#we got a weirdo family y'all
klonoadreams · 7 months
You're telling use the Satona's baby is like Gojo Shiki of Zenith of the stars????
If you didn't know her, I say it outright, she is an oc who is the personification of a cat to a human, complete with bloody gifts.
Also, when I read about twins, knowing that Shiki has a polycule, I thought about how it is possible to have twins from different fathers, why? because that's my brain
Mako won't have a baby? Or is it because all that biology of terror is very difficult? Like, it has the parts but they don't work as well in procreation
JA, Brie may not be as wild as Akari is, but all I can think about is the family's welcome to the fact that she's pregnant and then to the baby itself
Along with Satona's baby, that is also one of the most protected babies
Mako will have her own kid eventually, just not any time soon since shit is getting real like holy crap, it's a bad time to be a parent right now in the world of One Piece. Her baby with Law tho owo.
Also yes, the twins with different fathers is how Shiki ended up with twins.
Oh no, Nana polycule twins lmaooo. ALSO I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING AT.
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I was gonna jokingly say like Kara no Kyoukai/Garden of Sinners Ryogi Shiki (who Andou has an aesthetic based off in terms of kimono, stabbing, and fashion), BUT THEN I REMEMBERED ZENITH OF THE STARS EXISTED AD I THOUGHT THAT WOULD BE THE FUNNIEST LITTLE THING. (I have yet to read Zenith of the stars cuz my dumbass keeps forgor, but I've been following XxZuiliu for yearssss, so Imma binge that shit and EAT)
This is what happens when you get a baby between Gojo and Nana. You get the weirdest OP little baby that just has Mystic Eyes of Death perception.
Gojo gonna make that kid haaate the elders, literally anyone who doesn't learn now, will learn from the next head rippppp.
Nana will stab if you try anything funny with her baby.
Also my dumbass forgor, but Andou will also have her own little baby as well. :V
Chouko also has a set of twins in her future, but that's far off future.
Brie might end up with the polycule twins cuz Raihan runs that polycule and between him, Leon, and Brie, lmao woops. Gordie is just glad he's not the dad because he's not strong enough to make his Mama a Grandma yet.
As if she didn't take ages to join the polycule lmao.
Also Satona is such a good name for Gojo and Nana lmaoo. Also Nanami legit is horrified at how weird baby is, but loves the child anyways. Is also like "what kinda baby would we make?"
And then immediately pushes it out of his head and slaps Getou for even trying to say that thought out loud.
Fushiguro Toji being that cryptid stray around the house, somehow is chill with the baby. Knows better than to steal the baby though, but he will for sure poke fun at Gojo and Nana for making such a weirdo baby as if he isn't at all jealous that the two have it all together with a seemingly functional family. (You may find him often sleeping with the baby on his chest, cuz he sneaks into the house a lot after they're born. Absolute weirdo, with a weirdo baby lmao. Cue Megumi just poking him with a stick)
Weird ass family, with Yuuji just happy to be a big bro :V
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Good Neighbors Part 1 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: I did it :). Ok as previously stated I have never written this dynamic before so I open to all critiques and suggestions! I also set this in todays timeframe. I hope y'all enjoy.
Warnings: Reader is a soon to be divorcee and a single mom. Cute Steddie going on here with her kiddo. Definitely smut of the threesome variety and all that that implies (I regret nothing!) Steve is slightly rougher during sex but I decided to go against the Daddy Steve/Master Eddie dynamic. I don't think I'm there yet! Lol.
Word Count: 4583
“Wow!” Your son’s eyes light up as he takes a look at the outside of the apartment complex you’re moving into. “It’s so big.” 
“Yeah, it is.” To a six-year-old child you image it would seem that way but for you, coming from an actual home, this would be a substantial downgrade. As long as he was happy though, you were happy. 
“Here, weirdo. Take this.” You hand him his little suitcase so he feels useful. While you were packing his things, he would throw a tantrum if you wouldn’t let him help. 
“Mooooom! I’m strong. I can help!”
You slung a few bags over your shoulder and you both headed up the stairs to your new place. The apartment across the way was blaring loud heavy metal music causing you to huff under your breath. Your son marched in front of you and banged on your new neighbor’s door.
“Dylan! No! You know better than to knock on a stranger’s door.”
The door flung open and a tall young man about your age stood in the doorframe. He was extremely good looking with even better-looking hair. He was either about to head to work or just got back. He had on some jeans and a polo shirt with a green vest covering it. You squinted as you read the name tag; “Family Video- Steve”. 
“Excuse me, Mister. Can you turn your music down? It’s a little loud.” Dylan shook his small index finger at the man. 
He stared at him for a few seconds before a beautiful smile stretched across his face. “You know what, little man? You are absolutely right. It is loud. I tell my friend that all the time but he never listens.”
“Who the hell are you…oh.” Another boy comes into the doorway about the same age if not a little older. He had a guitar slung across his bare chest and torn up jeans that were sagging around his waist so you could slightly see the blue boxers underneath. “Who’s this?”
Dylan looks at you for approval and you nod your head, smiling down at him. “I’m Dylan and this is my mommy. We live here now.” He points at the apartment and you give them a tiny wave. 
“Well, Dylan, I’m Steve.” He points to his name tag. “And this is my friend Eddie.”
Your son grabs your hand and pulls you forward. “You have to say hi.”, he whispers. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot.” You whisper back to him, giving him a little wink. “Hi. I’m Y/N. I’m really sorry. Normally he doesn’t initiate conversations with people he doesn’t know but…”
“It’s not a problem at all. Sorry about the music. It’s his day off so when he relaxes--“
“Is the music too loud? Shit. I’m sorry.” Eddie interrupts Steve and runs back into the apartment. Steve rolls his eyes after him as Dylan covers his mouth, giggling at the curse word. 
“Can we help you guys move?”
“Oh, no it’s ok. The movers are on their way but I appreciate you asking.”
“Hey anything to help a beautiful woman and her little gentleman.” Steve flashes you a confident smile that makes you blush. “Well, if you change your mind or if you need anything, we’re here.” 
“Bye Steve!” Dylan waves at him as you pick him up, enter the apartment, and close the door. 
After the movers dropped everything off, the unpacking was under way. You wanted things to feel as homey as possible so Dylan would be comfortable. After his father left, you didn’t want more things to change for him. Something like that is already traumatic enough for a child. It only got worse when your soon to be ex-husband decided he no longer wanted to help you make payments on the house you guys had shared. 
“Where are we going to go, Charlie? He needs a roof. He needs normalcy.”
“Maybe he should come live with me then.”
“Why? So he can sit at home alone? You barely saw him when we were married but at least he had me there.”
“Oh, get off your high horse, Y/N. You better find something or I’ll be seeing you in court to take him. I’m not going to spend any extra money I do have for you to live in my house!”
The sound of the bass thumping against the walls made your eyes roll as you scrunched your nose in annoyance. Your son giggled and you responded by sticking out your tongue. 
“What are you laughing at?” Dylan mimics your face causing him to erupt in a fit of laughter again. Your phone on the counter vibrates. “Go grab that for me, you little butthead.”
Without telling you who it is he immediately puts the phone to his ear. “Hi daddy!”
“Hey, buddy! How are you doing?”
You watch him cautiously as they talk. “I’m good. I like it here.”
“You do? You’ve been there a couple of weeks now.  Met any kids your age yet?”
“Not yet but Mommy and I met Steve and Eddie. They like music really loud!”
“Oh? Well, that’s interesting. Listen, Dil, can you give the phone to mommy?”
“Ok. I love you, Daddy!” Dylan passes the phone and you stand up to take it outside. 
“Hey, Butthead. Why don’t you go get ready for bed and after I talk with your dad, I’ll read you book?” He claps his hands excited as he runs into his room. You reluctantly put the phone to your ear as you exit the front door. “How can I help you, Charlie?”
“Who’s Steve and Eddie?” He asks sternly.
“Jesus, Y/N. I can hear the music through the phone!”
You walk halfway down the stairs and sit on the middle step, your fingers pinching the bridge of your nose. “Again, something you NEED, Charles?”
“Look, I may not be able to take him this weekend.”
The smell of cigarette smoke fills the air and you wish you had one between your fingers right now. “Why didn’t you tell him that?”
“Because I didn’t want to hurt him. I know how much he was looking forward to—”
“Oh? But it’s ok for me to break his heart?”
“I didn’t say that. You’re twisting my words again.” He responds to your accusation through gritted teeth. 
“So, what is it this time, huh? Work? A date? Flying to the moon to save the planet?”
“See, this why I left. Why do you have to be a bitch all the time? I’m just trying to have a conversation!”
“No, you left because of the whore I found you fucking in our bed. Good night, Charlie.” You press End and slam your phone on the step next to you. 
“He seems like an asshole.” The sound of a male voice behind you makes you jump. Turning around, you see Eddie sitting a couple of stair steps above you, a half-finished cigarette dangling from his fingers. “Sorry, Sweetheart! I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you heard me come out.”
