#we have secure attachment styles in this universe
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theanonymousninja247 · 3 months ago
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Aggressive Affection at its finest. Chef kiss 😚🤌🏼
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part1 | part2 | part3 | part 4
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feyhunter78 · 2 years ago
Fey's 2000 Follower Celebration!!!!
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Description: It's Gabi's first day of first grade, and it gets Miguel thinking about when he first arrived in this universe. Pink Pastels Masterlist
“Papá, come on we’re going to be late.” Gabi pouts, tugging on the sleeve of his lab coat, her bright pink backpack sitting snuggly on her shoulders, her dark hair pulled up into a ponytail with a blue hair tie.
“I just want to make sure you have everything Mija.” Miguel says, going over his mental checklist. Lunch? Check. Pencil bag? Check. Name tag on her shirt with her name and classroom number? Check. Colorful tag shaped like a car that indicates she’s drop off and pick up only? Attached securely to her backpack. He knows she has everything; he packed her bag the night before, but he can’t stop himself from worrying.
“Come on, I want to get to school, I want to meet my new friends!” Gabi tugs harder, heading towards the door.
He chuckles. She’s so unlike him in this aspect, she isn’t afraid to put herself out there or go up to kids she doesn’t know and try to make friends. She relishes the challenge, and he almost envies her confidence.
“Okay, okay, we’ll go.” He says, ruffling her hair affectionately.
She smiles up at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door.
He lets he chose the music on the drive there, sings along softly to the Spanish songs she’s chosen, glancing up at the rearview mirror every so often to look at her.
Gabi is staring out the window, memorizing the route—just in case I make new friends, and we want to walk to school together—she told him in a very matter of fact tone.
He can’t imagine ever letting her walk to school. Of course, the streets are safe, he’s made sure of that, and she’d be walking with other kids, and most likely a parent, but his stomach churns at the idea of anything ever happening to her.
“Gabi?” Miguel asks, struck by a sudden need to confirm that she knows just how loved she is.
“Yeah?” Gabi replies, looking away from the window and towards him.
“You know I love you, right?” He asks, a smile tugging at his lips when he sees her smile.
“Yep, more than the sun loves the sky.” She says cheerily, easily, without a single moment of hesitation.
He bites the inside of his cheek to keep the tears from welling in his eyes. He spent so long searching for her, so long trying his best to be a father worthy of her. To never doubt that he loves her, to never wonder and fear as he did growing up.
“And guess what, Papá?” She says in a singsong voice.
“I love you more than the moon loves the sea.” She says, beaming at him, her tone filled with that pure honesty that you can only find in children.
And here comes the waterworks.
Miguel manages to stop himself from crying by the time they pull into her school’s parking lot, and Gabi is already unbuckling her seatbelt.
“We’re here! We’re here!” She’s jiggling the door handle, which he would usually ask her not to do, but she’s so excited he can’t bring himself to correct her.
He turns off the car and slides out, opening the door for her and helping her out.
Gabi hits the ground running, already seeing her friends from kindergarten. She bolts forward, the sound of his name being called by another parent taking his attention away for a split second.
It all happens so fast, he looks away then hears the sound of brakes squealing, and someone shouting. His heart races, all his senses going into overdrive. Gabi is wrapped in the arms of a woman in a pink dress, Gabi’s cries filling his ears.
Miguel is there by her side in a second, pulling her from the woman. “What happened?”
“I didn’t see the car, I forgot to look, Papá I’m sorry.” She clings to him, burying her face in his lab coat.
“My goodness, I’m so glad I grabbed her in time.” The woman says, one hand pressed to her heart.
Miguel looks up, for a moment. She’s shorter than him, most people are, with a lovely figure wrapped in soft-looking fabric, her hair styled in a way that frames her face but still keeps it from getting in her eyes.
“Thank you, Ms?” He realizes he doesn’t know her name, he meant to go to Meet the Teacher Night, but he was called away.
“Y/N, Ms. Y/N Y/L/N, I’m Gabi’s teacher.” You say, giving him a bright smile.
“Ms. Y/N, thank you, I’m glad Gabi has a teacher with quick reflexes.”
“Oh yeah, I’m like a cat.” You joke.
He smiles, and he feels Gabi giggle against his coat.
“Like a cat, that’s silly.” She says, pulling herself away from him to face you.
“Oh really? Well, I have a lot more silly sayings ready for the school year if you’d like to hear them?” You tell her, bending slightly at your knees to look her in the eyes.
“Yes, please.” Gabi says, sniffling.
“Okay, but have to hold my hand, and no more running in the street.” You warn playfully, holding your hand out to her.
“Okay!” Gabi says, grabbing your hand, her fear vanishing as she wipes away her tears, her smile back in full force.
But Miguel can’t brush off his fear that easily, and his fingers catch on Gabi’s backpack.
She turns to look at him. “Oh, Papá, I almost forgot.” She lunges at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Bye, I’ll see you later!”
He crushes her to his chest, burying his face in her hair. “Bye Mija, be good.”
She wriggles out of his grasp and grabs your hand again, before waving goodbye and letting you lead her inside the school.
Miguel remains on his knees for a second, watching as you both disappear inside the building, before he stands and brushes himself off, heading towards his car.
He drives to Alchemax in silence, pulls into the parking lot in silence, and walks to his office in silence. He sits at his desk, boots up his computer, and tries to force himself to concentrate. His desk saver is a picture of him and Gabi on her fourth birthday. She’s got icing all over her face and hands, and she’s reaching for him, one tiny hand covered in frosting finding its mark on his cheek. He’s smiling, she’s laughing, and he remembers how when that picture was taken, he was so afraid everything would disappear, and he’d be left with only photos, and videos once again.
 “Hey Miggy, just wanted to check on you.” Monica’s voice floats through the crack in the door she’s made by opening it without knocking, a terrible habit she has, but he finds it less annoying on days like this.
He gives her a weary smile. “It’s easier than last time, but still hard.”
She gives him a sympathetic grimace. “I’m here if you need to talk.”
He thanks her, and she closes his office door, her heels clicking on the tile of the hallway as she walks away.
Miguel smiles as the screen changes to a picture he took. Gabi is three, curled in his lap, head resting on his arm, Oso tucked underneath her arm.
He remembers the adrenaline that rushed through him when he got the alert. How he activated the program that transferred all commands to Jessica and Peter, and left them with a quick goodbye.
This universe’s Miguel was dead, Gabi would be placed in his mother’s care, unless Monica fought hard enough for custody, which he now had no doubt she would’ve done, no matter how chill she tried to portray herself as.
It was the perfect opportunity; one he would not waste. So, he left, took Lyla and his meager possessions, studied all he could about the old Miguel and became him—to an extent.
It was dark in his apartment, quiet, Gabi was asleep, Margo from next door asleep on the couch, some random telenovela playing at a low volume.
Miguel switched it off as he turned on one of the lamps, gently shaking her awake.
She jolted awake then relaxed, giving him a sleepy smile as she patted him on the shoulder and made her way down the hall.
He stood in Gabi’s doorway, almost afraid to go in. Would she recognize him, would she reject him? Somehow be able to tell he was not the father she knew, or would she love him as much as he loved her? They were blood, she was his daughter, and he was her father no matter what universes or canon events separated them.
Miguel gathered up his courage and stepped inside. Her room was different, a forest green instead of pink, with white accents, and glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. She’s still in a crib, she’s three now, soon he’ll need to transition her to a toddler bed, but when he leans against the railing, gazing down at her, he finds he wishes she would stay this little forever.
Her eyes slowly open, and she smiles at him, ever observant his daughter is.
“Hola Mija, lo siento, ¿te desperté?” He whispered, reaching into her crib and gently brushing her cheek with one bent finger. Trsl: Hello daughter, I’m sorry, did I wake you/wake you up?
She grabs it, then grabs more of his hand with surprising strength, pulling herself up into a sitting position.
That’s new.
“Papá’s back.” She said sleepily, cuddling Oso closer.
“Yes, I’m back.” He said softly. “And I’m never leaving you again.”
“Can I sleep with you?” She asked, letting go of his hand to reach out to him, silently asking to be picked up.
“Of course, Mija,” Miguel said, scooping her up and supporting her back with his hand.
“Yay, night Papá.” Gabi whispered, already falling back asleep.
He didn’t sleep that night, just stayed up watching her, marveling over the fact that he got another chance to be with his daughter. He wouldn’t mess it up this time, no matter what happened, he would not lose her.
Gabi is having a great first day at school. She got to pick the music on the way to school, survived running in the street, and her teacher is the nicest person ever.
Ms. Y/N is so beautiful, like a princess, Gabi thinks, and you answer everyone’s questions about yourself, even the silly ones like who your favorite Wild Kratt is and if you have a boyfriend.
She notices that you look a little sad when you answer that one, and it piques her interest. Gabi likes to think of herself as an amateur detective, her and Oso have solved many cases already. Like the case of the missing sock—the dryer ate it, or the case of the monster in the couch—her papa snores when he falls asleep watching TV.
She is also an expert in emotions and drama, Tia Margo says so herself when Gabi figures out the plot to their favorite shows before she does.
So once the school day is almost over, and you come around to her desk to collect her first day worksheet—really, it’s a few questions about her and some really fun things to color, not work at all, which she likes—she asks why you looked sad.
“Sad? Did I look sad? Oh, don't worry, I’m not.” You reassure her, taking her worksheet and adding it to the pile in your arms.
“My papá is single, if your boyfriend makes you sad again, you can marry him instead.” She says confidently, packing up her colored pencils and pens.
“Oh—that’s very nice of you to offer, sweetheart, but I think I’ll stick with my boyfriend.” You tell her, seeming a little bit embarrassed.
She likes when you call her sweetheart, and when you smile at her, and tell her how pretty her drawings are. She wishes you were her mom, not just her teacher.
“Okay…but if you change your mind! Let me know first because Ryan’s mom is single too, and I don’t want her to try and take my papá from you.”
You laugh at that and shake your head affectionately. “You have quite the mind, don’t you?”
“My papa says I’m very smart.” She says proudly.
“And he’s right.” You squeeze her shoulder then move onto her tablemates.
Maybe she’ll ask Lyla to help her come up with a way to get your boyfriend out of the picture? There are plenty of ways, she’s seen them on the telenovelas, but she doesn’t actually know how to find someone’s evil twin. She’ll definitely have to ask Lyla about that.
Gabi isn’t worried, though, the year has just started and there’s plenty of time for you and her papá to fall in love.
