#we live and breath squats in this household
fairebye · 8 months
* says nothing. simply squats. *
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                    SQUATS EVERYBODY
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beachswiftie99 · 7 months
Gift exchange
Hope you enjoy this story, @aroeddiediaz !
Saturday, March 30th at Venice Beach, California
“Can I ask you something, Eddie?” Buck said to Eddie as they walked their family dog, Milo. Milo is a 4-year-old golden retriever who loves the beach, especially long walks on the beach with his family. Eddie rescued Milo from the Best Friends Animal Society in January. He realized the family needs a pet, and Christopher has always wanted a dog.
“Of course, Buck. What’s up?” Eddie picked up a seashell and put it in his beach bag.
“Am I a good father? I don’t want to be like my parents. I want to be a good dad for Christopher, but I don’t feel like I am enough. I never feel like I am enough.” Buck looked at the ground and stopped walking.
Eddie took a deep breath and stopped walking. “Buck, I am sorry you are feeling this way. But Christopher loves you and says you are an amazing father to him. I know your heart, Buck. That’s why I chose you to be Christopher’s guardian when I got shot two years ago, and one of the many reasons I married you. You are not like your parents. You are always present and support Christopher through the good days and bad days. None of us are perfect parents, but you are there for Christopher and truly care for him.”
“Thanks, love. But I still have these lingering feelings that I am not enough.” Buck wiped his eyes and squatted down to pet Milo.
“Have you talked to Maddie and Dr. Smith about these feelings?" Eddie squatted down to pet Milo. Dr. Smith is Buck’s therapist that he has been going to for the past few months. Eddie suggested therapy for Buck to work through his trauma.
“Yes. Maddie told me the same thing that you told me, and Dr. Smith gave me strategies for dealing with intrusive thoughts. I identify the thought as intrusive, and I don’t fight it. I also work on not judging myself for having these thoughts. Dr. Smith told me that there is nothing wrong with me for having intrusive thoughts. I also journal my thoughts.” Buck looked at Eddie and continued to pet Milo.
“That’s good. I am glad you are getting the help you need. Life is hard, Buck. It is always hard. But you have come so far from when I first met you about seven years ago. You are not like your parents. You are kind, hardworking, friendly, and a great husband and father.” Eddie touched Buck’s shoulder and stood up. Buck stood up and started to walk to the shoreline.
“Thanks, Eddie. This means a lot to me. I love you.”
“Love you, too, Buck.” Both continued to walk in silence. Venice Beach was busy today with tourists taking pictures of the ocean, children flying kites, people building sandcastles and playing volleyball. Off the shoreline, people were bodyboarding and surfboarding. It was a peaceful sight to see. Buck realized this: he needed a vacation.
Buck stopped and grabbed some green sea glass. “Eddie! I have an idea. It’s crazy, but it’s a good idea.”
Eddie stopped walking and turned to Buck. “I am all ears. Your idea isn’t a prank war or a threesome right?”
“Eddie, no! Unless you want a threesome.” Buck winked at Eddie.
“Buck, no. I want you all to myself.” Eddie rolled his eyes and winked at Buck. “What’s your crazy idea? I want to hear it.”
“Let’s go on a vacation! And use our personal time off!” Buck exclaimed with a gleam in his eye.
“Buck, that’s not a crazy idea! We both need a vacation! Where do you want to go?” Eddie pet Milo.
“Don’t you want to go to Vienna, Virginia? Or is it Vienna, Austria?” Buck suggested.
“Austria! I really want to go there. I love German food and the Sound of Music. What a great idea!” Eddie smiled with a gleam in his brown eyes. “I will start planning it over lunch.”
“Dr. Smith recommends I take a vacation, so I am SO doing it.” Buck laughed. “Let’s start planning.”
Chapter 1: Preparation
13 hours until the 8 am flight to Boston
It was a busy night in the Buckley-Diaz household. Eddie, Buck, and Christopher all had their suitcases and carryon bags in the living room. The family dog, Milo, ran around the house and was licking Christopher’s face. Eddie read off his packing list with all the essentials they needed for the trip overseas.  
Buck, Eddie, and Christopher are heading to Vienna, Austria for a family vacation. Eddie has always wanted to travel to Austria and Buck proposed this idea after he fully recovered from his freak accident. After two full months of physical therapy, several psychiatry therapy sessions that he still attends to this day (thanks, Eddie!), and a month off from work to recover, Buck felt like himself again, physically, and emotionally. He realized that life is fleeting, and he wants to spend time with his husband, Eddie, and their son, Christopher. But the trip is finally happening! They are all flying out of the airport tomorrow into Logan International Airport. Buck wanted to spend three days in Boston before flying out to Vienna, and Eddie wanted to see some sights in Boston. After a long week of helping others, Buck needed this vacation. Time to just relax and dance the waltz in Vienna with his one true love, Eddie.
“Okay! We are on the last few items. Does everyone have their passport? Christopher, I have yours right here with me.”
“Check.” Buck said as he pulled out his passport.
“Government-issued ID or License?”
“I have it, dad.” Christopher says.
“Toothpaste, toothbrush, and toiletries? Do I even have my travel toothbrush? Or is it lost? Oh, Dios Mio, if I forget or lose my toothbrush, I will be so-“ Eddie exclaims, and looks for his suitcase and toiletry bag.
“Eddie, you have everything. You have been packing for like three weeks. Don’t worry, you planned this trip a month before we even got the plane tickets.” Buck says to Eddie and touches his shoulder. “Besides, I brought two spare toothbrushes in my carryon bag if one of us forgets our toothbrush.” Buck smiles and pulls out his spare toothbrushes from his backpack. “Chris, I learned from the best.”
Christopher agreed, “Buck, you truly did! I’m proud of you; remember when you were SO disorganized. Even more disorganized than me” He smiled at Buck.
Buck rolled his eyes and messed up Christopher’s hair. “Chris, you are one of the most organized kids I know. You and Eddie made me more organized. How about let’s all make some ice cream sundaes and popcorn as we watch the Sound of Music?”
“I love Sound of Music!” Christopher exclaimed.
“The hills are alive with the sound of music!!!” Buck belted.
“I’ll prepare some popcorn and ice cream! Come on and help me, Chris!” Eddie said.
“Coming, dad!” Christopher left the living room and walked to the kitchen.
“Buck, what do you want on your ice cream sundae?” Eddie said from the kitchen.
“Coming, Eddie! I am gonna make the best concoction.” Buck put his toothbrush in his carryon bag and went to the kitchen.
“Chris, what are you adding to your sundae? You don’t need all that sugar!” Eddie took the sprinkles away from Christopher.
“Okay, then I will add more peanut butter.” Christopher opened the peanut butter and scooped two spoonfuls on his vanilla ice cream. Eddie took the peanut butter and added it to his chocolate chip ice cream.
“Save some chocolate sauce and peanut butter for me! I am popping the popcorn!” Buck ran to the kitchen.
Eddie poured the popcorn into a large bowl and set up the Blu-Ray so that they could all watch Sound of Music. It was a relaxing night in the Buckley-Diaz house. No worries, no stress.
I deserve this love and peace. Eddie thought and smiled at his son and his husband who were eating popcorn and ice cream while singing along to the opening song in the movie.
Chapter 2: Travel Day
5:00 am-in Hen’s bright red Subaru
“Thanks for driving us, Hen. I really owe you one.” Eddie said from the back seat.
“You’re welcome, Eddie! You all deserve this vacation; you have been through a lot and Vienna is gorgeous.” Hen made a right turn to enter the departure gate of Los Angeles International Airport.
“Wait, you’ve been to Austria?” Buck turned to Hen.
“Oh, yes! With Chimney! We took a trip after our first year with the 911. It was beautiful. The people were so pleasant, and the food was spectacular. You all will love it!” Hen parked her car at the departure gate and put her hazard lights on. All four of them got out of the car.
“I love you all and have the best trip! You can text me anytime with updates and I would love to see pictures! I’ll hold down the 911 department while you all are gone.”
“Hen, thank you so much! We love you and we will send pictures!” Buck leaned in for a hug.
“And Eddie? I have a secret to tell you. Come here.”
Eddie looked anxious. “Hen, is everything okay?”
“Come on, it isn’t bad. At all.” Hen smiled at him.
Eddie walked over to her.
Hen leaned into his left side and spoke into his ear “You did amazing with planning this trip. The family will love it. If you have any panic attacks or anxious moments, you can always reach out to me.” She leaned away from his ear and faced him with a relaxed smile.
Eddie felt relaxed and the tension from his shoulders was released. “Hen, I appreciate that. I will let you know if I ever need to talk.” He then gave her a hug.
“And Christopher!”
“Yes, Aunt Hen?”
“Keep an eye out for these two crazy men! You are the leader, and I’ll miss you the most.” She winked at Christopher.
“Oh yes, I will! Love you!!” They both hugged.
“Have the best time everyone! Love you all!” Hen helped them get their bags out of her trunk and got into her car. She waved goodbye and drove off.
“Well, we got here in plenty of time, Buck.” Eddie said as he grabbed his bags.
“See, I told you!” Buck kissed Eddie on the lips. He tasted like vanilla and coconut.
“Now let’s check in and go through security.” Eddie said, smiling.
Chapter 3: En route
Security was fast, and the family found their gate and had some breakfast. Three hours have passed, and now Buck, Eddie, and Christopher were seated in their reclining seats in first class. They are finally boarded and ready to start their vacation.
“Time for the 5-hour flight.” Eddie said and put his headphones on his ear. “So happy I booked first-class tickets so we can sleep well.” He reclines his chair back and looks at Buck with a smile.  
“Oh yes, and soon to Vienna.” Buck turned to Eddie and smiled.
“Chris, you good?” Eddie turned to his son who was sitting in the window seat.
“Oh yes! So excited!” Christopher put on his headphones.
Time to go to Boston!
Chapter 4: Time to Dance
Three days later: Harborside Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts
“FINALLY, time to relax after a long day of sightseeing!!” Buck jumped back on his bed.
“Buck, language!” Chris said.
“Oh shit, sorry!” Buck exclaimed.
“I love Boston. The New England Aquarium, the Freedom Trail, everything. I can’t believe I never visited here.” Eddie said with a smile.
“I loved it dad! Let’s go back!” Christopher put his phone down and sat up on his bed.
“We will definitely be back, pal!” Buck said.
“Oh, I agree. Now who’s ready for Vienna?” Eddie exclaimed.
“I am ready to waltz with you. Let’s practice.” Buck stood up and beckoned Eddie to stand up.
“Well, we do need practice.” Eddie agreed.
“I’ll lead. Put your arms on my waist. Chris, can you help teach us?”
“Of course! I can dance better than you two!” Christopher smiled and got out of his bed.
“I have two left feet, Buck.”
“Don’t worry, I got you.” Buck then whispered to Eddie. “After Christopher goes to bed, we will go to the bathroom, and I’ll let you suck my cock. How would you like that, big boy?”
“Buck, you are so hot. Yes, I want you and your cock.” Eddie whispered. “Let’s waltz.”
Chapter 5: Buck and Eddie try to waltz
Buck and Eddie walked to the front of their king beds. Christopher was sitting on the bed with his phone in his hand along with a portable speaker.
“I gotta turn on some waltzing music. Hold up, dads.” Christopher went on Spotify and found a Mozart playlist. “Okay, I found a song.” Violins and piano filled the air.
“Okay, I am going to demonstrate the dance for you.” Christopher set his phone and speaker on the nightstand and hopped off the bed. “Buck, put your hands on Eddie’s shoulder.” Buck did as Christopher instructed.
“Then, step like this. 1,2,3 to the left, and 1,2,3 to the right. I will show you.” Christopher demonstrated the steps. Buck and Eddie followed, but not as seamlessly.
“Eddie! My left, not your left!” Buck exclaimed.
“Buck, I don’t dance often!”
“Well, now you do! You need beginner classes with the four-year olds at this rate. So uncoordinated.”
“Well, you aren’t much better, twinkletoes.”
“Stop stepping on my toes, Eddie!”
“Stop complaining, Buck! Dios Mio.”
After many attempts (and cursing) they finally got the steps down.
“Okay, now we have to practice moving around the room like this.” Christopher demonstrated the rotation motion to his dads.  
“Oh, this should be fun with Mr. Twinkletoes.” Eddie said jokingly with his hands on his waist and looked sideways at Buck.
“Shut up, Eddie.” Buck rolled his eyes and laughed.
But the rotating around the room was easier than they both thought. Miraculously, they both got the steps down and flowed to the tempo of the music. Christopher watched over his dads with a huge grin on his face. Buck and Eddie were in another dimension; a dimension with no fear or anxiety, just dancing and peace. They were truly entranced by the music and each other’s presence. With Buck, I can do anything. He is my rock. Eddie thought.
I love Eddie with all my heart. If I have Eddie and Christopher, I am never alone. Buck thought and smiled to himself.
Buck and Eddie danced to the music for about ten minutes. Time flew by, but there was no care in the world. Christipher even joined in the waltz. Three people was harder than two, but it didn’t matter. They were a family. A unit. They stood as one, enjoying the music and each other.
This is my family. I am not like my parents. I will be there for Eddie and Christopher always and forever. Buck thought. No fucking thing will come between us. Nothing. 
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connordavidscamera · 3 years
A Jealous Household | Connor Brashier
A/n: listen, I know it says y/n, but we all know it’s written about me, right? Okay, just wanna put that out there lol
Summary: Shawn and Brian want to have a party, but this party causes a few problems for Connor and y/n
Warnings: angst, underage drinking (for US standards, at least), pining
Word count: 7.5k, she’s a long one
“You want to have a party? When?” Y/n asks, closing her book and setting it in her lap.
“This weekend,” Shawn nods. “And it won’t be a big thing, I promise. Maybe fifteen, twenty people.”
“Thirty or forty, max,” Brian interjects.
I can’t help but laugh at that, neither can she as she says. “You know we can’t even fit thirty or forty people in the condo, right?”
“I know that, but that’s why we’ll have some of them in the backyard too.”
“So what’s the party even for?” She asks, leaning into my side. On instinct, I wrap my arm around her shoulders. 
They both shrug, “A house warming party? Does that still count if we’ve lived here for almost two months?” Shawn questions. 
She shrugs, “I don’t know. I mean, I don’t see why we couldn’t have one. We just have to be considerate of our neighbors. And nobody’s allowed in my room. If there’s alcohol, I’m not chancing anyone going into my room for a sloppy fuck.”
Shawn laughs, “So your sloppy fuck is gonna be in Connor’s room then?”
I roll my eyes at the comment. Shawn and Brian love to tease me about my crush on y/n. They have since the beginning. Shawn’s taunts are light hearted, but they’re plentiful now that we all live together. Brian’s at times feel almost malicious. But Brian also isn’t aware that I still have a crush on her, he thinks the feeling has passed. It definitely hasn’t. If anything, being in such tight quarters with her at all times has made me like her even more. Watching her move so effortlessly around our home - seeing her do her nightly routine, watching her polish her nails every Sunday like clockwork. I have undeniably fallen even deeper in love with her in just these few short weeks we’ve lived together and it’s killing me.
It’s killing me because we still haven’t talked about what she said to me a couple weeks ago when we were falling asleep together. I don’t even know if she remembers saying what she did. And I could have misinterpreted her words, I mean, she was falling asleep, her words were slurring. I could have misunderstood. At least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself every time the memory pops into my head. Which is about six times a day for the past three weeks.
Y/n gasps and tosses her book at him, "Asshole!"
He laughs, picking the book up off the floor from where it ricocheted off his chest. "I'm kidding. Kidding. But it's cool?"
She shrugs, "Yeah, whatever. Go nuts."
"Yes!" Shawn pumps his fist in the air before high fiving Brian. 
"We gotta get alcohol."
"Ah, wait. Before you two go broke buying drinks for the party, remember that we have bills to pay. So save us all a headache and make it BYOB."
Brian snaps and points at her with a click of his tongue. "This is why we keep you around."
She laughs, "Oh is that why?"
"Indeed," he nods.
"Okay, well can I have my book back, please?"
"Yeah, here," Shawn leans over the coffee table to hand it to her before disappearing to his room, Brian heading to the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" I ask, not looking up from my phone. I can sense that the wheels are turning in her head and she sighs dramatically.
"I don't remember which page I was on."
I force myself not to laugh. "243."
“Hmm?” She flips to that page and looks up at my side profile. “How’d you know that?”
I shrug, “I always memorize the page you’re on before you close the book, just in case.”
She smiles sheepishly and presses a kiss to my shoulder. “You’re cute,” she whispers before turning her attention back to the page in front of her and resting her head in the crook of my neck.
I squeeze her shoulder hoping she doesn’t look up and notice the growing blush on my cheeks, “You’re cuter.”
“Do you have any idea who’s coming to this?” Y/n asks as we move a cooler out to the backyard.
I shake my head, “Not really. I think Matt and his girlfriend, honestly, I have no idea. It’s Shawn, so there’s bound to be more people than we’re anticipating.”
“Lots of girls then.”
“Why do you say that?” I ask, setting the cooler down, providing her with my undivided attention (which she has always had). 
“He’s making a name for himself out here. Playing a few more gigs than at home. I noticed at the last one, he’s got a few groupies.”
I chuckle, “Oh really?”
She nods, “There were like five girls there just holding onto his every word. It was actually pretty cool to watch. But he got nervous. Started fidgeting with his necklace, so I had to get him out of there, which of course resulted in death glares from his adoring fans.”
“What? What do you mean? Death glares towards you?”
Y/n laughs, fixing the collar of her shirt that’s falling off her shoulder. “Yeah. I think they thought there was more there than there is,” she shrugs, “And if looks could kill, I would be dead five times over.”
I shake my head, I don’t like that thought, and I say as much. “I don’t like that thought.”
“What? Shawn having groupies?”
“No, girls staring daggers at you because you’re friends with him.”
“It’s not a big deal.”
I know it’s not, but the thought of someone not liking her is appalling to me. “I still don’t like it.”
“Is it because if something happened to me you’d be left to live alone with Shawn and Brian? Because that would make me sad too.”
I force a laugh, “That, and I’d be bored without you.”
She nods understandingly, “I get it. I am the light of your life,” she teases.
You are, I think to myself. “Yeah, yeah,” I say instead, stepping forward, wrapping my arm around her waist. “Let’s get inside, it’s hot as hell out here.”
Shawn and Brian are sitting on the floor in front of the TV, trying to get the wifi hooked up to it. We barely got wifi installed at the beginning of the week, but we’ve all been so busy, we haven’t had the chance to get everything hooked up to it. 
“It’s not working!” Brian complains, throwing his hands up in frustration.
“Well try again! That’s what the router says.” Shawn counters back.
“Let me see that,” Brian snatches the router out of his hands. “Dumbass! You’re reading me the product number! Not the fucking password!”
Y/n and I hide our faces to keep from bursting into a fit of laughter, but we both break when Shawn pouts when Brian puts the router back in his hands after successfully connecting the TV.
“Oh, what’s with the pouty face, rockstar?” y/n asks.
“Brian’s a dick,” he mutters, which causes Brian to punch his shoulder.
“Ow!” Shawn exclaims, reaching to hold his arm. “That hurt!”
“It was supposed to. Want me to do it again?”
“Craigen,” y/n shakes her head and before I can protest, she’s out of my grasp and I suddenly feel lonely without her body next to mine. “No more fighting.”
“Just one time in the face,” he tries to reason. “Just once. Come on, it’s a long time coming. I’ve wanted to punch him in the face since we were kids.”
“No,” she squats down behind Shawn, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, leaning her head against his. I watch Shawn fall into her touch and I’m envious of him. Even though she holds onto me in the exact same way, almost daily, she isn’t right now and it makes me long for it. Especially when I watch her start to massage his scalp and he hums because her head scratches feel like you’re in heaven. “You can’t punch him in the face. That’s the money maker,” she squishes his cheeks with her free hand and speaks in a mock baby voice, “And if he’s got a black eye how will he charm girls with his pretty face tonight?”
Shawn laughs and pushes her hand away, but he reaches back and pats her calf. “Sit down,” he says and she obliges, her legs spreading and bracketing Shawn’s. He falls back into her and takes her hand that was just squeezing him and brings it to his lips to kiss her knuckles before bringing it to his hair as well. “More head scratches.”
She rolls her eyes, but continues anyway. “So fucking needy.”
He hums, “Could fall asleep like this.”
She hums too and looks up at me with a smile that melts my heart, “Connor does all the time.”
I nod, “I do. Feels good. Your hands are magic.”
“How magic? Like you could get me off in three seconds?”
“Brian!” I growl. Yep, we can always count on him to ruin the mood.
But y/n’s laughing, “I’m sure I could, I mean, if you ask your first girlfriend, you only last five so I don’t think it’ll be difficult,” she answers.
Shawn’s hysterical in y/n’s arms, as am I as I fall to the floor, clutching my stomach. But Brian? Brian is livid.
“I can’t believe she told you that! She said she wouldn’t tell anyone!”
This only makes Shawn and I laugh harder. “Wait, did that actually happen?” I ask between fits. “Craigen, come on,” I groan when he’s silent. “Five seconds?”
“It was our first time!”
“And last, apparently,” y/n comments.
“Shut up!” he groans. “Fuck, I can’t stand you.”
She nods, “I know.”
“No, but seriously, when did she tell you that?”
Y/n breaks out into a wide grin. “She didn’t. But you just did. Thanks for that.”
He’s speechless. Absolutely speechless. And his face is so red; I don’t know if it’s in anger or embarrassment, but either way, Shawn pipes up. “Hey, if it makes you feel any better, my first time I only lasted like twenty seconds.”
“I lasted fifteen,” I confirm, but I immediately regret it when y/n’s face morphs into one of confusion. 
Oh, oh fuck. I never told her that I-
“Wait, you’ve had sex?”
“You didn’t know?” Shawn questions, looking back at her.
She shakes her head, “I guess not.”
I sigh and scratch the back of my head, “Yeah. It was… during that time where we weren’t really talking,” I mumble.
She nods slowly, scoffing, and I can’t quite pin her emotion, but it’s definitely a cross between anger and… is that jealousy? “Ah, good ol’ McKenzie,” she mutters under her breath. She exhales deeply out her nose and focuses her attention back to playing with Shawn’s hair. 
“I would have told-”
“We weren’t talking. I know,” she cuts me off. “And it’s none of my business. It wasn’t then, and it’s not now either.”
“Oh, right. Okay,” I nod once. “New subject.”
We’re tiptoeing around each other the rest of the day. Or more so, I’m tiptoeing around her. She somehow is coming off as completely unbothered, but at the same time completely bothered. I don’t know what to make of this situation. I don’t know if I should apologize for not telling her, or if she even wants me to apologize. I don’t know and it’s killing me not knowing what I can do to make this better for us tonight.
I’m helping Brian pour more ice into the cooler we have in the kitchen when she walks out of her room. “Where’s Shawn?” she asks.
I look up at her and my heart stops for a moment. She’s wearing red, my heart never knows what to do when she wears that color. Does it stop? Does it speed up? Yes. 
“He went to his car to get the beer we got this afternoon,” Brian answers, closing the lid. 
SHe nods, “I’ll go help him.”
I watch as she leaves, not taking a full breath until the door shuts behind her. 
“She still mad at you?” 
I shake my head, “I don’t know. I don’t even know if she is mad at me.”
“Well, it’s y/n. You kept something from her for almost three years. I’m willing to bet she’s a little upset.”
I sigh, “Yeah, I know. But I mean, how was I supposed to tell her. She would barely even look at me during that time, so -”
“Yeah, because McKenzie was a bitch to her. How was she supposed to look at you when she was practically threatened or called out or god know what when you weren’t listening. I’d hate to know what she actually said when none of us were there to listen.”
I exhale deeply. I know my ex was the worst to her - she’s the entire reason y/n and I weren’t talking. She told me not to hang out with her as much, so I didn’t (also because I was trying to prove to Brian that I didn’t have feelings for y/n anymore. That was a mistake.) “So, I should apologize.”
Brian shrugs, “We all know you’re gonna apologize. You can’t stand it when she’s mad at you. Honestly, we can’t either. We have no idea what to do when you two aren’t talking. And since we all live together now, it’ll be even more awkward for you two to not talk.”
I nod, “Yeah. I know. I’ll apologize later. You should go get ready. I can finish up out here.”
Brian claps my shoulder, “Thanks, man. I’ll be quick.” He disappears at the same time Shawn and y/n walk in the front door with the drinks. I make my way over to them.
“Here, let me get that for you,” I tell her, reaching to take the cases from her hands.
“Oh, it’s okay. I got it. You want these inside or out, rockstar?”
“In the fridge, in the back. Gotta keep the good stuff for us.” Shawn hands me a pottle of vodka, “Put this in the freezer? I got it for y/n, I’m gonna make her a new drink.”
“You’re gonna risk giving her alcohol poisoning?” I question, raising one eyebrow at him.
He rolls his eyes, “I’ve gotten better at making drinks, dickhead.”
I laugh and hold my hands up in surrender, “Alright, sure.”
“I’m gonna put these in my room for now, and then I’m gonna get ready.”
“Brian’s in the shower, you can use my bathroom,” I say as y/n moves past us to the kitchen. 
“Good looking out, thanks.”
And now it’s just me and her. It’s like any normal day. So why is my heart beating so quickly?
I watch her move some things around in the fridge to make room for the drinks, and I can’t help but smile. “You look pretty tonight,” I tell her, leaning against the counter.
She looks over at me and smiles softly, “Thanks.”
I clear my throat, “Hey, y/n?”
“Hmm?” she turns her attention back to her task at hand.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?” she asks, closing the fridge.
“For not telling you that I slept with her.”
“Oh,” she nods. “It’s fine. It really is not any of my business who you have and haven’t slept with.”
“Well maybe not, but you are my best friend, and we tell each other everything. I know if we were on better terms when you were dating Noah, you would have told me that you-”
“I didn’t tell you because we didn’t sleep together.”
“What?” I stare at her with wide eyes. 
“Noah and I didn’t sleep together.”
“But I thought-”
“You assumed. But no, it didn’t happen. I wasn’t ready. I mean, I barely let him kiss me, so how the hell was I gonna sleep with him?”
I nod because I don’t know what else to do or even say. She’s right, I just assumed that they had sex because he always had his hands all over her. I almost scoff at the thought. I hated watching him hold her in the hallway, his hands in her back pockets as he pulled her closer to him. Seeing them together everyday made my heart clench every time because it should have been me. I wonder if that’s how she felt when I had a girlfriend. 
“Look, it doesn’t matter, okay? So, let’s just drop it. It’s not like I’m mad you had sex, I was just surprised to find out this way, that’s all.”
“Yeah, I get it. And I would have told you sooner, but there really was never a time, you know? And it was just with her a couple times, nothing since.”
“Connor, you really don’t need to explain it to me. Actually, if we could just stop talking about her all together, that’d be great.”
“No, yeah. Of course. It’s dropped.”
She nods, “Okay, good. So, you should go get dressed.”
“What do you mean? I’m wearing this,”  I gesture to my torn t-shirt and my sweatpants with paint stains up and down the legs from when we painted the living room a few weeks ago. I’m totally joking, but I want to see her reaction anyway.
She looks me up and down and scoffs, “Yeah, no. Go change. You’re not wearing that.”
I pout dramatically, “Why not?”
“One, those pants are a mess. Two, you know you run hot when you drink, so why would you wear sweatpants? And three, that shirt is literally falling apart. You are not wearing that, go change.”
I can’t fight the smile that tugs at my lips because just like that we’re back to normal. “Okay, I’m going. Do you have something you’d like for me to wear?”
“Yes, your black pants with the white tank top and your peachy cream shirt. The one you wore for our graduation party.”
I nod, “Yes, ma’am. You wanna do my hair?”
“Come find me when you’re done, and I’ll see what I can do.”
I’m talking to my friend Will out in the backyard as the party becomes bigger than anticipated. Yeah, definitely called that situation. 
“Bro, I wish I would have saved up more so I could have gotten a place like you guys did. I emailed my roommate last week to see what he wanted to get for the dorm and he straight up said, ‘I don’t plan to be roommates long, so nothing.’”
I can’t help but laugh, “Hey, we’d take you in over Brian, but he’d throw a bitch fit.”
He laughs too, twisting the cap off his beer. “So what’s it like living with y/n? Everything good?”
“Yeah, everything’s great. She knows how to run a household. She made a chore chart that goes on the fridge. Shawn had to beg her to take it down for the party because he was embarrassed.”
“Sounds like y/n. But that’s not what I meant.”
I take a swig of my beer and shrug, “There’s nothing else to say really. She’s nice to live with.”
“No progression between you two.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Right, right. Because you’re not in love with her, right.”
“Will, come on. Not tonight.”
“Okay, okay. I get it. We’re not in a teasing mood tonight.”
Or ever. Will is a great friend of mine, and I would take a bullet for him, but he asks me for y/n updates every time we’re together, and I never have any for him. When I told him we were moving in together, he was stoked, but less so when I told him we were moving with Shawn and Brian too. 
