#we knew this was coming
cinamun · 1 year
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Breaking down | Next
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klayr-de-gall · 2 years
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Day 5 - 10:37pm
It’s canon now~
I’m blaming Mr. Jabel for this one. (Let’s be real, It was just a matter of time before I would draw them both in a more... compromising position. XD
The full artwork can be found on twitter
Adam’s Birthday shenanigans inspired by Jake Abel answering a question about what Michael and Adam would do on that day.
[1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7]
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acesammy · 11 months
Welp. My dog is dying
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shane-west · 1 year
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joels-ellie is now shane-west
I always knew that I would come back to this url - I've been a fan of Shane for so long and I still can't believe that I managed to get it! I might change to character or themed from time to time, but this will definitely be my "main" url from now on.
tagging a few mutuals 💖
@boaz-priestly @tennant @harrison-ford @nikita-mearss @phildunsters @chaoticevils @ethanhunt @peeta @anya-chalotra @payidaresque @laurens-german @mia-goths @bobafettsjets @kenshivrome @xenobites @pitt-emma @stuart-townsend @davidlynch @camila-morrones @bellaramsey @leonardbetts @zen-coleman @heartmis @javier-pena @usergamoras @dadjoelmiller @eddiemunsens @phoebejanestonkin
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harperrowswife · 9 months
me when take me to church:
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theharlotofferelden · 6 months
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Link to the article
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dairsmuids · 1 year
Twitter's finally officially fucked then
I have to laugh
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aneenasevla · 2 years
Heavy Bakery - Chapter 31
MasterList / Kanami’s Profile /Previous Chapter
Chapter 31 - You Goddamned Cat!
They were lying together, on the bed in the guest room…or rather, Ohma's room now. After cleaning and the stuff taken to the attic, the place turned out to be cozy, and the bed was also big. Kanami noticed that, save for a few specific occasions, like after a fight or when he felt particularly needy, like the night after that time at the bakery with the inconvenient guy, he hardly ever initiates the act. She found it interesting, but didn't complain. It just made things even more special.
The only problem… was that they couldn't talk about it to practically anyone else. With the exception of a very few people - Yamashita, because Ohma asked him for advice, Hiro, because he was too smart for his own good, and her parents, because they practically pinned her against the wall - she was practically alone.
And all because of one miserable person. A person she was terrified of just thinking about.
“I'm kind of worried…” Kanami hugs her boyfriend more.
He was almost asleep, but when he heard her speak, he muttered to her “for what?”
“No, it's just that…” she strokes his head “I'm analyzing things here... and... I really like your presence here... but I feel upset because... as much as we need to keep it a secret, I really do. I don't feel good hiding…”
“You're the one who suggested it.” he answers straightforwardly. She was going to say something when he completes “but I'm into the motives. To be honest… I'm tired of it too. It's not very difficult, but I'm starting to lie, and it bothers me too.”
“Yeah, but at the same time I'm afraid… that they'll do something to me or my family. Or you… I want to solve this so badly but…”
“And why wait?” he looks at her “You're just prolonging the suffering…”
“I know.” she huffs “I just don't want to lose…”
“You won't lose.” wow, his confidence… Kanami wanted to have that “You're strong. You have improved in training. You won't miss it when you find her” he hugs her, pulling her to find her head on his shoulder “ah... I almost forgot.”
“Karla called me today. She wants to talk to me…”
Kanami felt her stomach sink, and her heart tighten. Already? Couldn't she enjoy it some more? She felt that life was unfair.
“Oh no…”
“Relax, we have time” he sighs “I'll prepare for this Kengan fight first, then I'll decide. I've never been in a relationship before, but I'm realizing it's a lot less complicated than that.”
“And it is.” - she grunts “I know I was the one who said that, but honestly I really want to look at you and remain looking like there was no one else to look.”
“Huh, what do you mean? Do you look at someone else…?”