Tag list: @miggyoharaswife, @badbishsblog, @imisshim2much, @wanderlustingcastaway, @lynn-9703, @sleepyamaya, @erensbbg, @sweetea85, @ilovemiguelohara, @natthernandez, @stxrrielle, @ihateuguys, @jenniferdixon05207, @blep-23, @luvisaaxoxo, @minimari415, @emerald-09, @violet-19999, @kenchosaikuo, @groovycass, @youcantseem3, @lovefks, @nightshxdex, @dusstory, @aesniri, @munsonssecretblog, @kirke-is-my-name, @starbearieee, @chatoicboy, @act1839, @needsleep3000, @totally-not-georgia, @witchy-lizard, @cxmeiloorun7, @justrandomlolidk, @chimpkinnuggies, @alicefallsintotherabbithole, @loser-alert, @wwwellacom, @ryantryan6969, @lollipopin, @blakeaha, @youcantseem3, @a-cult-leader, @verexi, @purpleskiesandroses, @they2luv1naia, @sophiaj650, @idolautism, @rheannajrs, @merakiq, @rexs-wife, @sukaretto-n, @twilight-loveer, @f1shb0nez, @callsign-blue, @marcelineormars, @sxnasbitch, @111gltzpzy, @lucilavenxoxo, @ray-rook, @elizamelody, @soapbar99, @trashieboii, @erissco, @gardenof-venus, @vlads-dracula3
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pacific-rimbaud · 1 year ago
Now that you’ve mentioned Normal People, what did you think about it? I feel this story is quite polarizing.
I preferentially read, for lack of a better term, literary fiction and voicey writers. I quite like Sally Rooney's prose, I quite like the no quotation marks thing (Cormac McCarthy my beloved), I quite like a spare, direct narrative (I like a lot of different styles of diction). I have read no analysis or chatter about Normal People, but it seems quite plainly to me about lovers who are compatible in the ways we tend to think matter most in youth—sexually, intellectually—and how their communication and therefore their affair is fundamentally fractured because of their various standpoints. She's rich, he's working class, he's safe and securely attached at home, she's abused, he has social capital in high school but not at university, she's the other way around, and so on. The way he conflates privacy with intimacy, the way she conflates sexual utility with personal value, these are the filters through which they cannot (and never do) communicate. In a therapized age it's so easy to want people to just say how they feel, but that's not how my life has worked and it's not how life works a lot of the time even for the properly counseled and medicated and trauma-processed among us. I wasn't a fan of the abuse-to-BDSM pipeline as depicted in the novel, but that's really not my space and people in the kink community have critiqued it better than I could. I also found the TV adaptation baffling. Connell never shakes his ambivalence toward Marianne in the book. She never learns to tell him directly what she wants (what she wants will always be what he wants, all the better if it hurts her). They grow, but it's not enough. That closing sentiment, "They’ve done a lot of good for each other. Really, she thinks, really. People can really change one another," is ambivalent! It's ironic! He's waiting for her to tell him to stay but she's telling him to go, she's telling him to go when she would like him to stay. In the TV show it's like. WTF is going on in this scene. Why are we weeping at each other on the floor in the golden dawn of our self-actualization. In the book he's hung over and maybe there's something sexual going on between him and another woman or maybe Marianne's paranoid, we can't tell and neither can they, it's weird and sad and not in a romantic way. Anyway, I own a copy of the book, and I go back to it from time to time to feel sad feelings in my chest and for these revelatory little sentences that make me want to write. But I get why people hate it lol.
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 years ago
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Name: Walking Shell
Debut: Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Hello! This is not a pencil. I know it looks very much like one. Please try to keep pencil thoughts to yourself until the reception after the post, where we WILL be serving tiny hot dogs. If you didn't think this looked like a pencil before, I'm sorry that now you'll only be able to see a pencil. But this is a missile! Shell, like a bombshell! Get it? Yeah! Ok.
It is a very cute and lovable missile, too! This is what Mario does to us. It makes it normal for missiles and bombs and bullets to be cute. This missile even has a skull-style emblem of the Bad Guy on its back... but it has legs! It is Walking Shell, after all! And that's not even the best and most precious part...
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It has a DOGHOUSE!!! What the heck! This missile is literally an animal. Someone makes little houses for these missiles to sleep in. I think they are beloved! Even if they are just sort of like guard dogs, being Enemies stationed at certain points, I love to see such in-universe appreciation for a dawdling deathtrap.
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When a Walking Shell senses Rayman (I think it should have the ability to Smell), it becomes a Running Shell, and really books it with those funny little legs it has! And with every footstep a lovely tock-tock-tock sound. They're gonna getcha! Gonna getcha! Until they get tuckered out. They stop running and just stand there, bobbing up and down, like they're panting!
I'm sure you're familiar with the classic All Animals Are Dogs trope, where regardless of species, an animal in a piece of media acts like a dog instead of its actual species (unless it's a cat, I guess). And boy, does that get tiring. I love dogs! But they are the only animals that act like dogs, because they are the animals that are dogs!
Anyway, Walking Shell acts like a dog, but THIS is a missile with two legs and no other features whatsoever! It's such a novel thing to act like a dog! A real innovation in the Thing That Acts Like A Dog department! With its two legs and pointed front, I would think if anything it would act like a chicken, and "peck" the ground as an idle animation, or something. But don't worry, farmheads! Look!
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After it gets tired, Rayman can mount the Walking Shell, and it will rear up and neigh like a horse! Real dogs do not become horses. Yes, I do know many animal facts, why do you ask? Walking Shell will then cheese it and run over any terrain at high speeds! Sadly, the goal of these sections is to guide it into a wall so that it will explode on impact and destroy the wall. And that's so sad!!!
Yeah, this is a missile, it's destined to explode, but they also made a point of portraying it as an animal, a creature, one that can even be befriended. It's almost like if the Yoshi Dismount Jump was necessary to end every level where Yoshi was found. I think Rayman should adopt a Walking Shell, and walk it on a leash, and literally just let it be a dog. But be careful it doesn't bump into anything too hard!
Welcome to TOY CORNER. Toys are an important part of Walking Shell's history! Rayman is, obviously, a nightmare to design toys of. You could have strings to represent his floaty hands and feet, but then he doesn't look like Rayman, he looks like Ol' Strings Fer Arms Raym'n, who is not real! So, they had to get creative. And it worked, I think! In toy form, Rayman is always accompanied by some kind of prop that his hands and feet can be directly attached to. It may limit play possibilities, but it's better than the alternative, which is nothing. I hope you are getting excited reading this tangent on a post about Rayman's funny steed...!
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Here it is! Walking Shell McDonald's Toy, for you to enjoy! The legs are sort of sticking straight out, but it is still unmistakably our friend. The exhaust pipe can be turned to make it go forward and occasionally turn in circles!
Gee. What a great concept. They get to put Rayman's hands and feet somewhere secure, and we get to know there are Walking Shell toys out there! It would be great if they did this again.
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Wow! They did this again! This time in plush form! Walking Shell is truly just a creature so nice you gotta make a toy of it twice. This plush fascinated me for a few reasons. First, it's from Rayman 3, and Walking Shell is only in the GBA version of that game, which is absolutely not the Main version, and yet it gets toy spotlight again (this is a good thing). Second, it is directly modeled after the McDonald's toy, with the legs in the exact same position. I am intrigued by this, like, translating a McDonald's toy into a more "real" toy, if that makes sense.
Would you let Walking Shell sniff your hand? Be careful!
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icatshoping · 7 months ago
Does Your Cat Miss You When You Leave the House?
What do our cats actually think when we leave the house? Do they miss us, or do they barely notice we're gone? Can they experience stress and anxiety? In this blog, we will explore these intriguing questions and provide three powerful tips to ensure your cat doesn't experience stress during your absence. Before we dive in, be sure to follow our blog and join our feline-loving community.
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The Bond Between Cats and Owners
A study by Oregon State University delved into the attachment styles of cats, revealing that cats exhibit both secure and insecure attachments towards their caregivers. In this study, cats were observed in a secure base test where they were placed in an unfamiliar room with their owner, then left alone, and eventually reunited. The behaviour of the cats during the reunion phase was quite revealing. Cats with secure attachments appeared relaxed and continued to explore, occasionally returning to their owners for comfort. In contrast, those with insecure attachments displayed signs of stress, clinging to their owners or avoiding them altogether.
This discovery is groundbreaking in understanding the emotional depth of cats. It shows that cats aren't indifferent to their owners; the attachment they display is indicative of the trust and security they feel in their humans' presence. Interestingly, the study found that the percentage of cats with secure attachments to their owners is remarkably similar to that observed in dogs and human infants.
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Do Cats Experience Separation Anxiety?
The popular image of a cat is that of an aloof, independent creature seemingly unbothered by their human companions. However, beneath this calm exterior, there could be a whirlwind of emotions that are often hard to decipher. Cats are not very demonstrative of their feelings, and this characteristic can make it particularly challenging for owners to discern when their cats are feeling stressed or anxious. But just because they aren't showing it overtly doesn't mean they aren't feeling the strain of separation. They form bonds with their caregivers, and any disruption to this relationship can impact their emotional well-being.
But how can one tell if a cat is truly grappling with separation anxiety? Look for subtle signs. A cat that is usually silent might start vocalising more when alone. There could be alterations in eating habits; some cats might consume less food, while others may do the opposite. These fluctuations in eating are often coping mechanisms to deal with the stress of solitude. Another indicative sign of stress is disruptions in toilet habits. A cat experiencing anxiety might start eliminating outside its litter box. This behaviour isn't a mark of rebellion; it's a clear indication of anxiety stemming from the owner's absence.
Certain cats, such as those with a history of rehoming or traumatic experiences, may be more susceptible to separation anxiety. Similarly, kittens that were separated prematurely from their mothers may exhibit increased sensitivity to changes.
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What Do Cats Think We're Doing?
Research and observation offer us some fascinating insights into this matter. Cats live in the present; they’re not as concerned with the future or the past, which means they don't spend much time pondering where we might have gone. However, this doesn't mean they don't notice or care about our absence. Cats are observant creatures and are likely aware that their human companions do things differently from them, including leaving the house.
There’s a theory suggesting that cats might perceive us as bigger, non-hostile cats. This idea stems from the way cats communicate with us, using similar methods they employ with other cats. Given this, they might just think we are out doing "bigger cat" things when we leave the house. Although we can't know for certain what goes on in a cat's mind, their behaviour gives us clues. Some cats will watch us leave, maybe sitting by the window and observing as we step out. Others might give us a dismissive glance and go back to their nap. This variety in behaviour shows that while they might not understand the specifics of our departure, they do acknowledge it in their own way.
Interestingly, a cat's reaction to our departure can also be influenced by their bond with us. A cat with a strong attachment to its owner might exhibit signs of stress when they leave, possibly due to the change in environment and routine. On the other hand, a more independent cat might be less bothered, viewing our absence as just a part of their day. Some cats might relish the peace and quiet, while others may feel uneasy and anxious. The level of attachment a cat has to its owner can influence how it behaves when left alone. A securely attached cat might feel more at ease, while an insecure one might exhibit signs of stress and anxiety.
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Three Powerful Tips
Here are three powerful tips that can significantly reduce the feelings of separation anxiety or stress your cat might experience when you're not around:
Calm Departures and Greetings: One of the most straightforward yet effective measures is to maintain composure during your departures and arrivals. While it's tempting to make a big fuss saying a long goodbye or overly celebrating your return, it's best to keep things calm. When you remain calm and nonchalant about coming and going, it signals to your cat that these events are regular and not something to be overly concerned about.
