#we love pillow book and so blessed with what we got
nikosama13 · 6 months
Captain's Orders! (New! Law x Reader)
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Description: After attacking and cleaning out a marine ship you and the Heart Pirates stumbled across some good old fashion booze. But when Law by accidentally swapped his cup for yours things got a little out of hand..
Side Notes: Hello loves! This was lowkey rushed but I did my greatest! (My requests should be open + probably spelling mistakes) (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
-Shanks Version Here-
Enjoy the read! <3
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It was a lively night on the Polar Tang, the Heart Pirates were celebrating after attacking and clearing out a whole marine ship. You guys came across all kinds of supplies which you all of course took back with you to the ship. But one of the most important things you found was barrels and barrels of booze. Now, nor you or the rest of the crew drank to a great extent, however it was nice to let loose once in a while and today seemed like a great day to do just that. Law sat in the corner of the dining room reading away, struggling to focus on his new book. (Which he also probably stole from the marine’s ship) You and Heart pirates ignored his scrunched up and scowling face, continuing your loud dancing and games. Eventually, Law stood up to go get a glass of water and grabbed your cup instead. After he had inhaled the whole glass it hit him.. He basically just swallowed a load of booze. He wasn’t really bothered about what had just happened, however he knew that his booze tolerance wasn’t really that strong at all… So he sat back down and continued reading his book.. Forgetting the whole situation. You on the other hand.. didn’t notice that your drink was missing. The booze had already hit you hard and you thought that you just never refilled the cup. By the end of the night you were all worn out and plopped on your bed, wasted. But soon after, somebody interrupted your peace of mind.. Law just walked straight into your room, bold and without a care in the world. “Oi, y/n-ya you made a mess in the dining room, go clean it up, now.” He said, his voice had a hint of drunkness to it.
Not like your voice was any better.. “Ugh.. no, not right now.. leave.” you suggled further into your pillow, ignoring the captain's orders. Well that was.. until you felt two hands creep up on your waist. The next thing you knew was you were being picked up, swung over Law’s shoulder. You smacked his back with your hands and kicked your feet up and down. “Lawww!” you groaned, dizzy and unhappy. “Fine, I'll take you somewhere better..” his pace picked up and walked quicker to this ‘Better place’, all while carrying you. You were confused by the random change of heart. He was usually more strict about things, especially cleaning up.. But you weren’t complaining if he was going to get you out of it. The next thing you saw was the door frame of some room and the door shutting behind you two. After he gently placed you down on something soft like a bed.. When your vision unblurred you realized where you were. Law’s Room.. You gasped and sat straight up. “L-law what the hell are we doing here!?” you felt your cheeks burning up. “Well you didn’t wanna clean..” he walked closer to you.. “I-..” you were speechless and frozen. “Why so stiff darling..?” he mischievously smiled at you. Eventually your lips crashed together before you could do anything and in that moment you decided that maybe this situation wasn’t so bad after all.. Maybe this was a blessing to have Law act like this.. But out of all the people.. Law? You were just so shocked why he acted like this.. 
His lips slowly and gently pressed on your own. He wasn't rushing it, and took his time in trying not to hurt you in any way.
Law continued the kiss softly and slowly, gently moving his lips across your own before slowly picking up the pace. His arms slowly wrapped themselves around your back and pulled you even closer to him.
Let’s just say you two would have a long talk in the morning..
The End~
Thank you for reading! &lt;3
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Decadent Desires Ch 14
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, smut eluded to briefly, mentions of typical BAU type stuff. If any of y’all are my ao3 ppl, bless you & thank you for all the extra comments & chatting about this story! I absolutely love hearing all your thoughts/opinions/what you think is gonna happen. Like, yes please, send me your full book reports! Everybody gets an A++
After last chapter; for anyone who might want to look into more Heather Dunbar, all her works can be found here
Your eyes twitched, daring to open long before you wanted them to and you stifled a yawn, shifting slightly in the bed. As your senses came to you could feel Heather’s arm very loosely thrown over your waist, though it wasn’t an act of intimacy and definitely wasn’t cuddling. You’d accidentally fallen asleep in her bed the night prior before she could even bring you a bottle of water, exhausted from the heat and sun and thoroughly fucked. She stayed up for another couple of hours before turning in herself and sometime during her sleep had rolled over closer to you, her hand flopping across your hip.
The chirping out the window became too much and you knew you weren’t going to get anymore sleep, no matter how hard you tried. Your eyes cracked open, looking at the clock on the nightstand, at least it was already past nine, you’d gotten a little bit of a sleep in. Tossing Heather’s arm off you, you groaned softly as you sat up, stretching out your body and rolling your neck, a couple of joints cracking as you did so.
“Why the hell are you up?” She grumbled, burying her face into the pillow.
“Our flight’s at noon.” You yawned, “I’ve got to start packing.”
“I own the fucking plane. We take off when I say we take off.”
“Check out is also at noon.” You chuckled, swatting at her hip as you stood from the bed, beginning to collect your clothes that were scattered across the floor.
“You really think I didn’t already pay them off for a three p.m. checkout?” She finally opened her eyes, rubbing at them as she looked up at you and you laughed softly again.
“Then sleep. I need to shower and pack and probably get a few things ready for the week, we were so focused on the retreat I know I must’ve been missing a few things back home.” You crossed through the open door back to your room.
“God.” She huffed, dropping onto her back into the pillows as she picked up her phone, “it better not be fucking snowing back home.”
“Heather please, it barely snows in D.C.” You laughed as you hastily folded the clothes in your hands, dropping them into your open suitcase as you glanced around the room. “Hey, is Rob still off on Sundays?”
“Yeah.” She called back, “he said something about wanting to make a late dinner tonight.”
“You think you can ask him to meet us at the jet?”
“Why?” She sat up, holding the bedsheet to her chest as concern took over her face, knowing just how much a week of travel and this amount of sun exposure could affect you, “are you feeling sick? I need you for that merger meeting.”
“I’m fine.” You cast a look over your shoulder as you wrapped a towel around you, “I’ve just got a date with Prentiss on Wednesday.”
“Sweetheart, you’re in the clear.” She assured and it was your turn to chuckle.
“Heat… how many people are you currently fucking?”
“In D.C?” She asked and you nodded, “three not including Rob. But you know I don’t let them fuck me and I don’t share toys.”
“Not the point. It was in the contract I signed and Rob is far faster and more convenient than me taking time off my precious and very important job to see my gyno.”
“I will call him and tell him what time to meet us.”
“Thank you.” You shot her a smile, digging through your suitcase for classy yet comfortable clothes for the plane ride home.
“If you’re going to all that effort you may as well come back in here for one last round.”
“Go back to sleep Heather!” You called back, disappearing from the doorway and Heather heard the shower starting a moment later, letting out a sigh as she dropped back into the bedsheets.
Emily could not wait a second longer to get out of this hell hole and back home, preferably without a stop at the BAU first. Every case was teetering the line on rough, things that no normal human would be okay with witnessing or being around and this one was no different. This time there was the added affect that no matter how hard the team tried, they were always a second too late, never finding a living victim, an hour behind the unsub every step of the way until they’d finally baited him into it. Not only was she exhausted and not looking forward to the amount of paperwork that was going to come across her desk because of this week, but she really didn’t want to get the lecture she knew was coming from Bailey.
She stashed her bag into one of the cupboards, retreating to the back of the jet to drop down into the corner seat, letting out a weary sigh as she ran a hand over her face, pinching at the bridge of her nose. She just needed to get home and she would be able to handle this. Thankfully no one else really wanted to socialize either, finding more private spots on the jet, curling up in seats and couches until the plane was at cruising altitude and most everyone was asleep. She dozed off a bit herself, thankful for the rest though she wished it was more when she stirred in her seat, eyes cracking open to find they were still another few hours from Washington.
A fresh mug of steaming and very welcomed coffee found itself on the table in front of her as Tara hovered in the aisle beside the quad of seats.
“You okay?” She asked gently.
“Yeah.” Emily replied with a huff, picking up the mug, “that just… fucking sucked.”
“Man it really did.” The other woman groaned, dropping into the seat across from her, “but remember…we got him.” Her hand reached out, squeezing at her knee, “he won’t hurt anyone else.”
“I just really wish we’d clued in earlier, could’ve saved a lot of people a hell of a lot of hurt.”
“I know.” Tara replied, “so do I.” With another squeeze of her knee she settled back into her chair, taking a sip of her coffee, “we’ll do better next time.”
“Mmm.” She nodded.
“Thanks, for the extra days off by the way.” Tara commented, noting that while they were heading home on a Sunday that Emily had made the call the BAU wouldn’t be functioning until Wednesday.
“You guys need it.” She sighed, “after a case like this, everyone needs time to disassociate and pretend like there’s nothing wrong in the world.” Her gaze drifted out the window, “JJ needs to see her family, spend time with them, hug them so tight it’s like she’ll never let them go. You better be going to see Rebecca; remember why we do what we do to keep the world safe….”
“And what about you?” She asked after a quiet moment, watching the way Emily’s face twitched as she stared out the window a moment longer before turning back to her and waving her off.
“I’ll be fine. I’ve been doing this a long time.”
“I know you have, and I’m not profiling, I’m doctor-ing, so you can’t lecture me.” Tara leant in on the table between them, “deny it all you want, but you have someone right now who means something in your life. It could be a new friend and that’s it, but it also could be something more and I don’t need to know any details right now, but I want to make sure you’re not just going home alone to a bottle of wine tonight.”
Emily huffed, taking another sip of coffee, “she was out of town this week, I’m not even sure when she’s back.”
“Hey…” Tara’s hand slid across the table, squeezing at her own, “whatever change you’ve made recently? It’s been a good one. You’ve been happier, more energetic, getting out of work on time and spending your weekends actually doing something. I haven’t seen you do anything other than work since we came back, so call her please… for me?”
“I’ll think about it, but I’m not making promises. I’ve got a mountain of paperwork and god knows Bailey’s gonna be blowing up my phone once he hears about the case.” She sighed,  though her lips curved up into a soft smile and Tara relaxed into the seat across from her, giving her a knowing look before Emily’s gaze drifted out the window again.
Once home you began the usual post travel routine, make sure to immediately unpack, dumping clothing directly into the laundry and setting aside those that needed to go to the dry cleaners. You sorted through your work bag, filing everything correctly, stashing half away in your home office and packing the rest back up to have on the go. A quick clean out of the fridge, tossing anything that had unfortunately gone bad over the course of the week before putting in a grocery order and deciding to rely on take out for dinner. Finally, it was time for a luxurious everything shower. It didn’t matter how expensive or fancy the resort was, you always preferred your own shower, the water pressure and temperature was perfect, you had all of your own skin and hair products and didn’t have to worry about taking too much time or how many other people’s feet had touched the tub.
You wandered back downstairs just in time for your dinner to arrive, making sure to leave a hefty tip for the driver as it was much later than you’d normally order and the weather was starting to turn. Not even waiting to fully unbox everything you dug a fork into the chow mein, your stomach growling heavily already, stuffing a few forkfuls into your mouth. When you turned to grab a bottle of wine your eyes landed on the practically overflowing recycle bin and glancing over to the calendar you let out a groan, it was getting picked up in the morning, but only if it was in the alley.
With an annoyed sigh, you grabbed a sweater, shoved on a pair of slip-ons and grabbed the bin to trek through the yard and dump in the appropriate place. Back inside you locked the door behind you, a shiver moving through you at the chilly air lingering in your kitchen as you washed your hands and finally poured out a glass of wine. A sip of that and another mouthful of noodles and there was a knocking coming from the front door. A quick glance to your phone confirmed you hadn’t missed anything so you padded over to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open to find Emily on the other side.
