protect, she could avenge.
Bonnie had agreed to help. Had been working on her own plans for years. The first real foothold into Bill’s master plan had been with the Augustine Society. Bonnie had been watching them for months before Caroline’s return, humans who had relentlessly experimented on vampires. They’d staged a rescue for the vampire that had been imprisoned, and it had been Enzo who had known of Tyler.
Tyler who had been the first of Klaus’ successful hybrids, whose loyalty was a shaky thing despite whatever magic bound him to his maker. Her childhood sweetheart who yearned for freedom from the yolk he had chosen. It’d taken months to go through the society’s notes they’d managed to save, to dig into the texts they had been experimenting with.
They’d known so much but understood so little.
But one thing had become crystal clear.
Bill was trying to bring down the Veil. Not unexpected, as most of the Fae worked to destroy it. But Bill also worked to understand what had led to the banishment of the Fae, so he could break it better.
It had been humans, werewolves and witches who had originally created the veil, blocking the Fae Lords from returning in great numbers after their banishment, forcing them to squeeze through cracks when the veil between worlds was thin or use now defunct gates. When iron had slowly lost its grip on the world, they might have managed more but for Qetsiyah.
Bonnie’s ancestor had been clever. When she’d bound the otherside, trapping Amara in stone and Silas forever out of her reach, she’d sunk the power of those souls into the Veil between humanity and the Fae, creating a second anchor. An additional failsafe to guarantee that no Supernatural would be so foolish as to undo her work.
Witch. Vampire. Werewolf. Hybrid. When they died, they were shuffled into Qetsiyah’s chosen afterlife, and their souls protected humanity. Humans were spared that fate, but their very existence acted a detriment to the Fae, as it was humanity who embraced iron.
The fastest way to destroy the Veil would be to free Silas. For a while, she and Bonnie had worried that he would succeed. But no one knew where Qetsiyah had hidden Silas’ body, and for all of her father’s attempts to restart Silas’ little cult, he’d always failed. The last real surge in members had ended when they’d been slaughtered, setting her father back decades.
The only other way to destroy what Qetsiyah had put into place would be to destroy the Veil at the root. And while no one understood the magic that had cast out the Fae so many years ago, her father didn’t need to understand the magic of the Veil to break it. He just needed dominion over it. But that was no easy task. Humans and witches could be bribed or fooled. Werewolves hovered at the brink of extinction. But the children of Esther, the hybrids that now walked the earth, defied every master but one. And so her father gathered his pieces and worked to subjugate Klaus’ creations in secret.
Caroline had tried to save Tyler.
She’d tried to talk him out of the part that Bill needed him to play. He’d refused. And the betrayal had burned like acid in her gut.
It had been Tyler, who had helped her dig Elizabeth Forbes’ grave. Her friend who had given her his gloves when her palms started to bleed, had said nothing when her tears had made her clumsy. It had been Tyler who sat with her and Bonnie, listening as Grams told them of the dangers in the world after Caroline had announced she was leaving. But her friend had died long before Caroline had killed him.
She shivered in the wind.
She knew Klaus played his part in that. It was impossible not to. It had been because of Tyler that she’d ended up in New Orleans, after all. The whispers of the destruction of the city, of how entire witch lines had been lost to madness and death had not adequately captured the horror of it. She’d seen what Klaus had left behind: werewolf packs left in ruin, the survivors turned and bound to his will. Broken witches and terror ridden vampires.
But rarely death. Klaus was not so kind to let his true enemies escape him in such a way. Instead, his wake left behind living ghosts. At least in this, she had done her best by her old friend. Whatever had driven him, whatever horror he had witnessed that had turned him so fully against her, she hoped he could find peace from it now.
She wasn’t so sure she’d be so lucky. Klaus was a spector in her life that she didn’t know if she could escape. And tonight, she’d killed his first hybrid. She grimaced. Klaus would not take to that news kindly. Best if she was long gone when he learned of it.
She wondered if she could manage it. She already felt the pull in her chest, the need to see, to touch, burning through her. It has always been like this. When Grams had first mentioned his name all those years ago, she’d felt the smallest of pulls, a jolt of curiosity. A tug she couldn’t explain. And everytime she thought his name, every time she heard another whisper of the night terrors he created, the tug to search him out grew stronger.
She’d deliberately chosen to look for those horrors once, hoping the truth of his nature would terrify her into running away. Instead, the monster that she had cultivated since she was seventeen and covered in her mother’s blood had approved. The more she learned, the more she wanted to know.
It was why she’d helped Bonnie disappear. Whatever happened between her and Klaus, she was determined to protect her friends from the fall out of it. But she was not the only Fae who hunted for information about Klaus, and Bonnie Bennet had helped create his hybrids.
Her people would destroy Bonnie, if they learned that truth. That a witch from Qetsiyah’s line had once again worked great magic against them would light the fires of their impotent rage for a long, long time. As long as Klaus and his hybrids roamed the earth, it made their chances of winning a war that much harder.
Fae magic was powerful, but given forced limitations by the rules they had to follow. Klaus and his creations were bound by no such things. And they were swallowing the world.
It had been nearly five years since the first hint of a hybrid returning to the US since New Orleans had raced through the Supernatural community. Over the decades, the US communities had watched from a distance as Klaus had bent Europe to his will, his creations breaking across city after city like a wave, choking out any dissent in their paths.
London, Paris, Milan. They all fell at Klaus’ feet with little more than a whimper.
The first real sign of his return had been when he turned New Orleans into a witches' graveyard, and then his gaze had turned to Chicago. Her father was no fool, he had to have known that Klaus had made this city the seat of his power in the States. Bill was far too cunning to risk catching Klaus’ attention unless he had a plan, and not knowing the exact details of what that plan was worried her.
Though she could guess part of it.
A sharp whistle cut through the air, and Caroline’s gaze cut along the rigid angles and sharply jutting corners of the builders around her, but she maintained her hiding place. She had no intention of being flushed out of cover like a bird they intended to net but she needed to come up with a plan.
Glancing at her watch, she grimaced.
It was nearly two in the morning.
If her father had chosen to call a Wild Hunt, she had roughly sixty minutes until the witching hour of three A.M. struck, and the Hunt was let loose. The blood tie to her father might have eroded to the point that he could no longer use it to force her obedience, but they had never managed to break it entirely. Fae magic was tricky. Blood ties more so. Instead, Bonnie had done her best to cloud it, to thin the connection to a single, potent thread.
A Wild Hunt would cut through the witch magic hiding her and return her to her father. Caroline was certain the only reason Bill hadn’t tried to do such a thing before was because of the cost. Calling a Hunt took a great deal of personal power. She would only have one shot of slipping away, and the risk of being caught by her father’s soldiers was dangerously high.
 Klaus was in Chicago.
Her fingers clenched, and Caroline put her phone away. She wouldn’t risk Bonnie or Enzo by going to Klaus, not yet. Not with Tyler’s blood fresh on her hands. But that didn’t mean she still couldn’t use his presence in the city to her advantage. In a game of half-breeds, it always came down to who was the better gambler.
Supernatural cities always had seedy vampire nightclubs and supernatural friendly bars littered throughout. When Klaus had taken over Chicago, he had commandeered several for his own use. But there was one club in particular that she’d pinned down as potentially being part of his stomping grounds; the number of bodies that were secretly removed from the club gave credence to her theory, though she supposed it could just be a place that attracted excess stupidity.
If she was going to have a chance tonight, she needed to go into that club and stay just long enough to let the scent of mingling supernaturals hide her trail so she could slip away undetected and find a place she could hide from the magic seeking her. If she was lucky, Klaus’ potential presence would act as a deterrent.
It was a risk.
Not only because she needed to keep her own blood-lust in check, but because she had never before let herself venture close enough to Klaus to risk catching a single glimpse of him. She was magically exhausted and wounded, the slow crawl of thirst thick in her throat, and her bones ached with the insistent need that made no logical sense.
She would have to be so very careful. Still, for now, her glamour was holding. Setting her teeth, Caroline turned and headed to the heartbeat of the city. Tonight, she’d find a way to live and tomorrow she’d call Bonnie and they’d work out a plan for her to escape. And she’d have to do it without indulging in a curiosity that had no name but was a pulse in her blood.
The rest is here: A03
(I’ll add the link to FFN once I get it posted.)
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zelenacat · 4 years
Chapter 1- When We Were Young- An Obitine Story
She was dressed from head to toe in ivory. Her voluminous gown glimmered in the sunlight, emanating a pearly sheen on the marble floors of the palace. The aureate doves and shields on her hem reflected their golden threads onto the shiny golden flats that caressed her heels. Clinched at the waist was a slim glimmering belt that rested nicely on her hips, bejeweled with citrine and opal stones interlocking with pearls. She was slightly uncomfortable with the tightness of her corsetted bust and how it accented the shoulders her maids had rubbed with oil. 
“Your Grace?”
Satine straightened at her title, pushing her shoulder blades back and raising her chin. She stared at her face in the mirror, crystal blue eyes ablaze with righteous fire, slim cheekbones painted a pale pink, and with her hair in a low bun, Satine was about to face her destiny.
“Your Grace?”
Those words shook her from her revelry.
Satine swallowed, addressing the lady that had just appeared in the doorway, “Yes, Fesma?” 
“Your train, Your Grace.”
Satine gasped, Mandalorians were not ones for frivolity, but this cape, the royal coronation train, was the most glorious thing she’d ever seen. Fesma stepped forward, Khaami, her other lady appeared in the doorway just as the purple velvet was draped over her shoulders and tied along her collar bone.
“Your Grace, the carriage has arrived.”
Satine placed her hands on her stomach and inhaled, steadying herself, this was it, the day.
“Let us go then.”
Satine rode in a covered aircraft that slowly crawled through the city of Sundari, headed to the glorious Jaru Cathedral. She’d been nervous all morning, but now it was real. The people, so many of them, cheered as they tried to get a glimpse of her behind the veiled windows. In the car behind her rode four of her coronation maidens, only Fesma and Khaami were with her now.
“You will excel, Your Grace,” Fesma spoke up.
Satine turned to her.
“Are you sure?” slipped out her mouth before she could stop herself.
“Quite,” Fesma answered firmly, “you are the Duchess.”
“It is true, Your Grace,” Khaami agreed, “it is your birthright.”
Satine tried to smile, “I thank you, ladies, for your kindness.”
Fesma and Khaami had been natural choices for her ladies, they were the daughters of powerful counts, and she had known them since girlhood. 
As they arrived at the Cathedral, the trumpets blared. Satine’s sister, Bo-Katan, dressed in light blue with a violet sash, opened the car door.
“Here we go, Bine,” Bo-Katan held out her hand, “it’s time.”
Satine took her sister’s hand and climbed out of the carriage, the crowds roared. Satine looked up at the camera, and it was then she truly smiled, her people, they loved her. 
“Ready, Your Grace,” Khaami whispered from behind.