Gradual Desensitisation: Start by leaving the house for extremely short durations, just a few minutes, and then gradually increase the time you're gone. Over time, this will help your cat realise that your departures are temporary and that you always come back. This method can significantly lessen the impact of your leaving as it reinforces the idea of your inevitable return.
Music or White Noise: Ambient sounds can have a calming effect on cats. Leaving soft music or a radio on in your absence can offer a sense of comfort. It serves as a gentle auditory distraction and can even replicate the ambient noise level when you're at home, making the house feel less empty. If you're planning to be away for an extended duration, hiring a pet sitter can be a game changer. A pet sitter not only ensures that your cat's basic needs like food and clean litter are taken care of, but they also provide much-needed human interaction. Playtime, gentle strokes, or just the mere presence of someone in the house can significantly minimise feelings of loneliness and anxiety in your cat. By hiring a professional or even asking a trusted neighbour or friend to check in, you offer your cat a familiar routine and a sense of normalcy even when you're not around.
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relationshipreboot · 2 months ago
Dating Psychology Guide: Unlock 7 Secrets to Lasting Love When you're navigating the complex world of dating, emotions can run high. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the ups and downs of what feels like a never-ending rollercoaster. Each new connection brings hope and excitement, but it can also leave you feeling discouraged and confused. Why do some relationships flourish while others falter? The answer often lies in understanding the underlying psychology of dating and relationships. In this article, we will unravel seven essential secrets that can lead to lasting love. Utilizing insights from psychology and practical relationship strategies, this guide aims to equip you with tools that can enhance your romantic connections. Understanding the Core Issues: Before diving into the secrets of lasting love, it’s important to identify the psychological hurdles many face in dating. Here are some key concepts to consider: Attachment Styles: According to a study published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, approximately 60% of individuals exhibit secure attachment, while others may fall into anxious or avoidant categories. Your attachment style can dramatically influence how you interact in relationships. Self-Esteem and Worth: Research indicates that individuals with high self-esteem tend to have healthier relationships. A survey from the American Psychological Association suggests that low self-esteem can lead to dependency and relationship dissatisfaction. Communication Patterns: Studies show that 65% of relationship conflicts arise from poor communication. Misunderstandings can escalate to larger issues if not addressed promptly. Understanding these issues lays the foundation for the strategies that follow. Seven Secrets to Lasting Love: Know Your Attachment Style: What to do: Take a moment to reflect on your own attachment style. Are you secure, anxious, or avoidant? Understanding your own patterns can help you better navigate relationships. To delve deeper, consider taking a validated online quiz or read literature on attachment theory. Why it matters: Knowing your style leads to better self-awareness and emotional intelligence in your interactions. Prioritize Effective Communication: What to do: Utilize “I statements” to convey your feelings and thoughts without sounding accusatory. For instance, instead of saying “You never listen,” try “I feel unheard when we don’t discuss our plans.” Why it matters: This method fosters a safe space for open dialogue, strengthening trust and understanding. Foster Empathy: What to do: Make a conscious effort to see things from your partner's perspective. Ask open-ended questions during conversations like, “How do you feel about...?” to encourage deeper discussions. Why it matters: Empathy enhances emotional connection and can reduce conflict; a study from the University of California showed that empathetic partners experience higher satisfaction in their relationships. Establish Personal Boundaries: What to do: Clearly communicate your needs and limits. Create boundaries around issues like personal space, social commitments, and emotional availability. Why it matters: Boundaries create a sense of safety and respect, both of which are essential for a thriving relationship. Cultivate Shared Interests: What to do: Engage in activities you both enjoy, whether it’s cooking, hiking, or board games. Schedule regular date nights focused on these shared interests. Why it matters: Shared interests foster bonding moments and create lasting memories. Psychologists understand that positive shared experiences can enhance relationship satisfaction. Practice Conflict Resolution: What to do: When disagreements arise, try to approach them constructively. Set rules for your discussions, such as no yelling, and take breaks if emotions run high. Why it matters: Research shows that couples who manage conflict constructively exhibit greater relationship satisfaction. Effectively resolving issues draws partners closer, reinforcing their bond.
Keep the Romance Alive: What to do: Schedule regular “surprise” moments, whether it’s a love note, a small gift, or even an unexpected evening outing. Why it matters: Keeping the spark alive is vital; studies indicate that couples who maintain romantic gestures report higher levels of happiness and commitment. Real-Life Examples: Anna and Jake’s Journey: Anna, a 30-year-old marketing executive, struggled with her anxious attachment style. After a rough breakup that left her questioning her worth, she delved into literature about attachment theory. By understanding her tendencies, Anna was able to communicate her feelings better with Jake, her new partner. They now have monthly “relationship check-ins” to discuss feelings and concerns, markedly reducing misunderstandings. Paul and Leah’s Shared Adventure: Paul and Leah, both in their mid-20s, regularly engage in hiking trips—they discovered their shared love for exploration early on. Lively discussions about the scenery and their thoughts helped cement their connection. Their adventures not only allow them to bond but also introduce excitement and novelty to their relationship. Sam and Riley's Conflict Approach: After a few months of dating, Sam and Riley faced a significant argument. Instead of resorting to hurtful comments, they decided to use “I statements.” This newfound approach led to a discussion that both elaborated on their feelings, resulting in a clearer understanding and a stronger foundation. Overcoming Challenges: Even the most promising relationships will encounter challenges. Here are common obstacles and practical solutions: Communication Breakdowns: Problem: You and your partner are continuously missing each other’s points during discussions. Solution: Establish a communication model that involves active listening—where one person speaks while the other listens without interrupting, and then paraphrases to ensure understanding. Jealousy Issues: Problem: A partner feels insecure or jealous, creating a rift. Solution: Openly discuss feelings of insecurity with empathy and reassurance. Take time to evaluate the reasons behind those feelings and reassure each other of your commitment to the relationship. Loss of Connection: Problem: The initial excitement fades as comfort sets in. Solution: Introduce spontaneity by planning surprise dates or learning a new skill together. This re-establishes emotional intimacy and excitement. Conclusion: Creating a lasting relationship isn’t merely about finding the right partner; it’s also about cultivating the skills that can sustain that connection. By understanding attachment styles, honing communication skills, fostering empathy, and actively managing conflicts, you are setting yourself up for a more fulfilling romantic journey. Take the time to reflect on these strategies, implement them in your own relationships, and watch as your connection deepens. Lasting love is not just an ideal; it’s a realistic goal with the right insight and dedication. What will you commit to improving in your own love life?
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invisqi · 2 months ago
Revolutionize Your Space with an Under Table Charger
Introduction In the modern world, technology has taken center stage in our daily lives. From smartphones to wireless earbuds, we rely heavily on these devices. However, charging them can often be a hassle. Wires cluttering your space or misplaced chargers are common problems. Luckily, the wireless charging pad under table concept is changing the game. With this innovative technology, you can enjoy a seamless and organized charging experience without compromising on functionality or style.
What Is an Under Table Qi Charger? An under table Qi charger is a discreet and efficient way to power your devices. Unlike traditional wireless chargers, this device is mounted beneath your desk, table, or countertop, enabling you to charge your gadgets by simply placing them on the surface above. Using Qi technology, which is the universal standard for wireless charging, this setup eliminates the need for visible charging pads or tangled cords, blending effortlessly with your environment.
How Does a Wireless Charging Pad Under Table Work? The mechanism behind a wireless charging pad under table is simple yet ingenious. The charger uses electromagnetic fields to transfer power from the charging pad to your device through induction. When installed beneath a surface, the charger transmits energy through the tabletop to compatible devices placed on it. This invisible charging system is as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing, keeping your space neat and free of clutter.
Benefits of Using an Under Table Qi Charger Adopting an under table Qi charger offers numerous benefits, making it a must-have for modern homes and offices.
Minimalist Design: By installing the charger beneath the surface, you maintain a clean and uncluttered look. The absence of wires and visible charging stations enhances the aesthetic appeal of your space.
Convenience: With this technology, you can charge your device effortlessly by placing it on the table. There's no need to fumble with cords or search for misplaced chargers.
Universal Compatibility: Qi chargers are compatible with a wide range of devices, from smartphones to earbuds. This versatility ensures you can charge multiple gadgets with a single device.
Durability: Since the charging pad is installed under the table, it is protected from wear and tear, making it a long-lasting solution for your charging needs.
Enhanced Productivity: A tidy workspace leads to increased focus and efficiency. By removing clutter caused by traditional charging setups, you create a more organized and functional environment.
Installing a Wireless Charging Pad Under Table Setting up an under table Qi charger is straightforward and requires minimal effort. Begin by selecting a suitable location beneath your table or desk. Ensure the surface is not too thick, as this could affect the charger's performance. Attach the charger securely and connect it to a power source. Most models come with detailed instructions to make the installation process hassle-free. Once installed, simply place your compatible device on the table, and the charger will do the rest.
Applications of Under Table Qi Chargers The versatility of a wireless charging pad under table makes it ideal for various settings.
Home Use: Keep your living room, kitchen, or bedroom tidy by installing an under-table charger for your devices. Office Spaces: Enhance productivity and maintain a professional appearance by integrating this technology into your work environment. Public Spaces: Restaurants, cafes, and libraries can offer customers a unique charging solution without compromising on design.
Tips for Choosing the Right Under Table Qi Charger When selecting an under table Qi charger, consider the following factors to ensure you get the best product for your needs:
Charging Speed: Opt for a charger that supports fast charging to save time. Surface Compatibility: Ensure the charger works with the material and thickness of your table. Ease of Installation: Choose a device that is simple to install without requiring professional help. Safety Features: Look for chargers with built-in safeguards against overheating, overcharging, and short circuits.
Conclusion Incorporating a wireless charging pad under table into your space is a game-changing solution for modern charging needs. It combines functionality, convenience, and style, making it a practical addition to any home or workplace. With the ability to charge devices invisibly and efficiently, an under table Qi charger is a smart investment for those looking to simplify their lives while maintaining a sleek and organized environment.
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whereareroo · 3 months ago
WF THOUGHTS (12/10/24).
Today, I fell down a rabbit hole because I read an article about the use of emojis when texting.
In the spirit of full transparency, I should start by saying that I’ve never been a big fan of texting. The world was fine before texting existed. I still believe that texting is inferior to a phone call. I’ve managed to adapt. It still bothers me that most people don’t text in readable English. They use “text language.” When I text, I use complete words, complete sentences, and proper punctuation.
In the spirit of additional transparency, I should say that I detest emojis. What a stupid idea! Are we kindergarteners? Have we regressed to communicating via cartoons? I don’t understand the meaning of most of the emojis that I receive. I’ve never sent an emoji- -and I never will. I don’t even know how to do it.
Anyway, let’s get back to the article that sent me down the rabbit hole.
There’s apparently a thing in psychology called “Attachment Theory.” I remember learning something about it when I took anthropology in college.
Attachment Theory attempts to set forth a framework for understanding human relationships. How are bonds formed? Theoretically, a lot of it has to do with your bond with your mother as an infant and small child.
