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spiritedstars · 5 hours ago
Spirit Meets the Bones [Epilogue]
Genre: Angst/Romance/Drama Author’s Note:  I am very very emotional posting this. Writing this fic drove me crazy in the best way and I'm really proud of it. I loved telling Eris x Iris's story. Thank you for reading. Thank you for tagging along on this long journey. Thank you for loving Eiris the way I do!
In case you missed it, I commissioned a royal portrait of Eiris! Check it out here.
The biggest thank you will always go to @riorsonxaden because without you being my support, bouncing ideas with me, and always taking time to read each chapter and give me your feedback, I wouldn't be posting this or as satisfied with it as I am. Thank you. I love you.
tagging: @climb-the-mountian / @gwynberdara / @positivewitch / @animezinglife / @zenkindoflove / @rosewood-cafe / @clockwork-ashes / @carnythian / @secret-third-thing / @runningwiththeoceans / @that-golden-lyre / @thedarkinmansfield / @readychilledwine / @goldenmagnolias / @mali22 / @readthelastpaage / @maidr-00 / @electromagnetic-waves / @moobell55 / @bibliophiliaxvignette / @devilsfoodcake22 / @weesablackbeak / @ladywhilemia / @alohaangels / @feysandfeels / @corcracrow / @dawneternal / @gracie-rosee / @mage-neve / @illyrianvalkyrie / @saint-stella / @carolynmezzosoprano / @rainbowsnowflake / @queenoftheworld1998 / @wolvesnravens / @lalaluch / @moonfawnx / @temperedink / @batboyslutt / @rcarbo1 /
Find it all here.
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Six Months Later.
Eris stood in his study, glancing out the window with a whisky in hand, soaking up the last moments of quiet he’d have for the rest of the day. 
Today was the day.
Dressed in a fitted forest green suit, his crown resting on his head, the High Lord of the Autumn Court allowed himself a small smile. The lapel Iris had gifted him was pinned neatly to his jacket, and Eris was only a little nervous—but for once in his life, it was a good kind of nervousness. 
He was getting married. Again.
After the night of the battle, it was well into the morning before they had a moment to rest. They had all been exhausted and worn and desperately needed time to heal properly. Iris’s wounds had reopened, and Eris had gone through the agony of watching her recover from them. The scars had left faint marks, and though it had crushed Eris to see her beautiful skin be marred in such a way, Iris had only knocked her shoulder against his and said, “We’re more of a perfect match now.”  
Even distracted with all his new duties as High Lord, Eris had driven those around him nearly insane while Iris healed. He had waited until Nevien had given him a very exasperated all-clear to touch his wife in the way he had been craving to, and Eris had made love to his mate in a way that still had Iris turning bright red whenever she thought about it. 
It had been as filthy as Eris had wanted.
After that particular rigorous night, Eris had met her gaze, his hand stroking her bare skin, and said, “Let’s get married. Our way this time.” 
Iris had only kissed him in response.
And now, he was getting married to the love of his life. His mate.
As he planned for their wedding, Eris found that slipping into his role as High Lord had been smoother than anticipated.
While a new court required a new council, new rules, and considerable follow-through, for Eris, who had already handled much of his father’s affairs, being High Lord was like breathing.
Eris had spent that first week as High Lord cleaning out those in his father’s pocket, giving them two choices: change or death. Though they remained under constant scrutiny, many had been intelligent enough to choose the former. For those that hadn’t made the right choice, Eris had unleashed his brothers, their hunt serving as a reminder, that though they may not be their father, they knew exactly how to make things hurt. 
Iris’s father had been the only person who had no choice in what happened to him. He had barely survived his daughter’s wrath, but Iris had ensured he hadn’t died too quickly. She had requested a public hanging after he was displayed for a week in the heart of the court—no healing permitted. When the day finally came for Aron’s execution, Iris watched her father’s corpse struggle against the rope as it tightened around his neck, floundering for air until his body went limp. She had felt no remorse. 
He had been left to hang on the flagpole for all to see, the marks and blood from the battle still visible. It was a message and a decree in their new court; an abuser had no place here. 
While change was never easy and most of his people welcomed him warmly, there was trepidation. People were hopeful and yet, scared. Worried it was all a joke – a dream – a test to weed out traitors against the crown. And Eris understood it. He had lived this uncertainty and while he hadn’t suddenly turned into a saint, he granted them patience. He gave them a calmness he had yearned for the Autumn Court to have.
This started with the Forest House. Eris had tested his new magic while morphing the House into a home. He wanted to wipe away his father’s touch from every inch and slowly but surely, it began to look different. To feel different.
Within Autumn, their people were united. Outside of their court, their reputation as cutthroat remained. As a new leader – Eris did not want to give anyone the idea that Autumn would be an easy target. He had quickly connected with the other courts, setting the precedent for networking with the Autumn Court;  his wretched father had stifled them, but Eris had endless ideas for inter-court connections and trade. He was eager for more. For better. 
His brothers had joined his council, each taking a more active role in managing their court, and for the first time in his life, Eris didn’t feel so alone. 