Your voice broke her out of her trance of worry, fully registering that she actually had shown up at your door in practically the middle of the night. Her eyes flicked over your form, her shoulders relaxing at just how cozy and at peace you looked, leggings and loose sweater, your hair still damp and messily braided to keep it out of the way while your face was bare of any make up.
“Hey.” Emily replied, mimicking your soft smile. Her ears picked up the sound of laundry going in the distance and she spotted your work bag sitting right inside the entry, eyes flicking up to the kitchen to your barely touched take out and she suddenly put it together, wincing, “oh shit! I’m so sorry, you just got back.” She couldn’t help it, glancing over her shoulder as if it would be a better idea to retreat to her car, “this is outta line, I should’ve called. I just… man today really fucking sucked…”
You practically snorted at the out of line phrase, your hand reaching out to pinch at her elbow, waving her into your home, “it’s fine, come on in.”
You lead her into the kitchen, urging her to take a seat at the island as you stripped off the sweater, now back in the warmth of the house. “Wine?” You asked, opening the cupboard, “or something stronger?”
“Something stronger, please.” She grumbled, running a hand over her face. She glanced up at the sound of you sliding a tumbler of bourbon over to her and her eyes landed on the cotton ball stuck to the inside of your arm, “are you okay?”
“Hmm?” You asked, looking over your shoulder to her as you stashed the bottle back in the cupboard and she gestured to your arm. “Oh,” you let out a small huff of a laugh, ripping the band aid off and tossing both into the garbage, “yeah, just had some blood taken.” You slid back onto your stool, picking up the carton of noodles and gesturing to the others, “you hungry?”
“No, thank you.” She let out a weary sigh, taking a long drink of her booze.
“Emily… are you okay?”
She glanced up at you, her eyes flitting between your oh so cozy aura, the barely touched food, prime wine that you were trying to enjoy and she let out a huff, nearly pushing back from the island. “god, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have just shown up like this.”
You managed to catch her hand before she had managed to actually push her stool back, “Em… I said it was fine.” You squeezed gently, urging her to sit back down and she did.
“It’s just.. I’m not exactly.. uh.. up to my normal caliber and definitely not in the headspace for our normal activities…” She nearly avoided your gaze and you let out a soft laugh.
“And that’s perfectly fine.” You reassured her, nudging her glass closer toward her, “compensation doesn’t always have to be sexual. There’s an entire other dynamic to it, companionship means support too. Contrary to what you may think, I do actually enjoy spending time with you and that will always include outside the bedroom.”
She let out a deep breath, “my brain is still trying to sort out the whole sugar baby situation and I think I’m just overcomplicating things. I kind of figured it was a sex for money but make it…morally legal.” She nearly laughed at her own words, pulling a small grin from you.
“There are plenty of sugar baby relationships that don’t even involve sex. Some people are just lonely, or scared of doing things by themselves so they have someone go with them to lunch, movies, opera, the theatre. Hell I’ve heard of a few old married couples where the wife has a passion for arts and the husband would much rather sit at home with the game on, if he doesn’t have to suffer through it himself, he has absolutely no qualms with a much younger man escorting his wife.”
“So I really am overthinking things?” She asked, looking back up to you with a soft smile and you chuckled.
“I still feel bad about intruding on your evening.”
“It’s not like I had much planned.” You shrugged, “now c’mon, help yourself to food, I’m definitely not going to finish it all.”
“Oh, I couldn’t.”
“Em..” you warned, “when was the last time you ate? Truthfully.”
“Before we got on the jet.” She winced and you cast her a glare.
“We’ve got noodles, rice, beef and broccoli or ginger chicken.” You pushed the containers toward her, “help yourself.”
She picked up a fork and the container of rice, taking a couple of bites while a comfortable silence took over the room and she was finally able to relax a bit. It was then that she started to realize more of the meaning behind your words, and why she was so drawn to showing up at your house in the first place (and why Tara had been so insistent on it). If she had just gone home she would likely be pouring over case files and attempting to get as much paperwork done as possible to get ahead before Bailey got into things with her. Sleep wouldn’t have been an option until it was all done, she definitely wouldn’t have eaten and a bottle of wine would have been her best friend. Instead being inside your kitchen felt warm, welcoming, simply having another human in the same room made her remember that there was so much else to life than just work. Things didn’t have to be so dreary and boring all the time.
“How was Florida?” She asked after a few moments.
“It was decent.” You shrugged, “secured a good amount of supporters, got some up and comers onto our ideas, reminded myself I’m not actually terrible at tennis and managed to only have my ass grabbed four times while congressmen tried to teach me how to golf.”
“Ew.” Her nose crinkled and you laughed, “I hope this doesn’t sound bad, but do you… have to like, play dumb a lot around them?”
“Oh no, I actually am completely horrible at golf. And you only get one chance to truly play dumb around them before they realize how much potential you could or do have and only certain ones feed into the dumb, some see right through it.”
“So you’ve got to know how to read them even quicker?”
“Yup.” You took a sip of your wine, “Heather always said it’s best to slide in with a hint of sensuality, let that be the bait and you have a matter of minutes to figure out whether you’re going low or high status to get them wrapped around your finger. The guys, it was go low. Do I have a very successful career with one of the highest ranked Senators in the country? Of course, but that completely slips their minds on a retreat like that when I’m wearing a cute outfit serving them drinks filling the role of cart girl.”
“Huh.” She replied, digging through the container before taking another bite and silence took over the room again. Though this time there was something lingering in the air and after a few minutes you chose to speak up.
“I take it your week wasn’t as good?”
Emily let out a heavy breath, “just a really bad case. I don’t want to drag you down with details but it was one of the worst we’ve seen in a while and in the end we barely caught the guy.”
“You sure you don’t want to talk about it? I promise I can handle the gory details; Tony never holds back; I actually think he over exaggerates to make himself sound cooler…”
“Tony?” Her brow furrowed.
“Agent friend.” You replied with a shrug.
“Ah,” she poked around at the rice again, “and no, but thanks. I think I just really didn’t want to be alone tonight.”
“Alright.” You cast her a warm smile, closing the lid on your take out as you stood from the island. You were full and Emily had done nothing but play with her food for a while now, you were sure she wasn’t going to eat anything else. “How about we take the bottle of wine upstairs then?”
“Oh, but I—” she stumbled over her words and you laughed softly, reaching out to squeeze her shoulder.
“I’m not going to pounce on you, don’t worry. The tv in the bedroom’s nicer and it’s getting late, may as well fall asleep in the bed rather than have to drag ourselves from the couch later.”
She let out an awkward laugh, closing the rice container and sliding it over to you, “oh, right.”
You looked back at her, reaching your hand out as she slipped off her stool, “C’mere.” Tugging her to you she let out a little ‘oop’ as your arms wound around her, wrapping her into a tight hug. A wave of relief crashed over you as she let out a content sigh, relaxing into the embrace and the tension in her shoulders finally began to drip away. You pressed a soft kiss to the side of her head, squeezing at her once more before gently pulling away.
“Thank you.” She murmured softly, giving you a tired smile.
“Anytime.” Your hand trailed down her arm, curling around hers as you turned to the staircase, “now come on, you need some good cuddles and sleep, number one recommendation from doctors after a rough week.”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird bird @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @lisqueen @mrs-prentiss @whitewinewithice @d33pd3sire-blog @daffodil-heart @maximoffcarter @i-lovefandom @chimnlex @moonlightjxuregui @chestnutninny @gamma-rae-bursts @just-moondust @idkifimasub @gaydragonwitch @dowsedwithbleach @divergentalwaysandforever-blog
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mhsdatgo · 6 months
Do you think the show is biased against the Greens vs. Team Black? If so, how should the show have demonstrated that both teams are awful, in your opinion?
Hello anon!
I've got a lot to say on this one.
First of all, yes. I totally think that the show had some obvious kind of bias towards the Blacks. Not necessarily with the way the Greens were treated as devils with no likeable qualities except for Alicent (even if there are several instances of them doing so) but more because of the way the Blacks were whitewashed.
Look, you'll never catch me not expressing my contempt for this woman, no matter the fact she was brought up by a man who did nothing but spoil, enable and indulge her in everything and anything she says and does. I can see the path they're taking in the show by adapting her as an irresponsible woman who flees at the minimal inconvenience and cowers to her dad at any minor inconvenience, but literally everything that makes her Rhaenyra Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, is removed.
She just looks like the next girlboss Targ Dragonrider queen after Daenerys. They basically made GOT season 8 and sent show!Rhaenyra as an apology. But in doing so they basically made her... Boring. Her and her children, which I don't love or hate. (The closest one I am to "liking" is Jace, I guess, but the leaks are just making me rethink everything again.)
I would've loved it if they had given us ONE pre-Dance book!Rhaenyra scene that would've made her appear more ruthless than what we have on the show, and not just the time when she offered 10 year old Aemond to be tortured. Make her ask Daemon to go after Vaemond (sorry pookie) like she did in the books, make her feed his corpse to her dragon. Sure that wouldn't have made me change my mind about how much I dislike her bUt it WOULD'VE made me go "damn she stands on business."
I wanted her to act out of grief and insist on going to war when she miscarried Visenya and lost her father, because although I don't think that the Greens did kill that poor little girl (she had dragon features and was likely going to die anyway) I do think that Rhaenyra should've been allowed her pain and the irrational and impulsive thinking that comes with it.
Where do I even begin with this one?
Olivia Cooke SLAYED. Lemme just start with that. She took the whole cake and ate it too and left no crumbs. The direction they've taken with her is a realistic one, at least for the actions and decisions she's taking. Reckless, for sure. Risky, deathly even. Her fear is realistic, even for someone as Alicent Hightower no matter how much determination had protected her from dread.
What I don't like is the way she was treated as everyone's object and her shutting up about it. From Rhaenyra to Larys, everyone uses her for their own disgusting pleasures or outlet of frustration. And she's made to take it without fighting back even once. The one time she does, bless her, she's treated as a woman who's gone mad.
Now, I would've been fine with her taking all these hits if only they knew how to make Alicent change properly and completely from there. If it was me, the incident at Driftmark would be my start to revenge. No longer would I look at Rhaenyra with hope to reconcile with her. No longer would I bear any more of Viserys' shit when it's clear his first daughter (the image of his first wife) bears way more importance to him than me and all the four kids he forced me to have combined.
They'd have to nightly talk me out of suffocating him with my pillow a minute more for every wince and ache my now eyeless son suffers, for a month straight if not more. I wouldn't eagerly stand by his side and listen to his last words only to mistake them for permission to go along with my plans. I'd stand there passively at best, waiting for him to be done, before leaving the room.
Everything else can just be left the same way it was. Her fear when she realizes the effect Viserys' death has on her and her children is realistic. I'd break down for a moment too. I'd act as soon as I could too. I'd cry tears of relief, dread, grief (depends on how you interpret that scene) too. After letting his stinky ass rot for a fortnight. I would've preferred this to be a "there was a plan, but we weren't ready to act it out" situation more than a "what the fuck is going on" situation.
I'd also slap that "you toil in service of other men" dialogue from Rhaenys right back in her face (sorry grandma) since if we're talking about the show, it's literally the only thing she has done throughout the season.
House Velaryon.
HEAVY on this one. They have been done so wrong on so many levels. Every single one of them.
Laena was made to "pursue" Daemon, she changes from a precious, small and shy little girl to a confident, seductive young woman (teenager for fuck's sake, screw everyone who thought making her change this way would've been good) and later on a side piece, "the one Daemon settles for because he can't have Rhaenyra" even if it was known that she was the only one he was never unfaithful to, "she's made her peace" (WTF???????).