It is supposedly good if you’re classified as “securely attached.” In addition to a bunch of other positive stuff, securely attached people allegedly have “high emotional intelligence.” In part, that means that they have a high ability to perceive and manage their emotions and the emotions of others.
It is supposedly bad to be classified as a person with “avoidant attachment.” Folks with avoidant attachment tend to avoid emotional closeness and intimacy. Instead, they favor self-reliance and independence. In other words, folks with avoidant attachment tend to have low emotional intelligence.
In theory, it takes a good bit of analysis to classify a person’s attachment style and their level of emotional intelligence. It’s not necessarily obvious stuff.
Some psychologists at the University Of Indiana now claim that the riddles surrounding a person’s attachment designation and emotional intelligence level can be solved by looking at their use of emojis. Those who frequently use emojis tend to be securely attached and blessed with high emotional intelligence. They’re supposedly better forming emotional relationships. If you don’t use emojis, according to these experts, you tend to suffer from avoidant attachment and low emotional intelligence. In other words, you’re bad at bonding and forming relationships.
I think these psychologists from Indiana are crackpots. How dare they insult my emotional intelligence. If I ever meet the crackpots, I’ll teach them a lesson or two about psychology. By the way, can anybody name any important scholarship that was hatched in Indiana?
I’m an American. Traditionally, Americans have valued self-reliance and independence. If that means that I’ll be classified as a person with “avoidant attachment,” I’ll accept that label. Closeness and intimacy are overrated. I’m happy to be surrounded by a tight circle. I don’t need a big social circle to feel good about myself.
I’m not going to be bullied into using emojis. Blame my mother. Don’t expect any emojis from me.
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intstachirag-s · 3 months ago
Shop Hair Dryers & Diffusers Online in Australia at SSS Hair
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In the world of hairstyling, finding the perfect tools can make all the difference. Whether you're aiming for voluminous curls, sleek and smooth finishes, or quick drying times, hair dryers with diffusers and diffuser attachments are must-have accessories for your arsenal. At SSS Hair, we offer a wide range of hair dryers and hair diffusers designed to help you achieve professional results from the comfort of your home.
Why Choose a Hair Dryer with a Diffuser?
A hair dryer with a diffuser is an essential tool for anyone looking to style their hair without compromising its natural texture. Diffusers are specifically designed to distribute heat evenly, which prevents frizz and enhances curl definition. Unlike traditional dryer nozzles, a diffuser attachment helps maintain the hair's integrity, making it a favorite among people with curly, wavy, or textured hair.
Benefits of Using a Hair Diffuser
Enhances Natural Curls: A diffuser hair tool amplifies your natural curl pattern, giving you well-defined, bouncy curls.
Minimizes Heat Damage: By spreading heat more gently, diffusers reduce the risk of heat-related damage.
Reduces Frizz: Say goodbye to flyaways! A hair diffuser prevents frizz by keeping airflow controlled and targeted.
Adds Volume: Perfect for fine or flat hair, diffusers lift roots to create volume and body.
Quick and Easy Styling: A diffuser attachment can cut down your styling time while delivering salon-quality results.
How to Use a Hair Diffuser
Using a hair diffuser is straightforward, but knowing the right technique can enhance your results. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Start with Damp Hair: For best results, work on freshly washed and towel-dried hair. Avoid dripping wet strands.
Apply Hair Products: Use a curl-enhancing mousse, gel, or heat protectant to prep your hair. This helps maintain your style and protects against heat damage.
Attach the Diffuser: Secure the diffuser attachment to your hair dryer. Make sure the dryer is set to low or medium heat to avoid excessive heat exposure.
Diffuse in Sections: Divide your hair into manageable sections. Place the diffuser near your scalp and lift upwards while drying to create volume.
Scrunch for Texture: Use your hands to scrunch the hair as you move the diffuser around for added definition.
Finish with Cool Air: Once your hair is dry, switch to the cool setting to set your style and add shine.
Types of Diffusers Available at SSS Hair
At SSS Hair, we understand that different hair types and styling preferences require different tools. That’s why we stock a variety of hair diffusers and diffuser attachments to suit your needs:
Universal Diffuser Attachments
These are compatible with most hair dryers and are perfect for enhancing curls and waves. Universal diffusers are ideal for those who already own a favorite hair dryer and are looking for a versatile solution.
Built-in Hair Dryers with Diffusers
For ultimate convenience, opt for a hair dryer with a diffuser already included. These tools are designed to work seamlessly, delivering powerful airflow and even heat distribution for flawless results.
Specialized Diffuser Attachments
From wide, bowl-shaped diffusers for voluminous curls to compact diffusers for precise styling, our range caters to every hair type.
Choosing the Right Hair Dryer with Diffuser for Your Hair
Picking the perfect hair dryer with diffuser involves considering your hair type, lifestyle, and styling goals.
For Curly Hair: Look for a hair dryer with a deep bowl-shaped diffuser to enhance curl definition and minimize frizz.
For Fine Hair: Choose a lightweight dryer with a smaller diffuser attachment to add lift and volume without weighing your hair down.
For Thick Hair: Opt for a powerful hair dryer with adjustable heat and speed settings to dry your hair efficiently.
Why Shop Hair Dryers and Diffusers at SSS Hair?
SSS Hair is your one-stop destination for all things hairstyling. Here’s why we’re the go-to choice for hair diffusers and hair dryers with diffuser attachments in Australia:
Extensive Product Range: From professional-grade hair dryers to versatile diffuser attachments, we offer a curated selection to meet every need.
High-Quality Brands: Shop top brands known for their innovation and reliability in haircare.
Affordable Prices: Enjoy competitive pricing on all our products without compromising on quality.
Expert Advice: Not sure which diffuser or hair dryer to choose? Our team is here to help you find the perfect match for your hair type.
Convenient Online Shopping: Browse and shop from the comfort of your home. With fast delivery across Australia, you’ll have your tools in no time.
Caring for Your Hair Dryer and Diffuser
To ensure your hair dryer with diffuser lasts for years, proper maintenance is key.
Clean the Filter Regularly: Remove lint and debris from the dryer’s filter to maintain optimal performance.
Wipe the Diffuser: Clean your diffuser attachment after each use to prevent product buildup.
Store Safely: Keep your tools in a cool, dry place to protect them from damage.
Achieving salon-worthy results at home has never been easier, thanks to the range of hair dryers and diffusers available at SSS Hair. Whether you're enhancing natural curls, adding volume to fine hair, or simply speeding up your drying routine, the right tools make all the difference.
Shop online today and discover why SSS Hair is Australia’s trusted choice for hairstyling tools. With high-quality products, expert advice, and unbeatable convenience, you’ll find everything you need to create your perfect look.
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australiahoverboard · 1 year ago
Elevate the Fun: Exploring the Greatest Hoverboard Accessories Kids Can’t Resist
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Hey there, adventurous parents and thrill-seeking kids! If your little ones are hoverboard enthusiasts, you know the joy they experience when zipping around the neighbourhood on their self-balancing scooters. But what if I told you there’s a whole world of excitement waiting for them with the best hoverboard attachments? Yes, you heard it right! Let’s dive into the universe of Hoverboard Accessories, from chargers to carry bags and stylish skins & covers.
Charging Up the Fun: Hoverboard Charger
We all know the feeling of disappointment when the hoverboard’s battery runs out mid-adventure. Fear not! The Hoverboard Charger is here to the rescue. With faster charging times and enhanced durability, this accessory ensures your kids spend more time riding and less time waiting. Say goodbye to long charging breaks and hello to uninterrupted fun!
On-the-Go Convenience: Hoverboards Carry Bags
Now that your little daredevils are fully charged, they need a stylish and practical way to carry their self-balancing scooters. Enter the Hoverboards Carry Bags. These bags are not just for transportation; they’re a fashion statement! With various designs and sizes, your kids can express their personalities while keeping their hoverboards safe and sound. It’s like having a personal hoverboard chauffeur in the form of a trendy bag!
Stylish Shields: Hoverboards Skins & Covers
Who said hoverboards can’t be fashion-forward? Elevate your kids’ ride with Hoverboards Skins & Covers. From vibrant colors to cool patterns, these skins add a touch of personal flair to their self-balancing scooters. It’s not just about protection; it’s about making a statement. Let your kids stand out and showcase their unique style as they cruise through the streets.
Hoverboard Handle Bar: Take Control with Confidence
Unleash a new level of stability and maneuverability with our Hoverboard Handle Bar. Crafted for 6.5-inch to 10-inch electric scooters, this sleek accessory transforms your hoverboard into a versatile, easy-to-handle ride. The adjustable handlebar provides a secure grip, allowing riders of all ages to maintain balance effortlessly.
Safety Helmet for Hoverboards: Ride in Style, Protect in Pink
Safety meets style with our Safety Helmet for Hoverboards in a vibrant pink color. Engineered for optimal head protection, this helmet is the perfect fusion of fashion and function. The adjustable straps guarantee a snug fit, ensuring comfort without compromising safety.
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned rider, our Safety Helmet provides peace of mind, safeguarding you from unexpected falls and collisions. Ride confidently, knowing you have the best protection on your side.
Conclusion: Elevate the Hoverboard Experience
There you have it, folks – a whirlwind tour of the best hoverboard accessories that will take your kids’ riding experience to new heights. From chargers that minimize downtime to stylish carry bags and attention-grabbing skins & covers, these accessories redefine hoverboarding.
Ready to level up the fun? Head over to our Hoverboard Accessories page and explore the collections that suit your kids’ personalities. Don’t just let them ride; let them ride in style!
So, what are you waiting for? Buckle up, hoverboard enthusiasts, and let the adventures begin! Share your thoughts in the comments below and spread the joy by sharing this article with fellow hoverboard enthusiasts. Happy riding!
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desertdragon · 1 year ago
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Big condensing post for the sake of solidifying my story's key points, since so much is spread across individual posts. In the style of a semi-FAQ because I think that's the best way for people to digest it. My story strives not to be about Man but A Man. And in this way illustrate the intimate ways many human issues connect without the disingenuous nature of painting them in broad strokes. This is the spark notes shortcut context for what I do:
Why would you have the WoL betray the Scions?
The personal reason is I don't like anyone aside from three characters, arguably six. The rest of the core group who recur are either I've never felt genuine attachment after years of play, OR the politics surrounding and portrayed by them are ones I see as wrong being pushed as good (ie. The pro military stance, the lack of addressing colonization and imperialism as they are done by the Alliance, the inconsistency, tone deafness, or dismissal of discussing morality, punishing oppressed people for fighting or decrying their oppressors etc.). Or it's both. Most of this admittedly is because the English version destroys much of the nuances present in other versions; the rest however is the innate stance the game takes on politics and mature themes which I find shortsighted compared to mine and my contemporaries.
The in-character reason is that my WoL is extremely strong. To the point that the only person who can truly kill her within the universe is another of my OCs. Over the years I've decided to justify this by making my story at its core a story about exploring power. Whatever is created and destroyed by the idea of power and what power can look like. The moral and ideological weight of having power. Vaste by design is not meant to lose fights in her universe. Her losses are instead thematic ones built around her failures and circumstances as a person. The losses resulting from continuous daily abuse that entwine with her identity. Her ridiculous strength in many areas serves the function of examining power and someone who suffers under its grindstone and who's humanity is challenged because of it. Also anyone can be abused regardless of their strength in one area or another; physical power does not protect others taking then violating your agency and self image. This is a story about the abused breaking the cycle to regain themselves and reseat control within themselves.