He - like Shawn - is an avid supporter of us getting together. Will found out about my so-called crush one night in high school, actually a couple weeks after my breakup with McKenzie. Y/n and I still weren’t talking. I was trying to mend things and  she was trying to push me further away. I don’t remember much of the night he found out because I got shit faced drunk, but I somehow admitted to him that I had feelings for her and he’s convinced himself that he knows the biggest secret in the world. He treats it like he holds the key to the universe. If anyone wants us together more than I do, it’s him.
“Just don’t want to risk her hearing anything,” I tell him. “I already made things awkward earlier.”
“What? How?”
I shake my head, “Let it slip that Kenz and I slept together.”
He blanches. “She didn’t know?!”
I shake my head, “No. I never found the right time to tell her. But she keeps saying it isn’t her business, so I don’t know if that means she’s hurt by it or if I’m imagining it because right now it seems like she doesn’t really care. But - I don’t know, I want her to, I guess.” 
He smirks, “She cares.”
“I don’t know,” I mutter, looking inside, lifting my bottle up to my lips, but halting when I see her standing near the sliding glass door with - “Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me.”
“What?” Will asks, turning toward the door. “What hap - is that? Wait, is that Noah? What is he doing here?”
My jaw clenches, just like the grip around the bottle in my hand. “Better question, why the hell is he so close to her?”
Will sucks in a breath, “Are they still friends?”
I don’t answer him because I don’t know. I’m 99% sure they aren’t, but that 1% that says yes is simply because I’m watching them right now and she’s hugging him and letting him kiss her cheek before he pulls away. “I didn’t think they were. She hasn’t brought him up since the breakup.”
I don’t take my eyes off them as I start chugging the rest of my beer. It was still pretty full, but at this moment, I need to finish it because I need something stronger. 
“I’m gonna go get a drink,” I mutter, tossing my bottle in the trashcan near the cooler. I walk inside, but neither of them notice me. I shake my head and walk to Shawn’s room where he hid most of the hard stuff. I find the bottle of tequila that he stashed because he knew if he put it out, it’d go fast. I twist the top off and take, maybe a little more than a shot. I cough into my elbow when I pull the bottle back because wow he got the strong stuff.
Shaking my head, I close the bottle back up and sneak out of Shawn’s room. When I enter the living room, they’re still standing there talking. Or, he’s talking, she’s nodding at something he’s saying. I click my tongue and walk into the kitchen to grab another beer. SHould I be mixing my alcohol? No, I should not. Is that going to stop me? No, it is not. 
My girl’s ex-boyfriend is over there talking to her and touching her like they’re best buds and I can’t stand it. I can’t stand him. 
I still remember the day she told us that she was going on a date with him. 
All four of us are sitting in our usual booth at the diner, everything seems to be going like it always has. Just us four, laughing and making our weekend plans. The difference though is that y/n and I aren’t sitting shoulder to shoulder right now. She’s pushed against the window, and I’m toward about as far left as I can get without it being noticeable, or falling. 
“So, we’re aiming for Saturday afternoon, right? Y/n, you’ll ride with me?” Shawn asks.
“Oh,” she sits up straight, “um, could we maybe do it on Sunday instead? I kind of already have plans on Saturday.”
“What?” Brian furrows his brows, “Without us?”
She nods, “Yeah,” she takes in a sharp breath beside me. “I um… I kinda, I have a date.”
At that exact moment, our heads whip in her direction - I’m pretty sure if I turned any faster I would have given myself whiplash.
“A date?” I ask as calmly as I can.
“With who?” Shawn questions.
She shrugs, “You know that guy Noah? I have him in like all of my AP classes? He asked me out after class this morning.”
I don’t think I can clench my jaw any harder. Noah. I hate him. I’ve never personally met him, but I hate him. “Cool,” I mutter, turning my head back to the table to reach for my drink. 
“Well?” Shawn prompts. “What are you gonna do? Where is he taking you?”
She clasps her hands in her lap and shrugs again. “I don’t know. He hasn’t told me. Said he wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Ooh, romantic,” Brian teases.
“You hate surprises,” I mumble into my cup.
Y/n clears her throat and shifts uncomfortably in her seat. “It’s just one date. Not a big deal.”
“Okay, sure,” Brian says. “So Sunday then?”
“And you’ll tell us all about it?”
There are very few times that I wish I was deaf, but that day was one of them. I didn’t sleep that whole night. I couldn’t. And the night of her date? Forget it. I was up all night wondering what was happening. Did he hold her hand? Did he hug her? Did that bastard take her first kiss? The first kiss that was supposed to belong to me? 
And right now, as I watch him reach for her elbow again, I decide, fuck it. I don’t care if I look like a jealous asshole, I’m taking my girl away from him. I stride over to them and place my hand on her hip, “Hey, baby. Can you help me find the bottle opener? I can’t remember what drawer you put it in the other day, and I think my eyes are failing me.”
She shakes her head, “Um, yeah. It should be in the drawer closest  to the fridge.”
“I checked there, please, come help me look.”
She rolls her eyes and turns back to Noah who is staring daggers at my hand on her hip. I smirk. “Noah, it was good catching up with you. I’ll find you later. I’m gonna help him out.”
He looks back up at her and forces a smile, “Sure. Sounds good. Save me dance?”
Over my dead body. “Come on, baby,” I say, guiding her toward the kitchen.
She steps in front of me, mumbling a couple excuse me’s to the people blocking the kitchen. Then she b-line’s to the drawer closer to the fridge, which I definitely did not check because I wasn’t really looking for the bottle opener. I just needed an excuse to get her away from Noah.
“Here,” she holds it out to me. “Wait, I thought Shawn got twist tops.” She takes the bottle from my hand and laughs, “Bub, it twists off.” She says, taking the cap off the bottle. 
“Oh,” I chuckle. I knew it was a twist top, again, I just needed an excuse to get her away. “Whoopsies?” 
She puts the bottle opener back in the drawer and leans against the counter. “You having fun?”
I shrug, “I’m alright. So um… Noah’s here.”
Y/n nods slowly, “Yeah, he is.”
“Kinda weird that he showed up after we just talked about him,” I mutter.
“Yeah, I guess. He just tagged along with one of his friends.”
I nod, “Mhm. You two looked pretty cozy.”
“Excuse me?” 
“Nothing. Just, I mean, I haven’t heard you talk about him since the breakup,” I take a sip of the beer in my hand. “I didn’t realize you two were still so close.”
She tilts her head at me, “We’re not. We were just catching up. He didn’t know that I lived here too.”
“Uh-huh, so you haven’t talked to him recently?”
She scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. “What’s with the third degree, huh?”
“You didn’t answer my question,” I mutter.
“No, Connor. I haven’t talked to him recently. In fact, I haven’t talked to him since the breakup. But what does that matter? Why does it matter who I do and do not talk to?”
“I just think it’s a little strange that he came here tonight.”
“Well, I didn’t invite him, if that’s what you’re insinuating. He came with a friend. He didn’t even know it was our party, or our house. He just showed up.”
“So he crashed it. Classy.”
“What is your deal?” She pushes herself off the counter and stands face to face with me, her forehead creasing as she glares at me. I want to smooth the crease and tell her not to do that because she’ll get a headache, but I refrain. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Please,” she scoffs, “you’re acting like a jealous boyfriend! Newsflash, Connor, you’re not my boyfriend.”
I recoil, because sure I know I’m not, but the words spew from her lips like venom. “I know that.”
“Do you? Because right now it doesn’t seem like you do. Now unless I completely missed the part where you asked me to be your girlfriend, you have no right to be upset over me talking to my ex-boyfriend.”
“He was an ass to you then.”
“How would you know?! We weren’t even talking then.”
“Because you didn’t want to! I was still trying to fix things with us but you were pushing me away.”
“No, I wasn’t pushing you away. I was protecting myself from getting hurt again.”
“But it wasn’t me, that was Kenzie, and -”
She groans in frustration, “Why are we talking about her again? Why? I can’t do this.”
“Do what?”
Y/n pinches the bridge of her nose. “Look, you’re my best friend, and I love you. But you have no right to be upset about Noah. You are not my boyfriend -”
“Why do you keep saying that?”
“Because you aren’t! You like to act like you are sometimes, but you’re not.”
“Do you want me to be?!” I exclaim, setting my bottle down.
She scoffs, shaking her head. “Not like this,” she says quietly, pushing past me.
“Y/n!” I call after her, but she ignores me. I, however, can’t ignore the eyes that are on me.
“He’s jealous?” Alessia asks, leaning back on her hands. We’re sitting on the grass in the backyard. It’s quieter out here, and far less crowded. “Does he even have a right to be?”
“That’s what I’m saying! He’s my best friend, but sometimes he acts like he’s my boyfriend and I just - I’m over it.”
She sighs, “You’re over him acting like your boyfriend.”
“Yes,” I say.
“Because you want him to actually be your boyfriend.”
“What? No! No,” I shake my head, “that’s not it.”
Les smiles, “Honey, it’s obvious the way you two look at each other. And you can deny it because you’re best friends, you live together. You don’t want to risk the integrity of the friendship that you have. And that is totally reasonable, but you two need to discuss what you are to each other. Because it’s clear that in his mind, you’re a little bit more than just ‘best friends.’ And well, you’ve always wanted to be more, so what’s so wrong with him being that?”
I sigh and pick at the grass beside me, “I don’t know if he feels this way genuinely or if it’s because I’m closer now. We live together, it seems almost easy or convenient for him to develop some tiny crush because of the proximity.”
At this she laughs, “Oh, honey. That is definitely not it.”
“How do you know?”
“Because that boy has been in love with you since before I even met you guys. It’s written all over his face and if you took a second to just stop and -”
“Hey, sorry to interrupt, guys,” Shawn says, breathlessly, pushing his curls out of his face. “Y/n, Connor’s drunk off his ass, and I need your help”
I sit up, “Okay, How much did he drink?”
“Like, the entire bottle of tequila I had in my room, plus however many beers he had.”
I stand up, swatting at the backs of my legs to get off any dirt, “Is he throwing up?”
“No, he’s just asking for you.”
I nod and look back to Alessia, “We’ll talk later, Les?”
“Mhm, go take care of your boy.”
“Why did he drink so much?” I ask Shawn, following him toward the sliding glass door. 
He shrugs, “I asked him. He said you were mad at him.”
I roll my eyes, “Well yeah, he was being an ass. But it still doesn’t make sense.If he drinks every time I get upset with him, he’d be an alcoholic ”
“All I know is that he was asking for you,” Shawn says just as we find Connor sitting outside my bedroom door, nursing another beer bottle. 
I shake my head, “God, he knows not to be switching between alcohol.”
“Connor, buddy?” Shawn says, squatting down next to him. “I got her. Why don’t you give me that beer, eh?” He goes to take it from his hands, but Connor’s quick to move it, spilling a bit of it on his shirt in the process.
“No, this is mine. Get your own,” he slurs
I sigh and squat down next to him, too. “I think you’ve had enough, bub. Come on, let me have it.”
He looks at me with heavy eyes and he pouts, dramatically. “Y/n… you’re so pretty.”
“Connor,” I shake my head. 
“I love you in red. God, you look so good. Could never get,” he hiccups, “tired of looking at you.”
I blush, looking over at Shawn who’s still sitting with us. “Okay, come on. Let’s get up. We need to get you to bed.”
He nods slowly, “Whatever you want, baby.”
I take the drink out of his hand and set on the floor beside us. “Shawn, help me get him up.”
Shawn nods, “You got it.” He does most of the heavy lifting, but when Connor’s on his feet, he leans into me, hugging my waist, burying his head in my neck. 
“I’m so sorry, y/n. So sorry.”
“I know, come on now. We’re going to your room.”
He groans into my skin, but helps me and Shawn take him to his room as best as he can, only stumbling once when we round the corner. We push his bedroom door open and walk further into the room, plopping him down on the bed. 
“Thanks, Shawn. I got it from here.”
“You sure?” 
I nod, moving to grab his trash can from next to his desk. “Yeah, we’re good. Thanks for coming to get me.”
He nods, “Of course. Come get me if you need anything else.”
Connor groans as Shawn slams the door shut behind him. I sigh and move around the room, turning on his bedside lamp and going to his desk chair where his outfit from earlier is laid out. “Okay, bub, I’m gonna need you to help me out, alright? I need you to get out of your clothes, I’m gonna put you in pajamas, okay?”
He shakes his head, his pout even heavier than usual, eyes struggling to stay open. “Too tired. You do it.”
I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath. Of course he’s gonna be difficult right now. I shake my head, throwing his clothes beside him, “Can you stand up?”
He mumbles something incoherent, but I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere along the lines of “The room is spinning.”
“Fuck, Connor, why did you drink so much?” I grumble, moving to the floor to take his shoes off.
“You’re mad at me,” he whines.
“Yes, I am. You know your limits. What were you gonna do if this didn’t happen at the house, hmm?”
I roll my eyes, “Okay, sit up,” I reach for his hands to help pull him to a sitting position. 
He makes an unnecessary amount of groaning sounds as he moves around to accommodate me.
I push his shirt off his shoulders, it’s almost damp, he’s sweating so much. I throw it to the side, I’ll put it in the laundry room when I go get him some pain meds in a little bit. I take hold of the hem of his tank top, “Arms up,” I pat his side and he obliges, looking up at me with a sad smile on his lips. “What’s wrong?” I ask him, tossing his tank top off to the side too.
“I’m sorry I got mad earlier. About Noah.”
I shake my head, “It’s fine. Lay back, lift your hips for me.”
He lays back, but his pout still remains on his face as I lean forward to unbutton his pants.
“What now?” I question softly, pulling down his zipper, “Hips up.”
He’s looking at me with such sad eyes and it’s killing me. “This isn’t how I wanted you to undress me for the first time.”
My breath hitches, “What?”
“Wanna make love to you,” he slurs. 
I almost choke on his words, “Connor, you’re drunk,” I shake my head, pulling his pants off him and grabbing his sweats to pull up his legs instead. I decide to forgo the shirt because he’s already sweating a lot, I don't want to make him even hotter. “You don’t know what you’re saying. I’m gonna go get you some water and pain meds. Stay here.” I move the trash can closer to him, “The trash is right next to you if you feel like you’re gonna get sick.
I pick up his discarded clothes from the floor and walk to the door and out the room before he can say anything else he doesn’t mean. After tossing them in the hamper in the laundry room, I squeeze past the group of people still congregating in the hallway. I slip into my room and grab some of my pain meds from my book bag and quickly slip out again to head to the kitchen which is also crowded. I mumble out a general excuse me, and go to the fridge to grab Connor a bottle of water. 
On my way back, I stop and go to his bathroom which is thankfully empty, and grab a hand towel and wet it under the faucet to hopefully cool him down a bit. When I’m back in his room, he’s laying face down on his bed and I stop for a minute, admiring his smooth skin, and the way the muscles in his shoulders tense up when he moves his arm above his head. It’s not fair. No one man should look this good. 
I shake my head, focusing back on the task at hand. I close the door behind me gently. “Okay, Connor. I need you to sit up just one more time to take these pills and then you can go to bed, yeah?”
He groans, “I think I drank too much, baby,” he mumbles, pushing himself up and I'm once again in awe of how his muscles move with him. 
I scratch at my scalp and nod, holding out the pills for him. “Yeah, I think you did, too.” He takes them in his hand and I sit next to him, uncapping the water bottle before handing it to him as well.
“Thank you,” he hiccups.
“You’re welcome.” I look down at my hands as he takes the pills. He goes to hand me the water bottle back but I shake my head, “You need to drink it all. We’re trying to avoid a hangover.”
He just holds the bottle in his lap, not moving to drink anymore of it, so I look back up at him only to find him already staring at me. 
“You okay?” I ask.
He hums and reaches forward. He runs his thumb under my eye, “You got an eyelash. I got it,” he mumbles, but he keeps his hand cradling the side of my face. 
My eyes search his tired ones, they’re glossed over, but they always get that way when he drinks, making his eyes seem just a little more blue than green. 
“Have I told you tonight that you look pretty?” he asks quietly. 
“Multiple times,” I confirm. 
“Good, because you are… so, so pretty.”
I lick my lips and watch his eyes move from my eyes to my lips and back. I take in a shallow breath as he starts to lean closer. His eyes closed as his face inches toward mine. I push him back gently just before his lips have the chance to connect with mine, and I mean just before because I could feel his breath against my mouth. “What are you doing?” I question.
“I was… I was trying to kiss you. Did you, I thought you wanted to - when we were laying in bed a couple weeks ago, you said you wanted me to kiss you.”
“Well, I… Connor,” I shake my head. I didn’t think he heard me when I said that. “Not like this. Not tonight. Not when you’re drunk and not thinking clearly.” I stand up, pacing slowly in front of him. “If you’re gonna kiss me, I want you to be sober, and to actually want to do it. Not just because we got in a fight earlier. I don’t want this to be something you do now and then completely forget about or ignore, or fuck, even worse, regret in the morning. I don’t want that. I don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve to be led on by you again.”
“Again?” He asks, tilting his head at me. 
“Nevermind. I should go back out there, start cleaning up so it’s not so much tomorrow.”
“Wait, y/n, please. Stay here, please. Stay with me tonight.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I won’t try anything, I promise. Please, just stay?”
I sigh, “Just until you fall asleep.”
It’s nearing eleven in the morning when Shawn finally retreats from his room. He’s not nearly as hungover as I bet the other boys are going to be. If he’s even hungover at all, he doesn’t seem to be. 
He leans against the counter, watching me pull my second batch of cookies from the oven. “You’re stress baking,” he observes.
I scoff, “I made muffins too,” I nod in the direction of the counter in front of him where a plate of blueberry muffins sits. 
“Ooh,” he reaches forward and takes one, “Not that I like when you’re stressed, but this my favorite of your coping mechanisms.”
“For purely selfish, I presume.”
“Of course,” he says around a mouthful of muffin. “So,” he says after he swallows. “Does this sudden urge to bake have anything to do with what happened last night with Connor?”
I tense up at the memory of Connor leaning in to kiss me. Me pushing him away. “Maybe.”
“So what did happen after I left you two?”
“Nothing,” I shake my head.
“Well, the glorious smell of our kitchen and the spotless living room say otherwise.”
I close my eyes and rub my hands over my face. “He, god, he tried to kiss me.”
“What?” Shawn chokes. 
“Shh! You’ll wake them.”
“Oh please, Brain will be asleep until five. Nothing will wake him. He kissed you?! Well, how was it?”
“I said he tried. As in, I didn’t let him. I pushed him away before he could.”
“Why? Don’t you want him to?”
“Of course! But not like that! Not when he’s drunk and not himself. WHen he’s saying stupid things like he wants to make love to me, and that he wishes I was undressing him for the first time under different circumstances.”
“What? He said all of that?! Oh my god! Go, Connor!”
“No, not go Connor. Because he’s not going to remember any of this when he wakes up and I’m going to remember everything and have to pretend that he didn’t say anything or try to kiss me. And I’m stuck being led on once again, except this time he lives just down the hall and I have to see him everyday.”
Shawn sighs, “Okay, you’re right. So, what are you going to do?”
“Same thing I always do.”
He nods, “I’ll get my guitar.”
Permanent tag: @soyalimoncada-blog @magcon7280 @fallinallincurls @goldenflickerx  @myyohmyuohmyy @harry-hollands @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @baroness-alison @lostinmendess @linanilssonfurberg @luvluvxx @mariamuses @shawnieeboyy @divinginfearlessly @mendesficsxbombay @shawnsthighs @zaahidahhh @lordescomeback @shawnandconnor @shawnsblue @turtoix @honestlyimstilllivinginthe90s @gangofhoes @verlaneswiftie13
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 years
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Name: Flipsville Galaxy
Debut: Super Mario Galaxy 2
I've been replaying Super Mario Galaxy 2 lately, and wow! What a lovely game. It's fun to just run around delightful, well-crafted worlds that Mario can explore that are also in outer space.
But while running through Hightail Falls Galaxy, my sibling asked me a very important question:
"Who built this Galaxy?"
In the Super Mario Galaxy games, we aren't supposed to question this. We are supposed to suspend our disbelief because the levels are fun, and that's what truly matters. But if you leave your disbelief unsuspended, then it's a very interesting question!
Hightail Falls consists of large, wooden structures, but there's not really anyone around who could've built them! (I mean, there's Penguru but he just seems to be visiting.) This is an entire galaxy-sized superstructure! Where did it come from! My sibling suggested I should talk about it on the blog, and so here we are.
...But I'd rather talk about Flipsville Galaxy so instead we're talking about Flipsville Galaxy.
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I think Flipsville Galaxy might be one of my favorite galaxies in the game. It has such a unique concept and aesthetic! Flipsville Galaxy is stylized like an old-fashioned suburban household. Faded wallpapers, wooden tiling, this is an entire galaxy that looks like your grandma's house!
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But this ain't your AVERAGE grandma's house... Because Flipsville Galaxy has wacky gravity! There are grates all over the place that you can ground pound, taking you to the other side of the planet, and seemingly inverting the gravity of the galaxy itself. If you walk off the edge while you're on the galaxy's B-side, you'll end up falling upwards into the air! One of the Green Stars actually makes a puzzle out of this, it's really cool.
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The second mission switches the focus from the grates to Spin Drills, which makes it feel a little redundant with the Spin-Dig Galaxy, but it uses it for this cool gravity-switching Silver Star room so it's fine.
I like the music in Flipsville Galaxy. It's the same music as Chompworks Galaxy, which is another of the best galaxies in the game. I don't know how to describe this music, I think it's best described as "weird music" but that can really entail anything! Weird and... vaguely mechanical? It's definitely meant for Chompworks, I think, but it still fits Flipsville surprisingly well.
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But the question from before still applies: Who built this galaxy? I mean, again, if we can suspend our disbelief, we can say that no one built Flipsville, the Galaxy just looks like that and always has. But again! Disbelief unsuspended! I want answers and that one is NOT satisfying me enough!
The only NPCs in Flipsville that you can talk to are the Toad Brigade, who are clearly just here on an expedition (as we can tell from the Starshroom being parked just before the Glamdozer boss fight). None of the other Sapient Super Mario Galaxy NPCs (Bees, Star Rabbits, Penguins, Gearmos, Whittles) can be found in this galaxy, which is interesting! While this galaxy is pretty clearly stylized like a residential area, it has no residents!
Or does it?
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The boss of this galaxy, Glamdozer, has a crown, one of those royal neck frills (whatever they are called), and make-up so you know that she's a girl, seemingly implying that she is the queen of this galaxy! Does this imply that the Pupdozers are in fact a sapient species, and its main residents?
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Maybe, but I still have my doubts that they built the place. Look at those stubby little legs! I don't think those are equipped for using tools! And if they are, they'd have to be pretty rudimentary.
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I kind of got the vibe the Pupdozers are the pets of whoever lives here, though. Might just be the name. "Pupdozer," like a puppy! I must admit, I'd love living in a galaxy where the go-to pet is a squat lizard thing. The people in Flipsville have good taste.
But on that tangent, I think this also means Glamdozer is the Pupdozer equivalent of a pug, selectively bred to have her face all squished together. Some people might think it's cute, but it causes serious breathing issues that will hurt Glamdozer later in her life.
I think that even if Glamdozer isn't the galaxy's queen, she makes a lot of sense as some obnoxious rich person's pet. A rare breed of Pupdozer with a pink pelt, spoiled by her owners through overfeeding and dressed up in cute clothes.
I think Glamdozer could belong to the galaxy's landlord, but that implies that this entire galaxy has a landlord, and if that's true then I take back what I said about wanting to live in Flipsville! Landlords are awful, and we certainly don't need galaxy-scale space landlords out there!
...What was I talking about again? Oh right.
Perhaps this is why we're meant to suspend our disbelief. When we don't, then we just end up with more questions than answers. In Super Mario Galaxy 2, we never spend long enough in Flipsville to learn about who lives here, if anyone, and maybe that's okay.
Now if you excuse me, I'm going to Flipsville to see if I can get its residents to organize against their space landlord. See you later!
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lrissa · 4 years
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You’re Easier To Kick When You’re Kneeling.
summary: you and eren were both titan shifters, getting your ass beat in the court room by humanity’s strongest
warnings: violence, swearing,
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
“Good luck!”
Where the last words Hanji spoke before shoving you and Eren into the court room. Tension penetrated the air as the Survey Corps gave hard glares to the Military Police.
Spinning around you saw everyone looking to you and Eren. Embarrassment and fear crawled through your nerves, gazing to Eren as he looked just as afraid.
“I’m scared..” You whispered to the brunette, he turned to look down at your lightly shaking physique.
“We’ll be fine.” He gave you a small smile, his eyes creased softly, he wished he could reach out and pat you on the shoulder.
Straining yours eyes forwards you bit down your tongue readying yourself mentally. You noticed two long metal pillars beside eachother, gulping.
“Step forward.” An office spoke as he shoved the barrel of a gun into Erens back. Urging him forwards forcefully, quickly you walked to catch up with him.
Two officers pushed you and Eren apart. Snapping your head to the brunette, he nodded his head to you calmly, his eyes gave you comfort as the man shoved you to your knees infront of the pole.
Together the men picked up the metal and ordered you to place your hands stretched behind you, doing so they let the pole fall back into place. Having you directly connected to the pole and squatted down.
You hung your head low as the hair on your shoulders fell forwards to conceal your face. Your eyes had dilated and your body shook. Fear. Worry. Anxiety.
A door opened followed by footsteps and a chair scraping across the stone as someone seated themselves. The judge.
“Well then, let us begin. Eren Jaeger and Y/N L/N, yes?” He’d adjust his glasses and stare at the small paper in his fingers before continuing. “You are soldiers, sworn to sacrifice your life for the public good. Is that correct?”
“Yes, sir.” Eren answered as he stared bug-eyed at the judge, “Yes, sir.” You repeated after Eren and tilted your head up.
“This is an exceptional situation. The tribunal will be held under military, not civilian, law. The final decision rests entirely in my hands.” The white haired man looked from the paper to us, “Your fate will be decided here. Do you have any objections.”
Looking to the floor you squeezed your eyes shut momentarily, opening them wide again. “No, sir.” You and Eren spoke simultaneously.
“I appreciate your perception. I will be direct. As anticipated, concealing your existence has proved impossible. We must make your existing public in some form, or a threat to humanity other than titans will arise. What I will decide today is which force will have custody of you.”
“The Military Police,”
“Or the Survey Corps?”
“Then, I ask the Military Police for their proposal.”
Your head shifted to the Military Police, watching as a man readied himself before speaking vibrantly.
“Yes, sir, I am Commander of the Military Police, Nile Dawk, I will present my proposal. After a thorough investigation of Eren and Y/N’s body, we believe they should be eliminated immediately.”
Your eyes expanded as he said this. This man hardly knew either of you, not a single fucking thing. Your eyebrows furrowed into a scowl while your hands contoured into fists.
“It’s certainly true that their titan power overcame our pervious peril. However, now their existence threatens to spark a civil war. So we ask them to die for humanity’s sake, leaving behind all information they can.” He finished
Your stomach churned as he spoke, did everyone seriously wish you dead?
“There is no need for that! They are an invasive pest! They have deceived the walls that embody Gods wisdom! They must be killed at once!” A preist yelled at the top of his lungs as he pointed to us with crazed eyes. Freak.
“Preist Nick. Order, please.” The judge calmly stated before shifting his attention to the right side.
“We’ll hear the Survey Corps’s proposal next.”
“Yes, sir. I, 13th Commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith, will present my proposal. We would welcome Eren and Y/N as an official member of our forces, and use their power to retake Wall Maria... That is all.”
You stared at the Commander, that’s all. That’s all? Yours and Erens life were on the line and he couldn’t conjure up another defense statement.
“That’s all?” The judge questioned suspiciously.
“Yes, sir. With their power, we can retake Wall Maria. We believe it is clear what our priorities should be.”
“I see. And where do you plan to begin this mission”The judge stated, “Pixis, the Trost wall has been completely sealed, correct?” He added.
“Yes, it can never be opened again.” A bald man retorted.
“We would like to set out from Karanes, in the east. From there, we will proceed to Zhiganshina. We will determine the route as we go.” Erwin confidently spoke as he stared to the judge.
“Wait a minute!” shouted a man, whipping your head over, “Shouldn’t we seal all the wall gates once and for all? The Colossal Titan can only destroy the gates. If we can strengthen them, we needn’t endure further attacks!” His planned seemed smart but there where missing pieces and it would most likely be difficult to achieve.
“Shut up, merchant dog!”
“With those titan powers we can return to Wall Maria!”
“We can no longer indulge your delusions of grandeur!”
Argued two men as they yelled at one another from across the room, ‘So annoying’ you thought.
“You talk a lot, pig.” A dark voice rung throughout the court, turning your head up you spotted Levi. Behind his tough physique he was actually a bit funny.