“No, that's not it. Like… you know when you feel proud of being a fighter, and even show the scars, as if to say you survived it all?” He nodded, shaking his head. That was enough “so... I want to be proud to be…” she blushes “to be the one you chose.”
He sits up, looking at her “No need to show off for that. I don't flaunt my… scars” he looks at some on his arm “and I'm proud of you” he brushes a strand of hair away from her face, as an excuse to touch her face “I just wish I could do more, and not have to look around to hide everything.”
“That's what I mean. Not swaggering like “look, Tokita Ohma is my boyfriend” and stuff. Just… look at you and smile more when you enter the bakery, arrive and tell the busybody “step aside, I have a boyfriend”, without my friends looking at me like they're denying me.”
“Hnm…” he nods “I know. Me too, apart from the friends. They would tease me for eternity.”
“Oh, that's part of the package” she laughs “at least until the stupidest one comes off, then everyone shuts up. I've seen this before.”
“Hnm” he grunts, pulling her along “I'm always curious to test this.”
“Yeah… that’s why… I’m going to finish the construction and then I’ll sort it out… just a little longer…”
“Hm-hmmm” he lets himself be kissed on the forehead, she sits up to get a better look at him “Hey, Kana, changing the subject, are you going to sleep here today?”
“Will you kick me out if I say yes?”
“No. But you're not leaving here anytime soon tomorrow.”
“I will fight for you to release me.”
“I doubt you'll beat me” - he laughs mischievously.
She laughed. He was so convinced…
She won.
And she sighed. Kana wished she had lost, as the work was extremely tedious for her today. At least she had a few friends who were passing by, watching the construction site.
“Yeah… it's been going well, Kanami” Koga nods “have you seen how the materials are going to be in the kitchen?”
“A good part of what's there at the other point is mine, so I'll bring it here, they're in great condition, just a very deep cleaning and it's new” she replies, looking at the engineer with the blueprint “This also includes some upholstery , displays and decorations, others I will need to buy, but I already have the list ready.”
“You look like Kaede to me, efficient just like her.”
“I think that's why she and I get along” she smiles “but I'm not as cool as she is. And I'm twenty pounds heavier.”
“I know, I helped you recover about eight of these” Koga jokes, making Kanami giggle. Then he sighs “yeah. There's going to be a tournament in a few months, Kana.”
“A tournament? Seriously? Do you guys have tournaments?”
“Yes, we have. But it's just that…” he hesitates “I'm going to need to concentrate a little more.”
“Oh, okay, Koga, you'll need to train seriously and I'll just get in the way.”
“You don't get upset, do you?”
“Of course not. If I insisted, it would be the same as you disturbing me in the kitchen. I can get things done, but it ends up being very annoying and I do it more slowly.”
“Are you learning to be rough with Ryuki and Ohma too?”
“Sorry” she smiles sheepshly “but you get my point.”
“Yes, I got it. I hope the bakery is ready soon, then after training I'll be able to have a snack.”
“Yes, then you tell me the news of this tournament. Maybe I'll watch it too.”
He smiles, blushing a little “I'll love to see you there. I don't know if the seaweedhead will be there, but I think he'd like to see you too.”
She smiles back, blushing too. He was on the team of those who already knew they were liking at each other, despite not knowing they were actually together.
“I would love to see all of you. I would be in the stands, cheering. Maybe one day I will be, and when I'm there… you'll hear my voice.”
She wanted to dream about it. She really wanted to.
Apparently Koga too, stood looking at the building, a smile on his face. She knew he liked her, but she admired his respect, both for his friends and for her. And she wanted with all her heart for him to be happy, whatever he chose.
“What a shit timing, Tokita” Raian growls, circling him, clapping his chest with both palms “Fuck, man, give me a challenge!”
Ohma struggles to get up again, groaning. He'd been thrown hard and he felt like something had snapped, and not in a good way.
“You're right…” he grunts, sitting up, analyzing if he had broken something “I'm not able to concentrate today.”