This level of physical power radically changes her relevance to everyone else. What normally takes armies, coordinated effort, technology, and luck, now takes mere moments at best for one person. The threat enemies pose is now dramatically lower than it would be otherwise. Fighting for the Eorzeans swings to become more time consuming rather than being pummeled. However there remains the threat and fear of the enemy overcoming this gap to stand on equal footing or act in desperation.
Instead of the question being 'How are we going to solve this?' it becomes 'How do we contain and leash our ultimate weapon?' and becomes more and more about control. No one meant for it to turn that way, but the scale of Vaste's power brought that mindset out. Power corrupts, and the desire for security and personal safety only facilitates that corruption.
This is a story where Scions give in to their already established flaws while being tempted by a power never before seen in their grasp. They strip humanity from someone who did not want it taken away; countless people die and the exploitative status quo of Eorzea is upheld in the process, like it normally is. Including the exploitation present in the Far East as it rejects rectifying its past.
Characters like Minfillia did not want this for her, but she died before the situation escalated and anything could stop it. In life Minfillia still considered the potential ways Vaste would become exploited, but there's only her memory now.
2. If the Scions are so bad, why does Vaste stay or not just kill them all?
Control and fear are at the forefront. Vaste came to them as a nobody adventurer, just traumatized by mind rape from Big H and changes made to her being. She was mentally vulnerable, and all it took to hook her was the promise of answers to understand The Echo, a desire for financial stability, and having nowhere else to go. They held power in persuading her that joining is the best option; from there it was simply manipulation, abuse, and favors to keep her. She didn't kill them once she had the means to leave because by then, she was on the path toward non violence.
It also felt better to leave them alive to suffer the consequences of their hubris and the new world she'd create. Their punishment is no one needing them anymore and losing her in itself. Because without her on their side they're nothing. She is a victim of extreme abuse from all possible angles, and genuinely believes there is nothing left for her but to suffer and die and do almost anything to avoid further pain. They erased her sense of self. Love from her first ever friend not connected to any of this is the first time she starts believing she can live beyond the abuse.
3. Why would Yugiri defect from Doma for the WoL?
Throughout the campaign Yugiri states multiple times that her core reason for fighting is to prevent war from spreading to where her homeland is. She wants to help people who are helpless, but she mostly wants her home safe from geopolitical conflict. She expresses to the player how she always feels an outsider to Doma because of this; because she literally is and because of her true goals. Yugiri does feel loyalty to Hien (because of their childhood history, and because he and Gosetsu don't mind her self interested reasons for serving), but it never comes before helping people on her own terms.
We see this best when she tried assassinating Zenos, acting directly against orders. We see it in her frustration at being told to wait before rallying the Doman people as they suffered. We see it in her confusion, anger, and frustration at Hien's indecision over Yotsuyuu's fate and so on. We see it when she risks the Ruby Princess's wrath on her family to stop Kisei hurting people. Yugiri's loyalties can theoretically be swayed to whoever is best helping those in need, from her perspective. To whoever best lets her help others and who she can respect. She is in practice loyal to her ideals and desires before she's loyal to a master. This drive is what pushed her from home to begin with.
Therefore I don't think it's a stretch to say if we change what Yugiri associates as the best method of getting to help others, she will follow that instead. If what the character believes is challenged while staying true to their fundamental values, this prompts growth. So I do think if I present the character an opportunity to reevaluate her situation she would choose to leave for what Vaste eventually offers and represents. "To whom much is given, much is expected." - it can be argued Yugiri's support is conditional toward whoever she deems worthy.
ALSO, consider the timing of Yugiri's involvement through and post Stormblood. It was a huge era of changes where while not explored much, it did try to have her test and reaffirm her beliefs. So there's no better time to set her possible swing towards another way of living than then.
4. How do you explain not participating in MSQ canon after 5.0?
This is still being thought out but so far it's very simple. After abandoning the Scions on the First, all the GoT's efforts are spent preparing to reach Hydaelyn. Anything that happens on the First after 5.0 is presumed handled by those left behind, but it is never the focus of what Vaste does on the Source. The one exception is Elidibus who I would assume realizes the WoL has left and chases her for his revenge. The Seat of Sacrifice technically never happens in the sense that the scale of it in canon isn't possible because he'd immediately be discovered and thwarted. Vaste does however easily kill Elidibus using her upgraded powers; or perhaps with help from her equally powerful friends, I haven't decided.
While Vaste and friends try devising how they'll reach the realms of Hydaelyn and Zodiark in order to destroy them, the Alliance is handled by others. Through a combination of politicking and the support of mercenary connections through Mercuo and Vaste's cousin Yhen'ir, the Alliance is kept at bay from discovering and stopping the Guardians of Time until it's too late.
'But how will they get to the moon without Garlemald's teleporter?'
That's what Weyd's intellect is for.
5. What Does Your Timeline Look Like Pre-Betrayal?
The general MSQ still happens as it did up until the very end of 5.0. ARR always ends with Gaius defeated and the Bloody Banquet, HW always ends with Nidhogg and Thordan gone as Coerthas opens, StB always ends with Doma Castle flooded, Yotsuyuu dead, and people getting sent to The First etc.
I ignore the canon time bubble of no specified total time for events. The key change is the timeframe this all occurs in is within two years. This is because of Vaste's powers getting stronger and under her control enough that she can cut travel times in half or more. For example, the boat trip between the West and the Far East is shaved from several weeks to two days. This was accomplished by having Vaste physically lift the ship everyone was on, and then running across the oceans at a pace that wouldn't be so fast everyone but her dies and the ship would fall apart, but fast enough to propel them better than a sail could.
What drags this out into two years proper are the various side missions and increasingly unethical study (conducted by the Scions) to learn how Vaste's body works. Her powers meant she could terrorize Garlean citizenry who accompanied the army to work on supplying them needed resources, slaughter fringe villages within Imperial territory for intimidation, destroy supply depots, clear out entire battalions single handedly, killing spies and any citizens who were sympathizers, and so on. There were talks to get her into being on call for wiping out pockets of Beastmen as examples to keep them all in line too. But it was decided killing their recent Primal summons was enough compared to the priority of killing Imperials.
Though it wasn't needed she was accompanied on several of these missions by Alliance soldiers, who served to officially signal the allegiances ordering the attacks, to make the killing more efficient, and to monitor Vaste's compliance. It also served to keep Alliance soldiers from coming to fear Vaste by giving them the idea of a connection to her, which also rallied their morale behind her strength.
Also, the Coils of Bahamut quests are canon to me. Some time would've been added to finish them and bond Vaste closer to the twins.
She began this new life at 21 and is washed out at the lowest point of her life at 23. Yugiri and eventually her first true friend Gan are what convince her to take back herself.
Open to Editing
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brownsugarbaby-goals · 1 year ago
Girl to Woman: Hayley Gamba
Notes to keep my attention.
Trying to help woman not fuxk up their life. The overall themes is choosing you and turning everything in your life into a lesson.
Sex the opener
She says it becomes unimportant and interesting unless you’re gaining something out of it the later you get into your 20’s. She’s a retired hoe so this is important to her. When you give your body to people you think you’re in control but in reality, you’re not. She advises women to sit with themselves and ask if they’re gaining something out of it. Do you like having sex with this person or do you like hanging out with them. Or do you like the validation you receive? She realized she needs mental stimulation in order to be attracted to someone, that is why she is celibate.
She says being mean to men is the only way to protect your peace. Practice being picky and choosy with who you share your time with. She says to be picky and discern picky men. You want someone who’s not only picky with looks but picky with who the person is that they dating. It’s not much of a flex that a man likes you. What else? Everyone likes nice things. Attention doesn’t always equal intention. What are the intentions behind the actions?
Female friendships
She’s a huge believer in having women friends. Without her female friends her life would be less. Girls will befriend you just to take your magic. Beware of the girls who tell you they didn’t really like you when they met you but then in your friendship spend their time bashing other women. Practice being loyal to women. If a man is talking about another girl to you, you shouldn’t be laughing with him. She’s on his mind for whatever reason.
If you’re mental health is in check, why are you dealing with someone who is putting you through the ringer with their mental health issues and you just met them. Cut them off. Healthy attachment styles is not wanting that in your life. Let the secure attachment people being on this side and the anxious and avoidant attachment styles being over here. She says the older she gets the more secure she becomes. She dated a narcissist and he made her feel smothered. With her anxious attachment style, she needed her ego stroked. That’s how she knew she was starting healthy attachments styles. She says when we date people we need to look inwardly because if we date the same type of people, we have to say to ourselves, is it me?
When you’re secure with yourself, and you don’t need validation. You don’t put up with much from people. Your gut and intuition will guide you. People will show you who they are, allow them. People don’t have to do catastrophic things to be done with someone or something.
Drinking alcohol with people will really reveal who they are. The older you get you learn that you won’t like certain people because of who they are when they’re drinking. Some guys get mean, some women lose inhibitions. Do not let people convince you to blame things on the liquor. That’s not the liquor, that’s a character trait and you need to fix and heal your inner self. This is not normal behavior and I’m not tolerating it.
Do not let people convince you to rely solely on someone for income. She advocates for hypergamy but advises women to have their own income. She’s seen women lose everything when their husband leaves them. You cannot take anyone’s word, trust people but trust yourself the most. Trust yourself enough to have that safety.
Consider the Source
People give out advice but look at their life. She advises women in their early 20s to listen to themselves. Live for you. Do not take advice from a someone you would not trade lives with. Misery loves company. Do not chase anything. Attract. Align yourself with amazing people and work on yourself until you meet them.
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jibon420 · 1 year ago
Elevate Your Look with 1B Natural Black Velcro Ponytail Extension by Mflore Beauty
Mflore Beauty has carved a niche in delivering top-notch quality and style regarding hair extensions. The 1B Natural Black Velcro Ponytail Extension by Mflore Beauty is no exception. In this article, we'll explore the charm and versatility of this stunning extension piece and why it's a must-have for those looking to enhance their style effortlessly.
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The Beauty of Mflore Beauty's Velcro Ponytail Extension
Unlocking the Magic of Ponytail Extensions
Before we delve into the specifics of Mflore Beauty's Velcro Ponytail Extension, let's take a moment to appreciate the timeless elegance of a well-done ponytail. Whether aiming for a sleek and sophisticated look or a carefree, casual vibe, a ponytail is a versatile and timeless hairstyle that never goes out of fashion.
The Features that Make Mflore Beauty's Velcro Ponytail Extension Unique
Mflore Beauty's Velcro Ponytail Extension is designed with precision and care, incorporating features that set it apart from the rest:
Natural Black Shade: The 1B Natural Black shade is a classic, universally flattering colour that seamlessly blends with various hair types and textures.