“Where is your proof?” Levi continued, “that the titans will wait while we seal the gates? The ‘we’ you speak of are only those you wish to protect, your ‘friends’ who help line your pockets. The people who starve because there isn’t enough land to sow don’t even figure into the thoughts of you pig.” Levi finished as you stared at him with wide eyes, was he seriously protecting you from the Military Police?
“We just thought that we could survive by sealing the wall gates—“ The merchant began, “Silence!” Yelled the priest beside him as he slammed his hand on the railing, nearing the mans eyes. “Impious traitor! Mere humans altering Wall Rose, walls that were a gift from God? Can you truly see those walls? Gods work far beyond human capabilities, and not understand?”
The rest of his words drowned out as your mind took hold, thoughts of the future plundered your head as you squeezed your eyes shut.
The judges taps of his desk brought you back to reality and you snapped your head up, “Silence. You may discuss your personal philosophies and opinions elsewhere.”
“Jaeger, L/N. Can you continue to serve as a soldier, using your titan powers to benefit humanity?”
“Yes, I can!” Eren spoke clearly, the judges cold gaze shifting to you, “Yes, sir.”
“But the report on Trost’s defense says this... ‘Immediately after turning into a titan, Eren swung his fist at Mikasa Ackerman.’” You sucked in a breath and looked to Eren, his eyes extended as he looked to Mikasa. Of course, he doesn’t remember.
“Is Mikasa Ackerman present?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
“You are Ackerman? Is it true that, as a titan, Jaeger attacked you?” The old man questioned her.
You sighed softly, ‘As if he can control it yet’ you thought angrily in your mind.
“Yes, its true.”
Gasps of terror rung throughout the court, all eyes falling on Eren in a deathly glare.
“I knew it... He’s just another titan.”
“What about the girl!” Another protested as your head whipped to them, sending a glare to them.
“But, on two previous occasions, Eren saved my life in his titan form. The first time, mere seconds before a titan would have had me in its grasp, he stood between us, protecting me. The second time, he saved Armin and me from an HE shell. I would like these facts to be considered aswell.”
“I object,”
“I believe these comments are greatly colored by her personal feelings. At an early age, Mikasa Ackerman lost her parents and was taken in by the Jaeger household.” Well haven’t you done your homework, you pondered with a small frown.
“Our investigation had also revealed a surprising fact about the underlying events. At age nine, Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman killed three robbers who tried to kidnap her.”
More gasps could be heard as the news entered their ears, you shook your head. ‘What stupid fucking evidence to have, like they had a choice’ you considered furiously in your mind.
“Even if it was self defense, I must question their fundamental humanity. Is it right to entrust humanity’s fate, resources, and lives to him?”
Whispering and arguing broke out between the different sides, turning their heads to their fellow comrades to spew hatred. What a loss. Losing to this mans ugly mouth. You hung your head and sighed quietly.
“So is she. Do we know if we can trust her!” Referring to you as he pointed. “That’s right! Just to be safe we should dissect her too!” He looked to Mikasa next.
“Wait!” Yelled Eren and looked up to the man, “I may be a monster, but they have nothing to do with it! Nothing at all!” Eren defended as you watched, his spit flying from his mouth as he spoke from his soul. Your heart clenching in pitifulness as you frowned sadly.
“We can’t trust that!”
“It’s true!”
“If you’re covering for them, it means they’re one of you!”
“No!” He screamed and slammed his handcuffs against the metal pole, looking down in defeat, “I mean, you are wrong. But you’re simply coming up with theories that fit, whatever it suits you to fit.”
“Eren..” You said softly as you stared at him, your eyes in pain for him. He was so much braver than you and it gave you courage to see him so persistent.
Looking up you began to speak, “Besides, all of you people. You’ve never seen a titan! What are you so afraid of? What is your point if you do not have the power to fight? If you’re afraid to fight for humanity’s survival then, help us!” Your voice getting increasingly louder as you glared at the pathetic people who called themselves the Military Police.
“Just shut up and trust us!” You yelled your last statement and looked up to the judge, your chest panting heavily as you meant every word.
“Weapons ready!” The Commander of the Military Police shouted while his cadet set his gun on the railing and pointed it to you.
Until your face snapped to the right and pain shot through your nerves, your vision blurred instantly. Metal was all you tasted. A tooth had even managed to fall from your mouth and rolled onto the ground. You blinked to dimish the haziness and looked to your striker.
Levi Ackerman
His steel pointed boot slammed across your face again. Your back slamming against the pole behind you. Blood trickled down your nose and down to your chin, dropping onto the floor. Your blood had even splattered small droplets along the stone flooring.
Levi grabbed your collar and shoved you forwards to him. The handcuffs clanging against the pole as Levi stared down at you, his frigid glare locking eyes with your beaten ones before slamming his knee into the side of your head, sending it flying.
Pain. So much pain. It was burning you alive from the inside as all you could do was endure it. Tch, this guy’s a dick.
“Y/N!” Eren screamed from the opposite end. Hatred and worry evident in his tone as he struggled against his own cuffs, “Stop it!” Eren attempted again as all he could do was watch his friend get beaten to the brink of death.
Levi continued to sock you with his boot, giving you zero remorse as he beat the girl below him. Mikasa glared and got ready to jump the railing before Armin held her back.
Blood streamed down your face, a large puddle had began to form under you. You gasped for air before Levi lifted his leg high and stomped down on your head into the puddle of your demise. Grimacing at the filth and pain, all you did was lay there. If someone wasn’t looking hard enough, they’d assume you were already dead.
Croaks of pain left your body as his boot remained on your head, struggling to breath as blood trickled down your nose and into your mouth, unintentionally swallowing.
“This is a personal opinion. But I believe pain to be the best way to train someone. What you need is to be trained like a dog, not a man.”
Your rigid breathes left your mouth as you stared straight at Eren, his eyes meeting yours as he seemed to become visibly furious. Bruised and cuts tracked your once pretty, soft skin. Blood now coating all the crevices in your face.
“It’s easier to kick you while you’re kneeling, too.”
Levi lifted his boot and slammed it into the side of your head once again, giving you no time to breathe he stomped it back onto the cold ground again. Repeating his tourtue when he kicked your head all over again.
Strangled breaths was all you could muster, along with the rattling of the handcuffs as you were thrown around like trash, filling the silence of the fearful court room.
Kick. Kick, Kick.
All anyone could do was watch your doom, “Wait, Levi...”
Your head was pushed against the pole with his boot flat on your face as he turned his head to the one speaking, “What is it?”
His boot fell from your face as you hunched forwards, croaking as you gasped for air, blood trickling down the sides of your mouth.
“That’s dangerous... What if she gets angry and turns into a titan?”
You slowly tilted your head up to Levi, hair falling away from your face and resting on your shoulders. The raven head stared at you for a moment, then shoved his boot back onto your face and slamming it against the pole.
“What are you saying?” Levi dropped his leg again and gripped a fistful your hair, violently pulling you to his face as your eyes struggled to remain open from extreme bruising.
“Aren’t you going to dissect her?” He dropped your hair and stood straight, peering down to your defeated and beaten figure.
“When she turned into a titan last time, she killed twenty other titans before collapsing. If she is an enemy, her intelligence makes her a more formidable foe. Still no match for me, of course.”
Levi gazed to the Military Police, “But what will you do? Anyone persecuting her should also consider that fact. Do you really think you can kill her?” Levi spoke cooly as he stood infront of you, staring you down.
From afar you heard others speak, but your heartbeat clogged your ears as it deafened any other noise. Staring at Levi’s boots infront of you, you noted your blood coating the bottom before gently shutting your eyelids.
You could only hear Levi as he spoke from ahead of you, “I’m certain I can kill her. The only problem is I doubt I can do any less.” Levi proposed.
Hearing the pound of the desk above you, the judge made his decision. But you’d never make out what he proposed.
Footsteps stepped back from ahead of you as new ones came from behind you, uncuffing you and lifting the pole.
You tumbled forwards onto the unwelcoming ground, cautiously opening your eyes to the glaring sunlight that entered through the windows.
Eren ran to you, crouching down infront of you as you saw him shout words at you. He picked your head up in his hands and cradled you in his lap, checking for your pulse.
Your eyes began to shut again, your head lulling to the side to spot the raven head. Levi stared at you from afar, his arms crossed over his chest. The last thing you saw was the ravens dark gaze before your eyes rolled and all you saw was darkness.
be real, we all wish we were the ones being kicked
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writingpuddle · 4 years
The other night best friend and I (yes, that best friend) were riffing on trans Neil headcanons over the phone, but a realistic trans treatment of aftg gets dark real fast, so without further ado:
~The Mafia May Be Sexist (But It’s Not Transphobic!) AU ~
(tmmbsbintau, if you will)
Does this premise make sense? No, but if Nora can write about made up mafia sports, I can write a nonsense AU where transphobia doesn’t exist okay this is my party and ill be self-indulgent if i want to
We open with baby Neil, who was named after his maternal grandmother or smthg idk
Now lets say Neil is one of those “I always knew I was trans” kids
So even at a fairly young age he was like, nope this is wrong
For the most part his dad basically ignores him (what use is a girl to me???) but if he makes the mistake of getting in the way it’s the usual shit with knives and hot irons and basically Neil’s bog-standard Traumatic Childhood
His mom signs him up to play Exy to get him out of the house, and he loves it, because of course he does
Now tiny Neil may be terrified of his father
But remember transphobia isn’t real
So he when he’s about ten years old he tells his parents over dinner
His mom just puts her fork down and says that’s alright
But Nathan
Nathan’s eyes start to glow
He has a son? Not a useless daughter?
He’s practically levitating with glee
And Neil, poor Neil, who has never had any positive reinforcement—from either parent, Mary, you’re not innocent in this—he soaks it up
Nathan puts both hands on his son’s—his son’s!—shoulders and dubs him Nathaniel
His son, his heir, his legacy
Mary takes one look at the possessive look in her husband’s eyes and thinks oh hell no
For the next few days Nathan absolutely showers Nathaniel with affection
He takes him to the hairdresser and buys him a whole new wardrobe, neglecting his mafia duties in order to dote upon his new son
It is possibly the happiest week of Nathaniel’s life
And then he wakes up in the night with his mother’s hand on his mouth and is given less than a minute to pack his things
Now he’s grown up in a criminal household; the notion of making a run for it isn’t exactly foreign to him
But it’s not until they’re in the car that Nathaniel realizes that his father is nowhere to be seen
Where’s dad? He asks
Shut up, his mother hisses, and slams the car into gear
From then on, he is never Nathaniel
His mother is 100% on board with his transition, but…not really anything beyond that
After all, people will be looking for a woman and a trans boy, which means Mary’s investment in Neil’s gender pretty much starts and ends with him passing as cis
She gets him all the medical treatments he needs (on the black market, since they’re on the run)—puberty blockers when he’s younger, testosterone when he’s older
But he’s never allowed to acknowledge being trans whatsoever
Not to his classmates, not to his teachers
He never gets the chance to have a queer community, or explore the nuances of his gender, because the only presentation they can afford for him to have is Masculine Cis Boy. The restriction is stifling. It’s suffocating.
Neil hates her for it
His life was, so briefly, perfect
He had his father’s love and approval for a day, a week, and he is both old enough to remember his father’s cruelty and young enough to believe that it could end
Nathan is incandescent
When he realizes what Mary has done he goes to the Moriyamas in a storm of fury
She stole my SON! He bellows
Now the Moriyama’s didn’t particularly care about Neil back when they thought he was a girl
Girls in the mafia are basically just for child-rearing, so he wasn’t a threat
So once they figure out what Nathan is talking about (this takes a sec, owing to Nathan having not previously gotten around to telling them about Nathaniel’s revelation), their first thought is that look, we might do the nepotism thing here in our family, but underlings don’t get to do the nepotism thing. Sorry, them’s the breaks
Obviously, Mary has to die—nobody’s disputing that, a woman who robbed her husband and stole his son? Only death will right that wrong—but Kengo tells Nathan that he’ll help find Nathaniel on the condition that he’s given to the Ravens upon capture
Nathan is utterly confident that his son—his son!—will perform admirably. He accepts the deal without a second thought
So they’re on the run for years and years, and Neil’s resentment towards his mother festers, but he never acts out too much, and he doesn’t contact his father
He almost does a couple times, but then he presses his hand to the iron scar on his shoulder and he can’t quite make himself go through with it
He’s sixteen when Nathan catches up with them in Seattle
There’s a shootout and Mary and Neil almost get away
Nathan arrives
Nathaniel! He shouts. My boy!
And Neil lurches to a stop
There is his father, walking towards him, his eyes still shining with the same fierce love and pride from when he was ten
Nathaniel, his father says. Hasn’t this gone on long enough?
Come home.
Mary is trying to drag Neil away, but he’s too fixated on his father
Can I? Neil asks. Can I really?
Of course, Nathan says. Everything is forgiven. I’ve even secured you a place on the Ravens. Didn’t you always love Exy? Come home with me, Nathaniel
Neil can barely believe it. His father is offering him everything he ever wanted. His mother has been keeping him from this, his whole life?
Why would they run?
And through this whole exchange Nathan has been getting closer, and Mary is pulling Neil back, and now he’s close enough to touch and the sound she makes is like something physical tears when she finally releases Neil and tries to flee
She isn’t fast enough
Nathan’s grin is as wide as the sun when his cleaver bites into Mary’s waist
Blood pours out
Neil screams
Mary clutches her side, staggering away, but it’s obvious she won’t make it far
Dad, no, Neil says. Don’t—
Shh, his father says. Don’t be afraid. She kept us apart all these years. She deserves to die.
And Neil—
Neil has hated his mother for most of his life
But he looks at the woman who has struggled so long to protect him—who has failed as often as she succeeded, but who fought anyway, everyday—and the man whose eyes are bright with glee at her pain
And he makes a choice
He only has a split second to see the betrayal in his father’s eyes before the pipe in his hand slams into his head and he pitches forward, unconscious
Neil does not wait to see if he survives
He grabs his mother and they run, her arm locked on his shoulder and her palm pressed to the wound on her side
Neil puts her in the passenger seat and jumps in, throwing the car in gear
You need a hospital, he says, frantic
No, she hisses, pinning a towel to her side. No hospitals
Guilt floods through him as he looks at her pale face
Sticky red handprints smear on everything she touches
I’m sorry, mom, he says, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry—
Enough, she says. Drive
He drives
He drives, and drives, and he follows her instructions, and later he wouldn’t have been able to say if he actually thought she would survive; he believed it, because he had to, because he had never been without her; he knew better, because gut wounds are slow, but they are inexorable
He parks on the beach and there are tears pushing at his eyelids but he chokes them down
I’m sorry, he said, I never should have believed him. I’m sorry—
You never would have been enough for him, she says, and Neil flinches
Her hand finds his chin and she yanks him down to meet her eyes, her gaze fierce.
He never loved you, she says. He would have made you in his image, and when you failed he would have torn you apart. I would not—I would not watch him try to make my son a monster. Don’t—don’t waste it
Mom, what are you saying—
Promise me, she says
Promise you won’t go back to him
She is dying
Neil can’t refuse
He promises
She releases his face and her red fingerprints on his face burn like brands. He can feel them hours after the tears wash the blood away.
Her last few breaths are jagged as broken stones before she rattles to a stop, and Neil is alone
He burns her body and staggers out onto the road and he keeps moving, he keeps moving, because he knows if he stops he’ll shatter
His hesitation has cost him his mother’s life
But his action costs him his fathers love
In one blow, Neil broke the golden image Nathan had of his perfect son, and now all Nathan wants is to destroy him
He finds his way to Millport almost on instinct alone
He finds one of Mary’s contacts who can supply him with the hormones he needs to continue passing and squats in an empty house and speaks to none of his classmates
When the Exy team tryouts are announced, he goes, intending to only watch from a distance
Perhaps it is inevitable he’s sucked in
There is so little light in his life
Can he be forgiven for wanting one little spark?
The Foxes come for him in May, and Kevin doesn’t recognize him, because how would he? Even if they met as kids, Kevin never saw Neil post-transition
Wymack ends up telling him something about Kevin’s past and the truth about the Ravens, and Neil pales a little bit, remembering how his father had said he’d gotten Neil a place on their line-up and finally understanding why
And sometimes he looks at Kevin with blinding jealousy for the life Neil didn’t get to have, and sometimes he sees him nearly comatose with fear and drinking vodka like it’s water, and his stomach hurts thinking how cheerfully his father would have consigned him to the same fate
So canon proceeds and Neil still bitches Riko out on live TV, and Riko still manages to acquire Neil’s fingerprints
And would you believe that? The Foxes mouthy new rookie is [deadname], Nathan Wesninski’s brat?
Well, well, well
At the banquet Riko pokes and prods until Neil finally snaps, and as Dan drags the team away from the wreckage Jean grabs Neil’s arm and says, low and fast in French, You’ll meet with us later
Why the fuck would I do that? Neil demands
Because otherwise everyone will find out that the Butcher is your father
Neil can’t hide his flinch and Kevin’s eyes go wide
They flee the scene, but before they even reach Coach, Kevin is already rounding on Neil
Is it true? He croaks
Not now, Neil says
But Kevin reads confirmation in Neil’s deflection
I didn’t know [deadname] had a brother, he says
Now here is the thing
Names are obviously a touchy subject with a lot of trans people, and certainly with Neil in particular
But with everything that just happened, Neil is a bit preoccupied, and it’s been a long time since he’s associated himself with that name
Since before he stopped using it, truthfully
And so his response is out of his mouth before he can even think twice
Kevin nods seriously, because he is wise to the ways of mafia bosses, and it’s not exactly shocking that Nathan Wesninski had a mistress and a secret second child, especially considering his first child had been a girl
It’s several moments before Neil puts two and two together and realizes that he has inadvertently slipped through a perfect loophole
He’s failed his mother so many times, but at least this secret is still safe, and he clings to that
Neil’s gender doesn’t really affect his interpersonal relationships with the Foxes—he’s already changing out separately, so this isn’t even a whole other thing
It’s harder to hide his testosterone when he’s living in shared dorms, but he has everything in the safe and figures out the safest schedule to open it up when he’s sure Matt will be in class
Andrew finds out when they start hooking up
But remember transphobia isn’t real so it’s sort of more like Andrew goes to undo his pants and is like wait your dick is removeable? Okay.
And then he just gets on with it
So Binghamton and Baltimore happen as canon, and if Neil had ever harboured hopes that his father would forgive him and love him again, they’re broken for good when his father stalks in and sees him shivering and just grins
It is the smile of someone who has torn someone off a pedestal and is going to enjoy reducing them to dust
Nevermind that Nathan had been the one to put him on that pedestal in the first place
Stuart deus-ex-machinas us out of the maws of death and we end up back in that classic Baltimore scene with the Foxes, and they still claim him, and they still take him home
He tells them all about his mafia father and life on the run, and it doesn’t really click until later that he forgot to mention the trans thing
Not like he, you know, has to tell them, and being trans is hardly an issue in Exy since it’s co-ed, but it would probably be nice to see a real doctor instead of keep buying his hormones illegally
And moreover, he wants the Foxes to know him
So they hit the cabin in the mountains and everyone knows Neil doesn’t drink, but when Andrew pours him a shot, he takes it
Ooh, Nicky says, Is Neil about to start spilling his secrets?
Allison snorts. What secrets does he have left?
Uh, Neil says
Wait, Allison says. There’s more secrets????
Yeah, he says. Um, I’m trans
There’s a pause
Well, that’s no good, Allison said. We didn’t have a bet going on that
Everyone laughs, and Neil smiles, and he looks at the sunset and remembers his mother, and he remembers a life filled with hiding, and secrets, and loneliness
Bats swoop in the twilight beyond the cabin, and he turns towards the warmth and light inside, and he does not look back
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meetmymouth · 4 years
An angst blurb where y/n caught Harry in a terrible lie and how he tries to fix everything
thank you for the request mwah hope you like this :’)
1.8k below the cut!!!!!
(there might be some typos and stuff like that but i’ll fix them later sorry)
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Y/N took a deep breath as she closed the front door behind her. It was Thursday which meant happy hour at the pub near their flat so she was excited for cider after cider and well, to see her friends. Despite feeling drained from the week’s workload and her boss cornering her about the next week’s article, a tired smile appeared on her lips at the thought of letting loose with the people she loved the most.
She took her Adidas trainers off and placed them next to Harry’s Nikes while tying her hair into a messy bun. After doing her ‘after-work’ routine in the bathroom (washing her hands, taking her rings and earrings off...), she made her way towards the stairs that led up to the bedrooms, passing the quiet living room in which the telly showed Nigella on mute.
Since Harry was having time-off from work, she knew he was either in the bathroom or doing something in their bedroom upstairs. Since he wasn’t anywhere to be found downstairs, she made her way up to their bedroom, noting to fix the wonky photo frames on the walls that welcomed her as she took each step. When she came to the last step, she called his name.
When no one replied, she opened the slightly ajar door to find a tall body sleeping between the covers. As she made her way towards him, she smiled at his lack of clothes and damp hair which caused a dark patch on his pillow.
Taking a look at the digital clock on the bedside table, she patted the area where Harry was laying to make sure she wouldn’t sit on his legs.
“Baby,” she whispered while she gently petted his cheek. She couldn’t help but feel tingly when her palm made contact with his growing scruff.
Harry nuzzled his cheek into Y/N’s palm and slowly opened his eyes which showed he couldn’t have been asleep for more than half an hour.
She smiled at the sleepy boy and gave a kiss to her nose.
“You OK babe?”
“Yeah, just passing time while you’re being a boss ass babe at work” he murmured and lifted himself on the bed, getting closer to her. “Missed youuuu,”
“Missed you more” it was true. Ever since Harry started spending most of his time at her flat since he was taking some time off from recording and meetings, they both became somewhat clingy and needy for each other which- she didn’t even care to be honest.
They were always together. They woke up to each other. They cooked together. They had sex at least twice a day. They touched each other like they were teenagers and they went to sleep after they read their books in bed, side by side. Sometimes she offered to read him if she thought the book was something that would interest him while Harry too loved reading bits from his book because he knew she liked collecting quotes in her notes app.
While she was daydreaming about their routine, Harry got up from the bed and made his way to the wardrobe.
She looked at his pale bum and chuckled.
“Doing squats lately?” she asked, knowing how he kept complaining about his bum getting bigger because he couldn’t stop eating too much carbohydrates (she caught him stealing bread  numerous times from the bread bin before bed).
He scoffed as he struggled to put his boxers on and Y/N went to hug him from behind and she kissed his shoulders which were still warm from his nap.
“You’re so cosy. Mmm, look at these broad shoulders. You’re well fit, aren’t you,”
“Yeah, mock me arse and then compliment me shoulders. That won’t work”
She smirked at the way he leaned back on her body and how he stopped trying to get her boxers on as they stayed very low on his hips.
“Why you leaning back on me then huh?” She touched her lips to his left shoulder again and blew a raspberry as he wiggled his shoulders in hopes of breaking free.
He turned and surged forwards, capturing her lips in a needy kiss. As she opened her mouth, he immediately went for her tongue. She chuckled at the spit running down his chin and wiped it off with the palm of her hand.
“I like it messy”
“Yeah you’re such a boy,” she kissed the side of his mouth and they parted.
“You coming with? To the pub?” she asked and watched as he took her beige trousers and a white t-shirt from the wardrobe.
Satisfied with his nod, Y/N placed one last kiss between his shoulder blades and left the room, wanting to take a quick shower before changing into her most comfortable jeans- if there was such thing.
Remembering the forgotten toiletry bag downstairs beside where she threw her bag on the sofa, she left the bathroom without his trousers on and went down the stairs, laughing at Harry who sent her a wink from where he was seated on the bed.
It was nearly seven which left her an hour to get ready. It was fine, she thought and spared a glance at her legs while she walked, noticing the little growing hairs. When she arrived where her makeup bag was, the letters on the coffee table caught her eye.
Piled up letters and parcels weren’t anything unusual for their household though Y/N made sure to open everything in time in case they got anything urgent like bills and stuff like that. Since there was one teared open, she put the makeup bag back and took the rectangular envelope in her hands.
They weren’t a sneaky couple: neither Y/N or Harry ever went through each others’ phones or went behind each others’ backs in any way. Hence why she felt like she could take a look inside the envelope since she didn’t even read the name on it first.
She unfolded the paper which looked like it’s been read before and started reading it herself. It was obviously a legal letter of sorts but she didn’t know much about those so she didn’t care much until she went to put the paper back to where it was that she stopped abruptly. A name caught her eye and she re-opened the paper.
There it was, in bold, both Harry’s and Camille’s full names.
She didn’t know any legal terms but what she’d gathered from the letter was that Harry waiving something something house something something and lots of numbers.
At that moment, Y/N pierced everything together and her body felt like it was on fire.
Harry, her boyfriend of two years, who was also upstairs in their shared bedroom, had paid for Miss Rowe’s Los Angeles mansion.
Now, she didn’t know what her house looked like but according to the numbers on the letter, it wasn’t a simple three bedroom house.
She threw the letter on the sofa and ran upstairs. Part of her was trying to be calm because you know what, she was an adult! That being said, this was massive. Huge! Her boyfriend was paying for her ex girlfriend’s house.
She didn’t care that it was his ex girlfriend. She just hated the fact that he never ever thought of mentioning this to her. Because he knew how crazy it would sound.
“Y/N? It’s nearly seven,” Harry caught her from her shoulders before they came toe to toe.
She shrugged his hands off and took a second before deciding on how to go from there.
Harry watched her with curiosity since she looked like she was holding back an ear piercing scream which- she somehow was. Her mouth was twitching and he could tell that she was grinding her teeth.
“Is there anything you want to tell me?” she asked but didn’t stop there:
“No, fuck it. When were you going to tell me how much of a sneaky bastard you were?” she watched as his mouth opened and closed in shock.
Y/N wanted to slap herself. She wanted to stump her feet and cry and she wanted to puke.
“You’re a sneaky bastard. You paid for her house?” a sarcastic laugh left her mouth as she kept going.
“You actually paid for her house and you didn’t think of mentioning it to me? I mean, I don’t even give a fuck if you were still friends with her. Or met up with her. You know I’m fine with it. I don’t give a fuck. But paying for her house?”
“No. Don’t. This is big, Harry. This is fucked up. You went behind my-”
“It’s not like we’re poor so we won’t have any money left!” his tone matched hers now and it made Y/N angrier.
They were stood in the middle of their corridor, Y/N in nothing but her knickers and the blouse she wore to work today and Harry with only his trousers on.
She felt herself getting sweatier by the second.
“You’re a fucking joke. You think I’m angry because you spent money? I’m not your mother, I don’t care what you spend your money on, you muppet. It’s the fact that you never mentioned this to me. You realise how big this is?” She tried passing his lanky body but he grabbed her arm.
“Look, I’m sorry. I was going to mention it to you, I was waiting for the appropriate time!”
“Appropriate time?! Are you fucking with me? There’s nothing you could say to make this better, just get out of my face. I don’t want to look at you. I’m serious”
“Y/N, please. Just- let’s just sit down and talk-”
She finally went past him, right into the bedroom as she looked for something to cover her bare legs. Harry didn’t make any sound as he possibly waited for her to come out and have a ‘proper’ chat but it wasn’t going to be that easy. She didn’t even want to hear his voice. After she was successfully dressed in a pair of old joggers, she grabbed Harry’s checkered jacket from the rack, opened the door and passed Harry as he followed her like a puppy down the stairs.
His silence spoke volumes; he knew he was guilty so he opt for silently following his girlfriend around as she collected her phone and her bag.
“Where are you going? You know we never leave this house without talking it out!” He finally spoke, his voice cracking a tad.
She scoffed and put her trainers on. As she took the car keys to Harry’s Mercedes, he caught her arm again.