While they didn’t always see eye to eye and meetings had sometimes gotten heated, in the end, they all had the same goal – to do better. To be better. It didn’t erase their past but they were family. The word actually meant something now. 
It took his mother some time to visit her old home, but every time she did, Eris’s chest ached in a way he hadn’t expected, to see her roam the halls of the Forest House with a smile on her face—happy. The High Lord of Day had been gracious enough to give Eris some time before shouting his mating bond for the world to hear; a month after Eris became High Lord, Helion claimed her as his mate and they’ve been in bliss since. Lucien began visiting Autumn and was greeted with a warm welcome every time. Though he still wasn’t always comfortable, Elain’s excitement to explore the court and bond with his family made up for it.
Izak and Helene had decided to stay in their home within their community, but Eris still had a suite ready for them whenever they wished to stay. It felt strange to watch his sister-in-law’s pregnancy, to know that the first baby Vanserra was on the way. Eris still sent her a gift now and then to make up for their first meeting.
With no hesitation, Cosette had moved into Emil’s suite within the Forest House, as did Theo with Finn. The two had bonded, forcing Emil and Finn to spend more time together than they were used to, and it had been very amusing for Eris to watch. Until Iris also forced him to be there and suddenly, he was not so very amused. 
Three months after that, and after the transition of their court had calmed just slightly, Eris had planned the perfect wedding. It would be a small, intimate affair with only family and friends with delicious food, good music, and by the end of the night, he would be fucking his wife on his new throne.
His small smile widened into a smirk as he pictured his beautiful wife melting beneath his touch. 
Gods, was he excited.
A knock on his office door had Eris turning. He drained his drink and set it on his desk before saying, “Come in.”
Finn poked his head in through the door and much to Eris’s annoyance, gave a wolf whistle. “Damn brother, you do clean up nice.” 
Eris rolled his eyes as his brothers filed in and he gestured for Lucien to close the door behind him, a shield reinforcing it. “For once in your life, you seem to look decent yourself.” His eyes swept over each of his brothers. Indeed, each of them was dressed impeccably. He barely recognized Izak. “Surprisingly, you all do.”
“I don’t know why you’re surprised about me,” Lucien said dryly. “I always dress well. And maybe Emil. It’s the other two who look like hooligans all the time.”
“Ah, fuck off. I look great walking around like a damn dream.” Finn immediately protested. 
“I’m not a hooligan,” Izak said in offense. “I dress appropriately for my job.”
“What I assume Lucien means is the general air of peasant you both give off.” Emil quipped with a small smirk. “Unfortunately, if there is a stench, you two are the first people will look to.” 
Lucien choked back a laugh and Eris sighed when Finn and Izak broke out into an argument. 
“We’ll see who gets the last laugh when I flirt with Elain and Cosette so hard –”
“Leave my mate out of this.”
“I will skin you alive –”
“When will you realize no one likes it when you flirt with them?” Izak added with a snort. “You suck at it.”
“It’s not the only thing he sucks,” Lucien replied and the cackles broke out again as Finn let out a growl.
“To be fair, Izak, Helene doesn’t seem to mind his presence as much,” Emil said and eyed Izak with that obnoxious smirk. “He seems to be craving a little female time. Are you aware of this? I think we might need to inform Theo.”
Izak glared at Emil. “And what the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you accusing my pregnant wife of something?”
“No, I’m accusing your brother of being a home wrecker.”
“I have not wrecked any homes, you fuckers.”
“So the rumors about you being people’s third are false?”
“How the fuck would you hear about that, Lucien?”
“Same way I hear about everyone’s nonsense. Your slutty lives are local news.”
“Oy, I’ve been with one female for years.”
“None of those rumors are ever about you, Izak. No one wants you.” Finn said and smiled the way he knew would make his brothers see red. “But don’t worry, Helene and I already have a plan to work things out once you kick the bucket.” He glanced at Emil and pointed. “The same way Cosette and I do.” Then pointed to Eris. “The same way Iris and I do.” And lastly, pointed to Lucien. “You don’t let me near Elain enough but I’m working on charming her. I can’t wait to talk flowers with her. I’m suddenly itching to start my own garden.” 
And before the room could explode, Eris took a deep breath and allowed his magic to swat each of his brothers across the head, hard. Ignoring their outrage, he held up his hands for silence and finally addressed them. “This is exactly why I asked you all to be here. There will be absolutely no fighting at my wedding, do you understand?”
Finn opened his mouth and Eris shot him a look. “No bringing up significant others.” He glared at Emil. “No instigating fights with baseless rumors.” He pointed at Izak. “No getting offended every time someone mentions your damn wife.” And lastly, he gave Lucien an exasperated look. “No adding fuel to the fire of an already ridiculous argument.” 
Addressing them all at once, he said firmly. “No fighting.”
“But –”
“It wasn’t even –”
“I have nothing to do with –”
“I’m barely tolerating being here –”
A muscle twitched in Eris’s jaw and the room heated as he forced himself to take another breath and smooth down his suit jacket. “Today is my wedding day. An event I have perfectly planned to celebrate my wife and I,” he said, forcing himself to remain calm as he glanced at his brother’s stupid faces. “Iris is very excited and I will not have any of your bullshit annoying her in any way. So.”