It apparently never hits Corlys that the bitch who he believes has made him childless (I AM TALKING ABOUT DAEMON) deserves no support from him and his house or that Luke should actually become a ward there at Driftmark if he's so adamant on keeping this farce that he's a Velaryon and the next Lord of the Tides.
Vaemond is seen as the odd, evil and power hungry one for pointing out that his house is falling into an OBVIOUS bastard's hands whether this kid likes it or not (even as my support for this claim goes as far as questioning Luke's parentage) and to add insult to injury he's made to say Rhaenyra is a whore, which never happened in the books.
The Silent Five are removed completely, Vaemond's sons as well (@redrosesandcharmingsouls knows I was FROTHING at the mouth waiting for Daemion Velaryon to make an appearance but the motherfuckers couldn't even give me that) so that we don't have any kind of reason to believe an execution so brutal and unjust had any repercussions on the support House Velaryon has on the Blacks overall. They are made into Rhaenyra's cheering squad through and thorough, even if they have every reason to be anything but.
The Laenor situation is actually really fucking funny. They made him leave instead of killing him to not bury the gays and they aren't aware that this has totally fucked everything up. Like thanks for telling me ALL of Rhaenyra's children are bastards. Cool, HOW THE FUCK TO YOU HANDLE SEASMOKE NOW?
Aegon II.
No this isn't an apologist post. I'm actually slithering on the ground on my knees for TGC daily but Aegon is a clusterfuck right now, no matter how you look at it. They tell us he's a psycho drunken rapist and he likes to watch children fighting every Sunday and when you actually see his adult version he's a crying love starved bitch of a man and he winces and frowns when Vaemond's head is cut off.
Instead of taking the throne to protect his children, he takes it because he's forced. And that makes Alicent the villain in everything once again. Now it doesn't matter if you look at the book version or what we see of the show version, everywhere you look this is just out of character.
It's inconsistent. He's made the worst thing ever so people can say "See??? They believe a rapist is better to put to the throne than our girlboss virtuous heir!!!" you either make him a psycho or a touch starved baby, why make both?
So yeah, I think this is all. For now. We'll have to see how this show progresses to see if I change my mind in any way.
Thanks for the ask!!!! ^_^
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bite-sized-devil · 2 years
In the Philippines we have this pastry called "Mamon" (spelled with only 1 m in the middle) and it's like a muffin but with a softer cake-like texture. What if MC tries to bake some and the brothers ask what it is. It'd be so awkward for Mammon but you can tell him he looks like a snack
Hello 🌻
Aww this is so cute! I love teasing Mammon 💕 My greedy boy deserves all the attention including sweet jokes at his expense 😂
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Have you gone to far? Maybe. But to be honest you're having to much fun!
You've made 7 little vanilla sponge cakes that are called 'Mamon', one for each brother to try. Coming across the recipe accidentally when you had misspelt Mammon's name during a google search. What you were originally looking for is no one's business but your own. You are certainly not going to tell the second born about it either!
Your devious little plan to embarrass The Great Mammon has come to a head with each brother in turn trying your dessert. Naturally Lucifer starts the praise for your cooking first.
"You've out done yourself MC, it's wonderful! Perfect, much like yourself." Blushing at his praise, you bow your head. It's not exactly what you are looking for but it's always nice to hear the first born praise you.
Beel's response is of course to immediately ask for more, again not what you are after but is to be expected. You smile at him and tell him 'yes of course in the kitchen'. He's shooting out of his chair so fast it falls over.
Giggling at Beel's antics you turn to Levi, but he's already left his seat. He waves his hands at you as he walks though the doorway. "Delicious as always MC, sorry can't stay I have a live stream to catch."
You yell a 'no worries' in response, it's pretty typical of him actually. Not at all fazed your attention is drawn to the light snoring beside you. Ah yes it's Belphie, who the fuck else would fall asleep on the fluffy pillow of a cake you made? Your anger at the last born fizzles up, he looks so cute when he sleeps. All sweet and lacking in murderous intent.
Satan draws your attention away by scraping his fork on his plate. Ugghh that noise! You visibly cringe and he smirks the bastard. "Yes, now that I have your attention MC, I'd like to offer you a piece of advice. It's simple really... If I see you doggy-ear anymore of my book's pages, it will take more then this little fluffy yellow cake to placate me." The look he's giving you as he finishes up his little speech is terrifying... But, he's got a little crumb on his cheek and it's very distracting. Your eyes keep flitting between it and his intense stare. Asmo swoops in to save you by obnoxiously drawing attention too it. Bless him!
"Awwww♡ Satan, did you miss your mouth? Here let me get it for you!" He reaches his hand up to Satan's face for it to immediately get smacked down. A pout coming to rest on the fifth born's pretty face while he cradles his hand in mock hurt.
And then it happens, and by none other then the man you wanted to tease in the first place! Your dastardly partner in crime has given you the platform you needed. You should of known he'd walk right into your trap.
"Wow MC, whaddya call this delicious 'lil snack?" His innocent question signs his own fate. Little dummy! Actually he's your little dummy. You wait until he has taken another bite before saying loud and clear for everyone present to hear, smiling ever so sweetly as you do.
"It's called Mamon."
His face goes instantly red, though you aren't sure if that's from your little prank or the fact that he's now choking on the cake he shares a name with.
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Hope you like what I've done with your idea 💕💕💕 Of course I had to have Mammon call himself a lil snack! He's so silly I need to kiss him 😍😍🥰
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it ☺️ Likes, comments, and reblogs are so appreciated! 🌻 Please don't repost, that shit won't fly here. I'll annoy the absolute shit out of you. If you would like to join the tag list please fill in my dumb little form.
Tagging: @delphi-dreamin @sassykattery @alexxavicry @your-next-daydream @rosanism @marvelous-maniac @i-hardly-know @kyungjoon-do @ria-demon29 @itsmeninerz @allielozoya @spookyscaryskeletonn @zarakem @simpsations @soapbooger
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rabbitblackx · 2 years
Can you write a NSFW where Freddy Krueger talks his female S/O into taking their love to the next level, but the S/O was worried that if she sinned, she'd go to hell. But Freddy would tell her that doing "Doggy Style" should prevent her from going to hell since "All Dogs go to Heaven" (It's based on a post that I have saw and it referred to Freddy saying that stuff).
I thought it'd be interesting, since she's pretty much already in Hell, so it wouldn't matter if she have sinned or not. So she would accept his request.
Hey funky request! Here’s a few headcanons on it! Hope u might like :)
Freddy Krueger talks Fem!Reader into taking their relationship to the next level
Warning: Sexual content
When Freddy first suggested having sex, to say you were nervous was an understatement. You hadn’t done that with him yet and were worried it was was sinful. Like, you weren’t married. So it was then, right…? At the same time though, dating the Freddy Krueger should’ve been considered as a sin in itself so who were you to judge?
After thinking it over, you hesitantly agreed. You really liked Freddy, but were still a little concerned. He could read you like a book, and noticed this instantly. Though he hated himself for it, the man actually really cared about you. And for once in his sick ‘life’, he didn’t want to force you into anything. So he came up with an idea… a kinda creepy one, at that
“You know, princess… if you don’t wanna end up in hell, we can always do doggy style.” Freddy grinned.
You were leaning back into the pillows of your bed, your dream demon boyfriend creeping closer. Your brow furrowed at him in confusion
“What would doing that fix?” You asked.
Freddy chuckled darkly, placing both hands on either side of where you sat. He got right in your face with that evil grin across his burned face. The pit in your belly grew shamefully aroused, and you could feel small puffs of his breath waft over your lips
“All dogs go to heaven.” Freddy crooned, before pulling you into a deep kiss
You ended up on the bedroom floor, your clothes strewn everywhere. Loud moans spilled from your mouth and your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Freddy thrusted into your from behind at an alarming pace. Your arms were struggling to keep you upright in your position, but you refused to go limp as you didn’t want to ‘sin’
Freddy convinced you that doing it this way, in… doggy style… would somehow make it that you were sure to get into heaven. Because this was how dogs did it! They did it on all fours like how you were, and they all went to heaven! Foolproof, right? God blessed you for being so naive. Freddy thought you were so cute
He had removed his bladed glove so he would get a firm grip on either side of your bare waist. You could feel bruises forming under his fingertips as he slammed into you. You had no idea it was going to feel so good like this. Your shrieking moans of pure pleasure were like music to Freddy’s ears, making fucking you all the more sweeter
“Who’s a good little puppy?” He cooed between thrusts
Your nails dug into the floor, endless mewls spilling from your wet lips. You inched your butt closer against his crotch, making sure his length was fully buried within your walls
“Hah… I—am!” You huffed.
You could feel an orgasm coming on, causing you to clench around Freddy. He let out a low grunt while fucking you even harder. You moaned louder, your knees shaking
“I’m a good little puppy! I am, I am!” You squealed
At the end of the day, you knew this was a sin regardless of the position, but you couldn’t of cared less
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Can You See Me? - E.M
Note: There is going to be a second version of this! I couldn’t decide if I wanted to do reader discovering they needed glasses or reader who wore contacts all the time and no one knew about the glasses....so I decided I’m doing both. The other one will eventually be posted, possibly in a few days. Enjoy! - A fellow near sighted bitch
Pairing: Eddie Munson x nearsighted!reader
Warnings: Fluffiness, assumed fem reader, pre-establushed relationship
You do not have permission to copy, translate or repost my works onto other platforms. 18+ only.
Eddie was getting suspicious. It wasn’t hard for him to notice that his sweetheart seemed to be struggling with something. She squinted any time she had to read something far away. He thought maybe it was just how her face moved when she read something but then one day she had gotten frustrated not being able to read a sign the guys had pointed out to her. She ended up huffing and saying that the guys were stupid for egging her on to try and read the sign. Eddie quickly told them to stop seeing that his girl was getting really upset. 
Over time, the squinting got worse. He noticed she started to do it more often and that things she was able to see fine before, she was squinting more to see. Even for class she was struggling to see the blackboard but when he suggested they move their seats up she had huffed at him. So instead he just shared his notes with her, which she had encouraged him to take in the first place. It was clear to him after a while: Y/N needed glasses. Now this was something he knew she wasn’t going to admit herself since she got annoyed any time someone even suggested she couldn’t see. So he had to come up with a plan.
I didn’t want glasses. I didn’t think I really needed them. When things that were farther away started to be blurrier I thought it was just a normal part of growing older. As time went on though, the blurriness got worse and worse. Now if something was too far from my face I couldn’t see it. Hell the Hellfire boys gave me shit once because I couldn’t read a sign up on the movie theater's board. My boyfriend, bless him, at least got them to stop it. I thought I could ride this out longer. I didn’t want glasses. I’d look absolutely stupid with them on. 
“Y/N, honey. I think it’s time we go see an eye doctor.” Mom murmured one day as she dropped her hand. We tried to watch a movie together but the screen was half blurry and my face was starting to hurt from squinting all the time. Mom had stood up, walking to stand behind the TV and held up a book. I couldn’t make the title out clearly.
“Noooo, mom!” I whined, shoving a throw pillow over my face. “I’d look absolutely stupid with glasses on and like a total nerd!” my muffled whines came from the cushion and I heard mom sigh.
“The longer you go on like this, the worse it is going to get. Trust me.” The couch shifted with my mother’s weight as she sat down beside me and rubbed my back.
I lifted my head from the cushion. “My boyfriend is gonna laugh.” I mumbled and mom scoffed.
“Eddie wouldn’t. It’s Eddie. I’m making you that eye appointment.” 
I whined, dramatically flopping onto my back.