“Leave it, Harry”
“No, look at me,”
“Fucking leave it! Go and have a look at your other documents in case you find another statement that shows how much you paid for her car. Don’t call me”
this is SO long for a blurb so i might make a part 2! didn’t proofread but will do later tonight.
send me more blurbs i will write shorter ones i promise lol x
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years
@daily-writing-challenge - Day 2 - Blame & Wander [ Potential Content Warnings Ahead: Blood, Gore, Mild Body Horror, Sexual Suggestions ] Early Morning in Orgrimmar was one of the few times the desert heat didn’t make Orgrimmar horrible to live in. Crisp arid air rushed through its valleys, wafting through the many smells of large breakfasts being made for the many households that lay within. It was this reason that Mega took this route for his morning run, the smells and rushing morning air was enough to keep him distracted from the burning in his thighs and calves as he began to work himself into a sweat. Heavy breathing and a lack of a drink brought with him forces him to take a stop off at the Valley of Honor at the Wyvern's Tail. A place he tended to avoid in the evenings due to the overly abundant population of her occupants that came prowling for drinks or easy lays. Looking back, he could appreciate the place for what it was. Before Nat, he did much the same but got tired of the constant view of taller races who wore little to nothing and his head potentially being the resting place for someone's junk or ass. An unfortunate side effect of being a Goblin. While it did have its moments, those were heavily outweighed by the negatives, especially after a hot day of fighting or working in the heat. It was even worse on days that people decided bathing was optional. Just the thought alone nearly makes Megahes gag and forces him to cover his mouth just to clear his throat. His head shakes, causing his large ears to do the same in a more exaggerated motion before they come to rest. He heads up to the counter and helps himself to a large container of what smells like Black Rock Coffee. Typically great for waking up half-drunk Peons or Grunts, this stuff was strong enough to give Mega the pep in his step that he wanted without the need to resort to drugs or other crazy shit. The cup’s quickly taken over to a table under the stairs and he leans back against the wall with his cup in hand over his lap. His breathing was beginning to slow, allowing him to relax more and take in the scents and early morning conversations as Grunts discussed where they were patrolling for the day, catching the last remnants of drunks being pushed out to go elsewhere or up to the hammocks above that Gravy rented out. A sigh comes as lips hit the rim of his wooden mug and that energetic assault on his taste buds begins! “That’s the spot…” He sighs and with the tone of his voice, one just listening in could swear he was being serviced and in a way… He was. Mega smiles and leans back against the wall, enjoying the coolness of the wood under and behind him. It’d be something he’d need to relish, because before long, he’d be back at the shop working inside, under or over machinery if not working the forge to beat and mold metal into whatever shapes were needed for the day amongst his other workers. Suddenly, an odd calm occurs and silence with it, prompting Mega to look up and around. Everyone was gone. Gravy, the Innkeeper, the drunks who refused to leave. Everyone. It’s enough to make Mega call out, but no sound comes from his throat, only silence. This prompts a moment of panic as his hands reach up to feel his throat. Nothing seems wrong but this only makes him realize his coffee was suddenly missing too. What the hell was going on? Mega stands and heads for the door, looking out across the Valley. The howling wind blows through an empty Orgrimmar. Not a body stirs and everything looks as if it was just straight up abandoned. No clutter in the streets, no blood, no armor or gear. Just, straight up everyone left with everything they had. Concern begins to quickly manifest and Mega wanders into the street, calling out in silence still for people who are nowhere to be seen. No corpses, no burning buildings, not even a single buzzard, crow, bird or wyvern overhead either. This continues on in every building he passes. The building with the Ethereals? Empty, their machinery still abuzz with energy, but they themselves are missing. The
Bank? No tellers, the coin just left abandoned with its associated paperwork on the counter. The Baker, gone too, their loaves of bread left cooking. This continues on as Mega heads into the Valley of Strength, the reception hub for pretty much all and any business coming into Orgrimmar. This prompts even more concern and Mega goes straight for Grommash Hold. If there was anyone, there’d be all the racial representatives and the city guard along with some Kor’kron too. Unfortunately, that’s not the case as the closer Mega gets, the more the scent of Blood and gore begins to fill the air along with the sickly sweet scent of cracked skulls and grey matter. For those unused to it, the scent was nearly vomit-inducing and it was enough to force Mega to take his breathing in through his mouth like some idiotic Trogg but even then, the scent was so thick on the air that he was still catching it despite the effort. The closer he got, the worse it became and despite every red flag telling him to leave and run, his curiosity propels him forward! He moves in, taking note that the dark wooden floor below wasn’t just dark due to its nature, but it was slick and pooling with blood and viscera. The deeper into the building he went, the worse it became until his trek forced him to stop. There at the doorway into the Warchief’s Chamber was a massive pile of bodies. Racial Leaders and their Guards slain in horrific ways. Some of them strung up for bloody rituals as their entrails were used to carve out runes or sigils. Others torn and mangled, barely even a shadow of their former selves due to the mutilation. Mega felt the need to purge his stomach of his earlier coffee but what he finds in the center of the room upon a pile of bodies makes his blood go cold. “Y-you.” He tries to steel himself, voice quivering as his hands ignite with Fire and Holy Magic as it suddenly finds volume despite its earlier silence. “We killed you. Zokkine melted your fucking bug infested face and we left you a burning husk in Ahn’Qiraj.” Dinthoqaf the Defiler; the Cult Leader of the Sanctum of the Forbidden, crazed fanatic of the Old Gods. Megahes and Dinthoqaf went back several years now and he was singularly responsible for Megas current physical and spiritual condition as of present. The elf looks upon Megahes with putrid green eyes and the stare alone makes his heart and chest hurt right where… where… Megahes’ hand rushes to grab at himself. Was he having a heart attack? He gasps and grunts, pulling open his shirt to find not the Naa’ru shard that was fused to his chest to purge him of Dinthoqaf’s Curse, but a gaping wound that reeked of bile and pus that bubbled with sores. His hands lost their Holy flare and the fire began to sputter out as Mega’s strength quickly fades and he hits the gore soaked floor with his knees. His ears droop and despite his efforts to stand, all he can do is flounder and continue to keep falling as the Cultist walks down the heap as if it were nothing but dirt. “Poor Little Thing… To think, you have fought so valiantly and for what? This…?” Dinthoqaf’s arms come out in a hollow gesture. “Death and Destruction to be laid at your feet.” Something was wrong here. This wasn’t the Elf he killed, he was.. Different. Megas bright red eyes peer up at him, unable to move as if by some oppressive aura holding him down. “You don’t get it, do you?” He asks, his tone condescending before the Elf squats, letting his robes slip into the crimson pools around them, gliding across its surface and pushing back the pools just to be overtaken moments later for the fabric to drink it all in. “In all of our fear of one another.” His fingers come forward and he presses them into Mega’s wound, causing pus to gush down his front and pain to rack Mega’s frame. “You and I are caught in a cycle with one another. Your ‘Light’ and my ‘Darkness’. Parts of the same coin you know.” His slender fingers slide up along Megahes’ body and he jerks back on his hair, giving him access to put himself cheek to cheek with this Goblin. “You blame me, for this,
for you? For how your body fails you less you cling to your ‘new-found’ faith. How long will it last you Goblin? How long until you realize that I acquired the rights to my Title long before you even breathed your first breath! How long until you figure this out?!” His voice was stern and hard, aggressive and angry to the point he splashes spittle into the Goblins ear before he shoves him onto his back in the blood where his bloody foot presses into Megas stomach and his toes play chicken with the edge of his gaping chest wound. “Behold, Megahes. The rebirth of Dinthoqaf the Defiler for by your hand are all my future atrocities yours to shoulder.” His voice sliced into Mega like a new razor as he looked on and up in horror. The Defilers body begins to melt and erode, turning into ooze, rot and pus that did not just fall away but begins to head for the very wound he made years ago. Megahes thrashes, trying to tear and push away at the mass that was trying to creep into his body and fight he did but it was no good. Little by little, he could feel his body become invaded and nested within by his greatest enemy and even larger fear. Megahes flails and kicks and releases a blood curdling scream as he rips at his clothes and tears stream from his face as he knocks over the table in front of him and sends his coffee all over himself. The burning liquid doesn’t even register to him as he makes for the door in an absolute fit of terror, gripping at his chest just to find the Naa’ru shard embedded within still and his wrists glowing. The metal and Light were still working and everything was in place, but here Mega was standing in the Valley and looking at the Tail in horror and confusion as several others also looked on, wondering what the hell was going on. Megahes’ breathing was worse now than it had been during his running. His heart beat pounding in his ears and fear blasted through his veins. He wanted to run, he wanted to fight. He just wanted to survive and live, no matter what that meant but against what? Dinthoqaf was dead. They took what little of his head remained and his corpse was left to buzzards. His curse now imprisoned and locked away, not even capable of hurting Megahes anymore so long as his protections kept their power. “Was a… Gold fucking damn it…” His breathing is hard and heavy as his hands find his knees, making him bend over to catch his breath. “Fucking nightmares.” Megahes turns, making his way north towards the rear gates or Orgrimmar so he can head to the Harbor… He had work to do and now his stay at the Tail would surely be frowned upon, it was time to go. [ Thank you for reading through all of this story with me today! This is Day 2 of the DWC and I'm absolutely loving it so far! I hope you also enjoyed this glimpse of the horror show that likes to show its ugly face for Megahes every now and again! Todays words for use were Blame & Wander! :D ]
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agentrouka-blog · 4 years
When Jon think about wanting winterfell and it's Lord he felt hunger which he later connect with ghost's hunger. Do you think that passage is implying something?
Hi anon!
I think the passage has many layers when it comes to symbolism and foreshadowing.
ASOS, Jon XII is a fun chapter. Jon’s been through a lot. His trip North of the wall left him traumatized and disillusioned in a way that’s hard to sum up. Anything he had hoped to be proud of in life was obliterated, he suffered serious injury, has been separated from ghost, learned that all his family are dead or missing, fought a viciously cruel battle, feels responsible for the death of his stockholm-syndromy abuser, was stripped of all respect and honor by his superiors, and he got to see a woman die in childbirth. Now Stannis and Mel are squatting at Castle Black, and the threat to the North keeps looming.
Life sucks. 
We’d been introduced to some options that were denied to him in life:
His lord father had once talked about raising new lords and settling them in the abandoned holdfasts as a shield against wildlings. The plan would have required the Watch to yield back a large part of the Gift, but his uncle Benjen believed the Lord Commander could be won around, so long as the new lordlings paid taxes to Castle Black rather than Winterfell. "It is a dream for spring, though," Lord Eddard had said. "Even the promise of land will not lure men north with a winter coming on."
If winter had come and gone more quickly and spring had followed in its turn, I might have been chosen to hold one of these towers in my father's name. Lord Eddard was dead, however, his brother Benjen lost; the shield they dreamt together would never be forged. (ASOS, Jon V)
“If the boy shows any skill with sword or lance, he should have a place with your father’s household guard at the least,” Jon said. “It’s not unknown for bastards to be trained as squires and raised to knighthood. But you’d best be sure Gilly can play this game convincingly. From what you’ve told me of Lord Randyll, I doubt he would take kindly to being deceived.” (ASOS, Samwell IV)
One fails because of the seasons, the other was prevented by Catelyn. The Watch has been a soul-destroying nightmare, Ygritte’s offer of taking over a Tower “after” is not even worth a moment’s consideration to him. Every hope he ever had about his life has been disappointed. 
Jon’s just about sixteen and is completely done. Sam notes how much time Jon spends in the training yard, even though he’s injured and off-duty for the title of turncloak. He does not bother voting in the Lord Commander election. A maligned outcast again. Forever. 
The warg, I’ve heard them call me. How can I be a warg without a wolf, I ask you?” His mouth twisted. “I don’t even dream of Ghost anymore. All my dreams are of the crypts, of the stone kings on their thrones. Sometimes I hear Robb’s voice, and my father’s, as if they were at a feast. But there’s a wall between us, and I know that no place has been set for me.” (ASOS, Samwell IV
He is lonely. Even Ghost is gone, his one proof that he belongs to something.
Stannis alienates Jon by talking ill of Robb, but he offers Jon recognition for the things he did right, a rare thing, and then he offers him legitimization. Basically, “You proved your worth and you have the Right blood. All you ever wanted can be yours. For the small price of breaking your oaths for real and of your own volition and forsaking your gods.” Downright mephistophelian.
Jon is torn, can’t sleep, fights. For the first time he has a real choice. He remembers the traumatic incident where his bastardy became a true concept to him.
That morning he called it first. “I’m Lord of Winterfell!” he cried, as he had a hundred times before. Only this time, this time, Robb had answered, “You can’t be Lord of Winterfell, you’re bastard-born. My lady mother says you can’t ever be the Lord of Winterfell.”
I thought I had forgotten that. Jon could taste blood in his mouth, from the blow he’d taken. (ASOS, Jon XII)
And Jon’s response is a near black-out rage against his sparring partner. All his suppressed feelings of grief and anger and longing and loneliness are just broiling inside him.
Why am I so angry? he asked himself, but it was a stupid question. Lord of Winterfell. I could be the Lord of Winterfell. My father’s heir.
Jon soaks in the hot tub and thinks of Winterfell, mulls restoring it versus not belonging and destroying its soul in the process
When Jon closed his eyes he saw the heart tree, with its pale limbs, red leaves, and solemn face. The weirwood was the heart of Winterfell, Lord Eddard always said … but to save the castle Jon would have to tear that heart up by its ancient roots, and feed it to the red woman’s hungry fire god. I have no right, he thought. Winterfell belongs to the old gods
The tree is almost described like a person. A person with Tully coloring, like all his siblings save Arya. Like Sansa. The hot springs in Winterfell have a potential link to his decision to join the Watch, or at the very least to his siblings in general. The castle of Winterfell is juxtaposed with the heart, with the purpose and point of it all. Save a structure by destroying what made it a meaningful place? Betray his family in his heart, the person whose castle is truly is, betray all his values and his gods?
He takes a walk past sites of all his recent experiences and North the Wall over the recent battle field and just sits to think. 
Ygritte wanted me to be a wildling. Stannis wants me to be the Lord of Winterfell. But what do I want? The sun crept down the sky to dip behind the Wall where it curved through the western hills. Jon watched as that towering expanse of ice took on the reds and pinks of sunset. 
There’s an essay I could write about walls, Tyrion, Jon and Sansa (the sun to Arya’s moon) and how they all interact in the books, but let’s say just like this word play, the fact that Jon answers his own question is not an accident:
"Close your beak, crow. Spin yourself around, might be you'd find who you're looking for."
Jon turned.
The singer rose to his feet. (ASOS, Jon I)
The singer rose. Lyanna, his mother, the riddle. But also Sansa, who unwittingly took up her mantle. One unlocks his path to the other and everything that follows in his imagination:
I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb. Val would want to keep her sister’s son, but we could foster him at Winterfell, and Gilly’s boy as well. Sam would never need to tell his lie. We’d find a place for Gilly too, and Sam could come visit her once a year or so. Mance’s son and Craster’s would grow up brothers, as I once did with Robb.
He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him, sharp as a dragonglass blade. A hunger … he could feel it. It was food he needed, prey, a red deer that stank of fear or a great elk proud and defiant. He needed to kill and fill his belly with fresh meat and hot dark blood. His mouth began to water with the thought.
Jon paints a picture of recreating his own childhood with his wolf pack at Winterfell, only this time there are no outcasts, and he is the Father. He gets to be Ned. The Lord of Winterfell with a lady’s love. And a son, something he had, apparently, dreamed of until he stoppped. 
He has always wanted this thing that he has no right to and it filled him with a guilt strong enough to concern the gods. But he admits it to himself, lets himself truly feel it. The feeling flows through him the same way the rage did earlier. powerful and all encompassing. 
Like a dragonglass blade. There we have some lovely foreshadowing for a) potentiall the origin of the Others, b) Jon’s paternity, and c) his own death when his desire to abandon his vows and head to Winterfell is met with, you know, some blades. Not to mention d) his desire to have these things.
Each of these is answered by his primal hunger response. Which is of course, his connection to Ghost. The wolf he has so woefully said goodbye to, that he missed deeply and bitterly, chooses this moment to reappear. This moment where Jon returns to his own feelings, his true self.
a) the answer to the Others are the direwolves, the Starks, their magical connection to Winterfell and what happened way back when.
b) the answer to Jon’s paternity is a violent embrace of his mother’s side.
c) the answer to his own stabbing will be warging into Ghost and biding his time in there, becoming more wolf than he ever anticipated.
d) the answer to his heart’s desire...
It was a long moment before he understood what was happening. When he did, he bolted to his feet. “Ghost?” He turned toward the wood, and there he came, padding silently out of the green dusk, the breath coming warm and white from his open jaws. “Ghost!” he shouted, and the direwolf broke into a run. He was leaner than he had been, but bigger as well, and the only sound he made was the soft crunch of dead leaves beneath his paws. When he reached Jon he leapt, and they wrestled amidst brown grass and long shadows as the stars came out above them. “Gods, wolf, where have you been?” Jon said when Ghost stopped worrying at his forearm. “I thought you’d died on me, like Robb and Ygritte and all the rest. I’ve had no sense of you, not since I climbed the Wall, not even in dreams.” The direwolf had no answer, but he licked Jon’s face with a tongue like a wet rasp, and his eyes caught the last light and shone like two great red suns.
Red suns. Arya’s wolf has golden coins (haggling for death, faceless men coins, spinning fates), Grey Wind has molten gold (like a crown that kills you). 
Jon’s wolf has red suns. Like the colors that the sun painted on the Wall. The direwolf in heart tree colors, inverted bastard colors of house Stark, Tully colors, Sansa colors. 
Red eyes, Jon realized, but not like Melisandre’s. He had a weirwood’s eyes. Red eyes, red mouth, white fur. Blood and bone, like a heart tree. He belongs to the old gods, this one. And he alone of all the direwolves was white. Six pups they’d found in the late summer snows, him and Robb; five that were grey and black and brown, for the five Starks, and one white, as white as Snow.
He had his answer then.
Not the red gods, not fire. The old gods. the heart tree, the wolves. He may be a Snow, but the old gods gave him Ghost. His own wolf. His white wolf. His place was made by their will. 
There is honor in that choice. No matter what anyone else says, Jon knows who he is and he has that power: to reject betraying his heart. 
How does this choice led by Ghost fit the layers?
a) The answer to the Others: don’t steal, don’t trick. Be honest. Accept what was painful. Not the Wall matters, the answer is in the heart tree.
b) The Dragon father does not Need to guide his decisions. He can let that go. He is a Snow.
c) Being in Ghost will lead him back to himself. Not fire, not Melisandre. The old gods.
d) Well... What does Jon want? What IS his answer?
Jon is filled with sudden energy. He strides back, rejects Val in his mind, stalks dramatically into the dining hall and is suddenly voted Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. We close on this:
So Jon Snow took the wineskin from his hand and had a swallow. But only one. The Wall was his, the night was dark, and he had a king to face.
Jon’s answer? We never hear it in this chapter. 
We hear it in ADWD, Jon I:
"By right Winterfell should go to my sister Sansa." 
And ADWD, Jon IV:
Jon said, "Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa." 
The chapter is followed by? Sansa. Rebuilding Winterfell out of snow. 
When Jon lets go of pretense, honestly asks himself what he wants, shame or not, his wolf takes over and helps him find the answer and the path. The answer is not in taking the Castle and creating a mimicry of what it was, it is in honoring what it truly was and truly means. The heart over the structure. 
And in giving supremacy to the heart, to the red-white heart, he unknowingly paves the way for his own place: Winterfell built of Snow. He doesn’t have to steal the castle, he will be invited to belong.
That’s my own humble interpretation, anyway.
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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Pairing: Namjoon X OC 
About-  Your husband and business partner finds you up way past acceptable work hours for the 3rd night in a row! So, daddy has to step in and remind you that’s not something we do in this household. You come before work, in every sense of the phrase!
OR- Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in a open relationship with! Your in desperate need of a 2nd videographer/editor! So here you are, up at 1 AM scrolling through resumes because your that boss that hates to overwork her employess so she overworks herself!
Warnings:Daddy kink, Dom Namjoon, switch OC (More of a sassy/bratty sub)Top OC, Oral (F recieving) Light ass play, (Rimming), Dirty talk, Breath play, Spanking(Pain kink),Hair pulling, unprotected sex, light cum play, VERY LIGHT degration (He calls her a “little bitch” once but it’s playful still noting in case it offends ppl)The end hints at a threesum…...with a certain redhead 
Tae is their sassy exec.assistant and makes a cheeky little appearance at the end.
Jonnie baby is tatted...LORDT
There a fun freaky little couple...
NOTE- This is kinda old and  was set to be part 1 of an OT7 AU called “7 DEEP” 
  “Really?” Goddamn, leave it to Namjoon to make one word sound just as sexy as it was intimidating! 
You heard the footsteps fuck you did, you just opted to ignore them and hope maybe he’d just, I don’t know leave? Maybe he was just doing a wellness check? But, if that’s the case, as your tired, unfocused, half-lidded gaze caught the bottom right of your laptop screen, which was glaring back at you something vicious! You realize that you’ve royally fucked up, and its a cute little 2 am right now! So no, he’s not going any damn were, anytime soon….
“Baby” The word left his lips just as much disappointment as it did allure which is a hell of a combination I know, I know, but in all honesty, it fits the mood. You caught his visual briefly through the mirror mounted against the wall and fuck, your man is fine as all hell! Frame resting casually against the entryway, arms folded firm across the smooth chiseled planes of his caramelized tattooed chest. Oversized cat-eye glasses perched on top of that cute little button nose of his, A pair of loosely fitted sweats sitting low against his v-lines, the thin grey fabric left nothing to the imagination as he’d clearly opted against boxers tonight. Shoulders and arms flexing effortlessly due to his current position which screams nothing but “Your ass is in trouble”. Which I mean, your kinda here for...kinda not….
Only offering a low hum in response as you continued scrolling through mounds resumes and video reels that were currently clogging up the admin email that was typically reserved for Taehyung. And that’s when you hear his feet shuffle closer, and closer until there’s a heavy yet comforting weight pressing against your back. The temperature around you shifting, as he leans down, arms braced on the table on either side of your frame. His long, beautiful, veiny fingers pattering idly against the glass, showcasing an array of rings, one of them being his Cartier wedding band as his lips nuzzling into your neck. Nosing up and down your skin slowly, almost teasingly, just breathing you in until your shifting back against him, a strong chill running down your spine. 
“We talked about this…” Voice low, seductive, yet stern and still clearly a little disappointed...nipping at your neck, not hard enough to leave a mark but just enough to make a point. Forcing yourself not to lean back into his touch no matter how bad you wanted to beg for more than just him grazing his teeth along your skin! You needed him to bite, hard, and he already knows it too, how much you get off on being marked..and that’s exactly why he’s not doing it...The little shit! 
“I know but -” Namjoon reaches up to slam your laptop shut, sliding it and the stack of papers to the opposite end of your dining room table, that you’ve managed to convert to a makeshift office. 
“We talked. About this” Simply parroting the words again, just slower this time as if to say you clearly must not have heard him correctly initially.
You sigh. Deep, slow, defeated, a nod rendering, out as a half-arsed response triggering Namjoon to pull back from you only to slide your chair from beneath the table. Shifting it to face him before dropping to a squat between your thighs. Gaze unwavering as he took in your blatantly exhausted appearance, still, he couldn’t help but melt as he reached out to caress your jaw feeling the way you nestled into it instantly. Your eyes fluttered shut briefly, as he smoothed his hands down your body, slipping beneath your robe to gently massage your thighs.
“So what the fuck, are you doin?” Brow arched as if he was daring you to actually respond, yet there wasn’t a single sharp edge to his voice, it was suddenly soft, calm. As if he was genuinely asking why you were doing this to yourself because he can’t make a lick of sense of it! You’re barely able to hold your eyes ajar right now yet you were out here working....
You couldn’t really handle the intensity of his gaze right now, more so because you knew he was right, you were so fuckin exhausted right now it’s unreal! Let’s also mention that the two of you have to catch a flight to Vegas for a business meeting in a good oh I don’t know 7 hours! So, instead of acknowledging that this was really stupid, you opted to reach for the one resume he didn’t manage to move out of reach. Eyes nervously scanning the paper as a distraction while you tried to think of a rational that even you’d believe at this point! 
'Fuck, we just- I don’t know Joon, we just have so much going on right now! And you know I’ll never complain about us having too much work I mean, I'm grateful every damn day that we’re not where we were!”
You intentionally paused, letting “that” have its own moment because it's something to always be acknowledged! The two of you went from living in a 900sq ft apartment with 5 other people to effortlessly clearing 8 figures as of this last tax year. Humbled and grateful to be busy isn’t even the beginning of how you feel! 
“But I just look at everybody...Yoongi’s responding to emails at fucking 3 AM! Jimin playing around docusign at the ass crack of dawn every damn day sending out contracts! Taehyung up scouting locations at 6 AM on a Sunday which is supposed to be his only day off I just- Everybodys in over their head so I thought I’d just- “ Namjoon reached up and grabbed your chin, snatching the paper out of your hand and forcing you to look him dead in the eyes. 
“So thought you'd overwork my wife instead?” 
You just shrug and nod again, tossing your hands in the air, it’s clear you have an attitude but it’s also clear it’s with yourself! You keep piling more and more on your plate instead of delegating it out to other people to handle! It’s a trust thing, and Namjoon know’s that,  it started out with just the two of you, then for years it was seven , seven deep. It’s hard for you to let new people into something you and your husband built from nothing! However, Taehyung just got a part-time assistant of his own so he can go back to strictly being your right hand, and realistically, he’s salary! Your little Gucci boy probably doesn’t mind drinking his Starbucks and driving his BMW around LA looking for houses to film in! You could have spread the workload out a little you just fuck, I don’t know, you’re always that person to put people first to a fault I guess! Point being, Tae could easily handle this, tomorrow, during normal business hours, you could have and should have been in bed with your husband! 
Namjoon can sense how uneasy you feel right now, almost like your a child being scolded and that’s not at all what he’s aiming for; he's just genuinely concerned. So he opts to ease the atmosphere just a little to remind you, that the two of you are always on the same playing field, he’s only reacting like this because he cares! Flicking the bottom of your chin before leaning in, pressing a firm, yet passionate kiss to your lips as if he’s trying to drive the point home, slipping his tongue past the seam almost instantly. Not even attempting to keep this somewhat chaste, needing you to feel every inch of infinite love and fire he has burning through his veins when it comes to you! Kissing you with enough force to knock the wind out of your chest, moaning contently as you give your husband free rein to explore your mouth. Turning the kiss slightly more delicate as he lets his hands slide even deeper under the robe to continue roaming your body. The slide of his tongue becoming softer, slower….as the pads of his fingers trickled up your spine.
Sucking your bottom lip between his teeth as he pulls back “Were all busy baby, I get it, I hate seeing them like this too, you know I love them just as much as you do! And that’s exactly why we put out those ads, but that does not mean you get to take on everyone else’s shit! Don’t make me put in a complaint to HR about unfair treatment within the workplace!”Murmurs against your lips, as you stare down at his, barely paying attention to a damn thing he said! 
“Joon I am HR…” You mumble low and unamused, eyes rolling to the back of your head in annoyance and he could give less than a damn. Leaning in with a smirk playing on his lips, leaving another lingering kiss against your own. Kissing you with enough fire to have every hair along your body standing on end! Until your practically chasing after him in a pout the minute he pulls away from you. 
“Mmm, and my point still stands….” Namjoon's hands tighten around your hips, scooting you forward so your legs are wrapped around his waist. Your arms instantly lace around his neck, trailing your fingers upward, so they can get lost in his freshly dyed locks.
“Stop, overworking my baby! You know I don’t like  it…” His delivery was just as much playful, as it was stern! 
“Fuck, whatever okay, sorry!” You really weren’t at least not right now, there wasn’t a lick of conviction in that as you reached up to bring his lips back down to yours. Sliding in tongue first, capturing his lips in another opened mouth kiss, the rhythm quickly starts getting messy more so on your end because you’re getting needy! Namjoon tastes intoxicating and you’re blissed out of your mind, even after all these years, this man can still manage to have your toes curling with just a simple kiss! , Arching forward giving him easier access to grab you ass and he takes the hint, the faint sting of blunt nails digging into the swell of your ass has you whimpering out low and filthy against his tongue.
The kiss breaks much to your dismay but before you can even protest Namjoons tongue is lapping down the side of his neck, mapping out all the places he’s learned over the years. Nipping down on your flushed skin ever so often this time he’s biting with a purpose though, giving it to you just the way you like it. 
“Y/n were done with work now right??” He can hear you panting out low and wanton into his ear once he attaches himself to the crook of your neck, sucking maliciously, an almost animalistic growl leaving his lips in the process. There’s a hint of frustration mixed in with arousal dripping off his tongue right now, your too caught up to notice! 
“Namjoon '' You breathe out his name with nothing but lust pouring off your tongue, not an ounce of shame insight in regards to how needy you sound right now. The sound goes straight to Namjoon’s dick which is beaming at you like a spotlight through the thin fabric of his sweats. Tilting your head back, and anchoring one of your hands into your husband’s hair keeping him in place, overwhelmed with pleasure as you go completely pliant under his menstruations. Regardless, this man's self control was somethin’ serious,and he wasn’t giving in just yet...you still had one more cross to bear baby girl! 
“Fuck. Please” Tugging on his scalp like the brat you tend to be, as if to emphasize your point, making Namjoon pull away licking up your jaw in the process. The drag was slow, messy, waving his tongue against your skin the same way he would your pussy and you felt yourself start to involuntarily clench harder and harder by the second. 
“Hmm? What was that baby?” Tugging the shell of your ear between his teeth hard enough to make you whimper into his hair “Now you wanna come to bed?” You can feel him smirking against your skin and you just really don’t like your husband at all right now just so we’re clear.
All you do is whine in response, yanking his hair even harder until you feel a firm hand land on your ass making you yelp out of your seat. 
Nam-fuck!” Hissed through clenched teeth, thighs tensing around his waist. 