He stepped in front of Emil who was clearly fighting a laugh and pointed. “No fighting.”
Stepping to Finn, Eris fought hard not to punch the smug expression right off his face and pointed a little more threateningly. “No – fucken – fighting.”
He moved to Izak and Lucien, the former, who held up his hands as though he was an innocent bystander in all of this, and the latter shrugging his shoulders with no care in the world. It annoyed Eris even further as he pointed between them and said again, “No – fighting.” 
Turning in the room and addressing all of them at once, “There will be no – fucken – fighting or so help me, Iris will have your throats and I’ll have the hounds eat whatever she leaves of you.”
“Damn, she’d get vicious on her wedding day?” Izak said with a whistle.
“She has a knife strapped to her as we speak and will use it as she sees fit.” 
“Kinky.” Finn said in an annoyingly singsong voice that made Eris want to choke him where he stood.
“Match made in heaven, you two.” Lucien added with a snort and Eris grunted.
“That’s right and I have no issues stabbing you myself if I have to,” he swore. “Behave yourselves.” 
“Will you cry when she walks in?” Emil asked, mockingly putting a hand over his heart. “I don’t know if I will be able to hold back from succumbing to tears myself if you do.”
“I cannot believe you’re my biggest problem today,” Eris said with a glare at his usually quieter brother. “Fuck off.” 
Pointing threateningly one last time, he confirmed, “Am I clear, assholes?”
They all grumbled their agreements and as they stood together in the room, Eris eyed them wearily then shook his head. 
They were alright. They had earned this.
Without waiting for Eris’s permission, Emil moved around his brother, grabbed the bottle on his desk, and magicked each of them a drink. 
“Since you’re done threatening us, I’d like to propose a toast,” Emil began, giving Eris a more genuine smile. “To our big brother and High Lord,” he continued, “We weren’t invited to your last wedding and are only mildly inconvenienced to celebrate this one with you.” Holding up his glass as Eris rolled his eyes. “May your union be blessed. To Eris and Iris.”
Each of his other brothers raised their glasses and repeated, “To Eris and Iris.”
And as Eris brought the glass to his mouth, Finn had the audacity to add, “And to their firstborn child who will absolutely be named after me. Cheers!”
Eris could only bring himself to sigh. He did it so often these days. 
Once the wedding began, nothing else mattered to Eris other than getting to the part where he’d see and then promptly kiss his wife. It had been hours since she had woken him up this morning, sliding her body over his, and they had almost been late for wedding prep. 
It had been a fantastic way to start the day, and it was how they started most days. He couldn’t get enough of touching her—of being with her as openly as he could be. Through every change, Iris walked with him, hand in hand, equal in responsibilities, and it made his chest ache to know she actually cared about what happened to their court. Her support wasn’t for show. 
Without a looming threat, Eris allowed himself to simply…feel. It disgusted him but he allowed it. 
For so long, he had craved so desperately. Even as the desire to light himself on fire for actually letting his emotions be, Eris allowed it. He had earned it and his wife deserved it. She deserved all his feelings. 
And so, Eris Vanserra let himself be in love. To truly, soak it in that his wife, his friend, and his mate was here, with him. Beautiful and loved him too. 
There were many nights when Eris couldn’t sleep and would lie awake, simply staring at Iris curled up next to him, convincing himself that this was all real. That they had survived and they were finding happiness in this new normal. That he was happy and shouldn’t be afraid of the feeling.
How he had wished. How he had looked to the sky and begged and now…his prayers had finally been answered. 
Eris wouldn’t take a second of it for granted. 
And now, he stood at the tastefully decorated altar filled with Iris’s favorite flowers, impatiently waiting for her to walk in. They had set up the ceremony to take place in a smaller hall within the Forest House to keep it as private as possible.
His eyes swept the room, glancing at his idiotic brothers and their significant others sitting next to them. According to Lucien, they were all his groomsmen though Eris hadn’t asked; they grinned rather smugly with their matching boutonnieres that Eris had most certainly not picked out, and he crinkled his nose at how much resemblance there was between them seated like this. His mother sat with Helion, her hand resting in the crook of the High Lord’s arm and the rest of the seats were all filled with his closest friends.
This was the most relaxed he’d ever been at an event he was hosting and yet, Eris felt like he would lose his mind if he had to wait another minute for Iris to walk in. 
Did a part of him cringe hard, knowing he was going to let himself appear ‘happy’ in front of people? Gods, yes. But was it worth it, for him to see Iris experience joy? That after all they had been through, they were getting to choose each other all over again? On their own terms? Absolutely.
A little embarrassment would be a small price to pay. 
Was Eris also a little smug that he managed to plan this wedding to be on the exact day of their original anniversary? Very much so. 
It was the same date a year later, and yet as the music finally started to play and he turned, his heart thumping wildly in his chest waiting for his wife to walk in, Eris marveled at the way time had passed and had shifted the tide. 
He marveled at how this was his actual life now. 
And when Iris walked in, she stole his breath all over again. 