“Eddie, what are you doing?” Y/N asked Eddie from his bed.
“Nothin.”  Eddie answered with a small smile, “I just wanna see something.”
Y/N huffed quietly. She had come over after school, like she normally did on Thursdays. Eddie had been planning this for days now. Y/N had been in a bad mood and mentioned that her mom wanted her to go see an eye doctor. Eddie told her that was great and she leveled him with a glare saying her eyes were fine. Eddie decided to prove her wrong. He managed to swipe a small dry erase board from one of the guys. Now he stood by his bedroom door, his girlfriend sat just on his bed. He pulled the cap of the dry erase marker off with his teeth. He chose black, deciding to not be totally unfair to her. He quickly wrote ‘I love you’ on the board itself. “Okay, I just want you to read this to me.” Eddie told her.
“Eddie.” She wanted with a tight frown on her lips.
“Just, read it for me.” Eddie turned the board around and waited. He knew she couldn’t see it. He just needed her to admit it.
Y/N looked towards the board then up at Eddie’s face. Could she even see his face? He wasn’t so sure. He smiled to himself and tapped the board with the dry erase pen. She huffed as her eyes moved back down to the board. A second later one of his pillows was hitting him in the face. “I mean, violence wasn’t the answer, babe.” Eddie laughed. 
Y/N flopped back on his bed and covered her face with her hands. Of course seeing her try to hide from him only made Eddie immediately move to the bed. He set the dry erase board aside and climbed on top of her. Hearing her tiny sniffles and whimpers made his heart ache. Eddie leaned down, pressing kisses on the hands that covered her eyes from her nails down to her wrist. Slowly, her hands fell away from her eyes revealing moisture. Eddie reached up, wiping away the tears smeared around her eyes and kissed the top of her nose between her brows. “I don’t wanna go to the doctor.” She hiccuped gently.
“You have to go, baby.” Eddie murmured as he curled his arm around her waist. “Gotta check those beautiful eyes. You gotta be able to see my pretty face from far away.” He smiled at the pout on her lips, leaning down to kiss the jutted out lower lip.
“They’re gonna give me glasses…” She mumbled and Eddie nodded.
“I know.” He murmured, “You’ll look so cute.”
“Edward, stop.” She murmured.
Eddie grinned and kissed her again. “I mean it, babe.” He told her, “I’ll go with you if you want me to.”
“No, it’s okay.” She mumbled and Eddie leaned down to hug her body tightly to his.
After a few minutes of sitting there, Y/N finally stirred under him. “What did you write on the board?” She asked softly.
Eddie grinned as he lifted his head. He grabbed the board and leaned off of her a little, showing her the board. His grin widened even more seeing the blush that settled on her cheeks. 
“I love you too, Eds.”
The eye doctor wasn’t fun. He had me look at a board with a bunch of letters on it. I tried to be confident as I answered but really… I wasn’t. In the end he had decided that, yes, I did need glasses. He explained that I was nearsighted and it was okay. Just that things far away were hard to see. He explained all about how to take care of my eyes and went ahead fitting me for glasses. I tried to ignore the ‘I told you so’ look from my mother. I had picked out frames and they said in a few days I would have them.
After only a few days, my glasses were ready. Mom picked them up while I was at school and Eddie was being insufferable. He kept asking every day when I was getting my glasses after I broke the news to him that he and my mother were right about my deterioration in vision. So today, I finally told him they were done. As soon as school ended, Eddie was tugging me out to his van.
“Why are you so eager?!” I laughed, slapping at his arm as he opened the passenger door for me.
“Because, I want my girl to be able to see!” He laughed, turning to wrap his arms around me. He pressed a quick kiss to my lips before helping me into the van and shutting the door like the gentleman he was. 
The drive to my house was short as was every drive with Eddie Munson at the wheel. I unlocked the front door and walked inside, calling out a greeting to my mother as Eddie walked inside. I kicked my shoes off, Eddie following in stride. I grabbed his hand to try and make a break for the stairs.
“Not so fast!” Mom called and I froze, shooting Eddie a glare when I heard a deep chuckle from him. Mom held out a case and wiggled it at me.
I sighed and took it from her hands. “Thanks!” I cheerily said and started up the stairs again, practically dragging Eddie behind me.
“Y/N!” Mom called after me, “Eddie, get her to put them on!”
Eddie called back to her. “I’ll try!” and I turned to gently tap him on the head with the hard glasses case.
I pushed the door open to my bedroom and sat on my bed, toying with the case in my hands. Eddie soon joined me, sitting across from me on the bed. I sighed and opened the case. Inside was a small cloth, used for cleaning the glass. Inside sat a simple black frame. They had a lot of options inside the doctor's office. Lots of different colors and designs to choose from but I wanted something simple. The lady at the counter told me I could always get a different pair especially if my prescription changed. To my horror, my vision could get worse.
“We can wait if you want.” Eddie spoke up and I sighed.
“I think I waited long enough, don’t you?” I mumbled, raising a brow at him. He only offered a smile. I sighed, taking the glasses from the case and unfolding the parts that go over my ears. I looked down at them. Everything was slightly blurry except for where the lenses sat inside the frame. I frowned, putting the glasses onto my face. I pushed the middle up the bridge of my nose and looked at Eddie. While he was close enough to see for the most part from where he sat, his features were sharper and clearer than they had been before.
“How well can you see me?” Eddie asked softly.
“Very well. Clearly.” I mumbled with a small pout. I hated it. I was either going to be practically blind or be able to see at the cost of looking dumb.
“So now that you’ve gotten to see your boyfriend's face clearly, do you still want me?” Eddie teased with a grin.
I gasped at him and smacked his arm. “How dare you insinuate I wouldn’t!” I screeched at him with a small smile.
“Well, it occurred to me that most of our relationship you couldn’t see very well! I thought I’d check, princess.” Eddie grinned at me.
“Of course I still want you, handsome. You’re still my pretty boy. Just… in better detail.” I laughed.
Suddenly, Eddie launched himself at me. I leaned back, letting his body rest on top of mine as he kissed me. My head swam at the intensity of his kiss and after a moment he finally allowed me some oxygen. I raised an eyebrow at him. “I know you said you thought you’d look bad in glasses or like a nerd but, babe… they’re kinda hot.” He grinned at me.
“Oh, my god.” I shook my head at him and tried to wiggle out from under him.
Eddie chuckled and pressed kisses to my face, arms circling around me so I couldn’t escape. “Hey, just letting you know it’s doin something for me. Glasses or no glasses, you’re hot.” He laughed and kissed the tip of my nose. 
“Hell yeah.” 
Maybe glasses weren’t so bad.
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unholyhelbig · 2 years
absolutely loving your kate x reader stories more please!!
[A/N: It's been so long since I've had the pleasure of writing Kate x Reader and am intending to wrap up on a few of the stories that I've started previously. Here is the much-requested Part Two of "Once Bitten, Twice the Idiot"]
Request Prompts | Kate Bishop Masterlist | Read on Ao3
Once Bitten, Twice the Idiot Pt.2 | Kate Bishop x Reader
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The door was cold against the small of your back, rising goosebumps across your arms, and your neck. The bite on your shoulder throbbed in tandem with the sound of your heart which was nearly deafening. You’d never heard it this loud before. Your nails curled into the palm of your hand as you tried, and failed, to still your breathing.
The girl hadn’t followed you when you took off down the street, hadn’t even attempted to. You counted it as a small blessing- being allowed to return to your apartment with little interference. The cold seeped into your skin as your shoes slapped the pavement. You weren’t going to cry, not in front of the stranger.
A werewolf. Ha.
That was utterly ridiculous. Though you had had your Twilight phase in middle school along with everyone else it was nothing but ebbed fiction. You could argue over Edward or Jacob until you were blue in the face, but you would never admit validity to any of the myths.
You’d sooner believe an escape from the zoo. Of course- it hadn’t been on any of the headlines. You spent your whole first period scrolling through the local news and nothing about an escaped wolf graced your screen.
“That would be insane.” You paced the length of your living room, toying with the sinched gold belt around your waist. “Fucking werewolves.”
Except, was it entirely crazy? The strange girl did share the striking blue gaze as the animal. She described everything you were feeling with innate accuracy before mumbling the truth bluntly. This, however, was the last thing you needed.
You had calmed down a good amount by the time MJ and America stumbled through the door, throwing their car keys into the small bowl next to yours. America’s stare darkened almost immediately with relief.
“Where did you run off to?” she asked.
“Run? I took an uber. I couldn’t run back here. I forgot a quiz due at midnight.”
“Right. Well, we got our asses kicked at beer pong. Those frat boys only have good aim where it counts.” MJ flopped down onto the sofa face first, the rest of her words muffled by the stuffing in the pillow.
You let out a forced chuckle and watched America carefully. She was watching you back, a narrow edge to her stare. It made your stomach hurt. Maybe it was the cold pasta you had eaten earlier, the way that America could read you like a book. Or it could be the girl who claimed to be a werewolf.
There was an alcohol haze to the color of her eyes. That meant you were off the hook until at least morning. You didn't know if you would make it that long, truly, without succumbing to the anxiety of it all.
You excused yourself, giving them a meek wave before MJ went back into the criticism of her own terrible trajectory. Her words were muffled by a throw pillow. You closed your bedroom door and breathed in the scent of your surroundings. Is this really what you smelt like?
It wasn’t bad but it was distinct. There was a sourness under your bed that led you to an expired banana, brown and dripping. You grimaced, wondering where that had gone before you unlatched your window and tossed it into the bushes down below with a preemptive shiver. Gross.
Also, not what you had to worry about right now, but it helped you focus up. Werewolves weren’t real. But then again, you couldn’t deny the animal chasing you, its speed, it’s tracking ability. A house pet couldn’t do that. Or at least you hoped it couldn’t. And maybe the girl in the middle of the street had something going for her, other than that soft, half-animal gaze.
You had fallen into a deep, exhaustion-fueled sleep in the same sheet that you had taken from your bed and fashioned around your waist earlier. Your own half-tonal scent mixed deliciously with the grease of bacon, and the simmering of eggs.
It was a tradition that pained you to miss out on. You went to the parties with America and MJ, you suffered through terrible frats and vapid small talk, and as an award, MJ would fix up the biggest Sunday morning breakfast. It usually came with leftovers to be devoured that night with shitty reality television playing in front of you.
You pulled on the closest sweatshirt that didn’t smell too overwhelming, a pair of jeans, and the softest shoes you could muster. Because at some point during the night, you became determined to do what you did best, research.
Going through the front door wasn’t an option.
The third-degree had burned you too much these last 48 hours, and though you were on the second floor of your apartment building, you figured that you could get down there with no problem. A drain ran horizontally along the building and worse comes to worst, you could just fall into the bushes with the musty banana. Your plan was flawless.
The cold air burned your hands as they gripped the side of the brick sill. So- maybe this was easier in your head and maybe it was a further drop than you intended. With a deep breath, you hoisted yourself up and over the side of the window, back facing the small courtyard behind you.
You took it slow, inching to the metal pipe. The second your fingertips hit the metal you relaxed a bit. Never in a million years would you see yourself doing this. You inched down the edge of the gutter, hooking your hands on the small bolts until you shimmied halfway to the ground below.
Right when the confidence rose in your chest, your left foot slipped, the rubber of your shoe not enough to grip the small hold on the brick. You felt your knees scrape the rough material; cheek pushed against the earthy brick. You clenched your eyes shut. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“Just let go!” A voice called up.
In shock, you nearly released your grip, eyes flashing to anger as you looked down. The girl that had followed you from the party stood in the greying grass below. She had a shit-eating grin on her face that made your stomach do flips. That, or the fact that you were up a lot higher than you thought. You hadn’t made headway at all- too far from the window and even further from the ground.