“Come on, man, the food didn't suit you?” he mocks “Did you decide to eat tomato?”
“What kind of mockery is this?” Ohma smiles, getting up “finished the repertoire?”
“Of course not, and you know it. But today you look like shit.”
“I have a pending matter to resolve, it's not getting out of my mind, no matter how hard I try.”
“Are you thinking about what to eat for dinner? There will be Katsudon…”
“Fuck no” he grunts “Karla called me. To talk.”
Raian whistles “oooooohhh, so the time has come, hehe… so what?”
“And then she didn't arrive the way she always did…she called me and even asked when I was available.”
Raian blinked, impressed for half a second, but closed his eyes and snorted, shrugging his shoulders “Tch, frankly, Ohma, if I only knew what your kink was…”
“Can you stop…?” he narrows his eyes “This is serious.”
“So you'll finally understand each other” he holds his hands up “hallelujah, kumbaya, and whatever else is said at these times. It's about time.”
“I'm tired of it, in fact” he sighs “I just want to settle this business, leave here with matters settled…”
“Meh, you who dragged this out, you could have solved it a long time ago…”
“…” Ohma didn't want to agree, nor to please the Devil. Yes, he could, but before he didn't have as strong a motive as he does now, and even more so… with someone to protect besides himself. He stretched his shoulder, and was pleased when he felt that everything was in order.
“Have you rested, baby boo?” - Raian smiles, mocking as always “I’ll release you to talk to her, but not before I finish with you.”
“Not today, Devil” he assumes the pose of combat.
Ohma won this time.
But he wished he hadn't won, passed out with some concussion from a well-placed punch, and taken to the infirmary, so Raian could have gotten a fucking scolding, because the Devil himself knew his son needed it. But his pride was greater and he ended up forgetting what came next. He felt himself falling into a trap, but the choice to move the process forward and speak sooner than his fight was up to him. She was already in the village, so it was two birds with one stone.
He was in a private meeting room, drinking water, mulling over this inner anger, trying to cool his spirits, when he heard light footsteps coming. A feminine hand opened the door, and dark sclera eyes framed by black hair revealed as she opened the way for the rest of her.
There she was. Kure Karla, also called "the Succubus", by the other Kure. He knew that was how a female demon type was called, and it even suited her. This was also due to the fact that this gal lived to chase after men, in this case, him.
He was sick of it.
“Hi…” she approaches “is it ok if I come in?”
“That's what I came for” he finishes his glass and puts it on the side dish “you wanted to talk to me, and you and I have a score to settle.”
She bites her lip, suddenly becoming shy. He raises an eyebrow. For some reason he wasn't enjoying this.
“Well” she sits on the cushion opposite him, at the low table “I… I've been thinking, and I realized that… maybe… we started the wrong way.”
“Okay.” It wasn't like him to be sarcastic, but she wasn't being herself either… at least he thought.
“So… I would like to know… what you like” she takes a paper from the bag she brought with her “so I made a list.”
He raises an eyebrow. Was this some kind of interview?!
"Uh…" he wanted to say something, but she smiled.
“So… I talked to a friend, she gave me some tips, and then she gave me some suggestions of what I can ask, but…” she shivered in her seat, in a fit of excitement “‘I ended up realizing that… I know next to nothing. I'm sorry.”
“O-okay.” He wasn't enjoying where this conversation was going. This is not what he came for.
“So… what kind of music do you like? I like classics, but I just got into pop lately… how about you?”
“Uh” he wanted to answer, but he was getting annoyed “Karla…”
“Don't like this one? Let's jump…” she then moves on to another question “do you have a favorite color? I see you wearing a lot of black and sort of a burgundy with white… can I count those as a favorite color? Mine are…”
“Karla, isn’t that what I…”
“Oh, so how about… do you prefer this one? It's about fighting: what kind of attack strategy is your favorite? Ah, this one is very silly, you are good at everything, I have seen your fights, I even recorded one of them…”
“Karla, listen to me…”
“I'm so anxious, I… I really want to hug you, but I know that if I do, I'll ruin everything, and…” she clears her throat and turns to another page “ahh this one is good… if you were in the woods, what would be the best place to stalk for a prey?”