Iris slowly began her walk down the aisle towards her mate, her cheeks flushed happily as his twelve hounds bounced alongside her, dressed for the occasion. Her smile was warm and as her eyes scanned the room, she couldn’t help the slight shyness that crept on her knowing the people in this room were part of her life. 
They were her family and friends. Something she wouldn’t have dreamed of having a year ago.
A year ago, she had been miserable and terrified of getting married to Eris. Now, she thought her chest would explode from the sheer amount of happiness she was feeling. 
She felt beautiful, dressed in a custom-made gown — courtesy of her very involved husband — that made her feel elegant, poised, and exactly how the wife of the High Lord should look, holding Elain’s most stunning bouquet yet in her hands. She was adorned with the jewelry Eris had previously given her and a stunning tiara on her head that complimented her simple hairstyle.
And it made her body heat to see the way Eris was staring at her. Always intensely, always so hungrily – as if their hands hadn’t been all over each other just this morning. 
When she finally reached him, Eris held out his hand for her to take. He carefully brought her up the step to stand across from him, and when their eyes met, the world went quiet. 
Everything seemed to still as the weight of all they had endured this year sat between them. It felt so calm. So surreal, as husband and wife simply stared at each other. It felt surreal to stand there knowing that only by a twist of fate, they had found each other and their lives had intertwined.
Eris couldn’t stop staring at her. It made his heart ache to see her standing before him and smiling so brightly; he wanted to double over and it was through sheer force of will that he didn’t allow his expression to change – to display just how pathetically in love he was. 
She was so beautiful and he couldn’t believe she was his. 
All his.
“Hello, husband,” Iris whispered with a small smile and Eris’s lips twitched.
“Hello, wife,” he murmured. 
“You should pick up your jaw off the floor. You’re drooling all over your fancy suit.” she teased but Eris shook his head, fighting against his expression shifting.
“Too late for that, I’m afraid.” 
“How embarrassing for you.”
“How embarrassing for you. You’re the one marrying me. Again.” he tsked and Iris rolled her eyes and then let out a rather exaggerated sigh.
“What can I say, I couldn’t bring myself to leave my little pups.” she said, and Eris narrowed his eyes. 
“Only the pups, hm?”
Iris shrugged playfully. “Well. I suppose there is one more lovesick pup I couldn’t bring myself to leave.” 
“Careful now –”
A throat cleared and the two straightened, suddenly remembering where they were. Iris flushed deeply and Eris pursed his lips, glancing at the priestess standing before them who smiled sheepishly.
“I am ready whenever you are, my lord.” 
Eris ignored the hoots and laughter of his annoying family and instead, kept his eyes on his wife. He had been foolish to think sharing this moment with others had been a good idea. 
He should’ve kept it even more private. Just the two of them, alone. He never liked an audience to his emotions and Eris felt the back of his neck heat as everyone’s eyes were on them.
Yet – he watched as Iris smiled bashfully at their guests, earning her a few laughs, and Eris glanced down at her hand in his, her thumb caressing his soothingly…maybe it wasn’t so bad. He could pretend it was just the two of them. 
She was the sun. Everything else was irrelevant. 
“You look like you’re about to run out on me,” she teased in a whisper and squeezed his hand. 
Eris shot her a look, squeezing her hand right back.
“We’ve only been here minutes and I already regret doing this,” he murmured with no real heat and when Iris furrowed her brows, Eris only sighed. “I don’t want to share this with others. Them.”  
“Oy! Stop it with the googly eyes and get the party started!” Finn shouted and Eris’s head snapped to his brother with a glare. 
“One more word out of you and I swear –”
But Iris laughed softly and tugged him back to her. “You can’t threaten your brother at our wedding.”
Eris snorted. “Oh yes, I can. I will slit his throat.” 
“No, you won’t.”
“Iris –”
“You will not be hurting anyone at my wedding or I will be stabbing you.” 
A different kind of heat rushed through his body and Eris knew his smirk told people too much. 
He was deeply regretting this not being a private event.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, wife.” 
Iris turned to look at the priestess and sighed, “I don’t think I’ll be going through with this after all, I’m so sorry to have wasted your time.” 
Eris’s smirk widened and then he tugged Iris closer to him. “As if I’d let you leave after all this.” He nodded to the priestess. “Please proceed.” 
The priestess bit her lip, clearly fighting a laugh but then cleared her throat and began. 
Eris heard nothing of what was said. All his senses focused on Iris, who smiled too knowingly at him. When it was finally time to exchange their rings once more, Iris surprised him with a new wedding band. With Eris’s style, she knew he’d prefer something that complemented everything he wore, so she had picked a simple hammered texture and engraved their initials on the inside.  
“I couldn’t be the only one with a new ring.” she teased, slipping it onto his finger and Eris tried not to collapse as his heart thumped wildly. He couldn’t bring myself to say anything else, overwhelmed with all these fucken feelings clogged in his throat. He could only slide her ring on her finger and then place a soft kiss on her hand. 
“Do you have vows you would like to share?” the priestess asked.
Eris and Iris glanced at each other. They had agreed that whatever vows they’d had would be between them so instead, Iris slanted her head slightly. 
“No, but I do have a question,” she said, the corner of her mouth curling up. “A question for a question.”