You slide up the couple of steps to sit closer to him. His long wavy hair is nestled behind a black bandana. He’s wearing his usual jeans with a black hole riddled Metallica shirt. Eddie’s fingers reach in your direction offering you a puff from his cigarette which you eagerly accept. You can taste him on the end of it causing butterflies to flutter in your stomach.
“How much of that did you hear?” You ask passing it back to him. 
He makes an adorable thinking face. “Um, I came out around ‘Why didn’t you tell him?’ but stayed for the sarcasm after.” 
You smile up at him as you let out a soft sigh. “I just hate seeing that look on Dylan’s face when I have to tell him his dad can’t see him.”
Eddie nods to himself as he squishes out the cigarette on the concrete and leans back on his elbows. “Yeah, Steve and I know that feeling. From the kid’s perspective I mean. I don’t think either of our mother’s really cared about us like you do with your son.”
You reach out placing your hand gently on his knee. “I’m sorry you guys had to go through that.” His substantially bigger, calloused palm comes down to cover yours as his thumb rubs against your skin. You bring your legs up to your chest trying to hide the movement of you rubbing your thighs together. It had been such a long time since anyone had touched you let alone in a tender manner like this and the fact that the man doing the touching was incredibly good looking didn’t hurt either. 
“Eddie, oh my god, again with the music?” Steve’s voice radiated exhaustion as he climbed the stairs and leaned against the railing across from you. 
“Yeah, sorry Stevie. That was my bad. I have a couple of people from work over tonight.” He leans toward the outside wall of their apartment and bangs his fist loudly against it. His chest is inches from your face and you close your eyes and inhale the scent of him. He smells like cigarettes, of course, but there’s also touches of gasoline and an undertone of cologne he most likely sprayed on himself before work that morning. 
The door to their apartment opened and the sound of girl made your eyes fly open. Your look was met with Steve’s watchful one. Eddie swiveled his neck to face his friend. “Hey, can you turn the music down? There’s a little one trying to sleep.” He gestures towards your door.
She nods her head and closes the door again. Suddenly, you feel extremely stupid. Of course, there were girls in their apartment. Why wouldn’t there be? They were two single, attractive men. You had no reason to be jealous of the beautiful young lady who poked her head out. 
It takes you a while to notice that they are both staring at you intently. 
“Um, I should go back inside.” You quickly rise, avoiding their gaze, and climb the stairs. “Thank you for the cigarette and turning down the sound.” 
After you close the front door, you lean against it, peaking out of the peephole. Steve stomps up the stairs. 
“Really, Eddie? Good job, man.”
“What did I do? Some friends wanted to buy and they stayed over for a bit.”
Steve gives him an annoyed look. “Oh yeah, because girls in tight skirts and loud blaring metal just scream ‘Hey beautiful girl, we like you. Come spend time with us.’”
You jump and let out a little shriek as your son pulls on the back of your shirt. “Dylan! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
He giggles, shaking a book at you. “You said you would read to me.”
“I did, didn’t I? Ok, get back in bed. I’ll be right there.”
Before you turn to follow him, you take one last look out into the entrance way. Steve and Eddie were smiling at your apartment door. Eddie made an “I told you so” face at his roommate as they both entered their domain and closed the door.
Saturday night you and Dylan are lying on the couch watching a movie when there’s a subtle knock at your door. You open it to see your two handsome neighbors standing there with enormous grins plastered on their face. 
“Why, hello ma’am.” Eddie says in comical announcer style voice. Steve follows his lead. 
“We heard there might be a little boy who got stood up so we brought pizza and video games.” They each hold up the items in their hands. Eddie had the more adult beverages and some ice cream. You smile at them as you turn your head towards the inside of your apartment.
“Dylan! It’s for you.” You feel small hands hug your leg as he cautiously looks around you.
“Hey, little man.” Steve beams down at him and Dylan gasps with excitement. 
You reach over and take the pizza from his hands. “Now this here. This is for mommy.”
“No! That’s not fair!” You son chases after you into the kitchen as the boys come in and close the door.  Eddie heads for the tv and starts hooking up his gaming system. Dylan sits next to him, asking him questions. Steve joins you and helps pull plates from cabinets, serving food. He turns to look at you as you reach out and gently touch his arm. 
“Thank you, guys. For this.”, you whisper. “He was really upset when I told him his dad couldn’t see him.”
“Well, I know what it feels like to have your dad bail on you.” He leans against the counter and folds his arms across his chest. 
“Yeah, Eddie told me you guys didn’t have…great parents.” You try and tread the topic carefully not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 
Steve shrugs. “It is what it is, right?” He scoots over till his side grazes your stomach, his arms dropping to hold the structure behind him. “How are you doing?”
You look up and meet his eyes, your breath catching in your throat. “I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” His index finger rises from its place and lifts the lower part of your tank top, tracing the pad of his digit against your skin. You exhale shakily as his eyes never leave yours. 
“My pleasure.”
“Mom!” Dylan shouts as he rounds the corner. You jump back from Steve quickly and face your child. “Eddie and I hungry!”
“Starving.” You glance over the banister into the living room, catching Eddies smirk. There was something knowing behind it. You clear your throat, regaining your composure. 
“I’m sorry! Blame Steve, here. He moves too slow.”
“Oh, I can move as fast as you want, you just have to let me know.” He winks in your direction as Eddie lets out a chuckle. 
You grab a beer from the table where Eddie left them and handed a plate to your son. He thanks you as he runs back towards the floor. Steve hands you a plate and you playfully punch his chest. On your way to the couch, you make sure to kick Eddie lightly in the back. 
“Ow. Aggressive!” He shouts before stuffing a whole slice into his mouth making Dylan laugh. 
After many rounds of battling and button mashing on Tekken, Dylan passes out on the floor. You gently pick him up and carry him to his room, tucking him into bed. 
“That kid is so much fun.” Eddie says as you close the door and head back into the living room. 
“Thank you. Yeah, he’s a good kid. Good heart.”, you smile. 
Steve rises to his feet, extending his hand out to Eddie to help him off the ground. “So, we were thinking… would you like to come across to our place and relax for a bit? We could smoke some weed, listen to music, not at full volume of course.”
“Uh…” You take a cursory glance towards Dylan’s room.
“He’ll be ok. I mean you’re right there.” Eddie points in the direction of their apartment. 
You finally nod your head as you follow behind them through their front door. It was definitely a man’s place. It smelled musky with a mixture of their own separate scents. There were posters for bands and action movies all over the wall. The living room was a mess with a combination of take-out containers, clothes, and a couple of overflowing ashtrays spread about. 
“Sorry for the way it looks. We’ve been kind of busy.” Steve runs around grabbing trash and throwing it in a nearby bin as Eddie disappears and reappears with a little black tin box. 
“Don’t even worry about it. I have a six-year-old, remember?” Eddie chuckles as he starts rolling a joint on the coffee table in front of him. “What have you guys been busy with?”
“Work mostly.” Steve answers as comes back from the kitchen with a beer in his hand. “I’m at Family Video and Eddie works at a mechanic shop a few blocks down the way.”
You throw your body down next to Eddie’s on the couch. “Ah. That explains the gasoline smell.”
He looks at you, smirking. “You sniffing me, Princess?” You giggle as you rub your hand on his back. 
“It’s kind of hard not to. It’s strong.” He gives you an apologetic glance. “No, it’s ok. I like it. Reminds me of my dad. He used to fix up cars when I was growing up.” 
Steve takes a seat next to you. “Does he not anymore?”
“No. He passed away before Dylan was born.”
Eddie lights the joint, taking a hit before passing it to you. “I’m sorry. That must have been rough.”
The three of you sit there, casually making conversation, while you smoked. They told you about work, certain relationships, and how they came to live where they are now. You told them about your ex-husband and how he basically kicked you guys out of the house. You were extremely comfortable just sitting there talking with them. Something about them made you feel safe which is something you hadn’t felt in a very long time. Their dynamic was also something that completely fascinated you. They talked to and about each other like they weren’t just friends but like they were an old married couple. Sometimes they would exchange glances like they both had a secret you weren’t allowed to be privy to. Not yet anyway. 
“So, what do you do again?” Eddie offers you the joint but this time you decline. 
“I’m a guidance counselor at Hawkins High school. I help kids apply for college, figure out what they want to do, things like that.”
Steve chokes as he inhales. “Are you serious? That’s where we went to school!”
“For real. It took me like 30 years to graduate. Probably could have used some guidance from someone like you.” Eddie laughs as he pats your bare thigh. You notice his hand lingers before it slides up finding a home just below your shorts. Steve lifts his arm, resting it behind your head on the back of the couch. 
“Ok, what’s up with you guys?” You’re not sure if it’s the drugs or the alcohol that makes you ask the question but you feel suddenly desperate to get an answer. 
Eddie and Steve exchange a look. “You’ll have to be more specific.” Eddie leans in tossing the burned out joint in the nearest ashtray. He adjusts his body so it’s facing more toward you.
Your eyes narrow in on his before you let out a frustrated sigh. “Whatever. Nevermind.” As you start to lean forward, Steve’s fingers grab your shoulder pulling you back. 
“Let me rephrase. We WANT you to be more specific.” Steve’s tone was gentle but commanding. With his other hand, he reaches out caress your cheek. 