“So again…” Tone as coy and casual as can be as he winds his hand back only to land smack dab on the curve of your ass again, right in the same spot, you wouldn’t be surprised if his palm left an indentation behind! 
Namjoon’s hand was literally pulsing against your skin the impact was so damn strong, all the metal dancing along his fingers didn’t help either! You swear the ripple echoed throughout your entire apartment, and the scream that left your throat was without a doubt noise complaint worthy! Fuck your gonna need to send them an edible arrangement or somehing, they already hate the two of you as it is… 
Your panting and whining opened mouth right into his ear, and it’s getting you nowhere but horny and frustrated! Nails, digging little crescents into his shoulders as you try and almost reroute so of the pain that’s buzzing through your veins. But it’s good, it’s soo good, the slickness coating your inner thighs gave that away! Namjoon can smell how much you’re enjoying this, his little pain slut as he often likes to call you! 
 “You wanna stay out here all damn night. Work yourself into the ground. Leave me in bed alone, and now all of a sudden you think you get to boss daddy around? Hmm? Just because your pussys nice and wet and your feelin needy ...now you want to go to bed?” Namjoons tone is blatantly taunting and a little harsh yet the slight growl laced with it all has your head spinning far too fast to even be mad.
‘Oh my god, Namjoon just fuck me already! Shit!” 
“Why the fuck should I do that? Could’ve had me hours ago baby, all I wanted to do tonight was fuck you, that’s all I wanted all damn day.” Slipping his hand between your thighs pinching your clit between his fingers, slowly rubbing the pads of his together on either side, stimulating your clit head-on until your groaning into the side of his neck.”Do you even, know, how hard it was for me not to just bend you over the conference room table today!?” 
“Joon” You try again and he doesn’t budge, he actually let’s go of your clit all together and just teasingly trailing his fingers along your entrance never entering just driving you fucking insane! Looking as fine and unbothered as ever, as his lips ghost up the curve of your jaw. 
“Hmm, let’s try this shit again.Why-” Bringing that same hand up to grip your jaw with enough pressure to indicate he wasn’t fucking around anymore. “Should I give you what you want when you continuously keep disobeying my only request? Hmm???” You can feel your own slickness against your skin, yet all you can focus on is the blatant aganer, and hurt running through your husbands veins. Even beneath all this bravado..he’s clearly really hurt about this, so play times over!
“Fuck, okay!” There was slight elevation to your voice, tetoring on yelling actually. The arch in Namjoons brow said you had about two seconds to fix that , but you already planned on it! Taking a deep slow breath, letting your eyes flutter shut to just...recenter yourself for a moment! 
“Baby, I’m sorry. I’m. Sorry. ” There it was, not that bratty whiney shit you did earlier to get what you wanted, a genuine “I’m sorry” . Soothing your nails through his scalp, it’s almost instantaneous the way his demeanor shifts once those words fall off your tongue in a more..sincere fashion.  
A low hum rang in the back of his throat at the admission, nosing at your cheek “Sorry for what exactly? Because I don’t want it if you doing this just to appease me baby. That won’t do shit for me. ”  Namjoon’s tone is a lot softer now, all of the prior theatrics and pettiness is gone as he awaits your response.
“No, Joonie baby, no!” Pressing a soft but firm kiss to those sinfully plump lips of his that you still can’t get enough of no matter how many years go by…”No”
“ As your partner, I gotta look out for me just as much as I look out for you and I clearly haven’t been! I know better! And I should be taking advantage of the fact that we’re lucky enough to now be in a position where I can hire an array of people if need be. It’s just- you know I’m a control freak, this business isn’t just a business it’s our baby!”
You watch his mouth open in protest and you just simply continue speaking “But regardless, I know it’s not more important than me, or my health I know…” You instantly feel the tension within his body dissipate at that, thumbs kneading at your hips.
“ I’m sorry, I love you and I’m sorry I’m not trying to stress daddy out!'' There's a slight playfulness to your delivery trying to lighten the mood a little though you know how serious this topic is for him! You find yourself wiggling in his hold trying to somehow get even closer than you already were. 
So here’s the thing, back when you were in college just starting out, the two of you had a lot on your plate! Between school juggling multiple jobs, internships, and just trying to figure out how to even start a company of this caliber….The level of exhaustion he often saw you at was utterly heartbreaking. The number of times you passed out due to lack of sleep is unmentionable… so seeing you like this...was fucking unacceptable in Namjoon’s eyes! 
You notice those big brown orbs of his get a little glassy so you grip the back of his neck even tighter dropping your forehead to his. Feeling like complete and utter trash right now! 
 “This business is not more important than my wife, my partner, my best friend...it’s not! However, you are more important than, all of it, this fuckin overpriced apartment, all the shiny little toys we’ve been able to buy, and this entire company in general! I love you, but I need you to look me in the eyes and fucking promise me that you’ll stop this! Please…” 
You can hear a slight trimmer laced within that deep honey-coated tenor of his and the sudden vibrato’s foreign, and you’re not a fan! It took everything in you not to cry at the blatant plea rolling off his tongue, well aware this man does not beg! So instead you just leaned in and kissed him, hard, slow, just letting everything you couldn’t really articulate pour from your lips to his and hope he got the message. 
“I promise, I love you…I promise!”
“And you know I fuckin love you…”  You do, fuck you do, even if this marriege was high key an accidnet..it’s without a doubt one of the best things that’s ever happened to you!
“I know”
“Fuck, yeah”
Ducking down, kissing you reckless and with fevour, messy, wet, teeth clacking together. Slowly transitioning the mood from deep and touching to just...raw and nasty which is kinda what you’d prefer at the moment!
 “I wasn’t lyin when I said I’ve wanted to fuck you all damn day though…”
“Please” you whisper out as he pulls back to lick down your neck, pressing your chest together to give him better access. Sucking his mark in a spot right beneath your jaw, well aware you’ll need an ass-ton of conclear within the next couple of hours, but right now you could care less!  
“Please what baby? Tell daddy, what you want?” Namjoon presses, biting his lip and sliding his hand back between your legs groaning out at how completely drenched you are right now. 
“Fuck me!” You pant out low and whiney
“You want it here baby? You want daddy to bend you over the table?” The familiar hunger that was back in his eyes was so fucking sexy and  it had you rutting against him for any ounce of stimulation! 
“No.Bedroom” Namjoon moans in agreement, securing your thighs around his waist and scoping you out of the chair, heading towards the opulent master suite the two of you shared.
Once inside he throws you down on the bed, hard and almost animalistic, making you bounce a little against the firm California king. Namjoon follows immediately, crawling over to cover your body with his own, his broad form completely engulfing your frame. Ripping your robe apart, and letting your tongues meet once more. Hot slick, and eager as you pant out hot and heavy against one another. Soothing is palm down your stomach, cupping your entire heat in his palm. Moaning out that it feels just fuckin like that. Wet and warm, so damn warm...ducking his head down to lick your nipple into his mouth, sucking slow but hard at the same time, nipping and grazing the bud between his teeth.
“Fuck” You moan back arching off the bed and into your husband’s mouth, as he licks trails across your sternum and over to your other nipple. While also stroking his entire palm against your pussy, Namjoon’s always loved how responsive you are to him even after all these years. Just letting his tongue lave over the buds over and over, alternating between, licking, sucking, and biting so your body never gets used to the stimulation. 
“You fuckin, love this shit don’t, you? Bet I could get you to come just like this...wouldn’t be the first time, would it?” You can feel his lips curling into a smirk around your nipples the harder he sucks, bringing his other hand into the mix, the one that’s nice and slick with your arousal. Using it to twist and turn your nipple between his nimble fingers until he can’t tell if your arching into the pain or away from it. He can feel you grinding against his thigh, more importantly, he can feel your clit sticking to his thigh your so damn wet, soaking straight through his sweatpants. Moaning out loud and unfiltered, eyes shut as you rock your hips against him, your hands getting lost in your hair the harder you rock against the bed.
“Fuck, look at you baby, rubbing your sweet little cunt against my thigh..” A low almost arrogant chuckle rumbling in his throat, vibrating against your skin making you moan even louder. “Fuck, here I was thinking you wanted to come on my dick...” 
“Fuck- I do, I wanna come all over you, want your mouth too though…” Reaching out to play in his hair, almost pushing his face down even harder, though you swear you can feel his lips curl into a wicked little smile at that moment. 
“Yeah? You want daddy's tongue all over your pussy…” He didn’t even bother phrasing it as a question, especially once he meticulously started rolling his tongue along your nipples, in a oh too familiar motion that had you turning into a whiny brat within seconds! 
“Namjoon!” He doesn’t even respond, just pulling off and flipping you right on to your stomach, hard and fast, making you damn near choke on your own spit. Face pressed into your fresh linen sheets.. You start to slightly arch your back on insctint. You feel him shift off the bed, peeping over your shoulder to see his sliding off his sweats, stashing his glasses in his side pocket. Namjoons length is just standing straight up, damn near laying flat against his stomach and you straight up moan, mouth-watering at the sight alone. A pleased hum leaves those plump lips of his as he shuffles back onto the bed. Kissing and licking his way up the back of your thighs until he reaches your ass, straddling your hips. 
Palm rubbing at the swell of your ass before smacking it, lightly at first, and your hip twitches you actually have the nerve to giggle. “That all daddy’s go-fuck” Another. Scream. Literally. Scream as he reels back even harder than he did earlier, just keeping his hand intact too, wanting you to feel the trob, the ache, radiating off his palm to your ass. 
“Hmm what was that baby?” Leaning down to spread your cheeks apart, just blowing a trail, against your pussy, watching the way your hole clenches from that alone. “Always so fuckin wet and ready for me…” 
He groans and you, arch your back, even more, moaning out slightly at the contrast hitting your skin. Bracing both hands on your ass and he can hear your breathing shutter in your chest, already anticipating the first drag of his tongue. Dipping one thumb over you rim, just circling it gently, feeling you jerk at the sensation, no matter how light, fuck your still so damn sensitive. That will never stop amazing him, it’s been almost 8 years. Yet you still react like it’s the first time he’s ever touched you like he’s still helping you explore new places along your own body! Namjoon leans forward, nipping, licking, and sucking, open mouth kisses, against the backs of your thighs, before leaning down to kiss your clit. Tongue and all, sucking it straight into his mouth, moaning out deep and strong around the bud. Inhaling slowly as if he's breathing you in and your knees already start to buckle,  nails clenching around the sheets. 
A broken moan of his name being muffled into the fabric, as he rolls his tongue in deep, languid strokes up and down your folds, licking from front to back. Your wetness is already painted all over his face and he wouldn’t have it any other way, as he continuously, maliciously sucks down on your clit, gently grazing the skin between his teeth just enough to make you squirm. Bringing his tongue to lather over your rim and he feels how hard you start shaking, sliding in two fingers into your heat, knuckles deep at the exact moment he slips his tongue past your rim. The vision that is you, open, needy, and whiney, on all fours...is driving your husband absolutely insane! How quickly you’re falling apart, knees spreading even wider to give him all the access he needs to do with you as he pleases. 
“Yeah..” You sign, blissed out of you goddamn mind ‘Fuck”
Your voice drips in the whiniest tinge of need imaginable like you’ve been aching for this, and the sounds richotect straight off your tongue and into Namjon’s lap! Your chest drops forward, letting Namjoon essentially all support your weight, as his tongue dives in even deeper, while continuously fucking you open with his fingers, he’s already added a third one. Mind completely spinning at how hard your clenching around all three of his fingers, cock throbbing at how good you’ll feel around him soon enough. You feel him pull back to spit right along your rim, watching it drizzle down toward your clit, he picks the trail up with his tongue and leads it where he wants it to go. Namjoon moans out, low, and content as he really starts to eat you out your tongue and fingers working your pussy open until your voice hitches in your throat and shatters. Ripping, a long drawn out whimper to leave your throat.
“That feel good?” He murmurs low and taunting, and you can’t help but roll your eyes, as if he can’t physically tell he feels good.
“I’ve had better”
He bites your cheek playful, a snort leaving his lips “Fuckin same..” slurs out against the swell of your ass and you can’t help but cackle.
“Fuck, I bet you have now, stop talking and get your fucking tongue back in ME!!” Bossy as ever, damn near pushing his head down and he reaches up, biting the side of your hand forcing you to stop. 
“How about my cock instead?” Leaning back to smack his length aginst your ass a couple times, letting you feel how hard and ready he is. 
“Yeah! God yeah, fuck yeah! Gimme! In me now! Fuck me!!” All your prior teasing is gone, just the mention of his cock has you needy and clenching painfully hard around his fingers, while also simultaneously rutting back against them as if you don’t want him to pull out. Pulling his fingers out slowly. Curling them upwards, purposely coating his fingers in your arousal to use to lather his cock which is so hard right now it’s almost painful. 
“Daddy” Wiggling your offensively empty ass in his face, making him chuckle, and smack it lightly. before gripping your thigh and flipping you onto your back with such ease it was almost offensive. 
“Fuck off” Leaning down and stealing your breath and sarcasm away with a deep kiss “I wanna see my baby..” Lining himself up to your entrance, you exhale softly against his mouth as the blunt head of his cock breaches your entrance. Hiking your leg around Namjoon’s waist to make him slide in even deeper.
“Yeah, fuck” 
“I hope you don’t think…” Shifting forward wiggly his hips a little, giving you half a second to adjust to how fucking big this man is! “We’re about to make love or some shit, because I’m about to break your ass..” There’s just as much of a smile as there is a dangerous edge to your husband’s voice, that has you beaming up at him. Before you even had time to think of a response he was snapping his hips forward hard enough to have the two of you scooting up the bed a little.
Namjoon, propped your leg even higher over his shoulder, as he snapped his hips forward again, even harder this time. You moaned out, and scurried to grab onto your husband’s neck to anchor yourself as he fucked into you hard and fast, you tried to arch and fuck him back but it was hard with how intense he was pounding into you! 
“Oh my godddd” You drawled out, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Yup, Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been called that, in this position.....” You could hear the smile in his voice as he continued fucking you like he was trying to split you open with his cock. Nails clawing into his back hard enough to break skin! 
You could’ve just laid there and took, it because fuck if it wasn’t good, but that’s not the mood you were in at the moment. So you dropped your leg from his shoulder and wrapped them both around his waist. Tipping your hips forward, clenching down hard around his cock as you started grinding your hips against him. Fucking him back the same way he was giving it to you. Hard and smooth.. 
“Y/n” He half growled half whined as you smiled up at him, something wicked, releasing your hold around his cock only to clench down even harder. He groans in what seemed like frustration reached down to smack pinch your clit between his fingers hard enough to make you cry out his name. Arching forward even harder. 
“Yeah, daddy like that, fuck.Me.just like that” you were breathless but the sass was clear as day, a slight chuckle leaving your throat. 
“Fuckin brat!” Reaching down with the same hand that was on your clit, wrapping it around your windpipe, adding just enough pressure to have your eyes rolling to the back off your head. The added stimulation throwing off your rhythm a little but you didn’t care, he had you…
“Yesss,yes, fuck!” His tattooed chest was flushed and covered in sweat as you continued fucking back against his cock, which was warm and continuously pulsing side of you. Filling you up and sliding completely out every single time. Your hole twitched painfully hard as the two of you worked in sync thrusting against each other in a smooth yet malicious rhythm, the sound of skin slapping you moaning, Namjoon grunting... 
Fuck an edible arrangement maybe the two of you should treat your neighbors to a spa weekend or something because they damn sure aren’t sleeping right now! 
“Ya know, if you would’ve came to bed earlier” He panted right into the side of your ear, still rolling his hips into you “I could’ve fucked you, came inside you” Leaning down to lick up the side of your jaw  “Licked all, of my come out of you, and then” Pulling back and snapping his hips up even sharper, as if to accentuate every word “Fucked.You.All.Over.-Fuck-Again” Every thrust had the wind being knocked out of your chest  “ But now..we don’t have tim-” 
Reaching up to twist his nipple between the tip of your nail, kneeing him in the stomach just enough to make his hips stutter and have him shuffling back so you can push him onto his back which he falls to willingly. That is, until you literally bounced down onto his dick, damn near gagging in the process he feels so deep in this angle. Almost tempted to feel up your sternum and see if he’s poking through. 
“You little bitch” Chokes from his throat with a stated smile the tones playful and airy, digging his nails into your ass, letting out an involuntary gasp as he rolls his hips up. Only for you to start rolling your hips back, again, and again, and again, in deep, slow, circles, switching up the pace a little from what it was before. Making sure your clit grazes against his pelvic bone every time.
“Yeah, fuck you” Your breathless, and tired, but you can’t help but smile at how completly fucked out he looks right now, eyes barley ajar, jaw tight, he looks so damn good! 
“Yeah, yeah, fuck daddy baby..fuck me..” It’s clear he’s only egging you on but fuck if it’s not working,he sounds down right sinful as you ride him. His moans are deep, loud, almost needy, at every roll your hips make, and it’s intoxicating! Reaching up and grabbing you down by your neck , licking his way back into our mouth, his grip is strong enough to without a doubt leave a bruise. Both of you moaning out pleased and needy as you start slamming your hips down meeting his upwards thrust. Instantly matching the pace he’d set. Namjoon pulls back, and slips three fingers into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat to make you gag a little. Exchanging the grip he held on your neck for the back of your hair, as he brings his other hand down between your bodies to play with your clit, before licking his way back into your mouth.Feeling the way your thighs start to shake as you cry out against his tongue barely able to kiss him back at this point . 
“Your fuckin close baby, your pussy’s just screamig around me..” He’s breathless, not even trying to hide it anymore, voice horse and dripping with arousal. “Goddamnn I love you…” You clench so damn hard around him at that..I actually don't think anything turns you on more than hearing your husband say that. Especially sounding all fucked out and needy.
“Love you too baby..so fuckin much… “
“Good”  He chuckled low and dark agaisnt your lips “Now come, all over my cock like a good girl”  Fucking into you faster and harder, hand still rubbing blunt circles around your clit, tightening the grip he holds on your hair until your roots burn  “Y/n , baby, my baby, come for me, come for daddy...” 
It only took a few more thrusts before your orgasm ripped through you and you were crying out your husband's name, body spasming on top of him. Yet you still didn't stop rutting against him until he came in. You couldn't, you needed to feel it, body running away from him just as much as it was running towards him! You can feel how hard your clenching and its involnaty this time,so he reaches up with both hands rolling your hips against him one more time before slamming you down onto his cock. Just holding you in place while you continue to pulse around him, body shattering to pieces.
“Namjoonnnn fuck-fuck-fuck-” He grounds you agaisnt his cock as he jerks his hips up hard and fast, eyes squezzing shut, neck arching off the pillow, as his relase washed over him. A long drawn out moan of your name slipped off his tongue as he came, hard, hips stilling making sure to fill you to the brim, until he's sure he released every last drop he had to give..His own body shuttering in ovesentivty at this point. Namjoons fingers slowly soothed up your thighs, both of you panting painfully hard, wincing at the contact as you continue pulsing around him. Eyes locked in a half lidded gaze, a smile that started on your lips and ended on his as the two of you racked over each other's forms, hot sweaty, marked up, and fucked out. 
“Namjoon” You finally say, breaking the silence, a slight moan hanging off your tongue and he smiled back at you, reaching up to grip the back of your neck.
“Y/n” Parroting your name with the same lust filled drawl that you had, making you moan…
Nam-fucking-Joon” Leaning down to place a firm kiss to his lips, humming out instanly at the contact.
“Y/n Kim….” 
“Yup, that’s me!” Smiling out tired and dazed against his lips, while you felt his hand soothe up and down the curve of your back. 
“I love you”
“And, I love you” 
The two of you laid there like that for a moment, until his cock was completely soft and he gently slid out, still keeping you flush against his chest….just sitting in comfortable silence, breathing together..until..
“ Oww!! What the fuck was that for ?!” Your poor ass...at least it’s a pinch and not a smack this time...
“I mean it. I love what we do and I know sometimes realistically it happens there are only so many hours in a day I understand that. We wouldn’t be where we are if we didin’t work our asses off! But you’ve been doing this and running on fumes all damn week! I’ve just been watching from afar and keeping my mouth shut, hoping that you would sort it out yourself but I couldn’t watch you burn yourself into the ground anymore. Y/n. I’m serious! “
You can feel the weight behind his words, the way his heart seems to be beating harder now than it was when the two of you were having sex. 
So you lean down to press a kiss on his lips that almost seems far too delicate and out of place for what just happened only moments prior.
“I know.” 
Namjoon holds your gaze for a second longer before cupping the side of your face and kissing you firm and sweet, smiling against your lips once he feels you sigh into it. Hesitantly he pulls away and heads towards the bathroom and he already hears you whine in protest. Just flagging his hand in your direction, not even bothering to turn around.
 “We literally have a 9 AM flight and an 11:30 business meeting at the Plaza! Meaning, you have to be dressed and fully ready when we hop on the plane. Your fuckin showering..now. I don’t wanna hear it. ” 
Honestly, you were far too tired to protest and the tone of his voice let you know you wouldn’t win anyway!  So I mean, fuck, at least there’s a bench in the shower! 
“Ugh, fuck, fine! Come carry me! I have to preserve my energy to walk in my Louboutins tomorrow!!!” Making grabby hands in his direction knowing damn well he can’t deny you anything. 
“You mean today!” You heard his voice echo off the tiles and hoenstly he seems far to chipper to remind you have of, which only makes you whine even louder! 
Heading back out the bathroom with a smirk on his face, shaking his head in dismay as he scoops you effortlessly into his arms. “Come here you little brat!” 
“Your brat!” You fire back, with nothing but smugness rolling off your tongue as you loop your arms around his neck, kissing his dimple.
“Fuck yeah you are, my brat, my wife, my fuckin baby” Inviting his tongue back into your mouth as he leads the two of you back into the bathroom! 
The two of you moved together lazily whilst in the shower, taking turns washing each other, slow touches and kisses. Murmuring sweet nothings mixed in with business because though you tried to leave work at work...sometimes it’s impossible! 
Not even bothering to look at the clock once you finally melted into your bed, honestly, you didn’t even wanna know. 
 Far too soon the sound of all 6 of your alarms went off, ya know, the “Okay I should get up but I don’t have to get up” All the way to the “Fuck, I’m late!” Alarm! They all went off until you found yourself practically being scraped off the floor and led into the guest room that the two of you converted into an additional closet and a place for you to get ready in peace! 
Sitting down, Starbucks in hand as you set out to beat your face, do your hair and try not to look like you stayed up until 1 am then got fucked into the mattress until you damn near cried! 
The Starbucks was curiosity of Taehyung who had keys and free reign to your apartment whenever we felt so inclined. The redhead welcomed himself into your space, waltzing over in your direction with an all-knowing smile on his face. Ducking down to leave a slow lingering, open mouthed kiss along the one mark on your shoulder you apparently forgot to cover this morning. You can feel him smirking against your skin,as he pulls back to flop down on the pink furry chair currently covered in rejected outfit choices. Trying to force yourself to ignore the sudden chill that rang through your body because you didin’t have the time or the engery for anything else. 
‘Why aren’t you wearing this? Your ass looks fuckin great in this!” Holding up a black halterneck Jumpsuit, brows furrowed in the center of his face.
“I know, but, it needs to be steamed and I don’t have the time..” A feigned pout playing on your lips as you batted your lashes at him through the mirror. Watching as he slid off the chair, with an exasperated huff, eyes rolling to the back of his head more times than you can count. Heading towards the steamer you had hanging along one of your many clothes racks.  
“Thank you, baby!!” Blowing him a kiss that he swatted away in the process! 
“Yeah, yeah! Soo I see someone was impatient and went through the resumes last night…At fuckin midnight!” Eyes glaring in your direction, you could hear the frown in his voice. “Y/n-“
“Don’t!” Eyes narrowing in his direction through the mirror “Daddy Joon already got in my ass enough about last night for all of you!” 
 “As he fuckin should! That’s what you have me for baby, so you aren’t doing that shit to yourself anymore!” You can tell he’s trying to sound authoritative but instead, he just sounds sad and equally disappointed!”
“I know, Tae, I know, I’m fuckin workin’ on it!.” Your delivery comes out a little sharper than you intended but he’s known you far too long to take it personally or even fully acknowledge it honestly! 
“Speaking of, I actually met this kid, not fully a kid he’s like 21, but anyway he just graduated from USC, for some sort of Film. I actually ran into him at Starbucks today and he’s supposed to be sending me his resume and some video reels in a little while.” 
A low hum ringing in the back of your throat, far too focused on carving out your brows to talk...but he took that as a hint to continue. 
“His name is Jungkook, he seems somewhat promising just from talking to him, so, I’ll feel it out and if it seems worth your time I’ll forward over his information! I’m also going to try and set up a couple of interviews for you and Joonie next week!” 
Offering a faint nod in response, still far too focused on your makeup to give much else, or realize the sudden fire burning in Taehyung's eyes as he watches you get ready. Silk robe hanging loosely off your frame, a pair of white lace panties peeking out...
“What time were the two of you trying to get dropped off at the airport?” The sudden shift in conversation, and the blatant octave change had your eyes meeting him through the mirror. Trying to feel out his mood…
“In the next hour or so…” Then there’s Namjoon, standing in the doorway wearing nothing but his dress pants, an unbuttoned silk shirt, and a smirk that screams nothing but trouble. 
“Come’re” The bass in Namjoon’s voice alone has chills running down your spine, a second away from shifting out of your seat until you realize he’s not talking to you. Flicking his finger in the redhead’s direction, edging him off the wall slowly. Biting his lip as he sways coyly in your husband’s direction. 
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain:  Chapter 802:  Catch and Release:  Part III / III
Blake stood up on the wall, looming over Taiyang after he landed. He saw the rising shadow and looked up. "Mr. Xiao Long." she said to him.
"Please, call me Tai." Taiyang stated, "Or, if you feel like, dad."
Blake squatted down, and tilted her head too and fro. "I afraid I already have a dad..." she said, and paused, "that I actually love."
Taiyang opened up his arms, "Do I at least qualify for dad hugs?" he asked her.
Blake rolled her eyes and then jumped down. He pulled her in for a hug. She kissed him on the cheek before slipping out and landing back on the wall, before crouching back down. The sound of a cat bell was coming from her Scroll, which she quickly pulled out and silenced.
"Hm?" he asked.
"Team meeting." Blake said with a catlike smile. "Or should I say family meeting?"
"Was that?.." Taiyang asked, and then trailed off.
"It was Yang's idea." Blake said with a smile and quickly ran off to the tower.
* * *
Blake sat on the carpet in the middle of the lounge, RW_Y + JNR were sitting on couches. Aurora and Ilia stood around the room.
"How come she gets to sit on the carpet?" Ruby asked, causing W_Y + JNR to look between each other.
"I do believe?," Weiss asked her, "that you are fully free to sit on the carpet."
Ruby dove down to stand on all fours before quickly sitting hunched forward next to Blake.
"Weird question?" Blake asked Ruby.
"What's up?" Ruby asked.
"Can I?.." Blake nervously asked, and Ruby just eagerly looked at her. "This is going to sound weird."
"I think we're well past weird." Yang stated.
"Okay." Blake said, and breathed in deeply, "Can I lay on you?"
Ruby quickly laid on her side. Blake slithered up upon her.
"Are we ready?" Weiss asked, and no one replied. "Okay, for the first business!" She then pointed at Jaune, "Jaune-dear."
"Yes?" he asked.
Weiss then pointed at the pair, and then moved her hand over to Ruby's head to make it clear which one she was talking to, "Darling." She then pointed at Blake's head, "Sweetie." She then pointed at Yang "Honey."
"Oh, I get it!" Nora stated.
"You do?" Yang asked.
"Bees!" Nora exclaimed.
"I doubt..." Ren started to say.
"Actually, she is correct."
A moment of silence followed.
"Is that it?" Jaune asked.
"Oh, far from it." Weiss stated, "I just wanted to get that out of the way. You see, I wanted to talk about the family finances."
"We're, like, millionaires." Yang stated, causing Weiss to develop a cute pout. "Oh, sorry, did you want to say that?" Weiss turned a mottle of light and dark blues and breathed in deeply. "I said I'm sorry."
"Yes, you did." Weiss said, "And yes, I want to forgive you."
"Want to?" Nora asked.
"I would just like a moment to overcome my lesser instincts." Weiss breathed in deep, causing the dark blue to turn entirely light. "As she said, we are, in fact, millionaires. That said, the average civil servant retirements package is akin to a couple million, so we are perhaps not as well off as you might imagine."
"Wait, what?" Yang asked.
"So?" Ruby eagerly asked, "We're kind of rich?"
"That is a decent summary." Weiss stated.
"So, what are you going to do with it?" Nora asked, causing Weiss to look at her curiously. "We first need to decide how we are to divide up our earnings." Weiss stated.
"What's that mean?" Nora asked.
"That means," Ren said to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "we need to decide if we simply take our share of earnings, or some other form of compensation."
"Just so everyone knows." Nora said and paused, "I'm like really terrible with money."