Eris’s expression lit up in amusement. “A question for a question.”
“Do you agree to willingly tolerate me for the rest of our days, husband dear?”
The small laugh escaped him before he could stop it and Eris replied, “I do. Do you agree to willingly tolerate me for the rest of our days then, dearest wife?”
Iris hummed playfully, pretending to think until he lifted a brow and she conceded with a laugh. “I do.”
“I believe I was supposed to ask a similar question…” the priestess began but with a glance from Eris, she cleared her throat and continued, “No matter! With this exchange, your union has been blessed. May the Mother continue to fill your lives with peace, joy, and harmony. You may kiss your bride, High Lord.” 
“About damn time,” Eris murmured, and as he leaned in and Iris met her lips with his, the cheers in the room matched the cheers in his heart, and he couldn’t bring himself to give a single shit about who watched them.
The rest of the night had passed in full merriment, an unusual occurrence for the Vanserras. Very few parties had ever been this calm – enjoyable even. Considering the last ball they’d been to, this ceremony was a dream.
Though they had remained on high alert, the brothers let themselves simply be present. The former Lady of Autumn’s smile was bright, her mate watching her every breath with stars in his eyes. They had all danced – Finn risking his life to dance with each of his brother’s paramours – and yet, despite the bickering and nonsense, Eris had watched Iris enjoy every minute of it. Her smile had dazzled the whole room and he wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
She had surprised him again during the party. In addition to the wedding cake he had originally requested, Iris presented a cake she had baked herself. It was a small round cake with white frosting, decorated with irises and Eris felt the mating bond thump beneath his skin at the gesture. 
Picking up a fork, she smiled at him and asked in a hushed tone, “Are you ready to eat, mate?”
Eris’s throat had bobbed as he took the fork from her hand and it took him a moment before he cleared his throat and joked, “So this is the way I go. Poisoned by my mate.” 
Her exasperated expression was so endearingly familiar that Eris couldn’t help but laugh, kiss her heartily, and then devour every last morsel of it.
Now, he sat on his new throne, happily married, happily mated, his wife in his lap, and her hand trailing distractingly down his chest.
His suit jacket was long gone, his crown sitting askew on his head and Eris had allowed himself to get slightly tipsy. He was also covered in lipstick stains, and Iris was still kissing his neck. 
“I could die right now and would consider myself the luckiest bastard alive.” He mumbled and Iris straightened in his lap with a tsk. Her wedding cape had been discarded on her own throne next to them, her heels tossed to the side and Eris had already taken all the pins out of her hair, setting her long locks free. Her tiara remained, of course. 
“How could you say that when we haven’t even had our proper wedding night?” she teased. “What a disappointing start to our marriage.”
Eris’s hands slid to his wife’s waist and he yanked her closer until she was inches from his lips, exactly where he liked her. “You and I both know, there is nothing disappointing about our marriage,” he said and gave her a knowing look. “Especially when my shy little wife is no longer shy, craving me constantly.” 
“Don’t flatter yourself like you aren’t ready to collapse every time my hand brushes against your skin, High Lord.” she breathed, tracing a finger across his collarbone. 
Eris chuckled, taking that finger and bringing it to his lips to kiss. “True. You had me wrapped around your finger from day one, I suppose,” he replied with a long-suffering sigh and Iris laughed but couldn’t help herself from pecking him quickly. 
“If it helps, it’s exactly how I want you, obsessed with me.”
“Given how you can’t even sleep without being engulfed in my scent, I’m not the only one obsessed, am I?” he teased. “Remember how prickly you were in the beginning? Like a feral little cat. And now look at you – simply addicted.”
Iris returned the long-suffering sigh and Eris’s lip twitched. “I suppose you have me there.” she said and her cheeks flushed when she added, “I do love you enough that I married you twice.” 
His expression softened and his hand brushed against her cheek, whispering, “And I am always grateful you chose me.”
Husband and wife watched one another in silence, the thread of their bond shining bright and true between them. It had all been worth it. Every hardship. Every doubt and fear and anxiety that had clawed at their lives before this…it had all been worth it. 
“I’d choose you every time, Eris,” she said softly. “You are mine and I am yours. Until the sun sets in its final hour. Until I am nothing but dust and even after that, when I am no more than a memory, I will always be yours.”
His throat bobbed as he watched her smile at him, a rush of affection so deep, Eris wanted to sink in it and never come up for air.  “And I yours,” he murmured, pulling her close again, his lips brushing against hers. “My heart and my soul – my very breath and every broken part of me will only ever be yours.” 
“Every wonderful part of you.” Iris corrected and Eris couldn’t help his chuckle. 
“Only because it’s you and everything you touch becomes wonderful,” he said and Iris shook her head. 
“After everything that’s happened, you are not allowed to speak about yourself that way,” she demanded, leaning back to give him a stern look. “I forbid it.”
He chuckled again. “Well, if my mate and future High Lady forbid it, I suppose I must listen,” he said and brushed back a loose curl, tugging on her ear gently. “You still want to wait until next year to declare the title officially?”
“Yes,” Iris confirmed and cupped his face. “I’d like more time learning in court before we add another big change. You need to keep things stable for now.”