“Steve, she did just get out of a shitty relationship. Maybe we should go a little easy on her.” 
Your breathing stutters when you feel Eddie’s palm rub the inside of your thigh, just barely hovering near your core. Your eyes have yet to break from Steve’s slightly intimidating stare.
“Yeah? Do you think we should go easier on you?”
Your head tilts up, aggressively pressing your lips to his. You hummed at the taste of him as he slid his tongue in to meet yours. His arm came off the couch to wrap around the back of your neck, pulling you tighter to him. On instinct, your hips pivot towards him but Eddie’s strong hand held them in place. 
You turn to look in his direction as Steve continues to kiss your jawline down to your neck. You watch with lust filled eyes as Eddie reaches for the waistband of your shorts and slides them down your legs. As you lift your hips off the couch to help, Steve’s hand comes to rest behind your back trying to pull you closer.
“Steve!” Eddie laughs in amusement. “Come on, man.” Instantly his hands drop from your body and without hesitation you flip over towards the other man planting your mouth on his. Eddie tasted different but still delicious. His lips moved differently than Steves as well. Steve’s kisses felt more determined whereas Eddie’s felt more passionate. It was almost euphoric to feel the contrast at once. 
Steve reached down and lifted your legs so you were laying horizontally on the sofa. You disconnected from Eddie’s mouth long enough to turn your body so your back was against his chest; his hand immediately grabbing your face to turn your lips back to his. 
You whimpered against him when you felt Steve move the piece of cotton blocking your center as his nose grazed your clit. He slowly ran his tongue along the inside of your folds, a moan vibrating from his throat. 
“Fuck, Munson. She tastes so good.” He dives his head further into your cunt, his tongue flicking in and out of your entrance. As you turn away from Eddie to watch him, the boy behind you whispers devilishly in your ear. 
“Yeah? You like watching him eat your pussy. He says you taste fucking amazing.” Eddie’s arm reaches over you as his long fingers slide across your swollen nub. You head falls back on his shoulders as you listen to the sound of Eddie lick and suck them clean before placing them back between your legs. “He’s right. Fucking hell. Your ex-husband was a fucking moron for letting you go.”
You grind your hips against them, turning to suck on Eddie’s neck. Your left-hand clings to Steve’s hair while you right loops around Eddie’s forearm. You feel that feeling in your belly as your pussy starts to clench around his tongue. He pumps into you fast as Eddie matches his pace. You cry out a moan as the rubber band snaps and you cum against them. Both boys help ride you through it as your body twitches with pleasure. 
Eddie feels your tiny hand reaching behind you fumbling his belt. He helps you and when he lifts his hips to slide his pants below his knees you feel his hard cock slid against the outside of your puffy lips. “Fuck.”, youmoan as your glide yourself against him, your leaking juices wetting him.
He pumps himself a few times before slowly sliding into your entrance. You continue grinding your hips as you ride him. “Fuck, Eddie. So big…so deep.”, groan out as he grunts behind you. A hand softly touches your face and you open your eyes to Steve on his knees in front you, pants pushed to his ankles, pumping his own cock with his hand. 
“Does he feel good, baby?” You nod but Steve’s other hand grips your chin making you face him. “Tell me how good he feels.”
The overwhelming feeling of Eddie stretching you out makes it hard to form words and it doesn’t help when he grips your waist, thrusting up into you roughly. You lean your forehead on Steves. “He feels…so good. I’m…fuuuck…” Steve nods his head encouraging you to continue. “I’m going to cum.”
“Did you hear that, Eds?”
Eddie swallows a moan. “Yeah, I heard her. Fucking Christ, I can feel her to. Harrington, she’s so fucking tight. Y/N, can I cum inside you?” Steve’s pupils dilate as he to waits for your answer. 
Your eyes don’t leave his. “Yes. Yes, I’m on the pill.” Steve licks his lips hungrily as he pulls you by the back of the neck to kiss him. You hand grips his wrists as you breathe out silent moans. You cum around Eddie’s cock as he thrusts into you sharply before you feel his arms wrap around your front and his sweaty forehead lean down on your back as releases deep inside on you. 
You three sit there silently as you and Eddie try to catch your breath. Eddie’s soft lips run along your spine and Steve delicately pushes some hair out of your face. “You did so well, baby. Taking Eddie’s dick like that. Such an amazing, beautiful woman.” He grabs your hand and wraps your fingers around his now seemingly aching hard cock. “Do you think you can take me to?”
Eddie groans behind you as your pussy flutters at Steve’s request. You lift yourself off of him and cry at the empty feeling as you straddle Steve’s waist. He lifts you up with him as makes himself more comfortable sitting back against the couch with his feet on the floor. Steve watches you with blown out eyes as a line of spit drips from your mouth onto the tip of length. He growls as you spread it around him with your hand before guiding his cock to your center.
Both yours and Steve’s head lean back in ecstasy. You clung to his shoulders as you bounce on his dick feeling him hit that spongey spot deep inside of you making you whine. 
“Just like that, Steve. Please.” His large hands grab your neck pulling you towards him. 
“Please what? I want to hear you.”
“Please. Don’t stop. Fuck.”
He pushes your head roughly to his shoulder as he locks his arms behind your back pounding into you at a rapid pace. Another hand comes up to pet your hair and you open your eyes to see Eddie sitting back on the sofa, shoulder to shoulder with Steve. 
“You look so beautiful like this, Sweetheart.” He places a soft kiss on your lips, sliding his finger between you and Steve as he reaches for your sensitive clit, trying to match the other boy’s rhythm.
Steve releases his hold to bring you to his face. His hands firmly grip the sides of your face holding you in place. “Cum again, Y/N. I can feel it. Your close. Cum for me. I want to feel your pussy fuckin’ gripping me, babe.” As he whispered his filthy words, you panted against his lips. 
As the coil snaps for the third time, Steve brings your head back to his shoulder, holding you to him as thrusts his warm seed into your quivering body. They both murmur praises to you that you can barely hear. Eddie lifts your hair and touches your face, asking if you’re alright. 
With hooded eyes you nod, curling up closer into Steve’s neck. He picks you up slightly, sliding himself out of your entrance and turns you so both your legs are over his. Eddie gets up, grabbing your shorts from the floor, and Steve lifts you so he can get them up your waist.
The feeling of you being moved around brings you back to reality for a moment. “Hey, it’s ok. We’re just taking you home.” Eddie slings your arm around his neck as he carries you across to your apartment. Once he enters your room, he gently places you down on the bed, pulling the covers over your frame. “Good night, Sweetheart.” Eddie kisses your forehead before moving out of the way for Steve.
“Hey, I know you’re half asleep but I just wanted you to know that I checked on Dylan and he’s completely knocked out.”
You lazily smile as you fully closed your eyes again. You felt him kiss your cheek and shuffle out of the room, following Eddie back to their apartment. 
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kcyars99 · 5 months
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[Verse 1]
Dear Adonis
I'm sorry that that man is your father, let me be honest
It takes a man to be a man, your dad is not responsive
I look at him and wish your grandpa woulda wore a condom
I'm sorry that you gotta grow up and then stand behind him
Life is hard, I know, the challenge is always gon' beat us home
Sometimes our parents make mistakes that affect us until we grown
And you're a good kid that need good leadership
Let me be your mentor since your daddy don't teach you shit
Never let a man piss on your leg, son
Either you die right there or pop that man in the head, son
Never fall in the escort business, that's bad religion
Please remember, you could be a bitch even if you got bitches
Never code-switch, whether right or wrong, you a Black man
Even if it don't benefit your goals, do some push-ups, get some discipline
Don't cut them corners like your daddy did, fuck what Ozempic did
Don't pay to play with them Brazilians, get a gym membership
Understand, no throwin' rocks and hidin' hands, that's law
Don't be ashamed 'bout who you wit', that's how he treat your moms
Don't have a kid to hide a kid to hide again, be sure
Five percent will comprehend, but ninety-five is lost
Be proud of who you are, your strength come from within
Lotta superstars that's real, but your daddy ain't one of them
And you nothing like him, you'll carry yourself as king
Can't understand me right now? Just play this when you eighteen
[Verse 2]
Dear Sandra
Your son got some habits, I hope you don't undermine them
Especially with all the girls that's hurt inside this climate
You a woman, so you know how it feels to be in alignment
With emotion, hopin' a man can see you and not be blinded
Dear Dennis, you gave birth to a master manipulator
Even usin' you to prove who he is is a huge favor
I think you should ask for more paper, and more paper
And more, uh, more paper
I'm blamin' you for all his gamblin' addictions
Psychopath intuition, the man that like to play victim
You raised a horrible fuckin' person, the nerve of you, Dennis
Sandra, sit down, what I'm about to say is heavy, now listen
Mm-mm, your son's a sick man with sick thoughts, I think niggas like him should die
Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest they life
He hates Black women, hypersexualizes 'em with kinks of a nympho fetish
Grew facial hair because he understood bein' a beard just fit him better
He got sex offenders on ho-VO that he keep on a monthly allowance
A child should never be compromised and he keepin' his child around them
And we gotta raise our daughters knowin' there's predators like him lurkin'
Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose
I been in this industry twelve years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret
It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it
They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em Tinder
Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas
To any woman that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister
Or better, you're sellin' your niece, to the weirdos, not the good ones
Katt Williams said, "Get you the truth," so I'ma get mines
The Embassy 'bout to get raided, too, it's only a matter of time
Ayy, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away
To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away
They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away
I'm lookin' to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe
[Verse 3]
Dear baby girl
I'm sorry that your father not active inside your world
He don't commit to much but his music, yeah, that's for sure
He a narcissist, misogynist, livin' inside his songs
Try destroy families rather than takin' care of his own
Should be teachin' you time tables or watchin' Frozen with you
Or at your eleventh birthday, singin' poems with you
Instead, he be in Turks, payin' for sex and poppin' Percs, examples that you don't deserve
I wanna tell you that you're loved, you're brave, you're kind
You got a gift to change the world, and could change your father's mind
'Cause our children is the future, but he lives inside confusion
Money's always been illusion, but that's the life he's used to
His father prolly didn't claim him neither
History do repeats itself, sometimes it don't need a reason
But I would like to say it's not your fault that he's hidin' another child
Give him grace, this the reason I made Mr. Morale
So our babies like you can cope later
Give you some confidence to go through somethin', it's hope later
I never wanna hear you chase a man 'cause his failed behavior
Sittin' in the club with sugar daddies for validation
You need to know that love is eternity and trumps all pain
I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains
Yes, he's a hitmaker, songwriter, superstar, right
And a fuckin' deadbeat that should never say "more life"
Meet the Grahams
[Verse 4]
Dear Aubrey
I know you probably thinkin' I wanted to crash your party
But truthfully, I don't have a hatin' bone in my body
This supposed to be a good exhibition within the game
But you fucked up the moment you called out my family's name
Why you had to stoop so low to discredit some decent people?
Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you
And I like to understand 'cause your house was never a home
Thirty-seven, but you showin' up as a seven-year-old
You got gamblin' problems, drinkin' problems, pill-poppin' and spendin' problems
Bad with money, whorehouse
Solicitin' women problems, therapy's a lovely start
But I suggest some ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom
I try to empathize with you 'cause I know that you ain't been through nothin'
Crave entitlement, but wanna be liked so bad that it's puzzlin'
No dominance, let's recap moments when you didn't fit in
No secret handshakes with your friend
No cultural cachet to binge, just disrespectin' your mother
Identity's on the fence, don't know which family will love ya
The skin that you livin' in is compromised in personas
Can't channel your masculine even when standin' next to a woman
You a body shamer, you gon' hide them baby mamas, ain't ya?
You embarrassed of 'em, that's not right, that ain't how mama raised us
Take that mask off, I wanna see what's under them achievements
Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in
'Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery
You lied about your accent and your past tense, all is perjury
You lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members
They all pussy, you lied on 'em, I know they all got you in 'em
You lied about your son, you lied about your daughter, huh
You lied about them other kids that's out there hopin' that you come
You lied about the only artist that can offer you some help
Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself
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Yeah Drake is done ATP just hang it up dude you’re better off doing mainstream pop rap or something
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aqours · 11 days
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something nobody tells you about coming out and being a trans woman is like. the fear of being a Bad Trans Woman and how that even relates to just like, the media you like
we're already stigmatized we NEED to be BETTER and be careful of what we watch or do: or we hurt all of us, i guess.
so like... god i've talked a lot about this in private but it's been years since i've talked about this privately so like. y'all know i used to be an anti right. i was one of those ones that liked Happy Sugar Life in a God Honoring Way (there was no way it was romantic AT ALL it was FAMILIAL attraction you were WEIRDOS for thinking it was anything but)
so like, a few years ago there was this one transbian hc blog that got hacked by transmisogynistics. i quickly preserved every post and reuploaded it later, i didn't really manage it the best but i didn't want it to disappear
so i reblogged something about HSL, and i got asks, i explained how i viewed HSL at the time, and then i got this
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and this actually did like. fucking catastrophic damage to my mental health for ages to come and it still kinda lingers i sometimes still have these moments were like. "i'm a proship trans woman am i.... doing something that hurts my sisters just enjoying the media i do-" and i physically cannot finish HSL i've tried so many times over the years to give it a chance and literally every time i do i like
physically freeze. it's like my brain turns into static and i cannot do anything until i close the tab
and i sometimes honestly think about how this specific ask, this fucking specific asshole i never found out who it was like actually just. said this even when i said i had a different view of this and how while i stood my ground even in my answer made me so fucking scared i wasn't really... a trans woman anymore. just another dime in the dozen problematic tranny. and like i don't think i'll ever be really able to like... forget this one little answer
it's weird, you know, i was still trying to do a good thing and i was still a Bad Trans Woman that invalidated everything just for having a completely incorrect assumption of a media. and that really heavily affected my actions for several years and even now years later still kinda... lingers, a lot.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
D*P x DC being built entierly on superpower ideas and familylines YEAH RIGHT That's never been the spirit of supers💀Clark Kent was The Champion Of The Opressed before he was The Man Of Steel and it's his core trait and what makes him SUPERMAN is how human he is.He's The Super,Superheroes were literally named after him as a whole since he embodies them by being the whole reason they exist and he's never given a shit about any of that over actually loving others and fighting for justice and equality and rights.DPDC spits in the name of Clark's legacy and how important he is culturally and to us as minorities as a symbol for us and is nothing but nepotism,misogyny,racism and child grooming apologism that's projected onto JASON TODD of all people,the guy who threw a guy off a roof as Robin for being a sex ring runner and killed a pedophilic teacher as Red Hood and said on-panel he's grossed out at the thought of kissing any of his FOUR brothers aka Jason himself thinks DUKE THOMAS is a real Robin,he's HIS Robin and JASON is Duke's Robin right back.That's canon but Danny being trans isn't and GWEN STACY is the actual canonical ghostkid hero but none of y'all fw her unless it's to make it about her dead best friend who has zero trans-coding within the movie she was canonized as transfem because he had what,6 minutes of combined screentime tops?when Gwen's entire STORY is Spider(wo)man as a trans allegory which you've supposedly been wanting on for years but don't care about anymore because we got the girl instead of Miles Morales' whitesona
Notice how actual comics readers are always critiquing Damian Wayne's 'Blood Son' motifs and the need to not let him have friends except Jon Kent with Nika as our saviour to let Damian have a fucking character that's not just being Batman's bio kid,a concept y'all use on EVERYBODY for no goddamn reason,and hate og Rhato and Wayne Family Adventures and Gabriel Picolo's Starfire design and just his art in general and Robins 2021 if they've read it?Take a hint,Dead Weights.Superheroes have never been for you.They're for the people who actually care,not power hungry weirdos who're mean to minorities irl too yet think they're any better than 4chan bros
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urfavslav · 1 year
the league of villains x gn!rich/eccentric reader, christmas themes, platonic
It's that time of year again. Christmas decorations plastered on every store you pass by. Although, this year will be slightly different then normal. Instead of spending time with family, you have decided to spend your time and wealth on an organization that you've come to know exceedingly well.
The League of Villains.
Why, you ask? Well you weren't the best of all people. earning your riches in other ways some would never think of. but that's another topic for another day. Why not spoil your friends for the holidays.
The planning;
Calling kurogiri was the first part of your plan, gotta let them know about it somehow ‍🤷‍♂️
"Hi 'giri !!" you exclaimed over the phone. "Hello Mx. (Name), What brings you to the phone this time?" He was right with his question. Most days you just prance over uninvited, put your plans out in circulation and then let them agree on what they wanted to do.
"weeeeeell i'm planning something for you all. no spoilers, teehee, anyway back on topic, I'm gonna let you know know I'm done !!"
You could hear the mist man sigh, giving him absolutely no clue to what you're doing and a possible need for blood medication. But, he just goes with it anyway much to your delight. "alright then, anything i need to do for this 'suprize' ?"
You thought on it for a second before answering. "nope ! i'm gonna go shopping soon and i'll pick y'all up." and with that, you said your departings and hung up.
Next was the shopping, to be frank, a couple of them were easy to shop for.
Tomura had gotten new pairs of gloves and video game credits, systems and games.
You got toga a few winter wardrobe pieces and a few new knifes.
You'd decided a designer coat and deck of custom cards would be nice for mister compress
Dabi, on the other hand was a mystery so a quality burn creme, money and some clothes warmer then his 'emo jacket' seemed to suffice for you.
Everybody else their own gifts that you felt suited them
Over all everybody got a large sum of money to spend freely.
A glance at your phone and you rushed to gather the rest of the presents before ordering an uber home.
Dashing around your apartment to tidy and slide the last few dishes in the oven, ordering your household andriod to finish the rest. While you raced your vehicle to the league's place.
Upon being let in by the mist man, you explained that you had a suprise waiting for them at your place. "Everybody ! yes you too tomura, I've got a lil somethin' for everybody! kurogiri, C'mon! The car has room to spare."