Weiss looked between the others before saying anything. She looked back to Nora, "I'm afraid we already surmised this."
"Oh, well, good." Nora said.
Ren leaned forward to speak, "We have no plans to ever depart from your graces. I have no interest in Lien, either."
"We want a family!" Nora shouted, and Jaune sighed.
"I thought you were like, pro-family?" Yang asked.
"I'm pro-family." Jaune stated, "You are all like the family I always wanted."
"Then what is your objection?" Weiss asked.
"I kind of didn't want to become a feudal lord, with retainers." Jaune guffed, "But, here we are."
"And?" Blake asked, causing everyone to look at her, "What do you want to change?"
"Nothing." Jaune said, "I'm just being grumpy about it. Apparently the best way for us all to be together is for me to a feudal lord, with retainers, and knights..."
"And what's Ilia?!" Nora asked, and Jaune looked at Ilia.
"That depends on what she wants to be."
"What do you want?" Ruby asked her.
Ilia stepped forward, shoulders slack, unable to look anyone in the eyes. "I'll be whatever Blake wants me to be."
"Is is me?" Yang asked, "Or does that sound suspicicoulsy like she's trying to get in with Jaune."
"I'm sure Blake wouldn't..." Ruby tried to say.
"I thought you all would have noticed?" Yang asked.
"Yes?" Weiss asked her.
"I have - specific interests when it comes to those kinds of things." Blake voiced.
"It's probably all the smut she reads." Yang chided.
"Did you want Jaune to spank you?" Blake asked.
"Time and place." Yang stated, "I mean..." she said and paused, "I mean, not in front of..." and pointed to Ren, Nora, Aurora, and Ilia.
"Oh, psh." Nora said, "We already know, I mean the tower shook, and we heard..." she said, and Ren squeezed her shoulder, causing her to stop.
"What did you hear?" Yang asked.
"A considerable amount." Ren said with a smile, leaving a pregnant pause.
"And Aurora did admit..." Blake tried to say, only to be cut off by Weiss' scoff.
"Finances." she admonished everyone. "Now, the question at hand is not what Ilia wants, in such terms, but how she wishes to be paid."
"I really haven't thought about it." Ilia stated, "I've never really worried about the Lien."
"We can be minions!" Nora exclaimed. Ilia looked at her with a weak smile before quickly looking away. "She smiled, which means she likes it, too."
"I..." Ilia tried to say, and trailed off.
"Yes?" Weiss gently asked her.
"I would rather not worry about finances." She said, "But I do want the option to have something to take with me if..."
"I believe we feel the same." Ren stated, "I believe it is prudent."
"Yeah." Nora stated, "I mean, yeah, we want some money if we want it, but if you give us too much..."
"I'm afraid," Ren continued, "that our financial literacy is lacking."
"We could fix that." Weiss said to them.
"Or." Nora replied, "You could just treat us like minions, and put some money aside for us for, whatever."
"It does make sense." Jaune stated, causing Weiss to develop a shocked look.
"Et tu, mon beau?" she asked.
"Tu-es - ma belle." he replied. Causing her to fully flush light blue, combined with a bright blush as well.
"Since when do you?.." Ruby tried to ask.
"Knightly house." Jaune stated. "The Lingua Franca was not what it once was." He then turned back to Weiss, "But seriously, if they are living in our castle, they don't need to keep their own household budgets. I think everyone would rather just spend their money on what they want, even if it's less money."
"Wait?" Ruby asked, "Like an allowance?"
Jaune dismissively bobbed his head. "Yes?" he asked.
Yang then stood up and started to stretch. "That works for me. I've always been a girl who likes going with the flow."
"She'd rather care about how everyone else is doing." Blake added.
"You know what?, yeah." Yang stated, "I'm a big-titted mama bird for all of you."
"She had to point that out, doesn't she?" Weiss asked.
"She just wants us to stare at them." Blake said with a cheshire grin. "And considering we all did when she said it, I think it worked."
"Alright?" Jaune asked, "Let's say 5% of your income should be discretionary."
"Isn't that a bit low?" Yang asked.
"Not at all." Aurora stated, "Even the wealthy spends very little of their... as a percentage... without rational aforethought."
"So?" Jaune asked, "We take all of the money we make and put into a pot, take 5% of that, and divide it among everyone, other than Aurora and Taj, who seem to want a regular salary."
"If I could?" Aurora asked.
"Uh, yeah?" Jaune asked, and gestured to an empty space just off the room's centre. Aurora walked over.
"I have my salary paid by the Schnee Dust Corporation."
"So, we don't even have to pay for her?" Ruby asked, "Which is kind of good, because apparently she gets paid a LOT."
"I do." Aurora said with a smile, "The contract is for a year, at the end of the year, I too would like to become a minion. Of a sort, if I could?"
"Meaning she wants the same pay structure as the rest of us?" Weiss asked.
"Exactly!" Aurora exclaimed, "I mean, yes, Ms."
"At this point," Yang said, "she is like totally part of the family, so I kind of agree with this."
"How do you feel?" Blake asked, causing him to look at her so she could look him in his eyes to see his response, "M'Lord."
Jaune's initial response was confusion, followed by rejection, followed by uncertainty and then acceptance. He audibly sighed.
"Uh-huh?" Jaune asked, "All should kneel before me." he sarcastically said.
Blake sat up to a kneeling, quickly followed by Ruby. Aurora kneeled down beside them, quickly followed by Yang. Weiss elegantly stood up and sauntered over, kneeling on the ground.
"You coming?" Nora asked, and as Jaune looked over he saw them kneeling on the ground as well. When he looked back Ilia was kneeling on the ground behind the others. Jaune just nervously looked at them.
"So, uh?.." Jaune asked, and then had no idea what to say. "All jokes aside, we were kind of in the middle of an important meeting."
"Does it look like we're joking?" Nora asked him.
"I honestly don't know." Jaune voiced, and once again sighed.
"Command us, O great husband." Blake said with glee.
"Um?.." Jaune asked, "Uh, Aurora?"
"My Liege?" she asked. "Did you want me to accompany me in your bed chambres?"
"Wait, what?" Jaune asked, but no one answered. He breathed in a few times before continuing, "How much should we put away for retirement?"
"Properly invested, and left to develop, about 5%, M'Lord."
"Then let's do that." Jaune said. "We should also get a proper radio detection system."
"You don't like the one Aurora made?" Ruby asked.
"I think it's fantastic." Jaune stated, "But she cobbled that one together out of almost nothing. Imagine what she could do with some Lien? What else?, oh, I want to set up a budget for garden maintenance, and upgrade the servants' quarters until they are. I don't know, less servant-y."
"Like individual rooms, M'Lord?" Aurora asked.
"Uh, yeah, that sounds good. We should also do something with our property, now that we have it."
"Like sheep?!" Nora excitedly asked.
"We can raise sheep?!" Ruby asked.
"This is a Peel Tower." Jaune stated, "That was kind of the point of it."
"ooh-ooh!" Yang exclaimed, raising her arm.
"Yes?" Jaune asked.
"Can we get a guard llama?!" Yang asked.
"They have guard llamas?!" Nora exclaimed.
"Is that really a thing?" Ruby asked.
"It is relatively new." Blake stated.
"A guard llama!" Ruby exclaimed, "Can we give him armour?"
"That actually does sound really cool." Jaune stated. "Let's start with the sheep."
"And?" Yang asked.
"And guard llama." Jaune replied, causing a number of smiles, "and guard dogs and hunting dogs, AND THEN think about giving the guard llama armour."
"We'll need to start a town." Aurora stated, and stood up. She realized what she did and kneeled back down again, "I meant no disrespect, M'Lord. Please don't have my mistress hold me down for punishment..." she faux pleaded.
"Alright, enough." Jaune stated. "Everyone stand up." he said, and everyone stood up with wide smiles on their faces. "Aurora, work out the budget."
"Yes, M'Lord." she quipped.
"Alright," Jaune stated, "that's it, everyone get out of my sight, or I going to start slapping asses."
"Then maybe don't make it sound so enticing." Yang stated.
"Come." Weiss said to her, "I do say we've drawn the joke out long enough."
"Joke?" Nora asked.
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Penny For Your Thoughts (II)
Pairing: Young!Sirius Black x Reader
Series Summary: Y/N Y/L/N has lived in the Potter household since she was eight years old. Even amongst the Potters, whom she knew loved her, she has never felt truly accepted, never felt like anything other than a burden. Until she went to Hogwarts. For the first time she had friends who weren’t forced to act as such, she had a family who loved her by choice. There, she met Sirius, the first and only person to ever truly understand what she was going through, to listen to her and not judge.
Chapter Warnings: Ummm not sure - maybe swearing?
A/N: And here’s part two! I hope you enjoy - here you’ll meet some of my OCs created for the series, characters who I genuinely love a lot so I hope you also like them! Please let me know what you think - especially if you’re on the taglist, hearing your comments always inspires me to keep on writing, so please do let me know. If you wish to be added to the taglist send me an ASK, replies to the parts asking to be added onto it won’t be responded to
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“I told you - I have the worst sense of direction!” Y/N groaned as herself and Beatrice managed to take another wrong turn on their way to the Great Hall for breakfast.
“I thought you were exaggerating or - or being modest!” Beatrice laughed, nudging into her gently with her elbow. Y/N pulled a face at her.
“That would be rather Hufflepuff of me, wouldn’t it?” 
“Hey - this looks familiar!” Beatrice exclaimed as they turned another corner and Y/N wrinkled her nose, taking in the painting of a fruit bowl that they had stumbled across.
“We’re back by the kitchens - we’re back where we started.”
“What’re you two doing here?” They turned to face back down the hallway where the Hufflepuff common room was located hidden behind a pile of barrels. Liane, Jessica and Eric were approaching them, grinning at their obviously lost friends.
“Waiting for you?” Y/N suggested.
“Forget the way to the Great Hall?” Eric teased.
“Maybe a little,” Y/N agreed.  The group continued on, led by Jessica who regularly looked over her shoulder as though to check that her newfound friends were still following her, worried that they may disappear.
“It’s a good thing we left so early this morning,” Beatrice commented to Y/N. “Otherwise we might not have made it to breakfast in time.”
“Why did you leave so early?” Liane asked as they entered into the Great Hall, which was already at least half full with students eating their breakfast.
“I was aware I’d get lost - B just came along for the ride.” Beatrice nodded solemnly at those words as they found themselves seats at the Hufflepuff table.
“I was under the impression that she knew what she was doing,” she admitted. “And I’m ashamed to admit that.”
“You’ve known me less than twenty four hours!” Y/N protested. “For all you know, I could have planned all of that.”
“Why would you have planned getting lost on the way to breakfast?” Beatrice asked in bewilderment.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve known you for less than twenty four hours and you expect me to spill my master plan to you,” Y/N scoffed.
Eric was watching the two girls interact, his brow scrunched together in confusion but a twinkle in his eyes that showed he was more amused than anything else.
“You’re both rather strange.” 
“Well that’s just rude,” Beatrice huffed, pouring herself some juice as Y/N picked up the water pitcher. 
“Do you think the professors will be nice?” Jessica blurted out the words, cutting off their conversation. Two spots of pink appeared on her cheeks when all four of them turned to face her. “Sorry,” she muttered, looking down at her plate. 
“You remember what Mum said, Jess,” Eric said calmly. “When she was here she loved all the teachers - she was even taught by McGonagall and Flitwick.”
“Who are they?” Beatrice frowned and quickly added: “my parents didn’t much like talking about Hogwarts,” Y/N thought she saw a hint of embarrassment in her expression and she noted how Beatrice refused to meet any of their eyes.
“McGonagall teaches transfiguration and Flitwick teaches charms,” Liane explained, buttering a piece of toast. “My parents told me that McGonagall’s a complete hard-ass though,” she added and Y/N saw Jessica’s eyes widen.
“Really?” Beatrice asked, staring at Liane.
“Yeah - really strict, apparently,” she confirmed. “Especially if you’re not in her house.”
“That’s not true,” Eric sighed, shaking his head. “The teachers aren’t allowed to favour those in their house,” he insisted but Liane shook her head defiantly.
“None of the teachers stick to that! All the heads of house are lenient towards their own students!”
“So d’ya think Sprout’ll give us a load of house points for like… breathing?” Beatrice asked and she shared an amused look with Y/N.
“Alright - laugh all you want now, we’ll see who’s right,” Liane scoffed, but there was traces of laughter in her voice.
“What do you think we’ll have today?” Jessica asked in her quiet, soft voice, her nerves about their first day seeming to override the shyness that she had shown the previous evening.
“I hope we have Potions,” Liane said eagerly, her voice completely changing from her previous tone of disbelief.
“Do you think you’ll be good at it?” Beatrice asked interestedly.
“My Dad’s fantastic at brewing potions - Mum says that he’s been waiting for me to go to Hogwarts so that he can help me learn how to properly do them myself,” Liane explained through a bite of toast.
“I heard that it was a really hard subject,” Jessica worried.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine,” Y/N mustered up as much of a reassuring smile as she could manage. “What’re you looking forward to?” Jessica didn’t reply immediately, clearly thinking carefully about the question.
 “I think I’ll enjoy herbology,” she decided, nodding her head to confirm her thought. Beside Y/N, Beatrice completely lit up in delight.
“Really? I think I will too - I used to love gardening when I was at home!” She enthused. Jessica brightened at that and it wasn’t long before the two of them were talking excitedly about what they were most looking forward to studying - both of them, apparently, having already read through the text book that had been assigned for their year.
“What about you, then?”
“Care of Magical Creatures,” Y/N’s response to Liane’s question was immediate, the words out her mouth before she had a chance even to think about them.
“But… we can’t study that yet,” Liane pointed out, raising her eyebrows and Y/N let out a sad sigh, nodding her head.
“I know - sucks, doesn’t it?”
“I don’t think I’ll be taking it,” Liane admitted with a slight shiver. Y/N frowned at her, confused, and her new friend offered her an apologetic smile. “I’m not… great with animals. They make me nervous.”
“All animals?” Y/N questioned in disbelief.
“Pretty much - they don’t trust me, I think. And so I also don’t trust them. We’ve got a mutual understanding going on.”
“It’s okay, I’ll change that,” Y/N reassured her with a mischievous smile. “I’ve been told I can be rather persuasive.”
“Why does that sound like a threat?” Y/N ignored Liane’s sigh and looked over at Eric. 
“What about you?” She inquired, but Eric wasn’t listening and was instead looking at his sister and Beatrice with what was almost an expression of concern that Y/N didn’t quite understand. “Eric?”
“What, sorry?” He was snapped back into the present, trying his best to feign attentiveness as he returned to the conversation.
“What subject are you excited for?” Liane repeated, rolling her eyes a little and running a hand through her scarlet hair, pushing it away from her face.
“Well… everyone’s excited for Defence Against the Dark Arts, right?” He pointed out with a ‘duh’ expression. 
Their conversation speculating over their new classes carried them to the end of breakfast, the food disappearing from the platters in front of them, the heads of house descending from the professors table at the front of the hall all carrying piles of parchment. 
Professor Sprout was a squat woman with greying curly hair with a tattered wizards hat perched on top. Her fingernails had dirt underneath and the skin of her hands looked rough to Y/N’s eyes, presumably from the many hours she spent outside in the Greenhouses. Her eyes, despite being tired-looking, were warm and welcoming, smile lines beginning to be etched into the skin around them.
She practically beamed at Y/N and her fellow first years.
“I didn’t get to say it last night - but welcome all of you to Hufflepuff!” Her words caused quiet cheers and giggles from the first years surrounding them. A freckled boy that Y/N didn’t know the name off looked as though he was going to pass out from joy. “For anyone who doesn’t know - I’m Professor Sprout. Your head of House and also your Herbology teacher!” Jessica and Beatrice exchanged yet another excited look.
Sprout handed out the parchment, one to each student, asking each for their name, welcoming them to her house.
“And your name?”
“I’m Y/N, Professor, Y/N Y/L/N,” she smiled. Professor Sprout’s face fell just a little and she nodded, her warm eyes softening even further.
“It’s lovely to meet you - welcome to Hufflepuff,” she said, her voice more gentle than it had been when talking to the other first years.Y/N took her timetable from her, staring down at the little squares labelled with her lessons, not wanting to meet the inquiring gazes of her new friends who Y/N could tell had picked up on Sprout’s change in mood.
“Charms first,” Y/N muttered, reading the writing. “And then Herbology,” she looked at Beatrice who was watching her carefully. “Pretty ideal for you, huh?”
Beatrice cracked a smile and nodded her head.
“Alright - we should probably get going. With Y/N’s complete lack of any sense of direction at all it’ll take us a good fifteen to thirty minutes to find the classroom,” Beatrice declared, standing up and stretching her arms out, smirking at her new friend who rolled her eyes, standing up as well.
“Well Jess has a thestral’s sense of direction so I’m sure we can use her as a guide.”
“I don’t…. understand?” Jessica asked, looking at Y/N with an apprehensive expression.
“It was a compliment,” Y/N assured her as their little group of friends made their way out of the Great Hall, clutching at their timetables. Y/N’s heart was racing with nerves, though she didn’t want to admit it aloud.
They walked together to charms, speculating excitedly about what they thought the lesson could hold for them, what Flitwick had in store to teach them. 
Unsurprisingly, considering how early they had left from breakfast, they were the first ones to find the classroom and lined up outside it, Liane talking animatedly about the different charms that she had already read up about. 
“Who do we have it with, anyway?” Eric asked, leaning against the wall.
Y/N glanced down at the timetable still clutched in her hands and her heart leapt in her chest.
“The Gryffindors,” she relayed, beaming. 
“Why’re you so pleased?” Beatrice asked.
“I already know some of them!”
“You already have other friends?” Beatrice gasped in feigned offence.
“What can I say? People love me.”
“Hey Y/N,” Lily tapped Y/N on her shoulder, who whirled around to grin at her.
“Hi! How are you?” 
“Good thanks,” Lily grinned. “How was your first night?”
“It was fun! Oh!” Y/N turned back to her group of Hufflepuff friends. “This is Beatrice, Eric, Jessica and Liane.” They waved at the Gryffindor girl, whose smile seemed to become shyer with the introduction. “And this is Lily - we met on the platform yesterday and sat together on the train.”
“Nice to meet you,” Lily said, taking Beatrice’s hand.
“Who’re your friends?” Y/N whispered to Lily, looking over at the three other girls dressed in red-hooded robes that had arrived with Lily.
Lily giggled at Y/N’s lowered tone.
“That’s Marlene, next to her is Alice and then that’s Dorcas.” Lily introduced quietly, pointing at each girl in turn. Y/N nodded her head but didn’t get a chance to respond further as James’ booming voice rang out from down the corridor, where he had just turned the corner to the hallway where the charms class was located.
“Y/N! Hufflepuff! Mum called it! Have you written to tell her yet?”
Y/N let out a heavy sigh, removing herself from the company of her friends and walked towards James, who was accompanied by a group of boys - one of whom she recognised from the platform to be Frank Longbottom.
“I haven’t, no - did you write to let them know you’re in Gryffindor?” 
“As if they need the confirmation,” James scoffed. 
“Wait - what do you mean your mum called it?” Y/N’s brows furrowed together as she registered what else James had said. 
“Ages ago! When you first-” James caught himself, “when you first started to ask about the House system. She told me and Dad that she reckoned you’d be a Hufflepuff.”
“She never told me that,” Y/N frowned and James shrugged.
“Well she told me,” Y/N gave him a withering look.
“I figured,” she met Sirius’ eyes over James’ shoulder and he gave her the same cocky smirk that Y/N was beginning to realise was a near-permanent fixture for him.
“Hey,” he nodded at her.
“Gryffindor, huh?” Sirius’ smirk seemed to fall briefly, a slightly worried look on his face as he responded, though he tried to cover it with a poor substitute of his previous confidence.
“My Mum’ll be so proud.” James snickered, glancing at his new friend.
“These are our other dormmates, by the way,” James said, gesturing to the other three boys who had joined in with the conversation held by the other Hufflepuff boys who had turned up shortly after the Gryffindors. “That’s Remus, Peter and - you remember Dad talking about Frank?”
“Your dad was talking about me?” Frank asked, breaking out of the conversation to shoot a confused look at James and Y/N.
“Mine was telling us that he went to school with your Mum,” James explained cheerfully, no hint of the embarrassment that Y/N was feeling having been caught in such an odd conversation. 
“Right…” there was still an air of unsureness in Frank’s voice.
“How was your first night anyway? You doing okay?” James lowered his voice a little, clearly knowing that Y/N wouldn’t want for their classmates to overhear him checking up on her. “You sleep okay?” He added knowingly.
“It was fine, James - I’m fine, I promise,” Y/N said with a smile and gave a half shrug, glancing back to her new friends. “They all seem really lovely.”
“I’m glad,” James smiled, nudging her shoulder with his. “And last night - you didn't…?”
“No - not last night,” she confirmed. Y/N suddenly looked to Sirius, who she realised had been standing with them as they spoke, looking interested. “I snore,” was the first thing she could think of as an explanation. 
Sirius started to laugh and Y/N’s embarrassment washed over her, not that she had time to dwell on it when Beatrice grabbed her arm and tugged her towards the classroom that Professor Flitwick had just entered into.
“You’ll sit with me, right?”
They found a table together in the middle of the classroom, Y/N sliding into the chair nearest the window, Liane and Jessica sitting in the row in front of them, Eric joining a fellow Hufflepuff boy at the table beside them. It was no surprise at all to Y/N that James and his new friends took seats right at the back of the classroom.
“Who was that?” Beatrice whispered to her as Flitwick started his lecture.
“I’m trying to listen,” Y/N returned and Beatrice fell silent.
“No you’re not - you’re doodling!” Beatrice accused, her voice still too low to be heard by anyone other than Y/N.
“Relevant doodling?” Y/N offered and Beatrice gave her a withering look, not bothering to reply further than that. 
“Now it’s over to you to have a go! Remember - swish and flick!” Flitwick announced, clapping his hands cheerfully.
“Any chance you were actually paying proper attention?” Y/N asked Beatrice as Flitwick waved his wand and feathers flew across the room to land one in front of each student.
“The levitating charm,” Lily whispered from the table behind them. Y/N looked over her shoulder at the Gryffindor girl who was smiling. “You know - Wingardium Leviosa.”
“Thanks,” Y/N whispered in return. 
“But who is he?” Beatrice repeated again, the classroom filling with noise as the eager First Years began to cast their first spells. Y/N got her own out of her robes and shrugged nonchalantly.
“Just a guy I grew up with - our parents were friends.”
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kristallioness · 4 years
The guardian lemur
Summary: When Momo starts acting strange around Katara, she turns to Aang for advice.
Word count: 2,544
Author's note: I don't remember whether it was a blog post I saw here, or an online news article I stumbled across.. But, I think it's adorable when sometimes cats can sense if their owners are pregnant, so they become protective of them and start acting motherly towards them (like their natural instincts are kicking in). This cute concept inspired the following story. By the way, my mom has told me stories about how her grandmother (my great-grandmother) used to have a cat who'd catch mice and bring them back into the house and then release them, which infuriated her to no end. So, I guess this tidbit with Momo is inspired by that kitty, who didn't exactly understand how to be a cat. *lol* Anyways, I hope you like it since 'keeping warm' was one of my prompts, which I submitted this year (and it got chosen, yay!). Oh, and a happy beginning to all of you for Kataang Week 2020! *throws glitter and confetti*
The kitchen was filled with a mixed aroma of seaweed, herbs and noodles, all boiling in hot water. Katara added a pinch of salt into the broth and stirred the liquid with a big wooden spoon before taking a sip. From the corner of her eye, she could see the winged lemur, who'd quietly been sitting next to her feet for the past ten minutes.
"No, Momo. You can't have any until I'm done cooking."
Momo merely scratched the back of his ear with his hind leg, but otherwise didn't budge. Katara did feel bad for not giving him a taste before lunchtime. She wasn't even sure whether lemurs eat noodles, not to mention ones made out of seaweed..
And there it was again, the gentle rubbing against her shins. Momo began circling her legs in an attempt to persuade her to give him something to nibble on. Poor thing must be starving, she thought. If he was trying to make her feel guilty for not feeding him, it worked.
Katara released a heavy sigh and stepped away from the stove for a second, her small buddy padding right after her on the floor. She opened a cupboard door and grabbed the last moon peach from their dwindling fruit supply.
The constant following around nor the tiny gestures of affection weren't the things that had been driving the waterbender crazy. It was their pet's new habit of bringing live prey into the household. Last week, he'd caught dozens of bugs, five mice, three hamsters, two frogs and one unconscious bird.
Aang had nurtured the bird back to health and released it into the wild. The frogs weren't a problem either, so Katara had simply shooed them out of the house and they'd found a cosy habitat in the pond in front of their home. Luckily the bugs were also typical inhabitants on their little island, and the ones Momo brought inside eventually became dinner for the domesticated frogs.
However, it was the rodents who'd soon found their way into the pantry. Within a day, almost half of their pastry supplies were gone. Katara was furious. She had to ask her husband to buy more food from the market, and her brother to come up with ingenious traps to catch the annoying critters without killing them, like Aang had pleaded, before they could destroy their entire food supply, not to mention the vegetables in the greenhouse.
What really got on her nerves were the times the winged lemur would approach her with that proud smile on his face, something apparently dead caught between his small fangs or in between his paws, and release his catch right in front of her feet. Only for her to watch it scurry away before she could even blink, let alone catch it.
"This is the last one. Here you go," Katara said as she squatted down and extended her hand. She felt confused when the lemur pushed it back.
"Don't you want it? C'mon, it's your favourite treee-eat.."
She threw the peach into the hallway like a ball, in hopes that Momo would leave her alone to go fetch it. He did fly out of the kitchen for long enough to let her return to her cooking, but came back with the fruit fully intact between his fangs.
"Well, go on. Eat up!" Katara urged him with a wave of her hand, but Momo let out a disappointed moan and drooped his ears at that. He dropped the peach in his paws and with the utmost care, he pulled off a small piece and offered it to her instead.
"Thanks, Momo, but I'm not craving for a moon peach right now. You can have it."
The lemur hesitated at first, but under her watchful eye, he finally bit into the juicy fruit, allowing her to finish preparing lunch for herself and her husband in peace.
Speaking of peace, Katara couldn't recall the last time she and Aang had been given a moment of privacy in bed for the past couple of weeks. Often times when waking up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, Katara would discover that she'd inched further away from her partner, due to a scrawny furball who always managed to squeeze himself in between their tummies, no matter the positions they were in. Or if their intimacy wasn't being disturbed, she'd wake up due to the curled up, personalized heater sleeping on her belly whenever she was lying on her back.
Since when had she become a magnet for winged lemurs? Did she smell of something that attracted them to her? Had Momo grown fond of her and simply wished to spend more time by her side instead of hanging out with Aang all the time? Katara had no idea, but all of this was becoming a bit much.
As she poured the steaming seaweed noodles into two bowls, Momo leaped up and landed on her shoulders. He curled his tail around her neck for support, then held a leftover piece of the moon peach in front of her face.
"Oh, alright.." she chuckled, snagging the small piece from his paw and putting it in her mouth.
"Thanks, Momo!"
She scratched him from below the chin with her finger, earning a series of content purrs from the lemur. Once the bowls were full, she was ready to join her husband in the living room.
Aang was leaning on the windowsill, admiring the view of Republic City straight across the bay, when he heard footsteps coming closer.
"Lunch is served!" Katara announced as she joined him. The airbender grinned at the sight of two steaming bowls filled with delicious food, watching how she placed the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch. The smell that accompanied her was mouth-watering.
"Finally! I could eat a whole barrel of noodles by now."
His wife giggled at that comment.
"Well, I hope we didn't keep you waiting for too long."
He walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and giving her a loving smile.
"Sweetie, I waited for you for a hundred years. I don't think you could ever top that record again."
Katara laughed wholeheartedly this time, letting him give her a quick kiss on the lips afterwards.
Aang tenderly ran a hand over her slight belly bump before beckoning her to have a seat on the couch with him so they could have lunch together. They both grabbed a bowl, along with a pair of chopsticks, and clinked them together like those snobbish citizens in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se would do.
"Dig in!"
While the couple indulged themselves, Momo hopped off Katara's shoulders and disappeared to a different room. She noticed the lemur fly off into the corridor, but didn't pay too much attention to it. At this point, she was grateful for any given moment she could get, just to be alone with her beloved.
"What do you think? Is it too spicy?"
Hailing from the Water Tribe, Katara had grown up with a blander range of foods available in the frozen landscape, with the exception of meat that was either cooked or fried, and seasoned prior to the devouring.
Hence she tried to spice up their plain meals, such as these noodles, by experimenting with adding various spices or herbs. Aang shook his head.
"Nah, I think it's really good. You might wanna go easy on the garlic next time. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't wanna kiss me anymore if my breath stinks."
She laughed when he planted a greasy kiss on her cheek, after which she continued to slurp her own seaweed noodles.