Eris nodded, watching her face with that small smile that was all hers. How he had gotten so lucky, he’d never know. The Mother had blessed him in ways he’d never even let himself dream.  
“As you wish, wife,” he said. “I look forward to your insights. Even if you have questionable opinions at times.”
“Excuse me?”
“Do you still think Lucien is more dashing than me, then?” he asked immediately and Iris blinked then leaned her head back with a laugh.
“Ah, so that’s what this is about.” she teased with a giggle and Eris pursed his lips at her response, narrowing his eyes. 
“As I said, questionable opinions.”
Iris rolled her eyes, smiling so fondly, that it made her cheeks ache. “To answer your question,” she said quietly and leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth. “No, I don’t. Even if he may dress better than you sometimes.”
Eris tutted and sat back, pulling her more firmly in his lap, and shook his head. “So many silly lies you tell.”
Iris hummed, leaning into him, and brushed her thumb against his mouth. She loved him, and what a blessing—after waiting for so long, she had been given a love like this. She loved him so deeply, yet she could never put into words just how much he meant to her—her husband, her friend, her mate. It left her helpless in the best way, and Iris wanted nothing more than to stay wrapped up with him like this.
He was all hers. For forever and every day after. He was all hers. 
“What are you going to do about all my lies, then?” she whispered, arching into him as Eris ran his hand down her back with a smirk and she leaned in to kiss the other corner of his mouth.
“Kiss you until you stop saying them, I suppose,” he hummed, and Iris grinned.
“Well then,” she said. “I guess I’ll just have to keep lying.”
Eris couldn’t stop staring at her, sitting in his arms with a mischievous grin, her scent enveloping him. He truly had everything he ever wanted – right here. And it was real, not a desperate dream. “Tell me more of your lies then, little gazelle.” 
“Mmm, you’re hideous.”
He chuckled and leaned in to brush his lips against hers. “What else?” 
“You’re simply the worst person I’ve ever met.”
Eris fought back his own grin, nipping at her bottom lip. “Tell me more.”
Iris leaned back again and met his gaze, her expression softening again in a way that made Eris tremble.
“I hate you,” she said and the corner of his mouth quirked up, warmth spreading in his chest. “You’re the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Is that the best lie you have?” he teased. Iris narrowed her eyes in thought for a moment, then smirked devilishly, wrapping both arms around his neck, a breath away from his lips. 
“You’re terrible in bed.”
Eris barked out a laugh and Iris joined him as unfiltered joy flooded through him. He wouldn’t question this gift he’d been given for a single moment – never let a doubt creep in between them. Wrapping his arms around his wife, Eris kissed his Iris in earnest, pouring all his love and promises into her lips.
His heart had always been in the palm of her hands, and Iris had wrapped her very soul around him. Together, they would welcome a new beginning. 
They would spend the rest of their days just like this. 
And where jaded spirits had once met tired bones, their spirits were jaded no more. 
Rekindled, they had finally settled home.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 17 days ago
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Maybe we never had a chance.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#a-yuan#Ultimately...despite how hard we try to reach people - sometimes it just is not possible.#Sometimes all you can do is wish that things could have been different. You pen a note with all the things you want to say -#and then you let it go. The words stay unsent and unspoken. You just watch the rift between you grow until you're too far away to try again#It is a sad end! It is two people who want to be closer but do not have the right capacity to do anything but shut doors.#Worse yet; it's two people who feel it is not their place to try and impose anything more.#It takes so long to heal from endings like that. You never get enough closure when there is still a faint hope of 'another day'.#It's a false amicability. It's closing a door and telling yourself that at least the windows are unlocked.#WWX will keep up his friendliness as a way to hold LWJ at a distance. LWJ can only try to help so many times.#Speaking of tragedies of trying to help; Let's talk about the addiction metaphors in this episode.#WWX tells LWJ in fairly straightforward terms that he does not *want* do be doing ghost cultivation.#What he wants is to protect people - by any means necessary. If he had another option he would take it.#The path WWX 'chose' is one that is deeply mired in external shame and taboo. He jokes about it but it clearly doesn't feel great.#And I put 'chose' in quotes because just like many who find them selves in bad situations - the choice is an illusion.#He's adamant that this is 'his' choice. That he is in control.#Better to be villainized that endure the terrifying reality that you lack any ability to have choice anymore.#If he had the choice - truly had the choice - he would not be doing this.#You can't help those who don't want to be helped. So of course all LWJ can do is watch from the side. Offer a hand when he can.#This life was a tragedy and the countdown to it all blowing up started a long time ago...
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ryllen · 1 year ago
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overblot grim with Yuu who accidentally get carried on his back
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parasolladyansy · 15 days ago
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BW Survival AU - lesson 5
She will admit she was careless.
The woods around Nuvema looked especially beautiful today, some rare beams of sunlight catching the icicles on the bare branches. She brought her gaze higher, taking a few steps back when she bumped into him!
She yelped, startled then terrified, flailing then falling in a clumsy heap! Haze & Snow were by her side in an instant, but the man didn’t touch one Poké Ball (though he instinctively reached for them, just as startled).