“How are you here right now?”
“I took the bus,”
“You know what I mean!” You grunted, arms burning. “How did you find me?”
She rolled her eyes “Just drop, I promise nothing will happen to you.”
You gritted your teeth. The wind was starting to sting against your skin. What happened to being so confident that you could drop if you need to? You must have left that sentiment up there in the room. Though, you didn’t want to trust a stranger who had maybe bitten you.
“What? You’re going to catch me?”
“No, you’re going to catch yourself.” You turned and glared at her again. She was awful at talking you down. Her jacket was a cobalt blue, calming against the drab scenery around you both. Her hands were in her pockets, perfectly sculpted eyebrows raised.  “You can’t stay up there forever. But I can’t say I don’t enjoy the view.”
You wrapped your left hand tighter around the gutter, using the right to flip her off. You went to readjust yourself instead, but your other foot took a nosedive from the movement, and you were suddenly falling.
The breath was knocked from your lungs as you hit the ground, your legs finding solace in the hedges while the rest of you sprawled on your back on the open grass. You groaned out the rest of the air in your lungs, the sun blocked by the silhouette of the girl.
“Yeah, I really thought your natural instincts were going to jump in.”
“You’re the worst.”
She reached down a hand to help you up, but you batted it away before hoisting yourself easily to a standing position, crawling from the bushes in something that couldn't look at all flattering. Your lower back throbbed in protest, heart beating fast a few times before everything faded and the screaming in your muscles stopped.
You let out a huff and straightened yourself before stomping away from her. The library wasn’t a far walk, and you refused to be cornered on the bus with her. There were worse fates, but that one was high up there. Pretty or not, she was clearly missing a few screws. Werewolves. Ha.
“Listen, we need to talk,” She trotted along, matching your pace. “I know you don’t necessarily want to hear what I have to say. I’m sure you’re really confused or whatever, but Clint will literally murder me if I don’t bring you back to the compound.”
Stopping short of the curb you turned and glared at her. “The what? Actually, you know what, I don’t care! I’m not going anywhere with you, much less something called the compound. You’re crazy if you think I would listen to anything you say at all after you… you bit me.”
“So, you believe me, then?”
You shook your head clear of the smirk on her lips and continued your walk along the fallen palette of yellows, oranges, and reds. She followed close behind, but you refused to indulge in it. Just keep your eyes steady, she’ll leave eventually.
“You have to listen to me,”
No, no you didn't. You wished you had grabbed your headphones so you could at least attempt to drown her out. But then she was in front of you, her hands on both of your shoulders with an iron grip and a newfound look of seriousness.
“If you don’t, you’ll end up hurting someone you love.” She gritted, “I know you think that you can handle whatever life throws at you, really, it’s admirable, but not this. Trust me. Things are overwhelming right now, and confusing but I know you feel that anger. I know you’re swallowing it down.”
It was more like an incessant buzzing at the back of your mind, not there, not prevalent in the slightest until it was called into attention. But she was right, it was red-hot and rushed through your veins like a poison spreading from the very oozing bite on your shoulder. Your eyes softened, mouth dry and sour.
There was a softness to her gaze that seemed to thaw whatever was in the pit of your stomach. You found yourself wanting to collapse into her, wanting to let all that raw emotion out. It was fear, and pain, and your body wanted to give out.
“I wanted to find you to say that I’m sorry.” Her voice was low, quiet, gravelly. “But more than anything I want you to be okay, a stranger who I don’t know.”
You sniffed, your resolve cracking in tiny hairline fractures “Y/n.”
“Y/n, I’m Kate. And I’m going to get you help, okay? No libraries for research, or random freakouts that land you in a holding cell in Westchester because you broke into a restaurant and ate all of the raw meat in the freezer.”
“That’s a little too specific.”
You weren’t resounding to the fact that you were a werewolf just yet. Part of you believed that it wouldn't sink in all the way until you had four paws and a tail. But the answer settled around your mind like a heavy fog. Something that you had known all along- and here was the girl who had done it to you, someone you should hate, but rationally couldn’t.
Despite your better judgment, you did end up getting on the city bus with Kate. A mix of ice and rain had begun to fall while you waited silently in the small alcove for situations like these. There was a man asleep against an ad for a sandwich shop, curled into himself even as the overhead fluorescent flickered on. It left you with Kate and the mute driver who barely flashed acknowledged two college students.
You crossed your arms over your chest and watched as the stone maze of buildings on campus became scattered. The bus made three stops in town, the man exiting on the second. Soon it had pulled away from civilization entirely. The rain was coming down harder now, blurring the hills and the trees, as the homes became scattered into nothing.
Kate’s heat beside you was overwhelming. It radiated from her skin as she kept her palms flat against the bar in front of you both, obstructing the view. She had an unearthly beauty to her that made your mouth dry, incredibly so.
Here was a girl that confessed to digging her canine teeth deep into your shoulder, grounding your bones to dust and your blood to jelly. Yet, you felt no fear around her. If anything, it was a comfort that writhed hungrily under your ribcage, like a heart.
“So… Westchester?” You filled the silence.
Kate’s rocky eyes lit up. This was you trying your best to make light of the situation with small talk. It wasn’t an olive branch but a small spout of green that needed to be tended to. She chuckled and you liked the sound. “Yeah, an Olive Garden of all places. I guess I was craving Italian.”
“That is hardly Italian. There is a place in Brooklyn that has the best red sauce.”
You bite your tongue before you could say more. You’d have to take her there someday. That wasn’t appropriate to say. She just watched you fall to your near death and did nothing but smirk up at you charmingly.
Kate seemed to understand your reservations. She didn’t push, just smiled wider as the bus finally slowed to a stop. The brake released in a long whine of discontent at the wetness of the day. You didn’t recognize the world around you, the green and the scent of freshly mowed grass drenched with rain. The dense forest surrounding the small sign that was carved out for a station, a bench long overgrown with ivy.
Yeah, you were definitely about to be murdered. It didn't look like anyone lived within miles of this place. Kate disembarked and you followed, rather taking your chances with the girl than the bus driver who smelled sharply of Juicy fruit and cigarette smoke.
“Just through here,” Kate said, again, sensing your discomfort. She pulled back a large oak branch and something that resembled a gravel pathway came into view. It was worn over time by travel. The sun streamed through the gaps in the trees, catching the blanket of fallen leaves. Rain sprinkled as you walked, your hands cold.
“I have to warn you about a few things.”
You swallowed hard, dragging out the word. “Okay”
She slowed her pace, edging in the same direction as the muddy rocks and underbrush. “Everyone you’re about to meet is very… How do I explain this? They tend to be a lot sometimes. They’re good people just guarded. And mad. At me.”
“How many people are we meeting exactly?”
You weren’t the greatest in any social situation. This was one of your worst nightmares- a place in the dead center of the woods in Albany County, no less, that housed irritable strangers. You had barely begun to trust (also not the word) Kate. But yet, you wanted to cling to her like a safety blanket.
Before she answered, the house came into view. It was large and stuck out against the oak trees that surrounded the property, shading it from the rest of the world. Floor-to-ceiling windows reflected the environment, and large white paneling bordered the glass. It was far from inconspicuous, a flex of wealth that you had only seen in the city. Never this far away from civilization.
“Holy shit,” You breathed out “This is a secret government lab. You’ve taken me to a secret government lab to get experimented on and I’m going to hit myself over the head with a rock immediately.”  
“It’s not as scary as it looks, promise. You can trust me.”
“I barely know you.”
She shrugged her shoulders at the remark and trudged on toward the house. You watched her for a few moments before jogging to catch up. Retreating to the comfort of the university had long since passed. Most likely, you wouldn’t be able to figure out which way was up out here, despite the scents from the forest filling your lungs and prickling against your skin.
Kate was the only option.
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dontdodrugs-dome · 1 year
heyy i have a request!! so maybe dad jack comforting desiree through her first relationship heartbreak and he and wife reader is just there for her yk
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Currently Cooking tonight’s dinner “damn ma it smells good in here ” he says wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head in my neck giving it a peck .
“Thanks baby it’s you guys favorite , can’t go wrong with spaghetti ” I say while humming to the beat of the song that playing in the background me and Jack both start swaying to the beat while still in each others arms, our party was cut short when a very unamused Desiree walks in the house .
She just got back from school “hey bug how was school ” jack says happy to see his family all in one room , I could tell something was up mother instinct I guess , she just looks at him before dropping her book bag and running upstairs to her room .
Me and Jack share a look of concern before making our way upstairs to check on des not before turning the stove off of course , we get to her door and all you could hear is sobs Jack immediately tried to open the door but to our surprise it was lock there was a strict no locking doors rules in this house .
“Bug come open the door please ” I say trying to get in as fast as possible we hear a faint go away jack didn’t like that answer “Desiree come unlock this door ” he says sternly but not too sternly hence that she was upset and we both know yelling isn’t gonna make her feel better .
There was a moment before she came and open the door , our poor baby looks heartbroken her shirt is soaked in tears , she makes her way back to her bed and clutches her pillow “ I don’t know what I did wrong mama ” she starts sobbing again me and Jack make our way to each side of her and embrace her .
“Hey hey hey bug it’s alright it’s okay but we can’t help you if you don’t tell us whats wrong ” he says she looked at the both of us before taking a deep breath “he cheated daddy he cheated , he told me that I wasn’t good enough for him and the only reason he wanted me was to get into my pants but I didn’t want to do that just yet , he also said he wanted me because I was Jack Harlow’s daughter , maybe I should’ve gave him what he wanted ”
I can see Jack jaw clenched and his blue eyes hold nothing but anger , I don’t blame him we trusted that boy we gave him our blessings to date our daughter and he go and do some shit like this “bug you did nothing wrong he’s an asshole and god forbid if I ever catch him on the street I won’t hesitate- ” I cut him off before he gets too violent .
“What your dad is trying to say is that he is entirely in the wrong , he’s a dumbass for cheating on you , your a beautiful girl who has her own dreams and goals in life ,you are more than just Jack Harlow’s daughter , you are Desiree Harlow a smart independent woman , it’s okay if you didn’t want to lose your virginity just yet you don’t have to rush into things you don’t want to do ” I finish while smiling she starts to smile .
“Couldn’t have said it better , but just wait until your uncles hear about this I swear that little fucker better keep one eye open ” jack says which makes her laugh God she is adorable she’s most definitely Jack’s twin “I love you guys ” she says hugging us “we love you more ” we say smiling down at her Jack looks up and makes eye contact with me “I love you ” he mouthed “I love you more ” I mouth back .
A/n - they are so cute I legit can’t handle it , btw thanks for the request I’ve been lacking recently 😭🫶🏾
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dulcewrites · 1 year
I need to see this conversation between the two of them 😭 Aemond being emotionally vulnerable is so rare and precious.
I Got You, Babe
“Based on the baby book my mom gave me, bean can’t respond to sound just yet.”
Aemond looks up from Myrah’s belly with a frown. “I’m sure bean can hear us though. We are his parents.”
“Helaena said it’s a boy. You know she was weird huntches about this stuff.”
Aemond wasn’t wrong. Helaena did weirdly predict certain things. But she had to stop saying most of them outloud after Aegon called Alicent freaked out when Helaena randomly texted one day that he was gonna die when he’s 81.
Be grateful. That’s longer than anyone thought, texted Aemond in the group chat.
“Well, they don’t understand they are hearing us,” Myrah leans her head back against the pillow. “But I think I’m gonna play Mariah Carey for bean so they come out with good taste.”
Of course her child would have to be a lamb. It just sounds right.