Velcro Attachment: Unlike traditional ponytail extensions that require complex clips and pins, Mflore Beauty's Velcro attachment ensures a secure yet comfortable fit. It's easy to attach and remove, making it a hassle-free styling choice.
High-Quality Synthetic Fiber: Crafted from high-quality synthetic fibre, this extension is heat-resistant and durable, allowing you to style it as desired. It maintains its shape and texture even after multiple uses.
Versatile Length: With its ample length, this ponytail extension adds instant drama and elegance to your look. You can cut or style it to your desired length without compromising its quality.
The Benefits of Using Mflore Beauty's Velcro Ponytail Extension
Effortless Elegance: Transform your look from ordinary to extraordinary within minutes. This ponytail extension instantly elevates your style, whether heading to a special event or a casual outing.
Secure and Comfortable: The Velcro attachment ensures your extension stays securely in place without tugging or discomfort. Say goodbye to the hassle of clips and pins.
Styling Versatility: The high-quality synthetic fibre allows you to style your ponytail extension with heat tools or hair products. You can curl, straighten, or add waves to create your desired look.
Hair Protection: Unlike some hair extension methods that can potentially damage your natural hair, Mflore Beauty's Velcro Ponytail Extension is a gentle and safe styling option.
How to Use Mflore Beauty's Velcro Ponytail Extension
Prep Your Natural Hair: Ensure that your hair is clean and dry. You can add some texture or volume to your natural hair if desired.
Secure the Velcro: Place the Velcro strap around your ponytail, ensuring it's snug but tight.
Blend and Style: Comb or brush your ponytail extension to blend it seamlessly with your natural hair. Style it as desired, whether you prefer a sleek look or voluminous waves.
Secure and Enjoy: Ensure the Velcro is securely fastened, and you're ready to enjoy your stunning new look.
Mflore Beauty's 1B Natural Black Velcro Ponytail Extension is a game-changer for anyone looking to elevate their style effortlessly. With its natural black shade, Velcro attachment, and versatility, it's a must-have accessory for everyday glam and special occasions. Say goodbye to complicated styling methods and hello to instant elegance with Mflore Beauty's Velcro Ponytail Extension. It's time to transform your look and embrace the beauty of simplicity.
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Personalized Power: The Journey to Crafting Your Custom PC
In a world where computer technology is the canvas and innovation is the brush, building your custom PC is an artistic endeavor that merges functionality with self-expression. Welcome to a realm where off-the-shelf limitations fade, and your digital dreams take center stage. Join us as we delve into the captivating universe of custom computer crafting and unlock the potential to design a uniquely PC.
The Allure of Customization: Elevating Your Computing Experience
Picture a computer that echoes your desires and caters to your every whim – that's the allure of custom computers. No more compromises or settling for features you don't need. Crafting a PC from scratch lets you choose components that align perfectly with your purpose, whether gaming, content creation, or a workhorse for daily tasks. The customization options are limited only by your imagination.
Laying the Foundation: Selecting Your Components
The foundation of your custom PC starts with a blueprint, a vision of what you want to achieve. Begin by determining your PC's main purpose – is it a gaming powerhouse, a creativity hub, or a multitasking marvel? Once you've set your course, it's time to handpick each component that will bring your vision to life.
Your choice of processor, whether from Intel or AMD, sets the tone for performance. Pair it with a motherboard that accommodates your aspirations and supports your desired features. Graphics cards, the artists behind visual experiences, come in various options to suit different budgets and demands. And don't underestimate the importance of memory – ample RAM ensures smooth multitasking and responsive applications.
Sculpting Aesthetics: Balancing Beauty and Functionality
While performance is paramount, aesthetics play a significant role in custom PC creation. Choose a case that resonates with your style – from sleek minimalism to futuristic extravagance. Modern cases often offer tempered glass panels, letting you showcase the marvels within. RGB lighting adds a magic touch, allowing you to create a visual masterpiece that reflects your personality.
Though often overlooked, cable management is an art form that contributes to aesthetics and airflow. Neatly organized cables elevate the interior's appearance and ensure efficient cooling, enhancing your PC's overall performance.
The Assembly Symphony: Bringing Your Vision to Life
Your custom PC takes shape in the assembly process, transforming from an idea into a tangible reality. Begin by installing the motherboard, a puzzle piece that dictates your PC's layout. Attach the processor, memory, and graphics card with careful precision. Storage options come next, with solid-state drives (SSDs) delivering speed and responsiveness, while hard disk drives (HDDs) offer spacious storage for your digital creations.
Cooling solutions, ranging from air to liquid, maintain the optimal temperature for your components. The art of assembly lies in attention to detail – secure each component, route cables for a clean interior, and double-check connections before powering on your creation.
Performance Unleashed: Fine-Tuning and Beyond
With your custom PC assembled, it's time to breathe life into it. Install your preferred operating system and drivers, ensuring your system is ready for action. Benchmark tests reveal the true potential of your creation, allowing you to gauge its capabilities and make any necessary adjustments.
Overclocking, for the daring, can extract extra performance from your components, but it's a realm that requires caution and monitoring. Regular maintenance, from dusting your internals to updating software, ensures your custom PC's longevity and peak performance.
The Grand Finale: Your Masterpiece in Action
As you power on your custom PC for the first time, the symphony of lights and hum of fans marks the grand finale of your journey. Your vision, creativity, and technical prowess have converged into a powerful, personalized machine ready to conquer any task you throw at it.
Custom PCs are not just pieces of hardware; they're vessels of innovation and a testament to your passion for technology. Each click, each render, and each game played is a testament to your artistry and determination. Your custom PC is more than a machine – it reflects you.
Your Path to Personalized Empowerment
Crafting a custom PC involves exploration, innovation, and self-discovery. By delving into component selection, assembly, and optimization, you're not merely building a computer – you're sculpting a masterpiece that encapsulates your aspirations and reflects your individuality.
Embrace the journey, unleash your creativity, and embark on the adventure of custom PC building. It's a journey that transcends hardware and opens doors to a world of possibilities. Your custom PC isn't just a tool; it's a manifestation of your dreams, a canvas for your imagination, and a testament to your technical prowess. Start your odyssey today and witness the fusion of technology and artistry like never before.
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gch1995 · 2 years ago
Yeah, just because the Sith are the greater of two evils next to the Jedi Order, and Luke Skywalker happened to be a truly brave and heroic one with a kind heart, it does not mean the majority of the Jedi we meet before him were good guys most of the time either. Many of them grew up to be very avoidant, cold, controlling, deceitful, dismissive, emotionally abusive, elitist, hypocritical, isolating, and manipulative cowards.
Although he’s more angry, broken, impatient, and vindictive than the average Jedi of his time as Vader before and after Mustafar in his adulthood, the icy cold demeanor, his dog like subservience to his master Palpatine, and his “greater good” defense mechanism for being willing to enable and perpetuate acts of abuse, crime, and oppression as collateral damage in the moment under pressure of those corrupt authority figures for easier access to security of his army, his community, his master, his family, his friends, and himself, are very much mindsets that repeatedly got reinforced as these things he “needed” to be in order to survive and be a person of worth by both his mentors in the Jedi Order and his slave master Watto throughout his early childhood and young adulthood. That’s not something Anakin learned from Palpatine. Anakin’s mother Shmi and Luke are the only two people in his story who consistently encouraged him to just be true to his better instincts, rather than putting pressure on him to avoid his issues, sell out his agency, his conscience, and his true desires to become someone of worth to others and survive.
Yet, that still doesn’t mean that Anakin, Dooku, Barriss, Ventress, and their other fallen members are off the hook for eventually turning on them for Sidious and participating in the violent near extinction of the entire Jedi Order and Republic in retaliation. They repeatedly get karmic justice from the universe in retaliation, and in Anakin’s case in particular, it still ended up being far worse of punishments for his crimes than he ever deserved by the end of ROTS because he is a tragic hero/tragic villain.
Obi-Wan, Yoda, and the other Jedi masters aren’t directly responsible for the crimes Anakin and their other fallen students chose to commit against them as adults, but the fact that they could even become emotionally/mentally unstable, develop deeply avoidant, anxious, codependent, dismissive, disorganized, and insecure attachment styles, and feel pressured to turn on them in favor of the leader of their even worse enemy military cult in the first place is at least partially on them for their enablement and/or perpetration of the traumatizing systematic abuse of authority, betrayal, emotional avoidance, emotional neglect, endangerment, exploitation, hypocrisy, isolation, manipulation, oppression, and violence they either exposed and/or subjected their said students to from a young age for their own ends out of an increasingly obsessive fear of facing the the dark side and losing security
Yes, thank you for pointing out that Obi-Wan and Yoda showed signs of being corrupt and shady in the OT saga movies, too. A lot of critics of the prequels gripe that Lucas “ruined” the legacy and heroism of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and the overall Jedi Order. However, they ignore the fact that Obi-Wan and Yoda weren’t really as heroic as they wanted to convince Luke they were in the OT films either.
Luke Skywalker was the hero of the OT saga films because he ultimately chose to be a good person and stay true to his conscience, regardless of what Obi-Wan, Yoda, Palpatine, or even his father tried to manipulate and push him to be for their own ends. It wasn’t because he was the sort of Jedi Obi-Wan and Yoda kept pushing him to be at all. If he had decided to obey everything they told him to do in the OT saga, Luke would have failed in the end. Yeah, compared to Palpatine, Vader, and the Imperial army their wrongdoings didn’t seem too bad, but Obi-Wan and Yoda were also assholes in the OT films, even if they were the less blatantly horrifying and threatening ones they were opposing on the dark side. They are still very arrogant, callously dismissive, deceitful, hypocritical, manipulative, self-centered, and unfairly rigid in the ways they chose to recruit and train an innocent young man to be a weapon to finish off the monster they helped drive his biological father to become in the first place long before Luke was even born.
The fact that they make their recruitment and training of Luke all about killing Darth Vader, their former student, the Emperor’s attack dog/enforcer/murder slave, who they claim to have helped drive away in the first place, rather than about destroying the Emperor of the Galactic Empire they claim to want to take down to protect the galaxy, actually shows the audience just how subconsciously selfish Obi-Wan’s and Yoda’s intentions are with him. If they really cared as much about taking down the Empire to protect the galaxy, then they would have been primarily focused on taking down Emperor Palpatine/Lord Sidious because he is the one who pushed Anakin to turn to the dark side by deceiving and manipulating him. He is the founder and ruler of the Empire, and he is the one who plotted the genocide of the Jedi Order. Killing Vader may slightly lessen the horror of the Galactic Empire’s crimes, but it’s not going to take down the Empire as a whole because he is still just a follower, a slave, and one of the many products of their corruption, not the leader and primary source. That’s Palpatine. They are focusing primarily on using Luke as a weapon to destroy Vader because they want to absolve themselves and the Jedi Order they served as a whole of their failures as leaders, mentors, and teachers. Of course, they’d never admit to it out loud, but Obi-Wan’s and Yoda’s actions speak louder than their words in regards to their true intentions in the OT films.