“What?!” he widens his eyes “Wait, calm down, this isn't…” he really wanted to answer the question, even because it was something he really knew “That's not the matter here.”
“So what is it?” she blinks, frowning “why is it so difficult to talk to you?”
“Fuck, I want to ask you the same thing you know?!” he finally loses his patience. “I want to talk with you about a serious subject, not be interviewed.”
She looks at his face, blinking, and then her eyes light up “you look so cute when you're angry…”
“Are you serious?” he sighs “Is that how you see me?”
She was taken by surprise in this “like… how else? You are Ohma, my fiance… should I see you as something different?”
“I'm not..!” he practically spits, but breathes and say calmly “I never agreed to that, Kure Karla…”
“But… Grandpa said…”
“Grandpa…” he sighs, he didn't want to speak ill of grandpa Erioh “just like you, grandpa just ignored me, saying as if I was joking. I've already repeated this to every corner of this house, but it's the same as talking to stones. I don't want to marry you, Karla.”
She was wide-eyed, holding the clipboard with the papers. Then she looked down somewhere, trembling.
“I... I just wanted to meet you... I even controlled my instincts” she said sadly “I'm making an effort, you know…”
“And I recognize that… but still, that's not how it works.”
Karla snorts “I've never seen such a stubborn male…”
Ohma felt a little offended by this. Kanami had done well, why didn't she?
“Oh well, things aren't always easy” he really hated to respond with sarcasm, so he tried to be direct “I'm collaborating and not leaving right away, because I'm already tired, but it's not with a cold interview that everything miraculously falls in place. Let’s settle this between us. In fact, I want to finish this. Repeating: I don't want to marry you, Kure Karla.”
His words echoed in her mind. A shiver and an absurd weight on her shoulders crushed her self-control. She could feel her skin turning purple and her veins popping, her hair starting to fly.
Ohma's eyes widened. Had he gone too far?
“Karla, hey… you don't need that.”
“I... I don't believe it” her voice came out deeper “I’ve prepared so much... even gave him space... but it's no use…” her hands broke the clipboard in half “I'm going to break your face in half…” she looks at him, the silver pupils have turned to devilish vertical slits “and I'm going to rip out your seed by force!”
He only had time to pull the table away for cover, as the punch she threw went right through the smooth wood and almost caught his chest. He felt the force of the impact, his arms almost wobbled.
Holy crap.
“RAAAAAAAARGH!” she roars, taking her arm off the table, breaking it in half. Ohma wasted no time, he flew out of the room “GET BACK HERE YOU!”
Ohma didn't even listen, it was either run or die, or worse, fight her.
And this was not a fight he wanted to take.
It took about five Kures together, with Removal, to stop an angry Karla from chasing Ohma. She was out of control, and practically knocked over other two cousins ​​in the process. Surely, if she had managed to catch him, it would have been a massacre. Which was even good, because then there would be no marriage, but the bad part is that it would be the end of him too.
“I WILL GET YOU, YOU GODDAMNED CAT!” she screamed in fury, flopping on the floor like a fish as she was trapped. The other guys who were stopping her still had a little trouble “You'll be mine!”
“Holy shit, Karla, look what you did!” Reichi, another of the Kure, looks at the damage. Several of the paper and wooden walls that made up the traditional house were torn apart from the persecution “do you know how long it will take to repair all of this?!”
Other students, relatives, and even some children were watching the scene. And a hyena laugh was heard above all the hubbub.
“HIAHIAHIAHIAHIAHIAAAHAA” Raian appears, with his arms crossed and his face red from laughing so much “Oh my… Sweet Kaaarly, and they say I am the destroying Devil…”
“This is not helping, Raiaaan” Hollis squeaks. Being the third strongest in the clan, he was holding onto Karla's legs and hips.