Satine turned around to check, her ladies were holding the sides of her cape, it wasn’t allowed to touch the ground. Behind them, her coronation maidens were waiting. Steeling herself, Satine walked forward, with Bo-Katan on her right as her coronation maidens fell in line, she looked every bit as regal as she felt.
At the Cathedral entrance, Bo-Katan was given a sword, she held it upright and stepped in front of Satine, the trumpets blared again. Slowly, the nobles in the stands stood and Bo-Katan stepped forward. Satine knew that her sister had practiced for this moment, as she was not one for royal engagements, and for that Satine was grateful. 
As they made their way to the end of the aisle, Bo-Katan stepped off to the side and Satine turned to sit on the grand throne center stage. Her ladies spread her cape around her off to one side, elegantly accentuating her posture.
“The Archbishops of Sundari.”
Slowly, two ancient men made their way from Satine’s sides, one on the right the other on the left. One carried a knife, the other carried a bowl, they stopped in front of Satine and bowed deeply. When they rose, Satine watched as one Archbishop held out his hand to her, Satine tried not to shake as she took the knife. 
“Do you solemnly swear,” droned the other Archbishop, “that you are as pure and as holy as warrior King Korkyrach the First?”
“I solemnly swear.” Satine spoke.
“Do you solemnly swear” began the other one, “that you will lead Mandalore to greatness as the Queen Mara the First once did?”
“I solemnly swear.” Satine said sternly.
The Archbishop held out the bowl, and Satine made a shallow cut on her wrist. Gingerly, she poured some drops of blood into the ancient artifact.
“The Gods have accepted your blood,” the Archbishops stated together, “the Gods have proclaimed you worthy.”
Trumpets blared and the Archbishops moved to stand at her sides. Down the aisle came the High Justice, carrying a scarlet pillow with the most decadent crown upon it. Satine was conscious of her eyes widening, but she didn’t realize the rapid rising of her chest.
“Calm, little one,” whispered the old High Justice when she was in earshot, “this is your birthright.”
Satine straightened. One of the High Justice’s attendants took the pillow from him and the High Justice raised the crown above Satine’s head.
“As Jaru the Divine blessed the first Dukes of Mandalore, she now blesses you, Satine Kryze, as you are officially crowned, Duchess of Mandalore!”
Satine felt the weight of the heavy crown on her head and she closed her eyes.
“Long live the Duchess!”
Satine opened her eyes.
“Long Live the Duchess!”
Straightening, Satine focused on her breathing.
“Long live the Duchess!”
The High Justice and his attendant stepped to the sides of the throne as Bo-Katan walked forward. Just in front of the throne, Satine’s sister got down on one knee and took Satine’s hand in hers.
“I, Bo-Katan Kryze of Clan Kryze, declare myself to be your liege of life and limb, your sister in battle, and your servant in peace. May Mandalore prosper under your reign.”
One by one, the clan leaders came up and pledged allegiance to Satine, their new duchess, declaring that her reign would be a glorious one. When it came time for her to leave, Satine’s ladies and coronation maidens encircled the throne and Satine stood. The crowd surged forward as she appeared on the steps of the Jaru Cathedral, Satine smiled and waved as she got into the carriage. After a few minutes of her ladies arranging her cape, the coachman closed the door.
She made a speech on the balcony of the Summer Palace, facing all of Sundari as she repeated the practiced words she’d been preparing for weeks. The people cheered when she finished, the nobles clapped politely.
“Long live the Duchess!”
Satine didn’t expel the breath she was holding until after their backward march, when the panes of the palace balcony closed.
“Congratulations, Your Grace.”
Satine choked on a giggle.
“Your Grace?”
Satine sighed and turned to face her ladies and coronation maidens, “Thank you all.”
“Come, Your Grace,” Fesma held out her hand, “let us help you to your quarters.”
In her quarters, Satine took off the ceremonial crown and set it down on her toilette, then went her gloves, her diamond choker and pearls, and finally, her cape.
“Fesma, Khaami?”
“Yes, Your Grace?” the ladies looked up.
“Please return the ceremonial regalia and my jewels to the royal treasury.”
“Of course, Your Grace.”
Satine placed the crown in Fesma’s hands and draped the cape over Khaami’s arms.
“Hm,” the Duchess stood back to admire her handiwork, then cracked a smile, “I think you should wear the jewels to transport them, don’t you think?”
Khaami’s mouth dropped open and she coughed on a gasp. Fesma’s eyes went wide, but she recovered.
“Are you sure, Your Grace?”
“Yes, Fesma.”
Khaami squealed. Satine placed the necklaces on her ladies.
“Be back quickly, I have to change.”
After her ladies left, Satine sat down in her toilette chair, staring at herself in the mirror. She’d done it, a proud expression crossed her face, she was the Duchess of Mandalore. Yet, something felt...wrong.
Satine inhaled sharply, she wouldn’t think of him. Satine wouldn’t think about how she felt when he’d taken harpoons for her, or how he made her laugh with her belly, or how she’d given him her body without a second thought. Where was he now? Did he remember her? Had he moved on?
“Your Grace?”
Satine looked up, she hadn’t realized she’d been crying.
Clearing her throat, she answered, “Yes, Fesma?”
Fesma frowned when she saw the Duchess, “We must get you dressed for the banquet.”
“Yes,” Satine wiped her eyes, “I am the guest of honor after all.”
Standing, the Duchess did not miss the look of concern that passed between her ladies.
“Your Grace, are you-”
“I’m alright, Fesma,” Satine interrupted, “but we must get ready.”
The coronation had been held at around 11 o’clock in the morning, but Satine had barely eaten breakfast; she'd been so nervous. So while Fesma prepared a bath, Khaami went to fetch food.
“Fesma,” Satine’s face darkened suddenly, “what was it like the year I was gone?”
The lady froze, swallowed, shook her head, and continued on with her task. 
“Not even us nobles fared well, our houses were raided, food became scarce-”
“I’m sorry.” Satine confided.
“What about you, Your Grace,” Fesma asked, “what was your year away from home like?”
So many memories came back to Satine, dancing with Obi-Wan under a dark sky with stars as their only light, learning how to climb trees just so she could watch her Jedi protectors meditate, and learning how to swim with Obi-Wan’s hands guiding her.
“Your Grace?” there was a curious edge in Fesma’s tone this time.
Satine sighed, “It was an adventure.”
After Satine had washed herself, she ate while Fesma dried her hair.
“You’re late.” Fesma had observed when Khaami returned.
Khaami blushed, “I ran into Yorge.”
Satine grinned, “Is that why there’s extra cakes?”
Khaami returned her smile, “That and because it’s a special day, Your Grace.”
Satine offered some cakes to Khaami and Fesma before they continued getting ready. She never liked painting her face, so Satine waved it off, but Fesma did insist her hair be done the way her foremother’s had worn it, in braids for battle.
“They frame your face, Your Grace.” Khaami observed Fesma’s handiwork.
“Call me Satine,” the Duchess said suddenly, “like you used to.”
Khaami looked down.
“My father said that it's different now,” she said, “because you’re the Duchess.”
“Well as the Duchess,” Satine straightened, “I decree that you shall call me Satine.”
Fesma grinned, “I guess that’s that, then.”
By the time it was four o’clock, Satine was fully dressed. Her gown was a deep royal purple with golden embroidery on the hems. She had a golden belt with amethysts that hummed softly against the dark stone on her bust that connected to her layered pearl necklace. Satine ran her fingers along the navy sash across her body, clipped with all sorts of medals and regal symbols.
Khaami came up behind her, “And to finish it off.”
The Duchess smiled, Fesma took the tiara from Khaami’s hands and placed it on Satine’s head.
“You look lovely, Satine.” Khaami clapped.
“Thank you,” the Duchess turned to her ladies, “now go get dressed yourselves, the reception starts in an hour.”
Squealing, Satine’s friends ran from the room. The Duchess smiled sadly, it had been a month since Obi-Wan left, and it had been a month since she last giggled like a girl. Now, she was no longer a girl, but the Duchess of Mandalore.
Satine sighed, Obi-Wan was like a crushing weight on her chest everytime she thought of him, and her corset currently wasn’t helping. Why did he half to command such a power over her, the charming padawan with his roguish smile and twinkling eyes. He’d said he’d loved her, and she’d confessed the same.
Inhaling and trying to hold back her tears, Satine made her way out of her personal quarters and into the sitting room that adjoined it. There she would find something to do, but bookshelves and a piano didn’t hold any interest for Satine at the moment. Over her year on the run, she’d learned to appreciate the little things, unfortunately, the Duchess couldn’t seem to pull herself out of her sadness.
Finally, after running her fingers along book spines and fiddling with piano keys for an ungodly amount of time, Fesma and Khaami returned to Satine’s chambers.
“Satine,” Fesma whispered quietly as they took their places in the hall, “remember to smile.”
When her name was announced, trumpets blew and the grand double doors swung open, Satine smiled as politely as she could and descended the stairs, arms clasped in front of her. The crowds parted, ladies curtsied and men bowed as Satine walked by, making her way to the throne in the back of the room.
“Your Grace.”
Satine admired her subjects, they all seemed so radiant.
“Your Grace.”
And she was Duchess of them all, a great responsibility.
“Your Grace.”
Satine must earn their respect. Turning, she sat on the throne as Fesma and Khaami took their places beside her. The mingling began. Satine watched for the first five minutes, making connections in her mind as to who connected with who. Then she stood and took a turn about the room, she graciously greeted the clan heads and dignitaries from foreign courts who had come to witness her coronation. By the time it was announced that dinner was served, Satine felt like her brain was melting. So many back-stabing compliments and veiled unpleasantries, the Duchess wasn’t amused.
Satine picked up her spoon and took the first bite, the court followed.
“What a splendid performance, Your Grace.” the man on her left, Tarrei Vizsla commented.
“Thank you, Count Vizsla, that is most kind.”
“Have you considered what your first act as Duchess will be?”
Satine smiled, “Likely it shall be opening the new parliament.”
The Count’s lips twitched, and Satine wondered for a minute which side of the war he’d been on. The New Mandalorians, a peaceful sect, had just taken over the government and were picking their cabinet members, Satine had alluded to being a pacifist in her speech earlier in the day, but she hadn’t outright said it. Count Vizsla was probably seeing where she stood.
The Count nodded politely and returned to his food, Satine wondered if she had just made a huge mistake.
When Satine finished her meal, she allowed the man on her right, an ambassador from Onderon, to lead her into the ballroom. For the first hour, she danced with all the high-ranking dignitaries who asked to take a spin with her. Afterwards, she sat with Fesma and Khaami, claiming she needed a refreshment.
“This is quite the spectacle.” Khaami whispered, leaning into Satine.
“I agree,” the Duchess frowned, watching her people dance, “the last time we threw a ball my father was the Duke.”
“He would be proud of you, Satine,” Fesma placed her hand on Satine’s, “I’m sure of it.”
The Duchess grimaced, “I don’t know if he’d agree with my political views.”
Fesma shrugged, “Children have to rebel somehow.”