“Hey bean, it’s your dad,” Aemond leans his ear against Myrah’s belly. He nods as if he hears something. “Bean says they’re nice and warm in there.”
Myrah laughs. “I’m glad the accommodations are to their liking. I do my best.”
She combs her hair gently through Aemond’s hair wondering if the child inside of her will resemble him or her more. Or will they be a hodgepodge of their features. Her eyes, his lips, her nose, his hair. The hair last down from Viserys to amazingly all his children.
“I was on the phone with Rhaenyra today on the way home from work,” Myrah wonders if she should even bring this up but she knows if she doesn’t she will regret it.
“Hmmm,” she can tell Aemond begins to check out at the mention of her.
“And I asked her if she could get a list of referrals for me,” she pauses for a moment. “From her therapist.”
Aemond’s gaze goes from her belly to her eyes. “You want to go to therapy?”
Myrah nods. “Or at the very least see if I can find someone. It was not something I thought about till recently, but I think it could be beneficial. If I have the means, why not? I wish everyone could have the chance to.”
Aemond nods silently.
“I could ask her for a list if you want to try and find one too.”
“No,” he answers immediately. “No thank you”
Before she can mask it, Myrah frowns.
“It’s clearly not nothing if you asked,” he sighs, sitting up. “And made that face.”
Myrah likes to think that much of the success Aemond and her have had relationship wise is because of how honest they are with each other. There should be no reason to stop now, especially with the knowledge they will be expected to raise a child together.
“If this about how I will be as a father I-“
“It is not about that,” She sits up herself. “At least not all about that. You should want it for yourself before anyone else.”
“Want what?”
“To work through how you feel - felt about your father.”
“Have you ever thought that maybe I don’t care to think about him anymore,” Aemond scoffs.
“No, I haven’t because I know that would be a lie. I saw your face at the funeral. I saw your face when he asked to come to the wedding. As someone who loves you so much, it hurts to see, and if there was a way for you to understand that none of that is a reflection on you. Or your siblings or Alicent. I think you’d be better for it.”
Her mother has always said she pushed people. If something was on the tip of her tongue or the top of her brain, she had to express it. A blessing and curse really; it took years of unintentionally stepping on toes to figure out the happy medium.
Aemond looks down, and mutters something.
“What,” Myrah reaches out to grab his hand.
“Then it becomes real,” he whispers.
“Oh, Aemond.”
He knows that if he has to talk about it, face it head on, that he will have to come to the realization that Viserys is gone, really gone. And that his father left the world giving Aemond the same thing he did when Aemond came in it… absolutely nothing.
“My love, you’re allowed to mourn him. You’re allowed to mourn what did happen, or what could’ve been. Hell, you’re allowed to be upset that you want to mourn any of that.”
Aemond swallows, and chews on his lip.
“Just think about it,” Myrah squeezes his hand. “Sleep on it and if you still feel the same way in the morning I will drop it. Scout’s honor.”
Despite himself, Aemond snort at the last part, and Myrah holding out her pinkie for a promise. He sighs and laces his with hers. His other hand goes back to her belly.
“Your mom is one tough cookie,” he murmurs. “But we are lucky to have her.”
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ghostlyfaun · 9 months
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recently at a horror-themed market a kind man handed me this book he wrote. he had a sad look in his eyes when he did, and I felt a sense of kinship. originally, I wasn’t going to buy it, because I’ve never felt worthy of feeling grief- nobody close to me has died. I read through this book and I changed my mind. I read through this book and all of the memories came back, and I wrote a poem to purge out the accompanying emotions.
this is a poem about grief. this is a poem about death and rebirth. this is a poem about trauma. this a poem about fear. most of all, this is a poem about love. “if you’re gonna cry, cry with me”.
TW: SI (be careful with this one, please)
here comes the memory again-
teeth-clattering cold,
salty tears dripping into my mouth. a long, dizzy spell that spins the dark forest
into a blur.
after some time, a bright light appears
through the gaps in bald trees. surrounded by vomit, and my cheek pressed against melting snow. a sickly wetness.
I was cold, and sad, and scared, but
now I am warm, and I am not afraid to die. what a comfort, a relief.
I feel like I am very far away, seeing
a spotlight on my frail, curled body,
like a movie scene, or like the sky
opening up.
booming, unfamiliar, distant voices
and one soft, scared, familiar one
on the phone. “call for them,
they’re here for you”.
this voice is made of love.
the sound that comes out of me then
is not me. I don’t know who
it is.
all I know is that it wants to save me.
soon, arms scooping me up.
I curl into this strangers chest like a
newborn, thrust into life.
“you’re okay now. we have you.”
then, black.
sudden chatter and movement in a
bright, enclosed space, but the cold
blackness is still waiting outside.
it no longer has me.
blurry figures standing over me, staring,
alien beings.
fluorescents sting my eyes.
I close them tight.
a stab to the arm, fingertips that bruise,
and rushed voices. it was all voices,
this memory. the voice of a savior, many saviors,
and my voice, that of a desperate and
dying creature at the edge of Herself, looking in. howling.
i’m so, so cold.
black again.
I’m in another room, this one bigger,
and someone is cutting off my clothes.
a shock of cold, damp skin.
I don’t feel exposed- I feel nothing.
black again.
finally, regret spills out of me in the form of
brown vomit on the hospital linoleum.
a hollowness in my stomach.
my head flings back onto the pillow.
black again.
my head aches, bad. the light outside the curtains is a soft yellow glow.
the blankets on me are heavy.
I feel hopelessly small.
a lady is sitting in a chair
in the corner. she looks tired,
and maybe a bit irritated. she
asks me questions I’m not ready
to answer, but I don’t want to make her
night any worse. night- is it night?
when I speak to her I still don’t recognize
my own voice. it is hoarse, and my throat
feels scraped out.
I’m confessing my
sins to her, and I still feel cold under all these
blankets, and I feel like a living, breathing
inconvenience. living,
I have never felt so alone as I did then.
and i’m so far away, still, like I never settled back into my body. but I didn’t realize the gift of a fall like that, what comes from the dust settling, the blessing of a clumsy, lonely rebirth. I won’t realize it until three years later on Christmas Eve, sobbing and shaking into a shoulder, another voice, now, spilling love out and into my body.
a month after my fall, when the therapist thinks she’s entranced me with her finger-wag
hypnosis, she tries to ease the haunting
that is this memory. she tells me to replace
it with something else,
something happy.
I imagine we were in the woods that day
(before it got dark),
foraging for mushrooms.
I imagine your smile, beaming, the one where your tongue
pokes through your front teeth. we laugh
and the sun is warm. I am warm,
and I am not afraid to live.
and later, as the sun begins to set orange and yellow, we’re in the river, the same one I tried to drown in,
and it is calm and surprisingly (warm),
and we are barefoot with the soft current
lapping at our ankles,
and we don’t have
to say anything or look at each other,
but we reach out to join hands at the same
moment, and I remember what love feels like.
it feels like a familiar voice on the phone, and a big strong man carrying you to a small, bright place, and a heavy stack of warm blankets, and a tired social worker, and a shoulder wet with tears, and a field of mushrooms, and a sun-warmed riverbank, and a hand to hold. it’s all love. there is nothing to forget.
P.S. I’m so so sorry, and I also forgive you. I am warm now, I am loved again, and I have never felt more alive.
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enby-hawke · 2 years
Confessions of a Mediocre Mom
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Ship: Malcolm/Leandra
Read on A03
 Motherhood fucking sucks.
Leandra thought she would be ready after how much she babysat her nieces and nephews. She knew kids would try your patience. She knew that they were messy. She knew she would be tested harder than she’d ever been. She thought knowing would be enough.
 It was not.
 Looking back she realized that she had spent most of that time playing games and coloring books, rather than feeding and dressing and changing diapers and cleaning mess after mess after mess.
 Leandra didn’t think she could love anyone more than she loved Malcolm. But now her baby consumed her every waking thought and breath. It hurt. She didn’t know love could hurt this much.
 Every moment was spent keeping this child alive and safe, and she was exhausted. More exhausted than she thought was possible. More stressed out than she could even handle. There was so much her mother didn’t prepare her for.
 Like breastfeeding. It was understood Leandra would have a wetnurse, but obviously that wasn’t possible anymore. Leandra had thought, no problem. What was the big deal?
 Well, breastfeeding was painful. And inconvenient. And tiring. Leandra had a special nipple cream to help with the chafing, but still, she cracked and bled. Malcolm healed her wounds as best as he could, but she was so sore all the time.
 Leandra tried pumping after finding a mommy blog that suggested it. It seemed like a good idea. Malcolm could take over some of the night feedings. But Charlie was a fussy baby, as picky of an eater as Leandra was. She refused the bottle and would only take Leandra’s breast.
 When Malcolm was home, it was a blessing. He was an attentive partner, who helped cook and clean and seemed to effortlessly keep Charlie entertained. But Leandra knew Malcolm was pushing past his limit, because she often found him passed out in the middle of whatever he was doing.
 Every day was the same nightmare, played out a little differently, sure, but one thing stayed constant. Malcolm would get up for work and Leandra would get up to dress Charlie so they could say goodbye. And then, as soon as Malcolm left, Charlie would scream her head off until he got home.
 Sometimes Leandra could distract Charlie with playtime or her dragon stuffie or a phone game or some food, but today she just wouldn’t stop.
 Finding work paperless was tough enough, even harder for an elf. The only place that would hire Malcolm was a kitchen, and his shifts easily stretched for twelve hours at a time. By hour one Leandra’s ears were ringing, by hour three her head was pounding. By the tenth hour of nonstop screaming and rocking and teething biscuits and burping and many failed games of peekaboo, Leandra was out of ideas. The neighbors were now yelling and pounding on her walls and she had joined her daughter bawling.
 Charlie cried harder when Leandra put her down, so she rocked her baby helplessly, hoping that Malcolm would somehow get sent home early.
 She prayed for the Maker for strength. The screaming was making her lose her mind. She sang the Chant under her breath, though her voice did not soothe Charlie as Malcolm’s did.
 And just when Leandra thought she might kill herself or smother her baby with a pillow or both Malcolm came through the door.
 It was a miracle. Immediately Charlie’s wails stopped. She started wriggling out of Leandra’s arms.
 “Da! Da!” Her first and only word, but she had it down pat, and was shrieking with all the rage an eight-month-old could manage.
 Malcolm was balancing two white plastic bags in his hands. From the smell, it was leftovers from the Bistro he worked at. He immediately set them down on the kitchen table and scooped his daughter into his arms. “Hey, young lady, did you give your mama a hard time again?” he asked in a stern voice. “We talked about this.”
 Charlie flapped her arms and smacked at him. Her little brown freckled face was furious, her strange roundly pointed ears wiggling. “Da!”
 “I know. I know. You missed me.” Malcolm blew a raspberry into her cheek.
 Charlie squealed in delight, her giggles bouncing off the cramped one bedroom apartment.
 Leandra knew the sight of her husband and child should fill her with joy, and it did, but there was another ugly emotion gnarling in her. Jealousy. She tried to hide her fresh tears in her hands but it was too late. “I’m useless!” she sobbed.
 “Hey, hey don’t say that.” Soon Malcolm wrapped Leandra in a hug, squishing Charlie between them. “That’s not true. I’m nothing without you.”
 Leandra continued to bawl and couldn't stop even as her daughter gurgled happily. “Charlie loves you best. She doesn’t even want me!”
 “That’s not true. You should see when you’re in the bathroom. It’s a scramble to keep her from wailing.”
 Leandra hiccuped at that, momentarily stopping her sobs. “She misses me?”