As everybody (some begrudgingly) got comfy in your vehicle, you were off headed right back to your place. "hey, weirdo, do you have a radio ?" Dabi had asked from the passenger seat.
"yeah. hol' on." You pushed a few buttons and a hologram radio popped up. "Just find a channel, connect your phone or whatever burn boy."
The last word he offered was 'lame', offending your choice of names to call him before some song started playing. Song requests being taken from everybody in the car until they arrived at (name's) apartment.
"WE'RE HOME !!!!" You yelled out to the general public as you ran to unlock the first door. "come in, come in !! it's warm in here." Shoving all your friends into the building. "uhhh 11th floor, door on the right, there's only two apartments up there due to 'em being huge so yeah"
Shigaraki, now leading the group to the elevator, was cautious of how empty the building sounded. "are they serious ? top floor ?" The anxiety driven scratching could be heard from outside the elevator.
"it's hospitality tomura-kun. leave it be! you coming (name) ?" toga budding into the situation at hand. A short response of "i'll meet you guys there!" was shouted back.
"up we go ! oh no.." twices split personalities chimed in as they expressed their thoughts.
Now, the condo itself was gorgeous, spacious and just breath-taking. the Christmas tree full of lights and presents. (name's) cute lil dog running around the apartment, their android house-aid taking their coats and hanging them up.
"HAPPY CHRISTMAS YOU GUYS !!!" (Name's) loud voice was booming as you came in and locked the door. "Lets do presents and then dinner !!" Dashing over to the tree you started handing out boxes and gift bags.
"for you," a red and black box for compress. "you'll like it sako. and for you." a few boxes handed to toga.
"these are soooo cute !!! thanks (name) !!" toga's soft toothy smile gracing her feline features.
All around your misshapen circle of friends you could see such a different array of emotions, none really negative though.
After gifts was dinner, everybody filling their plates with what they desired and enjoying themselves. The day was so wonderful, as you ended with hot chocolate and sweets. Setting them up for the night wouldn't be that bad ?
Christmas sleepover ! You get to cook for your friends the next morning and spend time with them ! The majority agreeing to your plans and cleaning up and cozying down to a movie as some feel asleep to others commentary on the film.
You loved your friends dearly and you couldn't imagine not having them around.
★ all works belong to @urfavslav , do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. thank you !
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onyxhotelprince · 1 year
About the weirdos that still want to control Britney Spears after she got her freedom back, don't you think that she already suffered enough abuse and control at the hands of her own family?, The point of the whole #FreeBritney was to give her the freedom to do whatever she wants, with her rights and wrongs and that includes healing at her own pace and in her own way.
Do you think that her socials are the problem?, when she's enjoying and sharing what makes her happy? A harmless freestyle dance. She might have issues, and seriously who wouldn't?, after all she went through, we all have issues, if that was the case we all should be off the internet. But y'all have bigger issues if you feel so threatened by a woman doing her own thing on her own social media.
As she said before; "Don't like it?, don't watch".
It's not up to us to dictate how her freedom or happiness should look like, she's not 16, 21, or 25 anymore. The woman that she used to be is gone, no one can be the same after a traumatic experience. And still she's more than a survivor of abuse. She will always be a legend, a pop culture icon, an underrated musician and song-writter, an amazing dancer, an entertaining performer and most important a kind soul.
Let her live and let her enjoy, she doesn't owe us anything.
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twsted-idiot · 5 months
Rae Transcript :3!!!
(Ft him being a faggot for Johnny) (his ability is Mimic. He can mimic voices of victims (current or past) to lure others towards him, or one of the other family members. Although the ability itself does no damage)
Feeding Grandpa
-“Everyone else says it was a hell of a lot easier with you up ‘nd able so..”
-“We don’t got all day, eat up.” -“Eat up so we can catch these assholes.” -(sigh) “we’re gettin it under control”
-“It’d be a whole lot easier if you could actually fuckin help.”
Victim Found (in hiding spot)
-“What’re you hidin’ for?”
-“It’s kinda rude to go around peoples property ‘n hide from em y’know.”
-“Get yer ass out here”
-“Picked a shit hidin’ spot, sugar.”
-“Found ya” (laughs)
-“Y’all should really find better hidin’ spots”
Victim Hit
-“Quit runnin’, you ain’t gon’ make it much further”
-“Awh, that hurt?” (Laughs)
-“Hold still! I’ll get it over quick, promise.”
-“All that screamin’ ain’t gonna save you.”
-“Why don’t you just give up?”
Blood Trail
-“You left a trail, y’know…”
-“Yer makin’ this awfully easy to find you”
-“Les’ got to clean this up.”
-“Aw, don’t bleed out everywhere. It ain’t no fun if you die before I get to ya”
Match Start
-“Y’all’s heads are gonna be rollin’ soon enough..”
-“Didn’t know we had visitors.”
-“Don’t worry, I’ll put y’all to good use.”
Victim seen escaping
-“Shit..they won’t believe em…”
-“Ain’t worth chasin’ em down, probably won’t make it far anyway.”
-(annoyed groan)
-“Goddamnit. The others really gotta start helpin, I can’t stop all of em on my own.”
-“Slick bastards…”
-"That girl wasn't even pretty, I dunno why the hell Johnny liked her so much...glad he fuckin' killed her"
-"The hells this draggin' on for?"
-"Doin' everything round here I swear.."
-"Awfully rude to keep hidin' from me y'know.."
Victim Seen
-"Come back here, sugar"
-"Where the hell you think yer goin'?"
-"It don't have to be this way y'know..."
-"I'll take it easy on ya."
-"Honestly, all this runnin' around is kinda pathetic."
Ability Denied
-"Ain't none of em nearby.."
-"None of em can hear me from here."
-"Nah, won't work here."
-"I should wait until they get closer..."
Close encounter
-"Oh? This ain't gonna end well for you."
-"Go on, hit me."
-"That's it! Fight back! It ain't no fun if y'all just let us kill you."
-"This woulda been easier if y'all just quit runnin'"
-"See? There was no damn point in allat."
-"Don't worry, I'll make sure to put ya to good use."
Drayton/The Cook seen
-"Quit hollerin' at me old man."
-"It'd be a hell of a lot easier for you to hear em if you'd shut the fuck up."
-"Watch it, I'll rip yer fuckin' tongue out myself."
-"Put those damn locks to use"
-"I'd rather be dead than actually be related to you, so quit talkin' like it actually matters that I ain't."
Nubbins/Hitchhiker Seen
-"Keep that damn roadkill away from me."
-"Hurry up 'n place them traps, they ain't doin no good if you don't."
-"You sure as hell ain't the best...don't care what that prehistoric ass says."
-"If you gonna talk about me, speak up. Yer mutterin' is annoying."
-"How the hell you make them traps of yers anyway?"
Johnny seen
-"Don't worry Hun, we'll catch em."
-"You find any of em yet?"
-"I'll help you catch em if you want.."
-"I ain't lookin'.."
-"Yer old lady's gettin' on my nerves y'know."
-"Let me know if you need any help Hun"
-"You should quit bringin' them city girls around."
Sissy seen
-"Keep that poison shit away from me, I'll rip yer fuckin' head off if you get it on me."
-"Awfully convenient for you to show up now."
-"I ain't goin in yer stupid fuckin garden."
-"Quit singin' those stupid hippie songs all the time, it's annoying."
-"Don't you dare bring back one of them weirdos with you."
Nancy Seen
-"We're gonna catch em, quit hollerin' at me."
-"Just don't place them traps in my way.."
-"Where the hell you get all that barbed wire anyway?"
-"That's an awfully nasty scar..." (Chuckles)
-"What? Need help or somethin'?"
-"You can quit lookin' at me like I did somethin' wrong..christ."
Bubba Seen
-"Goddamn big boy, yer puttin' that saw to work."
-"Just watch where yer swingin' that thing..."
-"Don't listen to them, they're a bunch of assholes. They're just jealous."
-"Don't worry, I'll help you catch em'"
-"I'll drag one of em to ya so you can gut em, yeah?"
Cook(seeing Rae)
-"Yer makin a damn fool of yerself!"
-"You ain't even a part of this family, quit yer yapping."
-"This is Johnny's fault y'know."
-"You 'n Johnny better quit bringin' back those damn girls."
Hitchhiker(Seeing Rae)
-"Y-you ain't even actually a part of this family.." (snicker)
-"Lookit what I found!"
-"I'm p-placin' my traps, what're you doin'?"
-"You still can't handle eatin' flesh?"
-"Quit h-hollerin' at me."
-"You better watch out! Bubba might give you another one of them scars."
Johnny (seeing Rae)
-"You know all the good hidin' spots, don't ya?" (Chuckle)
-"Quit starin' now ain't the damn time."
-"You didn't seem too fond of that girl..there somethin' you wanna tell me?"
-"C'mon now, lure them out already!"
-"Put that voice of yers to work, yeah?"
Sissy(Seeing Rae)
-"Stay outta my way and you won't get any poison on you."
-"I'd stick around more if yall weren't such assholes..."
-"You still ain't seen the light yet, that's your problem!"
-"Stay out of my garden."
