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sanikori · 3 days ago
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Today she wore a robe of purple samite and a silver sash, and on her head the three-headed dragon crown the Tourmaline Brotherhood had given her in Qarth. Her slippers were silver as well, with heels so high that she was always half afraid she was about to topple over. - Daenerys VI, ASOS
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polysucks · 4 months ago
she really just like me fr fr
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Sansa stark, everyone [crowd goes fuckin crazy]
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motorway-south · 3 months ago
funniest cat moment of all time is when robb shows up married and is like "oh yeah the weirdest thing happened my soul dog didnt like her uncle" and cat who has been in soft prison for weeks is like like "robb PLEASE kill that man without trial! and never forget to take your soul dog with you again...."
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thesunsethour · 8 months ago
Jaime deciding to become more involved in Tommen’s life is so funny because his three instincts are:
• teach this 8 year old to learn how to dissociate from unimaginable trauma
• plan to separate Tommen from his mother and fill the small council with allies of his own which should be easy because he knows Tommen’s favourite hobby (stamping his royal seal into hot wax)
• scrap all this and run to the Riverlands with Brienne. sorry Tommen
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book-daenerys · 2 months ago
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BOOK!DAENERYS TARGARYEN SCENES || Daenerys Targaryen rejecting Jorah Mormont
“Will Jorah ever get out of the friendzone?” (side-eyeing the person who asked this). GRRM: “I would not bet on it.” (source)
Elle Fanning as book!Daenerys Targaryen | Johnny Harris as book!Jorah Mormont | Ranveer Singh as book!Daario Naharis
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bluntforceyearning · 20 days ago
Ser Jaime?" Even in soiled pink satin and torn lace, Brienne looked more like a man in a gown than a proper woman."I am grateful, but ... you were well away. Why come back?"
A dozen quips came to mind, each crueler than the one before, but Jaime only shrugged. "I dreamed of you," he said.
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 3 months ago
I’m reading the three musketeers and found out that Brienne is a medieval French country and guess what the coat of arms was for the ‘Counts of Brienne’ was, a fricking lion!
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This can’t be just a coincidence right?? George is subtly hinting that Brienne will marry Jaime, I mean the background is blue, it’s like a combo of their two houses!
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catofoldstones · 1 year ago
Maybe the reason Sansa comes off as a meek doormat while she’s married to Tyrion is not because she’s a red pilled tradwife, it’s because she’s scared of getting caught for planning her own escape. It’s established within the first few paragraphs of Tyrion’s pov after the wedding that that’s a terrified 12 year old prisoner of war child bride who’s fooling a whole, grown husband and the entire red keep that she’s a little too devotional and absolutely not plotting her freedom in a fortress full of spies, soldiers and noble powerhouses, that too successfully. She’s not concerned that Tyrion’s peas are overcooked, she’s deliberately trying to put up an act so that her cover isn’t blown. She’s outsmarted Tyrion Lannister of all people, and you can die mad about it.
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fjordstan · 11 months ago
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polysucks · 4 months ago
I think a lot about the stark children. I think a lot about when arya told us how when she was little and bran was a baby robb led them and sansa into the crypts of winterfell and jon dressed up like a ghost and sansa ran crying and bran cried and arya scolded the two boys for making the baby cry and jon and robb laughing and my heart fuckin breaks.
They were children.
robb cried in his mother’s arms when he approached her for advice on how to militarize his troops—the vast legions of the north he inherited only days before when his father was wrongfully and publicly executed. He felt pressured to act, despite how little he knew about what could be done. He was sixteen.
sansa told jeyne she was silly for crying, but cried when she begged for mercy for her father, begged for cersei to allow her to marry vicious predator joffrey. deep down she knew it was the safest choice for her. She was twelve.
arya watched the life leave a stable boy’s eyes, not much older than her, as he begged her to remove needle from his chest. She watched him die by her hands. He haunted her escape. She saw him out of the corners of her eyes and she was terrified of him. She killed him because she had no choice. She was nine.
jon had tears in his eyes with violent rage, launching himself over rows of tables and furniture when he attacked alistair for insulting the memory of eddard, the only father he ever knew. He brandished a dagger and wielded insults with the fury of a thousand wildlings, ready to instantly make alistair suffer a cruel death by his own hands as his black brothers struggled to hold him back. He was sixteen.