Slowly, very slowly, he rose his other hand to say, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
They froze, catching their breath from the fright. As she looked in his eyes, every breath felt like an eternity…
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His name was Ikrit.
He said their great-great grandmothers were friends, & that they were friends with a Unovan man who was friends with…her somehow?
She could scarcely believe it. Could she even chance believing him? But then…how else could he know she was friends with Ingo? She heard he had disappeared about 7 years ago from townsfolk. Could he truly have been in the past, in a completely different region?
He spoke to her in the same language she was born speaking (from Hoenn, he said…Fallarbor Town), & the Froslass who accompanied him seemed oddly familiar…as was the impeccably neat handwriting in the old letter she held in her icy fingers. It matched the script in the journal he offered as further proof, as well as the train postcard she still kept with her few belongings to read when she was feeling sad.
She paused, thinking.
Her first instinct was to make a run for it - have Haze create an illusion while Snow used Blizzard to offer more cover for them to disappear. That was still an option. The only reason she hadn’t already was something about the way he spoke to her - kindly, directly, without suspicion or fear.
Is Reshiram…telling her that this one was okay…?
…It has been a long, long time since she had a human friend…& maybe this strong, intelligent trainer could help her put things right in this region…
She can always disappear later if it turned out he was bad.
Lesson 5: Find safe people…but be careful.
A/N: Even in this very sad timeline, Ansy still met her Valentine (Happy Valentine’s Day!) 💌
It’s funny to think about how Ingo & Ansy’s fates seem tied together between DxP REWRITE & this AU, though as a twist of that same fate, Ingo is the one to try & save Ansy on this timeline. ;u;
Like in his canon timeline, Ikrit spent a lot of time traveling around the various regions, & while in Kitakami, he met Ingo (maybe at the Crystal Pool, maybe in Mossui - not sure). The results of that meeting, & his own research he conducted in Sinnoh (ever the researcher), is what led him to smuggling himself & his Pokémon with Ingo to frozen Unova.
Ingo told him to look for Ansy while he went to Gear Station, probably saying something like, “If you find her…bring her with you.” He’d have come with him, but it could be that he didn’t have the heart to, in case what Ikrit found was awful ;u;
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suntails · 6 months ago
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[sharing/rb appreciated 💛]
my silver artbook is FINISHED and will open for preorders on 8/31 at 12pm EST!! it's been almost 3 months of work and i'm so excited to finally be able to share all the art i've worked on, PLUS a small bonus charm!
if u know silver fans,,, tell them
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canisalbus · 9 months ago
Would Machete still be Catholic in modern!AU?
He was raised in a very traditional household, went through a fraught crisis of faith in his teens, became a disillusioned atheist and then eventually more or less made his peace with the whole thing and slid back a little bit to the secular/lapsed catholic territory.
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sheiireen · 7 months ago
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eternalmomentss · 2 months ago
I kinda assume and hope that next episode starts with a predathos!imogen pvp and ends in their threads reaching out to her and grounding her and pulling her back into herself. A big show of love and connection and trust, almost like laudna's ritual with delilah
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faceglitchsworld · 19 days ago
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My faves interacting with my faves (1/∞)
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alivehouse · 7 months ago
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killy stairs moments compilation part 10
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months ago
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Market based mistakes.
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class1akids · 2 months ago
How was Hori trying to balance Bakugou’s ending when he got just as many bad moments in the war arc? And the bad moments outweigh the good ones. And then he gets dropped to 15 in the rankings. How is this balanced?
I'm just going to look at the main 4 - wishes / realities / pay-offs to show that not a single one of them got what they wanted / dreamed off:
WISH: "OFA is not for killing, it's for saving. I want to save that little boy"
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Reality: he ends up killing the crying boy, using OFA to destabilize his body. He loses the quirk he worked so hard to make his own in the process.
Pay-off: All Might calls him greatest hero together with Bakugou. Becomes a teacher, and realizes that his quirkless self could have become something other than professional hero, and still be heroic (probably, not shown). His friends give him a mecha suit. After 8 years, he (maybe) asks out a girl he likes.
WISH: Wants to save his brother, and share a meal with him.
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Reality: Despite saving everyone, his brother is still dying, his family is alive but scarred and fractured, his family name is pulled through the mud and spends the first few years of his career overshadowed by a disgraced father and a criminal brother.
Pay-off: Gets no thanks or praise from anyone, but gets to ask his brother about his favorite food. Not that they'll ever eat it together. After 8 years of hard work people stop seeing him as Endeavor's son. He processes his grief over his brother into finding a new hobby.
WISH: (This one is not so clear-cut), but she wants to see people smile and be able to be open about her feelings and wants to learn more about Toga and save her (maybe)
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Reality: She gets wounded and Toga has to die to save her. Their battle is not even recorded and doesn't really influence or inspire anyone, other than Uraraka herself. She remains closed off about her feelings out of survivor's guilt.
Pay-Off: She gets a quirk upgrade. Toga thanks her. She gets comforted by Deku and Class A. She gets called Deku's hero and be thanked by him. She starts a successful quirk counselling program. Deku confesses to her instead.
So like nobody else gets their dream fully either.