Her attention turned to her feet when she spotted Momo, who'd returned from another one of his adventures. For a second, her heart dropped at the sight of a mouse caught between his teeth. Fortunately, it was just a toy he'd brought along.
"Momo, why are you bringing your stuff here? Do you wanna play?"
The winged lemur jumped up on the couch and supported his front paws on the waterbender's thigh, dropping the toy right into her lap. Katara stared at the fake mouse for a mere second before Momo flew away again.
"Wait! Where are you going? I was gonna play.. with you.."
She sighed, picking the toy up from its string of a tail. Aang could sense her frustration.
"What's wrong?"
Katara put her half-empty bowl on the table and continued to stare at the toy mouse hanging from her fingertips. She twirled the tail around, making the rest of its body spin.
"I don't know. Momo's been acting really strange lately."
"Strange how exactly?"
"He's always following me around and rubbing himself against me. Not to mention he's practically invaded our personal space in bed. I don't need to remind you that he's bringing all kinds of small creatures inside the temple every day.."
Aang's focus shifted from her complaining to the culprit himself. Momo had returned to the living room and he gleefully hopped beside the waterbender, this time dropping his favourite ball in her lap.
"..He brings me food even when I'm not hungry. And now, when I find a place to sit still for a little while longer, he keeps piling some of his toys around me."
Momo tilted his head and stared back at the airbender, almost as if he was trying to communicate with him. Tell him the motives behind his actions and all the mischief he'd caused within the last month. Katara picked up the ball he'd dropped.
"See?.. Aang, are you even listening to me!?"
"Sh-shh!" he hushed her, raising a finger to her lips so she'd quit yammering.
He pointed down to her stomach. Both their eyes were fixed on the winged lemur, who lay down in the waterbender's lap and nestled the side of his face against her round belly, one ear covering it like a blanket. Momo looked up at the married couple, then shut his lime green eyes and began purring ever so silently. Aang started laughing, but Katara became even more annoyed.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Oh, Katara.. He can tell when you're in the family way. He's trying to take care of you and the baby in the only way he knows how - by acting as a daddy lemur."
Her face twisted through several expressions of anger, confusion and eventually, realization.
"So, that's what he's been doing this whole time? Tending to me as if I'm an expecting mommy lemur? Which I technically am, except for the lemur part.."
Aang reached his hand out to pet his caring companion. The winged lemur arched his back a bit and nuzzled his face against the fuzzy material of Katara's coat. His purrs become louder with each stroke.
"Momo can sense that there's life growing inside of you, so he's been acting like a proper papa lemur and looking after the unborn child and its mother. That includes bringing you food and stuff to play with to keep you well-fed and entertained."
Katara felt as if he'd opened her eyes to a whole different reality. She never thought that Momo's odd behaviour could be related to the fact that she's pregnant now. The timing fit, and Aang's reasoning explained the weird new habits.
"But, what about the snuggling? Why's he so keen on sleeping on my stomach?"
"He's trying to keep you and the baby warm. Also, since there are a lot of hormonal changes going on with you right now, your body's radiating more warmth in this area," Aang explained by running his hand over her bump, careful not to move the lemur's ear off of it.
"Which means your stomach is the perfect hotspot, literally. You're keeping him warm, too."
"Where did you learn all of that?" Katara wondered, her tone playful and curious at the same time. The cheeks on her husband's face turned crimson and he looked away for a moment, rubbing the back of his bald head awkwardly.
"I might've found some books about pregnancy on the top shelf of the bookcase in your office the last time I was waiting for you to finish work..."
She giggled and rewarded him with a soft peck on the cheek for being so caring and putting in more effort to understand this new "condition" of hers better.
"Thanks, sweetie. I appreciate you looking out for me."
Aang accepted her gratitude with a wide grin, and by snaking an arm around her shoulder to pull her closer. After that, she joined him in stroking the winged lemur, who seemed to be happily napping in her lap.
"Oh, Momo.. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
He looked up at Katara and let out a short disgruntled screech that could've been translated into an 'I told you so'. She laughed at that.
"Oh, okay.. I guess you did tell me. I was just too oblivious to pick up on the signs."
Momo rested his head in her lap again and raised one of his ears above her belly bump.
"Why do you think he does that thing with his ear?" the waterbender wondered out loud, tenderly running her hand over the soft fur on the lemur's head.
"Maybe he's listening to what the little tyke is doing in there. Animals can hear sounds with a much higher frequency. Take my bison whistle, for example. We can't hear anything, but Appa always comes to me when I blow it."
"I doubt that Momo can hear anything else besides my stomach growling. I mean, the baby hasn't even developed a heart yet. Believe me, I've checked.. If anything, he might be able to sense its movements in my womb."
Katara was right. She was barely into the last weeks of her first trimester. As hard as she'd tried, she couldn't detect the baby's heartbeat through her healing abilities yet. And it was too early for it to start kicking her, too.
The only changes she could sense in her body were the slight weight gain, which led to her developing a subtle belly bump. Her breasts had become a bit tender, which meant that making love with Aang at night would be less fun for a while. Not that he wasn't being more gentle with her because of this.. And finally, some unusual cravings, which was probably why she preferred to cook spicier foods recently.
Either way, these slight changes were enough for Momo's paternal instincts to kick in. He rolled over onto his back and let the couple scratch his soft belly instead. The corners of his mouth curled into a content smile as he purred against Katara's tummy.
"Aww! I guess this is kind of endearing. Plus, this way the baby can get acquainted with one of its future furry friends, too. That's right! Yes, you can!" she cooed to the winged lemur, who rubbed himself against her thighs as he twitched with delight at her scratches.
"But no more mice in the house, okay? I'm capable of finding my own food," Katara said with a wave of her finger, to which Momo replied with another chirp. Translation - 'yes, madam'.
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goldenlaquer · 4 years
Hey ! Adding some Drifters content here : what kind of husbands/fathers do you think Toyohisa and Naoshi would be ? Btw, thank you for the quality content of your blog
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Part 2! Part 1 with the husband headcanons can be found here: x  
Apologies for the late post! Real life got me a bit distracted. 
Drifters Father Headcanons: 
Butch Cassidy:
Wild. Bold. Insubordinate. Fine traits for an outlaw, but for a father? Many wouldn’t think so. But it’s Cassidy’s pleasure to prove all them bastards wrong.
Alright, so maybe you’re going to have to be the main disciplinarian in this household because he can’t help himself from jumping into his child’s fun (read: trouble), often helping them reach for another piece of sweets that you had said ‘no’ to by distracting you with kisses while the kid makes a run for it or taking them out for a ride with the horses and coming back all grimy and stinky and in dire need of a bath or two, but who are you to stay mad for long? Seeing your husband and your kid grinning and laughing, it’s going to be so hard to keep a stern, straight expression on your face, the corners of your mouth just threatening to twitch upwards.
Still, as much as Butch Cassidy likes being the fun parent and toeing the line, he never allows any behavior that seriously undermines your authority and respect as a parent, skillfully dissuading their mischievous attentions away from, say, dumping a pail of water over your sleeping head ( “C’mon, let your mama have her rest. Try Uncle Kid.”) or letting them break any promises that you had specifically made with them (“Nope. Nuh-uh. You promised your mama that you’d wash your hands after playing. And your mama trusts you to keep that promise. We don’t go back on our words, alright?”) 
And it’s not as if he doesn’t have any ground rules of his own. There aren’t many (he knows better than anyone about the struggles of being restricted), but he still has ‘em: one, don’t go near the horses without anyone present, and two, don’t touch the guns. The horses are well-trained to not spook in the worst situations, but still, it makes you and him breathe easier to be able to watch what your kid does around such large and powerful creatures. And as for the guns rule, Cassidy has seen too many boys and men alike blow off a toe or a finger or their life with careless handling. He’s a daredevil, but he ain’t going to ever stupidly risk his kid’s life like that. 
The sternest he’s ever been is when your kid ignores those rules. His sharp eyes immediately picking up the way they inch closer to his guns when they think he’s not looking, hands slowly reaching out for the grip sticking out of his holster. His own hands are quick snatching up his child before they can even blink, setting them down on the ground outside or a crate and looking them straight in the eye, angry, but his voice is low and calm. He speaks to them plainly. He’s disappointed in them. The rules were there for a reason and they had gone back on their promise to not break them. By the end of the lecture and once he’s sufficiently sure that they understand what they did was wrong, Cassidy’s back to being the fun parent, ruffling their hair playfully as they sniffle and wipe away the tears. 
Not bad for an outlaw, eh?
Kanno Naoshi:
By some miracle, Naoshi finds it in himself to have patience. 
Actually, he probably always had patience for children in general, not just when it comes to his own kids. It’s the adults who he doesn’t hold a single lick of tolerance for, the same adults who do dumb shit and should know and act better than a child. Those are the type of people he doesn’t mind beating some physical and verbal sense into. But kids are kids, and kids they will be. Naoshi, despite many opinions otherwise, understands this well. 
That’s not to say that he’s a perfect A+ parent, because sometimes children can get hella annoying and too hard to handle and there’s so much Naoshi’s patience can take before it breaks and his temper takes over. He’s usually good at nipping tantrums in the bud, but when the kid gets especially persistent, he can’t help but to snap out in frustration, which does nothing but make make the kid sob louder. He’ll give you a look, to let you know he needs a break to cool off, and you nod and give him a thumbs-up back to communicate to him to take his time. It’s a tag-team effort. You’re in the ring now, trying to calm down one child who is screaming on top of their lungs. 
Food. He’s strict when it comes to meal times. Maybe it’s from being in the military or just being from a time where frugality is necessary, but he doesn’t let his brat mess with their food. Eat your damn fruits and veggies and respect the nourishment it gives you. Don’t like something? Too bad, you gotta eat it anyways. There’s no way in hell he’s raising his kid to be picky eater. 
He makes all the toys himself. He’s got the quite the crafty spirit, being able to make some very decent knick-knacks from the available wood and spare metal, some of which are modeled after various aircrafts. In his spare time, he squats down in the dirt and plays with them, barking out commands and obscure pilot lingo that your child easily understands and follows like a mini pro, the both of them roaring at each other and trying to smash each others plane down to the ground, aerodynamics be damned. 
AHH but just IMAGINE Naoshi settling your kid onto his lap up in the cockpit, engines turned off, letting them play with the controls and turn the yoke with their clumsy hands, as he grins proudly in response to his kid’s obvious joy being in the fighter jet (like father, like child). He’ll even plop his hat on their head, patting down the flaps to engulf their small ears AAAHHH
Okay, so about the cursing... he tries.  
“Fuck!” A small voice pipes up from beside you, and you turn to slowly look at your child, who innocently smiles at you with two missing front teeth. You immediately crane your neck to peer at the culprit, your husband. 
“Fuck,” Naoshi mutters, awkwardly coughing and pulling down his goggles to hide from your glare. 
Shimazu Toyohisa: 
our resident feral is actually? very good? with children?
He’s in tune with their emotions. And that’s GREAT for when they’re experiencing things for the first time and don’t know what to do with their new feelings or how to handle them. Toyohisa is gentle, yet firm as he guides them, his words simple and straightforward, but most importantly, Toyohisa speaks to them like they’re an adult, never belittling them or insulting their intelligence. He knows that children can understand more than what other adults give them credit for. 
He’s the type of parent to let his child learn their lesson the hard way. He knows that children get into trouble despite the warnings, and as long as they’re not in any real danger, he lets them figure it out themselves. Saves him the trouble of telling them multiple times, and besides, it wouldn’t do them any favors if he coddled them too much like those overprotective parents do. But if they start crying from fright, Toyohisa’s patting their head with his big palm, comforting them until the tears dry up. 
The rough play is insane. Like, Toyohisa is really out here throwing your kid 20 feet up in the air and catching them by the ankles, and he just grins and waves you away when you voice some actual concerns. He’s got it. He’d never let his kid fall. But despite his confidence and your trust in him, you can’t help your mini heart attacks every time your kid waves at you from the tree tops.
Nap time. Toyohisa never says no to naps and your kid inherited the same sentiment. You often find them napping together under the warm sunlight; kid tucked against his chest, drooling on his neck, and the man himself snoring and drooling at the mouth also. It’s so fucking adorable.
likes to carry them on his shoulder, listening to their giggles as he bounces them playfully up and down. and you too. you’re on the other shoulder. 
Toyohisa is strict in his values, and he’s strict in passing them down. He is unwavering in his teachings, just as his father had been with him. He tells them once and expects them to remember it forever. To him, it’s not just about morality, but a way of life, a guide to live and let live, a just and straight pathway to follow until the end and beyond. No matter where they are, his child is part of the Shimazu clan and will grow up upholding the Shimazu creed. 
Toyohisa want to be traditional in his child-rearing. He doesn’t value sons over daughters or anything like that, but he does staunchly believe that sons should be raised as warriors and daughters should be raised as household caretakers. It’s not something you can easily change his mind on. But if your child becomes an adult and really wants to become someone else than who they were raised to be, Toyohisa is surprisingly not so opposed to it then. By then, he has taught them everything he knows. Toyohisa trusts their judgement and ability to live their own life. 
How does writing launch me into baby fever???
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molluskwritesfic · 4 years
Where the Roses Grow: Chapter Two
The compound on Arvala-7 didn’t house one bounty, but two. Elsi Nokk is an enslaved nanny with more than a few tricks up her sleeve. She’ll do anything to protect her charge, even if it means standing against - and then with - a certain Mandalorian. Rated M.
This story can also be found on fanfiction.net and Ao3.
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Mild violence, strongly implied child abuse, slavery and associated themes.
Chapter One - This Chapter  - Next Chapter
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Chapter Two
It was hot.
The walk hadn't started out horribly. Despite her trepidation, she was still able to appreciate a change in scenery after being penned up in the compound for so long. Thankfully, they'd only been in direct sunlight for about a half hour. After that, they walked in the shade offered by the maze of shallow canyons that stretched out around the compound in every direction.
The baby was having the time of his life. He perched in his bassinet, happy as a clam as he watched lizards skitter in and out of cracks. Life in the compound had been boring for Elsi, but it had been even more frustrating for him. Elsi had done everything in her power to keep him entertained and happy, but a child needed more than his nanny to play with while locked in the same building for so long.
There had been so many games of hide-and-seek.
To him, the change in scenery was magical. He would communicate this to his caretaker, who would humor him by nodding and forcing a smile. He also tried talking to his new friend - the Mandalorian - who ignored him entirely.
Elsi, mindful of annoying a new master - even if it was only a temporary arrangement - had to repeatedly reinforce their little 'be quiet' signal. Each time she held her finger over her lips, the baby would dutifully copy the motion and fall silent, only to forget a minute or so later and go back to chittering for attention.
Not that she blamed him. Their joint existence had been a lonely one.
. ~0~0~0~
Elsi didn't dawdle.
'Daddy's special quests', as Hetta so eloquently put it, was a not-so-discreet euphemism for 'Underworld Contacts'. Like almost every nobleman that managed to cling to power through the rise of the Empire, Lord Burkisn made deals - most under the table, some not - with Imperial officials and dealers. Elsi didn't hold it against him; he was a politician, and that's what politicians did. But now that the Empire had fallen, Lord Burkisn was scrambling to appease the New Republic while still managing old promises.
Although the Empire was technically gone, the power and influence of the Imperial Underworld remained. When an Empire Remnant called in a favor, you did your best to accommodate.
Elsi's soft shoes were soundless on the shiny tile floors as she bustled through the ornate halls, keeping to the walls in order to avoid other servants and the odd protocol droid that bumbled past.
Lord Burkisn had a wide range of servants in his household - approximately a third of them were slaves. Droids could do a slave's work, but weren't nearly as fashionable. House slaves were much harder to replace; you couldn't program them or fix them when they broke. They had to be taught. Fed. Like most pets: a potentially expensive long term investment.
She bypassed the main study - where New Republic representatives were often hosted - and down a set of stairs into the lower levels of the house. Lord Burkisn's private study was well-cushioned and unassuming, but Elsi couldn't help but feel the very air had been tainted by the people that had been hosted there over the years.
If you thought there was nothing worse than a nobleman that both owned slaves and had the gall to manipulate the New Republic system into letting him keep them - you'd be very wrong.
The prospect of a baby was troubling. Why would Underworld entities have a baby in the first place? Let alone a sick baby? Even then, why the hell were they bringing it to HER? Surely they had deep enough pockets to buy their own doctors and nannies to care for it.
She reached the polished oak door and took a moment to straighten out her cotton dress, ensuring she was prim and every hair was in its proper place. This gave her a moment to eavesdrop.
The conversation came in bits and pieces, muddled by the door.
"... Hays Minor. They won't…"
"...sold… from spice dealers on… delivery."
"We couldn't take it to… when it's…"
Lord Burkisn's voice rose above the others, shrill and irritated. "Where the hell is that damn nanny? I paid twelve thousand credits for that overpriced whore…"
Elsi grimaced, realizing that she'd already pushed her luck too far, and knocked.
Elsi eased her way into the room, head down with her eyes politely on her toes, hands folded chastely in front of her.
"About fucking time," he swore at her, which wasn't out of the ordinary. However, it WAS uncharacteristic of him to do so in front of business associates. Lord Harl Burkisn was tall and on the back side of middle aged with charmingly light blue eyes, chestnut hair streaked with grey at the temples, and impeccable jawline; handsome, really. He took great pride in his appearance. His usual suave, put-togetherness was a huge part of his professional image. "What took so long?"
Elsi lowered her head further in the perfect imitation of shame. "I came as soon as I was told, sir."
He growled under his breath, "Hetta…"
Elsi did nothing to confirm or deny the inference.
Thankfully, Burkisn moved on. He flicked his fingers to summon her closer. She obeyed without question.
Though her eyes were down, she quickly surveyed the room through her eyelashes. Her master was accompanied by two other men, a human and a twi'lek. They were reasonably well-put together, but their dark, closefitting clothes suggested mercenaries, not anyone high-ranking. They were all looming around Lord Burkisn's desk, upon which sat a large metal storage container.
Lord Burkisn led her to it and gestured for her to peer inside.
When Hetta had said that there was a baby, Elsi had assumed that it would be the child of another nobleman - perhaps a bastard that they didn't want their spouse to know about and were secreting away to live somewhere else.
She couldn't have been more wrong. Or confused.
It was a child, alright. A tiny green baby with massive bat ears held flat against a dirty brown sack of an overcoat. It was short, squat, and unlike anything Elsi had seen before.
The little creature was beyond pitiful; curled up in on itself like it was trying it's hardest to be swallowed up in the dirty sack that it wore, which was already much too big for it. It sat with its back to it's audience, pressing the front of its tiny green body into one corner of the box like it desperately wanted to hide.
It was awfully, awfully still.
Elsi's heart broke for it. She looked to her master for instructions.
Lord Burkisn seemed troubled. "Can you care for it?"
Elsi didn't like making promises. "I've cared for many children."
He scoffed and dragged a hand through his hair, making it stick out in every direction. "Yes. Yes. But this one?"
"I don't see why not. But…" She hesitated. "Is it alive?"
Burkisn whipped back around to study the child more closely. His eyes glittered nervously as his less practiced gaze caught what Elsi had seen at once: the unnatural stillness, how quiet it was. Children weren't supposed to act like that.
He turned and fixed the two couriers with a glare.
"Err…" The twi'lek shuffled nervously, very much out of his comfort zone. "Should be…"
"When did you last check?"
"This mornin'," the human said defensively. "It's been sluggish since we got it, but it hasn't done much since midweek. It just sits and stares."
"What changed then?"
"Nothin'! We kept in the landspeeder, just like always - "
"On Hays Minor? It's freezing there! And you just left it in the speeder?" Burkisn accused, dark eyes thunderous with disgust. "This precious, EXPENSIVE asset? And you've treated it so carelessly? Can you even BEGIN to understand what they'll do to m… to YOU… if it perishes? Do you change it? When's the last time it had anything to eat? Have you bathed it recently?"
Rich, coming from a man that hadn't done any of those things for a child in his life. Elsi wasn't fooled by the righteous tirade. It had nothing to do with the baby's welfare.
"Is it alive or not?" He went on to demand. He was worried. While coming to the 'rescue' of something valuable could be beneficial, having the asset die while under his roof would be very, very bad indeed.
The courier closest to the crate reached out a gloved hand and gave the box a sharp shake. Elsi was no stranger to cruelty; her expression didn't change.
The baby gave a barely audible squeak as it was loosened from its makeshift safe spot. Other than that, it's only response was to weakly shift to press its face back into its corner.
"See?" The twi'lek said triumphantly. "It's alive."
The poor thing was half frozen. Lonely and terrified. No wonder it was sick.
Elsi grit her teeth, anxious to be rid of the other adults so she could take over.
"If it's sick, shouldn't we take it to a medical facility?" The human courier piped up. His eyes ghosted over Elsi's form appraisingly. "No offense, but why're we just giving it to a house slave?"
Burkisn sniffed. "You've lost the right to make those decisions. And do you think I'd let my daughter, my own flesh and blood, be cared for by any less than the best?" He prodded Elsi roughly in the shoulder. "Your credentials."
Elsi's collar felt tighter than usual. It was the same practiced spiel she'd given to potential buyers since she was twelve, and she delivered it with less emotion than a droid. "Educated by the Flirkgen Order of Servitude, First Class. I am trained in all forms of childcare from birth to adulthood, including, but not limited to: childbirth, nursing, emergency first aid, education, and nutrition. To date, I have cared for…"
Burkisn silenced her with a wave of his hand. "You see? We can't risk calling for a doctor, anyhow. The asset doesn't exactly blend in, does it? And if they found out it…"
He cut himself off. Elsi didn't bother wondering who 'they' were.
"Can you care for it?" Burkisn repeated. "Nurse it back to health?"
"I'm not a doctor, master," Elsi said warily. She wouldn't know the full extent until she'd had a chance to look it over properly, but the poor creature already seemed half dead to her. "But I will certainly do my best."
"Good. It's settled." He clapped his hands with an air of finality. "You'll make it your top priority. All of your other duties are suspended till further notice."
That was fine by her, so long as she didn't have to be the one to tell Hetta. The child did NOT like sharing anything, especially the slaves that were at her beck and call. There were other childminder's in the household that were more than qualified to care for the master's child, but none of them were Elsi.
Elsi bowed deep. "Yes, master."
We waved her away. "Take it, then. I'll inquire later as to your progress."
With a final curtsy, Elsi bustled forward and picked up the crate, closing the lid in hopes of making the little creature feel a little safer. The metal was icy cold against her skin. Without a moment to spare, she hurried out of the room.
~0~0~0~ .
Elsi was exhausted.
The skin under her collar still burned, the already tender skin actively being rubbed raw by the collar every time she moved her head. Every muscle in her body threatened to give out at a moment's notice. She moved in constant fear that the next step would be the one to send her sprawling to the ground.
She wasn't sure she wanted to suffer that brand of embarrassment today. Not that she had much pride left after a lifetime of humiliation and servitude, but she already had enough to worry over.
She stumbled a few times, but didn't fall. She kept walking.
After several hours, their pace had begun to slow. With every step, a little of the strength she'd pretended to have was leached away. It took everything she had to put one foot in front of the other.
The Mandalorian didn't comment, but Elsi noticed how the brisk, utilitarian pace he'd originally set had dwindled to something that was clearly designed to accommodate her. She appreciated, yet hated it.
Being thought of as weak was usually a good thing. But it wasn't in this case because it was the truth. Being underestimated gave her an edge, one that - staring at the tattered, dirty cloak of the silent wall of armor that stalked silently ahead of her - she wished she still had.
The baby finally settled down, tired from the day. He sat in his bassinet, nibbling his cloth frog and peering out at the changing scenery. His dark eyes flickered as he sought out the lizards that occasionally darted across their path.
Elsi knew he must be getting hungry. She was, too. Their last shared meal had been that morning, and it was well into late afternoon now. Elsi was used to functioning on very little; years of being fed the bare minimum had taught her to ignore the empty gnawing in her gut.
She didn't want the baby to have to learn the same way she did, but had a feeling that the Mandalorian wanted to get somewhere specific before nightfall. The canyons weren't exactly the best place to spend the night. Too many places for an enemy to hide.
She would wait until then before asking for a brief respite to feed her charge.
As if to confirm her suspicions about the canyons, the Mandalorian suddenly came to a halt. He lifted a gloved hand, cautioning Elsi to do the same. It was unnecessary, of course, because she'd heard it as well.
A near-silent footstep. The soft clink of a rock being kicked out of place and knocking into another. A quick, panted breath.
Then silence.
Elsi cast a warning glance at the baby, who didn't need to be directly told to stay silent. The adults' sudden tension was more than enough. He gripped his frog tighter.
Elsi watched the Mandalorian closely, taking note of the tension in his shoulders, waiting for some kind of signal.
She saw the Mandalorian's hand ghost over his blaster.
When the first bounty hunter exploded out of the shadows, Elsi was already on the move. While the Mandalorian met the threat, both of them, head on, Elsi made a beeline for the bassinet.
Sand flew as the sound of battle echoed throughout the narrow canyon. The baby whined when she scooped him into her arms. She hushed him, giving him a little reassuring bounce before slinking away from the conflict.
The baby cried out, distraught. He'd tried to take his frog with him, but dropped it. Elsi cast a glance backward to see it lying prone in the sand, only a few meters away from where the bounty hunters fought.
She went on, melting into the shadows and through a passage in the canyon walls. Worst case, she could make him another.
Elsi turned twice down different paths before deciding they'd gone far enough. She leaned her back against the stone, tucking them away in a dip in the rock face. The sounds of the fight had faded, leaving the pair washed in a heavy silence. Elsi struggled to quiet her breathing, which rasped loudly in her throat as she fought to catch her breath.
The baby buried his face against her chest and grumbled.
"Froggy's fine," she sighed, tipping her head back against the rock and closing her eyes. "We'll get him in a minute."
From what she'd seen, the Mandalorian had been holding his own fairly well, so hopefully they'd be able to go back to the bassinet in a few minutes. Not that she wanted to go with the faceless hunter, but for now she preferred him to the others. At least she was almost certain that he didn't have any immediate plans for killing her or the baby.
Also, he had her fob. She couldn't go very far without it.
Suddenly, the Mandalorian was there. He appeared without warning, scaring the shit out of Elsi - though she'd never show it.
He was more or less unscathed except for a gash in his upper arm. It looked nasty, but he seemed unbothered.
His helmet ticked forward minutely. "You good?"
Elsi's response was collected and emotionless. "Yes."
The child chirruped to say that he was fine, too, thanks for asking.
The Mandalorian cocked his head slightly, then held something out to him. The baby's ears perked forward when he recognized the beloved patchwork frog sitting in the warrior's hand. He gave a squeal of delight and all but threw himself out of Elsi's arms to get it.
Elsi almost dropped him, but was able to adjust fast enough to prevent him from falling. With a weary sigh, she moved to place the baby back in his bassinet, which still floated obediently at the Mandalorian's elbow.
The baby hummed happily and snuggled down in his blankets, squishing Froggy against his cheek.
Elsi's quick eyes went back to the gash on the Mandalorian's arm, then lowered submissively, fixing on the diamond shaped indent on his cuirass. "Your injury looks painful. I can dress it, if it pleases you."
His shoulders settled back; in surprise, Elsi thought.
"It's fine," he rasped. "We need to keep moving."
Elsi didn't argue.
. ~0~0~0~
Despite the awkwardness of the box, Elsi took the steps of the narrow servants' staircase two at a time, doing her best not to jostle the baby.
She winced and murmured an apology when she accidentally bumped it against a wall as she turned a corner, feeling the occupant slide from one corner to another.
Elsi bumped the door to her room open with her hip, and then closed it with her foot. As the head child-minder of a prestigious household, she had been granted her own quarters. She was still a slave, so it wasn't much: a small bed, a fireplace, a couple of chairs, a minuscule refresher, and a table that was covered with her current sewing projects.
She swept the half-finished articles of clothing off the table without a second thought, no longer caring if they got trampled and dirty, then sat the crate gingerly in their place.
Finally alone, Elsi flipped open the lid. Now she was closer, she caught a whiff of what could only have been the child; an unpleasant mix of bodily waste and mildew.
A distraught sigh hissed between her teeth. Elsi cautiously moved to pick up the baby.
The baby seemed to know she was coming and pressed itself more firmly into the corner. She crouched beside the table so that she was level with the box, reaching out tentatively towards the cowering child to smooth the fuzz on the back of its head.
The baby squeaked weakly, somehow succeeding in making itself look smaller. Elsi recoiled. Time was at the essence, but the last thing it needed was to be frightened even more.
"It's okay," Elsi hummed in her most reassuring voice, the same tried-and-true one used to soothe nightmares. She settled back just enough to kneel in the chair and rested her forearms on the edge of the crate.
The baby whined.
"Hey, hey. Shhh," she murmured, reaching out again and brushing her knuckles gently down the baby's spine. It quivered. She repeated the motion, "It's okay. You're okay. Shh."