The Duchess danced a couple more times in the next two hours before bidding good evening to the guests that approached her before leaving. Finally, when Satine was free to leave the party herself, she practically ran back to her room.
“Thank goodness that’s over.” Khaami sighed.
The Duchess huffed in agreement, taking off her tiara and jewelry.
“I’ll take those downstairs if you like, Satine.” Fesma offered.
“Yes,” Satine smiled wearily, ”thank you.”
As Khaami began to help the Duchess shed her many layers, Satine felt a queasiness in her stomach. She opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it quickly. Just as her dress fell to the floor, she ran to the fresher.
Expelling saliva infused chunks of her coronation meal, the Duchess began to choke.
“Oh, Satine!” 
  The Duchess heard Khaami run over to her and begin to smack her in the back.
“Khaami, what-”
“Satine’s ill.” Khaami explained to Fesma.
The Duchess regurgitated a chunk of meat into the fresher.
“Well hold her hair up, then!” Fesma ordered.
When Satine’s stomach had calmed down and she was able to speak again, she asked for a cup of water and to be left alone. Fesma and Khaami had shared a look.
“Alright,” Satine sighed, “I need you ladies to do something for me.”
“What?” Khaami wondered.
Satine turned to her earnestly, “Something that you can’t tell anyone you did.”
“It’s not illegal, I hope.” Fesma took a step back.
“No, no, it’s just,” Satine paused, “a lot happened while I was away.”
“Like what?” Khaami asked, still confused.
“I,” Satine’s hands began to shake, “I don’t think I have a cold.”
Fesma crossed her arms, “We should get you down to the medical wing to check.” 
“No!” Satine roared, outstretching her hand.
“Satine?” Khaami questioned.
“I need you to get me a medical droid to examine me, in here,” Satine clarified, “and if my suspicions are correct, then we’ll have to wipe its memory.”
Fesma gave her Duchess a querying look.
“I still don’t understand.” Khaami confessed.
“Duchess,” Fesma began, “are you, I mean, do you think you might-”
“Yes.” Satine answered firmly.
“Khaami,” Fesma turned, “fetch a medical droid from the med wing, but take the servant passageways and let no one see you.”
The lady did as she was asked, and the medical droid confirmed Satine’s worst fear.
“You,” Khaami gasped, “you’re-”
“Expecting.” Satine finished.
“The Jedi who protected me,” Satine looked down, “the padawan and I grew close.”
“Satine,” Fesma’s face paled, “Mandalorians aren’t fond of the Jedi.”
“And my enemies could use this against me.” agreed Satine.
“What will you do?” Khaami worried, coming back to herself.
Satine bit her lip, “Do you think I should tell him?”
“Are you going to keep it is the real question.” Fesma frowned.
Khaami covered her mouth.
Satine was silent for a long time, “I want a piece of what I can never have, this baby is my way around the rules.”
“But, Satine, how will, who will-”
“In secret,” the Duchess answered, “and I will.”
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[Age 2]
Warning Blood.
You were the youngest of the Kennedy kids.
When your parents had to go to Dallas Texas for the last thing for the campaign before 64.
You had thrown a crying fit that you didn't want them to go. It was so bad that Mrs.Shaw couldn't calm you down.
Fine. We will take you with us, Your Mother Jackie said.
You stop crying after that.
You are my daughter alright, Jackie mumble.
Jackie had you on her hip as she walks onto the plane.
What took you so long, Why is y/n here, Jack asked?
Y/n was crying and Mrs.Shaw couldn't calm her down and I'm surprised that she hasn't got sick yet from all the crying, Jackie said.
Mr.President and Mrs. Kennedy. We are leaving now and we will be in Dallas Texas soon, The pilot says.
Mrs.Shaw had dress you in a pink dress and a big pink bow on your head.
You were on Jackie's lap as She was reading a book to you.
They live happily ever after. The end, Jackie said as she closes the book.
You let out a yawn as you close your greenish-grey eyes like Jack's.
Sweet dreams, Jackie said as she lays you down on the bed and puts pillows by you, so you won't fall off the bed.
She lay Jack's suit jacket on you.
You grab hold of his jacket in your sleep.
Y/n has your attitude alright. You told me that if you didn't get what you want or the Kennedy charm didn't work, You get red in the face. She gets red in the face alright, Jackie said with a smirk.
She is only two and y/n is using the Kennedy charm on you, you fall for it all the time, It's funny to me, how much our daughter is acting like me and look more like me each day, Jack said with a smirk.
The baby monitor went off.
You had woken up from your nap and you weren't happy.
Your turn, Jackie said as she gets back to her magazine.
Fine. You owe me big time Jacqueline, Jack said.
I love you bunny.
Hey. What wrong princess, Jack said as he picks you up from the bed.
You continue to cry.
Shh. Daddy is here, It's ok, Jack said as he rubs your back in comfort.
You lay your head on his shoulder as he rubs up and down your back.
Mr.President and Mrs.Kennedy. We just landed in Dallas Texas, The pilot says.
Do you want me to hold her, or what, Jackie asked?
Nah. I got her, Jack said as he put you on his hip.
Jackie looked at her daughter and her husband before she walked off the plane, Jack and their daughter was behind her.
There were signs that said. JFK FOR 64.
Here you go, A lady said as she hands Jackie red roses.
Thank you.
Weird. I had got yellow roses from the other stops, Jackie thought.
This way Mrs.Kennedy, Agent Jim said.
Jackie gets into the car first, then Jack and their daughter.
She lays the roses on her lap.
Jackie had moved a piece of her hair out of her face.
Jack had grabbed her hand into his and smile at her.
She looks at Jack with a smile before she waved at the crowd.
They are now entering Dealey Plaza.
Mr.President. You don't say that Dallas doesn't love you, governor colley said.
Get down, Jack said as he grabs Jackie and their daughter moves down to the floor.
The crowd was running away screaming and worrying if their First Lady and The President was ok or not.
They were out of Dealey Plaza.
Jack raised from the floor and help Jackie and grab their daughter.
They were cover in blood from the bang.
Lyndon B.Johnson Blood.
Lady Bird was covering her husband's blood and had a piece of his brain in her hand and her white gloves were now red.
Hospital now, Clint yelled.
Parkland Hospital.
We need to take the vice president now, The nurse said.
Mr.President and Mrs.Kennedy. Are you guys alright, Clint asked?
Yeah. We are fine, just a little scared that all, Jackie said.
Jack looks at her before he grabs her hand as they walk into the hospital.
It's was Jackie, Jack, Lady Bird sitting in the chairs as they wait on the news.
Mrs.Johnson, The Doctor said.
Yes, Lady Bird said as she got up from the chair.
We did all we could ma, but we lost him, I am so sorry for your loss.
Lady Bird covers her mouth as the tears started.
In the room. Lays Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson, absolutely lifeless, stripped of all clothing except his boxes, ghastly pale eyes closed cover in blood.
This could have been Jack, Jackie thought.
Vice President Lyndon Johnson is dead, I repeat Vice President Lyndon Johnson is dead, He is dead at 1 pm.
November 25
Today was Lyndon Funeral.
Jackie was dress in a black dress and Jack had on a black suit. You were dressed in a black dress.
Jack had you on his hip as he grabs Jackie's hand into his as they walk behind the casket.
There were 3,000 people here for Lyndon Funeral.
Jackie watched as Ladybird and her two daughters Lynda and Luci walk up to Lyndon Casket.
That could have been Jack instead, Jackie thought.
Jack looks at Jackie with a sad smile before he grabs her hand.
Jackie looks at her husband before she grips his hand, scared to let go.
The paparazzi were taking pictures of Jack and Jackie and You as they walk down the stairs.
Jackie and Jack watch them as they put the dirt on Lyndon's grave.
Lady Bird was on the ground sobbing.
The paparazzi was taking pictures again as Jack who had you on his hip again and Jackie leave the graveyard.
December 25th.
Crying had woken Jack up from his sleep.
He looks over at Jackie. She was still sleeping.
He glanced at the clock. 10 am.
Daddy is coming, Jack said as he climbs out of bed and walks into your nursery.
You were standing up in your crib. Your face was red from crying.
Shh. It's ok, daddy is here, Jack said as he picks you up.
You had stopped crying when you noticed that you were in your daddy's arms.
You just wanted to be held didn't you, Jack said as he looks at you.
You smile at him. More like the Kennedy smile.
You are my daughter alright, Jack mumble.
You move your hand up to his cheek as You look into his eyes, same as yours, and smile at him.
I love you so much, Jack said as he kisses your forehead.
Good morning to my two favorite people, Jackie said as she leans against the door
How long as you been standing there, Jack said.
The whole time, Jackie said.
Jack look away as his face turned red.
Aw. You look cute when you blushed, Jackie said.
I will get you back for this Jaqueline, Just wait until we are alone, Jack said.
The kids were asleep for the night.
Jackie was looking around for her husband. But she couldn't find him, she was starting to get a little scared since Jack said that he will get her back.
Jackie was so focused on looking for her husband, She didn't notice behind her was Jack walking toward her with a smirk on his face.
I got you, Jack said as he wrapped his arms around Jackie.
Holy crap. You scared the crap out of me, Jackie said.
I told you that I would get you back for what you pulled earlier, Jack said.
What are you going to do about it, Jackie teased.
Jack look at her before he picks her up and puts her over his shoulder ( Ik that JFK had a lot of back problems but just pretend it not so bad in the chapter )
Jack, Put me down now, Jackie said.
Nope, Jack said as he throws her on the bed.
Jack. What has gotten into you, Jackie said as she looks into her husband's eyes.
I want to try another baby, Jack says as he climbs on top of her.
Really. I have always wanted to have another child, I was scared after Patrick's death, Jackie said.
I was to Jackie. But now I'm ready, Jack said.
I love you so much, Jackie said as she pulled him into a kiss.
I love you too, Jack said as they both get under the covers.
They made love.
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f33itan · 4 years
💛⚜️Pᴀʀᴛ 1: Tᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪs Gᴏʟᴅᴇɴ⚜️💛 (From my Wattpad)
A/N: Ok, this was something a mutual of mine said here on Tumblr, and I decided to write a oneshot about it. Might be very VERY slight angst, nothing bad enough to actually be put under that umbrella though, anyways, enjoy this, and ty for the reads! :)
B/N: Your Mother's boyfriend's name
M/N: Mother's name
"Oi, Y/N! Go get me another pack of beer from the store!"
"Yes father!" Damn that pig looking bitch. I'm just some fucking girl, trying to protect her mom from this demon of a person! Heck, he's not EVEN a person! He's the devil himself!! Man, I wish dad was here...