Bakugou already got some amazing pay-off during the war:
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He's the center of the effort to buy time for Deku and gets some amazing scenes of self-sacrifice
When he "dies", his team puts everything on the line to save his life
His resurrection is the biggest scene of the war, plus gets a quirk awakening
Gets to save All Might while the whole world watching
Gets the kill shot on AFO, and almost a solo credit for that kill despite everyone else's efforts
When he goes over to the final battlefield, he gets praised
Despite his injuries, he has a viable road to recovery, supported by his loving parents
All Might calls him the greatest hero and thanks him
His "death" and "resurrection" comes with only light costs - both Mirko's and Edgeshot sacrifices are turned into gags
He is admired by people and enters the chart at No 4.
Everyone helps him to organize the mech suit for Deku - and make his childhood dream an option.
I feel like Hori making him No 1 and making Deku his sidekick would have further increased the resentment of especially Deku-fans who felt like Bakugou got everything, while Deku lost everything.
So Hori gave him still some way to go to reach his dreams. He's only 25 - it's not like his life is over. Unlike the Savior Trio who all lost their villains and there is nothing they can do about it, Bakugou can still become No 1. He can even be partners or lovers with Deku at a later stage. Like none of those dreams are lost forever.
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souenkun · 2 months ago
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Judging from these panels, would it mean that there's no other yorishima exorcist that's still alive (since natori said that the yorishima family "was once" a big name, past tense) in the canon timeline, and that the yorishima we know probably ended his family's exorcism business for good by retiring himself? If so, was the reason tied to the youkai living in his left arm, or is there another cause? And when exactly did he retire— was it before or during seiji and shuuichi's high school days, which was why his left arm appeared with the thick bandages when he gave them the loquats in the anime, but he still lived in the estate during that time, or was it after the two became legal adults, which lined up somewhat with him moving into his forest home, abandoning his family estate in favor of living in isolation?
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And, speaking of retirement, I wonder if we'll ever know why midorikawa told us that the takis were "famous" (which presumedly meant they were strong enough to be well-known) as occult diviners, since tooru herself only ever mentioned what their previous family business entails, and never about their status in the exorcism community? We don't really need this extra bit if she wanted to further establish how tooru has an aptitude for spell-casting, either. Again, there's another "strong" family (whose members are still alive in canon) that went into retirement, but did the taki family lost their power because the ability to see (if they were needed for diviners) disappeared for at least the last three generations (if we assumed that tooru and isamu's parents couldn't see youkai too), or was it due to another reason? How close was shinichiro (tooru and isamu's grandpa) to the matobas that even the current clan head came to pay his respects during his sixth death anniversary; was his relationship with seiji's father strictly resolved around exorcism business, or was anything else involved? Does tooru herself doesn't fully understand the prowess her family once had, hence why seiji was the one who told takashi (and us readers) about it? What would this tiny bit of lore mean for tooru with it revealed this late into the manga, when tooru herself only talked sparsely about her ancestors in previous chapters?
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jklpopcorn · 9 months ago
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crying and sobbing i was supposed to draw doodles of my ocs but instead all there is is Siffrin
they're so shaped i have to draw them
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100% :)
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13-nothing · 5 months ago
Rapid fire Inky Mystery Theories:
Bendy Shadows = Dead ink illness people (In other words the Lost Ones duuh)
(Tho last chpt descriptions made me think of Canon Bendy more than Lost Ones cause of the teeth and spines on the back, but ehhh, whatever, my statement stands)
Steven = Baby
(Don't kill me but I totally forgot about him til the last 2 chpts cause I don't reread that arc as much and he was a flash in a pan in the over arcing story. Tho I have to admit I got a little choked up realizing he died when I read it the 1st time)
Grandmama = The Eye Looking Through the Crystal Ball
(It's in my theory boards from last time buuuut there was a LOT on there and I didn't want it to get lost)
Bendy Shadows don't want to be humanoid in shape cause they aren't exactly who they were anymore. They're just the inky puddles now.
(Tho it does make me wonder what would happen if he tried to make them look specifically like who they used to be)
The Thing Demons Portal thru = Ink Realm
(Idk what to comment on here it just is)
Bendy's whole purpose is to fix the machine and BOTH of his fav activities will forever be tainted (hehe) by the fact he was created to specifically be good at them and not because he just chose them as HIS things to do.
(It's extremely sad when u think about it)
As of Chpt 268 Angelo was brought to the be with the shadows
(Wow, it's been like 80 something since that happened)
Sooo yeah that's all I got right now. Figured I'd try to get some of my theories out while before we get too far into the upcoming arc. Anyway, uh, thanks for reading and I say farewell to thee my fellow existences!
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brainrot-jikan · 1 month ago
no one needs this im sure but just u know, citing my work (for my upcoming sunday/welt brainrot)
sunday, upon being caught by welt (still so polite?? boy ur killing me)
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welt, upon confirming his suspicions (the most blunt/rude ive EVER seen welt be, and for very good reason but hot damb if the heel turn didn't do something to me)
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welt, self assigning himself sunday's personal escort/guard/warden
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i am so normal. i am super, super normal about this.
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