 Malcolm chuckled before he could stop himself. “Of course she misses you. Look how happy she is that we're all together.”
 Leandra looked down to see Charlie cooing in contentment, her head tucked on Malcolm’s chest as she played with a fistful of Leandra’s black locks, now less silky as they hadn’t been brushed for days.
 Malcolm leaned so his forehead was touching Leandra's, his curls tickling her, and looked directly into her bloodshot doe eyes. “You are the strongest woman I know. You keep Charlie and me alive every single day. Be nicer to yourself.” Then he kissed her, tasting the salt of her tears.
 Kissing Malcolm always made her remember why she was doing this. He made everything worth it.
 Charlie giggled in delight as she was smothered in a hug.
 Malcolm stroked Leandra’s flushed cheek, wiping away some tears. “I need some quality time with Charlie anyway. Why don’t we get dinner ready together and you can soak in the bath for a while? When you come out, we can watch TV and I’ll give you a foot massage.”  
 That sounded wonderful. Leandra did feel grody, with spat up milk still soaking her pink nightgown. She did need a moment to herself just to breathe. “What would I do without you?”
 “Be miserable forever,” Malcolm joked, kissing her cheek. “But you don’t have to worry. I’m sticking around for a long time.”
 She gave Malcolm a thankful peck and then went to give Charlie one, which Charlie hid her face in Malcolm’s chest to avoid.
 Leandra huffed. “Fine! I see I’m not wanted so I’ll leave.”
 Malcolm’s smile dropped. “Oh, babe. Don’t be like that.”
 “You don’t tell me what to do!”
 Leandra stomped away. She knew she was being petty with a baby, but she was so fragile that the rejection broke her. She stormed into her bedroom, certain that, when she was done with her bath, she would find Malcolm and Charlie playing like she always did.
 Her bedroom was still the disaster it had been since Charlie was born. The laundry was piling up on the floor and so were the dishes in the sink. It seemed like the fridge was empty yet again, and her boobs were hurting so she knew it would be time to feed Charlie soon.
 Instead of running the water, Leandra started on the laundry pile on the floor. She grumbled to herself. Malcolm was almost as messy as Charlie was, not that she was any better. Still, the sight of the haphazard disarray of her bedroom had her too distracted to even think of relaxing.
 She wanted to start running the water for her bath, hop in and just soak and forget everything for just a moment. She needed that more than anything. But she was so behind on everything, and she felt like she was just falling further. Bathing seemed like a luxury she couldn’t afford right now.
 She shoved as many clothes into the overflowing hamper as she could and then pulled the laundry basket onto the chair and started folding on the bed. She muttered under her breath as she folded, wishing more than ever she was back at her mansion in Kirkwall where she had servants to do this. A minute into her cleaning frenzy, she stopped when she heard a familiar wail.
 “Mama! Mama!”
 Leandra gasped and dropped Malcolm’s boxers, dashing off the bed and back into the living room to see Malcolm holding a wiggling Charlie, reaching wildly for her. Her odd mismatched blue and brown eyes were filled with tears.
 Leandra’s mouth dropped, “Did she… Did she just say?”
 Malcolm grinned triumphantly. “I told you she loved you.”
 Charlie’s face was scrunching up and reaching for her as if Leandra would vanish in thin air. “Mama! Mama!”
 Malcolm chuckled. “I tell you, if I don’t distract her every second you’re gone, she completely falls apart.”
 Leandra knew she shouldn’t feel joy to see her child in pain, but to know Charlie loved her after all this- She needed that.
 She scooped Charlie up from Malcolm’s arms. “I’m here, baby, I’m here.”
 Malcolm raised a thick eyebrow. “What happened to your bath?”
 Leandra shrugged. “It’s family time. I can bathe later.” Then her dark eyes glimmered in mischief. “Maybe you can join me.”
 Malcolm’s smirk was back. “Should I put a sleep spell on Charlie?”
 Leandra smacked him lightly on the arm. “Malcolm! Do not drug our child!”
 Charlie laughed in delight, clapping.
 Malcolm laughed, too. “Magic is the only reason I’m a halfway decent father, babe. Otherwise, I’d be useless.”
 Leandra’s anger softened. “Magic is not why you’re a good father.” She reached out and squeezed his hand. “You are a good father because you try. You try harder than anyone else I know.”
 Malcolm’s lips curled in a smile. “You try, too.” He picked up her hand and kissed it. “We’re going to make mistakes. We just won't stop trying, yeah?”
 Charlie curled into Leandra’s neck and yawned, her little eyes starting to flutter shut. Soon her body turned heavier as she drifted off.
 Malcolm chuckled and caressed his daughter's curls. “See. You’re better than me. You don’t even need magic.”
 Leandra smiled, her dimples deepening, and kissed her husband. She knew as long as she had Malcolm she could do anything.
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Jimin’s bday WeLive v.2022
As I am listening in the first few minutes, I am having difficulty determining if the background sounds I am hearing are a door opening and closing and perhaps someone moving around in the room or is that his feet and shoes under the table? Like maybe it’s the shuffling sound of his shoes/feet? And he does look off to the side every now and then, sometimes just glancing at nothing? but also a few times actually looks as if his eyes focus on something specific...or not. Maybe not.
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You know, I have seen the comments about hearing a certain someone whisper “Jjyaman” during a moment but me, being the skeptical asshole I am, just pooh-poohed that... y’all are reaching! don’t be like them! But now.... (listens very very carefully now). Hmmm. 
Jimin putting up his own printed out birthday decor on the wall and he can’t seem to hang them correctly and me over here with my most basic of basic, like SCREAMING basic knowledge of Hangul can tell right away that he is hanging some of them upside down... Jimin, hun.... you are a born-and-educated-in-Korea, Korean... full bleed as we say here. It’s upside-down, babe. 
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Ok, Jimin sucks at handling tape. We know its not his first time too... 
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Finally he sees his mistakes and corrects the ones hanging upside-down... goodness. But now I am spurred on to get on with it on my Hangul lessons. FIGHTING! Anyway.
OMG him singing Happy Birthday in English, his pronunciation is immaculate. Him reading some of the comments in English! He understands that Army is majority international and I am grateful to him for making the effort to sharpen his English skills. I will do the same with Korean.
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I can also hear traffic in the background... that room must be on the ground floor of the building or close to/facing Hangang-Daero (the main thoroughfare that the HYBE building is on). And it’s midnight there and that traffic still sounds like hell. 
Jimin showing us his photo folio book and not wanting to spoil it for us... unintentionally artistic? Right. 
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Jimin asking if he’s too ugly after using those purple sunglasses to hold his hair out of the way... BAHAHAHAHAHAH.... if he only knew how much we all just swooned and fainted when he did that! At least I did. Bless his heart.
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Ok, I got to the part where everyone swears it’s JK whispering “JJyaman” but I think it’s just Jimin saying “jyah” just like he did 17 seconds prior, only softer the second time. Yep, that’s me, crusher of delusions. Sorry. 
I love how he’s so confident he can make this LEGO flower in no time and immediately can’t find the correct parts.... hahahahah... and his need to prove he can multitask... so cute of him. Relax, Jimin, it’s a LEGO kit, not a 4-minute high impact complex choreography in which you have to sing and hit the high notes on key. We know you got skillz. You don’t need to impress us with a LEGO kit.
Hahahaha! “You should read the instructions first” he says 30 minutes into it... that’s the left side speaking there... if you know, you know. Also, why does he have to pick the most difficult kits to be his first go at it? He’s such a nerd doing this. And I love him 2000% more for that. Then he realizes it took him 45 minutes to make that one flower hahahahahha! 
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Something I noticed...remember in the Las Vegas V Live when Jungkook came in at the end and the pillows fell off the back of the couch and Jimin explained to him they were trying to hide that nude picture on the wall and Jungkook looked up at it and went all smirky “oh... ho ho ho ho” ... Remember that? Jimin has done that exact thing twice in this video. Talk about picking up each other’s mannerisms... classic. 
And I guess time will tell what exactly did he mean by this:
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I know they know and they know we don’t know so LET US KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING JJYAMANNN!!!
Ok, I genuinely think he was alone in the room. That flower balloon was slightly reflective and I did not see any strange unexplainable movements during the entire video. Or... who are you looking at Jimin?
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But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t someone waiting outside the room and watching on the other side of the glass.... 
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I am impressed Weverse got the subs up so quickly. Jimin must have been wearing his lawyer chelsea boots yesterday. 
Ok, I am off for the evening to try to get some sleep and wake up in time for the concert. See you all on the other side.
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kcyars99 · 9 days
Here Are the Complete Lyrics for Kendrick Lamar’s New Song He Just Dropped
Joey EchPublished: September 11, 2024
Cop Your XXL Merch Now
Kendrick Lamar just dropped his first track since unleashing "Not Like Us," and rather than diss Drake, the West Coast MC appears to be calling out the entire culture. The lyrics find him going at influencers and dissecting the world around him.
On Wednesday (Sept. 11), K-Dot hit up Instagram with a new song, which leaves the listener wondering if society is living in a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. The 5-minute narrative, which is presumed to be loosely titled "Watch the Party Die" since it has no official name yet, finds Kendrick lamenting over an environment in which people succumb to temptation and gluttony. In his own vitriolic way, the Compton, Calif. spitter rhymes about chopping the heads off the proverbial fakes and snakes in hip-hop culture over a beat that is both sad and soulful.
Throughout the first verse, Kendrick implies that he is living in an apocalyptic world that needs cleansing, and he is just the MC to do it. The chorus finds Kenny praying to God while simultaneously hyping up his own righteousness. He also uses the second verse to call for those who practice "nasty decisions using money as a backbone" to have their heads "cracked." Then K-Dot closes out the third verse with the same sentiment while praising the likes of Christian singer Lecraeand rapper-activist Dee-1.
Listen to Kendrick Lamar's new track and read the complete lyrics below.