When you were in about 7th grade, your real father got killed in a massacre a couple cities over. He was not only a police officer, but a great father and husband as well. He treated you and your mother amazingly, and you thought life couldn't get anymore perfect, but soon that all went down hill. After his death, your mother's health depleted and she felt empty inside. She needed somebody else to make her complete. She decided to call an old friend from high school, and next thing you know he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy at first, but soon enough he was beating you guys mercilessly, enough to leave large bruises and scars whenever you didn't do exactly what he asked, in your eyes though, it was more of an order. You hated being ordered around, but you hated your mother getting beaten around even more. It seemed like a blessing that he hasn't tried to rape her, but god knows what he'll do, he's unpredictable
With all of this happening, you decided to tell him you were doing some "extra curricular" classes in college, but what you were actually doing was taking the Hunter's Exam and learning nen. Your biological father was kind-hearted and fun to be around, but he was also strict and sometimes a bit harsh, though he always meant well. Before his passing, all three of you would go out on the weekends to train, exercise, or do something that would enhance your body power and brain power. Because of this, all of you were exceptionally smart, and bodies all well toned. Sometimes your excursions would be going to a park and practicing a sport, driving to the snow and sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and every once in a while going to another state to zip line, try animal encounters, or take a family friendly class in that state's heritage and customs.
Since you were accustomed to hard core training and events, you thought the Hunter's Exam was quite fun, and was a test to your skills. After that, you were scouted out by a strong nen user by the name of Biscuit Krueger. You and her had lots of fun training, and with her pushing your limits to the utmost best, you turned out to be a specialist.
(Whenever I imagine myself in Hunter x Hunter, this is always my nen type and stuff LMAO)
Your power was called, Black shadow. You could have up to 10 weapons on hand, completely subjected to doing your bidding. These weapons were linked to you through blood, and they were surrounded with a substance that appeared to be black mist. The weapons you most preferred to practice with and use were your katana, blood string, and scythe. You could also make a weapon yours by cutting a fingertip and letting the blood drip onto the weapon, altering the appearance then gaining that black "mist", showing that it was now yours. The downside to this technique was that those "shadows and mist remnants" were your sleep. The darkness in your mind and the shadows all around you were taken and used for that power. In turn, you were always tired, yawning, and had bags under your eyes. Another plus side though was that you had a nen created chamber that had every weapon you owned. A girl can have some fun toys, can't she? You had tools for torture (whenever you took an opportunity to try it), many varieties of weapons, and of course, more snacks. But unlike B/N, you didn't have just fatty snacks. You had regeneration potions, healthy snacks, and special nen created "snacks" to help with different things, which all of these you had collected through pulling some strings. Your mother was worried, but you said it was all just college things. Yeah, just college things..
Ill make that pig bitch pay for what he has done to my mother!
Feitan POV -or whats going on with him- :
"What time, is it.."
"8 AM Fei!"
"Shut up, green eyes, too loud."
"Oh Fei don't be rude! It's mean!"
"That's, the point."
"Oh wait, Shalnark, what this?"
"What do you mean?"
"This... gold string?"
"Phinks, what, do you, want-" Phinks just ignored his question and pointed to the TV.
This is Channel 12, reporting live from York New City Town Square. People all over the city are claiming to be seeing a string tied to their left ring finger, leading them to some unknown destination! What is this string? Who put it there?-
I apologize for the interference, but this string appears t be leading people to.. partners? Soulmates? Find out tomorrow morning, this is Amy Starwick from Channel 12, signing out.
"What. The. FUCK."
"No❤️" Since Feitan was on his last nerve with Shalnark, he decided to stomp over towards Chrollo in the main room, but Chrollo just chuckled.
"Wanna go find your soulmate? See if that things real?" Feitan just stared at the ground, lightly shifting his feet.
"Go ahead, I don't mind."
"Just, doing it, out of, curiosity."
"Mhm, curiosity, go find them." And with that, he was dismissed. Feitan wanted to say it was curiosity, but deep down he had this feeling there was something else, but what was it? It made his stomach tingle and he didn't like it one bit. He tried to ignore all of this, and just shrugged it off...
꧁꧂꧁꧂TimeSkip to Next Day꧁꧂꧁꧂
Your POV + some Feitan POV:
"Alright, today's the day, he'll be at his work, and on his break, i'll set the plan in motion.." Both me and mom don't like him, and I don't know about her, but I sure hate him, every ounce of him. The plan is simple: 1. Capture mom's boyfriend, 2. Take him to an abandoned building, 3. Torture him and get all of the answers I need, and 4. Kill him. His break is at 12, and he usually goes to get takeout every other Friday, what a pig. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine.
Time: 11:30 AM
Ok, I have everything ready. Fully energized to the utmost extent, Elixirs to bring him back in case he passes out too early, and- what? He's leaving for lunch early? PERFECT! You ran behind some buildings and hid in a two-way alleyway, waiting for him to pass by...
Here we go..
You covered his head with a sack, and took his phone out of his back pocket. Before heading over to your post, you laced the inside of the sack with some sleeping powder and pressed it against his nose and mouth. Within moments he passed out, and you typed in what you hoped to be his password, which was correct. Around 12:30, you were going to text one of his coworkers that he would be "going to a restaurant across town, and ditching work for a day, not wanting to see his stupid good for nothing girlfriend or his dumb daughter." You knew he called you both this because of going through his text messages when he wasn't looking or when he was sleeping. Little did you know that somebody was watching you from afar.
"Hmm... So, she, my, what do people, call it.. soulmate? Seems, interesting..."
Time: 12:00 PM
"Jesus, I new he was a fat ass but I didn't know he weighed this much!" You were tugging him from his legs through the back ways of York New. You wanted to find a secluded area, where once you were done with him you could just toss him somewhere for the birds and maggots to eat. After walking for what seemed like hours, you came across a set of abandoned buildings, specifically the one you laid out some extra things. A couple extra weapons, some towels, a change of clothes, a chair and some rope, a couple of flashlights, and of course, some snacks. Lucky for you, the douchebag you've been dragging around like a rag doll was still out cold, so you picked him up and tossed him on the chair, tying his wrists, ankles and neck to the chair.
"Maaannn, this is boring!! When the hell are you gonna wake up?!" As if on queue, you saw his eyes start to flutter open, and you immediately grabbed your box cutter. It wasn't a weapon used by your nen, but it was quite effective.
"What.. who.. wait- Y/N!? WHAT THE FUCK?! UNTIE ME NOW BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!!" you didn't notice it, but Feitan was watching from the building over.
What, the fuck? Why she kidnap him? That pig? Why? Confusing, gotta keep, watching.
You shoved the box cutter into his left cheek, and you bathed in the glory of hearing his screams of pain.
"How does this feel, you bitch? Everything you've done to my dear mother, everything you've done to me, and heck, YOU WERE PROBABLY BEHIND MY DAD'S MURDER DURING THAT FUCKING MASSACRE!!" B/N noticed the tears in your eyes, and took this to his advantage.
"So what if I was? Both of your parents were pathetic anyways."
You couldn't handle this anymore, tears were falling down your face rapidly as you grabbed the duct tape and closed his mouth shut.
"I don't give a fuck about what you say.. I'm going to kill you here. This is your grave. Someday, I'll join you in hell, and when I do, I'll torture you again, and the Devil will laugh. You just watch and ducking wait you, you.. PATHETIC WORTHLESS PIG ASS SLOPPY ASS NASTU FUCKING BITCH!" With that, you grabbed a couple super worms in each hand and shoved them into his ears. Even with the duct tape, you could hear his screams of agony as the worms dug deeper into his ears. You then got our your katana and slashed him across the stomach, and shoved even more worms into that open wound of his. Quickly, you poured a large bottle of the elixir you had brought over him to keep him from dying so quickly. Box cutter still in hand, you carved small lines all over his arms and legs, then ripped off the tape to hear his desperate cries. You imagined he wanted to be dead, but you didn't care. His pain and you pain mixed together and you just started laughing. You through your head back and let yourself laugh. all of the pain this man has caused you and your mom will be repayed today.
But the pressure and stress was too much to handle. Your laughing of victory soon turned into screams and more tears, as you let yourself fall to the ground, not even noticing you didn't hit it hard, something had caught you, or someone..
What the shit am I doing?
Am I really going to kill him?
What's wrong with me?
What will mother think?
What would dad do?
What am I doing with my life?
You soon snapped out of all of those negative thoughts though, as you noticed something caressing your face lightly.
"Rest, now. He, won't die, so quickly. I'm, Feitan." You were a sniffling and crying mess, so all you could do was rush into Feitan's chest and cry. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He had no idea what he was doing, for he had only seen this kind of skin on skin contact in movies. So, he did what those people in the movies did.
"Don't, worry... It's all, going to be.. okay."
Word Count (Including author notes, etc) : 2251
-Wrote February 3, 2021-
Unedited sorry about that lol-
Part 1...
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7-wonders · 5 years
Season of the Witch
Summary: While you’re attempting to survive being kidnapped by a coven of vengeful witches, Michael is not taking your disappearance well. Like, at all.
Word Count: 3082
A/N: Welcome to the trash heap (aka another chapter of Mad Love). Hope everybody is safe and relatively happy right now in the midst of these turbulent times. If you ever just need someone to chat with, I’m always willing to lend an ear.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
Much like the first time you were taken against your will, you wake up feeling like you’ve just taken a long nap instead of regaining consciousness after being knocked out. Lights shine harshly on your face, forcing you to squint your eyes while you take in your surroundings. The room is small, with no windows to be seen. You think you might be in a basement of some kind, especially with the pipes running along the ceiling. There’s not much for furnishings, just a couple of chairs at one end of the room and the threadbare mattress that you’re settled on. When you try to stand to further examine the room, a heaviness on your left ankle makes you look down and realize that you’re shackled to the floor. At least the Satanists had the decency not to chain you up when they kidnapped you.
“Hello?” you shout, walking as far as the chain will allow you to go towards the door. “Is anybody out there?”
It’s difficult to fully remember what happened before you ended up here. You’re only able to see flashes of scenes; a deer, slamming on brakes, crawling on the damp ground, and four women. You’re supposed to have a sizable cut on your forehead, but prodding the skin reveals no blemish of any kind. Did you just imagine the crash and your injury, or have you been out for longer than you thought?
You’re startled when two of the women you had seen in the woods appear in the room without the door opening. The blonde with kind eyes and the redhead who’s dressed like your elderly grandmother’s floor lamp stand across from you, both staring as they attempt to learn what your move will be.
“Who are you people? Where did you take me?” Your voice comes out harsher than you meant, but you really can’t be blamed.
“Why don’t you have a seat (Y/N)? We can further discuss what’s going on, and talk about getting you unchained.” You narrow your eyes, but sit on the mattress since you’re not exactly in a position to be arguing. “My name is Cordelia Goode, does that sound familiar to you?”
“No, should it?”
Cordelia pulls a chair closer to you before sitting down, but the other woman remains standing. “I was just trying to gather the extent of your knowledge on the situation. What do you remember before ending up here?”
“I was,” you pause, the argument that you and Michael had making you huff angrily, “there was a deer that ran out in front of me when I was driving, and I lost control of my car and crashed.”
“I do apologize for that. We weren’t aware of how much it had rained, or else I would have never conjured that illusion. The crash was not something we were planning on.”
“Wait, you made me crash my car?” It only takes a second for you to connect the dots. “Holy shit, you’re witches!”
