#we know Angel
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corpusdiem-seizethedead · 10 months ago
Velvette: Where's the piss-baby?
Vox: Oh, he got pissed with “his star performer” again, and left through the back door.
Velvette: …We don't have a back door?
Vox: We do now
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omgitskaii · 23 days ago
when i saw that scene in like s4 with cas shoving dean into the wall and covering his mouth to keep him quiet i knew right then and there that little bitch of a winchester was a bottom and there’s no one on gods green earth that can change my mind
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technically-human · 6 months ago
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Bisexual crisis Crystal edition
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triona-tribblescore · 1 year ago
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TW// Abuse implication
Thinking about possible Vox and Angel's interactions and how they'd go down. Theres such a unique mix of hatred to each other and common ground with their different experiences with Valentino, has me thinking.
Also just want to clarify I love Vox's character a LOT but ofc obv don't sympathise with him or think he is any way shape or form a decent individual, cant with stupid toxic dumbass x
AND IF YOU SEE ANY MISTAKES OR TYPOS NO YOU DONT- (i was so tired when drawing it forgive me TwT)
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dreamsteddie · 2 months ago
Stretch Zone
I was feeling inspired and wrote the first little bit of this Yoga Steve Steddie and Buckingham au I was playing with yesterday. Not sure if I'll continue with it, but I had some dialogue floating around in my head and wanted to let it out.
I'm not really experienced in writing dialogue so my apologies if it came out weird.
Part Two
Steve thinks Robin is being ridiculous, but at the same time, he knows firsthand how far someone will go for a crush. Robin calls him a “loverboy” which, is not completely off the mark but feels unnecessary to point out right after Steve gets ghosted…again.
But that’s beside the point. The point being that Robin has been going off about how she cornered herself into going to an intermediate yoga class to try and woo the cute girl who sits in front of her in her mandatory Writing 212 class. Apparently, Robin got a full two minutes of conversation in with said girl, a real feat since Robin usually spends the whole class psyching herself up to talk to her and then chickens out and dashes out the door as soon as class lets out. During said conversation, Robin found out Chrissy is a yoga instructor at the rec off campus, which resulted in Robin blurting out that she’s been meaning to take up yoga again (she’s never been) and that she’ll stop by a class sometime.
Which leads to now.
“-and I’ve never done yoga! I’ve never even thought about yoga except for that one time my hippie aunt Jen came to stay with us for a week and took up the entire living room every morning to do her weird stretches-” breath “and you know how clumsy I am! I’m going completely fall on my face and the angel that is Chrissy Cunningham is going to know that I’m a failed jock with no coordination and she’ll never fall in love with me!” she finally stops, taking a big heaving breath.
Steve, used to these occasional Robin Buckley rants had been leaning against the breakfast bar letting her go on for the last three and a half minutes. Sometimes it’s just better to let her get it out first.
“You done?” Steve asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m done,” she replies, flopping on the sofa behind her like all the wind has gone out of her sails. Steve hates to see her upset, but at the end of the day, it’s an easy fix.
“Sweet. So I’ll just go with you alright? And when you completely biff it and fall on your face I’ll just,” he steps away from the bar and mimes falling onto the couch next to her, ignoring her over-exaggerated oof, “fall even harder, or whatever. Make a whole scene of it.” Robin glares a little at the when, but ultimately can’t be upset when they both know it’s inevitable.
“Seriously?” she asks, eyes big and blue in a way that always makes Steve want to punch a wall. He doesn’t. Only did it once when they were both supremely drunk and feeling emotional, but he does wrap his arms around her narrow shoulders.
“Eh, why not? Maybe I’ll even find a cool yoga babe of my own to woo,” he says waggling his brows in a way that makes her scrunch up her nose.
“As if Harrington. I bet you’ll fall even more than me. You’re big jock muscles aren’t designed for flexibility,” she says with a faux pretentious accent.
“We’ll see about that, Buckley.”
Steve, much to Robin’s chagrin, does not fall on his face. Well, he does once, but it’s only because he’s following through on his promise to crash out for her when she falls on her face. Which she does almost as soon as Chrissy gives the instruction to lift their left leg while in downward dog. Unfortunately, it only worked the first time. The second time Robin crashed down, Steve wasn’t in a safe position to fall with her. By the time he was, the moment had passed. Luckily it’s nearing the end of the class when it happens and Chrissy mercifully releases them to relax into a corpse pose which, if you asked Robin, was perfectly fitting given the situation.
Steve though.
Steve really enjoyed the class.
Robin was right when he said his usual exercise regime wasn’t necessarily focused on flexibility and balance, but he finds yoga challenging in a gentler way than basketball or swimming. By the end of the day, he’s signing up for the full 12-week course and talking to Chrissy about what kind of equipment he should invest in.
“The most important thing is the grip. Mine was really expensive but I use it for work so I wouldn’t get the same one unless you’re planning to use it every day. If you’re comfortable giving me your number, I can send you some links to more reasonably priced ones.” Wow, Steve gets why Robin likes her so much. She’s like a walking ray of sunshine. Part of him wonders if she’s hitting on him, but she seems like she genuinely wants to help, not take him on a date.
“Sure, yeah, that would be great. Let me just…” he pulls out his phone and unlocks it, handing it over to the girl in front of him. She puts in her name and number, which, is always good. Steve is so bad with names he wouldn’t want to spell it wrong and give Robin another reason to make fun of him. She hands it back and Steve is getting ready to say his goodbyes and go hunt down Robin, who fled as soon as the class went out, but Chrissy starts talking before he can.
“You came with Robin, right? Robin Buckley?” She blurts out, clearly nervous. “We’re in class together but I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you!” It’s not that Steve thinks she’s lying, but there’s an undercut of something that makes him think Robin might not be alone in her pining.
“Yeah, we came in together.” He lets it hang, watching as her shoulders slump a little. “But we’re not dating or anything. I’m, uh, not really her type.” Her eyes go a little wide at his emphasis on type, perking up at the knowledge that Robin isn’t dating.
Oh yeah, he thinks, she’s got it just as bad.
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wistfulwatcher · 9 months ago
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polychromaic · 13 days ago
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your honor, i'm frankly obsessed with him (img desc in alt text)
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celestial-artisan · 1 year ago
Alastor: That is absolutely ridiculous, Vox does not have a crush on me. Angel Dust: Yes he does. Sir Pentious: Yes he doesss. Vox, from television screen: Yes I fucking do you goddamn idiot.
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spacebubblehomebase · 11 months ago
"A New Day Will Dawn."
-Said some guy named Luke probably.
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Welcome to my #HHStargazersAU! Stay Tuned~♡? -Bubbly💙
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 years ago
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#same energy but he loves it 😅🥰
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hazbingirliexoxo · 11 months ago
*sees Alastor and Vox arguing*
Gen!Z reader: Gurl bye, it’s giving enemies to lovers😭✋
*arguing stops*
Alastor: 😃???
Vox: ..It’s giving WHAT?!🤬
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nanstar200 · 2 months ago
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save me paint doodles of gabriel... save me...
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starlitmeadows · 4 months ago
a small idea for which i had to learn how to work with the isat dialogue maker
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i like the "ghost" option, but what if we look at Loop's situation from a slightly different perspective?
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therealcallmekd · 6 months ago
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I liked the new episode :3
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triona-tribblescore · 1 year ago
Can we see Nuggies in the hat?
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For you and the other 3 people who asked uvu
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beaulesbian · 2 years ago
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He's never hosted a meeting, ever. Why the change of heart?
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