Remember that they are children.
How would you have felt if you were their ages, and this had happened to you.
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motorway-south · 6 months ago
jaime’s thought process being “i want brienne to strip naked bathe in front of me just like cersei used to” to “cersei and i should get married why not?” to “for the next part of my evil plan, ill free sansa stark. but only bc no one expects me to” he’s so so so nutty
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thesunsethour · 8 months ago
jaime returning to king’s landing in ASOS after the painful aerys-trauma-induced catharsis of the harrenhal baths only to return to his siblings Tyrion ‘set the blackwater ablaze’ Lannister and Cersei ‘let’s blow up the red keep’ Lannister. his life is so tragically hilarious
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book-daenerys · 3 months ago
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Daenerys Targaryen + book quotes and statements by GRRM that show that she has all the characteristics that (according to her creator) define a good king (in/s/p.)
GRRM at the “House of the Dragon” Comic-Con panel: A good king is someone who regards being king as a duty rather than a privilege that they are entitled to. A duty to the realm to dispense justice and peace, and occasionally do boring things like building roads and sanitation in King’s Landing and all that.
GRRM on which of his characters would be suitable leaders in modern times: You know, probably Tyrion. [...] Dany would also be an interesting choice if we could bring her dragons along. The recent American election [of 2016] might have turned out very different if Hillary Clinton had dragons. [as the linked meta above shows, GRRM's decision to mention Dany - especially when he could have chosen to name so many other characters - alongside Tyrion (who he deems the most suitable leader) highlights her portrayal as a good ruler and acknowledges that, with the right person, dragons can be used for good.]
GRRM to History of Westeros: I mean, it’s… you know, I had a lot of input in the beginning of Game of Thrones, partly cause I had these books out there. Um, but at a certain point, as the show went on, I, I found I had less and less influence uh, until by the end, I really didn’t even know what, what was going on. I, I… Some of these things I watched like everybody else, and ‘oh, okay.' 
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lmaowh-at · 6 months ago
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May the Father judge you justly
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witchlingcirce · 7 months ago
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I don’t think enough people talk about this moment in a storm of swords
Like bran and Arya basically jumping Sansa, Sansa chasing Arya, her slipping, Arya coming back to make sure she was okay, and than Sansa getting her revenge 🥹🥹 god please bring my family back together again
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musing-and-music · 3 months ago
Where was Jaime during Tyrion's trial by combat? Was he watching and Tyrion didn't see him? Was he taking care of other matters in the WST and couldn't leave? Did he want to see the fight between Oberyn and Gregor? Was he with Tommen? ("King Tommen was not in evidence; for that, at least, Tyrion was grateful." ASOS, Tyrion X)
In Jaime IX he mentions the stableboy killed by Gregor during the duel, in a way that could make him a witness in it:
A few of the horses still shied away from the dark splotch on the hard-packed ground where the earth had drunk the life's blood of the stableboy Gregor Clegane had killed so clumsily. The sight of it made Jaime angry all over again. He had told his Kingsguard to keep the crowd out of the way, but that oaf Ser Boros had let himself be distracted by the duel. The fool boy himself shared some of the blame, to be sure; the dead Dornishman as well. And Clegane most of all. The blow that took the boy's arm off had been mischance, but that second cut . . .
And this is how it happens from Tyrion's POV:
The stable was behind him. Spectators screamed and shoved at each other to get out of the way. One stumbled into Oberyn's back. Ser Gregor hacked down with all his savage strength. The Red Viper threw himself sideways, rolling. The luckless stableboy behind him was not so quick. As his arm rose to protect his face, Gregor's sword took it off between elbow and shoulder. "Shut UP!" the Mountain howled at the stableboy's scream, and this time he swung the blade sideways, sending the top half of the lad's head across the yard in a spray of blood and brains. Hundreds of spectators suddenly seemed to lose all interest in the guilt or innocence of Tyrion Lannister, judging by the way they pushed and shoved at each other to escape the yard.
So, there are chances that Jaime was there during the fight, but Tyrion, not knowing his brother had finally arrived in King's Landing, probably didn't think to look for him in the crowd. And everyone's focus was on the duel, so of course he wasn't looking for Jaime.
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