aaaagggg · 20 hours
Bet it would be bloodmoon Or blue the rainbow Friend.
If a wither storm could be the size of a grape
Is this implying that someone could accidentally eat a Wither Storm for their dimension thinking I was a grape
Because if so, that would be hilarious
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aaaagggg · 21 hours
it’s fun to stay at the Y
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aaaagggg · 23 hours
Does anyone else ever think about THE CRINGE DIMENSION? And what the fluff there planet and food chane is like. Do the foxes have the win a dance off in order to eat the squirrel? And what about CRINGE crimes. And CRINGE politicians. And CRINGE mascots?
Does CRINGE moon ever go dimension hopping?has he ever scared a younger version of him self away from the dimension bullshit?
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aaaagggg · 1 day
This is why fae and creatures of that nature don't exist.
I think the biggest thing mascot horror things need to get a grip on is the reasonable balance of cute/creepy. The mascot in question needs to be cute enough to realistically be for children but scary enough to actually make for effective horror. Most games always lean too far in either direction and idk maybe it's just me but immersion with these kinds of games are important for me to actually find enjoyment in them.
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aaaagggg · 3 days
I was bored
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aaaagggg · 4 days
What if he starts doing that during the time he spends with D.sun and Netflix. Like I can imagine Nexus not giving him food just to be an ass.
Solar and would be horrified to just stumble across a starving Ruin attempting to cannibalism himself.
Ruin would probably chew on the broken off pieces of his rays because he didn't ever get food 😋
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aaaagggg · 4 days
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The un-holy screech that left me .
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aaaagggg · 5 days
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Bloodmoond the lunar.
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aaaagggg · 5 days
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Moon with a gun
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aaaagggg · 5 days
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D. Sun just didn't want the bullshit.
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aaaagggg · 6 days
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Bloodmoon be like
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aaaagggg · 6 days
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Hey. Look.
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aaaagggg · 6 days
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Earth sweet heart I'm afraid I'm going have to kill your dad.
( I'm to scared to watch both of these episodes)
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aaaagggg · 6 days
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The shit they could drag Eclipse into.
They already have Ruin.
(The purple and pink moon is Nexus)
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aaaagggg · 6 days
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Eclipse is the type of person that could learn to Successful harness Murphys law.
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aaaagggg · 6 days
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I like to imagine this is how these people spend half their dates.
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aaaagggg · 8 days
My brain says
Mega more trauma. Like he didn't do anything to piss off karma this time trauma. Someone see it. Sooo they help . But only after he is so worn down that he is to tired to argue or really process his emotions.
This is not a new thought to me I've had it since the first October tacke over ended. But it could still work now too.
I don't JUST want Eclipse to be redeemed simply. Nobody understands that I don't want Eclipse to do something heoric and immediately be accepted as family. This is far from what I want.
The show seems to finally go on a path where maybe Eclipse will be able to do something good for the family (probably bringing Solar back), and maybe they will kill him off there. Sure, it would be a tragic death and I would love that idea of Eclipse willing to sacrifice himself for Solar's return. But do you know what I also want???
For Eclipse to bring Solar back, but survive. To get the directives removed finally. For him to have a body he likes. For him to get this redemption, and at least some of the family's forgiveness. I want him to not stick around, and instead leave the pizzaplex to explore the world. Just like KC did. Leave it behind with relief, but also in a way miss it. This hellhole he knew his entire life, a place that is somehow his home still, although he would never admit it loudly.
I want him to leave with the memory of Moon apologizing to him face to face when everything calmed down finally, and a hug they would both deny till their cosmos stay aline.
I want him to leave with the memory of him and Sun share a quick akward goodbye, where they both say a quick sorry for everything, folllowed by an even more akward quietness that Sun ends with holding his hand up for a handshake, which Eclipse takes in the end.
And him and Lunar, when Eclipse finally leaves, just nod to each other. From Eclipse its an apology, and from Lunar its aknowledgment. And Eclipse leaves, knowing he is in no danger anymore.
I want him to stay in touch with Earth, every now and then, like in a diary, sharing what he did, what he saw, all his experiences, and sometimes even calling each other. Just a content, almost like friendship between the two.
I want him to have freedom, controll over his own life, to actually restart on his own way, have the chance to learn and explore. With the start of having Earth to check on him, and the knowledge that even though he messed a lot up in past lives, he did his best to fight, to make it up, and now he can find his own purpose.
I want him to be free of everything. To sit down in a mountain top, far away from his past, send his long message filled with his previous journey to Earth, and to just look at the setting sun. To be calm. To be content. I want him to be happy.
Which, if looking at the canon, would never be the case if he sticks around after getting redeemed. This is not the Eclipse we lost. This Eclipse needs to find his purpose after Solar. And I want him to stay alive and heal. You have no idea how much I want this for him.
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