You don’t know if this is good or bad. The witches are Michael’s enemies, which means they took you for a reason. However, you didn’t need rescuing from Michael; it had been almost a year since your arrangement had begun, and you were far from his captive. Although Michael had never outright told you how Ms. Mead came to be an AI, you had snooped in his office one day and found files related to her creation. A descriptive summary of the background told you everything you needed to know about the capture and execution of Michael’s mother figure, with the goal being to weaken Michael’s resolve to carry out his father’s mission. 
Seeing the panic on your face, Cordelia offers you a reassuring smile. “There’s nothing to worry about, you’re safe.”
“Safe? How the hell am I safe? You kidnapped me!”
“You’re not dead, though, which is ‘safe’ in my book.” The other blonde appears now, obviously not pleased at having to be here.
“But you’re planning on killing me.” They glance at each other awkwardly, not sure how to explain their plan. “Oh, don’t act coy now. I know what you did with Ms. Mead. It was only a matter of time before I was next.”
“As of right now, you’re just...a bargaining tool. You’re what will bring Michael to his knees. It’s obvious that our original plan failed, which is why we’re trying a new tactic,” Cordelia says.
“You couldn’t have just sent him an email?” you ask dryly.
“This was more likely to get his attention.”
“Michael’s going to come for me, you know,” you fold your arms across your chest haughtily, “and when he does, he’s gonna be pissed.”
The other blonde smirks as she bends down in front of you, and you hiss when her manicured nails dig into the skin of your cheeks. “Mm, bold of you to assume that he’s going to show up at all.”
“Madison,” Cordelia chastises, yanking the younger woman up.
“Look, I don’t feel the same, but Michael loves me. And though I don’t know a lot about whatever’s going on between you, I do know that Michael hates all of you.”
“But you told him not to contact you for a few days.” Your spine stiffens when you hear a voice that’s all-too familiar, with Mallory completing the quartet that had found you in the woods.
“Mallory,” you whisper in disbelief. “How do…?”
“You got into a fight with Michael and you told him that calling and texting would do no good because you needed to be alone for a couple of days.” 
“You were in on this? You’re a witch?”
Mallory gives a pained nod, filling you with sick pleasure at the knowledge that she’s not enjoying this. “I wasn’t able to--”
“What the fuck, Mallory!” You lunge for her, determined to get your hands on her and show her just how hurt you are, but the chain around your ankle jerks you painfully to the ground. Mallory opens her mouth to speak, but Cordelia’s hand on her shoulder stops the words before they can form.
“Why don’t you leave for a little bit?” You glare at the women, scoffing darkly.
“Yep, run away Mallory, go ahead and do whatever Cordelia tells you to do!” Mallory’s cheeks flush pink, but, just as expected, she teleports out of the room with the other blonde like the woman (her mom? her boss?) asks her.
“(Y/N),” Cordelia turns back to you, “we’re on the same side here. We both want to see Michael fall.”
“What makes you think I want to see Michael fall?”
“Did he not force you to be his wife?” The redhead finally speaks, her eyes looking owlishly large behind her glasses. “You continue to remain married to him under threats, yes?”
“Michael’s my friend,” you insist, “and you’re going to try and kill him. Regardless of how we came to know each other, I care about him. You don’t sit by and watch your friends fall into a trap that’s going to end with them dead.”
Cordelia’s lips tighten to a thin line as she attempts to hold in her anger. “You’ll come around. Come along, Myrtle.”
The remaining witches disappear right as you tug your shoe off, the footwear being flung at nothing but a wall before you let out a yell of frustration.
Days pass without any sign of Michael, a fact that’s not too surprising considering what you told him before you walked out. Still, you enjoy making the witches’ lives a living hell, so when you’re not flinging profanities at them when they bring you food or unchain you so you can use the restroom, you’re reminding them that Michael’s going to come for them. If you’re being honest, you start to say it more to convince yourself than the witches. It’s been five days since you’ve been kidnapped; surely Michael would have tried to contact you now and realized that something’s wrong?
After seven days of being mostly confined to your small room, you start to lose hope. What if Michael just doesn’t come? He could easily decide that you’re not worth the trouble that you bring and leave your fate in the hands of these witches. For all you know, his father could have picked a perfect Satanic bride for him and he could already be creating heirs with wife number two. It’s a dangerous thought spiral, but what else is there to do when you’re trapped in a windowless cell with minimal human contact for days on end?
As day seven draws to a close (you can tell the days have changed by who comes into your cell: Madison Montgomery in the morning with breakfast, Myrtle Snow brings you lunch, and Cordelia Goode tries to glean more information from you over dinner), you lay facing the back wall on your mattress. You’re trying to figure out if screaming in your mind would reach Michael when you hear somebody say your name from behind you. Turning around, you roll your eyes when you see Mallory standing nervously in the center of the room. She hasn’t shown her face since the day you were thrown in here, which means Cordelia must be trying a new tactic.
You roll back over to face the wall, a silent cue that she’s not welcome here. Instead of leaving, which is what you had hoped for, she sighs and sits down on the chair. “You have every right to be mad at me,” Mallory says.
Mallory’s expecting you to yell at her or throw her a sarcastic insult, which is why you choose to remain silent. She’s obviously not expecting that, and you can hear her shifting her weight as she waits in the hopes that you’ll crack before she does.
“If I were in your position, I’d be mad too.” You admire her tenacity at attempting to get you to speak. “I want you to know that I’m sorry for my involvement in this. I don’t regret protecting my sisters, though; Michael is a threat to our coven, and I will do anything to protect my home. But I’m sorry for lying to you, and for spying on you. When I was given this mission, we were all under the impression that you were going to be this devoted Satanist of a wife.
“Instead, I found out that we were completely wrong. You didn’t even want to be married, let alone married to the Antichrist! You stand up to him in a way that I don’t think he’s ever experienced from anybody, and you treat him like he’s a normal person. You’re...so fucking funny, (Y/N), and you’re caring and kind and always willing to do anything for anybody. You’re my friend, and I’m sorry that I abused that trust to continue with this stupid mission when it obviously wasn’t yielding any answers.”
As you continue your silent streak, you have to bite your lip to keep from laughing when Mallory huffs loudly. The legs of the chair squeak harshly against the ground as she abruptly stands, her patience obviously reaching its end.
“Can you at least say something? Anything? Seriously, anything! Yell, scream, curse, whatever! I don’t care what it is, I just want you to say something.”
While you could, quite literally, say ‘something,’ you decide to indulge her. “I think I got over being mad a couple of days ago.”
“You did?” Mallory asks, voice full of hope.
You turn to lay on your back, still refusing to actually look at Mallory. “A couple of weeks after the Satanists kidnapped me and forced me to marry Michael, I came to the realization that it doesn’t do anyone any good to always be angry. Being constantly bitter and resentful comes at a mental and emotional cost, and that’s not the type of person that I am. I can feel other emotions about a person or event without being angry.”
“Let me guess: you’re not mad, just disappointed?” You chuckle before you can stop yourself, shaking your head.
“No. Mainly, I just feel betrayed.” Heartbreak colors her face, but you continue to talk. “It’s like Michael stabbed me in the back, and then you took the knife out before stabbing me in a different spot.”
“I wish I could change this. I never meant for any of this to happen. You shouldn’t be here right now, and Cordelia should never have kidnapped you.”
“You can change it, Mallory. Get me out of here.” She’s visibly torn, and you sigh. “Right, you can’t. Duty to your sisters, and all that.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Just because you keep saying it, doesn’t mean that I forgive you.” You close your eyes. “Can you leave? I want to be alone right now, and I can’t exactly leave in order to be alone.”
Although the last thing Mallory wants is for the conversation to end like this, she’s trying to win back your favor, so she obliges and leaves. You bury your face into the mattress, refusing to let the tears streaming from your eyes see the light of day. 
The first couple of days after you had stormed out of the manor, Michael had respected your wish to not be contacted. It had taken every ounce of willpower he possessed, but the memory of unbridled hurt on your face when the pieces of this puzzle came together was enough to have him setting his phone back down. He would give you your space, even though it pained him immensely.
As the fourth day without any word from you came and went, Michael began to get concerned. While he had been worried about you before, this was different. You’re the type of person who always keeps to their word, and he knows that you should have--would have contacted him by now. Even if it was just a single sentence saying that you needed more time, he would have received a text from you by now.
Thus began a search that Michael was desperately hoping would not be a search. Sure that he was just overreacting, he attempted divination to figure out where you had gone after you left. Although he could just use his powers to find your current location, he knew that would be a breach of your privacy that would only add to the amount of trouble that he’s in with you. Using a stray hair tie that you had left in his office, Michael then watched in horror as the scene of you crashing into a ditch and being stolen away by witches played out like a movie in front of his eyes.
He had found your car, still sitting wrecked in the same spot where it had come to rest after you hydroplaned across the road. Much to his dismay, there were dark splatters on the ground that he just knew were made by your blood. Even worse was the fact that the witches must have put some sort of magical veil over you, as Michael couldn’t find any trace of you after the crash.
The house became a series of war rooms as Satanists streamed in and out of Michael’s office, each leaving more terrified than they could have ever imagined. He’s heard the whispers from his followers that he’s become fully unhinged, and he can’t say he disagrees. It’s been ten days since you disappeared, and Michael can’t recall actually sleeping once in those ten days. There have been occurrences where he’s passed out from exhaustion on top of his desk, but those moments are few and far between.
The only reason he’s not wearing the same clothes from nearly two weeks ago is because of Ms. Mead’s motherly presence refusing to let him waste away to nothing. She sticks annoyingly to a routine, making sure that Michael eats at least three times a day and takes care of himself. It’s hard to do anything, however, when it feels like a piece of himself is missing. It takes him nearly a week to decipher this new emotion, but when he does, he comes to a startling realization.
Michael misses you. He’s never missed anyone before, but the rawness of a gaping hole in his chest where his heart has been figuratively ripped out can only be described as longing. If he wasn’t suffering from sleep deprivation, he would be able to compose poems about all of the things that he misses about you. Mostly, he just misses your constant presence. He’s not only in love with you; you’re his best friend, and having that companionship taken away so swiftly is something that he’s not dealing with well. 
It’s midnight when he’s stirred out of scrolling through pictures you’ve taken of both of you on his phone, a loud knock on the front door echoing through the house. It couldn’t be a Satanist, since they’ve all gone home until tomorrow, and Michael doesn’t know who else knows where he lives. Getting up to answer the door, he’s half-hoping that it will be you knocking. Instead, it’s someone he never would have expected to see.
“You’re (Y/N)’s friend, right? Mallory?” He’s doing a terrible job at pretending like he’s not shocked to see the small brunette standing at the front door, but attempts some form of nonchalance anyways. “Uh, (Y/N)’s actually not here right now. We got into a fight, and now I don’t--”
“I know,” she cuts Michael off, cringing at the surprise on his face. “Look, before you kill me, you need to hear me out.”
“Kill you? Why would I kill you?”