The baby gave a plaintive squeak that was muffled by the side of the crate.
"Yeah, I know you're cold," she crooned. "Will you let me warm you up?"
The baby didn't comment, but it did turn its head, daring to peer at her with dark, watery eyes. Elsi noted the crusty discharge that had dried at the corners. Then the dampness of its nose.
"Can I hold you?" She asked, holding out her hands to it expectantly.
The baby squeezed its eyes shut.
Elsi figured that it was the closest thing to permission she was going to get. She gingerly wrapped her fingers around the baby's middle and lifted. He weighed next to nothing; she could wrap her hands all the way around him. She immediately transferred him to her chest, tucking his fuzzy head under her chin. Tiny claws curled into the fabric covering her collarbones.
Holding him in place with one hand, she bustled around the room, humming softly for the baby's sake as she unearthed cloth diapers, towels, and wash rags.
She took the supplies to the refresher, where she spread out one of the towels on the counter next to the sink, which she then filled partway with warm water. The child was far too small to consider using the tub.
Careful to cradle his head, Elsi eased the baby down on the counter. His sallow green skin stood out starkly against the fluffy white towel. The child stared up at her blankly through half-closed eyes.
"We're gonna get you clean, m'kay? The water's nice and warm for you. Then maybe you'll feel a little better. That sound good?" She explained to him kindly, but he only blinked in response.
The baby was heartbreakingly easy to manipulate out of his clothes, making her suspect that he was used to being handled roughly. She made a point to be as gentle as possible.
"Do you like bubbles?"
Before his bath, Elsi wiped him down and checked for injuries. He didn't react much to the water, leaning heavily into the hand that was keeping him propped up while she smoothed his skin with the gentlest soap she had and ran a kitten-soft washcloth over his ears.
After, she wrapped him in a small clean blanket instead of redressing him. His tiny robes would need to be cleaned before she would even consider putting them on him again, and even then, they were past use.
She would make him others, but that would take some time.
She laid him against her chest, lifting one of his little three-fingered hands to her lips to press a kiss to his knuckles. Elsi toed off her shoes and settled down on her bed. The baby snuffled a little, but otherwise stayed quiet as she tugged the other blanket over top of them both.
He felt much warmer now, at least. Elsi nuzzled the top of his head, breathing in the gentle smell of flowers from the soap. The baby mumbled softly before blinking his eyes closed.
It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. Elsi rubbed her hand up and down his back. Pressed kisses to the top of his head. Stoked his ears. Hummed a lullaby. Then another.
It seemed that he had given up, but children could be dazzlingly resilient. As awful as he seemed now, he could be up and playing in a day or two. She'd seen it before. Hopefully, a little love and attention would be enough to breathe a little life back into the poor little runt.
She wasn't optimistic, but that wouldn't stop her from trying.
~0~0~0~ .
The trio walked well into the evening, not stopping until the canyons were far behind them and they were surrounded by nothing but flat, rocky plains.
Elsi saw the logic. Out here, nothing could sneak up on them. The Mandalorian would see or hear anything a long time before it became an active threat.
Though she appreciated the strategic value of the decision, she loathed the bounty hunter for forcing them to travel so far before resting.
The last of the sun's rays were fading below the horizon, painting the desert in a myriad of lovely violet hues. The Mandalorian chose a flat-ish expanse of rock to kneel down, producing a collapsible lantern. He set it down at the center of the space and turned it on, casting them all in an orange glow.
"We'll camp here tonight."
Music to Elsi's ears. She all but collapsed to the ground, disguising her exhaustion as productivity by immediately starting to dig through the russack bag. She found the water and two jerky ration packs that she and the baby would share. She uncorked the water and drank, nursing it to make it last.
The last few hours had them walking directly into the setting sun, prompting Elsi to close the bassinet shutters so as to offer the baby some shade. He'd been quiet for the most part, but now that they'd stopped moving, he seemed to have enough reason to draw attention to the fact that he still was still secluded.
"Muuuu?" Muu? A soft, drawn-out squeaky sound, always turned up at the end like a question. It was the baby's name for his caretaker. It was cute, really. So much better than Nan.
Elsi forced herself back to her feet, ignoring the screaming of her aching muscles in favor of retrieving the baby. When the shutters peeled away, he rewarded Elsi with a wide, toothy grin.
Mood slightly improved, she got him out, but also tugged the bassinet over to where she'd been sitting: away from the Mandalorian.
The baby trilled conversationally at the bounty hunter, who continued ignoring him. In the time it had taken Elsi to get the baby and sit back down, the Mandalorian had removed his cuirass and sat prodding at its inner workings with a tool from his belt.
The baby was entranced by the occasional shower of sparks tossed into the air as the Mandalorian worked, but not so much that he was distracted from consuming every morsel of food Elsi placed in his greedy little hands.
She figured that she ought to hurry. While she was no expert on Mandalorians, she was vaguely aware of the limitations regarding the helmet. He hadn't been able to eat or drink all day, and while Elsi didn't really care much for his welfare, she knew she would if he became frustrated and decided to take it out on her. He could also die from heatstroke, which would essentially trap her and the baby in the middle of the desert.
Until a better option presented itself, he was their best bet.
Elsi didn't give two shits about seeing his face. She had better things to worry about than satisfying basic curiosity - especially curiosity that could end with him killing her out of rage. If he simply asked her to not look, she wouldn't. As her (temporary?) owner, he could also order her not to look, and she'd have no choice but to obey.
But she didn't think he would do either. The Mandalorian would probably wait until they'd both fallen asleep to remove his helmet; which was absolutely no problem for Elsi - she was already half-asleep sitting up. The baby was a little trickier. Elsi would have to make sure he was asleep before settling down herself.
Luckily, the baby hadn't slept much throughout the day. By the time he finished eating, he was snuggling into Elsi's shoulder, making the soft little grumbling noises he made when he was tired.
Elsi hummed to him, soft enough that only he could hear, rubbing his back in time with the melody. It was an old slave song, one she distantly remembered her mother singing for her when she was fussy and small.
The humming also kept the baby from hearing the sounds that the Mandalorian was making. Forgoing Elsi's offer to clean and dress the wound on his arm, he'd settled on cauterizing it with the same tool he was using to repair his armor.
It looked painful. She almost insisted that he stop and let her tend him, but then remembered that she didn't care.
Elsi tucked the sleeping baby in the bassinet, ensuring he was snuggly wrapped in his blankets and clutching his stuffed frog before she closed the shutters.
Confident that he would sleep through the night, Elsi lay down on the stony ground with the russack bag tucked under her head. Mindful to keep her back to the Mandalorian, she allowed her exhausted and abused body to finally rest.
~0~0~0~ .
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mariequitecontrarie · 4 years
A Rumbelle Dark Castle Fic
Summary: When Belle first hears Rumplestiltskin laugh, she’s determined to make it happen again. A/N: My @rumbellechristmasinjuly present for @silwenworld. I’m so sorry this is late, friend. I tried to weave some references in to Polish culture and hope it makes you smile. This fic is basically two Dark Castle Dorks squabbling like old marrieds.   On AO3
Rumplestiltskin laughed. It wasn't his usual twittering giggle or the short, falsetto snicker reserved for particularly irritating nobles who called upon his power. It was a low, rumbling laugh, deep and genuine. His sides shook and his eyes crinkled at the corners, the lines fanning out almost to his temples. Even the crimped mop of hair on his head quivered with amusement. As soon as Belle heard it, she wanted to make it happen again. The sound was so surprising that she almost dropped the heavy basket filled with bread balanced on her hip. She slid the rolls and baguettes to safety onto the kitchen counter and spun around to give him her full attention, waiting for more. But the laughter was gone, the sparkle in his gaze shuttered, and all traces of mirth wiped from his expression. And though the atmosphere in the kitchen had shifted, she couldn’t let the moment go by unmentioned.
“You laughed,” she said, astonished at the generous, happy sound. She could almost hear its faint, deep echo in the kitchen rafters.
“Stop gaping at me, woman, I did nothing of the sort.”
“Deny it all you like,” she said with a growing smile. “But I heard it.”
Rumplestiltskin affected a dramatic pose and waved his arms in his signature flourish. “I laugh all the time,” he said and punctuated the words with a maddening giggle. “You’ve never commented on it before.”
Belle crossed her arms. This had been different and they’d both known it. The panicked glaze in his eyes was proof enough. “You laugh in mockery or to protect yourself. Just now you sounded happy. Joyful.”
“What an impertinent caretaker you are.” He wagged a finger at her. “Did you trouble your father this much when you lived in his household? No, don’t bother answering. The hairs on my head are turning white even as we speak.”
Belle rolled her eyes. Rumplestiltskin was immortal and although he was somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 years old, he didn’t have a single grey hair that Belle could find. Besides, any grey hair he’d earned came long before her arrival.
“Always changing the subject.” She rewarded his discomfiture with a sassy grin, then sashayed to the other side of the kitchen behind the large island, putting a safe distance between them. Alongside her delight and triumph at hearing his laughter, there was a strange, unfamiliar sense of warmth overtaking her. Smoothing the skirt of her dress with damp palms, she watched a spider methodically weave its web into the corner of the kitchen wall while she thought up a task to soothe her jitters. She wasn’t sure why, but the sound of Rumplestiltskin’s laughter had made her pulse skitter and her breath quicken. And when he’d stood close, his breath fanning her face as he laughed, the sweet aroma of magic and straw had overwhelmed the yeasty fragrance of bread.
Closing her eyes, she tried to commit the sound to memory. A shiver chased up her spine. His laughter had been intoxicating. Primal and full of life.
Shaking herself out of her daydream, Belle opened her eyes. The nearness of her employer didn’t typically affect her this way. At any rate, dinner and dessert wouldn’t make themselves, so she needed to get back to work. She squatted down to peruse the cookbooks on the shelves beneath the countertops, searching out one filled with cake recipes. Something with peaches would do nicely. The village bakery usually delivered cakes for Rumplestilsktin’s tea with the bread, but today they were out. It was her own fault; the riveting story she’d been reading yesterday had so engrossed her that she forgot to place the usual order. Thankfully there was always plenty of bread.
Burned cakes, Rumplestiltskin often said, were tolerable. Burned bread, however, was an abomination.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh!” She stood up too quickly and narrowly escaped banging her head on the underside of the counter.
His voice had floated as though he was standing right behind her, but he was clear across the room, a wicked grin plastered across his face. One leather-clad hip leaned indolently against the molding of the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest.
She hated it when he tossed his voice. “Rumplestiltskin!” She stomped her foot. “Don’t you have a potion to mix or a nobleman to vex?” Raising an eyebrow, he snapped his fingers. A bialy from the top of the breadbasket floated across the kitchen island and into his outstretched hand. “What a peculiar little thing you are,” he said. And before she could respond, he disappeared in a poof of red smoke.
Belle peeked around the corners and opened the pantry door just in case he was still hiding. No sign of him. Her sigh of relief met the cool kitchen air in a puff of steam. Alone at last, she put the kettle on to boil water for tea.
Ordinarily, Rumplestiltskin’s grand exits were frustrating—most people couldn’t poof in and out of rooms and realms at will. He also had a distressing penchant for disappearing in the middle of an argument, and often right before she was going to make a point. Yelling into an empty room was both embarrassing and disconcerting. Today, however, his presence was an unwelcome distraction.
She needed a plan.
Something had amused him enough to inspire the most wonderful laughter she had ever heard, and Belle was determined to discover what it was. The kettle whistled and while she prepared some black orange peel tea, she mulled over the possible events that had led to his laughter. When the sweetness of oranges perfumed the room, she brought her cookbook and tea to the worktable and sat down on her usual stool.
They’d been here together in the kitchen. He was pilfering a sweet snack, and she was accepting the bread delivery from the bakery. When she sidled by him with the bread basket, he laughed like he was hearing the finest tale in half a century.
Most people considered him a monster and would sooner relegate him to the pit of hell than care about what could possibly amuse the Dark One. But after almost a year of living at the Dark Castle in his service, Belle knew there was more to Rumplestiltskin than he revealed to the world.
Hadn’t he gifted her with a beautiful room overlooking the castle gardens and outfitted her with lovely and comfortable clothes in every shade of her favorite color blue? He encouraged her to correspond with her father and even allowed her to visit with a friend a time or two. He fussed over her when she worked too much and tucked her into bed with soup and tea when she was ill. And then there was the sumptuous tower library built just for her. It was her room alone and no one else was allowed inside without permission, he said. When he sought her out, the library and her bedroom were the two places he knocked and waited for her invitation before entering, even when the doors were wide open.  
Rumplestiltskin was a dangerous person—she wasn’t oblivious. But beneath his otherworldly exterior and mystical trappings lurked a sad, melancholy man who had lost his son and faced more than two centuries of loneliness. From the scant handful of stories he had willingly shared, she knew the life he’d had before he met the darkness had been years of rejection and ridicule. Life, she suspected, had offered him precious few reasons to laugh.
While a future as an indentured servant wasn’t the life she would have chosen for herself, living with Rumplestiltskin wasn’t unpleasant. In fact, if she were forced to choose between Rumple and her father, it would be a hard choice to make. Besides, she was here and she had promised to stay forever. It gave her a sense of purpose to care for someone other than herself. Perhaps if she could offer him more reasons to laugh he wouldn’t be so distant, so angry. Maybe he wouldn’t always choose to hide behind a mask. Now, how could she get Rumplestiltskin to laugh again?
A commotion from the ornate cuckoo clock spurred her to action. With only two hours until supper, she needed to hurry. Off to the pantry she went in search of the flour and sugar for the cake.
xoxo After the supper dishes were cleared away, Belle watched carefully from her perch on the settee as Rumple picked up a slice of her freshly baked babka and sniffed. “It’s Wednesday. I thought there would be peach tarts.” The remark drifted down the long table in the center of the great hall, his tone carrying a hint of accusation. She decided against telling him she’d botched the bakery order. “There are peach preserves in this,” she said, hoping to mollify him. “And I made it myself.” Shrugging, he gulped the slice of cake in two bites. “Not the worst I’ve eaten.” Belle hid a smile. Coming from Rumplestiltskin, that was a compliment. He slurped sugar-laced tea from the cup she’d chipped on her first day of service in the castle and ate three more pieces of pastry from the tray. Belle edged forward in her seat, knocking a pillow to the floor when she shifted. Now perhaps he would laugh again. But although he hummed his appreciation for the food, there was no laughter. Disappointed, she scooped up the fallen pillow and hugged it to her middle. Perhaps she should have slipped up to his laboratory and taken some laughing potion to stir into the recipe. Surely such a thing existed. “Aren’t you having any?” he asked, then filled her cup with tea without waiting for an answer. He set two slices of cake on a plate and walked the length of the room to deliver them. When she accepted the plate, their sleeves brushed at the wrist. He backed away as though her clothes were on fire. Belle chewed her lip. It wasn’t like him to be so skittish. “Do I have germs or something?” “No more than usual.” His gaze shifted to the discarded novel on the floor and he settled in the wingback chair opposite the settee. He steepled his fingers. “You’re quiet today. What ails you? Plotting my demise?” “Nothing ails me.” She mustered her sweetest smile. “Everything is fine.” “Indeed?” He harrumphed. “Take a bite of your cake so I know you’ve not a mind to poison me.” “You’ve already eaten five pieces and you’re no worse for wear,” she pointed out, but she bit into the sweet cinnamon-laced confection to appease him anyway. It was good. She congratulated herself on her most successful baking venture thus far, since it seemed no one else was going to. “Touché,” he grunted. “Keep eating, please, so you don’t waste away and force me to send you home to your papa as a bag of bones. You barely touched your supper.” It was true she hadn’t had much appetite. She had been too busy watching him and wondering how she could inspire more of this afternoon’s beautiful laughter. She sank her teeth into a massive bite of cake and lifted her chin. “Why Rumplestiltskin,” she said after swallowing, “I didn’t know you cared.” He left the table in another poof of smoke and maniacal laughter. Not quite the reaction she was hoping for, but she could be stubborn as well. The game had only begun. xoxo
Over the next few weeks, Belle tried every technique she could think of to amuse Rumplestiltskin. Jokes, stories, a feather duster to tickle his sharp nose. She even traipsed through the great hall while he was spinning with a basket overflowing with bread, the same as she did the day she first heard his laughter. Jogging his memory of that day in the kitchen would surely work. But she was so focused on his reaction that she tripped over her own feet and dumped the basket on the floor. Rolls flew in every direction--onto the carpet, into the fire, and under the display cabinets filled with treasures from other lands. One piece of bread even landed on her head.
No reaction from Rumplestiltskin. Not even a snigger at Belle's expense.
Sweeping up the mess took so long she got a cramp in her shoulder. The crumbs tangled in her hair had to be washed out. At least there would be plenty of stale crusts to feed the birds.
Turning to the vast Dark Castle library, she scoured the dust-choked shelves for entertaining comedies. Without question, one of these was bound to make Rumplestiltskin laugh uproariously. Each evening for a week she read to Rumplestiltskin by the light of the fire, producing book after book until her fingers had papercuts and even she wanted a break from words. She’d even gone so far as to translate the work of a Polish author from The Land Without Magic by the name of Elżbieta Cherezińska.
Rumplestiltskin had snorted a time or two and the ghost of a smile crossed his lips, but he didn’t laugh at a single story. On the seventh evening of reading, he ordered Belle to her bedroom with a pot of hot tea and a dram of whiskey to soothe her raw throat.
“That’s the fifth time you’ve coughed in an hour and your voice is starting to resemble a giant,” he’d said.
Too bewildered by being packed off to bed with Rumplestiltskin clucking at her like a mother hen, it didn’t occur to Belle to be insulted. Next, she tried concocting a potion for laughing. Yes, she should have tried this on the first day, she’d thought as the burgundy syrup bubbled on the stove. Magic helped Rumplestiltskin achieve his ends and there was no reason it couldn’t work for her. If only she hadn’t gone into the laundry room to wash Rumplestiltskin’s aprons. But she had, forgetting that the contents of the spell required complete concentration. Most of the potion boiled over leaving her without a key ingredient—whitehaven petal—and it wouldn’t become available again until the summer. Chagrined, Belle looked between the mess on the stove and the snowdrifts blowing against the window. Four months was too long to wait.
Hoping for the best, she scraped some of the sticky gooey liquid off the counter and stirred it into Rumple’s lunch.
Once consumed, his platter of beef and rice cabbage rolls produced so many ridiculous high-pitched giggles that Belle wanted to throw a five-armed candelabra at his head.
Hardly the sort of laughter Belle had been hoping to hear.
After a month of trying and failing, Belle was growing impatient. How many harebrained schemes could one caretaker enact for the sake of a simple laugh? Rumplestiltskin was not only unfazed by her efforts he seemed blithely unaware of them.
For someone so fond of claiming he wasn’t a man, he was terribly dense. Belle began to despair. If she ever hoped to hear his beautiful, rumbling laughter again, drastic measures were required.
“Go on,” Belle urged, pushing open the heavy door to the great hall. The shaggy grey puppy scampered over to the square dais where Rumplestiltskin was spinning and whimpered a greeting. He dragged some golden stalks of straw onto the carpet covering the platform and began to chew. Belle hovered in the foyer, watching and listening. The young Polish Lowland Sheepdog’s hair hung into his sweet brown eyes and he had the sweetest little pink tongue Belle had ever seen on a dog. Even Rumplestiltskin wouldn’t be able to resist laughing at such a lively, intelligent ball of fluff.
Or so she thought. Absorbed by his spinning, a full ten minutes went by before Rumplestiltskin deigned to notice his new companion.
“Belle,” he called without looking away from the wheel, “some vile little creature has wandered into the hall. Come dispose of it.”
She burst into the hall and inserted herself between Rumplestiltskin and the puppy before he had the notion to transform the poor animal into a less-than-pleasant creature, like a skunk or a beetle. It seemed to be the fate of most who displeased the Dark One.
Belle’s skirts swished against Rumplestiltskin’s thigh as she elbowed her way into his space.
He rocked back on the three-legged stool’s hind leg, his feet in the air. Gripping the creaking wheel for support, he rebalanced, his boots hitting the dais with a decided thump.
“Don’t topple me in your excitement, woman. It’s only a dog.” The words were crisp, dismissive. He wasn’t laughing. He wasn’t even smiling. The twist of his lips was sour, his eyelids drooped in boredom. “I have work to do.” He glanced pointedly at the dust-covered shelves in the hall. “As do you.”
Belle shuffled backward, putting space between them, taking care not to pitch backward off the dais. He righted the stool and returned to spinning, but not before she noticed a slight tremble of his fingers.
Such large, strong capable-looking hands he had, those long, elegant fingers tapering into short black claws. Artist’s hands.
Heat filled her face while a lightning-quick shiver danced up her spine, and Belle quickly turned her attention to the puppy with an adoring coo. “Isn’t he darling? His name is Kacper. ”
At the sound of his name, Kacper barked his approval and stretched his scruffy neck, angling to be pet. Belle bent low to oblige, stroking his back and scratching his ears.
“Darling.” Rumplestiltskin’s sniff was aloof. “Not the word I would use.”
“And why not?” She straightened and brushed straw off her skirt. “What’s wrong with him?”
Together they watched the dog drag more bright yellow pieces of straw off the platform and onto the floor. After a minute of chewing and jumping in the little pile, he climbed into Rumplestiltkin’s gold-laden basket and fell asleep.
“There’s straw everywhere,” he complained. “You’ll go to the village to replace it, too. By sundown tomorrow.”
“Yes, master.” She dipped a saucy curtsy.
The wheel came to a squeaking halt and Rumplestiltskin’s eyes flashed, warning Belle she was treading on dangerous ground. “Where did this hell dog come from anyway?”
“He was in the side yard chasing butterflies while I was hanging sheets on the line.” The memory of the butterfly landing on the pup’s nose while he barked and pawed at them made her giggle.
As usual, she was the only one laughing.
“Most likely a trap sent by one of my enemies,” he mused. “Perhaps Maleficent or King George.” He frowned as he reached around the puppy for more straw into the wheel. “Too tame to be Regina. Subtlety isn’t that one’s strong suit.”
The dog snuggled deeper into the basket and let out a whiffling snore. “Yes, he looks absolutely terrifying,” Belle supplied. “Ha! This from the one who lectures everyone who will listen about judging a book by its cover.” Sarcasm hung in the air like thunderclouds before a storm. “If you recall, dearie, the last time you found a beast in the yard, it was one of those devil hounds Cruella de Vil is so fond of. Like a fool, you followed it. And like an even bigger fool, I found myself bargaining for your life at midnight on Demon’s Bluff.”
Belle chewed her lip. He wasn’t wrong. The dalmatian puppy she followed had been sweet, but as judgments went, it hadn’t been her finest hour. “I did thank you profusely for saving me. What did you need that ridiculous magic gauntlet for, anyway?”
“We’ll never know now, will we?” He pouted.
“Come now,” she said, trying to tease him out of his rising temper. Thus far, the puppy was proving to be her worst idea yet for making Rumplestiltskin laugh. All she wanted at this point was a bit of credit for trying. “Why not admit you would be lost without me?”
“Indeed.” The stool pushed back with an angry scrape and he shot to his feet, stalking out from behind the spinning wheel. “Where in all the realms would I find a housekeeper who reads all the day, allows the kettle to run dry whilst I wait hours for my tea, and creates more messes than she cleans?”
A slap across the face couldn’t have hurt worse. Every failing he’d listed was true. No, she wasn’t the best caretaker, but what she lacked in capability and efficiency she tried to make up for in spontaneity and heart. She cared about him, the cantankerous bastard, which was more than could be said of most people. It was sobering to realize she cared so deeply for someone who seemed to think so little of her.
Stung by the criticism, she approached the platform and bent down to scoop up the sleeping pup.
Rumplestiltskin stepped down off the platform. They stood in the middle of the hall glowering at each other, she cradling the slumbering dog, and he rubbing nothingness between his fingers. The picture of awkwardness and pent-up frustration.
Why, she wondered, searching his cold, closed-off face, was she so determined to amuse a man who was so determined not to laugh? Was it a game? A challenge? Her stubborn nature? Belle didn’t know the answer, but she was fed up with trying.
There was no doubt in her mind now--he was purposely withholding his laughter for no other reason than meanness.
Tears threatened, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of breaking down. “If that’s the way you feel,” she said.
“Aye, that’s the way I feel.”
Sounding as exasperated as she felt, he threw up his hands. Startled, Belle stumbled, the slight weight of the puppy overbalancing her. She tipped forward, falling headlong into Rumplestiltskin.
Forgetting about the sleeping puppy in her arms, she grabbed Rumplestiltskin around the waist, her fingers scrabbling for purchase, her head bumping against his chest.
With the first touch of her hands, he started to laugh. A great, guffawing, booming laugh so deep and loud it shook the rafters of the Dark Castle.
He caught her with one arm, the puppy with the other, pulling her up and drawing her close so they were pressed together from chest to toe. Her hands bracketed his waist, his leather and silk clothing soft and supple against her palms.
“Oh!” she exclaimed, the mystery finally solved. “You’re ticklish.”
“Rubbish,” he scoffed. “I’m simply giving in to your considerable efforts.”
“You can’t fabricate true, honest laughter,” she said.
To prove it, she wiggled her fingers against his sides once more. She was rewarded with more genuine laughter. Not a single trill or exaggerated snicker in earshot. To her amazement, the puppy slept through all the commotion, curled snug inside Rumplestitskin’s vest.
Who knew that one clumsy move was all it took to make him laugh again? Belle was so happy she could have twirled pirouettes the length of the great hall. But that would have required letting go of Rumplestiltskin. And she wasn’t doing that anytime soon.
She splayed her hands over his waist, and as she explored the contours of his torso she found his belly wonderfully soft and rounded beneath her fingers. He laughed again, his sides jiggling, and the sweet depth of it drew her deeper until she was swimming in the warmth of the sound.
Closing her eyes, she brushed the backs of her fingers along his hip, savoring each ripple of laughter and vibration of his body. She could have touched and tickled and listened to him all day.
“Enough now, Belle.” His tone was rough, vocal cords gravely from overuse. Moving the puppy to rest in the hollow of his shoulder, he gripped her hands and clasped them between his. His grip was firm but not unkind, and those beautiful hands she had studied so often were warmer and softer than she imagined.
Something more than mere humor glinted in his eyes, a tension between them that pushed the boundaries of their current arrangement. Friendship, attraction. The air in the hall was thick with both. And Belle realized that through these silly antics, she had more than an employer in Rumplestiltskin. She had a friend.
“Are you still angry with me, Rumple?” she ventured.
Those dark, fathomless eyes widened a bit at the shortened use of his name, but he didn’t object to the nickname.
“Try as I might, I cannot stay angry with you.” His voice was husky, the sweet thread of laughter still weaving through it. There was no trace of his usual artifice or pageantry.
“So that day in the kitchen?” she prompted, filled with wonder at all of today’s surprises and revelations.
“Aye, it was your touch that made me laugh.” He ducked his head, trying and failing to hide his reddened cheeks behind his shaggy curtain of hair. “ When you were lugging that basket of bread against your hip, you brushed against my waist. It was so innocent and you had no idea you’d done it. I’d forgotten what it felt like to be tickled and to laugh. I haven’t really laughed since…”
“Your son.” He was still holding her hands between his and she loosened his fingers to brush her thumb against the back of his hand. “I’m so sorry, Rumple. I never meant to dredge up a painful memory, to cause you hurt.”
“You didn’t. You made me laugh, Belle. You. Not fancy cakes or translating outlandish books or this little beast.” He patted Kacper’s head. “You brought light and kindness and laughter into this dull, dark place.”
“All that time I spent trying to figure out what would make you laugh.” Bells shook her head at herself. “Those crazy schemes. I felt like…”
Now it was her turn to laugh. Rumplestiltskin was nothing if not persistent. And he certainly excelled at patience. “A little,” she admitted. “But it was worth it.”
“Don’t you dare tell anyone about this,” he warned.
“Or what?” She blinked at him. “You’ll turn me into a toad?”
“Becoming predictable, am I?” He sneered, but it was without malice.
“You? Never.”
Releasing her hands, he stepped back onto the platform and settled down behind the spinning wheel. He carefully removed the dog from his shoulder and placed him into the basket of straw. “Kacper can stay here. For now. But you’ll need to find him a bed. This beastie can’t disrupt my work forever.”
“I understand, Rumplestiltskin.”
“Hmmm.” He began to spin and Belle watched for a moment as he easily slipped into that faraway place where he created and made plans, losing himself in the cadence of the wheel. “I’ll take my tea now.”
The words were said so softly, she heard them more in her mind than from his lips.
“Right away, Rumplestiltskin,” she whispered.
The faint smile on his face was the only indication that he’d heard her assent.
As she ambled down the corridor toward the kitchen feeling lighter than she had in weeks, the faint rumble of laughter drifted along with her. Belle wrapped her arms around herself to embrace the sound, her lips spreading in a smile of pure happiness. It was a beginning.
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