“And who said I wanted to help?” he snorts “Okay, I'll help, look: Ruun Tokita, RUUNNNNN!”
“RAAAARRGH” Karla growls once more, to the despair of the human chain that kept her contained. Raian barks his laugh once more.
Ohma looks at the confusion, calms down and gets up, suddenly tired of running for his life “Sorry guys” he bends over a little, putting his hands in his pockets “That's what I get for trying to talk reasonably to you, Karla” he sighs “I've been trying for years, but no one in this house listens to me, because everything has to be your way, or nothing.”
Karla stopped for a moment, looking at him, but she still had the removal on, so she gritted her teeth. Ohma sighed, there was no point in arguing with that beast anymore.
“Guys, I'm leaving. Thank you for everything, but apparently it's not possible to say goodbye peacefully…”
“Just go, Seaweed Head” Raian grunts, annoyed “Get away, fuck off. We won't stop you.”
Ohma nods and, without further ado, runs to the street gate.
“Traitoooooooor” Karla growled to her cousin, it sounded like the growl of a leopard.
“In this lovey-dovey persecution, you feral bitch, You broke my bedroom walls, along with my wardrobe and bed. And also the houses of about fifteen families in the process. I'm just returning the favor!”
Karla finally looks at the damage she had done, and she gasps, her eyes widening. Only then does she seem to wake up from her rage and return to normal… and then she starts crying.
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Next Chapter Here
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griim · 2 years
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“Guess who is out of horny jail, just in time for Sinday.” 
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captainsaltypear · 5 months
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retquits · 3 months
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save me winter elliott stardew valley... winter elliott stardew valley save me......
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watchingwisteria · 7 months
listen there really was just something about how in the book, snow’s 3-page descent from hesitant lover boy to deluded psychopath happens entirely in his mind. lucy gray gives him no indication whatsoever that she suspects him, that she’s going to leave or betray him. he’s just sitting quietly in the cabin waiting for her to return when that seed of calculated suspicion, which he has needed to survive the capitol, takes a hold of him and chokes the life out of any goodness left inside him. it really drives home your terror as a reader that “oh my god did he kill her? did she escape? what happened to her? why would he even think that?” in a way that when the movie had to adjust for visualization it lost some of that holy shit this guy has lost it emphasis.
#seeing some discourse and im not saying lucy grey didnt know#im saying she never dropped the kind of hints that she knew like she did in the movie#or if she did snow isnt worried about them until he very suddenly is consumed by them#snow is not concerned about whether or not she believed him. of course she did! hes snow!#but then shes gone…. for a while……#and its the sudden immediate drastic unravelling that comes across so clearly in the book#that i knew wouldn’t translate to screen yet still cant help but miss#the hunger games#coriolanus snow#tbosas#lucy gray baird#not a crime or anything just a note that i cannot stop thinking about#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#this is all from memory of reading it quite a while ago. so maybe 3 pages is an exaggeration#but i remember it happening VERY quickly and without much external cause#like we as the reader have no indication as to whether shes nearby or not.#snow has no idea either. he just SUSPECTS. and his suspicion breeds the hatred that has been bubbling inside him all this time#he hates how she undoes him. he hates that he WOULD run away with her if shed let him keep his secrets#and he HATES more than anything that she makes him WANT to tell his secrets#he wants to be vulnerable and reveal the ugly nasty parts about himself and still be loved#but he does not let himself and it is everyone’s downfall#he chooses cruelty bc it is easy and familiar and makes him feel more powerful than the vulnerable give and take that real love requires
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caratbow · 11 days
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father philip is aware 😵‍💫
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sparklingwaterbabie · 2 years
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A collection of my favourite tweets, thus far, on #SpitGate that I’m putting here for ease for my friends seeing
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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In the shape of you, something new.
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
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did somebody say dadkarios
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