Cop Your XXL Merch Now
Complete Lyrics to Kendrick Lamar's New Song Loosely Titled "Watch the Party Die"
Verse 1
I think it's time to watch the party die This s**t done got too wicked to apologize It's different, get him whacked and disqualified We even kill the killers ’cause they like taking innocent lives Burn a whole village, we start over, here's really that time Why reason with these ni**as if they can't see the future first Why argue with these clowns if the circus is well at work Just walk that man down, that'll do everyone a solid It's love, but tough love, sometimes gotta result in violence If you parade in gluttony without giving truth to the youth, The graveyard is company, just tell us what casket to choose They party more than b**ches, tell me what are you working for? They glorify scamming, you get chipped over this credit card Influencers talk down ’cause I'm not with the basic s**t But they don't hate me, they hate the man that I represent The type of man that never d**k ride ’cause I want a favor The man that resides in patience So where the soldiers at? The ones that lost it all and learned to learn from that A thirst for life, head inside a book ’cause he concerned with that Information that'll change his life because he yearns for that Dedication, finding out what's right, ’cause he can earn from that I feel for the women that deal with the clown and nerd s**t Can't blame them, today they ain't really got much to work with How many b**ches harder than a lot of you ni**as? Would trade all of y'all for Nip, I can't be proud of you ni**as
God, give me life, dear God, please give me peace Dear God, please keep these lame ni**as away from me Dear God, keep me shinin', the f**k do they really think? Pocket-watching, you must be the police God, bless these words, dear God, bless how I think Dear God, draw the line, they tryin' to confuse ’em with me Dear God, please forgive me, you knowin' how hard I tried I think it's time for me to watch the party die Get ’em gone, we gon' watch the party die Send ’em home, we gon' watch the party die
Verse 2
I think it's time to watch the party die Street ni**as and the corporate guys, the rappers that report the lies I need they families mortified We can do life without ’em, get they bodies organized Tell me if you oblige No more pillow talkin', jump-startin' neighborhood wars Dirty mackin' b**ches because your spirit is insecure The flashy ni**a with nasty decisions using money as a backbone I want his head cracked before he's back home The radio personality pushin' propaganda for salary Let me know when they turn up as a casualty I want agony, assault and battery I see a new earth filled with beautiful people making humanity work Let's kill the followers that follow up on poppin' mollies from The obvious, degenerates, that's failing to acknowledge the Hope that we tryin' to spread, if I'm not his vote Then you need to bring his f**kin' head or film that s**t in hi-res
God, give me life, dear God, please give me peace Dear God, please keep these lame ni**as away from me Dear God, keep me shinin', the f**k do they really think? Pocket watching, you must be the police God, bless these words, dear God, bless how I think Dear God, draw the line, they tryin' to confuse ’em with me Dear God, please forgive me, you knowin' how hard I tried I think it's time for me to watch the party die Get ’em gone, we gon' watch the party die Send ’em home, we gon' watch the party die
Verse 3
Sometimes I wonder what Lecrae would do F**k these ni**as up or show ’em just what pray'll do I want to be empathetic, my heart like Dee-1 But I will... It's time to get these devils out the way Heavy metals on my sword, we settle hard disputes today The ghetto Hollywood divorce, say hello to your future fate The culture bred with carnivores, you let ’em snack, they eat your face The signatures is being forged They wonder why I'm not enthused to drop The more visible you get, the more your spiritual is tried It's cynical to say I know these artists petrified The end result in jail by Jezebel or drugged up full of lies Critical, I know my physical is tested all the time I'm pitiful, sunken place soon as I'm questionin' in my pride I'm seeing ghosts, blackin' out, relapse And one-third of the time, I spare no feeling that ain't mine I'm in my feelings when I slide I mean, a ni**a wonder what Lecrae would do Terrace Martin said I'm mentally with layers, true I flood the market with my best regards, I paid your dues And so it's up, if you ain't one of ours, it's bad news My ni**a Jay Estrada said I gotta burn it down to build it up That confirmation real as f**k, it ain't too many real as us Lockin' in to what I trust Looking outside, the kids live tomorrow ’cause today the party just died
Listen to Kendrick Lamar's Surprise Song Loosely Titled "Watch the Party Die"
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he’s not playing around
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rosellenjane · 9 months
Honeymoon Day 1 - 3/01/2023
We woke up at 5 for our 6am taxi drive to Gatwick to travel to our honeymoon destination - MEXICO, we were admittedly a little weary eyed but we had some some good chat from the taxi driver.
When we got to Gatwick we checked in with BA and asked whether there were any upgrades available, we were already flying premium economy but as it was our Honeymoon we thought it was worth checking out. Lucky for us there were two seats in Business available at a fraction of the price they were when we had booked up so Stuart made the decision that we’d have them. Excitement levels rose even further as we made our way to the BA premium lounge for some free drinks and breakfast! We had an hour or so to kill so had our fill of food and booze and watched a few planes take off.
When it was time to board we made our way over to the gate and waited just a few minutes before we were directed LEFT instead of right on the plane to find our seats. What a treat. On our seats we found a comfort pack of a White Company pillow and blanket and wash bag with many luscious White Company goodies. We were then given a hot towel to freshen up with and a glass of champagne to sip on whilst everyone else boarded.
We had two meals on the flight all ordered from a proper menu and many drinks all served on china and in real glasses. We had our lunch and then settled down for a few hours kip, the electric chair folded down to a flat bed and met the footrest at the end and it was actually incredibly comfortable. We both kept just looking at eachother grinning and feeling so lucky that we could start off our honeymoon in this way, although I’ve warned Stuart that I will now expect this luxury every time we fly however unrealistic I know this is.
When we landed in Mexico it was about 5pm local time and we had to wait for what seemed an eternity for our luggage to arrive. I had bought Stuart some air tags for Christmas to put in our suitcases and when we checked their locations they said my suitcase was at Gatwick and Stuart’s was in the Gulf of Mexico, luckily they were just a shit present and did eventually arrive on the luggage belt. We made our way outside to find our transfer to the hotel. Rolando was our driver and he had a lovely icebox on board full of drinks, Stuart lapped up a corona and me being a basic dehydrated B had a bottle of water.
When we got to the hotel we were greeted with a hot towel and escorted to the ‘preferred’ check in which we knew from previous experiences was a members club of Hyatt so we exchanged a look of ‘wtf’. We had booked a standard room and it turned out somewhere down the line we had been upgraded to a ‘preferred’ member and our room had been upgraded to an ocean view suite with a bath on the balcony! We were not about to correct anyone as it meant we were now allowed access to a lot more amenities including a rooftop pool and bar with an amazing view of the coast. Our bellboy Sebastian escorted us to our room and ran through everything which was all control through a tablet, even 24hr room service which had its own hatch incase you didn’t want to make eye contact with your feast provider.
Once checked in we had half an hour turnaround before we attended our pre-booked teppanyaki experience in the Japanese restaurant Suki on site, we were supposed to book this on site but we panicked that we would miss out so made special arrangements the week before so that we guaranteed our spot here. This was included in our all inclusive package and what an experience it was, 6 courses of Japanese delights and an immersive experience of them being cooked before our eyes. We’re still adjusting to the fact that we don’t have a bill to settle at the end of this and keep looking at eachother saying ‘this is amazing, I can’t believe we’re here’. After our meal we explored the resort to see what we wanted to do the following day and made our way back to the room to unpack. What a surreal day but I’m counting my blessings I have married such a wonderful and generous boy who finds such excitement in making me happy and providing these amazing experiences for us to enjoy.
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wyldwon · 1 year
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2023 Weather Alert: SHIT STORM 💩⚡
It's been one hell of a year. I've been taking hits like a punching bag in Mike Tyson's home gym. To say it's been rough is an understatement and it has been shown to me through my readings that I am most definitely not alone in the 2023 energetic pummeling. 🥊🥴
I'll spare you all the details of my personal chaos and instead share some strategies on how to get through times that feel hopeless and bring you to your knees begging God for mercy. 👍🏼
1) Take shit one day at a time. All that consistent worrying about the next steps doesn't help your mental health in the here and now and can make shit worse for you. So let go of what needs to be done tomorrow and focus on what needs to be done today. Then lay your beautiful head on your pillow and plug into the Universe so she can help you to rejuvenate and heal. 🌌
2) Stay in constant communication with your Angels/Guides/Loved Ones. They can help you through shit storms like no one else. Stay connected through meditation or just have conversations with them telepathically. I like to talk to my "Heaven Buddies" each night before bed and throughout the day and yes we cuss a lot. Occasionally, they even send me an unexpected spirit like George Carlin to comment on the bullshit I'm experiencing throughout the day with a little bit of wit and dark humor. It helps me immensely and shit gets done. 🤬
3) Learn when to let go of shit that is beyond your control. Ask yourself this: Have I done my best, is there anything else I can do right now? If the answer is yes, you did your best and no there is nothing more you can do, well fuck it all then... let it go and wait that shit out. Patience is not anyone's strong suit but if you can hone that shit you will be a very powerful Jedi indeed. 🤺
4) Do some shit for you! If the energetic weather is dark and gloomy, own that shit and have some fun with it. I dyed my hair jet black and have been painting my face with goth makeup, I even got some black contacts that make me look semi demonic. I don't give a fuck it brings me the joy in my time of pain. People are questioning my sanity but I promises that I'm okays. I'm just very weird. I'm also reading vampire books and watching scary movies. When you watch those fucking movies you see just how good you have it. That's right it could be worse. So focus on the good and float with the bad. 🎈🤡
You'll make it through this because your a bad ass mothafucka... in my Samuel L. Jackson voice. 🦇
5) Say your prayers to the deities of your choosing. Prayer and ritual go along way in helping you to ride through the storm. 🙏🏼
6) Stay strong you were built for this game of life and you will conquer because your fucking awesome! 🏆
7) Remind yourself that better days are coming on the otherside of that beautiful black rainbow. 🖤
Spooky Blessings and Magical Wishes to you all. 👻
Psychic Amanda Marquez 🪄🥀
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5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 23, 26, 34, 35, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50.
Sorry if that's a lot. I'm just curious. 😊
It's no problem! I just had to go find the questions 😂
5. How do you like your eggs?
I don't like eggs actually 🙈 occasionally I'll get a craving for an omelet, but I need a ton of fillings or I can't eat it lol
8. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
Now that I think about it I don't think I really have any collections? I have a collection of random items that don't go together but I just liked them and wanted to have them lol
9. What sounds or scents calm you down?
Rainfall, thunder, peppermint, lavender. I listen to ASMR at night to help me fall asleep too so basic triggers like tapping and whispering really gets me lol
11. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Nope! I was somehow blessed with perfect vision (everyone in my family has terrible vision, no clue how this happened, I'll probably just go blind one day lol). My son just had to get glasses though lol
13. Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
I like that I can erase pencil but I'm a sucker for a really nice pen so I'm gonna say pen lol
17. What’s the last thing you ordered online?
A really embarrassing item lmfao (well not embarrassing but not the kinda thing you should just blurt out in a regular Q&A lmao)
18. What’s one historical event that you would have liked to have witnessed?
This is a tough one lol I feel like I'd wanna be able to observe a lot of ancient history, the things historians still have questions about when it comes to "Why did they do this?" "What was this built for?" I just want to understand everything lol
23. Which songs do you like to sing in the shower?
All of them lmao I'm pretty partial to musicals, Disney, stuff like that. I'm actually planning to audition for a musical this week (local community theatre) so lately I've been practicing for that!
26. Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties?
I enjoy both though I'm still learning to do things from scratch instead of following a box recipe lol I make some really awesome chocolate chip cookies though! (I hate to be cheesy but considering it's literally just the recipe on the back of the bag but people have said multiple times mine are the best they've ever had, the secret ingredient really is love lmao)
34. Can you read analog clocks?
Yup! I've got one in my living room actually. It doesn't even have actual numbers on it lol
35. Describe your favorite stuffed animal, either now or from when you were a kid.
As a kid my dad won me a big purple teddy bear with a biker hat and jacket. I named him Purpley (I was 7 🤷‍♀️). Currently my favorite is a shark pillow I bought 2 weeks ago. I call him Sharky, but his legal name is Ronaldo
45. Do you have good handwriting?
If I focus really hard and write slowly I can make it look kinda nice, but most of the time it's a bit of a mess lol I write with some combination of printing and cursive so it all flows together lol
46. What’s the last thing a friend recommended to you that you looked into and actually liked?
The current (as of 2022) cast recording of Into the Woods! That's the musical I'm auditioning for, and a friend who is also planning to audition sent me a link to the album to give me more to practice with. I really enjoyed listening to it, and I like some of the ways the current class sings a bit better than the original cast. Also had a friend tell me where to find the stage version on YouTube since I had only seen the movie. Definitely prefer the stage version 😂
47. Do you like to go on walks?
With other people, yes! Or if I'm walking to a specific destination! I like being outside I just feel weird about being out alone lol
49. What’s your favorite thing to do when it’s raining?
Sit and read a book, light a candle or some incense, just relax lol just last night we had a storm and I sat out on my balcony with a book (the awning is long enough that no rain got in, but the lightning started getting close so I went back inside lol)
50. Describe your perfect sleeping conditions
Ice cold, fan on, rolled up in a bunch of blankets, rain hitting the window, maybe even having the window open slightly (so long as there's no bugs). Not quite pitch black, but very low light so it's not disturbing. Just enough to keep my eyes from playing tricks on me in the dark lol
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