-"Don't start bringin' back those girls like Johnny.. we're in this mess cause of him."
Nancy(seeing Rae)
-"Quit ooglin' Johnny, you ain't slick."
-"Hurry up 'n lure em out!"
-"Why you always out in Johnny's shack for?"
-"Focus! Don't let em get away."
-"It ain't that hard to not get tangled in my traps.."
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okay yes everybody has amateur opinions on tiktok (except Nanami x Tiana and Yuuji x Rapunzel shit was galaxy brained)
So here are some REAL ships by a seasoned dululu shipper (these can be platonic or otherwise btw!)
(this got long so I put it under a cut)
Nobara x Jasmine - Both of them feel stifled by the people around them and are very headstrong and confident in themselves. They would love shopping together and would also kick so. much. ass.
Megumi x Elsa - UPON RECENT COMMENTARY (shout out to @sarah-dipitous) I think their personality matches really well!! They both have little siblings they want to protect, they're both serious and stoic, they both have a high sense of responsibility. Also the tragedy aspect would lowkey hit with these two in a fic like...if you know you know
Maki x Cinderella - Both of them were very mistreated by their families, and I feel like Maki would help Cinderella get out of that abuse and then they could BOTH help each other grow and heal from that
Toge x Sleeping Beauty - Okay honestly I just think this is cute like what if he wakes her up and breaks the curse with his powers 🥺🥺🥺
Belle x Sukuna - Girl is too curious for her own good, she would jump on this immediately. Monster lovers and furries are cousins after all. With her "I can fix him" ass, I would wish him on no one else.
Suguro x Ariel - This is more because I think the interactions would be very interesting. Ariel is so so curious about the world, enough to sell her voice, and ultimately has a positive experience having her eyes opened (but also can't go back to her home). Suguro had his eyes opened to the world but had a negative experience (and also can't go back to the world he knew). Also, I think Ariel's carefree and goofy nature would remind him of Gojo.
Gojo x Moana - SPEAKING OF!!! I paired these two because Moana's already friends with a cocky god-like figure!!! She would be unimpressed by Gojo's antics and would know how to handle his joking around, which I think is really important to anybody looking for a relationship with him. He starts being overly obnoxious and she just dunks his ass in the ocean lol
8. Nanami x Tiana - the GOAT. 10/10. Whoever came with this better be writing/commissioning this fic as we speak. First of all I love Nanami any time he's paired with a Black woman. I've seen y'alls selfships and it just looks good every single time. Second, they're both hardworkers, but Tiana is self-sacrificially so and I can just see Nanami stepping in and making sure she does not work a SECOND more than she is getting compensated for and makes sure she is still taking care of herself, because zero job is worth more than she is. Love that for her. (Also, like everyone else says, yeah he takes one bite of them beignets and has the proposal on DECK)
9. Yuuji x Rapunzel - This is literally sunshine 4 sunshine and I'm obsessed. First thing Yuuji says when Rapunzel tells him about her hair "Yoooo, that's sick as fuck!!!!" Totally unbothered cause he's also got his own weirdo issues!!!! She also would be unfazed by Sukuna. If he starts talking spicy to her, she would just knock his ass out with the frying pan and get Yuuji back lol. (They WOULD have to worry about him working with Mother Gothel tho...which would make for excellent plot conflict)
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Is the weirdo anon still bothering you and your friends? Or did they shift targets? Man... I feel bad for the previous anon. I looked through #solarxearth and there wasn't any post there aside from your ask-response to the other anon. Which means that weirdo anon has been GUARDING that tag if they found the comic art of the previous anon so quickly. That's just sad and weirdly obsessive thing to do. They're just dead set on looking for people to harass at this point. It's beyond irksome that they are accusing you of ruining the fandom when they are literally causing fear to people who just wanted to do their own thing. I'm so sorry you, your friends, and any other people got attacked by this weirdo anon. Y'all didn't deserve that. I wish we could find a way to know who this person is.
I think the weirdo Anon moved on and blocked me.
It didn't mean that they didn't shift their focus to other targets and start complaining in the ask boxes of people I don't know.
So far, a majority of the Tumblr and even the Twitter audience has been cool.
Weirdly, it's the YouTube audience who is mean and relentless.
Especially young people in the animation/animatic community for tsams which shocked me a bit. (I've heard not good things about the "tsams animatic community" often from people who leave it due to weird drama all the time.)
It's why Bruja ended up ultimately deleted comments for their SolarMoon videos. Just cause people on YouTube couldn't play nice.
However, it being YouTube, and YouTube having the youngest demographic and knowing the type of people who comment on YouTube videos, I am not that surprised.
A bit disappointed, yeah.
But if you ever get a weird Anon asking you about shipping discourse in tsams.... Or feverishly complaining like "I'm glad you understand the show is about family dynamics and not the shipping freaks" It's probably the Anon I delt with. Don't give them your time.
But as of now, everything has been chill.
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cookieswithay · 1 year
• Zoro sighed as he snuggled into the covers. That fisherman was super nice for letting him sleep here. (Mr. O'hara) He wasn't sure what he was gonna do earlier. That darn whirlpool split everyone up. But he'd run into somebody eventually. He had too. But, that's a tomorrow problem.
• Right now he had to focus on getting a goodnight sleep. Which would be a piece of cake. Even if this room was super girly and was over scented. The swordsman took a deep breath and started drifting off...
• When the door suddenly opened. Naturally, the alarms in his head went off. But then again, this is someone else's house. The old man probably had to grab something. That was... until Zoro heard a rather feminine sigh.
• What the hell?
• He thought.
• Doesn't this guy live alone?
• Right? Or...is he being robbed by woman?...Sounds about right. Zoro raised up slowly. Hopefully, he could grab his swords without being noticed. (Sheath on, of course. This was only to scare 'er)
• In mid grab, he looked up. The lady was stripping. He screamed. Which startled the lady, making her shout as well.
• (That's you)
• Later
• After going back in forth for awhile, (Zoro calling you a pervert, and You calling him robber) the both of you woke up the old man. Like literally ran to his door. Now everyone's sitting in the livingroom having a discussion...ish.
• "What's with you anyway!?"
• The swordsman shouted.
• "You got some thing for getting naked in front sleeping people!?"
• You gasped. How dare he accuse of something so vile. (Seriously, who would do that?)
• "Me!? What a about you sleeping in my bed!?"
• "Who the hell even are you!?"
• Despite that being a good question, Zoro continued his rant about you being a creep. Meanwhile, Mr. O'hara's trying to get a word in. He'd explain if y'all gave him a chance.
• "Pervert!"
• "Psycho!"
• "Pervert!"
• "Psycho!"
• "Alright, that's enough!"
• The old man finally cut in, whacking both of you in the head. You guys groaned, while he grabbed some alcohol.
• "Listen up, Y/N,"
• "Earlier today, I was almost eaten by a sea king when I was fishing."
• He pointed at Zoro.
• "But this young man sliced 'em into sashimi!"
• Cool. This random joe saved your pops. What does this have to do with him in room though?
• "So after we ate it, I said can he stay with me-"
• "In my room!?"
• "You're never home anyway!"
• "Dad!"
• Zoro stepped back, as a NEW argument started. Even if this family is crazy, it felt like home. The ship.
• "Weirdos." He snickered
• Finally
• After you and your dad finished squabbling, the sleeping positions were discussed. You got your bed back and Zoro got the couch. Finally, everyone could go to back to bed. Well not without you saying something first.
• "I'm really sorry."
• You said with a bow.
• "I just got scared earlier."
• He was pretty shocked. With the way you snapped at him earlier, he thought for sure you were a crab.
• "It's fine, I guess."
• "I would've freaked too."
• Maybe a little, but he'd throw hands right after. You gave a awkward smile, and wiped your hands on your shorts.
• "Um, see you tomorrow?"
• "See you tomorrow."
• As you walked of towards your room, Zoro contemplated on telling you something else. But shuts it down... To hell with it, he'll say it.
• "Hey."
• You turned.
• "Um, not bad."
• "What?"
• "Your body...it's pretty nice."
• Silence.
• "And you said I'm perv."
• "Shut up, just speaking my mind."
• He said, playfully. You snickered and closed your door. Zoro stretched out and settled in. This spot was nice. Real nice.
No explanation, no reason, just because.
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roguemonsterfucker · 7 months
My poor younger sibling is the only member of my family that actually wants to see people. Like. In real life.
They get so excited when extended family may come visit.
So uh. Yesterday, a somewhat distant relative said they were coming to town and wanted to make plans to meet up with us. Now, making plans to go somewhere for my family is. Complicated.
My younger sibling has a lot of disabilities that make getting out of the house quite the production (wheelchair, medical equipment that has to travel with us, etc, etc). But uh. People don't usually understand this. They don't really process the fact that leaving the house takes real effort for us.
But we were gonna do it because my younger sibling really wanted to meet up with this person! Because my sibling is a fucking weirdo who actually likes people for some reason. 😂 Very much the black sheep of the family. We're all anti social losers.
Anyways, so this person last night says that they'll get back in contact with us to make plans to meet up today.
So my sibling gets ready for the day as if they're gonna be leaving the house.