Mallory takes a deep breath in preparation of her potential impending death. “I’m actually a witch, and a member of Cordelia Goode’s coven. I know where (Y/N) is, and I want to help you get her back.”
Michael stares at her, his face refusing to betray how he feels. His hand flexes at his side as Mallory clenches her eyes shut, having heard stories of how the young Antichrist was able to obliterate his victims’ souls with a single glance.
“You had better explain this situation to the letter, as I’m really not in the mood for games lately.” He spins on his heel and walks into the manor, leaving a stunned Mallory standing behind him before she realizes that she should follow, for better or for worse.
Tag List: @ccodyfern​ @trelaney​ @sammythankyou​ @girlycakepops​ @ultragibbycentralworld​ @xavierplympton​ @ajokeformur-ray​ @nana15774​ @queencocoakimmie​ @lichellaw​ @grim-adventures58​ @dandycandy75​ @trimbooohgodplsnoooo​ @everything-is-awesomesauce​ @jimmlangdon​ @omgsuperstarg​ @queenie435​ @dextergirl12345​ @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26​ @hplotrfan​ @1-800-bitchcraft​ @coloursunlimited​ @kahhlo​ @storminmytwistedmind​ @langdonslove​ @cuddletothecake​ @nsainmoonchild​ @born-on-stgeorges-day​ @tcc-gizmachine​ @90sroger​ @gold-dragon-slayer​ @atombombastic​ @lvngdvns​ @blakewaterxx​ @yoheyyosup​ @forever1313​ @ladyrindt​ @kaetastic​ @hecohansen31​ @loilko​ @riotsouls666 @lustminaj​ @accio-rogers​ @holylangdon​ @sojournmichael​ @lenas-wild-imagination @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night​ @diaryofalandlockedmermaid​ @dark-mei-rose​
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mikemoon · 3 years
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                                 FOOLSHQ TASK 001: THE INFODUMB.
template credits © go to @yeonjvnz 
“hello and welcome, my 10 subscribers. how’s it going? good? good.” mike grinned at the camera, his silhouette was so terribly green-screened onto his gameplay screen. his character was already running around his animal crossing island as he talked. “i think youtube should make a 10 subscriber play button. but they won’t answer my email about that, so… that’s why i made my own.” he pulled up a piece of paper ripped from a notebook with a makeshift youtube play button drawn on it with a green marker. ‘presented to HATSUNEMIKEY for reaching 10 subscribers’. cut to a clip of mike sticking it on the wall behind him and giving two thumbs up with a grin.
“if you’re wondering what we’re doing today, we’re building a playground. my villagers need a fun place to go to, and so we’re making it!”
“we’re also here today because i’ve got some shit to say… again.” mike grinned once again. “i’ve made a list of things that… well, they need to change. and some things i’m just not vibing with but they can’t change… does that make sense?”
“first on the list: nintendo! please!!! for the love of god!! let me fucking craft multiples of the same item at the same time!!!” he said with frustration, meanwhile his pink haired character was putting down a path on the ground. “okay, listen. the fishing and bug tourneys are two of my favorite events in the game. heck, i even time travel just to play them again with my friends. but the fishing tourney is the worst to play when you gotta go collect clams last minute and make some fish bait and then your friend beats you to the diy table, and then you gotta wait for them to finish crafting their 20 fish bait one at a time. like, dude… the event has ended by the time i got to make the darn bait.”
“speaking of crafting, i would really fucking love it if i could craft in my house and i don’t have to grab things from my storage to do so. the pain of going to the diy table, finding the diy you want, and then realizing you don’t have everything in your inventory, so you have to click out and grab shit from your storage again… it’s not that hard to fix!”
“anyways,” he sighed as he put down some country fences. “my list included the very limited design slots. however, i don’t have to annoy you with my whining about that today because holy shit, the new update?! the extra 50 slots?? i actually lost my shit.” he laughed. “the fact that we have 100 design slots in total? i feel too powerful and i don’t know what to do with that power. it’s like… i already have all the codes i need for the designs on my island, but the extra 50… they’re so empty… so lonely… i feel like i Must fill them and use them. it’s a struggle… trust me. you must’ve felt it too.”
“next on the list…” an edited zoom on mike’s very traumatized face. “zipper.”
“since we’re currently going through the bunny day event, let me just say… i’m still traumatized by zipper from last year. the fact that i ran into him again the other day… dude, the war flashbacks.” a clip appears of mike playing animal crossing a few days ago where he was casually collecting eggs and sees zipper the bunny in the background, only to scream and run the other way. “this is the bad place.” real time mike deadpanned.
“all i’m saying is, they either change the dude’s creepy eyes, or they get rid of him completely. i’m still having nightmares because of the way he dances and turns towards you as you run by… unpopular opinion, though… the overalls he’s wearing are kinda cute and i wish able sisters were selling them.”
“next!” he says as he puts down a bunch of flowers. “why, oh why, are we limited to eight bridges and inclines?” he paused to think for a moment. “is it eight or seven…? whatever! either way, you’d think tom nook’s greedy ass would let you have more bridges and inclines. meaning: he gets more money! right? no! change it! i need more inclines! i’ve got way too many cliffs and i’m tired of taking out my ladder.”
“okay, this next one, i’ve seen someone say it and... i need it. please, just make a bin in the airport that you can throw your spare diys in and visitors can take them. at least isabelle would stop nagging me about there being items thrown around the place.” 
“speaking of isabelle... make her give the weather report or something. it would be so cute. her currently dialogue at the start of every day is so boring. i want her to tell me about the weather, or maybe about which npcs are visiting that day. it would be so helpful. it’s such a wasted opportunity that she talks to us every morning and only talks about her sock that she found behind the washing machine.” 
“next, the ability to move resident services. listen, some of us don’t have enough space to make epic entrances. moving it would be such a good addition. also, shit, remember when you could change the way the ‘mayor’s office’ looks... or whatever it was called in new leaf. i wish we could do that here.” 
“okay, hear me out... what if backpacks acted as extra storage? like, they’re not just some pretty things you’re wearing. they could give you extra space to hold stuff in your inventory, and that would be so helpful, especially when you’re making a build... like i am right now. speaking of that,” mike opened his inventory in the game, which was completely full of flowers. “i need some help here.” 
“and... last but not least. villager dialogue. did you know that one villager dialogue from new leaf equals at least 3 villager dialogues in new horizons?” he said before dropping his jaw in shock. “how insanely sad is that?? they’re seriously so boring, i want to listen to them talk on and on about something, and i could actually choose where the conversation goes. i don’t know if you noticed, but in new horizons, if a villager asks you something, they just go ‘oh okay’ and end it right there. like...? there’s no substance.” 
by now, mike had finished building his little playground in the game, and his character was walking around, showing it off. “we finished the playground, it’s so cute.” he smiled. “i love it. nintendo, please let the villagers interact with it, it’s too precious!”
“anyways, i’m gonna end it right here-” he paused, looking like he just remembered something. “actually, one more thing. nintendo, imma need you to fix your online service. just get rid of it. no one needs to pay twice to play something; once for the game, and once again for the service. it’s useless as hell.”
“anyways, thanks for watching. see you when i reach 11 subscribers. bye!” 
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babycracker · 4 years
first line tag game
thank you for the tag @amlovelies! 🤍
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some of your favourite authors!
1. pranks (litg: bobby/mc)
“Hey Jenna!” Bobby jogs over to join her as she walks back in through the front door, and she raises an eyebrow at his cheerier-than-usual demeanor.
“Did I miss anything while I was away?” she asks, returning his smile all the same because his happiness is infectious
2. love or money (litg: bobby/mc)
Bobby’s eyes cracked open, peering into the darkness like every other morning. He always woke up before the lights came on. Even after a month in the Villa, for a split second he forgot where he was and a pang of panic shot through him when he felt Amanda shift beside him before the last twenty-nine days came flooding back to him, and he allowed himself the tiniest of smug smirks.
3. when bobby met lani (litg: bobby/mc) explicit, minors dni
The beer's cheap and nasty, the bouncers are more interested in hitting on the girls coming through the door than actually providing any kind of security detail, and the male talent is… subpar. The music's half okay though, Lani thinks to herself as she chokes down the last of the God awful beer she'd ordered. The barman, who's barely taken his eyes off of her since she sat down, nods toward her empty bottle with his eyebrows raised.
4. the one that got away, chapter 23 (litg: bobby/f!oc) main story is explicit, minors dni
His phone beeping and vibrating across Tash's nightstand woke Bobby up. He groaned and squinted at it, the small light flashing in the corner indicating a text message. He heard Tash groan from where her face was pressed into his back as he reached out for it.
"What're you doing?" she murmured as she shifted to lay her head on his chest when he rolled onto his back, squeezing her eyes closed against the sudden light.
"I got a text, sorry."
"How much did it take for you not to yell that?"
He felt her grin against him and chuckled, "not as much as it used to."
5. keep on running, chapter 8 (litg: bobby/god knows honestly the boy was a ho)
Bobby slips his phone, keys and wallet into his pockets and steps out from behind the counter of the music store, ready to head home, but stops short when he sees Gary standing just inside the door waiting for him. He offers a small smile, which Bobby doesn’t return as he tries to walk past him and out onto the street. Gary’s arm shoots out, his hand on Bobby’s chest to stop him from moving, and he sighs and looks over at him.
6. while the cats are away, chapter 3 (litg: bobby&f!oc)
As usual Bobby was the first to wake up, and had quietly made his way to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day while he had a few moments of peace. By the time he was done and heading back out to the bedroom, he was passing some of the others on their way to the bathroom. Tash was perched up on the edge of their bed waiting for him, holding a cup out to him as he made his way closer to the bed.
7. untitled (litg: ????)
Noah sat at their usual booth in the back of the bar, running his finger around the rim of his glass before letting out a sigh and checking the time on his phone again. He’d arrived early so he knew he had no business being impatient, but he’d needed to get out of that damn house, away from Hope.
It had been bad enough when they’d been playing nice. Watching her smile to his face while knowing that she was more than likely trashing him to whoever would listen as soon as his back was turned. Not that he had a right to be pissed off about that lately; he’d been doing the same thing for the last few weeks. But since signing the divorce papers, Hope had become a she-devil straight from the depths of Hell.
8. 25 (holi)days of wayhaven, day 31 (twc: adam/f!detective)
They’ve come a long way, and both of them feel it whenever they’re together. A long way from Jordan deliberately riling him up because she knew that just about everything she did irritated him. A long way from Adam going out of his way to spend as little time with her as possible.
It’s taken them a long time to realise that they were doing these things - leaning into their dislike for each other - as a way to distract themselves from the fact that they have always liked each other. Maybe they’ve always loved each other, though neither of them are willing to say that out loud.
9. untitled (twc: felix/f!detective)
Felix can't sit still. It's not as though it's unusual for him by any means, but it seems to be exaggerated when he's spent the last six hours in a place where there is literally nothing to do.