I love it when Obi-Wan, Yoda, and the adults involved in the Jedi Order as a whole before Luke are portrayed through that same deeply tragic and deeply sympathetic, but deeply dysfunctional and flawed lens as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader in the series. Technically, they didn’t grow up to be good people most of the time. However, they are written in ways that makes you understand why they end up sucking so much as adults in the long run, and it’s a tragedy because in brief moments they showed they could have been so much better for the galaxy as a whole than they ended up becoming in the long run if they had had more bravery and self-confidence to take more risks to be the heroes they so desperately wanted to believe they could be by actively and honestly facing their conflicts instead of repeatedly trying to avoid them and quash them by enabling and perpetuating the cycle of systematic abuse, crime, vengeance, and tyranny they grew surrounded by out of anger, desperation for security, and fear of the unknown until they got to the point of destruction to both themselves and many of those they loved. The thing I hate the most about the Disney Wars narrative is how it keeps trying to paint Luke’s predecessors as these blameless and noble heroes that they usually were too afraid to be, which is the whole point of Anakin’s fall, and the whole reason why Luke was able to be the one to eventually rebuild a Jedi Order that allowed his students more companionship, kindness, and freedom of choice.
When the narrative tries to keep normalizing and whitewashing the corruption within the Jedi Order of Luke’s predecessors in both the past and present, then what was the point of everything we saw happen in the OT and PT sagas? What was the point of Luke’s arc? What was the point of Anakin’s arc? What was the point of seeing the downfall of the old Jedi Order and Republic? What was the point of rebuilding them with all the same issues?
I feel like I need to clarify. I like the whole “The Jedi code is like an itch; their compassion leaves a trail.” thing but more as a ‘values that the best and most true Jedi hold’ and that sort of futile idealism people believe applies to the jedi as a whole.
But I hate when people take that line and use it as a reason to discount people arguing against the Jedi.
Like you need to see the difference between ideals and values vs action.
I love that u love ur jedi and what they stand for, but i need you to understand that the jedi actually SUCK and thats okay (for you to like them in spite of such). Stop trying to convince people of their goodness bc for sure, some of them are good, but that doesnt make them representative.
The jedi fell bc they were a working part of a corrupt system and u literally can’t take their responsibility for that away just bc u wunna hold their hand and giggle. Root for them but dont talk to anyone amidst your delusion where the meow meow jedi can do no wrong. Do you understand?
“Their compassion leaves a trail…its like an itch” and I would see so many people use it like “See? The jedi are peak perfection and good!” and im like, “No! They arent! Anakin’s entire origin story is a prime example as to why!”
This was unironically canon:
Anakin: tries to literally do the most for one ounce of approval
Obiwan: 😐 your desire for praise will be your undoing.
Anakin: 😦
Can you not see he is DESPERATE for something he’s done to be recognised. His inner child is begging to be seen. His outer child is doing its best to be worthy of it and every time he thinks “this is it, this time—“ he’s basically smited.
Anakin knows love and affection through the eyes of a slave. Blunt honesty and proof through care and being there (action) and staying through thick and thin. He doesn’t need you to burn down a planet because that’s HIS love language, thats how HE shows he cares, not how he needs others to show it.
Because he feels he’s not good enough—burning down a planet, in his mind, shows the people he cares for that he would do anything for them of it’s in his power to do so, and that he really means it when he says he loves them. Grand gestures are how HE shows love because he feels like anything else is as inadequate as he is
Being abandoned and never told he’s loved and cared for is a big reason his affections and attachments turn obsessive. He’s never been given anything concrete, he’s never shown that people care in a way he can understand. They think “I said hi to him and spoke up for him and trained him and gave him camaraderie—thats proof I love him” and think Anakin can properly differentiate it between duty and not.
He thinks, “my master is my master but he only cares for the Jedi and I can’t live without him but he could without me bc I’m a burden and will never be good enough or perfect like Obi-wan” bc Obi-wan isn’t honest with himself or Anakin, and you can see this etched into the very lines of his story no matter where you look.
He doesn’t say “i love you” to Anakin’s face until he’s literally chopped Anakin’s limbs off and left him to die on Mustafar, and even then it’s ambiguous. Anakin understands there is SOME sort of affection between him and Obi-wan that goes both ways but in the end, he never feels like he can truly tell Obi-wan anything without being shunned, misunderstood, or lectured, when all he needs is someone to talk to and hold close without fearing theyll leave him behind when he disappoints them.
One of the only people to ever outright tell Anakin what they feel was his mom, and she ended up dead bc Anakin was told he was being irrational about her and his visions of her death; and the fact that his mother was one of the only people to ever tell him she loved him and was proud, and that she was one of the only people who would never turn her back on him when he wasnt perfect (bc she thought he was perfect anyway. Her love for anakin was unconditional whereas everyone elses’ seemed to be very obviously conditional) and that terrified him bc following her death, the only other person left was Padmé, in their very unhealthy, very suspicious, co-dependant romance.
But even then, since she was the ONLY ONE he knew for sure how they felt, he was terrified something would happen to her and that she would leave him too—be it through death or finding someone to replace him (visions + irrationally believing she and Obi-wan were having an affair). He was obsessive and possessive and I honestly can’t blame him, especially from a psychological standpoint—and even more especially, from a child psychology standpoint. He was never given a reason or a chance to nurture any secure attachment style, especially when faced with the first 10 years of his life as a slave? Yikes.
He was obsessed with his relationships because he never had anything else to hold on to (from his perspective), and do you know who took gleeful advantage of that? Palpatine.
Anakin only wanted to be good enough, to make people proud, to give them a reason to tell him they love him. And maybe the one person he wanted to lure in the most was Obi-wan, who viciously shunned him for that, even when he would sparsely give anakin the praise he wanted so desperately
Anakin said, “I beat you! I won!” All giddy and self-assured after a spar with Obi-wan and instead of allowing that feeling of accomplishment, of the desire to make his master proud, Obi-wan just looked at him and said with shame, “Your need for praise will be your undoing,” and in the end, he wasn’t wrong. It was a self fulfilling prophecy.
Because in the end. The only person left who told Anakin he was proud was fucking slimy Palpatine, the dark lord of the goddamn sith.
Unfortunately, a lot of explicitly pro-jedi/jedi apologist fandom participants like to “interpret” the Jedi code themselves. They make these incredibly long-winded, well thought-out posts explaining the meaning and how it works in practice and how the jedi embody this—BUT they never actually consider or address the literal canon aspects. Things we actually see with our eyes: the novelisations, the games, the shows, the movies.
You’d think, therefore they must be, right? Wrong. You say this is what the Jedi are like and while that’s beautifully wonderful and I wish you were right—that’s literally not what happens. Literally not what they’re like at all. It’s actively part of the plot.
I think your interpretations of the code are great but you act like that’s the reality we’re actually living in. You act like that’s what the shows tell you, rather than just what you want to believe based on your own interpretation of the code itself (ignoring lack of congruency we sometimes see in the shows or movies).
My point is, you can love the jedi while acknowledging their VERY obvious flaws. The flaws that destroy them, corrupt them, misguide them, make them terrible people. The flaws that cannot be retconned by one writer saying “its an itch” while pretending Anakin’s “Anakin Skywalker is dead. I killed him” makes up for the horrible things Old Hermit Kenobi does with luke.
So yeah.
Lets at least be real when we’re loving who we love.
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leoascendente · 3 years ago
Pluto archetype through the astral houses 🦂
Pluto archetype:
Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house. It's called that way because of the Roman God of the Underworld. In Greek mythology is known as Hades.
In astrology Pluto is a transpersonal planet, this means that deals in a soul level for a trascendent way to face life. It's a destructive force of old structures that no longer serve to our purpose in this lifetime, the changes that Pluto impose are drastic and emotionally intense, sometimes it can be very hard to deal with.
Represents the most raw and honest reality about ourselves, mostly the parts we try to hide to the rest of the world. This planet prefers to move in the shadows, like Pluto's mythology.
Pluto's obstacles are hard to face but involve positive changes and a most trascendent understanding of the situations or life itself. Those tests can transform us for our best wellbeing and are made to aling us with our soul mission in this incarnation.
Pluto's placement shows us where and how we can get very passionate about the things we love but get obsesive with them as well. It deals with our basic instincts and the darkest parts of our personalities.
Represents the death of the ego and the awakening of the soul. Like alchemy, it transforms what's old into something new and brighter.
Pluto face us with what makes us uncomfortable about ourselves to make something beautiful of it, like the chrysalis evolves into the butterfly or the snake shedding their old skin.
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Pluto through the houses:
Pluto in the 1st: The natives have tendencies to self destructive behaviors, they are also highly competitive when it comes to recognition and they prefer to keep their bussiness to themselves so nobody can use it against them. If they experience difficulties to face their dark side or Pluto is bad aspected on their chart, they can be very manipulative to sabotage the situations they don't want to face, thia is not because they are scared to face the situation, they are mostly scared of getting angry and can't control their angee. They can be very destructive and ruthless when they feel cornered or threatened by other people but if they channel thia energy they can be the inspiration even of their bosses because of their passionate spirit. These natives have an strong survival instinct, they are passionate and determinated with their goals, they also have an strong willpower when they want to achieve something specific, when they want something they finally get it no matter how much it costs to them, sometimes they make stops in their journey to recover the motivation to keep going. They are not afraid of drastic changes even when it comes to their physical appearence or their style. Their first years of life could be traumatic, stressful or emotionally hard to deal with. They don't like to trust in the Universe and prefer to believe in their hard work, they could have some trust and control issues that comes from their childhood. If Pluto is too close to Ascendant they could have problems in their birth or were born in extreme conditions, they are survivors from the very first moment.
Pluto in the 2nd: These natives can get very obsessed about their resources, money or material elements that reforce their sense of stability, for them those are the elements that makes them feel like thay are important people. They can be perceived as materialistic people or too attached to money or the security in themselves that money gives them, they might feel that money, resources and luxury are the major indicators of personal power, even they might feel that their sex appeal is closely related to the amount of money they have. They have very stablished values and moral and hardly change their mind about what they believe is true, that's when Pluto appears to make them more open to other people's perspective, to help them see that there are more options and theirs is not the major truth of things. These natives distrust anyone who has a higher level of incomes or the authority figures, it makes them feel threatened and become passive agressive, even ruthless if they are feeling that someone is putting in danger their resources. Pluto forces them, through some tests, to stop and think about the way they manage themselves and their bussiness, to realize that material resources are important but not fundamental for their inner peace and personal satisfaction. The attachment to money can come from the chilhood, where they could feel less than other people or humilliated for their economical situation, that's why in their adulthood they try as hard as possibe to never feel that way again. Through their life they can experience both extremes of poverty and wealth to help them value themselves if a softer way being more empathetic with their self value. These natives have an special talent to get the most out of the most little things to transform it into something great, they also are good with money managment and investing. People usually feel very comfortable by their side or asking them for guidance or advice, they are great watching things with a cold mindset on difficult moments, that's what makes them amazing counselors.