And then we wait.
And wait.
And wait some more.
Finally my mom is like, no. It's too late in the day now. It's an hour drive there and traffic will be bad and we can't be out late in the evening anyways for reasons. So she texts the person that they'll have to cancel.
And uh. The person texts back basically saying that they're at the airport right now, leaving town, so they wouldn't have been able to meet up anyways. Plans got changed so they didn't end up staying as long as originally thought.
So uh. Yeah. My younger sibling is really upset. They even said "This is gonna turn me into you!" lol. 😂
This person had all fucking day to let us know plans changed. But didn't say anything until we had to cancel.
Odds are they just forgot about the plans they'd been making with us. But fucking hell.
I'm very angry on my sibling's behalf because they actually like spending time with our extended family! They like hanging out with people! And this happens to them all the fucking time.
And then *we* get labeled as the people that don't make an effort to spend time with family. Because no one understands how much fucking effort it takes to even leave the fucking house and no one's willing to accommodate for that. They always expect us to be the one to drive an hour. They expect us to be the one to stay over at their house (with a fucking ventilator no less 🙄).
We can't just jump in the car and go anywhere we want. Just getting my sibling into a car is a long, hard process because of their mobility disabilities. Then if where we're going requires them to get out of the car again... Oh boy. That's a lot of moving around that is very difficult. That's not even mentioning the like three bags of medical equipment my sibling has to have nearby at all times (some of which is attached to them!).
And yet. My sibling loves going places. They love meeting people.
My sibling, the one of us who physically can't go places too much both because it's difficult and because they're prone to getting sick.
And the *one* time in months that we were gonna put forth the effort and take that risk... and the person doesn't even have the courtesy to let us know they needed to cancel.
anyways, i'm kinda pissed off if you couldn't tell. I figured a lot of y'all might be able to relate to part of this struggle at least.
I don't have my sibling's physical disabilities but I have a lot of my own issues that our extended family over the years has thought they could fix by just forcing me to do what they wanted me to do. I've had people just not understand the depth of my problems and never care to accommodate me or even just accept that part of me. But I also fucking hate people and don't care to talk to any of our extended family if I don't have to, so it's whatever. It just breaks my heart to see my sibling be so excited for something only for that person to be an inconsiderate jerk and crush their excitement.
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littlekohai77 · 1 year
Hey bestie bro ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ This is my first time requesting so... May I request Ian and Elay relationship headcanons pls (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Elay and Ian dating hcs
𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚘 :3
𝙷𝚞𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚞𝚞𝚞
𝙽𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚊 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚝!
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍, 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚘𝚘𝚌
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
𝙸𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙴𝚕𝚊𝚢.
𝚆𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗'𝚝 𝚎𝚡𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛.. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚜... 𝚂𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚋𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝... 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚒𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜-
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He's very protective. Surprisingly protective. Like he won't let a damn pigeon get near you type protective.
He says "what if that pigeon is an assassin in disguise? "
And you just look back at him questioning why you like him.
He's so smart... And yet so dumb. Like, he knows the Pythagorean theorem but he doesn't know that pigeons can't kill humans.
Y'all gossip about people. Like you guys have the hottest of teas. You guys literally have dates where all you do is spill tea and talk shit.
The plethora of nicknames you guys have given Julien is unbelievable. Suit obsessed weirdo, jelly hair, smelly pants, 2nd ML, pussy deprived incel, jiyoungless, the guy with the weird smelling perfume, obsessive weirdo, stalker, the guy jiyoung would never date, rejected, rizzless.
You guys obviously don't use them around him and use them to conceal the fact that you're talking about him.... But I think everyone and their mom knows who you're talking about.
You guys are that one Pinterest couple. You always have the most trendy clothes and even if it's weird, you two still look good in them.
You guys have almost 4 million followers on Pinterest. Y'all are fucking famous but not for which family he's from.
But you guys never show your faces in those pics so, nobody knows that it's you guys. Even though people around you vaguely know.
He can't do chorus for the life of him. Like he's powerful, he can do sooooo much and yet he doesn't know how to wash a damn plate....
So you have to do everything, but he doesn't let that happen too. He's like, "Why are you doing the maid's work? "
And you're just looking back at him like, 'this is why you don't know how to do anything'
Sometimes you're fearing how he's gonna survive alone. Cause what if he gets kicked out? What's he gonna do?
He hates pets. He doesn't like cats or dogs or birds. He's not allergic. He just hates them.
He loves kids. He plays with most of the little children in his family. Every kid has at least three toys that they've got from him.
Everytime he goes somewhere, he always buys so much stuff. For you, his 1st cousin, 2nd cousin, 3rd cousin, 4th cousin, 5th cousin, 6th cousin-
He doesn't have a spice tolerance, which is why he can't eat most of the things that you cook.
But oooohhhh does he love sweets and candy. Honey is his favourite.
He begs you to make honey desserts a tonnn. Like he'll literally roll on the bed whining and let you braid his hair with silly accessories.
He doesn't like his hair to be touched. At all. Like it took about 2 months into the relationship for him to finally let you touch his hair.
He also doesn't like physical contact. But only when it's someone else initiating it. If he's the one to initiate, then it's okay.
He's a simple man with a simple wish, for his ducklings and you to live a long and happy life.
He's a great cook. He can cook for the both of you.
He tried to teach you once and I think we all know how that went down. Ever since then he never suggested it. In fact, he's been keeping you from stepping into the kitchen.
You don't have to try to grow close with his brother. He won't mind (that's a lie) if you don't get along with his brother. He'll still be with you despite him.
In fact, his brother will be the one making efforts to be on your good side. Because he doesn't want Big bro Elay to be sad and wants to be close to his future sister-in-law.
Elay isn't someone who plays around. And when he does get serious about a relationship he does everything in his ability to be with them.
If he's with you, longer than minimum 6 months and maximum 11 months, it probably means he could be considering you as a potential candidate for the position of his wife.
He has the patience of a monk but he doesn't have the patience to remain with someone he never plans to marry longer than he needs to.
He likes to cuddle. But it's hard (pun unintended). His muscles are too hard. He's too ripped. So hugging him feels like hugging a rock. So y'all don't cuddle that much. And he's very sad about that. :(
Some things he does are so adorable and kawaii and so unexpected.
Like who could've know he has a cutesy kawaii voice that he specifically uses with you? His lil baby.
This is what y'all's texts look like,
Elay: come over (✿ ♥‿♥)
You: can't :3
Elay: why not? :(
You: busy rn :(
Elay: ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
And then he'll keep spamming you with sad emoticons till he finishes the popcorn he made for both of you to eat and watch the movie with.
He'll be really quiet when you come home.
He doesn't talk much or express that much emotion on his face but he can deliver a lot when it's necessary.
Like whenever you're insecure he'll sit down with you in front of the mirror and point out all that he likes about you and is beautiful, which is basically everything and if you say something like "but it's fat! And ugly! " he'll fight you with logic. He'll bring up how fake and pointless beauty standards are and how once upon a time being chubby was the standard and symbol for beauty.
He's not letting you bring yourself down. Don't even try.
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biblepercent · 3 months
Dear, Adonis
I'm sorry that that man is your father, let me be honest
It takes a man to be a man, your dad is not responsive
I look at him and wish your grandpa would've wore a condom
I'm sorry that you gotta grow up and then stand behind him
Life is hard, I know, the challenge is always gon' beat us home
Sometimes our parents make mistakes that affect us until we grown
And you're a good kid that need good leadership
Let me be your mentor since your daddy don't teach you shit
Never let a man piss on your leg, son
Either you die right there or pop that man in the head, son
Never fall in the escort business, that's bad religion
Please remember, you could be a bitch even if you got bitches
Never code-switch, whether right or wrong, you a black man
Even if it don't benefit your goals, do some push-ups, get some discipline
Don't cut them corners like your daddy did, fuck what Ozempic did
Don't pay to play with them Brazilians, get a gym membership
Understand, no throwin' rocks and hidin' hands, that's law
Don't be ashamed 'bout who you with, that's how he treat your moms
Don't have a kid to hide a kid to hide again, be sure
Five percent will comprehend, but 95 is lost
Be proud of who you are, your strength come from within
Lotta superstars that's real, but your daddy ain't one of them
And you nothing like him, you'll carry yourself as king
Can't understand me right now? Just play this when you 18
Dear, Sandra
Your son got some habits, I hope you don't undermine them
Especially with all the girls that's hurt inside this climate
You a woman, so you know how it feels to be in alignment
With emotion, hopin' a man can see you and not be blinded
Dear Dennis, you gave birth to a master manipulator
Even using you to prove who he is, is a huge favor
I think you should ask for more paper, and more paper
And more, uh, more paper
I'm blaming you for all his gambling addictions
Psychopath intuition, the man that like to play victim
You raised a horrible fucking person, the nerve of you, Dennis
Sandra, sit down, what I'm about to say is heavy, now listen
Mm-mm, your son's a sick man with sick thoughts, I think niggas like him should die
Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest they life
He hates Black women, hypersexualizes 'em with kinks of a nympho fetish
Grew facial hair because he understood bein' a beard just fit him better
He got sex offenders on hoe-VO that he keep on a monthly allowance
A child should never be compromised and he keepin' his child around them
And we gotta raise our daughters knowin' there's predators like him lurkin'
Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose
I been in this industry 12 years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret
It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it
They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em tender
Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas
To any woman that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister
Or better, you're sellin' your niece to the weirdos, not the good ones
Katt Williams said, "Get you the truth, " so I'ma get mines
The Embassy 'bout to get raided, too, it's only a matter of time
Ayy, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away
To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away
They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away
I'm lookin' to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe
Dear, baby girl
I'm sorry that your father not active inside your world
He don't commit to much but his music, yeah, that's for sure
He a narcissist, misogynist, livin' inside his songs
Try destroy families rather than takin' care of his own
Should be teachin' you timetables or watchin' Frozen with you
Or at your eleventh birthday singin' poems with you
Instead, he be in Turks payin' for sex and poppin' Percs, examples that you don't deserve
I wanna tell you that you're loved, you're brave, you're kind
You got a gift to change the world, and could change your father's mind
'Cause our children is the future, but he lives inside confusion
Money's always been illusion, but that's the life he's used to
His father prolly didn't claim him neither
History do repeats itself, sometimes it don't need a reason
But I would like to say it's not your fault that he's hidin' another child
Give him grace, this the reason I made Mr. Morale
So our babies like you can cope later
Give you some confidence to go through somethin', it's hope later
I never wanna hear you chase a man 'cause his failed behavior
Sittin' in the club with sugar daddies for validation
You need to know that love is eternity and trumps all pain
I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains
Yes, he's a hitmaker, songwriter, superstar, right
And a fuckin' deadbeat that should never say "more life"
Meet the Grahams
Dear, Aubrey
I know you probably thinkin' I wanted to crash your party
But truthfully, I don't have a hatin' bone in my body
This supposed to be a good exhibition within the game
But you fucked up the moment you called out my family's name
Why you had to stoop so low to discredit some decent people?
Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you
And I like to understand 'cause your house was never a home
37, but you showin' up as a seven-year-old
You got gamblin' problems, drinkin' problems, pill-poppin' and spendin' problems
Bad with money, whorehouse
Solicitin' women problems, therapy's a lovely start
But I suggest some ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom
I try to empathize with you 'cause I know that you ain't been through nothin'
Crave entitlement, but wanna be liked so bad that it's puzzlin'
No dominance, let's recap moments when you didn't fit in
No secret handshakes with your friend
No cultural cachet to binge, just disrespectin' your mother
Identity's on the fence, don't know which family will love ya
The skin that you livin' in is compromised in personas
Can't channel your masculine even when standin' next to a woman
You a body shamer, you gon' hide them baby mamas, ain't ya?
You embarrassed of 'em, that's not right, that ain't how mama raised us
Take that mask off, I wanna see what's under them achievements
Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in
'Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery
You lied about your accent and your past tense, all is perjury
You lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members
They all pussy, you lied on 'em, I know they all got you in 'em
You lied about your son, you lied about your daughter, huh
You lied about them other kids that's out there hopin' that you come
You lied about the only artist that can offer you some help
Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself
75% of these words are in the bible, and I do not hate myself enough to mark which.
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allthislove · 1 year
Every so often on the internet, somebody tells me I'm "not Black", either because they saw me and I'm lighter skinned or because of some random, fucked up belief they have about what constitutes a Black person, and I really need y'all to get a grip. Someone can live their entire life as a Black person, with Black parents and grandparents and siblings and cousins and aunties and uncles, then get on the bird app in 2023 and have weirdos tell them they're not Black, or y'all favorite new term "white passing" just because they're lighter than I guess Kelly Rowland and like...
We understand that having lighter skin is a privilege and everything, but it isn't being white. I'm nowhere near whiteness, and people irl remind me every day. I'm not even directly mixed with anything (I'm mixed the same way most African Americans are mixed, and my dark skinned brother and sister have the exact same admixture. DNA is amazing and capable of anything.)
I swear to God, y'all have got to stop telling people they're mixed, white, white passing, or whatever else just because someone isn't dark skinned online. We have lived entire lives before you saw us, and we have an entire family that you have never seen. You cannot tell us who we are.
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golden--goofball · 3 months
Dear, Adonis I'm sorry that that man is your father, let me be honest It takes a man to be a man, your dad is not responsive I look at him and wish your grandpa would've wore a condom I'm sorry that you gotta grow up and then stand behind him Life is hard, I know, the challenge is always gon' beat us home Sometimes our parents make mistakes that affect us until we grown And you're a good kid that need good leadership Let me be your mentor since your daddy don't teach you shit
Never let a man piss on your leg, son Either you die right there or pop that man in the head, son Never fall in the escort business, that's bad religion Please remember, you could be a bitch even if you got bitches Never code-switch, whether right or wrong, you a black man Even if it don't benefit your goals, do some push-ups, get some discipline Don't cut them corners like your daddy did, fuck what Ozempic did Don't pay to play with them Brazilians, get a gym membership
Understand, no throwin' rocks and hidin' hands, that's law Don't be ashamed 'bout who you with, that's how he treat your moms Don't have a kid to hide a kid to hide again, be sure Five percent will comprehend, but 95 is lost Be proud of who you are, your strength come from within Lotta superstars that's real, but your daddy ain't one of them And you nothing like him, you'll carry yourself as king Can't understand me right now? Just play this when you 18
Dear, Sandra Your son got some habits, I hope you don't undermine them Especially with all the girls that's hurt inside this climate You a woman, so you know how it feels to be in alignment With emotion, hopin' a man can see you and not be blinded Dear Dennis, you gave birth to a master manipulator Even using you to prove who he is, is a huge favor I think you should ask for more paper, and more paper And more, uh, more paper
I'm blaming you for all his gambling addictions Psychopath intuition, the man that like to play victim You raised a horrible fucking person, the nerve of you, Dennis Sandra, sit down, what I'm about to say is heavy, now listen
Mm-mm, your son's a sick man with sick thoughts, I think niggas like him should die Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest they life He hates Black women, hypersexualizes 'em with kinks of a nympho fetish Grew facial hair because he understood bein' a beard just fit him better
He got sex offenders on hoe-VO that he keep on a monthly allowance A child should never be compromised and he keepin' his child around them And we gotta raise our daughters knowin' there's predators like him lurkin' Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose
I been in this industry 12 years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em tender Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas
To any woman that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister Or better, you're sellin' your niece to the weirdos, not the good ones Katt Williams said, "Get you the truth, " so I'ma get mines The Embassy 'bout to get raided, too, it's only a matter of time Ayy, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away I'm lookin' to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe
Dear, baby girl I'm sorry that your father not active inside your world He don't commit to much but his music, yeah, that's for sure He a narcissist, misogynist, livin' inside his songs Try destroy families rather than takin' care of his own Should be teachin' you timetables or watchin' Frozen with you Or at your eleventh birthday singin' poems with you Instead, he be in Turks payin' for sex and poppin' Percs, examples that you don't deserve
I wanna tell you that you're loved, you're brave, you're kind You got a gift to change the world, and could change your father's mind 'Cause our children is the future, but he lives inside confusion Money's always been illusion, but that's the life he's used to His father prolly didn't claim him neither History do repeats itself, sometimes it don't need a reason But I would like to say it's not your fault that he's hidin' another child Give him grace, this the reason I made Mr. Morale
So our babies like you can cope later Give you some confidence to go through somethin', it's hope later I never wanna hear you chase a man 'cause his failed behavior Sittin' in the club with sugar daddies for validation You need to know that love is eternity and trumps all pain I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains Yes, he's a hitmaker, songwriter, superstar, right And a fuckin' deadbeat that should never say "more life" Meet the Grahams
Dear, Aubrey I know you probably thinkin' I wanted to crash your party But truthfully, I don't have a hatin' bone in my body This supposed to be a good exhibition within the game But you fucked up the moment you called out my family's name Why you had to stoop so low to discredit some decent people? Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you And I like to understand 'cause your house was never a home
37, but you showin' up as a seven-year-old You got gamblin' problems, drinkin' problems, pill-poppin' and spendin' problems Bad with money, whorehouse Solicitin' women problems, therapy's a lovely start But I suggest some ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom
I try to empathize with you 'cause I know that you ain't been through nothin' Crave entitlement, but wanna be liked so bad that it's puzzlin' No dominance, let's recap moments when you didn't fit in No secret handshakes with your friend No cultural cachet to binge, just disrespectin' your mother Identity's on the fence, don't know which family will love ya The skin that you livin' in is compromised in personas Can't channel your masculine even when standin' next to a woman
You a body shamer, you gon' hide them baby mamas, ain't ya? You embarrassed of 'em, that's not right, that ain't how mama raised us Take that mask off, I wanna see what's under them achievements Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in 'Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery You lied about your accent and your past tense, all is perjury
You lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members They all pussy, you lied on 'em, I know they all got you in 'em You lied about your son, you lied about your daughter, huh You lied about them other kids that's out there hopin' that you come You lied about the only artist that can offer you some help Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself
uhhhh 25
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