He's slumped on the chair beside the hospital bed, slouched down so low that his ass isn't even on the seat anymore, one of his legs jiggling up and down and both hands drumming erratically on his knees.
He lets out an impatient sigh and sits upright again, taking his hat off and running a hand through his hair.
10. sick like me, chapter 20 (litg: bobby/mc) explicit, minors dni
It had happened slowly, so slowly that if Lani hadn’t found herself (mostly) weirdly excited about it she might not have even noticed that it was happening. But Bobby was most definitely moving in, slowly but surely. It started with little things, a change of clothes here and there, some toiletries, until she was helping him sell off some of his bigger furniture, stuff that they both knew wouldn’t fit into Lani’s apartment.
After a few weeks, the two of them stood in the middle of what used to be his living room but was now nothing more than an empty space, as Bobby turned his keys over and over in his hand.
11. fire meet gasoline, chapter 4 (twc: morgan/m!oc)
She'd expected him to dress down a little, seeing that they are likely venturing into a sewer this morning. But all that's missing is his jacket; he's still wearing his usual long sleeve dress shirt and vest though his sleeves have been partially folded back, revealing the smallest glimpse of a tattoo on the outside of his right forearm.
"You know you're probably going to get covered in crap, right?"
"Wrong. But if you want to keep doubting me, go right ahead," he grins an obnoxiously cocky grin at her before turning and heading around the warehouse towards the sewers.
12. 28 dates with unit bravo, day 10 (twc: morgan/m!oc)
She doesn't like him. He's hot, that's all. And kind of cocky and kind of an asshole and what can she say? Morgan's into it. Maybe it's because he's the same as her; not relationship material by a long shot, but she has a feeling he knows his way around the bedroom. Probably the kitchen, bathroom and any number of outdoor locations as well. That, and he’s hot.
13. untitled (twc: adam/f!detective)
He can hear her pacing the hall outside of his room. She pauses every time she passes his door, and everytime she does he tenses, only to relax again just slightly when she returns to pacing.
Part of him wants to throw his door open and drag her into his room. Another part wants to stick his head out the door and order her to return to her room and stop shuffling around outside of his. But a part bigger than both of them makes him stay put, sitting on the edge of his bed and carefully unlacing his boots.
14. luck of the unit, day 20 (twc: adam/f!detective)
"Say another one!" Jordan can barely get the words out between gasps of laughter, only becoming more hysterical every time she catches a glimpse of the unimpressed expression on Adam’s face.
“This is hardly the best use of your time here,” he points out, pausing to gesture around the study, “you are supposed to be studying.”
“I am studying, I’m learning a foreign language,” she insists with a defiant nod, and when his shoulders sag in defeat she knows she’s got him. “Come on, another one.”
15. untitled (tanner, not fanfic)
"Does it hurt?"
Tanner pauses for a moment, unable to hold back a wince when the tattooist starts again. "Little bit."
Skylar grins at him and sits up straight in the seat again, smiling smugly at him before spinning the seat and herself around in a circle.
"Dad's gonna kill you," she points out when she finally stops herself from spinning, and Tanner rolls his eyes at her.
16. echoes in the forest, chapter 13 (twc: adam/f!detective)
“I got a bad feeling about this,” Felix murmurs quietly, trudging along between Nate and Mason. Jordan and Adam are walking up ahead close by the boy as he continues wandering through the forest.
“You mean you haven’t felt that way since we got here?” Mason scoffs, not bothering to lift his eyes from the ground in front of him.
“Yeah, but worse now,” Felix answers, and Nate places a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“It will be alright,” he tries, but somehow Felix doesn’t find himself as reassured as he usually does when Nate attempts to comfort him.
oop, didn’t quite make 20. and jfc did i have to dive down to the bottom of the barrel to get what i did, some of these were almost a year ago. i’m noticing now that i start with a character’s name more often than not. honestly i don’t think i can pick a favourite, i’ve been thinking on it for like 15 minutes now and i honestly dunno.
and i know some of you think that you know everything that i have written even if it hasn’t been/isn’t to be posted... and i know that seeing this list of untitleds, you may be surprised and i’m sorry lol.
gonna tag @dwead-piwate-meggers @mistyeyedbi @masonscig @echohauville and @agentsunshine (no pressure ofc!) and to anyone else who wants to get in on this, tag me!
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 26
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.2k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: i promise more action and drama asap!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : here are the 2 requests for this chapter! honestly i got so many interesting ones im super excited. keep sending them please!!! and thank you!
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Chapter 26 : Her chapter
My night (or more, my morning) was filled with crazy but realistic dreams and devoid of any kind of nightmares. Apparently, my mind was filled with beautiful things despite the fact that I had broken up with the man I thought I was going to marry only a few days before.
What woke me up, however, was something twisting in my stomach and the uncontrollable twitching of one of my legs. I squirmed despite myself as slumber left me and let out a short whimper. I tried to remember what I had been dreaming about but no matter what it was, nothing could compare to the feeling I was having at that moment and it intensified with every second.
Niall was between my legs, his tongue running on my lips and brushing my clit from time to time and after enjoying it for a few more minutes, I moved my knees up, my feet flat on the mattress.
"Mm, this is the best way to wake up." I mumbled low before whimpering again.
I was happy I had taken the time to clean myself a bit the night before and brought my hands to my breasts as I bit my bottom lip. I hated to smell bad and I also hated to get in a bed when I hadn't taken a shower. I didn't tell Niall, but I had stopped at my place before going to his. I had dropped my luggage there, took a quick shower and brought clean clothes and a few things in a bag. It didn't really matter since he was asleep when I got there but I didn't really think it was worth mentioning.
"You're awake, finally!" Niall let out with a small chuckle as I groaned low.
"Don't stop, I was getting so close."
"Yea? Let's make you cum then." he whispered right before I felt his lips wrap around my clit.
My back arched and I let out a curse word as he started sucking on it. I gripped both my breasts hard as I concentrated on the pleasure he was giving me to reach my orgasm and when my body started shaking, It felt like all the stress I had accumulated in the past few days had suddenly vanished. It took longer than I thought to get down from my high but when I did, my mind was blank and I had a stupid smile plastered on my face. I was just telling myself what a shame it was that I had been asleep for most of it when Niall's tongue started running on my slit again, making me twitch again every time it would brush against my clit.
"You didn't think I was going to give you only one orgasm, did you?" he just said in a low tone before slipping his tongue inside me.
I held my breath as he started tongue fucking me harder until his tongue slid to my asshole, making my eyes roll back. I whimpered a short "fuck!" as he pushed his tongue inside and without thinking, I reached for his hair, gripping it tight.
"Oh my god, you're making me horny again."
He kept running his tongue on me and it felt so good I started feeling my asshole throb in rhythm with my clit. He brought his tongue back up and slid it again in my pussy as I started to grind against him, feeling it reach deeper inside me but it's only when I felt his thumb rub against my clit that I let out a louder "Oh!" as I shuddered again. I felt an other orgasm form in the pit of my stomach and after a minute or two or staying immobile, my back arched, and i tried focusing on every movement of his tongue and thumb. I moaned louder and shook against him again as I came for the second time.
"Fuck, fuck fuck." I whispered, making him laugh as he moved over me to kiss me hard.
He pushed his tongue in my mouth and I closed my eyes, whimpering as he let me taste my own orgasm. He kept kissing me for a minute or two before taking my bottom lip in his mouth and sucking on it gently. He nibbled on it and I ground up to feel his cock against me, making him laugh a bit.
"I'm not done with you." he just said, laughing more.
Slowly, he got back between my legs but I brought my hands over my pussy, shaking my head.
"Noo, no!"
"Sensitive?" he asked in an amused tone, raising his eyebrows as I pressed my lips together. "Good. Because I told you I'd spend an hour between your legs and it's barely been half of one. I keep my promises too. Spread your legs little one."
My heart jumped at the nickname he gave me and slowly, I took my hand back and pulled my knees apart. His eyes dropped to my pussy and he brought one of his fingers on me, running it on my slit and before pushing it inside me. I could hear how wet I was from my two previous orgasms and whined low, making his lips curl.
"Fuck, you're so wet."
He pressed his whole hand on my pussy and rubbed it slowly and gently, spreading my wetness all over me before reaching for my ass. I felt both my legs tense and he waited until I relaxed again to push a finger inside. My eyes fluttered close and I bit hard on my bottom lip as I leaned my head back on the pillow.
"I didn't remember how tight your ass was." he expressed low, mostly to himself. "I'm sure you're ready for a third orgasm princess, aren't you?"
He didn't wait for my answer, and probably didn't even expect one, and just moved down again to run his tongue from my ass to my clit as my legs twitched once again. He moved his head on the side to suck on my one of my lips for a while before doing the same thing with the other. It was incredible how easily he could turn me on, even if I had already came twice but I just didn't want him to stop. Bringing his mouth back slightly up, he started moving his finger in and out of my ass slowly as the tip of his tongue pressed on my clit before flicking against it.
"Holy f-"
I was still sensitive but the pleasure was more intense than anything else and I used all my strength left not to pressed my thighs on his face. I could still feel his stubble scratch my skin and for a reason I ignored, it turned me on even more.
"Mm, Niall please don't stop."
He kept his movements steady and finally added a finger in my pussy, alternating between sucking and licking my clit. I reached down again, slipping my fingers in his hair until I reached the back of his head. Without thinking, I pushed him against my pussy, forcing him on me as I felt his lips rub and suck anywhere he could reach. The simple thought was incredibly arousing and my back arched again as I came on his face, quivering against him.
It's only when my body got limp on the mattress that he pulled away and wiped his mouth on the inside of my thigh before letting out a short laugh. I kept my eyes closed but I felt him move over me. His mouth reached mine and I allowed him to kiss me deeply as I let out a short whimper, too spent to even move my arms around him.
"I should go back between your legs for an other round." he finally whispered, making me chuckle.
"Enough, I can't anymore." I admitted, opening my eyes to meet his before my lips curled. "Now lay down i'm gonna return the favor."
He stared in my eyes a few seconds and bent down to kiss my lips gently. "Nop!" he said with a smirk, popping the 'p' before moving away from me.
I let my eyes follow him and sat up with a frown, grabbing the sheets of the bed and pulling them on me, feeling suddenly cold. I already missed his body and I just watched him get dressed in silence. He finally turned to me and I tilted my head, enjoying the sight before sending him a small smile.
"This is the first time I witness a man saying no to a blowjob."
"I'm not saying no to a blowjob, Liv." he explained with a chuckle. "But this morning was just about you. Just you."
"But I could make you cum very very hard." I pointed out in a childish voice before raising my nose up with a pout.
It made him laugh even more as he put his watch on. "I said just you!" he repeated, amused. "You need to learn how to receive without having to give back. Besides, pleasing you pleased me, and that should be enough."
I stared at him as he finished getting ready and felt my whole body burn from the inside. At that exact moment, I wanted to be with him. I wanted to officially date him and tell the whole fucking world that I was in love with him, that I always was and that I always would be. I didn't know if it was the post orgasm feeling or just the sudden realization that he was perfect for me but either way, I had to hold my breath for a few seconds to make sure I didn't tell him everything that had just crossed my mind. After all, I used to tell him things like that when we dated and it always scared him... would it still scare him away now?