Pluto in the 3rd: These natives hace an extraodinary intelligence to dig into the depths of any situation, they are very hard to cheat because they can see other people's bad intentions from afar. They enjoy open minded people who they can talk and share about things that society use to see as taboo, like sex or death. Theae natives are natural detectives but can use their knowledge to earn power over other people, they also have a sharp tongue, they know what to say to cause the most damage. This placement have the tendency to focus on intrusive thoughts or obsessive ideas, making the natives see things worse than they really are, because of this they prefer to don't talk to much what they think to avoid being misunderstood. They have a powerful mind, great for visualization but they can be scared of it, if they train this aspect they can become great manifestators for attracting the things they desire into their life. In their childhood they could feel their enviroment as threathening, where they had to keep their eyes wide open to prevent other people's intentions torwards them. In their adult life they keep this alert sense, sometimes overwhelming their nervous system because of that child wound. The relationship with siblings or cousins use to be complicated and with a lot of hidden competition between them, as well as their first years of school they felt like nobody was worthy of trust. They must be careful with their neighbours and when they make short trips (trips on the country they live in).
Pluto in the 4th: The source of the emotional complexes of these natives use to come from their family roots or their transgenerational tree, there could be some traumas related to their experience with the father figure or the part of the family related to the father, maybe because of an early death or abandonment. As a water house, these natives tend to hide and repress their feelings deep down to avoid getting their heart hurt, deep inside they are very sensitive and emotional but they prefer not showing this part of themselves, this is one of the most intense and deep of Pluto's placements. They can read people like books, their intuition is extraodinary, if they don't like someone after a while they find out the intentions of that person weren't good. The wounds of their past use to manifest mostly in their domestic life, through their life they use to experience some crisis that impose a chage in the familiar structure to evolve for a most positive stage. They heal very fast from illness and sorrows, very resiatant people but aftaid of being vulnerable, if they find a way to channel their sensibility they can heal even their ancestor's wounds, as well as improve their intuition and psychic abillities. Learning how to dive into the subconcicious can make them find hidden treasures. Their way of ending situations can be very drastic and dramatic, they cut from the roots and hardly gives a second chance.
Pluto in the 5th: These natives have the inner need of express themselves openly, they usually move between feeling like kings looking for power and authority and feeling like they can't recognize in themselves the things that makes them unique. They like to win and can be a little obsessive about it, they are competitive to extremes, the aproval of other people is very important to them, making them feel powerless if people don't admire what they do. The relationship with children can become problematic, they will be the mirror of the dark parts of the native that haven't recognize in themselves, some may feel that having children can take their freedom away. For women is important to take a lot of care for themselves when it comes to pregnacy or giving birth. These natives can be very posessive over their children overprotecting them or trying to control what they do. Romance is another place where emotions turn into a rollercoaster, they are prone to validate themselves through the sexual conquer and the power games, sometimes their relationships are too dramatic. Pluto asks to these natives to value their worth in a different light, learning the importance of humility and reciprocity, understanding that othe people's light doesn't turn of the inner light of this natives, they have an strong willpower and knows how to motivate people when they are feeling low, a good way for channel their energy is through creative activities
Pluto in the 6th: This placement is a little difficult to deal with, the major conflicts in the subconcisious mind manifest through the physical body. A negative mindset or emotional state can drive them to suffer the consecuences by a physical illness, even if it is in a unconcious level, their mindset is aligned to the good functioning of their body. Understand how their mind, body and feelings are connected can help them to improve their daily life and make them feel healthier in every level. They have an strong connection with nature, mostly with animals, if they have a pet they should analize if they are projecting over the pet any unsolved wound they have, these placement has the tendency to take care of the pets but not taking care with the same affection to themselves. Routines and daily tasks are very important to their emotional balance, they must be careful of become too obsessive about it, feeling like their day is ruined if something gets out of their control. These natives are great workers with a big sense of responsability, they also have an extraordinary capacity of concentration. The relationship between coworkers can become complicated due to power games, an excesive criticism or sexual tensions in the workplace. Pluto in every earth house doesn't get along with authority figures, in the workplace there can be conflicts with the boss. Is veey important for them to feel really passionate about the work they make, they need to feel like thwy are doing something useful for other people's lives, if they don't resonate with their work they can try to sabotage the situation and escape.
Pluto in the 7th: Pluto is the planet for extremes and the 7th house is all about balance and harmony, it can be a hard placement to deal with but can become a beautiful source of transformation. For these natives, is really difficult to trust in other people, this distrust is bigger with their romantic partners. They can be possisive, jealous and demanding in their relationships but if they don't recognize this dark side of themselves they will project them over other people, sometimes they attract romantix interest with those characteristics. Their distrust in their partner use to lead to distance from people they really love, making them swing between pide and sadness for the lost chance, if they don't feel well with their couple they tend to sabotage the relationship to be the other part the one who takes the step, sometimes they live relationships so intensely that they end up burning it. In some cases the decease of the partner can lead to a personal transformation in the way they face relationships. They are prone to power games in the shadows with their romantic partner, Pluto's energy leads them to balance this aspect giving the same power to both parts of the relationship. These natives are great for help and guide people that are going through hard periods of their lives.
Pluto in the 8th: These placement makes people with intense impulsive tendencies but with a powerful self control of their emotional world. Sometimes their passions gets so intense that become overwhelming, they need to recognize if they are angry or excited, these natives are the kind of people that starts with a discussion and solve it in the sheets. They have strong defense mechanism to avoid getting their feelings hurt, they hardly show vulnerability to others but they are deeply emotional, the pressure they feel because of repressing their feelings can lead to explossive argument or a fit of rage. The best way to avoid this situations that brings more conflicts is looking for a way to channel those energies, high-performance sports or activities with a little dose of risk, like martial arts, parachuting... These natives are passionate with a high libido, sometimes they use sex as a way to escape from their reality. They crave for a significant intimate bound but can be scared to commitment and reject chances of conections that could be very fullfilment, in some cases they end up in tragic relationships with a lot of emotional draining, that's why they prefer to keep their guard up. These placement offers a great intuition if they take the courage to listen to it, they can feel very attracted to occultism/mysticism, sex and what happens after death, they have the abillity to to catch the energies from a place and predict what is going to happen, they have an strong inner power to reborn from their ashes. In some cases I've seen this placement in people who had near-death experiences and somehow something inside thems asks them to understand in a deeper level the meaning of life and death.
Pluto in the 9th: This planet on the 8th looks for a meaning, in the 9th Pluto looks for a major purpose for their lives. They usually gets dissapointed with religions or gurus, feeling like they don't get to really see the image of god clearly with those religious doctrines. Their image of god is usually like the old bearded man seated on the clouds waiting for them to make a mistake and punish them for that, that feeling can lead to an unnecesary feel of guilt for little things that they think god won't approve, they sometimes blame god for the bad things in their lives. Pluto leads them to open their perspective and look for a more compassive, forgiving and indulgent image of the Divinity, if they get distance from what society says is correct they can find answers in holistic ways of life and take the hard moments of life as a learning with a meaning behind to get a higher level of consciousness. They can have a very nihilistic perception of life, becoming apathic people, they are passionate people with strong charisma and willpower, they have great ideas but they can sabotage themselves thinking about all the negative possibilities. University years can be transformative, they can switch the career they want to follow from one moment to the next. Traveling and getting in touch with other cultures helps them to reach a better understanding of themselves and get them close of the things that motivates them and makes them feel happy and alive.
Pluto in the 10th: This is another placement of Pluto that can be hard to deal with. They usually had a difficult relationship with the Mother figure, sometimes seeing her like someone dark or with negative intentions torwards the native. In other cases, when Pluto is well aspected, the Mother could be seen as someone brave and inspiring, with the abillity to turn negative things into something wondeful, in other cases, the early decease of the Mother could be very transformative. This native's first experience with the Mother figure will project over their public life and career, they can become obsessive about being important and their reputation to feel powerful. They don't get along to well with authority figures, they usually feel intimidated by them but refuse to show it. They must be careful with their hidden intentions torwards their succed or fame, sometimes, even if it's subconsciously the motivations behind are more related to the power and control they could have. Pluto leads them to focus in succed by doing something they really feel passionate about, they can be very admired and recognized by doing something they love, instead of looking for being an authority for the rest of the world. These natives have very high standards for themselves, they are ambitious and brave to achieve what they want no matter how much time it takes to get their goal. They must be careful with their reputation through their life becaude they could experience drastic transformations in the way the introduce themselves to the world, sometimes they shift their career as well and work in something completely different feom what they were doing before. Their biggest lesson is to feel grateful and satisfied with what they have while what they want is on their way, also is very important to find the career that really fullfils them. These natives have an special eye to see the structures from institutions that are no longer useful and find new ways to improve them, like the fuctioning of schools, prisions, hospitals or things related to laws.
Pluto in the 11th: These natives tend to move between self imposed isolation to avoid feeling misunderstood or feeling so related to a higher cause that they loose themselves in their own revolution. They deeply feel the need to find a movement that inspires them and can be a legacy of wisdom to future generations, they need intelectual stimulation or will scape the situation before it become too boring. They use to feel both attracted and intimidated to groups situations, mostly related to the improvement of social structures that are no longer useful and the evolution of society. They must be very careful about getting involve with radical ideals or jumping compulsively from a social cause to another to avoid their responsabilities with themselves or avoid their reality. These natives born with the need of finding their soul tribe or soul family, the people they can open up with and be themselves, they are also very talented with themes related to personal and psychological growth. Pluto here makes the natives focus first in the negative things in their enviroment, they are also great imagining the worst possible scenario for any situation, Pluto forces them to realize the power of their mind and use it to throw light over the positive thing or the learning behind the negative. These people usually have hard dissapointments with their friends because of lies or betrayals, but they can also make deep bounds with friends that last a whole life. Through their life they can completely shift their goals and hopes.
Pluto in the 12: Pluto in all water signs have a bad time expressing their emotional world, in the 12th this tendency becomes more intense. They are usually scared of their own instincts and impulses, feeling them so powerful that they think if they open up the door a little bit they can become uncontrollable. They don't get along with drastic changes if they mean they have to renounce to something they feel related to, feeling like they are loosing a part of thwir identity. They tend to be scared of death and what happens after that, also there are some doors in their subconscious mind that intimidates them and prefer to keep them hidden. These natives are deeply emotional and a natural conection with higher realms (I've seen this placement in charts of people that transformed their fears and developed their psychic habilities, one of them is dedicating his life to channeling from the akashic records), they are talented to swim in the depths of the mind to see the lights and and shadows in the same way, Pluto helps them to reach a better understanding of the Universe and themselves and how they are interconnected to each other. The hardest part of this is that they come to heal and transform not just their subcouncious but to heal the colective, sometimes they get so overwhelmed by other's negativity that they isolate from society a while to recover and recharge batteries. These natives use to have some problems with institutions or spend times of imprisonment on them. They are highly sensitive with the natural talent of healing, they can shift their perceptions of things and make aomething great from small places, even if their living conditions are hard they can turn the situation into something useful and beneficial that will help others in the future. Holistic therapies, astrology, meditation and the interpretation of dreams are careers where they become relevant figures, as well they can channel their eneegy through creative activities like drawing, music or poetry.
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