Quickly, I got up and walked to him, wrapping my arms around him and leaning my cheek on his chest. I hugged him tight and he did the same, leaning his chin on the top of my head. It was probably a weird sight since I was completely naked and he was dressed, but I needed to be in his arms at that exact moment and not two seconds later.
"I'm so happy you're here." he whispered as I felt myself tear up.
I closed my eyes and swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried not to cry and after a while, he kissed my forehead and pulled away to look in my eyes.
"Take a shower if you want, or get dressed or something. I'll go get some food and come back, if it's okay with you."
It was not really okay just because I didn't want him to leave but I knew it was stupid and I just sent him a small smile and a nod. He pulled away and I quickly grabbed one of his shirts and put it on, along with some sweatpants before following him to the living room. I watched him put his shoes on and he looked up at me with a smile.
"Coffee and some croissants, good for you?" he asked, making me chuckle and nod. "Did I pronounce it right?"
"Not really, but it was close." I pointed out, making him laugh and shrug.
He turned around to leave and suddenly something jumped in my chest and I called his name, maybe a bit too loud. He had already opened the door but he let go of the knob to turn my way. I took a few seconds to look at him and tilted my head, letting my eyes move up and down slowly on him like it was the first time. I was single, and he was single too, and somehow, I felt like there was hope for us. Somehow, I believed in us completely for the very first time since I bumped into him again and I didn't know how to handle it.
"I came back to you, like you asked."
Slowly, he walked back to me, staring in my eyes, and I could feel my heart beat so hard in my chest that my body started throbbing. He cupped my face gently and pressed his lips on mine, not moving for a few seconds before pulling away and leaning his forehead against mine.
"Thank you." he whispered before kissing my forehead and walking backwards until the door. "I'll do quick."
After the door closed behind him, I remained motionless for a few minutes, just trying to calm the beatings of my heart but I finally shook my head and walked to the living room, grabbing my computer and bringing it to the kitchen. I placed it on the table and sat in front of it before calling my parents. It barely took a few seconds for them to answer and when I saw my mom, a smile small smile appeared on my lips. It grew when she yelled at my dad and I chuckled.
"Jean! C'est notre fille!" she let out before turning back to me and smiling. "How are you? How is Dylan?" she asked with the strongest french accent just as my dad sat next to her, handing her a glass of wine.
It was around 7pm in France and they were about to dine while I hadn't even had breakfast yet and I suddenly missed them more than ever. For some reason, my parents always talked english when I called them, probably so Dylan didn't feel out of the conversation, and I was grateful for that. They were the most understanding persons I knew and they were always there for me. I knew how lucky I was, even if they were far away, but that didn't mean what I had to tell them was easy.
"Where is your little boyfriend?" my dad asked with a smile as my mom taped his knee gently.
"Fiancé!" she corrected him, making something stir in my stomach.
"That's... why I called you today." I started, holding my breath. I looked down and sighed before looking back up at them. "The marriage is off, I'm sorry."
"What?" my mom frowned, shaking her head.
"Nous ne nous marions plus."
Both my parents stared at me in shock and I felt like I had to explain myself more, to give a few good reasons... to justify myself. I hated that feeling but they were my parents and I wanted to say something, I just wasn't sure what it was.
"I just... I wasn't feeling it anymore."
"You don't have to say anything." my mom cut me quickly. "But I have one question." I breathed in and licked my lips before nodding slowly. "Are you happy right now?"
My lips curled in a fond smile. I didn't expect that question and I nodded again.
"Then, it's enough for us." my dad replied. "Where are you now? I do not recognize your kitchen."
I smiled and raised my nose up, not really sure I wanted to tell them but I let out a short chuckle as I heard the front door open and close. I was not ashamed to be with Niall but I had no idea what my parents would say.
"Liv! I'm back!"
Both my parents' faces changed when they recognized his voice and my mom got closer to the camera of her computer, raising her eyebrows.
"Tu sais ce que tu fais?"
"Yea don't worry, I know what I'm doing." I confirmed with an other nod just as Niall walked in.
He stopped and I turned to him just as he raised up his nose. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt anything."
"No, no, no problem," my dad said with a sincere smile, making mine grow too as I tilted my head. "How are you, son?"
I closed my eyes in embarrassment but Niall just chuckled, leaning against the table to see my parents better. I watched them interact for a while and realized how much I had missed that and how much it reminded me of my old life. The three of them started laughing and I got out of my thoughts, letting my eyes run from my computer screen to the love of my life, pressing my lips together.
"Are you two going to come visit us soon?"
"Yes, yes of course, I'll try to find a good time" I assured, hoping I could keep that promise. "I promise I'll call you back soon."
We said our goodbyes and I put my computer away as Niall was sitting in front of me, taking the croissants off the box he had brought and handing me a coffee cup. We started eating in silence and after a while, I sighed.
"I broke up with Dylan."
Niall stopped chewing immediately and his lips parted slightly. "What?"
"That's why I went to Italy in first place. That's why I was in a hotel room. That's why I came back quickly. I mean, I missed you, it's true, but also, I had nothing to do and no one to see there. I broke up with him and I just called my parents now to be sure they wouldn't hear it from anyone else but me." I let out very quickly. "And that's also why I'm telling you. I don't want you to find out from someone else."
I tried to read how he felt on his traits but it seemed impossible and I started playing with my fingers out of stress. I was scared of what he thought and I also didn't want him to feel guilty about anything. How could I tell him that I hadn't broken up with Dylan for him, but for myself? He slid both his arms on the table and grabbed my fingers, squeezing them tight before looking up in my eyes.
"It must have been tough for you, are you okay?" he asked in a soft tone as my lips parted in surprise. "I know it's not an easy thing to do I mean, you two have been through a lot, and you clearly had something strong. I know you enough to believe you did that not because of a lack of love but because you weren't into it anymore, because it didn't feel right for you."
I nodded as I nibbled on my bottom lip. I was not surprised that he knew me so well, and I loved that he did. No one else could understand me like Niall did.
"Look, I know it doesn't mean you're ready to jump back in a relationship with me. I know it has nothing to do with me. But I'm here for you, okay? Everything will be okay, I promise."
I remained silent for a few seconds and finally smiled at him, squeezing his fingers back.
"Thank you." I whispered. "I didn't know how to tell you."
He smiled back and after a while, we let go of each other's hands and started eating again in silence. I couldn't stop thinking about Dylan, now that we had mentioned him, and I was wondering how he felt and if he hated me. I wouldn't text him though, it was too soon, and although it wasn't my intention, it would just make it worse, I knew it.
"I saw an article about Dylan and this blonde girl and I thought he was cheating on you. God." Niall admitted with a sigh. "I didn't know how to tell you."
"A blonde girl?" I asked as he nodded before grabbing his phone and typing something on it. He turned the screen my way and I chuckled. "That's the girl who plays in the movie with him. She's taken. By an other girl."
Niall chuckled and shook his head. "I knew not to give credit to these stupid articles."
"How did you find that article anyway?" I asked with a frown, leaning against my chair and taking a sip of my now lukewarm coffee.
"I was..." he started, looking away and scratching the back of his head. "I was searching for pictures of you."
I frowned with a smile, shocked but amused by his words, and let out a short chuckle. "You have plenty of pictures of me on your phone, Nee."
"I know, I just missed you, don't judge me." he laughed, making me smile again.
I'd never judge him for that. I had googled him every night for about a year after we broke up and I couldn't stop myself. He knew, I had told him a few weeks before, and it was embarrassing enough that I didn't want to mention it again. I couldn't pretend I didn't like what he did, though, and the fact that the roles were sort of reversed now was refreshing. I didn't want him to hurt the way I had, of course, and I had no intention to break his heart, but it still felt amazing to see him so in love with me, way more than he seemed to be when we dated.
"I'm leaving soon, you know." he suddenly said, making me frown. "On tour, I mean. In a few weeks. And you're probably gonna start filming your tv show soon."
I nodded, feeling a hole in my chest at the thought of being separated from him for too long. Now that he was back in my life, I didn't want to be away from him again. It was probably crazy and not at all rational, but I couldn't stop the feeling of emptiness that seemed to invade my whole body.
"I have a few weeks off, I can always come back but also..." he started, clearing his throat. "I thought maybe you could fly to me when you're not filming?"
I tried to hide the smile that spread on my lips without much success. He smiled back and let out a chuckle before raising his eyebrows.
"Is that a yes?"
"I'm sure we can make our schedules work." I just replied with a happy smile, shrugging.
I got up and threw away the box before emptying what was left of my cold coffee in the sink and throwing the cup in the bin too. I felt Niall close to me and tilted my head slightly when his lips reached for my neck. He put himself behind me, wrapping his arms around me and it made me whimper low as I closed my eyes. Niall has always been an affectionate person but this was really beyond my memories and expectation.
"I have something to ask you." he whispered, making me chuckle low.
"That's why you're all over me?"
"Mm no, I'm all over you because I love you." he explained, making me chuckle louder this time. "You know that wedding we're all supposed to go to?"
I didn't really want to go and I was ready to try and find an excuse not to, if only because it reminded me that I was not getting married anymore. The wedding in itself was not a big deal, but the fact that I just broke up with my boyfriend sort of was. Still, I knew it was important for my friends. I couldn't seem to remember who was getting married but I knew it was someone they all knew and had met through One Direction, and I closed my eyes, telling myself that it could be fun and that I really should go, right?
"Do you want to be my date?"
I held my breath, not expecting those words and finally chuckled. "Really?"
"Yea." he confirmed in a whisper. "No paps, mostly likely no one posting anything on social media. You're just my date, I make you dance, and I steal a few kisses whenever i can when no one's looking."
The thought was tempting and I wanted to say yes. Besides, it seemed like the only thing that made me lean towards going instead to find an excuse not to go. I turned around to face him and his lips found mine quickly as I smiled against his mouth.
"I need to ask you something, first."
Reluctantly, he pulled away and looked in my eyes. I licked my lips and sighed, trying to make sense in my head before anything. It was not easy. All I could think about was how blue his eyes were and how much I loved him. I brought my hands to his cheeks and brushed my thumbs on them, feeling his stubble on my other fingers before tilting my head.
"I would prefer to.. keep this to ourselves, for now." I let out, making him smile more.
"I'm not really the type to call the paps on us, you know me." he pointed out, making me smile a bit more.
"I know but I meant, not telling our friends either. Not telling anyone." I explained more as his smile faltered slightly. "I need time to think about all this, and I don't want everyone to get into this or to.. mettre leur grain de sel. I want it to be our business, no one else's."
His eyes roamed on my face for a few seconds but his arms were still holding me close. He was not letting me go, and It was comforting.
"Okay, petal." he gave in after about a minute, but I could swear I heard sadness in his voice. "It'll be our secret."
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